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a 11 N I EIYANCIIi I FINAIXCIAU F AI FINANCIAL I BEEF CASES w tnpcw w wWtP W LnMU PI MOODY ON THE January Jones Discovers I TEN YEARS FOR 4TTOJr I ICrEInIJ IlOPF IT411l- 1 iiUlId TillS Great Gold Mint Va 8 REAL ESTATE the Pair Pin RNlulrtl The Story of My Wonderful 1l waiuiiic In Kuiprnic tu Holil Our JuilRmenU AtlltuilP nf till Aliiilnlitr tlon- Tilt MORTGAGESW- Succe3s J- Uxplalnc1 In a Speech at Nabuit on the ia 22 Attomoydeneral offer first mortgages on coffee plantations situated rl Jy outing of the e I Moody In IIn nddrell at tho Island of Porto Rico based upon 50 of the actual present value Club of Dorchester Uncoln RePJb lean of the land for periods running from five to seven years at 8 per tht afternoon made It plaIn and Reads a Fairy t annum The Island ol Porto Rico is under the government Lie Tae 7- w to bo no lettip in the proeecii at the laws of the and Investments there are Y 01 of the Chicago beef packers now undor subject to M lion In York The planters nt and that there i a powl just as secure and stable as the State of New vinclng Truths Hilly that the trlajs may be held during are willing to pay 8 for money for the simple reason that they the pTMeO ear are now paying a much higher rate to the foreign houses operating- been urged by the club ¬ Mr had Island This money Is to be used In paying off the old mort causes for the Invest in the to speak upon tho Improving Indictment of gages purchasing modern machinery and otherwise the An Opportunity of lifetime gatlon led up to the a trust Ho said property Before there was a stable government on the Island and bf com were always secured planters were forced- There has been an occasional when titles to property not for the Investor in which that upon ubject the to pay 30 to 40 and even 50 interest for loans guaranteed by l keen Inerest I have I public naturally take a mortgages Now with the lands and products increased In value withheld facto which MAC LEVY as they desire to pay oil the unreasonable loans at the same time using people have n right to know Muoh the of justice new money also for the extension of the coffee industry Por this of the work of the department willing to pay 8 per annum for money and give TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT only I done efficiently when It reason they are out la the loan good security and high t u done quietly and In secret It a first mortgage to secure The At line between not easy to draw the facts rate of interest make this an extremely desirable investment t confided to the public I ask every readerof this paper to write us I want to send you imy which to be the SpanishAmerican War millions upon millions of time being In the Since Success and those which for the been invested In the tobacco and sugar lands free book entitled Ten years The Story of My Wonderful ¬ American capital have justice ought to be with ¬ interest of public ¬ opportuni- I Cuba The American Tobacco Company alone through the con- It tells about one of the greatest and most promising investment held from It I can only say that have in j Commercial Company the Bock Corpora ¬ less 2500 triad to draw tho Una sioly In the public solidation of the Havana ties ever offered It tells how my business grew from than f I recognize fully the other large tobacco companies in Cuba has 1 Interest and that tion and many of the capital to its present proportions- ultimately In due ¬ right of the people and Invested many millions of dollars by outright purchase or by mort- standpoint j know and judgo of tho conduct I believe I have the best proposition from an investors 3 MsOfl to gages on tobacco lands in Cuba Yet Cuba except In so far as the servants men Y oftheir government of the island is controlled by the Amendment- that could be before you For ten years I have been teaching There ha been so much not unnatur I Plat as to the attitude of th is a foreign country The coffee lands of Porto the famous and women to live according to the laws of Nature My book is the history of Cuba and the vineyard lands of the Rhine have Administration toward the proceedings tobacco lands of my life It shows what energy and ambition can accomplish in the Chicago hero resulted In Indict for generations possessed a value constantly increasing and a world ¬ that wit world of affairs It is intensely interesting to any man or woman who rnente against the beef packers wide reputation- approval of tin President I have cor tie titles are examined and guaranteed by the Porto Rico Ab ¬ has a few to invest in a legitimate enterprise that a brief review of all the prc The dollar eluded Title and Trust Company San Juan Porto Rico amounted nrdincb which have led up to the prefer stract Guarantee I started business in the City of Brooklyn in 1896 My capital may Improperly be under fituntioii not to less than 2500 My first years business netted me over 100000 t taken Th Is can ho done without Impalrin PORTO RICO COFFEE PLANTERS THE years ago the jut rislits of those who lire under acc Last year I paid dividends to my partners of 15 per cent Five patton who must by fundamental principle PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION- misdoing grown so large that I was compelled to remove to larger t presumed to he Innocent of all JANUARY JONES OF GOLDFIELD T WELCH A COMPANY my business had adj- P connection unleM after hearing they have been FISCAl AGENTS quarters I am now at 6365 Clark St Brooklyn N Yin udged guilty A 91 WALL STREET NEW YORK St George Experts pronounce my Institute to be the best Tne rat then reviewed th HE DIVIDED MILLION with Hotel over million dollars worth of high grade goldbearing- event learling up to the Indictment of th January Jones took a of kind in the country I estimate the equipment of The rock out of the January mine of Goldfield Nevada year man appointed its packers H suM that during the Inveati absolute bel- in 100 with him in that venture received 10000 in return This is an worth least 4000000 nation persons whose testimony wm put Mac Levy Institute of Physical Culture to be at ieved to ho of importance fled to Canada bona fide statement accommo- Less than three months ago Jones organized the Bullfrog Eclipse Mining Co I want to have a building of my own that will enable me to Europe some of thorn under assumed I VI and of which ho became In one day Jones put out 100000 of ran that the Grand Jury returnei- of Bullfrog Nevada I advise the purchase I business To erect this building I need capital but 1 to till comers at 15 cents date increasing mo indictments shares of treasury stock of the par value of SecuritiesT- i Influencing of 00 cent on the Stock Marconi proportions them with secreting or corruptly sharo It is now selling nt an AMERICAN NICKELst- more important than thisto increase my business to the < DI Attorney any one who bought stock wants to soil it back Iitn e and Exchange Board if that sound investment that women throughout the instructed as follows when giving t the full advance SlOOOOorc in streaks ock as a safe I which I desire I need the cooperation of men and ken to Jones ho tand ready to take it nt in value and pay foundation on which to build the Grand Jury the advice it a vein about 10 feet wide of unknown great will increase he 41 expressing an has been opened on the and dividends country and the world lie should refrain from depth and length that will average JfiOO per ton has also been developed substantial opinion upon the facia or to new Sassy Valuable information mailed free OP SUCCESS 14 January Jones has just taken over another great propertythe y COOPERATION IS THE SECRET nent of the jurors one or the FRANK POOTON Stock Ilrokrr06 Hrnmt to dll Goldfield ¬ other that he shoul advise them Sal mine of You 1 through- 4J i I recognize it believe that with thousands of cooperators all clamor rumor or pre- SALT- I conceived opinion and to base their SASSY I my business to tremendous proportions to the COLDEN ground duo west BONDS F P Ward Co out the country can build or failure to upon the evidenc Sassy Sal consists of 40 acres of mineralize situated SALE PUtT OK SlWOOO Bankers evi he mines of have already WK OFFKtt roll or myself I More them Including the of the famous Jumbo Combination and January that Issue 6 FIRST GaL Wall St Exchange Bldg New York- benefit of shareholders and den which be incriminatory but LtJMUER Y ol Mlulsslpul whose llOOivS produced millions COIP m ttoOUrt per is incorporated under the laws of New York also have an i lodge ore says Mr Jones that traverses the Sassy Sal bow NET ot 0 The Mac Levy Company that which t i of l for the conservative tendency he advise the Gran nearly 1500 feet found distinctive evidences MONTH This proposition of Physical that should property for a distance of made lnvc tor and Invrstliatlon- for They are proprietors of The Mac Levy Institute Jury to only where the evidenc distance to permanency of the great deposit of gold I have CRAUTRI Murl Lincoln Trust Co- A NEW YORK BANKING HOUSE 15000000 on the lodge at HAKtlll apply to- Wore it proved opinion beyond rea a that show values as high as ton St Mo Tor full Information Culture and The MacLevy Gymnasium Equipment Company- ponahle the variousaI points on the claims have proved beyond doubt the continuity of the same for E Luis Astor llous WILL ENGAGE A GENTLEMAN OF con- law and that that body to be the full of 1500 feet I of Mac Levy Company is comparatively- I SELL ULOCK OF STOCK In developed WIDE EXPERIENCE wno CAN SELL The last named branch The i vinced before indicting any corporation o is notable too that the trend of the main vein from northwest to southeast WILL Two sue It veins of the Jumbo and gold mine In outturn Arizona for II200U establish such department- individual of its or is exactly tho same as thrf trend of the producing hundred Dionsatul inns rich ore In night Am BONDS TO PRIVATE INVESTORS new I have been at work for several years to certainty as would lead in case the famous mines of Goldfield millions The formation Installing mill Six months hence now In two ADDRESS NEW YORK BANKING Culture The most difficult part of ere on before it on the same evidenc Is Identical with that of the other properties and there is a particularly present Investor can sell for 2000 and in connection with teaching Physical now S7500C Strictest Investigation Invllnl the vxrclinf of convlcMon between the Sal and the January mine K C HOUSE BOX 822 N Y QTY II- marked bank If act P 0 accomplished The business The was further in gioh tftt producer in the whole reference forming the Equipment Company has been District ranks a probably the Gold HAUDON 31 West tIc St t Knitted that If any Indictments were votei 1 say IB the one the greatest mines of the marvelous WAITED Fiscal agent to finance large mlnlrg company In- ¬ on a large scale Hundreds of thousands by toe Grand Jury he with the asalstancd- field camp am to develop it for myself and for those who buying excellent opportunity for agent and is now in condition to be pushed I January a INTEllUST vestors Address Sun office o Mr utmoet care and the treasury shares along the same lines employed to make the nlVIttENIK AMI equipment The lllrence should draw in form the producer- of dollars are spent yearly on new gymnasiums and their on Sal TED CUITEK COMPANY Indictments and that if indictment We are to bottom of this goldImpregnated formation h luos IYSTIU tTiorv to ou aa In this 49 Broadway New York A Company of this kind has an immense field in which were returned into court they should and what cornea up lathe bucket is and a stockholder meetlnr ot the Directors the Amalgamated profits are large ae mining I say The is than the Pen Ate of ONE Teachers Agencies brought to trial at a day the latest enterprise iner Company a dividend ANt Is Mac Levy Gym- ¬ n of the would and a dig ores to make the stockholders of Sassy QUART H CENT was declared wcrk Competition slight It is evident that The court and so pick will from the IIXH to stockholders of to was regard for th many payable August Jxtlj TEACHERS AGENCY consistent with the due Sal richer 3 P M Thursday July JJtli The K Miriam Cuyrlcrc Agency ISO 6th av New Mining Company been incorporated under the laws of P M Company can build up an enormous business The Gol Sal has loa Transfer books cloa at 3 York city makes a of conscIentIously nasium Equipment In closing Mr Moody wild It U mi capitalization of 1000000 into 1000000 of the value Thursday July 27th 100 and reopen at to oclock- furnishing to full Information of gxud- Steeple- ii Arizona with ¬ Levy Company operates during the summer months at The Mac J hope indictment of 1 each nonnsswsablo Through tie Jones Explora A U Monday August llth scliuoiH and Instructors In all branches Eslab- n president a ¬ A MELI Secretary Treasurer llslied 1860 may be to trial curren tion Company of Goldfield Nevada of which is Coney Island and at Arverne Hotel ArvernebytheSea f year In the meantime both the prin ment Sal stock is for subscription at 25 cents a is believed that chase Park 1 re- 1 gets well way Schools of Elocution and Dramatic Art of law and a sense of fair every share of this stock will be worth as soon as development work under iloipltal to Uo Enlarged Brooklyn Institute It also does n extensive mail quire sun advances New York L I as well as at our us all to hold our judgments in and JC ver one to STAGE Practical training for the stage I> flied Building ns The action of wa Send reservations and remittance to JANUARY JONES EXPLORATION Plans have boon with TiE months MininuT course students live and exercise My application ¬ thnc I teach people how they should the result of an ex arte investigation St New York Illustrated prospoctusee and further partlculalll can be had on Superintendent Hopper for tho enlarge taking this course wilt Ixufslstcil in securing tn business student The accused have not been amphitheater on the the coming sfuson circulars 5 United States and in English speaking ment of the YORK SCHOOL or An ING 20 Fast MJ are scattered allover the are each and all to be presumed innocent wing New York That foll- top of the east of the for HOUNDED JY A UNION SWIFT TRAINS TO 7rOCK4Tr4r Schools Physical A PROBLEM ows them until the case has been Hospital in West Fifteenth street Into a for Culture upon hope that faced brick with fire- ¬ a com-¬ jj the trial Let us Wherever Grose Went He Could Npl Get o to S3 linen an Hour Made Over Part edifice of SCIENTIFICALLY TAUGhT which arises in the mind of every man and woman is how to secure verdict will he a declaration of trull of the Line proof galleries and floors and walls of SWIMMING PHOKKSSOK UALTON In Employment W St- years of their life that they may reap the full fact as It is in name and tile It Is to have an ornamental Y OATHS or 23 44tii fortable income in the earlier jj CHICAGO July 22 racy to drive a Further progress was made yesterday prosecution- in the teats the Long Island Railroad i and cabinets for the tttorage of which such an income affords MoTpjiifnti of Naval VwseU man to suicide and malicious surgical Instruments The Improvements IIUNIVlUiK CIIANCIX benefits fourteen mem- ¬ making of its new electric equpmcnt 0 WASHINGTON July 22 Tho tug Rooket have been charged against are to cost 20000 according to t no there are hundreds of people in moderate Glass Workers the Rockaway Beach Livision It Is ex- Trowbriugo A Livings WANTED A young man seeking business with I have long thought that has arrived at Washington the gunboat bers of the International of the architects 10000 to IMwtt to with advertiser In Automo- ¬ charges are pected that by Wednesday trains operate ad- like to invest a few dollars in an Institute of this Topeka at Sanchez the tugs Uncaa and Association in Chicago The ton bile sales biulncu In New York and vicinity circumstances who would for 20000 dam ¬ by electricity will be in regular service 01 vertiser can furnish highest class references horn Osoeola at Pensacola the Newarl in connection with a suit well known parties as to his InteKrll and kind It is to such people that I intend this announcement shall appeal- Superior Court today tho section from Flatbush avenue to Rock MARINE INTELLIGENCE I In principals ad- sod Atlanta at Dockland the Penns- ages begn in the nf tile business view public- men mentioned away Beach The line tested yesterday dress MOTOR W4 Broadway I am offering a block of the Treasury Stock of this Company to the ylvania at Newport cruiser Dixie at against the union ALMANAC THIS DAT the Bay MIKUTCItE S 01 Bona filing of the damage suit by Mor- Included the long trestle over Jamaica rises1117- wish the nboat Wolverine Cheboygant- With the sun rUe 4U3 Sun sets 7J11 Moon COLNTBY BOARD at its par value My reasons for doing this are that to erect a build- he Maroellus at ris Grose former treasurer of the Chicago from Ozone Park to Hammels Elecmca niois WATsn ran OAT IP 10561 119- business of The Mac Levy Institute of Physical Culture Hopkins at Rockland the battle branch of the association Is revealed a Superintendent S Wells of the Ion Sandy HookU2iCov Id Hell Gate PORTLAND CONN If you want to spen ing and to extend the j7 was charge of trip your In good healthful and Kearsarge and etory of alleged union persecution extending in the vacation a cool the collier nt Hampton the and Chief Inspector Joseph Burke was ArelTfd SATUBDAT July n on ground among the hills of Connecticut and The MacLevy Gymnasium Equipment Company years In that time Grose 11 plenty of shade good fruit frcsii mlllr and destroyer Sterling agl10 and the over nearly three on the A to fifty ft Rotterdam tank Henr July with at compelled to become NsCoamo Juan July IS rood boatIng Usblnr wrlC for par PARTNER- gea navy New hn has been five miles cm hour was maintained 17- MRS ali X I WANT YOU AS MV fUr at yard My Ss limlila Tileslc Juno tlculars from the union and to flee from Five trains between Woodhnvon Junction Quito ferry July B- an outcast Ss Naples The cruiser has sailed from Chicago to make a living for himself and and Flatbush avenue will be run on schedule Ss Prince July 4 I need your help and suggestions I want you to work with me and Monte Monday Tuesday six Ka Cerea Glrr nil June 15 B4VK STATEMENT t CristI for Guantanamo the time on and on trains July 17 ship his aged mother tn to make sure that there Ss itavana of new business Solace from Guam for Honolulu and of union at the will be run St Monroe Norfolk July 21 help to secure a tremendous amount Grose was treasurer the hitch when tho now line is IS- The weekly bank statement today showed Alabama Illinois lowe money will be no thrown Ss lAnsing Port Arthur Tex July IM Brook when tho disappearance of open to the public on Wednesday- Ss Kl New Orleans 17 a very large expansion of loans which wa if you could talk with me personally and go over the and the cruisers time July 10 I believe that ITO Chattanooga Galveston and Taooma and valuables from safe deposit vaults in Sa Kansas dIr Savannah natural owing to the low rates for money Iron throughout which I done see in black and white the figures for Annapolis the Masonic Temple attracted attention New Corporation SUITED OCT which prevailed the week o records of the business have New York at Gibraltar account of liberal offerings of funds su- Perpetrators of the thefts escaped unde ALBANY July 22The OGara Coal Ss Slavonla trom experienced Army and Navy Ss from New York at Rotterdam to the Japanese loan The Increas which show the steady growth my business has during the Order iected and un lehed and Grose it is Company of New York formed to carry Sa from Yew York al bscribe WIIHIVOTON was a little over 19000000 while cast July 52 These army orders have said became Indirectly one of their victims on mining was incorporated today Ss rohtabelle from New York at St Thomas examine my plans for future extension and then look over kra Issued money of WM holdings were virtually unchanged Deposit past ten years AI the capital Is 8000000 and the directors- AILID rnOM rOBBION rOKTI- dpi Pltrre c Stevens paymaster from Sa in a vault in the Masonic When- The were 18003000 The net results of al of my Institute you would want no further 10 St Paul of Grose It OGara Lawrence J Walsh Arthur Ss Umbrla from for New York changes was a falling off of 14500000 In sur- the magnificent equipment an accounting was demanded are T F Ss from for New York George T Itoltowsy ptymuter trot was A St Paul tie yor cIty to developed the cash on KnoWles and W Browerton of Chicago Ss Potsdam for New York plus reserve which Is about IIS000000 a this business would bring you the greatest SI embezzling York evidence that money put into MjO eler R eur 490 e was accused of it Kerr of Clearfleld Pa D Ss Dlueeber from Doulogne for New with JO000OJO a year ago and cI eon from SII FTfl James compare Ibmlllon N Y He denied the charge and laid the theft RusacU and A B Kerr of rOow tork Ss Astoria from Glasgow for New York two The prln with safety and good management- LintCot A Loverlng FourtiJ- Sa firemen from Bremen for New York possible returns consistent Leonard to tbe of to the thieves Other companies incorporated were for New York clpal cause for the above showing was the charges followed before of Ss from of loans from the trust companies JJwJCol Robert K Evans to the Fifth In Embezzlement United Sa La Touralxe for New York you write for my free book I believe it will interest you Jury o was arrested An Hempstead Nassau County capital 10000 Si Koenliln Louise from Gibraltar for New York to the banks I ask that the Grand New York The weekly statement of averages of the enl C Hod es Jr to the Infantry anti trial folloWed and a Jury directors I N Potter of P F Ss Ilulcarla from for Why let idle riTE FItsurgeon indictment t Ss Print from for New York Associated of the City of el York You have a few dollars that you want to invest it stand Rent V- assistant from prisoner The treasurer Collier E Cowdln and Perry Belmont Queenstown for New York last week raxcla to Ion MCIICUnJ Md acquitted Ss Celtic from compares as follows with of was lIed from of New York and the corresponding week one year earning only 3 or 4 per cent that Savings Banks pay their depositors union and compelled to relinquish his S k W Baumanof New York to conduct OUTOOWO STUMSHtra- VEOcr LOSES GARDEXER- the week 1004 HIS work in Chicago department stores capital 250000 directors SjU Tomarrotr ala Tilt icetk Lest with mine This Company ought to pay at least sought other Bauman MaO Vtttili Loans liw36eoo iio7808ioo iOMM95o Put it to work Join it Banker For Grose William and Deposits 1177SHJOO 11M018200 120M497CI le Holds the Hand of fits Aged Chicago and even aban Wolfl of Now York Emi close Sail employment in 8 00 Pit 489U5ou 4 lS7lOO sulSJta TWENTY PER CENT DIVIDENDS Employee M He Passes Away as a gl factor And took Monroe Norfolk aoopuI- Wherever he turned IroquoIs Charleston Specie 320I80SOO 2 I62IOO J658i44Ci GMEJWICH Conn July 22 Joel Charles up other employment Bank Clerks Eleet Offlcen Still Tuiltav Ju V K woaifrOO Kl115700 within one year 71 of his and MoiSu- years old who years there was 2 ¬ Kurfuerst Bremen OOOA U for thirtyseven discharged MINNEAPOLIS Minn July The Ameri- Grower COM for my book today NOW had been demand was made that be be Liverpool 12 mTotreien 509700500 S00777WO 85007041 Write a gardener to Banker E C Bone declares of Bank Clerks today elected DSOAM M recjdr ZU434UMO 289754550 SCOtWfct diet whenever he got work he can Institute lOP flea his last following officers G H Richards Hamilton Norfolk M MAC LEVY the Surplus 14940050 1 5MS50 JMCOOCC i bile hiding the hand of Mr Benedict In HANDS WASTED Minneapolis president W Irving Day Satt Wednesday July 28 to 00000 FARM Rattle Liverpool M The changM for the week are as follows PRESIDENT OF THE MAC LEVY CO Inc grasp Gangrene caused Mr George 8MiM lOP H They New York first vicechairman Osceola Artentlna Loan Inc 10U58tf harlesa death Some years ago Mr ThIs State reeds nat Number and the institute secretary of Oratcla 8 30 A M 1JOO- inc 1SSMUC 6365 Clark St Benedict Season Paloma Matsnsas 1230 P M M100PM CIrculation J43lSO otfereci Command SilO to 3 0 a Allen ¬ 12 MM- J lee J to release him from his Can Frank C Downey Indiana- Comis New Orleans F 70 Brooklyn N Y wes at Indian now information Jefferson Norfolk 300PM inc 40 Dept Harbor and give him a AIBANT July 22A polis treasurer There are a number of 300PM- Dec 870- KnMon I the State Charleston Legal tenders hut the old man refused bureau has been established by for different stations of the Coma Galveston anopM Two Inc WANTKU FKMALE 1F months I under a law country which are left to be selected by TotalrMtrve 2l7C FEMALE hELL ago he was taken to hi Department of Agriculture Surplus Uec 457SblO HELP WANTED led and for the dis- ¬ the chapters from those sections OteoMilco srIswsnIrs Ir Benedict often visited hIm winter Dui The amount of United States dcpoMls ShOWn ifteen and to Totan statement Is 105M a c FEATHERS Bright FANCY FEATHERS minutes before ho died he called semination of farming statistics British King Antwerp July In this weeks ol FANCY for Mv Girl Before Auto and U Run Over July II since last week If these deposits were wanted Apply alt week si Benerlict His daughter telephoned help farming counties secure field 8ttp Hubert from the aggregate given the surplus learners paid while learning IspInced hands t the G In automobiles Comal n July I deducted F CO dying supervisors- John Dale a dealer at 18- tl7OSl575 10 mans wish to Indian Harbor labor Replies received from Saratoga Nassau Jul would I CO 721 Broaiway Ti0 Fiftyeighth street while running 11115 2- tnt from last week In the cash L HENRY InInlAli later the Benedict was who have been asked to send 219 West Bayarno H vnna individual banks and their loans are GOVERNESSES French Wail and others Rluiow- Jul 7II held by a Indies companion motherless chil- ¬ the door A sick show a machine through West Fiftysecond Caledonia fancy fovcrnvts smile Illumed the mans information to the Department that Chilmette nalveston July n follow toana FANCY hands on dren speaking 5 nt face 88 Mr 60000 hands and street yesterday knocked down and ran July 5 Cnl feathers best prices paid work for the season Philippine Islands for e Benedict entered the room New York wants farm July 20 nank of Nrw York Inc t 4ooo Ino Broadway HO Annie ONeill of 760 Comanche Jacksonville nec 271000 Dec zuClua a governess music Cur Benedicts hand and his command from 150 to 250 over Is flank of Man Com 22OO vacancies drawing lite ° Pafled that they can avenue Dale took the child to Finance Coon JulS Merchants NatIonal Inc Ore for September Mr Benedict loft the place or more Tenth Dec Dec I GOVEBNESSBS companions Mexico Rock nature an led Immediately DONOVAN season Oswego has twelve and gave himself 1 Mechanic NatIonal 7oi 30 St e tears and with offers to do any a Roosevelt Out romarroir- of Inc S9JJOO Inc 752700 away summer travelIng EDUCATIONAL AGENCY llth Es thing poseibla farms and there = paying he was running sum- l years Send for circular for the family The burial ooalled abandoned to a lic man Helllc Olar Copenhagen 3uly National Inc ROUOM Inc governess kIndergartner mothers assistant I tullsbtd tomorrow from St such in other l slowly when the girl ran in front of car Ztelsnd Antwerp Jul National Dec 3 5JOO nee 53eoo mer nls teachers are county child She is Bremen 3113 I25 National Dec W1W9 flee housekeeper wanted MISS HOPKIS Church his of Providence Saratoga One over the Mall 15- dallatln I I MTtA IONS AM > MAU mruu to recent The > July Dec 07S 03 flea Union Square u r w 11 be < as Internal Injuries- Rottenam- American UxNat AGENCY The had been a Protestant farm lands which suffering from PoMeaux- Jicir In IlAnk of 4sn5iw Inc n hit has Adiron- Frlrka 15 ComInc M MAN 54 years old already employed faith changed to of his chU- 2 acre This is near the Kl Itlo Dalventon- July Inc 70050D Inc 148000 NECKWEAR OPERATORS on mens YOUNG n that as an 20 Mercantile atonal or tour evenings a cek for he wanted county an important niviiBtlfl KlBBler City house Comus New Orleans Nat of In 4BJWX Inc 362500 neckwear BRAND Si Union Square rtolrts tn work three al b toe to be buried dacks Ta tuly Inc IM7700 Inc Building light or any clerical work best refer f aide of his deceased employs Stills Curacao Hanover National Reliance 120 wife and children milk center filed with Building K- 1 Dec I00mo Deo- 544600 iCn furnished Address L A N I box Sun nedlct said I a demand for more Plans have been Due Tundnv July Citizens Cent Nat I dee and family are dairies and July 15- Com Ixrtianfe Inc R270W Inc soooo I WANTED Ynuni woman measuring 34 Inches olllce a desirable emi- Hopper for the remodeling Kronnrlnz Vllhelm Bremen nJ- fu over the death my is that the most Superintendent ndon IS Imp rae Nat Dec 735aio 292000 above bust 16 Inches at full of bust 24 waist and helper It lx xOtWO I p- 11120011 over West Germans and > f five story residence of Henry Hark Tull 22- Park ne 42 hip 6 feet 0 Inches In hclchl steady IHM lie W88 grants are the LamnaMS Ilninswlc- I isjon Inc 250200 faithful In good farmers but they go to 32 avenue is to bo kMontrey H vana July22 Fourth National Inc lion as model rood wage find light work- esti to inter are nose Flagler aV Park It I National pec Inc xuooc highest standing none need Other advertisements Iowa > itav 58 Sreon siion room co m of In his labor while In Minnesota and to tho building lino and a- hoe etnt July National 5H30700 Dec 213120 conforming rmasurements ex- employ The collected intended in front Liverpool ID- First apply unliss with community hM lcwt a quIet As as information is It brick erected Teutonic rlly Inc Ssafpsito inc ItHoci actly NIIIAD 4 CO V NcW York under these classifications- In form in new fa ads of Ilonia Nanlw Fifth Avenue Dec winro Dec II67 IAlon leel thro and I will be published in with a ed roof of JUmburg- July II Ino 2120 my in German and oloniul Patricia 3111 Lincoln National Ire voim to enter a training be found in Second I lt life that It was a for through Ipulvcstnn- 1- 511100 Inc 3751 YOUNG WOMEN dtslrlnir will te tile The interior is to remedied Conrh Hank of Metropolis Inr Scorn ii ce me I Steps may also be taken Oalvctxon 0JUO 1 fur nun mutt he IIa bold for that could other langUages are to cost El Dla National Inc j3on lice 7Se 1 hia lUt The improvements 27- Apply Sell SVDliMIAM nd u be away a to cure some immigrants of the architects Due Thuriitnu July Liberty National flee lision In 41110 school SUP ir and Third msty In tenae who to Naples July Nat Inc 5300 inc HOSPITAL tt Sections to who would b helpful to those Lombajrdla New Amsterdam I Urt crops to JttJe t OConnor 1 A 1