When They Ate Leciursd on the Subject of the Government
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1 1 , \\V *ys:s s"4^ \ ^ \ \ \ * j ' ^ * yjj^ \ _i-t^ip^mM jl TVESOJi Y VOLI Y1U XXW..i%'o. EM. r . .^ ry.fi.vs or the Richmond exhumer. WILLI AMS k CO. have recrivcd, by the i Ann Fall* r«on,Futuiu White, nnd Elizabeth i FULSIJ SPUING DKY GOODS. loins and lands in the amount rtceivid V\ \YAU3lVOKTII, uitivlos ^'HTli'H..Kliz.ibetli Sos. l>Ud, "excluding ^ . list of the most desirable in their if or a reeuive Twenty-iiith Congress..3d 1 j" i ir HxituiHKK rs published three times a week da arrivals, many style Field, living, Ihi-ir lieim, if limy am dead, ca It'f stile the Uomh. fr-'in postponed wliieli ( ruled id tlie , line, sueh as Cloth* of all shinies and qualities, Loudon and Domes- I'm r portion u! llio eelalu of llm lite IMoarJ Jordan, deceased, of offerfur Jolltncin<; Dry bonds, part receipts r tr session the State twice a icect fro::: EXt'tLYHES OF THE FEOEH.il. GOCEHA'JlEM'. of to -._ oj ne Triiiin and other »liicli maker their * ockvcrv llrun«tvick \\ win and Hales No. I and 2 en:ton Osnal.urjrs. I>:17," about . Tell and L\ Legislature,and jood*, complete, county, Vi. u iiitivcof Nottoway county, /j! SI'EECH OK or only jN.oOO.IiOfl these, ./ rr.'.T tut i est of the yrr.r and ore uttered, on their usual tonus, by the piece or package. considered an idiot, by iipplyin;* In Crenforil llu-lm", ndir.iiii-'rnlnr I lie Merchants' and Manchester Factories. MR MLRRAY, Kkstcckv, all lb se things, to tin* people, and lltev will rot be »m- TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION. April 16 112-41 ill' Glwird J.ifi! ,n, der-M. All letters In l»e directed ti> Union I.eve I, 7ilt) bales 5-1 and 5 *1 brown Shirtings and (Continued) upon the of debt" '» ~ " 3-d,7 S.4--1, by humbug epilheU ''public >posed r K,. -111r< ;ifr iMtus, auJ Three Dollars for six months'' Mecklenburg county, Va. CUAWFOKH HUGHES, iIn* o..od* made at the Lllrick The expenditure f»riiie South Sea Exploring Kxprdi and embarrassment." in advance. SFltLYU GOODS. .1!:ninL'ruti.r i .hrd'tn. Sheetings, comprehending "Tieasury ole J[HUSH " f l.itxard and Manchester tion consiliums another :iew; and, including tlie annual Thus much I Itave j- \!I Ki 's ! > this o:fie» m-ty bo remitted per moil, in good onid w K have reMve-l, by the last packets (roui Nctv York, a larre March Id Si-Jut Aleiehants' Factorirs, Petersburg, the thought proper (said Mr. M ) lo a tne risk unJ choice as-orimcnt of them l"i amount of $221,C">0, the estimated expense of the in , t ible Bin* notes, of the Editor; Hit postage uj cl1/ Spring Goods.many entiiely 5CT N ilioiml ftitelliynci r u ill plcin? copy. Factory, the Lawrence, Appleton, Nashua, VValthnin, j say reference to this dep >site of £>'jef,l01.0(k) witli tie a i s new in are, in part, its follows: for two and a half am runts to i/ paid' ."/ritem..(The postage of single letter style. They \ Mutch Court, Great and many o'lirr of the Northern years jftl,2".ill.IJXiexpeditionthe States, not for the purpose of to the act that account to the writer. is Lvlru super blue black and coloicd Cloths B UIIAXCKHI.Viboima,.Amelia county, Amnskeng, Falls, "<0 I or obj-cttng .:;ely of a.itr J; iho accumulated post wool-dyed fancy ISI'J: Factorirs shall neither enter upon any defence cendern gave rise to it, or of that it was as i tit 'x .n:ve on a serious tax . New wove »trip« Victoria Cassiincres I showing objectionable i. business, operates upoi style John J. 11 ,;u Ju*. nation of this Mr as it is not neci s a G-4 Drape i'» Ate for Gentlemen's Summer wear Johnson, chard M Johnson, Willi II. Juhnvon, en cast s bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, a choice measure, (said M..) measure at the lime it passed, hut fur the purpose of ;"ee Editor.) Guiiii und Catharine In* ^uauii und Johnson, to At the hist wmsinn 1 vr.ti d, the \ "»-ar for nine shall have thi French Ci.hueies audCrupoCnniblcIt wile, Johnson, Mary eary my present purpose. showing thai const-quencrs resulting from it ought y pay papers, annually, wove thread t'omjil linanta: supply. it is with those who were the enemies Super London striped Drillings.all IS cases brown and blrachrd Drillings, from various true, considered not to be laid at the feet of the Administration by any Do Brown and lawn-colored French do again*! of the for the restrictive clause the ex- and lihhed do Thomas IV. Webster, nliPiiiTnf Amelia,and as mmh ndininialra- factories measure, .limiting p.vty in this country. I was myself in favor of tins net TERMS OK ADVERTISING, Heavy ting'Lh, plain tor of June: Hannah Kcbccra John to a time and a reduction of r d-4 and 4 4 tine and French Linens Johnson, deceased; Johnson, 54 bales 7 ti and I 4 Red Ticks. periditiire certain, making "f deposits, not from choice, but from We ill* of sixt'i'it lutes, or less, tirst insertion, 75 cents; fo supettine plain *on, William lVitct.uu and hi* Thomas Jehn.cn. 3-4, in the it was more an necessity iptaro 0 cases fine nod extra super Irish Linens l.uey wife; IVy- 22 cam s 2-4 hltd 4 4 Domestic Plaids and $20,000 appropriation'; but from nail an immense in the and I was in .« r.intttace. SJ cents. tun Juiiiisuii, RnJAnn Johnson; Umaell, !,v- Ginghams, surplus Treasury, r- 6. 8, III and I'd I Irish and Sheelin; I'nlly Webster, f>ally j adherence to c rule which 1 had for favor of its i:|.M i'mi, i dtsu tee must ho accompanied wiin the advanci liainsley ilia Ann and llurn chiidicii of Jiunu ami 4-4.5 4 and t> 4 Apron and Futnituie Cheeks. prescribed myself. deposite for the purpose of avoid ng a much 1 e ise fine German Linen for Gentlemen's Drawer* Harnett, Agile* ll, Funny tt, that of for the of no money oilier ,, ,r < I' si'tco'V teforoii.'eSjto insure execution. deceased, iJi-iVnilanl*. bales and cases checked and ribbed, voting expenditure greater evil to grow cut of its a ilis 4 bales sopor Ticklcnhury and llow las laney striped, ii.n i., I.-.,. ....t ! .i likely appropriation by i" i .i .v'i lse aJv.Tti-in^ m tyauiuunl to $101) per annum, 'I'he Tlin*. I'-ilon Johnson, W The had cent. 0 do No 1 to 4 best German Burlaps defendant*, Johnson, Fully rioter, am! nlh< r colored cotton, worsted and woollen goods for Congress. people paid this surplus to defray a I oi DO ner cent: ami to ol"2D per . {,; u to mole $50, 2 do brow n and hleached Duck .'ally Uiiraeli, l.y.lia A. Iluim li, and Acne* itiinieil,not liavmcen- summer wear. condition n!' the 'I re usury than frmn any convictions the of the service. The Links were heavy ter.il their "in n a'*, in Ihf ai l men's and charges public t I 'rale No I to 5 host canvass Tadiiinj appearance mid security, urding .l hoys' adverse to llie of the 1 in all it the ami nf U.t* mid n s.iii-f,;c 10 bales and eases of nnd other Nankeens. objects expedition should, employing in most ruinous schemes of Truslr.es' Sale Real Estate 50 pieces tine and superfine Biown Dollar.d AsmuiMy rule* Court, appearing hy «.:y Georgia have it in its 1 am far of cviilci.'thai are not inhabitant* in tin* rtrdr-f. 21 bah-s Tiekh Ac probability, opposed inception; yet The had paid it (or no such purpose.sptculationIf a il««l of trust ntailo John Ad-ttisnni! Marytre t Ileal and munition Kussia Sheeting mid Crash limy country.I' Burlaps, Osnalmrgs, nburg. people Ep\ viitii -of by thai litre on the first of rhe rv-.\t June term of il.i« from satisfied that it is not a measure pregnant with left in the it was to to Jiilui li. now deceased, and the suiiSC'ihcr Id I Diaper and Dnin.tsk Table I.men they 0|ipciir day 2"" oases Irish l.trterts. Diapers, Lawns, lirovtn Ho|. being Treasury likely tempi into us ail'e, Smith, nail wnwrr llm lull o! the ih.it a of tin. j results, which he alike creditable to the na- an Congress i'. 'is ol the k »is it Is of the I'n.ted States, lic.ir e'»v 10, i) hv lit. 9 Id, lit 14, Id 15 Damask 'Table Cloth Court, pluinttii*.nn.l copy I.men important may inordinate and system of i. ,, :..r |. fit hy by hy forth* one of the d in lands, brown, bleached and ribbid Drillings, dangerous appropriations, to in tini* assorted order bu ith inserted in ne«spnpera pnhhslo plain and beneficial to commerce. Hut tiiat Coiistilu* n ai the 2J.I «) J.i't". ISIS, nn.t admitted Kccon! White and colored London Waiting* c lion my which was desirable to be avoided and ntuch to be lay ' llm of I' ii'hin.in.l. once a w> k for'.*.vo men'in and A the c '"ourt of Henrico, en the dl'h o Do I tlo do do .Marseilles city success:*ely, ents he ah!e to see itnd of the ,'s ulTt unity tl.iy a: the fionl door ol the Courthouse cl tin* III hairs real and imitation Itu-sia Shielings, Canvass may judge for themselves i.'|»>n principle I uas opposed to it, and ora »» county.