The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index
The Selected Papers of John Jay, 1760-1779 Volume 1 Index References to earlier volumes are indicated by the volume number followed by a colon and page number (for example, 1:753). Achilles: references to, 323 Active (ship): case of, 297 Act of 18 April 1780: impact of, 70, 70n5 Act of 18 March 1780: defense of, by John Adams, 420; failure of, 494–95; impact of, 70, 70n5, 254, 256, 273n10, 293, 298n2, 328, 420; passage of, 59, 60n2, 96, 178, 179n1 Adams, John, 16, 223; attitude toward France, 255; and bills of exchange, 204n1, 273– 74n10, 369, 488n3, 666; and British peace overtures, 133, 778; charges against Gillon, 749; codes and ciphers used by, 7, 9, 11–12; and commercial regulations, 393; and commercial treaties, 645, 778; commissions to, 291n7, 466–67, 467–69, 502, 538, 641, 643, 645; consultation with, 681; correspondence of, 133, 176, 204, 393, 396, 458, 502, 660, 667, 668, 786n11; criticism of, 315, 612, 724; defends act of 18 March 1780, 420; documents sent to, 609, 610n2; and Dutch loans, 198, 291n7, 311, 382, 397, 425, 439, 677, 728n6; and enlargement of peace commission, 545n2; expenses of, 667, 687; French opposition to, 427n6; health of, 545; identified, 801; instructions to, 152, 469–71, 470–71n2, 502, 538, 641, 643, 657; letters from, 115–16, 117–18, 410–11, 640–41, 643–44, 695–96; letters to, 87–89, 141–43, 209–10, 397, 640, 657, 705–6; and marine prisoners, 536; and mediation proposals, 545, 545n2; as minister to England, 11; as minister to United Provinces, 169, 425; mission to Holland, 222, 290, 291n7, 300, 383, 439,
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