THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] [email protected] VOLUME 20 #18 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 22,300 copies every week Page: $1 at newsagents only ADVANCED CONSPIRACY THEORY 5,11,41

Locals lobby Canberra Peace was the word at the weekend for disability funding Alex McAuley ‘There were about 350 introduced. The fact of the Bangalow resident Cindy people at the rally including matter is that $600 pays for Petersons and her daughter Justine Elliot, federal mem- one nappy per day for six Alexandra have returned ber for Richmond; senator months. That doesn’t go far from Canberra after making Jan McLucas, shadow minis- for someone like me. the journey to lobby the fed- ter for ageing, disabilities and ‘Nevertheless, I found her eral government to provide carers; Kay Patterson, minis- to be receptive to our con- adequate funding for family ter for community services; cerns and found Jan McLu- carers of people with depend- and Anna-Maria Arabia, cas and Justine Elliot to be ant disabilities. Despite cop- social policy advisor to Kim very sympathetic. It was a ing with the horrors of Alex- Beazley,’ said Cindy. positive experience for me andra suffering a seizure on ‘Kay Patterson addressed because I feel that I am now the plane, Cindy feels that the rally and spoke at length part of a political pressure the experience was very about the $600 per year car- group. This is really the start worthwhile. er’s allowance that she has of something that can make a difference for us. To all those people who generously sup- ported me, they should know that it was well worth it.’ Arnhem Land’s Elco Island dancers led the 150 or so people who gathered on the beach at Byron at Nell Brown, NSW spokes- dawn through their Morning Star Sunrise ceremony. person for the Walk a Mile This kicked off Byron’s part in the global Earth Dance worldwide Day of Peace celebrations. Foundation, had meetings Byron’s Peace Carnival saw three days of peace-related activities. The World Peace Flame was per- after the rally with the parlia- manently installed in the Byron Community Centre after passing through the hands of representa- mentary representatives and tives of different faiths, beliefs and communities and the Mayor. felt that she made some There were dances, doofs, ceremonies, choirs, whale calling, drumming, celebrity spotting, video ground. linkups, a rally through town and a ‘peaceful, easy feeling’. ‘We asked the minister Photo ‘Peaced Off’ Dawson [Kay Patterson] to launch a senate enquiry into the fail- ure of the Commonwealth Council cannot stop lettings: landlords State and Territory Disability Council’s actions in serving email address, but I haven’t home owners can take pri- Agreements to deliver serv- notices to property owners received anything from them. mary responsibility as to how ices to families caring for to cease holiday letting is I have seen the letter because their properties are marketed someone with a dependant wrong and unlawful, says the the media forwarded it on to and managed. The HLO is disability,’ said Ms Brown. Holiday Letting Organisa- me and I have passed this directing its energy to short ‘Initially, she was reluctant to tion (HLO), a new lobby onto council’s legal team,’ and long term solutions. support such a move, claim- group of property owners. Cr Barham said. ‘However, HLO recog- ing that it is a state rather President of the HLO, HLO’s agenda appears to nises that there have been than federal issue and no John Gudgeon, issued a be the self-regulation of the problems with noise and precedent has been set. How- statement to the media on holiday letting industry nuisance associated with ever, after further discussions Friday advising that a letter through a code of practice. holiday lettings in residential she relented somewhat and has been sent to Byron Shire ‘HLO does not seek to areas. On the other hand, agreed to go away and think Council Mayor, Jan Barham, push for resolutions through there is an abundance of about it. We will meet again containing legal advice which any kind of legal proceed- successfully run dwellings before Christmas to open up proves that issuing notices to ings. It does seek to come to countering the claims that negotiations.’ property owners to stop hol- a mutually satisfactory solu- holiday letting inevitably ‘On the whole it was a iday letting is unlawful. tion through meaningful dia- leads to neighbourhood dis- positive meeting with her; On Monday morning Jan logue focusing on real issues,’ turbances.’ she know that we’re not Barham told The Echo that said Mr Gudgeon in his Much of Council’s posi- going to give up. We have neither she nor Council had statement. tion on holiday letting has formed a national carer’s alli- received any correspondence ‘HLO believes that the been based on the result of a At the Canberra rally, from left, Member for Richmond Justine ance and are prepared to Elliot, Alexandra Petersons and her mother Cindy Petersons (Bang- directly from the HLO by solutions are management legal case last year involving take political action.’ alow), Senator Jan McLucas (Shadow Minister for Ageing, Disabili- Friday afternoon. centred. HLO has been a property in Belongil. The ties and Carers) and family carer Marie Dudgeon (Bangalow). continued on page 2 ‘They (HLO) have my formed so that individual continued on page 2 2 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Local News Holiday letting Spring is here Children uked at Steiner Spring Fair From front page SPRING SPECIALS court ruled that holiday let- ting is considered to be a 2 COURSES $33 tourist activity which is pro- from the mirrors hibited by local planning regulations in residential areas. The HLO say their posi- tion is that every home owner has the right to let their property whenever they want to, whether it be for the short or long term. The Echo was unable to Some of our favorite specials obtain a copy of HLO’s legal Salt & pepper squid, Crispy duck w hoi sin & advice before going to press. bok choy, Char-grilled fresh sardines w HLO’s statement concluded bruschetta, Lamb shanks mash & jus, by saying, ‘We need to focus Seafood risotto w fish, mussels & squid, beyond the fears of the North African braised Lamb w cous cous green “NO!” people, the NIMBYs beans & mint yoghurt, Beef Bourguignon and the “I’ve found Nirvana, Creme brulee, Citrus tart,Tiramisu, now shut the gate” people Warm chocolate ooze pudding and create a sustainable community that rides the Book your Christmas party now Licensed & BYO bottle wine waves of change that have 7 Nights 6 pm 34 Jonson St Byron Bay been the most constant swell Reservations appreciated 66 857 950 to pound our shores.’ James (Ukelele Jimmy) Dodd with some of the younger members of his ukelele workshop at the Q See Letters, page 12 Cape Byron Rudof Steiner School’s Spring Fair last Saturday. Pictured clockwise from one o’clock are Charlie Brophy, Tia and Elliot Baylis and Madeline Tresselt. Photo ‘Ban Joe’ Dawson -5,,5-")-"9$%.4!,#%.42% Ain’t love grand 0ROVIDINGQUALITYFAMILYDENTALCARESINCE A musical being presented Learn about environmental law 7ELCOMES$R-ATTHEW0ARSONS"$3 by Quota International of -ICHAEL,EACH"$3 0AUL.EWELL"$3(ONS-0( Brunswick Valley featuring Threatened species and decision making in their local ing a case to court and activ- )NTA2UDAJS"$3 -ARTIN!CKLAND"$3 Tracy Devine and the Relia- coastal protection laws will area and understand how the ists’ rights. .ATALIE3ILBEREISEN"$3C(ONS -ICHAEL%7YLIE"$3-&'$05+ bles is on Saturday October be among the topics covered law can be used to help pro- Cost is $50 full price, $20 /RTHODONTIC3PECIALISTS 15 at the Mullumbimby Ex- at an Environmental Defend- tect the environment. concession. For further er’s Offi ce workshop on Sat- Topics covered during the information or to register for 2OGER0EATE"$3-$3AND3ASHA-IRKOVIC"$3-$3C services Club commencing urday September 24, 10am workshop will include: the the workshop, please contact 0ERIODONTISTANDIMPLANTPROSTHODONTICS at 7.30pm. Tickets $15 each available at the club. Pro- to 5pm at the Byron Bay legal system; key environ- Lyndall Bell, education .EIL,ATCHAM"$3C(ON-$3CAND$R!DRIAN(OFFMAN"$3-$3C ceeds to community projects. Community Centre, 69 Jon- mental laws; the planning assistant, email lyndall. 3TUART3T -ULLUMBIMBYs0HONE Enquiries 6680 1305. son Street. Participants at and development system; [email protected], phone the workshop will receive threatened species law; pol- 9262 6989, free call 1800 practical information that lution law; access to informa- 626 239. should help them better par- tion; effective submission Any interested community 3TARTS&RIDAY ticipate in environmental writing; rights of appeal; tak- member is welcome. 302).'3!,% 3EPTEMBER Locals lobby Canberra for disability funding FURNITUREANDHOMEWARESFORRELAXEDLIVING From front page said Ms Elliot. old worn out shoes on the The Walk a Mile Founda- ‘The contribution carers lawns of Parliament House. tion continues to claim that make is not only to the peo- ‘I am calling on this mean Australian citizens who have ple they care for, but also to spirited government to stop a dependant disability or the community and to the making the lives of carers who care for someone who economy more broadly. It is harder with its out-of-touch does are being discriminated estimated that carers save the polices and start listening to against, and as such the fed- Australian economy approx- the stories of these amazing eral government should take imately $20 billion annually Australians. action to allow them the through unpaid work. And ‘As a nation we need to same rights as all other Aus- yet their work goes largely give carers greater recogni- tralian citizens. unrecognised. tion for the vital work they Justine Elliot MP touched ‘Yesterday I joined hun- do; provide greater fi nancial on some of those issues the dred of carers and their fam- support that recognises the day after her participation in ilies who had travelled here cost of caring; and provide the rally in Canberra. from every corner of Aus- greater support in the work- ‘There are 2.5 million car- tralia to beg the Howard gov- place so carers can pursue ers in who look ernment to “walk a mile in their own career and liveli- after family members or my shoes”. hood.’ 6ASES friends with disability, men- ‘To symbolise the lonely For Cindy and Alexandra  tal illness, a chronic condi- and exhausting journey of and millions of others like 2EED OFF "OXES +ITCHENWARE tion or the frail aged, day in, family carers, yesterday we them, this is a small step in OFF 0ICTURE OFF day out, 365 days a year,’ placed hundreds of pairs of the right direction. &RAMES 7OVEN OFF !RTWORK 4ABLEWARE OFF OFF %SSENCE >Ê̜ÕV 4ABLEWARE œvÊÃÌޏi OFF #USHIONS OFF "ESTQUALITY FURNITUREATBEST PRICES #OLOURFULLAMPS -ODERNTROPICAL HANDBASINS 4I 4REE0LACE "EAUTIFULHAND PAINTINGS "YRON!RTS)NDUSTRY%STATE /0%.-/.$!94/&2)$!9!- 0-  #ENTENNIAL#IRCUITCNR7OLLONGBAR3TREET "YRON!RTS )NDUSTRY%STATE Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 3 Local News

Celebration and loss at rail gathering ՏÕ“Lˆ“LÞÊiÜiiÀÃ

About 100 people turned up ¯ ¯ to Mullumbimby Station on Óä Ê̜Êxä Ê Saturday to celebrate 150 years of rail in NSW and to œvvÊÊÃ̜VŽ mourn the loss of the one vÌiÀÊ>Ê daily train service. ÃÕVViÃÃvÕÊ Trains for ˜˜Õ>Ê->iÊ the Future (NRTF) says it will continue the fi ght to have Üiʈ˜ÛˆÌiÊޜÕÊ the NSW Government pro- ̜ʜÕÀÊ-«Àˆ˜}Ê vide a safe, affordable, sus- ->i tainable commuter service to the rapidly growing commu- nities along the line from Casino to Murwillumbah in the short term, and its long term goal is to have the line connected to the line at Coolangatta. While the attempts to run a privately operated com- œ˜`>ÞÊ£ÓÌ ÊqÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊÓ{Ì Ê-i«Ìi“LiÀ muter/tourist service on the James Brown (no, a different one) as the faceless politician who took our trains away, made an line by a group of business appearance at Mulllum’s 150 years of rail celebrations on Saturday. The Sambablissta Drummers laid œÜÊÀiœ«i˜ˆ˜}ʜ˜Ê->ÌÕÀ`>Þà people is appreciated, the down a few cool unused tracks. Photo Jeff ‘Off The Rails’ Dawson ­->iÊiÝVÕ`iÃÊÀi«>ˆÀÃÊ>˜`ÊÜ>ÌV ÊL>˜`î thousands of people sur- veyed by NRTF overwhelm- At the gathering Mayor growth in this region and the new premier Morris ÓÈÊ ÕÀÀˆ˜}L>ÀÊ-Ì°Ê ÕÕ“Lˆ“LÞ°Ê* \ÊÈÈn{ÊÓÈnÓ ingly support a government Jan Barham encouraged the SE Queensland in the next Iemma and the new plan- run service, such as the one people of the region to write 20 years. The ability to plan ning minister Frank Sartor on the Gold Coast. NRTF to the new premier and plan- for increased population and inform them of this )#"* believes the state government ning minister. growth relies on infrastruc- region’s need for a commuter has a responsibility to pro- ‘Regional mayors have ture availability. rail system. vide local communities with been meeting with DIPNR ‘The planning group is ‘Prior to completing the   a service that has all the ben- this year to develop a new considering additional Regional strategy it is vital efi ts – pensioner and student Regional Strategy,’ Cr growth for the region but for the Government to com-   concessions. ‘The huge Barham said. ‘This docu- without the vital public mit to a public transport sys- increase in the petrol price ment will address the region’s transport infrastructure tem that meets the needs of has added to the burden of future growth and planning many people will be disad- the region, otherwise we will   people on low incomes who direction. vantaged for work, training be indebted with social prob- are forced to own cars as ‘The planning issues fac- and social activities. It is an lems beyond the power of  there is little affordable pub- ing our region are immense important time for people local government to lic transport,’ says NRTF. with projections of major from this region to write to address.’ ( Storm puts the wind up Byron Shire  The severe weather season garah were also without well into the day to restore supply, excepting a few indi- hit Byron Shire a month power as trees and branches the power supply to thou- vidual problems, back on by  early with severe winds hit power lines. sands of customers from 4.15pm on Saturday.’ affecting the area early last In The Pocket the high Casino to Mullumbimby. Country Energy has urged Saturday morning. winds peeled off the iron Country Energy’s regional customers to be particularly ! " Winds up to 90 kilometres roof from a house near the general manager, Brian aware of, and not to an hour were forecast by the local school and the SES say Glawson, said Country approach, fallen or low #$  % & ' Bureau of Meteorology, how- they were called out to sev- Energy crews worked hanging power lines as they ever the Cape Byron auto- eral properties where trees throughout Saturday to may be live.  matic weather station had fallen across driveways. repair damaged electrical Power lines down should       recorded a top gust of 76 One fortunate homeowner equipment and to restore immediately be reported to                 kilometres an hour. in Myocum had a lucky supplies. Country Energy’s Supply Mullumbimby was one of escape when a tree narrowly ‘Country Energy crews Interruption Hotline on 13 the worst hit areas with missed hitting his house. worked in diffi cult condi- 20 80. power cut throughout most Country Energy also said tions to locate and repair Expect more wind, rain, 'UARANTEEDSERVICE of the town from early Sat- they had employees working faults,’ said Mr Glawson. lightning, flooding. high ISOURREPUTATION urday morning. throughout the early hours ‘Power supplies were pro- tides, bushfi res, but proba- Parts of Federal and Tya- of Saturday morning and gressively restored with all bly not plagues of boils. ""4)-"%23"!,,).! buy direct 2 Yoga Blocks & 3 Pilates Bands save heap 4HELOCALEXPERTSFORALLYOURTREATEDPINENEEDS 1 Mesh Carry Bag 1 522 cmYoga Ball & Foot Pum s&ENCING0ERGOLAS 1 68L x 24W cm Sticky Mat Ϋ“Ê7iiŽ`>Þà 1 Single Resistance Tube Exer s$ECKING ££>“Ê->ÌÕÀ`>Þà 1 Double Resistance Tube Exerciser s,ATTICEnMADETOORDER 1 Cotton Webbing Strap/ Buckle >À>}iL>˜`Ê s(ARDWARE ˆ/՘iÃÊEʈ* œÌœ s"UILDINGPOLES s3TRUCTURALTREATEDPINE s+OPPERSLOGSSLEEPERS

order online &AX0HONE or ring our freecall number /PENžDAYS4EVEN2D "!,,).! freecall: 1800 021 069 4 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Local News Council supports plan for riding trail Byron Shire Council voted 8-1 last week to endorse in principle a shirewide horse riding trail which also could / iÊÓääxÊ>Ì iÀ œœ`ÊiÃ̈Û>Ê/i>“ be used by cyclists and walk- ܜՏ`ʏˆŽiÊ̜ÊÌ >˜ŽÊ>ÊÌ iÊ>À̈ÃÌÃ]ÊÃÕ««œÀÌiÀÃ]Ê ers, and put the map of the 뜘ÜÀÃ]ÊۜÕ˜ÌiiÀÃÊ>˜`ÊvÀˆi˜`ÃÊÜ œÊÜiÀiÊÌ iÊ proposed trail on public ˆviÊLœœ`ʜvÊÌ iÊviÃ̈Û>° exhibition. The proposal was 7ˆÌ œÕÌÊޜÕÊÌ iÀiÊܜՏ`˜½ÌÊLiÊVœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞÊ put together by the Northern iÛi˜ÌÃʏˆŽiÊÌ iÃi°Ê/ iÀiÊ>ÀiÊÜʓ>˜ÞÊLÕȘiÃÃiÃ]Ê Horse Action Group Vœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞʜÀ}>˜ˆÃ>̈œ˜ÃÊ>˜`ʈ˜`ˆÛˆ`Õ>ÃÊÜ œÊ (NHAG). ÃÕ««œÀÌi`ÊÕÃÊ>˜`ÊÜiʜvviÀʜÕÀÊ`ii«Ê}À>̈ÌÕ`iÊ Speaking on behalf of Û>Õˆ˜}Êv>Ì iÀÃÊ>˜`Êv>“ˆˆið°°Û>Õˆ˜}Êޜհ NHAG during public access, Raylee Delaney told Coun- cillors that horseriding is a / iÊ>Ì iÀ œœ`Ê*ÀœiVÌ popular local activity but ÜÜÜ°v>Ì iÀ œœ`°Vœ“°>Õ ‘riders in our modern times NHAG riders, from left, Raylee Delaney on Mac, Robyn Baker on Beau and Ingrid Ouwerkerk on Focus, are faced with the disappear- out riding at Durrumbul. ance, through development, of suitable places to ride. tractors have offered help-in- in partnership with NHAG transport if the oil crisis NHAG members believe kind for some capital works. to hold public meetings worsened, the usefulness of  Ê76 - that there should be… an Our group has raised $13,000 which would look at issues connecting separate valleys offi cial designated system of from riders and the general such as legal access, involving across the ridges. green roads away from community in the last six private landowners, environ- Mayor Jan Barham recalled 7/Ê motorised traffi c as much as years with a view to securing mental impact, and tourism that her grandfather, a police  Ê Ê possible. a dollar for dollar Sport and opportunities. sergeant at Bangalow, often ‘The Byron Shire Bridle- Recreation Grant.’ NHAG has a code of con- rode into logging camps to "1,- path will have a high social The only Councillor vot- duct for its members and has bring offenders back to the benefi t as a valuable com- ing against, John Lazarus, had a lawyer draw up a draft lock-up. munity asset in this essen- said the bridlepath was a contract of agreement to help The proposed trail takes in tially rural Shire. great idea but the maps were establish access across pri- many roads, tracks and right- ‘The bridlepath will be a not clear enough to vate land. of-ways and is too detailed to }œÊ̜ÊÜÜÜ°>Vi“ՏÕ“°Vœ“ low-impact, reasonably low endorse. Councillors mentioned the describe here, but covers 1/Ê1,,9tÊ Ê/ , Ê{Ê*,", -Ê cost project and local con- Council also voted to work increasing value of horse many areas of the Shire. , Ê1-/Ê,"1 Ê/ Ê ", , #OPIESOFPROGRAMSWILLBEINSIDE NEXTWEEKS%CHOANDATTHEUSUAL Byron music pioneer dies in Oregon OUTLETSON&RIDAYRD3EPTEMBER /2DROPINTOTHEOFlCEAT Byron music promoter USA. Danny will be remem- ever see passed into folklore. -ULLUM2AILWAY3TATION Danny Doeppel died on bered by many for the ‘Dan and his partners /2GOTOWWWACEMULLUMCOM September 6 in Oregon, immeasurable effect that he Keven and Karin Oxford had on the life and times of created the East Coast Byron Bay and the Austral- Festival – the fi rst ones being ian music scene. held at the Arts Factory Australia and Byron Bay before moving onto Belongil were enriched by Danny’s Fields and then the Red Does your home fl amboyant entrepreneurial Devil Park. style. His extraordinary his- ‘His passion for music was tory spanned from the Our- what he wanted to give and imbah Pop Festival in 1970, share with as many people as need a tune-up? to the creation of the Arts possible. He did that and Factory/Piggery and subse- those of us who enjoyed quent addition of The Pig- those amazing nights at the gery Back Packers Lodge. to move to sunny Arizona Arts Factory must thank him A Rous Water Many people who live, but just didn’t make it. now for the memories.’ play and party in Byron Bay ‘Dan left his mark in Byron A memorial will be held at today would not be aware of Bay with the creation of the the Arts Factory/ Piggery on tune-up? the huge creative infl uence Arts Factory – the old Norco Thursday evening – memo- that Danny Doeppel had on Piggery, for which he had rial service at 5:45pm fol- the personality of Bryon Bay, put in a $12,000 back in the lowed by a gathering at the backpacker industry, and 70s. He intended the Arts 6:30pm to remember one of the Australian music scene. Factory to be a place of art Byron Bay’s truly legendary Marie Collins Sherd and music and what a place figures. A more expansive recalled: ‘For the last years of it turned out to be. Unfor- commentary on Danny his life Dan lived on his farm gettable. Doeppel’s contributions to in Oregon. He didn’t like it ‘When suburbia encroached Australian culture and Byron much surrounded as he was on it legislation was not in its Bay will be forthcoming. Now by gun toting rednecks in favour and the most magic Ring Keven 0417 803 000 only pick-up trucks. He intended venue this area will probably for more information. Byron Bay police seek public help over assault $ Police are seeking public Byron Bay Hospital. He was his assault and we believe assistance following a serious later transferred to Southport they may have witnessed the 15 assault in Byron Bay recently. Hospital where he remains in incident,’ said Inspector Police were called to the a serious condition. King. ‘We’ve examined National Australia Bank in Inspector Owen King from CCTV footage in the area Jonson Street at 10pm on Byron Bay Police is asking but unfortunately haven’t Friday September 9 after a witnesses to the attack to been able to identify any of 26 year old South Golden come forward with informa- the witnesses.’ Beach man had been tion that may help the police Inspector King urges any- #ALL2OUS7ATERONFORANAPPLICATION assaulted by another man at fi nd the man responsible for one who has any information FORMORMOREINFORMATIONABOUTTHISSPECIALOFFER about 9.30pm. the attack. to contact Byron Bay Police /FFERAVAILABLEUNTIL.OVEMBER3OMECONDITIONSAPPLY Ambulance offi cers treated ‘Two females were seen Station on 6685 9499 or the man for head injuries at talking to the victim or some- Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 the scene before taking him to body with the victim prior to 000. Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 5 Local News

Carol Page takes her last ride , Ê, Hundreds of friends fare- welled former Echo journalist œÃÊiÌÌÕViÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°f£°{™Êi> Carol Page in style at Dur- i“œ˜ÃÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°f£°™™ÊŽ} rumbul Hall last Friday. ÀÕà i`Ê*œÌ>̜iÃÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ™™Zʎ} Near midday a draught *>VŽ >“Ê*i>ÀÃÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ™™Zʎ} horse pulled a dray bearing >ÃÃÊۜV>`œÃÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ™™ZÊi> her coffi n into the grounds. iÀÀÞÊ/œ“>̜iÃÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°f£°™™Ê«˜Ì It was followed by a riderless *>ÜÊ*>ÜÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°fΰ£™ÊŽ} horse, boots turned back- ÀœVVœˆÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°f£°™™ÊŽ} wards in the stirrups – a tra- ditional symbol of a fallen  Ê7"6 Ê 9Ê/ Ê7 "7- warrior who will ride no "Ê/ Ê,/Ê6 9]Ê 9 more. Carol’s coffi n, its lid vÀˆV>˜Êi>vÊ- œ««ˆ˜}Ê >ÎiÌà decorated with a winged œ˜ÞÊf££ horse, was left open so Ê«ÀœVii`ÃÊ}œÊ`ˆÀiV̏ÞÊ̜ÊÌ iÊV ˆ`Ài˜ friends and family could fi le past and say farewell. The "«i˜ÊÇÊ`>ÞÃÊÇ>“‡Ç«“ÊÀii˜Ê>À>}iÊ,œÕ˜`>LœÕÌ bier was ablaze with fl owers " Ê , /Ê, - --Ê 6 ,9 9t and many more were dropped into the coffi n in Carol’s children at the farewell: from left, Cristel Ransome and her husband Scott, Jannah Ransome, goodbye gestures. Obie Ransome and Lenny Ransome. Carol’s old friend Derek Harper conducted the mov- ing feral pigs on horseback song ‘Lonestar’ sung by Olive and was followed by a lively ing ceremony full of speeches at Moree and beating the Andrews. Among other songs, wake. and live music. The crowd local cowboys at riding Elizabeth Lord performed Donations towards funeral heard from speakers ranging events. Echo publisher David ‘After Midnight’ by Patsy expenses can be made to from childhood friend Joan Lovejoy recounted his Clyne, one of Carol’s favour- Echo offi ces. Cheques can be ÊÊ Peachey to Charan Anand, a friendship with Carol which ite singers. The ceremony made out to ‘Echo Publica- ˜ÛˆÌ>̈œ˜ representative of Carol’s began in the early 1970s and ended appropriately enough tions’. ̜Ê>˜ÊiÝVii˜ÌÊÊ spiritual teacher Maharaji, to spoke of the love between with Neil Sedaka’s ‘Oh Carol’ Q Tributes, page 11 ˜ˆ} ÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊÊ a tribute read out by Derek Carol and the late Nicholas “ˆ``it from journalist John Mac- Shand, founding editor of gregor, which he emailed The Echo. Have say on catchment plan 7INETASTINGEVENINGIN from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Practically all the speakers THEBACKBAR Carol’s children Cristel, spoke of Carol’s strong deter- The Northern Rivers Catch- or hard PM4HURND3EPTEMBER Jannah, Obie and Lenny mination, her rebellious spirit, ment Management Author- copies can be obtained by (OSTEDBY"ERINGER7INES fxÊÜˆÌ ity (CMA) is seeking com- contacting the regional offi ce described their love for their and open heart. Both Cristel ÊÌ ˆÃÊ>` munity input into the in Grafton on 6642 0622. 3ELECTIONOFFRESHDELIMEATS mother. Of Carol’s siblings and Snowy River friend Sue œÀÊfn ANDCHEESE!LLWELCOME Jim, Les, Sue and Deb, Jim Pritchard recalled the bright development of the North- Comments can be made and Les spoke of the scrapes lone star that burned in the ern Rivers Catchment Action up until September 30 by she used to get into, while sky on the night Carol died, Plan (CAP). The draft CAP email to [email protected]. Joan Peachey recalled chas- the theme reflected in the is available at www.northern. , /ՓLiÃ̜˜i >ˆ˜>ÊÊÊÊÊÊ/ÊÊÊÊ œÞœÌ>½Ã vœÀÊiÛiÀÞÊ i V ˆ` V œÊœ˜ÊÌ iÊ UÊ-«iVÌ>VՏ>ÀÊ >ÌÕÀ>Ê ÀÞÃÌ>Ã œÕÃit UʘëˆÀˆ˜}Ê œœŽÃ œ« UÊ ÝµÕˆÃˆÌiÊiÜiiÀÞ UÊi>ˆ˜}ʈvÌà UÊÕÀ>Ê* œÌœÃ UÊ/>ÀœÌÊ,i>`ˆ˜}à UÊ Õ`` >Ê iÞÊ >vjÊ ÜˆÌ Ê«>˜œÀ>“ˆVÊۈiÜ UÊ 7 ՘Ê*>Þ}ÀœÕ˜` UÊ 7Ê7i>À>LiÊÀÌÃÊ Ý ˆLˆÌˆœ˜ UÊ>LÞÀˆ˜Ì ʇÊ>ÊÜ>ŽÊœvÊëˆÀˆÌÕ>ÊÀiviV̈œ˜ UÊ,i>݈˜}Ê>À`i˜ÃÊvi>ÌÕÀˆ˜}Ê ÝœÌˆVÊ-Ì>ÌÕiÃ

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G AAPRONPRON White Knight Ultra Pave Feast Watson Intergrain DWD Zinsser Peel Stop Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Satin fi nish. Paving paint with Decking Oil 4L Premium protection 3.78L Primer Sealer 3.78L water base formulation. Suitable Low sheen timber fi nish, helps R A clear fl exible binding Interior and exterior primer for all concrete surfaces. Easy to timber retain its natural appearance primer designed for sealer stain killer. Sticks to all use and fast to clean up. Durable. HHOTOT PPRICERIC and provide protection from the surfaces that are peeling, surfaces without sanding. Dries Available in over 65 colours. E harsh Australian climate. chalking or cracking. in 1 hour, use with any top coat. A

LARGEST RANGE & EXPERT ADVICE L LARGEST RANGE & EXPERT 95 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby • Phone 6684 2083 Sale ends Friday 30/09/05 • Limited stock • No rain checks • Until sold out Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 7 Local News Students take to the streets for charity Year 12 students from Xavier Catholic College at Skennars Head are heading out into the streets to collect money for ‘Sanctuary’, a charity which helps with the reloca- tion of Sudanese refugees. This Thursday September 22, the students will be dress- ing up in all sorts of African garb and walking the streets of Lennox Head, Byron Bay, Alstonville and Ballina to raise money for this worthy cause. ‘One of the families at ,OGlRE the school has been support- ing this charity for a while AWARM which gave our students the inspiration to adopt it as their WELCOME own,’ said Lyn Hunt, a teacher at the College. GREATPIZZAPASTA ‘Apparently it costs about $10,000 to relocate one fam- $INEIN (OME$ELIVERY4AKE!WAY ily to Australia on humani- Marlo Dadd, Jarrad Brown, Lauren Dunn, Priscilla Reaks and Ryan Seymour will all have their hands ,AWSON3T "YRON"AY tarian visas, which is not very out for the Sanctuary charity. Photo Jeff ‘Dressed To Keel Over’ Dawson 3UFFOLK0ARK much at all when you think about it.’ you’re approached by some- bearing a bucket this Thurs- your pocket and do your bit So don’t be surprised if one looking like a bushman day; just put your hand in for a very worthwhile cause. widest yarn selection on the Winning sculpture a plea for tolerance North Coast Seven life-size female fi gures for ‘Pink Shard’, and Allen ¥ 6680 9951 clad in black chadors took Horstmanshof of Newrybar, Lawson the major prize at this year’s for ‘The Byron Hug’; Crys- St Lawson St Thursday Plantation East tal Castle Ephemeral Art

Coast Sculpture Show, spon- Prize, $500, Áine of Nimbin, t e


Byr Middleton St sored by WHK Rutherfords. for ‘Coral Wreath’; and the S on St

Patterns Classes Crochet n o

Entitled ‘Echo’, the work is TAFE Art Prize, $400, s

n o by Gold Coast artist Stephen Newton, of Bris- Shop 6, rear 14 Middleton Street (enter J

Fletcher St Frédéric Berjot, pictured,who bane, for ‘Heartland’. car park from Byron Street) Byron Bay Marvel St describes it as both a political and poetic statement. He says his urban French Lennox Head upbringing that brought him close to Muslim communi- 6687 7579 66 Ballina Street, Lennox Head ties, including women wear- ing the traditional, all-con- judges, said, ‘The winning Thursday Plantation Acqui- head cealing chador, prompted work is outstanding in its sition Award, $15,000 him to make a work chal- conception and execution. It Frédéric Berjot of Tallai, lenging ‘them-and-us’ atti- is breathtaking.’ Queensland, for ‘Echo’; tudes in Australia. This year’s sculpture show Thursday Plantation Com- ‘It is about showing what includes 44 new works, all by mendations, $200 each, Hew is not visible on the surface. award winners from previous Chee Fong of Peachester, 7Ê Although they seem mysteri- years. Christopher Dean Queensland, for ‘Spirit ous and remote, these women praised all the artists who Boxes’, Helen Leete of Syd- -/  are there.’ entered the show, saying their ney, for ‘Derriere Phobics The judging panel praised sustained accomplishment get a Bum Steer’, Tamsin Berjot’s work as ‘bold’ and ‘sets the benchmark from Salehian of Wahroonga, ‘evocative’, and were enthu- which the show will grow to NSW, for ‘Beginning’; siastic that it will draw strong even greater heights’. Regional Artist’s Prize spon- responses from viewers. The 2005 Thursday Plan- sored by Beach Hotel, Byron Christopher Dean, chairman tation East Coast Sculpture Bay, $1000, shared between of TP Health and one of the Show award winners are: John Dahlsen of Byron Bay,

KNOCKROW Open House Saturdayypp 24th 1.15pm–2pm ££nÊ >À̈˜ÃÊ>˜i Sunday 25th 1pm–1.45pm

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@(ELPINGYOUSELL 3AM4ANCRED 3TEVE/.EILL   YOUROWNHOME 8 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Comment No lament for this lost leader diary is supposed to be immersed in the long forgot- The modern Labor Party he had been re-assessed as a a very personal thing, ten battles of the 1930s. The has many faults, and Latham’s security risk and sent home Aa confidential docu- awful irony is now revealed: diatribe contains some valid under guard, but not before Vol 20 #18 September 20, 2005 ment in which are recorded while Latham was rightly criticisms. But its prospects being presented with an private thoughts, musings and deriding John Howard as a for government in 2007 extortionate bill for the privi- self-doubts. man trapped in the Menzies would hardly be improved if lege. And of course, he and Police state Seen in that light Mark era, his own ideological base it embraced the principles of his lawyers, and for that mat- Latham’s diaries are probable came from at least a genera- the radical 19th century left, ter everyone else, were given One of the criteria for running an effective police state no better and no worse than tion earlier. which is apparently where no explanation or justifi ca- is the ability to snatch people off the street without a those of many other public Actually the real Latham Latham would secretly (until tion for this authoritarian court warrant, keep them confi ned without access to a fi gures, especially if the other stood up before the publica- now) like to take it. treatment. lawyer and interrogate them for days. Under its new fi gures are politicians. Lath- tion of the diaries, at his offi ce And of course, even for However, a clue might lie in terrorism laws, Australia is going for gold in this area, am’s contempt for many of dinner speech on the night Latham, the establishment the fact that it was the same our own spooks the Australian Security and Intelligence his colleagues is far from before the last election, when has its uses – especially the week the government intro- Organisation (ASIO) detaining and then deporting visit- unique – Clyde Cameron, for it was clear to Labor insiders establishment media domi- duced its own new authori- ing American peace activist Scott Parkin on the premise instance, memorably savaged – including himself – that he nated by the Murdoch press, tarian legislation to parlia- he was a threat to national security. Gough Whitlam in the single was going to lose. He said which is where Latham chose ment. Parkin was a convenient Ten agents picked up Parkin in Melbourne, held him published volume of his own then that his real fi ght had to publish his manifesto, to scapegoat to demonstrate in solitary confi nement and interrogated him. His visa diaries (he claimed, improb- John Howard’s toughness on was cancelled and last Thursday he was fl own to Los ably, that the rest were stolen terrorism; he was also a useful Angeles accompanied by two corrective services escorts by ASIO). Latham truly was the wolf kite to fl y, to see if the media, and then presented with a bill for almost $11,700 for What is unusual is Lath- the public and most impor- air fares, accommodation and travelling companions. am’s decision to air his griev- in sheep’s clothing that his tantly the emerging moder- Our grey spectre of an attorney-general, Philip Rud- ances so soon after his retire- de tractors had always feared. ates in the Liberal Party room dock, has the whip hand under the new terrorism laws. ment, and in such a manner would cop yet another assault He can demand that information be withheld from a as to do maximum damage to on civil liberties. court in the interests of national security. There is no his party. For this he will not by Mungo MacCallum Howard denies that we are common law safeguard for the accused nor the right to be forgiven. now a quasi-police state, but even learn exactly what he or she is accused of. It is not just the paranoia admits the new laws will It seems the government is suggesting Parkin was and the intemperance which always been with four estab- maximise both his own profi t severely limit personal free- engaged in ‘politically motivated violence’ but has are embarrassing – although lishment groups: the business and the damage he can do to dom. The justifi cation for the failed to produce any evidence to that effect. Parkin’s the stuff about Kim Beazley’s establishment, the foreign his erstwhile party. Hypoc- latest increase in the powers appeal lawyer Julian Burnside QC thinks it might have treachery and indecency is policy establishment, the risy? Cynical opportunism? of the police, both uniformed been something his client said which had him removed, simply fantastic, and the bit- media establishment and the Or perhaps just a bit more and secret, is supposedly the though the words themselves are not a criminal terness towards Gough Whit- elite school establishment. doublethink. London bombings; as many offence. lam, his political mentor, and Well, hang on a minute. In It’s easy to dismiss Latham experts have pointed out, the So just how violent and dangerous is Parkin? He has Paul Keating, his political the times in which we are liv- as around the twist. But if this relevance is dubious and the been in Australia since June, gone snorkelling on the hero, is rather pathetic. It is ing capitalism, the American be madness, yet there’s urgency unwarranted – even Great Barrier Reef and failed to blow up any major the revelation that the party alliance, media conglomer- method in it. ASIO admits there has been installations. He has run activism workshops and joined fell for a confidence trick: ates and non-government no increase in the security risk protesters outside the Global CEO shindig at the Opera Latham truly was the wolf in schools are all irrevocably here was no madness, just to Australia. House. He has even engaged in political street theatre sheep’s clothing that his de - locked into Australian society. Tcold deliberation in the So why is Howard doing it? – watch out, it will be mime next. tractors had always feared. Latham might wish that they seemingly irrational deporta- The answer is the one given Latham posed as a modern weren’t, as many of us do, but tion of American peace activ- by tyrants throughout the Mind you, he was arrested in the USA for dressing up Laborite, a social democrat in you have to face reality. ist Scott Parkin. ages: because he can. Scott as Tony the Tiger, the mascot of Exxon-Mobil, and pes- the Fabian mould, a reformer It is worthy and legitimate Parkin, holding a valid visa Parkin may have been the fi rst tering the executives of said company with some 20 looking to discard the shibbo- to talk about civilising these and having spent an incident- victim of the Howard dicta- other Tonys at its world headquarters. If wearing an leths of the past and position immovable objects but to talk free period in Australia in - torship, but he won’t be the animal costume is a threat to national security, then his party squarely in the 21st about fi ghting them, extirpat- volved in non-violent protests last. ASIO should be checking out parties on the north coast. century. His best-known work ing them, is beyond quixotic; against the war policies of the If Parkin is not a threat to national security – and was, after all, titled Civilising it is politically deranged. If of the willing, was nd last week brought yet why would we believe ASIO or Ruddock? – then a Global Capital. He fooled a lot Latham wants to play the role grabbed by an Immigration Amore proof (if any was couple of interesting theories arise to explain the treat- of people, including me. of a revolutionary, well bully Department goon squad after needed) of the non-existence ment he got. The fi rst is that Parkin is the community But underneath the intel- for him, but he belongs in the refusing a so-called voluntary of a just, interventionist God: organiser for the Houston Global Awareness Collective lectual hid another, more Socialist Workers Party or interview with ASIO. Carol Page is dead and Philip (HGAC) – check out how wild these guys are at http:// primitive Latham, an unre- some other Trotskyite fringe He was then told his visa Ruddock is still alive – well, – which is a con- constructed class warrior still group, not in the ALP. had been cancelled because sort of. stant thorn in the side of multinational spivs Hallibur- ton. US vice-president Dick Cheney apparently is still on the Halliburton payroll and isn’t he a good and power- ful friend of ours? This is not too far-fetched – the defi - nition of ‘national security interests’ under the National Security Information Act includes economic relations with ‘foreign organisations’. The second theory is that the ASIO spooks decided to test drive their shiny new terrorism laws. Let’s grab some high profi le peacenik and see how far we can push it. Who’s next? Senator Bob Brown? You? You better watch what you say and burn that animal cos- tume before you’re whisked away.

The Byron Shire Echo (established 1986) Publisher David Lovejoy Editor Michael McDonald Deputy Editor Lesley Patterson Photographer Jeff Dawson Advertising Manager Geoff Williams Accounts Manager Simon Haslam ‘The job of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.’ Finley Peter Dunne 1867-1936

© 2005 Echo Publications P/L Village Way, Stuart Street, Mullumbimby Nicholas Shand Ph 02 6684 1777 Fax 02 6684 1719 Byron Bay: 3/6 Jonson St. Ph 6685 5222 1948–1996 Printer: Rural Press Founding Editor Reg. by Aust. Post Pub. No. NBF9237. Unsolicited contributions are welcome but, given the volume of material we receive, not all sub- missions will be acknowledged. Email to [email protected] is the preferred means of receipt. Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 9 Letters

Letters to the Editor Fax: 6684 1719 Email: [email protected] Trance stance lanced œÊޜÕʘii`Ê̜ Deadline: Noon, Friday Letters longer than 200 ■ How is that The Echo scene of the pop music world, to resolve. Perhaps a dose of words may be cut; letters which, understandably, insists which again, you prefer. We hard dark night music to ÊÊ already published in other papers will not be considered; upon full name, address, and don’t know who the musi- loosen him up. %XPERIENCINGBLOATING CONSTIPATION STOMACHUPSETS pseudonyms not acceptable. phone number before (short) cians are. I have been involved with Please include your full name, letters to the ed are consid- So what if the DJ’s got an DJ dance culture since 1979 SKINPROBLEMS LOWENERGY ALLERGIES HEADACHES address and phone number. ered then proceeds to publish ego trip? Why is this, and and am dismayed at the @9ES4HENYOUCOULDBENElTWITHADETOXIlCATION almost a full page fascist rant drugs, so deliriously prob- destructive tripe he goes on PROGRAM INCLUDINGCOLONHYDROTHERAPY Company you keep by some anonymous screwed- lematical to you, unless it is with. Killjoy obviously doesn’t It seems that the method of up individual known as Kill- something suppressed in understand how stuff like this !FREENATUROPATHICCONSULTATIONWITHEVERY COLONICTREATMENT deposing political opponents joy. Or was it by one of your you? You have no idea of can undermine the good now is to set up sexual har- own reporters? Whatever, refl ection. Your rant reveals work many people invest in a assment charges against them come out of your prison man. just how much bitter, unre- mostly volunteery capacity to DURINGYOURCOLONICIRRIGATIONTREATMENT"ECAUSEEACHOFTHETHREE as we have seen lately against What’s your name? solved energy you have for the rave/outdoor dance COLONTHERAPISTSISALSOAQUALIlEDNATUROPATH YOUCANALSOTAKE Latham and Brogden. The two greatest gifts I life. Just admit it, you never scene. ADVANTAGEOFAFREENATUROPATHICCONSULTATIONDURINGTHECOLONIC Damn! I have been trying received out of many years of got doof. Otherwise, why And behaviour like his is, I SESSION9OUMAYALSOCHOOSEOZONEPURIlCATION COFFEE HERBALOR for 40 years to get a scandal- both substanced and non- would you bother to go on so think, the closest thing to PROBIOTICIMPLANTS endlessly? You’re a danger to inciting hatred. Does his cul- ous reputation and all I had substanced techno parties 3PECIAL/FFER7ITHEVERY,IVE"LOOD!NALYSIS to do was to join a political you have completely failed to yourself, only. tural vilifi cation come under RECEIVEA&REE&AR)NFRA2ED3AUNA3ESSION party. understand. No mention of Better you go and dance recent terrorism laws? the meditation in dance. No man, and don’t worry, you Russell Good 0HONEFORAFREEINFORMATIONPACKORLOGONTO Peggy Balfour WWWBALLINANATUROPATHICSCOMAU Mullumbimby mention of the ancient art of can still be Mr Nobody. Marrickville losing oneself in the dance. Clive Lawler "ALLINA.ATUROPATHICS Another way It’s called trance, stupid. Federal ■ It took me a while, but I’ve 2IVER3T"ALLINA As a patron of the Blues Fes- And why do techno dances fi gured out who Killjoy is. UPSTAIRSnDIAGONALLYOPPOSITE"ALLINA23, ■ tival, which I love, and as a allow this more infi nitely than I just read the ‘Heckno to How did you get Harold  resident of Tyagarah, which I other dances? Techno’ article, and it made Ross to do a column in The 3HOPIN"ALLINASAVESONYOURGROCERYBILL "USESDAILY"YRONTO"ALLINA love more, I want to protect 1. The absence of the me laugh repeatedly out loud, Echo? the beach and wildlife area super-charged sexual meat which I think is very good. That deft use of the deli- here as a priority. There market vibe that you proba- Although I am quite open cate irony is a dead giveaway. 4HE!UNTY0ROGRAMPRESENTS must be another way around bly prefer. minded about artistic expres- Or is Killjoy a mere style this where we can all win. 2. Hence, the tribal protec- sion in its many shapes and stealer? Sex, Lives and Lin Bell tive energy, which squeezes forms, I couldn’t agree more. Maybe it’s not Harold? He Tyagarah out lechers and prima don- I was just talking with my reckons he can dance. nas, and gives a woman friend Mimi, and she loved it. It’s obvious that Killjoy Stickytape Runaway warming space, and a man space, to I look forward to the next hasn’t got a move in him &RIDAY3ATURDAY3EPTEMBER The destruction of New explore their inner worlds piece, will that be I hate people without the roadmap. through dance. or I hate everything? Bring it Jim Nutter 3TARTSPMn.IBBLESFROMPM Orleans is just the fi rst exam- !)(ALL "ANGALOW ple of what we are about to 3. The long sustained on, Killjoy! Main Arm witness world-wide if the dis- rhythms and beats allow the Bek Kimsey 4ICKETS ■ coveries of oceanographers trance the time and space to Byron Bay Two long letters dismissing AVAILABLEFROM are to be believed. enter. Killjoy’s thesis also received ■ "YRON"OOKS I recently met a distin- 4. The anonymity of techno Killjoy (September 13) is from D Shipley-Smith, music composers helps to living up to his name. I sug- Upper Coopers Creek and CNR-ARVEL guished American professor &LETCHER3TS of that science now lectur- deconstruct the bullshit ego gest that he has anger issues M Voss, The Pocket. ing at the University of 4HE"OOKSHOP Queensland. We stood at to fi nd ourselves in a similar rial policies of the Howard where they have introduced -ULLUMBIMBY ‘Best of all Lookouts’ gazing situation as New Orleans then government. How ashamed three bins per household. "AREBONES at the view of Byron Bay, we must begin making plans of my country this whole far- Now it might seem like a lot "ANGALOW distinct on the observable now as sea levels and water cical event makes me feel. of garbage, but heck our #ADDIES curvature of the Earth, from tables may well rise four Please convey my opinions planet needs it and also it ,ISMORE 1100 metres above sea level metres in the next few years. and concerns to Mr Howard needs you. So please check on the top of Springbrook. Gary Opit and Mr Ruddock. this out: what I have noticed 3IMPATICO à /CEAN -Ì>ÀÀÞ The temperature was only Mullumbimby Gareth Smith of late is the little instructions >˜` 10ºC at that altitude but Byron Bay on top of the bin lids that are 3HORES ÀœÌV what he talked about was Arrest me! continued on page 14 ,A"OUTIQUE even more chilling. To the Australian Ambassa- For this relief… Mallams letters, page 10 "ALLINA Runaway global warming is dor: Dear Madam, Defi nition of ‘relief’: ‘some- Holiday letting letters, page 12 now taking place and there is I write to express my con- thing affording a pleasing no possibility of it being cerns that I may be debarred change, as from monotony’. reversed. The waters of the from re-entering Australia And what a relief it was to Mexican Gulf have reached given the appalling treatment read Ted Kabbout’s letter re such high temperatures that it meted out to US citizen and Lot 107 (September 6). -!+"%, has created a nursery for peace activist Scott Parkin. The letter showed no mal- / Ê,79Ê, 9Ê ,]Ê 9," Ê 9 super storms as meteorolo- My background is similar ice, instead it was full of fact, gists had predicted. The fro- to his although I have a more logic, commonsense and ÊÈÈnxÊÇÈÈÓ Ê/ Ê "1-Ê+"%,"'+ zen lands of Arctic Eurasia extensive history of arrests insight. Change and growth and North America are melt- for peaceful anti-war and are inevitable and the great 7i`˜iÃ`>ÞÊÓ£ÃÌÊÈ°Îä«“Ê ing and the dissolving perma- East Timor protests. Am I to Ocean Shores ratepaying  Ê "1, Ê frost is liberating vast quanti- assume that like Mr Parker I community need to stand up -Ê9/ -Ê ties of super green house am considered to be a threat and be counted. Wish you gases, particularly methane. to Australia´s national secu- were at the helm, Ted. //Ê-  1, Even worse is that the rity? Will I be stopped from Donna Hammond / ÕÀÃ`>ÞÊÓӘ`ÊÈ°Îä«“Ê methane hydrate that covers re-entering Australia and Ocean Shores -  , the bottom of the oceans is deported to the UK? Àˆ`>ÞÊÓÎÀ`ÊÇ«“Ê beginning to bubble to the Chilean friends and I are Bring out the trash surface. The Greenland ice appalled at what we may I know you are busy people /1,Ê ", Ê"6 ,- sheets are now covered in label ‘creeping Pinochetism’ and you probably don’t like ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊÓ{Ì ÊÈ°Îä«“Ê lakes dissolving the ice below in Australia. I cannot believe getting your hands dirty " Ê-* Ê "9-Ê and rapidly disintegrating that a man who espouses either. Now I love Byron Bay, Ê, Ê  which will result in rapidly non-violent peaceful protest even with all its hang-ups, for rising sea levels covering all and was arrested once for that matter I love the whole -՘`>ÞÊÓxÌ ÊÈ«“Ê coastal areas under four dressing up as a tiger can of Australia. Unfortunately, / Ê-"1/Ê ,"/ ,- metres of ocean. conceivably be considered a that even includes the gov- œ˜`>ÞÊÓÈÌ ÊÈ°Îä«“Ê If runaway global warming threat to Australia´s national ernment, who despite their ,"" is truly happening then there security. unruly behaviour of late have can be no more important I tell Chileans that I am a begun to implement quite a /ÕiÃ`>ÞÊÓÇÌ ÊÈ°Î䫓 issue facing local councils and refugee from the repressive, good recycling agenda. " Ê°Ê ,  9 residents. If we do not want anti-democratic and dictato- I was recently in , 10 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Letters Further salvos in the supermarket clash ■ I have been involved in ■ For three years my family also a genuine concern that 1. Council should have lutely right when she observed to the north of the site. retail for over 20 years and has been part of the com- other supermarket chains dealt with this as a combined the existing unsatisfactory Council have also advised read with interest letters to munity of Mullumbimby. We may be interested in coming DA/ rezoning under a provi- road system in Station Street that a roundabout would the editor in your newspaper have three young children to Mullum. sion of the NSW planning and Tincogan Street. The assist at the Burringbar/Sta- from Carlos Gutierrez and and are spending our pre- Some people say that a legislation which would be street system will not cope tion Street intersection to others. cious savings on making our larger player will not come to ideal for this situation. The with the supermarket. improve existing and future I operate a large 5-Star home in Station Street last Mullum. Ray Musgrave has community expects far more We implore Councillors to traffi c fl ows. supermarket in Boonah, for the rest of our lives. been contacted by a Mel- certainty in what develop- stand fast and reject this pro- I hope that there is still Queensland, a town smaller in We keep meeting the many bourne commercial property ment happens on the ground posal which will have an opportunity to continue size to Mullumbimby. To families with small children agency wanting to buy the before agreeing to a rezoning unacceptable impact on the working closely with the accommodate our continuing here and we agree that this is land and we know that other of such a large important site, local community, and which Council and the community business growth since 1997, a child-friendly neighbour- supermarket chains have been and not just defer these unre- has not been properly for a satisfactory solution so we opened a new store in hood. Mullumbimby has a talking to a local real estate solved impacts to a later DA. thought out. that a local business can con- Boonah just over three years safe wholesome feel about it agent about the SRA land. 2. The assessment reports Ian & Kathy Pickles tinue to meet the needs of the ago. The new site being almost and so many people are envi- Why shouldn’t we be con- were done for and paid for by Mullumbimby community now and in the three times larger (just over ronmentally aware. Commu- cerned? the developer (Mallams). future. 1,000 sq/m retail area) than nities like this are becoming Our new development Council should have commis- ■ The proposal to relocate Raymond Musgrave the previous store has enabled harder to fi nd and there are housing the supermarket, sioned its own reports on traf- the Mallams Supermarket Applicant for the Station us to increase the offer and not many places left where bottleshop and four small fic, flooding, economic started four years ago and Street rezoning proposal range to our customers. kids can ride their bikes and shops will have a positive ben- impact, etc. Basically accept- has seen us meet and corre- Business turnover has play safely without the need efi t for Mullum. This pro- ing the developer’s line has spond with Council no less ■ I am distressed at how the increased more than three for a trip in the car. posal won’t destroy the town exposed serious omissions than 30 times. Council offi c- arguments about the Mal- fold since 1997 and a lot of Our front yard faces a line that we grew up in and love. and flaws in the reports. ers have prepared three com- lam’s supermarket are con- that growth has been by keep- of beautiful trees, planted We have only ever wanted to Council could do well to heed prehensive reports about the structed around a binary ing people shopping in town. along the verge of the railway provide a better facility for the the rezoning problems in supermarket, bottleshop, opposition of good and evil. Fellow business operators land by our older neighbours. people of Mullum. We are not Tweed Shire Council where four shops and 135 car Good is left-wing, ideologi- have benefited from our We asked Council what could building a Westfi eld Shopping confl icts of interest by accept- spaces. cal, and green. Bad is right- expansion and some new happen on that land and were centre – it is a modest devel- ing developer’s studies led to The Council’s 29 page wing, development, and businesses have commenced told that nothing could be opment providing a super- Council’s dismissal. No report about the rezoning profi t making. due to the increased customer built there. Now we are faced market just over twice the size amount of back-tracking and dated August 9, 2005 con- Are we seriously going to traffi c. with a big supermarket devel- of the existing business. reviewing will correct the cludes: accept that economic devel- I operate with a very com- opment and an entrance to a We will be able to screen fl awed process. ‘Based on the assessment opment is bad and a solitary petitive pricing image and huge carpark just metres from the carpark to prevent noise 3. The public simply doesn’t undertaken it is considered concept that only bad peo- often include price compari- our front door. All those trees from affecting residents, the know the basis for the conclu- that the site is suitable for use ple develop the land? That sons in our weekly advertise- would be bulldozed and after loading docks will be housed sions behind the rezoning bid for commercial development. ordinary community mem- ment in our local newspaper, all the noise and traffi c of the inside the building, all that 2,400 square metres of There is an assessed need for bers are bad or evil for proving our ability to match daytime there would be a bot- mechanical plant will be supermarket, shopping and additional supermarket space wanting to develop and the ‘chains’ (and I am sup- tleshop open late and plenty inside a soundproof room bottle shop are justifi ed. This within Mullumbimby.’ make a quid. Who is going plied by an independent of space for the night-time and we must provide at least is because the public have ‘The proposal is considered to create the jobs of the wholesaler, Mr Gutierrez!). glass smashers and vandals, 800 square metres of land- never been shown the now to be in the wider public future and infrastructure for There is no doubt that who now infest the areas scaping. discredited draft 2003 interest and is supported on Mullum bimby? unless we strive to meet the around the pubs, to cause The Mallam family are part IBECON Shire retail strategy. this basis.’ The Mallam’s group has demands of our local popula- havoc in our street. of Mullum. We only wish to It should have been exhibited Council had numerous acted ethically and with tion by continuing to improve I can now choose from two ensure that the charm and by Council with the Mallams opportunities to advise us integrity, spending the last our total offer including butchers, two fruit shops, two character of Mullumbimby is rezoning. that the rezoning proposal four years working with range, competitive pricing, supermarkets and numerous protected. If the rezoning A warm and fuzzy feeling didn’t have merit. We are per- Council for this development service, parking, convenience small shops and they fulfi l proposal is refused on the about supporting the Mal- plexed why it is now not suit- when there was an alterna- (the list goes on), it will be at most of my needs. I’ve seen September 27 it will place the lams consortium as local able, particularly when the tive avenue available to them our peril and the rest of the those country towns that a Mallam supermarket busi- business people rather than staff have produced two com- (SEP8). businesses in town will suffer concrete mall has turned into ness in a very diffi cult posi- Coles or Woolies must not prehensive reports supporting Council has a dazzling as a result. an empty ghost town with tion. Its future will be clouded disguise the fact that the pro- the rezoning. opportunity to infl uence and If we small business opera- vacant shops and sad faces. I and it is doubtful if they will posal is just another bland In relation to traffi c, Coun- shape the community with tors let go of the ball, trust me, don’t want Mullum to be trading in their present featureless supermarket and cil agree that both Station the environment and its eco- the ‘chains’ will seize any become like that. form in three years time. I drive-in bottle shop with the and Tincogan Street have suf- nomic future at the forefront, opportunity without mercy. Jayne Howard guess only time will tell. largest car park in the Shire. fi cient environmental capac- to intertwine green politics A developer has been sniffi ng Mullumbimby Chris Mallam Dennetts will die, the Burr- ity for the development. Fur- into our future and cast it as around Boonah in the past Part Applicant for rezoning ingbar Street shops will frag- thermore, Council has since a viable way forward. Devel- months for a ‘chain’. Don’t ■ My family and the Mus- application in Station Street ment, and we will have no suggested that the entry point opment is not an evil, only think for a minute that a much grave family are joint part- choice, and Mallams do not could be relocated to the the continuation of polarised larger town like Mullumbimby ners in the Station Street ■ We’re not surprised about have the buying power of southern end of the site thus arguments that stifl e debate isn’t on their radar – and they rezoning proposal. Mallam the ‘diffi culties’ which Mayor BiLo to give low prices. confi ning all traffi c to Station and cast shadows over the don’t take prisoners. Supermarket is owned by Jan Barham and some other The traffi c impact in par- Street between the Telstra ethical intensions of business There seems to be a total John Waterhouse and my two councillors are having with ticular is of major concern. depot and Burringbar Street. and development. focus on perceived negativi- cousins, who will be our ten- coming to a decision (again) Our house at 37 Station In other words no super- Samantha Forrester ties on this proposed super- ants. concerning the Mallams Street is a mere 20 metres market traffi c would use Sta- Ocean Shores market development in your The proposal to relocate rezoning. These diffi culties from the path of up to 3,000 tion Street north of the entry ■ The letters on this page beautiful town. Better a local, Mallams supermarket started derive from the fact that the cars and trucks per day enter- point. A ‘no right turn’ sign have been cut for length. We well respected small business because Mallams was suffer- process that Council has ing and exiting the supermar- could be placed at the entry/ are sorry we had no room for company reinvest in the town ing from severe operational used to deal with the rezon- ket site. The developer’s exit to prevent traffi c from the letter of Kim Rosen, than the alternative. problems associated with lack ing request is fl awed and not statement that there will be turning north into Station Brunswick Heads, calling for John Stone of space, no unloading docks an appropriate way for the less than 15 truck deliveries Street. These changes would a stakeholders’ meeting on Boonah, Qld and no parking. There was Council as the local planning per week is simply not cred- address the traffi c concerns the issue. authority to facilitate addi- ible. I would suggest 10 to 15 tional shopping fl oor space deliveries per day to serve in Mullumbimby, for three 2,400m2 of supermarket and reasons: shops. Our Mayor was abso- , / Jason is incommunicado 61

BUILDING DESIGN SOIL TESTS AND ENGINEER’S DETAILS HOUSE/COMMERCIAL PLANS ALL TO COUNCIL SPECIFICATIONS /Ê - ,- GPSCSFBLGBTU MVODIEJOOFS RENOVATIONS, EXTENSIONS - Ê* Ê{Î 01&/*/(400/ Michael TIPQ MBXTPOTU CZSPOCBZ elly UFM DRAUGHTSMANKPH 66801319 Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 11 Tributes Carol died young but she burned pretty bright t was 1974, and she was in 1975, where she nearly how devastated she was not and abiding; visible from Yel- heavily pregnant. Her did herself in via the toaster. only by his death in 1996, gun to Suffolk Park; experi- Iface was a puzzle – her (There was a devastating but by being shut out of the enced (and consummated) permanent glare offset by the shriek from the kitchen one offi cial mourning. (This may from ocean shores to moun- most enchanting diamond morning.) Then followed or may not have been a dip- tain peaks – and anyone who nose-ring. Against all odds decades of equestrian acci- lomatic necessity, but it cer- says it wasn’t real or deeply – I was terrifi ed of her, for a dents, car smashes, falls, tainly hurt her.) meaningful to both of them start – we became friends. twisted knees, buggered I always promised her I’d didn’t know either of them She remained a queer mix. necks and wrecked backs. write the story of their love very well. A scary exterior, but a soft Even her pets tended to meet one day, when I got around The evening Nick died, touch and bleeding heart terrible ends. to it – for the whole of Byron Carol – who’d been drifting when you got to know her. In the early 1990s I was Shire to read. Not that it was off to sleep – sat bolt upright Brash and self-doubting. mad enough to go white- any secret (is there anyone in bed, threw on her clothes, Talked like a threshing water rafting with her on the who didn’t know?) but jumped in her car and raced machine but – when the Nymboida. As half a dozen because in publishing some- down the road toward his mood took her – a master of rafts drifted safely downriver, thing we accept it as a com- home – with no idea of what monosyllable. (‘Yep.’ ‘Nup.’) Carol and I were promptly munity truth, and a fi rst-class she was doing. She found She did good silence too, hurled out of ours, sucked truth: a truth by which we’re Nick lying in Coopers Lane when the mood took her under the grade four rapids, not embarrassed. next to an ambulance. even further. Indeed when catapulted along the bottom Second-class truths are fi t Carol might have died you asked her a question she for 100 metres, sieved for conversations among ‘young’ but, like Nick, she could ignore you so entirely between boulders, and nearly those in the know, but they’re burned pretty bright. Few you began to wonder if you’d drowned. I didn’t go adven- not inscribed in newspapers people have crammed so spoken at all. turing with her again. or spoken of at public gath- much love, friendship, travel, She was staggeringly fer- One day several years later, erings. Though equally true, passion and drama into a tile. As a man, one had to be a neighbour told me a freak they cause problems and so half-century or so. But in the careful not to look at her too storm had hit a jazz festival at Carol Page October 30, 1948–September 6, 2005 are a little less desirable. end it wasn’t so much the hard, in her heyday. And Durrumbul. There had been Nine years have passed now, events as the sheer magni- when she was pregnant, she a single casualty: one of the large that you can forget take the pulse of the com- and it’s probably time to res- tude of her heart which was almost militantly preg- festival’s one thousand what she did. In 1972 she munity, and pointedly cap- cue Carol and Nick from defi ned Carol. Quite simply, nant: she gloried in it. Rais- attendees had apparently helped start Divine Light ture events and personalities, that particular underworld. few people felt so much. ing kids was her fulfi lment, been brained by a marquee Mission (later Elan Vital), Carol was in my opinion The Carol loved Nick – and Happily, she closed out something she was born to pole, and rushed to hospital. the organisation of her Echo’s best journalist. Nick loved Carol. Of course her perennial birth-death do. ‘Carol,’ I said. teacher, Maharaji, to whom Of course she got closer to they loved other people too. two-step on the bright side of But there was also some- (I hadn’t even known she she remained faithful till she her proprietor than most And they sometimes fought the dance fl oor: as a doting, thing about her which was at the festival. It was her, died. She was a pioneer journalists do – that proprie- like cat and dog. (Well, Carol happy grandmother, sur- attracted moribundity and of course.) homebirth mother, and tor being Echo co-founder raged at Nick, and Nick usu- rounded by new life. mortality. She was the most Carol was classless, a quin- raised one, two, three and Nick Shand. ally laughed it off.) And they Carol Joan Page, 56, horse- accident-prone person in tessential Australian: as free fi nally four kids under very One doubts that Carol is may have contributed to woman, earth mother, Australia – it was almost from cant and bullshit – to exacting circumstances. And now walking in Elysium with each other’s early deaths, via fi ercely loyal friend. Great in mystical. say nothing of tact – as any- in the mid 1980s, she helped Nick, as she fervently would the serious drinking they a red bikini, once upon a I fi rst encountered it in the one who ever drew breath. found this newspaper. have wished. But it’s nice to encouraged in each other. time. house we shared in Sydney But her personality was so In terms of her ability to imagine it’s the case, given But the love was there – deep – John Macgregor

Extracts from other messages: ble-rouser. The fact that she she stayed fi ve hours and in the wide open spaces, she love of the horse, your equine dle, girl for it should be an started another newspaper in then wrote the most marvel- bought a dilapidated stone skills and the fun and fl avour exciting ride. Take our shared Dear Carol, with all of your Jindabyne when I guess she lous story, capturing Terry’s cottage with a view, she went you brought to our rides. experiences and our hearts in outrageous stories and a way should have been slowing very essence, and I could travelling with her son, she You and Cristel were foun- your saddle bag and on still of telling them better than down and enjoying her lei- almost believe she had started a newspaper because dation members of our group nights, when the moon is anyone in the world you had sure years with grandchil- known him all her life. I she saw the need and won- and your early input and bright, we will hear the hoof- me in stitches laughing and dren underlined her passion know Carol left a similar derfully she spent the last few energy was so valuable in beats of you and your horse, once in tears… for the paper and dedication legacy for many other people years of her life happy with paving the way for the Carol… riding, unbridled, I remember The Lane Res- to the late Nick Shand, its through this special gift she her two grandsons – she fol- achievements of NHAG across high, uncharted taurant with hosts Helen and founding editor who she had for writing from her lowed her heart. today. ground. Gavan, our Echo crew din- worked alongside. heart. She loved people, she I feel sadness mixed with May the Wind Horse carry – Raylee Delaney ners on Friday nights there. I spoke to her daughter loved meeting new people, the laughter but most of all I you on wide, white wings to Once your meal didn’t arrive Cristel this week and she said she saw their good side and feel proud to have been one the next check point… keep ■ Tributes also received from so you got up and said, Carol passed away after was interested in them, she of Carol’s many, many your heels down, your back Madeleine Faught and Pierre ‘Looks like I’ll just have to be hand-delivering the last edi- was also at ease and com- friends. straight and stick to the sad- Geslin. the waitress and get it myself, tion of The Echo in Jindabyn. fortable with herself. – Kaye Hall won’t I?’ and angrily marched Exhausted, she sat back in a …Carol always did her straight into the kitchen… chair with a glass of red and own thing. She sailed through All of your fellow riders from Ah, your best story was it seems that there the talent breast cancer, she moved to the Northern Horse Action when you buried the juicer in scouts from heaven came to the Snowy to ride her horse Group pay tribute to your your back yard after you had get her. It would be ridicu- enough of being healthy and lous to suggest that Carol all and couldn’t stand clean- rest in peace because I can ing it one more time… I can almost hear the celestial key- relate to that. boards tapping away. The «œVŽiÌà Somehow, I always knew Byron Shire Echo, the Lismore ,)#%.3%$2%34!52!.4 your heart would never mend Echo, the Snowy River Echo after Nicholas died and we and, dare I say it, some good all felt deeply for you. I hope  - reading in store for us in the now that you are safe and Celestial Echo. sound near the man you so Carol thank you for being ""Ê "7Ê", dearly love and that you both such a wonderful, caring and shine down upon us all in enthusiastic person. -Ê -/Ê1 /" - Byron Shire now and forever – Dee Tipping cause we love you, Carol, EÊ ,-/ -Ê always… …When my husband Terry – Deborah Tinker died from a sudden heart "6 tt *,/ - / iÊ >>“ÃÊ>`ÛiÀ̈Ãi“i˜ÌÊÌ ˆÃÊÜiiŽÊ attack Carol phoned me and >ÃʓœÛi`Ê̜Ê>ʘiÜÊ«>}i° …Carol survived more ups said everyone had been tell- -iiÊ«>}iÃÊ£ÈÊ>˜`ʣǰ ՘V Ê£Ó«“ÊqÊÓ«“ and downs in her life than ing her she should write a / ˆÃÊÜiiŽÊœ˜Þ° most people but she was still story about him and could ˆ˜˜iÀÊÀˆ`>ÞÊEÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊÈ\Î䫓 a devoted mother, a fun she come and talk to me. * œ˜iÊÈÈnäÊÎÎääʜÀÊä{ÎnÊn{£Ê£ÓÓ friend and enthusiastic rab- We became instant friends, 12 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Letters

25.37)#+(%!$ The rage over holiday (blood) letting ■ A few weeks ago I received attached to any particular ■ Councillors are being issue too big for their work- ",).$3!7.).'3 a letter from Council con- type of letting. If the com- threatened with individual force and generally the com- " UÊ,"  Ê  - 3 UÊ6 ,/ Ê ,* - taining a ‘proposed order’ to munity consensus decided liability for losses. Former plaints were ignored. In the UÊ6 / Ê  -Ê­/ ÊEÊ1 ® fine me $1,100,000 if I against short term rentals I shire presidents are writing past six months with the UÊ" Ê  - didn’t stop holiday letting wouldn’t be the one to argue, long, biased justifications. increase of complaints and UÊ* / Ê  - UÊ , Ê Ê /Ê7  - my property at South Golden but it would take me more Panic meetings of landlords the huge increase of holiday UÊ*/"Ê "6 ,- - 1,/9Ê "",-Ê-/,/  Beach within 14 days. than the allocated 14 days to and agents abound. Lobby- lets in residential areas the /ÊfÓnxÊqÊ -1, ÊEÊ UÊ- 1,/9Ê "",-Ê Ê- , - In her arguments against achieve this in a way that ing is rampant. compliance offi cers have per- // Ê7/Ê1/"Ê "- ,Ê UÊ9- , -Ê Ê "",- EÊ 1Ê-/,*Ê 1 UÊ/ ,Ê-1// ,- holiday letting Jan Barnam would avoid me bankrupting There must be big money sonally visited some of the refers to the concept of myself. If the community at stake in the illegal holiday houses where the complaints *" \Ê­äÓ®ÊÈÈnäÊ{ÎxÎ ‘social capital’. A catchy little does decide against sharing letting scam! So what are the were made, seen the real £{Ê "  <Ê ,6 ]Ê  1  ÊÓ{nÎ phrase, but tell me Jan, where our space with tourists, I facts? need and have taken action is the social capital in ter- think it requires a strategy Holiday letting: to stop the letting. rorising your constituents? that would need to be phased – is a non-permitted use in The BRACE group had The issue here (as I see it) in over a period of time more residential areas according to 350 written replies from local is no longer about holiday like fi ve or ten years, so that Council’s current LEP and residents when they adver- ASSESSMENT OF letting. Now it is about people could adjust without the Land and Environment tised for people who were ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF whether we let a fascist too much disruption to their Court, affected by disturbance from regime rule over us and trau- businesses and their lives. – causes unacceptable loss holiday lets, which is a huge COMMERCIAL ABALONE FISHING IN matise us with the threat of My real beef is that I of amenity to permanent number when you think that WATERS – million dollar plus fi nes! voted for the Greens. I residents who are entitled to there are many more who PUBLIC EXHIBITION When questioned by the thought it would further the the protection of Council, didn’t write, or could be Daily Telegraph Jan denied all cause for a congenial and – poses a big risk to opera- affected in the future when The NSW Abalone Fishery is one of seven major existing marine NSW commercial fishing activities. It involves licensed divers collecting abalone knowledge of these threats understanding Council that tors, tenants and Council the house next to them is from coastal reefs in NSW waters. that were made to a number rules with community con- due to inappropriate insur- bought as an investment and An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared for the sensus, upholding the sort used as a holiday let. Abalone Fishery. The EIS incorporates a description and risk assessment of local property owners. If ance cover, of the existing fishing activity, a draft fishery management strategy with this is truly the case then she of values we all treasure, – has reduced the stock of On the other side there are proposed management controls and an assessment of the likely impacts of implementing the draft fishery management strategy. should resign, and if she did namely peace, harmony and normal rentals to almost zero the owners and agents of the The proponents are the people who hold shares in the NSW Abalone know then she should also respect for each other and and infl ated ordinary rents holiday lets in residential areas. Fishery. resign. the environment. We are out of the range of lower I must stress the in residential The EIS will be available for public inspection during normal office hours I don’t really think that already an over regulated income earners, areas, as all the tourist accom- at all previous coastal NSW Fisheries offices (now incorporated within the NSW Department of Primary Industries) from 12 September 2005 as well this is what most of us had society. We don’t need more – avoids the standard modation in the tourist/town as at the following locations: in mind when we voted in a regulation and compliance, charges paid by legitimate areas are essential to our • The head office and regional offices of the Department of Planning Green Council. I have been and we don’t need a council tourist operators, gaining an town and most welcome as is • The NSW Government Information Service in Sydney • The Sydney office of the Environment Centre (NSW) Pty Ltd living in this Shire now since who uses ‘divide and rule’ unfair advantage and depriv- the tourist industry. • Principal Council offices of local government areas in which the activity tactics… what we need is Now this brings us to the is proposed to take place (Councils/Shires in coastal areas and most 1971, and I have never in all ing the ratebase, Sydney metropolitan Councils). this time come across any- less compliance and more – rorts the sewage entitle- social structure of the town. The EIS will be available for inspection until 24 October 2005. thing quite like it. Even in freedom! ments in residential are- Oliver Dunn said that you An overview of the EIS and the three volumes of the complete EIS are the old days, the rednecks in As far as I’m concerned, as imposing overloads and cannot relate holiday letting in also available on the NSW Department of Primary Industries website Council would never have when Council sent me a extra costs on the sewerage residental areas to housing For a complimentary printed copy of the overview paper or to purchase a dared to use this type of notice threatening me with a system, stress. I disagree and I have CD of the full EIS (at $5 per copy incl. GST), please phone (02) 9907 4440 ‘police state’ tactics. Whether $1.1 million fi ne in 14 days – could operate legitimately seen how this has worked in during office hours. Any person may make written submissions about the proposed activity or not you are in favor of they lost the right to talk as normal rentals, boarding Cornwall in the village that I before the 24 October 2005 closing date. Submissions should be sent to: holiday letting makes little about social capital. When houses or managed units, have recently visited. Holiday Abalone Fishery EIS Submission difference, because next time they followed that threat – cannot be controlled by lets of the local houses and c/o The Ecology Lab 4 Green Street round it may be your free- with a further fine of Council’s compliance system cottages with the enormous Brookvale NSW 2100 dom or your rights that are $110,000 per day they lost under present regulations. rents in the holiday season has Fax: (02) 9907 4446 (marked “Attention: Abalone Fishery EIS”) being threatened. the right to pretend that they Despite cries of acute fi scal stopped most locals under the Email: [email protected] Personally I am not are acting in the best inter- deprivation, holiday let land- age of 45 being able to rent or 755858 ests of the community they lords are predominately well buy houses in their own vil- are supposed to be serving. off, multiple property owners lage. They have been forced to I know of one lady, whose who could well afford to move away from the town husband died just three operate legitimately. They are where they were born and buy months ago, who was also predominantly non-residents or rent elsewhere at cheaper served one of these ‘proposed of the Shire. prices. Also the social struc- notices’. She went into a panic There is no high moral ture of the village is that some and cancelled all her book- ground for those who are locals don’t have neighbours ings and returned the depos- driven by greed but unfortu- next to them who they can get its. Apart from the trauma she nately the Council numbers to know – just tourists or suffered alongside this loss, game probably means they empty houses out of season. she is now also up for legal will get some form of accom- So what is our future to fees. If the Council continues modation. be? Can we all sleep peace- to pursue their agenda in this The people of Byron fully at night in our homes, manner, it will only serve to should take note of the situa- have a social structure to our divide our community and tion and remember how indi- town, have affordable rents further deplete Council’s cof- vidual councillors vote. and houses to buy, or do we fers, fi ghting protracted legal Cr Tom Tabart go the way of Cornwall where battles against its own rate- Brunswick Heads the prime seaside towns and payers, not to mention villages are owned by a rich severely affecting the local ■ Hey, Tony Narracott, I few, mostly outsiders? business community that has trust that the last paragraph Dear Oliver and Tony, have come to depend on the tour- of your letter in last week’s you really thought this ist industry. Echo was a joke? You want through? I know that you I am calling for the sacking neighbours to do the policing love our town; what is most of the person who author- of holiday lets? Isn’t that important people or more ised this ridiculous letter. what those of us affected by money? Do you live in ivory Further more, he/she should them have been doing for towers and really think that be made to personally com- years after being disturbed Queensland, Shoalhaven or pensate all the property own- continuously by yet another Cornwall have the answers ers whose businesses were group of noisy holiday mak- for Byron Bay? affected by it. If the Mayor is ers moving in next to us. Maggi Luke not prepared to sack the This is why Council is Byron Bay public servant responsible doing something at last to then she should herself stop them. Many very upset ■ All the letters on this page resign. In the interest of neighbours have phoned have been cut for length. Let- social capital of course. Council frequently in the ters on this topic also received Kanan Alexander past years but the compli- from J Coman, Bangalow Ocean Shores ance offi cers had found the and M Rich, Byron Bay. Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 13

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But there are things in life that I has realised $2350 already and it’s only Wednesday. I you to grab me or one of my team and say this…”You know prefer to devote my time to rather than working every day. have to say Jules, that just watching the trades and being what, I don’t think coming here was the right decision for So why not try and get the greatest amount of gain a part of it is extremely exciting.” me”. The moment we hear that from you, we’ll thank you for from the least amount of effort? Alan Manning- Tweed Heads your courage, and refund all of your money in full. The last thing we want is for you to be unhappy. In fact we want you to “Before attending Jules’ seminar, I was floundering You could be part of an exclusive group of people and walk away a winner. The $270 worth of bonuses is yours to around in shares not even understanding the meaning of have the chance to immerse yourself in what is the most keep no matter what - plus 100% of your money back. So having a strategy. My results since completing the wealth event you have absolutely nothing to lose by coming. seminar have been nothing short of out standing! I now Attend this life changing event…and get your $270 you have ever seen. I’m going to show you a truly have the knowledge & phenomenal strategies. I can see wonderful way to make a superb living, with a lot less the light at the end of the tunnel & it's so bright it's worth of FREE BONUSES, for only $44...but you stress or difficulty than you’ve ever experienced. blinding. Lookout Future Here I Come!” must act NOW! What’s more, it’s guaranteed to cost you nothing! In fact, Ron Gray—Tugun This event is SELLING OUT FAST! no matter what—you’re going to walk away with a profit. “Last Thursday I bought 3 x $16 July Woolworths calls at Book your seat for only $44 These are the same strategies that have created a lifestyle 47 cents and just sold them at 80 cents today. That trade made me $2400 for a cost of $1500. In other words a CALL NOW! for me that only a few people EVER get to experience. return of 60%. Not bad for only a week!” You don’t need lots of money to start investing. Michael Murray—Byron Bay Tel: 6626 6881 or 1300 557 881 If you’re tired of working long hours in a job that bores “I went along to your evening on shares and options, and you, then this is for you! Could you enjoy a lifestyle that was so impressed with your presentation. It was so Lord Byron Resort allowed you all the time and money to do whatever you interesting—no time to dream off. After doing my 120 Jonson Street, Byron Bay homework to get comfortable and confident, I entered want, when you want –like go on a holiday to your th favourite place, stay at the best resort, not worry about the into a trade. I stayed in for 14 days and watched my Wed 5 Oct: 6:30pm to 10:30pm cost - only which cocktail you’ll have when you get there? money grow by 79%. I was so excited! I sold out very Sat 8th Oct: 1:30pm to 5:30pm Investing may sound hard to master but in this 4 happy. Thanks for your amazing training.” hour course, you will be shown how to easily learn to Graham Day-Flaxton trade and create wealth and a comfortable lifestyle for About the Presenter... yourself. Find out how to replace your income...without Jules Dawson is light hearted Yes enrol me in your Byron Bay—Shares & really having to work for it! How to think like a millionaire and truly passionate about Options seminar for only $44. I will receive (because the funny thing is—when you change your making a positive impact on thoughts, you change your results!). See how to use the world. After growing up $270 worth of FREE bonuses just for attend- income from the market for your personal needs. Why in an environment of poverty ing. Please tick one: Wed 5th[ ] Sat 8th[ ] 93% of Australians are either slaves to the bank or and political turmoil, he slaves to their jobs—and how to make sure this doesn’t become knows what it’s like to experience struggle. These your life story. How to donate more money to your favourite days it isn't unusual for Jules to get returns of over Name charity (don’t worry you’ll be shown how to earn so much more, so 30% in a matter of days. By teaching with donating more money will be a walk in the park). Why getting enthusiasm and making learning fun, Jules removes high returns does not have to mean taking high risks any fears you might have about Address (and why the average person will never understand this without investing. He believes in educating themselves financially). How to make investing your lifestyle and at age 35, he is a hobby (but a hobby that might earn you thousands of dollars...or self-managed trader who enjoys perhaps replace your current income...for only a few hours a a quiet lifestyle in Northern Phone week). How to do the opposite of what most people NSW with Frea, Jack & Oliver. do on the stock market—and potentially make an He makes a living through business and self-managed Cheque payable to “Jule Corporation” absolute fortune. How to minimise the risk of investing investments. Within a minimum amount of time in shares (so that you can sleep at night-even if your shares go down and the basic know how, you too can enjoy a Money Order in don’t have to worry!). The incredible way to quality lifestyle. Make Money Even When Share Prices Go Down! How to pay for holidays without using a cent out of your Jules enjoys educating people on how they can break Mail to: PO Box 780, own pocket (this tricky little secret could pay for your skiing success barriers. Let Jules show you how to Burringbar, NSW 2483 trips...overseas holidays...leisure activities!) increase your income and have more choice in your life! 14 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Letters

continued from page 9 maybe, but far from ethically make an offer to make it text ahead). The buses were #ATCHAPIECEOFLOCALHISTORY often overlooked as one lifts and contractually correct. with an agent who will ask small and red (think ‘Post- and dumps the rubbish to its I fell in love with a prop- the vendor to take the prop- man Pat’), and they were a >ۈ`Ê œÛiœÞÊ >ÃÊ i`Ê >Ê dirty death. But no, it doesn’t erty in Ocean Shores which erty off the market. It will great community asset. We Ì œÀœÕ} ÞÊ `ˆÃÀi«ÕÌ>LiÊ >˜`Ê die that easy! Like our coun- had been on the market for a save you time money and could probably run them on œvvLi>ÌÊ i݈ÃÌi˜Vi°Ê vÌiÀÊ >Ê try, our waste deserves more year or so. After selling two disappointment. solar power or even water by ˆviÊ œvÊ VÀˆ“iÊ >˜`Ê >V>`i“ˆ>Ê respect. units in order to buy this one, Danielle Levis now, and they could drop iÊ ÌœœŽÊ œvvÊ œ˜Ê Ì iÊ ˆ««ÞÊ By reducing, refi lling (jars, I started negotiations and Mullumbimby interstate travellers off at the ÌÀ>ˆÊ ÌœÊ ˜`ˆ>]Ê LiV>“iÊ >˜Ê etc), reusing whatever we fi nally my offer was accepted. newly-revamped train station ˆ˜ÌiÀ˜>̈œ˜>Ê œÀ}>˜ˆÃiÀÊ vœÀÊ possibly can in this ever- Everything seemed done; I Nelson’s nitpicking too… Yes I love to dream. ˆÃÊ }ÕÀÕ]Ê >Ê V iÃÃÊ V >“«ˆœ˜Ê growing consumer world, had an acceptance letter I write in response to an arti- Gabrielle Griffin >˜`]Ê Ìœ}iÌ iÀÊ ÜˆÌ Ê ˆÃÊ vÀˆi˜`Ê and by paying more attention from the Byron Bay real cle and editorial (September Mullumbimby ˆV œ>ÃÊ - >˜`]Ê Vœ‡vœÕ˜`iÀÊ to the instructions on how to estate company and the 13) regarding Byron High œvÊÌ iÊ«>«iÀÊޜÕÊ œ`ʈ˜ÊޜÕÀÊ recycle correctly, we can deposit money was in their School’s surfi ng studies. RTA arrogance >˜`Ã°Ê 7 iÌ iÀÊ Ì ˆÃÊ ÜˆÊ respect our earth more. trust account. I was due in Regardless of what the Fed- I am a resident of the enlarged Ài`ii“Ê ˆ“Ê œ˜ÞÊ Ìˆ“iÊ ÜˆÊ Please take care to wash out the solicitor’s offi ce in a mat- eral Minister for Education, study area for the Pacific Ìi°Ê i>˜Ü ˆiÊ ˆÃÊvÀ>˜ŽÊ>˜`Ê the containers, remove lids, ter of hours when I heard Brendan Nelson, thinks about Highway upgrade. Last week ÃV>˜`>œÕÃÊ >Õ̜Lˆœ}À>« ÞÊ plastic and fl atten things lest from the agent that some- this issue, the harsh reality is the RTA notified me that `ˆÃÃiVÌÃÊ Ì iÊ œV>Ê «œˆÌˆV>Ê our rubbish fall to dirty the body else had made an offer. that our community currently they would like to drill on my ÃVi˜iÊÜˆÌ Ê>ÊÌ iÊ`iˆV>VÞʜvÊ earth. Awaken our kindness There I was: no deal and my has a teenage unem ployment land for soil tests (which they >˜Ê,/ÊÀœÕÌiÊ«>˜˜iÀ° in all ways, people! money in their account. rate of 34.6 per cent. spent two days doing). It I realised that I was in - If augmenting traditional appears my property is part ՏÕ“Lˆ“LÞÊ œœŽÊ- œ«]Ê œœŽÊ ˆÌÞ]Ê ÞÀœ˜Ê Barbie English Byron Bay volved in a ‘monopoly game’ studies, such as maths and of one of the proposed routes œœŽÃ]Ê Þ“œVŽ½ÃʈÓœÀiÊ>˜`Ê V œÊœvwViÃÊ where people go back on English, with more contem- for the highway upgrade. fÓÓ°™x Gazumped! their word leaving a commit- porary (and potentially lucra- I live on the escarpment in As a lawyer from another ted buyer for a juicier deal. I tive) activities, like surfi ng, a 7d scenic zoning, and pur- country, having in mind the don’t need to say that I have helps to make school more chased my 76 acres two years code of ethics and contrac- lost money and time with all attractive and relevant to ago. At this time I was assured tual integrity, I never imag- these transfers. young people, then these through the searches I carried ined that I was going to expe- How can this silly game be strategies need to be sup- out that my property was not rience a very depressing avoided? Wouldn’t it be more ported and encouraged. encumbered by any potential NSW real estate practice. I ethical to organise the real The Howard Government rezoning and certainly was have invested in NSW and estate industry, as in Queens- should be congratulating not RTA affected. We have Queensland before, but never land, where you sign the con- schools like Byron High for undertaken major renovations had this nasty experience. tract of sale as soon as the using progressive, creative, and planted several thousand Then I discovered that a few offer is accepted, saving you local solutions to support cabinet trees during this two of my friends had gone from drifting in the ocean of and engage our young people year period. I am utterly through the same kind of uncertainty when big money instead of undermining insulted that my front yard is deception, and I was told is involved? them. part of a proposed route and that it was legal… legal Or make sure when you If the Howard Govern- only the CLG members are ment cared about young privy to this information. people it would focus on fi x- Surely I have a right to ing its own New Apprentice- know so that I can research ship scheme – which is fail- and prepare a suitable protest. ing to deliver proper skills The RTA has said they will and training to many partici- release their three preferred pants. A recent survey found options in November, and that 25 per cent of New give us a few weeks in which Apprentices received no to make submissions. Great! training at TAFE or a similar just in time for the Christmas training organisation. holidays. Brendan Nelson’s disre- I think the RTA should be spectful attitude towards the forced to release all their pos- interests and passions of sible routes as shown to the young people only serves to CLG members. This should further isolate them from be the least we could expect important institutions like given the trauma that has education, government and been bought into our lives the political process. since this study area was The Federal Education extended. The CLG is a Minister should remember group of residents who are that the young people of supposed to represent the today, including those who interests of study area resi- surf, are the leaders of dents. The fact that the RTA tomorrow. made them sign confi dential- Justine Elliot MP ity agreements is akin to Member for Richmond insider trading – and then they have the audacity to drill Transport dreaming on my land. This proposed With petrol prices so high, all route cuts through one of the I can think of is better public last unspoilt ridgelines and transport. In England, where dissects one of the most fertile I used to live 20 years ago, regions in the state. How small minibuses used to run absurd! The drilling has also every 15 minutes, and while taken place on Old Byron Bay there were designated bus Road which leads me to stops, you could also fl ag one assume that a route may cut down anywhere. There was a straight up the escarpment standard one-zone or two- from the Newrybar swamp. I zone bus fare depending on invite your reporter to my how far you were going, and home to see for yourself what it was $1 or $2, while old- surely must be stopped at all aged pensioners travelled for costs! half-price. Ruth Gotterson It was so easy; if you missed Newrybar one, you knew it was only a ■ short wait for the next one. Letters also received from D Christie, Byron Bay, L Douglas, And let’s face it, we are all on Byron Bay. P Olson, Goon- ‘Byron rubber time’ here, engerry, C Vickery, Mul- which means we have half an lumbimby, T Hudson, Byron hour’s grace with any appoint- Bay, S Briskey, Burrum Heads, ment (or you could always J Tree, Wilsons Creek. Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 15 Articles

Beach Hotel’s $5,000 to Byron High Toy library up and running in new home The wonderful thing about her announcement of the ours to support the Byron the Byron Bay community is donation. Shire community through that support comes for all Raylee said that this money donation and sponsorship sorts of things just when it is was to go towards much and paramount in the com- needed. Byron Bay High needed school facilities munity is the support of School was the benefi ciary including lockers, soap and youth, the collective future of such support recently playground seating. Dona- of the community,’ she told when the Beach Hotel made tions to the school are always students. a generous donation of valuable and in this case stu- ‘You have a great school $5,000. dents will indeed get to enjoy here at Byron High and I Raylee Delaney, represent- the benefi ts every day. know that Mr Miller, your ing the Beach Hotel, was Raylee told the students teachers and your P&C really welcomed to a school assem- that the donation was for care about you all and work bly by principal Barry Miller. many small but necessary hard to make sure your years Raylee was warmly applau- items that would enhance the here are meaningful, produc- ded by the 800 strong stu- way they experience their tive and as comfortable as dent audience, but the best education. possible. The Beach Hotel response of all was saved for ‘The Beach Hotel endeav- salutes you.’

The Byron Shire Toy Library has a new home in ‘the cabin’ outside the Byron Bay Preschool in Jonson Street. Supporting 130 families, the library is open on Mondays and Thursdays 10am to 1pm. Byron community reclaims the night This year Friday October 28 to ‘take back the night’ and Shire Reclaim the Night Col- will mark the 28th Reclaim call for women’s and chil- lective will meet each Tues- The Night march in Aus- dren’s right to safety. day at 2.30pm at the Wom- tralia. Women and children The Byron Shire rally and en’s Resource Service at will be marching to raise march will gather at the Apex Mullumbimby Neighbour- awareness of sexual violence, (beachfront) Park at 5.45pm, hood Centre in Dalley Street. and to demand a basic listen to speakers at 6pm, Women are invited to join in. human right to live free from and be ready to march More information is available such violence. through Byron at 7pm. from Zenith 6684 8154 and Women who have survived More women are needed 0427 924 310, Mary Willis rape and sexual assault will to assist with the organising 6620 2132 and 0427 102 be joining the march, empow- of the event and to help on 636 and Kassa Bird on 6684 Raylee Delaney hands over the cheque for $5,000 to school principal Barry Miller. ering themselves and others the actual night. The Byron 4299.

Are You Too Busy Earning A Living To Make Any Money? “Discover How In A Very Short Amount Of Time, You Could Be Living The Lifestyle Of Your Dreams…following the success of Jules Dawson”

in 2001 Jules found his winning formula that his approach is entertaining and fun - and therefore Jules was only eight years of age when he students are now using to make thousands of makes it easier for anyone to understand and watched his mother weeping with despair. dollars a week. That memory is burned into his apply the information for their own benefit.” brain. In his first trade, using this new, powerful, It was the traditional Sunday family lunch. Being cash generating system, Jules made $11,877 in a “For me, teaching these strategies allows me to brought up as ‘coloured’ in South Africa, Jules matter of hours. share my enthusiasm with others. I enjoy knew his fair share of discrimination and poverty. meeting people and I am passionate about the Even though it was a poor neighbourhood, the one Not long after he quit his job at Hewlett Packard hobby that has gained me a quality lifestyle. I tradition that every one shared was the big Sunday, and became a full time investor. It is not every day take pride in what I teach and enjoy teaching so family lunch. However - on that day Jules’ mother that a 35 year old can profess to running a others too can learn to enjoy life and not stress wept with despair, not having anything to feed her successful home based business working only six about money.” Jules says. children. That memory forever haunted the young hours a week. Seeing his incredible success, his I will be hosting a 4 hour Stock Market course at eight year old. Over the years, Jules slowly began family and friends hounded him to teach them his The Lord Byron Resort, 120 Jonson Street, to look for ways he could gain his freedom. new system. Within a short period of time, they Byron Bay from 6:30pm to 10:30pm on Wed 5th were making money also. The word spread and th After his family migrated to Australia in 1984, soon Jules was teaching this exciting system to October and 1:30pm to 5:30pm on Saturday 8 Jules was eventually fortunate enough to land a job people looking for an easier and faster way to October. as a manager with Hewlett Packard. He was make money. Today people from all walks of life If you are looking for financial improvement in finally making some good money - however his are flocking to his seminars to discover his your life, you are invited to attend. At this rise to corporate success was quickly dampened by remarkable system, course, you will learn the realistic approach to the realization that he was working 70 hours a investing in shares, how you can make money week and had no social life. He found himself on Jules has never forgotten his roots. He sponsors whether the market is going up or down, and what he calls “the treadmill of a corporate career”. several disadvantaged children in poverty stricken how you could generate a monthly income from “It all felt pointless as I did not have a life, and I countries and is a big supporter of charitable shares. had to keep working to pay the bills”, Jules says. projects. He decided to look in another direction. Jules believes teaching allows him to share his gift Bonuses worth over $270 will be given away absolutely FREE to every participant. Tickets Jules began to devour every investment book he with others. “What‘s different about my course is are only $44 per person. If you are not happy could find. His thirst for finding the right path to that I continually strive to deliver the course in an with the course, your money will be refunded in financial freedom led him to staying up late, interesting and easy to understand format. I know full, yet you still get to keep the $270 worth of constantly studying and researching. However all that people like things to be simple, so I explain it bonuses. his efforts met with mixed success. He even spent so that anyone can follow, in a way that is fun and $12,000 on a 12 hour course but when he applied interesting. I offer personalised follow-up To reserve your seat CALL NOW! the principles he met with complete failure. assistance and cater for my clients in a caring and Undaunted he kept going for 12 years as a part nurturing way. Despite the nature of the subject, Telephone: 6626 6881 or 1300 557 881 time investor and relentless researcher. And then through my jovial, light-hearted manner, my 16 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo ADVERTISEMENT MALLAMS: Doing business together with local businesses The Mallams Group (supermarket, growers to the deli and dairy suppliers, Mallams is a heavy user we have the power to decide who bottleshop and variety store) is the suppliers who produce a range of of such operators who number we can buy from and who we can largest employer in Mullumbimby delectable products from bread, more than 20 in all. donate money to. Our deepest belief after the Council and one of the hummus, tofu and yoghurt to name But perhaps it is Mallam’s community is that we should always, where largest in the Shire with more than just a few, Mallams is very much a work that people know Mallams for possible, spend our money in the 90 local staff employed in a range local business using local suppliers best. In the past year alone, Mallams district with local suppliers rather of capacities. Their wage bill is in wherever possible. In total, Mallams has contributed more than $30,000 than send it out of the community. excess of $1 million annually. buys local products from more than That way it’s good for us, and very to local community, school, sporting, Mallams also employs more than 30 60 local suppliers, farmers and good for the community. Because children’s and charity groups. In the high school and university students producers. we are local we think and act locally. last ten years, Mallams has donated in out of study hours as well. Other businesses who rely on some But best of all our prices are still an impressive $50,000 plus to the The economic flow on to the of their livelihood from Mallams are competitive – and our consumers Brunswick Surf Lifesaving Club – community from the Mallams Group the many trades people in town know they are buying top quality is enormous. Along with the in who keep Mallams up and running. possibly making them the biggest local produce. We want to thank all excess of $1 million wage bill and a From the handyman who does all charity donors in the Shire. the people – our staff, our suppliers further $1.1 million plus being spent the odd jobs and repair work to the John Waterhouse, manager and part and our tradespeople – for helping on the wide spread of local suppliers plumbers, refrigeration mechanics, owner of Mallams said, ‘Because we to make Mallams the community from fresh fruit and vegetable electricians and other trade are a small independent supermarket centred business it is today.’ Mallams: Here are the facts 1. THE LAND shop in town. Staying in the same location is not and Farmcare – and now we ask that Mallams The land is in Station Street and adjoins a 3(a) a viable solution for Mallams or the community. has the same opportunity. commercial zone (Telstra Depot). Councils 7. SUMMARY • When Mallams was built 100 years ago, there across NSW have been told by the State We’ve been were about 400 people in the district. Now there • A better supermarket could save up to 20,000 Government not to rezone fl ood prone land for litres of fuel per week (people driving to Tweed, are about 8000 and the population is expected residential use, unless it is fi lled. That means here over 100 Ocean Shores and Byron). Shop locally – and to increase signifi cantly in the next few years. that this land is not suitable for a residential save money, fuel and reduce greenhouse gases. development, as Council won’t allow fi lling. For 8. ACT NOW years – help • The proposed supermarket is bigger than the this reason, aged care or affordable housing Let Council know that you approve of current supermarket, but is still smaller than would be particularly unsuitable. Council offi cers the proposed new Mallams site. Please us to keep BiLo at Ocean Shores, and much smaller than have confi rmed these facts. They have also write to: Woolworths in Byron. confi rmed that it would be suitable for THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING, commercial use. serving you • Along with the bottleshop there are only four BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL, other shops with very small fl oor space PO BOX 219 Impact on Station and Prince Streets proposed at the new site. It is not a one-stop MULLUMBIMBY 2482 residents for the next shopping centre. and state your support for an improved, The Mallam and Musgrave families (the • Other businesses in Mullum have expanded to much needed, customer friendly applicants to develop the site) will do everything 100 years ensure their viability eg. Santos, Bridglands, supermarket facility on the Station to minimise the loss of resident amenity. They 4. BIG NATIONAL RETAILERS Mullumbimby Healthcare Pharmacy, Mitre 10 Street site. will for example: WANT TO COME TO • have noise attenuation fences erected to MULLUMBIMBY! minimise noise from the carpark; A Melbourne commercial real estate agent has 9. MAP SHOWING DISTANCES AND WALKING TIMES • provide visual screening through attractive confi rmed he has a large client interested in HOW FAR WILL THE PROPOSED MALLAMS SUPERMARKET BE landscaping; purchasing the site. The reason why? It is FROM THE MIDDLE PUB? • place the entrance so that it will have little or predicted that by the year 2020, one third of the 1. The SRA site in Station Street proposed for the new Mallams Supermarket is about no impact on the residents; Australian population will live in the Ballina to the same distance in walking time between the Middle Pub and Farmcare (two • design the development to eliminate noise Noosa corridor. It is naïve to think that this land minutes 15 seconds). from the loading dock. won’t be taken up by a big national supermarket 2. It will take approximately four minutes 10 seconds to walk from the proposed new outlet. supermarket site to the post offi ce. 2. IMPACT ON OTHER SMALL BUSINESSES IN TOWN 5. MULLUM RESIDENTS A NEW MALLAMS WILL INCREASE WANT A BETTER

FLOW TO OTHER SMALL BUSINESSES MALLAMS A signifi cant number of residents are leaving Many Mullumbimby residents want an improved supermarket facility, including parking. This does

Mullumbimby to shop at Ocean Shores, Ballina,  9Ê-/ -/1,/Ê-/ Ê-/ -//" not mean that the charm and character of the Tweed and Byron Bay. While there they also town will have to be sacrifi ced. The fact is that may make some of their other purchases eg. not only the residents, but also the other hardware, butcher, chemist, newsagent, clothes / " Ê-/, / businesses in town will benefi t. and coffee. Shoppers want choice! If you give -// Ê,Ê-/ local shoppers a better choice, then they are 6. WHY MALLAMS CAN’T 6)$%/ / -/, more likely to shop in Mullumbimby. This has RENOVATE ITS CURRENT %:9 been proven repeatedly in other towns like SITE Kingscliff, Murwillumbah and Byron. STOP THE The building that Mallams Supermarket is * SHOPPING LOSS FROM MULLUMBIMBY! housed in was built over 100 years ago. -)$$,% Because of its internal support structures, it 05" 3. STILL IN THE HEART OF cannot be renovated and redesigned. It would MULLUM! need to be demolished from the ground up and 1,,  ,Ê-/, / Some worry that it will change the character of totally rebuilt. Even so, the site wouldn’t be big *" "1  Mullumbimby by removing its heart. This is not enough to include the car parking requirements, correct. The proposed site is just a two minute 15 plus there are major issues with the unloading second walk from the Middle Pub – which is dock. Even if it could be renovated, it would about the same distance from the Middle Pub to mean that Mallams would have to go out of , ,  ,,9 Farmcare. If the new supermarket was one business for at least 12 months or longer (along kilometre out of town or at the industrial estate, it with the other shops alongside it). Parking is * might be different. Clearly the proposed develop - also another key issue. Mums with young kids,

ment is still very much a part of the town! the elderly and the disabled fi nd it diffi cult to -/1,/Ê-/ -//" Ê-/ -//"

MALLAMS SUPPORTS THE COMMUNITY Did you know that in the last fi nancial year alone, Mallams donated over $30,000 to local charities, community and sporting groups? Over the last ten years, they have donated over $50,000 just to the Brunswick Surf Club. Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 17 SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS S 3 DAY RED HOT SPECIALS Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Only. While Stocks Last!

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* At participating stores only. Buy any product from the brand names shown in this panel, between 5th September and 2nd October 2005 to enter. To enter, simply write PECIALS SPECIALS SEEDLESS $ 19 your name, address and phone number on the back of your receipt and drop it into the marked competition box. Draw Closes: 2-10-05. WATERMELON 1 Kg WESTERN ¢ $ 99 STAR 47 75g 2 500g SPREADABLE From the MAGGI 2 MINUTE KRAFT CHEESE Deli NOODLES BRIE/CAMEMBERT $ 69 2 125g $ 99 $ 99 3 2 Lt 11 Kg PETERS $ 99 HONEY HAM $ 15 EXTRA Kg 3 1 Kg CREAMY ICE 8 CREAM KABANA FRISKIES GO CAT OPEN 7 DAYS • EFTPOS FACILITIES PHONE ORDER SERVICE • FREE HOME DELIVERY MULLUMBIMBY • 6684 2255 • Burringbar Street, Mullumbimby MON-FRI 7.30AM-7PM ~ SAT & SUN 7.30AM-6PM Specials (except Super Specials) available until Sunday September 25 or while stocks last SPECIALSSPECIALS S SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS 18 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Television Guide

1. Saturday afternoon cartoon is Titan AE (Prime, 12.30pm) for those not glued to the AFL Grand Final. 2. After the footy Ten wheels out Russell Crowe in Gladiator (8.30pm), in which the eponymous hero treks from Germany to North Africa without getting his feet wet. 3. A much better fi lm is Three Kings, which NBN screens at 10pm after the League preliminary fi nal. George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg and Ice Cube 1 2 3 show why America is in the Gulf.

6 ABC 41 SBS 7 PRIME 10 TEN 9 NBN 4.30 Movie: Falling For You (G, B&W, 1933) 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Totally Wild 6.00 Today Jack Hulbert, Cicely Courtneidge, Tamara 5.25 World News 9.00 Bambaloo 6.30 Aerobics Oz Style 9.00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne Desni, Alfred Drayton 10.30 Greek News 9.30 Home Shopping 7.00 Toasted TV 11.00 Today Extra 6.00 Kid’s Programs 11.30 Arabic News 10.30 Morning News 8.30 In The Box 11.30 Danoz 10.00 School Programs 12.05 Indonesian News 11.00 Less Than Perfect 9.00 Good Morning Australia 12.00 Dr Phil 11.30 Catalyst 12.30 Business Report 11.30 My Wife And Kids 11.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 1.00 Days Of Our Lives 12.00 Midday Report 1.00 Movie: Shower (PG, 1999) Chinese 12.00 Movie: Determination Of Death (M, 11.30 Ten News 2.00 The Young And The Restless 12.30 Something In The Air drama v,s, 2001) Michele Greene, Marc Singer, 12.00 Murder, She Wrote 3.00 Fresh Cooking 1.00 N ational Press Club Address 3.00 Food Lovers Guide To Australia Veronica Hamel, George Dzundza 1.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.30 Hi-5 2.00 The Bill 3.30 The Canterbury Tales 2.00 Blue Heelers 2.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 4.00 Hot Source 3.00 Kid’s Programs 4.00 World Sport 3.00 Home Improvement 3.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 4.30 Frasier 5.00 Roller Coaster 4.30 The Journal 3.30 Who Dares Wins 3.30 Infomercial 5.00 The Price Is Right 6.00 Doctor Who 5.00 Newshour 4.00 Go Go Stop 4.00 Totally Wild 5.30 Temptation 6.30 Beat The Chef 6.00 Global Village 4.30 News 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 6.00 Evening News 7.00 ABC News 6.30 World News Australia 5.00 M*A*S*H 5.00 Ten News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 7.30 Report 7.00 World Sport 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 McLeod’s Daughters 8.00 The New Inventors 7.30 Food Lovers Guide To Australia 6.00 Prime News 6.30 Neighbours 8.30 CSI: Miami (M) 8.30 Spick s And Specks 8.00 The Movie Show 6.30 Seven News 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.40 Lotto 9.00 The Kumars At No.42 With Fern Britton, 8.30 Dateline 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Rock School 9.30 Without A Trace (M) A teen violin Phillip Schofi eld and Jennifer Saunders 9.30 World News Australia 7.30 Beyond Tomorrow 8.00 Oliver’s Twist prodigy vanishes from a concert hall and 9.30 The Glass House (M, sr,a) 10.00 Movie: Light Of My Eyes (M, s,n,a, 8.30 Blue Heelers (M, a,s) 8.30 House (M) her father’s criminal past in Russia could 10.00 At The Movies 2001) Italian romance about a lonely 9.30 Forensic Investigators (M) 9.30 NCIS (M, a) have something to do with it. 10.30 Lateline chauffeur obsessed with sci-fi novels falling 10.30 Coastwatch New Zealand water patrol 10.30 The Shield (MA15+) 10.30 Comedy Inc. The Late Shift (M, cl,sr) 11.05 Four Corners in love with a hard-working single mum. 11.00 City Beat (M) 11.30 Late Night News And Sports Tonight 11.30 Nightline WEDNESDAY 21 WEDNESDAY 11.55 Media Watch 11.55 Movie: Monday (MA, v,a, 1999) Japa- 11.30 Boston Public (M) 12.30 The Up-Late Game Show (M) 12.00 The District 12.10 Night And Day (PG) nese drama 12.30 Home Shopping 1.30 Around Midnight 1.00 Late Show With David Letterman 12.35 100 Centre Street (PG) 1.35 Close 5.00 Religion 5.30 Home Shopping 2.30 Infomercials 4.00 Religion 2.00 Eve (PG) 1.20 Movie: Riffraff (PG, B&W, 1947) Pat 2.30 All About The Andersons O’Brien, Walter Slezak, Anne Jeffreys SBS advises viewers that programming Most Prime programs between 6.30pm All Ten programs between 5pm and 3.00 Guthy Renker 2.45 Life Pulse (G*) between 6pm and 10.30pm nightly is and 11.30pm (approx) nightly are Closed 11pm (approx) nightly are 4.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.25 N ational Press Club Address Closed Captioned (CC) Captioned (CC) Closed Captioned (CC) 4.30 Good Morning America

4.30 Movie: Carnival (PG, B&W, 1946) Sally 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Totally Wild 6.00 Today Gray, Michael Wilding, Bernard Miles, 5.25 World News 9.00 Bambaloo 6.30 Aerobics Oz Style 9.00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne Cathleen Nesbitt 8.30 Spanish News 9.30 Home Shopping 7.00 Toasted TV 11.00 Danoz 6.00 Kid’s Programs 9.20 Le Journal 10.30 Morning News 8.30 In The Box 11.30 Guthy Renker 10.00 School Programs 9.55 Russian News 11.00 Less Than Perfect 9.00 Good Morning Australia 12.00 Dr Phil 12.00 Midday Report 10.30 Greek News 11.30 My Wife And Kids 11.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 1.00 Days Of Our Lives 12.30 Something In The Air 11.30 Arabic News 12.00 Movie: 1969 (M, 1988) Two small-town 11.30 Ten News 2.00 The Young And The Restless 1.00 Nice Guy Eddie (PG) 12.05 Indonesian News teenagers learn through death, love, fam- 12.00 Murder, She Wrote 3.00 Fresh Cooking 2.00 The Bill 12.30 Business Report ily and war what friendship and freedom 1.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.30 Hi-5 3.00 Kid’s Programs 1.00 Dateline mean. Starring Robert Downey Jr, Kiefer 2.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 4.00 Hot Source 5.00 Roller Coaster 2.00 Secrets Of the Camps Sutherland, Bruce Dern, Mariette Hartley, 3.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 4.30 Frasier 6.00 Doctor Who 3.00 A Fork In The Road Winona Ryder and Joanna Cassidy. 3.30 Infomercial 5.00 The Price Is Right 6.30 Collectors 3.30 School Torque 2.00 Blue Heelers 4.00 Totally Wild 5.30 Temptation 7.00 ABC News 4.00 World Sport 3.00 Home Improvement 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 6.00 Evening News 7.30 7.30 Report 4.30 The Journal 3.30 Who Dares Wins 5.00 Ten News 7.00 A Current Affair 8.00 Catalyst 5.00 Newshour 4.00 Go Go Stop 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 Getaway 8.30 Spitfi re Ace 6.00 Global Village 4.30 News 6.30 Neighbours 8.30 Body Work (PG, mp,n) 9.30 MDA (PG) 6.30 World News Australia 5.00 M*A*S*H 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.00 You Are What You Eat (PG) 10.20 Lateline 7.00 World Sport 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 7.30 Inside Idol (PG) 9.35 The Footy Show (M) 11.00 State Of Mind (M, v,a) 7.30 Inspector Rex 6.00 Prime News 8.30 Law & Order: SVU (M) Double episode 11.05 Nightline 11.50 Bad Cop Bad Cop (MA, cl,s,a) 8.20 Hotline 6.30 Seven News 10.30 Late Night News 11.35 The AFL Footy Show (M) 12.20 Secrets Of The Dark Ages Looking for 8.30 Storyline Australia: Divorce Stories 7.00 Home And Away 11.00 Sports Tonight 1.30 Late Shiw With David Letterman the barbarians of the Dark Ages Confl ict and how people are forced to the 7.30 The Mole – The Amazing Game 11.30 Bread 2.30 Stripperella THURSDAY 22 THURSDAY 1.10 Movie: Desperate (PG, B&W, 1947) legal system to reach a compromise 8.30 Las Vegas (M) 12.00 Bram And Alice 3.00 Guthy Renker Australia Steve Brodie, Audrey Long, Raymond Burr 9.30 World News Australia 9.30 Alias (M, v,a) Double episode 12.30 The Up-Late Game Show (M) 4.00 Entertainment Tonight 2.25 Movie: Boy Slaves (PG, B&W, 1938) 10.00 Ghost In The Shell (M, v) Animation 11.20 Boston Public (M) 1.55 Video Hits Up-Late 4.30 Good Morning America A runaway boy fi nds himself in a labour 10.30 Movie: My Wife Is A Gangster (MA, 12.20 Life With Bonnie 2.00 Infomercials ‘Foot and Mouth’ believed to be fi rst camp. Starring Anne Shirley, Roger Daniel, v,s,cl, 2001) South Korean action 12.50 Home Shopping 4.00 Enjoying Everyday Life virus unable to spread through James McCallion and Alan Baxter. 12.25 Gerhard Reinke’s Wanderlust The 2.20 Expo 4.30 Kenneth Copeland Microsoft Outlook. 3.30 Hell In The Pacifi c (M, cl) The attack on Amazon 5.00 Crefl o A Dollar 5.00 Life Today With James Robison Pearl Harbour 12.55 Close 5.30 Home Shopping 5.30 This Is Your Day With Benny Hinn

4.30 Movie: The Kidnappers (G, B&W, 1953) 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Totally Wild 6.00 Today Duncan Macrae, Jean Anderson, Theodore 6.15 FIFA Under-17 World Championships 9.00 Bambaloo 6.30 Aerobics Oz Style 9.00 Morning s With Kerri-Anne Bikel LIVE from Peru – Australia v Uruguay 9.30 Home Shopping 7.00 Toasted TV 11.00 Today Extra 6.00 Kid’s Programs 8.00 Weatherwatch 10.30 Morning News 8.30 In The Box 11.30 Guthy Renker 10.00 School Programs 8.30 Spanish News 11.00 Less Than Perfect 9.00 Good Morning Australia 12.00 Dr Phil 11.30 World 2000 9.20 Le Journal 11.30 My Wife And Kids 11.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 1.00 Days Of Our Lives 12.00 Midday Report 9.55 Russian News 12.00 Movie: Cruel Justice (M, v,a, 1999) A 11.30 Ten News 2.00 The Young And The Restless 12.30 Jame Oliver Happy Days Live! 10.30 Greek News Martinez, Mimi Kuzyk, Nicki Aycox, Steph- 12.00 Murder, She Wrote 3.00 Fresh Cooking 1.00 Cl assic Parkinson 11.30 Arabic News anie Mills 1.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.30 Hi-5 2.00 TLC (PG) 12.05 Indonesian News 2.00 Blue Heelers 2.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 4.00 Holly’s Heroes 2.30 A Place In France 12.30 Business Report 3.00 Home Improvement 3.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 4.30 Frasier 3.00 Kid’s Programs 1.00 Insight 3.30 Who Dares Wins 3.30 Infomercial 5.00 The Price Is Right 5.00 Roller Coaster 2.00 World News 4.00 Go Go Stop 4.00 Wicked Science 5.30 Temptation 6.00 Me ssage Stick (G*) 3.30 The Movie Show 4.30 News 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 6.00 Evening News 6.30 How the Quest Was Won 4.00 DAS Journal 5.00 M*A*S*H 5.00 Ten News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.00 ABC News 4.30 The Journal 6.00 Prime News 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 Survivor: Guatemala 7.30 Stateline 5.00 Newshour 6.30 Seven News 6.30 Neighbours 8.30 Movie: Executive Decision (M, v,cl, 8.00 Strictly Dancing 6.00 Global Village 7.00 Home And Away 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 1996) A team of commandos goes into 8.30 Unconditional Love (M, v,du) 6.30 World News Australia 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens 7.30 Charmed action when Islamic militants hijack a 9.20 Spooks (M, v,cl) 7.00 World Sport 8.30 Movie: Deuce Bigalow – Male Gigolo 8.30 Movie: My Best Friends Wedding plane. Starring Kurt Russell, Halle Berry, 10.15 The Memphis Trousers Half Hour 7.30 Lonely Planet Six Degrees: Mumbai (M, s,cl,n, 1999) While fi sh-sitting a guy (M, cl, 1997) Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, John Leguizamo, Steven Seagal, Oliver Platt FRIDAY 23 FRIDAY With Roy & HG 8.20 Hotline gets involved in a world where he fi nds Rupert Everett, Dermot Mulroney 11.15 Nightline 10.45 Lateline 8.30 Unit One Danish crime series love. Stars Rob Schneider, Oded Fehr, Arija 10.35 Late Night News 11.45 Movie: Fearless (PG, a,cl, 1993) A man 11.20 The Glass House (M, sr,a) 9.35 World News Australia Bareikis, William Forsythe, Eddie Griffi n 11.05 Sports Tonight fi nds his perspective on life shifts when he 11.50 Rage Simulcast on Triple J (M) 10.05 Sex ’N’ Pop (MA, s,cl,n,w) Hip Hop and 10.20 Movie: The Waterboy (M, cl, 1999) A 11.35 Blokesworld (MA15+) survives a plane crash. Stars Jeff Bridges, R&B boy’s only contact with the world is his 12.05 Cops Rosie Perez and Isabella Rossellini. Programs are correct at the time 11.10 Movie: The Nest (MA, v,a,cl, 2001) job for a very bad college football team. 12.30 The Up-Late Game Show (M) 2.05 Late Show With David Letterman of going to press but beware – French action Starring Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates, Henry 2.00 Infomercial 3.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? all stations like tinkering with 12.55 Movie: Ghost In Love (MA, v,h,a, 1999) Winkler, Fairuza Banlk and Jerry Reed. 4.00 Cottonwood Christian Centre 3.30 Gary The Rat things at the last minute. Korean drama 12.10 Fight School 4.30 Infomercial 4.00 Entertainment Tonight 2.30 Close 1.10 Home Shopping 5.00 More religion 4.30 Good Morning America ÀˆÃL>˜iÊÊÊÊÊ ÞÀœ˜Ê >ÞÊ Feel like a coldie? Ý«ÀiÃÃÊ Õà s42!6%,4)-%(/523/.,9 s-ODERNAIRCONDITIONEDBUSWITHSEATBELTS Middies from 18¢ BYRON s$ISCOUNT 3TUDENTS 9(!6)0CARDHOLDERS s#OOLANGATTADROP OFFSPICK UPS • Beer Kits • Wine Kits s.OEXTRACHARGEFORSURFBOARDS • Home Keg System Specialists $30 one way $36 Brisbane Airport • Stills (for essential oils) ÜÜÜ°LÀˆÃL>˜iÓLÞÀœ˜°Vœ“ Unit 2/8 Wollongbar St. Byron A&I Estate Ê œœŽˆ˜}ÃÊ ÃÃi˜Ìˆ>Ê* œ˜iÊ ÀˆÃL>˜iÊÓÊ ÞÀœ˜ Ph: 6685 7913. Email: [email protected] œœŽˆ˜}Ã\£nääÊÈÓÈÊÓÓÓ Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 19

6 ABC 41 SBS 7 PRIME 10 TEN 9 NBN 11.50 Rage continues 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 City Guys 6.00 Toasted TV 6.00 Danoz 11.10 Degrassi: The Next Generation 5.25 World News 6.30 Tractor Tom 6.10 Transformers Cybertron 6.30 Untold Wealth 11.35 Girls In Love 6.50 Weatherwatch 7.00 Saturday Disney 6.30 Toasted TV 7.00 Guthy Renker 12.00 Stateline 7.25 World News 9.00 Saturday Club 6.35 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 7.30 Kids Programs 12.30 Australian Story 8.30 Spanish News 10.00 Stanley 6.50 Toasted TV 10.00 So Fresh 1.00 Foreign Correspondent 9.20 Le Journal 10.30 Disney Adventures 6.55 Totally Wild 11.30 Fishing Australia 1.40 Egyptian Mysteries: Medinet Habu 10.00 Russian News 11.00 The Tribe: A New Tomorrow 7.25 Scooter: Secret Agent 12.00 Formula 1 Superboats Gold Coast – Ramesses II 10.30 Greek News 12.00 Movie: Titan A.E. (PG, v, 2000) The Titan 7.55 Toasted TV 12.30 Arrive Alive Cup 2.00 Masters Series Tennis Highlights 11.30 Arabic News is a spaceship that holds the secret to the 8.00 AFL 2005 Grand Final Breakfast LIVE 1.30 The Good Life 3.00 NSW Premier Rugby LIVE 12.05 Indonesian News salvation of the human race, in the year from the MCG 2.00 Movie: Clara’s Heart (PG, a,cl, 1988) 5.00 Bowls Australia v Wales 12.30 Business Report 3028 after man has conquered space a 10.00 AFL 2005 Grand Final Day LIVE from A Jamaican housekeeper’s inspiring infl u- 6.00 Go Wild! The British Isles 1.00 Masterpiece On Saturday vicious alien race destroyed Earth in an the MCG ence on a child who’s parents are getting 6.30 Gardening Australia Opera: Les Boreades instant. Animation with voices of Matt 2.30 AFL 2005 Grand Final Match LIVE from divorced. Starring Whoopi Goldberg, 7.00 ABC News 3.55 JS Bach – 48 Preludes and Fugues Damon, Bill Pullman, Drew Barrymore, John the MCG Michael Ontkean and Patrick Harris. 7.30 Midsomer Murders (PG) 4.15 Great Arias Leguizamo and Janeane Garofalo. 6.00 Ten News & Sports Tonight 4.00 The Alice 9.10 Hustle (PG) 4.30 The Journal 2.00 According To Jim 6.30 Monk (PG) 5.00 Get away 10.10 Living Famously: Oliver Reed 5.00 Newshour 2.30 Saturday Kitchen 7.30 Oprah Primetime 6.00 NBN News 11.05 The Forsyte Saga (PG) 6.00 Nest 4.30 The Great Outdoors 8.30 Movie: Gladiator (M, v,a, 2000) When 6.30 Australia’s Funniest Home Videos 12.15 Rage (M) Simulcast on Triple J 6.30 World News Australia 5.30 Sydney Weekender a Roman general is betrayed and his fam- 7.30 Rugby League LIVE – St George Illa- 7.00 World Sport 6.00 Seven News ily murdered by a corrupt prince, he goes warra Dragons v Wests Tigers [s] = Sex [dr] = Drug references 7.30 As It Happened: Kursk – A Submarine 6.30 Heartbeat to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge. 9.59 Lotto [a] = Adult themes [cl] = Coarse language In Troubled Waters Russian nuclear sub- 7.40 Movie: Sabrina Down Under (G, Starring Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, 10.00 Movie: Three Kings (M, cl,v,a,s, 1999) marine that sank in August 2000 1999) Sabrina goes to the Great Barrier Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed, Richard Harris US soldiers in Iraq are determined to steal SATURDAY 24 SATURDAY [n] = Nudity [sr] = Sexual references 8.30 Iron Chef Reef where she studies marine biology and Derek Jacobi. a cache of gold. Starring George Clooney, [d] = Drugs 9.15 In Siberia Tonight and boys. Starring Melissa Joan Hart, Tara 11.45 Joker Poker Mark Wahlberg, Ice Cube, Jamie Kennedy. [sv] = Supernatural [v] = Violence 10.00 Movie: My Wife Is An Actress (M, Charendoff, Scott Michaelson, Lindsay 12.45 Keen Eddie 12.25 Movie: My Forgotten Man (M, s,v, violence 2001) French comedy about being married Sloane, Nick Bakay and Peter O’Brien. 1.45 Video Hits Up-Late [*] = Could offend 1992) Errol Flynn’s story. Stars Guy Pearce. [mp] = Medical to a celebrity. 9.20 Inspector Morse (PG, v) 2.00 Infomercials 2.15 Late Show With David Letterman [h] = Horror procedures 11.35 SOS Shorts on screen 11.30 Stan The Man 4.00 Bayless Conley 3.15 The Offspring [du] = Drug use [w] = War scenes 12.35 Noise TV Music series 12.30 That 70s Show 4.30 Key Of David 3.30 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 2.10 Close 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Hour Of Power 4.00 Home Shopping 6.30 Kid’s Programs 6.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Religion 6.00 Mass For You At Home 6.00 Danoz 9.00 Insiders 6.30 Filipino News 7.00 B’daman 6.30 Meditation Medication 6.30 Guthy Renker 9.45 Inside Business 7.00 Hungarian News 8.00 Weekend Sunrise 7.00 Yakity Yak 7.00 Untold Wealth 10.15 7 Days 7.30 Italian News Weekly 9.00 Sportsworld LIVE 7.30 Totally Wild 7.30 Business Success 10.35 Asia Pacifi c Focus 8.00 Korean News 11.00 Wild TV 8.00 Bread 8.00 Business Sunday 11.00 Songs Of Praise 8.30 Latin American News 12.00 According To Jim 8.30 Meet The Press 9.00 Sunday 11.30 Compass 9.00 Maltese News 12.30 Beyond The Bermuda Triangle: The 9.00 State Focus 11.00 Movie: Everything That Rises (PG, a, 12.00 Landline 9.30 Polish News Devil’s Sea 9.30 Video Hits & Coke Live 1998) A family survives a tragedy. Starring 1.00 Gardening Australia 10.00 Ukrainian News 1.40 Movie: The Luck Of The Irish (G, 2001) 12.00 Superbike Championships From Dennis Quaid, Bruce McGill and Meat Loaf. 1.30 Message Stick 10.30 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Scot- Ryan Merriman, Henry Gibson, Alexis Queensland 1.00 Survivor: Guatemala 2.00 Sunday Afternoon Making Johnny land Lopez, Marita Geraghty, Glenndon Chat- 1.00 World Rally Championship From Great 2.00 Boots ’N’ All 3.00 Where The Stones Talk 11.00 2005 National Road Cycling Champ- man, Paul Kiernan, Timothy Omundson Britain 2.30 The Sunday Footy Show 3.30 Hey Rain ionships Queensland 3.30 Movie: A Knight In Camelot (G, 2000) 2.00 Trackside 3.30 Rugby League LIVE – v 4.35 Australians: Henry Lawson 12.00 Speedweek Whoopy Goldberg, Michael York, Amanda 3.30 RPM North Queensland Cowboys 4.30 Jorg Schmeisser Etchings 2.00 UEFA Champions League Donohoe, Ian Richardson 5.00 Ten News 6.00 Evening News 5.00 Nicholas Winton (G*) Britains Schindler 4.00 The World Game 5.30 How Clean Is Your House? 5.30 Sports Tonight 6.30 Backyard Blitz 6.00 At The Movies 6.00 Thalassa 6.00 Seven News 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 60 Minutes 6.30 The Einstein Factor 6.30 World News Australia 6.30 Movie: Spy Kids 2 – The Island Of 6.30 Australian’s Brainiest Kid The nation’s 8.30 50 Years 50 Shows (M) 7.00 ABC News 7.00 World Sport Lost Dreams (PG, 2002) Antonio Ban- brightest 11 and 12 year olds battle 10.40 50 Years Of TV – Great Moments (PG) 7.30 Search For The Northwest Passage 7.30 Lost Worlds: Ancient Discoveries deras, Carla Gugino, Alexa Vega, Daryl through rounds of general knowledge 11.50 Movie: Overnight Delivery (M, v,cl,sr, 8.30 New Tricks (PG) Ancient ships Sabara, Mike Judge, Ricardo Montalban questions and mind teasers 1998) A man suspects his girlfriend of

SUNDAY 25 SUNDAY 9.20 Bodily Harm (M, a,s,cl) 8.30 Light Fantastic The light of reason – the 8.35 Movie: Just Married (PG, s,cl, 2003) 7.30 Australian Idol being unfaithful, but then fi nds out he 10.30 Compass: The Price Of Peace (M, a) link between the development of tools that Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy, Christian 9.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (M) was wrong and tries to stop the delivery 11.05 Canberra Symphony Orchestra manipulate light and the emergence of Kane, David Moscow, Monet Mazur Double episode of a breakup letter he wrote. Starring Paul Concerts new ideas 10.40 Movie: The Transporter (M, 2002) Jason 11.00 Late Night News Rudd, Christine Taylor, Reese Witherspoon, 12.15 Movie: Caravan (PG, B&W, 1946) 9.30 Movie: The Experiment (MA, v,cl,a, Statham, Qi Shu, Shu Qi, Matt Schulze, 11.30 Sports Tonight Sarah Silverman and Buffy Sedlachek. Stewart Granger, Jean Kent, Anne 2000) German drama Francois Berleand 12.00 Moto GP Malaysia 1.30 Movie: Loot (M, a, 1970) Two friends pull Crawford, Robert Helpmann 11.30 Movie: Miss Julie (M, s,a, B&W, 1951) 12.40 Life With Bonnie 2.45 2005 Formula One Grand Prix LIVE off a bank robbery. Starring Richard Atten- 2.15 Movie: Blood Relatives (MA, s,v, 1987) Swedish drama 1.10 Home Shopping from Brazil borough, Lee Remick and Hywel Bennett. Donald Sutherland 1.00 The Storm Rages Twice 5.00 Religion 5.00 Infomercial 3.30 Guthy Renker Australia 3.55 Songs Of Praise 1.50 Close 5.30 Home Shopping 5.30 This Is Your Day With Benny Hinn 5.00 20/20

4.30 Movie: Evensong (G, B&W, 1934) Evelyn 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Totally Wild 6.00 Today Laye, Emlyn Williams, Fritz Kortner, Carl 5.25 Japanese News 9.00 Bambaloo 6.30 Aerobics Oz Style 9.00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne Esmond, Alice Delysia 6.00 Weatherwatch 9.30 Tabaluga 7.00 Toasted TV 11.00 Today Extra 6.00 Kid’s Programs 6.20 Mandarin News 10.00 Short Cuts 8.30 In The Box 11.30 Danoz 10.00 School Programs 6.50 Weatherwatch 10.30 Morning News 9.00 Good Morning Australia 12.00 Dr Phil 10.30 Creature Features 7.25 World News 11.00 Home Shopping 11.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 1.00 Days Of Our Lives 11.00 Landline 9.20 Le Journal 12.00 Movie: Daydream Believers – The 11.30 Ten News 2.00 The Young And The Restless 12.00 Midday Report 9.55 Russian News Monkees’ Story (PG, du, 2000) America’s 12.00 Australian Idol 3.00 Fresh Cooking I didn’t fi ght my way to 12.30 Something In The Air 10.30 Greek News answer to the Beatles on mid-1960s TV. 1.30 Ready Steady Cook the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian. 1.00 Pilot Guides 11.30 Arabic News Starring George Stanchev, LB Fisher and 2.30 Oprah Winfrey Show 3.30 New MacDonald’s Farm 2.00 The Bill 12.05 Indonesian News Wallace Langham. 3.30 Infomercial 4.00 Hot Source 3.00 Kid’s Programs 12.30 Polish News 2.00 Beastmaster 4.00 Scope 4.30 Fr asier 5.00 Roller Coaster 1.00 Dateline 3.00 King Of The Hill 4.30 The Bold & The Beautiful 5.00 The Price Is Right 6.00 Doctor Who 2.00 Insight 3.30 Who Dares Wins 5.00 Ten News 5.30 Temptation 6.30 T alking Heads Tricia Caswell 3.00 Wine Lovers Guide To Australia 4.00 Go Go Stop 6.00 The Simpsons 6.00 Evening News 7.00 ABC News 3.30 The Movie Show 4.30 News 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The 7.30 Report 4.00 World Sport 5.00 M*A*S*H 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The Alice (PG) 8.00 Australian Story 4.30 The Journal 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 7.30 Australian Idol 8.30 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 8.30 Four Corners 5.00 Class 6.00 Prime News 8.30 Numb3rs (M) 8.40 Lotto 9.15 Media Watch 6.00 Global Village 6.30 Seven News 9.30 The Biggest Loser (PG) 9.30 Cold Case (M, v,a) 9.30 James Dean: Sense Memories (M, cl) 6.30 World News Australia 7.00 Home And Away 11.00 Late Night News 10.30 Real Crime 10.25 Lateline 7.00 World Sport 7.30 The Great Outdoors Island hopping, 11.30 Sports Tonight 11.30 Nightline MONDAY 26 MONDAY 11.05 China: Revenge Of The River Gods 7.30 Mythbusters Victoria’s tulips, Wiggles World, shopping 12.00 Champ Car World Series Las Vegas 12.00 Da Vinci’s Inquest (M) 1998 8.30 South Park (M, s,a) heaven, Turkey’s moonscape 2.00 Infomercial 1.00 Water Rats (M) 12.00 Night And Day (PG) 9.00 Drawn Together (M, s,a,w) 8.30 Grey’s Anatomy (M) 4.00 Enjoying Everyday Life With Joyce 2.00 Wanda At Large 12.25 Taggart (M, v,a) 9.30 World News Australia 9.30 24 (M) Meyer 2.30 Like Family 2.05 Movie: The Whip Hand (PG, B&W, 1951) 10.00 Queer As Folk (MA, s,cl,n) 10.30 JAG (M) 4.30 Kenneth Copeland 3.00 Guthy Renker A reporter stumbles into a town where all 10.50 Movie: Bulgarian Lovers (2002) 11.30 The Simple Life 3 5.00 Life Today With James Robison 4.00 Entertainment Tonight the local fi sh are dead. Stars Carla Balenda, Spanish comedy 12.00 Regular Joe 5.30 This Is Your Day With Benny Hinn 4.30 Good Morning America Elliot Reid, Edgar Barrier, Raymond Burr 12.35 The Nanny 12.30 Home Shopping Israel Offers Palestinians Virtual State 3.25 Bowls Australia v Wales – Men 1.05 Close 5.00 Religion 5.30 Home Shopping for $49.95/Mo.

4.30 Movie: The Huggetts Abroad (G, B&W, 5.00 Weatherwatch 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 Totally Wild 6.00 Today 1949) Jack Warner, Kathleen Harrison, Susan 5.25 World News 9.00 Bambaloo 6.30 Aerobics Oz Style 9.00 Morning s With Kerri-Anne Shaw, Petula Clark 6.50 Weatherwatch 9.30 Tabaluga 7.00 Toasted TV 11.00 Danoz 6.00 Kid’s Programs 7.25 World News 10.00 Short Cuts 8.30 In The Box 11.30 Icon 10.00 School Programs 9.20 Le Journal 10.30 Morning News 9.00 Good Morning Australia 12.00 Dr Phil 11.35 Mentors 9.55 Russian News 11.00 Home Shopping 11.00 TTN 1.00 Days Of Our Lives 12.00 Midday Report 10.30 Greek News 12.00 Movie: Two-Bits & Pepper (PG, v, 1995) 11.30 Ten News 2.00 The Young And The Restless 12.30 Something In The Air 11.30 Arabic News Two best friends stuggle to grow up in 12.00 Murder, She Wrote 3.00 Fresh Cooking 1.00 The New Inventors 12.05 Indonesian News the eyes of their parents. Starring Lauren 1.00 Ready Steady Cook 3.30 New MacDonald’s Farm 1.30 The Einstein Factor 12.30 Business Report Eckstrom, Rachel Crane, Perry Stephens, 2.00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 4.00 Hot Source 2.00 The Bill 1.00 Movie: Confessions Of A Nazi Spy (G, Kathrin Lautner, Matthew Bartilson and 3.00 Huey’s Cooking Adventures 4.30 Fr asier 3.00 Kid’s Programs B&W, 1939) US drama Dennis Weaver. 3.30 Infomercial 5.00 The Price Is Right 5.00 Roller Coaster 3.00 Food Lovers Guide To Australia 2.00 Beastmaster 4.00 Totally Wild 5.30 Temptation 6.00 Doctor Who 3.30 Always A Visitor 3.00 King Of The Hill 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 6.00 Evening News 6.30 Second Opinion 4.00 World Sport 3.30 Who Dares Wins 5.00 Ten News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.00 ABC News 4.30 The Journal 4.00 Go Go Stop 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 Frasier 7.30 The 7.30 Report 5.00 Newshour 4.30 News 6.30 Neighbours 8.30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (M) 8.00 The Hit Game 6.00 Global Village 5.00 M*A*S*H 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.30 CSI: NY (M) 8.30 The Bill (M, v) 6.30 World News Australia 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 7.30 The Simpsons 10.30 The New Detectives (PG) 9.20 Foreign Correspondent 7.00 World Sport 6.00 Prime News 8.30 Brainiac 11.30 Nightline 10.05 Vulture 7.30 Insight 6.30 Seven News 9.30 Rove Live (M, cl,a) 12.00 The Associates 10.35 Lateline 8.30 Cutting Edge: Private Warriors Private 7.00 Home And Away 10.45 Late News 1.00 Late Show With David Letterman TUESDAY 27 TUESDAY 11.10 Live At The Basement Bakelite Radio contractors servicing the US military in 7.30 Dancing With The Stars 11.15 Sports Tonight 2.00 Stingers 12.05 Night And Day Kuwait, Iraq and Washington 9.20 All Saints (M, a,v) 11.45 Coupling (M) 3.00 Guthy Renker 12.30 The Battleships (G) 9.30 World News Australia 10.20 Last Man Standing (M) 12.15 The Up-Late Game Show (M) 4.00 Entertainment Tonight 1.25 Movie: The Great Gildersleeve (G, 10.00 Hot Docs: Pornography The Musical 11.20 Arrested Development 1.45 Video Hits Up-Late 4.30 Good Morning America B&W, 1942) Harold Peary, Jane Darwell (MA, s,n,a) 11.50 Lost At Home 2.00 Infomercial As soon as I heard that Nelly added 2.25 Movie: Gildersleeve’s Ghost (G, B&W, 10.55 The Deadlys 2005 Highlights 12.20 Home Shopping 4.00 Enjoying Everyday Life support to Record Companies against fi le 1944) Harold Peary, Marion Martin 11.55 Movie: Me And My White Man (M, 2.00 Expo 4.30 Kenneth Copeland sharing I immediatley downloaded him but 3.30 Movie: The Hideout (PG, B&W, 1956) c,l,s, 2000) Burkina Fasian drama 5.00 Crefl o A Dollar 5.00 Life Today With James Robison then realised he sucks. Dermot Walsh, Rona Anderson 1.30 Close 5.30 Home Shopping 5.30 This Is Your Day With Benny Hinn

Shop 13/14 North Woolies Plaza Jonson St, Byron Bay tel. 6685 7699 -i˜Ã>̈œ˜>Ê-i«Ìi“LiÀÊ-«iVˆ> This is what we call `Àˆ>˜>Ê >ÃÊܓiÊÃiÀˆœÕÏÞÊ UÊ- >“«œœ UÊ œ˜`ˆÌˆœ˜ˆ˜}Ê/Ài>̓i˜Ì choice – 15,000 titles ÃiÝÞʓœÛiÃÊ̜Êà >ÀiÊÜˆÌ ÊޜÕt UÊ£äʓˆ˜ÕÌiÊ i>`ʓ>ÃÃ>}i nÊÜiiŽÊVœÕÀÃiÊLi}ˆ˜ÃÊ UÊ>ˆÀVÕÌ on DVD and video -i«Ìi“LiÀÊÓÈ * œ˜iÊÈÈnxÊ{{Èx £É£Ê >˜ŽÃˆ>Ê ÀˆÛiÊ ÞÀœ˜Ê³Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÊÈÈnxÊn{xx 20 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Articles School street fundraiser Postcards exhibition night judged a success On Saturday September 24 by the story of Gemma Sisia the Upper Coopers Creek and her desire to make a dif- Organisers say the opening Public School Student Rep- ference, which aired on ABC night and announcement of resentative Council will be TV’s Australian Story awards for the postcards holding a street stall at Mul- recently. Their principal Mrs exhibition at Piece Gallery lumbimby to raise funds to Reina assisted their quest on Friday September 9 was sponsor the education of a with a donation of $50. The a huge success with a large Tanzanian student at St students need to raise $550. crowd all vying to view more Judes. Please support them in this than 200 entries. The students were inspired worthy cause. It was opened by Byron Shire Councillor Peter West- heimer and the judge Broken Head Quarry Earthworks Michael Cusack. Awards were given in the following We can do anything and everything. categories: Our mini excavator even has a grab for rock walls Primary: 1st, Isadora Wal- HHouseouse ssites,ites, ffarmarm rroads,oads, ters, HC, Sharni Weber, C, Isabella Codognetto-Parry. aallll excavations.excavations. Secondary: 1st, Rosalie Proud to support Healey, HC, Letishia Cole, the Pink Ladies C, Audrey Mayne. and the Friends Digital: 1st, Elizabeth Wal- of the Library. ton. HC, Clare Nicholson. Call for a Photography: 1st, Sara free quote 00418418 666666 546546 Crowe, HC, John McCor- Piece Gallery artists Robyn Sweaney and Sue Davidson with some of the postcards. mick. Drawing: 1st, Lei Lei Joy, Printmaking: 1st, Zani Valley Land Care Award: The exhibition continues HC, Belinda Charlton. McEnnally, HC, Melissa Katka Adams. till Monday October 3 at 105 Painting: 1st, Emma Main. Echo Open Award: Kylie Stuart Street, Mullumbimby, Walker, HC, Clare Nichol- Mixed Media: 1st, Kirs- Stoddart, Open HC, John Opening hours Monday-Fri- son. ten Ingemar, HC, Bella Walters, C, Luka Wild. day 11am-4pm, Market Sat- 3D: 1st, Vanessa Wallace, Insch. c.a.s.e. Encouragement urday 10am-2pm. Phone HC, Bella Insch. Environmental/ Brunswick Award: Liam Veselis 6684 3446. Crystal Castle takes tourism award fi ve years running The Crystal Castle has once This year the Regional ried out, including the new tle has drawn locals and trav- again taken out the top Award criteria were brought playground, garden improve- ellers from all over Australia regional tourism award. At into line with the far more ments and statues, Wearable and the world for almost two the Northern Rivers Tourism demanding criteria for the Arts Gallery, new Buddha decades. Award Ceremony, the Castle State Awards. Issues included Belly Café, preparations made ‘The Crystal Castle refl ects was announced winner of new developments and inno- for future weddings and cere- the inspiring and alternative Best Regional Tourist Attrac- vations carried out through- monies, as well as additions to culture and natural beauty of tion for the fi fth year in a out the past 12 months, busi- the major crystal collection. the Northern Rivers Reg ion.’ row. The Crystal Castle has ness and marketing plans, Judges were also impressed Owner and creator of the also been announced as a customer service, risk man- by plans laid for future works Crystal Castle, Naren King, finalist in the NSW State agement, environmental sus- which are apparently unique pictured below, said, ‘Thank Tourism Awards. tainability, cultural and social in the world, and still being you to all the locals who have responsibility, and involve- kept under wraps. supported us for so many ment in the tourism industry. The judges commented on years. The Castle scored highly in the award night: ‘Nestled on ‘This award is a tribute to each section, and judges were a 25 hectare property, in the our amazing team and we particularly impressed with hinterland surrounding will continue to develop an the range of innovations car- Byron Bay, the Crystal Cas- incredible experience here.’

Jewish community celebrates high holy days Rainbow Kehilah, the Northern Rivers Jew- on Wednesday October 12. It is a day of fast- ish Community organisation, is gathering in ing and prayer. Byron Shire for the High Holy Days of Rosh Services will be held for Rosh Hashanah Hashanah and Yom Kippur. and Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, There will also be a communal feast for begins on Monday October 3 at sunset. Rosh Hashanah and for the break fast after Rosh Hashanah also marks the beginning Yom Kippur. of the Hebrew year 5766. Rainbow Kehilah invites people to par- Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, ticipate. Phone Sue 6685 4440 or Julie 6684 begins with the Kol Nidre service at sunset 4166 for more information. SEPTEMBER 20 – SSEPTEMBEREPTEMBER 2277

BYRON SHIRE ECHO • WWW.ECHO.NET.AU ALL YOUR COASTAL ENTERTAINMENT © 2005 Echo Publications P/L Ph • 02 6684 1777 Fax • 02 6684 1719 Email • [email protected] Editor • Mandy Nolan [email protected] Dance • [email protected] 2018


Everyone Loves Pete Murray. The guy could ‘This album lets you hear a bit more of what have his own show. A few years back Mr Mur- we’re like live. Feeler was a bit different live, ray sauntered into the room, quietly strummed and that was because it wasn’t exactly what a ballad and audiences all around the country I wanted. The live sets are really so dynamic, FForor PPete’sete’s SakeSake resonated with his laid back charm. There which is ironic, because in the industry I am probably isn’t a man alive who didn’t salute the still really seen as a balladeer, and that’s usually sweet sting of his bitterly earnest love ballad because they haven’t seen me play. I still think ‘So Beautiful’. It’s one of the most melancholy that Feeler was a very safe mix. When I fi rst and evocative ‘f**k you’ songs to date. Pete came out I was compared to Jack Johnson Murray has rode in on the roots wave, that and I think that’s the feel they were going for started with internationals like Ben Harper and on the album – very mellow.’ Jack Johnson, but then also picked up acts like Murray. There’s nothing affected about Murray, Having been given more creative freedom this who just recently located from Melbourne to a time to give his album the production values country home on the North Coast, a move that that he wants, Murray is keen to get the ‘See he fully endorses. the Sun’ out there.

‘It’s so nice here. What I like is that everyone ‘One thing I’ll say about the new album is that gives a shit. It’s so friendly, when I’m driving there are a lot more positive songs, although I’m always waving... I’m going to end up with there’s still that intimacy there.’ one really massive shoulder!’ Anyone that’s seen Murray live will have mar- Murray’s debut success with Feeler was ex- veled at the tight on stage relationships of his traordinary, and in a few short years he found fellow musicians, but still mused ‘who were himself on the bill of nearly every major festival the band?’ in the country. A second album after the gen- ius fi rst child can be trying. One can only ask the question? Will I love it as much? Will they ‘It’s so nice here... when I’m love it as much? driving I’m always waving’ For Murray, the Release of ‘See the Sun’ is a relief, although he admits to avoiding second Murray answers the question by unveiling ‘The album stress by starting on it 18 months ago. Stonemasons’, a previously secret society, now very much in the open. ‘I didn’t feel the pressure then. So I think I got the songs to the level I wanted. I worked with ‘I just wanted to give them an identity. We’ve Eric Sarafi n as producer, he’s not that well got this shit hot bass player, Jonathon Zion known as a producer, he’s more well known from Melbourne, it’s a really positive feel – no as an engineer and mixer. He’s worked with ones ever said they weren’t getting enough Michael Franti and Ben Harper and I trusted attention – but now they’re the StoneMasons’. that he obviously was going to be pretty good and that he was going to ensure that it As well as welcoming his band into the lime- sounded great... When it comes to the songs, light, Murray reminisces about his time touring I really just try and please myself. It would be solo through the UK when his young son Char- a mistake to just try and please fans and give lie fi rst recognised his Dad on stage. them the same album.’ ‘Amanda my partner was at this gig with little The fi rst time I saw Murray live was at the Charlie, he was cheering and clapping, and Bluesfest. I was suprised at how different his when it was a really quiet part of the song he live show was from the album. The songs still just yelled out right at the appropriate moment. had their same intensity, but the arrangements He was so excited to see me up on stage!’ were a lot rockier, and the whole feel a lot more energetic than I would have predicted. And so will you be. He performs Tuesday Sep- This live sound was something Pete wanted to tember 20 with The Stonemasons at the Hotel take home on his second album. Great Northern.

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b{„„ Ž^{wz¤~w‚|wx{Š{{„Š~{†‹x<Š~{‚w{¤LLNMLHGF 2 September 20 • 2005

Bowls & Sports Club

3TEWART3TREET ,ENNOX(EAD0HONE&AX 4()37%%+ .%847%%+ John Howard, the real Dr Evil! &RIDAYRDPM &RIDAYTHPM  ,9Ê /Ê * 1 -  /" Years ago Aldous Huxley wrote ‘Brave Evil’s plan was in motion. With a bounce New World’ – a depiction of faceless and a back fl ip, he managed to gag 3ATURDAYTHPM 3UNDAYSPM future. Thanks to John Howard, we are debate and swing through a Telstra sale. soon to be living our very own Aussie The power of a loaded Senate must be

*- , Ê science fi ction horror: ‘Cowardly Old exhilarating. Suddenly with control of 1950’s values he’ll frighten off the rest , World’, a story which sees a progres- the upper and lower house, Howard, or by endorsing sexual harassment in the PRIZESTOBEWON sive and affl uent country regress to how he should now be known, Dr Evil, workplace. CEO’s will be encouraged to  "8Ê 40,  pre industrial standards. In Howard’s has the mandate for mayhem. Telstra’s goose the secretary, make lewd remarks 7 Ê discourse, the upperworlders, or Wells’ just a test run for how the little baby to the canteen ladies and distribute pho-

HAND Ê-Ê, Ê /,9 Eloi are the corporate cowboys who is gonna work, the good Dr is lining up f££ääONBEFORE tocopies of their hairy balls around the )FNOTW  40,n )NFORMATIONFORMEMBERSANDGUESTS fl ourish in the new order, with the unfor- Industrial Relations and about to sell offi ce. Has the current obsession with tunate morlocks, or underworlders (be- our hard fought employment conditions petrol prices just been a smokescreen ing workers, farmers, and those sullied down the river. The next bouncing bill so Dr Evil can work his magic? Where’s few who don’t happen to captain their to breach the senate may well see the our public health system? Access to own corporation) doomed to a lifetime end of 4 weeks holiday pay, sick pay, Tertiary Education? Public Transport? No of drudgery. John Howard is truly Dr maternity leave, equal employment op- support for the Disabled. Single Mums Evil with his egoistic mini-me bouncing portunity, long service leave. (Thank god back to work. Children in detention. in his baby sling. Peter Costello is his most of us around here don’t work for What’s next? They’ve already privatised number 2 (wait for the big drop Pete, award rates, we’ve got nothing to lose!) job agencies: are we going to sell those the splash is gonna bring you down, but Shit, why not bring back slavery, not off as well and fl oat the unemployed? " 9ÊqÊ, 9Ê John will be cryogenically frozen and in only would you get to reduce your bot- Great way to reduce your unemploy- 1  - orbit by then, waiting to be re-animated tom line, you’d get to spank it as well. ment fi gures. Drown ‘em. So how did in a future past). He may be too impo- We’ve all known that Johnny has been the Smart country end up with such a "UYABURGERMEAL tent a leader to manage world domina- trying to shoo working Mums back to dumb leader? Only one answer: Greed. tion, so it would seem he’s settling for the kitchen, and with his sparkling new Dr Evil must be stopped! Help! Heroes ANDRECEIVEA a bit of social sabotage. Yesterday Dr enterprise and the re-emergence of Urgently required! &2%%BASICBEER WINEORSOFTDRINK " 9 "UYMAINMEALS Michelle Shocked is a big ‘In 1992 I got into severe like you would in a bilingual having a fashion show that RECEIVEABOTTLEOF personality singer. She’s a wranglings with my record society. America has a real features a Birker made from REDORWHITE&2%% hardcore female troubadour company. Suffi ce to say, I knee jerk attitude to that.’ an American Flag. It inspires with a penchant for folk came out on top and I lost a strong feeling... Code Pink blues. But may I also add that lot of time. In 1996 I was fi nal- So how does Michelle is the new women’s peace /1 - 9 she is absolutely and utterly ly free. There was an album, Shocked voice her politics movement.’ charming to talk to. Michelle Kind Hearted Woman that these days? +IDSEAT&2%%UPTOYEARS loves to chat about her music came out on BMG, in 2002, and her life, but what drives but that folded. So I released ‘I’ve been running around Michelle Shocked, Ms Shocked the most is her my fi rst album on my own with a group of women over singing about the 7 - 9 passion for politics and her label, called Deep Natural.’ here called “Code Pink”. personal, but using her commitment to action. She’s We fl ew a 26 foot Pink Slip profi le for the political. 0ASTA.IGHT a wonderfully mouthy mama, So how does such a mouthy above the White House. who thrives in subculture, woman survive such silent We were giving Bush a Truly inspirational! She located on the edge of the times? pink slip – which is what performs at the Hotel /1,- 9 cyst that is mainstream. you get here when you are Great Northern on ‘I have been somewhat fi red. And tomorrow, we are Saturday. 0IANOBARNIGHT Ms Shocked has just released marginalised by my politics. nPM three albums at once. It’s There’s a format here that almost the IVF of record seems to catch most of the launches. The threesome category of the too left of includes ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ centre and that’s been a lot of , 9 ‘Mexican Standoff’ and ‘Got my support. There’s defi nitely +IDSSOFTDRINKS&2%% No Strings’. Each work within a very strong culture here a particular stylistic concept where artists are told to shut and chronicle a tumultuous up and sing – but I think it’s "// -"*Ê time in life, including her nice to be able to use the recent divorce. packaging for something 4OOHEYS%XTRA 8888'OLD ‘I don’t like listening to those good... Art serves politics. Not $RY3TUBBIES 3TUBBIES bitter acrimonious blame in the typical way a protest f££™™ fΣ™™ game records. but I think we singer might approach it, but 0!#+ #!24/. all have one divorce album in the way a pop singer might us! I used a lot of story telling approach it using the audi- 4OOHEYS.EW (AHN0REMIUM and metaphor on the album, I ence.’ 3TUBBIES ,IGHT3TUBBIES didn’t need to keep scratching the wound.’ So how does one write and fÎΙ™ fÓ{™™ record three albums? Is song- #!24/. #!24/. As for the release of three writing a spiritual act? albums at once she remarks: ‘It’s ungainly, perhaps even ‘It very much is a spiritual act, / ,/ / foolhardy. But it was more a and ever creative process has victory for creative freedom, that moment of closer, of that because thematically the ‘where does it come from?’ , 9ÊÓÎ three projects interweave.’ But I think the most revealing answer about my song writ- It seemed that in the early ing is that it comes in cycles "1/‡, "1- nineties, Michelle Shocked and that it is all based on a was at her creative peak. But concept. The Latin material -/1, 9ÊÓ{ as suddenly as she came, she came from a concept when I went away. I assumed that realised one day that I know she’d just up and got the shits more Spanish than I thought , Ê "1- and found a new calling. But I did. I didn’t study it. But I for Michelle, it was a decade think coming from Texas and Michelle Shocked at the Great Northern, Saturday of confl ict. living in LA, I just picked it up 3 September 20 • 2005

iiMOTHER RUCKER conviction, emotion and break- She’s a mother of three, downs of hardcore. They have and an inspiration to us all. just released their fi rst album, Ursula Rucker has been ‘Killing with a Smile’ (more described as the ‘Velvet Byronic version, is Killing with Hammer’ – the quiet voice a Hug, about a 3 hour grip with who rallies for peace. She is a bloke wearing too much currently touring the country Patchouli). The album has a with Amnesty International massive sound that sees them *,", Ê headlining their anti-violence transcend the obvious clichéd performances and is in Byron labels. Parkway Drive play the for one very special show. Byron Youth Centre on -1 --" -Ê There’s something of the beat Thursday. poet in Ursula, who weaves her words with music in such iiGUITAR GENIUS 7 / an unique way that her voice IN TRIPLICATE Ursula Rucker at the Great Northern, Thursday "AY&-ISANINDEPENDENT COMMUNITY becomes another instru- For the fi rst time together RESPONSIVERADIOSTATIONWHICHOFFERSAN ment, strutting, stumbling and in concert, three virtuoso cavorting through the winding greats of modern guitar will Centre. Tix available at the iiTHE LION THE OPPORTUNITYFORQUALIlEDPRESENTERSINTHE streets of sound. She’s glove perform a string of spellbind- box offi ce. WITCH AND THE "YRON3HIRECOMMUNITYTOPARTICIPATEINTHE trotted with innovators like ing performances across the REGGAE BAND PROGRAMMING!SSUCH "AY&-NOWINVITES country. US guitar legend 4 Hero and The Silent Poets iiCOMPLETELY Fresh from their recent Mel- PROGRAMSUBMISSIONSFROMEXISTING RETURNING and scored the coveted album Ralph Towner, the extraor- UNIN-HIBBITED bourne tour Raz Bin Sam ending slot on The Roots fi rst dinary Austrian innovator Russell Hibbs has kept and the Lion I band play roots ANDNEWPRESENTERSFORTHE.OVEMBER !PRIL three studio LP’s. Drawing on Wolfgang Muthspiel and a low profi le over the past reggae ragga music for the SEASON3UBMISSIONSWILLBEJUDGEDONTHE infl uences from prestigious Australian wunderkind Slava few years, but this week the people. Reality lyrics and dub EXPERIENCEANDQUALITYOFTHEPRESENTERSAND Grigoryan,will perform solo, Mullumbimby Folk Club has Black Arts Movement activist styles meet the hardest local THEPROGRAMCONTEXTWITHIN"AY&-SOVERALL poet and icon Sonia Sanchez duo and trio sets for audiences a very special treat in store, reggae band Byron has seen to Frida Kahlo, Zora Neale with pre-composed material, with Russell gracing the for a long time so come and SCHEDULE7EWELCOMEALLSUBMISSIONS Hurston and even Prince, the spontaneous composition and stage with his sonic salad see what all the fuss is about INCLUDINGQUALITYCOMEDY JOURNALISMAND University Journalism gradu- improvised mastery. Not since of homegrown songs and at the Buddha Bar Reggae the ‘Great Guitars’ Australian SPORTSCONTENT ate balances motherhood, toe tapping tunes, evocative Club on Thursday at 7pm. tour with Slava Grigoryan, Leo activism and artistry with verse and melodic grooves, Kottke and Paco Pena have -1 --" -Ê "- Ê aplomb. With her quest to healing drones and harmonic THE SOUND we seen such a signifi cant ii rouse people from the dismal overtones, fun, laughter, OF SUMMER , 9ÊÇÌ Ê" /" ,ÊJÊx«“ line up of guitar wizardry depths of the matrix and dish spirit, nature and tales of the Michael Franti says ‘Everyone and expertise. These players 0ROGRAMFEESARETOBEPAIDWITHSUBMISSIONS verse on subjects that society ancient future. With special deserves music’. Too right. are all classically trained and often keeps in the closet, she guest Nyck Jeanes, April, Summersong Music Camp .EWPRESENTERSSHOULDINCLUDEADEMOTAPE inspired,but each guitarist keeps it simple: ‘I am driven to Tarshito, Dr Didge and takes it one step further and OR#$ANDWILLBEREQUIREDTOATTENDASHORT has a distinctive approach to Darpan, this will be a very asserts ‘Everyone deserves to deal with the real.’ Her words composition and performance. INTERVIEW0ROGRAMSUBMISSIONFORMSARE special and magical evening. make music.’ To that sublime are power, this is one hell With varying geographic and Local original songwriters are goal, Alison Pearl Presents the AVAILABLEFROM"AY&-IN"UTLER3TDURING of a woman. Hotel Great musical backgrounds, Grigo- encouraged to come along 7th annual Summersong OFlCEHOURS Northern on Thursday. ryan, Towner and Muthspiel and put their name on the Music Camp, Jan 22nd- are all intent on expanding chalkboard for their shot at 28th, 2006 at Lake Ainsworth, iiAN UNEXPECTED the classical guitar oeuvre,and  a coveted spot. Thursday, Lennox Head, NSW. This DRIVE have led vividly different forays 8pm at the Old Drill Hall residential music holiday camp WWWBAYFMORG Think of Byron and no doubt into world,jazz,fusion,folk and in Mullumbimby. caters for aspiring to profes- you’ll conjure up whale pods, modern classical music.Their sional musicians who want with cute little dolphins dart- solo sets are certain to mes- to perform, create and learn ing through the waves. Then merise Australian audiences. iiDREAM OM music in a beautiful seaside there’s the hippy hugs and Their sets performing together Come and celebrate the and lakeside setting with other sandalwood g strings, the for the fi rst time are des- Spring Equinox in meditative like-minded folks from around obligatory prayer fl ags, the no tined to be an experience as bliss with Celestial Dream- the globe. The faculty includes shoe house, the reiki healing. astounding as they are unique. ing, a collaboration of musi- Kristina Olsen, Tony Back- But wait folks, there’s more. Always looking to expand his cians and sound healers from house, Richard Lawton, Rus- Scratch beneath the surface own boundaries, the concept the Byron Shire whose music sell Guy, Matt Hill, Polly Chris- and you’ll fi nd a burgeon- for this tour came about when offers the depth and richness tie, Kathryn Riding, Danielle ing hardcore scene a million Slava instigated a duo Austral- from many cultures, ancient (OTEL'REAT.ORTHERN Davis, and Kerry Rose. There miles removed from the earth ian tour with one of his guitar and modern. Celestial Dream- are classes in Songwriting (2 0REMIER%NTERTAINMENT6ENUE acoustic music the area is heroes, Ralph Towner. But ing features a wonderful levels), A Cappella (gospel and better known for. On a stretch when an inspired Grigoryan combination of acoustic instru- mixed repertoire), Guitar, Ar- of road called Parkway Drive witnessed Wolfgang Muth- ments, including crystal bowls, ranging Your Songs, Didjiridoo, 7ED -!#().%42!.3,!4)/.3 there has been something spiel live on tour, two quickly Celtic harp, Indian ragas ac- companied by tanpura, Navajo Vocal Technique, Performance (/,,94(2/3"90- special bubbling away, known became three – not surprising- Skills, Improvisation, Song to the immediate Ewingsdale ly it turned out Muthspiel has fl ute, concert fl ute and energy chimes. Experience Celestial Circles, Percussion, Body- neighbors and a host of chick- also revered Towner’s playing work/Breathwork, Yoga, and 4HURS 5235,!25#+%2 ens who drop dead at every all his life. Experience three Dreaming at Ambaji, 6 Mar- vel St, Byron on Wednes- more. There’s ample time for 0- band practise. Parkway of the greatest string players performing, jamming, rehears- day at 7:30pm. Please bring Drive blend intricate riffs and in the world – Monday at ing, collaborating, celebrating, &RI melodies of metal with the the Byron Community a blanket and cushion. "/-"! and feedback and enjoying 0- the perfect summer beach-

side and lakeside environs. Partial Youth Scholarships are 3AT -)#(%,,%3(/#+%$ available, for full details and 0- registration please visit www. summersongmusiccamp. 3UN -!')#$)24 com or contact Alison Pearl apearl@mullum. 0- 02 66 845 570 -ON #()2/.2%$ iiSUBSCRIBE 0- OR YOUR BALLS MIGHT DROP OFF 4UES That could be a pretty catchy (!229(%!,9 subscription slogan. You never 0- know it could happen. I was originally a bloke. I didn’t sub- scribe for a year, and what do you know my balls fell off, so now I’m a chick. The Beautiful #/-).'3//. Girls had the same problem 4HE#ELIBATE2ImES &RI3EPT – they were girls, didn’t subscribe – now you should %VERMORE3AT/CT check their facial hair. They are right back on the program now Raz Bin Sam & Lion I Band at the Buddha Bar, Thursday supporting Bay FM 99.9. Ring (OTEL'REAT.ORTHERN 6680 7999 and pledge  your support! 0HOTO)$MUSTBEPRODUCEDONENTRY 4RYOURDELICIOUSWOODFIREDPIZZAS 4 TThehe ttoo of isms September 20 • 2005 A Z

is for Gnosticism Gnosticism is a silly looking word that covers the many and various mystical religions and sects (sound Hollywood familiar?). The word comes from the Greek idea that there is a special esoteric knowledge that only a few is the centre possess. This concept allows ‘the few’ to run self improvement courses. In some towns there are gullible of an evil people searching for something. They think that by parting with their money, the people who know the sect which secrets will tell them the secrets, which sort of defeats the purpose of having secrets in the first place. The worships G original gnostics could keep a secret but the agnostics got jealous and poo-pooed them. itself. gicleé g is for george What is it? And how do you pronounce it? Glamorous, gorgeous and glitzy… this is lifestyle No matter how you pronounce it – Gleeshay or Geekley, nearly everyone has heard and luxury fashion in beautiful silks, cottons of this exciting new printing technology. Gicleé fine art reproduction is a museum- and jerseys, sequined, embroidered and beaded quality, high resolution digital image on rag art papers or fine art canvas and is the for the summer look. Australian-designed and modern alternative for art lovers. At Retrospect made, this range consists of exclusive fabrics we wrap the edges of our prints over a 3.6cm just perfect for your special occasion. George is frame giving a clean and contemporary finish now available from Byron Obsession, located in that precludes the need for a frame. the Cavanbah Arcade at the top end of Jonson Street under Hog’s Breath. In addition they At Retrospect we can turn your favourite stock Animale, Lovers, Mix It and many more photos into timeless pieces of art with a painterly quality that will leave you breathless. Queensland designers. The party season is nearly upon us so come 3/27 Byron St, Byron Bay. Phone 6680 8825. and view the fantastic selection of great clothes! 2/4 Jonson St, Byron Bay. Phone 6680 8008. grooven gossamer crystal heart centre Welcome to Grooven Byron Bay, Australia’s most comprehensive range of hemp clothing A place to re-discover and re-store more fully your psychic powers or soul gifts. – men’s, women’s and kids, footwear, bags and luggage, custom glass jewellery. REMEMBER the feeling of being in love? How do I maintain this vibration? Why can’t I Stocking international hemp brands Satori, Livity, I Path, THC, Phatee and a cosmetic hear, believe and see the DIVINE in all beings and in all situations at all times? range from Higher Nature featuring 20% Australia grown hemp oil (amazing for the Through working with SOUND and LIGHT Gossamer assists one to restore the gift of skin!). Also an ever-growing selection of independent Australian music and DVDs, telepathy, clairvoyance and other soul gifts related to hearing, feeling and a higher indigenous, local plus our range of independent music from around the globe. Now knowing. in stock hemp silk shirts and organic cotton/hemp Ts. Love + Light = emPOWERment Open 10am to 5pm Monday-Friday, 10am to 2pm Saturday. G is for good, G is for grooven. Grooven Shaman workshop / retreat focus on the organic, the eco-friendly and the October 15 & 16. sustainable. Support sustainable practices for our New Moon Fire Ceremony future. Sunday October 3. 1/83 Centennial Cct, Byron Arts & Industry Phone 6687 1301. Estate. Phone 6680 7420. Email: [email protected] garden design advice great gifts for goddesses of all ages Call in and see the experts for all your garden requirements. Take time to relax and Everything sexy, fun and chic. enjoy the ambience whether it’s strolling through the garden or sitting in the café. • huge range of jewellery • lingerie • Coastal natives • bikinis • Rainforest and palms • party gear • Waterplants • perfumes • Bamboo and gingers • books • Punnets galore plus much much more. • oracle cards Open 7 days. • funky purses Ocean Shores end Coolamon Scenic Drive. • gloves Phone 6680 5505 or 0438 771 613. • the latest sunglasses • cards CCoolamonoolamon GGardensardens • much, much more Come in for a sensual shopping experience. NNurseryursery & CCafeafe 7 Park St, Brunswick Heads. Phone 6685 1307. guaranteed results glass with class a winner So that you feel and look the way you want and The reputable licensed glass experts in the Byron Shire are well equipped to deal with deserve this summer. all your glass problems and provide Vetrocolor glass coating systems in thousands of colour variations for your splashbacks. Vetrocolor coated glass can now have the extra Results based training – results guaranteed with Lisa Parkes, protection of ‘diamondfusion’ eg. around the pool, one side of the glass is colour personal trainer, nutritionist and healthcare professional. coated, the other side closest to the pool has the diamondfusion process which gives New to Byron Bay. Be part of Northern NSW’s first total body protection against salt, chlorine etc, while forgoing the need for harsh chemicals when transformation program. A 12-week fully supervised health, fitness cleaning. This makes for a very private enclosure and nutrition program based on scientifically proven techniques guaranteed and an exclusive, upmarket appearance. to give you results includes: Ocean Shores Glass and Screens. • Boot Camp Phone 6680 3333. • Personal Training • De-tox, nutrition and eating program Ocean and • Discounts on local health businesses Shores Screens First program commenced September 19. For further info or to sign up call Lisa on 0429 878 902.

Confused? Curious? Got nothing better to do? Turn to page 45 for a list of the G pictures.

45 Burringbar Street 6684 6644 5 September 20 • 2005

and witness the incredible iiTAKING IT EASY happening that takes place Like most good ideas, this every week at Ewingsdale Hall concept was conceived in a from 7.30 on. Only $10 at the pub after a couple of wines. iiWHO’S WHO door and you can pick up the AT THE VISTA OK...bottles of wine. Dan recently released Compilation Bourne decided he wanted The Byron Vista Social CDs at the door to take the to play at the Rails. After Club is into its second great music home with you. season with ten weeks in a all, he was fast becoming known as a musical svengali row every Sunday, presenting IT’S THE KID’S TURN ii and local man of mystery. and recording the very best of U-Turn is an event organised original local music recently by Soul Purpose, a Brisbane But rather than do it alone he described by Jack Thomp- based organisation who are called upon long-time friend son at the recent CD launch focusing on creating Youth cen- and vocal temptress Sal as ‘as the real music of the tred events in regional areas. Yates. And why not? They Byron Community’. This week The idea, according to founding had provided such beautiful features a wonderful line-up member Andy Tuumaga is duos at jam nights around of talent which includes local ‘to give the kids a chance town that angels had wept. multi-award-winning musi- to turn away from negative But 2 is company and they Parkaway Drive at the cian/composer Tarshito with events and make them aware wanted a crowd. So who Byron Youth Centre, fl autist Paul Kimmel, just that if they have role models would play hypotenuse in this Thursday arrived here from California. that they don’t have to go for righteous-angled triangle? Tarshito is a prolifi c composer the bad stuff, they can make Who was more hypo than who has released 36 albums different choices.’ The U Turn Matt Seaberg? When he in many different styles). He SOUL QUEEN concert which will be featuring was conscious they asked ii records his music at his Kittani Mark Lowndes and Trick She’s been described as Aus- him. And so Speakeasy 33 Music Solar Powered Studio,in Nasty as well as Dance tralia’s ‘soul queen’ and worked was born. To fi nd out how the hills near Mullumbimby and and Skating workshops for many years with Australia’s much fun 1 girl, 2 boys, 3 sells his albums at the markets. is scheduled for November soul and icon Jackie guitars, 6 harmonicas, and a He is presently composing the 18 at Lismore City Hall. Mission Ignition at the Beach Hotel, Friday Orszarzcky. With her fi rst solo stompbox can have, come music for the fi lm ‘The Gather- The U Turn Youth Day is going release, ‘Shacked Up In Para- to the Rails Wednesday ing’ by Kim Kindersley which to be happening on the 26th dise’, Tina Harrod has more 21st Sept at 6.30pm. The will be shown on the ABC. November. Soul Purpose are than lived up to this accolade, Apocalypse or The Rapture? Two albums of his music are currently seeking support with tracks from her debut You decide. being distributed by and interest from remaining on radio playlists Edition Reus, those in the across the country throughout GOING FOR BROKE Germany community ii 2005. The album is fi lled with Mission Ignition have eccentric and brave characters a huge set planned for the shoring up their humanity in Beach Hotel next Friday the face of urban decay and night featuring Tone Bro- the songs of love exude a pal- ker and DynaMo, Dave pable hunger. John Shand from Ades and Paul Barrett the SMH says: ‘Move over Re- (Mr Samba-Blissta), as nee Geyer, the time has come well as sassy dancers and to share your Queen-of-Soul crazy performance artist wonders whether ‘Shadow’. After headlining there is a fi ner singer of this the River fest in Ballina they music – soul, blues, gospel, should be absolutely fi ring by jazz – in the country.’ She plays the time they hit the stage on the Bangalow Catholic Hall on Saturday and Cur- Friday. rumbin SoundLounge on Friday. iiGETTING VOCAL The Beach Hotel’s Vocal A PUB VUE Local’s night has seen all ii Young Einstein at the Beach Hotel, iVŽÊœÕÌʜÕÀÊ܈˜iÃʜvÊÌ iʓœ˜Ì Catch The Vue at The sorts of performers emerge Wednesday Chincogan Hotel in Mul- from the woodwork. Some , 9ÊÓÎ -/1, 9ÊÓ{ on the who’d like lumbimby on Friday and even from varnished veneer Trance Relax to get involved then follow them over to Byron in a 70’s beach house. This series with another 2 in this worthwhile project: where they make use of the Wednesday the ever popular being contracted. Also on the [email protected] / ÊÊ  - wall of sound at The Great bill are the very popular Vasu- night is hosting a ‘Some of Northern on Thursday the the Best Of’ Vocal Locals dah and Andy Parkes, UNDERAGE RAGE ""/ 29 Sept. Don’t miss them, I ii with Nick Simpson on 61 doing solo and duo spots to- The Ballina RSL is hosting an guarantee they’ll take the roof Bass, Dali Shrog a talented gether for the fi rst time at the underage gig titled ‘Surge One’ off then again with the Grand young singer/ songwriter, BVSC. Nimbin’s Lisa Yeates with 4 great bands. The aim Finale being Sunday October makes her second appearance is to showcase young local and comedian as I have 30th Great Northern Byron Bay with her very personable style talent and give the kids a go in just discovered. (There’s /1,- 9Ê /- where they have organised and songs from her life, often a safe environment. Featured something decidedly Spike Aerialists, Dance troupe, and at the forefront of some forest artists are local post punk band Milliganesque about the kid... Live Visual Art! The Vue are or river-saving gathering, where Double or Nothing, made it’s spooky). Singer and pian-  Ê / also giving the fi rst 10 people to her music has become a force up of four young mates who ist Callie, who’s just been check the web site and contact for the conservation of our are heavily infl uenced by bands picked up as Pete Murray’s the band with an email with national heritage. Late night like The Used, Gyroscope, support for his Northern subject ‘Free Ticket 30th Oct smokey-voiced Ewan James Funeral for Friend and blink show will be there as well Great Northern’. With highlights gets a whole set to himself this 182. They perform a selec- as Brittle Fex, Speeding like, Winners East Coast Jim week, with his poignant style tion of fi ery covers and some Ticket and Young Ein- Beam Band comp 04, Winners and intriguing lyrics, along with original material. Also perform- stein from Ugly Duckling. of the 05 Face to Face with AnR the usual BVSC crew Gabi 5$,#!.3 ing are Dark Phoenix, who meet Sony/BMG comp, semi Bliss, Mook and Shanto play music from Story of the fi nalists in National UNI comp and the Vista Sistas. Come iiTHE X FACTOR  Year and The Used as well as these guys are worth the effort. along and support local music Melbourne guitarist, singer/ some of their own. Most of songwriter Jamie X and the band members are still at- his band are currently on tending Ballina High. Kanaka a nastional tour promoting have been together for about his latest album titled, The

21/2 years and are infl uenced Trouble. This is a CD about by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, dreams, life, love and loss, Incubus, etc. The taking the listener on a band recently won the Casino journey that touches all those Beef Week youth band comp emotions and feelings. Jamie (ANG5P'ALLERY and have just recorded their X and Band have had rave fi rst CD of 7 originals. Brittle reviews from the likes of Cat !lNESELECTIONOFORIGINALWORKBY Fex are a three piece punk band from Ballina High who Empire and John Butler, and OURLOCALARTISTS FEATURING.EALE have been performing since it’s no wonder – with their +RAHE *ILL2OGERSAND*ENNIFER+IEFEL 2001. THey’ve won heaps of ability to mix reggae, roots comps including Youthrock in and funk with a dash of Latin /PEN-ONDAYTO&RIDAYAMnPM 2003. Catch these talented kids and the middle East, it’s a 3ATURDAYAMnPM feat of musicianship. They on Wednesday September "ILLINUDGEL0ICTURE&RAMING 28, 6-10pm at the Ballina play the Beach Hotel on Tarshito at the Byron Vista Social Club, Ewingsdale Hall Sunday RSL. Tickets $7. Thursday. 7ILFRED3T "ILLINUDGEL sBILLIFRAMES BIGPONDCOM 6 September 20 • 2005

Water, especially the ocean iiAND A MOSAIC is a common theme. Digby WILL BIND THEM says: ‘Water is a big part of all Working together on a creative Bundjalung dreaming, and I have project is a great way to fi nd out iiART – FRESH ART iiTHE ENERGY OF always been a saltwater man.’ about how each of you thinks or The Wet Paint Gallery in Uki THE BUNDJALUNG Opening 6pm. feels. It teaches cooperation, un- is currently presenting a con- Energy of the Earth is an ex- derstanding and broadens your temporary collection of artworks hibition by local Bundjalung artist iiFEELING CRAFTY own ability by allowing yourself from Northern Rivers Artists: Digby Moran that opens at the Southern Cross Arts and to be exposed to another’s ideas. Daryl Leniart, Cath Grant, Lismore Regional Gallery Craft Festival is on again, This is what’s happened with Gail Collins, Heidi Keevers on Friday. It will be opened bringing some of the most hi tech the Byron Youth Service and the and Kerry Biskin. The works by Digby’s Uncle and respected crocheted swans, macramed Arakwal Corporation, who with encapsulate a springtime quality Elder, Uncle Charles Moran. The g-strings and leather sandals that the help of Wilson’s Ceramics, and are vibrant and fresh. The art opening also features dancing you will have seen in years. This have created a mosaic at the invokes a connection with the by local Aboriginal performers event is a fundraiser for Southern Youth Centre. All are invited earth in mediums of acrylic, print- and music by the Widjibul Cross Schools and will be pre- to the opening on Thursday at making, ceramics and sculpture. Jahgoon band. Digby’s love senting over 800 works that are the Byron Youth Activities Running until November for his Bundjalung heritage and all for sale. The festival opens at Centre, 1 Gilmore Cres The Beautiful Girls are Bay FM sponsers, Why aren’t you? 12, Mt Warning Rd, Uki. country is refl ected in his work. the SCU gallery on Friday. from 12.30pm.

THURSDAY i UK breaks with a house edge, plus a hip hop warm-up at La La Land. New Thursday resident from the Resin Dogs, Dave Atkins starts the night on a hip hop tip. Then Finger Lickin duo The Drummatic Twins (with their Shades of Rhythm history) bring a pre-Parklife preview of their ‘chunky and funky’ sound. Nick Slater does both CD and vinyl decks while Lanx on key- boards controls the laptop of samples and effects. The Drummatic Twins will be mixing in tunes from their upcoming album, Nick said ‘It’s different to the last album, less samples more keyboard riffs. It gives it a chunky, underground feel.’

Ursula Rucker takes the Great Northern stage at 10.30pm for a poetic set of song-speak (see Mandy’s write-up). FRIDAY i What Da Funk is taking over the venue in the Arts & Industry Estate for a fundraiser. Natham Syrs has multiple sclerosis and the profi ts will pay towards his wish-trip to Disneyland. DJs supporting the cause are Nick Taylor, Slinky, Jackie Onassid, Strawberry Syme and Steve Starz.  +)$ !-&(!)!%*       SATURDAY i         Scoota is on the decks at Cocos’ upstairs lounge bar and La La Land goes LiveWire with DJs Giv and Timcah. At Elsewhere, joining resident Ben Abrahams is By-    ron’s Chris P (of the Licensed to Thrill and more recent Smiley Culture parties) adding          an old-school UK-house style warm-up.      SUNDAY i Sunday chillout sessions are kicking off in the new space at the Buddha Bar. Cafe Zula is planning mellow grooves every week from 2 to 6pm with Pob fi rst on the decks. It’s a kids friendly atmosphere, there’s yummy food and a full bar. At 6pm the traditional Junior Sanchez at La La, Monday #   #   terrace decks take over plus live electro from Cyberbas. $ $ #       " $ #       " !!!$"#  !!!$"  !!!$" !!!$"  MONDAY i Junior Sanchez brings his ‘good quality , grade A electronic music’ to Byron. The US DJ/producer also said ‘I can’t wait to come to Byron Bay, I’ve never been. I hope everyone has a good time’. As a producer he’s been working on Princess Superstars new album   and the next Bloc Party single; as a DJ he says ‘I play music you can dance to.’ Junior Sanchez plays the fi rst of La La Land’s new  industry nights with residents Stafford Brothers. Future guests include Sandy Rivera on Monday October 10 and Silicone Soul on 31.          ,,, ($) %!'&,!(#&+)!&("                A SKILLZ i

UK breaks turntablist A Skillz is best know for his hook-up with Krafty Kuts. Meeting in Krafty’s Brighton record shop, A Skillz’s demo became the mega Tricka Technology album. Touring in early 2004, the duo played a mash-up from hip hop to jungle at Sum- mafi eldayze; then later last year Byron saw A Sklliz’s solo deck skills and breaks.

In his current sets A Skillz says his infl uence ‘more than anything - is funk. Although I’ve always been into funk, it kinda got fi ltered out of my sets cos it wasn’t fat enough. So, I’m going fatten it up and bring back the funk... plus play some hip hop and breaks.’ A Skillz re- edits tracks on the computer to add bass. He’s particularly pleased with a version of Play That Funky Music. ‘I’m cutting it up, making it fat without losing the funk.’

On the production side, A Skillz has been working on ‘a lot of new beats’ and collaborating with vocalists for his album due out next year. He’s also been in studio to contribute a couple of tracks for Krafty Kut’s solo breaks project. When DJing A Skillz is using the scratch live program more than CDs, so the music on his laptop is mixed using vinyl-deck techniques. ‘It’s the best of both worlds. I can use vinyl and do all the tricks, but I don’t have to carry all the records.’

A Skillz credits the fi lm Juice as his fi rst infl uence towards turnta- ble skills; and DJs like Cash Money as inspiration. For this tour he A Skillz at La La, Thursday 29 September promises ‘new juggling skills and some tricks I haven’t worked out yet!’ Plus for the Brisbane day-fest A Skillz says ‘I’ve got a sneaky thing worked out for Parklife... I can’t tell you cos then it won’t be a surprise!’

/ˆVŽiÌÃʜ˜ÊÃ>iʘœÜÊvÀœ“ÊÛi˜ÕiʜÀÊJÊÜÜÜ°LÞÀœ˜L>Þi˜ÌiÀÌ>ˆ˜“i˜Ì°Vœ“ A Skillz plays La La Land Thursday September 29 and Parklife in Brisbane Saturday October 1 7 September 20 • 2005

Movie Line 6680 8555 PICK 108 Jonson St, Byron Bay •



“...hilarious ... outrageous ... outstanding...” A GOOD WOMAN LORDS OF WALLACE ((((1/2 Jaimie & Fenella THE MOVIE SHOW DOGTOWN & GROMIT (M) DAILY 4.10pm, 7.30pm Lily Tomlin summarised the mindset of our times in say- The best stories are the Maybe you’ve got to NO FREE TICKETS ing ‘no matter how cynical you get, it’s never enough old stories, and this is a really love the genre, to keep up.’ This film challenges modern audiences venerable one indeed. but if twenty minutes of with its absence of cynicism. Set on the Amalfi coast Harvie Krumpet was as Four young guys hang “deliciously in 1930, it is as lush as any Merchant/Ivory production out at mid-seventies far as you could go with eccentric” and, in the footsteps of that team, is built on the solid Venice Beach, surfing small plasticine people UrbanCinefile foundation of a smart and timeless story with finely and riding skateboards. (or whatever it is they’re DAILY 9.30am, 11am, 2.40pm, 6.00pm (PG) drawn characters. Writers such as Oscar Wilde, from Their lives are raucous, made of), this ingen- (PG) whose play, Lady Windermere’s Fan, it is adapted, do indulgent and entirely iously clever, beautifully not have their work constantly re-made for no reason. carefree of anything ex- designed, meticulously “... Charming...” SMH “Outstanding” Sometimes stagy and likely to be burdened by the epi- cept what they are doing assembled, but neither thet of ‘delightful,’ it is much more than just another DAILY 2.05pm, 5.30pm ((((1/2 that day. The mood is funny nor dramatic NO FREE TICKETS Margaret Pomeranz nostalgic romance. Scarlett Johansson, called upon to set with mucho radical cartoon will have you portray a pre-feminism newlywed, is outstanding, com- teen behaviour, locks calling for full-time long bining her kewpie doll beauty with a confused naiveté. “An instant teen classic” Erin Free FILMINK before the siren goes. Helen Hunt is equally good as the older femme fatale and locks of beautiful Heath Ledger hair, jagged hand-held The gormless Wallace who tests the marriage, bringing a world-weary dignity to DAILY her role. Countering today’s obsession with self-revela- camera and an assault runs a pest control busi- 9.00pm tion and telling-it-all-to-everyone, this piece of porcelain of guitar riffs from the ness called Anti-Pesto, (M) highlights the value of discretion and makes a strong period (great to hear a which is the best joke in “...plenty of fun...” THE MOVIE SHOW argument for some things being better left unsaid. bite of the Allman Broth- the movie. The second Kurt Russell & Kelly Preston (M) DAILY John Campbell ers again). But, having best is when, while on a 9.30am, established the oeuvre, diet, he retrieves some 1.15pm, 3.10pm, director Catherine Hard- cheese hidden behind 9.20pm wicke gets serious in a false book-cover of (PG) the development of her ‘Fromage to Eternity.’ “Extraordinary” WEEKDAYS 1 11.25am, 3.40pm, themes. Sketching the There’s plenty of stuff (((( /2 7.05pm SAT & SUN David Stratton (M) 3.40pm, 7.05pm frenetic early careers of like that, which would “Amazingly colourful ... DAILY 9.45am, the kids who were to surely go over the Johnny 1 11.55am, become America’s first heads of the children marvellous” (((( /2 5.05pm, Depp David Stratton (PG) 7.10pm skateboard heroes, she who, to give the movie Jamie Foxx From Wes shows how the dreams some credibility, must Jessica Beil Craven DAILY DAILY of youth can become be its target audience. (M) 12.30pm (M) 9.20pm stark, divisive reality Gromit is Wallace’s dog STEALTH RED EYE SUSHI MOVIE DEAL See any film and receive when the gang’s cama- and, who knows why, 12% off at O-Sushi OR spend $15 or more at O-Sushi and raderie is undermined he has no mouth. The see any film for just $10 ($9 con). Conditions apply, just ask. by ego and money. action takes place in a Ostensibly narrow in its Vicar of Dibley village. appeal, the film is a bit Wallace, after an ex- like 8 Mile moved from periment gone wrong, Detroit to California, with turns into a giant feral  /q/ ,,",-/Ê6   a sober but warming rabbit, running amok summation and natural- through everybody’s istic performances all vegetable patches, like round, though as the a buck-toothed Freddy brain-scrambled men- Flintoff amongst the tor, Skip, Heath Ledger Australian batting. gives the impression of Prince Charles would speaking with a mouth- probably kack himself, ful of loose dentures. which is kind of sad. John Campbell John Campbell 1- Ê/ , /6 Ê ,9Ê "7

MBUFTU!JO!EJHJUBM!TVSSPVOE!TPVOE / -/Ê Ê‡/  19Ê,‡ " /" "6 Ê*, - //" ÀÊiÀÀÊEÊœÝÊ-ÌÀiiÌà  --" Ê*, -   -/,/" \ FAVORITE MOVIE  Ê, * °ÊÈÈnÈʙÈää `ՏÌÃÊf££ "6  \ -ÌÕ`i˜ÌÃÊf™  - * °ÊÈÈnÈʙ䙣 QUOTATIONS #4 œ˜ViÃȜ˜Êf™ + 7 -/ -\ L>ˆ˜>°ˆ˜vœÉVˆ˜i“> ˆ`Ài˜Êfn /1,-ÊÓÓ Ê/"Ê7 ÊÓn/Ê- */ , ޜÕÀ“œÛˆiðVœ“°>Õ 6 ,9Ê7 - 9ÊÊ- /-ÊÊ- --" -Êfn°ääÊ" 9 Scarlett /w^ ® ¸€^¨®‰j®>ÅÅ>¥Y (Vivien Leigh): Sir, you */(..9+./86),,% are no gentleman. *%33)#!3)-03/. 3!-%(/ &ORTHEWOMENOF%UROPExTHEPRICE ÜˆÌ Ê7ˆÞÊ iÃœ˜Ê>˜`Ê ÕÀÌÊ,iޘœ`à .%7,/ OFLOVEJUSTGOTALOTCHEAPER /1,-ÊÓÓÊ/"Ê7 ÊÓn /1,-ÊÓÓÊ/"Ê7 ÊÓn Rhett +££°xä ÊÊ+{°£ä* Ê +Ó°{ä* Ê+È°äx* (Clark Gable): And you ­ ® ­ ® +Ç°{ä* ÊÊ +™°Îä* Miss, are no lady. Don’t 7ALLACEAND'ROMIT */(..9 think that I hold that ,$2 $%00 against you. Ladies have / iÊ ÕÀÃiʜvÊÌ iÊ7iÀi‡,>LLˆÌ ­*® &2/-4(%-!+%23 never held any charm for !" ! /&#()#+%.25. /1,-ÊÓÓÊ ­*® ­*® /"Ê7 ÊÓn me. /1,-ÊÓÓÊ/"Ê7 ÊÓn /1,-ÊÓÓÊ/"Ê7 ÊÓn +™°{x Ê +££°£ä ÊÊ+ΰxä* Ê +™°Îä ÊÊ+£°ää* Ê +£°{x* Ê ~ Gone With The Wind +™°Óä* Ê +x°{ä* Ê +Ç°Óä* -/,/-Ê 8/Ê/1,-ÊIÊ,1-- Ê ,"7 Ê Ê  , Ê  ÊI 8 September 20 • 2005



■ THE RAILS, BYRON MMONDAYONDAY 6PM THE SHOUT BROS TTUESUESDDAYAY BALINESE FUSION ■ THE RAILS, BYRON We have a CD and 2 (/4%, ■ EWINGSDALE HALL 6.30PM ROO single tickets giveaway 7.30PM BYRON VISTA ■ BUDDHA BAR, BYRON for the extraordinary "25.37)#+ ■ BYRON COMMUNITY SOCIAL CLUB DJ DAVE C Balawan and Batuan CENTRE 8PM RALPH ■ ■ CHEEKY MONKEYS, Gamelan troupe. They HOTEL BRUNSWICK TOWNER + are gorgeous as well 6.30PM MISHFUL BYRON TEAM TRIVIA a t WOLFGANG + as being truly impressive lmost perfec 0H THINKING MUTHSPIEL + SLAVA ■ HOTEL GREAT musicians. Balawan is a ■ very well-known and re- POINCIANA, MULLUM GRIGORYAN NORTHERN, BYRON 12PM JAMILA spected musician in Indo- ■ CHEEKY MONKEYS, 9PM HARRY HEALY nesia. Experimenting and ■ LENNOX HOTEL 5PM DEADLINE " ÊEÊ/1 - BYRON MEXICAN ■ THE RAILS, BYRON exploring traditional Bal- BO JENKINS inese songs and western PARTY 6.30PM JOHN J ■ BANGALOW A & I jazz, I Wayan Balawan has GIG GUIDE ■ BRADLEY HALL 8PM SEX, LIVES HOTEL GREAT created a unique sound. 12 NOON FRIDAY &2%%0//, ■ The music that Balawan + STICKYTAPE – NORTHERN, BYRON BANGALOW HOTEL and Batuan Gamelan [email protected] WOMENS CABARET 9PM CHIRON RED 7.30PM BRACKETS & P :. 6684 1777 JAM plays brilliantly combines ■ BANGALOW HOTEL ■ LA LA LAND, BYRON Balinese gamelan with F :. 6684 1719 7 - 9ÊÓ£ 7PM UP 9PM JUNIOR ■ CHINCOGAN HOTEL modern jazz infl uences. È\Îä* ■ SANCHEZ + STAFFORD 7.15PM ROCK + ROLL They play the Bangalow All the good music has already MT WARNING HOTEL A&I Hall on Friday at 7pm. 12.30PM SOULMAN BROS DANCING been written by people with Tix available now. wigs and stuff. >ÃÈVÊ œÛˆià Frank Zappa ˆ˜Ê>Ê >ÃÈVÊ*ÕL ARIES: You have a more CANCER: You won’t enjoy LIBRA: A slightly trying few CAPRICORN: With this potent effect on those around this week much if you keep days ahead for air signs, but no week’s energy still in the sign of .!4)/.!, you than you perhaps realise, comparing it to good times real drama if you stay the Fussy Ones, symptoms of so be aware of your energy gone by. But this is quite a reasonable and agreeable. the do-it-right virus linger. You’re emissions this week – leaking propitious time for cutting Venus is a touch petulant, but keen to produce works of 6%,6%4 fury fumes makes people exit some of those invisible strings lowering this week’s demands excellence – that’s good. your orbit pretty quickly. You tying you to the way things will keep the peace – combined Getting all exacting and may have reasons for being were. To maybe think about with performing Libra’s karmic demanding – not so good. angry, but you won’t have initiating a little crab chore of comforting over- When you start driving everyone /1,- 9ÊÓÓ much company. liberation… emotional friends… nuts, its time to ease up. STARS x\Îä* LLilithilith TAURUS: Venus is in the LEO: Leos tend to express SCORPIO: Venus is glamour AQUARIUS: As this week’s mood for luuurve, Mars is in themselves readily, but your coating your social persona to Virgo energy merges with passionate pursuit and Scorpio jungle roar can unnerve maxi attractiveness. You’ll be Libra, style imperatives rule and Venus really likes Taurus Mars. citizens perhaps unaware of drawn to unusual people – and you’ll want to do a particular -%!42!&&,%3 Hormones are pumping and your big mushy heart. Mercury vice versa – because they’re new spring thing in your own È\ää* This week’s equinox, the hearts thumping as spring fever moving into Libra gives you an the ones this week who’ll love inimitable fashion. By all means time when light and makes the romance zone a almost indecent injection of your daring to make the enjoy life’s worldly surfaces to dark are in balance, roller coaster this week – wit and charm, so ask nicely commonplace more the max, but don’t forget about offers an energy exciting, but don’t expect a this week and refusals are provocative and the mundane a inner beauty – the bit that really 0//,#/-0 template for the coming smooth ride… unlikely. little bit more mysterious. matters. months. A reminder that GEMINI: You can usually size VIRGO: This week’s Virgoan SAGITTARIUS: Whatever PISCES: This week’s issues equilibrium includes people up in a trice, but this role model is gritty singer diligent promises you begin are likely to revolve around , 9ÊÓÎ everything – brilliant and week you’ll need to look Leonard Cohen, scathing social the week with are bound to fairness, equity and the despicable, bad and deeper and really check out commentator and outrageous fade as life takes over. Still, try exercise of power – involving È\Îä* beautiful, ugly and what’s underneath a good love poet. Leonard’s and squeeze out the last drops lessons to do with integrity, loving. The full monty… looking veneer. Right now it’s unrelenting disdain for the of organising Virgo energy to responsibility and respect: fairly easy to be tricked by bland, pallid and safe makes get Sagworld in order and people being paid what they’re surface slickness, charming an excellent guideline for the current plans in place before worth and given a fair deal. On ",5% blarney or convincingly schmick choices you make over the the weekend’s party stars kick a lighter note, love is in the air presentation. next seven days. in… and artistry in the wind… 2//-  ÊÊ-"1 / Ê° "-/ Ê / , /Ê / Ê. ÜÜÜ°Ü>Ài œ˜˜iV̈œ˜Ã°Vœ“ $5/

CHUGG ENTERTAINMENT, GAYNOR CRAWFORD AND PETER NOBLE PRESENT -/1, 9ÊÓ{ È\Îä* "!"9 7EDNESDAYST PM 42)6)!.)'(4 &!#% 4HURSDAYND PM &)'n*!-3%33)/. -1 9ÊÓx &RIDAYRD PM È\Îä* 2/#+%2&%,,! 3ATURDAYTH PM $2)&47//$ 350%2#(%%3%$5/ 3UNDAYTH PM "/*%.+).3 SASATURDATURDAYY 2424 SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER 4UESDAYS PM >ˆÞÊëiVˆ>Ã]ÊvÀià ÊvˆÃ ]Ê LE 0//,#/-0 ÃÌi>ŽÃ]ÊLÕÀ}iÀÃ]ʍՈViÃ]Ê HOTELHOTEL GREAGREATT NORNORTHERNTHERN !  0ACIFIC0ARADE,ENNOX(EAD VœvviiÊ>˜`ÊV>Žið 02 6685 6454 Jonson Street, Byron Bay 0HONE&AX Music Bizarre 02 6622 3262 ABC Shop Ballina 02 6686 2436 ONNOW SA ,ENNOX0OINT(OTELISPROUDTOBEAMEMBEROFTHE 1 ÊEÊ  , THREESOME out now thru Shock %.4%24!).-%.4 "ALLINA$ISTRICT,IQUOR#ONSULTING#OMMITTEE 10 September 20 • 2005

Table Talk Baallinallina Brrunsuns HHeadseads Byyronron BBayay

./4/.,9'%,!4/ TWO HATS BETTER THAN ONE Executive of Restaurant & Catering NSW, "REAKFAST ,UNCH Robert Goldman, said that in the past 12 4AKEHOMEDINNER The latest edition of the food industry’s bi- "EST)TALIANCOFFEE ble, The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food months about 200 restaurants and cafés /PENDAYSAM PM Guide, was launched in Sydney recently and had opened in the regional areas of NSW, Northern Rivers restaurants have once again most serving food as good, if not better, performed strongly. Byron Bay seafood res- than their Sydney counterparts who are taurant Fins was again declared one of the plagued by high costs and staff turnover. state’s fi nest dining experiences. It was one ‘Australians are well travelled and cosmo- &INGAL3T "RUNSWICK(0H of just four restaurants awarded a coveted politan,’ he said. ‘They have high expecta- two hats by the critics. Dish and Boomer- tions of what they want in restaurants ang, also in Byron Bay, were both awarded and cafés wherever they go. There was Banngalowgalow one chef’s hat. The Good Food Guide, enormous potential in regional towns for up co-edited by Northern Rivers Echo editor and coming chefs who stay in their commu- &ULLYLICENSED Simon Thomsen, also features great places nity, hone their skills and contribute to the 7ARMINGWINTERMENU to dine in Ballina. The guide is available from region’s prosperity.’ Other local competitor >ˆÞÊëiVˆ>Ã]ÊvÀià ÊvˆÃ ]Ê $INNER-ON 3AT local bookshops for $24.95. to get a gong was the Seven Mile Café for ÃÌi>ŽÃ]ÊLÕÀ}iÀÃ]ʍՈViÃ]Ê &RI 3AT 3UN,UNCH best Informal Modern Australian Restaurant. VœvviiÊ>˜`ÊV>Žið 4URN"0/:)'/ "/ Ê ,1 -7  "AYSHORE$RIVE BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE "YRON"AY.37 * ÊÈÈnxÊ£Î{£ "OOKINGS Fins Seafood Restaurant also emerged as a BITING ECHIDNAS  major winner in the 2005 Visa International Local companies Echidna Coffee of Fern- ÞÀœ˜Ê-Ì°Ê >˜}>œÜ Restaurant and Catering NSW Regional leigh and Wildbite of Byron Bay scored ÈÈÊnÇÓÊxxx Ê Ê "   ½-ÊÊ Ê Awards for Excellence. The award for Best spots at the recent Fine Food Australia NSW Regional Restaurant was awarded to convention in Sydney (see www.foodaus- Ê/ Ê  Fins. The restaurant now goes through to Echidna produces chemi- EÊ, -/1, / the Restaurant & Catering Australia national cal free coffee beans and Wildbite makes "ANGALOW 3OUTHERN)TALIANCUISINE awards to be held at Melbourne’s Crown gourmet biscotti and cookies. They joined &ULLY,ICENSED Until sunset Casino Palladium on October 17. Chief 15 other regional food and wine producers 0IZZA#O /PENFROMPM at the convention. Duty MLC for Ballina s(OMEDELIVERY -ONDAY 3ATURDAY Amanda Fazio described Fine Food Australia s$INEINOR  as ‘one of our most important national and TAKEAWAY 3HOP &INGAL3TREET international food and beverage shows and "YRON3T is an excellent way for some of our smaller "ANGALOW 0H producers to target new markets. Last year the NSW government helped 12 regional producers exhibit at Fine Food Australia and they made $500,000 in extra sales and " , ÊÊ found new local and export markets.’ , ÊÊ 1- >ˆÞÊëiVˆ>Ã]ÊÊ "«i˜Ê`>ˆÞÊÈ«“Ê­iÝV°Ê/Õiî vÀià ʏˆ˜i‡V>Õ} ÌÊØ>««iÀ]ÊÊ OPTIMISM SPRINGS ETERNAL ÈÈnxÊ££ääÊ 9" œÌÊLÀi>Žv>ÃÌÃ]ÊÊ In the face of soaring fuel costs and the ÓÈÊ/Üii`Ê-Ì]Ê À՘ÃÊi>`à Vˆ>L>ÌÌ>Ã]ʘœœ`iÊL>À]Ê Vœvvii]ÊV>ŽiÃ]ʍՈVià ubiquitous criticisms of Byron Bay, with a fl urry of classifi ed ads seeking chefs, cooks and baristas – generally a sign that the hos- pitality industry is prepping up for The Sea- belongilbeachcafé son. Cafés are either extending their open- ing hours or planning new dinner menus, Breakfast & lunch every day while the franchise invasion continues with The only Dinner Fri & Sat a second Subway fl inging open its doors the /PEN$AYS Organic roast Sunday Woolworths end of Jonson Street. (Eventu- WWWTHEURBANCOMAU Indonesian Restaurant in Byron Shire ally the town will be all franchises, these Bookings: 66851 111 25 CHILDE ST, BYRON BAY 6685 7144 being the rare few in a position to afford the Shop 2/18 Mullumbimbi St, preposterous rents). Brunswick Heads Fully licensed MAGIC INDOOR/OUTDOOR DINING

/PEN.IGHTS -/,"Ê WWWBANGTHAICOMAU Home Deliveries Booyun St œ˜ Bruns EÊ  *ONSON Village PENNIGHTSAWEEK Experience the art of perfection in cuisine and indulge in a feast for the eyes, ,5.#($)..%2 the heart and the soul. 315)$$,%93 Phone Eat in/ +)$3,/5.'%/0%.$!93 />ÃÌiʜvÊ ÞÀœ˜Ê“i˜Õ 66851755 Takeaway INTHE BYO "YRON"AY3ERVICES#LUB $INE INs4AKEAWAYs(OMEDELIVERY Espresso Lounge-café ˆ˜˜iÀÊÊ/ ÕÀʇÊ->ÌÊÊ Open 6 days 5.30pm till late ,AWSON3T "YRON"AY 3OUTH%ND*ONSON3TREET ՘V ÊÊÀˆÊ‡Ê-Õ˜Ê CLOSED MONDAYS except holidays   0H 3UFFOLK0ARK œœŽˆ˜}Ê >ÃÃiÃÊ #LOSED-ON4UES 13 Byron Street Bangalow ÈÈn{ÊÇÓÇÎÊIÊ"ÛiÀœœŽˆ˜}Ê ÞÀœ˜ÊIÊ Ê9Ê" Phone 02 6687 2088 ,i>Ê/ >ˆÊœœ` "92/./2)/. , -/ÊUÊ1 ÊUÊ  , ՏÞʏˆVi˜Ãi` #5229(/53%  - Biillinudgelllinudgel œVŽÌ>ˆÊL>À !WARDEDBEST)NDIAN >viÊÇ>“‡{«“ Vi DeZc,YVnh/.#%%"*#(%lZZ`YVnh s#OCKTAILLOUNGETILLATE "" -ÊäÓÊÈÈnäÊÇÈÎÓ À՘Ã܈VŽÊi>`à .#(%")#(%HVi!.#(%"(#(%Hjc *ONSON3T"YRON"AY œÊ-՘`>ÞÊÃÕÀV >À}i É‡Ê 9," Ê 9Ê-7  Ê ÈÈnxÊ£n££ H]de+$',AVlhdcHigZZi OPP"EACH(OTEL "«i˜ÊÇ ˆ} Ìà ÈÈnxÊxäә *""Ê" -" Ê-/°ÊÊ ++-%-,%% 9," Ê 9Ê °-°7°ÊÓ{n£  7ˆ˜˜iÀ\Ê iÃÌÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>˜ÌʘÊ1««iÀÊ œÀÌ Ê œ>ÃÌÊÓääx /PEN7ED 3ATFROMPM 4AKEAWAY7ED 3UNFROMPM OFF4!BEFOREPM Modern Australian Menu Fully Licensed Bar restaurant – cafe /PENlREPLACE IIff yyouou wwantant Entertainment Nightly Historic Byron Landmark ttoo bbee oonn tthehe Lush organic atmosphere mmenuenu fforor tthehe Tropical Garden Terrace !SIAN7ESTERN Groups /PENCOURTYARDFOR Functions cnr Jonson & Marvel Sts eeatingating ooutut Parties YOURFUNCTION [reservations recommended] ,ICENSED OPEN 7 DAYS 8am – late • open 7 days ppages,ages, ccallall from 4.00pm tel: 6685 7320 &LETCHER3TREET "YRON"AY Tel: 6685 5833 7 Jonson St, Byron Buddha Bar & Restaurant open 4pm Mon–Fri, $INNER-ON 3AT,UNCH4UES 3AT 66684684 17771777 5pm weekends Arts Factory Village, Gordon St. Phone 6685 7810  11 September 20 • 2005

SSaltalt CodCod MMullumbimbyullumbimby NNewew BBrightonrighton OOceancean SShoreshores Victoria Cosford MERLOCOFFEE COURTYARDDINING Pippis There is not much, these days, that I miss is called Baccala alla Vicentina which in- GELATI 0)::!-) about city life. I probably experience more cul- cludes anchovy fi llets, beaten vigorously until GOURMET Restaurant/Café ture here – live music, poetry societies, fi lms its consistency is that of creamy mashed SANDWICHES Fine Dining nPM(APPY(OURS –than I did when living in cities because of the potatoes. TASTEOFASIA JUICEBAR Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner PRICEPIZZA effortlessness involved in getting to things. I The fact that it requires at least 24 hours AIRCONDITIONED On the River – By the Sea $INEINn!LFRESCOn4AKEAWAY do miss an infi nity of choice when it comes to of soaking time adds, in my opinion, to its Bookings 6680 3368 /PEN$AYS restaurants, bars and cafes; I defi nitely do not charm. It is generally soaked in water though "URRINGBAR3T -ULLUMBIMBY 50 River St, New Brighton 0H miss the obsession with style and fashion. sometimes in milk, the liquid being replaced  15 mins north of Byron I miss the shopping – of course I miss the several times throughout. 2AJAH2D /CEAN3HORES shopping. Specifi cally, I miss the shopping Apart from brandade – a perfect Dinner for food. Buying local is all very worthy but Party starter – I would often make a sort NNewrybarewrybar CCaterersaterers there are times when, unless I am to whip up of pie called Cod & Parsley Bread. Yeast HINCOGAN to Black Pearl Epicure in Brisbane, I will not pastry proved and rolled out to a rectangle fi nd unusual, authentic, exotic and exciting was topped with a gorgeous mix of salt cod, # ingredients. I will not fi nd Salt Cod. sauteed onions and lots of freshly chopped OTEL Salt cod I used to drive over to Sydney’s parsley then curled up into a log and baked: .%7#(%&3 .%7-%.5( 1UALITYCREATIVECATERING Leichhardt to especially purchase – most it was simple but sublime, and I lament the -EDITERRANIAN!USSIEPUBFOOD #ELEBRATIONCAKES of the Italian or ‘continental’ delis there loss of the recipe, sensing that my memory ,5.#($)..%2$!93 ,UNCH $INNER  'OURMETDELECTABLES sold it. Large fl attened sheets of dried-out may have omitted certain other ingredients. #NR$ALLEY"URRINGBAR3TS 7OOD&IRED0IZZA fi sh looking like cardboard, salt cod is not a (Did egg, for example, bind that fi shy fi lling -ULLUMBIMBY 4ASMAN7AYY beautiful ingredient until soaked, simmered together?) "YRON!RTS)NDUSTRY%STATE and metamorphosed into edibility. In Italy it is Perhaps my favourite way of eating salt  referred to as ‘baccala’ or ‘stoccafi sso’ (the cod, however, is ‘inzimino’. The Italian term difference being in the curing process) – and refers to a method of cooking fi sh with leaf every region has its own store of recipes vegetables, generally spinach – ‘baccala YYourour SSuppliersuppliers which utilise it. As Claudia Roden points out all’inzimino’ consists of chunks of fl oured NOW OPEN in ‘The Food of Italy’, despite that country’s and fried salt cod in a simmer of spinach and vast expanse of coastline it could appear tomato, sharpened with garlic and a little 7 DAYS "OUTIQUEFOOD odd that fi sh dried then preserved in salt is chilli. In Europe salt cod is a traditional ANDBEVERAGE SUPPLIESLOOSE $INNER0ARTIES &UNCTIONS brought in from various North Sea countries Lenten dish, which makes it perfectly sensi- LUNCH & DINNER LEAFTEAISOUR until one remembers that for all the variety of ble that, in our springtime, Dish restaurant in Ph 6684 3229 SPECIALTY#ALL ANDLUNCHBOXES fi sh in the Mediterranean it has always been Byron Bay is currently featuring it two ways USFORINFO 4ELEPHONE %MAIL scarce and expensive. on its menu. As a snack with drinks in the ONOURRANGE 0H MISAKIBYRON OPTUSNETCOMAU In French it is ‘morue’ and one of its more ever-civilised bar area you may dip olive oil %MAILBAYTRADE popular interpretations is in ‘brandade’, a croutons into Luke Southwood’s version of OPTUSNET garlicky creamy peppery puree of the fi sh brandade, or eat it alongside prawns in the }œÕÀ“iÌÊÌ>Ži>Ü>Þ COMAU whipped with olive oil until fl uffy. This is restaurant. It is a lush and lovely way of tak- `iˆV>ÌiÃÃi˜ served as an entree into which one usually ing in those important Omega-3 oils and it’s ÕˆViÊL>ÀÊÊV>ÌiÀˆ˜}ÊÊ food dunks fried bread. The Italian version of this a shame more restaurants do not offer it. Ì>ŽiÊ œ“iʓi>Ã events catering ÓnÊLÕÀÀˆ˜}L>ÀÊÃÌ°Ê hospitality “ՏÕ“Lˆ“LÞ FRUIT & VEGETABLE “œ˜Ê‡ÊvÀˆÊn>“ʇÊÈ«“ WHOLESALER ph. 6684 3013 « °ÊÈÈn{Ê£ÈÈä Caters to all fresh produce needs m. 0414 878 290 at the highest standard, in quali- ty and service at the right price. To place your order, simply call: 6685 5745 and talk to a Fruito.

breakfastbreakfast lunchlunch 7 dinnerdays besttapas new dinner restaurant 3 nights 2003 fully– runner licensed up log fire heating 5555 StationStation St, Mullumbimby 7EDDINGS $INNER0ARTIES 02 6684 4036 0RIVATE&UNCTIONS0H WWWSAKURACATERINGCOMAU &ROMTHE/ 3USHIGROUP The Coolamon Tree Bistro and Family Restaurant

Best food, great service Lunch: 7Days Ê>«>˜iÃiÊÀiÃÌ>ÕÀ>˜ÌÊ Dinner: 6 Days " Ê7/ "½- BYO, licensed & takeaway >ÕÌ i˜ÌˆVÊVՈȘi Closed Mon Nite Except PH & SH 181,9Ê " " /" Open for dinner 7 days A la Carte -Õà ˆÊÌÀ>ˆ˜ EÊ, -/1, / Saturday Nights ˆVi˜Ãi` " , Ê/Ê    $7.90 lunch Mon - Fri "* ÊÇÊ 9-Ê££>“Êqʙ«“ 1 ÊEÊ  ,ÊÇÊ 9- Mullumbimby Ex-Services Club 7/ "½-Ê   Dalley Street Ph: 6684 1110 i>Ìʈ˜ÊœÀÊÌ>ŽiÊ>Ü>Þ Feros Arcade, Jonson St. 7"" -Ê*<Ê 9," Ê 9ÊÈÈnxÊÇ£äÎ *\ÊäÓÊÈÈÊnxxÊÎÈÈ Byron Bay. Tel. 6685 6737

/ >ˆÊi>Ûi˜ .%77).4%2-%.5 DELICIOUS )4!,)!. BYRON SUSHI STATION ELEGANT sushi • tempura BYRON·S BEST 0ASTASs0IZZASs2ISOTTOSs3EAFOOD • Licensed 3PECIALSs3OUPSs3ALADS OPEN 7 DAYS • BYO • Air conditioned • Takeaway /UTSIDEDINING,ICENSED RELAXED /PENNIGHTS@TILLATE 11AM – 9PM -ODERNCUISINE 4AKEAWAYSAVAILABLE"9/ DINE-IN OR TAKEAWAY From 5.30pm 7 nights /PENFORDINNER&RI 3AT "UON!PPETITO 6680 9044 9 Fletcher St, Byron Bay -ON &RI PM Your Gourmet BYRON PIER, 7 LAWSON STREET, Ph 6680 9267 "URRINGBAR does it for you. 0( BYRON BAY 0439-656063 "AY,ANEBEHIND"EACH(OTEL For heavenly Thai cuisine -ULLUMBIMBY 12 September 20 • 2005

witness to people’s lives caught viewer to the frontline of history. fi lmmakers who would like to celebration of the divine femi- up in the age of the ‘War on The makers of the fi lm hope it screen their works are invited to nine in a fl apping brunch coat Terror’. It poses a plethora of will incite indignation, shame, call 0402697791. Screening at and scuffs. See what lies un- questions: ‘What does it mean anger and sadness as well as 7.30pm, entry just $5/3 derneath, if it doesn’t scare you, not saying by any stretch that iiPHILOSOPHY – SEX to be an Australian? Where is nurturing compassion, caring and it will only make you stronger! we have a high moral reason for AND A NICE CUP OF TEA our global respect for human- conscience. Anthem screens GETTING CREDIT Michelle Shocked is rumoured engaging in philosophical debate ii Philosophy Cafe are at it ity and human rights? What is on Friday at The Red Dove, After 9 months of painstaking to make a special guestie, so but I do believe that avenues for again, stirring the pot of social the relationship between the Woodlark St in Lismore. development in his ‘dungeon’ don’t miss out – and support the ordinary people to discuss and mores by asking the big ques- media and money, nationalism $10/7. and an inability to compete on Aunty Project at the same time. challenge ideas are limited. Our tions about sexuality? Does it and government?’ Including this years WQS (still in $20 000 Saturday and Sunday at choices in the political sphere are need to be attached so strongly commentators and characters INDIGENOUS FILMS debt). The fi lm follows producer/ the Bangalow A&I Hall. limited by our ability to under- ii to personal morality or are we such as Julian Burnside QC, The next Southern Cross Uni director Johnny Abegg on his stand what our political masters just hung up? Are people who Tony Kevin, Paul McGeough, Tim Film Society screening will surfi ng quest over 5 months, 4 GOOD PROSPECTS are on about. In the personal/so- ii are hung up the biggest deviants Page, Phillip Ruddock and be happening at Campus credit cards, 35 fl ights and 15 It’s bizarre to think that in 1850, cial/cultural spheres we need to after all and why is the idea contests. The launch is an all which ain’t that too long ago, be constantly alert and challenge of your parents having sex so ages affair with guest musicians this country was transformed ‘pulp’ ideas of right and wrong, damned repulsive? Philosophy Frankie, Slinky and Tone Broker by Gold Fever. In 1851 some good and evil. In the good old Cafe is the invention of Helen keeping the party mood going. chap in Bathurst hit gold and in days we engaged in union Corben and Colleen Da Rosa. I Come and see this fi lm about the space of a few short years, meetings, pub chatter, marched asked them how it came to be: this extraordinary story of positiv- the population trebled. Here in the streets to gain rights for ‘Well I fi rst read an article in the ity in the face of adversity on was a chance for an average women etc etc, now you get the SMH about philosophy groups Tuesday at the Hotel Great Joe, a descendent of a convict, odd rally about globalisation but being run in Sydney at Taverna Northern. suddenly striking rich and real social issues are perceived Stecki by Edward Spencer who changing his destiny forever as being the realm of the loony is an ethics lecturer. In his model TRIVIA – $500 (well for a few years at least). fringe... Greenpeace collectors ii a scenario is acted out that FOR YOUR BRAIN ‘The Prospectors’ is a poign- have the demeanor of beggars... illustrates a particular philosophi- For nearly three years, a ant story of two miners: one an I actually reckon all kids would cal dilemma. Anyway I thought it campaign of free education by experienced American miner be interested and be able to would be a great way to spend stealth and mirth has masquer- called Stan; the other a ‘new discuss topics like ‘Where do an the idea festered aded as the InQUIZition trivia chum’ Australian prospector you go when you die?’ Be part of until a fateful ‘lighthouse’ walk night. On Thurs night at called Frank. the Thinking Club: at Espresso with friends..we all workshopped Bangalow Hotel, someone Set in the mid-nineteenth cen- Head, Thursday at 7pm. ideas over a few months, a few will win $500. It could be you. tury, this play is about life on wines and came up with our pur- Twenty questions will be asked the goldfi elds during the Eureka FILM – THE AUS- pose for setting up Philosophy ii with each one a little easier than Stockade. It explores not only TRALIAN ANTHEM Cafe at the Bay. Our idea is to Sex, lives & Stickytape at the the previous. The fi rst party to an important time in Australian It’s been called Australia’s provide opportunities for people Bangalow A & I Hall, get three correct will win. If you history but also the courage it ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’, Aussie fi lm to meet and engage in analytical Saturday & Sunday fail in the attempt you are out of takes to follow one’s own heart ‘Anthem’ is a free wheeling conversation about key issues. the running. This puts the poker even if it means going against expansive study of democracy, The emphasis is on enjoyment John Howard, An- Central at the element into the game. See you the grain of your mates. This is western civilisation and the and having a good time with them combines live action Uni Building this Friday there if you dare. an action packed performance stimulating ideas. Food, and if relationship between America with on-the-spot reportage as in Lismore. The program is using humour, song, and dance and Australia in the age of the inspired, wine is integral to the it presents the viewer with the focused on Indigenous fi lms. THEATRE – THE starring Mark Constable and War on Terror. Film makers Tahir ii fl ow of thought.’ So what about devastating consequences and Christine Devine will be showing UTERAL ENSEMBLE Tim McGarry and is at the Star Cambis and Helen Newman philosophy, does it still play a acts of resistance to the ‘War on her latest documentary on the You’ve heard of the Vagina Court Theatre in Lismore take us to fi ve continents in four powerful role in the way we op- Terror’. From a bounty hunter local Indigenous hairdressers: Monologues, well we’ve got a on Thursday at 7pm and years on a personal quest to erate? ‘Absolutely. Some great in Kabul to 9/11 families in New Just a Teaser. Also on the bunch of sisters singing, saying Friday at 10am and 1pm. review the course of Australia’s thinker said something along York; from war correspondents bill is Woman of the Reeds and carousing about just how it The show is ideal for young recent history. The result is the lines of ‘evil will persist/win in Baghdad to refugees in Aus- which won the local WOW fi lm is, what it is, why it is and the people from 8 to 12 years and a controversial documentary while good men do nothing’. I’m tralia; the fi lmmakers take the comp 2 years ago. Indigenous when it is of being a woman. A young families. movie that is a dramatic, intimate

The Byron Bay Beach Resort Byron Bay’s

The Byron Bay Beach Just 3kms from Resort’s Bay Pavilion the town Restaurant is open centre ‒ away Our menu caters for all tastes from the hustle Open to the public, Mon to Sat night ‒ and bustle bar opens at 5:30pm, Turn at dinner from 6:30pm. Fri, Sat, Sun lunch BP Ozi Go into Reservations appreciated. Bayshore Drive T. 6685 8000 Weddings, functions and parties of all sizes Our 9-hole 32 par golf catered for course by the ocean is open to the public daily Conferences are (no competition days). our speciality $15 per person. Two great venues ‒ Golf equipment The Bayshore, located right available for hire. on the beach, overlooking Greens recently Julian Rocks and the Light- renovated. house; or The Lakehouse Book in at reception overlooking our beautiful landscaped gardens. Enquiries 6685 8000 We are now taking bookings for Christmas functions! Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 33 Service Directory

DEADLINE for additions and changes to the Service Directory is 5pm Thursday GLAZIERS "YRON%NERGY%FFICIENT OCEAN SHORES GLASS AND SCREENS, GLASS SPLASHBACKS LIC NO 61205C ...... 66803333  HOME BUILDING & EXTENSION $ESIGN$RAFTING #!$s$!Ss"!3)8 BUILDING TRADES $AVE,AWRENCE Cape Byron Glass ‘ABUILDITY’ Steve Fluke, Lic builder 26470C. Extensions & renovations. Also bobcat hire ..... 66879200 Lic No 37118C BLOCKLAYER, BRICKLAYER & bagging. Quality assured. Lic 129723C Johnny ....66872825, 66872138 BRICKLAYER, BLOCKLAYER Matt Powell. Quality assured, reliable Lic 104383C ...... 66872198 24hr Emergency service BRICKLAYER, BLOCKLAYER Neat, realiable, quality Lic 114688C ...... 0410326052 PH 6685 8588 or 0415660801 BRIMS BUILDER’S HARDWARE ...... 66801718 BUILDER All building & carpentry stairs specialist. Lic 105050C George Reynaud ...... 66846000 BUILDER Alrick East Lic. No. 27307 ...... 66842708 NOBBS & MYERS BLOCK/BRICKLAYER Lic 152546 25yrs Byron quality Ph Calin ...... 0411479165 BUILDER/CARPENTER Bob Stewart Lic No 14815C Mullum/SGB/Byron Bay ...... 66805639 GLASS Lic 34432C BUILDER/CARPENTER Jamie McKenna Renovations, kitchens, stairs, frames, etc Lic 43205 66801683 BUILDER/CARPENTER Stuart Dickie Renovations, decks, lic 139438C .... 0421 707727 or 66804622 For all glass supplies & repairs, shower screens, mirrors & robe doors Ah 6684 3326 26 Mill St BYRON BATHROOMS BUILDER Lic 150708C ...... 0429 852363 Ph CARPENTER All jobs. Michael Dow. Lic 147675C ...... 66291169 or 0412 967677 6684 2685 Fax 6684 3585 Mullum CARPENTER & JOINER Renovations & decks Lic 175371C ...... 66872114 CARPENTER/BUILDER ‘Colin the Carpenter’ Lic 162072c ...... 0419 722132 or 66855417 CARPENTER/LANDSCAPER/HANDYMAN Dave L110208C ...... 0412 171616 or 66809782 TWEED BYRON CARPENTER/JOINER Renovations, decks, pergolas & maintenance. Lic R91818 Robbie ...... 66843890 CARPENTER/REG BUILDER 163397C All maintce, repairs & home improvmnts ph Peter 0419902379 WINDOW TINTING CARPENTRY/JOINERY Renovations, kitchens, bathrooms Lic 157823c Paul ...... 66805722 Car, House, Office, Shop CONCRETING All types ph Chris Lic No 124842c ...... 0404147100 or 66872334 FREE FLOW GUTTER GUARDS Free quotes ...... 0427 886136 ELECTRICIANS 66802484 GARDEN SHED INSTALLATION on concrete slab, all areas, free quotes ....0405922839 or 66841674 GYPROCK PLASTERING Free quotes, phone Trev ...... Lic R63900 66805 509 or 0407049600 ACTIVE ELECTRICAL & COMMUNICATIONS Fire alarms Lic 143433C ...... Chris 0414 905900 HOT WATER KIRKLANDS BUILDING New homes & renovations Lic 79499C ...... 0408 644743 or 6680 1074 ALFRED BURLEY 24 hour service, Lic No 41598C ...... 0428 299754 or 66858691 MULLUM BATHROOMS BUILDER Lic 150708C ...... 0429 852363 PLASTERER Free quotes, Lic No. 45737C, phone Rick ...... 0421 696936 or 66850453 COUGHRAN ELECTRICAL 24hr service, Lic. No. 154293C ...... 0439 624945 or 66804173 !5342!,)!.(/47!4%2 SOLOMONS FLOORING DESIGN flooring, vinyl, carpets ...... 66809166 DAVID LEVINE Lic no. 96251C Electrical, phones, security, data ...... 0402 022111 STAINLESS WIRE BALUSTRADING Supplies and installation ...... 66872253 3ALESs3ERVICEs)NSTALLATION GOTCHA WIRED Peter Kendall Electrical Contractors Lic 61439C ...... 0427 611832 or 66855422 STONEMASON Jackhammer Stoneyard ...... 66855666 or 0417 377005 s3OLARs%LECTRICs'AS OUTDOOR TIMBER SETTINGS RESORED Mark ...... 6680 1350 TREVOR REID Electrical and air conditioning Lic EC30537 ...... 0418 710377 or 66847795 #ENTENNIAL#CT"YRON!RTS)ND%ST WATERPROOFING Tiling, bathroom, reno, decking, Dave Lic 4112 ...... 0427464748 Business, Home, Farm, Industrial Reliable and Punctual ,IC, ÈÈnxÊÈ£Èä 1  Ê ELECTRICIAN ÊÀV ˆÌiVÌÕÀ>ÊܜÀŽ]Ê`iVŽÃÊ>˜`Ê«iÀ}œ>à 24 Hr Service • No Call Out Fee Andrew Curtis • Lic No 79065C • Ph 0427 402 399 ÀiiÊ+՜Ìià * É>ÝÊÈÈnÇÊÓäÈÎʜÀÊä{ÎnÊnÇÓÊäÈÎ ˆV°Ê œ°Ê£ä{xÈn #/5'(2!.%,%#42)#!, (/52 #APE"YRON2ETAINING7ALLS 3%26)#% INSULATION !NTHONYAH THE INSULATION MAN Cellulose fibre ...... 66793136 or 0410853473 s2URALs$OMESTICs#OMMERCIALs)NDUSTRIAL @,OOKGREAT  s0HONE$ATAs4EST4AG4OOLS!PPLIANCES INTERIOR DESIGN

LASTALIFETIME   ,IC.O# &RIENDLYs&REE1UOTESs.O#ALLOUT&EESs2ELIABLE KATE PLATT Interior Designer, ...... 0411 888416 or 66807606 PAINTING Local, reliable, friendly electrician >À«i˜ÌÀÞÊ Õˆ`ˆ˜}Ê >ˆ˜Ìi˜>˜Vi A, A, PAINTERS John Hand Lic 13246C ...... 0413 185399 or 66841249 24 hour service, extensive experi- ALL-WAYS PAINTING Shahron Shahar Lic 114240C ...... 0438 784226 or 66884226 , "6/" -ʇÊ, -/",/" - ence, no-obligation free quotes. BYRON PRO-PAINT Competitive prices, call Ben Lic 87771C ...... 0418662281 UÊ œœÀÃÊUÊ7>ÃÊUÊ iˆˆ˜}ÃÊUÊ iVŽÃÊUÊ-Ì>ˆÀÃÊUʈÌV i˜ÃÊUÊ- œ«wÌ̈˜}ÊUÊ >Lˆ˜iÌʓ>Žˆ˜} Schultz Circuit Electrical Call Wayne 0414 821137 DEREK BULLION PAINTING Free quotes Lic R98818 ...... 0414 225604 or 66805049 ä{ä£Ênn£ÊÇx£ÊœÀÊÈÈÓ£ÊÎÓä™ commercial, industrial and PAINTER/DECORATOR Andrew Johnson Lic R84077 ...... 66803698 or 0414 309585 domestic applications or 6684 5521 SCOTT & CO. PAINTING Quality service Lic 110646C ...... 66850227 or 0410 466585 Àiiʵ՜Ìià *," */Ê- ,6 ˆV\ʣșÎÈÇV ENGINEERING All-Ways Painting Ceramic Floor Tiling • Domestic & Commercial • Servicing all areas Wall Tiling, Building Maintenance McLean Agquip • Welding • Steel fabrication • Steel sales • Workmanship guaranteed • Attention to detail Phil and Linda Guy • Full machine shop Lic No 114240c Ph 6684 6930 • 0418 255 599 Lic No. 55115C • High tensile bolts & nuts repair service 6688 4226 • 0438 784 226 Domestic & Commercial • Hydraulics, pumps, motors, valves, hoses etc • General enquiries welcome FAX 6680 8066 15!,)4942!$%3-!.7)4( 8 Centennial Cct, Byron Arts/Ind Est • Ph 6680 8060 9%!23%80%2)%.#% 2%,)!",% !,,!2%!3 ,I




FLOOR SANDING PROMPT & EFFICIENT, NON–TOXIC, FREE QUOTES ...... 0414 804277 FLYNN’S QUALITY PAINTING ,"" Ê ,/- • 16 years’ experience • Professional • Friendly • Clean ,1 -Ê6 9Ê"",-   For a free quote call Mark on -8Ê ,/" -Ê Ê,""  6680 3070 or mobile 0410 520647 ÎäÊ9 ,-Ê 8* , +Õ>ˆÌÞÊyʜœÀÃ>˜`ˆ˜}]ʘœ˜Ê̜݈V]Ê Lic 130521C ‘Quality work to be sure, to be sure!’ ,IC.O ä{£{ÊÈÇ{Ê££äʜÀÊÈÈnÇÊ{{™£ 2 ˜œ˜ÊÞiœÜˆ˜}]ÊiÝÌÀi“iÊ`ÕÀ>LˆˆÌÞ * œ˜iÊ >ÛiÊÈÈnäÊΙǙʜÀÊä{£nÊ£x™Ê£xn -(0!).4).'#/.42!#4/23 #/.#2%4).' ,IC# DOMESTICsINDUSTRIALsCOMMERCIALsFREEQUOTES s,)-%34/.%(!.$#2!&4%$0/52%$0!6).' .ORTHERN2IVERS #!,,-!2+ s,)-%34/.%2%.$%2 FLOORSANDING 'OLD#OASTAND  ( SURROUNDINGAREAS LICnCABN 0HONE7AYNE7HELAN  OR .EWOROLDmOORSs$ECKSs3TAIRSs#ORKs0ARQUETRY &ORANOOBLIGATIONFREEQUOTECALL0AUL#HARLESWORTH .37,IC# CONSULTING & INSPECTIONS -OR( 1,$,IC "7 Ê Ê* / Ê " /, /",- ¼7iÊ>ÃÈÃÌ]ʏˆÃÌi˜ÊEÊÌ i˜Ê`iˆÛiÀÊޜÕÀÊۈȜ˜½Ê BASIX CERTIFICATES Call Tom ...... 0401 367577 or 66802416 UÊ œ“iÃ̈VÊEÊVœ““iÀVˆ>ÊUÊ,iÜÀÌÃ]Ê œÌiÉ“œÌi]Ê ˆ} ÊÀˆÃiÃÊÊ FENG SHUI CONSULTATIONS Elizabeth Crawford, ...... 66853751 FURNITURE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION UʘÌiÀ˜>ÊEÊiÝÌiÀ˜>ÊUÊ-«iVˆ>ÊivviVÌÃÊEÊVœœÕÀÊ>`ۈÜÀÞ DESIGN & DRAFTING POLISH AT BYRON Antique restoration – Showroom 1/5 Centennial Cct, Byron ...... 6680 7010 ÜÜÜ°œÜi˜Li«>ˆ˜Ìˆ˜}°Vœ“ ˆVÊ£ÎÇÇ£™ ARCHITECTURAL CAD Additions & buildings to council specs ...... 66841795 WOOD DOCTOR Stripping, polishing, repairs, ...... quotes 0427656779 or 66841391 UÊÈÈnÇÊnäxÓʜÀÊä{äÇÊÓxnÊ£ÇnÊU ARTISTIC GARDENS Unique plans drawn to scale ...... Claire 0427852487 or 66846110 BRUNSWICK BUILDING DESIGNERS Home plans/additions ...... 0427 851512 or 66851512 DAVID ROBINSON House plans and extensions ...... 66858114 or 0419 880048 EXPANDESIGN Houses, shops & renovations. Alok W Eggenberger ...... 66847180 GARDEN DESIGN, FENG SHUI & LANDSCAPE PLANS Lyn Ruming ...... 66857756 IAN HOSKEN LANDSCAPING Design & construction. Lic 172806C ...... 0409 643245 or 66841581 INTERIOR DECORATION by Peta Laurisen ...... 66803012 KATE PLATT Interior design ...... 0411 888416 or 66807606ZAHER DESIGNZ 3HOWROOM #USTOM&URNITURE +ITCHENS ARCHITECTURAL & DESIGN SERVICES ...... 0414974088 or 66849408 5NIT4I4REE0L !RTS)ND%STATE TELFAXs 34 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Service Directory

FRIENDLYLOCALSERVICE #/5'(2!. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES DOMESTICCOMMERCIAL COMPETITIVEPRICES !.4%..!3 %,%#42)#!, AUSTECH APPLIANCE SERVICE Washers, stoves etc ...... 0413 029797 or 66801988 GUARANTEEDWORKMANSHIP BRUNSWICK TV SERVICE 30yrs Byron Shire, Bill Sked ...... 66851778 !NTHONYAH MULLUMBIMBY APPLIANCE SERVICE Byron Shire ...... 0408 851633 or 66842952 !LLANTENNAINSTALLATIONSANDREPAIRSANDELECTRICALWORK &RIENDLYs,OCALs0ROMPTs2ELIABLE & VIDEO REPAIRS & SALES We repair Hi-Fis, CDs, Microwaves BEST PAINTING – BEST PRICE Brunswick T.V. Service YVES DE WILDE PAINTING SERVICES ÎäÊÞi>ÀÃÊiÝ«iÀˆi˜Viʈ˜Ê ÞÀœ˜Ê- ˆÀi°Ê,iVi«Ìˆœ˜Ê TV BYRON ELECTRONICS • Domestic & commercial • Free quotes • Special finishes ëiVˆ>ˆÃÌðʘÌi˜˜>ÊEÊÃ>ÌiˆÌiʈ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜ÊÊ 25 BRIGANTINE ST, BYRON INDUST. ESTATE • 6685 7610 • Workmanship guaranteed • Clean, friendly & reliable EÊÃiÀۈVi°Ê/6]Ê6ˆ`iœÊEÊ 6 ÊÀi«>ˆÀð * œ˜iÊ ˆÊ-Ži`ÊÈÈnxÊ£ÇÇn 6680 7573 or 0415 952494 Lic No 114372c £Ê*>ÀŽÊ-Ì]Ê À՘Ã܈VŽÊi>`ÃÊ­Li ˆ˜`Ê9>“ˆ½Ã® .%%$15!,)494//,3&)44).'3 $)9STAINLESSBALUSTRADEFITTINGS POWERSFASTNERSFITTINGS #-4ROUTERBITSSAWS PLUMBERS DIAMONDBLADESGRINDINGWHEEL CARBATECHANDTOOLSMACHINERYMORE    -Ê/  6-" Ê- ,6 - "2/+%.3/-%4().' 7%#!.&)8)4 BILL CONNORS Plumber & drainer Gold Lic No L1051 CA 1221 ...... 66801403 s.%7).34!,,!4)/.3s%842!/54,%43 HOUSEHOLDAPPLIANCES *"7 ,ÊEÊ,Ê DART PLUMBING Plumbing, roofing, gas service. Lic. 1175539C ...... 0421 334515 VACUUMS «œÜiÀÊEÊ>ˆÀÊ̜œÃ]Ê  DOMINIC TAYLOR Maintenance & new work Lic 176059C ...... 0422286599 or 66771169 s3522/5.$3/5.$s466)$%/45.).' Vœ“«ÀiÃÜÀÃÊEʓ>V ˆ˜iÀÞ ÓÓÊ/ˆ˜Vœ}>˜Ê-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê ÕÕ“Lˆ“LÞ /""Ê, *,- I LOVE PLUMBING Call Steve Lic 148904C ...... 0412 916140 s&!8 -/$%- 4%,%0(/.%/54,%43 PLUMBING, DRAINS, LP GAS Dennis McKinnon Lic L6616 ...... 66878191 or 0400 726610 s3!4%,,)4%46).34!,,!4)/.3 PIPE DREAM PLUMBING Draining & gas fitting Ben Campbell Lic 154590C ...... 0408 626343 -/ 6 Ê ,-" ÊÊä{£{ÊnÎÈÊÈÓÇ EJAH:HE:6@:GG:E6>GH PLUMBING, DRAINER, ROOFING Mark Thomas Lic 10413 ...... 0417 299884 =^"ÒheZV`ZggZeV^gh!gZeaVXZbZcih!  ,-Ê Ê/6Ê / - Je\gVYZh!eVgihVXXZhhdg^Zh UÊ-iÀۈViÊUʘÃÌ>>̈œ˜ÃÊUÊ-œVŽiÌÃÊUÊ ˆ}ˆÌ>Ê/6ÊÊUÊ œ˜˜iV̈œ˜Ã]Ê œ˜vˆ}ÕÀ>̈œ˜ÃÊ Ace Plumbing Ê EÊ-iÌÊ1«ÊœvÊ6 ,¿Ã]Ê 6 ¿ÃÊEÊ-ÌiÀiœÃÊiÌVÊUÊœ“iÊ/ i>ÌÀiÊEʈ} ̈˜}Ê ejahZhe`h5deijhcZi#Xdb#VjE]dcZGVn++-+(()' Ê Õ̜“>̈œ˜ÊvÀœ“Êfx™äÊUÊ-“>ÀÌÊœÕÃiÊ7ˆÀˆ˜}Ê • Prompt service IFTHEREISNO 4OWERS.OW/PERATING7EST-ULLUM /CEAN3HORES "YRON • Competitive rates IMPROVEMENTTHERE GARBAGE & RUBBISH REMOVAL -T.ARDI -gBAH 0H$AVE ISNOCHARGE • Free quotes ABOUT BYRON SHIRE Rubbish removed/recycled ...... Mark 66853995 or 0421932945 ALLWAYS RUBBISH REMOVAL ...... 66871029 CLEANING BEST SKIPS AND CONTAINERS Bangalow ...... 0417458149 or 66871544 Adrian Black ACE CLEANING SERVICES ...... 0410 021162 GEORGE’S RUBBISH REMOVAL Big jobs, little jobs, reasonable rates...... 0429882058 ALLWAYS CLEANING ...... 66871029 RAPID RECYCLING/RUBBISH REMOVAL Phone Rob ...... 66811836 or 0402921630 PLUMBER ˆVÊ œ\ʣ䣙{ A. MORE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ...... 66807721 or 66803419 WEEKEND RUBBISH REMOVAL ...... 66779003 Ê«Õ“Lˆ˜}]ÊÀœœw˜}]Ê`À>ˆ˜>}iÊEÊ}>ÃÊ ä{äǙ{{ΣÇÊ CAPE BYRON Window Cleaning & Property Maint...... Tom Scott 0418 600576 GARDEN & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE wÌ̈˜}ÊܜÀŽÊUÊÀiiʵ՜ÌiÃÊUÊ£ää¯ÊœV> œÀÊÈÈnx£™xÈ TWO VIKINGS CLEANING SERVICES Domestic/holiday accommodation ...... 66291807 WINDOW CLEANING Professional work, free quotes, phone Arjun ...... 0421797210 or 66846982 AAA LAWNMOWING Reliable and efficient ...... 0421106332 ABOUT BYRON Mowing, gardening, rubbish removal ...... Mark 66853995 or 0421 932945 Cape Byron PLUMBING BRUSHCUTTING, WHIPPERSNIPPING & GARDENING General farm work ...... 0403 822482  /" Ê7 "7Ê     BYRON OCEAN SHORES LAWNS & GARDENS Gardening, mowing, rubbish removal etc .. 66804744 or 0404 418957 All plumbing, gasfitting & roofing "7 ,Ê"* ,/ Ê 1- -- CALDERA ECO-SERVICES Environmental weed control ...... 66721879 or 0412455801 ÞÃVÀii˜ÃÊUÊ œLÜiLÃÊUÊœÕÃiÊ7>à ˆ˜}Ê DAVID’S LAWNMOWING SERVICE Huge value, tiny prices, small jobs OK ...... 66807337 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE UÊÕÌÌiÀÊ i>˜ˆ˜}ÊUÊ>˜`ޓ>˜ÊUÊÀiiÊ+՜Ìià DIG IT LANDCAPE GARDENS Ride-on. Phone Patrick ...... 0416 109495 or 66871905 GARDEN Rubbish removal, whipper snippering, odd jobs...... ph Matt 66853704 or 0432217503 Ph 66809997 – YOUR LOCAL PLUMBERS Lic No 4838 * Ê-ÌÕ>ÀÌÊÈÈn{Ê{™ÓÈ œÀÊä{£ÓÊ{™xÊÇxä GARDEN SACK SERVICE Rubbish removal...... 0437 874884 or 66874886 GARDEN, WHIPPER SNIPPING Ocean Shores area, Kim...... 66805390 ALL BYRON SHIRE CARPET GUTTERS CLEANED All areas, free quotes, fully insured ...... 0405 922839 or 66841674 Gilly’s Plumbing ORGANIC GARDEN MAINTENANCE/MULCHER Reliable naturally ...... 0423 527882 or 66846193 Lic 133205C OUTDOOR TIMBER SETTINGS RESTORED Mark ...... 66801350

& UPHOLSTERY▲ CLEANING General Repairs & Service. TILE & GROUT CLEANING TIGHT SPOT EXCAVATIONS Call Chris ...... 0404147100 or 66872334 ▲ Affordable, Reliable 7 DAYS TRUCK MOUNTED MACHINE TREE FELLING & CHIPPING Fully insured, goor rates, ph Nick ...... 0415 935048 or 66884336 Ph Darren Gill 0417 284 001 ph Brendon O’Connor 66853767 or 0429853767 TREE LOPPING & WOOD CHIPPING Vic Carpenter (see Tradework) ...... 66841172 TROWS LAWNMOWING Lawns, gardens, ride–on ...... 0410 665902 or 66875959 “Always Waterwise” YARD TIDY Mowing, edging & green waste removal ...... ph Ward 66872108 , INSPECTOR SEPTIC Professional Window Cleaning i>ÃÊÀ>ÌiðÊՏ - AT YOUR SERVICE - >†p>‰¿®*¥‰–^¥°Á® >z†°^†>†P^^ DOMESTIC – COMMERCIAL – BOND CLEANS ‰ƒ–^°^®>¥Y^†® >z†°^†>†P^ Solutions to ALL your problems Level 5 restrictions compliant UÊ*À՘ˆ˜}ÊUÊ*>˜Ìˆ˜}ÊUÊ>ܘʓœÜˆ˜}ÊUÊ-“>Ê>˜`ÃV>«iʍœLà Lic. 8908

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Reliable and of the highest quality – call for a free quote ʈ˜ÃÕÀi`°Ê 6684 2474 0427 842 474 UÊœÜʓ>ˆ˜Ìi˜>˜ViÊ}>À`i˜Ã UÊ>À`i˜Ê“>ŽiœÛiÀÃÊUÊ Õà ÊÀi}i FREECALL 1800 68 38 38 MOBILE 0411 444 367 UÊ/ÀiiÊ«À՘ˆ˜}ÊUÊ>˜`ÊVi>Àˆ˜}ÊUÊ,ÕLLˆÃ ÊÀi“œÛ>ÊUÊ/ˆVŽÊ-œ Your local specialist in *w®^‰ ¥p^®¬¬cc ®¶Çlc ®‰¥®Ço¶‡ ®cc¶ ®Çlc +¸>zk®^Y®‰¥°zP¸°¸¥z¨° For Sewage Management phone EARTH CARE CLEANING SEWAGE TRINE SOLUTIONS Organic products SOLUTIONS 6680 2358 Domestic, Commercial, Bond cleans & Windows Insurance & ABN provided or 0407 439805 0411 811 140 SKIPS Ê*, --1, Ê7/ ,Ê DAVE CLOTHIER FENCING & 4WD SLASHING CONTRACTOR Ph 6687 1544 -/Ê     s(OUSESs$RIVEWAYSs2EVITALISETIMBERDECKSs0AVING • Post driving • Barbed wire • Round yards • Truck hire BEST Mob 0417 458 149 s3WIMMINGPOOLSs/UTDOORFURNITUREs#OBWEBS • Post hole boring boundary fencing • Stock yards • 4 in 1 bucket s3LIPPERYPATHSs7(!4%6%24(%*/" • Post and rail 2m, 4m, 6m cubic mtr bins !". SKIPS , Ê+1"/ - Ph 6680 2694 • Mob 0427 641881 commercial • industrial • domestic 0HONE2ICKONÈÈnnÊ{äx{ORä{ä{Ê£xÇʙÓx AND CONTAINERS 295 Pocket Rd Billinudgel 2483 BANGALOW We strive to be the best, not the biggest SWIMMING POOLS *," --" Ê UÊ>Ü˜Ê œÜˆ˜}Ê­Àˆ`i‡œ˜® ÊÊÊ,Ê UÊ>À`i˜Ê“>ˆ˜Ìi˜>˜ViÊ BAYWATER POOLS Design & Construction Lic 129104c ...... 66843489 or 0419 479921 Kevin and Margaret Bower " -/ ÊÊÊEÊÀi˜œÛ>̈œ˜Ã MULLUM HIRE CHEMICALS, ACCESSORIES, WATER TESTING ...... 66843003 Free Specialising in: Commercial & Industrial Cleaning ",/Ê "-/ ,   UÊ,ÕLLˆÃ ÊÀi“œÛ> quotes U ÕÌÌiÀÊVi>˜ˆ˜} • Carpet Cleaning • Hotels–Clubs–Offices–Shops >À`i˜ÊEÊ*Àœ«iÀÌÞÊ ˆVŽÊÈÈnäÊnäÈxʜÀÊ UÊ-“>ÊÌÀiiʏœ««ˆ˜} BALLINA POOL SHOP . 6686 5800 66841001 – Doing it right first time! >ˆ˜Ìi˜>˜Vi ä{£ÓÊÓÈÎÊäș UÊ*ÀiÃÃÕÀiÊVi>˜ˆ˜} Quality construction or renovation. All types of pools & spas. (OUSE7ASHING #OBWEBS Peter McDonald • Fencing • Slashing On road service & maintenance. Free computer analysis. -OULD $RIVES0ATHS Fencing & Farm • Stockyard Building Licence 41452 16 Ray O’Neill Crescent, Ballina • Serving you since 1988 "RICK#LEANING • 4WD 4 in 1 Bucket .ORTH#OAST0RESSURE#LEANING Maintenance • Post & Rail Fences 0H 6684 2440 / 0415 838979 All areas – no job too small

*""-Ê¿,¿Ê1- ˆVÊ£ÈәÓä ★★★★★ ->iÃÊUÊ-iÀۈViÊUÊ,i˜œÛ>̈œ˜Ã VIP Service -/*/-/7).' STRONGARM CLEANING SERVICES * É>ÝÊÈÈÎÎÊx£ÓnÊÊ œLÊä{£{Ênä£Ê{{Ç s!CREAGEMOWING Servicing Byron’s Elite Homes. Reliable & Honest s3MALLSLASHINGJOBSs$OMESTIC Domestic, Commercial & Window Cleaning -ARK  HOUSEHOLD SERVICES Ph: Jenni or Mick 0427 253 117 or 6684 7606 )VEGOTA")'/.%AND)WANTTOUSEITMOWERTHATIS

AIR CONDITIONING Truck Mounted Machine , 8Ê , /" Ê -- ÊEÊ   APEX AIR & REFRIDGE Install & service Lic. 73289c ...... 66857781 or 0422 559691 TLC CARPET CLEANING s3PECIALISINGINPOSTRAIL {7 ANTENNA & INSTALLATION TENDER LOVING CARE s2URALFENCING Specialising in household carpet cleaning ANTENNA EXPERT Great reception at the right price. All work guaranteed ...... 66809065 Speedy Drying s3TOCKYARDSs3TABLESYARDS BYRON ANTENNA SERVICE Crystal clear reception ...... 1800 613033 or 66809065 Kevin & Margaret Bower (02) 6684 1001 TV ANTENNA INSTALLATION All work Rob Deegan ...... 0429 994516 or 66845525 ,%&4"!.+2$ -5,,5-")-"9 *ÊÈÈn{ÊÓÈÓ£ Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 35 Service Directory Tanks, Pumps & Pipes ❋ onsite repairs to all major pump brands ❋ pool pump sales & repairs ❋ all types polypipes & fittings PHFAX    66842022 GAS FITTERS & SUPPLIERS PEST CONTROL ComputOs BRUNSWICK VALLEY ELGAS SUPPLY free delivery, no rental ...... 66841575 High Quality PCs & Accessories 9.30 - 5.00 Mon-Fri FEDERAL MULLUM GAS SUPPLY ...... 66884000 &2%%RODENTTREATMENTWITH Competitive Prices. Professional Service MULLUMBIMBY GAS WORKS Service & installation. Lic No L11487 ...... 66840187 *ITTERBUG0EST#ONTROL Sat & a.h. by appt. EACHDOMESTICSERVICE Hardware, Software & Business Network Support HANDYPERSONS 9œÕÀʏœV>Êv>“ˆÞʜܘi`ÊLÕȘiÃà #OCKROACHES 6680 5121 Broadband Installation A REASONABLE RATE CARPENTRY/CONCRETE RENDERER ...... Oz 0421893534 or 66842858 &LEAS!NTS ˜ÛˆÀœ˜“i˜Ì>ÞÊÃ>viÊÌÀi>̓i˜ÌʓiÌ œ`à Shop 1, Ocean Shores Shopping Village A TO Z HANDYMAN SERVICES Jack of All Ph Andre ...... 66847553 3PIDERS ABLE BRIANS HOME REPAIRS The best prices in town ...... 66844365 *i˜Ãˆœ˜iÀÊ`ˆÃVœÕ˜ÌÃÊUʘœÊ˜ii`Ê̜Êi“«ÌÞÊVÕ«Lœ>À`à ANDY B HANDYMAN Reliable property maintenance ...... 0428 859787 * É>ÝÊ­äÓ®ÊÈÈÇÈÊÓäxÈÊÊ œLÊä{ä™ÊxxÈÊ{™Ó 3ILVERlSH BUILDER Lic 3442c Renovations, handyman ph Larry ...... 0418608407 or 66845331 CALL A HUBBY FOR ALL THE LITTLE ODD JOBS ...... 0421347320 or 66801267 CAPE BYRON PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Tom Scott ...... 0418 600576 or 66848004 TROPICALE PEST MANAGEMENT COSMO’S HOUSE HEALING SERVICES Pro paint, carpentry, the works ...... 0422 996731 Reg. 1482 NSW L2603 QLD 11645 DAN HANDYMAN Leaking taps to minor building maintenance ...... 66228911 or 0402 009361 ENVIRONMENTAL PEST CONSULTANTS ESSENTIAL HOME SERVICES ...... James 0432418354 or 66853186 JACK OF ALL TRADES Reasonable rate, Phone Mark ...... 0413 224163 Specialising in alternate and integrated methods of control. SHANES HANDYMAN SERVICES General carpentry & odd jobs ...... 0439 335659 Termite inspections/non-chemical control. SMARTEN UP PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Max ...... 66843189 or 0411 226717 Ph/fax 6684 2428 Mob 0418 110 714 DAVID LAWSON COMPUTER SERVICES TWEED/BYRON Repairs, maintenance, gardens, ute ...... 66770294 New Machines, Repairs. Upgrades, Training, Networking, Internet Con- HIRE REMOVALISTS nection, Software Win 98, Win 2000XP, NT. Cert. Tech. Microsoft Sales Ph: Mobile 0414843955 or 02 66843955 BYRON WEDDING & PARTY HIRE ...... 66855483 or 0439855483 CRANE TRUCK & GEN CARRIER Those heavy large jobs machinery, timber, etc .66846789, 0438846788 • email: [email protected] • Accepts credit cards MULLUM HIRE Builders, party and much more ...... 66843003 A FLAT BED TRUCK FOR HIRE from $30/hr up to 5 tonne ...... 6684 1795 Shop 10 Ross Industrial Complex, Station St, Mullum TRUCK HIRE WITH CRANE For those too heavy jobs ...... 66846789 Also at 15 Riverside Drive, Mullumbimby 2482 HOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS BEYOND BYRON REMOVALS BANGALOW UPHOLSTERY Re-covering specialists: Bangalow Upholstery ...... 66871553 Ready for work within & beyond Byron KEVIN’S COMPUTER SERVICES Brisbane Sydney backloading Ph: 6685 4616 or 0417 854616 email: [email protected] Advice on all aspects of computers • New computers built to your For careful service & great rates requirements • Supply and installation of hardware phone 66801158 or 0408 004719 • Training in computer/software use • Problem diagnosis/solving • Internet connection setup • Web page design • Available after hours and weekends by arrangement • Reasonable rates • Mobile service to your place Phone Cape Byron Removals Rob & Lorraine Cubis 6685 8 Grevillea St, Byron Arts & Industrial Estate 8108 • Based in Byron Industrial Estate Ph: 6685 1969 Mob: 0412 995267 • Continuing to serve the Byron Shire Free Quotes on:- • Screens • Local • Brisbane • Sydney • Melbourne • Inland • Hollands • Venetians • Pleated • Security Byron Shire • Awnings & Patios • Vertical drapes -ANWITHA6AN4RUCK œ““Õ˜ˆV>̈œ˜Ã LANDSCAPING & EXCAVATION aÚ3vJÓ¬¨JXŸvÚÐv£¬ëJŸÚÐJÜvÓÚaÚÐvvÚÅå¬ÜvÓ BRUNSWICK BOBCAT & TIPPER HIRE and landcsaping. Best prices ..... 0422 041491 or 66850057 aÚJÓÜÚ ¬JÓÜÚaÚ Ð˜ÓXJ¨vÚÜì˜bvÚJÚìvvžÚ Ê9"1Ê  ¿/Ê /Ê -Ê6 Ê1-ÊÊ  GARDEN DESIGN & FENG SHUI ...... 0428 884329 or 66857756 7ˆÀiiÃÃÊLÀœ>`L>˜`ÊVVœÕ˜ÌÃÊ­7 -®ÊvÀœ“Êfә°™x«É“I IAN HOSKEN LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONSTRUCTION Lic 172806C ... 0409 643245 or 66841581 .•¬¨vÚ³ÞôôÚ{ˆÚ؈ÚÞô 1˜ˆ“ˆÌi`Ê ˆ>qÕ«ÊVVœÕ˜ÌÃÊvÀœ“Êf£™°™x«É“I LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN Brad Turk Lic. 24884C ...... 0418 661145 LANDSCAPE DESIGN by David Pettifer ...... 0427 845284 or 66855985 ÜÜÜ°ˆ˜Ž˜iÌ°Vœ“°>ÕÊÈÈn{ÊÎÎ{xÊ NEW HORTICULTURE Pty Ltd. Modern Australian Landscaping ...... 0405 383039 or 66802607 NORTHERN RIVERS TRENCHING SERVICE Excavator hire, ...... 0402 716857or 66802750 9/5#!,,)47%(!5,)4 -EGAPLANPM SHANE FLANNERY LANDSCAPING Paving, retaining walls, bricklaying ...... 0418 669055 s0ICK UPSDELIVERIESs4IPRUNS !$3,"2/!$"!.$ SHAW DESIGN Landscape design & construction ...... 0412 666217 or 66840323 NOWAVAILABLE $IALUPPLANSFROMPM s-INIMOVESsDAYSAWEEK 5NLIMITEDHOURSDOWNLOAD 0HONE0OTTSONOR ˆ}Ê/œiÊ >VŽ œi ÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÞÀœ˜Ê- ˆÀiÊEÊLiޜ˜`°°°°°°°° ,OCALL)NTERNET0H WWWLOCALLAUNZCOM 7EMOVEAROUNDTHEEARTH SECURITY SERVICES  BRUNSWICK VALLEY LOCKSMITHS Shirewide ...... 66771550 or 0412 144679 #ALL"RETTOR BYRON SHIRE SECURITY SERVICE ...... 66858557 or 0408 661660 "RIAN%DWARDSISOFFERINGAPERSONALISEDCALLOUTSERVICE CAPE BYRON SECURITY SERVICE (est. 1988) ...... 66853507 or 0403 252210 TOHOMESANDBUSINESSES"ARGAIN0#3YSTEMS SEWING MACHINE & APPLIANCE SERVICE !RESPECTED QUALIlEDTECHNICIANTO MANYLOCALMAJORBUSINESSESFORYEARS 3vŸ˜JXŸviڕ¬¨vÓÜÚJ¨lڻЬ£»Ü A1 SEWING MACHINES Since 1964 Leaders In Service ...... 66847447 4ECH-AGIC ¬ÐÚJŸŸÚî¬åÐÚ ¬XbJÜÚQÚ7˜»»vÐÚ¨vvlÓ JŸŸÚ JëvÚ.JΘ¨Ó¬¨Ú¬¨ ÜÚ åbžvÜÚQÚ ŸJlvÚ  BUSINESS & OFFICE SERVICES COMPUTER TONER & CARTRIDGES ØØ{{ڋã³{Ú¬ÐÚô‹³³Úô©ÞÚ©³ÞÚ ìvÚl˜Ú¬åÐڝ¬X Run Out of Printer Ink? Don’t Panic..WE COME TO YOU! When your Computer Printer or Fax runs out of ink - We Come to You with "RUNSWICK6ALLEY guaranteed savings and only INK on the RUN uses premium quality American $).'/%8#!6!4/23 "/"#!4()2%   Inks with the exclusive IVC (ink viscosity control). Call Us and SAVE! All Brands   !5'%23 42%.#().'345-0'2).$%2 2/4!(/% Inkjet INK ON THE RUN Faxes & Lasers )."5#+%4 $2)6%7!93 4!.+3)4%3 !,,%8#!6!4)/.3 Refills from We Refill Your Ink Cartridges! DAYS0HONE-ARK2OSENAUER 6.00!! Tel: 6676-1919 Mob: 0413 085 710 Too! -OB $ Business Home Office

ACCOUNTANTS THE PRINTER & CARTRIDGE SPECIALIST BYRON SHIRE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP EARTHMOVING ACCOUNTANT Paul Mayberry ...... 66847415 INKY ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS ACCOUNTANT HUDSON MATTHEWS MANAGMENT SERVICES ...... 66858129 • Bulldozer • Bobcat • Excavator BUSINESS 19 Tasman Way, • Compaction Roller • Tipper Truck BYRON BOOKKEEPING MYOB, admin, mobile... Annette Stanton ...... 0419 627506 6680 7776 Byron Arts & Industry Estate • footings • drainage • driveways • roads • house sites • rock walls • tank/pool sites BOOKKEEPING MYOB, Tuition, Shoebox & Chequebook...Clare Wigley ...... 0422 190277 Phone 6684 3032 Mobile 0418 665 905 BOOKKEEPING MYOB, very experienced, excellent references, Vineeto Raspini ...... 66856645 INKS LASERS FAXES REPAIRS SALES MYOB BOOKKEEPING TUITION Peter Kunzli ...... 66849128

PRINTING & GRAPHIC ART MYOB, QUICKBOOKS EXPERT Rapid & fair rate. Peter Wells ...... 0414 999892 ACCENT COLOR THE COPY SHOP ...... 66856236 i>ÀÌ ÃV>«ià ABN 40 501 635 942 UÊ*œÃˆÌÀ>VŽÊ, ÊxäÊ­ÀÕLLiÀÊÌÀ>VŽi`ÊLœLV>Ì®* ˆÌ Ž , xä ­ LL Ì Ž ` L L ACCENT COLOR THE LAMINATING SHOP ...... 66856236 UÊ{ʈ˜Ê£ÊLÕVŽiÌ]ÊÈÊÜ>ÞÊȽÊ`œâiÀÊL>`i]Ê>Õ}iÀà ˆVÊÈnÇÇx Donna Eltringham MOONSAIL DESIGN LAB Graphic Design ...... 66802225 UÊx½Ê i>ÛÞÊ`ÕÌÞÊ Þ`À>ՏˆVÊÈ`iÊ`ˆÃV >À}iÊÏ>à iÀÞÞÞ PRINTWORKS Commercial & digital printing, brokers & graphic design ...... 66843633 Bookkeeping & general Office Services. * œ˜iÊÈÈn{Ê{ää£Ê œLˆi ä{£{Ê{xnÊxnä NORTH COAST PRINT SOLUTIONS Graphic Design and Printers ...... 66858264 Your office or mine, MYOB or manual, Pick up and delivery *œÃˆÌÀ>VŽÊܜÀŽÃÊÜ iÀiÊœÌ iÀÃÊV>˜½Ì SYD GEARY GRAPHIC DESIGN Digital printing ...... 66843633 (!24!RBOROCULTURE Ph/fax: (02) 6684 5582 • m: 0408 450 749 • email: [email protected] HORTICULTURECONSULTANTS COMPUTER SERVICES ,ANDSCAPING GARDENDESIGN TREELOPPING 3PECIALISINGINSTYLISHSTONEFEATURESAND FREAKYBUSINESS.COM. web, video, business to business solutions ...... 66846373 EXOTICSUBTROPICALGARDENS&ULLYINSURED #ALL.ICKON MENDICOTT.COM Web design & marketing, e-commerce ...... 0403 291982 O/SHORES MOBILE TECH All computer problems Ph Daniel ...... 66801713 or 0422804449 ,!.$3#!0%3  OR WORD PROCESSING/PRESENTATION BY EXP. P.A...... 0412576664 or 66875959 JJ & & J J BOBCAT BOBCAT ÌÊ9œÕÀÊ-iÀۈViÊÇÊ >ÞÃÊÊ7iiŽ && TIPPER TIPPER HIRE HIRE vvœÀ`>LiÊ >VÊ-Õ««œÀÌÊfxx À Contact Jess 0417066574/66872335 1Ê " 9Ê  Ê1, / ALL AREAS ««i œÀiÊ-œṎœ˜ÃÊqÊ"˜ÃˆÌiÊ œ“«ÕÌiÀÊÃÕ««œÀÌÊqÊV>Ê i>˜Êä{ä™Êä£äÊ{xÈ 36 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Classifi ed Ads

INDEX TAROT Birthdays ...... 41 ASTROLOGY Business For Sale ...... 40 ECHO CLASSIFIEDS 6684 1777777 REIKI Business Opportunity ...... 40 by Eve Bus Services ...... 38 66802608, 0417427518 Cabins For Sale ...... 40 PHONE ADS RATES & PAYMENT DEADLINE Caravans For Sale ...... 39 WOMEN’S COUNSELLING Car Service ...... 39 Ads may be taken by phone on 6684 1777 $12.50 for the fi rst two lines 12pm Monday Renee Searles. Please ph 66803660 Childcare ...... 38 8.30am – 2pm Monday (minimum charge) for display ads Church Notice ...... 41 9am – 5pm Tuesday to Friday $3.50 for each extra line ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR Computers ...... 38 2pm Monday DEB McBRIDE Ads can’t be taken on the weekend (these prices include GST) For Carol ...... 41 for line ads Helping people help their pets. 0412455512 / For Hire ...... 38 AT OUR OFFICES Cash, cheque or credit card For Sale ...... 39 – Bankcard, Mastercard or Visa. HYPNOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING For Tender ...... 37 Classifi ed ads may also be lodged at our offi ces: Prepayment required for: Garage Sales, Account Wendy Purdey. Relax, resolve, Garage Sales ...... 39 Mullumbimby – Village Way, Stuart St Share Accommodation, Wanted to Rent enquiries release & restore inner calm & clarity. Benefits include insights, understand- Hall For Hire ...... 38 Byron Bay – Unit 3, 6 Jonson St and Work Wanted classifi cations phone 6685 5222 Health Notices ...... 37 ing & energy to create change. Enq welcome 66802630 Holiday Accommodation . . . . .40 Houses For Sale ...... 40 FOR CLASSIFIEDS THAT WORK ALL WEEK PLUTO House Swap ...... 40 Hairdresser, Suffolk Park. 66854830 Land For Sale ...... 40 PUBLIC NOTICES – CLASSIFIEDS – MEN’SLINE SUPPORT COUNSELLORS THE TAX DOCTOR! Lost & Found ...... 41 Can be booked any time during Willing to listen, call 66222240 Ronald H Wolff, former officer with Meetings ...... 37 SUBSCRIBE TO THE ECHO business hours Monday to Friday 7pm-11pm every night. If you want to be sure of your copy Tax Dept is happy to keep you in good Missing Pet ...... 41 by phoning 6684 1777. tax health incl. GST. For personal each week, or if you have a friend Please be very clear about what you Motor Bikes ...... 39 who’d like to keep up with The Echo, COUNSELLING and professional tax services call want to have printed in your ad. 66795330. Will make house calls. Motor Vehicles ...... 39 why not send a subscription? Our Echo staff will read your ad back SUSAN ALLEN CMCAPA Phone 66802805 Musical Notes ...... 41 It’s $30 per quarter or $110 per year, to you. Please help us by making sure post included. Write to Village Way, Only Adults ...... 41 we have correct details and phone GENUINE PSYCHIC READINGS ALINA HUGHES Stuart St, Mullumbimby 2482. numbers. Please have credit card For over 20 years. Weddings • Funerals • 66859898 Personal ...... 41 – PHOTOS – ready for Garage Sales, To Share, DIANE WEBB FOODS Pets ...... 41 All photos handled by The Echo Wanted To Rent and Work Wanted. Clairvoyant. Psychic. Medium. CHOKE THE SMOKES Pets of the Week ...... 41 – all care & no responsibility taken. Personal & by telephone 66809342 WITH HYPNOSIS. Paul L. Jones C.Ht. ♥ Luscious lunches in our Positions Vacant ...... 40 Back by popular demand: LIE BEAUTIFULLY DO IT NOW! 66807030 garden courtyard Property For Sale ...... 40 On a luxurious rug from THE AUSTRALIAN CANNABIS ARE YOU IN LOVE? ♥ Public Notices ...... 36 COOKBOOK THE RUG SHOP BANGALOW I’LL MARRY YOU Quality catering services @ Echo offices Mullumbimby & LIFE READINGS with MARLENA CALL SUE BASSER Gita Dunbar – authorised Marriage ♥ Removals ...... 40 Marriage Celebrant 66872707 Celebration cakes Byron Bay or SUE BASSER. Call 66872707 Celebrant. 66779282 or 0411041591. Share Accommodation ...... 40 ♥ Platters & tapas Short Term Accommodation . .40 ♥ Social Escorts ...... 42 //" Ê Brunswick Junior COACHES WANTED Venue available for functions To Lease ...... 40 This Sunday ՏÕ“Lˆ“LÞʈ>˜ÌÃÊ ♥ Party bookings available To Let ...... 40 / Surf Life Saving œœÌL>Ê ÕL ♥ Come & see us soon for >˜`ʏiVÌÕÀiÊÜˆÌ INVITESAPPLICANTSTOAPPLY Tractor Repairs ...... 39 Sign on Sunday 11th & 18th a wood fired pizza! Tradework ...... 38 *>ՏÊ/ˆÃ`iÊœ˜Ê>LL>> FORTHECOACHINGPOSITIONOF Bangalow September at Bruns &IRST'RADE 2ESERVE'RADE Tree Lopping ...... 39 >ÌÊLÀ>Ý>ÃÊ œœŽÃ œ« / ÕÀÃÊÓӘ`Ê-i«Ìi“LiÀÊJÊÇ«“ÊÊ Surf Club: 10 – 11.30am 5NDERSFORTHE PH: 6680 8228 Tuition ...... 41 SEASON œ˜>̈œ˜Êœ˜Þ Cost $60 per junior member. MOB: 0414 895 441 Wanted ...... 39 Market !PPLICATIONSBY-ONDAY3EPT ÜÜܰëˆÀˆÌÕ>ˆvi°Vœ“°>Õ Season commences 1/6 TASMAN WAY, Wanted To Rent ...... 40 ˆ˜vœÊÈÈnxÊxÇÇn 4HE3ECRETARY BYRON ARTS & IND EST. Sunday 9th October at 9am 0/"OX Work Wanted ...... 40 £ÎÊ>ÜܘÊ-ÌÊ ÞÀœ˜ÊÀV>`iÊÕ«ÃÌ>ˆÀà -ULLUMBIMBY.37 Service Directory



OSTEOPATHY .ORTH#OAST/NSITE-ECHANICAL s&ARMMACHINERYEARTHMOVING ANDREW HALL New Brighton ...... 66802027 s,IGHTCOMMERCIAL7$VEHICLES BRUNSWICK HEADS OSTEOPATHY Sue Broadbent, Mon - Fri ...... 66851126 s'ENERAL6EHICLES s!UTOMATICTRANSMISSION #ALL4RENT EVE SCHOENHEIMER, JODIE JACOBS Byron Bay ...... 66807575 SERVICEANDOVERHAUL  PETER DUNSHEA Byron Bay ...... 66856193 sBREAKDOWNSERVICE PHYSIOTHERAPY  HEALTH & LIFESTYLE ANTHONY D’ORSOGNA Suffolk Park 1 Bryce Street ...... 66853511 BANGALOW PHYSIOTHERAPY Craniosacral, Massage & Pilates CATERING Libbie Nelson, Petra Karni, Orsolina Aroney Lot 1, Ballina Road, Bangalow ...... 66872330 THE LARDER Byron Bay Quality Food for All Occasions ...... 66808644 CLAUDIA MIRDITA Craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, physio ...... 66847555 Quality tyres & retreads, repairs, batteries, fitting & balancing DENTISTS NICK EDMOND, CHRISTEL TAYLOR Mullumbimby Physiotherapy Centre ‘Govinda’ MULLUMBIMBY TYRE SERVICE Dalley Street, Mullumbimby BYRON DENTAL SURGERY Mercury-free restorations ...... 66807774 8 Jubilee Ave, Mullumbimby Monday, Wednesday, Friday ...... 66843255 6684 2016 MULLUMBIMBY DENTAL CENTRE 100 Stuart St, Mullumbimby ...... 66842644 OCEAN SHORES PHYSIOTHERAPY NIGEL PITMAN ...... 66803499 FLORISTS PAULA RAYMOND-YACOUB Acupuncture and physio ...... 66851646 GREEN & ENVIRONMENTALLY PASSION@FLOWERS Byron Bay. Fresh flowers, weddings. Interflora member ...... 66855209  MOTORING FRIENDLY MUFFLERS HAIR & BEAUTY 20 years in Byron Shire BANGALOW HAIR Hair specialists ...... 66871888 EDGE HAIRDRESSING Award winning salon. Open 6 days & Thursday nights ...... 66858391 BILLINUDGEL BRAKE CENTRE ...... 66801382 WILSON’S EXHAUST JO MILLS Professional hair and make up, artist mobile service ...... 0411228570 BILLINUDGEL STEERING & SUSPENSION ...... 66801382 15 Grevillea St, Byron Arts & Industry Est Ph. 6685 6925 MOBILE MAKE-UP ARTIST Unbeatable prices. Mateake ...... 0412 029955 BYRON CLASSIC CARS Cars bought and sold ...... 0439572287 SHAMPOO HAIR STUDIO Byron Bay ...... 66809656 THERE’S ALWAYS MORE Hair & beauty Byron Bay. Redken & Dermalogica ...... 66807922 CAR BODIES REMOVED Any condition, for quote phone Mark ...... 0427660641 CAR BODIES REMOVED FREE Essery Wreckers ...... 66845296  HEALTH MISCELLANEOUS FRED HENRY MECHANICAL REPAIRS Billinudgel ...... 66802155 ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE Dr Adam Osborne ...... 66857366 MECHANICAL REPAIRS, WELDING, MTA MEMBER, PEARCE MOTORS ...... 66851252 ACUPUNCTURE CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE M Collis ...... 66857001 EVENT SERVICES ACUPUNCTURE Chinese herbs, Massage… R Gutwein ...... 66808208 ACUPUNCTURE & TCM SPECIALIST House of Wellbeing, Kim Kilgariff ...... 66858538 BAYSIDE RADIATORS, WINDSCREENS ACUPUNCTURE & MOXIBUSTION Japan trained...... Joshua Leishman 66809092 AND AIR CONDITIONING MAKE UP ARTIST Weddings & special events, Sabine Hellfaier ...... 0422 752264 ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE Postural re-education for pain, stress/dysfunction. M. Hayes ..... 66809770 BYRON DENTAL SURGERY Mercury free restorations ...... 66807774 24 Hours 7 Days AUTO COOLING LANDSAILING CHIROPRACTOR Bruce Campbell, Brent Verco 52 Shirley St, Byron Bay ...... 66858159 Serving Byron Shire Natrad SERVICE CENTRE CHIROPRACTOR Byron Network Chiropractic – low force ...... 66858553 Where else would you take a leak! BYRON BLOKARTS ...... 0428 991210 or 66802239 CHIROPRACTOR Greg Kendall, 38 Mullumbimbi St, Brunswick Heads ...... 6684 4433 CHIROPRACTOR Michael Schwager 109 Stuart St Mullumbimby ...... 66841962 Lot 4, Wilfred St, Billinudgel. Ph 6680 2444 PICTURE FRAMING CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Michael Du Sautoy, Lennox Head ...... 66877000 COUNSELLING, DREAMWORK, SANDPLAY Karen Carruthers M.Couns ...... 66846581 Mogo Estab PICTURE FRAMING Bill Veale ...... 66842262 CRANIOSACRAL BALANCING Najma Ahern, Practitioner, Tutor & Trainer ...... 66846444 Place LIGHT WORKER HEALING Massage, Energy Balance, Counselling ...... 0432 477693 NEW TYRES 1988 MASSAGE Earthtouch bodywork. Deep, intuitive, healing. Siski ...... 66853464 VETERINARY SURGEONS MULLUMBIMBY Herbals, Naturopathy, Massage, 79 Stuart St ...... 66843002 MULLUMBIMBY MEDICAL CENTRE 60 Stuart St ...... 66841511 BATTERIES & REPAIRS BILLINUDGEL/OCEAN SHORES VET HOSPITAL Jon Hollingworth ...... 66803480 OCEAN SHORES PHYSIOTHERAPY NIGEL PITMAN ...... 66803499 BYRON BAY VET CLINIC 1/70 Centennial Cct. Matt Allworth ...... 66856899 PSYCHOLOGIST, ORIENT, MED, CHILD, FAMILY AND IND SESSIONS...... Krista 66803754 Billinudgel Tyre Service Ph 6680 2366 THERAPEUTIC THAI MASSAGE Energy & nerve realignment ...... 0419 667319 or 66809290 MULLUMBIMBY VET CLINIC Neil Farquhar and Susannah Wood ...... 66843818 Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 37

BYRON KATIE WORK MULLUM TO FIONA who kindly lent two chairs STRONG sensitive hands 2 luxurious MARRIAGE CELEBRANT ANTHEA AMORE OSHO MEDITATIONS Weds 2pm. Ph Kevala 66841783 & one table to the Wilderness Society hrs of nurturing $95. Ross 66855952 ALISON MACKAY MARRIAGE CELEBRANT No Mind Meditation plus Chi Kung please phone Seb 0421147120 Unique weddings, funerals, baby 66807277 0422383151 Friday 23rd Sept 12.30pm to 4.30pm LATIN DANCE PARTY SHORES UNITED JUNIOR SOCCER namings. Phone 66856827 Tyagarah. By donation. Call Anand Chincogan Hotel, Mullumbimby JOIN ME IN THE DANCE CLUB is holding their Presentation Day 66854248 DJ, Tappas Bar, Sat 24th, 8pm, $10 Great music. ‘Inspired by Gabrielle & AGM on Saturday 24/9/05 commenc- Roth’ Fri 7-9pm. Enquiries 66843837 ing 10am. AGM to be held at 11am. CONTRACT SEWER LOCALS DISCOUNT CARD! Calling for nominations for new com- Sm & lge runs welcome. Cutting serv- 10th coffee free @ GRAZIS CAFE PSYCHIC READINGS SING IN A CHOIR mittee members. For details contact ice avail. Ph Jocelyn 66846665 BH. 1/111 Jonson St opposite Cinema. Spiritual communication & healing at Allegro Gone Troppo is looking for new Joy on 66803553 The Essence Temple with Mary Can- members. Ring Alison 66856827 or DIRECT TO FABRIC PRINTING non, 25 years experience. 66858240 Melinda 66843564 FOOD GARDENING AND SEED Small quantities OK. SAVING COURSE ALI’S RUG CARE & Full CMT Service. THE AUSTRALIAN ORTHODOX Uncle Byron Bay has an extensive Preparation for Working/Volunteering WEAVING CENTRE 0428847699, 66288276 TAHITIAN DANCE HOME FOR THE AGED ASSOC INC screening process including Work- in community projects. Buddha Bar Tues 4.30-5.30pm $10 will be holding their AGM on Saturday ing With Children Checks, six referee Participants coming from Specialist rug CHRIST LIGHT MEDITATION Tehani 0419717950 22nd October 2005, commencing at checks (male and female) and obser- Melanesia and Latin America washing & repairs Ambaji Wellness Centre, Marvel 10am at the facility. All welcome. Quality rugs for sale Street, Byron, 7pm, Tuesday 13 Sept. vation at our activities and induction 10th to15th October – $420. MOBILE SPRAY TAN camps. However, Uncle, as a com- Local Seed Network Workshop Cnr Wollongbar & BYRON SUPER NANNY 0425333399 AMMA munity-based organisation also relies 18th and 19th October – $30 Centennial Cct Stressed out by your child’s BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION on the community to alert us to the Annual Seed Savers’ Get-together Byron Arts/Ind Est behaviour? I can help. RED HOT SALSA Tues Sept 27 at 6.30pm, 10 Alcorn St, suitability of men who apply to Uncle 21st to 23rd October $15 per day 6685 7750/0427 469 843 66847594 or 0409121780 Suffolk Park. Enquiries 66859939 to spend time interacting with boys as at the Seed Centre, Byron Bay. Every Wed @ Buddha Bar Studio positive adult role models. In the past Phone 66856624 New beg course starting NOW this has been one of our most valu- PRIVATE DRAWING TUITION New times: Beg 6-7.30pm, Int 7- SALSA FOR BEGS! Creative • Inspiring • Motivational able suitability and security measures. 8.30pm $12, Social 8.30-11.30pm $3. Due to demand Lyanne’s beginners Thank you. School hols – major work mentoring. Wed 21st Dance Shoe Party Salsa at the Great Northern starts FOR TENDER Louise 66854065 The following men are volunteering featuring ‘Glamourdance’ suede sole Monday 6.30. Join the hottest class in with Uncle in some capacity and con- shoes direct from Sydney. Try/buy. Byron! Info 66844526 tributing to building a community of Great selection $89-$99/pair. men who care about the young men in -ULLUMBIMBY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Lady DYNAMIC LIFE DRAWING our community; we thank them for their 3YNTHETIC&REE3KIN#ARE Lynda Dean Golfers Ocean Shores Country Club, Wed Mullum Drill Hall Theatre interest and agreement in maintaining 23,3UB"RANCH 7HOLESALE0RACTITIONER3UPPLIES Tuesday 18 October 2005 after golf Fri Byron Scout Hall Tennyson St the high level of transparency in our ISSEEKINGEXPRESSIONSOFINTEREST -ASSAGE%QUIPMENT!CCESS (approx 1.30pm). Details are displayed All classes 9.30am-12. 0421101220 organisation. We need the correspond- FROMSUITABLYQUALIlEDTILERS .ATURAL0RODUCT-AKING7ORKSHOPS in the Clubhouse. DYNAMIC KIDZ ART (7-16yrs) Oct 1 ing diligence of our local community to CONCRETERSFORRENOVATIONSTOTHE Celebrant assist us in keeping young people safe 5NIT7OLLONGBAR3T !RTS)ND Registered Celebrant then every Sat, Byron Scout Hall 7AR-EMORIALIN$ALLEY3TREET while we attempt to support them in %STATE "YRON"AY4EL -ULLUMBIMBY!PPLICANTSARE Marriages, namings BALI CLOTHES DRAWING WORKSHOP reaching their full potential. Wholesale lots. Gina 66847245 REQUIREDTOPROVIDENAME & funerals. THIS WEEKEND 24-25 SEPT. Andrew Badman of Myocum, Graham ADDRESS ALONGWITHPERSONAL Bassett of Suffolk Park, Andrew Bull QUALIlCATIONSANDEXPERIENCETO JUST ARRIVED Ph: 6685 7657 or 0404 471 521 of Suffolk Park, Graham Correy of Hemp T-shirts Email: [email protected] / Ê6Ê-* Coopers Shoot, David de Kantzow WHOLESALE "OHFS of Byron Bay, Stephen Dyer of Suf- 4HE3ECRETARY 0/"OX NEW RANGE OF HEMP CANVAS 7Ê"1,- folk Park, Dean Fairburn of Possum -ULLUMBIMBY BACKPACKS, BAGS & BELTS -Ì>À̈˜}ʈ˜Ê"V̜LiÀ UP Creek, Harley Graham of Byron Bay, 3UBMISSIONSCLOSE ORGANIC COTTON & HEMP CLOTHING 1 * ® -/ - œ˜`>ÞÊqÊÀˆ`>ÞÊ££>“Êqʙ«“ÞÞ « Tim Edwards of Suffolk Park, Grant TH/CTOBER ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊ>˜`Ê-՘`>ÞÊ££>“ÊqÊÇ«“ $PNQBTTJPO GROOVEN G7wzÅÅ®zYÅ® z€^¨® Evington of Suffolk Park, Justin Ham- %NQUIRIES!UB,ARCOMBE eco-wear + music 7œ“i˜Ê"˜ÞÊ7i`˜iÃ`>ÞÊÇÊqʙ«“ %@=<-I8EJ=FID@E> lin of South Golden Beach, George 83 Centennial Circuit G z¨P‰®*>¥°z^¨ -««iVˆ>ÊœvviÀʜ˜ :FDDLE@:8K@FEJB@CCJ Lewin of Mullumbimby, Mark Lobhan   Byron Arts & Industry Estate G >‰‰†¨®E®*z†?°>¨ -՘`>ÞÃʈ˜Ê"V̜LiÀ\Þ VˆˆÌˆið Michael Murray of Byron Bay, Don MON-FRI 10am-5pm SAT 10am-2pm N J?FG(- a FFB'FN<9I8  Recsei of Byron Bay, James Roberts MEETINGS ÈÈn{Ê{n££ of Mullumbimby, James Robinson-Gale of Bangalow, Phil Taubman of Ballina, MULLUMBIMBY YOUTH & REC FACILITY invites anyone interested in ,1 -7 Ê6 9Ê ¬¬cl®l«l¬®ƒ‰I®Çoǐl¶‡‡¶o Graham Tucker of Byron Bay, Simon Tupman of Byron Bay, Patrick Twomey being a committee member AGM 28th  , Ê Ê ,'$''2+%,-- of Suffolk Park, Steve Scott of Bruns- September, Old Mayors Room upstairs ˜˜Õ>Êi˜iÀ>Ê iï˜}Ê wick Heads, Gavin Stuart of Byron Bay, in Old Council Chambers, 6.30pm. Justin Vella of Murwillumbah, Peter Contact Ra 66843597 Ç°£x«“]Ê7i`˜iÃ`>ÞÊxÌ Ê &2%%""17)4(%6%29.%7 WOM PACIFIC Waggot of Ballina. BYRON EARLY INTERVENTION AGM "V̜LiÀÊ>ÌÊ*ˆœ˜iiÀÊ>]Ê Representing organic movement Please contact Neil Young, Uncle to be held on Wednesday 19 October at and 02/0%249-!.!'%-%.4 Byron Bay Mentoring Coordinator on 44 Teak Circuit Suffolk Park. 66853023 ՏÕ“Lˆ“LÞ 02 66808582 or [email protected].  Ê>˜ÊiÛi˜ˆ˜}ʜvÊ au if you have any concerns about any announce ÜVˆ>ˆÃˆ˜}t of our members or anyone claiming to HEALTH NOTICES be associated with Uncle. Thank you. -Õ««iÀÊ«ÀœÛˆ`i`° EXODUS 9," Ê 9 In the interests of local children, par- ORGANIC ARTS + ˆÃ«>ÞÃÊ>˜`ÊLœœŽÃ>ið ents are advised not to accept a person CHIROPRACTOR MUSIC FESTIVAL claiming to be part of Uncle or The Bruce Campbell BSc DC is on 11  9 *ÊÈÈn{ÊxΙä Uncle Project (either from Byron Bay Byron Chiro Ctr 6 days 66858159 13-14-15 January 2006 or any other location) unless the Uncle "  Ê-", - Mentoring Coordinator has made CLASSICAL HOMOEOPATH 4RAININGIN an official referral. Parents are also Dr Sue Haynes PhD  Ê£nÓÎÈ advised not to give out phone numbers Health Fund Rebates #/5.3%,,).' œ“«>˜ˆœ˜Ê˜ˆ“>ÃÊ to men at Uncle activities as a man FROMTHE(EART  "7 BYRON BAY Tu & Thur. 66855883 7iv>ÀiʘVœÀ«œÀ>Ìi` attending one of our supervised activi- WITH2AHASYA ties may not have gone through the SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICE $R&RITJOF+RAFT "*Ê-"* entirety of our screening processes. Free STD/HIV checkups  3EPT œ˜‡ÀˆÊ™°Îä‡x«“ Clinics: Byron Monday; Ballina Friday NEAR"YRON"AY ->Ìʙ°Î䇣«“ For appt phone 66202980 ,IMITEDPLACES ÀiÊޜÕÊ >««ÞÊÜˆÌ Ê œÜÊޜÕÀÊ #OST EARLY - œ««ˆ˜}ÊVi˜ÌÀiÊV˜ÀÊ/Üii`ÊEÊ BE SPOILT-MASSAGE. Therapeutic. BIRDBY*UL œœÞ՘Ê-ÌÃ]Ê À՘Ã܈VŽÊi>`ÃÊ $30 hr full massage, neck & shoulders ­˜iÝÌÊ̜ÊxÊ-Ì>ÀÊ-Õ«iÀ“>ÀŽiÌ® «Àœ«iÀÌÞʈÃÊLiˆ˜}ʓ>˜>}i`¶ $15. Jean 66801864 Ocean Shores. "//+ ,>ˆÃˆ˜}ʓœ˜iÞÊ̜ÊLՈ`Ê>Ê 2EADMOREABOUT 7ˆÌ ÊiÛiÀÞʘiÜÊ«Àœ«iÀÌÞʓ>˜>}i“i˜ÌÊ̜ÊLiÊÀi˜Ìi`Ê>˜`ʓ>˜‡ “ÕV ʘii`i`Ê`œ}Êà iÌiÀÊ >}i`ÊLÞÊÌ iÊi˜`ʜvÊ"V̜LiÀʜÀÊ>˜ÞʘiÜʓ>˜>}i“i˜ÌÊÈ}˜i`ÊLÞÊ 2AHASYAgSTEACHINGS ˆ˜Ê ÞÀœ˜Ê- ˆÀi° ANDREW HALL OSTEOPATH INHISEXCELLENTBOOK 7iʘii`ÊޜÕÀÊ`œ˜>̈œ˜ÃʜvÊ Ì iÊi˜`ʜvÊ"V̜LiÀÊÜˆÌ Êi݈Ã̈˜}ÊÌi˜>˜ÌÃÊÀiViˆÛiÃÊ> Ài>̈ۈÌÞÊvœÀÊ>Ê>}iÃvœ  Wed, Thurs, Fri. 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NEW & USED COMPUTERS REBIRTHING & TRAINING SWEDISH MASSAGE Ocean Shores HOLISTIC PSYCHOLOGIST CHI KUNG REFLEXOLOGY Service – Spares. Ph Greg 66804159 Ph: Alakh Analda 0413167688 www. $50 1.5hrs. Susan 0411409123 PAULA BARUKSOPULO Oriental Path To Health & Fitness Sacred Body, 84 Jonson Street, Byron Member Aust Psychological Society with Shirsha Marie Bay. Phone 66858366 COMPUTER TUITION… Incorporating holistic counselling, Intro Workshop on Sat 8 October We come to you, we show you how. RELAXING, MEDITATIVE Dr HAUSCHKA kinesiology, hypnotherapy, meditation, 9am-1.30pm. Phone 66858181 MEN’S/WOMEN’S HEALING CIRCLE Tutorials in Computing. 1800 016010 exercise & nutrition as a pathway starts Mon 26 Sept 7-9pm, 10 weeks HATHA YOGA SKIN & BODY TREATMENTS leading to good health & happiness. @ The Watergarden, Byron. Bookings HELP – Computer getting you down? Organic & Biodynamic Beg/Remedial: Tues 10-11.30am Health fund & some Medicare rebates. EAR CANDLING phone Lin 66847877 or 0404066707 Virus & other problems, tuition, repairs, Ph: 66855711 General: Thurs 9.30-11.30am, 66870700 – help clear ears/sinuses. 66857736 upgrades & advice. We’ll come to you. Tues 5.30-7.30pm BYRON BAY YOGA RETREAT Talk to Nick – 66846741, 0412599695 Pioneer Hall Mullum 66843788 Aesha PRE NATAL YOGA CHILL PILL or Maarten 66849259, 0413379514 with KATHRYN RIDING KINESIOLOGY Lin Bell 66847877, 0404066707 Lower your stress levels with with Sue Hawkins Thurs 10-11.30am, 52 Armstrong MULLUM MASSAGE Specialising in EMOTIONS, NUTRITION, mindfulness skills. 2 hr class only $40. October 2-6 Luxury retreat at The LOW BUDGET WEBSITES ★ ★ Street, Suffolk. Phone 66859904 DEEP FLOWING NURTURING ALLERGY TESTING. Move forward with Bangalow Psychology. 66871164 Byron @ Byron 4 nights. Does your business need a website? Kahuna style Deborah Lilly 66843723 Clarity. Detox Lounge, 120 Jonson St. October 21-25 retreat at Sangsurya Starting from $150 – quick & easy. 4 nights. 5 years exp. Call Samb 0417756636 Prenatal & Beginner Yoga HEALING MASSAGE Yoga, meditation, chanting, dance, Mon 6-7.30pm. Mum & Bubs Tues 12- HAWAIIAN MASSAGE DEEP TISSUE, RELAXATION Yoga Nidra, veg food, massage, heal- COMPUTER REPAIR & UPGRADES, 1.30pm Pioneer Hall, Mullum. Phone MASSAGE with Michaela. Lush & deeply healing 20yrs exp deep tissue Linda 66875515 THERAPEUTIC, REIKI ings, pamperings. Incl accom, single Tuition, all OSs Networking & Web Viv 66847785 2 hours $80. Phone 0416332886 Phone Heather 66804446 available, all meals, yoga activities. Design. Ring 02 66853518 (recommended by The Echo staff) Mention this ad for 10% discount. Ph TUNE UP YOUR PC & regain sanity, OKI-DO YOGA BYRON 66848188, *UDY,EANE Weekly Wed class 9.30-11.30am viruses & spyware removed, repairs, Gail 66854535, 0404147398 EGBERT WEBER ND upgrades & internet. Ph 0403875285 "3P3C#-4 POSTURAL BODYWORK Ambaji Mon/Wed/Fri. Ph 66856620 MASSAGES -ASSAGE Nurturing, holistic – various styles COUNSELLING 1 hour $40 – Clarkes Beach area. 3PORTS4HERAPY Aromatherapy • Sport & performance TANTRIC HEALING Address sexual issues with massage Corinne 66807218, 0424303740 0ILATES Reflexology • Self-esteem & motivation 0ERSONAL4RAINING Greg Furney Dip Counselling (ACAP) & guidance. Treat prostate problems. Deep Tissue 0414657654 Lucy 66854918, 0427917960 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT 345$)/ 3ACRED"ODY Unique 12 week program "RIGANTINE3TREET Reiki *ONSON3T"" REJUVENATE EMPOWER YOURSELF TODAY COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY Spirit Weight Management 66857129 !RTS)NDUSTRYESTATE OR with GREG McHALE 0HONE Experienced & accredited. 66846070 SPRING IS HERE AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE combin- Nurture your body with a nourishing ing Swedish, Lymphatic & Acupressure 1½hr Reiki treatment balancing mind, $50/hr. Phone Nicole 0407942984 body, spirit. Treatment $45, normally PRE-NATAL $55. Phone Debbie 66804152 ORTHO-BIONOMY BODYWORK YOGA HAWAIIAN BODYWORK with Doris with Eileen Jeboult. Intro night Fri 23rd 66843478, 0421953714 Sept 7-10pm $15. Foundations Course Prepare For Fri @ Lotions & Potions 66841419 Sat 24th, Sun 25th Sept 9.30-5.30pm YourBirth $300. Serene Earth Sanctuary. Phone Sishi 66853464 Mondays CHILDCARE 10-12pm 6-7.30pm massage in the bay ROOM AVAILABLE BYRON BABEWATCH ph: 6685 5806 LISTEN Mullum Wellness Centre, in CBD, Nannies & Babysitters Watergarden A Computer Based Health Ph : Sali 6680 7048 75 Jonson st. above Westpac Care System only one room left. 66841962 All Insured & Qualified. ALLERGY TESTING 24 hours / 7 days. 66848008 Foods, Chemicals, Pollens, Mullum Homeopathy /1,"*/ Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Christina (Ina) Buhse (Adv.Dip.Hom.) -ICHAEL2EYNOLDS.9!.4! Parasites etc. 66841028. Health fund rebates. Start (EALTHSCREENING (ERBS +INESIOLOGY them THE RAINBOW CENTRE )RIDOLOGY .UTRITION (OMEOPATHICS    GOOD STRONG MASSAGE early! 6ITAMINS -INERALS 5RINALYSIS 6621 5121 18 years exp. ATMS cert. $ETOXPROGRAMS ˆviÊÀi>`ˆ˜}à Health Fund rebate. Home visits. Georg Horn 66848046, 0428131490 " 97",- “>ÃÃ>}i Baby & Toddler "%!5494(%2!0)34 Swimming Classes -!33!'%4(%2!0)%3 œ“œiœ«>Ì Þ YOGA Be our guest at *EANNE2EYNOLDS24"4 ˜>ÌÕÀœ«>Ì Þ beautiful Mevlana * ÊÈÈnx Çxxä ONE-ON-ONE Indoor heated pool 340C i>ˆ˜}à 'ENERAL#LASSES Personal program with teacher trainers Kaya 6684 4097 Mukti 6684 3153 -ON 4UES &RI3AT AM & teachers at Yoga Arts twice weekly “i`ˆÌ>̈œ˜Ã 7ED 4HURS PM for 4 week. Very limited numbers. vÀiiʏˆLÀ>ÀÞ "EGINNERS9OGA 1 course only starting 27 September, FOR HIRE 7ED AM Tuesdays & Thursdays 1-2.30pm, HOLDSWORTH HOUSE MEDICAL PRACTICE ޜ}> !FTERNOON#LASSES cost $80. Phone 66808684 BACKHOE HIRE/4WD BYRON BAY -ON4HURS PM John Coe – All excavations   HEALING HANDS deep tissue mas- Ph 66841576, mobile 0408 841576 Female & Male Doctors | Complementary Therapists | Live Blood Analysis $RU9OGA4UES PM    sage, home visits. 0422456978 Rajan. 3()!435n"YAPPOINTMENT RELIABLE HANDYMAN WITH UTE Bulk Billing Surgery • More than Just Doctors   BELONGIL MASSAGE ROOM -YOCUM3TREET -ULLUMBIMBY $25/hr. 0423512730, 6-7pm 66849141 37 Fletcher Street Byron Bay Appointments Phone: 6680 7211   DEEPLY RELAXING MASSAGE $)!.!%7).' Deep tissue, aromatherapy, Mon | Tue | Thu | Fri 9am-5pm E: [email protected] Wed 9am – 6pm reflexology, healing mind body soul. HALL FOR HIRE Phone Alice 0431636619, 66808844 HOLISTIC HEALING | MODERN MEDICINE & COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES EWINGSDALE HALL AVAILABLE for your function. Ph 66847706 AH BUS SERVICES    LICENSED VENUE AVAIL FOR %       FUNCTIONS Mullumbimby. 66842273 

    %  COOLANGATTA $19  Ballina $9, Bris $39. BBI 66857447             TRADEWORK                BYRON 2 BRISBANE EXPRESS City/Airport 2 hours. 1800 626222 % " %  % " % % 3AUL-ORDAUNT#OMMUNICATIONS      9," Ê 4ELEPHONEAND46WIRING %THERNET,!. "ROADBANDWIRING #"%  !        /Ê Ê ANDCONNECTION  !    $$$ ! % ! /"1,- (OMETHEATREAND3MART(OME CONSULTATION

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BEDS - MATTRESSES - ENSEMBLES JACKFRUIT 50¢/KG. WANTED: ANTIQUES, GOOD USED SEWER CHOKES Best brands - Best range. Sleep Zone PHONE 66803780 FURNITURE Clean double & queen CHEAP TYRES. 66809936 Sewer, Drainage & Storm Water block- Bridglands, Mullumbimby. 66842511 size beds. Bridg lands Mby 66842511. ages. Sewer machine available. TORO Z MASTER zero turn mower, DAIHATSU DELTA Camper diesel, Gary Potter… All Areas. BRIDGLANDS BUY & SELL - good huge 72” cut, fitted with rollbar & roof, low ks, custom fit out, set to cruise Ph 6687 1348 • Lic L190 used furniture - good clean bedding good condition $12,500 ono. Phone GARAGE SALES $13,200. 66841624 or 0403353767 TILL - late model electrical & antiques. M’by 0429872277 or 66872277 TOYOTA COROLLA ’89 Hatchback, ANDY’S HANDY SERVICE   66842511 ECHO ACCOUNTS POLICY: Ads in good condition, imported secondhand Gutter cleaning, rubbish removal, all 4REELOPPING RUBBISHREMOVAL MOKEA – ROLLS OF FABRIC $20- this section must be paid by credit card engine, economical, 8.5 months rego, household repairs. Call 0408628130 INCHCHIPPER $50/roll. Boxes of remnants, kitchen or in person at time of placement. TYAGARAH MULCH $200, stove $50, dryer $20, small blue $3250. Phone 66846871 0H,ES PETS FOR LIFE ANIMAL SHELTER Bales from $3.50. Phone 66851371 box air-con $90, cupboards $50 ea. VR COMMODORE 5 speed manual Urgently need your leftovers from 3EPTIC7ASTE2EMOVAL OR 7.30am-12 Sat, 36 Gordon St, Mullum with rego $5800. Phone 0431350978 &ULLYINSURED or prior by appointment 66844289 Garage Sales. Books, bricabrac etc. 3UMMERLAND COMPOST TOILETS Please drop off at our shop at Ocean ’88 FALCON van rego 3/05, new front Garry Scott • 66843468 Shores Shopping Centre or phone end, batt, VGC $1990. 0413185399 %NVIRONMENTAL VACUUM BAGS 66801843 for pickup. TRAMPOLINES, replacement mats To suit most makes & models TOYOTA VAN 200,000ks, 8 months 4HE,IQUID7ASTE3PECIALISTS & parts, pool tables & accessories. BILLINUDGEL OP SHOP rego, new tyres, shower $4200. Phone EXCELSIOR TREE Phone 66851624, m. 0409851624 s3EPTICTANKCLEANING BRIDGLANDS Open Saturdays 9-12. 0417285862 s'REASETRAPSERVICING Mullumbimby. 66842511 & GARDEN CARE 3 MATONG DRIVE, Ocean Shores, TOYOTA HILUX TRAYBACK UTE s/ILY,IQUIDS BLANK CDs CANOE fibreglass, 2 man, brand Saturday & Sunday not before 8am. ’89, 10 months rego, good tyres, Mini Discs & Floppys s0ORTABLETOILETHIRE Qualified Arborist new, unwanted gift $600. Phone AH builders racks, serviced regularly, SATURDAY, rolls of fabric $20-$50/roll, sHOURSERVICE Tree & shrub removal 66804706 or 0419795910 reliable vehicle $2800 ono. remnant fabrics (Mokea), junk collected  BRIDGLANDS Phone 0427349126 Insured, wood chipping Mullumbimby. 66842511 3-PIECE LEATHER LOUNGE $120 over years, heaps of clothes, a kitchen, ono. Phone 66859922 stove, dryer, cupboards, small air-con, EJ HOLDEN wagon ’63 model, grey COMPETITIVELY GAS SUPPLIES, appliances, sales & etc, 7.30am-12pm The Shed, 36 Gor- service. Marshalls ph/fax 66801864 motor, 5 speed, running gear A1, needs PRICED GARAGE DOORS don Street, Mullum. Ph 66844289 paint $900 will trade for long board. 2 x single B&D roller doors, slate grey, VACUUM CLEANERS repairs & sales, 0412447695 or 55234105 Tweed. incl motors & remotes, near new $750. LOTS OF GOODIES 8am Saturday, discount bags, pickup/delivery. Rick’s Bob 6684 0214 Bangalow. Phone 66871015 156 Alcorn Street, Suffolk Park. -1, ", Vac Shack 66805148, 0421902454 ’95 COMMODORE SS wag V8, 18” mags, massive stereo, racing seats, , *,-ÊEÊ 0414 668 405 BAYWOOD CH, 16 Red Bean Cl, Sat ANTIQUE FURNITURE – barbers chair stainless 2½” exh $11,500. 66859092 , -/",/" - $750, marble top wash stand $325, oak 8am, lounge, teak desk, comp desk, LATEX MATTRESSES stereo, records, clothes, asst items. s&ASTs!FFORDABLEs%XPERT All sizes. Direct sales… save $$$ & cane deck chair $150, reclining arm- ’85 MITSUBISHI Colt, rego running out chair $95, meshfront sideboard $340. 8 Oct, good tyres $250. 66843757 !LSOMANUFACTURE Sunshadow Comfort Zone. 66841263 ONCE IN A LIFETIME SALE profes- Phone 66843990 s.%7352&"/!2$3 sional chef forced to relocate, great CARPET OFFCUTS – Lots of sizes TOYOTA CELICA ’81 red, retro, 3EETHESHOWROOMORHAVEA quality stuff for the house, Sat & Sun BOARDCUSTOMMADE.OWBUYING and prices at Ray Towers Carpets, CREATE FENG SHUI for Spring 160,000ks, works fine, 7 mths rego 8am, Fern Place off Banksia Rd, Byron SELLINGSECONDHANDBOARDS Mullumbimby Industrial Estate. gardens. Magnificent stone Buddhas, $2000. Call Nino 0431678640 anytime Arts & Industry Est. Ph 0423586533 9," Ê 9Ê-1, ", Ê " temple dancers & more. 50% below LATTICE wholesale price! Phone 66854172 HOLDEN Commodore Exec wagon ’94 "ANKSIA$R "YRON)ND%ST &/2!,,9/52 MOVING HOUSE furn, toys, h’h items, FACTORY PRICES – MADE TO SIZE auto, 6 mths reg, currently roadworthy ÈÈnxÊnÇÇn 02/&%33)/.!, 9am Sat, 243 Friday Hut, Possum Ck Phone 66801700 VINTAGE DOUBLE BED & mattress $3500 neg. Phone 0417696084 with nice woodgrain, firm & comfy 42%%#!2%.%%$3 MYOCUM, 18 Kingsvale Rd off Manse TIMBER, pine, treated pine, hardwood, $140, 3 x laminated D-I-Y wall shelves ’85 XF FAIRMONT st/wag, mech good, Rd, Sat 8am, moving out. 66846106 s2%-/6!,3s0!,-3 mouldings, sleepers, fencing, Koppers $10. Phone 66809686 new tyres, needs little for pink slip must go $500 ono. 66854171, 0425769997 Build Environmentally s025.).'sv#()00%2 logs, ply, MDF, lattice, made to order. STUFF ÜˆÌ ÊÀ>““i`Êi>ÀÌ °° s&2%%15/4%3 Brims Builders Hardware, Mogo Place, Saturday, 29 Prince Street, Mullum. ’84 COROLLA runs well, unreg’d, Billinudgel. Phone 66801718 SODA STREAM ! ¦!Upubmmz!ßsf!qsppg s&5,,9).352%$@#%24(/24 MACHINES & GAS REFILLS. make offer. Phone 66850208 s345-0'2).$).'8 DINNER TABLES solid salvaged tim- Bridglands Retravision 66842511 CARAVANS FOR SALE COMMODORE V8 VH wagon, ! ¦!Ijhi!jotvmbs!qspqfsujft ber, made locally, fr $350. 66843375 s30%#)!,)3).').,!2'%!.$ MICHAEL BUBLÉ CONCERT TICK- 235,000ks, full service history, low- ! ¦!Fydfmmfou!bdpvtujdt FRANKLIN 18FT suit extra room, VGC ered, mags, not standard, receipts for -5,4)0,%345-03 AUTO wash mach $80, fridge 2dr $190, ETS Brisbane QPac 28/9/05 $120 $2400. Phone 66871134 ! ¦!Dpvodjm!bqqspwfe C/bond windows cheap. 0413589388 each includes return transport. Call everything $2500 with spares. Phone #ARMINE  Jim 66858607 or 0401946041 0401580325 ! ¦!Sftjefoujbm0dpnnfsdjbm CAR SERVICE FIREHORSE WASHING MACHINE 7kg top load FORD METEOR ’86 tidy car, reg, econ 7iÊV>˜ÊLՈ`Ê̜ÊޜÕÀʈ“>}ˆ˜>̈œ˜ & power $850 no. 66771179 Sbnnfe!Fbsui!Obujpobm FIREWOOD Simpson, good cond $60. 66874248 FOR SALE PINE SLAT dbl & sgl beds $175/$125, BSW MOTORS PAJERO ’92 exc car, p/s, air-con, 1 Nbuu!Tuffmf!Ñ!Qspqsjfups Now available ½ loads & bag delivery In Billinudgel! year rego $8950. Phone 66847056 n;!1538!492!678!¦!q0g;!7791!2723 to your door. Tea tree mulch, 1-10m Simpson 4.5kg w.machine $250, heat- Burkhard does Pink Slips now! loads avail. Rubbish removal/hire 1 er $100, fridge $130, port air-con $600, 10 Bonanza Dr. 66804999. MITSUBISHI MAGNA wagon ’87 still WARD’S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES teak chairs $25 & more. 66843274 Wooden railway sleepers, concrete tonne tip ute, 2T trailer, 5T tip truck, drives OK, but needs rego, ideal for Lic 68775C Hourly chainsaw hire. parts/paddock basher $250 ono. Phone sleepers, garden ornaments & pots, KING SIZE FUTON $150, fridge $90. MOTOR VEHICLES mulches, soil, metals, gravel & more. Peter 66843366 / 0419843366 Phone 66804052 66849396 Mon-Fri 7.30am-6pm, Sat 7.30am- TOYOTA COROLLA ’88 hatch manual, 2pm. 1176 Myocum Rd, Mullum. CARPET MATS – from 50 cents each Sustainable CAR BODIES 5 speed, rego 5/06 $2200. 66807393 66842323 SURFSAFE SURFSOFT! at Ray Towers Carpets, Mullumbimby Landscape Kids & adults soft surfboards, brand Industrial Estate. new. All sizes, great prices, C/cards REMOVED FREE MITSUBISHI MAGNA ’86 just out of Solutions rego $450 ono. Phone 66804996 from $10.50sqm accepted. Phone now 0402965800 SLASHER 5’ HEAVY DUTY $1300. Phone 0418189324, 0438189323 s,ANDSCAPE$ESIGN#ONSTRUCTION BAMBOO PLY For ceilings, walls, doors, etc. Mullum. Phone 0429843408 EA FALCON 10 months rego $1200 s(ORTICULTURE0ERMACULTURE#ONSULTATION AUTO WASHING MACHINE top loader Ph 66884188 - sample & brochure ono. Phone 0431928319 s'ARDEN2ENOVATIONS -AINTENANCE recon 3 mth warranty $120. 66843450 BRAND NEW Canon copy fax $210, ‘BYRON CLASSIC CARS’ s2ETAINING7ALLS ROCK BLOCK CONCRETE SLEEPERS MASSAGE TABLES $220 + supplies, qu bed/base $170, professional stereo HOLDEN HR 15” alloys, B’stone, unreg, ORGANIC GARDEN COMPOST $650, new Lenco DVD $140, new BBQ SEE AD ON BACK PAGE s0AVING DRIVEWAYS PATHS COURTYARDSETC 5 year warranty. M’bimby Herbals, 79 rusty, mech good $800. 0438436702 $10/30L bag & earthworms. 66846341 4 flame $150. Phone 0423586533 s0OOLSCAPES NEWRENOVATIONS Stuart St, 66843002 or 66850232 AH, MERCEDES BENZ model 300SEL ’87 rego 7/06 $9900. Ph (02) 66288337 COROLLA ’86 man, reliable, economi- s&EATURESTONEWORK LAPTOP 17” screen Toshiba P4 3.2 cal, pink slip $1600. 66871580 pm. s7ATERWISEIRRIGATIONSYSTEMS JIM THE VAC MAN: New, Used, Fix ORGANIC GHz, 80gb HD, DVD burner, near new, its, bags, belts, Byron. 66868690 refurb shop demo best offer. 66807743 FRUIT & VEG TRACTOR REPAIRS ()!'REENSMART0ROFESSIONAL Every Mon 1-5pm FOSSIL FARM 419 , - 0HONE Left Bank Road, Mullum. 0429843408 2ND HAND -OBILE • Plants & Shrubs Lots of treasures, Clem’s Cargo, Mogo Uʈ‡ViÊ >“«iÀʼäÈÊÀi}œ]ÊÊ Place, Billinudgel (behind Humble }Ài>ÌÊVœ˜`Ê°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° f{™™ä ,ÕÀ>Ê >V ˆ˜iÀÞÊ,i«>ˆÀÊ-iÀۈVi • Landscape Supplies STONE BUDDHAS Pies) Tues-Sat. 66803433 UÊ/œÞœÌ>ʈ‡ViÊ`Õ>ÊvÕi]ʼ™Ó]ÊÊ Pedestals, Hindu dancers. Create gar- Ê°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° fxäää • Tanks • Pots • Pavers den joy, 50% off wholesale. 66854172 HELICONIA CLEARANCE /, /",Ê TREE LOPPING $3 - 140mm planter bag UœÀ`Ê>ÃiÀÊ>Õ̜]Ê>ˆÀÊVœ˜]ÊÊ ÊiVœ˜œ“ÞÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° fÎxää :?@E:F>8E $25 for 10 or $40 for 20 Saturday 24th Sept 10am to 4pm U¼™{ÊxÊë`Ê >“ÀÞÊÉ ]Ê*É-]ÊÊ , *,- C8E;J:8GˆÀÃ]Ê*>ÀÌÃÊ>˜`Ê,iÃ̜À>̈œ˜ÃÊÊ "92/. -AIN!RM2OAD (while stocks last) Ê >ÀV ʼäÈÊÀi}œÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°fxxää -ULLUMBIMBY 0,!.43 320 Piccacilly Hill Road, Newrybar. ̜Ê>Ê >ŽiÃÊ>˜`Ê œ`iÃ]Ê &ORPROPERTYPLANTINGS,ARGERANGE Phone 0438446287 " -" Ê-/Ê 9," Ê 9 œ˜‡ÃˆÌiÊÃiÀۈViÊ>Û>ˆ>Li°Ê*Ài‡ MPAST-ULLUM Ó "9 SHOWGROUNDS OFTUBESTOCKFORREGENERATION £Óä“ Ê>Û>ˆ>LiÊvœÀʏi>Ãi TWIN COUCHES (one fold out), good «ÕÀV >Ãiʈ˜Ã«iV̈œ˜Ã°Ê/À>V̜ÀÃÊ 42%%3%26)#%3  4REESs3HRUBSs5NDERSTORY 1Ê ,Ê /  condition $160. Phone 66805443  / -Ê6  ܏`ʜ˜ÊVœ˜Ãˆ}˜“i˜ÌÊvœÀÊVˆi˜ÌÃ°Ê &5,,9).352%$-),,)/. ՏÕ“Ê ÀiiŽÊ >̈ÛiÊ ÕÀÃiÀÞ >«iÊ ÞÀœ˜Ê >ÀÊ->ià 7 Ê6 Ê/, /",-Ê",Ê- 2ELIABLE0ROFESSIONAL "ALI!NTARA)MPORT3ALE SPRING PLANT SALE UÊiÀ}ÕܘÊ/ ÊÓäÊÌÀ>V̜ÀÊ 3ERVICEgggg#HIPPER 1UALITYLIFESTYLEACCESSORIES /PEN4HURS&RIDAYnPM Agave, rhoeo, liriope, mondo grass, ÈÈnäʙÇÇÇÊÊ  Ê£Ènä{ 9ANKEE#K2D 6IA7ILSON#K2D ˆ˜ÊiÝVii˜ÌÊܜÀŽˆ˜}ÊVœ˜`°Ê #HERRYPICKER3TUMPGRINDER &ORYOURHOUSE flax, golden cane, yucca, cycad, 1UAL!RBORIST (ORT4REE3URGEONS sHAND CRAFTEDDAYBEDSFROMRECYCLEDTEAK -ULLUMBIMBY succulents & much more, Bangalow ,"*-]ʘiÜÊL>ÌÌiÀÞ]ÊÌÞÀiÃÊ OR sSOLIDTIMBERDININGTABLESANDCHAIRS palms from $1. Narnia Nursery. ™ä¯]ÊÀi>ÀʓœÕ˜Ìi`ʓœÜiÀ sMARBLETOPTABLES 66805831, 0419771514 sTEAKGARDENFURNITURE f{]™ää sCARVEDENTRANCEDOORS WARDROBE – silky oak $50. Phone "7Ê7,   sMIRRORS LAMPSHADES CUSHIONSMORE 0431928319 X63#OMMODORE6 &ORYOURGARDEN /, /",Ê- /9Ê sHUGEVARIETYOFSTONEWATERFEATURES (YUNDAI%XCEL THINK (OLDEN-'"ARINA -  sCARVEDLIMESTONEWATERBOWLSONSTANDS REVERSE CYCLE sGREATSELECTIONOFSTONEBUDDHASAND FANCY DRESS #OROLLA!%7$ >ÛiÊ>˜Ê>««ÀœÛi`Ê,°"°*°-°Ê s1UALIlEDABORISTS AIR-CONDITIONING THIS WINTER GANESHAS PROPS & 7"&ESTIVA s0ROFESSIONALCLIMBER sPRIMITIVESTONEWATERPOTS BRIDGLANDS 66842511 Ã>viÌÞÊvÀ>“iÊvˆÌÌi`Ê̜ÊޜÕÀÊ sSANDSTONEGARDENLAMPS SUIT HIRE %"&ALCON MOVING OUT SALE: electric stove as ÌÀ>V̜À°Ê̽ÃÊV i>«iÀÊÌ >˜Ê>Ê s$IFlCULTDANGEROUSTREES Also accessories, hats, jewellery, 5#ORFAIR !VAILABLEDAYSPERWEEKATGENUINELYLOW new, classic pot belly, net ready com- v՘iÀ>°Ê* œ˜iÊÕÃʘœÜ° s)NSUREDsv#HIPPER shoes, day & evening wear. PRICES&ORAPPOINTMENTPHONE puter, bunk beds, hydro gear, futon/ X42-AGNA7AGON 7œÀŽÃ œ«Ê >ÀÌœ˜ÃÊ,`]Ê ORJUSTDROPINAT!LIDENES2OAD 6684 2978 base, stereo, TV, Playstation, bikes, .ISSAN0ULSAR #HRIS%DDY  for appointment. Mullumbimby. i`iÀ>°Ê* œ˜iÊ ˆÊvœÀÊÃiÀۈVi°  OFF7ILSONS#REEK2D -ULLUMBIMBY carpets, CD players and more, nothing over $200 ono. Phone 66846106 ",Ê- ä{äÇÊ{ÎxÊÓx™ PILLOWTOP kingsize mattress $240, @-ITSUBISHI6ERADAWGN wooden slat base free. 66857011 ALLOPTIONS /, "ARGAINPRICES,ANDSCAPERS @3UBARU4OURING7GN äÓÊÈÈnnÊ{£{Î ANDHOMEGARDENERSTAKENOTE @%"&ALCONWAGON "**  DAYSONLYnSTARTS4HURSDAY WANTED MONTHSREGO s.OTREETOODIFFICULT MOTOR BIKES NDENDS-ONDAYTH RECORDS & MUSIC MEMORABILIA @(OLDEN6.#OMMODORE s%STsDIAMETERSELF Always buying. Ph Rod 0409489997 SEDAN ORIGINAL KMS RIDE ON MOTORCYCLES LOADINGWOODCHIPPER AMnPMDAILY MNTHWTY Always buying: any condition. s,ARGECHERRYPICKER #LOSINGDOWNSALE WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE @%&&ALCON&UTURASEDAN Byron Bay Industrial Estate 66856304 s7INCHTRUCKs3TUMP .4 Single items to house lots. 4  GRINDERs-ULCHAVAILABLEs !LLSTOCKMUSTGO Royces Secondhand, B.B. 66855202 SUZUKI 185ER ’93 on/off road, good 'ETTHEWHOLEJOBDONEBY NOW OPEN SATURDAY 9-12. @3UZUKI3WIFTSEDAN condition, runs $550. Ph 66846106 INSUREDPROFESSIONALSWITH MTHSREG WANTED: LP RECORDS. Can pick up. THERIGHTGEAR &OLLOWSIGNSPAST%WINGSDALE#HURCHAND(ALL Phone Matt 66841634 0ACIFIC(WY 4YAGARAH 6)##!20%.4%2 CLASSIFIEDS s LOOKING for someone to take care  of your piano? Phone 66804112 $,. 0(/.% Phone 66841777 40 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo

STORAGE with ELECT. Billi $40pw. BYRON BAY very cheap shop/studio/ LENNOX HD restaurant seeks experi- HOLIDAY ACCOM. Siwicki RE 17 Fingal, Bruns 66851206 FREE BBQ VALUED @ $299 office in town. Phone 0419419402 enced chef, full-time avail. 66875178 $)24315)24 for every new property management. WATERFRONT 4 Star Brunswick f-f 1 INDUSTRIAL UNIT Billi $80pw. Siwicki Call Tanya, Sean Kenny Real Estate, BANGALOW MEETING ROOM PERSON for property maintenance -/4/2#9#,% & 2br luxury apartments. Ph 66851631 RE, 17 Fingal St, Bruns. 66851206 Mullumbimby 66842200 Hourly & daily rates. Phone 66871164 & forest regeneration, 17-21 yo, n/s, veg, hard working. Phone 66872230 2 BEDROOM FLAT Ocean Shores CABIN quaint, views, suit couple 2 x BAYSHORE STUDIOS 84m³ with #%.42% SHORT TERM ACCOM. part-furnished, all inclusive, no bond $175pw. Also separate room $85pw mezzanine, Byron Bay Industrial PETS FOR LIFE CAT SHELTER Billi - ,6  ÊEÊ WATER VIEWS – BRUNSWICK $180pw working person only, available Coorabell. Phone 66847420 Estate $200 each pw plus outgoings. to volunteer. Please ph 0431016689 after 19 September. Phone 66804046 Phone 66857154, 0421779534   Ê, *,- Luxury fully-furn. 2br apartments. LARGE s-c studio amongst nurtured THE BUDDHA BAR & RESTAURANT " * //6 Ê,/ - Phone 0414658025 EWINGSDALE 6br house, ocean views enviro Rosebank, pref n/s fem, no pets PROFESSIONAL SHARED OFFICE requires a 3-4 year qualifi ed Chef, 3!6% SELF-CONTAINED garden flat, central $600pw. Ph 0427228886 BH ONLY. $175pw incl elect + bond. 66291162 space avail now. All amenities incl must be committed and enthusiastic, Mullumbimby. Phone 66843276 broadband $75pw. 0421004562 full-time hours available. Call Lucas or * Ê1*ÊEÊ 6 ,9Ê MULLUM COTTAGE 2 bedrooms, car- O.SHORES 2br flat, garden setting, suit Dave 66855833 after 2pm Tue-Sat. ,,  BIG LUXURIOUS house, ens, spa, f-f, port, references, no pets. Inspect Wed single worker $180pw. 0411583376 PRIME JONSON STREET LOCATION Ê",Ê+1"/ riverfront $300pw Fern Bch. 66805556 1pm + Sat 1pm $210pw. Ph 66847430, Large + light retail/office space. Net- 32A New City Road (rear lane). BRUNS HEADS 2br furnished unit worked for data + phone. Ample onsite  SHORT TERM/yoga student QS, $280pw, 2br flat $190pw. STH GOLD- parking. Phone 66855173 ensuite, $150pw & single $120pw EWINGSDALE prestigious brand new EN BEACH 2br townhouse $180pw. available 21/9, veg, n/s, d/f. 66857736 4br house on 1 acre, study, granite COMMERCIAL SHED Burringbar, BRUNSWICK CBD office/session ,>i½Ãʜ˜Ê BUSINESS FOR SALE kitchen & bathroom $475pw + bond + 5sqm $55pw. Siwicki Real Estate, 17 room with shower/wc $150pw includes GORGEOUS hse & pool Bangalow 1-2 refs. Phone 0416229551 Fingal St, Bruns Heads. Ph 66851206 electricity. Phone 66854249 7>Ìi}œ½Ã PROGRESSIVE MANUFACTURER of rooms $150pw tidy f pref. 0422269605 skincare, bodycare and aromatherapy O.SHORES 2 big brs, 2 bath, spa, 15 MINS BYRON/MULLUM 2 bedroom BRUNSWICK CBD shop, central loca- products. Wholesale and retail show- GREAT ROOM in beautiful wooden air-con, sundeck north facing lakeside, house + study on acres with sunset tion $225pw includes GST & outgoings. #HEFREQUIRED-USTBEHIGHLY room. Expansive opportunity. Phone home, sep entrance, Oct-Nov $150pw s/pool, Austar, encl patio, dogs OK views $225pw. Phone 66847446 Phone 66854249 QUALIlEDWITHSOLIDlNE incl bills. 66809290, 0423016876 $325pw. Phone 66804441 66807911 $120PW LENNOX 2 bedroom self-cont NTH OCEAN SHORES fully-equipped DININGEXPERIENCE&ULLTIME LAWNMOWING BUSINESS well est, CABIN in Byron Bay, very quiet, no flat for one prof or student, pref n/s veg, office, 2 networked computers, 2 phone POSITION)MMEDIATESTART excellent clientele, Mullum-Byron area, kitchen $150pw. Phone 66807369 1 - BRRENOVATEDYROLDTIMBER no pets. Phone 66876554 lines, ADSL, printer, fax, photocopier, equipment incl $25,000. Ph 66841442 HOMEONbACREfÓÈä«Ü scanner, filing cabinet, fridge & micro- &AXRESUMETO BEXHILL interior designed 3br house, wave $250pw excluding expenses. HOUSE SWAP ,"-   ,GETIMBERFARMHOUSEON new kitchen & bathroom, no pets ACRES0ETS/+PW Phone 66803949 or 0412723473 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $255pw. Phone 66847683 NEW ZEALAND – wanted house sleep ,"-   BRTIMBERHOMEINFOREST BYRON CENTRAL room to let, suit WARNING 6, 8-16 Dec swap for 4br ocean view PRIVATE PETSNEGfÓnä«ÜÊ LENNOX HEAD new granny flat, 1 private office $165pw + bond. Phone The Department of Fair Trading has retreat Christchurch, www.journeyes- bedroom, ensuite, separate living, Sue 66856984 warned people to be very careful Ph Paru NZ 6433294773 views, worker, n/s, no pets $160pw + BYRON RETAIL 80sqm, main road, , /Ê about responding to advertisements exp, no excuses. Phone 0403875285 2 car spaces, air-con, alarm, counter, offering work at home. Readers should SHARE ACCOM. BAYWOOD CHASE self-cont studio new 3x3 lease $550pw. 0400004117 be wary if you are asked to pay money flat $160pw incl power. Ph 66854382 "/  upfront for employment opportuni- ECHO ACCOUNTS POLICY: Ads in OFFICE WAREHOUSE 175sqm, car- ˆ˜ÊÓÊÞi>ÀÃÊiÝ« ties and never send money to a post this section must be paid by credit card {ÉÓÊ ÞÀœ˜Ê-ÌÊ  "7 pet, fans, 2 toilets, shower, 17 phone offi ce box. or in person at time of placement. œ˜Ì>VÌÊ/>“>À>ʏ>˜>}>˜ "92/."!9 lines. Ph Baz 0418327731, 66855539 ÈÈnÇÊÓnÎÎ œÀ ä{әʙä£ÊäÎä ->iÃ]Ê iÀV >˜`ˆÃˆ˜}] CAFE LEASE OPPORTUNITY 2 ROOMS FOR 1 PERSON in crea- sBED BATHHOME GASCOOKTOP BYRON INDUSTRIAL STUDIO side Daytime trade. Phone Si 66805505 tive house with photographer $150pw FRESHLYPAINTED 3,5' LARGEYARD roller door $190pw. Phone 66857606 ÕÃ̜“iÀÊ-iÀۈVi] includes bills, Byron Hills. Phone Kat- MTHLEASE.OPETSPW *"-Ê ÌV°Ê ÕÃÌÊLiÊÛiÀÞÊ rina 66853706 , , œ˜`>Ê ÀœÜ˜ˆ˜} JONSON ST, BYRON. Commercial i˜Ì ÕÈ>Ã̈V]]ÞÊLÕLLÞÊ REMOVALS , Ê -// ÊUÊ/  *" \ÊÈÈnäÊ£x™{ sBED BATHF FURNTOWNHOUSE space 240sqm, 2 levels, non-residen- MATURE working person for beautiful MTO#LARKES"EACH WALKTO tial, 3 year lease $1270pm + outgoings. «iÀܘ>ˆÌÞÊ>˜`ÊyÊi݈Li]ÊÞ MAN WITH VAN rural home 5ks from Bangalow. Phone "  Ê-", - TOWNPW Phone 66807651 ܓiÊÜiiŽi˜`ÊܜÀŽ° Deliveries, moving. 0411087783 66870665 UÊÛ>ˆÊ˜œÜÊfÎ{ä«Ü°ÊՏÞÊvÕÀ˜ˆÃ i`]ÊÊÊÊ Ê ˆ˜VÕ`iÃÊÜ>ÌiÀ°ÊÓLÀÊ՘ˆÌ]ÊÀi“œ`ii`ÊÊ Ê sBED BATHHOME SHORTDRIVE *i>ÃiÊÃi˜`ÊÀiÃՓiÃÊ̜ BYRON CBD FURNISHED ROOM TOTOWN WALKTOBEACH LARGEYARD WORK WANTED ÜˆÌ Ê“œ`iÀ˜ÊEÊ՘ˆµÕiÊvi>ÌÕÀiÃ]Êi˜ÃՈÌi]Ê Ì̘Ê,iÌ>ˆÊ*œÃˆÌˆœ˜ÊVɇ for single/couple/travellers, FRESHPAINTCARPET 3,5'PW CABINS FOR SALE VœÕÀÌÞ>À`]ÊL>Vœ˜Þ]ʜVi>˜ÊۈiÜÃ]Ê i>̈˜}ÊÊÊ ECHO ACCOUNTS POLICY: Ads in -ÕvvœŽÊ*>ÀŽÊ*"ÊÓ{n£ short term OK. Phone 0408855738 EÊ1° RELOCATABLE CABIN with kitchen, sBED BATHTIMBERHOME DECKS this section must be paid by credit card bathroom, br, gas HW etc $15,000 ono, SHARE LARGE HOUSE with 1 other, UÊÛ>ˆÊnÉ£äÉäxÊfәä«Ü°Ê œÊ«iÌð RAKEDCEILINGS BEAUTIFULSETTING.O or in person at time of placement. ÎLÀÊ̜ܘ œÕÃi]ʜ«i˜Ê«>˜]Êi˜ÃՈÌi]Ê1]ÊÊ tilt tray delivery. Ph 0413289443 close to Mullum, n/s, d/f, suit older PETSMTHLEASEPW worker, no pets, avail October $135pw VœÃiÊ̜Êà œ««ˆ˜}ÊVi˜ÌÀi° ALL GARDENING maintenance plus >“iÃÊ>À`Ü>Ài + bills. Phone 0417843528  1   ./0%435.,%3334!4%$ odd jobs. Call 66853704/0432217503 HOUSES FOR SALE UÊÛ>ˆÊ˜œÜÊfÓÎä«Ü°Ê*iÌʘi}° )NSPECTIONSBYAPPOINTMENTONLY 0/3)4)/.3(!2$7!2% SUFFOLK PK unfurn room in large ,*(OOKER"YRON"AY HOUSE CLEANER to save your time 2BR HOUSE Mullumbimby $299,000. £LÀÊ œÕÃiʈ˜Ê̜ܘ]Êë>VˆœÕÃ]ÊV>ÀÊë>Vi° and your sanity, for only $18ph! Call s!33)34!.4-!.!'%2 sunny t’house, pref n/s fem employed  /PPORTUNITYTOJOINADYNAMICTEAM Can view on web. Phone 66849416 Cristina 0403300700 $120pw costs incl. 66859966 %XPERIENCED(ARDWARESALES!SSISTANT *i>ÃiÊVœ˜Ì>VÌÊ- ii˜>ʜÀÊ,œÃiÌÌ>° ,iviÀi˜ViÃÊiÃÃi˜Ìˆ>° MANAGER&ULL TIMEREQUIREDFORBUSY MEDITATION COMMUNITY walk to RURAL near Bangalow large house, ÈÊ-/, Ê6 1 Ê OUTDOOR TIMBER settings restored beach, Byron 12 mins, new house, share with 1 other $150pw incl elect, , 7Ê ,/" Ê also custom built. Ph Mark 66801350 -ULLUMBIMBYBUSINESS-USTHAVE 2 cabins, caravan, deck on 1 acre + /  *" \ÊÈÈnäÊ£x™{Ê COMMITMENTANDPREVIOUSEXPERIENCE no bond. Phone 0404475428 SPOTLESS HOUSECLEANER $18ph shares in 85 acres final approval, est INBUILDINGSUPPLIES POWERTOOLSOR never a complaint. Elsa 0410328612 gardens & fruit trees, great views Mt BANGALOW home, beauty, harmony, WANTED TO RENT PAINT4HISPOSITIONWOULDSUITACAREER Warning $499,000 ono. MO Gond- fully-furn/un-furn + ens, pref fem veg / iÊ*ÀœviÃȜ˜>Ã DRIVENINDIVIDUALLOOKINGFORAFANTASTIC ECHO ACCOUNTS POLICY: Ads in wana. 66802321 d/f n/s $110pw. Phone 66871967 ÞÀœ˜Ê >Þ OPPORTUNITY this section must be paid by credit card POSITIONS VACANT O.SHORES mat n/s semi-veg fem for s(!2$7!2%3!,%3$%,)6%29 MOVING TO MELB – MUST SELL. or in person at time of placement. WARNING &ULL TIME0ART TIMEOPPORTUNITYTO House 1: 1 acre modern 4br house, friendly house $85pw incl. 66801998 1 /-É/"1- 2 WORKING PROFESSIONALS look- The Department of Fair Trading has JOINTHEFRIENDLYSALESTEAM0REVIOUS great decor, pool $635,000. ÓÊLÀÊ՘ˆÌ]ÊvÉv]Ê«>̈œÊ>Ài>]ÊÓÊ̜ˆiÌÃ]Ê PROF FEMALE n/s Brunswick Heads ing for 2-3br house with studio or warned people to be very careful EXPERIENCEWITHRETAILSALESINTIMBER House 2: 2 acres old federation style xʓˆ˜ÊÜ>ŽÊ̜Ê/>œÜÃÊ i>V Ê fully-furn $120pw. Phone 0415466837 converted garage within 10 minutes of about responding to advertisements TOOLSORPAINTPREFERRED&ORKLIFTTICKET house renovated to open plan, 3br, fÎÎä«Üʈ˜VÊiiVÉÜ>ÌiÀ Byron. Phone Mara 66854821 offering work at home. Readers should WOULDBEANADVANTAGE!GREATPOSITION guest or rumpus downstairs with bath- BEACHSIDE SUFFOLK room avail ÓÊLÀÊ՘ˆÌ]ÊÜˆÌ ÊÃÉÃÊvÀˆ`}iÊEÊ be wary if you are asked to pay money FORANENERGETICINDIVIDUAL WELLREWARDED room, tropical gardens $875,000. with own balcony, bathroom & phone `ˆÃ Ü>à iÀ]Ê7,ÊEÊi˜ÃՈÌi]ÊÜˆÌ Ê PROFESSOR needs furnished sab- upfront for employment opportuni- !PPLYINWRITINGTO Both houses in Tyagarah, 10 minutes line, share with mother & 10 year `iVŽÊ-1ÊEÊV>À«œÀÌÊfÎxä«Ü batical house for 8 to 10 months, rent ties and never send money to a post 4HE-ANAGER 0/"OX Byron, Brunswick, Bangalow. Phone old in creative, happy, peaceful home up front. Phone 0412633303 offi ce box. -ULLUMBIMBY.37 owner 66847247 $110pw + bills. Phone 66854612 "1- - ÎÊLÀÊ œÕÃi]Ê«œÊ̈“LiÀÊyœœÀÃÊEÊ FAMILY WITH 2 CHILDREN look- $570,000 buys you a driveway to heav- PEACEFUL, private, views, 5 minutes >À}iÊÞ>À`]ÊÜ>ŽÊ̜ÊLi>V ÊEÊÀˆÛiÀ]Ê ing for 3 bedroom house with studio en (literally) 650sqm at Pacific Vista, Byron, n/s, d/f $100pw. Ph 66808836 VœÃiÊ̜Êà œ«ÃÊEÊ«>ÀŽÃÊfÎää«Ü or converted garage with views and national park & beaches includes 3br GORGEOUS hse Bangalow 1-2 rooms ÎÊLÀÊ œÕÃiÊÜˆÌ ÊÏii«ÊœÕÌ]Ê«œÊ wooden floors within 10 minutes of residence with decks. Ring owner Byron. Phone 66840026 00116671015654 anytime. pool $150pw clean tidy. 0422269605 ̈“LiÀÊyœœÀÃÊÌɜÕÌ]ʏ>À}iÊL>VŽÞ>À`]Ê Ài>ÀÊ`iVŽÊEÊÛiÀ>˜`>ʜÕÌÊvÀœ˜Ì°Ê 2BR UNIT 5 mins beach & town $100pw 62 YEAR OLD FEMALE DISABILITY elect incl, no bond, u/c park, must work. >À«œÀÌÊEÊÀi>Àʏ>˜iÊ>VViÃÃÊ PENSIONER requires place to rent LAND FOR SALE Ring after 2pm Tues 66807309 fÎÓä«Ü urgently, have to vacate my present premises by 30 Sept. Can afford to pay Byron Shire Hospitals OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN FORMA- " , Ê BYRON HILLS clean, comfy room, £ÎÓÊõ“ʈ˜`ÕÃÌÀˆ>Ê՘ˆÌ]Ê}Ài>ÌÊ up to $140pw. Phone 66851901 Certified Midwife TIVE MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY prefer fem $85pw. Phone 66859918 – BROKEN HEAD. One membership «œÃˆÌˆœ˜]ÊLÕÃÞÊVœ“«iÝ]ʓiââ]Ê̜ˆiÌÊ WANTED ACCOM IN EXCHANGE for POSITION NO. M2005/020 avail for potential MO on 100 acre BANGALOW rural semi-self-cont, pets à œÜiÀÊfÓÇä«Üʈ˜VÊ-/ʳÊ"É work. Skills in painting, education & Permanent Part Time – 24 Hours per fortnight block at Broken Head. Rainforest, farm- neg, working person with references "Ì iÀʈ˜`ÕÃÌÀˆ>Ê՘ˆÌÃÊ>Û>ˆ>Li]Ê permaculture. Phone Nick 66871967 Salary: $21.35 to $29.98 base hourly rate. land, beaches. Motivated, environmen- $160pw included. Phone 66871669 Enquiries: Jenny Shaw on (02) 6684 2266. «i>ÃiÊVœ˜Ì>VÌÊ>ÌÀiÊiޘ>Ìâ° Email: [email protected] tally aware, common sense group seek FAMILY with 2 girls (9 & 11) needs a LENNOX 3 bedroom unit, large room, œÊ«iÌÃ]Ê>««Þʈ˜Ê«iÀܘ°Ê ˜ÀʏiÌV iÀÊEÊÊ large house in Byron-Suffolk area, long Application Packages: Maria Bristow on like-minded person/family for leading (02) 6620 6129. Email: [email protected] edge eco-friendly MO. DA approval close to town $90pw. Ph 66874223 >ÜܘÊ-ÌÀiiÌÃ]Ê ÞÀœ˜Ê >ÞÊÈÈnxÊÈxxÓ lease, up to $470pw, excellent refer- Closing Date: 3 October 2005. ences. Phone 0423917969 not guaranteed but positive. Share Eligibility lists are created for all vacancies. The Health Service follows the principles of offered at $300,000. Contact Simeon TO LET SINGLE working part-time dad looking EEO, OHS&R, EAPS and Ethical practice and is working towards becoming a smoke- 0415045867 for self-cont space, pref near Tyagarah, free workplace. Relevant criminal history checks will be conducted prior to appointment. BANGALOW SELF STORAGE pay rent/work. Phone 66846106 BYRON BAY 880sqm block with great Hi-tech security. 66872333 ocean views, Pacific Vista Dr, walk " , Ê, 1 Ê* Ê1 /Ê BELONGIL, Byron, Suffolk, doctor to everything $690,000. Phone owner CARAVANS & CABINS from $195pw. "«i˜Ê«>˜ÊÓLÀ“Ê՘ˆÌʈ˜ÊµÕˆiÌÊVœ“«iÝ]Ê seeks wooden house. 0412317421 0407416469 Byron Tourist (Van) Village. 66857378 1]ÊÜ>ŽÊÜ>ÞÊ`ˆÀiVÌÊ̜Ê}œvÊVœÕÀÃi]Ê }i˜iÀœÕÃÊ`iVŽÊ>Ài>]ÊÀi>ÀÊ«>Ûi`ÊVœÕÀÌÞ>À`°Ê RESPONSIBLE MALE working, look- ʓÕÃÌÊ̜ʈ˜Ã«iVÌtÊfÎää«Ü°ÊÛ>ˆÊ>««ÀœÝÊ SAMPLE & PARTNERS ing for house for self, longterm lease, SALES CONSULTANT The Difference is our People PROPERTY FOR SALE £äÉ£äÉäx° excellent refs. Phone 0413034748 ,/Ê Ê/ Ê ,/Ê"Ê  "7Ê Sample & Partners is one of Australia's leading finance 6ˆ>}iʏˆÛˆ˜}tÊ,ˆ} ÌÊ>LœÛiÊà œ«ÃÊLœ>ÃÌÃÊ consultancy Companies. We are seeking self-motivated ÓLÀ“ÊvÀià ÊÀi˜œÛÊ՘ˆÌ]Ê«œÊvœœÀÃ]ʏ>À}iÊ L>Vœ˜ÞÊÜˆÌ ÊÃÌÀiiÌÊÃVi˜i]ʜÀˆ}ˆ˜>Ê¼vii½ÊÜˆÌ Ê , 7, individuals to join our company as consultants,due to the "!.+33!)$@./ Ì iʓœ`ÃʜvʏˆvitÊfÎnä«Ü°ÊÛ>ˆÊ˜œÜ° rapid growth of our customer base. Sample & Partners cover 6 Ê Ê 1  Ê*,Ê f£äääÊ - an extensive area throughout QLD,NSW & VIC and we are ,i>݈˜}ÊEʓœ`iÀ˜ÊvՏÞÊvÕÀ˜ÊÎLÀ“Ê«Àœ«iÀÌÞ]Ê 7(!4./7 >È>˜ÊÃÌޏiʏ>˜`ÃV>«i`Ê}>À`i˜Ã]Ê«ÕÃ Ê *MRHIV«W*II renowned for our excellent training and support within )FYOUFALLOUTSIDEOFTHETRADITIONALLENDINGPOLICIES vÕÀ˜ˆÃ ˆ˜}Ã]Ê}œÀ}iœÕÃÊÀi>ÀÊ`iVŽÊqÊ«ÀˆÛ>ÌiÊ our teams. 4ERMSCONDITIONSAPPLY i>vÞʜÕ̏œœŽ]Ê£ÓÛÊ`œÜ˜ˆ} ÌÃ]ʍÕÃÌʓœÛiʈ˜tÊÊÊ 'SYTPI PSSOMRK JSV WTIGMEP f{™ä«Ü°ÊÛ>ˆÊ˜œÜÊvœÀÊ·{ʓœ˜Ì Ãʜ˜Þ° LSQIYRMXSVLSYWIPSRK We are looking for well presented people who can work s/WNER/CCUPIER s$ISCHARGEDBANKRUPT * /"1- ÊqÊn™Ê" -" Ê-/]Ê 9," -Ê unsupervised,be able to communicate well and work in a s)NVESTMENT,OANS s$EBT#ONSOLIDATION  ,/Ê PIEWI TVMZEXI [SYPH PMOI Ê`>à ʜvÊ«>˜>V iÊqÊ՘ˆµÕiÊ£ÊLÀ“ÊvÉvÊ՘ˆÌÊ E WTIGMEP LSYWI SV WTIGMEP positive environment. s#22!DEFAULTSn0AIDOR5NPAID s#ONSTRUCTION$EVELOPMENT,OANS œÛiÀœœŽˆ˜}Ê ÞÀœ˜½ÃʏˆÛiÞÊÃÌÀˆ«]Ê Õ}iÊ`iVŽÊ s,O$OCn.O&INANCIALS s(OME"UYERS,OAN ë>Vi]Ê}>ÃÊ}œÕÀ“iÌʎˆÌV i˜]Ê>ÉV]ÊÃiVÕÀˆÌÞÊ YRMXRMGIPSGEXMSR6IJEZEMP All qualified appointments are supplied by the company. «>ÀŽˆ˜}ÊEʈ˜ÌiÀVœ“ÊÃÞÃÌi“]ÊVÀˆÃ«ÊEÊV ˆVÊ EFPI  TIV [IIO s3ELF%MPLOYEDLESSTHANYEARS s&IRST(OME/WNER vÕÀ˜ˆÃ ˆ˜}ÃtÊÕÃÌʓœÛiʈ˜tÊfxää«Ü°ÊÛ>ˆÊ No finance/sales experience is necessary as full industry s0%23/.!,,/!.37%,#/-% ˜œÜ° Êä{ÎnÊnä™ÊxxÈ training is provided. If you are hard working,honest and seek *""ttÊxÊ* Ê* ]Ê-1 ,- Ê  ÊÊ 4!33!(/-%,/!.3 success in your life then you are the person we are looking for. Õ}i]Êë>VˆœÕÃÊLÀˆVŽÊ{LÀ“Ê œ“i]ʜ«i˜Ê Your own car and phone essential. 4INCOGAN3TREET -ULLUMBIMBY «>˜ÊˆÛˆ˜}ɎˆÌV i˜Ê>Ài>Ã]ÊÃi«>À>ÌiʏœÕ˜}i]Ê 1]ʏ>˜`ÃV>«i`Ê}>À`i˜ÃÊÜˆÌ Êˆ˜}ÀœÕ˜`Ê !LLPROlTSGOTOLOCALCHARITY «œœÊqÊ«ÀˆÛ>VÞtÊfxää«Ü°ÊÛ>ˆÊ˜œÜ° TO LEASE Income $ 65 - 150K PA commission based If this is you,register your interest in the form of a resume to COMMERCIAL – MULLUMBIMBY 0H Office space in ground floor arcade [email protected] or fax to (07) 3217 8499 ECHO CLASSIFIEDS Phone 66841777 &LETCHER3TREET"YRON"AY 120sqm, 3x3 lease. Ph 0419757055 Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 41

HAIRDRESSER required for Kachina THE MACADAMIA CASTLE CAFE MASSAGE/NATURAL THERAPIST Hair, Byron. Phone 66855339 requires a mature experienced person & PSYCHIC READER required for PA HIRE MISSING PET PETS OF THE WEEK with supervisory skill, own transport Wholistic Centre. Committed, enthu- 300 watts a side & operated $30/hour essential, 25+ hours per week includ- siastic professional able to work in min 2 hours. Phone 0412732465 ing weekends & school holidays. Must friendly team environment. Phone Kar- have experience in food preparation/ lee 66856545 BIRTHDAYS service, excellent customer skills & work well under pressure, more hours EXP. YOGA TEACHER to teach 6.30- possible for the right person. Please 7.45am in Byron Bay. Ph 66856168 HAPPY BIRTHDAY send letter & resume to Cafe Manager, MARKET RESEARCH 3ALES#ONSULTANT PO Box 71, Bangalow NSW 2479. Telephone interviewers. Experience ZIGGI JAKE is a friendly, happy ginger & preferred but must have a good phone s3ALESEXPERIENCEREQUIRED MASSEUSE on call 2 days per week. white chap who loves human com- Above award wage, in busy day spa. manner. Byron. Phone 66807651 or pany. Meet him along with PUDDING, s$EGREEINBUSINESSORRELATEDSUBJECT [email protected] SPUD, ROXY & SOXY & SUSHI at ANADVANTAGE Drop resume to Pure Byron, Jonson Street (under The Balcony). our Cat Adoption Centre, 124 Dalley s/NTARGETEARNINGSOF SARA much loved pet, Mullum area St, Mullumbimby, Tues & Sat 9-11am,  n YEAR CAR GROOMER. Casual part-time on TUITION 5 weeks ago, Tenterfi eld type, liver Thurs 3-5pm. s/PPORTUNITIESFORCAREERADVANCEMENT call position for enthusiastic person. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUITION patches. Please take to Mullum Vet 0LEASEEMAIL#6STO Full drivers licence. Some mechanical Qualified ESL teachers in handy if found. *ULIE WICKEDTRAVELCOMAU knowledge an advantage. Full training Byron location. Byron Bay English given. Phone Steve 1800620408 or Language School. 66808253 0437548540 PETS Animal Welfare League NSW (North Coast Branch) 66844070. BOOOKKEEPER. Are you a moti- ADOPT A CAT from Animal Welfare BASS LESSONS League NSW. Phone 66844070 vated, professional looking to work Electric/double bass, by exp player/ bikini models part-time in an industry leading local teacher $30/hour. Phone 0412732465 HAPPY 80th GWEN ANIMAL RIGHTS & RESCUE GROUP PERSONAL business? dish restaurant is looking for Far Nth Coast urgently needs homes We are on the lookout someone to work 2-3 days per week. A 41 YEAR OLD MAN, 5’8” Egyptian for many dogs, pups, cats, kittens background is visiting Byron area late for girls* to model our Applicants must have excellent refer- MATHS Carers needed (food provided), volun- ences, own transport and be able to Friendly exp teacher. 66802448 September. I would like to meet a latest swimwear for our teers, garage sales items. 66221881 friendly, slim lady for companionship, work closely with business owners. SINGING, voice training. One-on-one, or visit calendar and website. The following skills and experience are friendship, possible relationship. I like exp teacher. Supporting personal fishing, BBQs, dinners etc. If interested considered essential: MYOB, cashfl ow growth. Victoria Thomson. 66761695 JACK RUSSELL PUPS 2 male, 1 Successful applicants love management, data entry, bank recons, female, vacc, wormed $300. 66802106 email [email protected] or SMS bikinis, have no tan lines, payroll, MS Excel and accrual account- MATHS & ENGLISH TUTOR 0418650778 just a fun attitude. ing. Please fax CVs to 02 66850077 or Committed to your child’s progress. GORGEOUS KELPIE x CATTLE pups free to good rural home. 66871222 email [email protected] Phone Brenten 66871001 ONLY ADULTS If this sounds like you, EXP. BABYSITTER REQUIRED NAVIGATION LESSONS Family of Gwen Edwards would like HORSE WANTED prefer gelding, BEST BODY MASSAGE. Guaranteed. email some photos to 0414992441 Chart work, compass bearings, private to invite relatives & friends to come & around 15 hands, calm temperament, 0415 200866 – New location. [email protected] tuition. Phone 0419193282 wish Mum a happy birthday & have a good basic training, great loving home EXP. PIZZA CHEF, woodfi red, min 2 *Byron Bay/Gold Coast region only cuppa with her at the Bangalow RSL waiting. Phone 66841108 years, no time wasters. 0417024132 EROTIC MAN TO MAN massage Hall on 24/9/05, 11am-4pm. No gifts. PETS FOR LIFE CAT SHELTER Tweed Coast. 0419468169 CLEANERS WANTED 5-star holiday MASSAGE LEARN MASSAGE. Beg: Tues & Wed, Sandy is a Siamese x male, extremely EXQUISITE TANTRIC MASSAGE. properties. Must be avail at least 3 Adv: Thurs & Fri. Phone 0417696084 CHURCH NOTICES friendly & loves to sit on laps. Paul 0407431588 days, ABN, mobile, transport an advan- Open 7 days by appointment only. tage. Send resume or reasons to PO Phone 66802097 or 0427802097 HOT DANCERS 4 your b’day or bucks -*, Box 1384 Byron Bay NSW 2481 MUSICAL NOTES CHRISTIAN CITY CHURCH nite, any excuse’l do. 0437219391 Enq 66808872 Sunday Service 10am ̜ÊLiÊ>“œ˜}ÃÌÊÌ iÊw˜iÃÌ CAFE ALL ROUNDER full-time, Suf- CD/DVD DUPLICATION & PRINTING. 40 Banksia Dr, Byron Ind. Est. folk Park. Phone 0421034813 *9 ,-Ê1 6 ,- Short runs. Phone 66804012 , 9Ê 1 ,- RETAIL CLOTHING FOR CAROL ÀˆÃL>˜i½ÃʓœÃÌÊ«ÀiÃ̈}ˆœÕÃÊ Min 2 years experience. *i>ÃiÊÃ̈VŽÊÌ ˆÃÊLÞÊޜÕÀÊ« œ˜i }i˜Ìi“i˜½ÃÊVÕLÊÀiµÕˆÀiÃÊ Sales, merchandising, customer ),OVE THE PAGE/RANSOME FAMILY would !-"5,!.#% &)2% 0/,)#%   v՘ʏœÛˆ˜}ÊÃÌ>vvÊ̜ʍœˆ˜ÊÌ iÊ service, POS etc. Must be very enthu- like to thank the following for their !-"5,!.#%-ULLUMBIMBYY   ՘ˆÛiÀÃ>ÊVÀiÜ° siastic, bubbly personality and fl exible, contributions in making Carol’s send- "YRON"AYY   some weekend work. Please send 3INGING off a fantastic one: Santos, Mallams, "25.37)#+6!,,%92%3#5% 3EAANDROADRESCUE  , Êfxää‡fÎäää*7 resumes to: Attn Retail Position, c/- 3INGING#OURSE Mullum Cellars, Dennetts, Browns "25.37)#+-!2).%2!$)/4/7%2  UÊ  ,- Suffolk Park Post Offi ce 2481. Bakery, Country Bakehouse, Commer- BY0ROFESSIONALFROM0ARIS -5,,5-")-"9(/30)4!,, UÊœÃÌiÃÃiÃÊÉÊ,iVi«Ìˆœ˜ AU PAIR – NEWRYBAR cial Hotel, Beach Hotel, Tom Mooney, "92/."!9(/30)4!,,  UÊ >ÀÊÉÊ œœÀÊ-Ì>vv "REATHING 6OCAL4RAINING !RTISTIC#OACHING Laughing Buddha, Ron’s Fruit Shop, Au Pair required to help care for our ,-/Ê --" Ê, 0/,)#%"RUNSWICK(EADS UÊ-iVÕÀˆÌÞÊÉÊ*,Ê­“>ÌÕÀi® Mullum Hire, Bill & Nancy Kane, Adrian -ULLUMBIMBYY 3yo little boy who has cerebral palsy. !LLSTYLESCLASSIC BLUES RB ROCK Phone 66872688 Bowden, Esery Mechanics, Dirt Squirt "YRON"AYY 0H#ATSAFTERPM !LLLEVELSBEGTOPRO Motorcycles, Byron Gourmet Pies, "YRON"AY3UNDAYS "ANGALOW  PERSON TO COOK fruit cakes at #ALL Marek’s fl owers, Pam & Maria, Derek 34!4%%-%2'%.#93%26)#% 3TORMTEMPESTDAMAGE FLOODING home, everything supplied. 66803973 Harper, Silverstone Incense, Elizabeth !)$3 #ONFIDENTIAL4ESTING)NFORMATION!#/.  Lord & Leigh James, Hans Lovejoy, Advertisement !, !./. (ELPFORFAMILYFRIENDSOFALCOHOLICS  Trish Dutton, Tony from the Co-op, !,#/(/,)#3!./.9-/53 (OURS Fins Restaurant, Blue Bay Gourmet & !.)-!,2%3#5%$/'3#!43  Durrumbul Hall. Everyone else for their ,)&%,).%  love & support too. If there is anyone -%.3,).%PMnPMNIGHTLYPHONECOUNSELLINGREFERRALFORMEN    we forgot to thank here, we are sorry Cheating the welfare but we are a bit vague at the moment. .!2#/4)#3!./.9-/53-EETSDAILYY There is also a dinner for two at Fins .%)'("/52(//$#%.42%  Restaurant (value up to $100) to be raf- ./24(%2.2)6%23'!-",).'3%26)#%  fl ed to help cover costs, tickets $5 can $/-%34)#6)/,%.#% HRCRISISLINE   system is be bought at the Mullum Echo offi ce, 7),$,)&%#!2%2%3#5% to be drawn next weekend. Live, love, "!4 (/4,).%   laugh and be happy. +/!,!(/4,).% '%/2'%4(%3.!+%-!.  DVD OF CAROL’S SEND-OFF .377ILDLIFE)NFORMATION2ESCUE3ERVICE7)2%3  Most Australians who receive Centrelink at Durrumbul $20 each ($15 from each sale goes to Carol’s family). Send payments do the right thing and tell cheque or MO to Donnie McCormack, Centrelink when their circumstances change. PO Box 163, Mullumbimby 2482. DARLING CAROL 7EEKLY$!WATCH If you don’t tell Centrelink of changes to your The talent scouts from heaven 9OU MAY NOT SEE #OUNCILS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION ADVERTIS came far too early for you. INGASITISNOTPLACEDINYOURCOMMUNITYPAPER!SAFREESERVICE circumstances, you will be caught and the Through thick and thin – thank you for being such a wonderful trooper to THEREFORE WEREGULARLYLISTALLSIGNIFICANTNEW$!SONPUBLICEXHIBI penalties could be serious. You will have to inspire so many of us. Much love, Dee. TION MAKINGCLEAREXACTLYWHATISSOUGHTINTHEAPPLICATIONSAND pay back the extra money, risk community IDENTIFYINGTHELOCATIONOFTHELANDAFFECTED service, a criminal record LOST & FOUND 7EURGEREADERSTOFOLLOWUPON$!STHEYFEELMAYAFFECTTHEM and even jail. LOST: black shawl with fl owers lost BY VISITING #OUNCILS OFFICE BEFORE THE ADVISED CLOSING DATE AND Monday Mullum CBD. If found please MAKINGANAPPROPRIATEWRITTENSUBMISSION"EAWARETHATALLSUB call Gitta 66843757. Thanks. MISSIONSAREDEEMEDTOBEPUBLICDOCUMENTS


Lawson Street Lawson Dolphin Office Choice  LOCATIONOFDRAINAGERESERVERIGHTOFWAY 42 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo News Extra

Catholics returning Guiders Annual Pin This Up home program Reunion Discover your national parks Mullum garden club To be conducted at St Johns The annual Guiding get- Will hold a street stall on Fri- The National Parks and fi rst activity on Monday Sep- Nature Reserve near Alston- Parish Hall, Mullumbimby together is to be held at the Wildlife Service (NPWS) tember 26 is an exploration ville on October 3, an Abo- day September 23. Will all commencing Wednesday home of Anne Biddulph, 64 members please bring cakes Discovery spring school holi- of the edible and medicinal riginal Cultural walk at Fin- October 19. Ring 6680 1076 Laura Street, Banora Point day program kicks off on plants of Nightcap National gal Head on October 4 and a and saleable items to the stall. or 6684 7359 for info and on Monday October 10 at With thanks. September 26, with a range Park, followed by a native whale watch walk at Broken details. Be home in time for 11.30am. All persons who of activities to tempt locals cuisine snack. Head Nature Reserve on Mullum Hospital Christmas. have been associated with and visitors to the region. ‘On September 28 we will October 6. The program Mass in D major Guiding at any time, either Highlights of the Spring be on the beach at Evans concludes on Friday October Auxiliary past or present, local or inter- Our next meeting will be held Presented by the Nouveaux program include Spotlight- Head for some beachcomb- 7, with a morning bird walk state, are invited to come on Friday September 23 at Singers with other singers ing at Wilson’s and Victoria ing and games to learn about in Richmond Range National along. Enquiries or RSVP to 2pm in the hospital meeting including St Andrew’s Angli- Park Nature Reserves, canoe- the coastal environment. Join Park, west of Casino. Come Ann 07 5524 1454 or Doris room. New members are very can Choir from Lismore on ing the Brunswick River and the Discovery Rangers on along to enjoy the abundant 07 5524 3903. welcome. Thursday September 22 at a bush food tour in Nightcap the 29th for a spotlight tour bird life in the forests of the St Mary’s Anglican Church, Giant Book Sale National Park, said coordi- at Wilson’s Nature Reserve Cambridge Plateau.’ Light Web corner Norton & Burnett Bangalow Pool Trust is con- A new regional web portal nator Kate Adams. near Lismore and meet some Bookings are required for Streets, Ballina and on Fri- tinuing their book sale this developed by Marc Gimbrere, ‘This Spring’s Discovery animals that only come out all activities. For bookings day September 23 at St Sunday at Heritage Park, director of the interactive web program includes a range of when the sun goes down. and enquiries contact the Andrew’s Anglican Church, next to the Post Offi ce, start- development company Light fun activities for kids, fami- ‘Other activities include NPWS on 6627 0200 or Zadoc Street, Lismore, both ing at 8.30am. All new stock. Web. Community organisa- lies and individuals that pro- Canoeing on the Brunswick have a look at the program concerts commence at Books are in excellent condi- tions of all sizes can partici- vide opportunities to experi- River on September 30, on www.nationalparks.nsw. 7.30pm. Admission $12, tion with children’s, novels, pate with their own sub-por- ence and learn about our Spotlighting at Victoria Park concession $10, tickets avail- text and sporting sections for tal, defi ning their own virtual natural and cultural herit- able at the door. sale at $2 each. identity. Light Web will be age,’ Ms Adams said. ‘Our donating this product to a Help African Orphans Go into the lighthouse chosen local community non- Lovelight Charitable Trust is profit organisation and is looking for an old working £x¯ÊœvvÊ Visitors to one of Australia’s Guided tours take approx- looking also for sponsors to laptop to give to their Project most famous destinations imately 40 minutes and cost help with costs of hosting the Manager in Africa. Mr Mach- >˜ÞÊ œœÕÀÊ can explore the maritime $8 for adults, $6 for children portal. Marc will demonstrate abe travels extensively help- history of Byron Bay during and concession, and $25 for the software and roundtable a ing orphans with clothing -iÀۈViÊvœÀÊ the Spring school holidays as family groups. Children potential impact discussion and arranging for them to the Cape Byron Trust is once must be fi ve years old to par- sponsored by Co-Creating attend school. Contact Sol -«Àˆ˜}t again running the popular ticipate in tours. Millin 0403 649 994. the Future at Ewingsdale Hall MONTHOF3EPTEMBERONLY heritage tours of the Cape Bookings are recom- on Friday September 23 at Drawing Workshop 5SING!FlNAGE#OLOUR Byron Lighthouse and asso- mended. 5.15pm. See examples of the A Dynamic Drawing for 2ANGE"OOK./7 ciated Maritime Museum. For further information portal online at Adults Workshop will be held FORFORMALSn Guided tours of the Cape on tour times and bookings au, and September 24 and 25 at Byron ALLUPSTYLES Byron Lighthouse are avail- please contact the Cape Bay Scout Hall. For informa- able on Tuesdays and Thurs- Byron Trust on (02) 6685 Sacred architecture tion call 0421 010 220. !LSOUSING 02/&%33)/.!, days, with additional week- 5955 or visit the shop at the Probus CRYSTALLISINGSTRAIGHTASMYCHEMICAL end tours operating from Head Lighthouse Keepers of India STRAIGHTENER,EAVESHAIRSMOOTHER Saturday September 24. Cottage. Vaastu architect Michael Bor- Byron Bay Probus welcomes mATTERANDHEALTHIERTHANEVERBEFORE den is offering a free presenta- visitors, semi and retired #OMEONINFORAFREEQUOTE tion on Vaastu Architecture as people, to their meeting 0ENSIONERDISCOUNTS!LLSERVICES  --BY)AN2OGERS applied to modern buildings Thursday September 22, 9.30am, at the Bowling Club. RECEIVEACOMPLIMENTARYBLOW &ORMANYYEARS CHESSPLAYING CLEAN UP n THERE IS ALSO NO on Friday September 23 at WAVE4ALKTOMEABOUT MEMBERS OF THE LEGAL PROFES RECORDING OF &ISCHERS RECENT Further enquiries to 6684 7.30pm. Mr Borden has been HOMEVISITS SIONIN)CELANDHAVEENJOYEDA 2EYKJAVIKLECTURE(OWEVER IT trained by a Master Architect 8131. MONTHLY SOCIAL CLUB MEETING ISANTICIPATEDTHATTHAT&ISCHER in India and has designed 4HE GROUP WHICH INCLUDES WILL VISIT THE MEETING AGAIN Community Market GRANDMASTERS-ARGEIR0ETURS NEXTMONTH ANDNEXTTIMEIT projects world-wide. Vaastu The Byron Bay Community "OOKTODAYWITH 3TUART3TREET(AIR3TUDIO SON AND *OHANN (JARTASSON IS TO BE HOPED THAT SOMEONE structures offer an environ- Market is on October 2. The USUALLYSTARTWITHASHORTPE REMEMBERSTOBRINGATAPERE ment that facilitates resonance charities of the day are Rain- (ELEN"OSTON#AULCUTT 3TUART3T -ULLUMBIMBY RIOD OF LEGAL DISCUSSION AND CORDER with healing and nourishing bow Dragons Abreast and )MAGESUPPLIEDBY!FlNAGE 0HONE FOLLOW WITH AN EVENING OF N  YEAR OLD -ICHAEL 7EI CAPTURED earth and cosmic energies. At Sustainability Research. LIGHTNINGCHESSGAMES HIS lRST !#4 #HAMPIONSHIP TITLE THIS Starlight Academy and Gym, Band of the day is Blue Vein. Crop Circle Talk Chickenpox ,ASTWEEK HOWEVER ASPE WEEKBYARECORDMARGIN4HEFOLLOWING 4/17 Tasman Way (same street CIALGUESTATTENDEDTHEMEET GAME AGAINSTTHEDEFENDINGCHAMPION There will be lots of kid’s What are they trying to tell INGnFORMER7ORLD#HAMPION )AN2OUT WAS7EISBEST as Luscious), Byron Arts & activities and buskers are us? A free public awareness alert "OBBY&ISCHER Industry Estate. Info 6684 !#4#HAMPIONSHIP welcome. Register at the lecture on Crop Circles is The North Coast Public 3INCEBEINGGRANTEDASYLUM 7HITE)2OUT 7758. IN)CELANDEARLIERTHISYEARAFTER Information Tent before per- being held this Saturday Sep- Health Unit has advised the "LACK-7EI forming. Enquiries to 6680 tember 24 at 7.30pm in the NINE MONTHS OF IMMIGRATION /PENING'RUNFELD$EFENCE Mullum Youth & Rec community to be aware of a DETENTION IN *APAN &ISCHER 9703. Byron Bay Community Cen- D .F C G .C D .F facility current outbreak of Chicken- HAS LARGELY AVOIDED PUBLIC "G 1B DXC 1XC   "F Inviting anyone interested in Hall Fundraiser tre. All welcome, for informa- pox, an infectious disease that GATHERINGS QUIETLY BUYING A C E "G B WAS SUCCESS being a committee member to Ewingsdale Community Hall tion call 6629 5358. can be easily contracted by mATANDPREPARINGFORAPOSSI FULLYPLAYEDBY+ASPAROVBUT7EIGOES BLEMATCHOF&ISCHER2ANDOM HIS OWN WAY 2D  "E SHOULD AGM on September 28 in the is having an enjoyable evening Byron Toastmasters people who have not been CHESSAGAINST6ESELIN4OPALOV BE lNE FOR 7HITE "XF GXF Old Mayors room upstairs in of exquisite food and live Scared of public speaking? immunised or who have not (OWEVER &ISCHER AGREED TO 1AHB 2ISKYPLAY.BD Old Council Chambers, acoustic music to support Get over it, at Byron Toast- had the disease before. DROPINTOTHELEGALCHESSPLAY WASSAFER1B.BDE.H 6.30pm. Contact Ra 6684 our local hall. A four course masters. We will show you Chickenpox, caused by the ERS MEETING FOR TEN MINUTES "GC1XB"LACKEMERGES Varicella-Zoster virus, is not a AND UPON HIS ARRIVAL WAS IN WELL FROM THE COMPLICATIONS AFTER 3597. chef prepared meal with how, in a supportive, friendly "XE 2FE 1XB 1XB "XB notifi able disease in NSW but VITEDTOSPEAK BYO wine and drinks is $50 environment. Don’t put it off 4HREEANDAHALFHOURSLAT 2XE.D+FWHEN7HITESCENTRE per head. Bookings and any longer. Come see how may be extremely dangerous ER &ISCHERCONCLUDEDHISEN COLLAPSES 1XB .XB CXD Classifieds enquiries can be made with it’s done. Guests welcome. for newborns and the babies THRALLING LECTURE (E COVERED "XE 4OO GREEDY "OTH E FXE"HAND.XD.XEF AO EROTICA 1902213900 Diane 6684 7706. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of women in late pregnancy, MANY TOPICS INCLUDING THE Lesbian FFM 1902214667 INFAMOUS "ATSFORD EDITION OF WOULDLEAVETHEGAMEWIDEOPEN Japanesex 1902215113 at the Uniting Church, Car- and can cause severe compli- 2FE .C 2XE .XA .XE Country Women’s HISCLASSICBOOK-Y-EMO Mistress Sonya 1902214660 lyle St Byron Bay. Ring John cations such as brain, kidney +D .F 'ILDING THE LILY 2E $4.95/min mobex. Association RABLE'AMES&ISCHEROBJECTED WON THE KNIGHT SINCE .C ALLOWS 6685 1917. and liver damage in adults. TO THE HUNDREDS OF CHANGES TANTRIC MASSAGE & REJUVENA- The AGM of the Byron Bay ‘Anecdotal evidence sug- "H +C2C2C"A TION exercises. Ph Anna 0413711943 Brunzwick "ATSFORDMADETOHISORIGINAL WAS THE ONLY CHANCE .XF branch will be held on Thurs- gests a signifi cant outbreak of WORK SOMERUININGHISORIGI day October 6 at 1.30pm in +D/N+C D "XD2E SOCIAL ESCORTS Toastmasters the disease in the community NAL ANALYSIS AND CANVASSED WINSTHEKNIGHTD2C "F the SDA Church hall, Jonson Learn communication and at the present time,’ according THE POWERS AUTHORS HAD TO "XD.XD+C.XF2F BALLINA Exclusive Company 5-star STOPPUBLISHERSUSINGHISNAME premises now open, 34 Piper Drive, Street, opposite Woolies. An leadership skills in a friendly to Marianne Trent, Public 2E +B .D .D ONAWORKTHATHECONSIDERED Ballina, 10am till late. 66816038 ordinary monthly meeting atmosphere. We meet on the Health Nurse. WOULDHAVEENDEDTHEGAMEIMMEDI DIDNT RESEMBLE THE BOOK HE ATELY BUT "LACK STILL HAS TOTAL CONTROL BYRON BALLINA OUTCALLS. will be held at 10am that 2nd and 4th Wednesday of Anyone seeking further 0432418835 HADORIGINALLYWRITTEN +A 2XB A 2B 2XF morning at the same venue. the month, 9.45 am to 12:15 information should consult !S WITH &ISCHERS INSTRUC +XF 2XF 2B +A .B BYRON AREA OUTCALLS. All women are welcome to pm at the SDA Hall, Cnr. TIONAL ""# RADIO PROGRAMS +A.C +A.B +A 0421401775 their GP or North Coast Area enjoy a cuppa with us. Shara Blvd. and Banool Ct., Health Service Immunisation WITH ,EONARD "ARDEN IN THE .C +A+E4WOPAWNSDOWN MALE ESCORT avail all occasions ANDWITHASTRANDEDKNIGHT 7HITEHAS Enquiries to Eileen 6685 Ocean Shores. Call Craig on staff on (02) 6620 2100 or S n THE TAPES OF WHICH also erotic massage. 0434223526 WERE DESTROYED IN A ""# NOHOPEANDSOONRESIGNED 6821 or Barbara 6685 3144. 6685 0165. (02) 6588 2750 Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 43 Motoring

$12,990 $12,990

$16,990 $19,990

$24,990 $31,990 44 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Sports Roundup with Alex McAuley

Bowlers fi nd more bounce than Beyoncé Byron Bay stalwarts prop up the team Brian Mollet Derek was well stumped by dale and Greg to cover up, Sunday’s sunshine saw the Shane for the fi rst wicket, and at drinks the Armers social get serious as the but with a good start under were ten runs behind in undefeated top contenders the belt Ted, Adam and Greg comparison. for the biggest little prize in pounded the bowling like The tenacious hill-dwell- local , trophy hoggers pylons in the Brunswick ers came out swiping like oil Main Arm and corporate bridge, the Geckos crunch- refi nery executives after the giants the Geckos, faced off ing out 100 in the second break, Greg looked the goods over 22 yards of plastic turf session to post a series high before a refl ex catch by Ted in the Nick Shand Memorial total of 6/170. ended his run on 20 and cricket series. With plenty of runs to Lons fell soon after, one run With the winners on the chase, the pressure was on short of retirement to leave day heading to the top of the the Main Armers who are the Armers gasping like table the atmosphere was as well known to be a twitchy landed guppies at 4/74. fraught with tension as lot at the best of times. Lons Ryan and Joffrey kept the Beyoncé’s blouse buttons as and Brian came out playing dream alive for a time, carv- Derek from the Geckos won their shots but a kamikaze ing boundaries like modern The Byron Bay Rugby Union Club has enjoyed its most successful season for 15 years qualifying for the grand final this coming weekend in Lismore. the toss and chose to set the cut- shot from Brian sent the imperialists, but Simon, once pace; he and Noel playing stumps scattering in the the Geckos supremo and This coming Saturday Sep- about time we started getting the highest levels. Outside cautiously as tearaway Ryan fourth over, Derek’s dicky now their quiet achiever, tember 24 Byron Bay Rugby the hang of this game’, added backs Wies Panther, John and the cagey Brian gave lit- knee forgotten as he leapt yorked Ryan to end any seri- Union will take to the fi eld in Dr Stevens. Holmes, Lynchie, Jay, Mick, tle away early on. The like a startled Toyota owner ous chance of a Main Arm their fi rst grand fi nal appear- The exhilarating style of Acne, Peter and Rob have medium pacers bowled well in celebration. The Geckos victory. Ted then feasted on ance in 15 years. President Dr play this year has been led by been electric and scorched without luck as chances went have a contingent of young the lower order, collecting John Stevens says it is a just top class coach Warren the earth with their speed on begging; the hapless Armers seamers in Adrian, Adam 3-16 and fi nishing off the reward for the players who Fischer who has put fi re in many occasions this season. grassing more catches than and Toby; they were lining stubborn but out-gunned have really committed them- the belly of all the players. ‘For me the highlight this Farmcare has grass-catchers, up like absentee landlords at Armers for 140 and estab- selves this year, as well as the The front row of Brad, Mick year is how proud these men Noel and Derek lofting fear- a lawyer’s offi ce to get at the lishing the Geckos as the committee, supporters and and the gazelle on steroids, are to represent Byron Bay lessly as it became apparent Main Arm middle order. Baz team to beat for this year’s sponsors who have stayed Singha, have been unbeaten and how distinguished has the premiers couldn’t snare picked the wrong ball to try trophy. Next week Wanganui/ loyal, never doubting that all year. Mountain men Wess been their ambassadorship a disease in a refugee camp. to slog down the ground and Wilson’s take on the Mullum Byron’s fortune would even- and Nick are a frightening of our town when we have Noel retired and the score had his middle stump Drift-ins fresh from their tually change. combination in second row; travelled,’ said Dr Stevens. had advanced to 70 when uprooted, this forced Lons- fi rst big win. It is especially pleasing for loose forwards Mick Dunn ‘We would love the town to stalwarts like Mick Leece and Anthony Barchard have get behind us on Saturday.’ (Wombat), Stephen Mackay been the tireless drovers dogs Buses for players and sup- Leap into Mullumbimby Little Athletics (Chief), Nick Bladdon all year. Mat, home grown porters travelling to Oakes Oval (Poida), Adam Butterworth hobbit, has been outstanding Lismore will be leaving from and John Stevens who as half back; fi ve eight – even the Rails car park from 8.30am between them have played my hair is fast – Cardi has or call John on 0402 938 630 over 600 games for Byron. ‘Its the potential to represent at for more information. Holiday surf Byron cricket is back clinics Byron cricket club is prepar- come in both sides. NSW Sport and Recreation is ing to defend its title as last Training is on Thursday offering children aged ten to season’s minor and major nights at the rec grounds from eighteen years of age the premiers when the season 4pm onwards; the bowling chance to participate in one of starts on October 8. machine is fi xed and ready to two surfi ng clinics this school The boys have enjoyed go. Twilight cricket will also holiday. The clinics are aimed looking at the shields behind be on again soon with the at developing children’s skills the bar at the Beach Hotel all competition starting once for both social enjoyment and winter and now have found daylight saving begins in late future competitions. Accred- and bleached the whites in October. Mullumbimby Little Athletics hosted a coaching clinic over the weekend at which club members ited instructors from Surfi ng preparation for the first Greg Daniels is the person received professional coaching by Queensland Little Athletics Association (QLAA) in all areas of track Byron Bay will run the clinics match. The club will be to contact for both competi- and field. Team member Soraya O’Neill (pictured right) was among the participants all of whom thor- which cost $105 for two days, entering teams in the second tions and if you are interested oughly enjoyed the session. ‘We learnt heaps of new skills through games and had a fun time learn- September 24 and 25 from and fourth grade competi- in playing, give him a call on ing,’ said Soraya. This season Mullum Little As is focusing on skill development with the introduction 8.30am to 4.30pm. tions and players are wel- 0414 494 208. of coaching afternoons. We are still signing on for the season and if you are aged between five and Another clinic has been fourteen, come along to the Mullum netball courts at 4pm on Friday afternoons to join in the fun, or organised for girls only which call Anna on 6684 5500 for more information. will take place on September Wright gets it all right 28 and 28 between 8.30am Crankin what’s happening surfside and 4.30pm. Both clinics are aimed at beginner to interme- diate levels and registration is New Brighton Quality Meats, Ocean Shores at Hotel Brunswick this week essential. For more informa- Bakery, Che and Macca Bar- and next week 12-2pm Mon tion or enrolment forms, con- Boardriders bie Dolls. to Fri to be drawn Sun Octo- The 2005 memorial contest tact NSW Sport and Recrea- ber 2. Major prize a Mort tion on 6687 7168. took place on Sunday in per- Brunswick Britz surfboard. All members fect 2-3 ft waves. Results as Boardriders welcome to help sell tickets. Seagulls are follows: opens 1 Ryan, 2 Great day on the beach with Mitch, 3 Corza, 4 legge; some good surfi ng. Results Surfing FNC big winners women 1 Tanya, 2 Hayley, 3 as follows: girls microfl ea 1 Surf coaches needing to update Tweed Seagulls stamped their ali, 4 Mia; juniors 1 Izen, 2 Emily, 2 Jade, 3 Georgia; their run-swim-run and CPR authority on the Northern Dave, 3 Ben, 4 Tyrone, 5 girls fleas 1 Rebecca, 2 cn do so on Sunday October Rivers Regional Rugby Zane. Best manouvre Ryan Vanessa, 3 Sammy; women 1 16 at Byron Bay Surf Club League last Sunday with a Grey; clubman of the year Shelley, 2 Sarah, 3 Terry; jun- from 8.30am for sign on. convincing 44-18 win over Local track coach Robyn Wright has enjoyed huge success over the Macca; encouragement ior boys 1 Ty, 2 Zivra, 3 Ben; Seven regional surfers are Murwillumbah in the compe- years producing a number of very successful athletes and this year award Ben. Thanks to major flea boys 1 Tom, 2 Nick; off to Tasmania in November tition’s inaugural grand fi nal. is certainly no exception. A local group of young athletes under sponsors Jamahl and Turgle micro fl ea boys 1 Zane; opens for the national junior titles to The Seagulls totally out- the Robyn’s guidance competed at the NSW Combined High at Rhthm Clothing, 1 Trent, 2 Paul, 3 Jeremy; be held at Nubeena near Port classed their opposition and Arthur. Despite several strong Schools Athletics Championships held at the Olympic Stadium in Billinudgel Hotel, Marrette seniors 1 Seppy, 2 Leffl er, 3 controlled the game from the Homebush recently achieving outstanding results. Pictured along- at Le Bunnies, Matto at Dave; masters 1 Steve F, 2 performances at state titles, outset, leading by 22-8 at half our surfers need to be more side Robyn are Kurt Mulcahy and Zali Fung who led the medal Sharky’s Tattoo., Paul and Ding, 3 Ken; bodyboards 1 time. The club is expected to count in Sydney for the Mullumbimby contingent. The other aggressive in competition to Michelle at Print Rescue, Rian, 2 Jayke, 3 Cameron; join the Brisbane based Mix- younger athletes pictured are in training for the primary school Jimis Cutties, Ocean Shores microfl eas 1 Brendan. Raffl e achieve their potential. well Cup next year. regional and state carnivals. Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 45 Sports Roundup with Alex McAuley

RIP David Sandercock 6/4/47 - 3/9/05 Rams’ historic premiership win David Sandercock, founder and was known as a smooth Boardriders along with his of the Rusty Gromfest and a goofy foot stylist who liked sons Tim, Caleb and huge influence on groms’ to keep up with the progres- Joseph. David founded the surfi ng in Australia died ear- sive new turns and tricks. Rusty Gromfest, bringing lier this month. Despite his He collaborated with Sue families of our nationwide illness, David made the effort Bennett to establish school surfi ng communities together to get out and watch the surfi ng in South Australia at an annual event, a red car- tenth gromfest at Lennox and travelled with the Aus- pet experience for the groms. Head earlier this year. He tralian team to the fi rst World David has many friends all started surfi ng on the fi rst School Surfi ng titles in Cali- over Australia who will miss modern foam boards in fornia in the 80’s. Later, his effervescence, warmth, South Australia as a member moving to Lennox Head he compassion, generosity and of the Sand and Sea Club joined the Lennox – Ballina positive energy. Junior Devils fl y the fl ag for the Bay Byron Bay Rams faced top of labah no end of trouble with Byron Bay’s Aaron Richter the table Goonellabah on Sat- his weaving runs. Todd Steers holds off the Goonella- urday night in the premier Knaus and Bruce Morhaus bah attack in the Rams’ much division grand fi nal at Oakes controlled the midfield anticipated first ever premier Oval in Lismore. The game throughout the game and division grand final win last started at a hectic pace with Goonellabah simply couldn’t weekend. Photo Laurie Axtens both sides looking for an find any answers to the early goal, however the Rams Rams’ rock solid play. -/.4(,9-!2+%43 midfi eld and defence held up The fi nal score of 1-0 gave ST 3!4 "RUNS(DS   well, denying the much fan- the Rams their fi rst ever pre- ST 35. "YRON"AY  cied Goonellabah space to mier division grand fi nal win. ST 35. ,MORE#AR"OOT   attack effectively, and Kai Coach Peter Ware and his ND35. 4HE#HANNON   ND35. ,ENNOX(EAD Connell was sound in goals. support team did a superb ND35. /3HORES#ARBOOT  Finally the Rams got their job with the boys, the players RD3!4 -ULLUMBIMBY  The Red Devils U15s to South Grafton, with most of one for themselves. The 8-4 breakthrough with a sizzling 25 were magnificent and the RD 35. 5KI  metre shot from captain Shaun support from the fans sec- RD 35. .IMBIN  (pictured)were the only Byron the Rebels’ tries coming from scoreline in the second RD 35. ,MORE#AR"OOT   Bay rugby league team to get their much bigger pack forcing period was a far better indi- Packham which left the ond to none. RD 35. "ALLINA   into the grand fi nals in 2005. the Devils back allowing South cation of the Bay’s commit- Goonellabah keeper no Thanks to Byron Bay TH 35. "ANGALOW  Coach Jeff Barnes did a com- Grafton to run away with six ment and resolve and they chance, taking the Rams to Bowling Club for their TH35..IMBIN-ARKET   mendable job to get the boys tries in the fi rst half. were unfortunate to just miss the break with a 1-0 lead. sponsorship;p resentation %!#(45% /RGANIC,MORE  The second half was just will take place this Saturday to there after two draws with The second half was a dif- out on a number of scoring &!2-%23-!2+%4 extra time against Ballina ferent story, however, with opportunities throughout the as intense as the fi rst with night at the club from 6pm %!#(4(5  AM"YRON Seagulls along the way. the Devils performing very game. Congratulations to the Aaron Richter Steers mar- for all senior players, friends %!#(3!4  AM"ANGALOW Unfortunately, the Devils creditably allowing in only team and well done for a suc- shalling the defence and John and families at a cost of $5 %!#(3!4 PM5KI went down by 38 points to 4 two more tries and scoring cessful 2005 season. Bradbury causing Goonel- per person including a bbq. "YRON"AY#AMPING$ISPOSALS &OR+ING'EEWORKCLOTHESAND2OSSI played Wed. congrats. to Daphne, 2005 B 1st Nett S Easterbrook, A Gray; E/W 1st Gross r/up B Moore 350; C Grade winner D Deegan Byron Trophies: M Pfeil v G Davis; M underwood SPORTS RESULTS Grade Champion. Final score 31 to 23. Welcome and 2nd Nett J Murray, P Keyte; 2nd Gross and 366; r/up J Falzon 369. Net O’all Champ D v B Trivett; D Runciman v P Hill; S Page Smith v "LUNDSTONEAND2EDBACKWORKBOOTS ATHLETICS to A Grade Daphne. Wed 14/9 Social Bowls; M 1st Nett I Homfray, C Donaldson. 14/9 OShores: Mackay 278. 14/9 Single Stab winner: W Gregg J Nicolson; R King v B Foster. Cantys Surveyors 0HONE Mullumbimby Arondale, M Battese, F Sommerville winners; D 1st Gross and Net C Wellings, P Baldwin; 2nd 44; r/up T Gardiner 42; NTP W Rogers 3 balls. v Potato Works: S Thompson v M Page Smith; S Mullum Little Athletics is still signing on for kids Adams, J Murphy r/up. Raffle winners M Waller Gross and Net J Hughes, C Chidlow. Please 17/9 Single Stroke winner: P Schweitzer 69 c/b; Koop v C Staff; T Wood v P Booth; C Johnston v aged between 5 and 14 years. Come and make 1st; N Cousins 2nd. Tea Rosters 21/9:t M Peart, note new starting time 6.45 pm at OShores r/up D Deegan 69; NTP P Robbins 10 balls; B J Heers; M Robers v J Miller. 26/9 Rnd 7, Div 1: some friends and have some fun while keeping R Sparre; 28/9: K Philp, J Pratten. Country Club. Stewart; P Schweitzer; S Martin. 18/9 Single 5pm B Staff v D Bird; M Page Smith v S Sleep; G / Ê/ - fit and learning some new skills. We meet each Lennox Head Mixed Byron Bay Stroke winner J Falzon 65; r/up G Quirk 66 c/b; Davis v A Brooker; 6pm R Mansfield v L Powell. *- -Ê"Ê/ Ê "" Fri at the High School Oval at 4pm. Bring proof of Fri 16/9 Open Pairs winners F Somerville, I 16/9, 6 table Mitchell N/S 1st P Bradley, G Lynn NTP W Ferrier. Div 2: 5pm S Varty v B Trivett; B Johnston v S 3PRING%QUINOX RD 3EPT AM age for sign on. Ph Anna for info. 6685 5202. ,AST1UARTER TH 3EPT PM Whitehall 31 def D and J Adams 11; B and R 67%; 2nd Nell, Colleen 53.3%; 3rd J Baker, B Ocean Shores Men Koop; M Cassidy Bye. Div 3: 5pm R Draper v .EW-OON%CLIPSE RD /CT PM BOWLS Sullivan 27 def G and J Moore, loser chooks 15. Sundstrom 51.2%; H/C 1st O Aroney, K Justice; 12/9 Indiv Stab Medley winner: B Rofo 39; r/up G J Holmes; 5.30pm M Ottery v J Gribble; 6pm J &IRST1UARTER TH /CT AM Brunswick Heads Women Mullumbimby Men 2nd B Sundstrom, J Baker; 3rd G Falson, S Ridge 37; D Hughes 36 c/b; NTP B Rofo, R Skillen; Heaney v D Runciman. Div 4: 5pm S Page Smith !RIES&ULL-OON TH /CT PM C’ships continuing, check Board. 4/10 Gen Wed. winners: R Kidby, R Gamble, P Jones 30 v Gibson; E/W 1st C Brown, C Delardes 59.6%; Balls to 31; CCR 73. 14/9 winner R Barnes v R King; F King v A Ronan; C Johnston v A Li; J 7%$(IGH AM 3UNRISE  AM Meeting, 10am. 17/11 2 Bowls Triples, get M Murphy, E Batson, T Isted 25. Other results: 2nd C Hocking, H Lewis 56.2%; 3rd K Armstead, 42; r/up P Berryman 41; M Hewitt 39. NTP G Nicolson Bye. Div 5: 5pm A Brooker v G Thomas; ST PM  3UNSET  PM teams together, see Blossom. C’ships, Minor B Coleman, M Brown 22 v L Henry N James M Buckley 53.3%; H/C 1st C Brown, C Delardes; Rowland, R Bartlett; Pro Pin B Larracy; Balls to B Doran v S Truesdale; 5.30pm A Thomas v M ,OW AM -OONRISE  PM Pairs: S Grant, K Peacy 26 v M Darby, A Revie 20; W Hampson, F Buckley, R Moore 21 v S 2nd P and C Kiernan; 3rd R Dight, S Lee. Bridge 34; CCR 72. 17/9 Stab winner T Cornell 41; r/up Decarne. Phone 6685 1794 to play. PM -OONSET  AM 8; D Batson, M Allard 32 v A Chapman/sub. D Dettman, F Cornale, T Johnston 15; A Bartlett, played every Fri 12.30pm at Bangalow Bowling S Wilson 38; P Downman 37; NTP B Minshall; SURF LIFE SAVING 4(5 (IGH AM 3UNRISEAM Chapman, A Ahlholm 17. Social Bowls: E Toovey, R Webb, R Neate 24 v A Pyzer, R Rose, R Gray Club, all welcome, phone Brian 6687 2427. Balls to 30; CCR 73. Brunswick ND PM  3UNSET PM M Southon, D Hay 26 v Z Wagner, P Appel, N 19. Fri. Champ. Mixed Pairs: R Webb, B Croft 29 CYCLING Ocean Shores Ladies Club meeting Wed 21/9, 5.30pm at clubhouse. ,OW  AM -OONRISE  PM Philip 12; R Mills, B O’Donnell, D Guest 23 v v S Boyd, J McKay 19. Sat. Mens Triples C’ship: J Byron Bay Freeriders 13/9 Stab Capt/Pres Day: O’all winner C Killion 1st Patrol Sat 24\9 J Spinks. Sun 25/9 A Spinks. PM -OONSET  AM M Torrest, E Lewis, J Loomes 19; B Wyborn, J Snow, S Smart, E Batson 25 v F Cornale, P Jones, Sun. Amy Gillet memorial ride in Ballina, around 43; Capt winner: M Ianson 36; r/up L Murray Working Bee 24/9, 9am bring gardening tools &2) (IGH AM 3UNRISEAM Kearney 23 v L McCormick, D Short 20. Trophy T Johnston 20. Minor Singles C’ship: P McDonald 60 riders took part in a great ride. Thanks to G 34. Pres winner: P Govett 35; r/up L McGovett and paintbrushes. BBQ at 12pm. Sign in Sun RD 3UNSET PM Winners: B Wyborn, J Kearney. Raffle B Evans. 31 v R Gray 30. Social: H McKenna, C McClymont Murphy, D Walker for their hard work. Racing 35. NTP B Wingad; P Govett; S Stephenson. 25/9, 10am to 11am. Pub Raffles Sun 25/9 ,OW AM -OONRISE  PM Burringbah Bush Ticks 26 v R Ford, B McClymong 20. Sun. O’Donnell begins 9/10 in Arts and Industry Estate, Byron Vouchers to 27 c/b Capt Team. 15/9 9 Hole Stab Kris, Michelle. PM -OONSET  AM Thur. Past Presidents meeting and lunch followed day, a great morning. 24/9 AGM 10am followed Bay. For info.ring 6680 9590. Registration 6am winner: A Clifford 16; r/up L Dahl 14; Vouchers Byron Bay 3!4 (IGH AM 3UNRISE AM by bowls. Burringbar men invited to play and by bowls. Teams selected randomly for Mixed to 6.30am at Free to Ride, Centennial Circuit, 4 to 14. 18 Hole Stab winner: J Isaacs 36; r/up First Proficiency test Sun, 8.30am, allow 3 hours. TH PM  3UNSET PM came out the winners 118 to 112. Fri winners: Triples, mufti dress. grades, $8 entry fee. Day licences available. Road J Hoffman 35; Vouchers to 33. 17/9 winner: C The next test 16/10. Juniors 1st sign on day ,OW AM S Wade, N Charles. Sat winners: N Charles, R Mullumbimby Women training rides leave Byron clock tower 6am sharp Killon 31; r/up D Devir 30 c/b; NYP C Andlow; this Sun, 9am. Results Dolphin Surf Classic 20k PM -OONSET  AM Grob, N Allard, T Ingram. Sun winners: T Allard, A 2 Social Games: J Nicholls, S Brown, J Towner 22 Tues, Thurs, Sat, fast pace. Jay takes Nth Rivers Vouchers to 26 c/b. Marathon:very tough conditions Sat. K Battese 35. (IGH AM 3UNRISE AM Gibbons. Euchre winner: L Proudlock. Bush Ticks v M Gleeson, E Johnes, G Henry 15; J Kidman, H Adventure Rides each Sun. Contact Jay at True Ocean Shores Vets won the U19s, K Tutt finished strongly to grab a TH PM  3UNSET PM AGM held Sun. Office bearers: N Philip President, Robb 25 winners v B Reglin, S Boyd 13; Raffle Wheels 66841959 for info. 15/9 2 Person Ambrose winners: T Johnston, J top 10 finish in the opens. Patrols Sat 24/9, 9am ,OW AM -OONRISE  AM T Gibbons Vice President, E Graham Secretary, S winner J Nicolls. Frim 4/10 Ladies start 1pm. DARTS Price; r/up T Tanner, G Cole; NTP L Hoffman, A to 5pm: R Marr PC, D Challis APC, T Challis, L PM -OONSET  AM Ahlholm Treasurer. 11/10 Charity day for Helicopter. 11/10 Gen. Brunswick Valley Donaldson; Capt pin T Byron; Vice Capt Long Challis, W Crane, T Armstrong, J Tate, S Petrou, B -/.(IGH AM 3UNRISE AM Byron Bay Women Meeting, 10am. Rnd 9, 14/9: Shafters 5 v Armed and Dangerous Drive R Swinbourne, B Roe; Balls to 71 1/4; Penparse. Sun 25/9, 9am to 5pm: L Wood P C, A TH PM  3UNSET PM 6/9 Patron’s Day. Trophies Winners M Wight, Ocean Shores Men 6; WCD’s 6 v Workers 5; OShores 9 Tavern v The Scrubbers Ball A Jones, P Osmond. McCabe APC, N Hornery, J Buultjens, A Plummer, ,OW AM -OONRISE  AM M Phelps, C Rose; R/up H Roberts, J Wright, 12/9 Triples winners: D Whitney, L Morgan, L Drifters 2; Who Cares Bye. Rnd 10, 21/9: WCD’s RUGBY LEAGUE A Mashford, L Haansford, M Knott. PM  -OONSET  AM R McKenzie; Friendship J Milne, B Gregory, G Campbell; r/up J Gray, J Hay, K Kennedy; A Sultas, v Shafters; Armed and Dangerous v Workers; Mullumbimby Juniors TENNIS 45% (IGH AM 3UNRISE AM Kennedy. Toucher E Baggaley. Raffle prizes: 1st B Dunn, D Lawson. 17/9 Social winners: J Willett, OShores Tavern v Who Cares; The Drifters Bye. Brunswick Hot Bread U15s Giants lost Grand Mullumbimby TH PM  3UNSET PM G Kelly; 2nd P Olive; 3rd L Taylor. Congrats. to A Pyzer, R Roberts; r/up A Ryan, B James, J Men High Score 180 J Stevens, R Lawrence, K Final to Bilambil 34 to 15. Giants played well, Mens Comp Results Rnd 1: Volley d Smash; ,OW AM -OONRISE  AM Clubs’ Singles Winners playing Champion of Sullivan. Mixed 4s Semi Final: E Hill, G Johnston, Cartner. Women High Score 140 N Schrader, competitive for whole game, beaten by a better Forehand d Backhand; Ace d Lob. Ladies PM  -OONSET  PM Club Champions. Round robin this year, plenty of F Wade, K Farrell def. L Mason, M Enright, P P Cartner. Men’s High Peg 112 R Lawrence. team. Luke W, Aaron C were standouts on the Comp Results Rnd 1, Div 1: Gannet d Pelican; %ASTERN 3TANDARD4IME(EIGHTSINMETRES games, player play each other. 7 entrants means Tornaros, T Mason; M James, A Tonkin, R James, Women High Peg 89 N Mackenzie. night. Congrats to team for a great performance Cormorant d Tern; Div 2: Corella d Cockatiel; #OURTESYOF.374IDE#HARTS -ANLY(YDRAULICS 6 games in all. Final at Byron Bowling Club Tue D Whitney def. P Sullivan, F Crowder, K Kennedy, GOLF this year. Presentation for the Mini/Mods U7s Rosella d Lorikeet; Div 3: Brolga d Swan; Ibis d ,ABORATORY .37$EPTOF#OMMERCE n"RUNSWICK(EADS 20/9. Thanks L Earea for rep. Club in this event. J Sullivan. Norfolk Is Challenge series over, non Mullumbimby Ladies to U12s at the Billinudgel Hotel 11am this Sat Egret. Mixed Comp Results Rnd 1: Cane Toads, MIN"YRON"AY MIN"ILLINUDGEL -ARSHALLS#REEK Club Pairs closed, draw on the board. 1st games, winner: K Roberts, prize: trip to Norfolk Is. 15/9 Monthly Medal with Vets conj. Div 1 winner 24/9. U13s to U16s Presentation at Mullum Cockroaches drew; Rats, Mice drew; Div 2: Goats HRMIN-ULLUMBIMBY HRMIN 3 to be played, Tue 27/9. Club Mixed Pairs list on Ocean Shores Women F Gannell 65; Div 2 N Dwyer 62. Gross Ball J Ross RSL 24/9, 6pm. d Pigs; Foxes d Rabbits. Jnr Fri Night Round Men’s Board. Closes 30/9. Names in asap, ladies Wed. 14/9 Mixed Social Bowls winners on secret c/b; L Walker; Putting F Gannell c/b 28 putts. Vets SOCCER Robin Comp starts 5pm. All jnrs welcome. Tennis let Kym know if you need a partner. Gala Day margin E Carroll, C Carroll, K Farrell; r/up B F Gannell; N Dwyer. NTP M Crighton; J Neate; Byron Bay clinics in school holidays. Ladies Clinic 4/10 and Mon 31/10. Flyers sent out. Entries to Sec. C. Reid Hunter, L McGowran, L Morgan; other winners A Mitchell; C Roleurs; M James. WBC: G Lynn Jnr. 18/9 Byron Rec Grounds, 10am Grades 6 5/10, 9am to 11.30am. Jnr. clinic held following 6685 7859, or Kym at Club 6685 6202. Looking L Morgan, M Thomas, R Kirkland; E Hill, M 39, L Riches 38, B James 38, C Robbins. Broken to 9, all players need boots, shin pads for mini week. Sat Mixed Social starts at 1.30pm. Ladies forward to a great day of bowls. Oliver, F Wade.Raffle winner L Morgan. Fri. 16/9 H’cap M James 33/32, N Dwyer 34/32. 10/9 carnival followed by drinks, sausage sizzle. 12pm social Wed, 9.15am. All welcome to social Lennox Head Men Ladies Social Bowls lucky winners D Grant, Single Stab winner: M James 40. r/up R Wilson Grades 10 to 16, presentations followed by games, membership not required. For enquiries VœÀ˜iÀÊ>ÜܘÊEÊÊÊÊÊʏiÌV iÀÊ-ÌÀiiÌà Sat. 17/9 Springtime Carnival Mens Triples, 18 R Kirkland; lucky r/up L Bradford, E Carroll, P 39, E Dengate 37. NTP A Mitchell, M James. Pro sausage sizzle. Coaches, managers to return regarding coaching Justin 0403 841 241, other ÊÊÊÊÊ>À}iÃÌÊÀ>˜}iʜvÊ-ÕÀvʈÀi teams, excellent competition over 3 rounds. Webb; other winners M Hosie, M James; M Pin L Hearn. 22/9 Single Stab Capt v. Presidents all shirts, balls etc. Snr. 24/9 Byron Bowls Club, enquiries Jeanie 6680 4353w or 6680 1330h. Results: A Reynolds, N Gregor, A Waldron 3w+22 Oliver, W Bird, J Harding; L Bradford, E Hill, B Day AGG, 1st T: 9am G Mackay, N Carsburg, G 6.30pm. $5 per head, BBQ, Karaoke. VOLLEYBALL winners; G Bowden, R Burgess, N Burgess 3w+21 Thomas. Consistency Singles M McConville def. Lynn, N Dwyer. 9.06am B Woolnough, P Sewell, Shores United Juniors Brunswick Heads r/up; J Hand, R Foster, D Foster 2w+9 Agg50 3rd; C Timewell; M Moodie def. G Johnston. Raffle L Froggatt, S Slogrove. 9.12am H Hammond, H Presentation day and AGM Sat 24/9 at 10am, 20/9 Rnd 9 Carsburg Holden Comp: 6pm Pissies J Claes, B Fraser, D Tancred 2w+9 Agg46 4th; winner M Moodie. Armstrong, J Beer, F Gannell. 9.18am T Robbins, AGM starting at 11am at New Brighton v Hit and Run; Nanas v Rebels; Lounge Lizards 8LI XS S J M W Q W Round Winners J Moore, M Daley, J Calandro BRIDGE F Booth, A Mitchell, M Trivett. 9.24am Melissa Soccer Fields. The club desperately needs new A Z v Starlights; Duty: Ring Ins. 7pm Ring Ins v +6 1st; K Clark, J Lowry, V Ross +15 2nd; J Brunswick Valley James, L Riches, B Wood, L Siddall. 10th T: 9am committee members too! Macburners; Volleys v Flash; Brewers v Bugs; Armstrong, B Bowen, G Maloney +5 Agg14 3rd Bruns Hds Comm Centre at 12.45pm, Mon and K Thomson, R Wilson, K Mudgway, B Mules. SQUASH PICTURESFROM on c/b. Mixed Triples Sun 18/9 cancelled due to Duty: Pissies. 22/9 Rnd 8 OS H’ware Comp: Sat; OShores Country Club at 6.45pm Wed. 12/9 9.06am J Ross, A Moser, M Crichton, G Redman. Brunswick Heads 6pm Vixens v Pink Flamingos; Bolters v Kliblik; PAGEOFSEVEN lack of numbers. Tues. 13/9 Self Selected Triples Bruns Hds results: N.S. Gross and Nett 1st C 9.12am M Essery, E Lecere, B James, S Symons. 21/9 Rnd 10: Mullum Jewellers v OS Glass: Chilli Twist v Kit Kats; What The? v Triplets; Duty: ' B Cousins, D Gregor, T Hickey 40 d R Ewin, K Blacker, C Timewell; Gross 2nd D Gall, J Wright; 9.18am L Walker, E Henshaw, T Batson, E Walker. S Varty v B Johnston; C Sleep v G Chandler; > >̓>Ê >˜`ˆ]Ê>`ÞÊœ`ˆÛ>]Ê Exodia, Rock Monsters. 7pm Exodia v Rock Gallard, B Christopher 11; N Strangward, R Nett 2nd L Clarke, K Westall; E.W. Gross 1st and Table Dty: N Carsburg, N Dwyer. Pres. White, C Walsh v R James; R Cameron v J Holmes; >˜}ÃÌiÀÊ­Ê >«œ˜i®]Ê>˜ià ]Ê Murray, B Earle R/Up 30 d G Carter, D Meaney, Nett 2nd A and G Withey; Gross 2nd M Solway, Capt Blue. S Truesdale v Jeff Heers. Bruns Pharmacy v Monsters; Elles v Bob the Builder; Nickies v K Davey 6 Pack 16. P Webb; Nett 1st S Easterbrook, R J Pedechine, Mullumbimby Men Bruns Smash: B Staff v R Mansfield; J Heaney Terminators; Fudge Puppies v Court Jesters; *Àˆ˜ViÃÃÊÀ>Vi]Ê i˜}ˆÃÊ >˜]Ê Lennox Head Women M Homfray. l7/9 N/S 1st Gross and 2nd Nett H Club C’ship: A Grade winner P Schweitzer 290, v L Crandell; S Hogan v J Gribble; F King v M Duty: Vixens, Bolters. Phone 6685 1794 to play, œÃi« ÊœiLLiÃ]Êœ`° Final B Grade singles J Burgess and D Martin Lewis, P Sullivan; 2nd Gross B Scott, A Withey; r/up D Mackay 298; B Grade winner W King 337, Stratton; M Sylvester v B Doran. Bruns Blinds v beginners welcome. 46 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Properties on these pages are also listed on e-realty

Paradise In Rosebank Rosebank. Timeless... Exquisite... Brilliant Block 500 Rosebank Road, Rosebank. Open for inspection (and Open for inspection with coffee and cake Sun 25 & Wed 28, A highly desirable 685sqm NE-facing block in a quiet street a short champagne and organic treats) Sun 25 and Wed 28, 12-1pm. 10.30-11.30am, 325 Rosebank Road, Rosebank. Belltrees is an drive from Byron CBD. It is well-priced and all the money on Original Catholic church located only 500m from village, on 8 organic elegant, comfortable rural residence located on 10 acres, with a self development planning has been spent. Architect’s plans for a three- certified acres. Meticulously converted to a unique residence. It retains contained hi-tech apartment and many quality features Positioned high level, four bedroom dwelling have been drawn up and are available. the altar and congregational area as a vast space with soaring ceiling on this stunning piece of land, so that every room opens onto its own The DA approval, SIS information and structural engineer’s report are and mezzanine level. A second residence is located high on the property special vista of unsurpassed beauty, this property will satisfy the most part of the package. The plans allow for a double garage and gym or and enjoys 360 degree views. The land has been planted with exotic, discerning purchaser’s requirements. Perfect for the family seeking games room at street level; next level up is a lounge and barbecue ornamental gardens plus vegs, fruit, cut flowers gardens. This superb both tranquility and convenience, Belltrees is reached by sealed roads area with two bedrooms, bathroom and laundry; top level another property is ideally suited for conversion to a self producing restaurant and is close to the Rosebank School,Store,with buses to Trinity, two bedrooms and bathroom. The site is bathed in morning sunshine with eco tourism accommodation. Contact Woodlawn and Xavier Schools. Call Gai and offers glimpses of the ocean. Contact Gai Hart-Hughes on 0418 755 088 Property PROPERTY Hart-Hughes at Property Buyers Net on PROPERTY Digby Hildreth at Frances O’Connor Buyers Net 6687 1313. $1,250,000. BUYERS NET 0418 755 088. $950,000. BUYERS NET Real Estate on 0401 935 760. $450,000.

“Stillness” At Bangalow “Ellenvale” At Fabulous Federal Gorgeous House On Two Titles Open for inspection on Saturday 24 and Thursday 29 between 644 Federal Drive - 2km past Federal Store on right. Farmhouse This stylishly renovated 60s home in central Byron offers seclusion, 11 am and midday. 437 Binna Burra Road Bangalow. Tw o style residence on nearly 100 acres featuring polished boards and space, and rare investment potential. The house has five bedrooms, dwellings on 17 acres, both in excellent condition. The larger is a high ceilings, comprising five bedrooms, three bathrooms, expansive a huge kitchen/living area with open fire and two bathrooms double yurt construction comprising 3 bedrooms, bathroom, large living areas and a huge wrap around deck from which to enjoy the stunningly done out in glass mosaic tiles. Folding double doors open living area and north facing deck.The second is a fully self contained magnificent easterly views. 15 metre free edge fresh water fully tiled onto verandahs and extensive private gardens. The 765sqm block cottage with deck and magnificent views of the Nightcap Ranges to pool with spa and gazebo. Separate three bedroom tenanted house. contains a comfortable studio. The property has two titles and could Stony Creek and is an approved holiday rental facility. Land includes Orchard, rainforest, cleared paddocks, unlimited spring water, and be subdivided, subject to council approval, making this a golden a rainforest and orchard, gazebo, plunge pool, pond and huge work beautiful established gardens.Potential for 40 acres of macca planting. investment opportunity. Features include 3m-high ceilings, tall doors, shed. Enquiries from other agents are welcome. Finance arranged Also community title development (STCA). built-in robes, original mixed teak floorboards and stainless steel fans. if required. Contact Gai Hart-Hughes at Contact Gai Hart-Hughes at Property Contact Digby Hildreth at Frances Property Buyers Net on 0418 755 088 PROPERTY Buyers’ Net on 0418 755 088 PROPERTY O’Connor Real Estate on 0401 935 760. 02 6687 1313. $880,000. BUYERS NET 02 6687 1313. $1,545,000. BUYERS NET $1.19 million. 22,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK 89 McDonalds Road, Carool

Grand 80 Square Home On Magnifi cent 62 Acre Property Imagine arriving at your home, passing through a The 11ft ceilings feature hand painted ornate cornice whole of the Gold Coast and The Pacifi c Ocean from You will be captivated by the location only 50 security gate which meets a tarred road and is and 9 ft solid Cedar doors. Playing the chef will be a Surfers Paradise to Byron Bay are at your fi nger tips. minutes to Byron Bay and 20 minutes to Coolangatta trimmed with 380 Hoop Pine trees. delight in the Tasmanian Myrtle kitchen with granite The undulating green hills mesmerise and nestle Airport.This home is certainly something special Upon entering the ballroom style lavish living area bench tops, built in fridge and dishwasher. you. There is an endless water supply with 2 spring and offers the lifestyle you have always dreamed of. you will marvel at the polished Italian fl ooring and The jaw dropping panoramic views through the fl oor fed dams and 1 catchment dam. The entire 62 aces Once you arrive you will fall in love and never want the exquisite imported Czechoslovakian crystal to ceiling glass windows as well as the outlook from is electric fenced to ensure the safe keeping of your to leave. chandeliers. the 4 spacious bedrooms, makes you feel like the stock. $1,700,000 Kendall Porter Peter Walmsley Phone 07 5536 1833 Shop 17a Tweed Mall, Tweed Heads Mobile 0437 733 440 07 5536 5577 Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 47 Real Estate Central Location Eagles Nest Easy, Comfortable Flat Garden Of Eden


• 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 5 private acres • Three bedroom, two bathroom brick • 20 acres of usable land • Ocean & hinterland views • 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms veneer home • Nursery & orchards • N-facing 2 acres • Light fi lled open plan • 999sqm level block, fully fenced • Spring, bore & 2 dams • Central To Mullum, Byron & Brunswick • Magnifi cent ocean views • Reverse cycle air-con, double garage • 2 dwellings plus work shed Heads • Salt water pool, sauna • Side access for boat / caravan • Pool with pump house • Modern kitchen, Ilve stove $1.58 • Low maintenance garden • Magic Wilsons Creek million $395,000 $895,000 Sit Back, Relax And Enjoy Space & Privacy In Eltham Timber Home In Mullum 2 Houses For The Price Of 1

• 2 storey timber home • Weather board homestead • 3 bedroom, weatherboard home • Weather board construction • South Golden Beach • Main house plus guest wing • Rumpus room with loft • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 4 bdrms, 2 bathrms • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 10 ft high ceilings • Extended dwelling / 2 houses • High ceilings, timber fl oors • Huge liveable shed • Timber fl oors, hardwood frame • 10 ft ceilings, timber fl oors • Double automatic garage • 24 acres with NE aspect • 670 m2 level block, fenced • Quiet end of Mullumbimby • 5 years young • Peace, quiet, old trees Reduced to • Views to Mt Chincogan $655,000 $585,000 $380,000 $640,000 InRealEstate (02) 6684 3600 90 Robinsons Road, Mullumbimby Ernst Reisch 0428 842 387

OPEN HOUSE 11AM – 12NOON THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS AUCTION On Site Saturday October 1, 11.11am 9 Coral Court, Bayside, Brunswick Heads Great spot for all the family This big family home consists of 4 large bedrooms all with built-ins, the main with walk-in robe, ensuite and bay windows. The home has so much living room, inside and out, that you will enjoy being able to entertain in privacy all year round no matter the weather. Situated in a cul-de-sac in the family-orientated and kid-safe community of Bayside, within walking distance to Brunswick Heads CBD, schools, bowling club, sporting fields, river and beach. This home also has beautiful newly-laid and maintained gardens with vegies, herbs and flowers, a very large storage shed, an oversized double garage with drive-thru access to the backyard from the front and a nature reserve at your back fence which is home to wallabies, koalas and more. Move straight in, all the works been done with love.

New Management of Residential Property – Earn 10,000 Reward Points List and Sell Exclusively – Earn 20,000 Reward Points Brunswick Heads 02 6685 0177 48 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Real Estate BYRON BAY FIRST NATIONAL REAL ESTATE 6685 8466 – 24 HOURS

Carlyle Lane, Byron Bay Spacious Ambience Serene Setting Beach House For All Seasons • 3bed/2bath townhouse in heart of Byron Bay • Surprisingly large 3bed/2bath duplex • 2bed/1.5 bath home in leafy surrounds • 3bed/2bath home one street back from the beach • Central location just minutes walk from beach • High raked ceilings, spacious rooms and hallways • North facing with enormous decks • House makes use of fun interior colors • Private north facing courtyard • Stylish décor, attention to design detail • Unique design and décor incl. 6 inch fl oorboards • Private paved outdoor areas in front and back yard • Decorated in neutral tasteful tones • Extra large, well appointed kitchen • Elevated outlook to the lighthouse • Walking distance to the Suffolk Park shops • Lock up garage with internal access • Sunny private terrace plus private garden area • 2239 sqm block of land • Perfect for entertaining all year round

$575,000 $389,000 $580,000 $650,000

Style And Privacy Industrial Units Prime Clarks Beach Position Bayshore Studios • Thoughtfully planned 4bed/2bath home • In Centennial circuit with great exposure • Large 3 bed townhouse in great position • New industrial and commercial units • In beautiful bush surrounds • Two great units in same complex • Adjacent to Clark’s beach and café • Great exposure in the Byron Arts and Industrial Estate • Large covered north facing deck • First unit 97sqm incl. mezzanine • Open plan living room with private patio and balcony • Very affordable investment opportunity • Features living areas on 2 levels, and cathedral ceilings • Second unit 336sqm incl. mezzanine • Features include spa in main bed and double garage • Top quality construction and fi nishes • Enjoys total privacy on 870sqm block • Both are investments you won’t regret • Shops and beach enjoy the best Byron has to offer • Toilet and kitchenette downstairs

$679,000 $220,000 & $495,000 incl GST $690,000 $330,000 & $230,000 incl GST 15 LAWSON ST, BYRON BAY



Fertile 25 Acres With $795,000 East Ballina Apartment $675,000 Rare Freehold Shop $384,500 Superb Valley View • Spectacular 300 degree views of harbour, • 34sqm ground fl oor freehold shop in small Vendor Must Sell! $680,000 • Masterbuilt 4 bed, 2 bath solid brick home ocean & mountains. Large top fl oor unit with complex in Byron Street • Perm spring fed with over half of land its own 126sqm private roof deck • Good opportunity to get into commercial real • Extremely private rare 1 acre 15 mins to Byron Bay $669,000 undulating. Flat grassed horse paddocks & • 3 bed, 2 bath, 3 decks, in a small block estate in Byron • 8 year old masterbuilt home, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom numerous horse trails • Short stroll to beach, fi shing/boating • Underground car accommodation included • Wide verandahs overlooking a salt water pool REDUCED • Good coffee/maca land, walk to Federal village practically at the door. Few minutes drive to • Tiled with kitchenette, alarm, ceiling fans etc • Polished blackbutt fl oors • Quiet 18 min country drive to Byron & beach major shopping centres, clubs • Competitive rates and body corporate fees • Vendor has found another property and wants offers today!

Kaye Wilkie 0412 856 208 Rose Wanchap 0427 016 451 Rose Wanchap 0427 016 451 Stuart Aitken 0417 242 537


Spectacular Home $745,000 Skinners Shoot $645,000 Suffolk Beach House $769,000 Modern Design $485,000 Country Style Home $650,000 Position • Stylish home with huge attention to the fi ner • Just a 2 minute stroll from Tallow Beach • Near-new eco-friendly home in Forest Glades • Large north facing family home in Myocum details • Imagine living on a bush block just minutes • Comfortable beach house with 3 bedrooms, • 3 large bedrooms, huge ensuite & a walk-in • Set on a fl at fenced and quiet 1 acre block • Spectacular feature decks and living areas to town 1 bathroom, 2 lounge areas & an outdoor robe • Spacious open plan living areas with high • Private, quiet location with gorgeous gardens • Offers peace and quiet with lots of privacy entertaining area with Tibetan infl uenced • Timber fl oors, large outdoor decks, solar- ceilings • 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 754 square • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a study cabana and landscaped gardens passive design • 3 bedrooms, study, separate dining metre block • 3959 square metre block, stand alone garage • 819sqm block has a fenced yard and carport • Gorgeous forest outlook, pool in complex • Huge 5.5 x 10m shed, dlug with internal • Exclusive Skinners Shoot • Rent out or make it a great family home • Walk to the beach or swim in the pool access

Michael Gudgeon 0419 495 494 Michael Gudgeon 0419 495 494 Michael Gudgeon 0419 495 494 Stuart Aitken 0417 242 537 Stuart Aitken 0417 242 537

RESIDENTIAL 15BYRON LAWSON ST, BYRON BAY BAY Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 49 Something Different Deceased estate at Burringbar 52 CUDGERA CREEK RD BURRINGBAR, NSW. Sean Kenny Real Estate has just listed this property for sale at $629,000. It is a large four bedroom house set on 32 acres of tranquil land. This property has a natural rainforest with creeks, dam and springs. The home consists of four bedrooms with glass sliding doors off all rooms, leading out to a large covered entertaining area. The property would be perfect for the growing family, with plenty of room to move and many nature adventures to be discovered. Close to all amenities such as schools, day care, cafes and hotels with only a 10 minute drive to beaches, a 20 minute drive to Coolangatta airport and 30 minutes to Byron Bay. Burringbar is a cute country town offering town and country living. If you are looking for that farm close to the beach with ‘Town & Country’ feeling this property is worth inspecting. Call Rod Denyer at Sean Kenny Real Estate on 0415 505 050.

Special in South Golden Beach Walk along pristine beaches, swim in crystal blue ocean, watch whales and dolphins then walk 150m back to your brand new two level beachside property. Buy as your own home, holiday home or as an investment. Three bedrooms with two living areas, one on each level. This home has been completed in the fi nest fi xtures including stainless steel appliances such as dishwasher and micro-wave, Perla di Sabbia bench tops and splashback in the kitchen, bathroom and ensuite. Timber fl oors in the open planned kitchen, dining and lounge room which opens out onto the front deck. Tiled living area on the lower level. Bedrooms will be carpeted, air conditioning in the main bedroom. All bedrooms will have built-ins. Open Houses Saturday 24th September 10am -11am & Sunday 25th September 10am - 11am. For an inspection call Peter Abbott at PRDnation- wide Ocean Shores Real Estate on 02 6680 4400. Price $595,000.

Corys on Cooper Built in 1903, Corys on Cooper is one of the Bay’s grandest homes. The only two storey turn-of-the-century home in the area to have a 4½ star rating, it has featured in many magazines and is situated amongst three quarters of an acre of lush tropical gardens. You feel the ambience when you enter the grounds and once inside you are greeted with an elegant hallway featuring pressed metal walls, high ceilings and a beautiful window seat. There are fi ve luxurious bedrooms in total, each individually decorated and complimented with its own ensuite. Polished timber fl oors fl ow throughout this elegant guesthouse and lead upstairs to the warm, country style kitchen and dining room. Roaring open fi res can be enjoyed from the large lounge room with its own unusual fretwork ceiling. Relax around the 15 metre sparkling inground salt water swimming pool, which is complete with cabana and bbq. For Sale by Expressions of Interest (closing date 31 October 2005) through L.J.Hooker Byron Bay. Seachange The east coast of northern New South Wales has for a number of years been targeted as a popular location when looking for a seachange. Rhonda Browning Real Estate has just listed not only the perfect house, but the perfect location.The precinct is called Fern Beach, 15 minutes north of Byron Bay and 25 minutes to Coolangatta Airport. Set on a 759sqm block and surrounded by tropical gardens, this two storey home features open plan living with a spacious kitchen combined with dining, lounge and tiled throughout. Upstairs there are three bedrooms, master with ensuite and opening onto east facing verandah. There is a tranquil outlook from all windows as you view the surrounding gardens and bushland while you listen to the sounds of the ocean approximately 100 metres away. Inspections are by appointment only. Contact Will Sorrell @ Rhonda Browning Real Estate on 02 6680 1594 or 0417 653 312. Asking price $790,000.

‘Timeless Classic’ This fabulous old home is almost in its original condition. Consisting of three bedrooms, all timber lined, a moderate size lounge room opens onto an enclosed north facing verandah. Kitchen and bath are in reasonable condition considering the age of this home. The land is north facing with established gardens, a single lock up garage plus a small garden shed. Located at the top end of Stuart St, considered by many as one of the pick areas in Mullumbimby. This home offers great value to someone wishing to live there now and perhaps restoring this lovely home to its former glory. Price: $425,000 For an inspection phone Bob Baxter at Suncoast First National Real Estate on 02 6684 2615 or 0414 842 615.

TToo aadvertisedvertise oonn tthishis ppageage ppleaselease ccallall VVicic inin ByronByron onon 66856685 52225222 oorr JJulieulie oorr PPeteete iinn MMullumullum oonn 66684684 11777.777. 50 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Properties Open For Inspection 162 Alcorn Street, 3 Cavanbah Street, Suffolk Park Byron Bay Saturday 11am Saturday 11am 9 Bottlebrush 60 Massinger Street, Crescent, Byron Bay Saturday 12pm Suffolk Park IMMACULATE BEACHSIDE HOME 61 TENNYSON STREET, BYRON BAY Saturday 11am 1/3 Mackellar Q3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Home QComfortable 3 Bedroom Home 160 Bangalow Road, Court, QOpen Plan Kitchen, Large Living Areas QSuit Home Occupation (Stca) Byron Bay Byron Bay QPrivate Covered Courtyard QLand Area Of 664 Sq. Metres QQuiet End Of Brandon Street QShort Walk To All Amenities OPEN FOR Saturday 11am Saturday 12pm INSPECTION QEasy Stroll To Tallows Beach QTimber Floors, 9ft Ceilings SAT 12PM 61 Tennyson Street, Byron Bay Saturday 12pm QHandy To Tavern & Shops QClose To Beaches & Cbd $ 820,000 $ 695,000


Q 5 Bedrooms + Study Quality Residence Q3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Home QUtterly Irresistable Family Home Q Inground Lap Pool Q2 Streets To Beach & Shops QPerfectly Designed For The Byron Bay Lifestyle Q Expansive Indoor & Outdoor Living Areas QSolid Brick Home With Potential QRaked Ceilings, Split Level Design Q Ocean Views From Top Balcony & Pool QWell Sized Parcel Of Land QBeautiful Natural Light Filters In Everywhere Q Double Car Garage & Plenty Of Outdoor Space QMature Trees Provide Privacy QOpen Verandahs Surrounded By Tropical Gardens Q Large Site Over 1000 Sq. Metres QHigh Raked Ceilings QContemporary, Sprawling Interior

$795,000 $ 650,000 $745,000


QSpacious 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Home Q 3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Residence Q Located In Lennox Head Q  QSet Amidst Tropical Gardens On A Large Block Q Louvre-Enclosed Outdoor Area 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Home Q Q600m To Lennox Head Town & Beach QMinutes Walk To Beaches And Shops  Contemporary & Comfortable Interior Q Downstairs Retreat W/ Kitchenette & Courtyard Q DA Approved For Detached Duplex, Plans Available QInground Pool And 2 Living Areas Q Centrally Located, Walk To Beach & Town QGreat Investment Opportunity QExtensive Use Of Glass Q Agency Declares Interest QAgent Declares Interest Q Fully Fenced & Private Q $785,000 $ 995,000 Live In, Rent Out Or Redevelop $550,000


QSpacious 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Home QSet In A Complex Of 7 Quality Homes QWalk To Town & Beach QGenerous Living Areas Q3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Timber Residence Q3 Bedroom, 1.5 Bathroom Townhouse QFabulous Covered Outdoor Area Q2 Separate Living Areas With Timber Floorboards QOpen Plan Living & Dining Area QBeautiful, Big Fully Fenced Yard QFilled With Natural Light QCooling North Breezes QWell Established Gardens QShort Drive To Suffolk Park Beaches QArchitecturally Designed QDouble Garage + Garden Shed QFresh, Contemporary Exterior And Interior QModern & Convenient To Everything

$ 639,000 $ 355,000 $360,000

New Management of Residential Property List and Sell Exclusively Earn 10,000 Reward Points L.J.Hooker Byron Bay 6685 7300 Earn 20,000 Reward Points Byron Shire Echo September 20, 2005 51 e-realty Properties on these pages are also listed on

Fingal, Beachside Living, River Views Peaceful Possum Creek with Pool Tastefully Renovated – In Town Elevated 1012sqm block suitable for subdivision with Tweed River One of the best locations in sought after Possum Creek with This weatherboard and brick home is within walking distance of the views. 400 metre stroll to Dreamtime Beach, with lighthouse nearby. magnificent rural views. Five minutes to Bangalow and 15 minutes to beaches and the town centre of Byron Bay, yet in a quiet location Council approved two-storey house plans. Shady surroundings with Byron Bay. This home is on 10 acres with extensive creek frontage away from traffic and all the tourist buzz. It offers three spacious the famous Coolamon trees and Pay Tree. Short stroll to cafes, and swimming holes, private pine forest and woodland, complete bedrooms, new bathroom, separate toilet, and raked ceilings in the fishing, swimming, surfing and nearby boat ramp. Situated beside the with cow and horse (if desired). Large new shed. north-east facing open plan living, dining and kitchen area. Tweed River, opposite Coolangatta/Tweed Golf Club. You must Northeast facing home with four large bedrooms (master with inspect this outstanding property. Address: 30 Bambery Street, Fingal ensuite and wir). Open plan lounge and dining room. Two newly The adjoining roofed al-fresco area, low maintenance tropical Price: Expressions Of Interest closing Friday 7th October 2005 at renovated bathrooms with an outdoor courtyard shower. New solar gardens, and garage with internal access complete the picture. 5pm. For further details contact Paul heated landscaped pool. Peace and Contact owners on 6680 7185 or McMahon 0413 056 400 or tranquility. Contact owner on view photos and details at [email protected]. Kingscliff 02 6687 1191. Price $950,000. $950,000 $485,000 NEG

Family – Lifestyle – Retreat Serenity Plus Commercial Opportunity Positioned on the pristine coastline of Fingal Head, NSW, with direct Open for inspection Monday to Friday from 11am -2pm, Just listed for sale is this rarely available commercial shop with great beach access and enjoy a rainforest setting. A secluded retreat in a Saturday and Sunday 11am - 12 noon. Affordable beachside investment potential. Located within the prestigious ‘Pier Arcade’ on natural environment portrays relaxed elegance on two levels over living at Kingscliff, brand new two and three bedroom apartments Byron Bay’s famous Lawson Street this 43sqm shop presents a 530sqm with dual living zones. Extensive use of timber features starting from $385,000. Easy flat walk to beach, restaurants and throughout the five bedroom, three bathroom residence, with 2.7m shopping centre.Education facilities include public high school, TAFE fantastic investment opportunity for the astute purchaser. With ceilings allowing loads of natural light. Land size of 1012sqm, parking college and 15 min drive to Southern Cross Uni Tweed Campus. Two approval in place for a cafe and long term tenants. This property is to for four vehicles, ample storage with many extras, zoned security, and modern hospitals close by and excellent bus service to Gold Coast. be sold on 6% Return and has a Nett rental of $42,671.76. satellite digital reception. Electric gas appliances, 9x5 billiard table, One hour from Brisbane, 30 mins to Byron Contact Tony Farrell at L.J.Hooker Byron and just 15 minutes from the Gold Bay and 15 minutes to Coolanagatta Airport. Bay 0417 212 692. Agency declares Coast airport. Contact John Sinclair Contact Mark Zwemer at Kingscliff interest. 0419 273 360 or at L.J.Hooker Tugun Professionals on 02 6674 9000 or on 07 5598 3300. Tugun 0428 717 034. Kingscliff Byron bay

Byron Auction Coopers Shoot Auction Outstanding Rural Property Auction On Site. 12:30pm Sat October 29, 2005. 2/60 Auction On Site. 11:00am Sat October 29, 2005. Excellent 100 acre farm featuring good clean undulating country ideal Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay. As new modern Arabesque 105 Coopers Shoot Road, Coopers Shoot. Sensational ocean for cattle grazing or other rural pursuits. Located within five minutes building. Only 5 units with 2 parking allotments each. North facing views. Prime exclusive position. Approx 7 acres, flat to gentle slope. drive to Mullumbimby and 15 minutes drive to Byron Bay. Complete sunny unit. Tenants in place. Ground level bathroom with shower. Permanent spring on property. Rare opportunity to secure a with a well presented four bedroom farm house, spring fed well Separate kitchen area upstairs. desirable property. Easy few minutes drive to downtown Byron Bay. suitable for consumption, 9 internal paddocks, stock yard, 2 x 5000 Contact John Brophy on 0438 878 465 Contact John Brophy 0438 878465 or Janis Perkins 0438 841122 at gallon water tanks and much more. This is a private property in a great location. Contact John Brophy or Janis Perkins on 0438 841 122 Ray White Real Estate Byron Bay. 0438 878 465 or Janis Perkins at Ray White Byron Bay. 0438 841 122 at Ray White Byron Bay. $1.2 Million. 52 September 20, 2005 Byron Shire Echo Backlash

Slicing and dicing has annual Blessing of the Ani- become a popular art in the mals at the All Souls Angli- wake of Kill Bill, Zatoichi and can Church, Bangalow. ‘No Crouching Tiger, Hidden Paper elephants, please!’ implores Cut. A display of sword skills the church publicist. No – minus the claret on the doubt we’ll send along our canvas – is on this Saturday favourite party animal to take at the Buddha Bar Studio pictures. 3.30pm-4.30pm when the ■ ■ ■ ■ Byron Bay school of Iaido, Anthem, the fi lm described as the Japanese art of the sword, Australia’s Fahrenheit 9/11, puts on a demo. looks at Australia’s role in the - ■ ■ ■ ■ war on terror – somewhat +,! The shade of Carol Page will less effective to date than the ,)+"' ", be chuffed to learn that war on shower mould. It -!-!"' Council has endorsed in screens at the Red Dove in principle a horse riding trail Woodlark Street, Lismore, at @2+(' for the Shire (see news 7pm on Friday, followed by +&+, pages). The trail could be discourse with the fi lm-mak- &+$- used by cyclists and walkers ers. The $10 entry fee will go 9," Ê 9 as well, but Backlash was a towards assisting refugees ÛiÀÞÊ/ ÕÀÃ`>ÞÊn‡££ little alarmed by Cr Peter and the fi lmmakers. It has Õ̏iÀÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊ,iÃiÀÛi Westheimer’s suggestion that been ignored to date by dis- motorised bicycles might tributors and broadcasters –  "7 join the fray. We get enough ‘Never has a fi lm been so board. Instead of having to ÛiÀÞÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊn‡££ of motors on a daily basis, so fatheadedly neglected by the The Peace Festival in Byron Bay roll up his car windows to on the weekend brought out all Li ˆ˜`Ê œÌi let’s have a sentimental ABC and SBS, its natural keep out the smell, he had to the town’s fabled originality. ˜µÕˆÀˆiÃÊÈÈnxÊ™Ç™Ó return to pre-combustion homes,’ remarked Bob Ellis. roll them up to keep out the Photo Jeff ‘Drum Loudly For Peace’ engine days when the loudest ■ ■ ■ ■ œÊ œ}ÃÊ*i>Ãi noise of all the hooting. Dawson noise was a horse farting. A reader tells us that her 72- ■ ■ ■ ■ year-old mum from NZ went 7 PEPPERBUSH STREET, SUFFOLK PARK Carol Page’s send-off at to a row of ATM machines UÊÎÊLi`Àœœ“ÃʳÊÏii«œÕÌ Durrumbul was grand, pep- in Byron Bay to withdraw ÞÀœ˜Ê >ÃÈVÊ >Àà Uʣʏ>À}iÊÓÊÜ>ÞÊL>Ì Àœœ“ "* Ê",Ê -* /" pered by amusing and scan- some cash and was ap- ¼ÎÊÞi>ÀÊ՘ˆ“ˆÌi`ʎ“ÊÜ>ÀÀ>˜ÌÞ½ UÊÀœ˜ÌÊEÊÀi>ÀÊi˜ÌiÀÌ>ˆ˜ˆ˜}Ê>Ài>à dalous anecdotes. Among proached by a ‘rough looking UÊÕà ÊÌÀœ«ˆV>Ê>˜`ÃV>«i`Ê}>À`i˜Ã Ê/-Ê-/1, 9ÊÓ{/Ê- */ ,ʣӇ£Ó°{x* UÊ+ՈiÌÊVՏÊ`iÊÃ>VÊ«œÃˆÌˆœ˜ them was Olive Andrews’s character’ who said his recounting of Carol’s ven- machine wasn’t working. ture into criminality in order When she said use hers fi rst, to treat her young kids and he got a receipt only and fÇä«Ü   those of the family (includ- then waited for her turn, ",Ê- Êf{Îx]äää ing Olive) she lived with at which she refused and pre- ÈÈnxÊÈxnn the Yellow House in a state tended to grab an invisible iˆÊ >“iÀœ˜Êä{£™ÊÓÇ{ÊǙn of penury. The children were husband’s attention. The guy fnä«Ü WHALES ON BRANDON delighted to em erge from took off in a car parked sleep one Christmas to fi nd directly in front with a mate UÊxä“ÊvÀœ“ÊÌ iÊLi>V Ê­>««ÀœÝ® the house covered in presents, and then two other people UÊÎÊLi`Àœœ“]ÊÓÊL>Ì Àœœ“Ê`Õ«iÝ obtained, they were later to used the so-called broken UÊ"«i˜Ê«>˜ÊˆÛˆ˜} UÊ-՘˜ÞÊvi˜Vi`ÊÞ>À`Ê learn, by Carol ripping off a machine with no problem. It UÊÀi>ÌÊLi>V È`iʏœV>̈œ˜ dope plant from a neigh- really is a good idea to stay bour’s crop, taking it to Syd- alert around the Bay. ney by train in a garbage bag ■ ■ ■ ■ f£äÇ«Ü and buying $3,000 worth of Another Byron Bay resident   gifts with the proceeds. was thoroughly amused by a ",Ê- ÊfxÎx]äää ■ ■ ■ ■ sign on the blackboard out- SS#OOU f££x«Ü ÈÈnxÊÈxnn It’s time again to have your side Sunnybrand last week >˜ˆÃÊ*iÀŽˆ˜ÃÊä{ÎnÊn{£Ê£ÓÓ pet sanctifi ed, especially if its which usually displays the head has been spinning cost of their chicken. This round 360 degrees. On Sun- particular morning, however, day October 2 at 9am Bishop someone had written ‘Honk ˜ÀÊ >Þà œÀiÊEÊ >˜ŽÃˆ>Ê ÀˆÛi]Ê ÞÀœ˜ÊÀÌÃÊEʘ`°Ê ÃÌ° À>ÞÜ ˆÌi°Vœ“ Keith Slater will conduct the if we stink’ on the black- ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ* œ˜iÊ Ê£ÓnnÈÊÊÊÊ >“iÃÊÈÈÊnänÊ{n{ʜÀÊä{ΙÊxÇÓÊÓnÇ ¼7 ½6 Ê-/"" Ê/ Ê/ -/Ê"Ê/ ½ fÓÎä]äää %!394/"5),$ sMBLOCK s0OSSIBLEDUALOCCUPANCY34#! s,OCATEDINNEWSUBDIVISION s#LOSETOSCHOOLSANDBEACH New Web Page