Arab Palestinian Resistance
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ARAB PALESTINIA ^^kH^^H ^^feli^ MONTHLY MAGAZINE VOLUME m - No. 10 10 1971 PALESTINE LIBERATION ARMY -. PEOPLE'S LIBERATION FORCES R A B ALESTINIAN RESISTANCE Volume III - No. 10 October 1971 CONTENTS Editorial 4 U.S. Involvement in the Middle East ft Four years of occupation, by: Felicia Langer^'i? Three poems, by: Samih El-Kasim 27 Palestine Question in World press 33 Palestine Diary by: Tousef Khatib 40 A.B.C. of the Palestine question 48 Israel Black Panthers by: Edmund Ghareeb 49 Resistance operations 64 Review of Events 68 Book Review : The Making of Israel Army 74 Questions and Answers : Israel and Human rights 80 Chauvinism and Racism in Israel . By: I. Dadiani 86 Documents : Security Council Resolution on Jerusalem 92 L. Militants who have taken up arms to fight the battle of liberation constitute the nucleus of the peo- ple's army, which will act as a shield protecting the rights of the Arab people of Palestine. Price per copy Correspondence: Article 30 of the The Editor, Palestine National Covenant Resistance, Syrian piasters 100 P.O.B. 3577 4/- Damascus, Syria $ 0.50 Editor: M. KHUKI L Editorial cal settlement, have continued to occupy Arab terri- In 1948 the United Nations, under pressure from the tories and have subjected the inhabitants of these United States, created Israel; and it has been busy with it territories to a regime of force, violence and terror. ", - and with the so-called Middle East problem ever since. In the West Bank, the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Gaza, Arab houses are demolished, Since its imposition as an alien and foreign villages are destroyed, land is illegally expropriated body in the Middle East region, Israel, which was and people are deported or imprisoned and tortured. established in the very heart of the Arab world For all this, the international community has through the uprooting of the Arab people of Pales- repeatedly censured the Israeli authorities. Israel in tine, has been the cause of endless violence, tension fact has been repeatedly condemned by the organs and strife. of the United Nations for acts of aggression and for With the increase of its military power through flagrant disregard of human rights and international the backing of world imperialism and the seemingly conventions. Most recent condemnation came from endless millions of dollars which are continually the UN Security Council, on September 25, in con- pumped into it by the World Zionist Organization nection with Israel's plan to Judaize Jerusalem. and by the imperialist powers led by the U.S., Israel But the time has come for a stronger deterrent has been following a policy of arrogance, expansion than mere condemnation. If the U.N. is to retain and aggression. some respect or influence in international affairs, Israeli aggression twice brought the world to sanctions should be applied against the aggressor in the verge of a devastating global war, first in 1956 the Middle East. • and later in 1967. And since 1967 the Tel Aviv authorities have obstructed all attempts at a politi- L. Zionism is a religious movement instead of a politi- cal one, and that this new nation is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Real Bible students know that the Jews forfeited all of the promises U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN THE made by God to the Jews when they rejected the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The Republic of Israel is MIDDLE EAST purelv the product of the political machinations of one political party—the Zionists—made up largely of atheistic Jews. Today, we find the Zionists trying to involve the United States of America in their feuds with the Arabs, whose land has been stolen by the Zionists. If America is to avoid being swept into the maelstrom of a nuclear confrontation in the Middle The following is a summary of an extensive study East and a resulting World War which would des- prepared for Liberty Lobby Board of Policy Members in troy all the fruits of Western culture and civiliza- the United States. It demonstrates the disastrous conse- tion, we must stand firm for a policy of neutrality quences to American interests of the present U.S. policy of and noninvolvement in the Middle East. blind support for Israel and the Zionist program. The study concludes with the warning that «only an Historians have already pointed out that informed American people can save America; and that they American intervention in the affairs of Europe in can save it only if all those to whom it is given to know 1917 only created new problems for America. Within will share their knowledge with others.» two decades, the fruits of the Versailles Treaty harvested the Second World War. Once again this time, by secret planning of President Franklin D. • The Problem Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill, ,,; , Many Americans are confused by various reli- the United States experienced its greatest military gious and political myths that surround the question disaster at Pearl Harbor, which led to our involve- of the formation and destiny of the so-called Repu- ment in the ancient quarrels of other nations. Yet, blic of Israel. Uninformed Christians believe that m spite of the sacrifice of thousands of American 6 youth and the expenditures of billions of the tax- in private gifts and contributions to Israel in the payers' money, no lasting accomplishment came out past year! This means the Zionists now are pouring of these two World Wars. more than a billion dollars a year into the treasury of Israel out of the United States money market, • American Support of Zionism and note well: These siphoned funds are tax-exempt, Our historical documentary proves conclusively deductible. Since 91 percent of all American tax- that Zionist leaders promised English politicians payers are non-Jewish, the financial drain by the that the U.S. would be pushed into World War I by Zionists adds to the tax burden of the couple of the international bankers in order for the Zionists hundred million U.S. citizens who are of the Chris- to secure the promise of any English government to tian faith! assist the Zionists in establishing a «homeland» re- B American Support of Israel Quixotic gardless of the rights of the Arabs. Secondly the The Zionist propaganda mills in this country facts prove that World War II was created out of are telling the American public that the U,S. must the seeds of hate sown at the Peace Conference at stand foursquare behind Israel, since Israel is a fine Versailles. Further, that undue pressure was put on example of democracy in action. President Truman to recognize the Republic of Actually this attribution of democracy is both Israel. It is self-evident that all of these facts dis- quixotic and untrue. In 1952 the Israeli parliament close how far the American government has strayed passed the Nationality Act, which served to codify from our traditional foreign policy of neutrality and non-intervention in the affairs of other nations. While many students of Zionism are aware of the above facts, at the same time most Americans are unaware of the vast financial resources diverted from our nation to the uses of political Zionism. Since 1948, and up to 1965, the total economic and military aid given by the United States govern- ment to the unlawful Zionist, bankrupt regime in occupied Palestine, amounted to $1,079,400,000. The World Zionist Organization, just a few weeks ago, issued a statement declaring that «world Jewry and its friends» have contributed over 2 billion dollars 8 existing discriminations and made the Arabs second- med forces to assist any such nation or group of class citizens. Under the provisions of the Act, all aucn nations requesting assistance against armed Jews in Israel automatically become citizens of the aggression from any country controlled by internal state; but not one of the Palestine Arabs (240,000 of communism.)) them) who remained in the country can gain citi- The true status of Zionist control of Congress zenship without first proving his residence in Pales- has been revealed many times by the willing con- tine before May 14, 1948. At the same time, many gressional signatories of petitions for aid to Israel. of the Arabs who remained in their ancestral homes The most telling vote occurred on December 15, 1970, were uprooted from their villages along the borders when the Senate was considering sending $500 on the basis of «security» and were paid nominal million in aid to Israel (conveniently misnamed by sums for their properties. the press the «Cambodian Aid Bill.») On that date, On top of the forced sale of their property, the the now-retired Senator John Williams of Delaware Arabs were placed under strict military rule. Re- introduced an amendment to put the same restric- ports disclosed that by the end of 1980 more than tions on aid to Israel that the Senate had placed on 250,000 acres of A.rab land were appropriated by the aid to Cambodia — namely, that no troops shall be State of Israel. All of this took place, of course, in a sent. Senator Church, a hysterical «dove» on Viet- nation which the Zionist-kept press of America nam, moved to table (kill) the Williams amendment. declares to be «a shining example of democratic The vote to kill the amendment was 10-20, with 20 action.» abstentions. This vote can be interpreted in no other • Sending American Troops Overseas way than as a tacit approval of sending troops to Israel. Many pro-Zionists in this country will argue that we shall never send American boys into the H Innocent American Aggression Mideast.