This is the published version Oppy, Graham and Trakakis, Nick 2009, Late-twentieth-century atheism, in The history of western philosophy of religion : v. 5. Twentieth-century philosophy of religion, Acumen Publishing Ltd, Durham, England, pp.301-312. Available from Deakin Research Online Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that permission has been obtained for items included in Deakin Research Online. If you believe that your rights have been infringed by this repository, please contact
[email protected] Copyright: 2009, Acumen Publishing 24 LATE-TWENTIETH -CENTURY ATHEISM Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis In 1948, the BBC broadcast a debate between Bertrand Russell and Father Frederick Copleston on the existence of God (Russell & Copleston 1957). In that debate, Copleston claims: (i) that the existence of God can be proved by a meta physical argument from contingency; and (ii) that only the postulation of the existence of God can make sense of our religious and moral experience. Russell replies by giving diverse reasons for thinking that these two claims are incorrect: there are various ways in which Copleston's argument from contingency fails to be persuasive, and there are more plausible alternative explanations of our religious and moral experience. While there are many significant changes of detail, it is fair to say that the debate between Russell and Copleston typifies exchanges between theists and atheists in the second half of the twentieth century, and it is also fair to say that Russell's contribution to this debate typifies the approaches of late twen tieth-centuryatheists.