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Enrollment for 2008-2009 closes April 25, 2008. Don't wait to schedule a visit! Call 410-795-5375. November - December 2007 1 Gazette

An educational and spiritual monthly publication

OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT IN , USA 2-4 AI-Qur'an, AI-Hadidi and Sayings of the Promised Messiahas 5 A Brif Sumary of lhe Friday Sermon delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul November - December 2007 Masih V"ba Delivered on August 31, 2007 in Germany 8 A Brief Rep on of 59th J alsa Salana USA: Habibullah S. Bajwa Patron Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar 18 Opening Address: Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer USAJama'at Ameer Jama'at USA 21 The Message of AI-W asiyyat: Khilafat is the Inheritance of lhe Righteous: Maulana Shamshad A. Nasir Editor-in-Chief Dr. Naseer Ahmad 27 Laying lhe Foundation of Khilafat: The Life of Hadhrat Maulvi Hakim Nooruddin": Maulana Azhar Haneef Editor Dr. Karimullah Zirvi 33 Ahmadiyya Literature: Its Importance in Preserving and Enhancing Our Faith: Dr. Khalil Malik Editorial Advisor Muhammad Zafrullah 39 Coming of Age in America-The Benefits of Following lhe Hanjra Messenger.. ": Hamza Ilyas

Cover: LatifAhmed Photos: Kalim Bhatti 44 The Straight Path to a Successful Marriage: Essential Teachings for Men: Dr. &fan Ahmad Alladin

50 Love for All, Hatred for None: Dr. Nasir Khan 52 Love in Action-Service of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Across the Globe: Munum A. Naeem, Na'ib Ameer Masjid Baitur Rehman 58 Love of One's Nation: The Undivided Loyalty of a Citizen: 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 Naser-ud-Din Shams Love of God's Creation, The Sanctity of life: Alhaj Dhul Waqar Yaqub Phone: 301-879-0110 Fax: 301-879-0115 62 66 The Holy Prophet'"", The Great Exempler of 'lta'i Dbil-Q,,ba': Editor: [email protected] Munir Hamid, Na'ib Ameer Tel. and Fax: 201-794-8122 70 ZiJu-e-Habib: The Promised 's" Defense of Islam: www.ahmadiyya.us www.alislam.org Dr. Mina Maghfoor Ahmad 76 Concluding Address: Dr, Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer Jama'at USA Acronyms for salutations used in this publication 79 Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih v•s•b• Address inJalsa Salana Germany saw: sallallahu alaihi wasallam 80 59th Jalsa USA: Lajna Imauillah USA Repon: Asma Siddiqui, Lajna (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) Secretary lsha'at as: alaihissalam 82 Fiction to Fact: Revealing the Truth About Islam: lsmat Sarah Mangla, (Peace be upon him) NewYork ra: radhi allahu 'anhu 87 Truth Prevails, Falsehood Destroys: Life of the Holy Prophet"" as the (May Allah be pleased with him/her) Perfect Example of Truthfulness: Fanana Safiullah rh: rahimahullahu ta'ala (May Allah shower mercy on him/her) 91 Poem: Annual Jalsa: Sayyarah Hikmat Mukhtar aba: ayyada hullah ta'ala binasrihil aziz 92 How to Fulfill the Second Condition of Bai'at in Our Daily Lives: I (May Allah strengthen him with His mighty help) Nusrat J. Rashid, Esquire, Philadelphia Lajna I swt: subhana wa ta'ala 99 Signs of the Truthfulness of the Promised Messiah: (Holy and Exalted) Saadia Ahmed, Silicon Valley Lajna

103 Islam: A Pefect and Complete Religion for All Mankind: Dr. Shanaz Bun, Sadr Lajna Imaillah, USA The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA is published by the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc., at the local address: 107 Staying True to Our Covenant-Sacrifices of Early Ahmadis in America: Saliha Hanif, Boston Lajna The World Processing Lab Accounts of Personal Experiences: Helai Ayoubi, Osh Kosh Lajna P.O. Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719 111 114 Accounts of Personal Experiences: Qurra-tul-Ain, Research Triangle, Periodicals Postage Paid at Chauncey, Nonh Carolina Lajna Postmaster: Send address changes to 117 Accounts of Personal Experiences: Aisha Khan, Central Jersey Lajna The Ahmadiyya Gazette Jalsa UK 2007: A Spiritual Experience: Rafiq Ahmad P.O. Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719-0226 120 123 Poem: Baitul Hameed: Dr. Ahsan M. Khan, Los Angeles

125 Fitchburgh Jam'at's First Eid: Masood Ashraf November - December 2007 2 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


And keep on exhorting; for, verily, exhortation benefits those who would believe. And I have not created the jinn and the men but that they may worship Me. I desire no sustenance from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. Surely, it is Allah Himself Who is the Great Sustainer, the Powerfull, the Strong (51 :56-59) Commentary:

The primary signification of the word ' is to subject oneself to a rigorous spiritual discipline, working with all one's inherent powers and capacities to their fullest Scope, in perfect harmony with and in obedience to Divine commandments, so as to receive God's impress and thus to be able to assimilate and manifest in oneself His attributes. This is, as stated in the verse, the great and noble aim and object of man's creation and this is exactly what worship of God means. The external and internal endowments of human nature give us clearly to understand that of God-given faculties the highest is the one which awakens in man the urge to search after God and incites in him the noble desire completely to submit himself to His Will.

If the spiritual wayfarer pursues his course towards the noble object of his life steadfastly and with perseverance, he does no good to God, or to anybody else, but himself profits by it and attains the object of his quest. November - December 2007 3 Ahmadiyya Gautte USA

Al- ...... , , ,, , , , ~,;... ,.u, ~;Jj'.~ ~ Ji, ~.J 1;1~ ~t ~ u:~ u w Ju~~ ru... ~ . ,

• I , , , I • I ' ,, • .. '' '' • ' '41 ~ jJj ~,f.\j ~~ ''-1 ~ jJj "* ip~ ~j? llll J\J J\J ~j ~ .. , ~ I I uJ'J lll, ~, J·-)Al

Hadhrat Hammam bin Munabbahn states that this is what Hadhrat Abu Hurairabn related to us from the Holy Prophet-, be said: "Allih the Almighty says: 'My servant denies Me whereas he should not do so. He abuses Me whereas he has no right to do so. It is denying Me when someone says I cannot recreate as I created in the first place. It is abusing Me when someone says I have taken unto myself a son. I am Self-Sufficient and besought of all. I beget not, nor I am begotten and there is none like unto Me. "'

(Musnad AiJmad, p 31712)

I 11 { ' Hadhrat Jarir bin 'Abdullahn relates: We wete sitting with the Holy Prophet" when be looked at the moon which was the 14th night's moon and said, 'You will surely behold your Lord as you are beholding this full moon without any perturbation. Therefore, if you can manage not to neglect the prayer before sunrise and the prayer before sunset, then do

it.' II (Bukhari ldtibuttauhld warrad 'alal jahmiyyah bib qaulal/ih wajuh yaUJna 'idhin November - December 2007 4 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Enduring Signs of the Truth of Islam

The Islam whose qualities we have set out is not something for proof of which we have to refer only to the past and to have to point only to the ruins of tombs. Islam is not a dead faith so that it may be said that all its blessings have been left behind and that there is nothing ahead. The principal quality of Islam is that its blessings always accompany it and that it does not speak only of the past but offers present blessings as well. The world is al­ ways in need of blessings and heavenly signs. It is not as if it needed them in the past and does not need them now.

A weak and helpless human being who is born like one who is blind is in need that he should know something of the heavenly kingdom and that he should see some signs of the existence and power of God in Whom he believes. The signs of a past age cannot suffice for a subsequent age, for hearing is not the same as seeing and by the passage of time past events become like stories. Every new century is like the beginning of a new world. There­ fore, the God of Islam, Who is the True God, manifests new signs for each new world. At the beginning of each century, especially at the beginning of a century which has strayed far away from faith and integrity and is enveloped in many darknesses, He raises a substitute Prophet in the mirror of whose nature is exhibited the form of a Prophet. Such a one demon­ strates to the world the excellences of the Prophet whose follower he is and convicts all op­ ponents through the truth and the display of reality and the frustration of falsehood.

[Aeena Kamalat-e-lslam, Roohani Khaza'in Vol. 5, pp. 245-247]

The sign of a true religion is that through its teaching such righteous ones should con­ tinue to arise who should arrive at the stage of a Muhaddas to whom God Almighty should speak face to face. The foremost sign of the truth of Islam is that at all times it produces such righteous ones with whom God Almighty talks:

This alone is the test of a true, living and acceptable religion. We know that this light is to be found only in Islam and that the Christian faith is without such light.

[Hujjatul Islam, Roohani Khaza'in, Vol. 6, p. 43] ******* November - December 2007 5 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA




DEU\1ERED ON AU6UST 31, 2007

On 31st August 2007, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba delivered the Friday Sermon at Mannhejm, Germany. i I I I Hazo01.abasaid: The of Jama'at Ahmadiyya Germany begins i today. One of the great favours of Allah that He has granted us through the Promised Messiahas is that He provides us the means for our spiritual and moral progress by enabling us to come together every year. We should spend these days with a resolve to practice higher morals, to fulfill our obligations to others, to strive to gain Allah's approbation, and to shun everything that is not worthy of us. The Promised Messiahas has said that the purpose of this Jalsa is reforma­ tion and each of us should keep this purpose in mind. We will only be able to fulfil the objective of our Bai'at to the Promised Messiahas if we progress in Taqwa. The Promised Messiahas says, "O ye people, who consider yourselves members of my Jama'at! You will only be counted as such in heaven when you truly tread upon the path of righteousness."

Hazoottba said: Those who have a relationship of true love with Allah, never forget Him for a moment. An Ahmadi should keep the remembrance of Allah foremost in his mind. And while his tongue is busy with the remem­ brance of Allah, his heart should be full of the desire to do everything that He has commanded and to shun everything that He has forbidden. It is to inculcate this spirit among us that the Promised Messiahas has instructed us to come to J alsa Salana every year. These days are for praying and establishing a true rela­ tionship with Allah, and we need to pay special attention to His remembrance.

Hazoo~ said: Another objective of the Jalsa Salana set out by the Prom­ ised Messiahas is that to strengthen the ties of love between the members of the Jama'at. As we create new ties, we should strengthen our old ones, and try to remove any grievances that might have come between us. Thus will we abide by the Holy Prophetsaw injunction that no believer should hurt a fellow believer November - December 2007 6 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA with either his tongue or his hand. The organizers and workers have a greater responsibility to practice higher morals and to show greater patience and for­ bearance. If the workers think of themselves as servants, and the participants consider the workers to be the Khalifah's representatives, then their mutual re­ lationship will be harmonious and, under the supervision of the Khalifah, this will serve as a message of peace and harmony for the world.

The Promised Messiahas has said: "Become pure-hearted and cast aside egoistic rancor and fury. .. Become meek of heart and have sympathy for all mankind. And supplicate earnestly in your prayers." Hazoorba said: "Remember that the face of Ahmadiyyat lies behind your face, Therefore, there should be no contradiction in your word and deed. Allah sees everything you do. Try, therefore, to humbly submit yourselves to Him and raise the standards of your worship. Remember, your allegiance to the Promised Messiahas will only benefit you if you always give precedence to your faith over the world. May Allah enable us to bring about a pure change in ourselves and may He ac­ cept all the Promised Messiah' sas prayers and desires in our favour. May Allah grant us and our future generations the blessings and bounties which Allah has promised to the Promised Messiahas Ameen. "

(Mansoor Ahmad Khan) Acting Wakil A' la, Tahrik-e-J adid, Anjuman Alimadiyya Pakistan ******* HADITH Hadhrat Jubair bin Mut'imra relates that while he was walking with the Holy Prophetsaw during the return from Hunain, some rustics caught hold of him and began asking him for a portion of the spoils. They pushed him under a tree and someone snatched away his cloak. The Holy Prophetsaw came to a halt and said: "Restore my cloak to me; had I at my disposal camels equal to the number of the leaves of this thorny tree I would have distributed all of these among you and you would not have found me a miser or a liar or a coward."

( Bukhari kitabul ma ka-nannabiyyusaw yu 'til muwillafata qulubihim, Mishkat bab fl akhlaqhu wa shama ilahu ... alkh) ******* November - December 2007 7 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA EIDULADHA

EidulAdha marks the completion of the pilgrimage to Muslims from multifarious nations of the world on the tenth Islamic month Zul Haj. It is obligatory to bring the pilgrimage to a suc­ cessful termination with the sacrifice of an animal. Like prayer and fasting, the performance of pilgrimage is a mode of worship seeking the spiritual, social and economic uplift of Muslims.

Pilgrimage accustoms a person to leave home and, for the sake of God, to undergo separa­ tion from friends and relatives. It also serves as a symbol of respect for the holy places of God frequented by the Holy Prophet of Islamsaw. When visiting these sacred places the pilgrim ex­ periences spiritual elation. The universal bond of Islamic brotherhood is also strengthened as pilgrims of worldwide nationalities gather together in a spirit of unity and harmony.

The pilgrim offers the sacrifice of an animal at the end of the pilgrimage which is also done by Muslims all over the world. This is done in remembrance of Abraham's readiness to sacri­ fice his son Ishmael (not Isaac as recorded in the Bible) who, in tum, resigned to being sacri­ ficed under the belief that it was the Will of God. We read in the Holy Qur'an: And when he was old enough to work with him, he said, 'O my dear son, I have seen in a dream that I offer thee in sacrifice. So consider what thou thinkest of it!' He replied, 'O my fa­ ther. do as thou art commanded; thou wilt find me, if Allah please, of those who are patient. ' And when they both submitted to the Will of God, and he laid him on the ground face down. We called to him 'O Abraham, 'Thou hast indeed fulfilled the dream.' Thus indeed do We reward those who do good.' (37:103-106)

The Holy Qur' an succinctly describes the significance of animal sacrifice: Their flesh reaches not Allah,. nor does their blood,, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him. (22:38)

The act of sacrifice is symbolic reminding the person who offers it that as the animal is infe­ rior to him so he, also, is inferior to God and should, therefore, be ready to sacrifice himself and all his personal interests and inclinations for the sake of God when he is required to do so. The attainment of righteousness should be the goal of every Muslim. The Holy Qur' an states: Verily the most honorable among you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most righteous among you. (49:40); Verily he truly prospers who purifies himself, and remembers the name of his Lord and offers prayers. (87:15); Those who do good and act righteously shall have a great reward. (4:173)

The act of sacrifice is in no way an atonement for the sins of the person making the sacri­ fice. Islam emphasizes that no creature or person can atone for the sins of anyone else and, therefore, rejects the Christian Doctrine of Atonement which declares that Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind by shedding his blood on the cross.

Eidul Adha is an occasion on which Muslims everywhere are encouraged to make every kind of sacrifice for the spiritual, moral, social and economic uplift of mankind and especially their own. If they make it a common cause and strive to manifest in themselves the attributes of God in accordance with the teachings and guidance of the Holy Qur'an and teachings of the Holy Prophetsaw then, indeed, the message of Eidul Adha would have borne fruit. November - December 2007 8 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA 59th JALSA SALANA, USA Held at Dulles Expo & Conference Center Chantilly, (August 31 and September 1-2, 2007) Report by: Habibullah S. Bajwa

Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar of Dr. Zaheer Bajwa, Mau­ netic strip with appropriate Sahib, Ameer Jama' at lana Azhar Haneef and information was set up to USA, appointed Wasim Mirza N aseer Ehsan Ahmad be scanned at J alsa Salana. Haider Afsar Jalsa Sal an a, deliberated and chalked out It helped with the security Shahid Saeed Malik Afsar a program for the Jalsa. The check. A total of 5397 Jasa Gah and Dr. Faheem topics and speakers were members registered and at­ Y ounus Qureshi Afsar carefully selected and ap­ tended Jalsa Salana. Regis­ Khidmat-e-Khalq well in proved. Respected Ameer tration booths were set up advance. They set up teams Sahib approved a separate on both men and ladies of Naib Afsran, Nazimeen program exclusively for La­ sides. and Muavineen for the jna Jalsa Proceedings on preparation of 59th Jalsa Saturday September 1, Jalsa Gab Salana and discharging the 2007. This year again responsibilities of various ~' Jalsa arrangements were Nazamats. A beautiful bro­ chure containing the Jalsa made at Dulles Expo & Conference Center Vir­ Jalsa Preparation program with photos of Ii speakers, introduction of ginia, situated 40 miles I The designated area Ahmadi yya Muslim Com­ from Baitur Rahman in of Expo & Conference Cen­ munity, the claim of the Maryland. The building is ter was covered from color­ Promised Messiahas with conveniently located within ful painting, banners and his photo, a note of Hadhrat 15 minutes driving distance flags for beautifying the Khalifatul Masih yaba with from the International Dul­ landscape, reception, trans­ his photo and contact les Airport. Hotels required portation, accommodation, names and phone numbers for accommodating guests security and Langar Khana were printed. are at convenience location areas. from the Jalsa Gah. The Registration Jalsa facility, with its prime Program location and central air con­ All members of the ditioning, offers two big Under the direct su­ Jama' at were required to halls and a few small con­ pervision and guidance of register on line for Jalsa us­ ference rooms. The venue respected Ameer Dr. Ahsa­ ing Internet. Identity Cards for the main Jalsa Gah, both nullah Zafar Sahib a pro­ with a barcode and mag- for men and women, was in gram committee comprising November - December 2007 9 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the bigger halls situated a was beautifully decorated Hotels closed to the J asa walking distance apart. Ar­ with vases of flowers. The Site were reserved and rangements for direct TV background screen exhib­ 1300 guests were accom­ transmission of Jalsa pro­ ited the attributes of Allah modated. Through the ef­ ceedings for the combined written in and five forts of Nizamat Accommo­ session were in place via colored stars, a symbolic dation Housing only 20 MTA. representation of Khilafat­ guests were stayed with e-Ahmadiyya. Ahmadi host families. Physical Arrangements Respected Ameer Book Stall Sahib's Visit to The bookstall was The physical ar­ Jalsa Gab rangements for Jalsa Gah situated adjacent to the din­ started a couple of days ear­ On August 30, 2007 ing area. Stalls for The lier. In both men and afternoon, respected Ameer Muslim Sunrise, CDs and women Jalsa Gah tall col­ Sahib visited Jalsa Gah to learning Qur' an by Easy ored curtains were set up. examine the final prepara­ Recite Arabic Method set Various offices, stalls and tion and to meet the volun­ up by Easy Recite Arabic Langar Khana were built teers. His visit not only mo­ Academy Canada were also for smooth running of the tivated the workers but it in the main Book Stall area. Jalsa event. For the conven­ also offered them an oppor­ Maulana Ziaul Haq Kausar, ience of guests and partici­ tunity to converse directly Khawas Ahmad Bhatti and pants of Jalsa, offices for with him on pertinent mat­ Mirza Abdul Ghaffar with Registration, Information, ters and seek his guidance, their team set up the book­ Accommodation, Recep­ as well as shake hand with stall and made necessary tion, Media & Press and him. The Ameer Sahib in arrangements. Hazri Nigrani were facing his address to workers em­ Exhibition the entrance. The desks for phasized on the importance Transportation and Human­ of our Jalsa Salana and The theme of this ity First were on right hand quoted the first Jalsa Salana year's exhibition was The side and desks of Science held at the time of the Blessings of Khilafat. Fair and Blood Drive were Promised Messiahas. He ad­ on left hand side of the vised volunteers to do their Displays covered main entrance. Stalls and best in serving the guests of the foundation and the ori­ offices for Exhibition, the Promised Messiahas and gins of Khilafat in Islam Books, Tea and Langar continue praying for the and Ahmadiyyat, the time­ Khana, Rishta Nata, Majlis success of Jalsa Salana.. line of Khilafat-e-Ahma­ Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, diyyat, brief history of Fund, First Aid/ Accommodation Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyyat and Homeopathy were located the major contributions in towards South of the main This year many each period of Khilafat with Jalsa Gah. guests had direct contact special emphasis on the bi­ with their hosts and stayed ographies, writings, lec­ MTA set up its stu­ with them. According to the tures, speeches and sermons dio and equipments at the report of Nizamat Accom­ of each Khalifatul Masih. back of the stage. The stage modation 400 rooms in 4 To mention but a few: November - December 2007 JO Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Commentaries and Transla­ Centennial Celebrations of Prophetsaw about the advent tions of the Holy Qur'an Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyyat. of the Promised Messiah35 into different languages, in the latter days. books on Islam and Special Events and Ahmadiyyat, history of Professional Meetings Tahaijud and Salat Ahmadiyyat, spiritual and Arrangements moral training, the adminis­ During J alsa Salana trative system of the Ja­ all auxiliaries of Jama'at During J alsa Salana ma' at, religion and the sci­ held their meetings. Ahm­ Salatul and daily ences. All new publications adiyya Medical Associa­ prayer were offered at Jalsa were featured. Each display tion, Lawyer Association, Gah. On Saturday and Sun­ was composed of historic Scientists Association and day Qari Nawab Ahmad photos with appropriate Engineers and Architecture from led the con­ captions, succinctly sum­ Association held their pro­ gregational Salatul Taha­ marized admonishments of fessional meetings to dis­ jjud and Fajar prayer. The each Khalifatul Masih and cuss their achievements and attendance at Tahajjud and glimpses of the perform­ future planning. Fajr time was around 300 ance of the Jama'at and (men and women) on both memorable events of their Flag Hoisting days. After Fajr prayer respective periods of Khila­ Ceremony short Darsul Qur'an and fat. Darsul Hadith was given. Following the tradition On Saturday Maulana Ya­ All these images of Jama' at Ahmadiyya Dr. hya Luqman gave a talk on were put together in 80 new Ahsanullah Zafar Ameer Darsul Qur' an and on Sun­ artistically arranged exhib­ Jama'at Ahmadiyya USA day Maulana Zafar Sarwar its. DVDs were displayed led the Flag Hoisting cere­ delivered Darsul Hadith. on four high end front pro­ mony before Jumu 'ah and jection systems on the fol­ Asr prayers. Opening Session lowing themes: The history (Friday afternoon­ of Ahmadiyyat from Jumu'ah andAsr August 31, 2007) Qadian to to its Prayers global spread featuring The session was re­ The lunch was landmark events such as the sided over by Dr. Ahsanul­ served after Jumu 'ah and Silver Jubilee, Centennial lah Zafar, Ameer, Jama'at Asr Prayers. Maulana Daud Celebrations, Missionaries, Ahmadiyya USA. The ses­ Hanif Sahib, Missionary-in­ recent coverage of Ameri­ sion started with recitation charge and Na'ib Ameer can members, tabligh, tar­ from the Holy Qur'an ren­ delivered Friday sermon. In biyyat and important gath­ dered by Hafiz Samiullah his sermon he emphasized erings. Dignitaries as well Chaudhry Sahib followed on the significance of Ju­ as our own members en­ by its English translation by mu' ah and its direct link joyed the exhibition. Many Bilal Abdus Salam Sahib. with the time of the Prom­ videos were made and pho­ Kaleem Bhatti Sahib recited ised Messiahas and Khilafat­ tos taken. The exhibition the poem of the Promised e-Ahmadiyya. He men­ 35 served as the first step to­ Messiah • The English tioned the fulfillment of the wards preparing the Na­ translation of the poem was prophecy of the Holy tional Exhibition for the read out by Yousuf Latif November - December 2007 11 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Sahib in a poetic style with said that the Promised Mes­ proved with examples from melodious voice. siahas wrote the booklet Al­ the life history of Hadhrat Wasiyyat (the Will) in 1905 Maulvi Hakim Nooruddinra Inaugural Address and clearly elaborated that that he born with greatness, the establishment of Khila­ achieved greatness through­ Respected Ameer fat would be a second mani­ out his life and always re­ Sahib in his inaugural ad­ festation of the Prophet­ sponded with greatness. dress recited a Qur' anic hood. Elaborating the sub­ verse from Surah Al-Nur ject he said that as right­ From his father side (24:56) mentioning estab­ eousness arises from heart, the family tree reaches back lishment of Khilafat among all members of the Jama'at to Hadhrat Umar Farooqra the believers. He explained must adopt righteousness and from his mother side in details the meanings of that was the main purpose the family is descendant of Khilafat and elaborated in of the Promised Messiah Hadhrat Alira. He had a clear words the difference mentioned in his booklet, great gift of the Holy of Khalifatullah (repre­ "the Will" and remain obe­ Qur' an. He was Hafize sentative of Allah) and dient to the system of Qur'an. His father and his Khalifatur Rasool (repre­ Khilafat. The obedience of ten generations were Hafize sentative of His Prophet). the system of Jama'at is the Qur' an. He had a great love He told that Khilafat is a obedience of Khilaf at. A for the Holy Qur'an, devo­ second manifestation of the direct link of every member tion for prayers a true lover Prophet-hood. Expressing of the Jama'at with the for the Holy Prophetsaw and the spiritual aspects of Khalifatul Masih would be the Promised Messiahas. Khilafat he mentioned three a great source of blessings. The Khalifatul Masih Ira salient features bonding the He added that inculcating a had a living faith in Allah. link of Khilafat with believ­ spirit of sacrifice, obedi­ He quoted a saying of the ers. These are Righteous­ ence and righteousness Promised Messiahas about ness, Chastity and Trust. would safeguard Khilafat. the righteousness of Hadh­ With Qur' anic verses he rat Maulvi Hakim Noorud­ elaborated his point of Laying the dinra, who wished that every view. Foundation of Kilafat­ member of his Jama' at The Message of the Life of Hadhrat should become like Al-Wasiyyat- Khilafat Maulvi Hakim Nooruddinra. He further Nooruddinra quoted references and is the Inheritance of added that many well­ the Righteous known and reputed scholars Maulana Azhar were convinced by the Maulana Sham­ Haneef after briefly ex­ greatness and spirituality of shad Ahmad Nasir was the pressing the Foundation of Hadhrat Maulvi Hakim first speaker after inaugural Khilafat in Ahmadiyyat Nooruddinra. speech. Speaking on the highlighted the salient bio­ subject he mentioned that graphic features of Hadhrat spiritual success needs two Maulvi Hakim Nooruddinra Concluding Remarks important aspects to be fol­ the Khalifatul Masih I. H~ lowed-the Righteous Lead­ quoted a saying of Shake­ The first session ership and Obedience. He speare about greatness. He concluded with Respected November - December 2007 12 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Ameer Sahib's remarks. He "Ahmadiyya Litera­ have full understanding. thanked the speakers and ture-Knowledge to The speaker concluded by audience and reminded to Protect and Perfect saying that only after fully engage themselves in re­ understanding the writings membrance of Allah espe­ our Faith". of the Promised Messiahas cially during the blessed we can introduce it to the days of J alsa Salana. He re­ Dr. Khalil Malik was next generation through our quested them to pray for all the first speaker of the ses­ children. members of USA Jama'at. sion. He recited verse No.1- 4 of Sura Al-Jumu 'ah and He reminded them to be "Coining of Age in obedient to Khalifatul Ma­ explained that the second coming of the Holy Proph­ America-The Benefits sih as only obedience and of Following the submission is the key of our etsaw is spiritual in the form success. He led the audi­ of the Promised Messiah. Messengeras,' ence in Dua. After Dua He quoted the saying of the Ameer Sahib announced Holy Prophetsaw that Faith Hamza Ilyas Sahib that Jama'at USA is in the and Righteousness would was the second speaker. He process of buying a spa­ disappear from the earth recited the verse No. 22 of cious lot for our Annual and the Promised Messiahas Surah Al-Ahzab. It states J alsa Salana but there are would bring it back. The that the Holy Prophetsaw is some hurdles in our way. Promised Messiahas pro­ the excellent model to be He requested members to claimed that he had been followed. Through his spiri­ continue praying for our sent to establish Faith and tuality and practical life the success. He invited infor­ develop Righteousness. At Holy Prophetsaw revolution­ mation and suggestions to that time deterioration in ized the lives of his com­ Faith was common both in panions. The companions enhance a campaign for PR ~. in this regard. religious and the secular followed him and through world. The speaker explain­ his guidance believed Allah Saturday,September ing the words Ahmadiyya from the core of their 1, 2007-Morning Literature said that in a hearts. They achieved the broad sense it means the pleasure of Allah and be­ Session writings of the Promised came shining stars. The I II The session was Messiahas and extracts by Promised Messiahas asked presided by Maulana Daud his Khalifahs and followers. the members of his Jama' at Ahmad Hanif, Missionary This literature is the best that for achieving the Will in Charge & Naib Ameer source of knowledge and and Pleasure of Allah, they Jama'at USA. Recitation of for the righteousness and should give preference to the Holy Qura'n was done enhancing tabligh activity. their Faith over worldly ob­ by Zainul Abideen Sahib He quoted the references of jects. The Holy Prophetsaw and the English translation well-known scholars who in his last sermon instructed was read out by J alaluddin appreciated the marvelous to follow the Holy Qura'n Latif Sahib. Bilal Raja Sa­ writings of the Promised and his Practice (). hib recited a poem of the Messiahu. In his concluding In his concluding words the Promised Messiahu and its words he urged the mem­ speaker said that the life of English translation was read bers to study the books of the Holy Prophetsaw is for­ by Ahmad Nooruddin. the Promised Messiahas and ever as a spiritual life that November - December 2007 13 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA he lived and is living for­ in a successful marriage. Delhvi were also quoted. ever. The speaker also ex­ The speaker referred that Maulana Daud Hanif Sahib pressed his personal experi­ Hadhrat Amman Jan, Nus­ urged the members to study ence and feelings during a rat Jehan Begumra, who the books and writings of recent meeting with Khali­ through her example and the Promised Messiahas fatul Masih yaba at J alsa sayings provided a good regularly for the real and Salana 2007 UK. source for a house wife and deep understanding of the her attitude towards hus­ Holy Qur' an. He concluded The "Straight Path" to band. He added that chil­ that if every member reads a Successful Mar­ dren are also a source of one book of the Promised riage-Essential Teach­ love for a couple and for a Messiahas in one year many successful life. In conclud­ books can be studied. ings for Men ing words the speaker said that for a successful life, MTA Interviews Dr. lrfan Ahmad prayer for children and Alladin Sahib was the third family is essential. In the main J alsa speaker. He started his Gah (Men) two large TV speech with the recitation Concluding Remarks screens were hanging to of verse 2 of Surah Al-Nisa display live programs and which is also recited at the The session con­ interviews of elites and time of announcing Nikah. cluded with brief remarks scholars. The trained team The main theme of this of the Na'ib Ameer Sahib. of MT A conducted these verse is to develop Taqwa, He said that it was the mis­ interviews. The interviews the fear of Allah. He quoted sion of the Promised Messi­ were displayed during inter­ that the ideal life of the ahra to bring mankind to­ vals of main programs. Holy Prophetsaw was not wards Allah. The Na'ib only a role model but he Ameer Sahib said that the Saturday, September was also an excellent speeches of J alsa Salana teacher. Through his prac­ provide a source to peep 1, 2007-Afternoon tice he provided essential into the knowledge given Session teachings for the needs of by the Promised Messiah as. human being. For the mar­ The whole life of the Prom­ Presided by Dr. riage life his wonderful ised Messiahas revolved Ahsanullah Zafar, Ameer treatment of his wives is ex­ around the Holy Qura'n. He Jama'atUSA emplary and has no parable. warned the members of his In the last sermon the Holy Jama'at that if they do not Recitation from the Prophet8aw advised Muslims read his books at least three Holy Qura'n was done by to treat their wives nicely. times they have arrogant Hafiz Mubarik Ahmad Sa­ hearts. He quoted the refer­ hib and English translation The speaker said ences of religious scholars by Manny Galvan Sahib. that normally people claim indicating the importance of Mashhood Ahmad Sahib for the rights of husband Promised Messiah'sas writ­ recited an Poem of the and wife but forget about Promised Messiahas and their responsibilities. Mu­ ings. References from /s­ harate Faridee and of a fa­ Tariq Sharif Sahib read its tual understanding and tak­ mous writer Mirza Hairat English translation. ing care of each other helps November - December 2007 14 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

"Love for All, Hatred natural disasters during the spiritual life for its believer. for None"-Our Motto, last three years. He said that Faith is a personal right and Our Faith. according to a survey 1 bil­ privilege of each individual. lion people in the world Muslim is loyal to his na­ spend their life earning less tion and country and the in­ Dr. Nasir Khan than $1.00 per day and half dividuality of the American was the first speaker of this of the population depends Muslim is Islam. The Is­ session. started his speech on less than $2.00 per day. lamic revolution is a spiri­ with the saying that "Love Health and water are the tual revolution. The fear of for All, Hatred for None" is main requirements for ma­ non-Muslim is that Islam is the motto given by Khali­ jor population of the world. a religion of terror. Instead fatul Masih ill Hadhrat The speaker referred to the of terror, love for human Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh but first chapter of the Holy beings is the basis of Islam actually it was provided by Qur' an where two attributes and the Holy Proph etsaw the Promised Messiahas and of Allah: Rahman and Ra­ adopted it in the true sense. everyone has to follow it in him are mentioned. These He demonstrated love and words and spirit. The Holy attributes explain that Allah peace through his teaching Prophet5aw was a mercy for Almighty bestows His and practice. whole mankind and in true blessings to each of His sense he followed the hu­ creature. There is a great manity first. As there is no "Love of God's need of social work to be compulsion in religion, the Creation-The Sanctity conducted on a regular ba­ Holy Prophetsaw exhibited of Life". sis. The Promised Messiahas an excellent example of included this item in the pardon at the time of the Alhaj Dhul Waqar Initiation of his Community conquer of Mecca. True Yaqub was the last speaker so that with the best of our obedience is the basis of of the afternoon session. abilities we will serve our faith and true obedience to Expressing his views abo~t fellow beings. He said that the Holy Prophet requires the subject, the speaker said for serving humanity, us to be his true followers. that the foremost right of "Humanity First" was set The rights of all people are human being is the right of up in 1990. It has been ~s­ guarded through teachings life. Whenever the right of tablished in 24 countnes of Islam and the practice of other is neglected it leads to and services were rendered the Holy Prophetsaw. injustice and transgression in 35 countries. The speaker which is strictly prohibited highlighted the activities of "Love in Action­ in Islam. It is only the per­ "Humanity First" in differ­ Services of the sonality of Allah Who pro­ ent countries. Ahmadiyya vides life and He is the only Community around "Love of One's one who has right to takes it Nation-The Undivided back. Converting non-Mus­ the Globe" lims into the fold of Islam Loyalty of a Citizen" Munum A. Naeem by force is not permissible was the second speaker. He Naser-ud-Din Shams in any circumstances. said that under Humanity was the third speaker of the saw First services were provided session. The speaker said The Holy Prop h et , to people affected in the that each religion offers writing to a Christian ruler November - December 2007 15 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA of his time clearly men­ and assured his coopera­ Maryland, representing tioned that all religious tion at all times. He sug­ Montgomery County Ex­ places would be protected gested that for mutual un­ ecutive Isiah Leggette, and their sanctity would be derstanding and unity we said that he always appre­ guaranteed. The decree of must get rid of prejudices ciated the Muslim Com­ the Holy Propheeaw, his and hatred ness. munity in Silver Spring teachings and practice fol­ for their sincere services lowed this teaching in true J.T. Manager, Chief of in various fields for the sense. The speaker quoted Montgomery County, development of the coun­ the reference of the Prom­ Maryland Police, thanked try. On behalf of the ised Messiahas who ap­ Imam Kausar and Imam County Executive he wel­ pealed to all religious lead­ Shamshad. He thanked comed the guests of J alsa ers to be united on common them for inviting him to and offered cooperation in ground for developing the ground breaking cere­ social works in the peace and unity. He further mony for the extension of county. quoted some writings of the Baitur Rahman Mosque. Promised Messiahas about He said that the Muslim William C O'Tool, the issue. In his concluding Community in Montgom­ Executive Director North­ remarks the speaker said ery County is a reputed ern Virginia Criminal Jus­ that insulting and abusing and well-recognized com­ tice Training Academy prophets is deadly poison­ munity. and previously Police Of­ ficer Montgomery County ing which not only poisons Joseph Adler, Director body but also the soul. at the time of 9/11 inci­ HR for Montgomery dent, congratulated us for After the last speech County mentioned his ob­ holding the 59th Jalsa Sal­ of the session, the following servation said that mem­ ana. He appreciated the six guest speakers were in­ bers of Jama' at Ahmadi­ members and especially vited to the stage for ex­ yya work endlessly for the Maulana Shamshad Sahib pressing their comments welfare of human beings for the services they of­ and observations: and are ever ready to ful­ fered in bringing people fill the needs of suffering of all religions together Judge Charles B. Day: In humanity. He appreciated after 9/11 disaster. He his remarks Judge Charles the sincere efforts of said that for developing said that as Americans we Hadhrat Mirza Masoor peace and harmony in the must work together as a Ahmad Khalifatul Masih country three key factors­ yaba in Ghana. He offered nation and no concept of crime, fear and terrorism race or religion should di­ his services for the mem­ have to be prevented. He vert us from being united bers of the Jama' at for assured us his cooperation as a nation. employment. In recogni­ with the members of the tion of the services of Rev. Steve Anderson, a Jama'at for establishing Maulana Zaki Kausar he peace. close friend of the com­ offered him a token given munity who offers his to permanent employees. home for the guests of In between these Jalsa Salana. Rev. Ander­ Pradeep Gungoli Direc­ brief speeches and remarks son welcomed the guests tor Economic Developme­ the names of thirty distin­ nt Montgomery County guished guests, attending November - December 2007 16 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the session, were recog­ Qurba" - Benevolence "Zikr-e-Habib" -The nized from the stage. to Others as if Close Promised Messiah' Sas Concluding Remarks Kin. Defense of Islam. The Ameer Sahib Ja­ Br. Munir Hamid, Dr. Mirza Maghfoor ma'at Ahmadiyya USA, in Na'ib Ameer Jama'at USA Ahmad was the second his concluding remarks was the first speaker of the speaker of the session. He thanked the guests and session and he said that he said that Hadhrat Mirza speakers and invited all dig­ would talk about the most Ghulam Ahmad, the Prom­ nitaries and guests to a spe­ perfect human being, the ised Messiahas from his cial dinner given in their Holy Prophet Muham­ early youth noticed bitter honor. madraw, who is a spiritual opposition of Islam from leader for all mankind. other religions. He was ex­ Arrangements for din­ Throughout his life he dem­ tremely worried about all ner were made in a separate onstrated love and mercy the trials and tribulation hall. During dinner the not only for friends and facing Islam and state of its guests were briefly intro­ relatives but also for his op­ affairs. Christian and Hindu duced to Ahmadiyyat and ponents and enemies. The scholars were attacking Is­ were encouraged to ask condition of slaves was lam and its Holy Prophetsaw questions. A panel of Ahm­ worthless. He exalted their and there was no one to de­ adi Missionaries was on status and treated them as fend it. The Christian mis­ hand to answer queries members of his own family. sionaries were planning to about Islam and related is­ Through his words and convert the majority of the sues. deeds the Holy Prophetsaw population into Christianity. of Islam demonstrated as The Promised Messiahas Sunday, September 2, the greatest exemplar for was extremely worried 2007 Morning Session everyone to follow. With­ about all the trials and out considering race and re­ tribulation facing Islam and The session was ligion, he always preferred state of its affairs. His sup­ presided by Dr. Ahsanullah righteousness in all affairs. plications and special Zafar, Ameer Jama'at USA The speaker quoted Hadhrat prayers enabled him to The session started with Zaid ibn Harifahra and his stand against all opposition. recitation of the Holy son Usama bin Zaidra who He was being prepared to Qur' an by Hafiz Habibullah were spiritual sons of the launch a campaign in de­ Ahmad and Bashir Asad of­ Prophetsaw. The Holy fense of Islam. Besides fered its English translation. Prophet8aw provided high writing voluminous books An Urdu poem of the Prom­ status to the slave so far so and articles in favor of Is­ ised Messiahas was recited that he appointed Hadhrat lam he challenged all oppo­ by Asad Chaudhry and the Zaid ibn Harifahra and his nents to compete with him English translation was son Usama bin Zaidra head but no scholar of any relig­ done by Nasarullah Ahmad. of the Muslim army. The ion dared to accept his chal­ speaker asked members of lenges. In spite of minimum The Holy Prophet the community to get rid of available resources the (SA), the Greatest Ex­ biases and prejudices and Promised Messiahas adopted emplar of "lta 'i Dhil- become spiritual human be­ all measures in defense of ings. November - December 2007 17 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA and dedicated his life for Maryland. He requested ma' at Ahmadiyya was in 75 Islam. Even the opponents members to pray continu­ countries but now by the of Ahmadiyyat appreciated ally so that all issues for the Grace of Allah it has been his sincere and defensive purchase of this Jalsa Site established in 189 coun­ efforts for Islam and the should be resolved. He ap­ tries. He invited Muslims to Holy Prophet of Islamsaw. preciated the members of accept the Promised Messi­ His nightly supplications the community for the fi­ ah35 as this is the only solu­ and love for Allah and the nancial sacrifices they of­ tion for their salvation and Holy Prophet5aw of Islam fered for Tahir Heart Insti­ to save them from all disas­ blessed him with Divine fa­ tute at Rabwah and urged ters. The Khalifatul Masih vor. No enemy of Islam for pledges and payment of yaba advised Ahmadis to could have escaped from $5 million for the Khilafat spread the message of Islam his watchful eyes and di­ Centennial Fund. He added and pray for the salvation of vine sight. Now it is time that financial sacrifice is a people. He urged every for us to continue his mis­ key for achieving spiritual­ Ahmadi to develop right­ sion through prayer, love ity. As the live transmission eousness and have close and dedication and defend of Hazoor' Saba address bondage with Khilafat. Islam from all allegations started respected Ameer Sa­ and ill feelings. hib stopped his address. ******* HADITH Concluding remarks The live address of of Ameer Sahib Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Hadhrat 'Abdullah bin yaba from Germany was 'Utbah bin Mas 'udra relates Ameer Sahib in his transmitted through MTA. that he heard Hadhrat concluding remarks said In his address Hazoo~ba 'Umar bin Khattabra say: that while waiting for the said that when the Promised "In the time of the Holy live address of Hadhrat Messiahas proclaimed to be Prophetsaw people were Khalifatul Masih yaba being the Promised Messiahas bit­ called to account through transmitted from Germany, ter opposition broke out. revelation. Now revelation he would share and bring to Religious leaders and schol­ has been cut off and we the notice of the community ars opposed him and util­ shall call you to account on some important issues. ized all resources for his the basis of your overt acts. failure. His mission was the So that whoever displays to Next year the Ja­ renaissance of Islam and us good we shall confirm it ma' at is celebrating the the establishment of truth and accept it and we shall Khilafat centennial. Insha but the Muslim scholars not inquire into his secret Allah Hazoor will visit and the so called saints de­ conduct; Allah will call him USA at our Jalsa Salana clared him an infidel. The to account for that; but scheduled in the 3rd week­ opponents were planning to whoever displays to us evil end of June 2008. For the defame Islam and its sacred we shall not uphold it and next year Jalsa Salana USA teachings. The Promised shall not accept it, even if two Jalsa sites are under Messiahas with Divine sup­ he protests that there was planning. One is being port succeeded miracu­ good in his heart." rented at Harrisburg and the lously. When the Pakistan other is our own expected National Assembly de­ (Bukhari kitabushshahadat J alsa Gah at Walkersville, clared us non-Muslim Ja- babushshuhada' al-adul) November - December 2007 18 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

OPENING ADDRESS At the 59th Jalsa Salana, USA DR. AHSANULLAH ZAFAR AMEER, USA JAMA'AT Transcribed by: Naseer Sayed

• '• • I ~ ,.. . t. I.:' :..-&o t·. ·t ', •jJf prophet after that is a Khali­ "second manifestation" or ~J '~ ~. 4.!Jt'~J " fah. Hadhrat Mosesas was a Qudrat-e-Thania. Khalifah and he was fol­ lowed by Hadhrat Yashua­ Whereas the Khilafat after Rasoolallahsaw, just , ' , , , bin Noon as his first succes­ - • ' • : If ' f • ' ., I 't' .,. .•u .'U..M ",I ;; '" like himself, was a matter ~ ~'· v-; ...,,., ~ sor or Khalifah to Hadhrat Mosesas. Just as Rasoolal­ of spiritual guidance and I have recited the first lahsaw was, in his own right, completion, it was also a portion of the verse from a Khalifah of Allah and was matter of governance and Surah Al-Nur, verse 56, followed by Hadhrat Abu an aspect of kingship or which is normally referred Bakr Siddiquera as a Khali­ rule that goes with it. That to as "Aayat-e-lstikhlaaf', fah to the Rasool at that is how the Prophet Muham­ which essentially promises time. Rasoolallahsaw is still madsaw lived his life later on Khilafat to those who be­ the Rasool at this time too. and that was God's destiny lieve and who are steadfast There was a Khilafat fol­ for him. That was his mani­ and who work for the pur­ lowed by Khilafat which festation. With Masih-e­ poses of Allah. I am para­ was a kingship, and that is Mau' oodas he lived under phrasing some of the mean­ another discussion. But that the rule of a foreign power ings of the subsequent por­ is how it is ascribed and de­ in what is now India and tion of the verse. But today, scribed regards the Khila­ Pakistan at that time. His we are here to celebrate and fat-e-Rasool at that time. was not a kingdom of this share the issue of Khilafat­ With Hadhrat Masih-e­ world. His was a kingdom e-Ahmadiyya, the matter of Mau' oodas, Allah has cho­ of God, in a spiritual sense, the second manifestation, sen to call that the "Qudrat­ a spiritual kingdom alone, and the matter of it being e-Thania" (the second which is, in many ways, Divine Mercy and Majesty. manifestation). In a way, it similar to the coming of Je­ is identical to the second sus Christas, who was the Khilafat, as define by manifestation which hap­ first Messiah. The second the Qur' an and as under­ pened in the time of Ra­ Messiah has an identical stood by all of us, is a wide soolallahsaw and in a way it and, certainly, a comparable ranging phenomenon, start­ is different. And perhaps manifestation in the spiri­ ing with Hadhrat Adamas as that is why Allah has cho­ tual sense. the first Khalifah. Every sen the expression of We are blessed by November - December 2007 19 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the continuance of the gated to Him, totally de­ it, you pay up on that. Khilafat of Muhammad Ra­ pendant upon Him, to Him, soolallahsaw. At the same and caring for nothing else One of the most mov­ time as we have the but Him. And he says that ing things on this aspect, Qudrat-e-Thania of Hadh­ is just a start. which I have often reflected rat Masih-e-Mau'oodas. The on, is the incident towards grandeur of this is much This is followed by the end of his life with Ra­ greater than it would have the seeker avoiding every­ soolallahsaw where he came been otherwise. But I just thing that is vain, and that is to the mosque and ad­ want to share with you a lit­ wrong, and that is useless dressed the people and said tle bit about the spiritual as­ otherwise, followed by the that he is close to passing pects of Khilafat and why seeker, who is on the jour­ away and if he has hurt in our time we need to think ney of spiritual growth and anybody in that audience, about it and partake in it. completion, that he spends he asked for their forgive­ of whatever Allah has given ness. And one of them, one Masih-e-Mau' oodas him. And without going in man stood up and said, "Ya has interpreted things for us details, that is usually re­ Rasoolallahsaw, you one from the Qur' an and from ferred to as wealth or physi­ time hit me on the back." the sayings of the Holy cal resources. But it can re­ Maybe he hit with an elbow Prophet8aw which throw a volve around partaking of or whatever. I don't think particular light on life and the spiritual as well. And he would have done any­ guides us. And I will take then he progresses to the thing more. So, the Proph­ the two spiritual things next phase of establishing . etsaw said, "YOU can come which, I believe, I would his chastity. Very Impor­ over and hit me the same like to talk about today. tant. He points out that es­ way on my back so that Spirituality is a much vaster tablishing one's chastity, then that debt is paid up." universe than the universe for most people, is much So the man walked up and that we know of in the more than parting with their he said that, "Well, my physical sense, but choos­ wealth, because they par­ back was bare at that time ing two of them. One is, he take of their wealth to vio­ when you hit me." And the describes how a mo 'min, I late that chastity all the Prophetsaw said, "Alright". am now kind of paraphras­ time. And, finally, he says, He took off, pulled up his ing the verses in the begin­ is the commitment to live shirt from his back and ning of the first Ruku of by all the rules of relation­ said, "You can hit me Surah Al-Mominoon and I ship between men, the rela­ now". Of course, the man am basing my comments on tion between man and God, walked over and just kissed the commentary that is and here he brings in the his back. But to me, it is al­ given by Masih-e-Mau­ concept of amaanat, that ways remarkable that the , oodas himself. He says that what is due and owing to Prophet5aw was so con­ the whole journey of the another person. In the sim­ cerned about even such a spiritual man starts with plest form, it can mean, minor aspect of life that he khashi 'oon, humility in making sure that if you wanted to make sure it was prayers, feeling of serving have promised something to taken care of. That, to me, Allah in one's prayer, feel­ somebody, you live up to it. is also a manifestation of ing of being totally subju- If you owe something to amaanaat that we do not let somebody, you equate with go of anything that we owe November - December 2007 20 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA somebody among human come together they share staying together, being one, beings. And that has obvi­ their pain with each other, is going to generate a spiri­ ously a very deep spiritual they share their affairs with tual greenery in each one of meaning. each other, they share their you who partakes of it. emotions in whatever fash­ Masih-e-Mau'oodas, I ion with each other. And, in And, the next step is am going to leave it here, human affairs, emotions are what is most revealing, but he has elaborated on not always positive. Some­ where he says that the Mes­ this progress with the hu­ times they are negative as siah then, because of this man creation from concep­ well. But in this whole in­ relationship and by virtue tion to birth and so on. And, teraction they are drawn to­ of what has been bestowed I think, I am sure those who gether and close to the Mes­ upon the Messiah by Allah, are interested will read up siah. Now, as the second draws down the Holy Spirit, on that. But it reinforces manifestation, Khalifatul­ the Rooh-ul-Qudus, from and illustrates the matter a Masih yaba at this time is a the heavens. And it comes whole lot. representative of the Prom­ and permeates the mem­ ised Messiahas and what­ bers, the individuals. And The other thing which then, from among them, is very striking is when he ever I say applies to him for us. whichever way Allah wills, writes in the book Tauzeeh­ some, or many, or all, or e-Maraam, and he illus­ He says that people, most will end up getting a trates that his status is iden­ when they come together in portion of it, a proportion of tical to that of the first Mes­ this way, and they do right­ it. And there could be, in siah, Jesus Christas, in one eous things, whatever God some, the creation of the particular aspect. And, that has permitted them, then in Holy Ghost. And he points is the descent of the Holy the process the Khalifatul out that this really is the Spirit and the creation of Masih or the Messiah, trinity, the re-birth which the Holy Ghost among men. whichever terminology you happens this way. Now the background which are going to prefer, radiates I need to illustrate is the im­ and rejuvenates these indi­ I mention these things, portance of people coming viduals with a spiritual I hope that we will be able together. People coming to­ greenery which does not to reflect on them. I hope gether is a very very impor­ come otherwise. It is not a that as Ahmadis and being tant aspect of spirituality matter of intellectualism, it in America, and being close and human growth. And, is not a matter of reading as we can be in the United although more often than alone, it is not a matter of States, we will draw the not, people equate that with striving and getting some­ benefits that Allah has the idea of sharing new de­ thing alone. This is some­ promised for us being under velopments, sharing intel­ thing totally different. All Khalifatul Masih, being un­ lectual growth, and the like. those other issues are where der the second manifesta­ But, there is something they are. But, by being with tion. And He will guide us more fundamental than that the Khalifatul Masih, which and He will permeate us when people come together. really means that by obey­ with His light, with His And one aspect that he il­ ing the instructions and de­ Holy Spirit and may we all lustrates in this particular sires of Khalifatul Masih, benefit from it. Ameen. issue is that when people November - December 2007 21 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


The success and long life of any spiritual community requires two things: righteous leadership and righteous obedience from the believers. If either or both of these require­ ments are lacking, the life of the organization will be short and its fruit will be bitter or even poisonous.

There is little debate these days that in both the secular world in general and in the mainstream Muslim world in particular there is an absence of any truly 'guided' spiritual leadership.

For the past 118 years Allah has certainly not failed to provide such spiritual leader­ ship, it's just that the Muslim world, for the most part, has not recognized it or has rejected it outright.

And yet, while the hunger in the hearts of the Muslims is for unity and the leadership of a divinely guided Khalifah, by their ignorance, wrong actions or lack of righteousness, they have lost any rights to such a blessing from Allah. They continue to put the rest of the world in fear by their ignorant, hateful and violent actions. Thus, when Allah re-established Khila­ fat on the pattern of , He also made certain that no other Khilafat would be al­ lowed to emerge.

In this regard, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh says:

Let the whole Muslim world put their full efforts into trying to bring about Khilafat with their own power ... they will never be able to do it because Khilafat is the blessing and prerogative of God. [Friday Sermon, April 1993]

Meanwhile, every member of Jama'at-e-Ahmadiyya can announce with great joy:

0 Muslims!

0 people of the World!

0 Religious and Worldly Leaders

We tell you that God has already established the system of Khilafat, which the world so desperately needs today. November - December 2007 22 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Indeed the Holy Prophetsaw has prophesied about this very Khilafat in a Hadith.

Hadhrat Huzaifara relates that the Holy Prophetsaw said:

Prophethood shall remain among you as long as Allah shall will. He will bring about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the pattern of Prophethood for as long as He shall will and then bring about its end. The Holy Prophetsaw then said: Tyrannical kingdoms and despotism will follow and remain as long as Allah shall will. Then there will emerge Khilafat on the pattern of Prophethood." (Musnad Ahmad)

In this age, and as prophesied by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw, Allah raised the Promised Messiahas to lay the foundation of this promised spiritual leadership (Khilafat).

Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah and Imam , founded the Ahmadiyya Jama'at in 1889 under Divine direction and said that God's purpose was to cre­ ate a community of the righteous.

In 1905, he wrote a small book, Al-Wasiyyat, 'The Will,' in which he revealed a grand plan, through which the community, and eventually all of mankind, would be guided under a benign spiritual leadership. He termed that leadership "the Second Manifestation of God" and exhorted his members to pray earnestly for it.

He said:

"I appeared from God as a manifestation; I am a personified power of God; and after me there shall come other persons who will be manifestation of a second power of God. You should, therefore, all come together in prayer, to wait for the second manifestation. All communities of the righteous people among my followers in every land should remain in prayer together, so that the second manifestation of power should descend from the heavens and show you how powerful is your God."

In another passage, he encouraged his followers to remain vigilant and patient in pursu­ ing righteousness in order to earn Divine pleasure and receive Divine gifts.

He wrote:

"You cannot win the pleasure of God until you bid farewell to your own joys and pleas­ ures. Forsaking all thoughts of winning honor and distinction, giving up your possessions, and forsaking all thoughts of your own safety, until you bear hardship and bitterness, even such as to give you a taste of death, you cannot win the approval and pleasure of God. But if you bear this bitterness, you will be gathered up into the lap of God like a precious child, and you shall inherit the blessings of the righteous who have gone before you. In fact, the doors of blessings of all kinds shall be opened to you. But, alas, there are very few of this kind.

God has spoken to me to say that Taqwa (righteousness) is a tree, which one should plant in one's heart. The water, which nourishes righteousness, can feed the entire field of November - December 2007 23 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA life. Righteousness is the root and everything springs from it. If it is there, you get every­ thing. But if it is not there, then everything becomes null and void. It does absolutely no good to man if he claims to seek God with his tongue but shows no steadfastness of purpose in this way."

(Al-Wasiyyat, pp 8-9)

The history of our movement now bears grand testimony that with the advent of the Promised Messiahas faith once again descended to the earth and the heavenly waters of his passionate supplications and profound words irrigated the hearts of mankind, and raised a new generation of the righteous who received the great blessing of true Khilafat upon his de­ mise. We received that blessing on May 27, 1908, through the gathering of the faithful who elected Hadhrat Hakim Maulawi Nooruddinra as the first Khalifatul Masih, and we have been recipients of this blessing ever since. So you -- yes YOU -- are that blessed Jama'at You -- yes YOU -- are that fortunate Jama' at among Muslims. And You -- yes YOU -­ are that favored fold among mankind of those people whom Allah considers righteous and upon whom He bestows the gift of Khilafat, which will stay with us till the Day of Judgment, Ins ha 'Allah. It is of the utmost importance that we remember that, having joined the system of Wasiyyat, we do not think that its only purpose is to sacrifice 10% of our wealth.

This is only one demand.

The real thing which the Promised Messiahas has drawn our attention to in his Last Will is that all members adopt the ways of righteousness so that all those bounties and blessings that are associated with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya descend upon them; and so that this goes on till the end of time. This will happen only when we are deserving of these blessings and bounties, and only when each of us strives to excel others in the ways of righteousness.

Sacrifice inculcates righteousness. Wasiyyat is the commitment to sacrifice that in­ creases and strengthens our Taqwa, and it is only our Taqwa that safeguards our blessing of Khilafat.

My dear brothers and sisters ... we must all. .. Strengthen our Taqwa ... Safeguard our Khilafat!

To make this blessed spiritual system permanently progressing for generation after gen­ eration we must fulfill some demands and discharge some responsibilities and duties.

The greatest demand and duty is the one that the Holy Qur'an has placed upon us in the verse where Khilafat is promised:

Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will, surely, make them successors ... "And observe prayer and give the and obey the Mes­ senger, that you may be shown mercy." (24:56-57) November - December 2007 24 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Then, in another place, the Holy Qur'an counsels us to hold fast to the rope of Allah ALL TOGETHER and hold on with all our strength (3:104).

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih yaba says:

"This is a great favor of Allah, the Exalted, that a system of Khilafat is established among us. A strong handle is in your hands, such as cannot break ... but remember, that al­ though this handle is not breakable, if your grip upon it weakens, then there is danger that you may break away from it."

Hadhrat Haras Asharira relates that, on the subject of loyalty and obedience, the Holy Prophetsaw said:

Allah, the Exalted commands you to:

1. Biljama 'a ...... stay, be, with a Jama'at; 2. wassama ' ...... listen to the Imam of the Time; 3. wal-ata'a ...... obey him;

Then at another place the Holy Prophetsaw is reported to have said:

My last advice to you is that you adopt Taqwa and listen to the Imam of the time and obey him. (Tirmadhi)

So, placing all these advices together and looking at them as a whole ...

It is clear as daylight that we must adopt the ways of Taqwa; and be totally obedient to the Khalifah; and keep his every wish and command always in front of us; we must become the personification of: isjaydoo lay Adam: submit to Adam; and being examples of: sami'na wa ata'na; we have heard and we obey.

If we become as such, then this Bounty of Khilafat, shall remain established among us till the Day of Judgment.

On the subject of obedience, the Promised Messiahas says:

Obedience is such a thing that if carried out with a true heart it causes a divine light to shine in the heart and causes delightful pleasure and light to come into the spirit. [Ta/seer Sura Al-Nisa ', p.246]

Obedience to the Imam of the Age is understood by all sincere believers to be a re­ quirement for the success and protection of the Jama'at. But for true obedience to exist, there must be true Taqwa in the hearts of the believers. Where there is Taqwa, loving and loyal obedience will naturally follow.

Shortly after receiving the mantle of Khilafat, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih yaba sent the November - December 2007 25 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA following message to the Jama'at on May 11, 2003, which was published in Al-Fazl:

"Members of the Jama'at who are dearer to me than my own life:

As-Salaamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhoo!

The 'second manifestation' is an immense gift from God with an objective to unite a nation and protect it from discord. It is that string on which the Community is threaded like pearls. If pearls are scattered about they are neither safe nor do they look beautiful. Indeed pearls threaded in a string alone are secure and at their loveliest.

True faith cannot advance without a 'second manifestation'. Therefore keep a link of love, sincerity and devotion with it, make your zeal for obedience to Khilafat everlasting.

Develop the fervor of your love for it to such an extent that all other relationships ap­ pear insignificant compared to it."

At one point Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih ura said:

'Just as only that branch is fruit-bearing that is attached to a tree and a branch that is cut off from a tree cannot bear fruit, similarly only that person can serve the Community beneficially who is devoted to the Imam. One who does not keep a bond with the Imam, de­ spite having all the knowledge of the world, cannot be of any useful help.'

My dear friends, to keep Khilafat alive among us, and to keep it established among our future generations, the things Hadhrat Ameerul Mo'mineenaba is drawing our attention to are as follows:

We must bring about a purifying, holy change in ourselves. This cannot happen with- out Taqwa ... but how will this happen?

1. By elevating the level of our worship; 2. By offering the Salat regularly in congregation; 3. By daily recitation, with understanding, of the Holy Qur'an; 4. By joining the blessed system of Wasiyyat; 5. By the best possible training of our children; 6. By fulfilling the requirements of by women and men; 7. By shunning all non-Islamic traditions; 8. By fulfilling the demands of all financial sacrifices demanded of us by the Khalifatul Massih; 9. By practicing all of above ourselves and by inviting others to do the same; JO. By fully practicing the spiritual program of prayers and fasting that Hadhat Khalifatul Masih yaba has asked us to do as we usher in the next century of Khilafat­ e-Ahamdiyya. November - December 2007 26 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Let me draw the attention of everyone to a couple of items that need to be carefully ex­ amined and understood.

Some people say, in regard to the discussion on taqwa and obedience that:

We are ready to listen and obey everything the Khalifatul Masih says but the Ameer or President or office-holder of a Jama'at is another matter.

This is against the spirit of true obedience for the simple reason that the Khalifah him­ self establishes the system of the Jama'at.

Disobeying any of this system's officers is an indirect act of disobedience to the Khali­ fah, and those who adopt this habit -- while loudly proclaiming their love and loyalty to the Khalifah -- show by their actions that they are indirectly being disloyal and disobedient to the Khalifah they proclaim to love and obey.

Then there are persons who sit in private meetings and attack the system of the Ja­ ma' at.

Also, if someone has a true dream or if their prayer is accepted then these people sit in the meetings and try and to impress others with their level of piety and righteousness ... this also is not appropriate and contrary to the true spirit of Taqwa and we should desist from such behavior.

I conclude my speech with the words of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih yaba.

In his address to the 41 st UK Jalsa Salaana, just concluded, on the last day, he advised as follows:

"So, in order to continue to be blessed with this bounty that is Khilafat, we need to re­ main constantly in a state of asking God's forgiveness through Istighfar, and we need to con­ tinually call down blessings on the Holy Prophetsaw by repeatedly reciting Darood Shareef and with care and attention we need to ask for the safety and security of God so this im­ mense blessing may continue among us and among our coming generations."

0 beloveds of Masih-e-Muhammadi!

Be the protectors of this inheritance that this Messiah has left for you in fulfillment of the promise made by Allah to the believers and the doers of good deeds.

Protect this treasure with your prayers, and with supplications enter into the next cen­ tury of Khilafat... then through the sacrifices that your forefathers made in this cause and those that you have made ... this will continue to be blessed with new fruits ... Jnsha' Allah. ******* November - December 2007 27 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA LAYING THE FOUNDATION OF KHILAFAT: THE LIFE OF HADHRAT MAULVI HAKIM NOORUDDINra

Maulana Azhar Haneef

Transcribed by: Karimullah Zirvi

It is one of the most re­ admirably and commenda­ than Hadhrat Maulana markable achievements that I bly when greatness was in Nooruddinra. As I said there will mention in the course of fact thrust upon him. We all are three aspects of greatness. this presentation today, but at know that next year on 27th The first is his birth. When the outset I would like to May 2008 we will be cele­ we look at the life of Hadhrat quote from William Shake­ brating 100 years of the an­ Maulana Nooruddinra, we see speare. The subject of my niversary of the institution such wonderful remarkable speech, actually during the of Khilafat and it will be a blessings that he was given course of his life, achieved great milestone, enormous over and above those of his one of the distinctions that he blessings for all of us for time. Number one, his de­ had learned or read all of which we cannot give scend was direct from one of Shakespeare in Arabic. So I enough praise and thanks to the greatest illuminary spirit thought it will be appropriate Allah and yet at the same of Islam, Hadhrat Umar\ the to mention one of those state­ time Allah says, third Caliph on his father's ments, which we often hear. side. His entire blood can be llJr J< ;~., ~ ~I j< .'t, ~ ::,.0 Shakespeare said, "Do not 1 traced back to Hadhrat fear greatness. Some are Whosoever is ungrateful to Um~. And also on his borne great, some achieve man is also ungrateful to mother's side his line can be greatness and some have Allah. traced to back to Hadhrat greatness thrust upon them." Alira. So by just this alone Many people quote this verse So with this spirit you can imagine what type of of Shakespeare in the course and with this intent I would blessings the birth of a child of all kinds of conferences like to take few moments whose blood is linked to about leadership, in fact. But for us altogether as a spiri­ these great and powerful fig­ the reality is that few actually tual family, to reflect to re­ ures in the history of all of achieve the heights of this member, to reflect the great Islam, the followers and greatness. In the case of the services, the great sacrifices companions of our blessed subject of my speech today, some of those in our past master, the Holy Prophet8aw, however, I truly believe that who helped us to where we himself. Yet at the same time life, legacy of Hadhrat Mau­ are today without which one of the greatest gifts that lana Hakim Nooruddinra we perhaps we would not been all of us received in Islam is see all these three aspects of sitting here at this blessed the gift of the Qur' an and this this greatness. He was borne position of celebrating 100 is one of the things which in greatness, he achieved years of this Institute of distinguished Hadhrat Mau­ greatness and he responded Khilafat. The personality as lana Nooruddinra in his birth I mentioned is none other November - December 2007 28 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA that his father and for ten after a long time you open tent as if he is going to de­ generations before all of up the photo album and you stroy that poor lady, and let them were Huffaz of look at those past snapshots us see what happens. The Qur' an. They all were Hafiz that brings you great joy young man went inside the of the Holy Qur'an and had and admiration of times room and there was a sud­ memorized the Holy Qur'an past. I will share with you den shriek and cry and the and Hadhrat Maulana just a few glimpses of his man ran out When they Nooruddinra was the recipi­ life that shows his greatness looked in, the woman was ent of this spiritual blessing again. This is a man who so shocked by this experi­ of being borne in a family had gone to receive certain ence that her arms dropped when at that time many titles. He will become a down. She had been cured. people had gone away from Hafiz of the Holy Qur'an. One shock cured the reading, studying and He will then become a Ha­ woman. This was the wis­ memonzmg the Holy kim. In fact they will call dom of Hadhrat Maulana Qur' an. His household was him Hakimul Ummat. Ha­ Nooruddinra. That was rec­ a living MTA where Qur'an kim being not only a saint ognized of course through­ was being put in his mind but the one who has mas­ out his life by many person­ in his spirit as he says while tered the healing arts and alities, by many great lead­ was still in the womb of my when you look at his life ers, kings and princes and mother I can recall the Holy you see that this was the he became ultimately the Qur' an being recited and man indeed who had both chief physician of the King, when he was borne his things at his disposal when the ruler, the Maharaja of mother taught him the Holy it came to healing. For in­ Kashmir and served him for Word and from that point stance, once a lady who many years and during the on he developed such a was a Hindu who had lost a course of that time he re­ keen love and keen spirit of loved one she kept raising mained devout simple and a always seeking greater and her arms over her head. She true servant of humanity. greater knowledge of the did it so many times that He will spend most of the Holy Qur'an. In fact later her muscles became stiff wealth he got, in fact, on in his life one of the and in a catatonic state she whenever the first patient things he says that im­ could not drop her arms would come he rarely will pressed him the most about back down. Everyone tried ask for any sum of money. his meeting with Hadhrat all they could do to heal How strange that will be in Ahmadas was that he found this woman but no one was this day and age of modem from the lips of this person able to succeed. Finally medicine that you go to see such pearls of wisdom such they asked Hakimul Ummat a doctor and he would not beauty, which he had never for the solution and he told ask you for a bill or he heard regarding the Holy them a strange solution, would not ask for a single Qur' an. This was the begin­ which no one had heard be­ penny. You just have to see ning of the greatness the fore. He said I want you to the doctor and then walk Maulana. Then there is his go to a town and find the away. This was the blessing life, In the course of just most handsome man you of the Maulana, But Allah few minutes that I have at can find and tell him to go reimbursed him wonder­ my disposal I can only take inside the room where she fully by always giving him very few snapshots. As you is now standing and ap­ many gifts. All he did with can do in a family reunion proach her with strong in- those gift was that he would November - December 2007 29 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA serve humanity, help the height of one who is a which I have so persistently poor, help the widows and Soofi. " Sir Sayed answered offered and I just discov­ help the students. This was and wrote back, "He is ered that he was one of the the Maulana's way. At one transformed then into elect of God. He obeys me point someone asked him Nooruddin, a light or faith." in everything as the pulse about his quality of life and Of course all of his life (I moves in accord with forgetting about himself will give a brief snapshot of breathing. I observed that and his loved ones and he his life) they are leading to wisdom flows from his lips says and I quote, "Some of grander purpose and and heavenly light descends my friends tell me that you grander awakening of spirit upon him. These are the do not save anything, you and that awakening was in words I share with you of have a wife and little chil­ response to the prayers of a Hadhrat Ahmadas because dren how will they be main­ person who was commis­ otherwise if one of us were tained after your death. I sioned by God at that time, to mention it you might tell them Allah is living, A/­ that is, Hadhrat Ahmadas. think these are exaggera­ Hai, he is not dead. He tions, but coming from the knows all things. If I serve Hadhrat Ahmadas mouth of the prophet of the Him, will he not look after had a keen desire to have a age you will know that it my family?" What a living companion. He once said, was no exaggeration, it was faith. What trust. What a "For days and nights to­ an extreme blessing to have spirit! What a heart! These gether I very humbly sup­ such a personality in his life are the words of those who plicated and prayed to my at that time and soon that can only utter them who beloved God, 'O Lord I am blessing was to be the have true love and faith in alone who will be my source of blessing for all of God Almighty. Many of his helper, an associate, grant us, the beginning of Khila­ qualities, again in his life, me one. When I raised my fat. stand out: His love for the hands in the morning for Qur' an, his devotion to supplication the whole The Soofi says again Prayers. And it can be sum­ heaven was filled with my that when one, the prophet marized in the eyes of one wailing and my prayers or the messenger, the first of his contemporaries. Sir then God in His infinite one to be inspired by God Syed Ahmad Khan who at mercy, granted my prayers to accept the truth, that is that time was a social re­ and conferred upon me His the one upon the death of former and a very famous choicest blessings and He messenger, when severe educator in India, Someone from His Majesty gave me earthquake, at the time of approached him and asked, a pious sincere and obedi­ great danger takes place, "When an illiterate person ent friend and his name like God Almighty provides as­ gains know ledge he be­ his brilliant qualities was surances through that comes educated and when Nooruddin." Later again Khalifah. And that quickly an educated person he in­ Hadhrat Ahmadas would say revives and strengthens creases in knowledge he be­ that when he came to me afresh the purpose of the comes a Hakim and when a and met me, I beheld him, I advent of the deceased. In Hakim advances further he realized that he was one of the case of Hadhrat Mau­ becomes a Soofi so please the signs of my Lord and I lana N ooruddinra we know tell me sir what is the case was convinced that he was that he was the first who of the one who reaches the the answer to my prayers signed the Bai'at to join the November - December 2007 30 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Ahmadiyya Movement. He lieve in Allah and His Mes­ tion of Khalifah he looked joined him in spirit before sengers and they are the around. He saw in the room 1885. So from 1885, the Truthful and the Witnesses those who were blood rela­ time he first met Hadhrat in the sight of their Lord, tions to Hadhrat Ahmadas. Ahmadas, he took bai 'at un­ they will have their reward His son, even his wife, if it til, his death in 1908, there and their light. But as for were a worldly empire she is a span of 23 years. You those who disbelieve and would inherit, or the son can see that this is the same reject Our Signs, these are will inherit or the father-in­ span that existed in the life the inmates of Hell. (57:30) law or the son-in-law. And of Hadhrat Abu Ba.kta who he said, they will be equal was Siddique, the true This is one of the candidates and better than friend of our beloved mas­ great spiritual ranks that we me but with one voice all ter Prophet, Hadhrat Mu­ often overlook to think were rejected. Why! Be­ hammadsaw, and both of about the four ranks one cause of the spirit, the right­ them were by their master's can achieve in life the, rank eousness, the service, the side through thick and thin, of Salih (the Righteous), the love of the Allah, the love giving all they had, the en­ rank of Shaheed (the Mar­ of the Messenger, the love ergy, the wealth, the time, tyr) the rank of Siddique of the Holy Qur'an, the their property. Whatever (the Truthful) and of course love of the Holy Prophetsaw they could to serve the faith the highest rank of Nabi. and the love of the Prom­ and to protect the Master, And if you look at this ised Messiah as. Knowing Hadhrat Abu Bakar11 was whole progression the per­ that Hadhrat Maulana known as the companion of son just behind the rank of Nooruddinra was the most the cave. Hadhrat Maulana Nabi is Siddique because he righteous amongst them Nooruddinra, he was truly is so much aligned with him even those who later on the companion of the Prom­ had spiritual identity with would be some of the great­ ised Messiah during all him he becomes his true re­ est detractors of the Jama'at those years in Qadian when flection and shadow and of­ and break up and separate, all the attacks, all the in­ ten as in the case of even at that time they sults were being heaped Hadhrat Abu BakfTa and would admit that there was upon Promised Messiah as, Hadhrat Maulana Noorud­ none better than Maulana Hadh-rat Maulana Noorud­ dinra. They are the one who Nooruddinra to take upon dinra was there to stand up become the first inheritors the charge. Of course, all of and to support his mission. of blessings, their first this was the intended pur­ Khalifahs and bring about a pose of Al-Wasiyyat. Allah says about this continued reformation of in the Holy Qur' an : the people to whom they As the previous speaker , i I l I I are sent. I say all this now mentioned Hadhrat Ahma­ ~ aiJl ~,, tll~ ,.. :d ', ·.u, , • ,,, I' :JJ • • .,.. i)I, J because in conclusion we das received many revela­ must think about the great­ tions about his impending '.!I, ) ' •, J,k ir~~-~lf'' ~-~•:,WJI' _,. ...,A,fO.. • ...-J W"'C • • ness being thrust upon death and as any loving fa­ Hadhrat Maulana Noorud­ ther would do he tried to dinra. As he said many prepare his family, tried to • , , i , ... I times in his writings that he prepare us. Al-Wasiyyat is a o~,~~,~ never wished to be a Khali­ humble attempt to raise our And those who be- fah. At the time of the elec- standard, our standing and November - December 2007 31 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA our spiritual level to pre­ was wielding his sword demise of Hadhrat Mirza pare ourselves for this great saying if anyone who dared Ghulam Ahmadas The shock and great loss. At the to claim that his master has movement has lost its head same time he will quote the died, he would take his life. and the person who has be­ examples from history of He would say his master come the head only knows the loss which took place in was just in a swoon and the Qur'an and he will only the life of people and how will return any moment. be reading and lecturing on they responded and failed But by God's grace at that the Holy Qur'an in the to achieve that dedication moment, as we know, Mosque." This was their that was required of them. Hadhrat Abu Bakra came assessment that with the For example, he mentioned upon the scene and all those death of Hadhrat Ahmadas, the case of the death of Je­ conditions that could have would be the death of the sus Christas and his disci­ destroyed disintegrated and Movement and they had ples. And how they all destroyed and disunited the taken out these parades in abandoned him during the Jama'at of early Muslims. the streets of Lahore in event of Crucifixion. We He had the solution and he which they were carrying know this. Now think about would eventually be elected around dummies of the J a­ that. This gives an example as the Khalifah. In this ma' at. These were the bur­ of what could have hap­ sense, Hadhrat Masih ial services of Hadhrat pened if we were not pre­ Mau' oodas, He spoke very Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, pared. As the death of the clearly about the elections and mocking him and in­ Messenger, Jesus Christas is and what was to come on sulting him in all these understood they all fled May 27th. He said in one of ways. By Allah's Grace it is away. They all abandoned his final revelations in De­ under this impetus that He him. That was who is called cember 1907. He said: strengthened him through­ Peter who was supposed to "satais ko iak waqia hoga out his life, in his birth, in be the rock of his Church. hamari mut'allaq -Allahu his life, finally in his ser­ He himself denied him khairun wa Abqa. " "On the vice to his beloved master three times and was hiding 27 there will be an incident to strengthen him for the with all the rest of his com­ regarding ourselves and Al­ occasion that will require panions. So this was the lah is Everlasting, He is the him to set us in motion on pressure of the moment. It Best". that path which we now see crushed that rock who was after 100 years, the false­ supposed to be Peter. As It is this allusion of ness of all those statements, when in the case of events he referring to; what that the Jama' at Ahmadi yya Mosesas, again for 40 days would happen, thrusting never died with Hadhrat the Jews agreed to mourn greatness upon Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas the loss of Mosesas, But it is Maulana Nooruddinra, and and as he said: the 27th May 1908 when he not the case of just Chris­ I ,. ,. _. .a, ~ tians and Jews even in the was called upon at the de­ ~·J~illl case of the Muslims we mise of his loving master to This Jama'at, by God's know what happened upon step up and to become the grace is a solid proof that the death of the Holy leader of the Jama'at in up­ Prophet Muhammadsaw. heaval within the commu­ he was true and Hadhrat Maulana Nooruddinra was Other than Hadhrat Abu nity, and which the oppo­ his true friend, his true sup­ BaV there was complete nents themselves, had pre­ porter throughout his life. I pandemonium, grief, shock dicted. These were their will conclude with his own and chaos and one as strong words, "Nothing now is left words and advice to us as even Hadhrat UmafB, he with the Mirzais after the November - December 2007 32 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA about Khilafat and what we legacy of Hadhrat Maulana other horizon; and there must do so we can maintain Nooruddinra. This was the was also a great multitude this link and his spirit and message of his life for all of of people.' I was told: our conduct will be of the us. If we can step into this 'These are your people and highest order so it remains spirit and become Noorud­ of them there are seventy amongst us for generations dinra when we love God thousand who shall enter to come. love His Messenger, love Paradise without any His Book, love His ways accounting or suffering.' He says, in the words and let that be our life and Then the Holy Prophetsaw of Maulana Nooruddinra: our legacy after our death stood up and went into his "What your duty to for the next generation to chamber and the Compa­ Allah is that you should ad­ come. May that be our nions began to speculate here to true doctrines. Your spirit with which we move about those who would conduct should conform to into the next century of enter Paradise without any them and you should be Ahmadiyyat and may that accounting and suffering. righteous. Righteousness blessing bring about a new Some said: 'It may be that safeguards one against suf­ century of blessing for Ja­ they are the ones who kept fering and bestows comfort ma' at Ahmadiyya. May Al­ company with the Holy thus this the righteous one lah help us and guide us Prophetsaw; others said: It is delivered from all con­ and have mercy upon us in may be they are the ones straints. He is loved by God all our affairs and efforts. who have been born and is provided for in a Muslim and have never manner of which you have associated anyone with no conception. His prayers ******* Allah; and so forth. Then are accepted and he is be­ HADITH the Holy Prophet•aw came stowed triumph over his out and asked: 'What are enemies who are ruined. Hadhrat Ibn 'Abbasra you discussing?' So they The gates of the divine are relates that the Holy told him. He said: 'They are opened for righteous ones. Prophetsaw said: "I was those who do not make Therefore my first admoni­ shown many followers of charms or amulets, nor seek tion is be righteous, be the earlier Prophets. I saw a them, nor seek omens but righteous, be righteous for Prophet who had only a trust in their Lord. On this the sake of Allah, and be small party with him. Some Ukasha bin Muhsin stood truly obedient to Allah, and Prophets had only one or up and begged: 'Supplicate may your end be in a state two persons with them and to Allah that he makes me of obedience to Him. some did not have even one of them.' The Holy one. Then suddenly I Prophetsaw said: 'YOU are one sighted a huge gathering of them.' Then another and I imagined that they stood up and begged the So let not death over­ were my people, but I was same. The Holy Prophetsaw take you except when you told: ' This is Moses and his answered: 'Ukasha has are in a state of submission. people, but lift your eyes forestalled you.' " (2:133)" towards the horizon.' I (Muslim kitabul , looked and saw a great Bukhari kitabur Riqaq bab This my dear brothers multitude of people. Then I yadkhulul jannah sab 'una and sisters was the life and was told: 'Now look to the alfan) November - December 2007 33 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA AHMADIYYA LITERATURE: ITS IMPORTANCE IN PRESERVING AND ENHANCING OUR FAITH Dr. Khalil Malik

Faith is defined as 'belief', . ... " "A man or certain ~r .,;-J-1! ~ t...j q,,µ1..11 tS! u ,-4 c:! ·-. belief in God, belief in our men with Persian descent ~ ~ i,s.µ1.,.. o ~r ~r Y";llir religious values and prac­ shall bring the faith back to · -.e<··· .,.,; · -.,,_. r~i;, · _:;: ~- ,. , ··~' tices. Due to constraints of -,.,.J.1.J ~ -,- .,.... -,-, •.,.....J ~ earth even if it had vanished time I will focus on Hadhrat Jji ~ r;lts: .;,l.j J h:s:., i., ;...i? '. I *iJ to Pleidies in the latter Masih Mau'oodas as the r,;.W, l!J :4-, ~i j o ~ ~ µ days. main source of Ahmadiyya ,U ~ clJ.lO ~r Ji,ri .,.. j,. 4:! Hadhrat Masih Mau­ literature for obvious rea­ 0 • -;,~;j, .,.i ..iJ.,,. '~::.,... ~ pr ' oodas writes: sons that I will discuss first. He writes: "I cannot desist In the name of Allah, "I have been sent so from stating this emphati­ the Gracious, the Merciful. that the age of Truth and cally that it is my job. An­ Whatever is in the heavens Faith comes again and other will never be able to and whatever is in the earth Taqwa develops in the do it the way I can do it or glorifies Allah, the Sover­ heart. These objectives are the way it can be done by eign, the Holy, the Mighty, the very purpose of my one who is my branch and the Wise. He it is Who has creation." is in me. However I do like raised among the unlettered this much that a few men be people a Messenger from And he writes: sent to other countries for among themselves who re­ "I have been informed the purpose of distributing cites unto them His Signs, that Heaven shall again be these books or for the pur­ and purifies them, and brought near to Earth after pose of conveying their teaches them the Book and it had moved a great dis­ thinking and their criticism wisdom, although they had tance away." to us. They ought not claim been before, in manifest "leadership" or "scholar­ misguidance. And among The topic of my ship." Instead they should others from among themh speech is: "Ahmadiyya Lit­ make it known that they who have not yet joined erature: its importance in had been sent to distribute them. He is the Mighty, the preserving and enhancing those books and explain on Wise. That is Allah's grace; our Faith." the basis of what they know He bestows it on whom He but they should seek the an­ pleases; and Allah is the The critical impor­ swer of all difficult and in­ Master of immense grace. tance of Hadhrat Masih tricate points of contention (62: 1-5) Mau'oodas as in understand­ from those imams that are ing matters related to faith present in India for this When the Holy and then putting the princi­ task,." Prophet8aw was asked about ples of faith into practice these verses he replied: can not be overemphasized. (Azala Auham, Part 2, p 518) November - December 2007 34 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

In this reference losophy and science of this tremely important to take Hadhrat Masih Mau' ood35 age run counter to spiritual note of this saying of the has very clearly and pre­ aspirations. The influence Holy Prophet5aw in which he cisely defined the parame­ they exert is bad to an ex­ talks about the latter day ters for the literary efforts treme and conducive to turmoil. It is reported in of Jama'at. He has also un­ spiritual blindness. They Masnud Ahmad bin Han­ derscored the critical im­ stimulate thoughts danger­ bal. portance of Khilafat. I will ous and impulses satanic. come back to this point a Those who become en­ "In that age many will little later if time permits. grossed in these studies lose appear that will call to mis­ But before I go any further their religious convictions, guidance. In that time if let me present to you this so much so that they begin you see the Vicegerent of piece from the writings of to hold divine truths in con­ God on earth, get a firm Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas tempt and prescribed ways hold of him even though in which he has spelled out of worship - prayers, fasting your body is tortured and the challenges to faith, both etc, - in ridicule." your wealth is confiscated." internal and external. It The Holy Prophet5aw states (Fateh Islam. p 3 Victory of that even at the cost of your helps us better understand Islam 3) the world we live in and its life and your property; you hostility to faith. The chal­ Indeed you would ex­ will need to hold on to the lenges have changed shape pect that secrets of faith 'Khalifatullah on earth'. He but not the basic nature. We were explained by the one will show you the true path need to familiarize our­ who had reached its ulti­ of Righteousness and save selves with the expose of mate and sublime objective. you from errors and decep­ teachings of Islam as pre­ Prophets are the mirrors to tions that will be rampant at sented by the Messiah and reflect the countenance of the time in the name of reli­ the Reformer sent by Allah God. Hadhrat Masih Mau­ gious and secular philoso­ for these times. ' oodas writes: phies. I am sure you have noticed that in this Hadith, Crisis of the of the Prophets are mirrors the Holy Prophetsaw used times and challenges of God's countenance the term 'Khalifatullah' a term reserved in Islamic Hadhrat Masih Mau­ "It is perfectly true terminology for Prophet of ' ood35 writes: that he who does not recog­ Allah. He referred to that nize God's Messengers does Imam as Khalifatullah. "A swift and evil wind not recognize God either. blows on all sides spreading Mirrors of God's counte­ The importance of the error and transgression. nance are His Messengers. writings of Hadhrat Masih What is called Faith Everyone who sees God Mau'oodas was recognized amounts to words repeated sees Him through this mir­ from the very beginning. in mechanical fashion and ror." Hadhrat Munshi Habibur what are called good works Rahmanra who was one of amount to a few rites, to {Haqiqatul Wahi (Qadian, the earliest companions of Magazine Press 1907) now pub­ Hadhrat Masih Mau' ood35 some extravagant practices lished in Ruhani Khazain or hypocritical activities. (London, 1984) vol. 22. p. 147}. writes that while he was True piety and virtue have searching for someone who been forgotten. The phi- In this regard it is ex- could become his spiritual November - December 2007 35 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA guide, he wrote to :t-r.faulvi truth. mire this book, its elo­ Rashid Ahmad Gangohy quence, its depth and real­ who later became a bitter "In those days, once ized the writer of the book enemy of Hadhrat Masih Munshi Arora Sahibra went was peerless. And he fell in Mau'oodas. Maulvi Sahib to Qadian. I went to his love with Hadhrat Masih gave his candid opinion room after I finished my Mau'oodas just by reading which describes one unique work at the court around that book. distinction of the writings noon. I found that Munshi of Hadhrat Masih Mau' oo­ Sahibra had returned from Companions of Hadh­ das. He wrote: Qadian. He gave me two rat Masih Mau' oodas like books, 'Fateh Islam' and Munshi Zafar Ahmadra, 'I have not read all the 'Tauzeeh Maram'. I was so Munshi Arorara and others books of Mirza Sahib but anxious that I went back to would gather on a daily ba­ the ones I have read, a new my office immediately and sis after work to talk about thing is found in them and read the 'Fateh Islam' with him or read his books or re­ that is the answers Mirza rapt attention right there cite his poetry and would Sahib has given to the ob­ and them. After reading it, I go home after Maghrib and jections of the opponents of can not describe how I felt. lsha prayers. Such was the Islam, he has given from My faith, my belief reached devotion of early compan­ the Holy Qur'an. This is such a level of conviction as ions to the pearls of wisdom something that has never if a stake had been driven and spirituality contained in been done before. There­ through my heart." the writings of Hadhrat Ma­ fore, Mirza Sahib, without a sih Mau' oodas. We should doubt, deserves to be ac­ In this book Hadhrat also take a cue from it and cepted as 'Mujaddid' or Sahibas has described the make a habit to read his 'Reformer'. outline of the heavenly plan books on a daily basis and for revival of Islam and de­ involve our family and (Ashab-e-Ahmad v.10, p 81) fined the major areas of ac­ friends to maximize the This is the confes­ tivity that the Jama' at was benefit by discussing and sion of someone who later to follow in its Tarbiyyat exploring the depth of the became a staunch enemy of and Tabligh activities. We subjects. These days MTA Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas. should all read it first hand and internet provide an easy In this regard you must re­ to understand the scope and access to this tremendous call the opinion of another purpose of the Jama'at as literature when and where arch enemy of Ahmadiyyat, an organization. we can find time. one named Maulvi Moha­ Recently a survey of mmad Hussain who wrote In this regard it would young men and women of lavish praise of Hadhrat and be interesting to note what age group 17-24 showed his writing in the review of another companion of that the most favored activ­ Hadhrat Masih Mau'ood'sas Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas, ity for them was spending book 'Braheen-e-Ahma­ Hadhrat Munshi Zafar time with parents. It ranked diyya'. Ahmadra stated about an­ other book, 'Braheen-e­ higher than spending time Going back to the ac­ Ahmadiyya', which was the with friends. Similarly 75% count of Munshi Habibur first book of Hadhrat Masih felt that the most important Rahman Sahibra. He wrote, Mau' oodas published in the thing for them was their re­ describing his quest for the early 1880's. He used to ad- lationship with parents. I do November - December 2007 36 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA not see why we cannot God and that my claim was He started reading the make a routine of reading true. He, therefore, began to poetry. The first verse was or listening to the Ahmadi­ give great importance to my yya literature after a prayer books and held them in 'What an amazing like Maghrib or Isha and great esteem." brilliance there is in the per­ spending time discussing sonage of Mohammadsaw. some of the relevant issues In this regard the ex­ What a precious pearl there as a family. perience of Maulana Ghu­ is in the treasure of Moha­ mmadsaw., lam Rasool Rajaykira is Hadhrat Masih Mau­ very interesting. He reports He was moved by it ' oodas wrote about some of that in his youth, he used to and tears started to flow the salient features of his study Masnavi of Maulana from his eyes. When he writings in his book Room under the tutelage of reached the last verse, 'Tadhkaratush Shahade­ Mualana Imam Dinra. None tain' where he talks about of the two had accepted 'Though miraculous Sahibzada Abdul Latif Sha­ Ahmadiyyat yet. One day, effects are not witnessed hibra. after Zuhr prayer a police­ anywhere, come here and man came to the mosque to find these in the servants of "It was during the time I say his prayer. He had a Mohammadsaw.' had been continuously re­ book with him which the ceiving this revelation and teacher, Maulana Imam Din He was so moved that supported by clear and asked to see. He refused by he only wished he had the powerful signs that my saying that it was the writ­ good fortune of benefiting claim, of being the Prom­ ing of his spiritual leader from the company of such ised Messiah with all the and he was afraid that if an accomplished holy man. proofs, was made known to they made any untoward the world at large, that my Then the next poem remarks about him, he was: books, somehow, reached a would be offended and venerable sage of Khost, might not be able to control 'We have exhausted Akhwand-zadah, Maulvi his anger. When he was re­ the search in all possibili­ Abdul Latif by name. He assured that no such thing ties but have found no relig­ studied all the arguments would happen, he gave him ion quite like the religion of that I had advanced therein the book and even said he Mohammadsaw.' with the Divine support and could keep it for a few days which were adduced from and he would pick it up on 'They call me 'infidel' documentary evidence that his way back. The next day and 'apostate' and 'Anti­ appealed to reason. As this when Maulana Rajaykira Christ'. These names I am noble sage possessed the Sahib went to the house of called all because I grieve heart that was pure and be­ his teacher, he found the over the plight of this mi/­ ing a man of clear under­ book in his living room. He lat.' standing, piety and fear of picked it up while waiting God, he did not feel any When he read this last for his teacher. This book verse he felt sad that such a compunction in accepting was 'Aeena Kamalat-e­ my claim. His pure con­ holy man was so abused by Islam' along with some po­ his people. On the return of science readily accepted ems of Hadhrat Masih that I was really sent by his teacher, Maulvi Sahib Mau'oodas. asked him if he knew who November - December 2007 37 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the writer was and when own right, recognized the end and looked at the major and where he lived. He re­ greatness and uniqueness of works of Arabic master po­ plied that the writer is a Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas ets and found not even a contemporary and is a resi­ even before he claimed to single place where the word dent of Qadian. Then he be the Messiah and the Ma­ was used for any meaning made this candid observa­ hdi. He acknowledged the other than the death of a hu­ tion. powerful impact of Hadhrat man being. At another Masih Mau'oodas in these place, in explaining the rea­ 'Probably no one ever words: son for writing a response was quite equal to this per­ to an vitriolic and offensive son in his love for the Holy 'God as my witness, I book written by the Aryas Prophet8aw.' have advanced in righteous­ of Qadian, he says that Al­ ness since meeting him. By Maulvi Sahib says he lah, the Almighty had urged recognizing this Ahmad, I him to write the response read a few more verses and have appreciated the great­ when he read this verse, and had assured him of His ness of that Ahmad. There help in this effort. 'Heaven is bearing were many difficult points signs and Earth is saying in the Holy Qur'an that As was predicted by this is his time. These two were unclear to me, he ex­ the Holy Prophetsaw, Hadh­ stand as witnesses for at­ posed them to me and I rat Masih Mau'oodasuncov­ testation of my truth.' have been awakened.' ered and freely distributed treasures of spirituality. He says that he was I have narrated just a fully convinced of the va­ few examples as testimoni­ 'Those treasures that lidity of the claims of als to the great wisdom and lay hidden for a thousand Hadhrat Masih Mu' aoodas, powerful impact contained years, I am here to give that he was the Messiah and in the words of Hadhrat freely if anyone cares.' the Mahdi. He wrote a letter Masih Mau' oodas. His words have such an impact At another place he and did the Bai'at. This was writes: in 1897. on your heart and mind that they seem alive. He wrote "I tell you very truly Maulana Rajayki Sa­ and spoke extensively on a that ones quickened at the hibra recorded his assess­ wide variety of topics con­ hand of Messiah died, but ment of the writing of cerning faith, spirituality anyone who would drink Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas and morality. The shear re­ from my hand that which in these words: search and effort that went has been given to me shall into producing that litera­ never die. The life giving 'I felt as if I have come ture is mind-boggling. At words that I say and the out of a world of darkness one place Hadhrat Masih wisdom that pours forth and entered state of illumi­ Mau'oodas writes that in or­ from my mouth, if anyone nation.' der to find the usage of else can do the same, then 'Tawaffa' in refuting the Hadhrat l(halifatul know that I have not come false belief that Jesus as, from God Almighty. But if Masih 1ra, who was one of son of Mary, is still alive, this wisdom and knowledge, the greatest scholars of his he studied all the books of time and was a saint in his that has the effect of elixir Ahadith from beginning to of life for dead of heart, you November - December 2007 38 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

35 can not obtain from any Masih Mau' 000 • We need again Heaven shall be close other place, then you have to familiarize ourselves to Earth after it had moved no excuse for this offense with the arguments and the a great distance away." that you refuse the fountain line of arguments used by 35 I would like to con­ that was opened in the Hadhrat Masih Mau'ood • heaven." There is hardly any new ob­ clude my presentation with this prayer of Hadhrat Ma­ jection that is raised against 35 (Azala Auham, Part 1, p3) Islam or Ahmadiyyat that sih Mau'ood : This quote is self ex­ was not addressed by "O God, this Jama'at 35 planatory in the need for us Hadhrat Masih Mau'ood a is Your Jama'at. Grant it all to give due attention to least in principle. If we blessings and infuse into the literature produced by make a sincere and con­ them the spirit of truth, as Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas. certed effort to understand all providence is Yours our faith, I am fully confi­ Alone Ameen) Grow in If I were to say the dent that Allah, the Al­ their hearts green branches writings of Hadhrat Masih mighty will guide us to a of Taqwa (Righteousness) Mau' oodas are our life line higher level of faith and that are laden with the fruits to faith, it won't be an ex­ shall also enable us to con­ of righteous deeds. Remove aggeration. Most of us real­ vey this message more ef­ their weakness and remove ize that. But there is great fectively to the people all their indifference. Estab­ and urgent need for us to around us. It is available in lish Your Grandeur in their study this literature thor­ print, it is available on hearts and create distance oughly and repeatedly to internet and it is available between them and their max1m1ze its benefit. in the form of Khutbas of selfishness. 0 Allah! Bless Hadhrat Masih Mau' ood35 the Khulafa of Hadhrat Ma­ 35 their tongues with the gift said that he expects every • sih Mau'ood It is for us to of truth, ears with attentive­ one of his followers to read pay due attention to it. We ness to Divine Commands, his writings at least three must do it to preserve and and eyes with spiritual vi­ times. It is, therefore, the enhance our faith and that sion, so that even the mo­ responsibility of each and of our children. tion and rest of their lives every one of us to read In the end I would like coincides with Divine Will. those books and even more And give them all such a importantly to make the to reiterate what Hadhrat Masih Mau'ood35 said the heart that will incline to­ new generation of Ahm­ wards Your love and give adis, born or converted, to purpose of his advent was. 35 them such an understanding appreciate the true signifi­ the Promised Messiah has said: that will attract towards cance of this massive treas­ You." ure. The onus is on all of us "I have been sent so now that so many of his that the age of Truth and In the end, 'All praise books are so readily avail­ Faith should come again belongs to Allah, the Al­ able in so many languages. and Taqwa should develop mighty and peace is on all We all need to understand in hearts. So these acts are His servants that He se­ the finer points of faith as the reason for the creation lected.' Ameen. elucidated from the Holy of my being." (Azala Auham, Part 2, p 545) Qur' an and life of Prophet Mohammadsaw by Hadhrat "I have been told that ******* November - December 2007 39 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA COMING OF AGE IN AMERICA: THE BENEFITS OF FOLLOWING THE MESSENGERsaw Hamza Ilyas

Transcribed by: Kari.mullah Zirvi

In the verses that I was Allah. Not only that they will lead you astray have just recited, Allah goes they said it with their from Allah's way. They fol­ on to tell us, "Verily you tongues they said it with the low nothing but mere con­ have in the Prophet an excel­ tongues of their hearts and juncture and they do nothing lent model. For him who so people wanted to wipe but lie." This is the reality. hopes to meet Allah and the them out. But in this society This is why so many times in last day and who remembers today it is your affirmation the Qur' an Allah says, "This Allah much, and when the that your Lord is Allah and is for those who use their un­ believers saw the confeder­ because of that your enemy derstanding. There indeed are ates they said, 'This is what you cannot see. Those days signs for men who would re­ Allah and His Messenger are over· It is done. The re­ flect." Reflection comes from promised us. Allah and His ality of it is that it is the so­ the mind first and then the Messenger spoke the truth ciety as a whole that wants best part of the reflection is and it only added to their to eat you up alive. It wants that leads to faith and convic­ faith and submission.' " to eat hearts up alive and tion. It is Faith and convic­ then spit you out. It wants tion that Allah makes men­ In this speech as it to corrupt you. But that is tion of in this verse. It only were. I call it a speech but in not the worst news actually. added to their faith and their actuality I see it as a bowl of The worst news is that you submission. Once the faith milk. Insha Allah, I hope that yourself want to corrupt (this is more likely be true you will be able to partake of yourself. But Alhamdulil­ than not), once that increases this with your spiritual lah, just as the soil becomes then one's heart follows, tongues and stomachs. But, dry, just as the plants are in one's mind follows, one's incidentally, as I was think­ need of water, just as in a hands and feet follow and ing of this whole subject it few hours your stomach then one learns by experience reminded me of these par­ will begin to growl. instead of the conjecture. Al­ ticular verses. In these lah intends to give you ex­ verses, the Messenger of Al­ The heart of man perience, all of the experi­ lah, the master Prophet, Ra­ needs Allah. They need the ence, and this is why the soolullah58w and his compan­ love of Allah. This is the Promised Messiahas came to ions found themselves at war yearning that the hearts give us experience. Let us and they found a countless have. Allah Himself points taste that bowl of faith and hoard of troops waiting to rip out in Surah Al-An 'am submission and love of Al­ them to pieces, simply be­ (Chapter 6), "And thou lah. This is life. It reminds cause they said their Lord obey most of those on earth November - December 2007 40 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA me when I think of this put his faith in, something that satisfaction. So Allah conjecture of yet another to put his trust in, some­ sent down the Qur'an and verse that the great icon the thing to answer his prayers then He sent down the most friend of Allah, Ibrahimas and requests and he starts beautiful exposition of the characterized which was looking at that moon with Qur'an which are the writ­ forever immortalized in the its reflective light, he starts ings of the Promised Messi­ words of the Mighty Qur' an for looking at that sun be­ ahas This is that which the when he said: cause it is the greatest, he Rasoolullahsaw had said that starts looking for that most when he comes he will dis­ And when he saw interesting movie out with tribute jewels, countless ru­ the moon rise with spread­ the best special effects, the bies, pearls and diamonds ing light, he said, "Can this most interesting inventions so much so that the people be my Lord?" But when it in cars, in TVs, in DVDs, won't even be able to take sets, he said if my Lord and in IPODs to strengthen them. Are we listening to guide me not I shall surely the eyes in his heart when it the Messenger? Because he be of those who go astray. is actually the eye of Allah is directing our attention to And when he saw the sun that he sees Allah through. that water, for that satisfac­ rise with spreading light, he It is the search that has man tion that we will never be said, "Can this be my running to and fro that Al­ able to find in the newest Lord?" This is the greatest lah talks about in Holy car. We will never able to but when it also set he said, Qur'an. Allah sets forth a find in the latest movie and "O my people! Surely, I parable: A man belonging you will definite! y never am aware of that which you to several partners who dis­ able to find in any of the associate with God." There agree with one another and restaurants and all the other is a lesson in it for us, actu­ a man belonging wholly to places that people frequent ally. Because day after day one man. Are the two of searching for Allah. Look­ reveals yet another inven­ them equal in condition? ing for love in the wrong tion, another piece of cloth­ All praise belongs to Allah, places. ing, yet another movie with Alhamdulillah. But most far more spectacular special people know not. It is actu­ Abu Musa Ash'arira re­ effects attracting our atten­ ally that urge that remem­ lates that the Holy Prophet tion pulling our minds and brance of everything else Muhammadsaw observes pulling our hearts, pulling but God that had you run­ that the case of the knowl­ that love that yeaning that ning like this. Had me run­ edge with which I have we actually have for Allah ning like this. been sent is as that of the in the wrong direction. Man rain that falls on land part needs the guidance. The But may be I di­ of which is too good, too hearts need the love of Al­ verted for a moment here. fertile, and the dry grass lah. The soil needs the rain. What is the purpose of the turns green and a quantity In the inevitable result if it Messenger? The purpose of of new and fresh grass is does not perceive that the Messenger is to direct produced, and part, of it is man's search for Allah re­ that yearning, to direct that dry and it stores up the wa­ mains unfulfilled so he runs remembrance. It is through ter and God makes it bene­ to and fro looking for Al­ the satisfaction of that re­ ficial for the people. They lah, looking for response, membrance with something drink from it and use it for looking for something to wholesome that gives man cultivation and part of it is November - December 2007 41 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA barren, plain which neither Khutbah he said that I leave life. Whenever I look to retains the water nor pro­ with you two things, the their example I cannot but duces fresh grass This is the Qur' an and my practice. I admit the highly ennobling case of those who under­ leave you the guidance, spiritual powers of the Holy stand the faith revealed by which is how to get to Al­ Prophet Muhammad Musta­ Allah and benefit from that lah because you have that fasaw, the chosen one. One which Allah has sent me urge and I leave you my wonders how he totally and learn it and teach it and practical example. How revolutionized their lives those who do not stir their then could we then be and made them, tum their heads to gain knowledge of turned away? The Promised faces to Allah alone. It was the faith and do not accept Messiahas comments on this through his practical exam­ the guidance with which I as a matter of fact. He says, ple is what the Promised have been sent those are the I wish to see that my fol­ Messiahas is trying to draw people who like the plain lowers have become like our attention to. He said, in and barren ground. Would the companions of the Holy a nutshell, our only object oyou leave your heart un­ Prophetsaw in giving prefer­ should be only to seek Al­ watered? Most of us who ence to Allah's Will. Noth­ lah's pleasure and we own homes, I can guarantee ing else should stand in should make every effort to you, we won't get there and their way. They should at­ get it even though we are see whole big dry desert out tach no importance to their required to undergo hard­ in front. You will be out riches nor to their lives. The ships, for Allah's pleasure there every Saturday with companions faced heavy is far better than this world the lime and seeds for the odds to win Allah's pleas­ and much superior to all grass, watering it and so ure and if anyone of them worldly pleasures. When a forth. But what about your was not tried for Allah's man is wholly devoted to heart? Allah Himself says. sake he would feel sorry God and finds discomfort "Say if you love Allah fol­ and worried. They had un­ and displeasure in His Will, low Me then will Allah love derstood that the treasures then doubtlessly the world you and will forgive your of Allah's pleasure were turns to him. Allah is the sins and Allah is most for­ hidden under trials and Master of everything that giving, merciful." You see, tribulations. The verse of you are sitting on or dressed it is that urge, that drive in the Holy Qur'an exactly de­ in while driving home or our hearts that had been fines the position to which laying in when you get running to and fro. While they had reached. It says, home. Why can't He give it Allah says, "Hold on, you "Some of them had been to you? There is not a sin­ are looking for Me. Let Me martyred and had reached gle person in Bill Gate's guide you to Me. If you their goal while there are state that is starving at want to do that then follow others who still await the home, I can assure you. the one who loved Me the chance to lay down their This is my firm promise to most, whose ways were lives and attain martyr­ you. If you come to my most acceptable to Me." dom." house as a matter of fact I will at least make you a It was the Sunnah of The Sahaba never meal, and I have nothing. Rasoolullahsaw, which was stooped to worldly gains But Allah owns the skin so attracted to Allah, so that they live long, amass you sit in and your boss, much so that in his last wealth and enjoy a carefree and the paycheck and the November - December 2007 42 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA bank account that you put of the poems of the Prom­ You know, my fa­ your direct deposit in. ised Messiahas it is like my ther passed away when I Would you tum to everyone heart breaks and I fall in was 22 years old, That is else but Him? Allah the love all over again. But I six year before I accepted Glorious puts it again. Is He came across something that Islam and everyday I find then whose bosom Allah one of those who also fol­ myself looking for an ex­ has opened up for the ac­ lowed the Master Prophet ample and everyday I find a cepting of Islam so that he Rasoolullahsaw, who is in so good example in the Mes­ possess the light from his much love with his Master senger of Allah. Because Lord like those who are Prophet. It got to be over when I look around me no groping in the darkness of thousand years ago, but he one is happy. The people disbelief. Woe is then to talks from a position with walking down the street, those whose hearts are Allah. His name is Hadhrat they are not happy. No one hardened against the re­ Ibne Arabi. And I found it, is happy even among our­ membrance of Allah. They and I include it today, be­ selves and it dawned on me are in manifest error. Say cause it was just when I finally when I read that shall I take any protector was writing my speech. He verse. As a former Christian other than Allah, the Maker writes in his poem as if Al­ one of the things that oc­ of the Heavens and the lah is speaking, "I am near curred to me was how can I earth. Who feeds and is not to you than yourself, than pray to Jesus when he him­ fed. Say I have been com­ your soul, than your breath, self was praying to Allah. manded to be the first of who among creatures would But this is what dawned on those who submit and be treat you as I do I am jeal­ me actually. How can I not of those who associate ous of you over you. I want pray in fact to any human? partners with Allah. There you to belong to no other How can I place my trust in was a very dear friend of not even to yourself. Be any human? Be he Ahmadi mine, I went over to their Mine. Be for Me as you are or non-Ahmadi, be he Mus­ home one day and after in Me. Though you are not lim or non-Muslim. How Prayer I went as is my prac­ even aware of it. Dearly be­ can I hope or seek some tice to recite the Holy loved! Let us go towards sort of benefit from that Qur' an, and I found a poem union and if we find the person when that person inside and the poem broke road that leads to separation goes home and offers my heart. I read it so many we will destroy separation. prayer like I do. The best times (the Qur'an), because Let us go hand in hand. Let person for me is the Mes­ it is not poetry but it is the us enter the presence of senger of Allah. But hold most beautiful thing I ever truth. Let it be our judge on for a second, for a few read. When I first accepted and imprint it as a seal upon tips. He lived a thousand Islam when I opened up the our union forever. When I and four hundred years ago. Qur' an I came to the verse read that it reminds me of So sometimes it is difficult where it says, How could actually going hand in hand for me to put my finger on, you disbelieve in Allah? which is the closest that I conceptualize him. But then You were without life and can conceive, I am a mere in the good example of the He gave you life and then human, as if near you but it Holy Prophet Rasoolul­ He will cause you to die reminded me of going hand lahsaw is the good example and then to Him is the re­ in hand with Hadhrat Mu­ of the Prophet, the Promis­ turn. Whenever I read any hammadsaw. ed Messiahas and whenever November - December 2007 43 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA his face in those pictures man being who prays like And I can assure you he 8 that all of us have my heart me. It is as if Rasoolullah aw only abandons you if you swells. But wait a minute, has manifested himself over abandon him and even if sometimes, just sometimes, and over and over again. I you abandon him you still I say to myself but he lived felt like that orphan in get up in the morning here over a hundred years Surah Adduha giving the ago with the Grace of Al­ glad tidings from my heart My dear brothers! In lah, the Almighty we have to my hands to smell him, my last 30 seconds, it is my just come back from Lon­ to kiss his neck. It was as if prayer that Allah should don where we had the grace I ceased to exit. In placing have Mercy upon us, May of Allah on us and the firm our hopes in Allah why He guides us what is even favor when we had the op­ won't we cease to exist. He near to this straight path. portunity to sit in the pres­ would never die but the May He open up our hearts. ence of Hadhrat Khalifatul only way to Him is to love May He increase our love Masih yaba, where we sat Him the way that Muham­ for Him and for His Proph­ next to him and there was mad Mustafasaw loved Him, ets and for His Prophet's this glow on his face. I can the way that the Promised Khalifah, who is walking assure you when you watch Messiahas loved Him, the on earth today, Hadhrat MTA and you see him very way that all of our Khalifas Khalifatul Masih yaba. May stem and he is addressing loved Him. You can see it Allah have mercy upon us. the whole planet, all of the on their faces. You can feel May He love us and forgive humans therein, it is so dif­ it in the way they shake our us, may He guide us and ferent when you sit next to hands. To love him when strengthen us. him. you see that light from Chaudhry Muhammad Za­ You know we sat frulla Khan Sahibra. It is ******* next to him, first of all that love, it is that light, it is HADITH when he hugs you it is as if as if you bow down your­ you lose yourself. As for self in the dark just like Hadhrat Abi Malikra me, it was like hugging, your leader does. If you relates that his father told may Allah bless my father. abandon him it is as if you him he heard the Holy But it was like hugging my abandon the Messenger of Prophet"aw say: "For the one father to the nth degree. It Allah. If you reject him, if who declares that there is was like hugging the Prom­ you don't watch his Khut­ none worthy of worship ised Messiahas. It was like bas, if you don't listen to except Allah and negates all hugging the Messenger of him, if you don't try to be those who are worshipped Allah, Muhammad Musta­ like him it is like not trying besides Allah, his life and fasaw a thousand and four to be like the Promised property become sacred. He hundred years ago. It was Messiahas. How could you is accountable to God as if Allah had come down claim to love him? It is like Almighty for the rest of his to me Himself and hugged not wanting to be like the deeds." me and loved me for just all Messenger of Allahsaw. of 30 seconds and it How could you not love (Muslim kitabul Iman babul dawned on me why on earth him? Which means, it is amr biqitalunnasi h±atta when I put my trust in a hu- like not even loving Allah. yaqulu la ila-ha ilallah) November - December 2007 44 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


"0 ye people! Fear Prophetsaw and the Prom­ so woman was created from your Lord Who created you ised Messiahas . the same species as man from a single soul and cre­ and vice versa. ated therefrom its mate and The above verse con­ from them twain spread tains the phrase nafse wahi­ Despite our creation in many men and women; and datin or single soul which pairs, Islamic teachings il­ fear Allah, in whose name can refer to Adam, or it can lustrate that the nature of you appeal to one another, refer to any man and the male and female are in and fear Him particularly woman as one entity with contrast to one another cre­ recognizing ties of relation­ two parts functioning as ating appeal for the other ship. Verily Allah watches one unit. Manna and sex; hence, opposites at­ over you (Al-Nisa, 4:2)." Salwa are also teferred to as tract. The Holy Prophetsaw two parts of a food or meal. said, "Women have been I have been blessed The verse may also refer to created from a rib, and with the opportunity to either man or woman indi­ surely, the most crooked speak to you on the topic of vidually. In the latter case, part of a rib is the highest "The Straight Path to a Suc­ it is with one's mate that part thereof. If you set cessful Marriage." I the unit is created with yourself to straighten it, you wanted to approach the which the propagation of will break it (Bukhari, topic by first discussing the the species can be carried chapter on Nikah)." Thus, injunctions of the Holy out. Thus, the concept of the expression "created Qur' an as this book is our celibacy of non-union is ne­ from a rib" is only to be guiding light and its teach­ gated with the above verse taken figuratively and not ings should form the bed­ as such practices go against literally; hence, Eve was rock of any successful mar­ the nature of man and the not taken from the rib of riage. I would then like to order that Allah has created. Adam. It does mean, how­ describe the marriages of The Holy Qur'an also ever, that Eve was created the Holy Prophetsaw about states, "He has made for from the same species as whom Hadhrat Ayesha Sid­ you pairs of your own Adam, but, just as a rib has diqara has said, "His char­ selves, and of the cattle also curvature or crookedness, acter was the Qur'an." Fi­ pairs (42:12)" and "We cre­ so does the nature of nally, we can discuss some ated you in pairs (78:9)." women. The most crooked of the challenges facing In fact, "We created every­ part of the rib is the highest young couples today, living thing in pairs (51:50)." Just part. It is this crookedness in Western Society, and see as other species were cre­ that lends charm to her. how these can be overcome ated in pairs, so was man­ Regarding men, there is an­ utilizing the teachings of kind. The word "min" in other expression. "Man is the Holy Qur' an, the Holy this context means "from", made of haste (21:38)." November - December 2007 45 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

This means that man is of­ forward when it included best spiritual raiment is ten hasty in his decisions women, he urged the mem­ Taqwa, and the loss of and his actions, while the bers to slow down and act Taqwa can only lead to crookedness of woman re­ with caution. He said to marital strife. fers to her displeasure with care for the glass, remark­ coquetry. When a man ing on the delicate nature of In contradistinction to deals with her angrily, he women.. It is this comple­ the marital strife plaguing destroys her beauty, her mentary role between men Western Society today, one charm. Thus, Islam teach­ and women that preserves can look at the blissful mar­ ings highlight the beauties relationships and this con­ riages of the founder of Is­ of both men and women cept is highlighted in Surah lam, Hadhrat Muhammad and enlighten us regarding Al-Baqarah, verse 188, Mustafasaw. The first mar­ the interplay between the which states, "They are gar­ riage of Holy Prophet5aw sexes guiding us to success­ ment for you and you are a was to Hadhrat Khadijara. ful relationships. garment for them." This The contrasts in this mar­ verse highlights the purpose riage were striking. The Islamic teachings of which Holy Prophetsaw was marry­ stress the importance of is the comfort, protection ing for the first time while maintaining polarity of the and embellishment of the she had already been wid­ sexes in order to achieve parties. owed twice, the names of successful marriages. Men her husbands being Abu are encouraged to keep Unfortunately, con­ Halah and Ateek. At the beards as a sign of mascu­ flict and strife is present in time of marriage, Hadhrat linity. The Holy Prophetsaw too many marriages in Khadijahra was a wealthy said to keep a beard even if modem society, often due businessman, while Holy as long as a grain of rice. to a lack of polarity; hence Prophet5aw, being an orphan, The Khalifatul Masih yaba the feminization of men and did not enjoy this social has advised that male of­ masculinization of women status. His prominence in ficeholders be chosen from resulting in a unisexual so­ society was based only on those who keep beards and ciety where neither gender his piety, sincerity and only if one cannot be found is a garment for the other. truthfulness, hence his be­ should they be chosen from Rather, each reinforces the ing called Siddique and the clean-shaven members. other's weaknesses. Also, Ameen. To illustrate the Similarly, women are en­ the discarding of raiment by wealth of Hadhrat Khadi­ couraged to remain femi­ both sexes is a sign of the jahra, one may note that she nine. When the Holy latter days. The Promised had several slaves. Upon Prophet5aw mentioned three Messiahas has described the marriage, the Holy Prophet­ groups of people who relationships between the saw immediately freed them. would not enter paradise physical, moral and spiri­ with the believers, one was tual states of man. As dis­ Despite these great the "rajlah", referring to carding physical raiment differences in backgrounds, women who mimic men. has left man to physical na­ the marriage of Holy The Holy Prophetsaw always kedness, discarding spiri­ Prophetsaw and Hadhrat showed great care for the tual raiment has lead to Khadijahra serves as an ex­ women. If a caravan rushed spiritual nakedness. The ample for all marriages. November - December 2007 46 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

While Hadhrat Khadijahra the Holy Prophetsaw having Similarly, the mar­ was an established busi­ had several wives, it is es­ riage of Hadhrat Aishara, nesswoman, she let Holy sential to note that during daughter of Hadhrat Abu Prophetsaw run the external his marriage to Hadhrat B~. to the Holy Prophet­ affairs for the family unity. Khadijahra, she was his sole saw showed great contrasts. While she was wealthy and partner. His love for her She was several years had kept slaves in the past, was so great that it evoked younger than the Holy she did not object to Holy even the jealousy of Prophetsaw and had already Prophetsaw freeing all of Hadhrat Aishara. On one engaged to Jubayr bin Mu­ them immediately. While occasion Hadhrat Khadija­ tim who had not accepted she had already been mar­ h' sra younger sister, Halah, Islam. Jubayr broke the en­ ried twice and many child­ came to visit the Holy gagement because of bearing years had passed, Prophetsaw. When he heard Hadhrat Abu Bakr' sra at­ she bore the first seven of her voice, he became star­ tachement to the Holy the Holy Prophet'ssaw eight tled and remarked: Prophetsaw. This marriage children, three of four sons was not consummated until and all of his four daugh­ "It must be Halah; her after the Holy Prophetsaw ters. voice is so much like migration to Medina. As Khadijah's." At this Aishara Hadhrat Aishara was much Most importantly, could no longer control her­ younger than the Holy when the Holy Prophetsaw self and remarked: Prophetsaw and outlived him received the call by Hadhrat by many years, as well as Jibraeel in the cave Hira, "How come you al­ intelligent, pious and quick­ "lkra .. . ," he confided first ways think of the old witted, she was able to re­ in his wife and she immedi­ woman who is dead, while late many Ahadith. In fact, ately accepted him while God has given you better more than one fourth of all the most of the remaining wives?" Hadith were related by Quraish castigated him. Holy Prophetsaw. Hadhrat Khadijahra even The Holy Prophetsaw brought him to her cousin, replied: Hadhrat Safiyah was Waraqa bin Naufal, a Chris­ of Jewish descent and seen tian hermit, who said, ''The "It is not so. When as an outsider. She was of angel who descended on people rejected me she short stature and often dis­ Moses has descended upon stood by me, when people criminated against by the you. I wish I would be disbelieved, she believed other wives of the Holy alive to help you when your and accepted Islam; when I Prophetsaw. On one occa­ people will tum you out." had no support, she helped sion, Hadhrat Aishara called me." her a "shrimp." The Holy This extraordinary Prophetsaw said, "Aisha, you degree of love, faith and Such total devotion have said a word, which if mutual trust between hus­ is rarely found in Western dropped in the sea, would band and wife has not and or any marriages, despite pollute the whole water." will not be found in any the great emphasis placed On another occasion, Aisha other marriage. While the on love and romance in and Zainab teased Safiyah media continues to assail modem society. regarding their ethnic supe­ riority saying they were not November - December 2007 47 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA only the Holy Prophet'ssaw sembling animals than peo­ riages. As raising offspring wives but also related to ple. Islam, however, ele­ requires sacrifice of time him. The Holy Prophetsaw vates us to the highest state and money, we see couples told her to reply " ... your and for Muslims, the pur­ having fewer and fewer father was Aaron, your un­ pose of marriage is to in­ children. In the past, at cle Moses and your hus­ crease our nearness to Al­ least, it was a sign of wealth band is Muhammad: so lah. If one does not marry, to have more children and, how can they be superior to the Holy Prophet5aw said the today, with the great em­ you?" reward of all of his good phasis on personal liberty deeds will be cut in half. children are considered a Thus, after looking mere burden. The Holy at the foundations of mar­ In fact, Taqwa en­ Qur'an says: riage in Islam laid out in the compasses virtually all the Holy Qur'an and Hadith as principles of a successful "Know that the life of well as the excellent exam­ marriage. One of these, for this world is only a sport ple of the Holy Prophet5aw example, is the balance be­ and a pastime, and an and even those of the Prom­ tween individual freedom adornment, and a source of ised Messiah as, we can try and responsibility to one's boasting among yourselves, to draw some guidelines for spouse. Hadhrat Khalifatul and of rivalry in multiply­ couples today, particularly Masih IVrh has mentioned ing riches and children Ahmadi Muslim men and in his book, "Islam's Re­ (57:21)." Today, couples women living in the West. sponse to Contemporary Is­ postpone having children sues", that individual free­ obsessed with their own ca­ The first, of course, dom is gaining ground in reers and Ii ving for the is fear of Allah or right­ developing countries as it is good of this world. When eousness as has been men­ already given preference in they achieve a certain de­ tioned in the Nikah sermon the West. In Islam, while gree of wealth, they desire so many times. The reason individual liberty is re­ more as the Holy Qur'an fear of Allah is mentioned spected, priority is given to says in Surah Takathur, so many times is that the collective freedom. In the "They search for worldly goal of marriage is to in­ case of marriage, it is es­ good until they reach their crease one's Taqwa and sential that each party look graves. Nay, they will nearness to Allah. In con­ at what is beneficial for the come to know. Nay, again, trast, the goal of Western family unit. This is likely they will come to know." marriage has traditionally due to the preference given been love and romance and to the afterlife in Islam, In Surah Bani Israel, in modem times, reduced to whereas in Western phi­ it warns, "Kill not your mere carnal passion. Mu­ losophy, the "here and children for fear of pov­ sic, too, has moved from now" concept adversely af­ erty." Children not only charming and romantic to fects marriages. take time away from mak­ raw, if not crude and this is ing money, but also require a mere reflection of the in­ Another manifesta­ a monetary commitment. terplay between men and tion of this "me" attitude is Still, to not have children women. Society is steadily evidenced by the paucity of for fear of poverty is an af­ reverting to a more primi­ children from today's mar- front to Allah's attribute as tive state, more closely re- the Provider. Moreover, November - December 2007 48 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA it strengthens the ties of some. Thus, limiting con­ Women should speak di­ matrimony. Often, couples tact with the opposite sex rectly and succinctly and stay together and work except those within the pre­ avoid flirtatious behavior. through their differences scribed limits is essential These restrictions make one merely for the love of their for maintaining marriage. like the mouse who lives in children. This is an exam­ A lady should not be with a a hole. He is not aware of ple where accountability, man other than her hus­ the vastness of this earth as responsibility and sacrifice band, father, son or brother his experiences relate to his triumphs over individual and the corresponding rela­ hole and just beyond. Such liberties. Thus, newlyweds tions applies for a man as measures and this high de­ should avoid postponing well. The Holy Prophet8aw gree of chastity enforce the children and mature couples said that when a man and sanctity of marriage. should continue to have woman are alone in a room, children as long as they verily there is a third with Strengthening the have the health to bear them them and that is Satan. family system is also a pur­ and the energy to raise pose of marriage and them. So many marriages strengthening ties of kin­ collapse because men and ship is mentioned in Surah Chastity is essential women find others who are Al-Nisa. The extended fam­ in Islamic marriage. As it more appealing, but this is a ily often provides support was mentioned that men vicious cycle. A woman for a couple when they are and women are discarding may divorce her husband in dire circumstances, their physical garments, when she finds a man who thereby strengthening and thereby increasing physical is more attractive, but only preserving the matrimonial nakedness, a loss of spiritu­ until she finds another who bond. On the other hand, if ality and chastity leaves a is a better provider and family members interfere spiritual nakedness. Free then, he, too, would be dis­ and prove detrimental to the mingling between the sexes carded for a more compas­ marital bond, it is best the is a part of Western, and sionate gentleman. A simi­ couple respectfully request now more common in East­ lar story could be told for the family to stay out of ern society and likely many men. This constant their affairs. Hadhrat Khali­ fatul Masih yaba has men- greatly contributes to the exposure to members of the marital discord and divorce opposite gender can erode tioned in a Khutba that in that has become pervasive. even the most successful mother-in-law/daughter-in­ When men are exposed to and secure marriages. It is law disputes, 80% mothers more women, they may for this reason that Islam are at fault and 20% daugh­ meet some who appear stresses chastity and separa­ ters. more intelligent, others who tion of the sexes as much as Finally, the hallmark of are more compassionate possible. Islam limits such any Islamic marriage is and still others who are interactions and, when ab­ prayer. With the help of Al­ more attractive. Similarly, solutely essential, places lah, even the most mis­ women who interact with restrictions. Men and wo­ matched couples can have a men will find some who are men should cover them­ successful marriage and, more understanding, others selves and mention should without His help, even the who are wealthier and still look downward as men­ ideal couple will face turbu­ others who are more hand- tioned in the Holy Qur' an. lence, if not divorce. The November - December 2007 49 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA mother of Hadhrat Chaud­ hary Zafrulla Khanra can TH£CALLOF serve as an example. When she was visited by the am­ KHAUFATUL MASIH v"1ba bassador of the United Kingdom, he was extolling FORTHEEA6ERVOTARIES the praises of the Queen whose domain extended throughout the earth. It is Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V'saba call in said regarding the vastness of the territories that the sun his own words: never sets on the British Empire. He then minimized "It is my ardent desire. I want to appeal the seemingly simple task of caring for a simple earnestly that for the purification of your lives dwelling like that of and the lives of your descendants join this Hadhrat Chaudhry Sahib' sra heavenly scheme. Come forward, there should mother. At this, she replied that with God's help even be fifteen thousand new Wasaya within this managing the entire British year. So that we can claim fifty thousand Wa­ Empire could be simple and saya within this centenary ... without His help, caring for the humble four walls would be impossible. It is my ardent desire that in the year 2008 on the centenary of the establishment of ******* Khilafat in Jama'at Ahmadiyya (lnsha Allah), HUMANITY there should be at least 50% of the subscribers FIRST (Chanda paying) from among the earning member of every Jama' at of every country of Needs Donors to the world who would have joined in this grand system of Hadhrat Promised Messiah85 and • Care for Orphans would have arisen to such high standards of • Feed the Hungry • Provide Training spirituality and sacrifices. This would be a and Education. modest offer to Allah the Almighty in thank­ fulness, which the Jama'at would be offering Can you help us on the occasion of the centenary of Khilafat." to help them? (Address of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih ywa Humanity First on the occasion of Jal.sa Salana 2004 UK) ******* ********* November - December 2007 50 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA LOVE FOR ALL, HATRED FOR NONE Dr. Nasir Khan

The slogan of Love emphasize upon the mem­ brought Islam that never at­ for all, hatred for none in bers of the Ahmadi yya tacked the founder of any the current form was put Muslim Community the religion and acknowledged before the Ahmadiyya Mus­ spreading of love and peace the truth of all prophets be­ lim Community by our towards humanity in gen­ longing to all the different third caliph, Hadhrat Mirza eral. It was never meant to nations of the world. Nasir Ahmadrh. However, be just another slogan or a the concept for this slogan catchy phrase that our com­ He brought the Qur' an was laid for the community munity should adopt but that laid the foundation of by its founder Hadhrat never follow. The fact is peace between nations and as. that the Ahmadiyya Muslim religions by stating in the Community has indeed verse 2:257, "there is no Heas stated, "My dear lived up to the true meaning compulsion in religion", ones, there is nothing like of this slogan. We are a and instructs us in verse peace. We should dispose peace-loving community 5:3, "help one another in kindly to each other and be recognized as such all over. righteousness and in piety; mutually helpful. In the dif­ We help people from within but help not one another in ficulties pertaining to reli­ our community and with­ sin and transgression". Fur­ gious and worldly matters, out, individually, and more thermore, it instructs in the we should exercise such recently as an organized verse 7:57 as "and create sympathy towards each group in the form of Hu­ not disorder in the earth af­ other as if we have become manity First. ter it has been set in order", limbs of the same body. My and in the verse 7: 143 as, countrymen, a religion that However, the slogan "and follow not the way of does not inculcate universal has a deeper meaning for the mischief-makers". compassion is no religion at us. The fact is that it is an­ all. Similarly, a human be­ other reflection of our truly He said that no one ing without the faculty of obedient relationship with could be a true faithful compassion is no human at Hadhrat Mohammadsaw who unless he likes for his all. Our God has never dis­ was the epitome of possess­ brother the same that he criminated between one ing love for his people. His­ likes for himself and that people and another; attrib­ tory is evident that the the best Muslim is the one utes of God teach us the prophet practically demon­ from whose tongue and lesson that we, too, should strated his actions in accor­ hands other Muslims are behave magnanimously and dance with this slogan. He safe. He always tried to kindly towards our fellow treated people even his op­ avoid confrontation and human beings and should ponents with kindness and violence. When the situa­ not be petty of heart and il­ compassion and stated that tion at Mecca became intol­ liberal". Allah does not show mercy erable due to severe opposi­ to the one who does not tion and persecution, he mi­ This slogan was to show mercy to others. He grated to Medina to avoid November - December 2007 51 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA unnecessary confrontation. But when he returned a few Obedience to the Holy years later as the victor and in power, he said with great Prophetsa humbleness, "today is the day of forgiveness". Many Hadhrat 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Umru Sulami opponents who were ex­ and Hajr lbn Hajr relates that they visited Hadhrat pecting severe retaliation 'Irbad lbn Sa-riyyahra. He is the person regarding embraced Islam because of whom the following verse of the Holy Qur'an was this remarkable act of for­ giveness, due to which the revealed: return to Mecca was practi­ cally without bloodshed. ~ .,..,. , , ~ ., This is what true Islam is ~ •

I begin by expressing We are also aware of Six million people go my most sincere thanks to atrocities and destruction blind every year due to lack God Almighty for enabling caused by man-made con­ of basic eye care. this community to serve our flicts and wars. All human fellow human beings, suf­ beings suffering from these Education would ulti­ fering across the globe. Be­ destructions and conflicts mately help in fighting pov­ fore I proceed to present a require our help and atten­ erty but presently 872 mil­ brief report on our humble tion. lion people around the efforts, I must remind you world are illiterate. If the in the words of Hadhrat But let me share with issue of education is not ad­ Musleh Mau' oodra, the sec­ you some other eye­ dressed, the children of to­ ond Khalifa of our commu­ opening facts of human suf­ day will grow up to become nity: fering which do not get as the casualties of tomorrow! much attention: "Kam mushkil hai bahot Dear brothers, when aur manzile maqsood hai Over 1 billion people we hear about these poor door" Ii ve on an income less than conditions our mind be­ $1 per day with nearly Y2 of comes restless, tears flow meaning "The task is chal­ the world's population liv­ out of our eyes and our lenging and our desired ing on an income of less heads bow down in front of destination is far... There­ than $2 per day. God Almighty to seek his fore, untiring efforts and mercy and help. hard work is required to ful­ Because of this: The issue of basic fill the needs of our fellow Over 18 million fellow human beings. health care, education, and human beings which in­ water must be addressed to My dear brothers we clude 10 million children get these poor people out of are all aware of the devasta­ die each year due to starva­ this vicious cycle. tion caused by natural dis­ tion and poor medical care. asters in the past few years. We cannot ignore 800 million people go them. It is our moral obliga­ How can we forget the Tsu­ to bed hungry every night. nami of Asia, Hurricane tion. Katrina or the earthquake in Lack of clean drinking It is unfortunate that Kashmir and Pakistan. Over water and proper sanitation the current economic mod­ 300,000 lives have been alone kills 2 million chil­ els have failed to address lost and millions have been dren ever year. the issue at hand. The relief left homeless. efforts being organized are November - December 2007 53 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA not sufficient. especially from the devel­ that you tum your faces to­ oped nations to assist our wards East or West; mean­ In the last year alone fellow human beings. Our ing facing towards developed nations spent governments must be held and offer prayers. over 1300 billion on the accountable for keeping up military and war affairs, with their pledges and com­ But true righteousness whereas an additional 100 mitments towards the mil­ is to believe in God and the billion dollars towards the lennium development goal last day and the angels and millennium development to reduce poverty. the book and the messen­ goal to fight poverty could gers; To spend of your sub­ have made a great differ­ Communities across stance out of love for God, ence. the globe, religious organi­ zations, and relief organiza­ For Who? Three of the richest tions must join hands with For your kin, for or­ people in the world alone concern and love to address control more wealth than phans, for the needy, for the present suffering of our the wayfarer the 600 million living in the fellow human beings. world's poorest nations. For those who ask and Dear brothers, let me for the ransom of slaves; Here in America alone briefly present to you the we spend $20 billion eating beautiful teachings of Islam To be steadfast in ice cream every year, regarding charity and so­ prayers and practice whereas 30,000 children die cial services. regular charity; everyday due to poverty. In the Holy Qur'an To fulfill the contracts The average amount Almighty Allah has com­ which you made; and to be of lunch money you and I manded the believers to be firm and patient in pain (or spend is all that is needed to compassionate and caring suffering) and adversity and perform a simple cataract towards other fellow human through all periods of panic surgery to restore the eye­ beings especially to those such are the people of truth, sight of a needy person. A who are in need. God Al­ God fearing." meager investment of mighty wants his people to $3,000 can provide a water emulate his attributes. In Chapter 51 verse 20 well to an entire town suf­ Almighty Allah says about fering from water shortage. In the very first chap­ his righteous people "in Imagine what a difference ter of the Holy Qur'an Al­ their wealth they acknowl­ we can make to the lives of mighty Allah has taught us edge the right of those who those who are living under His attributes of Ar­ asked and those who could an income of $1 per day. Rahman and Ar-Raheem, not." This covers suffering being merciful to those who I mentioned earlier . . . . all Honorable guests and are in need and seeking those voices which are not my dear brothers, the ques­ help. reaching to us. tion is this challenge man­ ageable? The answer is God Almighty com­ Dear brothers, the list YES. mands the believers in of these beautiful com­ verse 178 of chapter 2: mandments provides the An all out effort is re­ foundation for social work quired by all governments, "It is not righteous which is desperately needed November - December 2007 54 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA today. munity. Thus every mem­ cial services and Khid­ ber is required to serve and mat-e-Khalq which is God Almighty blessed benefit mankind to the best engaged in serving the us with the advent of the of his or her abilities. people in need. Holy Prophetsaw whom He called Rehmatullil Alameen, The Ahmadiyya Mus­ • Wherever possible in a blessing for all mankind. lim Community tries to fol­ every country associa­ Throughout his life from low these beautiful teach­ tions such as the his own actions and advice ings of Islam, and its mem­ Ahmadiyya Engineers to his followers, he urged bers try to uphold their and Architects, Ahmadi­ everyone to live a simple pledges with the Imam of yya Medical Associa­ life and show care and com­ this age. tion, Ahmadiyya Scien­ passion to the needs of the tists Association, Ahm­ poor and the sick. By the Grace of God, adiyya Lawyer Associa­ members of this community tion, and Ahmadiyya The Holy Prophet practice regular charity and Computer Professionals Mohammedsaw was once devote their time and Association have been asked, "Which actions are knowledge to serve man­ established. Each one of most excellent?": kind of all colors, race and these organizations has religions, across the globe. He replied ''To glad­ been charged with pro­ den the heart of a human In addition, every time viding expert resources being, to feed the hungry, to there arises a need due to a in various welfare pro­ help the afflicted, to lighten natural disaster or to help in grams, such as, Solar the sorrow of the sorrowful, a human development pro­ Energy Program. gram - our community and to remove the wrongs • Through various schemes members rush to donate of the injured." including the Nusrat Je­ their time, service and h an Scheme, the And ... money on the one call of Ahmadiyya Community their beloved Imam. Not He further stated, "He is operating 55 hospi­ who tries to remove the only that but they strive to tals, 565 primary outdo one another in such want of his brother whether schools, and 57 schools good works. he is successful or not God and colleges in various will forgive his sins." Now, I will share underdeveloped coun­ some of the schemes and tries. These schools and His beloved servant, colleges provide much The Messiah, and the Imam initiatives our humble com­ munity has deployed to needed education to of this age, Hadhrat Mirza children living in pov­ Ghulam Ahmedas, also em­ seek the pleasure of our Creator: erty and to allow them phasized the importance to uplift their poor eco­ and need of caring about • As a world wide organi­ nomic conditions. fellow human beings. zation in 180+ countries • The Ahmadiyya Com­ He added this require­ around the world, each munity is also operating ment as a condition of be­ chapter of the Ahmadi­ 600+ homeopathic clin­ coming a member of the yya Muslim Community ics in 55 countries to Ahmadiyya Muslim Com- has a department of so- November - December 2007 55 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

provide basic medical He established an In­ These volunteers not treatment which is not ternational Organization by only donate their time and limited to its own mem­ the name of Humanity First funds generous} y but also bers but open to all in with an intent to provide bring other volunteers of all need. disaster relief and commu­ colors, race and religions nity development services. from their respective com­ • Under the program for munities to help in serving orphans and widows, He envisioned Hu­ mankind. community members manity First to be a non­ are engaged in provid­ political, non-religious or­ Let me briefly share ing assistance to wid­ ganization which would not with you some of the ac­ ows and to orphans to limit itself to Ahmadi mem­ complishlments of Human­ the best of their abili­ bers, but would involve ity First since its establish­ ties. other noble souls across the ment. globe and it would serve • The auxiliary organiza­ mankind without any dis­ Human Development tions of the Ahmadiyya crimination what so ever. Programs Muslim Community es­ tablished in each coun­ Honorable guests and • Gift of Sight: Through try and every chapter dear brothers, since then various eye care camps, also involves their re­ Humanity First has been es­ 1,000 people received spective members in tablished in 24 countries operations that have re­ various drives to serve across 5 continents and has stored their eyesight. their surrounding com­ served in 35 countries. munities and provide • Water for Life: Over These countries in­ volunteers resources for 30,000 people in Africa clude: U.A.E, , Sri relief programs. In the and 3,000 people in In­ Lanka, Bangladesh, Pala­ USA they carry out donesia have been pro­ stan, , India, Japan, In­ many blood drives for vided with clean drink­ donesia, U.K., Germany, the Red Cross and sup­ ing water through XX Hungary, Albania, Kosovo, port organizations such water wells. France, Bosnia, Macedonia, as Habitat for Humanity Holland, Gambia, Mali, • Learn a Skill: Presently and For Humanity First. Niger, Burkina Faso, Sierra operating 16 I.T. centers Dear brothers, in addi- Leone, Liberia, Ghana, in Africa and Latin tion to the humble services Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, America including: I mentioned over the last Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Can­ Burkina Faso, Uganda, several decades, in 1992 the ada, Guyana, Suriname, Ghana, Benin, The head of the Ahmadiyya Newzealand and U.S.A. Gambia, Sierra Leone, Muslim Community Guyana, and Liberia. The biggest advantage (Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh) felt the need to that Humanity First has is Over 13000 have been establish an international its access to an initial base benefited from theses relief organization which of volunteers provided centers. Also operating would serve mankind through Ahmadiyya Mus­ are 8 sewing schools in lim Community across the across the globe. Burkina Faso and Be­ globe. nin. November - December 2007 56 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

• Orphan Care: is being • January 2001: Gujarat, 3 schools and presently provided in Burkina India earthquake. managing a grant of 1 Faso, Pakistan, Benin, 20,000+ dead, 166,000 million USD for re­ Sierra Leone, Indonesia, injured and 600,000 building of prayer facili­ and The Gambia. homeless. Victims as­ ties. sisted: 5,000. Aide dis­ • Feed a Family: under tributed: 70,000 USD. • October 2005: Kashmir this program over Project duration: 3 Earthquake. Death toll: 500,000 people have months. 80,000+, over 2 million been provided assis­ homeless. Victims as­ tance mostly in African • December 2003: Iran sisted: 60,000. Value of nations. Earthqauke. Death Toll : Aide Provided: 8.75 30,000: Contributed million. Project Dura­ Disaster Relief funds through HF UK. tion: 9 months. Volun­ Programs teer Efforts: 300,000+ • May 2004: Liberia Civil man-hours. • August 1992; Balkan War Relief. Crisis, in which 200,000 • May 2006: Flood of Su­ civilians were mur­ • August 2004: Hurrican riname. 30,000 home­ dered, 20,000 missing, Charlie, Florida less. Victims assisted: and over 2 million 1,000. • January 2004: Floods of homeless. Humanity Guyana. First operated 10 medi­ • Peru Earthquake: First Response Team, cal camps in the area, • December 2004: Asian assisted 10,000 victims, Tsunami. Death toll: There is so much more provided 300 tons of 220,000+, 1.5 million to share but in the interest food supplies, support homeless. Victims As­ of time I will stop here. efforts lasted 48 months. sisted: 7,000 +. Aide de­ Volunteer efforts livered: 3.25 Million In conclusion, in the 24,000 man days. USD. Volunteer efforts: light of the present world 200,000 manhours. Sup­ crises and the efforts being • January 1995: Japan port duration: Initial made by many countries, earthquake in Kobe. Phase 5 months. United Nations, relief agen­ 6400+ people dead, 2nct;3rct Rebuilding cies, religious organizations 26,000+ injured. Hu­ Phase: In progress. 26 including the humble ef­ manity first assisted water wells, various forts being made by our 1,000 victims. schools, orphan care community, we have a long way to go. • August 1999: Turkey center, and fishing boats provided. Earthquake. 17,000 peo­ An intensive awareness ple dead and thousands • August 2005: Hurricane and urge has to be created and thousands home­ Katrina - New Orleans. in general public so they get less. Humanity First as­ Patients Treated: 1084. involve in helping their fel­ sisted 15,000 people. Initial aide provided: low human beings in pain. Support efforts lasted 120,000 USD. Support three weeks. Volunteer We believe this chal­ Duration: 2 months. Re­ efforts: 212 man days. lenge is manageable. building phase: Assisted November - December 2007 57 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

We believe this recipe provided to us by the foun­ Legend of the Photograph der of our community, is the World Order of Peace! Printed on the Cover of which will enable us to meet this challenge. An-Noor Magazine of

According to this July-August 2007 World Order known as Al­ Wassiyat, every able indi­ Ahmadi Students of Engineering College Lahore, in­ vidual would take the re­ vited Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Ir on 2 April, 1951 at an af­ sponsibility to help his fel­ ternoon tea party on the premises of Talimul Islam College, low human beings and Lahore. would go on spending his Hazoof"ll delivered a thought provoking lecture in the wealth and time in seeking light of Qur'anic teachings on Allah's attribute Al Mussawar. the pleasure and love of The lecture was attended by Dr. S.D. Muzaffar, Principal, God the Creator. staff, students and Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra.

People across the In the group photograph the following can be globe would join in large numbers under this system seen: and help people across the globe in need. From right to left chairs: Syyed Muhammad Khairul Bashar Sahib, Fazalur Rheman With the mercy and Sahib (Zaeem Khuddam), Dr. S. D. Muzaffar, Principal, blessings of God Almighty, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Ir, Hadhrat Mirza Bashir the Ahmadiyya Muslim Ahmad Sahibra, Prof. B. A. Malik, Muhammad Amjid Community and Humanity Khan Sahib, Abdul Sameeh Sahib. First, working along with our fellow citizens, govern­ Standing: ments, religious and relief organizations, will make a Khushi Muhammad Sahib (body guard), Zafar Iqbal Sa­ great difference in the qual­ hib, Abdul Majid Sahib, Hamid Ahmad Sahib (General ity of life for our less fortu­ Secretary), Rashid Ahmad Sahib Malik, Raja Majidullah nate fellow human beings, Sahib, Khalid Saifullah Sahib, Muhammad Bashir Ahmad Insha Allah. Sahib, Mahmood Ahmed Sahib Cheema, Muhammad Alam Sahib (body guard).

******* I am thankful to Dr. Abdul Khaliq Sahib (Mankato, MN), SUPPORT and Mohtram Azizullah Sahib (Montreal, Canada, for the scan of the photograph and the legend from Tareekh-e­ Ahmadiyyat, Volume 14, 1954). Please see page 45 of An­ HUMANITY Noor section of the Gazette. FIRST Muhammad Sharif Khan Philadelphia, PA November - December 2007 58 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Introduction cns1s demands a deeper and opportunities. Muslims Over the next fifteen dive into Islamic scripture, are caught in a mental tug minutes, I'd like to address principles, and the histori­ of war asking themselves, a question of growing con­ cal context within which "Which side do I truly be­ cern - "Can Muslims be they were revealed. It's a long on, especially if the loyal to the United States of deeply sensitive issue in­ two are at war?! America?" Can we truly volving identity and divided love this country without loyalties. In resolving this iden­ violating the principles of tity crisis, Muslims must Islam? Background redefine themselves accord­ ing to the teachings of Is­ As the population of It reminds me of my lam. If Islam is a complete Muslims in America grows, own experience. I was born message, its principles so do the concerns around in Pakistan, but I've lived should apply for all times, this question, for both, here all of my life. On the and all situations. Muslims and non-Muslims one hand, I was a part of alike. For non-Muslims, the East, and on the other, I Historical Context there's a fear that Islam is was part of the West; but I violent and intolerant, but was really neither. Paki­ Unfortunately, the it's camouflaging itself as stanis looked at me as an principles in the Qur' an are peaceful and loving. American, and Americans often misunderstood, be­ looked at me as a Pakistani. cause they are taken out of Similarly, Muslims In my search for identity, I historical context. We tend are concerned. They take found Islam and it rede­ to superimpose our cultural pride in the U.S., but we're fined me to get the best of beliefs upon the people of at war with other Muslim both worlds. history. It was a different nations. Muslims fear world back then - there was they're the next targets of This is similar to the no police force, no state religious bigotry and gov­ crisis American Muslims penitentiary to house crimi­ ernment surveillance. are in today. They're tom nals, and people walked between divided loyalties. about with swords hanging This is a new crisis in On the one hand they're a off their necks. Islamic history, and Muslim part of the Islamic world, Americans are at a cross­ yet they're living here in Nations were governed roads - an invitation to con­ the United States where under the tribal system. flict or cooperation. This they enjoy great freedoms Groups were organized by either ethnicity, religion, or November - December 2007 59 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA a combination of both. tern, religious groups be­ History repeated itself Tribes acted as policing came synonymous with eth­ when the Muslims were bodies, which protected nicity. For example, fol­ governed by European their people. It was an eye lowers of sanatam dharma powers. Much like the for an eye and tooth for a were called Hindus, which Jews, they revolted time tooth. The entire tribe was is really the name of the and time again in the name held accountable for the people of India; and Zoro­ of their Faith. crimes of individual mem­ astrians were called Par­ bers, and they would be sees, which is the name of The Holy Prophetsaw subject to revenge or even the people of Persia or Pars. foretold . this problem, but war. Anyone not protected he also prophesied the solu­ by a tribe or an alliance was However, the Holy tion - the coming of the vulnerable and at risk. This Prophet Muhammad (peace Promised Messiah. The was the accepted norm of be upon him) changed all of Holy Prophet5aw said the governance in Arabia back this. He declared Islam a Promised Messiah would be then. universal message and ac­ the Judge, Leader, and knowledged the truth of all Guide for Muslims during There was a common prophets, regardless of na­ these troubled times. And bond that united people to­ tion. He attacked ethnic what guidance did he give gether. lbn Khaldun re­ barriers by commanding us? The same guidance that ferred to it as asabiyah or a Muslims to obey those in Jesus gave the Jews - Give "group feeling" of solidar­ authority, even if they be your taxes to the govern­ ity. This would bring about governed by an Ethiopian ment, but give your souls to progress as the community slave. He gave no prefer­ God's Eternal Kingdom. worked hard with humility. ence to race or rank, and However, as wealth accu­ declared that love of one's The Promised Messiah, mulated and people adopted nation is part of faith. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam luxurious and sedentary Ahmad35 ruled that Muslims lifestyles, they became ar­ Modern History have no right to oppose any rogant. The community government which allows would weaken with com­ However, much like the them to practice and preach placency, and this would be Jews, Muslims were never Islam. He therefore ordered the beginning of their end. accustomed to living under Muslims to give their full This is the continuous cycle foreign domination. The allegiance to the British of social evolution. Jews expected their Mes­ government of India, with­ siah to re-establish the Jew­ out compromising their be­ Prior to Islam, relig­ ish throne. However, when lief in Islam. ions were revealed to spe­ Jesusas came, he said, "Give cific nations at specific to Caesar what is Caesar's While other Muslims times, in accordance with and give to God what is were inviting the British to their needs. For example, God's" [Matt 22:21]. In holy war, the Promised Moses was sent to the Isra­ other words, God's king­ Messiah (peace be upon elites, Zoroaster to the Per­ dom is spiritual in nature. him) was inviting them to sians, and Krishna to Indi­ It was in this context Jesusas Islam. This is in line with ans - peace be upon them was called the King of the the spirit of the Holy Proph­ all. Under the tribal sys- Jews. etsaw. Bukhari tells us that November - December 2007 60 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Tufail bin 'Amr came to the vana, the Jews and Chris­ his/her faith, they must be Holy Prophetsaw and asked tians refer to it as Shiloh or killed. Not so in Ahmadiy­ him to pray for the destruc­ Shalom, and we Muslims yat. If someone chooses an­ tion of the Daus tribe be­ happen to refer to it as Is­ other faith, it's their right, cause they rejected Islam. lam - that state where our and this is explicitly men­ However, the Holy Proph­ souls attain peace - a spiri­ tioned in the Qur' an. Can et5aw prayed, "O Allah! tual life. anyone imagine a man tell­ Give guidance to the Daus ing his fiance, "You' re free [tribe] and bring them [to This is what the Prom­ to marry me, but as soon as Islam]." ised Messiahas offered the you change your mind, I'm British. In fact, he person­ going to have to kill you."? In similar fashion, the ally invited the Queen of Once again, it is absurd. Promised Messiah' sas mis­ England to accept the gift sion was to raise the dead to of Islam. This is true loy­ Islam allows for dif­ life - a spiritual life. Let alty ... to offer your country­ ferences in opinion & inter­ me explain what I mean by men your most prized pos­ pretation. The official spiritual life. In order to session. In his book The Ahmadi Muslim stance is understand spiritual life, we British Government and Ji­ that Muslims are to be loyal must first understand physi­ had, he ridiculed the Ji­ to their respective nations - cal life, because God cre­ hadists saying, "Can a re­ even if they are at war with ated the spiritual world as a ligion be from God if it other Muslims. If Muslims mirror of the physical. teaches that you can enter fear their individual free­ That's why prophets spoke Paradise by killing His ... doms aren't protected, they in parables - so that we can innocent creatures - to have 3 options, as do all understand a spiritual truth whom you haven't even de­ citizens: 1) Bring about by relating to a physical re­ livered the Message [of Is­ change through legal chan­ ality. lam]?" nels, 2) Bear it with pa­ tience, or 3) Move some­ So if we look at physi­ He's hitting a pro­ where else. cal life, our physical bodies found point. You see, relig­ must have our hearts and ion is an expression of love Present Situation brains working in conjunc­ towards God. By defini­ tion with one another. If tion, it cannot be forced What's important to they are not, we are physi­ upon anyone, or else it point out here, is that the cally dead. Similarly, our ceases to be love. Can any tribal system is growing ex­ spiritual bodies have two man force a woman to be in tinct, and it's being re­ major faculties: the mind love with him? Never - yet placed with secularism. Al­ and the heart. The mind ap­ we see others make a mock­ though the world is chang­ peals to logic, and the heart ery of God - as if He needs ing, the principles of Islam appeals to love. So by ac­ to force people to love Him. are just as valid. We need quiring a philosophy which It's absurd. to apply them to our chang­ promotes both, logic and ing circumstances and our love, we attain a spiritual The same principle evolving world. life. It's a universal con­ applies to apostasy. Tradi­ cept. The Hindus and Bud­ tional Muslims views hold We' re at a crossroads dhists call it a kind of Nir- that if a Muslim changes in Muslim history, and we November - December 2007 61 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA stand as the children of two is a time when Americans the treasure of Truth, then great revolutions - the first can learn from the Qur' an, there is no one with whom is the American Revolution, and Muslims from the we would rather share it, and the second, Islamic. American Constitution. than our countrymen, the Each is founded upon a Americans. This is true loy­ powerful philosophy, and Giving America a alty and love of nation. right now they're at each Choice other's throats. They can America has been either destroy each other, or As Muslims loyal to searching for the "moderate develop one another. the U.S., we need to offer voice of Islam." Well .... more than just our tax dol­ here it is .. .it's called The American Revo­ lars. We need to offer Ahmadiyyat - the True ls­ lution was political in na­ America Islam - our most lam ... and we live up to our ture. It involved a poorly prized possession. When motto, "Love for All, Ha­ equipped group of colonists Musab bin Umaytii was tred for None." who united around the prin­ sent to the people of Me­ ciples of the Constitution; dina to preach Islam, he It's only a matter of and with it, they gave birth was greeted by the spear of time before America real­ to the great nation we live a tribal chief named Sa' ad izes that the most powerful in today - the United States bin Muadhra. Sa' ad was en­ weapon in the War against of America. raged that Musab had the Terror is the Holy Qur' an - audacity to preach against it destroys the very founda­ The Islamic Revolu­ their gods. However, tion upon which Terror, tion, on the other hand, was Musab simply asked him to Tyranny, and Intolerance spiritual in nature. It gave calm down and listen. He stand. It will make us a spiritual birth to a morally said, "If you like what we stronger nation. dead nation. The pagan Ar­ say, then keep it, but if you abs used to drink five times don't like what we say, then And in the end, all praise a day, but after Islam, they we will spare you of that belongs to God. began to pray five times a which you do not like, and day. They rallied around we will leave." Once verses the Constitution of God - of the Qur' an were recited ******* the Holy Qur'an, and with to Sa'ad, he was over­ HUMANITY it, they overthrew the whelmed with their beauty clutches of sin. and eloquence. He at once FIRST became a Muslim and his However, both of entire tribe converted. these revolutions have NEEDS strayed from their lofty So in the spirit of principles, and are guilty of Musab bin Umayr, we MONETORY arrogance and injustice. should provide America a They're playing the role of choice. If Islam be a cup of DONATIONS God. Americans have poison we are drinking, AND wrongly killed in the name then take it away from us. of wealth, and Muslims in However, if we are holding VOLUNTEERS the name of worship. This November - December 2007 62 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA LOVE OF GOD'S CREATION - THE SANCTITY OF LIFE Alhaj Dhul Waqar Yaqub

When we have discus­ killed. (Dictionary of the disregarding the right to sions about the 'sanctity of Holy Qur'an page 442) life of other human beings. life' we mean that life is not to be treated badly or dis­ Islam considers all life In the Holy Qur'an Al­ carded thoughtlessly. In forms as sacred. However, lah says,".. .And kill not terms of human life this of­ the sanctity of human life is yourselves. Surely, Allah is ten relates to our views on accorded a special place. Merciful towards you. And abortion, euthanasia and The first and the foremost whoever does that by way war etc. Some people be­ basic right of a human be­ of transgression and injus­ lieve human life is to be re­ ing is the right to live. Allah tice, We shall cast him into spected above all other says in the Holy Qur'an: Fire; and that is easy with Allah." (4: 29) forms of life while others " ... If any one kills a believe that all life (both person [even one person] - It is forbidden for man human and non-human spe­ unless it be for murder or cies) is to be given equal to kill himself and for peo­ for spreading mischief in ple to kill each other, to do respect and treated as the land - it shall be as if 'sacred'. anything conducive to mur­ he killed all mankind: and der or ruin, to take drugs or In the Holy Qur'an Al­ if any one helps one to live, use poisons harmful to the lah says, "Say, 'Come, I it shall be as if he had body and to run risks in will recite to you what your gi.ven life to all man­ things involving self­ Lord has forbidden, that kind." (5:33) destruction. you associate not anything In these clear terms The Holy Prophetsaw is as partner with Him; ... the Qur'an prohibits homi­ reported to have said, and that you kill not the cide. Allah equates the tak­ life that Allah has declared "Whoever purposely throws ing of even one human life himself from a mountain sacred, except in accor­ unjustly, with killing all of dance with the demands of and kills himself will be in humanity. The taking of a the (Hell) Fire falling down justice and law. That is criminal's life by the state what He has enjoined into it and abiding therein in order to administer jus­ perpetually; and whoever upon you, that you may tice is required to uphold understand." (6:152) drinks poison and kills him­ the rule of law, and the self with it, he will be car­ The word "kill" (qatala) peace and security of the rying his poison in his hand pertains not only to actual society. Only a proper and and drinking it in the (Hell) killing but also to an at­ competent court can decide Fire wherein he will abide; tempt at killing and/or to whether an individual has and whoever kills himself render a person like to one forfeited his right to life by with an iron weapon, will November - December 2007 63 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA be carrying that weapon in the monks of Saint Cath­ No one of the nation is to his hand and stabbing his erine in Mount Sinai. The disobey this covenant till abdomen with it in the message reads: the Day of Judgment and (Hell) Fire wherein he will the end of the world. " abide" (Related by Imam "This is a message Ahmad, Muslim, Al­ written by Muhammad ibn With such clear teach­ Tinnadhi, An-Nasa'i and Abdullah, as a covenant to ings from the Holy Qur'an Ad-Darimi). those who adopt Christian­ and the example of the ity, far and near, we are be­ Holy Prophet of Islamsaw Ahmadiyyat or the hind them. Verily, I defend the question may be asked; True Islamic worldview them by the servants, the what does the Ahmadiyya recognizes life as a gift helpers, my followers, and Muslim Community, who from Allah. It is a trust that myself because Christians represents the True Islam, should be preserved until are my citizens; and by Al­ teach and practice as a Allah decrees that it was lah! I hold out against any­ means to create loving rela­ time for its return to Him. It thing that displeases them. tions among mankind and is He who gives life and it No compulsion is to be on curtail violence and blood­ is He who takes life back. them. Neither are their shed? For this answer we No degree of pain or suffer­ judges to be changed from tum to Hadhrat Mirza Ghu­ ing permits suicide, not their jobs, nor their monks lam Ahmadas, whom we be­ even for political reasons. from their monasteries. No lieve to be the expected one is to destroy a house of Promised Messiah and Ma­ This position covers their religion, to damage it, what is described as as­ hdi, the Reformer of this or to carry anything from it Age and review his remedy sisted suicide. Active eutha­ to the Muslims' houses. nasia is also prohibited. to end war and establish an Should anyone take any of era of peace. He offered to Passive euthanasia, such as these, he would spoil God's the removal of life support the whole world this mes­ covenant and disobey His sage of peace: "Notwith­ of a brain dead person, is Prophet. Verily, they not prohibited. standing the hundreds of (Christians) are my allies differences between us, ... The verse 2: 257, and have my secure charter we share one thing in com­ where Allah says, "There against all that they hate. mon, i.e., we all believe in should be no compulsion No one is to force them to God, the Creator and Mas­ in religion: Surely, right travel or to oblige them to ter of the Universe. Also, has become distinct from fight. The Muslims are to we belong to the same de­ wrong" fight for them. If a female nomination of God's spe­ Christian is married to a cies and are referred to as gives the commandment Muslim, this is not to take humans." that in no case is force to be place without her own wish. resorted to for the purpose She is not to be prevented (A Message of Peace, page 5) of converting non-Muslims from going to her church to to Islam. pray. Their churches are to ''This requires that we be respected. They are nei­ The Holy Prophet become friends to each ther to be prevented from other, with purity of heart Muhammadsaw is reported repairing them nor the sa­ to have sent a message to and sincerity of intentions. credness of their covenants. We should dispose kindly November - December 2007 64 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA to each other and be mutu­ "It is a common ex­ Jews, Muslims, Sikhs and ally helpful. In the difficul­ perience that calamities all others should come to ties pertaining to religious such as wars and killings terms with each other and if and worldly matters, we that cannot be averted by either of these parties is should exercise such sym­ ordinary measures, and the guilty of such excesses as pathy towards each other as difficulties, which seem in­ obstruct the path of peace, if we have become limbs of surmountable, very often they are better advised to the same body." respond to the power of desist from pursuing that unanimity. Therefore it course. Otherwise, the en­ (A Message of Peace, page 5) would be against the dic­ tire blame for the sin of mu­ " ... A religion that tates of wisdom for one to tual hostility will be borne does not [instill] universal not benefit from the bless­ by the faulting party. All of compassion is no religion at ings of unanimity in regards the day-to-day petty reli­ all. Similarly, a human be­ to the certainty that there is gious differences cannot ing without the faculty of One God and there is no obstruct the course of rec­ compassion is no human at people to whom a W amer onciliation. Only those dif­ all. Our God has never dis­ has not been sent. Therefore ferences can destroy the criminated between one there is no question that the process of reconciliation, people and another. This is True and Perfect God is the which result in insulting illustrated by the fact that Lord of all the worlds, Lord and blasphemous attitudes all the potentials and capa­ of all peoples, the Lord of by one towards the revered bilities, which have been time and space, and He is Messengers, and revealed granted to any one people, the Sovereign of all coun­ holy books of the other. have also been granted to tries." The good news in all this all races inhabiting Arabia, for those who seek recon­ (A Message of Peace, ciliation is that all of the Is­ Persia, Syria, China, Japan, page 11) [Asia, Australia, Europe, lamic teachings are also Africa and the Americas]." "In precarious times found in the different parts such as these I invite you to of every Holy Book." (A Message of Peace, page 6) a truce, as reconciliation is (A Message of Peace, pages urgently required by all na­ We, as human beings 12-13) tions. Anyone who con­ can not afford to hang on to templates annihilation of "Pure common sense "views still commonly held the other is like one who cannot accept the proposi­ by Jews and Christians, that saws off the branch on tion that God, the Lord of all the Prophets and Mes­ which he is sitting. It be­ the Universe is partial to sengers of God belonged hooves you now to avoid only one country, one peo­ only to the House of Israel, grudges and promote mu­ ple and one language. and that God completely tual love. Similarly, the dic­ Dear friends! I appeal ignored the religious and tates of your wisdom re­ spiritual requirements of to you, in the name of God, quire that you abandon the other people, as though He to consider whether such course of callousness and were displeased with them views can really be enter­ adopt an attitude of com­ and will not show concern tained by human nature. I passion and sympathy. It is for their spiritual welfare." fail to understand what kind highly essential that Bud­ of logic it is that on the one dhists, Christians, Hindus, (A Message of Peace, page 7) hand God is conceived to November - December 2007 65 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA be the Lord of the whole such a deadly poison, which guage with regard to the universe and, on the other, not only destroys the body Prophets of other peoples. He is claimed to have with­ but also kills the soul. A In fact, we believe that for drawn His hand of provi­ country whose inhabitants all the Prophets who have dence from a large part of are always after finding come to different peoples of the world, and that His gaze faults in the leaders of oth­ the world and have been ac­ remains fixed on a particu­ ers, and constantly assassi­ cepted by millions of peo­ lar people and one section nate their characters, can ple in all parts of the world, of a particular country." never rest in peace them­ and love for them and their selves. Such people can greatness has been firmly (A Message of Peace, page never achieve true unity established, and further, 16-17, 21) who, individually or mutu­ that this state of devotion "Please decide with ally, refer to each other's and love for them has en­ justice if, in the entire realm Prophets or saints with mal­ dured the test of time, is of physical laws created by ice or foul language. In par­ evidence enough of their God, there is a single piece ticular, Muslims are such truthfulness. To actually of evidence in favor of this. people who, although they pursue the path of gaining Why then should His spiri­ do not believe their Prophet God's favor, and to have tual laws be based on such to be God or the son of the welfare of His creation biased attitudes? If the fac­ God, do regard the Holy at heart and to treat others ulty of reasoning is em­ Prophet Muhammad (saw) with goodness and sympa­ ployed, the good or evil of to be the most revered of all thy, and to respect all the anything becomes manifest the holy men born of a hu­ holy Prophets and Messen­ from the fruit it bears. man mother. To make gers from God, and to ac­ Needless for me to discuss peace with a sincere Mus­ cept them as reformers, and the consequences of abus­ lim is not possible unless to not discriminate between ing and reviling the holy during discussion, their them, and to serve all man­ prophets of God, who have Holy Prophetsaw is men­ kind irrespective of de­ been seen and accepted by tioned with respect and re­ nominations, is the essential hundreds and millions of fined language." requirement of our faith." people; there is hardly a (A Message of Peace, page (A Message of Peace, page people who have not them­ 22) 22) selves witnessed the out­ come of the bitter fruit of Hadhrat Mirza Ghu­ We sincerely and such practices." lam Ahmadas, the Reformer humbly call all people to of this age, has raised the this essential element of (A Message of Peace, page Worldwide Ahmadiyya True Islam. 21-22) Muslim Community, to "O Dear Ones! Age­ represents the True Islam, ******* old experience and repeated to sacrifice itself for the trials have established, sake of peace and to safe­ PAY without question that to in­ guard the sanctity of life. sult and abuse the Prophets Members of the Ahmadiyya ZAKAT and Messengers of different Muslim Community will countries and peoples is "never use indecent Ian- ******* November - December 2007 66 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA THE HOLY PROPHETsaw THE GREATEST EXEMPLER OF 'ITA'l DHIL-QURBA' (BENEVELENCE TO OTHERS AS IF CLOSE KIN)

Munir Hamid, Na'ib Ameer

Transcribed by: Karimullah Zirvi

I have to think in my Habibi! My beloved, 0 involving the master mind and focus myself on Messenger of Allah (swt) Prophet Muhammadsaw. my topic today because I you were the pupil of my This story involves his just came back from two eyes and now that you are adopted son, Ziad, Zaid ibn weeks with Hazoor, no longer here I lost my Harifara. Zaid ibn Harifara Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih sight I care not for anyone was a slave in Mecca and yaba and it was such a beau­ else who dies. It was your the Prophet (saw) and his tiful, beautiful spiritual ex­ death that I feared most. wife, Khadijara has pur­ perience that my mind is When he entered the chased him When she mar­ clouded in a positive way mosque, Hadhrat Mirza ried Rasoolullah5aw, Ra­ with the memories. So I Ghulam Ahmad38 was cry­ soolullahsaw set Zaid free. will start my speech thank­ ing profusely tears were Zaid was a dark-skinned ing Almighty Allahswt for running from his eyes and person, a very dark skinned giving me an opportunity to he waited and waited and person, a child at that time speak to you today about waited till the Promised and he grew up in the the most perfect human be­ Messiah38 had gained his household of master ing who ever walked on the composure and he said to Prophet Muhammadsaw with face of this earth, the mas­ him, he said why were you so much love, with so much ter Prophet Muhammad crying? What made you affection that when Zaid's Mustafasaw. I begin with cry? And he said, "I was father had heard about him though a scene, which took thinking how beautiful it being in Mecca, he went to place in Qadian, India in would have been if I was buy him back from the peo­ Masjid Mubarak and one of the one who had written ple who had enslaved him. the companions of the this poem. That is the soul He told his father that I Promised Messiah38 was of­ of the Ahmadiyya Commu­ have a father. The Master fering the Namaz and he nity. That is the soul of the Prophetsaw has taken me heard someone in the spiritual Jama'at. And that into his family, mosque crying profusely has been passed on from and reciting an Arabic Khalifah to Khalifah, the ~CS,,~! ._ Ht J "'1:;!j... poem written by a compan­ successors of the Promised ion of Rasoolullah8aw, Messiah38 up till to the pre­ has given me so much love Hasan ibn Thabifll and the sent Khalifah. And now I so much affection that I poem translation says Ya begin by telling you a story wish to stay with him and November - December 2007 67 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA his father looked to see opinion in front of the Mas­ tive opinions about human tears in his eyes, in his ter Prophet Muhammad beings on the basis of the son's eyes and saw the face Mustafasaw but behind his color of their skin. We live of Rasoolullahsaw and he back they were talking in a racist society here in said yes this is where my negatively and the master America and in the Western son should be and Ra­ Prophet Muhammad Musta­ World may in some parts of soolullahsaw went a step fur­ rasaw spoke to them. Spoke the Eastern world as well ther and took Zaid along to everyone who was pre­ and the only way you can with him to the Ka' bah and sent at that time and said, remove that kind of racism proclaimed that from that Never again should I hear that is based on the color of day on Zaid was his you make this objection. the a person's skin or their adopted son. After Allah When I select someone I ethnicity or their physical revealed in the Holy am not selecting on the ba­ looks is through spirituality that we are not supposed to sis of their skin color not on and the master Prophet Mu­ have adopted sons Zaid the basis of their ethnicity hammad Mustafasaw demon­ took the name of his father but on the basis of their strated it time and time and Harifahra but he still re­ righteousness. This comes time again. The story of mained the spiritual son of from Allahswt it does not Zaid ibn Zaidra does not end the master Prophet Muham­ come from me. It comes there. There is another story madsaw and we are the spiri­ from Allahswt So the story connected with that. During tual children, the latter day goes that Zaid was com­ the time of Hadhrat Umafll people, we are the children mander of that army and he he was sitting in the Masjid of the master Prophet Mu­ died in that battle and his distributing some wealth hammad Mustafasaw. So son, Usama, Usama ibn that the Muslims had re­ when I talk about him I am Zaidra during the time of the ceived and he had given talking about him as we be­ master Prophet Muhammad Usama ibn Zaidra a large ing part of that spiritual Mustafasaw that he was sent amount of that wealth. family that is connected out as a General to com­ More than he had given his forever with the master mand an army and the own son, Abdullah ibn Prophet Muhammad Musta­ Prophetsaw was in the room Umar"1 and Abdullah ibn rasaw But the story of Zaid in his house. He was not Umar put up an objection. ibn Harifara does not end feeling well and he over­ Father! Why are you doing there. Zaid ibn Harifa was heard the same people say­ this? I served the master appointed by the master ing the same negative Prophet Muhammad Musta­ Prophet Muhammad Musta­ things about his son Zaid fasaw when I was a child, I rasaw as a commander of the ibn Harifahra and he jumped fought with him in wars, army, the Muslim army. out of his bed and went into the battles and you are giv­ There was some dissension the mosque ascended to the ing this brother more that among the Muslims as they pulpit and reprimanded what you are giving me. He were upset that Rasoolul­ these people again. He said, said, My dear son! You do lah58w has chosen an ex­ You are the same people not understand at all. His slave to be the commander who raised the same objec­ father, Zaid ibn Harifahra of his army and they voiced tions when I appointed his who was the beloved of the their opm1on. Of course father as a General and you Master Prophet Muhammad they did not voice their still hold those same nega- Mustafasaw. He loved him November - December 2007 68 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA more than he loved your fa­ ing today. Darul Akram, Darussallam ther, me. He loved Zaidra and the brothers were wait­ with all his heart and with There is another story ing for him. Rasoolullah5aw all his soul and my dear son I would like to tell you saw him coming and Ra­ he loved Usama ibn Zaidra about Abudullah ibn Mas­ soolullah5aw was crying and more than he loved you, my oudra who also was a slave the brothers began to cry. own son. You see, my in the early days of Islam They could not contain brothers and sisters that and he was in Darul Akram themselves and all the everything in Islam is based they called it Darussalam a while when Abdullah ibn on spirituality, is not based house set aside for the Mus­ Masoudra was walking to­ on the color of a person's lims outside of Mecca and wards them he was moving skin. It is not based on the the young Muslims thought his lips. No one knows fact that they were ex­ that the people in Mecca what he was saying as he slaves, what have you. We have never really had the was walking towards his have the same thing going Quran presented to them brothers towards the on in America when it from one of the converts of Prophet of Allahsaw but I comes to people looking Rasoolullah53w so let us se­ was thinking in my own and viewing us. We were lect someone and Abdullah mind that he must have descendants of ex-slaves as ibn Masoudra jumped up been saying being no good, not intelli­ and said I will go. I will go gent, not worthy of posi­ to Ka'bah and I will recite La ilaha illallah .. . tion, not worthy of rank, the Holy Qur'an to them La ilaha illallah .. . nothing and yet these peo­ and they said you are an ex­ ple who were kidnapped slave you are a black per­ This my bothers is the from Africa to here in son. They are not going to ending of my speech and America were not given a listen to you and so forth so my saying to you from my Passport, not given a green on. He said regardless of heart, from my mind is that card. They were given noth­ what my past was I want to if you let your prejudices ing at all. Their clothing go. So they agreed and he that have affected other was stripped from their went there and he recited communities, have de­ back and the majority of the Holy Qur'an in such a stroyed other communities them were Muslim and they beautiful voice, in such a destroy you, you will be the were Imams, they were beautiful way, he was cry­ greatest loser because when Hafiz of the Holy Qur' an, ing, but the Meccans of you see our spiritual leader they were professors of the course were not crying and and I asked him this ques­ Islamic schools, they were they were upset. They be­ tion. I said, "Hazoor! Are artisans, they were crafts­ gan to beat him. Began to you just the spiritual leader men. All these talents were tear his clothes of his body for Ahmadis around the there and the slave-masters and they beat him unmerci­ world?" He said, "No, Mu­ stood in the way of their fully. There was not a spot nir! I am the spiritual leader practicing Islam and they on his body that was not in­ for all mankind even those prayed every day and every flicted with some kind of people who have not em­ night so that their descen­ wound or some kind of pain braced Islam benefit by my dants will return to Islam and he had a smile on his presence here on earth be­ and this is what is happen- face and he went back to cause I was appointed to November - December 2007 69 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA this position by Allahswt. This is the position that Al­ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih'saha lahswt has chosen for me. So you see my brothers and Instructions Regarding sisters! You are in the right organization and your job, After Retirement your main job is to cleanse yourself of all prejudices of With regard to Waqf after retirement, Hadhrat all biases of every things Khalifatul Masih yaba has said: that stand in your way from becoming a spiritual human being, Hazom.aba says this is "Then comes the requirement of Waqf after re­ what he wants us to be. We tirement. The requirements of the Jama'at are grow­ are not African-American ing in the Western countries as well. And since peo­ Ahmadis, African Ahmad­ is, Pakistani Ahmadis, we ple here are given benefits by the governments and are spiritual brothers. We other organizations, Ahmadis who have retired and are one family and regard­ are enjoying these benefits should offer their services less of the color of our skin, to the Jama'at. They should not demand anything regardless of our ethnicity the only way that we can from the Jama'at because their own needs are being bring Islam, true Islam in fulfilled by the pension or other facilities they re­ America is through our love ceive from governments or other organizations, for our master Prophet Mu­ Some people have to work even after retirement be­ hammad Mustafasaw thro­ ugh our love for Allahswt cause they have responsibilities to fulfill, like chil­ and through our love for dren who are still studying. But those who do not our spiritual leader, Hadhrat have such responsibilities, and are enjoying good Khalifatul Masih yaba. health, should present themselves for voluntary ser­ May Allah make us vice to the Jama'at. The thought does, however, those lovers. May Allah cross some people's minds that through their volun­ bless us. May Allah con­ tary work they are doing a favor to the Jama'at. So if tinue to keep us united. May Allah increase spiritu­ you offer yourselves you should do so with the con­ ality in each and every one sciousness that it will be Allah's favor and the Ja­ of us and especially in our ma'ats favor on you if you are asked to serve the Ja­ children. May Allah please ma' at in any way." make it so I close this with:

Alhamdulillahi ( Extract from Friday Sermon Delivered by Rabbi! 'Alamin. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V°ba on November 3, 2006) ******* ******* November - December 2007 70 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA ~·~-E:-lli\.13113 THE PROMISED MESSIAH'Sas DEFENSE OF ISLAM Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad

I have been asked to loved master Hadhrat when we think about all the speak on the topic of, "The Mohammadsaw being ma­ trials and tribulations facing Promised Messiah' sas De­ ligned and his faith being Islam and state of its af­ fense of Islam" disparaged. He would be fairs. This is the concern for overwhelmed with grief just Islam that agonizes me so This could be summed to think about the state of much. up in one sentence that he his beloved faith. Ii ved and died in the service Those were just not of Islam by expounding on Hadhrat Maulvi Fateh the fleeting thoughts of pas­ the superiority of its teach­ Din Sahib describes an inci­ sion for his faith nor were ings over all other religions. dent of earlier years of they momentary surges of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Promised Messiah' sas life. emotions of love for Islam. Ahmadas demonstrated a He dedicated and devoted deep interest in the reli­ "I used to visit Hazoo~ himself in the cause of Is­ gious studies from his early often, he states, and at times lam from very early age, age. Even as a teenager he I would spend the night at studying and understanding was consumed with gather­ his house. One night I woke Qur'an and other religious ing objections and argu­ up in the middle of the literature. His only desire ments leveled against Islam night and what I witnessed was that he could stand up and its prophetsaw. He once was that Hazoo~ appeared in the defense of Islam noted to be in extreme distress. against all those falsehoods He was pacing from one attributed to it. "I have been reading comer of the room to the books written by Christians other as if he was experi­ Pundat Devi Ram, a since I was sixteen or sev­ encing excruciating pain, so hindu resident of Qadian enteen years old. I deliber­ restless like a fish out of states about Hadhrat Mirza ated over almost three thou­ water. I got very worried to Ghulam Ahmadas: sand allegations and objec­ watch his condition. I could tions that have been di­ not dare to ask him and laid "He would always be rected against Prophet there still. After a while he studying books and news Mohammadsaw." settled down. I talked to papers. Many of them re­ him about the incident in lated to Christianity and When Hadhrat Mirza the morning and wondered Hinduism. There were Ghulam Ahmadas looked whether he had renal colic stacks of books around him. around, he could not find a or some other ailment. Ha­ He would spend most of his person standing up to re­ zoo~ replied Mian Fateh time in the mosque or in the spond to these lies and Din; the fact of the matter is room beside it. He loved his falsehoods. He saw his be- that we get very perturbed religion out of all the things November - December 2007 71 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA in the world. His father About the same time Arya a school. One day a clergy­ used to say, Ghulam Smaj, a newly founded man dropped in and argued Ahmad you do not know Hindu sect began a harsh that there was no salvation when the sun rises or sets and abusive criticism di­ except by converting to you are so involved in stud­ rected at Islam and its doc­ Christianity. The Promised ies that you don't keep trine. In a short period tens Messiahas just asked him to track of time." of thousands of believers of completely define salvation. unity accepted dogma of He was dumbfounded and The Promised Messiahas trinity. replied , I have not read this reminiscing on those days type of logic and left. later said: The city of Sialkot in the Punjab had become one Hadhrat Mirza Ghu­ "I was so engrossed in of the focus point for Chris­ lam Ahmadas was an em­ reading books and studying tian missionary's activities. ployee of the British gov­ that I was oblivious of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam ernment at the time. Lord every thing else. My father Ahmadas came to Sialkot in Henry Lawrence was the repeatedly advised me not 1864 where he got the job Viceroy of India, the head to study so hard because of in the government service of the government. He had his concern for my health." on the insistence of his fa­ openly announced his de­ But Hadhrat Mirza ther. He was 29 years old sire to spread Christianity Ghulam Ahmadas had no and stayed there for about across India. Christian mis­ time to spare or a moment four years. The Christian sionaries had free access to to waste. He was being pre­ clergy were out in force the halls of power and full pared by a divine design to spreading the Gospel of the moral and material support launch a campaign in de­ superiority of Christianity of the government to fense of Islam which would over Islam and the only achieve this goal. But stop its enemies in their way for salvation. Muslim Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ah­ tracks. populace and the scholars madas was not afraid to en­ alike were in retreat help­ gage these high powered I may take a moment less to defend their faith. clergy in the discussion to to remind the audience, the But Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam prove the superiority of Is­ religious and political land­ Ahmadas engaged the Chris­ lam over all other religions. scape in Asia particularly tians and presented such India during the later half of powerful counter arguments During his stay in the nineteenth century. to refute their claim that Sialkot, he came to know British had subjugated and they were speechless. Reverend Butler who was a colonized the Indian sub­ There was a shop close to well-known person in reli­ continent. The Christian the Promised Messiah' sas gious circles and the head missionaries intoxicated residence and some edu­ of the Scottish Mission. with the power of British cated people gather there in They both had long reli­ rule and backed by political the evening to discuss dif­ gious discussions. Reverend and official support of Eng­ ferent subjects. Occasion­ Butler was so impressed by lish crown had grand vi­ ally the Promised Messiah35 the Promised Messiah's sion. They wanted to con­ would also join them and logical discourse that he vert majority of the popu­ had religious discussion would often visit Hazoot15 lace into Christianity. with a Christian principal of in the office at the end of November - December 2007 72 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the day and then accompa­ successful debater against challenged the followers of nied Hazoot18 to his house. Christianity. all religions to set forth Some Christian objected to from their recognized reli­ his practice and reminded Another such incident gious books their respective him of his status. Mr. But­ is that of Hadhrat Maulvi teachings in this behalf. He ler responded," he is a great Noorudin Khalifatul Masih promised to award a prize man of extra-ordinary stat­ Ira, When Hadhrat Maulvi of Rs. 500 to any non­ ure, you don't know him Sahibra initially met the Muslim who would set but I recognize his virtues." Promised Messiahas, he forth from his own religious asked Hazoot18, "As your books one half or even one Mirza Murad Baig follower, what endeavor third of the teachings in was editor of a news paper, should I engage in so I can support of truth that he him­ Wazir Hind. He would visit excel in the love of God." self would set forth from the Promised Messiahas of­ The Promised Messiahas re­ the recognized books on Is­ ten. He had great apprecia­ plied, "you should write a lam. No one came forward tion for his unique and logi­ book against Christianity." to take up the challenge. cal approach to religious Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih discussion and for his ir­ ira said that I had very little This was the first of refutable arguments in fa­ knowledge about Christian­ many challenges to non vor of Islam. Occasionally ity at that time. But he Muslims in defense of he would write column in started research and studied teachings of Islam by the his papers reflecting the Christianity in depth. He Promised Messiahas. Soon Promised Messiah' sas logic then authored the book After this he addressed the and rationale. Faslul Khitab refuting Arya Samaj about their in­ Christian doctrine. sulting comments about The Promised Messia­ God and concept of reincar­ has would extend his sup­ Even though the nation. He challenged many port and help to any one in­ Promised Messiahas had of their leaders in succes­ terested to serve the cause some public exposure while sion with a financial reward of Islam. Munshi Nabi he was in Sialkot but na­ if they accept it and prove Buksh of Batala was quite tionally he was still un­ their claim from their own enthusiastic in engaging known. In August 1872 the books as well as against Is­ Christians in religious dis­ Promised Messiahas wrote lam. But again no one ac­ cussions but lacked the ap­ an article in Manshoor-e­ cepted the challenge. Later propriate knowledge. The Mohammadi, a national the Promised Messiahas Promised Messiahas would magazine. This was a his­ called on another Hindu ask him to pretend a Chris­ toric article , he announced sect Barhamo Samaj to de­ tian and criticize the Is­ that the basis of all good­ bate about logic and truth of lamic doctrine , Hazoot18 ness in human affairs and their beliefs. The result was would answer and if Mun­ relationship was truth. An no different than previous shi Sahib were not com­ easy way to determine the encounters. It is best su­ pletely satisfied with the re­ truth of a religion was to mmed up by an article in a ply, Hazoot18 would ask discover to what degree it Hindu newspaper, it writes. him to pursue more aggres­ had put forth an effective sively, till he was com­ and emphatic teaching de­ "The Barhamo Samaj pletely satisfied. This prac­ signed to establish its fol­ movement started like a tice made Munshi Sahib a lowers firmly on truth. He storm in India and soon November - December 2007 73 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA branched out in many other over trifles and the pious So in 1880 Braheen­ countries. Besides Sikhs are entirely unaware of the Ahmadiyya was published. and Hindus, many Muslims needs of the faith. 0, Mus­ It presented three hundred accepted its teachings. Very lims are these the signs of arguments in support of the well known Muslim fami­ your religiosity that while superiority of Islam and its lies in Bengal joined this faith is in such distress you teachings. He put forth a movement. But then Mirza are occupied wholly with challenge that if a follower Ghulam Ahmad, who was a the pursuit of the carrion of of any religion other than renowned Muslim scholar the world." Islam would set forth on be­ wrote books against Hindus half of his religion one half and Christians. He chal­ From the remote vil­ or one fourth or even one lenged them for a open de­ lage of Qadian with almost fifth of the excellence that bate. But regrettably no no worldly resources this he himself proposed to for­ Barhamo Samaj leader paid champion of God as he mulate as basis of Islam, he attention. As a result those would be later titled by Al­ would make a present to Muslims who had joined lah Himself, took on mighty him of all his property the movement slowly aban­ Christianity on one hand which he valued at Rs. doned it. and fought back the assault 10000. on Islam by Hindus on the We must keep in per­ other. At the same time he The publication of this spective that Hadhrat Mirza purified Islam of all innova­ book shook up the religious Ghulam Ahmadas was the tions that had crept in over world across India and be­ lonely voice in defending centuries. While his friends yond. Of course no one Islam against the onslaught. and foes saw him as a meek came forward to accept the He had no help or support and humble person lacking challenge. The Muslims from his Muslim brethren. any worldly influence, they were jubilant and the oppo­ He describes his feelings in did not realize that his nents were stunned and dis­ one of his Persian verses. nightly supplications, his pirited, Islam was not in the love for Allah and Hadhrat trench any more ducking "It behooves the eye Mohammadsaw had won him the arrows thrown at it. His­ of every faithful one to shed the divine favor. The Prom­ torically it appears that with tears of blood over the dis­ ised Messiahas had a vision the publication of Braheen­ tress of Islam and disap­ years earlier that he had in e-Ahmadiyya The Christian pearance of the true Mus­ his hand a book which is missionaries successes were lims, Before your very eyes written by him and its name significantly slowed down. the Islam has fallen into the is Qutbi. dust. What excuse will you Almost all the leading offer to God. The well to do Under a divinely in­ Muslim personalities paid are eager in pursuit of their spired urge he moved to tribute to the Promised joys and pleasures passing embark on a project which Messiahas for his master their time in laughter and would not only safeguard piece work. badinage in the company of Islam against hostile attacks beautiful women. The di­ but would clearly and de­ Maulvi Mohammad vine are at loggerhead with monstrably establish its su­ Hussein of Batala pub­ each other day and night periority over all other lished a detailed review in faiths. his newspaper: November - December 2007 74 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

''This is a book , he God is proved supreme or selves the divine signs of wrote the equal of which their false deities. truth of Islam. The Prom­ has not been published in ised Messiah85 said that if Islam to this day. The au­ The publication of this he failed to manifest such thor proved himself so book was a great undertak­ divine help, he would pay a stead fast in the service of ing beset by many difficul­ handsome financial reward. Islam through his pen, his ties. It seems appropriate to Unfortunately again there money, his tongue etc, that give some perspective to were no takers. few such instances are our internet generation. found among the Muslims. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Swami Shagan Chan­ Ahmad, The Promised dar was a Hindu and always 85 Hadhrat Sufi Ahmad Messiah lived in Qadian, a had interest in religious Janra, a saintly person remote place by any stan­ teachings. He thought of wrote, "This book estab­ dard. He had access to his having a conference of dif­ lishes the truth of Islam and family library and a few ferent faiths to provide a of the prophethood of news papers. He was the forum for religion scholars Mohammadsaw and of the researcher, the writer, the to discuss their respective Holy Qur'an through three proof reader, the courier teachings. He came to hundred strong proofs of and the publicist. The near­ Qadian and requested the 85 various types and refutes est railway station and tele­ Promised Messiah if he the Christian , Arya, Hindu, graph office were eleven could write his views on Is­ Barhamo Smaj and all other miles away in Batala. He lam for this meeting. religions opposed to Islam. would travel to Batala on 'Hazoor85 was ill at the time the dirt road studded with and was hesitant to partici­ Certain non-Muslims pot holes in a spring less pate. But Sawami Sahib in­ on the other hand expressed horse drawn carts before sisted. The Promised Mes­ contemptuous language taking train to Amritsar to siah prayed for divine guid­ against the Promised Messi­ the printing press. He had ance and knowledge to ah85 and announced their to take many of these trips write an essay which would intentions to write a refuta­ during the publication of be superior over all other tion of the book. But that this book. presentations. After the was it, it remained an inten­ prayers he felt sense of em­ The Promised Messiah85 tion only. The promised powerment to do this task. published 20000 flyers in Messiah85 prodded them to He was lying down because 1885 both in Urdu and Eng­ respond in the following of his sickness, he started lish. He declared that he terms, writing the essay right there was the reformer of the laying and was writing so "I put all these gentle­ time and mailed this flyer to fast that the companions men on oath that they all the leading personalities who were copying the arti­ should not delay for one in the field of religion, poli­ cle had difficult time to moment in entering the list tics, government and schol­ keep pace with Hazoo~ . against me. Let them put on ars in India, Asia. Europe After he finished the writ­ the guise of Plato, Aristotle and America. He invited ing he had the revelation, and Bacon. Let them sup­ any one of them to come to "This paper will tower plicate to their false deities Qadian and visit him for a above all other". It was read and then see whether our year and witness for them- by Hadhrat Maulvi Abdul November - December 2007 75 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Karimra in the conference to Promised Messiah85 wrote a an applauding audience letter to him and signed his HADITH who insisted to extend the name as Al-Nabi Mirza conference to an extra day Ghulam Ahmad, Prophet Hadhrat 'Abaid­ so the speech could be com­ Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Ha­ ullah bin 'Adin relates pleted. This was "Philoso­ zoor88 predicted his fall phy of Teachings of Islam". from grace and soon he was that Hadhrat Miqdad forced to leave London and bin 'Amru Kindi who Every Ahmadi here died in obscurity. fought in the Battle of knows who Dr. Alexander Badr told me that he Dowie was and what hap­ The Promised Messiah38 pened to him after his con­ was triumphant in his val­ asked the Messenger58w frontation with the Prom­ iant struggle to restore the of Allah: "Tell me, if I ised Messiah85 but there is a honor and truth of Islam. am fighting a pagan and lesson in it for all of us. He left us a treasure of he cuts off one of my That the Promised Messia­ knowledge of rationality hands with his sword h85 was always vigilant, backed by divine revelation and then takes shelter guarding the integrity of his to establish the truth. He faith and the honor of his had hoped and prayed that behind a tree and says: I Master, Mohammadsaw. He members of his Jama'at submit to Allah; shall I would seek out any oppo­ will be his true followers. kill him after he has nent of truth and preachers said this? He said: 'No. of falsehood and confront Islam is under siege today, the religion of peace Do not kill him.' I them no matter where and expostulated: 'Messen­ when. No enemy of Islam and love is being accused of could have escaped' his terror and hate because of a get• of Allah, even watchful eye and his divine few ill versed and mis­ after he cuts off one of sight. guided people. We should my hands and thereafter respond in the manner that says this?' He said: 'Do The Promised Messiah85 the Promised Messiahas subscribed to many news would have done it if he not kill him, for if you papers , national and inter­ were here today. He was kill him, he will be in national, One of the com­ alone but he took on thou­ the position in which panions would translate for sands of his opponents. And you were before you him important passages we are so many and appears killed him, and you will from English. If he ever to be struggling. It is time be in the position in read or heard any com­ for us to reflect and pray ments against Islam, he lest complacency takes over which he was before he would immediately write or us and our spirit gives way uttered the words that dictate the response. While to comfort. The Promised he did utter.' " Dowie was making news in Messiah38 had great hopes USA, Reverend Smith Pig­ from us, we can not afford ( Bukhari kitabuddiyat) got in London claimed to come short. We can not that he is God. He also ex­ expect to share his prayers pressed his contempt and if we don't fulfill his expec­ ******* hostility towards Islam. The tations. November - December 2007 76 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


We are expecting in a few minutes that Hadhrat Khalifatul Masihaba will start his ad­ dress to the Jalsa in Germany and that would be transmitted live by MT A feed on the screen and I will step back at that time. While we are waiting for Hazoor to come I thought I would just share a few thoughts with you. Next year is the Khilafat Centenary Celebration. Everyone is aware of that and there are a few things, which are going on. One is that we have been informed that barring any­ thing totally unexpected Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih yaba will Insha Allah visit the United States at the occasion of our annual Jalsa which to accommodate his schedule is being held on the third weekend in June 2008. We are making two hopefully alternate arrangements. One is a commercially available center in Harrisburg, PA which is even larger than the ac­ commodation we are using right now and that would be signed off on in a way as to mini­ mize the risk if we cancel. But Insha' Allah it will be lined up. This will be one choice. The better choice we are hoping is that if Allah Wills and I have asked for everybody's prayers on that. We will have our own Jalsa Gah site in Maryland about an hour North from here. It is a small town called, Walkersville and there are some outstanding issues before it can be completed and without going into the details I am just requesting your prayers that Allah re­ solves the remaining issues and He grants us that place for use as a Jalsa Gah and for some other local activities. 'There is also a need to keep in mind as a part of the Khilafat Centenary Celebrations that we have an ongoing fund.raising for the Centenary Fund for which a total of $5 million have been budgeted as expenditure including the largest item which is the expansion of Bai­ tur Rahman Mosque in Silver Spring. The construction has been delayed slightly for techni­ cal reason but nothing which is jeopardizing the project at this time. The hope is that at the latest, sometime in November we will get our final permits and the contractor is already lined up and construction will start. In order to meet all these expenditures we need to raise funds and that is why an appeal has been made and most Jama'ats are aware of that and most Jama'ats have given pledges and if all the pledges are finished we will reach our target. The only issue is that we need to expedite that as much as we can. The sooner the funding is done the easier it becomes to handle these projects. In the mention of the pathway to spiritual pro­ gress in the first Ruku of Surah Al-Mo 'minoon I laid out and shared with everyone yesterday. The third stage is a matter of spending in the way of Allah and that spending in that particu­ lar contact is described as a required stage before you can move further in your spirituality and the word used is, Za.kat in that verse. But the word Za.kat at that particular stage means a whole lot more than the classical definition of Za.kat which remains. It means all the Chan­ das that you pay to Jama'at. It means Chanda Aam, your Chanda Wasiyyat, Chanda Jalsa November - December 2007 77 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Salana, all the auxiliary Chandas and the Chandas which are appealed to by Hadhrat Khali­ fatul Masihaba for time to time for National needs and with the Grace of Allah, not this past financial year but the year before, the USA Jama'at responded in the most and the highest fashion of obedience to Khalifatul Masih and to Nizam-e-Khilafat and funded that project for the Tahir Heart Institute. My understanding is that the Institute has been completed physi­ cally and the staffing is complete in every way and a formal inauguration is expected in Oc­ tober. Of the Cardiologists in United States, Dr. Anwaruddin Sahib, I understand is on his way, enroute to Fazl-e-Omar Hospital. He is a Waqf-e-Zindaghi. If my information is correct Dr. Noori Sahib has given up his practice in Islamabad or thereabout and moved full time to Fazl-e-Omar Hospital or Tahir Heart Institute already and there have been some structural changes. Hazoor aba has made in order to facilitate the function of the Tahir Heart Institute and I am mentioning these things so that everybody understands how that money was used.

The money that we put together under the Nizam-e-Jama'at, under the Nizam-e­ Khilafat has a very pious purpose and carries a whole lot of blessing. If we look at our Chanda here in the United States. Although we are very happy about it, with the total amount and we are very grateful to Allah for the total amount, in the scheme of things in the United States the amount is not that large. However, the results Masha Allah are very large, and Allah has given us because of those efforts many now. He has enabled us to do good works throughout the world and even now just in the past month or so there was an ad­ dition of a mosque in Austin, TX. There has been another mosque this spring which was in and these are both purchased, and as Allah Wills it, things will keep on expand­ ing, going forward. If Allah Wills it, and we get a Jalsa Gah, you know in Maryland, Insha Allah it will grow into a very useful facility for the entire Jama'at, and we will have a feeling of a home where we can hold our annual conventions or Jalsas, rather than going from place to place, and without having control on some aspects of the physical setup which we have to respect when we are renting or leasing a space from others. So I encourage everyone to keep in mind about the financial sacrifices. These financial sacrifices are important not only for the third stage and the sixth stage progress of spirituality which I encourage everyone to read in the Ta/sir of Masih Mau'oodas for the first Ruku of Surah Al-Mo'minoon. I think most people here can read Urdu, and as I understand some of the material has been translated into English as well. It is included in the 'Essence of Islam", but we also need to understand that financial sacrifice is a part of the joint activity which Hadhrat Masih Mau'oodas has elabo­ rated upon in Tauzeeh-e-Maram.

In that description in Tauzeeh-e-Maram, Masih Mau'oodas talks about his exalted status as the Messiah and how there is a commonality in one aspect to the first Messiah, Je­ sus Christas and being that the Khilafat is the Qudrat-e-Thania, the second manifestation that gift is carried to his Khulafa. There can be no question about this, it is also a matter of how individuals come together and interact with each other and with the Khalifatul Masih and what he described is something like this, I hope I can simplify it,that when disciples come around or came around, or will come around, the Messiah or his successor and there is right­ eousness, and they will connect with each other by sharing one another's feelings, one an­ other's pains, sufferings and in the process become a group connected with each other and with the Messiah or Khalifatul Masih as the case may be, then by virtue of the gift given to Messiahas, and to the Khalifatul Masih in this time that group of individuals becomes like the November - December 2007 78 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA branches of a green tree. Life is breathed into that group, into the individuals by the Khali­ fatul Masih in our times, and in the time of the Messiah by Masih Mau'ood, as himself.

This strengthens the Iman, the belief and the love that is in the hearts of these indi­ viduals, and the next part is that Allah, because of His gift to the Messiah and his Khulafa, then sends down the holy spirit into these hearts which descends, and it is as if the combina­ tion of these two, the descent of the holy spirit from the heavens, and the existence of the love and the Iman which is in the hearts of the believers, who are around the Khalifatul Ma­ sih, there is created within these individuals a new being, which in spiritual terminology is called the holy ghost, and Hadhrat Masih Mau'oodas goes on to say that this is the true trinity where these two beings combine to form a third, the holy ghost which has been malformed and distorted into the more commonly visualized concept of trinity as preached amongst most Christians.

Now, I want to share this once again so that hopefully we will all understand it and practice it, we have to realize that the things which were promised to Masih Mau'oodas by Allah, and that is what he is writing about, and which are a part of the Qudrat-e-Thania without any doubt. We have the opportunity to partake of it, but the only way we can partake of it is if we come together as a Jama'at, if we have an unwavering belief and truthful Iman which does not question anything about Khilafat and Khalifatul Masih, and not get distracted by what we imagine as being differences from whatever. It is only when this pure belief is there in our hearts and everything is a matter of the heart, that Allah's Holy Spirit descends and gives us our gift of the Holy Ghost to the extent that each one of us is deserving of it. And spending in the way of Allah, responding to the instructions of the Khalifatul Masih Vaba, following the wishes of the Khalifatul Masih yaba should be done in that spirit. Look at the purity in your own heart and I should look at the purity in my heart when I am following the instructions of Hazootba. That is the only healthy way and the right way and the way which gives us the best of the rewards with Allah, and may it be so. I am going to stop now. ********* ANNOUNCEMET In 2008, in celebration of the centenary of the Khilafat-e­ Ahmadiyya, the following special issues of the Gazette will be published: January: Had.brat Khalifatul Masih ra February: Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih nra (Musleh Mau'oodNumber) March: Masih Mau'oodas Number April: Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Illm May: Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVm and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih vaba (Khilafat Number) The members are requested to send articles for the Special Issues. November - December 2007 79 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V'saba Address to the Final Session of the Jalsa Salana, Germany was Carried Live to the Jalsa Salana, USA.

In his address, towards the end, Hazooraba said the following: Today is also the end of the Jalsa of USA, which is being held these days. Ameer Sahib had made a request for a message. The message I have given in my speech is the same for them as it is for the rest of the world. However, since their Jalsa is being held, I like to take advantage of this occasion and give this message to America in addition. O' Ahmadis living in America, particularly the African American brothers there who are advancing in their faith and devotion! Some of you came to the Jalsa in UK, and the majority of them had come for the first time. Af­ ter the Jalsa, their hearts were at peace. And the expression of achieving a lot was quite visible in your eyes and on your faces. The display of love for Khilafat that I saw on your faces, made my heart well up with the praise of Allah the Almighty. I want to tell you one thing. Your fore­ fathers were brought to America as slaves. Now you have gotten your freedom in that country, or it is said that freedom has been achieved. But there are many restrictions in this freedom. If you ponder you will admit that you have achieved true freedom only in the slavery of the Holy Prophet Mohammadsaw, by entering the Jama'at of his true servant. Therefore guard this free­ dom and give this message of freedom to your brethren too and also to the white Americans and other nationalities. You are free, but these people who have put the yokes of sensualism around their necks, who have forgotten God Almighty and who have the chains of egoism as shackles on their feet, they are captives due to the bondage of carnality. Get them the freedom by conveying to them the message of the beautiful teachings of Islam and bring them into the slavery of the Holy Prophetsaw. Only then will you be called truly liberated and real liberators. By implementing the tenets of Islam in your personal lives, as I have said earlier, you should become what Hadhrat Masih Mau' ood35 wanted to see us become. Therefore be mindful of this obligation of yours. And similarly every Ahmadi in the world should understand this message and try to act upon it. May Allah enable everyone. Now we are going to pray. In your prayers also remember those who are powerless, those who are constrained, those who are sitting in Pakistan and legal restrictions do not let them hold Jalsas, those who do not have means to bear the travel expenses to participate in the Jalsas in UK or Germany, those whose limitations and legal constraints are such that have de­ prived them from meeting the Khalifah of the time, those who have the desire to participate in the Jalsas. Remember all such people in your prayers. After the Jalsa UK, every year, I get countless such letters that are charged with sentiments and by reading them one is overwhelmed by emotions. May Allah fulfill their noble desires and prayers also. And May He so change the conditions there, May He rescue the nation from the worldly Maulvis and religious cynics, so that people may be able to recognize the truth. May Allah, the exalted, enable you and all those who desired, whether they could or could not come, those who wished they could come, those who are powerless, those who are in different lands all over the world, those who are poor, who are destitute, who are helpless, re­ member them all in your prayers that May Allah make all of them inherit the prayers of Hadhrat 85 Masih Mau'ood • Now let us pray. November - December 2007 80 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA 59th Jalsa Salana USA Lajna Imaillah USA Report Asma Siddiqui, Lajna Secretary Isha 'at

Alhamdolillah! The 59th Jalsa Salana Jamaat Ahmadiyya USA was successfully held from August 31st to September 2nd, 2007 at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Virginia, USA. Lajna Imaillah USA, by the Grace of Allah, played a vital role in the organization of this blessed event. May Allah shower His bountiful Mercy on all the volunteers who en­ abled the Jalsa activities to be carried out smoothly, Ameen. Everyone should keep in their 38 minds the words of the Promised Messiah, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian : "It is essential for all those who can afford to undertake the journey, that they must come to attend this Convention which embodies many blessed objectives. They should disregard minor in­ conveniences in the cause of Allah and His prophet (peace be upon him). Allah yields re­ ward to the sincere persons at every step of their way, and no labor and hardship, undertaken in His way, ever goes to waste. I re-emphasize that you must not rank this convention in the same league as other, ordinary, human assemblies. This is a phenomenon that is based purely on the Divine Help, for propagation of Islam." (lshtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo'ah Jshtiharat Vol. I, Page 341) This year, guests to the Jalsa Salana came from all across the USA and the world. There were about 4500 members who participated and contributed in making the Jalsa suc­ cessful. The Jalsa proceedings began on Friday, with speeches being relayed from the men's side. On Saturday, the Lajna Imaillah had the opportunity to organize the entire day's pro­ gram. The program included a vast array of spiritually uplifting, informative topics, pre­ sented by sisters of different ages, different professional and ethnic backgrounds, new con­ verts, and born Ahmadis. The Lajna Saturday Session was presided by Dr. Shanaz Butt, Sadr Lajna Imaillah USA. All speeches were centered on truthfulness. Topics of speeches included: Life of the Holy Prophefaw - The Perfect Example of Truthfulness, Signs of Truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas, The Second Condition of Bai'at - True versus False Practices, Staying True to our Covenant- Sacrifices of Early Ahmadis in America, ls'lam - A Perfect and Complete Religion for All Mankind. The sessions through the day were interspersed with beautiful poems. The program included a Welcome to New Ahmadi Sisters as well as Recognition of our Nasirat who had completed their first reading of the Holy Qur'an. Annual Awards were given to Majaalis in various categories. Taleem awards were presented to deserving scholars. All participants strongly agreed that the Lajna Session was spiritually motivating and a great experience, Alhamdolillah! Jalsa Salana is a spiritually uplifting and social event, where members revive them­ selves and enjoy each other's company. They got a chance to visit fundraising stall, where snacks and refreshments were available throughout the Jalsa weekend. A fundraising Exhibi­ tion stall was organized, where contributions from Lajna chapters throughout the country November - December 2007 81 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA were displayed. The bookstall was very successful, where many of the books published by our Jama'at were on sale. Children's Area and Nursery were other facilities provided for mothers with children. Other stalls, such as hospitality, homeopathy, first aid and lost & found, were also accessible for the convenience of the guests. The Zia/at team was honored to serve meals prepared in the Langar Khaana to the guests of the Promised Messiahas over the weekend!

Jalsa Salana was an exceptional event. The participants had the privilege and oppor­ tunity of watching an address by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih yaba live via satellite from Ger­ many. Huzootba concluded the session on prayers for the Community and inspired them that it is them who have to wave the banner of Muhammadsaw in the world and it is them who have to establish excellent standards for the glory of Unity of God. ******* Belief in Unity of God Established Through Holy Prophetsaw

It is a false and stinking notion that belief in the Unity of God can be achieved otherwise than through the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Al­ lah be on him); nor can man achieve salvation without it. How can there be faith in the Unity of God unless there is perfect certainty with regard to His ex­ istence? Be sure, therefore, that belief in the Unity of God can be achieved only through a Prophet, as our Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) convinced the atheists and pagans of Arabia of the existence of God Al­ mighty by showing them thousands of heavenly signs. Up till today, the true and perfect followers of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) present those signs to the atheists.

The truth is that till a person observes the living powers of the Living God, Satan does not depart from his heart, nor does true Unity enter into it, nor can he believe with certainty in the existence of God. This holy and perfect Unity is appreciated only through the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Al­ lah be on him).

[Haqiqatul Wahi, Roohani Khaza'in, Vol. 22, pp. 120-121}

******* November - December 2007 82 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA FICTION TO FACT: REVEALING THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM Ismat Sarah Mangla,

Many of you know had had a different experi­ centage points higher than that last week, CNN aired a ence altogether. So she de­ the perception in the tense documentary on the Abra­ cided to let Ms. Abdo know months after 9/11. And a hamic faiths entitled "God's about it by sending her a Pew Research Center sur­ Warriors." In it, correspon­ short email introducing her vey found that 36% of dent Christiane Amanpour to our Lajna organization. Americans believe Islam led viewers through a tour And though Sister Shahina encourages violence among of Judaism, Christianity and wasn't expecting it, within its followers. These statis­ Islam. But did you also a few days, she received a tics corroborate the pervad­ know that our own Jama' at, response. So began an ex­ ing view espoused on tele­ the Ahmadiyya Muslim change in which Geneive vision, in the press, from Community, was actually Abdo was invited to meet our politicians, even from filmed for this documen­ with four Lajna members at our neighbors. When Presi­ tary? Baitur Rahman in Silver dent Bush deemed Islam a Spring. It turns out that Ms. peaceful religion in 2002, It all began when Abdo was also involved in many in his own admini­ Shahina Bashir, the Lajna the CNN documentary. She stration vocally opposed President of the Potomac asked if CNN might accom­ that view, such as Kenneth Jama'at, picked up a copy pany her to film their meet­ Adelman, a Pentagon offi­ of "Mecca and Main Street: ing, which took place last cial who said that our be­ Muslim Life in America May. loved Prophet Hadhrat Mu­ After 9/11," a book by jour­ hammad Mustafasaw, was "a nalist Geneive Abdo. Sister Like Sister Shahina, warrior, not a peace advo­ Shahina appreciated the au­ we've all encountered egre­ cate like Jesus." Liberal thor's journalistic approach, gious misconceptions about talk show host Bill Maher but she was troubled by the Islam. They are rampant routinely ridicules relig­ book's assertion that all and distressing: Islam is a ion - and Islam espe­ Muslim American women barbaric and violent relig­ cially - as barbaric and complain about the condi­ ion. Muslims want to im­ oppressive. In a recent film tions of women's space in pose Islamic law on the review of "The Kingdom," their mosques. The author world. Women are worth an upcoming thriller about wrote that no matter which less than chattel. We see the FBI investigating ter­ Muslim community she vis­ and hear these ideas on a rorists, the author writes ited, women consistently daily basis. In fact, a 2006 with surprise that during a spoke of second-class treat­ Washington Post-ABC screening of the movie, ment in regards to their ac­ News poll concluded that Muslims in the audience cess and facilities. Of nearly half of all Ameri­ cheered when good tri­ course, Sister Shahina, an cans--46%-have a nega­ umphs over terror - as if Ahmadi convert herself, tive view of Islam-? per- the author was expecting November - December 2007 83 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the opposite reaction. Doz­ oncile a Muslim woman than 80 books, responding ens of articles about Islam telling him otherwise. to accusations from non­ are published each day­ Muslims and Muslims and the number of voices We all could tell our alike. He toiled day and who have a negative opin­ own stories about how Is­ night, serving as a human ion - is growing. lam is distorted in the shield against the insults minds of people around us. rained upon our prophet. But it's not just the But how often do we take media - it's also in the at­ action at that point? How Following in the foot­ titudes of people we inter­ often do we work to reveal steps of the Promised Mes­ act with every day. I was the truth about Islam-to siahas as a defender of Islam shocked and saddened to change the fiction in peo­ is no simple task. We are read the hateful comments ple's minds into fact? Allah engaged in a struggle for about Islam that were says in chapter 41 of the the soul of Islam itself. So posted in response to an ar­ Holy Qur'an, "And who is we must each behave as ticle about our Jama'at's better in speech than he ambassadors of our faith, impending purchase of land who invites men to Allah championing our cause as in Walkersville. And my and does righteous deeds the Promised Messiahas did. friend Nakasha, a young and says, 'I am, surely, of Ahmadi woman pursuing those who submit?'' Our So how do we do her doctorate in philosophy, history is rich with stories this? In fact, the Promised told me recently that on a of those who defend Islam Messiahas left us some in­ camping trip this summer, from attack. At the battle of structions. In his book Al­ she and her husband en­ Uhud, when enemies of Is­ Balagh, he wrote that in or­ countered a 60-something lam shot arrows at the Holy der for a believer to write in gentleman who struck up a Prophetsaw, Hadhrat Talhah defense of Islam, he or she conversation with them. ibn Ubaydallah served as a must possess certain quali­ When Nakasha, dressed in human shield against them. ties, including understand­ her burqa, told him she was In modem times, who was a ing of the Arabic language, studying philosophy, the greater defender of Islam an in-depth study of relig­ man asked her who her fa­ than the Promised Mes.siah ion, strong secular, historic vorite philosopher was. himself? He said, "In this and scientific know ledge, "Socrates," she replied, to Age, it is the sword of the memorization of Bible which he was visibly sur­ pen with which we are at­ verses related to prophecy, prised. He paused, then tacked and the spears of ob­ a command of logic, access asked, "You're a Muslim, jections are being shot at to a large library of books, right? And you like Socra­ us. We also should not let time to devote to writing, tes?" Puzzled, he continued, our forces go waste. We ability to debate, and a high "What do you think of free­ should use our pen to prove level of taqwa - righteous­ dom of religion and indi­ the truth of the religion of ness. Of course, these quali­ vidual rights?" She replied God and the prophethood of ties will take most of us a that of course she favored this chosen Prophet, may lifetime to achieve-but we both, to which he was even God's blessings be on him." must strive to reach them. more taken aback. He as­ Indeed, the Promised Mes­ But perhaps most important sumed that Islam would in­ siah (on whom be peace) was the last quality the herently limit such free­ devoted his life to defend­ Promised Messiahas enu­ doms-and he couldn't rec- ing Islam, publishing more merated: ijazi taqat--a mi­ raculous ability to have November - December 2007 84 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA one's prayers accepted. American undergraduate­ who, while they kill an in­ That is the first step we which is hard enough if nocent man or commit wan­ must all take in order to you're a Muslim-she prac­ ton murder, are not afraid succeed in righting the tices purdah, covering her of the powerful God ... What wrongs about Islam - head with a hijab and wear­ is this callousness and cru­ prayer. We must beseech ing long coats or shirt­ elty and want of sympathy Allah for His help. Allah dresses. She is a living, due to? [That] From their tells us in Al-Baqarah that breathing, walking example very childhood, stories and He has put a seal over the of how Islam empowers anecdotes and wrong views hearts and ears of those women-and also com­ of the doctrine of Jihad are who disbelieve. Thus, only mands respect and dignity dinned into their ears and Allah can lift that seal and for them. We'd all do well inculcated into their hearts, allow them to hear and fol­ to follow her example. the result being that gradu­ low the truth. When I was interviewing ally they become morally for my job, one of my men­ dead and cease to feel the If prayer is the first tors, a journalism giant, heinousness of their hateful step, then leading by exam­ suggested that perhaps my actions; nay, rather, the ple, living a life full of headscarf may get in the man who murders another righteousness, is the sec­ way of me finding jobs in man unawares and thus ond. We cannot expect to an increasingly competitive, brings ruin to the murdered defend Islam if we do not image-driven media indus­ man's family thinks that he model it in our everyday try. I told him that I could has done a meritorious lives. In fact, just living by not sacrifice my practice of deed; or rather, that he has Islam's teachings is perhaps purdah to increase my shot made the most of an oppor­ the best way to serve as am­ at a magazine job, but se­ tunity to win favor with his bassadors of our faith-and cretly, I was a bit nervous. community. " You might as­ the most potent tool for What if he was right? Of sume that the writer of this erasing misconceptions. course, I shouldn't have passage was describing the Take, for example, the idea wavered - Allah does not current state of religious af­ that women in Islam are op­ forsake those who work to fairs in the Muslim pressed and uneducated. earn His pleasure. I got the world - of terrorists and There are countless women job - and I've maintained fanatics. In fact, the Prom­ here who disprove that no­ my dignity and respect. ised Messiahas wrote this in tion - I know many tal­ the year 1899 - as the ented Ahmadi women who The third step in right­ foreword to his book, Jesus are doctors, lawyers, scien­ ing the wrongs about Islam in India. Long before the tists, journalists, account­ is to educate ourselves. To­ Western world would seize ants, teachers. But some of day, even reasonable people upon the troubles facing Is­ them - and dare I say, too assume that Islam teaches lam, the Promised Messia­ few of them - are actively its followers to wage a has predicted and explained removing misconceptions bloody war on disbelievers. the roots of the problems simply by following Allah's But let me read to you a plaguing Muslims. Khali­ teachings on purdah. Take passage that explains fatul Masih Jyrh continued Saira Bajwa, for example, a Ahmadiyyat's view of why the theme in Murder in the junior at Hofstra University terror has gripped the Mus­ Name of Allah, explaining and a United Nations intern. lim world: "There are how so-called Muslim Throughout her life as an many among us Muslims November - December 2007 85 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA scholars themselves incor­ Hazoorh said, ''The ques­ paradise men will receive rectly perpetrated a bloody tion is, who has been ap­ 72 wives. But a further history of Islam. It's clear pointed by God to lead this study of Islam reveals that, that we as Ahmadis possess age? If we borrow from when taken in context, the a unique legacy of reason, him, the guidance he re­ literal translation is impos­ rationality and Khilafat - ceived from Allah, and sible! The Islamic concept and a body of knowledge benefit from it without of the afterlife, as the Prom­ that is all interconnected naming him, this is not only ised Messiah85 explained in when it comes to presenting cowardice, this is lack of the Philosophy of the a defense of Islam. To wit, trust." So we must wear our Teachings of Islam, is that non-Ahmadi Muslims are badge of Ahmadiyyat it is not even a physical just now coming around to proudly and educate our­ realm. So how could that the explanation of jiluui that selves about our true teach­ notion be interpreted in the the Promised Messiah laid ings. That's even easier to vile way both terrorists and out more than 100 years do today with alislam.org the West have? There are ago. So for us to be able to and MTA. And though it dozens of other current is­ defend Islam, we must first can seem daunting-our sues that Islam offers guid­ understand it-and the writ­ bank of knowledge is end­ ance on, so it is imperative ings of the Promised Mes­ less - I'd suggest, espe­ we educate ourselves about siah, for it was his teach­ cially to those in the them. ings that truly revitalized younger generation, that the Islam for the modem age. best way to start is to listen Finally, armed with In fact, our beloved Khali­ to Hazoor' saba Friday ser­ this knowledge, it is our fatul Masih IVrh, who not mon every week. No ex­ duty to follow the examples only possessed vast knowl­ of the Holy Prophetsaw and cuses - you can download 85 edge but an unparalleled the podcast of both the the Promised Messiah and quality of explaining it oth­ original Urdu sermon and pick up our own pens to de­ ers, was asked whether it the English translation - I fend the name of Islam. Al­ was enough to discuss the listen to them on the sub­ lah said to the Holy Prophet beauty of the Promised way. You can also dig in Surah Al-Qalam, "By the 85 Messiah' S teachings with­ through thousands of hours inkstand and by the pen and out mentioning his name, so of question/answer sessions by that which they write. as not to offend non­ with Khalifatul Masih IVrh, Thou art not, by the grace Ahmadi Muslims. Hazoorh both at alislam.org and ask­ of thy Lord, a madman. " It rejected this notion out­ islam.org. And education is is through reason that the right. He said that when the a powerful thing. One of Holy Prophetsaw convinced Holy Prophetsaw mentioned the most widely held mis­ the world of the veracity of God's name, the Arab peo­ conceptions of Islam is that Islam. He said himself, ple were against it and re­ martyrs will receive 72 vir­ ''The ink of the scholar is acted with extreme hostil­ gins in heaven as a reward. holier than the blood of the ity. But that did not stop the I wondered where this martyr." With knowledge Prophet from taking Allah's "fact" came from, so I did and prayer, we can produce name. In the same vein, it is some research. I found that that ink. In 1901, Allah re­ our duty to explain our there is no basis for this in vealed to the Promised teachings in light of the the Holy Qur' an, but that Messiahas that he would be wisdom imparted to us by some attribute it to a weak known as "Sultan al 85 Qalam"-the king of the the Promised Messiah • Hadith which relates that in November - December 2007 86 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA pen. What a true and per­ Wajeeha Choudhary of mentary on CNN. Perhaps fect name for our beloved who have all Allah's hand was at work in Messiah! Then in 1931, had published works on that decision. But what's Had.brat Musleh Mau' oodra, varying topics related to Is­ important to remember is advised the jamaat to con­ lam. The saying goes that that Sister Shahina - an tinue waging the Promised 90% of life is just showing ordinary person­ Messiah'su Jihad of the pen u~so pick up your pen encountered a misconcep­ through Majlis Sultan al and start to write. Every­ tion about Islam and took Qalam, or "Committee of thing may not get pub­ simple and swift action to the King of the Pen." To­ lished, but you will improve correct it. She is a living day, Lajna Media Watch, your writing, your under­ fulfillment of the Promised the Lajna arm of MSQ, standing and your chances Messiah'su prophecy that works with a team of writ­ at future publication. Start "my followers will excel so ers to offer positive mes­ in your own communities. much in knowledge and in­ sages about Islam in the It's not necessary to get into sight that they will con­ media and to respond to at­ the Wall Street Journal or found all others with the tacks. Since its inception the New York Times. My light of their truth, their rea­ two years ago, we have own mother, a prolific soning and their signs." Let published dozens of works writer on Islam, has pub­ us pray that Allah enable us in the press. I wish I could lished dozens of viewpoints all to reach that exalted name all the hard workers in her local newspaper. Her status. on our team, but here are a grassroots effort has led to a few examples of our recent real understanding in our ******* successes. On the occasion small community of Black History Month, the of what true Islam is and HADITH Media Watch team wrote what we stand for. I invite about Islam's stance on all of you to join our Media Had.brat Abu Uma­ equality, regardless of race. Watch team - you can mah Bahilira relates that he Sister Fareeha Haroon of email lajnamediawatch listened to the address of Reston, Virginia, penned @yahoo.com to get started. the Holy Prophetsaw on the one such op-ed which was In fact, Hazo01.aba gave us a occasion of the Farewell published in the Reston new assignment in last Fri­ Pilgrimage in the course of Connection newspaper. day's sermon-he asked which he said: "Be mindful During the controversy sur­ that all Ahmadis respond to of your duty to Allah, rounding the Pope's re­ the Dutch politician who is observe the five Prayers marks about Islam, Sister perpetrating a false history and the fast of Ramadhan, Shazia Sohail of of Islam and advocates the pay the Zakat duly and published in several news­ banning of the Holy obey those in authority papers an eloquent letter Qur'an. among you; you will enter decrying both the Pope's the Garden of your Lord." comments and the unrea­ It just takes a little sonable responses from bit of action - like the (Tirmadhi kitabussalat bah Muslims around the world .. steps that Sister Shahina ma yata'allaqu bissalat) And we've had several stu­ Bashir took this spring. Ul­ dents, such as Monsura timately, the segment about ******* Sirajee of California, Khul­ our community did not lat Munir of New York and make it into the final docu- November - December 2007 87 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA TRUTH PREVAILS, FALSEHOOD DESTROYS: LIFE OF THE HOLY PROPHETsaw AS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF TRUTHFULNESS Farzana Safiullah (York/Harrisburgh Lajna)

We all know that be­ speaking of truth is linked Who knows our apparent ing truthful is a primary with justice. In fact truth condition as well as the moral value. It is the basis and justice go hand in hand. deep hidden secrets. He is for all human conduct. All Knowing and All Without its existence, man Again, the Quran A ware, therefore, we must as a moral being would be says: 0 ye who believe! Be uphold the truth in all cir­ impossible! It is a quality strict in observing justice, cumstances. Such practice that is revered and an aspi­ and be witnesses for Allah, will not only elevate the ration. It is a quality that is even though it be against state of Taqwa in us, but attributed to Allah. So yourselves or against par­ also enable us to propagate someone who is known to ents and kindred. Whether justice. be truthful is also known to he be rich or poor, Allah is Abdullah ibn Masudra be close to the divine! Go­ more regardfal of them relates that the Holy Proph­ ing back to some of our ear­ both that you are. Therefore etsaw said: Truth guides to liest philosophers, in his follow not low desires so virtue and virtue guides to Metaphysics, Aristotle stat­ that you may be able to act Paradise. A person persists ed: ''To say of what is that equitably. And if you con­ in telling the truth till in the it is not, or of what is not ceal the truth or evade it, sight of Allah he is named that it is, is false, while to then remember that Allah is Truthful. Lying leads to say of what is that it is, and well aware of what you do. vice, vice leads to the fire; of what is not that it is not, (4:136). In this verse, Allah and a person goes on 1ying is true". has enjoined the Believers not only to practice equity till in the sight of Allah he Through the ages, the and justice but to proliferate is named a liar concept of truth has been it throughout the world. It (Bukhari and Muslim). universal to all religions directs the Believers to al­ and ethnicities. Let's exam­ ways preserve the truth and What are some of the ine what the Holy Quran never abandon justice and implications of being truth­ says about truth. equity for that is the only ful? From what I have way peace can be main­ shared with you so far, it is . . . And when you tained in the world. The peace, justice, equity and speak, observe justice, even verse mentioned above success. Above all, it leads if the person concerned be again reminds us that we to taqwa, righteousness. a relative and falfill the should become the wit­ What greater path could covenant of Allah. That is nesses of truth only for the there be? Ultimately, you what he enjoins upon you, sake of Allah. This can only are granted the status of that you may take care. happen if we have in our Truthful in the eyes of Al­ 6: 153. So in the Quran, the hearts the fear of Allah, lah. What greater honor November - December 2007 88 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA could there be? It is a means to an end. It And telling a lie or giving satisfies the self. false evidence. He repeated Let's take a brief look this last one so many times at what some other faiths What does the Holy that we wished he would say about being truthful. In Quran say about falsehood? stop. the Proverbs 8:7, "For my In Chapter 22:31, "shun mouth shall speak truth; therefore the abomination What are the out­ and wickedness is an of idols and shun false comes of following false­ abomination to my lips." In speech. The interconnect­ hoods? If we lead a life of Hinduism, to tell the truth is edness of idols and false falsehood, what have we consistent with righteous­ speech is not coincidental lost? Without truth there is ness. There is nothing in this verse of the Holy no purity of character or higher than truth, Mahab­ Quran. There is a symbiotic spirituality. The person harata. relationship between the would live in a moral abyss two. To make this clearer, without any relationship In Buddhism, without let me quote from the words with the Almighty Creator truthfulness, there can be no of the Promised Messiah38 because the reliance on society. who says: falsehood supercedes eve­ How has truth pre­ rything else. According to vailed in the past? The Indeed falsehood is an the Promised Messiahas this Quran is replete with the idol because otherwise no is why the Holy Quran has examples of the past proph­ one would leave the truth. associated falsehood with ets and the triumph of their Just as an idol has nothing the filth of idol worship but artificial polish, so messages against great (Malfoozat, Vol 1, p367) odds. There is the incident too, falsehood has no real­ of the Prophet Abraham38 ity behind it. Those who Let's briefly look at surviving a burning fire, tell lies lose their credibil­ the concept of falsehood in Hadhrat Moses38 being vic­ ity so much that even other religions: In Leviticus torious against the mighty when they speak the truth, 19:11, "Ye shall not steal, Pharoah, Prophet Jesus38 one thinks that perhaps neither deal falsely, neither surviving the crucifixion there is an element of lie one to another." In Bud­ and going on eastwards to falsehood in it. dhism, behind false speech fulfill his mission. (Malfoozat, v. 3, p 350). lies egotism in one form or another. Let's move to the Hadhrath Abu Bakr\ other spectrum. What is narrates that the Holy How has falsehood falsehood? Falsehood is Prophetsaw is reported to destroyed? From the Holy nothing but the absence of have said, shall I tell you Quran, we have the exam­ truth, it is the habit of lying, what are the major sins? ples of the people of Noah, it is living a life pursuing who rejected the truth, false gods and values. It is His companions said: Pharoah, the people of Lot, not an attribute that is val­ Certainly, Messenger of Al­ the people of Midian, to ued by any moral being. lah. He said: Association of whom the Prophet Shuaibas However, why is it appeal­ others with Allah, disobedi­ was sent, the people of Tha­ ing to some? The answer is ence of parents. He had mud, to whom the Prophet it gives you something that been leaning on a pillow, Salih was sent. you desire for the moment. suddenly he sat up and said: November - December 2007 89 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

As Muslims, we are to do so? It is testimony to and others, finally accepted blessed indeed with the his innate truthfulness and the truthfulness of his mes­ highest standards of truth justice! When still a young sage. exemplified in the Master merchant, his reputation of Prophet, Muhammadsaw. honesty and trustfulness The Holy Quran sums Let's look at how this was was widespread and he had up the character of the Holy demonstrated throughout conducted a trade expedi­ Prophetsaw in the following the various stages of his tion on behalf of Hadhrat verse: "And thou dost, life. Khadijara, a wealthy widow, surely, possess sublime so well, that she sent a pro­ moral excellences" (68:5). Muhammad'ssaw child­ posal of marriage to him. Hadhrat Ayeshara says of hood and youth were a prel­ the Holy Prophetsaw: "He ude to his Prophethood. Be­ When he received his possessed all those moral sides his other exalted and first revelation from Allah excellences which are men­ exceptional characteristics, and was perturbed, Hadhrat tioned in the Quran as the everyone agreed upon his Khadijara consoled him, cit­ special marks of a true ser­ truthfulness and trustwor­ ing his honesty and integ­ vant of God" thiness. He never lied, rity as a basis on which Al­ never cheated and never lah would never abandon (Bukhari). broke his word. People him. When his close friend Another incident would say of him: 'If you Hadhrat Abu Bakta first speaks to the truthfulness go on a journey and need heard that the Holy Proph­ exhibited by the Holy someone to whose safe­ etsaw had claimed to be a re­ Prophetsaw by a staunch en­ guarding you will entrust cipient of Divine revelation emy of his: Abu Sufyan re­ your family and belongings, all he required was a reply lates as part of his statement you can entrust them to in the affirmative or nega­ about Heraclius, (the then Muhammad without hesita­ tive to believe in it, and said Roman emperor) that the tion.' that he needed no further latter asked him, "What explanation at all. does he (i.e. the Holy We all know of the Prophetsaw) teach you?" two qualities attributed to He was called 'the him: the truthful and the Trustworthy' even by his Abu Sufyan said, "He tells trustworthy. From what I bitterest enemies. The Mee­ us: Worship Allah Alone have shared with you today, cans didn't disbelieve him and do not associate any­ we know these are godly but rejected the message. thing with Him, and discard qualities and not so easily No one among his enemies all that your ancestors said; earned! Yes, this was how dared to accuse him of ly­ and he commands us to ob­ the Prophet was known be­ ing or cheating. In order to serve prayer, to tell the fore he was endowed with prevent the spread of his truth, to be chaste and to divine revelation. We are Message, they only labeled strengthen the ties of kin­ familiar with the incident him sometimes as a poet, ship." when he was called upon to sometimes as a sorcerer or (Bukhari and Muslim) . decide the quarrel among magician and sometimes as the Meccan chiefs as to an insane one. Even his The Holy Prophet' ssaw who should place the black most bitter enemies like final triumph over false­ stone in the Ka'ba. Why Safwan ibn Umayya, Abu hood was his victorious re­ was the Prophet called upon Sufyan ibn Harb, 'Amr ibn turn to Mecca, with the al-'As, lkrima ibn Abi Jahl complete annihilation of November - December 2007 90 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA idols that had resided in the hood and is reluctant to lie without any motive. Ka'ba. As he crushed the have recourse to it. That is Therefore, the truth that is idols, he recited the follow­ why he dislikes a person forsaken when faced with ing verse, "truth has come whom he knows to be a liar possible loss can never and falsehood has van­ and looks upon him with form part of true morals. ished. Verily, falsehood is disdain. But this natural The real occasion of telling bound to vanish. " Ch. condition by itself cannot the truth is when one appre­ 17:15. be considered moral. Even hends loss of life or prop­ children and the insane ex­ erty or honor. One has to Let's juxtapose this hibit this quality. The fact is understand speaking the incident with the following that so long as a person truth is primarily governed words of the Promised does not renounce the self­ by trust in Allah. If this Messiahas: ish motives which prevent trust is firm, unshakeable The glory was found in its him from telling the truth, and complete, nothing can highest, most perfect form he cannot be considered deter one from the truth! If in our lord and master, truthful. If a person tells the you keep reminding your­ our guide, the unlettered truth only when he stands to self that you are in the care Prophetsaw the truthful and lose nothing but tells a lie of Allah and that you wish the one whom the truthful when his honor, property or to please Him always, your verified, Muhammad, the life are threatened, how can trust in Him grows expo­ chosen onesaw. he be considered better nentially! One's ability to than children and the in­ speak the truth under all Ainae kamalat-e-lslam sane? Do minors and the circumstances will not be insane not speak this kind an issue." Again and again, the of truth? There is hardly character of the Holy anyone in the world who In Islam, we are Prophet exemplifies the would tell a lie without any blessed with the knowledge epitome of truthfulness. motive. Therefore, the truth of Allah, His splendor, His that is forsaken when faced Grace, His Mercy. If we Being the perfect example, know of Him so well and how can we, his followers, with possible loss can never form part of true morals. are surrounded by His grace emulate him? How do we and mercy, trust in Him fol­ treasure the gift he has The real occasion of telling the truth is when one appre­ lows out of gratitude and given to us? hends loss of life or prop­ reason. Speaking the truth in the manner exhibited by The first step would erty or honor. One has to the Holy Prophetsaw and in be to know the difference understand speaking the the manner defined by the between truth that is in­ truth is primarily governed Promised Messiah88 is the stinctive and truth that is a by trust in Allah. If this key to achieving nearness moral quality. The Prom­ trust is firm, unshakeable 88 to Allah. ised Messiah says: "Of all and complete, nothing can the natural conditions of deter one from the truth! If I would like to share the man one that is an essential you keep reminding your­ following words of Hadhrat part of his nature is truth­ self that you are in the care Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh which falness. Normally, unless a of Allah and that you wish shed further light. "Only person is moved by some to please Him always, your when man becomes true selfish motive, he does not trust in Him grows expo­ can he find peace with him­ wish to tell a lie. He is nentially! One's ability to self; otherwise he will claim naturally averse to false- speak the truth under all to be something while deep November - December 2007 91 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA inside he knows he is not that something. There will always be contradiction be­ Annual Jalsa tween man and his soul as long as he is not true. So, Sayyarah Hikmat Mukhtar truth is the most important fundamental first step to­ Hanover, Maryland wards peace and this is the meaning of becoming like Now 'Hadiqatul Mahdi' is another citadel of Allah. You cannot be Allah but you can imitate His at­ Peace, tributes which we have also My Imam dwells in this blissful place. received from Allah as his Here was held an annual Ahmadiyya convention creation and when you be­ Devotees strong in faith, firm in conviction come true to yourself only Full of the spirit of self-sacrifice and devotion then will you be able to be­ Came from far and near, from five continents come true to your children, your husband, your wife, They come running like moth to light, your relatives and your so­ Holding tightly, the rope of Allah in their hands, ciety and when you enlarge Carrying the banner of Mohammedsaw united into the role of this single factor one bond then nations can become Soldiers of Islam, afraid of none, true to each other. If some­ Believing that God is Almighty and One, one is true he will be identi­ fied as a godly person by Determined to frustrate the designs of foe, all whether they believe in Marching forward with their courage to show, Allah or do not believe in It was a soul sustaining sight to see Him because the attribute A manifestation of God, he seemed to me of truth is in itself a godly A personification of Divine light, character. Even the atheists Endowed with strength and inner sight accept truth - they know it is good." Who believes in the holiness of heart's affection There is a hallow of celestial light on his face. Let's implore the help Of malice and ill will there is no trace, of Allah in attaining the Angelic in character, saintly in soul, standards of truthfulness in our daily lives as demon­ So many characteristics gathered into one whole, strated by the Holy Proph­ Steeped in the spirit of Jalsa, etsaw. I would like to con­ I saw heaven's glories shine, clude with the following verse: The Holy Prophetsaw Spiritually sustained, now a strong faith was was commanded to say, 'If mine. you love God, follow me; then will God love you and forgive you your faults. ******* Surely, God is Most Forgiv­ ing, Merciful' (3:32). November - December 2007 92 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA HOW TO FULFILL THE SECOND CONDITION OF BAI' AT IN OUR DAILY LIVES Nusrat J. Rashid, Esquire, Philadelphia Lajna

"I do call to witness be regulated by reason. become transformed into the Day of Resurrection. I Though it reproves itself in God fearing and pious peo­ do call to witness the self­ respect of vices, the soul at ple. Once on a return from accusing soul. " this stage is not fully effec­ battle, the Holy Prophetsaw, tive in practicing virtue and was asked by his compan­ Verses 2-3 from Surah occasionally it is dominated ions which was the greater Qiyamah that were recited by natural emotions, when jihad or struggle. Compar­ reference the moral state of it stumbles and falls. It is in ing the physical jihad of man or Nafse Lawwamah. this state of human spiritual war to the individual moral Nafse Lawwamah is the development when one and spiritual jihad, the Holy stage a person reaches after seeks to comprehend one's Prophetsaw, instantly replied advancing from Nafse Am­ own high moral qualities that the greater jihad, or Ji­ marah (the natural self) or and although disgusted with had-i-Akbar is the struggle the self that is prone to evil. disobedience, struggles to against the lower self. The Nafse Lawwamah is the achieve complete success. struggle against the lower state when one becomes self is the struggle of self­ acutely aware of the conse­ Our Master and the control - to face the lower quences of behavior and Messenger of Allah, impulses that threaten one's therefore, when Yauma Qi­ Hadhrat Syyedna Muham­ well being and to deny yamah, or the Day of Res­ mad Mustafasaw, the most them, to accuse oneself and urrection first becomes rele­ perfect of Allah's creation, force the heart, mind and vant. Since the moral state fully understood the moral body into innocence of man is aware of its own stage of Nafse Lawwam­ through the fear of Allah weaknesses and then re­ mah. To his barbarian peo­ alone. proves every vice and sin, it ple, the immoral and law­ is called the self-accusing less Arabs of the 7th cen­ Self-control is neces­ or reproving self. tury, Allah entrusted him sary for any spiritual pro­ with the awesome task of gress. Unruly thoughts, at­ Allah desires that hu­ compelling moral change tractions of the senses, lust­ mankind should be spiritu­ through prayer, humility, ful desires, anger, covetous­ ally healthy and morally self-control and self­ ness, and greed constantly strong, and that no kind of reflection. It was only when arise in the mind of the per­ intemperance should be the Arabs submitted to Al­ son who has no mental dis­ manifested in any aspect of lah's will instead of their cipline; and impel that per­ life, and that all natural own, did they tum from son to commit evil deeds. If emotions and desires should their immoral habits and a person cannot direct her November - December 2007 93 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA thoughts, desires, and ac­ person becomes fit for Based on the teachings of tions according to her own growth. But he who contin­ Islam, the first step is the will, how can the soul pos­ ues to hold on to his ego, recognition that any journey sibly be directed to Allah along with taking Bai'at, in search of truth begins and one's life kept straight would never receive any with a belief in God. Khali­ on the path of truth? Unless grace. fatul Masih IV, Hadhrat the higher mind is strength­ Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, in The 1st condition of ened and given the will answer to a question re­ power to master physical Bai'at requires the initiate garding self-reflection, re­ impulses, there will be little to end spiritual selfishness plied in part that it is only room for God to dwell and pride, and in doing so by understanding and rec­ within that mind. Thus, be­ to reject the greatest spiri­ ognizing that God is the cause Islam demands that tual sin: shirk or setting up cause of all things, includ­ the will of Allah inhabit partners with Allah Al­ ing the scheme and plans of every Muslim's spirit and mighty. However, the 2nd our own lives that true self­ that every action and condition of Bai'at con­ understanding can begin. thought be singular in its cerns physical sins and thus So after the initial belief in purpose to please Allah, requires the initiate to end God, the time comes for self-control is central to the physical and moral selfish­ transformation through be­ life of a Muslim. ness by keeping away from havior. " ... falsehood, fornication, 5 On December 1 \ adultery, trespasses of the Hadhrat Musleh Mau­ 1888 the Promised Messiah eye, debauchery, dissipa­ , ood, Khalifatul Masih If\ and Imam Mahdi, Hadhrat tion, cruelty, dishonesty, offers a spiritual recipe in 88 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad , mischief and rebellion" and his book "Way of the Seek­ announced that God had or­ not permitting oneself to ers" that can remove the cu­ dained to him that whomso­ "be carried away by pas­ mulative effects of sinful ever desires a life of truth sions, however strong they past actions. But his spiri­ and piety for the pleasure of might be." To put it sim­ tual ingredients for the era­ Allah, should take the ply, the 2nd condition is a sure of past sinful behavior Bai'at, or pledge of alle­ tangible and outward recog­ can well be applied to our giance at his hand. On nition by the initiate that present and future conduct. January 12'\ 1889 he pub­ taking the Bai'at involves a They are lstighfar and lished a pamphlet in which change, a transformation of Taubah. lstighfar or suppli­ he laid down the ten condi­ their behavior - exactly cation of forgiveness of Al­ tions of Bai'at - all of what Allah demands of the lah - when one prays to which reflect the oaths human being in the stage of God that his tendency to­ taken by the Holy Prophet, Nafse Lawwammah. Now wards sin be suppressed al­ saw, from the first Mus­ that we have outlined the together and not even a ves­ lims. The Promised Messia­ moral stage of Nafse La­ tige of sin should touch him has wrote in Malfoozat, that wammah as the underlying through Allah's grace. the person taking Bai'at has reasoning behind the 2nd Taubah or the repentance of to first adopt humility and condition of the Bai'at - let our sins with an awakened has to distance himself us now explore methods of conscience - when one has from his ego and selfish­ actual! y living up to this genuine remorse over past ness. Only then does that condition in our daily Ii ves. sins and firm resolve not to November - December 2007 94 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA commit those sins again. truths - Allah's plan for our that make us Muslims - so lives is the guide for our be­ we must tum to Allah con­ Allah Almighty says havior, that Allah, the All­ stantly to find strength to in the Holy Qur'an in Surah Knowing sees our repentant live a pious life. According Al-Tahrim, v. 8: "O ye who behavior and hears our sup­ to Khalifatul Masih IF, we believe! turn to Allah with plications for forgiveness, should reflect on the good sincere repentance: in the and that through prayer to consequences of virtue and hope that your Lord will re­ Allah, all change begins. the bad consequences of move from you your ills When the Bai'at is physi­ evil and visualize how vir­ and admit you to Gardens cally signed, as individuals tue ultimately yields good beneath which Rivers flow we enter into a pact with and how vice always yields on the Day that Allah will the Khalifatul Masih - we harmful results. He wrote not permit to be humiliated pledge him our obedience in 'Way of the Seekers' that the Prophet and those who and affirm, not only to him, this type of reflection will believe with him. Their but also to ourselves that help one acquire knowledge Light will run forward be­ we will constantly strive to of good and evil and that it fore them and by their right act on what we say we be­ is up to every individual to hands while they say "Our lieve. In March 1903 on repent of wrongdoings and Lord! Perfect our Light for the day of Eid, the Prom­ transform both attitude and us and grant us Forgive­ ised Messiahas told his com­ behavior. About the Mus­ ness; for Thou has power panions that the Bai'at is a lim considering taking the over all things." form of two types of sincere pledge of Bai'at, the Prom­ Hadhrat Abu Musa and honest repentance - re­ ised Messiahas wrote in Ash'arira, relates that the pentance for past sins and Malfoozat: "He will have to Holy Prophetsaw, said: repentance done to safe­ present himself to the Judge "Allah will continue to hold guard one from future sins. of all judges, Who will in­ quire of him: 'Why did you out His hand at night so that Can we follow the he who has sinned during not honor Me?' Therefore it commandments of the Holy is essential for all the be­ the day might repent, and to Prophetsaw and the Promised hold out His hand during lievers to believe in Allah, Messiahas - to turn to Allah who is the King of the the day so that he who has with sincere repentance, to sinned at night might re­ heavens and the earth and make an effort to reform to make a true repentance." pent, till the sun should rise our behavior, to pledge our from the East." (Muslim). So in order to fulfill the lives to the doing of good? oath of the 2nd condition of Hadhrat Aghirr i bn Y asar Do we believe from the Bai'at we should first re­ Muzannira, relates that the depths of our hearts that the Holy Prophetsaw, admon­ pent of our sins and beg the Sunnah-tun-Nabi, the way forgiveness of our Creator. ished:: ''Tum to Allah, ye of the Holy Prophetsaw is the We must heed Allah's people, and seek forgive­ best way? The Holy Proph­ ness of Him. For myself, I words in Al-Furqan, verse etsaw, commands us: Takha 70: ''Those who repent, at­ tum to Allah a hundred llaqoo hi Akhlaqillah: tain to faith and do right­ times a day ." (Muslim). Adorn yourselves with di­ eous deeds, God will trans­ vine qualities. It is a con­ Living up to the znd form their bad deeds into condition of Bai'at must stant striving to fulfill the good ones. God is indeed start with these basic obligations required of us Much-Forgiving, Merciful." November - December 2007 95 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Our goal in life is to Baqarah, verse 183, that those on whom Thou hast travel on the Siratul fasting is prescribed for the bestowed Thy blessings, Mustiqeen or the right path. Muslims as a guard against those who have not in­ Allah, in His wisdom has evil. Fasting is a means of curred Thy displeasure, and provided us with tools to controlling one's desires, of those who have not gone stay on the right path, all of doing good deeds, and of astray". We can implement which we can practice in exercising personal disci­ this prayer on a daily basis our daily lives. pline. We don't just have by keeping company with to fast in Ramadan - the the righteous and learning First, telling the truth. Holy Prophetsaw fasted 88 the ways of those who have The Promised Messiah regularly as a way of puri­ been the recipients of grace writes in Malfoozat that fying his body and his soul. before us. man is a collection of al­ 85 Hadhrat Abu Umama , most limitless weaknesses narrates: "Once I said to the Lastly, we all know and that is why Allah says Prophetsaw, 'Please com­ that physical conditions in the Holy Qur' an: mand me to perform an act deeply affect the soul. The 88 "Kholiqal insane zaeefa - from which God may give Promised Messiah writes man has been created me profit?' 'Keep fast,' re­ in Philosophy of the Teach­ weak." But according to the plied the Holy Prophetsaw. ings of Islam that the Holy 88 Promised Messiah , despite 'There is nothing like it'." Qur' an has stressed the man's weaknesses he can regulation of one's physical find security from evil de­ A third way to adhere characteristics in relation to sires by being straightfor­ to the oath of the 2nd condi­ all worship, inner purity ward with God and by tion of the Bai'at is to keep and spiritual humility. So a adopting sincere truthful­ company with the right­ fourth way to fulfill the 2nd ness. When we adopt truth eous. In his book, condition in our daily lives and abandon falsehood, we 'Philosophy of the Teach­ is to engage in behavior that move far away from the ings of Islam', the Promised positively affects our moral sinful acts all of which Messiah88 writes that one of character., so that we won't based in falsehood - basi­ the means of achieving the have need or desire for cally all of the conduct we purpose of life is to keep negative conduct For ex­ are admonished to avoid in company with the righteous ample, observance of Salat, the 2nd condition of Bai'at. and that one of the purposes healthy diet and eating, ex­ of prophethood is that man ercise, laughter, and enjoy­ Second, fasting. Al­ naturally desires a perfect ment of the lawful pleas­ lah, the All-Knowing re­ example, and such an ex­ ures of life. quires us to fast in Rama­ ample fosters zeal and pro­ dan, but the benefits of fast­ motes high resolve. 1. Faithful observance of ing are not limited to that Throughout the day we Salat. The various pos­ holy month. According to pray in the 6th and 7th verses tures of the Salat - Qiyam, some commentators, fasting of Al-Fatiha: "Ihdi na Ruku and Sajda all serve a in the Holy Qur'an has also siratal mustiqeen, sirat tal specific purpose in wor­ been called 'sabr' which la theena an amta alaihim ship. In Qiyam (standing means self-control and ghairil magthoobi alaihim posture) and Ruku steadfastness. Allah says in wa la dwaleen - guide us on (bowing) and especially the Holy Qur'an in Al- the right path - the path of Sajda (prostration) the November - December 2007 96 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

worshipper exhibits ex­ healthy so that the soul healthy forms of exercise treme helplessness, re­ and spirit may also remain that are easy to practice spectfulness and humility. healthy thus in turn aiding while maintaining our According to the Prom­ the believer in the service modesty such as: aero­ ised Messiah.. , as a con­ of both his spiritual and bics, tennis, power walk­ trast to physical prostra­ material desires. ing, golf or, bicycling, and tion, when we draw our­ of course there are many selves up physically and 3. Exercise. It is well more. Practiced in mod­ strut about with our neck known that exercise in­ eration these can be a raised and our breast creases the blood flow healthy outlet for physical pushed forward, this atti­ which increases strength energy, and an alternative tude induces a mood of to the muscles and liga­ for immoral habits, like ments- the better one feels arrogance and vain glory. those mentioned in the 2nd Allah tells us in the Holy physically, the more condition of Bai'at. Qur' an, Sura Ankabut, cheerful and optimistic verse 46: "innassalata their outlook will be on 4. Laughter. Laughter is a tanha anil fahsha'i, - life. In moderation sports natural form of mood Surely Prayer restrains and exercise can be a strengthener. A good one from indecency", and healthy outlet for physical hearty laugh can help re­ the Holy Prophetsaw, is re­ energy, and a moral alter­ duce stress, elevate mood, ported to have said: "inna native for immoral habits, improve brain function­ fissalati shifa'a - verily like those mentioned in ing, protect the heart, con­ there is cure in Salat". the 2nd condition of nect you to others, foster Bai'at. Both the Prom­ instant relaxation, and 85 2. Diet. Healthy eating and ised Messiah , and simply make you feel diet can affect our atti­ Khalifatul Masih I, Hadh­ good. If a person feels tudes and outlook on life rat Al-Haji Maulvi Hakim good, then the temptations for the better. The Holy Nuruddinra, who were of unlawful behavior, Prophetsaw favored a mod­ both serious and medita­ which ultimately makes erate healthy diet of food tive even in childhood, you feel bad, should sub­ items such as whole took part in useful and stantially decrease. Hadh­ grains, milk, dates, cu­ productive sports, and rat Qatadara, stated that c umber, watermelon, both learned swimming, someone asked Hadhrat squash, and meat. Allah and horseback riding at Abdullah ibn Umarrara, Almighty says in the Holy an early age. By the age whether the companions Qur' an: "Eat and drink of 16, Hadhrat Khalifatul of the Holy Prophetsaw. but do not be immoder­ Masih 1vrh, had already used to laugh. He replied ate" (7:32); that is to say, developed a keen passion that: yes they did laugh eat meat and other foods for sports and hunting. He and the faith in their heart but do not eat anything to found satisfaction in his was stronger than moun­ excess, lest your moral few moments of spare tains. Hadhrat Bilal bin state be adversely affected time enjoying walking, Sa'adra, stated that he saw and your health might suf­ badminton, cricket and the companions practicing fer. It is therefore neces­ cycling, and especially the archery and laughing at sary to ensure that the sport of squash. As Mus­ each other. Hadhrat Jabir physical body is kept lim women we can learn ibn Samurahra reports: November - December 2007 97 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

"When the Prophetsaw, of­ hasanatan, wa fil akhirati and practiced from the heart fered dawn, or Fajr prayer hasanatan - Our Lord, give if the heart is free of sin. he would sit with his com­ us the good things of this Submission to Allah re­ panions until sunrise. world and of the next" - so quires that the entirety of They would sit and might if Allah blesses you with one's life be dedicated to mention some aspects of comforts then those com­ the upliftment of the soul, life in pre-Islamic days, forts should be enjoyed in so the more that we change and laugh. The Prophetsaw moderation. If Allah blesses our behavior, the more we used to smile when they you with a husband, chil­ can concentrate on praising laughed." (Muslim) dren, family and friends, Allah and praying for bless­ then there is no harm in en­ ings on His Messenger. 5. Enjoy the lawful pleas­ joying good and happy ures of life. Islam does times with them. The Holy In Surah Al-Imran, not require of Muslims Prophetsaw loved to instill Allah tells us that the fol­ that their speech should joy and happiness in peo­ lowers of the Holy Prophet­ consist entirely of pious ple's hearts especially on saw, are: "Khuntum Khairum utterances, that their si­ happy occasions like feasts Ummatin - the best people lence should be a medita­ or marriage ceremonies. raised for the good of man­ tion, that they should lis­ For instance, on a Eid feast kind" because they enjoin ten to nothing except the when the 1st Rashidi good and forbid evil and recitation of the Qur'an, Khalifa, Hadhrat Abu Bakr believe in Allah. We as nor that they should spend As-Siddiqra, tried to stop Muslims must forbid the all their leisure time in the two young girls from sing­ evil conduct that is stated in mosque. As Muslims we ing in the Prophet' ssaw the 2nd condition of Bai'at, should develop a healthy, house, the Holy Prophetsaw and instead enjoin good. well rounded, cheerful, told him: "Let it be, for we So what is good conduct? positive and optimistic are now in the feast." An­ Consider this Hadith of the personality. We all re­ other version of this story Holy Prophetsaw that de­ member that Hadhrat reads that the Holy Prophet­ scribes the conduct of a Khalifatul Masih IVrh was saw, also said that the girls Muslim and challenge your­ an avid photographer and shouldn't be stopped " ... to self to apply it in your daily enjoyed taking photos of let the Jews know that in life: The Holy Prophetsaw nature scenes and pano­ our religion there is time for said: Allah adorned Islam ramic landscapes during merriment". with good character and his travels. Photography, beautiful actions. Good for example, is a healthy It is interesting to note company, good manners, and fulfilling hobby, that that the 3rd condition of modest talk, doing good to amongst many other types Bai'at requires the initiate others, feeding, spreading of relaxing activities, al­ to adhere to the Qur' anic peace, visiting the ill - pi­ lows a person to develop a commandment of Salat, or ous or sinner, following the skill which can be educa­ the five daily prayers, ob­ funeral bier of a Muslim, tional as well as enjoy­ servance of Tahajjud and treating good with a able. Darood and praying for the neighbor - believer or non­ forgiveness of sins. Of believer, showing honor to Every day we pray: course, these actions can a Muslim, having honor to "Rabbina attina fidunya only be truly understood accept invitation, to forgive, November - December 2007 98 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA to set disputes among the that my community is people, to give charity, to largely composed of people quiring about Islam. The greet first, to pardon the who have truly forsaken ly­ Holy Prophetsaw said to faults of the people, to give ing and who have entered him: up pagan songs, instrument into a sincere covenant with of songs and jests which Is­ their God to safeguard 'There are five lam prohibits, not to back­ themselves against every obligatory Prayers in bite, to speak truth, to give evil and shall withdraw al­ twenty four hours.' He said: up miserliness, greed, de­ together from arrogance 'Am I under obligation ceit, to give up bad treat­ which is the root of all evil, beyond these?' The Holy ment of your enemy, not to and shall pass their lives in Prophetsaw answered: 'No, cut off blood ties, to give up the fear of their Lord. I pray unless you were to offer bad conduct, pride, glory, and I shall continue to do so voluntary Prayer; and went haughtiness, indecencies, to the last breath of my life; on to say: Then there is the hatred, rebellion, enmity, Allah may purify the hearts fast of the month of and oppression., - all these of this community of mine; Ramadhan.' The man asked: are the attributes of a be­ that He may extend His 'Am I under obligation liever." hand of mercy and turn beyond it?' The Holy their hearts in His direction. Prophetsaw repeated: 'No, Hadhrat Musleh Mau­ May He lift all mischief and unless you were to observe ' oodra, wrote in "Way of the rancor from their hearts and voluntary Fasts.' Then the Seekers" that if we fail to grant them true and genuine Holy Prophetsaw mentioned become truly virtuous, we love for one another. I am to him the Zakat and he shall betray the purpose for convinced that my prayer made the same inquiry and which this community has will be accepted and that the Holy Prophetsaw gave been founded, and we will God will not permit my the same answer. The man not become heirs to divine supplication to be in vain." then turned away saying: grace. He then referenced 'Allah is my witness that I this quote of the Promised shall not add anything to Messiah as, about the mem­ ******* this, nor shall I detract bers of the Ahmadiyya anything from it.' On this Muslim community with HADITH the Holy Prophetsaw ob­ which I will end my speech served: He will prosper if to you: "What shall I do, Hadhrat Talha bin he proves truthful. ' where shall I find the words 'Abaidullahra relates: "A that should move the hearts man from Najd with (Muslim kitabul Iman bab of my people. Lord, vouch­ rumpled hair came to the biya-nussala-tillatihiya safe to me the words and Holy Prophetsaw. His voice ahad arkanil Islam) reveal to me the speech reached our ears but we which should illuminate could not understand what ******* their hearts and like an anti­ he was saying till he dote rid them of their poi­ approached close to the PAY sons. My soul is all fevered Holy Prophetsaw and we with eagerness to witness understood that he was in­ ZAKAT the day when I should find quirinf November - December 2007 99 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA SIGNS OF THE TRUTHFULNESS OF THE PROMISED MESSIAHa~ Saadia Ahmed (Silicon Valley Lajna)

The coming of a 1. The time of his return, Chri.st' s return on October promised reformer in the specifically in years 22, 1844 that they refused latter days had been fore­ 2. The social environment to plant crops, gave away told by many previous that mankind would find their money, discharged prophets like Krishnaas, Je­ itself experiencing at their employees, settled susas, and Baba Guru Nanak that time their accounts and made and of course the Holy 3. Specific events and preparations for the climatic Prophet of Islamsaw. Prophet heavenly signs. midnight cry, found in the Jesusas had referred to the 4. How the Messiah and book of Mathew chapter 25 coming of the Messiah in his followers will to be verse 6: the latter days as his second treated coming at a number of oc­ 5. The general location of "And at midnight there was casions as recorded in the the second corning a cry made, Behold, the New Testament. This arti­ bridegroom cometh,· go ye cle will describe a few of The biblical prophe­ out to meet him. " cies regarding the reappear­ the signs and prophecies They dressed in mentioned in the Holy Bi­ ance of Christ in the 19th century are so clear and so shrouds, and stood on ble regarding the second mountaintops in New York advent of Jesus and how many that hundreds of the Christian scholars in the State awaiting Christ's de­ they were fulfilled in the scent. That day has gone person of the Promised 19th century expected the immediate appearance of down in history as the Great Messiah, Hadhrat Mirza Disappointment. Ghulam Ahmad of .Qadianas Christ, and many went so and have become a testa­ far as to precisely predict Reverend Coming in ment of his truthfulness for when he was to return. his book ''The End" written all times to come. Their interpretation of these in 1879 concluded that all prophecies led them to signs of those days were The majority of the await the second advent of preparing for the fulfillment predictions that discuss Jesus between the years of the prophecy of the sec­ Christ's return in the 19th 1826- 1870. ond coming of Christ. He century are found in Mat­ wrote, Christ is at our door. thew's 24th and Luke's 21st William Miller, a re­ Harriet Livingston a famous chapters. nowned Christian scholar of the 19th century predicted Washingtonian, preached These signs and 1844 as the year of Christ's the Second Coming before prophecies can be divided return, had up to 500,000 the House of Representa­ into five main categories followers, many of whom tives in this time period. which are: were so convinced of In the same time November - December 2007 JOO Ahmadiyya Gazette USA frame in the year 1882, on tions. The 19th century was pearance of the modem the other side of the globe a century when many wars times in 1835, and a great in a remote village of India were fought and many sig­ meteor impact occurred in a humble man of God re­ nificant geographical chan­ Siberia in 1908. Also the ceived the following revela­ ges and tribulations oc­ sun and moon were dark­ tion regarding his appoint­ curred. To name a few there ened in 1894 and 1895 and ment as the Divine Re­ was the war between Amer­ the great prophecy of former through the follow­ ica and Britain, the Crimean eclipses was fulfilled. ing words: Proclaim; I have war, the civil war in Amer­ been commissioned and I ica, Britain against china It is also of note that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam am the first of the believ­ and many others. 35 ers." Ahmad was the only The third category claimant to prophethood (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, vol. deals with heavenly signs, who Ii ved to claim on the 3) or special astronomical ac­ basis of Divine revelation, that the prophecy has been In the year 1889 the tivities. In the New Testa­ Promised Messiahas re­ ment, book of Matthews fulfilled in his person. He ceived the revelation that: 24th chapter, verse 29 Jesus, also declared on oath that "The Messiah, son of Mary, peace be on him, narrating he is the Promised Messiah and Mahdi and these heav­ prophet of Allah, had died the Signs of his second enly signs were a manifes­ and in his attribute thou coming said: "Immediately tation of the truth of his hast come in accordance after the tribulations of claim. with the promise. And the those days, shall the sun be darkened and the moon promise of Allah was bound The fourth category of shall not give her light, and to be fulfilled." [Tadhkirah, millennium prophecies, the stars shall fall from the revelations of the Promised those that describe how the heavens and the power of Messiahas] Messiah and his follower the heavens shall be were to be treated. Book of shaken." The second category Mathew chapter 24 verses of signs in the bible that re­ The 19th century was 9, 30 says: "Then shall they late to the social environ­ marked by an increased deliver you up to be af­ ment pertaining to the sec­ sighting of comets and me­ flicted and shall kill you ond advent of Jesus. In the teor showers. To the people and ye shall be hated by all book of Matthew chapter witnessing these events, it nations for my name's sake. 24 verse 6 it says: would surely have looked And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in "And ye shall hear of as if the stars were falling heaven, and then shall all wars and rumors of wars; from heaven. Hadhrat 35 the tribes of the earth see that ye be not troubled, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad mourn, and they shall see for all these things must was born in Qadian, India the son of man coming in come to pass, but the end is in the year 1835 and de­ the clouds of heaven with not yet." parted from this world in 1908. Heavenly signs mark power and great glory. " The bible also refers both the years of his birth Over the course of the to these times as times of and death. Haley's comet last 118 years, the persecu­ great trouble and tribula- made its most dramatic ap- tion of Ahmadis because of November - December 2007 IOI Ahmadiyya Gazette USA their faith is widely re­ Qadian, India is a fulfill­ The difference is that corded and documented. ment of this prophecy as Jehovah's Witnesses be­ Ahmadis have been mur­ Qadian is directly east of lieve that they are a witness dered in cold blood, their Jerusalem. to the second presence of mosques have been demol­ Jesus while we have been ished, their properties The Christian scholars blessed to have recognized looted only because they who were anxiously waiting the actual second coming of believe that the Messiah has for the second advent of Je­ Jesus in the person of Mirza come. But in spite of all ef­ sus in the 19th century con­ Ghu]am of Qadian85 . forts to banish this commu­ cluded from the fulfillment nity from the world, the of these signs and as many The Promised Messia­ banishers have themselves of the prophecies hade h85 says explains this revela­ been eroded while the com­ come to pass then as Jesus tion in the following words: munity continues to thrive did not physically descend The days are near, in fact. I hence fulfilling this biblical with the heavenly light he can see them close at hand, prophecy. must have been invisible when the world shall wit­ and these prophecies point ness a terrible sight: not The fifth category of to the presence of Jesus only earthquakes but also prophecies indicating the rather than his actual physi­ many fearsome calamities general location of the Sec­ cal descent from heavens .. shall overtake man, some ond Coming is found in Since the 1920's, the from the skies and some Matthew 24:27: "For as Watchtower or Jehovah's from the earth. This will lightning cometh out of the witnesses have taught that happen because mankind east, and the shineth even Christ was given the king­ has stopped worshipping unto the west, so shall also dom of the world in 1914. their true God and has be­ the coming of the Son of They go door to door warn­ come lost in the affairs of man be." ing informing people that the world with all their heart and their effort and The Christian scholars Christ's presence is among us and that the present ca­ intent. If I had not come, interpreted this verse liter­ these afflictions would per­ ally expecting Christ's re­ lamities and moral deterio­ ration in the world is due to haps have been delayed a turn to be accompanied be a little. But with my coming huge flash of lightning that the world not having recog­ nized this presence. the secret purposes of an would travel across the affronted God which were globe. However, the verse hidden so far, became 35 How similar is this to indicates that since Jesus manifest. Says God: 'We was in Jerusalem when he the revelation received by the Promised Messiah35 and never punish unless we made this prophecy, the send a Messenger.' Those Second Coming would ap­ recorded in his book Di vine manifestations that: "A who repent shall find secu­ pear east of Jerusalem, and rity and those who fear be­ the light or teachings of the Warner came unto the world, but the world ac­ fore calamity overtakes Promised One would first them shall be shown mercy. be accepted in the east and cepted him not, but God would eventually extend to will accept him and estab­ Today we are a wit­ the west. The advent of the lish his truth by mighty as­ ness to the fulfillment of Promised Messiah85 in saults." this saying. The world is November - December 2007 102 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA being turned upside down great bounty of God. Be­ with earthquakes, hurri­ cause there are still many HADITH canes, fires and storms as out there who are still anx­ has never been seen before iously waiting and desper­ Hadhrat Anas bin with such force and fre­ ately searching for the re­ Malik1"a says that some quency. The times of Noa­ former promised by God people relentless! y posed has are reappearing in front for today's times. And un­ questions to the Holy of our eyes as the bible says fortunately there are many Prophet35 Once the Holy in Book of Mathew 24:37- who are now questioning Prophet•35me out of his house, 39: "But as the days of the very existence of a god stood at the pulpit, and said: Noah were, so shall also who can indifferent to the "Ask me about anything; I the coming of the Son of state of religion today. In­ will respond to each of your man be. For as in the days forming people about the questions." The audience that were before the flood advent of the Promised noticed the Holy Pro­ they were eating and drink­ Messiah, Mahdi as, the re­ phet'ssaw displeasure and kept ing, marrying and giving in former of latter days and quiet. Hadhrat Anas bin marriage, until the day that Second Advent of Jesus is Mali~relates that he looked Noah entered into the ark, not a choice anymore, it is around, to his left and to his and knew not until the flood our responsibility and the right. Everyone was weeping came, and took them all only Ark for the salvation with their heads bowed and away; so shall also the of mankind and religion to­ covered with cloth. At this coming of the Son of man day. moment, a man in the center be." of the Mosque stood up. His Bibliography paternity was not known and And as the Promised people used to taunt him for 1. http://www.alislam.org/ Messiah38 says in his book that. He asked: "O Prophetsaw ror/June_2006.pdf The Divine Manifestations that: of Allah! Who is my father?" Messiah Has come The times of Noah shall re­ The Holy Prophet8aw appear before your eyes, 2. h t t p : / / w w w . responded, "Your father is and your own eyes will be bibles tuden ts. org/ Hudhafah." Then Hadhrat witnesses to the calamity presence/signs.htm 'Uma.r1'1 stood up and said: that overtook the cities of "God Almighty is our Lord, Lot. [Haqiqatul Wahy], to­ 3. http://alislam.org/library/ Islam is our religion, and day Noah's ark or the only b O O k S / Muhammadsaw is our source of salvation is Di vineManifestations. Prophet. We seek Allah's through following the pdf protection from such evils as teachings of Islam as ex­ dissent, discord and plained by Hadhrat Masih ******* disorder." The Holy 35 Mau'ood • Prophetsaw said: "Today, I am CHANDAS looking at good and evil as if These few examples SHOULD BE Heaven and Hell are behind should make us realize how the wall in front of me." truly fortunate and blessed PAID we are to have been able to REGULARLY (Muslim kitabul Jada- 'ii bab recognize and accept this tauqir wa taraka ikhar ON TIME sawalih) November - December 2007 103 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA ISLAM: A PERFECT AND COMPLETE RELIGION FOR ALL MANKIND Dr. Shanaz Butt, Sadr Lajna lmaillah-USA

It was in the ninth year of Hijra when the Holy Prophetsaw went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. On the day of the Pilgrimage, he received the revelation containing the famous verse of the Qur'an (5:4) which says:

This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My Javor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion (5:4 ). This verse tells us that all the teachings needed to advance our physical, moral and spiritual development have been included in the Holy Qur'an in the most complete and per­ fect form. No new teachings would be revealed that could replace the teachings of Isl-am, nor would a new Prophet be born who would be superior than the Holy Prophetsaw. The Message which the Holy Prophetsaw had brought from God, and which he had been practic­ ing and preaching both by word and action, had now been completed. And this perfect and complete message had been captured in a single word, 'Islam', which means Peace and sub­ mission. Let us first highlight some of the perfect teachings of Islam and then focus our attention on the responsibilities that this verse places on us as Muslims. 1. Starting with the Kalima, Islam introduces us to the most important, central and basic concept of Islam; the Unity of God. There is no God but Allah. Islam has taught us that the best way to put this concept to practice is simply through the Worship of One God. 2. Even though, Allah is not in need of our prayers, nor in need of our praises, worship is prescribed for us more than 300 times in the Holy Qur'an. Worship of One God creates submission in our hearts to the Will of God and leads to peace and harmony within us and around us. 3. Islam teaches us how to strike the perfect balance between God and Man, Haququllah (rights of God, which we accomplish through worship and submission) and Haqulibaad (rights of human beings which when fulfilled bring Peace amongst mankind). Thus, by using our God given resources (time, money, abilities), we are expected to strike this bal­ ance between service to mankind and to God, and in this way bring peace and harmony in the society we Ii ve in. 4. Islam teaches equality and justice among men and women. The Holy Qur'an makes it November - December 2007 104 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

very clear that the true source of honor in the sight of God is a righteous life. Therefore, every man, woman and child has the same potential for achieving the highest station of spirituality irrespective of race, color, language, culture, wealth, education. 5. Islam teaches us accountability for our actions by emphasizing that life of this earth can­ not be taken separately from life in the hereafter. In many places in the Holy Qur' an, we are told that this life is temporary and that we are in preparation for the life to come. And the life of this world is nothing but a sport and a pastime. And surely the abode of the Herafter is better for those who are righteous (6:33). Our time on this earth is a journey; the next world is our final destination. 6. Islam teaches us how to prepare for our final destination. Fight against them by means of the HQ, a great fight (25:53): Our journey really begins when we recognize the imper­ fectness of our own Nafs (self) and begin to wage a war against it (the concept of Jihad bin Nafs). 7. In spite of such perfect teachings, Islam provides us with the freedom of choice. There is no compulsion in religion (2:257). There is no existing democratic constitution in the world other than Islam which provides us not only with the freedom of choice but also provides guidelines on how to control, correct and improve ourselves in the most simple and practical manner. 8. Another important aspect of Islam lies in the fact that God recognizes that we are weak and prone to making mistakes again and again. Thus, we are provided with ample op­ portunities to strive for perfection, with a promise from Allah to help us in this effort: And as for those who strive to meet us, we will, surely, guide them in our ways. And, verily, Allah is with those who do good (29:70). This brief summary illustrates that the teachings of Islam are so simple, so practical, so perfect and so complete that they can be adopted anywhere in the world irrespective of geo­ graphical location, religious affiliation, gender, racial background or social status.

In 2005, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih yaba stated that we who call ourselves Muslims, are the best people because, by accepting all the prophets from Hadhrat Adamas to the Promised Messiah as, Ahmadi Muslims have accepted the favors from Allah and have announced their complete faith in Allah.

You are the best people raised for the good of mankind ( 3: 111 ).

If we reflect on the state of Arabia 1500 years ago, it was certainly a dark period before Islam came to be born. The society at that time allowed sexual permissiveness, free mixing of men and women, and dance, music, gambling and drinking were all highlights of the soci­ ety. Cruelty and needless killing was considered normal in those days. Women were treated as chattels and deprived of their basic rights as human beings. Islam changed all of it. Through the wisdom of segregation, the concept of modesty, justice, equality, Islam brought lawlessness and immoral conduct to a halt. The status of women was raised in all dealings of life, including inheritance, education, decision making, self-respect and self worth. November - December 2007 105 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Women were no longer play things to be exploited.


In reviewing the state of the world today, it is of interest to note that while one of the allegations levied against Islam is that it is an out-dated religion, the decaying signs of a so­ ciety that existed 1500 years ago are visible all around us. Society seems to have lost its moral compass. Mankind appears to be losing both directions and bearings. More and more feminine charms are on display and no advertisement is complete without exposing the fe­ male body parts. More and more women are choosing to be used as play things, and of their own free will opt to give up their self respect, modesty and dignity provided to them 1500 years ago. Since moral values of a society define religious values, we can see that as people move away from religion and God, morality and spirituality is also decreasing in the 21st century. Today, we boast of living in highly civilized societies, having high education and many sci­ entific and technological achievements. But as we fast forward into these areas, we are mov­ ing backwards with regards to our understanding of the true concept of God. As we com­ pete for the temporary glitter of this world, we are losing the most important treasure of all - our relationship with God. As we become short sighted, we are losing our far sighted vision and becoming our own worst enemies. Islam was intended to create a world of moderation, balance, harmony, self-discipline, justice, humility and peace. And yet, we witness so much pain, anxiety, restlessness, conflict, injustice, arrogance and selfishness around us and within us. Why is it that in spite of receiving perfect and complete teachings, it is so difficult to strive for perfection? One possibility is that while we claim to have a strong faith in God and in the Day of Judgment, our claim to Faith is not often times translated into righteous ac­ tions of a true believer. One of the obstacles in our path is our own lack of initiative to un­ derstand the simple concepts of Islam and put them to practice and then practice it to perfec­ tion. Just as day and night cannot co-exist, true belief in God and true love of God cannot co-exist with lies, deceit, falsehood, selfishness, hypocrisy and injustice. When our concept of God and the concept of the hereafter is weak and superficial, it does not play a role in fashioning our lives. The entire purpose of the coming of the Holy Prophetsaw was to provide us with a hu­ man role model and the purpose of the coming of the Promised Messiahas was to extend and spread the message of Islam to all humanity and provide us with an understanding of the pur­ pose of our existence.

I have not created the Jinn and men but that they worship me (51 :57). According to the Holy Qur'an, everything is created for a certain purpose, and the purpose of our existence is to build a living relationship with God and become as perfect as we can by acquiring Godly attributes. True contentment and peace can only be had by establishing November - December 2007 106 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA one's relationship with one's Creator. Islam has provided us with limitless ways and limit­ less potential to achieve this purpose. The Promised Messiah85 has explained that God does not change; He being eternal, and perfect. But with every change in man for the better, God also reveals himself to him in a fresh and clearer manifestation. When our relationship with God improves, that is when we can be called truly civilized because the only way to improve a society is to bring that society closer to God. As the relationship with God improves, it transforms this civilized person into a person who demonstrates Godly attributes. Everyday, He reveals Himself in a different state (55:30). Therefore, more than ever, we need to demonstrate our faith practically, not just affirm a verbal pledge to God. We need to adorn ourselves with the beautiful attributes of Allah and adorn ourselves with the colors of Islamic teachings and we need to reflect the light that the Holy Prophetsaw brought to Arabia 1500 years ago. Because those are the real colors that will brighten the world and remove the darkness that is covering it. I will close with a few words that I have extracted from the farewell sermon that the Holy Prophet'aw gave on his return from his pilgrimage to Mecca. Addressing a large gather­ ing of Muslims, he said, "Omen, lend me an attentive ear. For I know not whether I will stand before you again in this valley and address you as I address you now". In his final sermon, the Holy Prophetsaw touched upon all the basic aspects of human relationships that impact upon the peace of the society, family and self. He expressed his deep concern and compassion for the downtrodden, the oppressed, slaves, POW, children, women and the eld­ erly. He talked about raising the standards and status of all classes of human beings. He spoke of simple everyday qualities such as honesty, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, jus­ tice and equality in dealings with each other. The Holy Prophetsaw said, "O men what I say to you, you must hear and remember. All of you are equal. No one has the right or superiority to claim over the other. You are as brothers. God has made the lives, property and honor of every man sacred. What I com­ mand you today is not meant only for today. It is meant for all times. You are expected to remember it and act upon it until you leave this world and go to the next to meet your maker. What I have said to you, you should communicate to the ends of the earth. Maybe those who have not heard me may benefit by it more than those who have heard. " The message that the Holy Prophetsaw gave to the people is just as relevant and needed today as it was 1500 years ago. It is also of great interest to note that the Promised Messiahas received this revelation from Allah, "/ shall cause thy message to reach the comers of the earth." Who will carry this message of Islam? Who are called the best people raised for the good of mankind? Allah continues to shower his blessings and favors upon us. We have had the opportunity to accept the Imam of the times. Thus it is incumbent upon each and every on of us to reform ourselves and wage a war against our Nafs so that we can fulfill the re­ sponsibilities that have been placed on our shoulders by the Holy Prophetsaw when he said, "You should communicate my words to the ends of the earth. Maybe those who have not heard me may benefit by it more than those who have heard". November - December 2007 107 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA STAYING TRUE TO OUR COVENANT - SACRIFICES OF EARLY AHMADIS IN AMERICA Saliba Hanif (Boston Lajna)

"Our Lord, we have heard and deserted the job of The Promised Messiahas a Crier calling to faith, preaching entrusted to them first conveyed the message "Believe ye in your Lord by Allah. Subsequently, of Islam to the American and we have believed. Our Muslim solidarity turned people through a pamphlet Lord, forgive us, therefore, into weakness and their mailed to thousands of lay­ our errors and remove from prestige became a thing of men and clergy in Europe us our evils and in death the past. The Muslim power and America in the year number us with the right­ declined and their empires 1885. This created a consid­ eous. (3:194) began to fall. By the Grace erable interest in Islam of Allah the time again among various sections of Ever since its ad­ came for Muslims to be­ the Americans. A journalist, vent, Islam has been a mis­ come world leaders and to Mr. Alexander Webb, who sionary religion. The life of usher in the new "Age of later became the American the Holy Prophet Muham­ Islam." Consul in the Philippines, madsaw and his Companions became deeply interested serves as a standard of con­ A reformer for Mus­ and started a correspon­ duct in this respect for the lims in the person of dence with the Promised believers. The Muslims Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Messiahas. Details of this have been commanded by Ahmad of Qadianas, the correspondence can be Allah to convey His mes­ holy founder of the found in the book entitled: sage to non-believers. The Ahmadiyya Movement in Shan-i-Haq. very first commandment Islam was sent as a heav­ addressed to the Holy enly beacon of light in this Mr. Webb was so Prophetsaw as "a Messen­ age of total darkness. It is highly impressed by the ger'' was: "O Messenger, through his divinely estab­ truth of Islam that he re­ convey to the people what lished community that the signed from his diplomatic has been revealed to thee message and spirit of Islam assignment and started a from thy Lord, and if thou is re-awakening, and the vigorous preaching cam­ do it not, thou has not con­ world is experiencing a paign of Islam in the United veyed His Message at all. great revolution. The States. As early as 1911, the And Allah will protect thee United States of America is Ahmadiyya Movement had from men." [Al-Ma'idah one of those countries that begun to lay the ground­ 5:68]. was blessed with the mes­ work for its Mission in the sage of true Islam through United States, but it was not It is deplorable, how­ the Promised Messiahas until 1920 that an organized ever, that early Muslims himself. missionary-effort was inau­ soon forgot their main duty gurated. November - December 2007 108 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

On January 24, 1920 tion to his religion. After was established for the pri­ Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad his release from detention, mary purpose of refuting Sadiqra, an Ahmadi Muslim in April 1920, Hadhrat the misrepresentations of Missionary left England on Mufti Sahibra set up his Islam that appeared in the the SS Haverford. His desti­ headquarters on Madison American Press. The cover nation was the United Ave. in New York. By the of each issue depicted a States where he intended to end of May he had made sunrise over North Amer­ establish a Mission. Even twelve new converts to the ica, which symbolized the while on board the ship Ahmadiyya Movement. The rising sun of Islam in the Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad American Press covered United States. From 1921 to Sadiqra succeeded in con­ Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad 1925 the Ahmadiyya Move­ verting seven of the passen­ Sadiq'sra arrival with head­ ment gained 1025 Ameri­ gers to Ahmadiyyat. When lines such as "Picturesque can converts whose names the SS Haverford arrived in Sadiq" hopes to convert U. and addresses were listed in Philadelphia on February S." - "East Indian here with the pages of ''The Moslem 15, 1920, the United States New Religion." His mis­ Sunrise." News of Ameri­ Immigration authorities re­ sionary work was done pri­ can converts continued to fused to allow Hadhrat marily through preaching dominate the pages of "The Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra and writing. By May 1920 Moslem Sunrise." Articles, to enter the country. After he had contributed twenty with photographs appeared the authorities had interro­ articles on Islam to various about several of those who gated him for several hours, American periodicals and were African-Americans they asked him to the leave newspapers, among them, who had become prominent the country on the same the New York Times. lay missionaries after their ship on which he had just conversion. Also published arrived. Hadhrat Mufti Mu­ During his first year were photographs of four hammad Sadiqra refused to of Missionary work he had African -American women do so and asked for an ap­ delivered fifty public lec­ converts: Sister Khairat peal to the Secretariat in tures on a variety of sub­ (Thomas), Sister Zenab Washington, D.C. He was jects in American cities, in­ (Watts), Sister Ahmadea confined to the Philadelphia cluding Chicago, New (Robinson), and Sister Aye­ House of Detention until York, and Detroit. Hadhrat sha (Clark). the decision of the appeal Mufti Muhammad Sadiq' sra was handed down. During zeal for missionary work It is noteworthy that those weeks of confinement came from a deep spiritual all of these women wore Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad commitment, and he had traditional Muslim veils to Sadiqra made twenty addi­ been a close companion of cover their faces and long tional converts to Islam. the Promised Messiahas. In sleeves and long dresses to These men were from J a­ October 1920, he moved cover their bodies. The new maica, Poland, Russia, Ger­ the headquarters to Chicago clothes differentiated the many, British Guiana, Bel­ because of its central loca­ Muslims from their Chris­ gium, Portugal, Italy, the tion, and from there he be­ tians neighbors and sig­ Azores, and France. These gan, in 1921,to publish naled their new religious men were impressed with ''The Moslem Sunrise." commitment. In September Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad This journal which ap­ 1923 Hadhrat Mufti Mu­ Sadiq'sra passion and devo- peared every three months, hammad Sadiqra concluded November - December 2007 109 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA his work in America and and 10,000 members in the tions among African­ returned to India. The Mus­ United States. The primary Americans. The Mission lims in Chicago were so at­ Missions were located in houses or Mosque Activity tached to Hadhrat Mufti Chicago, Cleveland, Kansas Centers were headed by Af­ Muhammad Sadiqra that City, Washington D.C., and rican-Americans, in Afri­ they sent a letter to Hadhrat Pittsburgh. By this time the can-American areas of vari­ Khalifatul Masih IF re­ Ahmadi Missionaries were ous cities. These people questing that he be allowed beginning to see signs that came, primarily, from a to stay in the U.S. indefi­ the Movements' 20-year blue-collar or laboring nitely. During his three effort was beginning to pay class. Few were profession­ years in America, Hadhrat off in the converts' close als; many had been school Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra adherence to the rituals and dropouts and most were had personally converted duties of Islam. For these street-wise. The lack of op­ over 700 Americans to Is­ converts, their Bai 'at con­ portunities for formal edu­ lam, and under his guidance stituted a formal, sacred cation led some to seek the Ahmadiyya Movement covenant with Allah. They self-employment as a way published the first Muslim enshrined the Holy Prophet­ of making a living, primar­ periodical and the first saw and the Promised Messi­ ily as street vendors or ped­ translation of the Holy ah88 in their hearts and dlers. A significant number Qur' an in English in Amer­ pledged their fealty to the of African American musi­ ica. Khulafii'. The direct per­ cians were members of the sonal influence of the Mis­ Community. They had been Hadhrat Maulvi sionaries and other notables introduced and drawn to Is­ Muhammad Dinra, the sec­ of the movement, such as lam, sometimes during their ond Missionary to America Sir Muhammad Zafrulla travels abroad. These sim­ arrived in Chicago on Khan, provided a living ex­ ple people heard a Caller, March 29, 1923. He had ample of Islamic equality calling to Faith, saying: Be­ been the Headmaster of a and brotherhood. These lieve! And they did believe. High school in India and people were held in high And buffered by that belief the editor of The Review of esteem with respect border­ they accomplished what Religions. He was also a ing on reverence and the was for them extraordinary Companion of the Promised 88 converts lovingly accepted achievements. Many were Messiah . The Ahmadiyya the good counsel of these inspired to return to school missionary effort, which people with unquestioning and even to seek higher continues to this day, ex­ compliance, echoing the education at various col­ perienced a succession of dictum of "hearing and leges, where they excelled. notable "Callers to Faith," obeying. They became "Tabligh fa­ all of whom followed the natics. They developed a tradition of public lectures Although the Ahmadi­ passion for "street Tabligh" and writing. The " Jihiid of yya Movement was a multi­ and every weekend found words" and the Jihad of the racial community, the ma­ them on some street corner pen" became the order of jority of its American con­ passing out handbills and the day. verts were African-Ameri­ delivering public lectures, can, and Ahmadiyyat was By 1940 the Ahmadi­ usually accompanied by the one of the oldest and most area missionary. Sometimes yya Movement in Islam had important Muslim organiza- somewhere between 5000 they were harassed and November - December 2007 ]JO Ahmadiyya Gazette USA even attacked while doing sought to set the standard of following the commands of so, but always returned un­ conduct in this regard. Allah, can be remembered daunted the following Sometimes ladies brought for their tremendous sacri­ week. Several were at­ with them their "Prayer fices. Most often they ar­ tacked by the police and ar­ Habit" which they donned rived with few belongings, rested while doing "street upon entering the Mission mostly books, and received Tabligh" and picketing the house, and removed upon only meager subsistence al­ Reverend Billy Graham. leaving. Their monetary lowances from the Center. The goal was to become sacrifices were legendary. Jama'ats were usually re­ "true believers" in every That was a time when sala­ sponsible for their lodging; sense. Brotherhood and ries were extremely low; they were never heard to unity became the cry in a the minimum was approxi­ complain about the often communal atmosphere. Fa­ mately seventy-five cents small, cramped quarters miliarity, instead of breed­ per hour for those who were they received. They lived ing contempt, bred familial fortunate enough to have under the same conditions life bonds. The thirst for employment. The system of as their charges. They rode learning seemed never Chanda had not yet been Public Transportation, pre­ abated; therefore, educa­ officially established in pared their own meals, and tional meetings were con­ America. The members did their own laundry. They ducted two or three times used to contribute "monthly were kind, loving, and nur­ each week in most Mission dues" according to their turing. houses. ability and commitment; although, the ability was These "Callers to The institution of limited, the commitment Faith" earned respect, ad­ "Purdah" was a new con­ was great. They had a say­ miration and reverence and cept - which was gradually ing, "If you can afford to created life-long bonds of introduced. So, at the outset eat, you can afford to con­ love and brotherhood. They meetings were not separate. tribute." It was considered: helped to reform and re­ Males and females used the "putting your faith above shape the lives of numerous same room. However, men the world." To be able to souls by providing physical, usually sat in front and la­ say: "I have nothing left in emotional, and spiritual dies in the rear or men on my house but the name of nourishment. It is because one side and ladies on the Allah and His Messenger" of the tremendous sacrifices opposite side. Ladies often was a much-sought honor. of these early pioneers that held Jama'at offices and The establishment mosques the seeds of Ahmadiyyat gave speeches and actively and mission-houses as­ sown by the Promised Mes­ participated in all phases of sumed the utmost impor­ siah88, and by Hadhrat Jama'at work. They were tance, and the Dayton Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra encouraged to wear long Mosque stands as a monu­ have taken firm root and dresses and to cover their ment to the dedication and under the cultivation and hair, but were not required sacrifices of those early guidance of the present day to do so. However, they pioneers. Their teachers, "callers to faith", the tree of happily and willingly chose those noble Missionaries Ahmadiyyat will continue to try to conform to the Is­ who left the comfort of to bud and put forth new lamic ideals, and even their homes and families branches, lnsha Allah. November - December 2007 111 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH: ACCOUNTS OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Helai Ayoubi, Osh Kosh Lajna

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I am grateful for this opportunity to share my experience of how Allah, the almighty, showered his blessings on me by showing me the right path. I was nai've and sinful but Allah reformed my diseased heart and soul by manifesting his divinity and favors upon me. Hadhrat Masih Mau'oodra captured this concept beautifully in his Persian poem:-

If man himself indolent in search of Truth, Otherwise, God Himself guides the seeker to the Truth. People have always asked me why I decided to come from Los Angeles -city of angels, to Oshkosh, a small and dull town in Wisconsin. Even though I came to Oshkosh to pursue my undergraduate degree, it was always an enigma for me why I had selected University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, when I had the option to study at other universities at better locations. Well this mystery was solved when I met someone special and realized that I was destined to be in Oshkosh for something beautiful and fulfilling, which Allah had decided, for my fate. I met this special person in one of my classes at the University. He was a very decent and humble person of Pakistani origin. This acquaintance turned into a friendship over a period of time by taking other courses together and helping each other with study matters. One day I asked him if he is Shia or Sunni. His answer was "none" which took me by complete surprise. I asked him if he could elaborate, and he told me with utmost conviction that he belonged to the Ahmadiyya sect. Being an Afghani and brought up in a mix of Shia and Sunni family, I had never heard of Ahmadiyyat before. I asked him to explain his faith and when he told me about Masih Mau'oodas; it was quite mind-boggling for me. Being a Shia myself, I firmly believed that the Mahdi of the time, the twelfth Imam according to Shia traditions, has not yet come. I was taught from childhood that when the Mahdi descends physically from the sky, he will be seen in many place at the same time, and will bring peace and order to the world by his sword. But none of this existed at that time and the world was full of turmoil, disorder, and hostilities. I became disappointed in my friend and his faith. He tried to explain to me the doctrines, activities and teachings of Ahmadiyyat, but I kept reject­ ing him forcefully. He never gave up and kept preaching Ahmadiyyat at every opportunity until one day I got so upset and fed up of Ahmadiyyat that I started insulting him and his faith by using very obscene language of which I am still very embarrassed. He quietly toler­ ated my contemptuous rudeness with patience and persistence, and said nothing but "I hope and pray you will realize one day". November - December 2007 112 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

On that very night I had a very unusual dream. I dreamt that a man in his mid age, wearing a black coat and a white turban, is standing on an elevated stage and addressing thousands of people standing in a desert. The man had an attractive face glorified with di­ vineness and was holding a walking stick. I still remember his words as if my mind has been stamped with them. He said "Allah is the witness that I only speak the truth and only the truth. I am in the right path and inviting all the people of the world towards it. Anyone who has eyes can see that all the favors which Allah Almighty is giving upon me are the signs of my truthfulness. I claimed to be the Mujaddid, the Like of the Messiah, and Recipient of Di­ vine Revelations. God Almighty has declared in the Holy Qur'an that there is none more un­ just than he who forges a lie against Him. He never fails to punish the impostor. This is the sign of my truthfulness that no one can challenge me. If any one will dare to do so, Allah would humiliate him terribly. Allah supports me in hundreds of way, and whosoever wants to cut me down, will himself be cut down. I will not force anyone since every one will go to its own grave and will be answerable to Allah alone. Whoever believes me should follow me and those who don't should take the opposite path and no one will stop them. The opponent shall be disgraced and the one who denies me shall be sorry and remorseful. All these signs are for those who can recognize me". He says this and starts walking towards the right side. I see that many people follow him and there are also few who chose to go the opposite way. I see my self standing in the middle confused and baffled, looking for my friend. I spot my friend following the man, and he waves his hand towards me signaling to join him. I keep standing there in the confused state of mind, when suddenly I feel brightness in my heart and mind as if soul has been nourished and energized. My heart and mind was telling me to fol­ low him, he is in the right path, and I start running after him. When I woke up, I found myself sitting on the bed shivering and crying. I was not sure what had happened to me and whether this was just another dream or some kind of a di vine message. I pondered over the dream for an hour or so and asked my self if I still believe in the Shia's twelfth Imam Concept. My heart and mind was clear and convinced. I felt guilty why I insulted my friend and his faith earlier. I felt overwhelmed with fear of Allah and per­ formed two Nawafal for forgiveness and mercy. The next morning I called upon my friend and told him about the dream. He showed me the picture of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, and asked me if he was the one in my dream. I said no and then he showed me the picture of Hadhrat Masih Mau'ood38 and asked me if he was the one. Yes, he was no other than the man I had dreamt. This added to my conviction. I had no more doubt that Ahmadiyyat was the renaissance of Islam and I was fortunate to be part of it. In a few days I learned more about the teachings of Hadhrat Masih Mau' oodas and signed the Bai' at form to formally be­ come a member of Ahmadiyya Jama'at in the year 2001. I would like to take this opportu­ nity to sincerely thank my friend who played a vital role in my acceptance of Ahmadiyyat. This man has proven to be a sincere friend, righteous guide, and now a loving husband. His name is Hashaam Ahmed son of Professor Dr. Waseem Ahmad professor of surgery at King Edward Medical College Lahore, and we have been married for four years now. Later in my life, two more incidences happened that add more strength to my faith and believe. One was right before my wedding and after the demise of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, I saw another dream that, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih the Wh is knocking at my door and when I open the door I feel very happy and delighted. All my body was shaking and I was shocked seeing Hazoor at my door. I performed Salam and paid respect to him and asked him to come in for a cup of tea. He said "no I don't have that much time. I have much to do." He had a big box wrapped in a gift paper on his hand, and he told me that "it is a wedding November - December 2007 113 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

gift for you from Had.brat Masih Mau'ood35 I hope you will like it". I felt so happy and took the box from him and with lots of respect I say Hafiz to him. I opened the box and I saw that there is a beautiful green wedding dress on it with lots of delicate embroidery and beads work on it. Later when we went to Pakistan for our Walima my kind mother in law had made me a very beautiful green dress to my surprise. The second incident just happened three months before when I was reading Had.brat Masih Mau'oodas book "The Heavenly Sign" on page 61 of this book I found a paragraph that was almost similar to what I saw in my dream six years before. After reading this para­ graph I was shocked that almost the same words that I saw in my dream was in this book written by Had.brat Masih Mau' oodas. Had.brat e Masih Mau'oodas also mentioned in page 62 of The Heavenly Sign "The Holy Qur'an, as well as the Ahadith of the Holy Prophetsaw, verify that a true believer has dreams that are true and bear glad tidings for him or her, and sometimes even other people have such dreams about him-more especially when he is called the rejected, the disgraced, the accursed, and the reprobate, nay, the worst infidel and the worst of all creatures. Who knows what gracious and loving converse takes place between him and Allah at these mo­ ments of frustration and disappointment!"

I cannot explain in words what Ahmadiyyat is for me. But I know that in Ahmadiyyat, I found the true Islam and a purpose of life. Ahmadiyyat has given me contentment of soul and peace of mind. It has also introduced me to a new way of life and thinking. Ahmadiyyat is a fulfillment of all the promises and hopes that is expected from the Messiah of the latter days. I pray that Allah always showers his blessings on me and give me the strength to serve Him and the Jama'at in the best way. I am grateful to Allah for giving me my greatest gift (Ahmadiyyat) - the true Islam and I pray that I can prove my self worthy of His love, and · convey His beautiful message to my family and those around me. Insha Allah. Finally I would like to conclude with a few verses from Had.brat Masih Mau'ood'sas Persian poetry:-

;Ji1,-/ !'9~~~ vvf.; -i"-. ,~r-~~ ~"J-6-/,~/ -l • ., ~ If; JI ...6~,t •fY. ty;,~ .,r / J vf4

When you have knowledge and wisdom to find the path Then why do you reject that teaching. Don't consider your soul to be bright Whatever shines, shines from the heavenly skies Blind are those eyes which are not blessed by this shine That heart is like a grave which doesn't have curiosity Pious, truthful, and devout All found the right path from the divine revelation Which is that wisdom which you think is yours Only those will understand who Allah wants them to understand November - December 2007 114 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH: ACCOUNTS OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCES

Qurra-tul-Ain (Research Triangle, North Carolina Lajna)

I am quite new to Ahmadiyyat, for I joined only 2 years ago when I made my pledge of Bai'at in December of 2005. I am, however, very honored by this invitation to address the Jama'at, to whom I love so dearly and cannot think of a better opportunity then this to ex­ press it outside of prayer. So, from the very beginning of this address to the very end, I would like to convey this gratitude. Ahmadiyyat is more then a life-saver, it is a saver of the soul and spirit within every member, as well as every person and being that its membership comes into contact with. The ripple effect of the benefits of being an Ahmadi is boundless and infinite. May Allah give you all the best of rewards for your powerful example. The road leading to my conversion to Islam was by no means an easy one, nor a direct, for that matter. Examples of so-called Islam sprang onto my horizon many times throughout my life, diverting me from ever truly learning what Islam really is. I wish I could say that I saw beyond September 11, 2001 and acknowledged that the few who took part in that de­ praved act of hatred did not represent the many that called themselves Muslims, but my per­ ception of the Islamic world was viewed with the lowest opinion of its believers. I looked at the women of Islam with pity. I felt that they were not only backwards, but lost. I could not understand how so many women could accept what I deemed slavery to the men that they lived with. When I didn't pity them, I was disgusted and angry that so much of the world was trapped under this dogma. It wasn't until I mistook a Muslim for a Hindu, out of sheer ignorance, that I allowed myself to befriend someone who practiced the Islamic faith. It was the first time I allowed myself to really get to know a Muslim and see Islam through the example of this individual. I realized, at that point, that I actually knew nothing about Islam, what the pages of the Qur' an held in them, or what was the religion verses the culture of Muslims. It never oc­ curred to me that I had no earthly idea what Muslims even prayed to. I thought Allah must have been an idol like Shiva or Kali. I thought they worshipped Muhammad like Christians worship and pray directly to Jesus, instead of God. I didn't even know that Islam shared the same prophets as Christianity and Judaism. The only commonalities I had ever linked be­ tween the three great religions were wars over territory and empire building. I was quite taken aback to learn about Islam. I was even more taken aback when the message I heard was one of peace, dignity, respect, honor, and prevention from falling into error, into sin and vices. My eyes were forced open to see the world around me, the connec­ tion everyone held to one another, and my curiosity to learn more about Islam was peeked. I wanted to learn more about Ahmadiyyat. If anyone here knows me personally, they can at­ test to the fact that I love the exchange of ideas. I love to talk and to ask questions. I am not the kind of person who is content to merely know what rules and regulations there are or what practices are held by anyone or any particular faith, I want to know why, how, to what November - December 2007 115 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA depth and what the source of this knowledge can be documented back to. I like to under­ stand what I learn and to be understood as much as is possible. Again, to address those who know me personally, I am so sorry if I can be a pain when I ask so many questions. Jazak'Allah for your patience with me. There are two gifts I have received since becoming an Ahamdi that I wanted to share today, especially to those who are sitting in this audience for the first time or are fairly new .... newer then myself, that is. One of those gifts was a ring with an inscription. It was particularly special to me because it came from an Ahmadi who has been a mentor, some­ times almost a mother in her care and concern for me, our pervious local Sadr Najmi Azam Sahiba. The ring's inscription is a reminder. It reads in Arabic: "Alai sallahu be kaa.fin ab­ dah" Which translates into English as "Is not Allah Sufficient for His servant?" This question was one that I not only needed to ask myself, but really to declare aloud. What am I without God? What do I possess that God did not bestow upon me and what can He not take away? Is there anything God cannot do? Allah, in His infinite mercy and love, has given everyone who seeks it, the ability to bond with Him. Where is there any example to equal this? The very thought is so moving and undeniable that I immediately found my­ self humbled and thankful. There is really only one word that I know that describes this and that is LOVE ... real, true, unconditional LOVE. This ring is one that can be found on pretty much every Ahmadi' s finger at one encounter or another. This reminder is that Allah is all I need. Allah is most important and is my best friend. Allah is the greatest provider and the greatest comfort. Allah is the most just, purest, and the most generous. It is a reminder that nothing is ever hopeless when it comes to God. The second gift I wanted to mention came from Hazootba. I had written to him with a prayer request after having been recommended to do so by the local Lajna. I was going through, quite literally, the hardest time of my life. At seventeen, I had been engaged to marry and became a bride at 19. My marriage was always a difficult one, but I tried as hard as I could to make it work, especially for my daughter. In 2005 after spending 10 years of my life with my husband, the reality that my marriage was coming to an end became impos­ sible to deny. My husband had completely withdrawn from the world. He began to drink alcohol, indulge in pornography, take narcotic drugs, and curse God and religion as being the root of the entirety of the world's problems. By the time of our parting, he was admitted into rehabilitation for his drug abuse and he denounced the existence of God altogether. My daughter was only three years old. I requested prayers from Hazootba that my daughter and I would be okay through all of this, especially through the divorce and child custody case. I prayed that he would also give me a Muslim name, as well. While I have been quite fond of how pretty my given name is that my father had named me, it had no meaning or origin. I wanted a name that would re­ mind me that God, that Allah is there for me and that I need only turn to Him. When I re­ ceived a reply to my letter, it was filled with encouragements and Hazoor' saba prayer that jus­ tice and peace would come through from this trial. He also gave me my Muslim name Qurra-tul-Ain. He told me it means "Comfort of Eyes." It reminded me of a verse that I kept reading over and over again in the Qur' an and pretty much every article written about women, children, and family. I immediately pulled the Qur'an out and found the verse in chapter 25:75. There is a prayer there that reads: November - December 2007 116 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Rabanaa hablanaa min-az-waageena wa zurreeyyaateena qurra-ta ah-yunew-wajalnaa lil­ muttaqeena ee-maa-maa. "Our Lord, grant me of my wife and children the delight of my eyes and make us a model for the righteous."

I called Najmi Azam Sahiba and asked her how to say my name and spell it both in Arabic and transliteration. Afterwards, I reread the articles I had found my name in and I was in tears. I could not understand why Hazoot'1ba gave me this beautiful name that said I am a comfort, a delight to my family. My marriage had failed and I couldn't keep my hus­ band from vices and blasphemy. Then I read an article where new couples were being en­ couraged to recite this prayer in dua everyday to strengthen their marriage, to allow them­ selves to be reminded to always make every effort to be a strong example and encourage­ ment to their loved ones. It expressed that everyone needs to supplicate like this because no one of us is perfect and we need Allah's help to improve and to remain on the right path. I didn't feel hopeless after that. I understood what I could do. I understood that there would always be trials and I was bound to make mistakes, but that I am not a lost cause. I can live up to this wonderful name, if I only make an effort to do so. It hasn't been easy and I have a feeling it won't ever be easy. There will always be temptations to deviate from the straight path and there will always be those who wish to be hurtful, but I have the choice to do the right thing or go astray. I am the only one who can make this decision for me. The greatest gift that Ahmadiyyat has given me, though, is the avenue towards this righteous path, always steering me in Allah's direction. This path has opened my eyes, mind, and heart to the blessing of a personal relationship with Allah and with His creation.

When I offer my namaaz, I may not pronounce ever word perfectly, but I can still con­ vey the gratitude in my heart for all that God does everyday, both what I know He does, and all of the things that I am not aware of but feel the rewards of. I can pray for mercy and guidance, for His love and for my heart to fill with love for Him. I can better understand the world around me with its vast and diverse cultures and creatures. I can see the nourishment I get from food, drink, sun, darkness, rest, love, and movement .... all of which were given to the inhabitants of this world, this universe even, without prejudice or preference. Is there anything Allah cannot do, know, give, or make? Is there a better friend, a better companion, a better provider, a purer love then in Allah? I can now say, without hesitation or reservation, that there is no one who comes close. There is nothing that equals God and I am so grateful to Him for the messengers He has sent. Allah is sufficient for me. I have faith in His messengers, in the Qur' an, and in the Khilafat. I have faith in the message. I pray that I will live up to this name I was given and that I will remember to heed the reminder on the ring on my finger in times of hardships and in times of prosperity. I pray that Allah will give me a long life with good health so that I may give my greatest effort to accomplish this in this lifetime. I pray that the Jama'at that helped me find my way out of shadow and despair will be showered with blessings and protected. I pray that we will all find the strength in Allah and each other to be the example to our fami­ lies and those who come into contact with us of love and what Islam really represents .Insha' Allah. Thank you again for this opportunity. I truly do love Ahmadiyyat. November - December 2007 Il7 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA SEARCHING .FOR THE TRUTH: ACCOUNTSOFPERSONALEXPERIENC~S Aisha Khan (Central Jersey Lajna) / / Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Qur'an in Surah Al-Sbura, Chapter 42, v.

That is: Thou didst not know what the book was, nor what the faith. But We have ma.de it [the revelation] a light, whereby We guide such of Our servants as We please.

It is along these very lines that my own conversion took place. As with all personal narratives, my conversion was a private decision, but I hope that by sharing my story some­ one may gain some benefit in their own struggle.

I was born in a Hindu family. My family was not particularly religious, although my mother was a practicing Hindu. Although I was born Hindu, I always felt myself drawn to­ wards the monotheistic theme of Islam. Growing up, I never felt a spiritual connection as I prayed to the various idols that represented forms of God. I always felt that there had to be something more to praying and something more to God than a statue. As a young girl I often tuned into weekend radio programs in which there was recitation of the Holy Qur'an. It was during those sessions of hearing the Holy Qur'an that my love and admiration of the flawless Book began. As I listened to the Arabic words which I did not understand, I felt myself be­ come entranced by the beautiful sounds that were evoked and I always yearned to learn and understand this most magnificent Book and the religion that it taught.

Looking back upon my childhood, I feel that the Islamic morals were always a part of my life. The way I spoke, the way I behaved in difficult situations, the manner in which I interacted with my family and peers - they all evoked Islamic principles. For example, even living in the center of Western culture in New York, I did not attend birthday parties. Of my many friends, the company whose I most enjoyed was that of my Muslim friends as I con­ versed with them about Islam. Part of this can be attributed to my parents for keeping my family relatively reserved, but I truly believe that Allah Ta'ala had awakened His love in my heart and had always been preparing me to become an Ahmadi Muslim.

The Promised Messiah, Had.brat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, wrote in Durr-e-Sameen that:

The person who has good and righteous inclinations of the heart, they will look for the truth and will be attracted to Islam and Ahmadiyyat. November - December 2007 118 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Knowing now and having experienced the truth of Islam and Ahmadiyyat, I fully com­ prehend my search for the truth that I underwent when I was 16 years old. Hinduism was unable to connect me to God and I was having difficulty reconciling this shortcoming with continuing my life as a Hindu. I could not understand how the idols that I had been praying to my life thus far were a part of God. I knew that there was One Supreme Being and I wanted to become close to God and feel that God was close to me. When I was 17 I had a dream that I was praying, with my head covered, on a Muslim prayer mat. At that point in my life, I had not yet entertained the idea of converting to Islam. This dream, however, moved me to such a point that I felt that God was calling me to Him and it was my duty to find Him. This childhood and adolescent period of admiring the Holy Qur'an, living with Islamic morals, and desiring a faith system that singly worshipped the One True Supreme God prepared me for my coming conversion to Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Because of my growing connection with Islam, I never felt the need to explore other relig­ ions but persisted only with Islam. One year before I converted to Islam and Ahmadiyyat, I learned how to offer Salat by myself and I began reading the translation of the Holy Qur'an in English. This was my official overt journey towards accepting Islam. In reality, however, my inner journey towards Islam had begun many years before.

Shortly after learning how to read Salat and the Holy Qur' an, I was introduced to Ahmadiyyat. I began reading the Ahmadiyya literature. Whenever I spoke with Ahmadis about their beliefs, I found everything to be completely logical and clearly defined. At this point I believed that Islam was the right and true religion and Ahmadiyyat completed the full picture. The real meaning of life and the proper style by which to lead life was only encom­ passed in Islam, more specifically in Ahmadiyyat. It was clear that the straight path that we pray for in Surah Al-Fatihah was encompassed in Ahmadiyyat and if I wanted to be guided and protected from the evils of this world and become close to Allah Ta'ala, Ahmadiyyat needed to be my path.

In 1990 when Hadhrat , Khalifatul Masih IVrh, was visiting New York, I was blessed to be at the mosque in Queens, Bait-ul-'Za.far. As I stood in the hallway near the stairs, Bushra Butt Sahiba, then Local President and now Regional President of the Northeast region and also a sister-figure for me, introduced me to Hazoorh and explained to Huzoo~ that I was considering converting to Islam and Ahmadiy'yat. After seeing Ha­ zoorh, being the first to receive Salam from him, and experiencing the holiness that glowed around him, I was put over the edge and there was nothing holding me back from converting. During his visit, at age 19, I converted to Islam and Ahmadiyyat at the hands of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh. Although my actual conversion was fairly simple, the effects of my conversion on my relationships with my family and friends were not nearly so simple. Al­ hamdulillah, however, I was able to remain steadfast and persevere through no contact with my family for more than three years and my closest childhood friend to this day. I truly be­ lieve that it was my firm faith in Allah Ta'ala and Ahmadiyyat and my attachment to the Ja­ ma'at that enabled me to withstand the various pressures upon me. Now, Alhumdulillah, my family has accepted me and as a result of our growing relationship and the blessings of Allah Ta'ala, I have noticed a spiritual change in my mother; she now has a closer relationship with God, so much so that she awakes at Tahajjud time to offer her own prayers, Alham­ dulillah. November - December 2007 119 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Adopting all of the aspects of an Islamic lifestyle was also a bit challenging. Although much of me was already aligned with Islam, there were parts that I needed to reform. Per­ haps the biggest challenge was adopting proper Islamic purdah. Initially, I found it very dif­ ficult; however, Alhamdulillah, as I began to understand the rationale behind purdah, I never had an issue with it. Prior to converting I often pondered what I hoped to gain by making such a change in my life. A deep connection with Allah Ta'ala was my desire and, Alham­ dulillah, I now have Allah Ta'ala with me and I am able to live my life as laid out in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith. I have gained a strong family with the Jama'at and I finally feel that I am living the life that was meant for me. My true identity as an Ahmadi Muslim woman was finally given to me and the inner peace that I have been blessed with is inexpli­ cable. My dream that I had when I was 17 years old came true 2 years later, and such an amazing spiritual experience my first salat as an Ahmadi Muslim was.

Looking back on my life as an Ahmadi Muslim, I can confidently say that I have been a better person in the last 18 years of my life than I ever was before, Alhamdulillah. I would like to conclude my humble submission with a Hadith of the Holy Prophet:

God has declared: I am close to the thought that My servant has of Me, and I am with him whenever He recollects Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I remember him in Myself. And if he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him better than those in the gathering. And if he approaches Me by as much as one hand's length, I approach him by a cubit. If he takes a step towards me, I run towards him.

(Bukhari and Muslim)

May Allah Ta'ala enable us all to reach out to Allah Ta'ala so He may carry us with His Blessings and Graciousness throughout our life. Ameen. Wa akheru da 'waana anil hamdo lillahe rab bil alaameen. *******


Ors. Umraan and Homaa Ahmad of Chicago were blessed with the birth of a baby daughter, Aiyla Hirah Ahmad, on September 22, 2007, Al­ hamdulillah. Aiyla is the granddaughter if Dr. Naseer and Tanvir Ahmad of Saint Louis, MO and Ors. Laeeq and Attia Ahmad of Potomac, MD. Please pray that Allah grants the newborn a long, healthy and purposeful life. May she grow up to be a true worshipper of Allah, the Almighty. Please pray that Aiyla may always be Qurrah tul A'in (comfort of the eyes) for her parents and grandparents. Ameen November - December 2007 120 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Jalsa UK 2007: A Spiritual Experience Rafiq Ahmad, Philadelphia

We began our journey come our home for the next drink tea and discuss the from the historical city of several days. Our accom­ day's upcoming activities. Philadelphia enroute across modations were great com­ the Atlantic Ocean to our pared to what the majority Our drivers, who did Annual Jalsa Salana in the of the participants would an outstanding job, in­ United Kingdom. What experience due to the formed the participants that makes this event unique is weather. Our lodgings in­ we would stop along the the participants come from cluded a kitchen, bathroom way to purchase our Wel­ all parts of the world. You and rooms for sleeping. The lingtons (rubber boots) at can almost sense the other refrigerator was full with the local BQ store. After travelers as they unite for food, drink and other good­ our purchase we proceeded this great event. I was trav­ ies. After settling in we sat to Hadeeqa-tul-Mahdi to eling with my wife and we in the kitchen to drink tea attend Jummah. When we were allowed to stay to­ and eat biscuits (cookies) finally arrived at the site we gether during our journey. and plan for tomorrow's Ju­ were amazed at the amount At the airport we met up mu 'ah and Hazoor'saba In­ of mud that we would trav­ with others, a couple and a augural address. Once again erse over the next three brother traveling alone. We we were pleasantly sur­ days. Fortunately for us, be­ began to discuss our jour­ prised with the arrival of cause of our VIP status, we ney with eager anticipation. Na'ib Ameer USA, Munir were assigned a special Hamid sahib. place to congregate and eat The flight from Phila­ our meals. We then set out delphia to the UK took Due to the rain, con­ to the marquee where Jum­ seven hours. When we ditions at the Jalsa site, mah would take place. A landed in the United King­ Hadeeqa-tul-Mahdi, were few of us were blessed to dom we were met by smil­ quite bad. In order to com­ sit in the front row to await ing faces of brothers hold­ bat the muddy and rainy en­ our beloved Hazoor'saba ser­ ing up cards to alert us that vironment, we were advised mon, but due to some tech­ they will be our escorts to to purchase Wellingtons nical problems we were not the Jalsa. To our surprise (rubber boots). Later on, we able to hear the sermon in there were others who had discovered the boots as a English. great blessing from Allah. traveled from the USA by After Jumu'ah we re­ different airlines. We awoke Friday morning to make our Tahajjud and turned to our designated Once the vehicles Fajr prayers lead by our area to enjoy a delicious were packed with our lug­ missionary from Albania lunch that was served to us gage we were taken to a who was also staying at our as we sat at the tables. small town named Guilford. compound. Some would go When lunch was com­ Located in this town is a lo­ back to sleep while others pleted, we returned to the cal college which would be- would remain awake to main marquee to listen to November - December 2007 121 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Hazoor' saba inaugural spee­ if it were a sunny day. The Bai'at. Words cannot de­ ch. We again returned to level of devotion to Ha­ scribe the level of emotion our dining hall to eat dinner zoor' saba instruction was that filled the marquee. and network with the other wonderful to witness. The Again, I was blessed to sit VIP participants. Finally MTA staff was also very in the long lines of those after a long and enlighten­ busy getting interviews allowed to enter the inner ing day we performed our from among those in atten­ circle. Many began to weep Maghrib and Isha Prayers dance. I was very fortunate as the ceremony concluded. behind Huzootba and re­ to be selected to express my After Hazoor'saba final ad­ turned to our residence in insight and emotions about dress we began to prepare Guilford. the event. for our mulaqaat with Ha­ zootba. My wife and I were On Saturday we Late that afternoon blessed to have our mu- awoke to heavy rain as we (Saturday) there was an ex­ [aqaat wit, h H azooraba began our morning prayers, cited buzz in the air. Word alone. As we entered the but it did not dampen our began circulating that the room we both were very spirits in the least. The VIP's, which numbered nervous, but Hazootba Na'ib Ameer was always about 700, were to have quickly reassured us that there to keep everything in dinner with Hazootba. To we were most welcome perspective. I kept thinking our astonishment this guests. Hazootba conversed what an honor it was to turned out to be true. About with us for at least 10-15 have him with us especially 8:30 that night after being minutes, and although it when he would tell us won­ seated in our special area was very close to prayer derful stories about Islam we eagerly awaited Ha­ time he never once made us and his service to the Ja­ zoor'saba arrival. Before he feel as if he were in a hurry. ma'at. arrived there were many discussions taking place, At one point during After breakfast we but as soon as Hazootba ar­ our discussion my wife in­ once again headed off to rived everyone stood up quired if I could take her to Jalsa Gah for another day of and instantly observed pin­ visit the city of Paris. Ha­ prayers in congregation, in­ drop silence. The level of zootba then told me to take spiring speeches, poems of obedience and respect was her, but to our great sur­ the Messiahas, and of course remarkable. Many in our prise, Hazootba said he Hazoor' saba address. Satur­ group were privileged to sit would arrange our visit and day was an extremely busy at the head table with Ha­ stay in Paris. We concluded day for the participants and zootba. Na'ib Ameer sat our meeting with the pres­ the volunteers as the crowd just two seats from Ha­ entation of rings that Ha­ was growing. The volun­ zoofOO. Needless to say we zoofOO "mixed" with the teers did a remarkable job were all ecstatic from re­ rings of the Messiah which in the rain and mud to en­ ceiving the blessing of din­ he wore on his right hand. sure the participants en­ ing with our beloved Ha­ By the end of our meeting, joyed themselves in spite of zootba. our emotions were beyond the weather conditions. I happiness, for Hazoo~ba remember two young men Sunday, the final ses­ had treated us with such sitting on a post in the rain sion, began with the Inter­ kindness. wearing ponchos, talking as national signing of the The next day we were November - December 2007 122 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA picked up by Dr. Fareed Sa­ thought that Hazootba had truly a blessing. hib, who was the coordina­ assigned him to care for us tor of the VIPs. Dr. Fareed and that he was missing an I conclude by saying led us to the London train opportune blessing. He then that all who attended this station where we met the called off those he had as­ year's Jalsa saw first hand person who Hazoot00 had signed and decided to show what happens when you assigned to escort us to us sites of Paris. obey the living Khalifah. Paris. Once we arrived, we The cooperation, coordina­ were greeted by the Ameer After our tour and tion, enthusiasm, commit­ of France, Ashfar Rabbani more gifts he took us to the ment and discipline demon­ Sahib, who is also the train station to return to strated were phenomenal. I Ameer of 7 French speak­ London. As we departed at pray that all who read this ing countries. He too told the gate he began to weep will gain something from us many wonderful stories and my wife and I too be­ my experience. Please re­ about his family's history gan to weep. He told my member to always pray for 00 and how he obediently per­ wife not to cry and that we Hazoot" and our wonder­ formed his duties pre­ would lnsha Allah meet ful Jama' at. scribed by Hazootba. He again someday. We wanted related that his grandfather to send some gifts to him, ******* had accepted the claim of but he refused. His only re­ the Messiahas at age 14 and quest was to tell Hazoo~ ARCHITECTS had been banished by his he did a good job. He was AND family. He also shared with indeed a most humble man. me a piece of Hazoor' saba ENGINEERS Finally we boarded bathing soap that I will al­ the train and returned to ASSOCIATION ways treasure. London where a man was waiting to return us to our Respected Archi­ Upon our arrival to 00 Paris we were greeted by a residence. Hazoot had tects and Engineers made sure we were taken young brother who drove us of the Jama'at USA to the Paris mission house. care of as his special guests. When we entered the house It was then time to prepare are requested to con­ another brother was waiting to return home to the USA. tact the undersigned After packing and eating with food he had prepared. for their enlistment The next day we had a breakfast, our transportation wonderful breakfast and arrived to take us to the air­ as members of the tour of the new Paris port. When we checked in Architects and Engi­ our bags, I inquired about a mosque and mission house. neers Association. The Ameer told us he window seat or aisle seat would arrange for someone for my wife and me, but the Architect Shafiq A.Malik to escort us to the sites in attendant said she could not Paris. To our great surprise accommodate our request. shafiqahmedmalik@yahoo. our escort turned out to be She then explained that our com tel 609 503 4371 the Ameer himself. He said economy class seats were he was on the way to his upgraded, thus giving us business when suddenly he more leg room. This was ******* November - December 2007 123 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA ********************************************************* *t BAITUL HAMEED MOSQUE *t * * *t Dr. Ahsan M. Khan, Los Angeles East t* * * * In a small California town, circa 1987 -- * 1 A spectacular blessing arrived from the heavens. 1 * Five new mosques in America, that was the Khalifah's scheme * * And in a matter of years, it was no longer but a dream * *t After months of withstanding dissension from neighbors, 1* * The Jama'at of Los Angeles tasted the fruits of its labor. * *t The first shovel was struck, the first brick was laid -- *t * Ahmadis rejoiced-lnsha'Allah! a house of God would be made. * t* Hazoor graced us with his presence, and planted the seed -- *t * With Divine inspiration, he named it Baitul Hameed. * t* Two years later, in triumphant jubilation, *t * Hundreds gathered for the momentous inauguration. * *t A field once covered with insects and hay *t t Was now filled with men, women and children eager to pray. t 1 A Chino sky once silent at dawn, 1 t Now rang with the call of Adhan. t 1 Churches were visited, invitations were extended -- 1 t In a matter of months, the citizens were befriended t 1 The mosque now a gathering place where the message was told : t Truth-seekers from everywhere now entered the fold t 1 Not just a building, but a symbol of unity 1 t A beacon of peace in a righteous community 1 1 Alas, we will never forget that April morning in 2003 1 t As we mourned the passing of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih 1 1 Our cries of sadness turned to screams of confusion 1 1 Was our home burning down, or was this an illusion? 1 * The ashes and flames may have stripped the brilliance, * 1 But they could do nothing to destroy our resilience 1 * So we prayed to the Almighty, and He heard our supplications. * 1 And now only a few years later, we witness the restoration 1 * As humble servants of Ahmad, truly are we blessed. * 1 Indeed, the sun of Truth will rise from the West : * The foundation of Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino, California was laid on October 23, * 11987. The mosque sustained a spontaneous structure fire in April 2003 during a gathering of: : mourning at the mosque following the sad demise of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih [\l'h. This year, : * following Eidul Fitr Prayers, a massive mosque renovation and expansion project has begun., * ********************************************************** * November - December 2007 124 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Waqfe Nau Journalism Workshop August 31, 2007 at Jalsa Salana USA.

In accordance with the directive of Respected Ameer Sahib, USA, the Career Develop­ ment Desk of the US Waqfe Nau Department held a 90 minutes journalism workshop on the first day of Jalsa Salana USA at 6:30 PM. The workshop was advertised through announce­ ments placed in Ahmadiyya Gazette and through leaflets sent to presidents and local secre­ taries for posting in USA Jama'ats. The event was held in one of the conference room re­ served for the purpose, with audio-visual arrangements and a Purdah divider for the comfort of the female attendees.

The workshop was hosted and presided over by Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib, Na­ tional Waqfe Nau secretary, USA. The presentation was organized and moderated by lmran Jattala sahib, Regional Secretary Waqfe Nau, South West region.

A total of 57 people participated in the workshop of which 18 were female attendees and 39 male attendees. Among those present was Respected Masoud Malik Sahib, General Secretary, USA, who was representing Respected Ameer Sahib USA.

The workshop consisted of audio-visual presentation about journalism and a Q&A ses­ sion with a panel which consisted of guests representing various specialties of the field. The panel included Abdul Shukur Sahib - National Secretary Outreach, Hasan Hakeem Sahib - National Secretary Publication, and Imam Syed Shamshad Ahmad Nasir Sahib-Missionary South West Region. An editor of the Washington Times was invited as chief guest-panelist. The workshop proceedings opened with the recitation of the Holy Qur' an. The introductory remarks were made by Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhary Sahib wherein he stated the purpose of organizing the workshop. The 20 minutes multimedia presentation was made delivered by lmran Jattala Sahib starting with journalism related references from the Holy Qur' an, Hadith, and from the writings of the Promised Messiahas. The multimedia presentation included re­ cent guidance provided by Hadhrat Khaliftul Masih yaba for the students to take up journal­ ism as a career choice, an introduction to journalism, dos and don'ts of the profession, and general guidance about pursuing the career of Journalism.

After the multimedia presentation, the Q&A session was opened and just about all stu­ dent attendees asked questions. The Q&A session lasted for about one hour. The panelists provided very thorough answers to questions ranging from most basic to very complicated. The students and some parents took turns in asking questions from various angles and re­ ceived guidance from the panelists. All participants were advised to stay in touch with the organizers of the event for any future guidance.

The workshop ended with closing remarks by Hafiz Samiullah Chaudhry Sahib, fol­ lowed by a silent prayer led by Maulana Shamshad Ahmad Nasir Sahib. November - December 2007 125 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA HISTORY IN THE MAKING: FITCHBURG JAMA' AT'S FIRST EID Masood Ashraf (General Secretary)

By the Grace of Allah, Fitchburg Jama'at has ~stablished a new center in Fitchburg named Bait-ul-Zikr. Fitchburg members have been part of the Boston Jama'at for a long time and due to distance always have expressed their desire to establish a center here in Fitchburg. On July 151 2007 the Fitchburg Jama'at was created and thus a new era began.

Fitchburg city is a small city which is about 45 miles northwest of Boston. Allah Al­ 88 mighty promised Hadhrat Masih Mau' ood , "I shall cause Thy message to reach the cor­ ners of earth" By the grace of Allah, the Fitchburg Jama'at has established the first center in this part of the world to spread that message. It truly is historic for us to be able to estab­ lish first center ever in the small city of Fitchburg . There has never been an Islamic center here in this part of the state. At the heavenly sign of solar and lunar eclipse in 1894 , The Promised Messiah88 prophesied that the foundation of the Renaissance of Islam and a superior world order have been laid. Now Mosques will be built and people will enter them and join the divine movement In hordes. ( Noor-ul-Haq, Vol 2, p.42)

After this prophecy Promised Messiah85 forcefully appealed and said, " Our Ja­ ma'at needs a lot of Mosques. It is a house of God. Whichever village or town can build it, this should be well understood (that in that town) foundation of the progress of Ja­ ma'at is also laid with it''

He goes on to say

''This is not mandatory that the mosque must be embellished and be a brick build­ ing. Just enclose the plot and a room of thatched roof may be built. The prophet's Mosque also had it's roof of a few palm tree branches which continued for a long time. It was Hadhrat Usmanra who built it with bricks because he loved the construction of tine buildings. ( Malfoozat, Vol .2 P.42)

He further says,

"Better yet get a piece of land and make an enclosure around it. That will be a mosque for you. No good will be done by creating disorder. If you will not retaliate against your enemy, God will revenge for you. He takes care of him who prostrates at November - December 2007 126 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA his doorstep." (Malfoozat, Vol.6 P.33)

Masha Allah the Fitchburg Jama'at has established that center, that Mosque named Bait-ul-Zikr and Alhamdolillah have seen effects of that already in Fitchburg . The response has been positive and great in the community. Even among non-Ahmadi Muslims this place of worship is greatly viewed as a step in the right direction for eradicating many misunder­ standing against Islam. Many people stopped by asking about Islam, even non Ahmadi Mus­ lims came and offered prayers. One non-Ahmadi Muslim stopped by and was so pleased that the mosque has been opened here in Fitchburg and expressed his desire to offer 2 nafl in the new Mosque. One soldier who was being sent to Iraq also stopped by and said he wants to learn about Islam before he goes to Iraq. Several non-Ahmadi Muslims are joining us for Ju­ mu 'ah regularly and also joined us for Eid. The community and community leaders were also invited to join us for Eid in our new center. Invitation letters were sent to our immediate neighbors, community leaders and friends to join us for celebrating the Muslim holy festival of Eid. The Media was also informed. The Mayor of the City of Fitchburg, Dan Mylott and the City Councilor, Ted Salvatore and several other guests joined us for Eid. Guests were greeted warmly by our members. Respected Mayor Dan Mylott and City Councilor, Ted Salvatore were presented copies of Khalifatul Masih IV'srh book, Revelation, Rationality by our Secretary Tabligh. Also five non-Muslim brothers with their families joined us for Eid. We also had the honor of having many other non-Muslim guests including a local high school math teacher who was also presented with a copy of the Holy Qur'an. Eid Services began at 9:45 am. Respected Murabbi Y ahya Luqman Sahib led the Eid Prayer and after the prayer he delivered an uplifting sermon. After the concluding prayer everyone greeted each other and the guests. Shortly after respected Mayor Dan Mylott addressed the congregation and welcomed everyone and said that he was pleased that we Muslims have also established a place of wor­ ship and he gave his firm commitment to support our community. Local ward 4 councilor Ted Salvatore also addressed the gathering in which he also reiterated the same message of supporting our community. He also commented on being able to join us and observing Mus­ lim prayer in session. He said he has seen Muslims offer Prayer on Television but never has seen them offering it in person. He was also very impressed with the Arabic recitation and said this surely has been uplifting experience for him.

Lunch was served in which traditional and American food were served. Everyone en­ joyed food and conversation and greeting each other. The guests very much enjoyed tradi­ tional food and said that this was something new to them and they like it very much. During the whole event many conversations about Ahmadiyyat and Islam were held. May Allah en­ able our Jama'at to spread the message of Ahmadiyyat (True Islam) in this part of the coun­ try and may He make our new center a source of blessing for all of us and our community and country, Ameen. ******* November - December 2007 127 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Dr. Abdus Salam Talent Scholarship 1. 24491 Maliha Muzaffar Chaudhry, (Muzaffar Chaudhry, Boston) Wellesley College, Neuroscience, SAT 2300-99th percentile

2 31538 Zujaja Tauqeer, (Tauqeer Ahmad, New York) Brooklyn College, BSc. Pre med, SAT 2220-99th percentile

3 28305 Fahad M. Malik, (Malim M Ahmed, Dallas) Emory University, BS (Chemistry), GPA of 4.0 in 2 years of study

4 28887 Asif Jamil, (Nasir Jamil, Baltimore) Univ. of Maryland, B.Sc. Pre med, SAT 2110-97th percentile

Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad Talent Scholarship 1. 31622 Naila Sulaiman, (Muhammad Sulaiman, Long Island) New York University, BA (Fine Arts), SAT 2070-96th percentile

2. 24039 Shazia Mahmood Ali, (Sadaqat Ali, Milwaukee) Marquette Univ., (Law), ACT 29-95th percentile

3. 35608 Tahir Waqar Bokahri, (Khalid M Bokhari, Chicago East) Univ. of , (Elec. Engg.) GPA 3.85 in 3 years of Elec. Engineering

4. 26753 Sehrish Khawaja, (Masood Khawaja, Philadelphia) Temple Univ. B.S. (Biology), GPA of 3.74 in 2 years of Biology

5. 35860 Ahmed Sadiq Bajwa, (Muhammad Aslam Bajwa, NVA) George Washington Univ., MS (Computer Sci.), GPA 3.73 in MS Computer Science

M. M. Ahmad Talent Scholarship 1. 21224 Saira Mahmood Bajwa, (Zinda Mahmood Bajwa, New York) Hofstra Univ., BA (Journalism), GPA of 3.5 in 2 years of Journalism

2. 23146 Saad Nisar Karamat, (Nisar Karamat, LA West) Univ. of CA (Baekeley), B.Sc. Pre med, SAT 1990-93rd percentile

3. 33360 Munazza Shah, (Syed Waqar Shah, Dallas) Univ. of , Dallas, B.Sc. Pre Dentistry, SAT 1980-92nd percentile

4. 30899 Sheharyar Sarwar, (Muhammad Sarwar Bhatti, Silver Spring) Sarah Lawrence College, B.Sc. Pre med, SAT 1970-92nd percentile November - December 2007 128 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Nasir Mahmood Malik - Secretary, KCCC-USA

May 26, 2008 will mark the completion of the first glorious century of the Institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadi-yya. Insha' Allah. To express our deep gratitude to Almighty Allah for this unique and invaluable gift and to commemorate His countless favors and blessings on the beloved Jama'at of Hadhrat Ahmadas,through this Institution, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih viba kindly declared 2008 as the year of Centenary Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Also, Hazaol'ba graciously approved a Scheme of Celebrations for the worldwide Jama'ats with two main objectives:

A. Express our deep gratitude to Almighty Allah through humble prayers for the continuity and success of the blessed Institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya till the Day of Judgment.

B. Educate the world, especially our younger generation, about the necessity, im­ portance and blessings of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya and personal relationship with Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih.

In keeping with this historic global Scheme of Celebrations, following is an overview of Khilafat Centenary Celebrations 2008 (KCC2008) that are being planned by the US Ja-

1. Observe voluntary monthly fasts as prescribed by Hazaol'ba. 2. Memorize/Recite selected prayers as prescribed by Hazaol'ba. 3. Study The Will (Al-Wasiyyat) and join the blessed Nizam-e-Wasiyyat. 4. Establish more Grave Sites for Moosian (Maqbaratul Moosian) as feasible. 5. Extend the Baitur Rahman Mosque by building multi-level, multi-purpose Halls. 6. Generously contribute towards the Khilafat Centenary Celebration Fund (KCCF). 7. Offer special prayerslnawafil in 2008 starting with Salat-ut-Tahajjud on January 1. 8. Offer special sacrifices (qurbani) to feed the poor and the hungry on May 27, 2008. 9. Offer congregational Salat-ut-Tahajjud on May 26 and 27, 2008 in every mosque and/or mission house. 10. Offer collective supplications (dua') on May 27, 2008, the first day of the second century of Khilafa-e-Ahmadiyya, after Salat-ul-Fajr in every mosque and/or mission house and distribute sweets. 11. Hold special Khilafat Day Meetings (Jalsa Yaum-e-Khilafat) at the local, regional and national levels on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 (Ahmadis should take the day off from November - December 2007 129 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

work/business/school). 12. Send KCC2008 Gifts/Souvenirs to Non-Ahmadi friends and dignitaries, personally and at the Jama' at level, on May 27, 2008 (KCC2008 Gifts/Souvenirs will be avail­ able for purchase from the Jama' at). 13. Hold special KCC2008 Receptions at the local, regional, and national levels for Ahmadis and Non-Ahmadi friends and dignitaries, as and when feasible. 14. Distribute/Study selected Ahmadiyya Literature* as prescribed by Hazaol'ba (this lit­ erature can be procured from the Local Jama'at or the National Headquarter 15. Dedicate all 2008 Local, Regional and National Jama'at and Auxiliary programs (Jalsas, ljtemas, Educational/Sports Competitions, etc.) to the Institution of Khilafat. 16. Dedicate all 2008 Jama'at and Auxiliary periodicals (Gazette, Al-Nahl, Aisha, Muja­ hid, etc.) to the Institution of Khilafat and publish special souvenir magazine and pic­ torials. 17. Publicize Ahmadiyyat and the Institution of Khilafat to Non-Ahmadis through com­ memorative postage stamps, advertisements, public speeches, panel discussions, and interfaith dialogue. 18. Arrange KCC2008 Exhibition(s) at various regional and national events and mosques and/or mission houses as feasible to recount the blessings of Allah as accomplish­ ments of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. 19. Hold Essay Writing Competition on various aspects of Khilafat in 2007 and recog­ nize the winners in 2008 (being conducted by the auxiliaries under the auspices of Majlis , USA). 20. Organizing special Khidmate-e-Khaliq/Waqar-e-Amal projects at the local, regional or national level to bring relief to the people in need (being planned by Majlis Khud­ damul Ahmadiyya).

May Allah enable us to get diligently involved in these historic celebrations so that we may win Allah's pleasure by meeting the expectations laid out by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masihaba. Ameen. • Prescribed Ahmadiyya Literature for KCC2008 Study 1. Al-Wasiyyat 2. Asmani Faislah 3. Nishan-e-Aasmani 4. Tajalliyat-e-Ilahiyya 5. Essence of Islam, Vol IV 6. With Love to the Muslims of the World 7. A Message of Peace and a Word of Warning 8. Message of Love and Brotherhood to Africa 9. Was Ahmadiyya Jama'at planted by the British? 10. The Truth about the Alleged Punishment ofApostasy in Islam 11. Nur-ud-Din *********** November • December 2007 130 Ahmadiyya Gautte USA


# Name of Book Price

> Urdu 1 Anwarul Uloom $10.00 2 Debache Tafseerul Qur'an $7.00 3 Forty Gems of Beauty Urdu $3.00 4 Hadlqatus Sallheen $10.00 5 Hamara Khuda $5.00 8 Haqalqul Furqaan $25.00 . 7. Hayat-e..Qudsl $12.00 8 Hayat-e..noor $12.00 9 Hayat-e-Tayabah $7.00 1O Holy Quran plaln text pocket size $10.00 11 Khazalnatud Dua $3.00 12 Khllafat wa Nabuwat $3.00 13 Khutbate Masroor P. 1,2,3 Whole Set $30.00 14 Khutbate Nasir $12.00 15 Khutbate Noor $12.00 18 Khuthbate Tahir vol 1-S $60.00 17 Mashale Rah vol. 1 to I $60.00 18 Maslh aur Mehdi (In the eyes of the Holy Prophet SAW) $3.00 19 Mazhab kay naam par khoon $3.00 20 Mlrqatul Yaqeen $7.00 21 Pocket book $10.00 22 Sahlh Al-Bukhari p.1 with Urdu trans $10.00 23 Sahlh Al-Bukhari p.2 with Urdu trans $10.00 24 Satre Roohanl $12.00 25 Swaneh Fazle Umar vol 1.S $35.00 28 Tadhklrah Urdu $12.00 27 Tafseer-e-Saghlr $10.00 English 1 Beacons of Truth References from Authentic Islamic books $7.00 2 Blessings of Prayer $3.00 3 Christianity Journey From Facts to Fiction, New Edition $6.00 4 Criterion for Religions $2.00 5 Dictionary of the Holy Quran $15.00 8 Lecture Slalkot $3.00 7 ManJI Another Pawn Advanced $6.00 8 The Need for Imam $3.00 9 Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam soft cover $4.00 10 Taleemul Quran $10.00 11 Treasure House of Prayer'(Khulnatudua English) $4.00

You can order these books by emalllng your order to: [email protected] or you can call 202-310-2083 fax 301-879-0115 or write to Bait ur Rahman. Shipping Is free within the United States. November • December 2007 131 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

OLUMBIAWSPECTATO: FOUNDED 1877 • lNDBPENDEm' S1Nt:I( 1__96_2_. · __ _ Th~day, October 5, 2006 ~es Minutemen Protestors ·Ru~ lub •At War With Linguistics BYDANIAAHMED 'Fox Newa 'referred to a "war agaln$t Isiamic fai. · phiues are directed at theextrremists Who make .cism." These are not lso~ Incidents. When terrorist attack& 1111d not at the majority of people A word carries meaning whic:h, when com- one looks it the evolution of the language 11,aed · who practice the Islamic falth. ·But derogatory billed wl\:h otiiet ~ reaulta in the creation to describe 'the war on terror as a whole, Chere language scars 111;1· identity. It inflames passions. of phrases, clauses, and aeuteQcea. Laniuage is · ·. is a markecf shift from J11 emphaiia on catcblog . . Islam rejects and condemns eiwy tonµ ofter· born. lJngustica,· the' study of b\µJWl languqe, terrorists to an emphasis oq Jl.gh~ Ii radical I• rorism •. It cannot be that peace and terror exist in deacrt'bes the unpact of lndividulil Jan,uages oil lainic Ideology, and even to a battle between East sync with orie another. In the Pope's recent ad­ univereal expression. .Language la a inalleable and 'Weat. We no longer talk about a·war witb a .. dress, he quoted adialogue that took place in the ,·nlily whoAP mmnlng 11111, 1·hm1?.1'fl mlC'I n1111in- i!ro111> uf l\!1-rotfal:1, llnL with 1111 entire religion. 14th cenwry in which a Christian sch6lar said ' '"'" to lw d111111:1i1I with 1i1111• mul 11LULude. Let's 'Thia scares and angers me, ll)Q it makes me that Prophet Muhammad had brought the world com1ide1· the term "fascism.•Techoically, it is just wonder what this language shift implies. There only •evn and inhuman" ,things. This is not only a political ideology, but the word has .become is a connection between differences in culture . a depreciative use of language, but also a clear synonymous with hatred, deJth, and deatructkm, and differeoces in language. Language shapes mlaconception of 1he meaning of Isl~ itself. · and'i.1: is·iilextrlcably tied to :tile bomftc Iepcy Qf cultu,re, Qlit at the same 1ime, :culture impacts . ~ la a_'poweri.4 tool Used inaccu- Nazism and the Holocau.Bt. language; The language that a societ;y becQmea · rately It can be ineffective and even dangerous, In the world l liV'e In today, itia associated with accustomed to hearing iffectnnd retlecfs the as one can ~ Butit·can also be usetl to com- the word Islam. ' · , . · pen:eptio11s the society baa. The shifts· in Ian-· · mun~ arid to teach: At this point, it seems.l.ilte In the five yeat8 siDce Sept 11, 2001 and the guage we have observed siDce,Sept.. il could lo-, colJIDllUlk:ation may be out' only solution. Mi&­ war on terror began; ano~. more subtle war dicate a general .shift In the·way ~ view conl{llunlcation· and· wroogful., loaded lang1.uige has emerged. It plays out In political speeches, . · Ialain. The more violent our battles.In O).e Middle .· can negatively iffect perceplioris abo_ut religion. · television· lntervim, and everyday ln1mctioos. East become, the more ~e the language I believe that tn,.e knowledge of ls1am and true It is a war of words and languaae. becomes when referring to them. The language Mualini fdetitity' must reign ·over the jarring d- The language we i,iae to describe our eaemle$ used In mainstream, ~ seems to have • ~ fec:t of .the wrong language that is increasingly · and objectives in the war on terror h!la' taken . reict correlation to the state of our war. Now, we being used. Educating others and using proper some dlsturt>lng twlata ~ Sept. .11. Lut Jar, have reached the point where people can equate language ls key in both the war on terror and thia the Bush ~said.they woulq qiange an imt!ie ~on and 'people with faiciirn, one war on langu~. · the way they lalli: about terrorism. Instead of cill- of the moat harmful ideolo,iea to which humint .We can use language hi a negative way, or we ing It a "war on terrorlem, • they began calling h8Ye ever aubacn"bed. · can W1e it to better. understand one another. In a · it a ·~ agaln'1:'_global extremism." Other Hearing phrases that do'not C9inclde.:.vith the war wlthJinguistica, the llnal frontier left to be phrases the admlnlstratlon uaed Include "radical true essence of Islam makes one wonder about 6eWed ii found within ourselves. .. Islam," "war .against the·Weat, • l!Dd "war agalnsf what life must be like for a Muslim in 'America. ·extreiniet Islarillc i4eologies." Recentt,y, J>resj. What lmpaci d.oea improper 1illgqage use have '1M ~ o Baniord C.Oll11e ,iwnior majqring in dent Buah used the term "1alamic faadatl" and on the perception ofan identity? Admittedly, the . ,s,clwlDo, ii a Spectator staff writ1r. November - December 2007 132 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

....,.,...... Monday, ,SUNDAY;______OCTOBER 7, 20.07: _ August 27, 2007 SECTION B PAGE:87 HERALDNEWS HERALD NEWS 814 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Be educated HERALD NEWS about Islam I had the opportunity to watch on CNN some programs recently depicting negative com­ ments on Islamic Shariah (Is­ Amanpour misses lamic ~nidence). What is ls­ lanilc Shanah? It is the codes of out on one group ethics and laws for the physical, I had the opportunity to watch the recent moral and spiritual progress of 6-hour documentary "God's Warriors," fea­ human beings revealed by God hlling Christiane Amanpour on CNN. To my Almighty, who is our creator, dismay, she has done it again by completely sustafner and developer. omitting views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Islam is not a new religion. It community. is the culmination of the spiritual All the God's Warriors she talked about evolution of religion. That is why are self-made. Muslims are enjoined to believe She did not even mention the only God's in all the prophets and the re­ wanior who claimed that God almighty has vealed books. raised him as the Imam Mahdi and the Before attacking the teachings promised Mes&ah whose advent had been of Islam, the media and their re­ prophesied by diJlerent scriptures whose community represents the true teachings of porters should consult their own Islam. He was Hazrat Mina Ghulam Ah­ religious books and see what mad of Qadian (1835-1908). laws they have and what kind of The current leader of the community, punishment is mentioned in Hazrat , who resides their scriptures for different in London, gives Fridays sermon and other crimes. addresses in which he tells the true teac~ No society is 100 percent of Islam. Amanpour should have shown thfs plU'e. It is the quantity, which side of Islam, also. makes the diiference. Her representation of Islam in the docu­ When people drift away from mentary is nothing but a compilation of their respected religious teach­ some old clips depicting destruction, whlch ings and laws, immorality in­ have now been shown, many times before. creases. If this trend is not What politics! checked in time, corruption in­ Amatul lAtif Ziroi, creases in the land and the sea - Pair lAwn that is to say, everywhere. Islam is a religion of modera­ tion. Middle way is the best way. Amatul Latif Ziroi, Fair Lawn November - December 2007 133 Ahmadiyya Gazerre USA

2008 USA Jama'at National Calendar START FINISH DAY ACTIVITY VENUE DEPT rYPE LEVEL 01/05/08 01/06/08 Sa-Su Review of 2007 activities and Plan for 2008 activities Local GS Jam National 01/07/08 01/13/08 Mo-Su Tehrik-e-Jadid/Waqf-e-Jadid Pledge Collection Week Local TJWJ Jam National 01 /12/08 01 /13/08 Sa-Su Zo'ama, Qaideen & Nazimeen Conference Miami Ansar Aux National 01/12/08 01/13/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 01/12/08 01/13/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 01/19/08 01/20/08 Sa-Su Zo'ama, Qaideen & Nazimeen Conference Miami Ansar Aux National 01/26/08 Sa Public Relations Seminar NY PR Jam National 02/01 /08 02/29/08 Fr-Fr Special Tabligh Month Local TAB Jam Local 02/02/08 - Sa National Amla Meeting BRM GS Jam National 02/09/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema NY WN Jam Sem-Reg 02/09/08 02/10/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 02/09/08 02/10/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 02/16/08 02/17/08 Sa-Su Khilafat Sports Tournament NY MKA Aux National 02/17/08 Su Musleh Mau'ood Day Meetings Local TAL Jam Local 02/29/08 03/02/08 Fr-Su Lajna Mentor's Meeting TBD Lajna Aux National 03/08/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema LA-E WN Jam Sem-Reg 03/09/08 Su Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Silicon Valley WN Jam Sem-Reg 03/08/08 03/09/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 03/08/08 03/09/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 03/22/07 Sa National Amla Meeting BRM GS Jam National 03/23/08 Su Masih-e-Mau'ood Day Meetings Local TAL Jam Local 04/05/08 - Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Willingboro WN Jam Sem-Reg 04/06/08 Su Waaqfeen-e-Nau Evaluation Day Local WN Jam Local 04/11/08 04/13/08 Fr-Su Waaqfeen-e-Nau Trip to , Canada NA WN Jam National 04/12/08 04/13/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 04/12/08 04/13/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 04/13/08 Su Seeratun Nabi Day Meetings Local TAR Jam Local 04/25/08 04/27/08 Fr-Su National Majlis-e-Shura BRM GS Jam National 05/03/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Atlanta WN Jam Sem-Reg 05/03/08 05/04/08 Sa-Su Ansar, Khuddam & Atfaal ljtema (multiple regions) Multiple MA/MKA Aux Regional 05/10/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Detroit WN Jam Sem-Reg 05/10/08 05/11/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 05/10/08 05/11/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 05/17/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Houston WN Jam Sem-Reg 05/17/08 05/18/08 Sa-Su Ansar, Khuddam & Atfaal ljtema (multiple regions) Multiple MKA Aux Regional 05/24/08 05/25/08 Sa-Su Nasir Tournament TBD MKA Aux National 05/27/08 Tu Khilafat Centenary Celebration Local TAL Jam Local 05/30/08 06/01/08 Fr-Su Lajna & Nasirat ljtema South Lajna Aux Regional 05/31/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Rochester WN Jam Sem-Reg 06/07/08 Sa National Amla Meeting BRM GS Jam National 06/08/08 Su Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema BRM WN Jam Sem-Reg 06/14/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Chicago WN Jam Sem-Reg 06/14/08 06/15/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 06/20/08 06/22/08 Fr-Su Jalsa Salana, US TBD TAR Jam National 06/27/08 06/29/08 Fr-Su Jalsa Salana, Canada Bradford TAR Jam Canada November - December 2007 134 Ahmadiyya Gazeue USA

2008 USA Jama'at National Calendar START FINISH DAY ACTMTY VENUE DEPT NPI LEVEL 07/12/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Dallas WN Jam Sem-Reg 07/12/08 07/20/08 Sa-Su National Talim & Tarbiyyat Classes (multiple) Multiple Tai/Tar Jam National 07/18/08 07/20/08 Fr-Su Lajna & Nasirat ljtema BRM Lajna Aux Regional 07/25/08 07/27/08 Fr-Su Jalsa Salana UK UK TAR Jam International 08/01 /08 08/03/08 Fr-Su Lajna & Nasirat ljtema West Coast Lajna Aux Regional 08/02/08 08/08/08 Sa-Fr Jamia Orientation Course Willingboro WN Jam National 08/02/08 08/10/08 Sa-Su National Talim & Tarbiyyat Classes (multiple) Multiple Tai/Tar Jam National 08/08/08 08/10/08 Fr-Su Lajna & Nasirat ljtema Mid-West Lajna Aux Regional 08/09/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema NY WN Jam Sem-Reg -- 08/16/08 Sa National Amla Meeting BRM GS Jam National 08/16/08 08/17/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 08/23/08 08/25/08 Fr-Su MKA ljtema & Shura Millon, NY MKA Aux National 09/01/08 09/30/08 Mo Ramadhanul Mubarak Local TAR Jam National 09/24/08 09/30/08 We-Tu Tehrik-e-Jadid Fund Collection Week Local TJ Jam National 10/01 /08 We Eidul Fitr Local TAR Jam National 10/10/08 10/12/08 Fr-Su Lajna Majlis-e-Shura TBD Lajna Aux National 10/11 /08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema LA-East WN Jam Sem-Reg 10/11/08 10/12/08 Sa-Su Musleh Mau'ood Tournament TBD MKA Aux National 10/12/08 Su Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Silicon Valley WN Jam Sem-Reg 10/17/08 10/19/08 Fr-Su Ansar ljtema & Shura BRM Ansar Aux National 10/18/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema York WN Jam Sem-Reg - 10/18/08 Sa MKA Amla Meeting TBD MKA Aux National 10/18/08 10/19/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD Tab/TO Jam Sem-Reg 10/18/08 10/19/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 11/01/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Zion WN Jam Sem-Reg 11/08/08 11/09/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD TabfTO Jam Sem-Reg 11 /08/08 11/09/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 11/09/08 Su Religious Founders' Day Meetings Local TAB Jam National 11/15/08 11/16/08 Sa-Su Qaideen Refresher Course NJ-Central MKA Aux National 11/21/08 11/23/08 Fr-Su Jalsa Salana WC LA-East TAR Jam National 11/28/08 11/30/08 Fr-Su National Amla Meeting & Officers' Refresher Course BRM GS Jam National 11/29/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema VA WN Jam Sem-Reg 12/07/08 Su Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Houston WN Jam Sem-Reg 12/08/08 Mo Eidul Adhia Local TAR Jam National 12/13/08 Sa Waaqfeen-e-Nau ljtema Houston WN Jam Sem-Reg 12/13/08 12/14/08 Sa-Su Tabligh & Talimul Qur'an Program TBD TabfTO Jam Sem-Reg 12/13/08 12/14/08 Sa-Su Talim & Tarbiyyat Program TBD Tai/Tar Jam Sem-Reg 12/14/08 Su Seeratun Nabi Day Meetings Local TAR Jam National 12/13/08 12/19/08 Th-We Waqf-e-Jadid Fund Collection Week Local WJ Jam National