Peel Park Primary School Alice Street, , Lancs. BB5 6QR.

E-mail: [email protected]

Headteacher: Sandra Hall Telephone: (01254) 231583 th 11 September 2020 Our Ref: Admin/Covid-9/ReportingIllness

Dear Parent/Carer

Over the last few days, you will no doubt be aware that there have been some positive cases of COVID-19 in some other schools in . We have been advised by the Local Authority to prepare for such an event at all of our schools.

We are in receipt of so many mixed messages that often it is difficult to know what to do. In an attempt to clarify procedures please read the attached leaflet ‘Quick Reference Guide for parents’. This will hopefully, clarify what to do if your child is displaying COVID symptoms or tests positive. The guide also explains what school will do if they receive news if they receive a positive case in school.

Going forward could I ask parents to email [email protected] if you receive confirmation of a positive COVID result, out of school hours or at the weekend.

As a temporary measure, the absence reporting procedure is going to change. This will be as follows: If your child is absent for any reason please email the following information to [email protected]

Date Name Class Reason Date of Symptoms** Has your child Has your Is your Is your for onset of been assessed child child child in Absence* Symptoms by GP,NHS been reporting hospital? 111 etc? tested? a positive Y/N/NK Y/N/NK Y/N/NK test result? Y/N/NK

Reason for absence*: ill, Household member ill, contact of a confirmed/suspected case, Shielding, Other eg dental apts Symptoms * T=Temp(>=37.8C), C=Cough, D=Diarrhoea, V= Vomiting, ST = Sore Throat, H=Headache, N = Nausea LST= Loss of smell/taste

Thank you for your patience; working together, we will keep everyone safe.

Yours sincerely

Sandra Hall Headteacher Reach Higher. See Further. Shine Brighter.