News. in Brief
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Rahnianwasd!1,~ined .~~t1~~i~t'~ii,<:\;~:'> r/" . I ! ~, some months ago.' ,';·,d" , ._ ..... _, ..... ,., ..: .. 'f /.,.j I The owner o{.the.,9therjlouse, i!!. a '1llagE!near Na,blus,is th9ught to .' " Oli/est and Lsrgiist'i/fnYlo4ewlsh W6Bk~1i1W"stern C~ada ',., .• '. ' Ii'® J v' 'j'; • ~ havefl¢d to' Jo~n' after three .0thEir·iJ!emhers'0( his group Were Candia lighting tlma FrldaYls":1~ p.m;' .Shabbat encis:,5:20 p.m. By mall In Western Canada $10 / ~ , .j arrested. .' ", .. , , .' ... ' ... ' '. '. ' '~.- "'.' '" ,.." Vol. UV No. 47-48 21. 1978 21 Days In Kisiev , .;:;;: " · 'Felicia Langer, the Israeli Communist lawyer, obtained a Supreme WU\~"'IPEG. THURSDAV',I?E~EIIII~ER 'b ". /'. /' Court stay on the demolitions, but by the time she notified the military authorities, the demolitions had already been carried out. , Mter the demolitions, the villagers complained to the Red Cross and . , ~. ,/ :, newspapermen, while women danced and chanted .slligansiri support of i . Yasser Arafat, the Palestine Liberation Organization.Jeader. ,// \ Jerusalem (JCNS) - Israel's Education Minister, Ze"ul~. ~mmer, , i. has turned down an emotional appeal by representatives of:thttN~tio,nal I!' Committee of Parents to have high schools; now hit by the five week . :;:, teachers' strike, re-opened at lea!!t for. matriculation ,students, ,Mr. ! ' . Hammer, said that· he did Ilot want to be I!cc~ed,of ~tt!lmpting to break , the teachers' strike forcibly, However, he reass'ilredparents that ,, , .: i matriculation students "would not suffer," and allowances would, be I' ; , , made by examiners because ofth!llay-offs, . J But as reflected in grass roots meetings ar6und the country this week, · more and more parents are desperate that a protracted strike will hurt '-~ , six-formers, who will not nave a cliarice to complete 'thliirstuwes before .~' being drafted into the Army !lext summer. '. i ",. Geneva (JCNS) - Serge Klarsfeld, a Paris Jewish lawyer whose father was murdered by the Nazis in Auschwitz, has lodged a judicial com plaint, accusing one Jean Legay of "c~e against humanity." The In· ternational League Against Antisemitisri'iilnd Racism.(LIGA) is ,associ- ateti.with Mr. Klarsfeld in the complaint. ." "" 'E*erprts'eritctg~;;tt~CiD ~i1d;~ldaMei~'1~id~lufeaWitti\iP~~t;-Whit~:· The complilint was lodgeti .onbehalf of the parents of the Jewish vic House correspondent Trude at the . Fei~an. '. timeofher8oth~irtbday..,'- ", - . tims rounded up and herdedinio~the.VeloMonie d'Hiver in Paris on July 16 and 17, 1942. l A total of 75;000 Jews, other French citizens and foreigners, were then .'[. ~~; GoldaMeir wi*h S~ra Feder-Key~ deported to concentration camps, . ~ ~; fltz,.1933.Bothwere early leaders Mr. Legay was the personal assistant of Rene Bousquet, the '~. ~,. ofPiilneer· Women in the U.S., as secretary-general of the French police during the Vichy regime. ,1" well as teenage members of Poale " Zion dlll'iJlg school days, in London (JCNS) '- Mrs. Ziona Schuldhess, a 34-year-old Swiss-Jewish Milwaukee., specially flew here· for the birth of her baby because. she believed she could not give it her chosen names of Baruch Yehuda. The baby was born here and was registered as a British cltlzen. Before leaving Heathrow Airport, Mrs. Schuldhess explained: "In some parts of Switzerland I would not be able to call my baby Baruch Yehuda, although the names are common in Israe1." Mrs. Schuldhess now lives in Italy with her artist husband Jorg. There is no Swiss law on the matter. Each application depends on the decision of the local authorities, and each town and canton has a register of "desirable" French, German or Italian names, according to the language of the area. Paris (JCNS) - Baron Guy de Rothschild has been re-elected president of the Fonds' Social Juif Unifiee by. a large majority at a meeting of the organization's national council here. The council meets every three years, A total of7B21 votes were cast, ,, and Mr, de Rothschild's list obtained 66 per cellt oftheMill.. Electedor · returned to office on the same' list were David ''de R6tbschild, Professor Ady Steeg, Professor Albert Najman, Jacques Attali, Maitre Robert Badinter, Mme, Nicole Goldmann, and Gerald Israel. " ' .. Jerusalem (JCNS) - Representatives of the Bene Yisrael Congregation in Israel - Jews who settled from India - have petitio!led the Indian ,.,I· Prime Minister, Moraji Desai, urging him to establish' fun diplomatic relations with Israel. This, they'said in a special letter to Delhi, was an , . '.' Mrs. Meir with Henry Kissinger during one ~f her fr!lquent~isstons' to The young Golda. opportune moment for such a step. the United Stat!ls. " ,f " ,I." Israelis, Dut~h Angered 1\ )f "'", :, Over Release• of Mentefih _ . .; " , .' :', .,; -,"; '<-. • Jerusalem' (JCNS) - israeliS, Partisans against the Nazis has ~: ~,.-. • particularly those who suffered sent a cable to the Dutch govern under the Nazis, are shocked and ment, protesting at.' Menten's . !mgry at the decision of - The release. , . H!!gue court to free the Dutch Haviv Canaan, a Haaretz jour , .. millionaire art collector, 79-year nalist who played a leading part in old Pieter Menten, who was sen efforts to bring Menten to j~\!ie, tenced to 15 years' 'imprisonment said he believed the real reason in December 1977, on a charge of for hi~ release was 'Menten's complicity in the mass execution threat to "divulge details of those , of 28 Polish Jews in Podlioroce in Holland who col1aborat~dwith village in July 1941, while serving the Nazis." . with the Nazi forces. The Dutch, ; Supreme Court had ruled that There was also allger in Amster-. ,.", ;~- . Menten be re-tried. ' dam against the court's decisi9n, ,",' ' , , , Thera was Ii demonstration at the ,'. -:;. ., The Hague court decided that .[ ~, Dokwerker monumennh tM heart , ," ., , j'- ., , " Menten cannot be prosecuted for i ., of the city: The monument, in a .. '- '_':,- i'., "":-.' .. , . war crimes. A promise by the " ,.' . ,-, '." -,'"', .:"-" .. ": .:. '.,: . former Jewish neighborhood, _ . , . X ~. ' Ministry of Justice in 1952 had conunemorates a $trike by Dutch , "", made him immune from , 1.- ;-' Golda Meir, at the time II Knesset Member, listens are Abba Eban, who headed the. Israeli delegation, workers m 'ij'ebruary 1941, in '. prosecution, protest at the Nazi persecution of inten~yto the United Nations debate In the after and Gideon Rafael, another MK. , math ,of the 1967 Six J)ay War. Seated in front olher 'The Association of Wartime Jews. ' - . " , ,";~:':,':' .·:t;-::~·:_-r':l';.·::~-' ., . " ,",'- - : -.:'._: .',' :.,' 1818 .....-' :-.- ..... .' ,'. ",'\"'''' ., .- ~., ...L __ -'--_,~_ .. _._._..... .._ .. ~ .•.. _, .-'•. '.-,-.,,,,-_'.! _,,~ ...·,~_·.,,_·~_.o -"-,-- ----~-.-.