Royal Engineers Journal
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THE ROYAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL. Vol. XXXIII No. 1. JANUARY, 1921. CONTENTS. PAGQ 1. The Introduction of Mechanical Warfare on Land and its Possibilities in the Near Future. By Col. J. F. C. FUL.LER, D.S.O. ... ... ... I 2. The 3rd Sappers and Miners in the War. By Major A. L. PARIS, R.E. ... 14 3. An Exploration in South-east Tibet. By Major H. T. MORSHEAD, D.S.O., R.E. ( J ith Plates) ...... ... ... 21 4. Sound langing ... ... ... ... ... 41 5. Books on Civil Engineering . .. .*... 43 6. Professional Notes:-Bridging ... ... , . ... 47 7. The Transactions for 1920 of The Engineering Association of Ceylon .. 48 8. Notices of Magazines:-.llilitar Woch/iebla:t. By Major L. CHENEVIX-TRENCH, C.M.G., D.S.O., I.E. .. 49 Revue Mi.hitaire Genirale. By Col. A. R. RErYOLDS ... 52 9. Dissection Puzzle. Lt.-Col. L. A. ARKWVRIC.GIT ...... 55 10. Problems. Lt.-Col. J. M.. ...... ...*56 . I INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE PITMAN TEHNIGAL BOOKS. The Field Manual. By A. LOVAT HIGGINS, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E. This volume covers all the requirements of Surveyors and Civil Engineers, and is particularly pre- scribed for those intending to practise in India and other Colonies. 2 /- net. Whittaker's Electrical Engineers' Pocket Book. Originated by KENELM EDGECUMBE, M.I.E.E. New Edition-Re- written by Specialists and edited by R. E. NEALE, B.Sc., Hons. Useful and valuable information on Every Branch of Electrical Engineering is contained in this book. Pocket size, 670 pp., with 323 illustrations. Io/6 net. Reinforced Concrete. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Reinforced Concrete Construction By W. NOBLE TWELVETREES, M.I.M.E., A.M.I.E.E., with a Foreword by E. Fiander Etchells, President of the Concrete Institute. This book contains valuable information to architects, builders, engineers, surveyors, and students. The new standard notation for engineering formule is explained in the foreword, and is employed throughout the book. With 5 folding plates, data, formulae, numerical examples and illustrations. 2I/- net. Aeroplane Structural Design. By T. H. JONES, B.Sc., A.M.I.M.E., and J. D. FRIER, A.R.C.Sc., D.I.C., A.R.Ae.S. A special feature of this new book is the prominence given to the methods of estimation of the strength of aeroplanes, loading being dealt with in detail from the designer's point of view. With I21 illustrations. 2i/- net. Telegraphy. NEW, REVISED, AND ENLARGED EDITION. By T. E. HERBERT, A.M.I.E.E. A detailed exposition of the Telegraph System of the British Post Office. Recommended by the Examiners for the City and Guilds Institute Examination. Enlarged by Ioo pages. 640 Illustrations. i8/- net. The Stresses in Hooks and other Curved Beams. By EWART S. ANDREWS, B.Sc. Contents-General Formula for Strain; Graphical Construction; Comparative Results for Special Sections; Analysis of Experimental Investigations; Recommendations for Practical Design; Appendix. 6/- net. Automatic Pistols. By Capt. H. B. C. POLLARD. A simple standard work for expert or amateur on modern automatic pistols, with full instructions for their use for target work or self-defence. Illustrated. 6/- net. Power Wiring Diagrams. By A. T. DOVER, M.I.E.E., A.Amer.I.E.E. A Handbook of Connection Diagrams of Control and Protective Systems for C.C. and A.C. Machines and Apparatus. Pocket size, with 254 Illustrations, 7/6 net. Hydro-Electric Development. By J. W. MEARES, F.R.A.S., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Joint Chief Engineer Hydro-Electric Survey of India. A complete practical intro- duction to the factors determining the possibilities of a hydro-electric project, and to the procedure to be followed in estimating and utilizing the power available. With 16 Illustrations, 2/6 net. Sendfor a Complete List of Engineering Textbooks and Handbooks postfree from SIR ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, Ltd., Parker St., Kingsway, LONDON, W.C.2. 1AD VERTISEJZENTS. 11IIIIII IIIIIIIlllllllllllllll I I l llliill llllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll'lllll lllilllllllll I Oil-proof Factory Floors which never need repairing F you are building a new Factory take the precaution of having the floors laid with a mixture of cement and " Ferrolithic." This adds but little to the cost and is more than justified by reason of the fact that subsequent repairs are eliminated. Floors laid with CONCRETE HARDENER FOR FLOORS never wear into ruts like ordinary concrete floors They are as hard as iron, and are wear, oil, and water proof. The most durable floors known and quite dustless--an important factor where machinery is installed. A " Ferrolithic" floor will last the life of the building. Complele Specifcations are contained in our Booklet. 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Price, net, FIND THIS BOOK The data, details. specifications and tables for the design and con- USEFUL. struction of steel bridges and buildings are presented in this book in We will compact, easily accessible form. send th's It is a source book and encyclopedia book on approval for of useful information that has heretofore been accessible only to engineers. a fewi five days to any reader of this paper resident Among the important features are: tables calculated by machine; draw- in the United Kingdom ings prepared from actual working plans; examples all from standard The price of the practice; properties of Carnegie and liethlehem sections; American Bridge Company standards: values correct to one unit of the last place book must accomDany given; a size of page which allows the complete plans of structures to be shown. all requests under this offer. McGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING CO., LTD. 6 and 8, BOUVERIE STREET LONDON, E.C.4. ESTABLISHED 1824. CRAIG & DAVIES, Military and Civil Bootmakers, . FRANCES ST., WOOLWICH, 45, GLASSHOUSE ST., REGENT STREET, . W. 40, HIGH STREET, ALDERSHOT I. Speciality:-BUTCHER FIELD BOOTS. Bootmakers by Appointment to the Royal Military Academy. .; I -' -I ,, jlOiNTGOAIIXRIE PRIZE. ATTENTION is invited to the conditions under which this prize, in value about ;Gio, is offered for competition each year. i. The Prize shall be awarded by the R.E. Institute Council in the manner considered best for the encouragement of contributions on professional subjects, by R.E. Officers, to the Corps publications. From the beginning of I920 it has been decided that the Prize shall be confined to Officers on the Active List not above the rank of Substantive Major. 2. The Prize shall consist of (a) a book on Survey, Exploration, Travel, Geography, Topogr.lphy, or Astronomy; the book to be whole- bound in leather, and to have the Montgomerie book-plate with inscription inside; (b) the remainder of the year's income of the Fund in cash. 3. The name of the recipient of the Prize shall be notified in the Corps publications; and copies of the contribution for which the Prize was awarded shall be presented to the representatives of the donors. The following are suggested as subjects for contributions:- (a). Descriptions of works actually carried out in peace or war (b). Inventions. (c). Design (excluding works of defence). (d). Labour organizationl on work. (e). Scientific investigations generally. (f). Accounts of exploration work and surveys. JIlLITARI' IWIDOIWS' £FU'ND, BRI,ISH SER VICE INDIA. TIlE Military Widows' Fund, British Service, was established in India in 1820 to alleviate the distress of families of officers of the British Service servzing zin India, and to enable them to return to England without unnecessary delay. Whenever an officer of the British Service, who is a subscriber to the Fund, dies, his family receives at once the following assistance, namely, six months maintenance allowance ranging from Rs 2,400 to Rs 3,600 according to the rate subscribed, plus Rs 1,500 as a donation for the widow, plus Rs 500 or Rs 300 as a donation for each child according to vwiether the child is over 12 and under 21 years of age or under 12 years of age. These benefits are secured by a small sub- scription of Rs 4, 3 or 2 per mensem, which is regulated by the amount of pay an officer draws. An officer, on becoming a subscriber, secures for his wife and children quite irrespective of his length of service in India, the full benefits of the Fund in case of his death after havingsub- scribed for fully three moiths. In the event of an officer dying within that period, his-case is specially considered by the Committee of General Management. Copies of the regulations of the Fund and other particulars relati,ng thereto can be obtained from the Secretary at Simla. CONTENTS. PAGE AND ITS i. THE INTRODUCTION OF MECHANICAL WVARFARE ON LAND 1 POSSIBILITIES IN TIiE NEAR FUTURE. By Col. J. F. C. Fuller, D.S.O. 14 2. THE 3RD SAPPERS AND MINERS IN TH1E WVR. By Major A. L. Paris, R.E. Morshead, 3. AN EXPLORATION IN SOUTH-EAST TIBET. By Major H. T. 21 n.s.o., R.E. (Witih Plates)....... ........ ... ...... ... .... 41 4 SOUND RANGING ...... .... ..... .... 43 5. BOOKS ON CIVIL ENGINEERING ... ..... ............ 6. PROFFSSIONAL NOTES:- Bridging ..