1 1

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* j ' ^ * yjj^ \ _i-t^ip^mM jl TVESOJi Y VOLI Y1U XXW..i%'o. EM. r . .^ ry.fi.vs or the Richmond exhumer. WILLI AMS k CO. have recrivcd, by the i Ann Fall* r«on,Futuiu White, nnd Elizabeth i FULSIJ SPUING DKY GOODS. loins and lands in the amount rtceivid V\ \YAU3lVOKTII, uitivlos ^'HTli'H..Kliz.ibetli Sos. l>Ud, "excluding ^ . list of the most desirable in their if or a reeuive Twenty-iiith Congress..3d 1 j" i ir HxituiHKK rs published three times a week da arrivals, many style Field, living, Ihi-ir lieim, if limy am dead, ca It'f stile the Uomh. fr-'in postponed wliieli ( ruled id tlie , line, sueh as Cloth* of all shinies and qualities, Loudon and Domes- I'm r portion u! llio eelalu of llm lite IMoarJ Jordan, deceased, of offerfur Jolltncin<; Dry bonds, part receipts r tr session the State twice a icect fro::: EXt'tLYHES OF THE FEOEH.il. GOCEHA'JlEM'. of to -._ oj ne Triiiin and other »liicli maker their * ockvcrv llrun«tvick \\ win and Hales No. I and 2 en:ton Osnal.urjrs. I>:17," about . Tell and L\ Legislature,and jood*, complete, county, Vi. u iiitivcof Nottoway county, /j! SI'EECH OK or only jN.oOO.IiOfl these, ./ rr.'.T tut i est of the yrr.r and ore uttered, on their usual tonus, by the piece or package. considered an idiot, by iipplyin;* In Crenforil llu-lm", ndir.iiii-'rnlnr I lie Merchants' and Manchester Factories. MR MLRRAY, Kkstcckv, all lb se things, to tin* people, and lltev will rot be »m- TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION. April 16 112-41 ill' Glwird J.ifi! ,n, der-M. All letters In l»e directed ti> Union I.eve I, 7ilt) bales 5-1 and 5 *1 brown Shirtings and (Continued) upon the of debt" '» ~ " 3-d,7 S.4--1, by humbug epilheU ''public >posed r K,. -111r< ;ifr iMtus, auJ Three Dollars for six months'' Mecklenburg county, Va. CUAWFOKH HUGHES, iIn* o..od* made at the Lllrick The expenditure f»riiie South Sea Exploring Kxprdi and embarrassment." in advance. SFltLYU GOODS. .1!:ninL'ruti.r i .hrd'tn. Sheetings, comprehending "Tieasury ole J[HUSH " f l.itxard and Manchester tion consiliums another :iew; and, including tlie annual Thus much I Itave j- \!I Ki 's ! > this o:fie» m-ty bo remitted per moil, in good onid w K have reMve-l, by the last packets (roui Nctv York, a larre March Id Si-Jut Aleiehants' Factorirs, Petersburg, the thought proper (said Mr. M ) lo a tne risk unJ choice as-orimcnt of them l"i amount of $221,C">0, the estimated expense of the in , t ible Bin* notes, of the Editor; Hit postage uj cl1/ Spring Goods.many entiiely 5CT N ilioiml ftitelliynci r u ill plcin? copy. Factory, the Lawrence, Appleton, Nashua, VValthnin, j say reference to this dep >site of £>'jef,l01.0(k) witli tie a i s new in are, in part, its follows: for two and a half am runts to i/ paid' ."/ritem..(The postage of single letter style. They \ Mutch Court, Great and many o'lirr of the Northern years jftl,2".ill.IJXiexpeditionthe States, not for the purpose of to the act that account to the writer. is Lvlru super blue black and coloicd Cloths B UIIAXCKHI.Viboima,.Amelia county, Amnskeng, Falls, "<0 I or obj-cttng .:;ely of a.itr J; iho accumulated post wool-dyed fancy ISI'J: Factorirs shall neither enter upon any defence cendern gave rise to it, or of that it was as i tit 'x .n:ve on a serious tax . New wove »trip« Victoria Cassiincres I showing objectionable i. . business, operates upoi style John J. 11 ,;u Ju*. nation of this Mr as it is not neci s a G-4 Drape i'» Ate for Gentlemen's Summer wear Johnson, chard M Johnson, Willi II. Juhnvon, en cast s bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, a choice measure, (said M..) measure at the lime it passed, hut fur the purpose of ;"ee Editor.) Guiiii und Catharine In* ^uauii und Johnson, to At the hist wmsinn 1 vr.ti d, the \ "»-ar for nine shall have thi French Ci.hueies audCrupoCnniblcIt wile, Johnson, Mary eary my present purpose. showing thai const-quencrs resulting from it ought y pay papers, annually, wove thread t'omjil linanta: supply. it is with those who were the enemies Super London striped Drillings.all IS cases brown and blrachrd Drillings, from various true, considered not to be laid at the feet of the Administration by any Do Brown and lawn-colored French do again*! of the for the restrictive clause the ex- and lihhed do Thomas IV. Webster, nliPiiiTnf Amelia,and as mmh ndininialra- factories measure, .limiting p.vty in this country. I was myself in favor of tins net TERMS OK ADVERTISING, Heavy ting'Lh, plain tor of June: Hannah Kcbccra John to a time and a reduction of r d-4 and 4 4 tine and French Linens Johnson, deceased; Johnson, 54 bales 7 ti and I 4 Red Ticks. periditiire certain, making "f deposits, not from choice, but from We ill* of sixt'i'it lutes, or less, tirst insertion, 75 cents; fo supettine plain *on, William lVitct.uu and hi* Thomas Jehn.cn. 3-4, in the it was more an necessity iptaro 0 cases fine nod extra super Irish Linens l.uey wife; IVy- 22 cam s 2-4 hltd 4 4 Domestic Plaids and $20,000 appropriation'; but from nail an immense in the and I was in .« r.intttace. SJ cents. tun Juiiiisuii, RnJAnn Johnson; Umaell, !,v- Ginghams, surplus Treasury, r- 6. 8, III and I'd I Irish and Sheelin; I'nlly Webster, f>ally j adherence to c rule which 1 had for favor of its i:|.M i'mi, i dtsu tee must ho accompanied wiin the advanci liainsley ilia Ann and llurn chiidicii of Jiunu ami 4-4.5 4 and t> 4 Apron and Futnituie Cheeks. prescribed myself. deposite for the purpose of avoid ng a much 1 e ise fine German Linen for Gentlemen's Drawer* Harnett, Agile* ll, Funny tt, that of for the of no money oilier ,, ,r < I' si'tco'V teforoii.'eSjto insure execution. deceased, iJi-iVnilanl*. bales and cases checked and ribbed, voting expenditure greater evil to grow cut of its a ilis 4 bales sopor Ticklcnhury and llow las laney striped, ii.n i., I.-.,. ....t ! .i likely appropriation by i" i .i .v'i lse aJv.Tti-in^ m tyauiuunl to $101) per annum, 'I'he Tlin*. I'-ilon Johnson, W The had cent. 0 do No 1 to 4 best German Burlaps defendant*, Johnson, Fully rioter, am! nlh< r colored cotton, worsted and woollen goods for Congress. people paid this surplus to defray a I oi DO ner cent: ami to ol"2D per . {,; u to mole $50, 2 do brow n and hleached Duck .'ally Uiiraeli, l.y.lia A. Iluim li, and Acne* itiinieil,not liavmcen- summer wear. condition n!' the 'I re usury than frmn any convictions the of the service. The Links were heavy ter.il their "in n a'*, in Ihf ai l men's and charges public t I 'rale No I to 5 host canvass Tadiiinj appearance mid security, urding .l hoys' adverse to llie of the 1 in all it the ami nf U.t* mid n s.iii-f,;c 10 bales and eases of nnd other Nankeens. objects expedition should, employing in most ruinous schemes of Truslr.es' Sale Real Estate 50 pieces tine and superfine Biown Dollar.d AsmuiMy rule* Court, appearing hy «.:y Georgia have it in its 1 am far of cviilci.'thai are not inhabitant* in tin* rtrdr-f. 21 bah-s Tiekh Ac probability, opposed inception; yet The had paid it (or no such purpose.sptculationIf a il««l of trust ntailo John Ad-ttisnni! Marytre t Ileal and munition Kussia Sheeting mid Crash limy country.I' Burlaps, Osnalmrgs, nburg. people Ep\ viitii -of by thai litre on the first of rhe rv-.\t June term of il.i« from satisfied that it is not a measure pregnant with left in the it was to to Jiilui li. now deceased, and the suiiSC'ihcr Id I Diaper and Dnin.tsk Table I.men they 0|ipciir day 2"" oases Irish l.trterts. Diapers, Lawns, lirovtn Ho|. being Treasury likely tempi into us ail'e, Smith, nail wnwrr llm lull o! the ih.it a of tin. j results, which he alike creditable to the na- an Congress i'. 'is ol the k »is it Is of the I'n.ted States, lic.ir e'»v 10, i) hv lit. 9 Id, lit 14, Id 15 Damask 'Table Cloth Court, pluinttii*.nn.l copy I.men important may inordinate and system of i. ,, :..r |. fit hy by hy forth* of the d in lands, brown, bleached and ribbid Drillings, dangerous appropriations, to in tini* assorted order bu ith inserted in ne«spnpera pnhhslo plain and beneficial to commerce. Hut tiiat Coiistilu* n ai the 2J.I «) J.i't". ISIS, nn.t admitted Kccon! White and colored London Waiting* c lion my which was desirable to be avoided and ntuch to be lay ' llm of I' ii'hin.in.l. once a w> k for'.*.vo men'in and A the c '"ourt of Henrico, en the dl'h o Do I tlo do do .Marseilles city success:*ely, ents he ah!e to see itnd of the ,'s ulTt unity tl.iy a: the fionl door ol the Courthouse tin* III hairs real and imitation Itu-sia Shielings, Canvass may judge for themselves i.'|»>n principle I uas opposed to it, and ora »» county. deprecated ill WO, in* mr» i vn»x n usiw», t Best Idack silk Velvet, and plain and Sntin pouted 4 i :> vr.ll, uaucffri^ucti figured A tie, merit of the of this expedition, I will \et opposed to :l West to a roe surplus. I inuil.i most >ii. Hih'i'lJM 4*. of the Lank of the I'liiteiil 21 cases iinglish and Americon I'tmts.all qualities fopv.T ('adding*. sV c interesting objects M- Company * 0 fl'i E. G. C. from the ol lor >» of ill'c 5 do do furniture do some rich April I..vV«; I.E1GH, n assortment read Register Debates December. IcIM, tins oI' ttia a the Si ,te 01' IVnnavIvnni.n, ssijneoa very Ionises Vesting*, deprecate system depositing money with " ot' i 2 do 4 4 French do comprehending good most condensed statement them have -r tl .1 ''i- I' »ii1 State*. vviil, oil Iho O-tiii day Apri superfine IN CIIAXCEICV.ViKiiisn..At rules hidden in tl.e CI tliN Of r'f anil white a«ul colored Va- tiie t.T which 1 at- f, » hirli is but another name for distribution. The at tor read 4 ca»es new le Lawns nm! Muslins piniii figured, Marseilles, *ecd to «rll at public auction, the premises, y sty printed Cambrics, lieo uf the Circuit Sujieiior >«mii tin' *ai< d liml of John .V li'vie l,!s, Imety tcti.rn- any dcpo-ilc by ' .. and do the ol the J .1 .! d.*er S -.1 as fallows; I'hj I'nion llnul, wi'li tvJ Cher d. striped, corded Scotch eg iiu1 I- If I I'. On K street riiniiii,' qualities Attn II. McM i*ier, v\ ii'iain Uoin ..ml lloscy hi* wife. Major Jone* Hi ra..s I I and Ci-4 f 4 I Cambric we»t o ot, pr.) inc that i.n xpcdi'iun may l.e fillr.1 cut lumivi y I sha'l advocate that system of revenue, whichpostpriced. 1 iriry Ginghams, l"ia 2 do hair eord anil furniture U.I, A tin I..,,..* 111!.. 11, |,»i wi'cit it k. Iiei.t; feet on U'th street, running hack Dimity .....I «S III fend til.1 islueils nii.t reel" in lA t < < mill wn.S on that roust. The petition will hereafter no into the tic covet e J lloek and .Mull Jluslm. and Scotch Lawn Ch.titz, Fu-neli Lawns, Ac biinjj surplus Treasury. A -i1. i. o l feel on comer ot° If and ItKli streets, ally The defend mts not hat ing entered :! :r appearance and g;v< n w n rtcoini mleil t»y both brunches e.l* I!i Lfcohituri* ot' Itl.o.lc revenue commensurate the a s llMr.i ri- h and tiro -ir Ithine the V-l cases French Italian and Swiss Silk and Cutloi ares with necessary wants of tho it ii n i;*a an I 'i i.'v of the said Union Hotel." Acting heavy security according to llto Aci uf A^ciiilily :«ikI mini oi ling |. I.i ml; unit Mr. I*. staled Unit lie' I. -i-lal of several oilier mui tins Super Italian Grodc S«i"« ill «t art- i.ut a of Italian I,us Government is ail that sliou d ever be raistd lhis< a .»i- slu.l convey such title onlv a« is vested by Lustiingdml f*»»urt, nil.) it :t|i| Commonwealth. It is order* d h it li t* «iid (Jro de Stilts !»>r Dresses, plain ill nits mot rliuiiiln f til' eiiii.ii;i ri:.j in lIn principal <11 |t « I ll.u Government. And when I say tlie necessary tennis Blue !>l o k satin 0 and liituted Toult do Foi u trifles Rhincs, figured uf JOHN KOUl.NSUN. stripi Ann It. Mr.Miuter, William Ueiu 11 ml ilo>ey l.i.4 i!* , Maj.defendants. and Swiss .Muslins, llieli Sitk am Ciiion. To show the ii:i|ior: inco of the object in view, Mr. I'. the (Jnterun:int, I do not mean a stslem of 'I'rufUf. Black and fa iry colored satin Kept and Grodc Orleans Jones and Saiult Aim do here «>n the Is? day of the elieekfd, figured st it.-il thiii lli r- were n.ov in tin wlnle splendid Vi'fii # f KM.Ids] Jones, appear gaged fishery l!ti?,nC!l) either of Fancy coloreii tiro de I'hinr, Gio dr Nop and Toult de Foi next Juiio Trim of ihis i'niiri, ami auswrr ilic f ill of the Blonde Gauze I Idkfs., Siik Velvets, lllaek Bombazines tons of t!i.n tlieio w-te li'.iHrtt seamen, ami that fortifications, of light houses,improvementsor Mouselin Liino sliippn-.y. employed for river and coast Landfor Hale. Satin s*tipint and figured Ch illys, and de and that a copy 01" this n.-ler be forthwith inst tied in somenew*. W !p,!(*ukI lllark Satins, Blur, White, i'tiik and IIlack the !.a.ine-', itir. et unit in. m et, employed I To,ITU toils of shipping, navigation. To some of iliejii I am Huppuhannoek A farm in Ms e ' and while silk and cotton "rFi'.R foreile th- followipo Tructs of Land: Ladies'black Hosiery p- per published in the (*i?y of iSirhiROtid, fur two months^-ticce* Italian rich new honnei. cap, belt and other and mure hail Jd.lilJll seioi n ; ttint more than otie-tentii pot of opposed altogether, and the others 1 would reduce to a | ol" Middlesex,ralie 1 II 733 ucie*. *1'!.i s Do black '-nil white silk, cotton and kid Gloves uml d :ii lit* front dour of Accomac Court house. Crapes, style nlir wIimI" n was engag -d to it. at.d tlie hrv.'strd lainiy tcwV(Containing lively, post* and a assortment of French and miti'piti cipital limited and economical establishment 1 have ever u .a o the hint>a the II ippaliaiiiiock nva r, six miles ti'iovi? Gentlemen's hurt, hi nvi r. kid an.I thread Gloves A True J J. AlIAV< »iCJII. Ribbons, large English h i,. lia further slated t li :t the annual loss of Copy.Tc»lc, i f|Q,notf,li(Ml. pr* jwirtjr the ard extensive systemptotested > is under i-ncln»,irc«, am I'o n k, cottun ami thread lull* llosu lt» C. Kiiihroide-v. mi reel-1 not laid down was against splendid of ! ..iina. ll lies well for fnrmtiu good fvr 'thus* J' i'i'ix, C. upon the i-l mils upon any rhnrt, ;ul!y fortifications entered ner;s*3:y farm-hmds'** en it. ll" not sold nt private sale. i I Bnnnrt,cap satin and Lustring Ribbons MircliDl 2-J cases J I and l! -I white ('amhi ic*. J iconels, njiul to the expense ul the expedition ami survey iei;uesled." upon by Congress during ti e * It RiMioiih.U <]uality and Such were the* commercial to be a Hat mil of our Ti011.-11 means. A few public ClIA.Vt'HUV. Vihoim.At n I'lrcuit .'i well fortified and filled >lay f T.'.l ' I, iw .iiiii 1 i> iiiccry, lor the t*< utily of (J nrico ml it\ uf hicli- Sal sia. Ac. this measure. There were, besides, ntln r objects of the points, up for tlie shelter and \ .arm in .-4 li.m.li rzino, Itose, defeased, «I Thread. Cotton, J the could imt ; for, although it sepply them with men ami * I'atent Opposition coiiiplatn nil ll'not «ot.l nt *.iU, il liulliin*. Prn«, Needle*, Tapes uud Bobbins it tinfit packager Taylor's Spool mini:', our-, r.mi ... on it, ocupied liyn ton private Pnn|ni|ii!ie consulted. Nor do at sissnrlment, which has iicv.-r Scon lmt it r. The hnvc been VVihism H. Hare, I'a'mli. Carriegton n ! Buttons, I'ins, ,), rii. AJdress Itn subscriber .Morgausville. t-'*mpi,crac.. Hrorge Ih*nptii.iti a e-t lias been Irotn the tanks. I believe lhe»e extensive fi>rtiticatier.s to be Hi" list L IN U. selected Willi r-.ro unil at the lowest New Yoik Clii.1. price*, Mariann t his m ife, San.n. Mi Howell lived and S iruh hi* w t!c, Jo. :i 'I l.-iec Goods, comprehending great support Opposition They eausty, Va. DOWX.MAN, gteat packages means of our wide extendi d Exceptor vt H. II'. IJnirnman. J mil will lie offered ill a moderate advance Tor rash, or on nn ac- Hughes, Kobert Hughes, John Morn*, cv« rutor of .Mmy Hughes. [ are. therefore, estopped from making any complaint preparing country for r vaiety. in 11 in.- ol' iw id lime. We .hill bo Hoods Itchore 1 Jain*- 11. Fr* eternior of Ah Xiin.' it cost war. 1 much mote of the tiefenee F if. m 'J 81.C ceptance in the city, sit t! receiving !ec., Hughe*, twoll, ti eases Idtic, Mack and assorted sewing Silk and Tw ist. uhout the expenditure has The principal hopes approve lo keep up our assortment fay everv Packet during the season. fret well, deceased, Jane Hrrl wt.'l, tvidow of said Alexander, llonnets. success are founded on a desire to llu-ir i.f i!|!> great S.nrljn lawgiver, who otdaiued that Planters, and others. & ivard Thomas am! Hannah his Suirnn l ami Scr.ih Kd-|In* |.» cases new stvle, fashionable and plain of its promote policy To Farmer?, j VALENTINE RKEEllEN, wile, living h s should not make walls of wo w tin ivi-!i to reticles suita II street Fboekoo Hill, John late shun if ol the of and a* It d i silk mi.I cotton Umbrellas and i'atasuls. interest, that of commerce, of which claim countrymen d, brick, yVn r il the nttcntinn of all purchase White BuilJing., tviTo, Uhodo*, county Albemarle, darling they or r < w of because the friends ul this stone, f the defence of their 0* was tlono tor latinln s a.sd farms, to examine our stock bofoiv llicy M irc!s lo i inch, adiniuiMr.dor do hr.ru nun, itli ihr will annexed, \Vilhaio -I do (Mollis nnd Cassiineres, o g<»od assortment, to he the exclusive friends, city. ami Shelton Siu:«. * u'o; «»f Sum. other ci'i«s of tloit but tlul the hearts and tlie - dec., £lie|ton, think that other interests deserve hy t. a tr. a net of the Hughes, Joseph ti hales Red Administration equal diy, par iye gate nair. SAVINGS BANK.Incorporated l»y special dec., who w .is adicimstiau.r, with the w :II ann«r.\r«:t of l'.idding. of 'he sli iild a offur ^M'l'Y i Sln-lton, ac.d I'non to the and nays courage citizens defend tin 111 with wall well General Assembly.Uprnlive Capitul upwards f $130,(I0U.. William Uni'liR*, i!Imm .M. *urvivins **\t 111 It! bales arid trusses wbite, scarlet green encouragement. recurring yeas os iiy.) p.s Richmond flunked buron, hog round, cutcd, heavy at the dec-, Wa;l»ins, Inlaid to forward litis measure. in i>l men (itci forbid that we should on Tliis institution cnulinurs to receive money Sur safe keeping r of .Niehob* t' Saninel K. I on the first hill bring rely a .. ap | i!»eM, jr., drc., living Hah'-IJ, |V«gy Flanlels. w interest:.Porull sums on ' e the names of most of lire and .ndeii walls fur the defence of Ibis widefnrtifiralinns ,.nr o.vn curia; to iwing rates of remaining dcpositci-ix (,'ahell, Naihitniel F. C.ihcl', and Itcuben II. ruilerjon, \1n1u.r uf ""aces S.ittinets. Jeans. Ac. w find among the yeas leading ,'i v-V) nn num. ami live cent, per Kentucky an.I - HAM Viaaki. .(.!.*> month* ami longer, six per etui. per per lc-*e Jojding, deceased, Hefemlanifi: I'J bales and twilled Glasgow Joans, Opposition members on this flier who wen* then in the mighty nation Whenever the patriotismoxetuhd annum for sums remaining less than six months.Certificate* ofilt- (In motion of I he ill* counsel, r|»e report of 1 *o:nri«ifi»iun«*r plain I.inseys, 1ind courage of out citizens shall uiu >0 its rlj «;.! middling*. v-ry cheep. phiint by 1 House (if There ate the names of become ijuai J,., » will be granted, ihe 1'iesident and C'ailiivr, t«» 1:1 Representatives. ..it. ;» ni ay* ( bud of u*. »t u very moall advance. posile signed by bearing lial.er, whieh was rcroinriiiticd hmi 1»V tie »rd»-r made ibis ' j ... in ail cases ten days after slate. tin* tried veteran members from JefencM, ttien will it not be worth It seems « He also 'ureal us above, ' on the a»\iii of o* e tbonsand I hnn* lit Ii.!,s and trusses Rose. Point, and Duf- lung Virginia. (Air. defending offerfur salt, FA Ml KI. WINFItKE, Prr<;,!rnt. Muse, twenty day Jatntury, j Whitney, in with the 'said Mr. M ) from the ol the Committee of S" !< V » irlesi.j Su*ur ircd ami twenty-six, to lie by him e.vit iim d and reformed, accord- fie Rhiuko's. Mercer and .Mr. Taliaferro.) company |< repu:t SAMUEL F. A DIE. Caj'ner. t< dircetions in the ».nd order and the mi id (1 h»-r, and that the for this )i J.i I'anu Itji'ii tin !'. Secrrbirrs. vs certain given; We recommend to ottr customers and to i name of the gentleman from I'iiiladelphia, (Mr. Ser- Ways Means, expenditure dn St Cioit do (expected every day) EDMUNDS, J uho is now out of other, h iving made no report u]»oai the order cvi.fnlcntly ' '"lias increased Iioiii over es'ad:.-liuieiH j R. II. Ji s«e Friend. II. E. A. ( moo the Stuck of; of the representative from Boston, Mr. (Da- something §!t!ll,fill), « Orient.* t'ijrifwd Benjmi.n Fheppsird, Ilaxall, Kent, '>f ii is now that Hie aforesaid hi? ip. :ity enniitiv merchants generally, gennt.)and j 1 J) h Y Sugar recoriiriiitinent, ordered, report a member of the oilier brunch luring tlie first y eats of the to of Duval, K Edwards, Ji., Robest II. Jenkins, J. J. Fry, F. Laihrop, ' to one of the Hoii;.r»i-*fiioner* ol this in !.o hiro ( now lor ns the best, if not vis.) now distinguished Government, upward* J .i.'< loir e nt variou* grade* IV. Hihri Committed i.'onir, by MOODS oli'ered sal.', uiiiungst :i| i to F. Baxter, Jno. N. Gordon, It M. Crump. Jn* P, ' «»f the al«»u said store. and there is the name of ih.at faithful semi- ,(Mit'.(ltiO annually'lb" lit lor 2) ii v, l..»f Suunr from immon th» he*t Sidney D *xrtioincd and reformed, according lotho diiecimna j lie best and most desirable we have ever had in of Congress; appropriation year Win. Allen, James It. Bsidges, Jsts. Allen, II. Baldwin, Bridges, *i hi< was and to b i*i IjMr Xiiiv Oilram .\|oln**f*«» 'rider of the twenty sixth d sv of Junnary. one tlioiifi.M.d igh! h*m- ut season are and pel from Massachusetts, (Mr. Reed.) who is always at purpose :»,l.OI.'.DtHI; iiovv, owing recent Teas Judnb Win. F. i'luiner, E. II. Bently, and Robert U. Wil- r is liiriio r r. I'lie sty It's Goods this beautiful, many in .ii .esti of i-xiri tine Gunpowder Myers, Irt d and tweiity-«ix: and the said Co.ninu»io:i ijuned the Goods his' on the watch-lower of couuneicc, guarding its mprnv uients 111 llouting steam batteries, all our do litimson. Dii' ctors. an account of the ..d:n. .1 tr itn.i: "t ' if lliein A portion of post Id J j .id of goo I do (c)i"ap) o state nu.I report to this ('nuri. cheap respectable < ! ins VV works I r tin- del* uce of hurbors ure about to be < llliee at the store of F. Iz Co. , 1 and various interests as he would the apple eye. by, siaij'iary ir i iinoorteil direct Irr.m tin- Inland of kept F.JAdic [34. II. Frctwell the estate oi hi»te«ta?or, Aic.\ md- Freiwi nibuve rneniioned were ourselves, j i \t i VVri-i. 113.St upon ll, imported by bought commerce is to d and render'1! wortb' is. alter '> *! '* in the to b- the lineal arti-lc: April IV j also, an arcuunt of the udiiiiinstr.iiinfi «.f Jolm Moriis. i.| u.» V\ o of sir. M the cause of him what iup'-rsedt Tuus. - ailditional ti 1 iy h- J city, Mnd«'"»,i:i lecM; ^villi money in Hutope. have supplies (said,Mr ) »t,c &. .. hi; test de« M. And the *ai;l I i I :s his Iris of millions in buildmo "r pinnnijsruitheexlendiiurc t -1 .r ..ill. Heel, pepn»r, ginger, ullapice, &c., TO THE STOCKHOLDERS t lie estate of t.ix, Mary HuL-hes, 'tench Goods tnrivcil at New York, which are ex- sack was to FalstntF. It breakfast, dinner, and art- to lender an account just i!i.iv>r.se, we are about to be called on iu abandon so A of which no will aril uhu-uj low. the Jam's Hiccr Kanmchn *veil ami Mortis hereliy severally required next and the his It is his meat and Ins drink; lie lives on it ,f Of iy Company. j lefore the said Cotntni*sionf-r, of their i*aid ailiiiini-iiation, nr.d tl»e >ected here during the week, by Tally supper. iiii.di of it as relates to coast defence, i.s .ilsj, been to lite number we shall receive nnd on it lln constituent* ore a Commercial unless, aiid and Klour, of the EXTREMES.Having applied by proper ' mid ii nl-o directed to st.:te, ;»> nt&'tcm fi<>w dodv from Liverpool, sleeps i):irki:.< of mil" iior Go>hen Cutter, family I the number of shures, to call Ciinuni4>r 0 millions again to build up a of XVIIITH. CI o'*stackholilcrs, holding requisite '' or which innv ho all of which anil well are they aware of the value of his appropriate system - VVYATT& Iccineil peitieent t»y himself, required by thepir urge additional of British Goods, people, -JO. a me Ig of the stockholders of the Company, I hereby invite you supplies of this is that loanu'r steam batteries lor tbe defence harbors. 11 110.bl the "ill ' it* to be >0 stated. % A Fopy.Tc*te, ' wi;h cash vices to their favorite interest A proof April to meet at the Capitol lo the city of Richmond, ou Tuesday, J. C. C. vere bought I w ill now Mr. M turn alien'0 n to this for the of into consideration the UOBIXpOX, S. JAMES A have. I believe, kept him in (.'ongri'ss from I me ^-iid ) your of next, purpose taking | F A J CO., they ' .V.ifice to 7ubaecw 1'iimlers. day .May an ever i»i March, ^ read the am! nays without seeing am nig them ilie present exists, altogether opposed, being «: mi nsten.l". and Inspector lid* upon u view lu the Kirhiuooi!, yens 111 conducted other passed she 23d of March, IcOV, with 1 tint I hove the I am a wasteful the application ot the public tm 1:1 v and J nv I' Wiiv. The huvinrs* in I'uturo will be by u«, purposes," The parties concerned will take notice, appointed FRESH SI RING DRY GOODS-lSJi). name of John Ki-eil. Hut then comparatively n* and we acceptance or rejection of the name. for their attendance at office, in if.'- mty in its unori liie of the severaluuepi.il tn:nth»n« lance oft* pt XVw. Hurto;*, Salesman; I loth day of April next, my 'lit .Merchants FnmHits ami tjthrrs man, arid do not know wheihci the memory" of operations pcopl- lain, Very reaper fully, .»* li;<.|.m..n.l- mi ulili h ilnV Iitrr, i or mure the coniid-nce of liis Is progress Imiii Us origin to its present condition: rem VVKKN& M.MOX, Richmond, the decree. JUlI.N SIJORK, w hieh he will sell lor cash acceptances, by no member deserves ' Ven eciioil.. 1 »y foregoing try Gunds. I'lita io::ii w 1- iiiiftiu, a I'l II.e i< l.on i.l II r I eiti-fal Public Hiirdu'U'f. ( Form Mnrnvi«i October Atli, : cases misses' and ladies' and is another Mr. M I must not omit uertlv 4'i't l«'i;;ve:l., with 1> >m.U Slut !:.hiA fi re . v- I a iu> u v-rv superior jjrnussu Mulberry Seed, ju«t constitute unit appoint , j lionntts.40 Leghorn There item, (said .) us in nil of ll.o Plaintit]*, with > w-rc 111 ide in 'J'l-i-5 ainl it, in I he in w|i|in1tinrliond of Jf-Jf and w nmnted to bo lietb and genuine..One pound, und proxy, to represent each of general meeting* Joseph Anderson,s J raw Bonnets, all the new styles worn to ex a mi ne. It is that oi z-tisjiil 11-11 deposited p'n.ile. inyvrtti. on the when we are nut j 1-I1I linn"'- aid mivy .riiuuni jng rt ling. il.cr l.i Sal.7'fl: mid j- i;-.i.\ » about li".in>0 plants inay be grown Stockholder* >w» rs anil Ribbons of all kinds that I notice tin-1 matter while ot expenditures, kl'ii f 1, ei it o|" 1 moo' n v 'im- Ihsi, w * ii.U have to::!' of tbit «eodat it make* n 11 hedge lliut nt such general meetings, to give such vote or vote*.and Tbii day nd head speaking iifiipli tin'pulley i.oij fnitt- or tie. ass member of the | a ami f.xainination of and w.1.< ri;»»J !»v conn* Galicoes at great bargains. astiie Government is not with 'Ins r t'l'ioc in fid' oil poijiu-i'-. and :i; the j.»-ii.j.i d for lie. » ; »e i liain the seed.make* tii.e »tik, other net or arts as each of u* could give libit filed, Catiruu-U »!ClO pieces inasmuch chargeable iippniicln if* cthe ilutli umi r 1 d** 'im, lii.a w..- mm u: ll.e new ol if we were tn.il we do hereby ratify s I: on roimi»)rinti«iii when-of, tbc Court n«ljitil^**, I cents.and bcaulilui fine that head. Tiial however, is seldom 01°the pu .lie dele, briochea e i> now a .r i ,ii (he .North. said meeting, personally present, truioef m>j.- fiist colors .at M. Ill and 12 2 item under matter, pupul rie'y act 01 our said ,|lecree, tint ill" dclciiiinnV do render an account e| hi« j * site., nine reaufli d lu in unlet lo at-orb * ronton slated mtp tin. i i. and confirm whatever vole or votes, acts, attorney at lii-so w hose business it is to make an ar- A f. 5.M3 Alulticauli* Cuttings, in mi d t»i 11.' Iiims nr*ci of new Is.20cents. Ac. considered ill" i:n>l in It" . ur j give or do Torus in of the authority hereby ,ind*'f tin? c.\luhit* A .»r..! I) filed tin? rm>f, nulls patterns by V':e.iri'.i' a,'>. and I'ur Inn Itia'orv ol h :i»lution, | may lawfully pursuance before * in* i f tin Com of these the Administration Whether i- therein mciitroncd, Lturns.'iv*! in w 1. '.I on lie: Oi ol . cerium '/JO K<»tk*4. coni re-l upon him. p irolit- of the property ttlMusitnsohd ll'shn/i pieces ray cf figures against art p it Muj legrl,' tor improving I 'recount tfcc ?a».l Cof!irni«iiit>nt r n , no to n r.u\ of r, r um n» r« ar.it en and lui no I'AI.MUIt. Witness our hands '.id reals this of one thousand riiis»'ioncr-» of 11;is Court, tvf«i< !i ^ foods for ladies' dresses.new and cheap well lounded or ill-founded, is matter of concern i.vhora ti lauln.n tkm April K.11WM. day f and m..kc in the "in v. in Im made '.I c* ilnin kl:il niiia and | icreby directed m Mute and tile report Coti.t, from 2"> cents to the finest ar'.i w ho calculate in reference to the i ItVcl to be lioiixm: lutr. miniii., eight hundred bv n Irish I.'lints. o i.a>es those only lie..111 mentioned.' tin tlm Sd ..I' 1-27. 1 tin »1» followed 7 to l'-i Fret in (seal.) ,iitti any mat:«*r *;> cially Mated, deemed pertinent iiiui»cli', when ol < March, Ma,us Multir.tuHs Trees, Height. i«» be «o «ian»d. i st grass blench Gentlemen hcie, speaking it a ! eiru .1 hi'l *lo uutl.criZ" the , | cciluiu of c\tr I ,vhich may be required bv the panic* !e imported.hi produced. :ni,ir nnpru.in: '' Multicaiilis TKKKS, loiditt-iry tsctl..) J a .i »ji» iinlee (.ml I'tcfo PnrL-ms. KrilMi Oz- items i 'J'titt, . r,ever id which S.ttOO to Ivet in A WM. O. WINSTON, D. C. IJWII U«'.7fi.i.-«» r speak isolated tlie Iitiil ting "I 1'ieitor ulli-r pinpote*.'" baimi-. * t :>cju*yf having many brunch**, 3 6 ilCSL.) Copy.Teate| expenditures, xiravagant the most n the for the all the amount. are like the These increased in fr'JT. to "i n l to w >. I :n iture.l. '1'iii* is decidedly To tc.'f.T, , Justice of I'eace "laburgs, Tovvcllii-^js of kinds, Sheetings, Diapers, compose aggregate They xpen.filurns immediately ;>or-11y in the Pcerrre \r i11 sue to « in llio United -tales. her- In r»rii v il.at , whose mime The parties interested furesoin:* pi# -Niw York, when in |toi-g Mid in to ' 'en A) j.!,u!is 'J'r* cs ever jrown County aforesaid, do to com- ? «Vf. from (Mr Clark'*,} speakinggentleman §121 000; l~vi'J, §.">i!5,()tl0. or cm w be- n that I hate tie- .itith of May next, tnpkins, - 'it* seen to admired. Also, Cutting Uu.s, is above subscribed i.» uri nesting itness, personally appealed inline, appointed nf Stockings reference to another ct; never ''descend to par- In I the werr more than a ;: 111ii« n ami abovo r nceount* therein directed, at Stephen 'J*. I'ltlfojin'* in (iinrrs ntitl llnximj.KvPTV description subj» lliey appropri'tiioiid - i-% and *U'-h tn and made oath, liiul the nenrc the ;-:.t f> >t.-i t .* above irjjc tree*,in any iiuantily, fore me, my county aforesaid, will attend at ten o'clock, withal1 and male deal in will tell ti and the 4**1una tec? for i SKK amount s treus, Tin* 'I'rect «ini nt v»Inch place they lid (11 ivrs t"<«r latins, boys, girls, ticular.-; they generalities" They you halt', ;r !i cir.i tn ^rmv, anil produce tine lanover, in#* to gentlemen, - A:r., r«# to enable that has come into the and 1 < *i to t-- of the country ns totlu- above letter of acknow t b«*ir voucher* and other papers, fc*t»iiry R servants of all the money Treasury, ( tu£1.713.100. . v*; ruefuli packed send any part ttto sub-eribed parties attorney, M. C. ml female 'i! for of tin; said as their act and c arrvnaid Decree into effect. bKMb'tb CRKW, a arid "where is it? Whether rrcividas re "T!ie il itmoun! i|,o*c uork-« id v- » iit.nl -'.lie, and 3 to 4 ii.uiillis'cre (edged the same in prcseneq witness, l»l.h6ut Dunnsiic tir.ods.U*raclir*cl nil brown Shirtings then exclaim, orizjri nUcndy np;»rrkpift.t - 81 befuli** canal -turk*. *im! the «! f*t n tumt <1 fat if o K.ir-ili-t.y J. (JIBS'UN,uppiovr»«c.e,ii4.ic'i.deed. Witness my hand and se.,1 ibis day of March ("lu cks ai d Drillings venue, or as apprnjiriations proper for Urn ffot!irj,043 f«t»t *" expended .. rlireiinrr; i'i ? t ... (seal.) Apron )fju»rjtM»n* ihu f fur itv.iJ'JI; v i'l.V', i'i x t vll'tiKhh uro now rfCo.finj a lar^r nutl HA.NK 1TF'Vfill.1MA. t oi. in the Cit* Richmond, Monday, (,'api and to near ii ut nut ri« tu former r*tun..trw, it will morn |_J >S 0 i i*. it nd mini si r it or of WitI nun (\ K. Me w burn, drr'i], and ImLdnnet I,aces. Killings the Sicilies a-'td Brazil, amounting $7,090- ju'l^ni^ f»y e.\|»» r >Rt£i> * »» AacHltt.v >itrLt li.tr 'I'lll" having liet ri at the last general Wiltiam Pol Lure Gooils.Thread pies, toti million*. fieni.lv* tln» co»t of soton of iho mntt it-it ti irt.ncnt oflne appointed . r undersigned to the t-lock- the said Wiituni and .Mary bin wife, i'liimliib : Inr veils ami which are received into tin* Treasury as a trust luud uot#.hIy n-'jiinf 1 i. ;ii.'v »t|; l>c to sell on very reasonable of the a Coiniiiiltee "to report a nd * Dolling Lace cups; Quiliings, 000, A|i'-r;»ivc wiifk^, for whi« l» tlioio ar«' nofit all. , prepared ing S-tockholderg, the termsmeet! ! n>ertings; figured who own so much char » m-rcliant* visum* the to call and at an tn he railed the Cominitti-e, against for the citizens it, being gain toilii«9 a Iji|« id now por.ilir.i'. ami wouirl hare f>s;»i*irj tfo r. t,'. k'nuM ink city, holders early day," by tied I he fetid other Defendant*. <5 i:c Inr.ilini«i?i trtrvri* on u renewal of the "cluiru r can he obtained," Robert Randolph Veils, new the but nevertheless, to the in- jIon*" at tin* i;io*u of lift n, I; of for wnut of f no", uhicli, Willi th ir »!ufh at No. id l.ibcny' wnicb 4* «: lii.ti uvrii and gauze to country, belonging, on extending//.-.|.am styles for new » leJSr. 80-3;n u- ral act the-tlh instant, newest lor wluun it is and not to the t In* aciciuJiornts I'lnio.ico.! work*, N Vorh. Jinu .ry It!, Assembly having passed no kindred of th« inVfctatc I nvo yet j.ppeued mid doz, all of the citizens obtained, 0|»j»r:i|'ria-ioii» the and the capital on certain condition* therein ,|liify iiiadr, paternal j 11.11.Is Scurfs.IW jured to noar u million of iIoH'im, ami ir.volvin^ a;i ultur.ctc expend;*oinootiir.j charter, increasing v of the estate, to who I. would in* are u!l included in the amount tf the Grtat St l.rat.r. do notice that uc i o cljirii the moici personal they Government, gross 1 ore of live million* more." HOIH'/O.Y, Winner uf set forth: We, lite undersigned, hereby give %vtrr in existence.and th- ^ imported descripons ot reve- proliaMy w Cover j for the ol c if such paternal kindred and white Government as if part the actual ! 1> .t«j t .-untie il litre lltrte ami Stallion, ill have H fdursHau, f'it i'Mh i/jy if JHcy, meeting nti:l«*d, any it that no Cunl'in Mnttinz.100 pieces red the receipts it is tune f..0 that it w ill l>n proper nt 11 firur.- ;J. lluiiilLoirs. itnests including r the attention. All litis has sprung from thearpst w..lia doll.tr lor the of consideiing ar.d dec.d- 6 uch paternal ,»ul»!i«i ;*'i. 11, it .sj.'i the season, and gi£l) insurance, at !-Jo'clock on that day, purpose in a tern il kirrlrcd of v lint 11 on 1 nil and colors and received in trust lor Clncka- and The one p11 decree distribution anion;: th" y Sills.Plain nnd figured, qualities including $1 lll'.YJJOO veakest, und as it was the most iiaritilt-^-. bra sir !i 'I cm.. He man inimitably beautiful highly Ins (in the tei ins proposed in the said act. question being on account id and supposed i,,:l in t iin wh»ch «» now retaile d in B*uk he and Flannels saw Indians on the rale of their lands in Isdo-G, i .ts'.r III i r-r ,r, remarkably lively -u Jim c/irsnul, oi* to the Institution, :i full attendance, person personalc-u.to I'l'uniicls. Gauze patent cit the American system. The Tariff, Internal hij great importance . existence of paternal kindre d. and Cns un the sale of lln-ir iarids in Ji-tki-T, arid in- , U". tuchu and corrett proportions is recommended. opposed Summer ll'tur. livery kind r their benefit, amounting altogether urcily d as me hut I t wo of the newspapers of (foe city, and in the National Intelligencer gjimere; plain and fancy Drillings; Jniit Slates Hank, leading memliers of this Mir i «oll ledum! uttended to, at il I ccnta J»er djy ; J. W. 1'ElJUA.M. that u,;je*» v i'ockil are included in lite v ltd in the of Washington, for luo iimntl.*; * and blue Nankeens; ilrikfs; till millionsu! dollars, appropriation were all rut down. "This last member ofllip I" i'1 m r lor accident* or 1939. JAU. P. TAYLOR. (aloha, Ctly larseilles; yellow familyaysem, -punsihle nscapes. April 12, of kin on the of tiir lather of the >* ringed. We.. (*. silk Shirts and Drawers bills in order to invest it, or enable the owners to draw reason a was r to liursc I it ever np otiiu next put ^ co ton and *vns for his and bis promise, by of A* ili r i!o;« , lluwtnii >ual any spared infancy ood t. .Mowburn, appoar und r 1mm distribution of the personal e-'iite, uspenders; of a choice tile and then it is classed with the il from . i era is Kujtmh ta'J, anJ in the opinion of many capital FARMERS' DANK OF VIRGINIA. J this after mi. h ation shall new Fancy Goods, rare, Treasury; Ine.h forbearance we liuve paid, within the last twelve i'riain. Mr. Seen at the last meet- a t or before the next term of Court, pubii. Also, Many ol as of the u iivj jwijn, Ac ucrci- had his ryuul, except Tlie undersigned having appointed genera! th#* Court will decree o'istiibution thereof h ..on^ sJ round numbers appropriations, part uufUjul ' ears, twelve millions ol dollars, and become liable, by the best in a Go'iimiitee to toon adjourned meet- |, avc lieen uindr, de^ription. of lite Administration. Aim- tn.- u.ifiv tlli il considered ju«!i»o oftho Stocklioliler's, report >, Jo-key, in; "rise maternal kindred." Truly extracted -I 107.2nv4wJt»3t and/irajiigatc ettraraguuee vnrks commenced, to the of ten J., fts he » ti tin- best Race Horse, that may involving j;he April already payment i.-iy tiui.lly, tliat especially ing of tho Stockholders, "any qoertioris ami the Teste, J. ROBINSON, C. C. titer instance of this disingenuous mode of altuck which .v It the bill on ' < n ->. h» ev r te or in lhi» 0|>ltnon, Ins h;o of or an extension of the charter," Stutr i'tri'iniu. more. is futliermore proposed, by miltons liaiulleil, and, an increase capital llic llu the tlocrriitir nf the of " witnessed even on Hits flour is this: the ,;i-r, v\,; 11in the and in.iuy of the best an net on tlie 4th insl. increasing we have often mur to us new loan i.'hi oev, Slowe. Scutt*, Assembly having passed setGeneraln| NnTlCRi A ^ table, pledge by engagements won the on certain conditions tlicrt in forth: on the of his fa. PROCLAMATION. of the lull and .. r U -I an I tirti i-u, lulli con< uired. Ho latest j and the charter next of kin of William C. II. Mewburn, part mnst description overflowing live more. Sir. Mr J"ir pit extending we have The T an Art of the General gorgeous payment ol millions (said ulttuuteM.) ' t'V m. r oil rei-nrd, [)7 subscriber*, bentin;; Voltaire, the uniletsigned, do hereby give notice that appointed if any surli there he, are hereby informed, IIERKAS, hy Assembly, of our previous to the late financial I.i-j. I We, the Stock! oid- 1 her. William Mewburn, 0! d act condition Treasury mw ore we to understand gentlemen, when lliey talk of II 4. 4 other end for the mooting cf Court Law enlith "An mi j(j mei-n, r.,i i4 ij'fJi, uotnbor of laccn, Wednesday, thc29tli day of M.iy, ' hat utile**, at th* m xt leun of the Circeil Superior V V March 2»sh, ISH, providig islollowtd with the "What a* other House in this nt 12 o'clock and of w ., jch parsed difficulties rhodoiriontade, will every bill which is nsclf .; 4 m.Ug, under heavy iceights, any er* ol this Hunk, at the Rucking ("Hy, 11 nd Ch ute, lor the county of Henrico city ICie.linutud, of lauds in this Commonwealth," xtravagance. They oppose of and on tho ry or form* of I' for the reassessment now is tlie condition of your resources ? and then vote the on that dav, for the purpose considering deciding vkill coriimcnce on the first Monday in .May next, they, soon as mr u.-m-ihoi ..ns. o for the public service, wiiinin» tho St. The one i f great tni the above is an n' sirac!, t|It- IS |i (|'lireO, So unable In meet the demands it, and inlispensable a fel I y irt nl,I, he xcax not beaten at all, tortus proposed by said act. question being ' hem, in of the rs have finished their assessments respectively, in debt from a resort to the tho Irniit situation atavrry pitrlattri', a full* attendance perron hy h ill appear find personal shall your Government expedient 1Vc.. and then come here and denounce the ' irilhuut asked several Boards of i -. -14*. i.r,j ;i,n u hip at last »lib promptitude and truth, comnienUcd. x Vilhain C. K. Mewburn, a decree will he tinr, distributing j ^>stic n it-quiring the notes." Mow the answer to all this is most once, when II. MACFAKfs\XI>,l on the of his mother. proclamation tirr.t- a:nJ of Treasury 1 for . \VM. next of kin coii venn-nl Prinipal s ht'.a I. y. lie was beaten only e«t.itc anioii^'ot tins part In assent hit- a I some extiavagance. Adimnislraton t he casis back the ctj.ort. .Muj. beat timer C. W. GOOGII, I those concerned, it is here stated, that ^ Ai-scssnrs destructive to tins fine apostrophe, end j stud I was to this of -4 I hf Saddler, whom ho easily, ' Tor I ho information of to bo in Put I have oppoppil system iiy subsequently m Committee. t«» l*e a v. illun their rospi dive districts, designated fur those who make rr 14 a 4 mile horses at Uoncuster, W.M. ROISERTSO.V, nhote t»nni**iiM:c, to ; do, therefore, to the " ativu of Holland, who Virginia ;ny years |j I'tticiamaiii-i with a most signal estoppel charge implied 1 to this within ID made and Hon l'i dro.. J w of this ^tnt*-; lii.T he died ome of ilio General herey report, years, S. .r.1. Motiuitli, l.aurei, Jenny .will* DANIEL1 CALL, LTinarried ith S irah K.uli'jli ofthe said Act Assembly, answer that there would have been nosnibarrass nclording v' *1 r Wiliiam C. U. Previsions The is, for 1 tt3 works Ol we have Hf). r, Ii« won one-lbtrti oi tbo groat »ub*eription Richmond, April 12, lei!'.'. oars triiico nn only son, the hove named sai-i Assessors to assemble on tin* these, completedapproprioions leaving that this son Mtrvj\i d I is require tllo rrinniji.il merit nor issue of Treasury ri des but for the depnsilc of ! I J.of the 9 .ij'i.cii -j .-anying 122 lb*. inlhtungrrtntrnted A i!ewhum, end his wife, to futvitc himj | nrxt, at the I'oilon inn pro j ' Hay Complete, with existing appropriations. -nm. and aoverul other#. ... * : 1 ?i i'aiv \o .rs since. leaving fi rst in May places,and 101 ti!4 with the Statis. which was a most favorite 5 't.i, ;i» totaling H'mdcliJ'e l'orm of Proxy. "IIIMIIT, >»ll UH'U imcriou , , Monday the duties of tliem '(there, til are unfinished.4 suspended .1 abandoned, ' 1 '» "I at beating l.uC' tt.i, thai suhscrihers, being nor nor mother, mu «i«irr. nor hrutlier, nut red to the execution of required by the that of the mom ordered 9 . > I, lie won Hit (Jutland* A*cot, Know all men these presents, ivc,the either children, father, measure with Opposition, y ste he niudo hy do constitute to 111,1 In; left iium< iou» ,* of Isle of Bickerton £uid 3 never commenced. These improvements 8 v .r.m, 11 a tr*» held; and two day* after, in the Bonk of Virginia, hereby hi- ibvimlaiiin ni any ul'ljii'ii) survive linn, iw.viz:.Josiaii lloileiunn \Vit;lit. act of lei>l> to be with the States, up- ; in «turkhoMrr« * I- «<*..» Attnranv flJlsl the deposited coast. The foundation lor .... none mi the and around our --J S celebrated Cantorml, the saddler our iruoaioi iu»r; counties. Assessors, §!),0i!U,OU0 'aid for thr expenditure badly '' Proxy, represent the stockholder* of on I In; irl of the nil hnu^h they VVm Carey of Greenbrier Principal session at w hich the act ot site w as passed, winch or and fl .I mo;: |Mjii;.|e thought ho won l'ho Englinh Sport, ulug. on 2S»tIt of and in all general meeting*of ,'irginin, if I here kin.lreil p father, of the the depi ( or in their structure position, « May, or to a of hin t a Board for the first district, composed the injudicious executed, -a. it that Rowton'* i are not represented are tntilleil pemon- j, constitute nine millions of doilars and nai. every one will allow, perform. said when »< personally present ^ foreigner* noil alive, they moiety Isle of threw this upon subsequent 1ire at abandoned. of them dilap date, " llact Horse Compiny, nt surlt some two or three thousam! Nansemond, length Many 6 "'.tiilc himto'u niche among Ihe very jirst some other with full power nmlnulliotity general * I estate, which inruetv nnnittnli to 1 on lines of Princess Anne, Norfolk, revenues of the Government, w hich thereby became bur- at hy proxy; or Stale ' built over greater vote or and to do Mich other net that W ilinr:i liullii'C of the rounty of ffeechliuid, in this Greensville, Prince ire renewed and again perhaps to such voter, ilolirs;» with a debt to lliat omount These | there is a swarm of meetings, give a tlscvcre, a of the raid meeting, of t\ illioni K . Mnwhiirn, i! locether Vight,Surry,Sussex.Southampton, deiied pre existing ever. And nil this lime, H g. s.ijr,. Magiziues declare hi* *pecdn# acts a* each of us could give or do, tin member 3ilimnistereil on the state Dinwiddie, Chesterfield. Henrico, 1 than exrer.se run 2 mile* v.e and confirm kiltrlr* brought suit in ('hunce* ( Icorgc, Itrunswiek. for of rivers and harbors, such as rtmrndou*:'' «-ul well they wight, aincc he destrueS if we were present; and do hereby ratify vtilli hi« wife, one of lite maternal *1, James appropriations, improvements j 1 under different names, engineers, " Hovtnn s personally which soil a ilecieetini hccii New Charles City, York, and lor igents IB *.!!! .1 :»j» and m- commissioners, M hon'H rtout Horse, or do for us in pursuance authority nie, from Vanvicli, City, the relief nf the cities of the District the he a* have ahown the hc«t give nn of the father, if »urh there he, Caroline, corporate (vhom must handle of cash,and rjuarterpd "'C»t.!,,» V. r. iniMt in England, and him. ihieli the no\t of kia th" part o & Queen. King VViliiam, wire f part Bj '» ' tome have not been beaten upon in one of the I! inks in l!.o t 'it v of lesex, Kssex, King luuibin, last item $1 .ofiO.C'OU.) supporled this itself tells ffl r.Ui y .u |,,lVe won, and V\ i I tiers nur and seals this day of nil he entitled, i< nmv in deposit Westmoreland, (the being Uncle cam's expense. Why,Sir, report 1 1 hands In the order of I he S Stafford, King Georce, have no 9 '1 h iv- ali< met and the gel ot Sullan, [seai,.J J to the itedil of thu suit, sueject potlsyIvania. nmsl of the and, therefore, they [ the works were built over again, and ' y adv vur.qui.hcd 1Cichinontl, I Accomac, and by Opposition, us "that many of " Mu. Teste, | t.'. JOHNSON. .ancaster, Richmond, Northumberland, i.n Kc inra ih pv tvota PfnTinl^lpH Paitiwn, Ueveller, [seal. of this . .- 9 Vclio-iti-de, Vultaiic, Whiaker, 1 /'miit. of right to say to Ihe Iriends Administration, "you owners were r"iir» '--'J r n \ ; nnd all the best Englbm Stallion* ot the of ) to wit: Ffb 33[93.ttfiw] Cauwsel far lit Pltf- \ to convene at the Borough Norfolk: j of the in ttiat In-Colonel, of, or * iortliainpton. are alone That money lo ti..s because of i'a fl "t tn-ir hi* colt* have run a* well »» the colt* (County City of the for the aforesaid, do John H of responsible." public Uul i am opposed system, trial, I believe I, , u justice penco O Malliew W. of Gloucester, Knight banks in mode of now On K - < hor«. Ht ban nonio i.s ahove subscribed IIT'L EUX fj vloiTI- C , Kemp with 1*U7, (a deposite <"i 'be of the several States. hi En land wb"re ureaelliog higher pricrs , whose of and deposite ' operation people une~u;t| they none ever hereby certify that me, in ttr.d the > J-tin Kern, Hampshire, Benjamin the we were fur full and S r cul:,. .r foim, beauty and promise, us nit w before my county HAVE received by the Tally llo direct, iottoway, jr., to con advocated by Opposition,) compelled, the report is conclusive. uitcsting itness, personally nppearod . Assessors, j r. .1-- . I... ,...I this for the lust two . and Iroivn of Cnhcll counties Piincipal n>r nir umi-iui nr.- m point, to the mor.ev collected in votno 39 I u.:»d state* can *ur?a*» Rowton'*, aforesaid, and made oath, that the nhovo named tissual conveyances front Boston, New York j | all lln'ir re lie i, una .uu^n^, ' It i« r'oinly unjtut apply as to the nhuvc letter J a for the second district, composed (of r" local in a diMui.t ol the . whose names arc subscribed patties ol which they s titiiie Board of (hose s fur men t la a time Slate* t.» Iitif.ran-aic^la r;unrirt 1 W oful, (own the said witness, | their Spring supply Goods, to convene at depos.lf |»ay subsequent $1,. tin to the common u> :i,e M , «»r.i m In iVi.ii, hi* dam Catherine by the sanicin presenceol Philadelphia, t| he other counties Last of the Blue Ridge, o and JU !o Union, simply because y appertain ' In* ofnttornry,acknowledged this of on their u»uul terms. j fcl!i;0,t!0<). v.z: $2 400,000 July, Je.J-', 2,400,(it ot ai d aid the Ruben*; by and seal day ' (or sale evet* har'.on, crci-La, vM:i,it-r ,n l Wiiulcbone:) LaocUcape by ns their act and deed. Witness any hand ifler ille in the of Albemarle: the If iinprnvpineot rivets, ceunIrv- ' won the Uaks 108.1 Ot* I I'harlottrsv county 1 our reacii inon?y . i* io bo coii'tdcred r.atioral lit it* rlia.'aeler and rod, D-ctoi'aSinter, &.C. Hi* grand dam April 16 112.wtSit.May April tJ Burwcll B W'iikes of July. c3lJ; thereby placing beyond [itnhiinc o' , re. 1,1 -m the bet rvrr Samuel Mofietl of Rockingham, for the benefit a1 ° lo our it m d.flic nit to define H 4 ir. Ii-r h-lly ! Uxuiun, one of marrantnl the lor ilie public service, tear tit». appendage commerce, Howij' IKON CHESTS, :! . We have received lateerriv- of Madison, and John G. paid by people to (Jovenum nt, Ruler main, Treecierpor by &.CROSS* ASBESTOS w eATS! HATS by j ' trunswick, James W. Walker institutions ol the enemies | la) linirl wi ttevi r ibc jutivdiction of tlto Fedc.ul Ciiujitlus, gCOTT the severest ordeals of fire, to consti of the most lavorite political the ' foot; rot l WSI by too Fire Proof, haling undetgnnc w lio nls ttOt) cases Mats direct from the manufactories, j of Wood Assessors, < ir to -ay lo all ,t pur,.o»t the common fund of may go(Vimillui WooUK2| to contents. Gentlemen in the country keep Stringer counties, I'rincijial of 11;is Administration. We also the payment lliitteeti *1 their id couu postponed ' The distri made the la»i yeara n\Hamblttort, nrnl out of Faith by laco'pt,ur»con9 injury one. The pijihoutj- one of the most splendid assortments third district, composed of the !iu applied. ution during ot never to lie without J 1J"ute a Board for the on to $4,- «l Hi* pedigree i* remarkably rich and fashionableAtacm.j valuable papers money ought is made :nmpri?ing to convene of moneys due unpaid du'y bonds, amounting rtuong the Slates, prove* inconteMahl) he injustice Reference Beaver, Brush, Mole Skin, Satin, and in the in " * d to all the be»t ces from § id upwards, according to size. 1lien's black and drab its belvvt-i n I lie Blue Ridge Alleghany, more. these measures ll e deficit Tire whole amourit and invented SB .mil boitiiru, being closely allied home*, vary have them in use, . 000,(100 To appropriated rheneox**n.iittitea. d i' to who, with many others, j we have ever tecpived. of various rtylps ] of Botetourt county: hue hern lo a rlivttict ct M !u in, of t.tte Camirinc, totne following parties, < , which a l the Court House notes, which ®o,ItlO.O'K) granted f Eclip«e, Waxy,nnd your*, I,h VVortliant & McGtu- X:c <>« which called forth the issue ofTreasury £ld,'Jd.OUU.ol I'm :w. and Elia* and viz. Messrs. James Wi At Co., Col. Peyton, I and Silk which will be sold ot Washington, William C Lewis Treasury, ol not one hundred and miles from the crtpr:ol. vVrlhont 9 n Bay Mid.Ileton," I'hu.ipotonii .ry Moncurc 4t Co.. H. W. (Also. Youth's Fur Hats, j T!i.unas McCulloch so fur as concerns the disposal filly county u,''vt«. For mo handbill*, der, Ludlam ti Son, Maxell A, Co., Munlop, e.nd Charles is alone attributable, into the of the woilta patronized by ihe 9 particular* my O.horn. Stoiuhack & Son, the Ftanklin lite most favorable terms ">f Rockbridge, Juab Karly of Franklin, aid t'> own imporiaucc :h.t mo-tot the Statraiujurr.112 Mordccni& the my * lo remark , W V ATT CAB DWELL. & J. J. Fry, Je GO to the money by Government; I Government, it tutiicreot Fedeim ffl ot Richmond end Clarksvilio, GARDNEil Assessors, s. Vn:», I|, ,i h ue to heretofore Co., Exchange Ranks HUBBARD, of Hanover counties, Principal v. Ircin objecting have been at name lime their own money and credit * filled the Stallion* kept by Mantifucluriug I'hompson '* rntunncpH r»f the sitinn are the employing 11 for salebv the subscriber. iCti-tf un mum. u.m...., Oppi holly precluded and m.d better 3B i .1 -i.ur. il at and hccomiiig assortment kept constantly 23 oiis'ittiie a ima.o lor ~-...r. knowledge,on infinitely more useful profit hie, <101; «n> genllerna An JOHN O. .tanit March j J Ij < ne of them. improvement* the I* a" *. and and ovrr to trc llio LAV, of lite Commonwealth, including any told to the calculated lo extend the commerce of the Union, home of , actually collecting paying rctpunaiPB For the. .Manufacturers >! the counties of Powhatan aill the other counties there are oilier rarely people nt all in theve Federal t. "el'b" rlmrgeo $60 for each rniite tloo, Basement Story. bridge; Hardy, town first herein recited, and to which the several I it is also some ' f tbe States have not participated and liusinffS. Powhatan House, on the Preston and and the Mayor of the i Asiembly,or commented on. hie, supposed, belongs No Vol 9! iMit-'r,K.'!r'f'nS-»N /(retiring S'.urnge a pinole tooth to a complete set, gnlia. Randolph, be are referred to ascertain their respective limits. of the account are not told that Federal appropriations. In Document 8, 9 MDSIIV. arc now prcpurcd to leecive at thcii inserted, from will take notice that elections ore to Boards to the credit part They is a table 91 i"°'if A »ouih aide of th«* all kind* of Petersburg. Given under my hand, as Governor,and under were less than the cor- of Executive Dncuments of last session, f'i. .." 1 arcbouie, t!u*in, most principle. other of 1^38 $78,000,000 A 'o luce on Kiorare.a» also, .,il kimUul* Merchandise.. approved .tJrcrtiser.) held at their Court-houses, (and places nppoin'ed of the Commonweailh, at the imports the r.mount disbursed in each year and in each 11 From the JVeto York Commercial the month of next, ,'lp leaser Seal imports of 1836; that the proceeds of public . f I in r »tl exhibiting give to iho r\'i Buainen* moat ; with docayed teeth, law for holding elections) of and responding the 1834. l£3(i,and if*J"d warding H iving suffered much lately by districts lSEA "J Richmond, this 12th day March, fallen from received in 1830, to State and Territory, for years 1^3.", a man of *t. . Dentistry.. where I had :i ccimpkto to their lands had $24,877,000, t *'t"ntion.having employed young purlieu9Huly into Dr. Levott's, 260 llrnadwav, to choose S-notors represent respective vcar of the Commonwealth for fortifications, internal bu