Khutbah Jumaah - 7th December 2018 Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar Janbah (as) Unbelievers always feel the religion of their forefathers superior to the belief of Prophets Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar Janbah (as) commenced with recitation of Tashahud, Tawwuz and Sura Al-Fatiha

َوإِ َذا ِقي َل َل ُه ُم ا َت ِب ُعوا َما أَ ْنزَ َل الَُ َقا ُلوا بَ ْل َنتَ ِبعُ َما أَ ْل َفيْنَا َع َليْ ِه آبَا َء َنا ۗ أَ َو َل ْو َكا َن آبَا ُؤ ُه ْم َل يَ ْع ِق ُلو َن َشيْئًا َو َل يَ ْهتَ ُدو َن Sura al-Baqarah-Ayat 171 - And when it is said to them, ‘Follow that which Allah has sent down,’ they say ‘Nay, we will follow that wherein we found our fathers,’ What! even if their fathers had no sense at all and followed not the right path?

ٍ َوإِ َذا ُتتْ َلىٰ َع َليْ ِه ْم آيَا ُتنَا بَيِنَات َقا ُلوا َما ٰهَ َذا إِ َل َر ُج ٌل يُ ِري ُد أَ ْن يَ ُص َد ُك ْم َع َما َكا َن يَ ْعبُ ُد آبَا ُؤ ُك ْم َو َقا ُلوا َما ٰهَ َذا إِ َل إِ ْف ٌك ُم ْفتَ ًرى ِ ِ ِ ۚ َو َقا َل ا َلذي َن َك َف ُروا ل ْل َح ِق َلَا َجا َء ُه ْم إِ ْن ٰهَ َذا إِ َل س ْح ٌر ُم ِب ٌي Sura Saba - Ayat 44 - And when our manifest Signs are recited to them, they say, ‘This is but a man who seeks to turn you away from that which your fathers worshipped.’ And they say, ‘This Qur’an is but a forged lie.’ And those who disbelieve say about the truth when it comes to them, ‘This is nothing but manifest sorcery.’

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !1 These verses are the tragic nature of every nation to whom Allah has revealed his message to and the response of the nation to the prophet whom Allah sends to them. Currently, the verse reflects the attitude of the Ulema that say Abdul Ghaffar Janbah is just an ordinary person, How can he be a recipient of revelation or sent by Allah? The recipient appears to them as an ordinary person, how can we leave the beliefs of our forefathers and even imply this is nothing but magic. Listeners, every people have held the same objection when a Man of God is sent to them that the new message cannot be accepted, this new light cannot be truthful as the religion of our forefathers is complete. The unbelievers always use the same objection that we cannot leave our beliefs . The matter is that generation upon generation of followers of a religion have progressively become brainwashed into their beliefs such as the Jamaat Ahmadiyya and their belief in Bashiruddin Mahmoud Ahmad as Musleh Maoud, albeit Musleh Maoud was never born in the family of the Promised (as) , the Zaki Ghulam was never meant for the physical sons of the Promised Messiah (as). Mirza Bashirrudin Mahmoud Ahmad made the false claim for Musleh Maoud in 1944 and suffered the consequences on 10th March 1954 when in his own Masjide Mubarak Allah seized him by the right hand and severed his jugular vein as promised in Sura Al-Haqqah Verse 47. His whole claim was based on a desire, regardless of his punishment from Allah, Jamaat Ahmadiyya has continued to celebrate Musleh Maoud Day for the past 75 years. Never mind Yaum-e-Muhammad (saw) or Yaum-e-Masih- e-Maoud (as). Yaum-e-Musleh Maoud (which is based on a lie) is never ignored by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya to continually brainwash the humble followers of Hadhrat Masih-e-Maoud (as) with the false belief of Khalifa Sani being Musleh Maoud. Once these false beliefs are instilled in the hearts and minds of humble followers it is virtually impossible to remove. May Allah have mercy on our Ahmadi Brethren and allow them to see beyond this falsehood. The Nafs (psyche) allows us to accept these beliefs, making a false belief look beautiful and truthful. But the Jamaat leadership has beautified this false belief by way of literature and continued exposure for worldly gain for themselves, this is Nafsayati - egotistical. But then they will perish as a result of their worldly desires for fame and fortune. Those who are truly God- fearing generally see through the falsehood.

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !2 ِ ِ َتالَِ َل َق ْد أَ ْر َس ْلنَا إِ َلىٰ أُ َممٍ م ْن َقبْل َك َفزَيَ َن َل ُه ُم ال َشيْ َطا ُن أَ ْع َما َل ُه ْم َف ُه َو َو ِليُ ُه ُم ا ْليَ ْو َم َو َل ُه ْم َع َذا ٌب أَ ِلي ٌم Sura Al-Nahl Ayat 64 - By Allah, ‘We verily sent Messengers to all the peoples before thee: but Satan made their works appear beautiful to them. So he is their patron this day, and they shall have a grievous punishment.

Today Jamaat Ahmadiyya Qabristan has made the false beliefs appear beautiful and believable so that the masses readily follow them. The Nafs (ego) of the leadership is misled by Satan, but they say ‘we are on the path of the righteous, we are following our Prophet and his teachings,’ although they are doing the opposite and misleading others. Satan has always misled the people and made their misdeeds appear beautiful, giving them comfort in their intentional distortions of the teachings of Hadhrat (as). I am talking about the high level leadership the Qaideen, not the everyday ordinary Ahmadis who follow whatever they're told. The Qaideen comfort the masses that we are on the Right Path. Today I am informing you that Satan has infiltrated the Jamaat Ahmadiyya and taken their misdeeds and made them appear as strengths and truthfulness. I am weary of explaining to these people to wake up and take note of the Holy Qur’an and take a hard look at your beliefs in the light of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. Read and pay attention to the Prophecies and Teachings of the Holy Founder of Ahmadiyyat in the light of the Holy Qur’an.

The belief that Musleh Maoud was a family member of the Promised Messiah (as), they would inform the everyday Ahmadi that Khalifa Sani set up the Jamaat, wrote numerous books, Tafseer-e-Kabeer, how can Abdul Ghaffar Janbah be Musleh Maoud? They do not understand that according to the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) that Maoud Zaki Ghulam, Musleh Maoud was never given to the Promised Messiah from his own children. The Khilafat, their current leader and his elitists have their eyes closed and Satan comforts them to keep their eyes closed and continue as they are, being misled and misleading the masses. I

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !3 say pay attention to the teachings of Hadhrat Masih-e-Maoud (as) and be God-fearing so Allah would protect you from the misguidance of Satan.

In the August 2018 in Germany, I had a written Question by an Ahmadi in Urdu , its English rendering is as follows -

Question 8 - Janbah Sahib has made a claim which has unnecessarily created a division in the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (as). How can this be worthy of Praise?

I am astonished at this question, do people even have the knowledge of religion or beliefs. If anyone had depth in belief or understanding, then they would not pose such a question. Religions have been created in this world because of the personal desires of factions leading to dilution of the teachings of Allah’s Prophets. Nations are misled by such changes which become engrained in the national psyche. To remove and purify that religion, Allah raises a prophet from amongst that same nation, this is the Will of Allah. The nation rises against the vicegerent of Allah and accuses him of creating division in the beliefs of the nation. Listeners, every vicegerent of Allah has been accused of creating this division, I too have been accused of creating division within the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (as). But so was Hadhrat Musa (as), Hadhrat Isa (as), Hadhrat Nuh (as), Hadhrat Muhammad (saw), Hadhrat Masih-e-Maoud (as) all accused of creating division in their respective religions or nations.

In the History of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was accused by Umar Bin Hasham - Abu Jahl for creating division in every household in Mecca, he (saw) was accused of removing their comfort by calling everyone to One God, thereby insulting all the Idols worshipped by the Meccans. Abu Jahl went around making noise in the streets of Mecca accusing the Holy Prophet (saw) of this ‘crime.’

Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was accused by the Khatme Nubuwwat groups internationally for creating division in the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (saw), by claiming to be a Prophet of Allah. In His (as)’s , lifetime, Muhammad Hussain Batalvi was the main antagonist who made the same

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !4 accusations as Abu Jahl did against the Holy Prophet (saw). The whole Ummat was comfortably following a distorted Islam that was contrary to the Teachings of the Holy Prophet (saw). The Holy and the Holy Prophet (saw) says no Son of Mary is alive in the heavens and will come down in the latter days. That Jesus (as) completed his mission and died. The Isa Ibn Maryam spoken of in the latter days will be a different individual, he will be taught by Allah and will be the Imam of his age.

Now these accusations are being levelled against me. If the Zaki Ghulam was meant to be the physical progeny of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) then there is nothing to worry about. But because the Heavenly Sign, the glad tidings of Chila Hoshiarpur do not relate to the Children of the Promised Messiah (as) that makes the claim of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmoud Ahmad utterly false.

In July 1908 after the demise of the Promised Messiah (as), the enemies of the Promised Messiah (as) raised objections that none of the children of the Promised Messiah (as) fulfilled the prophecy of the Zaki Ghulam / Musleh Maoud, why did he not have such children, implying that the Ilhams/ Peshgois of the Promised Messiah (as) are false. Mirza Bashiruddin originally stated that this individual will be born in the future, but then personal desire overtook him and he took the claim for himself. His personal friends and associates started a campaign for him that he is the Musleh Maoud and he fell into this personal desire. He subsequently had all previous pamphlets and newspapers collected and burnt to remove any evidence as declared in Tehrike Ahmadiyya. But read News Number 5 on - the Magazine (Risala) entitled Nishane Rehmat than survived this draconian purge.

After 1914, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmoud Ahmad waited 30 years in which time he instilled the belief of Musleh Maoud into the hearts and minds of all Ahmadis, practically brainwashing everyone to believe he was the Musleh Maoud and then made the claim in 1944. But Allah seized him by his right hand and severed his Jugular Vein on 10th March 1954 as promised by Allah in Sura al-Haqqah . Dear Ahmadi brethren pay attention and see through this fraud, Mirza Bashirrudin Mahmoud Ahmad paid for his false

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !5 claim and suffered the consequences of it so clearly. I, on the other hand am alive and well because of Allah’s blessings, the Khalifa and Murrabis of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya are tongue tied in front of me and my followers and will remain so till the Day of Judgement.

َوإِ ْذ أَ َخ َذ الَُ ِميثَا َق النَ ِبيِ َي َلَا آ َتيْتُ ُك ْم ِم ْن ِكتَا ٍب َو ِح ْك َم ٍة ُث َم ِ ِ ِ َجا َء ُك ْم َر ُسو ٌل ُم َص ِد ٌق لَا َم َع ُك ْم َلتُ ْؤم ُ َن ِبه َو َلتَنْ ُص ُر َن ُه ۚ َقا َل ِ أَأَ ْق َر ْر ُت ْم َوأَ َخ ْذ ُت ْم َع َلىٰ ٰذَل ُك ْم إِ ْص ِري ۖ َقا ُلوا أَ ْق َر ْر َنا ۚ َقا َل َفا ْش َه ُدوا َوأَ َنا َم َع ُك ْم ِم َن ال َشا ِه ِدي َن

َف َم ْن َت َو َلىٰ بَ ْع َد ٰذَ ِل َك َفأُو ٰلَ ِئ َك ُه ُم ا ْل َفا ِس ُقو َن

Sura Al-e-Imran (Ch3 verse 82-83) - And remember the time when Allah took a covenant from the People through the Prophets, saying, ‘Whatever I give you of the Book and Wisdom and then there comes to you a Messenger, fulfilling that which is with you, you shall believe in him and help him. And he said, ‘Do you agree, and do you accept the responsibility which I lay upon you in this matter?’ They said, ‘We agree.’ He said, ‘Then bear witness and I am with you among the witnesses.’ Now whoso turns away after this, surely, those are the transgressors.

Mithaqun-Nabiyyin - The Covenant of the Prophets in Sura Al-e-Imran clearly states that Allah raises a Prophet when a nation falters from the right path. He is a person, not an angel or an outsider but from the people, ie from amongst the nation. Allah states that if he sends an individual from himself who confirms his teachings then we have a duty to believe in him and must assist him. Then takes the Covenant to bear witness to this and Allah is amongst the witnesses. Then those who stray, they are the liars.

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !6 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوإِ ْذ أَ َخ ْذ َنا م َن النَ ِبيِ َي ميثَا َق ُه ْم َومنْ َك َوم ْن ُنوحٍ َوإِبْ َراهي َم ِ ِ ِ ِ َو ُمو َسىٰ َوعي َسى ابْ ِن َم ْريَ َم ۖ َوأَ َخ ْذ َنا منْ ُه ْم ميثَا ًقا َغل ًيظا

ِليَ ْسأَ َل ال َصا ِد ِق َي َع ْن ِص ْد ِق ِه ْم ۚ َوأَ َع َد ِل ْل َكا ِف ِري َن َع َذابًا أَ ِل ًيما

Sura Al-Ahzab Ch33 Verse 8-9 And call to mind when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from thee, and from Noah and Abraham, and Moses and Jesus, son of Mary, and We, indeed, took from them a solemn covenant. That Allah may question the truthful about their truthfulness. And for the the disbelievers He has prepared a painful punishment.

Sura Al-Ahzab verse 8-9 confirms Mithaqun Nabiyyin as mentioned in Sura Al-e-Imran verse 82-83. This will be a question raised to you. I am requesting you to check my claim in the light of these verses. I am the person raised for you in accordance with the Ilham of the Zaki Ghulam. Bear in mind that you will have to answer to Allah on the Day of Judgement when he asks you about my claim. This is the covenant of the Prophets the Mithaqun Nabiyyin that Allah has taken from every prophet about other prophets who will come, to test the faiths of nations. However, each time the nations have firmly denied the vicegerent sent by Allah. Hadhrat Isa (as), Hadhrat Muhammad (saw), Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) were all prophets sent under the Covenant of the Prophets (Mithaqun Nabiyyin) yet their nations rejected their prophet with fervour. Even Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was given this same Ilham about the Mithaqun Nabiyyin relating to the Zaki Ghulam, which was called Musleh Maoud by the Promised Messiah (as). The Jamaat has been put into an unimaginable quandary relating to the Peshgoi Musleh Maoud. This juncture in the Jamaat has become a significant testing ground for who is a true Ahmadi by actions rather than by name alone. It has become a duty incumbent on all Ahmadis to wake up and seek the truth.

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !7 Ruhani Khazain Vol 18 p413 in the chapter Nuzul ul Masih, Hadhrat Masih-e Maoud (as) writes, When a belief enters or becomes a habit or aged, it becomes difficult to remove or listen against or to change for that matter. So much so, that believers are ready to kill or murder to protect their beliefs. How can the poor Ahmadi change his/her beliefs, when the leadership has fed them lies and brainwashed them generation upon generation, systematically plotting to mislead the Jamaat followers and making it difficult to remove their distorted beliefs by targeting hearts and minds. I have informed you of everything. Going back to the original Question - Janbah Sahib has made a claim that has unnecessarily created a division in the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (as) how can this be worthy of Praise? I refer to a book written by Dr Naseer Ahmad Nasir Vice Chancellor of the Islami University of Bahawalpur, on p327 of his award winning book published in 1988 Paighambar Azamo Akhir (saw) - relates the atmosphere in Mecca during the time of the Holy Prophet (saw), when the Quraish made concerted efforts to ignore and boycott the Prophet (saw) and his followers. It highlights the sacrifices made by the Holy Founder of Islam (saw) and the early Muslims to suppress the voice of Islam. The Boycott involved: 1. Encouraging the inhabitants to kill the Muslims. 2. To not engage or marry amongst the Muslims. 3. To avoid any form of trade or business with the Muslims. 4. To not sell or purchase food or drink with Muslims. 5. To totally cease all kinds of interactions of any nature with the Muslims. 6. To prevent Muslims from walking in the streets or any public place.

My Dear Ahmadi brothers pay attention, these same six sanctions have been placed on me and my Jamaat by Jamaat Ahmadiyya and their Khulafa, their Murabbi, their leadership. Today in Kiel, Germany I have suffered the same boycott that our beloved Prophet (saw) did, Banu Hashim had to leave the towns to live in the mountains, their every day was like Qayamat, they suffered considerably having to eat the leaves of plants and trees to survive starvation, even their children had to suffer starvation , hardships , death and cruelty for three

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !8 years but didn't give up the Holy Prophet (saw) to the Quraish. I have suffered the cruelty and sanctions of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya so it is time to reflect who is right and who is wrong particularly because they say they are the true Islam.

A German Ahmadi has decided that he wants the $1million prize for the challenge I set for being the Zaki Ghulam and I will give written proof with my stamp/seal to say I will Award the Challenger, The Challenger be he an Ahmadi Murrabi , Maulvi , Khalifa or one of their champions will have to disprove my claim and prove that the Nishan-e-Rehmat , Mubarak Wajood was born of the Physical Progeny of the Muhammadi Maryam the Promised Messiah (as) and applied to Bashiruddin Mahmoud Ahmad as the Musleh Maoud, then half a million dollars is your immediately. The Second part of the Prize relates to the Ilhami Book i’ve written, Virtue Is God - Supreme , Ultimate Universal Theory that was revealed to me and was blessed to me. Virtue Is God is the answer to Virtue is Knowledge by Socrates and the question raised by Walter Terence Stace. A friend of mine Mazhar Hussain Ranja from 2013 in Sargodha, who did an MSc in Faisalabad Agricultural University and graduated with a PhD in 2016 - read Virtue is God very carefully and was an intelligent Philosophical person. He wanted to claim the Reward from the book, I said I would double the reward, but I promise you that no-one can challenge this book as it is Ilhami /revealed. It is impossible to challenge this and is a sign of the Intelligence of the Zaki Ghulam.

WT Stace a British philosopher stated in the Book - Critical History of Greek Philosophy - p149 But as for Socrates, the sole condition of Virtue is knowledge and as knowledge is just what can be imparted by teaching it follows that Virtue is teachable, the only difficulty is to find the teacher. To find someone who knows the concept of virtue what the concept of virtue is that is, thought Socrates, the precious piece of knowledge which no philosopher has ever discovered and which if it were only discovered could at once be imparted by teaching, whereupon men would at once become virtuous.

KHUTBAH JUMAAH 07/12/2018 !9 The Second part of the challenge is to prove that my thesis Virtue is God is not inspired by Allah, written by a follower of Hadhrat Mirza Sahib (as). I say to you it is by this means , a Jehad by the Pen that will grant Fatah-e- Islam all over the world. I will answer your questions written or spoken or otherwise, but I do not want your money, just that you understand what Allah wants. If you prove me wrong I will ask for Allah’s forgiveness and recant my claims and give everything I possess to Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Look at the claims of these Khulafa, they are grander than any claim made by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). What do they achieve by this other than deception.

Going back to my question, I am not creating division in the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (as) rather, I am inviting you to come back to the true Teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) and give up the lies, falsehood and deception that is being implemented by the Jamaat Khulafa and their Ulema. I am not inviting you to anything new, rather to the teachings of Mirza Sahib (as). The Maud Nishan-e-Rehmat whose title was Zaki Ghulam will be an ordinary person, someone you’d likely not glance at. I am just giving you an opportunity to accept the wisdom I have been imparted by Allah. It is up to you, you are men of God, It makes no difference to me, but I give you what Allah asks me to, to fear for yourselves as you all have to face Allah. At this point I finish my Khutba.

Abridged Translation by Syed Aqeel Zakria Taleem Department - Jamaat Ahmadiyya Islah Pasand

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