Latin Name Common Name Taxon Group Location Shuttle Shaped Dart

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Latin Name Common Name Taxon Group Location Shuttle Shaped Dart day 10 species Latin Name Common Name Taxon group Location Acer campestris Field Maple Trees Cliddesden Acer platanoides Norway Maple R Trees Cliddesden Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore Trees Cliddesden Achillea millefolium Yarrow Flowers Cliddesden Acleris aspersana Maiden's blush Moths Cliddesden Actinocladium rhodosporium Fungi Cliddesden Aegopodium podagraria Ground-elder R Flowers Cliddesden Aelia acuninata Bishop's Mitre Bugs Cliddesden Agelena labrynthica Labyrinth spider Spiders Cliddesden Aglais io Peacock Butterflies Cliddesden Agrimonia eupatiria Agrimony Flowers Cliddesden Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimony Flowers Cliddesden Agrostemma githago Corncockle Flowers Cliddesden Agrostis gigantea Black Bent Flowers Cliddesden Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bent Flowers Cliddesden Agrotis exclamationis Heart & Dart Moths Cliddesden Agrotis puta shuttle shaped dart Moths Cliddesden Alectoris rufa Red legged partridge Birds Cliddesden Amphipyra pyramidea Copper underwing Moths Cliddesden Anacamptis pyramidalis Pyramidal Orchid Flowers Cliddesden Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel Flowers Cliddesden Andrena cineraria Grey mining bee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Andrena dorsata Short-fringed mining bee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Anguis fragilis Slow worm Lizards Cliddesden Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney Vetch Flowers Cliddesden Anyphaena accentuata Buzzing spider Spiders Cliddesden Apamea monoglypha Dark arches Moths Cliddesden Aphantopus hyperantus Ringlet Butterflies Cliddesden Apis mellifera Honeybee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Apodemus sylvaticus Wood mouse Mammals Cliddesden Apus apus Swift Birds Cliddesden Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine (R) Flowers Cliddesden Araneus diadenatus Garden cross spider Spiders Cliddesden Araneus marmoreus var pyramidatusPyramid Orb Weaver Spiders Cliddesden Araneus sp - immature Spiders Cliddesden Arctium minus Lesser Burdock R Flowers Cliddesden Argynnis paphia Silver washed fritillary Butterflies Cliddesden Aricia agestis Brown argus Butterflies Cliddesden Aricia agestis Brown argus Butterflies Cliddesden Arrhenatherum elatius False Oat-grass Flowers Cliddesden Arthonia radiata Lichens Cliddesden Aspicilia hoffmaniana Lichens Cliddesden Autographa gamma Silver Y Moths Cliddesden Axylia putris Flame Moths Cliddesden Bathyphantes gracalis Spiders Cliddesden Bellis perennis Daisy R Flowers Cliddesden Bembecia ichneumoniformis 6 belted clearwing Moths Cliddesden Betula pendula Birch Trees Cliddesden Bombus lapidarius Red tailed bumblebee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Bombus lapidarius Red-tailed bumblebee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Bombus lucorum White-tailed bumblebee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Bombus pascuorum Common carder bee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Page 1 day 10 species Bombus pascuorum Deadnettle carder bee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Bombus rupestris Red-tailed cuckoo bee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Bombus terrestris Buff tailed bumblebee Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Brachypodium sylvaticum False-brome O Flowers Cliddesden Briza media Quaking-grass Flowers Cliddesden Buteo buteo Buzzard Birds Cliddesden Caloplaca citrina sensulata Lichens Cliddesden Caloplaca dichroa Lichens Cliddesden Campanula trachelium Nettle leaved Bell flower Flowers Cliddesden Candelaria concolor Lichens Cliddesden Candelariella reflexa Lichens Cliddesden Candelariella vitellina Lichens Cliddesden Capreolus capreolus Roe deer Mammals Cliddesden Carabus violaceus Violet Ground Beetle Beetles Cliddesden Carduelis carduelis Goldfinch Birds Cliddesden Celastrina argiolus Holly blue Butterflies Cliddesden Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed Flowers Cliddesden Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury O Flowers Cliddesden Cephalanthea damosonium White helleborine Flowers Cliddesden Ceratophyllum demersum Rigid Hornwort (R) Flowers Cliddesden Chamerion angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb R Flowers Cliddesden Chorthippus brunneus Field grasshopper Crickets & grasshoppersCliddesden Chrysoperla carnea Common green Lacewing Insects Cliddesden Cichorium intybus Chicory Flowers Cliddesden Cirsium arvense Creeping Thistle O Flowers Cliddesden Cirsium vulgare Spear Thistle R Flowers Cliddesden Claviceps purpurea Ergot Fungi Cliddesden Clematis vitalba Traveller's-joy Flowers Cliddesden Clinopodium vulgare Wild Basil O Flowers Cliddesden Clubiona diversa Spiders Cliddesden Coccinella septempunctata 7 spot ladybird Beetles Cliddesden Cochylimorpha straminea Moths Cliddesden Coleosporium tussilaginis Fungi Cliddesden Coleus marginatum Bugs Cliddesden Columba palambus Wood pigeon Birds Cliddesden Conocephalus discolor Long-winged conehead Crickets & grasshoppersCliddesden Conops flavipes Fly Insects Cliddesden Convolvulus arvensis Field Bindweed R Flowers Cliddesden coreus marginatus Dock Leatherbug Insects Cliddesden coreus marginatus Dock Leatherbug Bugs Cliddesden Coriomerus denticulans Toothed shieldbug Bugs Cliddesden Cornus sanguinea Dogwood R Flowers Cliddesden Corvus corone Carrion crow Birds Cliddesden Corvus frugilegus Rook Birds Cliddesden Corvus monedula Jackdaw Birds Cliddesden Corylus avellana Hazel Trees Cliddesden Cosmia trapezina Dun-bar Moths Cliddesden Cosmia trapezina Rustic/uncertain Moths Cliddesden Crassula helmsii New Zealand Pigmyweed R Flowers Cliddesden Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn Trees Cliddesden Crepis capillaris Smooth Hawk's-beard O Flowers Cliddesden Cyanistes caeruleus Blue tit Birds Cliddesden Cyclophora punctaria Maiden's blush Moths Cliddesden Page 2 day 10 species Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog's-tail O Flowers Cliddesden Dactylis glomerata Cock's-foot Flowers Cliddesden Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted Orchid Flowers Cliddesden Daucus carota Carrot Flowers Cliddesden Dendrocopos major Great spotted woodpecker Birds Cliddesden Diaea dorsata Green crab spider Spiders Cliddesden Dictyna sp - immature Spiders Cliddesden Dictyna uncinata Spiders Cliddesden Dipsacus fullonum Wild Teasel Flowers Cliddesden Dipsostyla concolor Money Spider Spiders Cliddesden Dolycoris baccarum Hairy shieldbug Bugs Cliddesden Echium vulgare Viper's-bugloss R Flowers Cliddesden Eilema griseola Dingy footman Moths Cliddesden Eilema lurideola Common footman Moths Cliddesden Elasmucha grisea Parent Shieldbug Insects Cliddesden Enoplognatha ovata Candy Striped Spider Spiders Cliddesden Epilobium hirsutum Great Willowherb Flowers Cliddesden Epilobium parviflorum Willowherb R Flowers Cliddesden Epilobium tetragonum Square stalk Willow herb Flowers Cliddesden Episyrphus balteatus Bees Wasps & Other insectsCliddesden Erigeron acris Blue Fleabane R Flowers Cliddesden Erigone atra Money Spider Spiders Cliddesden Erinaceus europaeus Hedgehog Mammals Cliddesden Erysiphe trifolii Fungi Cliddesden Euonymous europaeus Spindle tree Trees Cliddesden Eupithecia centaureata Limespeck pug Moths Cliddesden Eurygaster testudinaria Tortoise shieldbug Bugs Cliddesden Evarcha falcata Jumping Spider Spiders Cliddesden Evernia prunastri Lichens Cliddesden Exochomus 4-pustulatus Pine ladybird Beetles Cliddesden Falco tinnunculus Kestrel Birds Cliddesden Festuca rubra Red Fescue R Flowers Cliddesden Flaviaparmelia soredians Lichens Cliddesden Flavoparmelia caperata Lichens Cliddesden Forficula auricularia Common Earwig Insects Cliddesden Forficula auricularia Common Earwig Earwigs Cliddesden Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry Y Flowers Cliddesden Frangula alnus Alder Buckthorn Trees Cliddesden Fraxinus excelsior Ash Trees Cliddesden Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch Birds Cliddesden Fuscidea lighfootii Lichens Cliddesden Galium album Hedge Bedstraw Flowers Cliddesden Galium verum Lady's Bedstraw Flowers Cliddesden Garrulus glandarius Jay Birds Cliddesden Geranium dissectum Cut-leaved Crane's-bill R Flowers Cliddesden Geranium molle Dove's-foot Crane's-bill R Flowers Cliddesden Geranium pratense Meadow Crane's-bill R Flowers Cliddesden Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Flowers Cliddesden Geum urbanum Wood Avens Flowers Cliddesden Gonepteryx rhamni Brimstone Butterflies Cliddesden Graphis scripta Lichens Cliddesden Halyzia sedicimguttata Orange Ladybird Beetles Cliddesden Harmonia axyridis Harlequin ladybird Beetles Cliddesden Page 3 day 10 species Hedera helix Common Holly Trees Cliddesden Heliophanus cupreus Jumping Spider Spiders Cliddesden Helleborus foetidus Stinking Hellebore Flowers Cliddesden Helminthosporium velutinum Fungi Cliddesden Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed R Flowers Cliddesden Holcus lanatus Yorkshire Fog Flowers Cliddesden Holcus lanatus Yorkshire-fog O Flowers Cliddesden Horisme tersata The Fern Moths Cliddesden Hyacinthoides non-scripta English Bluebell Flowers Cliddesden Hydriomena furcata July highflier Moths Cliddesden Hypericum hirsutum Hairy St John's-wort Flowers Cliddesden Hypericum perforatum Perforate St John's-wort Flowers Cliddesden Hyperphisycia adglutinata Lichens Cliddesden Hypochaeris radicata Cat's-ear O Flowers Cliddesden Hypotrychyna afrorevluta Lichens Cliddesden Hypotrychyna revoluta Lichens Cliddesden Inula conyzae Ploughman's-spikenard Flowers Cliddesden Iris foetidissima Stinking Iris R Flowers Cliddesden Iris pseudacorus Yellow Iris R Flowers Cliddesden Juglans regia Walnut R Trees Cliddesden Knautia arvensis Field Scabious F/A Y Flowers Cliddesden Lasius brunneus Brown Meadow Ant Insects Cliddesden Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling Flowers Cliddesden Lecanora albescens Lichens Cliddesden Lecanora campestris Lichens Cliddesden Lecanora carpinea Lichens Cliddesden Lecanora chlarotera Lichens Cliddesden Lecanora dispersa Lichens Cliddesden
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    Introduction Harper’s Island Wetlands (HIW) nature reserve, situated close to the village of Glounthaune on the north shore of Cork Harbour is well known for its birds, many of which come from all over northern Europe and beyond, but there is a lot more to the wildlife at the HWI nature reserve than birds. One of our goals it to find out as much as we can about all aspects of life, both plant and animal, that live or visit HIW. This is a report on the butterflies and moths of HIW. Butterflies After birds, butterflies are probably the one of the best known flying creatures. While there has been no structured study of them on at HIW, 17 of Ireland’s 33 resident and regular migrant species of Irish butterflies have been recorded. Just this summer we added the Comma butterfly to the island list. A species spreading across Ireland in recent years possibly in response to climate change. Hopefully we can set up regular monitoring of the butterflies at HIW in the next couple of years. Butterfly Species Recorded at Harper’s Island Wetlands up to September 2020. Colias croceus Clouded Yellow Pieris brassicae Large White Pieris rapae Small White Pieris napi Green-veined White Anthocharis cardamines Orange-tip Lycaena phlaeas Small Copper Polyommatus icarus Common Blue Celastrina argiolus Holly Blue Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral Vanessa cardui Painted Lady Aglais io Peacock Aglais urticae Small Tortoiseshell Polygonia c-album Comma Speyeria aglaja Dark-green Fritillary Pararge aegeria Speckled Wood Maniola jurtina Meadow Brown Aphantopus hyperantus Ringlet Moths One group of insects that are rarely seen by visitors to HIW is the moths.
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