271 Actions Per Minute (APM), 210 Alpha Testing, 228 Angel Investors
Index A B Actions per minute (APM), 210 Bandersnatch (Netflix), 139 Alpha testing, 228 Beta testing, 228, 232 Angel investors, 260 Booleans Arrays vs. lists, 128, 129 Activate function, 123 Assets optimization code, 123 audio files Deactivate function, 123 compression, 93 DRY principle, 123 long tail, 93 expression lambda, 124 mistakes, 92 mistake, 123 repeating loop, 93, 94 performance, 124 unity setting, 94, 95 SetActive image files function, 123, 124 (see Image files) unnecessary checks, 123, 124 text files Borderlands, 197 chart, 92 Business entity, 266 configuration details, 90 CSV, 91 C database, 90 Choice-based games, 139 Excel, 91, 92 CI/CD JSON, 91, 92 cloud computing, 107 plain text, 91, 92 game builds sounds, 107 saving, 90 GitHub, 107 tweaks, 90 platforms, 107 XML, 91, 92 Unity project, 106 Awake method, 163 Cloud computing, 107 Auditory feedback, 156 Coding patterns © Minhaz-Us-Salakeen Fahme, Tanimul Haque Khan 2021 271 M. Fahme and T. H. Khan, How to Make a Game, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6917-6 INDEX Coding patterns (cont.) ABC()/ML() function, 87 assembly definition, 78 benefits, 89 MVC CamelCase, 87 architecture, 78, 79 input, 88 controllers, 80, 81 Move() function, 87 data points, 80 output, 88 game objects, 80 unity-specific, 133 view, 79 variables, 86 namespaces, 78 Countdown timer, 188 new styles/features, 78 Coyote timer, 187, 188 single responsibility Crowdsourcing, 262 adding/removing features, 82 animation handler, 84 D classes, 83 Developer bias, 232 collision handler, 84 Devlog, 246 decoupling, 85 Difficulty
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