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:~*-~. n %* ft! %r . 4 r4 $ Dedication .... 6 Features 16

Organizations . . 52

Athletics 78 Faculty 90


Advertising . . sfe 1958 Silhouette Dedication

Mr. P. J. Rogers

Auctioning cakes for student charity drives is frequently the job of Mr. Rogers.

Mr. P. J. Rogers is the man behind the scenes at Agnes Scott. As Business Manager of the College, he has a tremendous task in the practical, everyday job of keeping the college going. It is his place to supervise the maintenance, the budget, the buying of equipment, and all repairwork of the school. Add to these the many miscellaneous jobs which fall to him daily, and it is indeed amazing to note the com- petency, swiftness, and effectiveness with which he works. Despite the fact that every student uses his services everyday, we are often unaware of the vital part which he plays in making our life more com- fortable and happy. There are other things which anyone who has contact with Mr. Rogers is immediately aware of. Those things are his wonderful personality, his sin- cere friendliness toward every student, and his cooperative willingness to help in any situation. No matter how small the job, from buying paper to mov- ing furniture, he receives you with a smile, listens to you attentively, and then immediately takes steps to grant the favor you ask. He plans a cabin con- struction, hangs a backdrop, or has risers moved, all with equal promptness and enthusiasm. He never

seems to lose his temper, his patience, or . . . amaz-

ingly enough . . . the millions of notes he writes him- Mr. Rogers specializes in fried chicken picnics. self of "things to do." His capability has almost

reached legendary proportions : only half-laughingly Mr. Rogers and his five children. students tell of the noisy pigeon which suddenly dis- appeared after a late sleeper complained to Mr. Rogers. It is to recognize the thankless job he executes so efficientlv, and to express our appreciation for his friendship, that this, the 1958 SILHOUETTE is dedicated to Mr. P. J. Rogers.

Agnes Scott College The Silhouette 1958 Agnes Scott College portfolio

Agnes Scott is not just the name of a school

. . . Agnes Scott is the six hundred girls who call it their school. Being so close to college life . . . inextricably a part of our school . . . perhaps our devotion and gratitude do not always find overt expression, but they are there. Relaxing in the sun . . . wearied from studying . . . laughing with friends in happy moments . . . there is just the subconscious feeling of belonging. But there are other moments when the significance of this place and these years are not lost to the joy and immediacy of youth . . . walking under a starry heaven at night . . . hearing songs straight from the heart at Black Cat . . . emerging from the library on a winter night after hard-spent hours and looking with satisfaction to the lights ahead . . . then suddenly, you are aware, and the moment is a wonderful one . .

A few candid glimpses of life at the College are but meager representatives, for school experiences are as varied as the scenes of life itself. There are sobering moments . . . when you suddenly realize how very small you are in a very large world . . when you are lonesome in a crowd, or, all alone, with bowed head, you know you are never truly alone . . . when you struggle through endless pages and realize that everything worth having has a high price. Often pent-up energy finds release in moments of intense excitement and spontaneous hilarity. The fun of sharing and togetherness is shown in many ways.

- 4 v; , So familiar and routine, yet so much a part of the College, are the bored expressions during a long chapel on a spring day . . . the hazardous dash to the mail room in the morning . . . sharing a cigarette and a four club bid in the Hub ... a boy and his date slowly strolling back to the dorm to say good night. Each moment has a different memory

. . . each girl gives it a different meaning . . . yet somewhere within them all, in some mysterious way, lies the essence of Agnes Scott. The Silhouette 1958 p

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Dean of Students




Dean of Faculty features Orientation Of A Freshman

Junior Sponsors and Sophomore Helpers form a welcoming committee on the steps of Main.

Fall. A sleeping campus came suddenly to life as the old students returned to greet the new. With the arrival of the first freshman, Orientation was no longer merely a careful plan, but an actuality. Excitement and an air of general confusion characterized the first days for the freshmen—new places, new faces, new rules, new ideals. But during the busy hours of unpacking, exchanging names, selecting courses, Agnes Scott became, for them, a reality. There was time, they found, to determine the essence ... to separate the important from the

trivial . .. the valuable from the invaluable. In the warm, friendly atmosphere, the new girls became welcome members of the college community. They

were learning a new way of life . . . one caught

the spirit of sharing . . . friendships were con-

tagious . . . honor was no longer a handbook phrase, but an accepted ideal.

In the late summer, new students had received their first introduction to Agnes Scott. Fat, informa- tive letters from a junior and a sophomore reached

each freshman: "I'm your Junior Sponsor . . . and

bring plenty of cotton dresses . . . you'll love Agnes Scott ... I simply can't wait to meet you!" And these Junior Sponsors and Sophomore Helpers were on hand that first exciting day, helping to carry suitcases, make beds, and get their sponsorees through lines.

Unloading the car requires everybody's help.

?" "I wonder which one is my Junior Sponsor . . .

Agnes Scott College !

Home for a Year p


Our freshman opens the door to her new home, possibly at the top of three steep flights of stairs. It is, at first glance, a strange confusion of unmade beds, dressers in mid-floor, unplugged lamps. Once clothes are in the closet, it begins to look more familiar. Add spreads, curtains, a few gay- pillows and a roommate and—it's home The Courses Committee is met, placement tests are taken, and then at last to the book-store.

After getting settled room-wise, the freshmen, aided by their Sponsors and Sophomore Helpers, registered, stood in endless lines for conferences and schedules, and bought numerous books. They met Agnes Scott's President, Dr. Alston, and the Dean of Students, Miss Scandrett, and found them eager to be helpful.

Party time ! The various classes and organiza- tions honored the freshmen with fun, food and fellowship. Getting acquainted games proved the world was really a small place, as many common acquaintances were discovered. Orientation was climaxed with a dance for Agnes Scott and Geor- gia Tech freshmen. A picnic supper on the hockey field came first—then dancing under the stars with Buttrick Drive as the ballroom. As Orientation formally ended, the new stu- dents knew they belonged to Agnes Scott, and most certainly Agnes Scott belonged to them.

Miss Scandrett remembers each freshman's name, and quickly makes her feel at ease.

Three things each girl learns to rely on: Dr. Alston's friendship, the bulletin board, and the mail room. : «-

A formal and official wel- come is extended to the .** freshmen at the Faculty Reception.


During registration, even the floor feels good after hours of standing in line.

Hat and gloves are pre- scribed attire for the tea in the Alumnae House.

Freshmen make up skits of their own at one of the parties.

A senior plays "Pogo" at the Christian Association skit.

Finally, a time to pause and reflect on the colonnade. The rush is

over . . . the welcome feeling expands into a wonderful sense of belonging.

The Silhouette 1958 —

Drum beats and class cheer- leaders keep the spirit high.

Black Cat

Black Cat Day is, traditionally, the campus-wide day of fun to welcome the freshmen, and a happy day it was! In the late afternoon, bermuda-clad Scotties marched class by class into the dining hall. A picnic supper was enjoyed, accom- panied by high-spirited singing and cheering. The untimely rain, forcing the cancellation of the competitive games, did little to daunt enthusiasm. The weeks of preparation showed as the evening pro- gram began in the gym. The freshmen marched in first, wearing their class colors of yellow and white. The other classes followed and the gym echoed with pep songs' and cheers. A sudden silence, a brief introduction, then each class in turn presented its carefully written, secretly re- hearsed, contest song. Music was the theme of the skits: the seniors chose classical music, the juniors, jazz, and the sophomores, country music. It was up to the Freshman Cat to decide which was best. A chorus of black cats began the spectacle a Cat from each class proclaimed the merits of his particular brand of music followed by a skit to further prove his point. The Freshman Cat's decision was all were needed to work together for harmony. The Freshman Talent Show left the audeince laughing. The cats and cast took their bows and the long-awaited announcement was made. For the second consecutive year, the class of '59 won the song contest and the class of '60

claimed second place . . . applause and shrieks ! ... '59 com- poser Sylvia Ray was hoisted onto jubilant shoulders. In the lull, the sophomore class president, Eve Purdom, pre- sented to Dottie Burns, president of the freshman class, the traditional Black Cat. Freshmen were no longer "new girls," but officially welcomed members of the Agnes Scott com- munity. An informal dance followed the skits. As the combo "made music" and skits swished in rhythm, Black Cat Day ended for another year.

The feline chorus greets the audience as the Black Cat production gets under way.

Agnes Scott College Shakers waving, the class of '61 files into the gym, already caught up in the spirit of their first Black Cat night.

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The Black Cat Chorus joins in harmonizing.

Each eye is on the song leader no mistakes. . must be . . there

The Silhouette 1958 23 T^RTT^IH IVTTT1V* ^ e ^res 'lmen perform pantomimes, singing, and skits with a

CAPHriMARFCf ^ e so P nomores are very convincing and laughable

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I \J JNIlOrioI Weird dances and costumes aid the Juniors in retelling the history of music.

24 Agnes Scott College Exuberant Juniors as their song is declared the winner.

Outstanding senior dramatists.


Depicting the life of Bach to Venzart.

Proof that the skits are funny.

The four musical cats at last harmonize their tastes as the show ends.

The Silhouette 1958 Social Features

The Alstons are on hand to greet the girls and their dates at the Black Cat Dance.

The song tells of "classes that take us all day, lessons that take us all night," but this is a little far-fetched. Studies have their definite place during the week, but on the week-ends books are put away and the social events offered by Agnes Scott and near-by colleges and universities claim priority. The three largest on-campus social events this year were the Black Cat Dance, Fall Frolics and Jam Session, and the Junior Jaunt Formal Ball. Rebekah Scott reception room and the gym resounded to the beat of an orchestra and the sound of dancing feet on these occasions. Georgia Tech, Emory, and out-of-town schools offered the fun of fraternity dances and house parties ... a typical Sunday evening sight is a Scottie coming in from just such a week-end, carry- ing a voluminous armful of evening gowns and suit- cases, proudly displaying a battered corsage and a fraternity favor. There were the less formal, but equally enjoyable, hay rides and weiner roasts, pic- nics on Stone Mountain, combo parties at Snapfinger Farm, and many more—all adding up to a year of never-to-be-forgotten memories.

Gorgeous decorations and -formal evening clothes trans-form the gym into an elegant A jazz concert and hours of decorating help make Fall Frolics a success. ballroom.

26 During the weeks preceding Blackfriars' fall dramatic production, the campus community observed with amusement and bewilderment many unusual prepa-

rations. Artificial flowers . . . large enough to sit

on . . . were carefully constructed; a lava lair and cricket cave appeared on the set; three feet long leaves and gigantic blades of grass were attached Blackfriars' to the backdrop; wings and antennae were designed by the costume committee.

Opening night fully explained the phenomena: the play presented was "The World We Live In," an expressionistic fantasy by Josef and Karel Capek Fall which satirized the actions of men in terms of insect lives. The curtain went up on the butterfly world, where the fluttering butterflies were intent on their human game of love. Later the audience reacted with horror as the bettles moved through their world of "kill or be killed." In the final act, Production a totalitarian ant state shocked the audience into deep thought. Combining both humor and tragedy, this "insect comedy" was acclaimed by the audience as another success for Blackfriars.

Players in final rehearsal for "The World We Live In."

An ant scientist, intent on destruction. The butterflies are coy and flirtatious. The ant society is regimented and warlike Junior Jaunt ,f Fantasy Land jj

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs foretell the Mr. Rogers auctions off coming of Fantasy Land. cakes in the Hub.

"Try your hand at darts," . . . "Let us guess your weight,"

. . . These cries were heard at the kick-off carnival party for Junior Jaunt week ... a week set aside each year for the purpose of raising money for the students' charity fund. The kick-off party was only the beginning; throughout the week classes had many money-raising projects. Everything

from food to faculty souvenirs were sold . . . students

shined shoes and made beds . . . there were bingo parties in the Hub. The Senior Class had a slave auction, at which some of their most valuable members were sold to the highest bidder for twenty-four hours. The annual "Sup- pressed Desires Day" proved a good project, for students gladly paid a dollar in order to wear bermudas to class, call teachers by their first name, and unleash other suppressed desires. The enthusiasm which was poured into these projects stemmed from the fact that the classes were competing in their efforts. Participation in projects was actually measured through an intricate system of colored slips, and the winning class was to be announced at the Junior Jaunt Ball which would climax the week-end. Also on a highly competitive bat's were the skits which occurred the afternoon of the Ball. The theme was "Fantasy Land," with both classes and faculty presenting fairy tales especially humorous and remarkable in their ability to diverge from the original story. As couples in formal attire entered the gym that night for the Charity Ball, they discovered that Junior ingenuity had produced another "Fantasy Land." Billowing clouds, pastel streamers, and sparkling wishing wells gave the place an air of enchantment.

At intermission, the exciting moment arrived . . . the hall was hushed, waiting to hear the winners of the com-

petitive events . . . the silence gave way to applause as the Junior Class won the projects participation and the Seniors won the skits. With $1,850 to give to worthy causes, and with a week of fun to look back on, Junior Jaunt was declared a great success by everyone.

Original money-making ects: the wishing well the sponge-throwing game, and the horror house.

Agnes Scott College A red-haired Alice completely disrupts the Queen's tea party. The Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat come to life.

Alone in a fantasy ballrom of silver shade

The Sophomores' warped version of Snow White.

A pause in the music provides couples with a chance to chat. *Mf**W•

The Silhouette 1958 29 ! Ih

Dolphin Club Pageant

Diving In as the music starts.

Every winter quarter Dolphin Club, the synchronized swimming club, gives a water ballet. This year the performance, entitled "Reflections," was different and exciting in its modern approach. The show was divided into small ballet groups, each of which interpreted a different emotion of mood.

Poetry was read before each scene to set the moods of sunrise and sunset and the emotions of joy, melancholy, triumph, frivolity, serenity, anger, jealousy, and reminiscence. Swimmers then depicted these moods in the water through aquatic dance. Ballet legs, water wheels, and other formations were executed in time to the music, and novel costuming added to the delightfulness of the performance.

30 Parents Weekend

For the first time, this year Sophomore parents Weekend was observed at Agnes Scott. The purpose of the occasion was to provide the parents with the opportunity to become acquainted with the school and to meet the parents of their daughters' friends.

Mothers and Fathers sit in on a psychology class. Parents started to pour into the college on Friday, February 22nd, and activities began at once. Parents enliven the sometimes monotonous routine Physical Education classes gave a tumbling, fencing, and modern dancing exhibition, followed by a basket- ball game between the Sophomores and Seniors. That night the Bradley Observatory was open, and the Sophomores presented a skit about school activities, followed by a reception in Walters Dormi- tory. Saturday, parents went to classes with their daughters, and learned something of the school cur- riculum. After classes, a luncheon was given for the guests, at which time Dr. Alston officially welcomed them. Later Dr. and Mrs. Alston entertained with a coffee party at their home. After attending church with their daughters on Sunday morning, the parents began leaving for home, but carrying with them clearer conceptions of life at Agnes Scott. Visiting Lecturers




Agnes Scott is fortunate in having an active Lecture Association which is responsible for bringing many outstanding personages to our campus. On October 21, Dr. Jose Mora of Uruguay, Secretary-General of the Organization of American States, was a visiting lecturer under the auspices of this group. In Jan- uary, Robert Frost, well-loved American poet, made his sixteenth visit to Agnes Scott, and the Braunschweig Marionette Theater presented "Dr. Faust" on the miniature stage. Dr. Arnold Toynbee, distinguished English historian, came to the cam- pus in February and presented a lecture entitled, "The Proper Study of Mankind Is Man."

32 Agnes Scott College Marionette sho Faust and Mephistopheles. two of the Braunschweig Marionett The renowned German

Senora Ortega

Agnes Scott is a member of the University Center Visiting Lecturers Association. This group enables the college to hear some of Dr. Weiss presents a problem to the aud the outstanding thinkers of the day. In Dr. Alston chats with Dr. Sorokin. October, Paul Weiss, Professor of Philo- sophy at Yale University, visited the campus and presented a lecture entitled "The Rights of Man." Dr. Petirim Sorokin, well-known Russian-American sociologist and professor emeritus at Harvard Uni- versity, brought the lecture series to a close with "The Crisis of Our Age." In January, Senora Maria Ortega, a friend of long-standing of Agnes Scott's, arrived on campus for her annual visit. This well-known guitarist and singer of folk songs entertained the student body at a chapel program, and talked with many of the Spanish classes.

The Silhouette 1958 33 Religious Emphasis Week

In February, Dr. Edmund Steimle, professor of homolytics at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in and well-known Lutheran minister, was a visitor to our campus, at which time he led Religious Emphasis Week. Throughout the week, Dr. Steimle delivered inspiring messages to the campus community on his theme, "The Struggle with God;" and on Monday night his talk, "The Fragrance of Christ," was open to the public. Dr. Steimle also held a Communion Service on Friday night, and had personal interviews with individuals and various clubs. The great success and effective- ness of Religious Emphasis Week has been at- tributed largely to his participation in it.

Dr. Edmund Steimle

International Festival

The International Festival, de- signed to stimulate interest in global affairs on our canrpus, was a big event of the fall quarter. In October, Christian Association, 1* with the help of Social Council, Student Government, and Interna- < tional Relations Club, undertook the tremendous task of dividing the world into eight areas and work- ing up displays for these areas. i \M^ Throughout the week, chapel programs featured programs about world events. The dining hall con- tributed to the international air by having a menu of foreign dishes. The climax of the week came when the International Avenue in Walters' Recreation Room was opened to the public. Along one side of the wide boulevard were booths that displayed souvenirs and articles from Western Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, and other areas. There was a miniature Sputnik before the Russian booth, and a python skin before the W*tJ' African booth. Flags of the United Nations on the walls, a sidewalk cafe serving foreign delicacies, ] music from "Around the World In Eighty Days," and foreign students dressed in their native costumes, all helped produce a continental | atmosphere. Students and guest enjoy the international exhibits.

34 Agnes Scott College Introducing the 1958 Silhouette Included on the following pages are the girls choosen as the most representative of beauty found on our campus. Because there was no celebration of May Day this year, the honor bestowed on these girls has taken on a new aspect of importance. These selections reflect the opinion of our student body as well as that of the judge. Each class held elections to choose two girls to represent them in this section. From these eight girls, the top two beauties were chosen. The famous artist and illustrator, Jon Whitcomb, long a connoisseur of feminine beauty, was our judge. We now give you his selections, and with great pleasure we present the beauties of the 1958 Silhouette.

Elizabeth Logan Roberts Feature Editor, 1958 SILHOUETTE Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga.

Photographs are being returned under separ

The Silhouefre 1958 s f \

Hi mm i First Place mn mm BECKY WILSON

i i 5 Augusta, Georgia Sophomore Class

j* The Silhouette 1958 37 KAREL KWASS Second Place Bluefield, West Virginia Freshman Class

38 EILEEN GRAHAM Beaumont, Texas Senior Class

VIRGINIA K'BURG Augusta, Georgia Freshman Class

The Silhouette 1958 39 LINDA TODD McCALL Decatur, Georgia Junior Class

RUNITA McCURDY San Antonio, Texas Junior Class

40 Agnes Scott College JUDY SAWYER

Nashville, Tennessee Sophomore Class

EMASUE ALFORD VEREEN Decatur, Georgia Senior Class

The Silhouette 1958 que and delightful. MUSIC APRIL 17th, 18th and 19th, with ON brightly colored banners and balloons fluttering in the breeze, Agnes Scott presented its first Fine Arts Festival. The Festival was a culmination of the efforts of LITERATURE the following departments: Art, English, Music, and Physical Education, and of Aurora, Blackfriars, Dance Group, May Day Committee, and Music Club. In order to enable these organizations to devote their time, efforts, and money during the entire year to the preparation and presentation of a larger program than is usually possible, this Festival incorporated the traditional productions of Blackfriars, Dance Group, and May Day. Blackfriars, the dramatic club on campus, and Dance Group had long wished to com- bine their talents and present a joint pro- duction. In giving Shakespeare's "The Tempest" this ambition was realized through special choreography which was added to the original play. The English Department and the Aurora, the campus

Literary panelists: Elizabeth Bartlett, James Dickey, Miss Trotter, modera- tor. Hollis Summers, May Sarton. Fine Arts Festival

arts magazine, brought outstanding literary critics to the campus for this occasion. Art students wanted to share Agnes Scott art work with that from other colleges and universities, and this was done through a joint art exhibition held in Rebekah Re- ception Room. Music students hoped to perform programs that could not be fitted into the normal schedule and were there- fore pleased to present the comic opera "La Serva Padrona" and a chapel program of concert music. The college had looked forward to a time when the various arts could be seen in proximity to one another, and this was accomplished in the Festival. This fete was the result of many months of planning, practicing, persevering, co-operation, and co-ordination on the part of students and faculty alike. Nancy Kimmel, Festival Chairman, a Steering Committee, and a Co-ordinating Committee put the plans into action. Almost everyone at Agnes Scott Art exhibits on the campus found appreciative audienc Ar contributed thought, time, and talent to the ART execution of the Fine Arts Festival.

Drama and Danc< DRAMA-DANCE bined in "The Tempest.'

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A large mural by Joseph Perrin adds color to the campus during the Fine Arts Festival.

Scott students admire the art work of Georgia State College of Business Administration. Drama and Dance made their contribution to the Arts Festival with the joint production of "The Tempest." The familiar plot of the ship-wreck, the love affair of Ferdinand and Miranda, and the re- venge of Prospero unfolded dramatically against the background of constructivistic stage setting and with the aid of the expressionistic dances of Dance Group. A comic note was added through the antics of the drunken jester, Trinculo, and the butler, Stephano. Elizabeth Shumaker won the annually-awarded Claude S. Bennett Trophy for her performance as the monster, Caliban, in this pi'oduction.


Prospero tells Miranda of his betrayal and exile.

^ Dance group contributed graceful spirits to the products

Due to an accident, the play was produced with two Ariels. Carlanna Lindamood delivered her line from the wings, while Nancy Trowell aptly stepped into her dancing role. J

Ariel listens while Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban plot to take the island.

The mariners and nobles are disturbed by the storm.

Shipwrecked noblemen argue about the course of action. LITERATURE

Opening the Festival on Thursday night was a lecture, "The Holy Game: The Creation of a Poem," by Miss May Sarton, novelist, poetess, and critic for the Times. Miss Sarton is author of "Faithful Are the Wounds" and other novels, and two of her most recent volumes of poetry are "New Poems 2" and "In Time Like Air." Miss Sarton was a member of a writing panel on Friday, along with Elizabeth Bartlett, author of "Poems or Yes and No" and "Until Words Cease," Hollis Summers, well known for "The Weather of February" and other novels, and James Dickey, Atlanta poet who has been published in several national magazines. This panel discussed and criticized the fiction and poetry appearing in the spring issue of Aurora. Contributions in the magazine came not only from Agnes Scott, but also from the University of Tennessee, Duke Uni- versity, Sweetbriar College, Hollins College, and Converse College.

May Sarton tells h


For musically inclined participants in the Arts Festival, there were two special events of interest. A program of classical music was presented by the joint Emory Univer- sity-Agnes Scott College Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Adams. On Saturday afternoon a delightful Opera Buffa, or "comic opera," by Pergolesi, was given. The cast of "La Serva Padrona" was composed of James Kane, Pierre Thomas, and Rose Marie Regero: the performance was con- ducted by Mr. McDowell; and the music was provided by the Agnes Scott Orchestra. An excellent cast, authentic 18th century cos- tuming, and splendid musical directing helped make the comic opera one of the highlights of the Festival.

The Emory-Agnes Scott Orchestr,

46 rt panel: Miss Marie Hupe

. Lamar Dodd. Joseph Perr Heffernan. Carolyn Becknel ART

An ait exhibition featuring student work from Georgia Tech, Georgia State College of Business Administration, the University of Georgia, and Agnes Scott was open throughout the Festival; and paintings, ceramics, sculpture, mosaics, architectural designs, and textile designs brought admir- ing crowds. In the outer lobby were dis- played works of Paul Heffernan, Director of the School uf Architecture at Georgia Tech; Joseph Perrin, Professor of Art at Georgia State College of Business Ad- ministration; Lamar Dodd, Professor of Art at the University of Georgia; and Carolyn Becknell, distinguished Atlanta in- terior designer. These leading artists came together on Saturday to compose an art panel, and, with Miss Huper as moderator, they informally discussed aspects of the artistic trend in modern times. Senior Activities

look This is my Senior Class ... I am their mascot. They dignified in their black robes, but don't let that fool you! They were not always like this. In the fall, on a day they call Little Girls' Day, you should have seen them. At six-thirty in the morning," they jumped out of bed and went around the campus waking up everyone to come out and play with them. There were cowboys, Indians, sailors, tom-boys, and little girls dressed in short dresses and frilly pinafores. A band of cowbovs held up the Treasurer's Office, while others skated through the buildings to classes. These little girls gave a chapel program for the rest of the school. They had the funniest f.V. shows I've ever seen. There was "The Ricky Rat Club," "Captain Riddeo," "Toodle Lewdy Time," and '"The Long Stranger." Gosh, I laughed and laughed. All days must end, however; at evening the dolls were put away and the gay little girls were soon again "tired old seniors."

Ricky Rats in act The Long Stranger herself. The little girls all sing togethe

Straight from the kindergarten. Organist and assistant.

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Investiture Day followed Little Girls' Day. I proudly watched my class line up for the procession, dressed in their dignified black robes and carrying their caps. This was the day when they were officially recognized as seniors. Dressed in white, the Sophomores, their sister class, led the .procession and lined the aisles of the auditorium. The faculty in all their academic regalia then mached down the aisle and onto the stage. Last, but just as dignified, were my Seniors. Parents strained to see them as they filed in and were seated. The Investiture Address was then delivered by Dr. Chang. The significant moment came for each girl when she went on the stage, knelt before Miss Scandrett, and was capped. After the recessional, the tearful class gathered on the steps outside and sang their Black Cat song.

Kneeling before Miss Scandrett to be capped.

Sophomores form an aisle for the Seni.

The Silhouette 1958 49 Senior Opera

In May I watched my Seniors give an opera, but the Met was never like this! The plot was a tragic one, and the hero, Rudolpho, died with a case of "dun- geonitis" at the hands of the villain Scorpio. For some reason, the audience kept laughing anyway!

Everybody laughed, in fact; even the cast . . . espe-

cially the statues . . . had a hard time keeping a straight face. The M.B. Palace Guards were espe- cially good in their precision drills, and the statues' rendition of "Mostly Marble" was given in true operatic style. The libretto of "The Man With a Hoe" was orig- inal, but the music was borrowed from some very worthy composers. Practically the whole class was pure, statu on the stage that night, and everyone had helped in the production in some way. This was the last time these stars would ever work together on a show again, but the applause as the curtain closed proved that their last performance had been a memorable one.

Lenora prefers inner cleanliness to the villain, black to th

'March on, march on, we'll get

'Dig and dust."

50 Graduation

Graduation week at last arrived. The Senior picnic, the Class Day program in chapel, and book-burning brought many laughs to my Seniors, but I knew that sadness lay close be- neath each smile. The class songs by the daisy chain were sung like they had never been

sung before . . . for this was the last time.

The procession to Gaines Auditoriun

The Seniors fo h through.

The Baccalaureate Address was given on Sunday, June 8th, and the next

day was the big day . . . Graduation? I was proud of my Seniors as they re- ceived their diplomas. I'll miss them, but they will always be my Seniors, wherever they are.

The Silhouette 1958 ^

1 4 organizations EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. First row: Donalyn Moore, Student Recorder; Jo Sawyer, Vice- President—Judicial Chairman; Nancy Ed- wards, President; Patti Forrest, Treasurer; Carolyn Hazard, Secretary. Second row: Lila McGeachy, Jeanette Jones, Jane King, Wardie Abernethy. Lower House Chairman; Harriet Talmadge. Third row: Dot Burns, Mary Clayton Bryan, Nancy Duvall, Ann McBride, Mary Hart Richardson. Fourth row: Mary Ann Henderson, Punlty Fam- brough, Janice Bowman, Anne McWhorter, Nancy Holland, Orientation Chairman; Margaret Wooltolk. Not pictured: Sheila MacConochie, Phia Peppas, Day Student Chairman; Julian Preble.

Student In concept and in function, Agnes Scott's Student Government Association is unique: it is entirely student management of student affairs. An orig- Government inal, self-governing policy for students at the college has been developed and continued through efficient organization in judicial, legislative, and Association executive branches of one system.

REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL. First row: Nancy Edwards, Jo Sawyer. Second row: Carolyn Hazard, Celeste Rogers, Nancy Holland, Wardie Abernethy. Third row: Ann Rivers Payne, Nancy Kimmel, Eve Pur- dom, Lang Sydnor, Runita McCurdy, Carolyn Magruder. Fourth row: Phia Peppas, Randy Norton, Patti Forrest, Sue Lile, Sara Margaret Heard. Not pictured: Jean Abendroth, Martha Meyer.

54 Agnes Scott College t #1 § * LOWER HOUSE. First row: Jane Law Treasurer; Wardie Abernethy,ithy, Lower„ House Second row: Emily Pancake, Patricia Walker, June Connally, Anne Tilly, Myra Glasure, Lucyi Scales.c_,l~ tl:-jThird row: Millie McCravey, Wynn Hughes, Paula Pil- t ! Icenton, Joyce Seay, Peyton Baber, Kathryn i f * f John. Fourth row: Hollis Smith, Sibley Robertson, Caroline Dudley, Mary Taylor Lipscomb, Suzanne Hosltins, Mary Wayn Crymes. Not pictured: Judy Clark, BettyBett Cline, Lucy Cole, Helen Hachtel, "rfsyBets Luni.Luni, Secretary: Dot Ripley, Irene Shaw Edith Tritt

II m

Student Government's structure is designed pri- tion, and the faculty combine to form the Adminis- marily for expediency and for the most inclusive trative Council, which is purely advisory in func- representation. Rep. Council, both advisory and tion. legislative in function, is comprised of represen- In addition to its activities on the Agnes Scott tatives from the major campus organizations. campus, Student Government is affiliated with the Executive Committee which has executive, judicial Southern Association of Student Governments, and legislative powers, is composed of delegates on the regional level ; and it is a member of the selected by class and by residence. Membership in National Student Association, the voice of Amer- Lower House, Student Government's service or- ican students. This year Agnes Scott's Student ganization, is based on geographical location and Government has served as secretary for NSA, residence. Student Government, the administra- through the president of Lower House.

Members of Student Government count votes during Spring elections.

The Silhouette 1958 55 CABINET. First row: Marjorie Erickson, Treasurer; Nancy Grayson, Freshman Ad- viser; Sue Lile, President; Pinky McCall, Vice President; Eleanor Lee, Secretary. Second row: Prudy Moore, Marilyn Tribble, Val Edwards, Trudy Florrid, Suianne Mc- Millan. Third row. Jo Flowers, Lea Kallman, Rosemary Roberts, Suiie Bailey, Nancy Alexander. Not pictured: Jean Clark.

Agnes Scott's Christian Association plays an im- portant role in campus life. Tuesday chapel pro- Christian grams, hall prayers, and Sunday meditation ves- pers are included on the year's agenda as regu- lar projects for this organization. In addition, special activities every quarter are sponsored by Association CA in an attempt to enrich each student's spiritual experience.

SERVICE COUNCIL. First row: Margaret Havron, Pinky McCall, Vice-President—Serv- ice Council Chairman; Linda Nichols, Lisa Ambrose. Second row: Carol Promniti, Peggy Edney, Claire Seaman, Phyllis Cox, Kathleen Brown. Not pictured: Betsy Lunz, Betsy Roberts, Barbara Varner.

Agnes Scott Coilege :

OFFICERS OF 'ol CLUB: Betty Be Hall prayers at the close of the day. President; Susan Abernathy, Vic

Fall quarter, freshmen were welcomed with food influence of CA was felt on campus during Re- and fun at a Pogo Party, and were aided in initial ligious Emphasis Week through the dynamic and class organization of their own '61 Club. High- challenging speaker. Dr. Edmund R. Steimle, na- lighting fall activities was the popular Interna- tionally popular Lutheran minister. tional Festival, held at Agnes Scott for the first During spring quarter, Holy Week was made time. In conjunction with International Relations especially significant through morning medita- Club and Social Council, Christian Association tions, special chapels, and the Easter Sunday planned a week of emphasis on world affairs sunrise service on the Infirmary lawn. through chapel programs and foreign menus at Miss Mary Lily Boney, of the Bible Depart- dinner, climaxed by Saturday's International Ave- ment, served as faculty adviser to CA this year, nue in Walter's Recreation Room. and members enjoyed many meetings in her home. Winter quarter projects included the work- shop to train students for the community service Throughout the year, Christian Association projects: Hillside Cottages, Methodist Children's sought to focus student awareness on' the theme: Home, Juvenile Court, Negro Mission, Central "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall Girls' Club, Scottish Rite Hospital, Girl Scouts, make you free" . . . What is truth ? . . . Jesus said and Sheltering Arms Day Nursery. A continuing "I am the truth."

The Silhouette 1958 57 As one of the four major organiza- tions at Agnes Scott, Athletic Asso- ciation and its program meet a special need in campus living, and touch a vital area of the individual development. Membership in AA is composed of the entire student body. Athletic Board, the functional part of the Association, includes officers, heads of each sport, a publicity man- ager, a recorder, and representatives of campus publications and of the freshman class. Miss Dusty Boyce is AA's faculty adviser. Regular projects for the year were the blazer and ASC sweatshirt sale, Lost and Found, and the pep rallies. Fall quarter was the time when King Hockey reigned supreme. Spirited contests each Friday were intensified by close competition and enthusiastic AA's officers, ok over the site of Ruth, Jorie, Martha, and Judy, support. After a threatening fresh- the future AA cabin. men team was defeated, the class of '58, the seniors, capped the season title of champs for the third year. Athletic Association

ATHLETIC BOARD. First row: Betsy Dalton, Maria Harris, Caro McDonald, Barbara Huey. Second row: Judy .Nash, Vice-President; Martha Meyer, President; Mary Dunn, Runita McCurdy, Susan Shir-

ley, Pat Stewart, Archer Boswell, Ruth Currie, Treasurer; Jorie Muller, Secretary. Third row Jill Imray Louise Florence, Caroline Miltell, Kay Weber, Lue Robert.

58 Agnes Scott College Before Christmas holidays, plans for the AA cabin were presented, and received popular approval. Students purchased paper logs in the drive for funds for the cabin to be completed in the Spring. Winter quarter found the student athletic program centered around basketball. Despite keen competition, the sophomores claimed first place, with only a narrow margin of victory over the seniors. Also during this quarter, many enjoyed the AA-spon- sored ice-skating party for the student body. A split season of volleyball and softball was initiated spring quarter by the Athletic Board. A revision in the point system for obtaining recog- Tense supporters wait for a hockey goal. nition in athletics was made, and the Sportsmanship Award was changed from an individual to a class honor.

Seniors and Freshmen fight it out. What will be the end of this struggle?


The Silhouette 1958 59 Social Council

Officially organized last Spring, Social Council has been given a prominent place on the Agnes Scott campus alongside the other three major campus organizations. Social Council incorporates functions of both the old Social Committee and Cotillion Club, as well as initiates new and broader activities. During Orientation, Social Council sponsored a variety of activities for the freshmen. The new students were honored upon their arrival with an "open house" in the Hub plus a 'what-to- wear-when" fashion show during the first week. The Council also sponsored the formal faculty reception for freshmen and their sponsors. Fall quarter was climaxed by a joint AA-Social Council Fall Frolics dance and jam session. Other valuable contributions made by SC to the campus have included a "Look At Yourself Week," when emphasis on good grooming, man- ners, posture, etc., was intensified through satiric EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Jody An cht. Treas Kath- erine Jo Freeman, Secretary; Sara qaret He Presi- den*; Martha Davis. Vice-President.

SOCIAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE. Roxana Speight. Elea CALENDAR EVENTS COMMITTEE. Lea Kallman, Judy Al- nor Bradley. Co-chairman; Betty Lewis. Mary Jo Cowart, Co bergotti, Co-chairman; Sissie Daniel. Lynn Frederick, Carol chairman. Not pictured: Dot Ripley. Rogers, Sallie Meet, Ca-chairman.

60 Agnes Scott College chapel programs, posters in the dining hall, and an informal discussion on Gracious Living held by Mrs. Alston, Mrs. Stukes, and Mrs. Friarson. Throughout the year Social Council movies have brought many evenings of relaxation to student audiences. The Hub Committee, one committee repre- sented on the Council, has done much to brighten the Hub's interior through the addition of new chairs, hand decorated curtains, art exhibits, and a new paint job downstairs. During winter quarter, Social Council spon- sored a snack bar at night in the Hub.

In its entirety, Social Council is composed of an executive board consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who are elected by the student body, plus class-elected committee chairmen and the committee appointees working under them.

DANCE COMMITTEE. Frances Gwinn. Eileen Graham, Co- chairman; Nancy Awbrey, Co-chairman; Caro McDonald, Becky Wilson.

PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. Dee Harvley, Lee Davidson, Co- HUB COMMITTEE. Mary Wilson. Co-chairman- Haiel Elli' chairman; Mary Dunn, Co-chairman; Betty Garrard, Corky Margaret Woolfolk, Ann Dodd, Co-chairman. Feaqin. EDITORIAL STAFF. First row: Caroline Miller, Copy Editor; Pat Stewart, Sports Editor; Lang Sydnor, Editor; Barbara Duvall, Managing Editor; Mary Moore, Assistant Editor. Second row: Lue Robert, The Ag nes Scott N ews Photographer; Caroline Dudley, Assistant Editor; Betty Cline, News Feature Editor; Haiel-Thomas King, Assistant Editor; Corky Feagin, Society Editor. simi. ins HTTP; ..lie" Sa<

The Agnes Scott News, published entirely by the students, records campus activities and Agnes events. Each Wednesday, when the paper is distributed, we read about the winners of the Friday game, those newly pinned or Scott engaged, the convocation speakers, those "seen in passing." A column always reserved for "Letters to the Editor" gives students News an opportunity to express their opinions and to learn the views of others. teJk^m

Students eagerly await Wednesday

62 Agnes Scott College REPORTERS, Lang Sydno ill, Edith Tow Rosemary Rob Second row: Sally Sanford Duvall, Jane Law, Ann rker, Sid How

mith. Third row: Jennie Mill Anne Carey, Helen S, fiti Suzanne Mane

Carolii ry Byrd, Frances Johns. Not pictured n Corbett, Betsy H mond, Laura / Knake, Ling, Louise McCaughan, Martha McKinney, Ann Norton, Jo Sawy Ca olyn

A large staff of reporters, who are selected Journalistic contact with other colleges and on a try-out basis, gathers news-worthy ma- universities is provided through exchange of issues and through representatives to terial throughout the week ; and the editors sent meet on Monday night to proofread articles, the Associated Collegiate Press Convention work out headlines, and "make up" a top- each year. This organization also sponsors a rate newspaper. The Business Staff, headed judging service to which Agnes Scott News by the Business Manager plus the Circulation issues are submitted biannually. The rating and Advertising Editors and their staffs, so- awarded by competent judges indicates our licits advertising, controls financial matters, newspaper's relative position to the newspa- and handles the circulation of the newspaper pers of other schools of the same size. The on our campus and to other schools. Agnes Scott News has been progressively re- ceiving better ratings in recent years.

BUSINESS STAFF. Barbara Varner, Martha Bethea, Mary Grac Palmour, Gene Allen Reinero, Business Manager; Gloria Branhan Not pictured: Nancy Graves. Margaret Havron, Nancy Grave

^ ^SHk

The Silhouette 1958 63 Lef to right: t Tomi Le wis, O rqan izations Editor; Betsy Roberts, Features Editor; Celeste Rogers, Editor- in-c Met; Ces Rudisill, Assoc iate Editor; Eileen Graham, Art Editor; Mary Dunn, Photography Editor; Ma ry Helen William , Bus ness Manag er. Not pictured: Becky Barlow, Sports Editor; Lu Bellamy, ulty Fac Edito ; Boogie Helm Co oy Edito

The 1958 Silhouette

Celeste Rogers, Mary Helen Williams, Ces Rudi: In 1898, the first yearbook of Agnes Scott College, then entitled "The Aurora," was published. In following years, the name was changed to "The Silhouette," and the book gradually grew from lit- tle more than a "senior album" into the 176-page bound volume of today. Like the Agnes Scott News, the Silhouette is entirely a student publication. Its editor, associate editor, and business manager are

elected in the spring by the student body ; the book is published the following spring, after a year of work by these people and their se- lected staffs. The annual had a faculty adviser this year for the first

time ; Miss Marie Huper, of the Art Department, accepted that po- sition. An unusually large number of people expressed a desire to work on the 1958 Silhouette. Regrettably, the staff could not include them all, but it is felt that this general attiude of interest has helped in many ways to make the book more successful this year. Success is measured by the staff in two ways. The first is the extent to which the book not only gives a factual account but also in an interesting and personal way captures the essence and spirit of life at Agnes Scott. It is to this entent that the entire student body feels that he annual is theirs and enjoys it. The second measure of success is the national rating which the book gets in comparison with other year- books from schools of the size of Agnes Scott all over the country. The Silhouette is entitled to this judging service through its mem- bership in Associated Collegiate Press. Each year several members of The Silhouette attend the Asso- ciated Collegiate Press Convention, with enrollment fees and air- plane fare being paid by the treasury. This year the convention was in , and Tomi Lewis and Betsy Roberts reported it not only beneficial but also a great deal of fun.

The Silhouette 1958 PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF. June Hall, Martha Bethea, Mary Dunn. Not pictured: Margaret Goodrich. Martha Sharp. Hollis Smith.

LAYOUT STAFF. First row: Eileen Graham, Gretchen Elliott. Second row: Emily Bivens, Edith Towers, Betty Lewis, Emily Parker. Third row: Carolyn West, Betsy Roberts, Carolyn Cushman. Becky Evans, Annette Whipple, Tomi Lewis. Not pictured: Peyton Baber, Becky Barlow, Joanne Beaton, Lu Bellamy. Ann Hawley. Eileen Johnson, Suzanne Hammons, Dian Smith. Susie Ware.

BUSINESS STAFF. First row: Curt Swords, Advertising Co-chairman Mary Helen Williams, Sara Ll Persinger, Advertising Co-chair man. Second row: Grace Man gum, Sid Howell, Helen Milledge Third row: Frances Singleton Martha Starrett, Nain Stieglitz Frances Elliot.

COPY STAFF. Caroline Dudley, Diane Snead, Lil Hart, Carolyn Magruder, Shan- non Cumming. Not pictured: Nancy Brown, Boogie Helm, Ruth Leroy. Barbara Specht.

The Silhouette 1958 The Aurora is the campus magazine for creative expression, whose purpose is to provide stimulation through recognition of the fine arts. Students are encouraged to present original poetry, essays, short stories, and art work for publication. This year the staff substituted an Aurora Handbook for the winter edition in order to concentrate time and effort upon the Aurora spring edition. This edition contained all literary material selected to be appraised and criticized at the Fine Arts Festival. Poetry and short stories from seven colleges were included as well as Agnes Scott contributions. May Sarton, Hollis Summers, Elizabeth Bart- lett, and James Dickey, all prominent literary figures, comprised the panel which reviewed these works.

Sybil Strupe. June Hall. Nancy Edwards. Second o»: Cathe ine Hodgin, Business Man- Smith, Exchange Editor; Dolly Bates, Anne Whisr ant, Joann Hodge. Not pictured: Lu sanah Masten, Martha McCoy, Art Editor. D QQ QQ aJ £0 I! « ¥ii,$VwMC ii "

First row: Ethel DuRant, Pat Gover, Martha Davis, Na ncy Alexander, Margaret McKelway, Jo Hester, Nancy Stillman, Mary Elizabeth Hill, Hope Gregg, Caroline Ryman, Kay Richards, Mary Park Cross. Second Dinah McMillan, Ruth Currie. Fifth row: Anne Eyler, Susie White, row: Ann McBride, Mary Ware, Pete Brown, Anne Russell, Josie Nain Stieglitz, Sylvia Ray, Mary Jim Clark, Marguerite Dickert, Hazel- Rhoden, Dot Ripley, Phyllis Cox, Mary Jo Cowart, A in Womeldorf, Thomas King, Anne McWhorter, Mildred Braswell, Joan Lewis, Carol Jo Stokes, Third row: Dianne Foster, Rose Marie Rege ro, Judy Mad- Pike, Lee Davidson. Not pictured: Polly Brooks, Sissie Baumgardner, dox, Audrey Johnson, Margaret Lipham, Julia McNairy Joan Alexan- Betty Cline, Ann Cobb, Anne Corse, Sally Fuller Jo Hathaway Eileene der, Mary Hammond, Pinky McCall, Sissie Daniel, Celia Crook. Fourth Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Eleanor Lee, Helen Scott Maddox, Emily row: Mary Clayton Bryan, Anne Pollard, Tish Moye, Trudy Florrid, Pancake, Mimi Phillips, Pat Rogers, Frances Shephard, Annette Teague, Janice Powell, Rosalyn Warren, Paula Pilkenton, Sara Lu Persinger, Emasue Vereen.

The Glee Club was larger than it has been in recent years : sixty-seven members were elected on the basis of try-out. The Glee Club, directed by Miss Roxie Hagopian, has given two major concerts this year. A full house enjoyed the Christmas Carol Concert, which featured "A Ceremony of Carols" by Benjamin Brittain and other more traditional selections. On March 26th, the Glee Club Glee presented the "Hora Novissima," by Horatio Parker, in conjunction with the Ohio State Glee Club. A party honoring both groups followed the concert. Club The campus community also heard the Glee Club at Investiture service, Baccalaureate service, the Easter service, Graduation exer- cises, and in a Wednesday convocation program featuring a medley of old favorites and Broadway hits.

OFFICERS. First row: Rosalyn Warren President- S President. Second row: Kay Richards Publ ty Co-cha Eyler, Librarian; Anne Corse, Seer The Ohio State Glee Club. Phyllis Cox, Li pictured: Jo Hathaway, Publicity Co

67 Blackfriars

Blackfriars, the college dramatic group and oldest club on campus, stimulates interest and participation in acting and nlav production. Organized in 1915 by Miss Frances K. Gooch, Blackfriars presents two full length plays each year. The club highlighted fall quarter with the satiric fantasy, "The World We Live In," an expressionistic play by Josef and Karel Capek. Demanding a cast of fifty women, the play also in- cluded Mr. Peter Mettam and Mr. Henry Begg of London, England, in the two male roles. Among the interesting and varied bi-monthly meetings, the club offered criticism to a teen-age acting group under the direction of Mrs. Richard Hocking of Emory. Blackfriars also welcomed "The Cecilians" from Westminster Schools who presented one act plays for criticism. Winter quarter stimulated group readings of "The Tempest," to be presented at the spring Fine Arts Festival, and Dr. George Hayes led an informative and exciting dis- cussion of this play. Early in spring quarter the cast began working for masculine stage movements under the direction of several actors and dancers in the Atlanta area. After this First row: Carolyn Hazard, Secretary; combined Dance Group-Blackfriars production, the Claude S. PresWent. Seated: Miss Winter, Directo uth. Tec Bennett Trophy was awarded to the member of Blackfriars nical Director. Third row: Deene Spii er; Mill Lane, President. considered to have done the best acting of the year.

First row: Mary Ann Campbell, Betty Garr d, Suellen Beverly, Liz Jeanne Slade, Betsy Roberts, Kay Weber, Nora Ann Simpson, Ethel Shumalcer, Barbara Duvall, Make-up Chain an; Llewellyn Bellamy. DuRant, Costume Co chairman; Jo Hathaway, House Chairman. Not pictured: Jan Flemin, Flory, Second row: Peggy Fanson, Scenery Co-ch.. _.._irman; Barbara Varner, Kathy Sally Fuller, Nancy Graves, Prop- Costume Co-chairman; Martha Beth. Tomi Lewis, Annette Whipple, erties Chairman; Car. McDonald, Lighting Chairman; Mary Jane Mil- Frances Broom, Sally Sanford. Third row: Carolyn Tinkler, Andy Lowry ford, Ann Norton, Fra ces Sattes, Sound Chairman; Diane Snead, Deene Spivey, Treasurer.

68 Agnes Scott College Scenes from "The World We Live In

TECHNICAL CREW. First row: Lydia Dwen, Nora King, Program Chairman; Linda Jones, Janice Powell, Judy Harrold, Anita Sheldon. Second row: Mary Dunn, Mary Mac Witherspoon, Scenery Co-chairman; Jane Law. Third row: Shannon Cumming, Margaret Salvadore, Publicity Chairman; Shirley McDonald, Suzanne Manges, Cynthia Grant, Helen Culpepper, Audrey Johnson. e&fid&te

69 The Silhouette 1958 Rosalyn Warren, Martha McCoy, Rose Marie Regero, Millie Lane, Margaret Fortney, Runita Mc- Curdy, Student Chairman. Not pictured: Anne McWhorter, Ash- lin Morris, Sally Smith.

schweig Marionette Theatre which presented "Dr. Faust" plus several delightful marionette musical Lecture sketches. Robert Frost, an annual visitor to Agnes Scott, followed next in the series, which was culmi- nated by historian Arnold Toynbee's lecture on "The Association Nature of Man." In addition to bringing outstanding figures to this campus, Lecture Association also co-operates Lecture Association enables the campus community with the University Center Lecture Series so that to meet lecturers of national and international the entire Atlanta area might benefit from their prominence and thus to gain from their knowledge efforts to attract top-flight speakers. Lecture Asso- and experience. Senor Jose Mora, Secretary of the ciation is unique in that it is composed of both a Organization of the American States, was the Asso- faculty and a student committee, which work closely ciation's first lecturer, followed by the novel Braun- and effectively together. Firs* row: Deene Spivey, President; Mary Clayton Bryan, Treasurer. Sec- ond row: Audrey Johnson, Rosalyn Warren, Historian; Sid Howell, Nancy Duvall, Harriette Lamb, Margaret Mc- Kelway. Rosemary Roberts. Not pic tured: Joanne Beaton, Secretary; Lucy Cole, Boogie Helm, Laura Knake, Sally Smith, Susie Ware, Susie White. Debate Manager.

Pi Alpha Phi

Pi Alpha Phi is a debating society which International encourages and trains potential debaters. An intra- club tournament, held throughout the year, gave Relations Club members opportunity to develop their formal technique. During winter quarter, Agnes Scott The highlight of the International Relations Club's was host to the 11th annual All-Southern Inter- activities this year was a colorful, informative Collegiate Debate Tournament at which the college International Festival, presented in order to in- placed 3rd in the affirmative awards. A varsity crease campus interest in global affairs. Also debate team represented Pi Alpha Phi in tourna- among IRC projects were the sale of UNESCO ments at other colleges and universities. Dr. Christmas Cards, and sponsorship of a West George Hayes was faculty adviser for the group Point-Agnes Scott debate on "U. S. Policy in the Middle East" The monthly meetings included a discussion of Alaska and Dr. Swartz's discussion of Indonesia. Facultv adviser to the club was Mrs. Roff Sims.

A jlfl A

First row: Runita McCurdy, Vice- President; Helen Salfiti, Secretary- Treasurer; Lea Kallman, President; Barbara Varner, Program Chairman. Second row: Kathy Flory, Lynn Fred- erick, Marianne Sharp, Frances Elliot, Drew Blankner, Dieneke Nieuwenhuis, Lafon Zimmermann. Third row: Miri- am Inbar, Ann Rivers Payne, Jane Norman, Katherine Hawkins, Kay o White, Margaret Havron. Fourth row: o Grace Chao, Rosemary Roberts, Ei- leen McCrary, Peggy Bradford, Sara Anne Carey, Jean Clark, Barbara Harrison. B. O. Z.

B.O.Z., the creative writing club for upper classmen and "big sister" to Folio, provides incentive for those students who are interested in writing short stories, plays, essays, and character sketches. The club is small, with try-outs held twice yearly at which time the perspective members submit their original works. Through the reading and criticizing of their literature, the members provide in- spiration for each other. Often the original works presented at these meetings are published in the Aurora. Miss Mary Rion is faculty adviser to B.O.Z.

First row: Frances Broom, President. Second row: Corky Feagin, Nancy Brown, June Hall, Sid How- ell, Nancy Kimmel, Susannah Masten, Sybil Strupe.


Folio is the creative writii g club for freshmen. This organization provides its members with the stimulus for composing original works and gives them an opportunity to share their efforts with each other. Tryouts are held twice yearly, at which time pro- spective members submit original short stories, prose, and poetry. At the close of the year the members publish an anthology, Folio, which contains material selected from mem- bers' contributions.

First row: Esther Thomas, Secretary; Joan Byrd, President. Second row: Jennie Miller, Mary Ann McSwain, Mimi Phillips, Susan Abernathy, Harriet Smith, Molly Schwab, Pam Bevier, Betsy Paterson, Mary Ware, Ronnie Dillard. Not pictured: Linda Grant, Nancy Hughes, Caroline Thomas.

Agnes Scott College Chi Beta Phi

Outstanding students, selected on the basis of scholarship and interest in science, are given an opportunity each year to belong to Chi Beta Phi. This club is an honorary scientific frater- nity for undergraduates, which is associated with the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. Interest in outer space prompted Chi Beta Phi to devote several meet- ings to this topic. Dr. William Calder, the club's faculty adviser, presented a program on "Sputnik," and Dr. Rohrer, professor of physics at Emory, spoke on inter-planetary space travel. Chi Beta Phi awards a key to their most outstanding mem- ber each year.

First row: Anne Blackshear, Recording Secretary Robert, Presid ,-„,. uecky Barl Presi- dent. Second row Shirley Spackma Correspond- ing Secretary; Jo ne Brownlee Martha' Bethea. Rosalyn Warren, H rriet Harrill, LaVonne Nalley,

Treasurer.'d'.uifi. Thiimiu iuw. Heleni icpcii Rogrwyvis, Carolv^aiui Roi\uycu Nancyincy Edwards,Edward Curt Swords. Not pictured Gi ace Chao, Kathy Flory, June Fulmer Fortson inltie Lomason, Frances Sattes.

Eta Sigma Phi

Eta Sigma Phi is a national honorary classical fraternity composed of students who excel in Latin and Greek. Qualifications for membership include election by the club, a high scholastic average, and a curriculum including advanced courses in Latin and Greek. The members of the club strive to create an active interest in classical study on the campus. The program for this year centered around the Greek drama, with the group read- ing such tragedies as Alcestis, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonnus, and The Trachineae. In the spring quarter, the annual banquet was enjoyed by club mem- bers and advisers, and officers for the forthcoming year were elected at this time.

First row: Caroline Dudley, Treasurer; Barbara Thompson, Vice-President; Anne McCurdy, Presi- dent; Joyce Thomas, Secretary. Second row: Bet- ty Jean Meek, Helen Mabry, Martha Thomas, Pat Anderson, Laura Parker. Not pictured: Jody Arm- brecht, Nancy Grayson, Susannah Masten, Pinky McCall, Caroline Pruitt.

The Silhouette 1958 73 First row: Corky Feagin. Second row: Judy Houchins, Suzy Orme, Becky Wilson, Beverly Delk, Babe McFadden. Third row: Anne Broad, Betsy Boyd, Willie Byrd Childress, Harriett Elder, Mike Booth, Brock Hanna, Anne Dodd. Not pictured: Carlanna Lindamood, Chairman: Dance Group centered its attention this year on both Doan, Nancy Trowell. Margaret Dexter, Dee Dee modern and classical ballet, under the direction of a capable choreographer, Mrs. Norman Berson. The work of Dance Group was concentrated on a joint Dance Group presentation with Blackfriars of The Tempest for the Fine Arts Festival. Such a combination of dance and drama in one production proved to be a success- ful innovation on our campus.

The Dolphin Club's aim is' to encourage and develop the art of synchronized swimming. During the win- ter quarter the campus community was thrilled by the swimming pageant, "Reflections." The theme of Dolphin Club "Reflections" was based on the desire to express the essence and mood of music through arm movements and expressive patterns in the water—aquatic mod- first row: Julian Preble, Caroline Pheland, Mary Ann Henderson, ern dance. Dolphin Club's impressive and artistic Margaret Goodrich, Mary Jo Cowart. Second row: Suianne Hoskins, Walton, Secretary-Treasurer; Myra Glasure, production was a colorful contribution to winter Janice Jones, Marian Lydia Dwen, Ann Parker. Third row: Judy Sawyer, Celia Crook, Louise quarter. Law, Ruth Currie, Marty Young, Marjorie Erickson, Anne Blackshear, President; Jo Hathaway, Shannon Cumming. Not pictured: Mary Clapp, Lucy Cole, Patti Forrest, Pat Gover, Maria Harris, Joan St. Clair.

74 First row: Caroline Pheland, Vice- President; Lynn Frederick, Presi- dent; Audrey Johnson, Secretary- Treasurer. Second row: Gene Allen Reinero, Betsy Roberts. Sissie Baum- gardner, Pam Bevier, Carol Pile, Lafon Zlmmermann. Third row: Nancy Stillman, Mary Moore, Linda Nichols, Nancy Stone, Grace Man gum, Kathy Kemp, Anita Sheldon, Page Smith. Fourth row: Linda In- gram, Lucy Maud Davis, Cecily Rudisill, Patsy Moss. Sara -Anne Carey, Jane Cooper, Louise Van- hee. Betty Bellune.

Spanish Club members have an opportunity to learn more about Spanish language, literature, and culture at its monthly meetings, at joint programs with the Pan-American Club and Circulo de Hispania of At- lanta, and at parties with the Latin American Circle Spanish Club at Georgia Tech. The highlight of the Club's activi- ties this year was the annual visit of -Senora Maria Ortega, whose renditions of Mexican folk songs were enjoyed by the whole campus.

The French Club is a social organization open to all students who are studying the language. The meet- ings, which are conducted solely in French, provide French Club an opportunity for students to study and enjoy French conversation, language, and culture. Included among the programs this year was one on Lafayette, in honor of his 200th anniversary, and another on French influence in Modern Art.

First row: Cecily Rudisill. Lesley Sevier, Hazel Ellis, President; Mar> Grace Palmour, Secretary; Gene Allen Reinero. Second row: Louise Vanhee, Janie Matthews, Mary Jo Cowart, Joann Hodge, Frances Johns

75 .0

First row: Punky Fambrough, Annette Whipple, Kathy Flor Alexa ider, SU7 nne Bai ey, B uce Co pela nd, Anne Corse, Mar- Ann Henderson. Second row; Caroline Miller, President; Margaret Erich >n, C arol Greene Mary Hamm ond H elen Hachtel, Sara Woolfolk, Vice-President; Mary Helen Williams, Theresa Adams, Jan a ret h eard, Shi ley Law norne, Suzanne Mc Mil an, Martha rv eyer, Mathis. Sissie Daniel, Lang Sydnor, Martha Jane Mitchell, Treasurer; Jane Milfc rd, Donalyn Moor e, Judy Na sh, Josephine Ne roly Raines Ripley, Ba bar Rogers, Liz ™Shu- Sara Lu Persinger, Secretary. Third row: Marianne Sharp, Frances El- Peppa s, Ca i , Dot a SI. liot, Paula Bagwell. Jeanette Jones, Jane Kraemer. Not pictured: . Jean ne de. Psychology Club

One of the newest organizations on campus, the Psychology Club was just founded this year. This club serves to promote student interest in psychol- The Granddaughters' Club, primarily a social group ogy through monthly meetings at which experts in which meets monthly, is made up of the girls whose the field of psychology speak. Among other guests, mothers or grandmothers attended Agnes Scott. Mrs. George Rice, wife of the club's faculty adviser, This year their activities have included such func- spoke on "Exceptional Children," and Dr. Melvin tions as a tea at Miss Scandrett's home and a talk Drucker spoke on clinical psychology. The club is by Dr. McCain on the history and traditions of Agnes open to all junior and senior psychology majors, but Scott. Among worthwhile projects which the all interested students may attend the talks. Granddaughters' Club performs for the school is that of showing visitors around our campus. Granddaughters' Club

First row: Roxana Speight, President; Marty Young, Secretary-Treasurer. gins. Fifth row: Shannon Cumming, Flossie Gaines, Betsy Boyd, Hope Second row: Tish Moye, Dinah McMillan, Nancy Hughes, Mickie North, Gregg, Catherine Hodgin, Margaret Collins, Judy Webb, Jody Webb, Lynn Frederick. Third row: Gene Allen Reinero, Betsy Roberts, Helen Carol Fields. Not pictured: Wardie Abernethy, Lisa Ambrose, Rosa Milledge, Dolly Bates, Martha Bethea, Caroline Simmons, Mary Grace Barnes. Lu Bellamy, Anne Blackshear, Mike Booth, Choon Hi Choi, Palmour, Evelyn Scofield. Fourth row: Nancy Moore, Pam Sylvester, Lucy Cole, Betsy Dalton, Anne Dodd, Libby Hanson, Helen Scott Mad- Judy Maddox, Mary Ware, Beth Magoffin, Betty Ann Mitchell, Mar- dox, Ellen McFarland, Betsy Paterson, Caroline Pruitt, Dot Ripley. garet Roberts, Pete Brown, Martha Ansley, Ruth Currie, Harriet Hig- Sally Sanford. Sally Smih. Nancy Trowell, Barbara Varner. Organ Guild The Agnes Scott Organ Guild, a student branch of the Atlanta Chap- ter of the American Guild of Or- ganists, is composed of all organ students at school. Its weekly meet- ings consist of student recitals or dis- cussions of organ registration, con- struction, or other related topics. Two of the outstanding guests who visited the Guild this year were E. Power Biggs, well-known organist, who held a "master class" at which he criticized the playing of several members, and Alexander Schreiner, organist at the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, who spoke to the group. Serving as faculty adviser of Organ Guild was Mr. Raymond Martin.

First row: Rosalyn Warren, Secretary; Charlotte Henderson, President; Hope Weathers, Treasurer. Second row: Sylvia Ray, Audrey Johnson, Phyllis Cox, Barbara Harrison, Flossie Gaines. Third row: Barbara Huey, Nancy Awbrey, Mary Helen Wil- liams, Linda Jones. Not pictured: Hazel-Thomas King, Suianne Manges, Annette Teague.

and dance accompanist, who gave a Music Club very interesting talk on modern Music Club, a member of the National music, and Mr. Michael McDowell, Music Clubs for Students, is open to who spoke on careers in music and all students of applied music. The operas. Music Club presented an Club's meetings were varied and in- interesting chapel program entitled formative this year. Guest speakers "Music Around the World" during included David Tudor, concert pianist International Festival Week.

Secretary. Not pictured: Patti Forrest, First row. Trudy Florrid, President; Sylvia Ray, Pilkenton, Suianne Vice-President. Second row: Carol Promniti, Treas- Charlotte Henderson, Theresa Kindred, Powell, Rose Marie Regero, Caro- urer; Flossie Gaines, Barbara Huey, Sissie Daniel, Manges, Janice Mary Helen Williams, Barbara Harrison, Paula line Ryman, Emasue Vereen.

Orchestra The Agnes Scott Orchestra provides background music for various campus activities throughout the year. Their playing was enjoyed during the in- termission of Blackfriars' fall pro- duction, a part of the orchestra was behind the scenes of The Tempest to provide accompaniment, and the en- tire group accompanied solo organists at a music program during the Fine Arts Festival. The orchestra is composed pri- marily of string and woodwind sec- tions. The girls sometimes rehearse and perform with the Emory String Society.

First row: Carol Promniti, Paula Pilkenton. Second row: Margaret Collins, Mary Jane Moore, Alice Cochrane, Lucy Maud Davis, Beth Magoffin. Not pictured: Cynthia Grant, Hope Gregg, Carolyn Hoskins, Anne McCurdy, Caroline Thomas.

77 athletics The 1957 hockey season was high- lighted by a hockey clinic held by Miss Fannie Crenshaw, formerly a coach at Westhampton College in Richmond. Virginia. This clinic con- tributed greatly both to the skill of the players and to the success of the season as a whole. The Class of 1958 won the trophy for the third consecu- tive year and the sportsmanship award for the season.


SENIORS— left to right, first row: L. Robert, C. Tinkler, J. Nash, N. Ed JUNIORS— left to right, first row: C. Dudley, C. Hazard, M. wards, J.St. Clair. Second row: H. Ellis. B. Barlow. P. McCall, M. Meyer mond. Second row: R. McCurdy, M. Moore. M. McCoy, R. Curri L. Sydnor. S. McDonald. Not pictured: L. Rigdon, C. McDonald, S. Mac pictun d: P. Conine, K. J. Freeman, P. Forrest, J. Muller, K. V

Conochie. J. Sawyer, H. Talmadge. s, H. T. King, S. Sanford, K. W. Tatum.

80 Agnes Scott College B. Barlow, B. Henry. J. Nash, M. McCoy. R. McCurdy, M. Meye HOCKEY VARSITY

J. St. Clair. B. Dalton G. Rowe, L Parker. R. Leroy. Florence, S. McDonald.

Not pictured: Jo Sawyer, K. Webe

October 18

Seniors 2, Juniors Seniors I, Freshmen 3 Seniors 0, Sophorr 0, Fresh Juniors 0, Sophomores Sophomores Juniors 2, Freshm. October 25 Sophomon Seniors 4. Juniors Seniors I, Seniors 2, Freshmen Juniors I, Freshmen Sophomores 0, Fn Juniors 2, Sophomores

SOPHOMORES: left to right, (1st row): J. Bowman, L. Parker, S. Hoskins, B. Florence, S. Elliot, J. Imray. (2nd row): B. Evans B. FRESHMEN: left to right, (1st row): C. Goodwin. M. P. Cross, N. Barr. Gershen. S. Saxon, W. Muse, V. Edwards, P. Fewell, R. Leroy. Not G. Rowe, N. Hall. (2nd row): P. Walker, B. Dalton A. Cochrane P. pictured: P. Baber, N. Duvall, M. Glasure. M. Massey, C. Grant K. Wilson, N. Stone, B. Henry, S. McCurdy. Not pictured: A. Boykin, John, B. Specht. B. Rhodes.

The Silhouette 1958 SENIORS: left to right: L. Robert, R. Fewell, Kimmel, M. Meyer, H. Ellis, E. Hanson, S. McDonald, N. M. McCall, L Sydnor, K. Sydnor. Not pictured: C. Tinkler JUNIORS: left to right: M. Harris, E. Lee, M. Hammond, M. McCoy, R. Currie, W. Hughes, M. Moore,

M. J. Mitchell. Not pictured: P. Conine, J. Muller, S. Mc- SOPHOMORES: left to right: C. Mik.ll, L Millan Florance, M. Ansley, B. Evans, J. Kennedy, J. Norman, W. Boatwright, A. Alford, S. Saxon, P. Fewell, J. Law, W. Muse, N. Duvall Basketball

FRESHMEN: left to right: N. Hall, G. Rowe, S. H. High, S. Smith, N. Barr, M. Phillips, S. Robertson,

P. Sylvester, P. Walker, P. Smith, B. Dalton, L. Moye, A.

Peagler, A. Cochrane, E. Henry, C. Simmons, P. Wilson. Not pictured: K. Kemp


Basketball produced a great VARSITY: (left to right) top: A. Peagler, N. Duvall, M. J. Mitchell, S. Robertson, M. Harris. Bottom: R. Currie, B. Dalton, H. Ellis, M. Meyer. deal of spirit and excitement this year. The teams were all well-balanced in their scoring ability, and many games were won only in the final seconds by thrilling last miuute goals. The Sophomores captured first place with the Seniors and Juniors tying for second. The ever popular Seniors were voted the most sportsmanlike team.

The Silhouette 1958 83 SENIORS

L-R (First row): C. Tinkler, M. Davis, N. Alexander.

(2nd row): E. Hanson, S. McDonald, C. Rudisill. M. Woolfollc, H. Ellis. Not pictured: P. McCall, C. McDonald, P. Stewart, M. Meyer, J. Sawyer, D. Blanlner, E. Herriot, M. Oeland. P. Gober.


L-R (First row): J. Muller, S. Bailey, P.

Forrest, I. Shaw. (2nd row): R. McCurdy, L. Davis, W. Abernefhy, M. Dunn, S. McMillan, M. Hammond. (3rd row): A. Teague, M. C. Bryan. R. Currie, A. Boswell, L. McGeachy, S. San- ford. Not pictured: L McCall, K. Weber, M. Harris.

Volley «•/*'

84 Agnes Scott College SOPHOMORES

L-R (First row): J. Imray B. Choi, C. Miltell, S. Meek. (2nd row): B. Florence. E. Edwards. M. Ansley. M. J.

(3rd row): A Alford, k Hawkins, G. Mangum, W. Muse. J. Po ell, N. Duvall, S. Smith.


L-R (First row]: A. Pollard, Welter,. N. Barr, P. Sylvester. (2nd row): P. Walker, G. C Lair. S. McCurdy, C. Conne A. Ru

(3rd row): M. Phillips, J. Woods. S. Boger. C. Simmons, B. Henry, R. Fowler. S. Kelso. Not pictured: B. Dalton, R. Dillard, L. Davidson, H. Gregg, M. Day, A. Peagler. P. Wilson, A. Boykin. M. Moore. B. Pet- erson, R. Barnes, J. Seay.


The Silhouette 1958 85 Tennis

Tennis Club is active during fall and spring quarters, and tryouts are held at both times. The highlight of fall quarter was the singles tournament, which was won by Susan Hogg. Spring quarter activities included, besides weekly practice, play on various Atlanta city courts, the doubles tournaments, and matches with neighbor- ing girls colleges.


Left to right: M. Woolfolk, S. Hogg, P. Pillcenton, Pres., S. Shirley, A. Blackshear, J. Nash. Not pictured: N. Edwards, M. Harris, Vice-President; S. MacConochie, Jo Sawyer.


The Badminton Club is open by tryout to those who have skill in the sport, and it holds bimonthly practice meetings. Both the singles and the doubles tournaments spon- sored by the club are open to anyone who is interested. This year Sylvia Saxon won the singles and teamed up with Archer Boswell to capture the doubles.


Left to right (1st row): J Sawyer, M. Ansley, P. Bradford, J. Hester. (2nd row): M. Mc- I Kelway, President; R. McCurdy, S. Saxon, A. Boswell, A. Alford, C. King. Not pictured: H P. Baber, G. Branham, L. Davis, Nash, S. J. C. Rudisill, Shirley, S. Smith, K. Weber, P. Sylvester, C. Goodwin, S. McCurdy, J. Kennedy, M. Starrett, S. Kelso, V. Johnson, B. Dalton.

Agnes ScoH College Tumbling, golf, riding, and fencing enjoyed growing popu- larity this year. These sports were highlighted by a tumbling and fencing exhibition held during winter quarter and a spring quarter horse show. Riding


Fencing Golf

87 The Silhouette 1958 Right: SENIORS C. McDonald, C. Phelan, P. Stewart

Far Right: JUNIORS % rd. Not pictured: M. Bethea Wn

Archery Meet

On a very cold day during fall quarter an interclass archery meet was held for the first time. Archers from all four classes participated .in the well-attended meet. The seniors emerged victorious and the freshmen placed second.

Right: SOPHOMORES L Clark, J. Kennedy, D. Smith, A. Sims

Far Right: FRESHMEN M. J. Moore, S. Kelso, B. Magoffin

The swimming meet this year saw four teams well matched in skill and determination. Despite their en- thusiasm the upperclassmen showed their age and the Swimming Meet meet ended in a tie between the freshmen and sophomores.

88 Agnes Scott College Far Left: SENIORS H. Talmadqe, F. Gwinn

Left: JUNIORS M. Cronenberg. H. S. Maddo


Far Left: SOPHOMORES B. Gershen. E. Bi-

Left: FRESHMEN G. L. Outis, J. Albergotti

Wearers Of The Letter

Letters were awarded to those who by their wide and con- tinued interest in sports had fulfilled the required number of hours of participation in ath- letic activities. Beginning spring quarter silver metals were' given in place of the felt letters usual- ly awarded.

Left to right: H. Ellis, K. Weber, S. MacConochie, R. Currie, C. Tinkler, S. McDonald. Not pictured: M. Meyer, J. Nash, Jo Sawyer, M. Har- ris, M. McCoy, R. McCurdy, J. Mul- ler, B. Huey, B. Barlow.

The Silhouette 1958 89 dr^ssp* * % * **m* VJf-

•v *

« -i.

TT^H} -


W^KKtK&BSr m faculty Administration

Mr. W. E. McNair Mr. P. J. Rogers Mr. J. C. Tart Director of Development Business Manager Treasurer

Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mrs. William C. Ray Miss Anne Stapleton Secretary to the Business Manager Secretary to the Treasurer Secretary to the Dean of the Faculty

s ^^

* Ml 1 > ^/ "^ ^

V Mrs. Paul M. Turner Mrs. L. H. Waters Miss Jacquelyn A. Rountree Secretary to the President Manager of the Bookstore Secretary to the Office of the President Administration

Miss Laura Steele Mrs. Wiley S. Ansley Miss Louise Harley Registrar and Director Secretary in the Office of Admissions Assistant to the Registrar of Admissions

Miss Barbara Northey Mrs. Annie Mae F. Smith Mrs. Nada R. Wynn Assistant in Admissions Supervisor of Dormitories Assistant to the Supervisor of Dormitories

Mr. C. Dexter White Mr. R. V. Johnson, College Engineer Mr. John W. Fowler Night Watchmen 93 Dean's Office Staff

Miss Sarah Tucker Miss Ione Murphy Assistant Dean of Students Assistant Dean of Students

Mrs. Guy F. Curry Mrs. C. P. Dunlap Assistant to the Dean of Students Assistant to the Dean of Students

Miss Nancy M. Burkitt Miss Nancy L. Brock Assistant to the Dean of Students Assistant to the Dean of Students Library

Mrs. N. E. Byers Miss Lillian Newman Mrs. J. Taylor Swint College Librarian Assistant Librarian Catolog Librarian

fid S Mrs. Charles H. Currens Miss Mary Carter Miss Nonette Brown Assistant to the Librarian Assistant to the Librarian Assistant to the Librarian Alumnae

Miss Ann Worthy Johnson Mlss DOROTHY Director of Alumnae Affairs and WEAKLEY Director of Publicity °ff lce Manager in Alumnae Office

95 Music

Mr. Michael McDowell Mr. Raymond Martin Miss Roxie Hagopin Professor of Music Associate Professor Associate Professor

Mr. John Louis Adams Mr. Timothy Miller Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Mr. J. c. Fuller Mrs. R. 0. Harris 96 Instructor Instructor Art

Mr. Ferdinand Warren Miss Marie Huper Mr. Robert F. Westervelt Professor of Art Associate Professor Assistant Professor


Miss Kathryn Glick Miss Elizabeth Zenn Mrs. J. Harvey Young Professor of Classical Languages Associate Professor Assistant Professor and Literatures

The Silhouette 1958 77 Education s^

9B^ ft -fl

y J}1

\ '. 4 ft

« I i ijA$L mmm SUA '1 f 9 Sir JL

Mr. Richard L. Henderson Mr. Newton C. Hodgson Miss Miriam Howell Professor of Education Acting Director of Teacher Assistant Professor of Education Education

Mrs. Nancy Meleen Mr. John Paul Strain Visiting Instructor in Education Visiting Instructor in Education

98 Agnes Scott College English

_ L^-^n fMl k Mr. George P. Hayes Miss Ellen Douglass Leyburn Miss Margret Trotter Professor of English Professor Associate Professor

Miss Annie May Christie Miss Janef N. Preston Mr. W. E. McNair Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Miss Mary L. Rion Mrs. Margaret W. Pepperdene Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Chemistry

Mr. W. J. Frierson Miss Elizabeth A. Crigler Miss Julia T. Gary Professor of Chemistry Associate Professor Assistant Professor




Wm^-r"^" JRWk'^sis m M If 1 If W^M B v// '''B^-^jM


Mr. William A. Calder Mrs. l,orimer Clayton, Jr. Professor of Physics and Astronomy Assistant in Physics

100 Agnes Scott College Biology

Miss Josephine Bridgman Miss Nancy Groseclose Professor of Biology Assistant Professor

Miss Rosamond McMillan Miss Anne Salyerds Mrs. Stephen W. Gray Visiting Associate Professor Instructor Instructor

The Silhouette 1958 101 Spanish and German

Miss Muriel Haen Mrs. E. M. Dunstan Professor of German and Spanish Associate Professor

Miss Eloise Herbert Miss Melissa A. Cilley Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

102 Agnes Scott College French

Miss Margaret Phythian Miss Mary Virginia Allen Professor of French Associate Professor

Mr. Pierre Thomas Mrs. Frank A. Sewell Miss Thelma E. Richmond Assistant Profesor Instructor Visiting Instructor

The Silhouette 1958 103 Bible and Philosophy

Mr. Wallace M. Alston Mr. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mr. Paul L. Garber Professor of Philosophy Assistant Professor of Philosophy Professor of Bible


I \


Mr. Kwai Sing Chang Miss Mary L. Boney Assistant Professor of Philosophy Associate Professor of Bible and Bible

104 Agnes Scott College History and Political Science

Mr. Walter B. Posey Mrs. Roff Sims Professor of History and Professor Political Science

Miss Florence Smith Mr. Koenraad Swart Associate Professor Associate Professor

The Silhouette 1958 105 Mathematics

Mr. H. A. Robinson Miss Leslie J. Gaylord Mr. Charles L. Cope Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professor Visiting Assistant Professor


Miss Roberta Winter Mrs. Charles S. Carruth Associate Professor of Speech Instructor and Dramatic Art

106 Agnes Scott College Psychology

Mr. George E. Rice Miss Katharine T. Omwake Mrs. Melvin Drucker Professor of Psychology Associate Professor Assistant Professor

Sociology and Economics

Miss Mildred Mell Miss Anna Greene Smith Professor of Economics and Associate Professor Sociology

The Silhouette 1958 107 Infirmary

Dr. M. Virginia Tuggle Miss Martha A. Colquitt Mrs. Alice B. Bray College Physician Resident Nurse Associate Resident Nurse


Mrs. W. A. Hatfield Mrs. Julian Johnson Mrs. Rubye Norman Lanier College Dietitian Assistant Dietitian Assistant Dietitian

108 Agnes Scott College Physical Education

Miss Llewellyn Wilburn Mrs. Adolf Lapp Associate Professor of Physical Assistant Professor Education

Miss Kate McKemie Miss Glendora Boyce Assistant Professor Instructor

The Silhouette 1958 109


classes V*

V Carolyn Magruder—President Marilyn Tribble—Vice-President

Kit Sydnor—Secretary-Treasurer


Decatur, Georgia

ANNE AKERMAN Art Orlando, Florida


Atlanta, Georgia

NANCY ALEXANDER ¥ Philosophy ) Nashville, Tennessee -\ h fcg NANCY FRANKLIN ALLISON Sociology

Atlanta, Georgia



Atlanta, Georgia

Honor Roll, 1956-1957


Decatur, Georgia


Decatur, Georgia


East Point, Georgia


Charlottesville, Virginia

ANNE BLACKSHEAR Mathematics Montgomery, Alabama




114 fa* -^ JOANNE BROWNLEE Chemistry Calhoun, Georgia



Lakeland, Florida

Honor Roll, 1956-1957

MARY ANN CAMPBELL History Gurfport, Mississippi t^

GRACE CHAO Mathematics

Forest Hills, New York



Atlanta, Georgia


Orlando, Florida

Honor Roll, 1956-1957


History and Political Science

Falk Church, Virginia

BRUCE COPELAND Psychology Spartanburg, South Carolina

115 ANNE CORSE Psychology

Fairfax, Virginia


Arlington, Georgia


Louisville, Kentucky


Decatur, Georgia

NANCY EDWARDS Biology Auburn, Alabama


Chesterfield, South Carolina

NELLE FAMBROUGH Psychology Columbus, Georgia


Rock Hill, South Carolina KATHRYN FLORY Psychology

Boyce, Virginia


Marks, Mississippi i



Decatur, Georgia


History and Political Science

Johnson City, Tennessee

EILEEN GRAHAM Art Beaumont, Texas



Charlotte, North Carolina


Rex, Georgia


Alderson, West Virginia

117 HELEN HACHTEL Psychology

Atlanta, Georgia i *

ELIZABETH HANSON German Houston, Texas


English Noank, Connecticut


Shreveport, Louisiana

EVE HERIOT Sociology

Copperhill, Tennessee


Trussville, Alabama


Thomasville, North Carolina


History and Political Science

Beckley, West Virginia



Marietta, Georgia


Spartanburg, South Carolina

NANCY HALE JOHNSON Sociology Decatur, Georgia *W^d

-»!.. ELEANOR KALLMAN s ^ Philosophy

El Paso, Texas



Atlanta, Georgia



Atlanta, Georgia

NORA KING History Covington, Georgia


Huntsville, Alabama


Decatur, Georgia



Clemson, South Carolina


Business Economics Spartanburg, South Carolina

Honor Roll, 1956-1957

SHIRLEY LAWHORNE Psychology Waycross, Georgia



Little Rock, Arkansas


Bristol, Virginia

Honor Roll, 1956-1957


Decatur, Georgia

ANNE LOWRY Sociology

Silver Springs, Maryland



Charlottesville, Virginia

CAROLYN MAGRUDER History Augusta, Georgia

Honor Roll, 1956-1957

MARJORIE MALLARD French Augusta, Georgia

JANICE MATHESON Economics Toccoa, Georgia

JAN MATHIS Psychology Decatur, Georgia



Knoxville, Tennessee


Fort Lauderdale, Florida



San Antonio, Texas

/ 121 caro Mcdonald Economics Augusta, Georgia

shirley Mcdonald

History and Political Science Commerce, Georgia



Chattanooga, Tennessee



Gastonia. North Carolina


Kingsport, Tennessee


Greenville, South Carolina


Atlanta, Georgia

LaVONNE NALLEY Mathematics

Easley, South Carolina

122 JUDY NASH Psychology Charlottesville, Virginia y ,

JOSEPHINE BOGLE NEWTON Psychology Decatur, Georgia



Charlotte, North Carolina


Darlington, South Carolina

PHIA PEPPAS Psychology

Atlanta, Georgia

Honor Roll, 1956-1957


Hinsdale. Illinois

CAROL PIKE Art Chattanooga, Tennessee


Gabbettvifle, Georgia

123 JULIAN PREBLE Mathematics

Lynchburg, Virginia

CAROLYN RAINES Psychology Cohutta, Georgia



Decatur, Georgia


Atlanta, Georgia


Galveston, Texas

DOROTHY RIPLEY Psychology Anderson, South Carolina


Atlanta, Georgia

Honor Roll, 1956-1957



Charlotte, North Carolina


Decatur, Georgia


Atlanta, Georgia


Charleston, South Carolina

JOAN ST. CLAIR Mathematics

Decatur, Georgia


Jerusalem, Jordan


Charleston, West Virginia


Winter Parle, Florida


Greenville, South Carolina


History and Political Science LaFayette, Georgia

ELIZABETH SHUMAKER Psychology Monroe, North Carolina



Atlanta, Georgia


Decatur, Georgia


Atlanta, Georgia



Swainsboro, Georgia

Honor Roll, 1956-1957


Monroe, Louisiana


English LaGrange, Georgia


History and Political Science

Lynchburg, Virginia


Lynchburg, Virginia


Asheville, North Carolina



Knoxville, Tennessee



Roswell, Georgia


History and Political Science

Brighton, Tennessee



Lockhart, South Carolina



Brussels, Belgium

tj* 127 ^Ip*** J EMASUE ALFORD VEREEN Music

Decatur, Georgia


Fitzgerald, Georgia


Metter, Georgia

MARY RUTH WATSON Psychology Swainsboro, Georgia

KAY WHITE Sociology

Asheville, North Carolina


East Point, Georgia

MARGARET WOOLFOLK Psychology Columbus, Georgia


Atlanta, Georgia

128 ^ 7 Ann Stein Alperin Mary Byrd Jean Clark

Phi Beta Kappa

For over a century and a half, election to Phi Beta Kappa has been a recognition of intellectual Louise Law capacities well employed, Carolyn Magruder especially in the acquiring- of an education in the liberal arts and sciences. The local chapter, Beta of Georgia, has been installed at Agnes Scott since March 23, 1926. Each spring members are elected to this chapter on the basis of academic standing, in accordance with the general regulations of the national society.

Phia Peppas Lue Robert

Grace Robertson Celeste Rogers Deene Spivey

The Silhouette 1958 129 Nancy Edwards Nancy Grayson Nancy Holland

Who's Who

In an important convocation last fall, Dr. Alston announced the names of the ten seniors elected to be Agnes Scott's Nancy Kimmel Sue Lile representatives in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities". Chosen by their classmates for the quali- ties of leadership and service, they were approved by a fac- ulty committee and by the na- tional "Who's Who" Com- mittee.

Marion McCall Martha Meyer

Mary Randolph Norton Jo Sawyer Lang Sydnor

130 Agnes Scott College Nancy Edwards Nancy Grayson Nancy Holland

Mortar Board

Mortar Board is an honorary society for seniors. Tapped in a memorable chapel service during their junior year, members are chosen on the Nancy Kimmel Sue Lile basis of their past and poten- tial leadership, scholarship, and service, as those who most nearly fulfill the four- fold Agnes Scott ideal. This organization occupies an im- portant place in our college community, helping with freshman orientation and sponsoring other activities throughout the year.

Marion McCall Mary Randolph Norton

Phia Peppas Marilyn Tribble

The Silhouette 1958 Ann Rivers Payne Annette Teague Jane Kraemer President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer

132 Agnes Scott College Margaret Ward Abernethy Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Theresa Adams

Johannah Armbrecht

Frances Calder Arnold

Suzanne Bailey

Llewellyn Bellamy

India Clark Benton

Martha Bethea

Archer Boswell

Eleanor Bradley

Margaret Britt

Frances Broom

Kathleen Brown

Nancy Brown

Mary Clayton Bryan

The Silhouette 1958 Celeste Clanton Anita Kern Cohen Pegge Conine June Connally

Melba Cronenberg Helen Culpepper

Ruth Currie

Mary Daniel

Leoniece Davis Willa Dendy Anne Dodd Caroline Dudley

Mary Dunn

Ethel DuRant

Frances Jean Elliot

Suzanne Elson

Marjorie Erickson Peggy Fanson Jan Fleming

Gertrude Florrid Honor Roll 1956-1957

Patricia Forrest Margaret Fortney

Mary Anne Fowllces Lynn Frederick

134 Katherine Freeman Betty Garrard Nancy Graves Mary Hammond

Harriet Harrill

Maria Harris Barbara Harrison

Judith Harrold

Cordelia Harvley Carolyn Hazard Blanche Helm Charlotte Henderson

Mary Ann Henderson Kendall Hood Sidney Howell Wynn Hughes

Audrey Johnson Jeanette Jones Janice Jones Hazel-Thomas King

Jane King Jane Kraemer Eleanor Lee

Anne Thomas Lewis

135 Mildred Ling Helen Maddox Suzanne Manges Susannah Masten

Elizabeth Mathews

Linda McCall Martha McCoy Runita McCurdy "Honor Roll 1956-1957

Barbara McDonald

Lila McGeachy Suzanne McMillan

Martha Mitchell

Donalyn Moore *Honor Roll 1956-1957 Mary Moore

Marjorie Muller Barbara Oglesby

Ann Rivers Payne

Sara Lu Persinger

Paula Pilkenton

Carol Promnitz

Caroline Pruitt

Sylvia Ray Elizabeth Roberts Carol Rogers Helen Smith Rogers

Jean Salter "Honor Roll, 1956-1957 Margaret Salvadore

Sally Sanford

Claire Seaman Marianne Sharp

Irene Shaw Anita Sheldon

Nora Ann Simpson Roxana Speight

Curtis Swords Honor Roll, 1956-1957 Kay Walters Tatum

Annette Teague Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Anne Tilly

Edith Tritton Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Barbara Varner Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Marian Walton Hope Weathers Kay Weber Laura Westbrook

Annette Whipple Susie White "Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Pauline Winslow Mary Mac Witherspoon

Not shown are: Margaret Dexter

Marianne Sillis Persons

Nancy Trowell Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Eve Purdo President

Judy Sawyer Vice-President

Sybil Strupe Secretary-Treasurer

Elizabeth Acree

Angelyn Alford

Lisa Ambrose

Patricia Anderson Martha Ansley

Nell Archer

*Kay Armitage Nancy Awbrey Peyton Baber

Hytho Bagiatis

Marion Barry

Dorothy Bates

Joanne Beaton Roll, 1956-1957

Suellen Beverly

Emily Bivens

139 Wendy Boatwright

Sara Anne Carey

Celia Crook Shannon Cumming Honor Roll, 1956-1957

140 Agnes Scott College Priscllla Gainer Barnetta Gershe Myra Glasur Margaret Goodrich Cynthia Grant Elizabeth Gzeckowicz •Honor Roll, 1956-1957 Elizabeth Hall June Hall Suzanne Meriwether Lillian Hart Margaret Havron Betsy Hammond Hammoi Katherine Hawkins Ann E. Hawley Rae Carole Hosack Carolyn Hoskins Louise Healy Eleanor H *Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Suza nne Hoskins Carolyn Ho» ard Dana Hu ndley Jane Imray Kathryn John Frances Johns

Eile ne Johnson Linda Jones Julia Ker nedy Louise Key Charlotte King Laura Knake

"Honor Roll, 1956-1957 „ . , Har riette Lamb Kay Lamb Jane Lav Ruth Leroy Betsy Lunz Betty Le

The Silhouette 1958 Eileen McCary Helen Mabry Grace Mangum Carolyn Mason Martha Massey Janie Matthews Caroline Mikell Frances McFadde Ellen McFarland Margaret McKelway Julia McNairy Sallie Meek Bessie Murphy Helen Milledge Cary Ashlin Morris Anne Morrison Anita Gail Moses Martha Moss •Honor Roll, 1956-1957

Norman Ann Norton Wilma Muse Dieneke Nieuwenhuis Jane Honor Roll, 1956-1957 Nancy Patterson Mary Grace Palmour Laura Parker Diane Parks Ann Elizabeth Parker Eve Purdom Kathleen Richards Helen Petkas Jane Prevost 1956-1957 Mary Jane Pfaff •Honor Roll,

142 Agnes Scott College Mary Hart Richardson Beverley Rippard Rosemary Roberts Judy Sawyer Sylvia Sa xon *Evelyn Scofield *Honor Roll, 1956-1957 Lesley Sevier Lynne Shankland Martha Sharp Susan Shirley Ann Sim Hollis Lee Smith Dian Smith Sally Smith Diane Snead Barbara Specht Mary Ro e Speer Martha Starrett

Martha Thomas Marcia Tobey Nain Stieglitz Jo Anne Stokes Camille Strickland Sybil Strupe •Honor Roll, 1956-1957 "Honor Roll, 1956-1957 Car0 | yn West Edith Towers Diane Trammell Raines Wakeford Jody Webb Judy Webb Anne Whisnant Martha Ann Wil on Becky Wilson Martha Will Young Mary Wilson Grace Woods

The Silhouette 1958 143 144 Agnes Scott College Jean Abendroth President

Nancy Stone Vice-President

Emily Bailey Secretary-Tre

Jean Abendroth

Susan Abernathy

Virginia Aderhold

Judith Albergotti

Ann Ashford Ann Avant

Emily Bailey

Barbara Baldauf

Elizabeth Barbe Rosa Barne

Nancy Bar Nancy Batso

Lauretta Baumgardner

Elizabeth Bellune Jane Bennet

Barbara Best

The Silhouette 1958 Pamela Bevier

Elizabeth Bivens Sandra Boger

Michael Booth

Betsy Boyd

Alice Boykln

Martha A. Breitenhirt

Almera Bruce

Sally Bryan

Margaret Bullock

Dorothy Burns

Joan Byrd

Beverly Carter

Kathryn Chambers

Faith Chao

Willie Byrd Childress

Anne Christensen

Judith Clark

Madge Clark

Mary Jim Clark

Alice Cochrane

Alice Coffin

Carroll Connor

Edith Conwell Jane Cooper

Jean Corbett

Mary Park Cross Mary Wayne Crym Dorothy Cummings

Elizabeth Dalton

Ethel Lee Davidson

146 Agnes Scott College Sandra Davis

Becky Davis

Lucy Maud Davis

Marlin Day

Marguerite Dickert

Renni Dillard

Julia Doa.

Harriett Elder

Mary Beth Elkins

Judith Elmore

Patricia Ervin

Helen Everett

Carol Fields

Dianne Foster

Rachel Fowler Rinda Gay Fowlkes

Alice Frazer

Anne Frazer

Elizabeth Fuller

Florence Gaines

Nancy Glass Caroline Goodwin

Linda Grant Gayle Green

Marion Greene Alva Hope Gregg Myrtle Guy

Katherine Gwaltney

Christy Hages Nancy Hall

Ann Hamilton Martha Hanna Jane Henderson

Eleanor Henry Janice Henry Jo Hester

The Silhoustte 1958 Harriet Higgins

Sarah Helen High

Mary Elizabeth Hill

Ellen Hines Ann Holloman

Patricia Holmes

Judith Houchins Mary Jo Hudgei Nancy Hughes Linda Ingram

Harriet Jackson

Lorna Jo Jarrell

Virginia Johnson

Juanita Juarez

Virginia K'Burg

Jane Kelly

Sarah Kelso Katherine Kemp

Theresa Kindred

Rosemary KiHrell Barbara Kohn

Karel Kwass

Martha Lair Martha Lambeth

Marsha Lear

Elizabeth Lehman Guthrie Lemmond Joan Lewis

Persia Lewis Margaret Anne Lipham

Mary Taylor Lipscom Mildred Love

Julia Maddox

Elizabeth Magoffin Nina Marable Anna Eugenia Marts

Agnes Scott College Helene Marks

Betty Mattern Ann.McBride

Mildred McCravey Sue McCurdy

Sallie McDonald

Martha McKinney Edna McLain

Dinah McMillan Mary Ann McSwain

Jennie Miller

Betty Mitchell

Anne Modlin Mary Jane Moore Nancy Moore Prudence Moore

Harriet Moseley

Letitia Moye

Anne Newsome Marion North Suzanne Orme Grace Ouzts

Emily Pancake

Elizabeth Paterson

Ann Peagler

Virginia Philip

Mimi Phillips

Caroline Pickens

Anne Pollard Rose Marie Regero

Caroline Reid

Mary Bruce Rhodes Georgeann Richardson

Margaret Roberts

Sibley Robertson

Joe Bryan Robertson

149 The Silhouette 1958 150 Agnes Scott College \

** */,

Ana Maria Aviles

Atlanta, Georgia > i

Choon Hi Choi

Seoul, Korea


Mary Anne Clybu

Decatur, Georgia


Miriam Inbar

Tel-Aviv, Israel

Frances Singleton

Pickens, South Carolina

The Silhouette 1958 ,Tf • JTJJ 271






4 •&&&*;

T- '*wj^U

"*v; ", ~V, ,4r

* V --*J^ • **£ advertising

153 INDEX ^> ^iT^B WaJS^ Abendroth, Jean 144, 145 Abernathy, Susan Ann 57, 72, 145 L > ^M Abernethy, Margaret Ward 54, 55, 84, 133 Acree, Elizabeth 85, 139 Adams, Marilyn Monaghan 113 Adams, Theresa 76, 133 Aderhold, Virginia 145 Akerman, Anne 113 Albergotti, Judy 60, 89, 145 Alexander, Joan 67, 113 Alexander, Nancy 56, 67, 84, 113 Alford, Angelyn 82, 85, 86, 139 Allison, Nancy Franklin 114 Alperin, Ann Stein 114, 129 Amann, Mary Anne B 114 Ambrose, Lisa 56, 57, 139 wash my hands of you. Anderson, Patricia 73, 139 Ansley, Martha 76, 82, 85, 86, 139 Archer, Nell 139 Armbrecht, Jody 58, 133 Armitage, Kay 139 Arnold, Frances Calder 133 Ashford, Evelyn Ann 145 Ashmore, Blythe Posey 114 Avant, Ann 145 Aviles, Ana Maria 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 151 Awbrey, Nancy 23, 43, 61, 77, 139

Baber, Peyton 18, 55, 139 Bagiatis, Hytho 139 Bagwell, Paula 76, 114 Bailey, Emily 144, 145 Bailey, Suzanne 56, 84, 133 Baldauf, Barbara 145 Barber, Elizabeth (Betty) 145 Barlow, Becky 25, 73, 80, 81, 114 Barnes, Rosa 145 Barr, Nancy Carol 81, 82, 85, 145 Barry, Marion 139 Bates, Dorothy (Dolly) 43, 67, 76, 139 Batson, Nancy 145 Baumgardner, Lauretta (Sissy) 75, 145 Beaton, Joanne 139

Bellamy, Llewellyn . . . 68, 75, 133 Glub, glub. Bellune, Elizabeth 57, 145 Bennet, Jane 145 Reading comic books late into the night. Benton, India Clark 133 Best, Barbara 145 Bethea, Martha 63, 66, 68, 73, 76, 133 Beverly, Suellen 29, 45, 68, 139 Bevier, Pamela Jean 43, 72, 75, 146 Bivens, Emily 65, 89, 139 Bivens, Elizabeth 146 Blackshear, Anne 30, 73, 74, 86, 114 Blankner, Drew 71, 114 Boatwright, Wendy 82, 140 Boger, Sandra Pearl 85, 146 Booth Michael (Mike) 44, 74, 146 Boswell, Archer 29, 58, 84, 86, 88, 133 Bowman, Janice 54, 81, 140 Boyd, Betsy 16, 17, 44, 74, 76, 146 Boykin, Alice 146 Bradford, Margaret (Peggy) 23, 71, 86, 140 Bradley, Eleanor 60, 133 Branham, Gloria 63, 140 Braswell, Mildred 67, 140 Breitenhirt, Martha Ann 146

154 Agnes Scott College A Christian Liberal Arts College for Women

'Agnes Scott undertakes to confront students with what is 'first-

rate,' with the 'habitual vision of greatness.' It seeks to put

excellence into young people until it becomes 'the integrity of

" their lives.'

President Wallace M. Alston


Decatur, Georgia Founded 1889

The Silhouette 1958 155 Britt, Margaret (Peggy) 133 Brennan, Jean 146 Broad, Anne 16, 17, 44, 74, 146 Brock, Donna Jean 146 Brooks Pauline (Polly) 146 Broom, Frances 27, 68, 72, 133 Brown, Cornelia (Pete) 62, 67, 76, 146 Brown, Kathleen 56, 133 Brown, Nancy 72, 133 Brownlee, Joanne 73, 115 Bruce, Almera 146 Bryan, Mary Clayton 18, 54, 67, 71, 84, 133 Bryan, Sally 146 Bullock, Margaret 146 Burns, Dorothy 54, 146

.' Butts, Cynthia . . . 140 Byrd, Joan 72, 146 Byrd, Mary 62, 115, 129

Campbell, Mary Ann 27, 68, 115 Carey, Sara Anne 62, 71, 75, 140 Carter, Beverly 146 Chambers, Kathryn Anne 146 Chao, Faith 146 Chao, Grace 71, 115 Childress, Willie Byrd 74, 146 Choi, Choon Hi 85, 151 Christensen, Eleanor Anne 146 Clanton, Celeste 134 Clapp, Mary 115 Clark, Linda 23, 88, 140 Clark, Jean 71, 115, 129 Clark, Judith Ellen 146 Clark, Madge 146 Clark, Mary James (Mary Jim) 67, 146 Cline, Betty 62, 115 Clyburn, Mary Anne Griffin 151 Cobb, Ann 140 Cochrane, Alice 77, 81, 82, 146 Coffin, Alice 146 Cohen, Anita Kern 134 Cole, Lucy 30, 140 Collins, Margaret 76, 77, 140 Conine, Pegge 134 Connally, June 55, 134 Connor, Carroll 85, 146 Conwell, Edith 146 Cooper, Jane 75, 146 Copeland, Bruce 115 Corbett, Jean 146 Corse, Anne 67, 116 Cowart, Mary Jo 30, 60, 67, 74, 75, 116 Cox, Phyllis 56, 67, 77, 140 Cronenberg, Melba 89, 134 Crook, Celia 30, 67, 74, 140 Crook, Mary 140 Cross, Mary Park 67, 81, 146 Crymes, Mary Wayne 55, 146 Culpepper, Helen 69, 134 Cumming, Shannon 45, 65, 69, 74, 76, 140 Cummings, Dorothy (Dot) 146 Currie, Ruth ... 30, 58, 67, 74, 76, 80, 82, 83, 84, 89, 134 Cushman, Carolyn 65, 140

Dalton Elizabeth (Betsy) 58,81,82,83,146 Dancy, Linda 29, 140 Daniel, Mary 60, 67, 76, 77, 134

Davidson, Ethel Lee (Lee) 61, 67, 146 Davies, Carolyn 140 Davis, Sandra 147

156 Agnes Scott College B.J. Lucarelli & Co. Inc.

Engineers and Builders

22 Orchard Street

Jersey City 6, N. J.

The Silhouette 1958 157 Davis, Elizabeth 147 Davis, Leoniece 84, 134 Davis, Lucy Maud 75, 77, 147 Davis, Martha 60, 67, 84, 116 Day, Marlin 147 Delk, Beverly 74, 140 Dendy, Willia 134 Dexter, Margaret Dickert, Marguerite 67, 147 Dillard, Jean Reynolds (Renni) 72, 147 Doan, Dorreth (Dee Dee) 140 Doar, Julia 147 Dodd, Anne 44, 61, 74, 134 Dudley, Caroline 55, 62, 65, 73, 80, 134 Dunn, Mary 58, 61, 64, 66, 69, 84, 134 DuRant, Ethel 67, 68, 134

Duvall, Barbara . 27, 62, 68, 116 Duvall, Nancy 54, 62, 71, 82, 83, 85, 140 Dwen, Lydia 45, 69, 74, 140

Edney, Margaret (Peggy) . . 56, 140 Edwards, Nancy ... 25, 54, 67, 73, 80, 116, 130, 131 Edwards, Val 56, 81, 85, 140 Elder, Harriett Louise 74, 147 Elkins, 147 Really, dah-ling, Marilyn's got nothing on me! Mary Beth Elliott, Frances Jean 66, 71, 76, 134 Elliott, Gretchen 23, 65, 81, 140 I refuse to say one more word. Elliott, Margaret (Peg) 140 Ellis, Hazel 25, 61, 75, 80, 82, 83, 84, 89, 116 Elmore, Judy 147 Elson, Suzanne Goodman 134 Erickson, Marjorie 30, 55, 74, 134 Ervin, Patricia Kathleen 147 Evans, Rebecca (Becky) 65, 81, 82, 140 Everett, Helen 147 Eyler, Anne 67, 140

Fambrough Nelle (Punky) 25, 54, 76, 116 Fanson, Peggy 24, 68, 134 Feagin, Crawford (Corky) .... 45, 61, 62, 72, 74, 140 Ferguson, Gladys 140 Fewell, Peace 81, 82, 140 Fewell, Rebecca (Becca) 82, 83, 116 Fields, Carol 76, 147 Fleming, Jan 134 Florance, Louise Booth (Boo) .... 58, 81, 82, 85, 140 Florrid, Trudy 56, 67, 77, 134 Flory, Kathryn (Kathy) 71, 76, 117 Flowers, Jo 56, 140 Forrest, Patti 54, 84, 134 Fortney, Margaret 43, 70, 134 Fortson, June Fulmer Foss, Karen 140 Foster, Dianne 67, 147 Fowler, Rachel Ann 85, 147 Fowlkes, Mary Anne 134 Fowlkes, Rinda Gay 147 Frazer, Alice 147 Frazier, Anne Hughes 147 Frederick, Lynn 29, 60, 71, 75, 76, 134 Freeman, Katherine Jo 28, 60, 135 Fuller, Elizabeth (Beth) 147 Fuller, Kay 140 Fuller, Sally 140 Furr, Ivy 117

Gainer, Priscilla 75, 141 Gaines, Florence 76, 77, 147

I5P Agnes Scott College ^TroJueers ofl(je 1958 SiUjouette-

*higgins*M9\rthur tympany

/idvertisingTypogmphers printers -Offset Jpithographers Calligraphic Jpettering


The Silhouette 1958 159 What will the chape:

Garrard, Betty 27, 61, 68, 88, 135 Goodwin, Caroline, 81, 147 Garrett, Mary Grace McCurry 117 Gover, Pat 30, 67, 117 Gershen, Barnetta (Bonnie) 62, 81, 89, 141 Graham, Eileen 39, 61, 64, 65, 117 Glass, Nancy 147 Grant, Cynthia 69, 141 Glasure, Myra 30, 55, 74, 141 Grant, Linda 147 Goodrich, Margaret 30, 74, 141 Graves, Nancy 29, 45, 135

• Grayson, Nancy . . 55, 117, 130, 131 Green, Gayle 85, 147 Greene, Carol Riley 117 Greene, Marion 147 Gregg, Alva Hope 67, 76, 147 Guy, Myrtle 147 Gwaltney, {Catherine 147 Gwinn, Frances 28, 61, 89, 117 McCURRY'S MEN'S SHOP Gzeckowicz, Elizabeth (Betty) 141

140 Doyle Street Hachtel, Helen 118 Hages, Christy 147 Toccoa, Ga. Hall, Elizabeth Anne 141 Hall, June ... 66, 67, 72, 141 Hall, Nancy 81, 82, 85, 147 Hamilton, Ann 147 Complete Outfitters for Men and Students Hammond, Elizabeth (Betsy) 141 Hammond, Mary 67, 80, 82, 84, 135 Hammons, Suzanne Meriwether 141 Hanna, Martha Brock 44, 74, 147 Hanson, Elizabeth (Libby) 48, 82, 84, 118 Harrill, Harriet 73, 135 Harris, Maria 58, 82, 83, 135 Harrison, Barbara 71, 77, 135 Harrold, Judy 69, 135 Hart, Lillian 62, 65, 141 H. W. LAY & CO., INC. Harvley, Cordelia (Dee) 61, 135 Hathaway, Jo 68, 74, 118 Havron, 4520 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Margaret 31, 56, 71, 141 Hawkins, Katherine 71, 85, 141 Hawley, Ann 141 Chamblee, Georgia Hazard, Carolyn 27, 45, 54, 68, 80, 135 Healy, Louise 141 Heard, Sara Margaret 54, 60, 118 Helm, Blanche 135 Henderson, Charlotte 77, 135 Henderson, Mary Ann 30, 54, 74, 76, 135

Agnes Scott College Biting off more than she

Henderson, Jane 147 Henry, Eleanor (Bunny) 81, 82, 85, 147 Henry, Janice 147 Heriot, Eve 118 Hester, Jo 67, 86, 147 Higgins, Harriet 76, 148 the dining hall. High, Sarah Helen 82, 148 Hill, Eleanor 141 Hill, Mary Elizabeth 67, 148 Hines, Ellen Virginia 148 Holmes, Pat 148 Hodge, Joann 67, 75, 118 Hood, Kendall 135 Hodgin, Catherine 67, 76, 118 Hosack, Rae Carole 141 Hogg, Susan 86, 118 Hcskins, Carolyn 141

Holland, Nancy 48, 54, 119, 130, 131 Hoskins, Suzanne 30, 55, 74, 81, 88, 141 Holloman, Ann 148 Houchins, Judy 74 ; 148

"Live for something. Do good, and leave behind you a monument

of virtue that the storms of time can never destroy.

Write your name in kindness, love and mercy on the hearts of

people you contact and you will never be forgotten.

Your name and good deeds will shine as the stars."

By—Robert William Chambers

The Silhouette 1958 Imray, Jane (Jill) 58, 81, 85, 141 Inbar, Miriam 71, 151 Ingram, Linda 75, 148

Jackson, Harriet 148 Jarrell, Jo 57, 148 heads together. Jackson, Harriett 148 Jarrell, Jo 57, 148 John, Kathryn 55, 62, 141 141 Howard, Carolyn 141 Johns, Frances 75, Johnson, Audrey 67, 69, 71, 75, 77, 135 Howell, Sid 62, 66, 68, 71, 82, 135 Eileene 141 Hudgens, Mary Jo 148 Johnson, Johnson, Nancy Hale 119 Huey, Barbara 58, 77, 119 Johnson, Virginia 148 Hughes, Nancy 76, 148 Jones, Janice 30, 74, 135 Hughes, Wynn 55, 82, 135 Beaird 54, 76, 135 Hundley, Dana 141 Jones, Jeannette Jones, Linda 69, 77, 141 Juarez, Juanita 148

Kallman, Eleanor (Lea) 56, 60, 71, 119 K'Burg, Virginia 39, 148 Kelly, Jane 148 Kelso, Sarah 85, 88, 148 Kemp, Katherine 75, 148 SOUTHEASTERN Kennedy, Betty Sue 119 Kennedy, Julia 82, 88, 141 ELEVATOR COMPANY Key, Louise 141

Kimmel, Nancy . 25, 28, 44, 45, 54, 68, 72, 82, 119, 130, 131 Charlotte 148 Designers and Manufacturers King, King, Charlotte 86, 141

King, Hazel-Thomas . . . 62, 67, 135 King, Jane 54, 135 441 Memorial Drive, S. E. Atlanta, Ga. King, Nora 27, 69, 119 Kittrell, Rosemary 148 Knake, Laura Ann 141 Kohn, Barbara 148 Kraemer, Jane 76, 132, 135 Kwass, Karel Ann 38, 148

America Goes to College Lair, Marty 43, 85, 148 Lamb, Harriette 71, 141 With Montag's Stationery Lamb, Janet 119 Lamb, Katherine (Kay) 18, 141 148 Since 1889 Lambeth, Martha Lane, Evangeline 120 Lane, Millie 45, 68, 70, 120 MONTAG BROS., Inc. Law, Louise 30, 74, 120, 129 Law, Jane 55, 62, 69, 82, 141 245 North Highland Ave. Lawhorne, Shirley 120 148 ATLANTA, GEORGIA Lear, Marsha Lee, Eleanor 56, 82, 135 Lehman, Elizabeth (Betty) 148 Lommond, Guthrie Hood 148

162 Agnes Scott College Really, I'm surprised at youl Well, shut my mouth!

Leroy, Ruth 8, 141 Ling, Mildred 136 Lewis, Anne (Tomi) 27, 65, 68, 135 Lipham, Margaret Anne 67, 148 Lewis, Elizabeth (Betty) 31, 60, 64, 65, 85, 141 Lipscomb, Mary Taylor 55, 148 Lewis, Joan Helen 67, 148 Lomason, Frankie Flowers 120 Lewis, Persia 148 Love, Mildred 148 Lile, Sue 25, 54, 55, 120, 130, 131 Lowry, Andy 68, 120 Lindamood, Carlanna 44, 120 Lunz, Elizabeth (Betsy) 57, 141

V.' '

.--:-- r.r- .-:-:-: p - -e._ ;; TT:-:- f

Compliments of BARGE-THOMPSON, INCORPORATED Engineers and Contractors

136 Ellis Street, N .E., Atlanta, Georgia

163 The Silhouette 1958 Compliments of


1933 Peachtree Road, N. E.

Tastes like dining hall food.

Mabry, Helen 73, 142 SHARIAN, INC. MacConochie, Sheila 89, 121 Maddox, Helen Scott 89, 136 Maddox, Julia Gertrude 67, 76, 148 DRake 7-6488 Magoffin, Elizabeth 76, 77, 88, 148 Magruder, Carolyn 54, 65, 112, 121, 129 Rug and Carpet Cleaning Mallard, Marjorie 121 Manges, Suzanne 45, 62, 69, 136 Mangum, Grace 66, 75, 85, 142 Marable, Nina Louise 148 Marks, Anna Eugenia 148 Marks, Helene 149 Mason, Carolyn 142 Massey, Martha 142 Masten, Susannah 72, 136 Matheson, Janice 121 Mathews, Elizabeth 136, 142 Mathis, Jan 76, 121 Mattern, Betty Louise 149 BEST WISHES Matthews, Janie 75, 142 McBride, Ann 54, 67, 149 WATSON PHARMACY

To go with the sack dress. 309 E. College Ave. DR. 3-1665 DECATUR, GEORGIA

Your TOTAL food bill is less

When you shop at C S!


164 Agnes Scott College T. D. Lewis Machine Shop MARINE SALES & SERVICE




McCall, Linda Todd 40, 136 LEWIS TRAILERS 131 McCall, Marion (Pinky) . 55, 56, 67, 80, 82, 83, 121, 130, McCary, Eileen 71, 142 McCaughan, Louise 121 BARBOUR BOATS McCoy, Martha 22, 70, 80, 81, 82, 136 McCravey, Mildred 149 McCurdy, Anne (Scottie) 73, 121 McCurdy, Runita . . 40, 54, 58, 70, 71, 80, 81, 84, 86, 136 ALL BOAT EQUIPMENT McCurdy, Sue 81, 85, 149 McDonald, Barbara 136 McDonald, Caro 58, 61, 88, 122 McDonald, Sallie Elizabeth 149 McDonald, Shirley ... 69, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 89, 122 McFadden, Frances 74, 142 McFarland, Ellen 142 McGeachy, Lila 29, 54, 84, 136 McKelway, Margaret 67, 71, 86, 142 McKinney, Martha 149 For the Finest in Dairy Products McLain, Edna 149 CALL MINNIE QUARTS RESIDENCE McMillan, Suzanne ! 56, 84, 136 McMillan, Dinah Lucy 67, 76, 149 TRinity 2-7703

Thai yearbook work was too hard. MULTI-VITAMIN HOMOGENIZED MILK

Homogenized Vitamin D Milk Grade A Pasteurized Milk Chocolate Milk Buttermilk Whipping Cream Coffee Cream Fat Free Milk Cottage Cheese Orangeade Delicious Ice Cream Pure Orange Juice Georgia Fesh Eggs


The Silhouette 1958 165 Compliments



The only man they'll THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.

of Georgia McNairy, Julia 67, 142 McSwain, Mary Ann 72, 149 122 Paints - Varnishes - Lacquers - Leads McWhorter, Anne 54, 67, Meek, Bettv Jean 122 Oils - Enamels - Brushes and Meek, Sallie 60, 73, 85, 142 Painters' Specialties Meyer, Martha ... 25, 48, 58, 80, 81, 82, 83, 122, 130 Mikell, Caroline 58, 62, 82, 85, 142 217 Trinity Place Milford, Mary Jane 122 Milledge, Helen 67, 76, 142 Decatur, Ga. Miller, Jennie 62, 72, 149 DR. 7-1751 Miller, Caroline 62, 76, 122 Mitchell, Elizabeth Ann 76, 149 Mitchell, Martha Jane 29, 76, 82, 83, 136 Modlin, Anne I 49 Moore, Donalyn 54, 136 Moore, Mary Jane 77, 88, 149 Moore, Mary 28, 62, 75, 80, 82, 136 I ' ? 6 49 LANGLEY Moore, Nancy > TRANSFER & STORAGE Moore, Prudence Anne 56, 57, 149 Morris, Ashlin 142

Local and Long Distance

MOVING . . . CRATING . . . SHIPPING onfederate money, boys! Modern Storage Warehouse

2688 East Ponce de Leon Avenue DECATUR. GEORGIA DRake 3-0326 — DRake 3-9723



Two Locations:

1250 South Oxford Road-— Emory

106 North McDonough Street —- Agnes Scott




ek in the library.


Morrison, Anne 142 Moseley, Harriet 149 Moses, Anita 142 793 E. College Avenue Moss, Martha Anne (Patsy) 75, 142 Moye, Letitia 67, 76, 82, 149 Muller, Marjorie (Jorie) 24, 58, 84, 136 between Murphy, Bessie 142 Muse, Wilma 26, 81, 82, 85, 142 Decatur and Avondale

122 Nalley, LaVonne 73, DR. 8-5295 Nash, Judy 58, 80, 81, 86, 123 Neal, Warnell 142 Newsome, Anne 149 Newton, Josephine Bogle 123 Nichols, Linda 56, 75, 142 Nieuwenhuis, Everdina 71, 142

Norman, Jane . 23, 71, 82, 142 North, Marion 76, 149 Norton, Ann 142 Norton, Randy 54, 123, 130, 131 The Zep the bouncing ball. Manufacturing Corp.

"Where To Buy It"

JA. 3-1961

560 Edgewood Ave., N. E.


The Silhouette 1958 167 BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF 1958


124 Atlanta Avenue Decatur, Georgia

Spit it out—it's spiked!

Oeland, Martha Ann (Jimsie) 24, 123 Oglesby, Barbara 136 Orme, Suzanne 44, 74, 149 Outzs, Grace Lynn 89, 149

Palmour, Mary Grace 63, 75, 76, 142 Pancake, Emily 55, 149 Parker, Elizabeth Ann 45, 62, 68, 74, 142 Parker, Emily 65, 142 Parker, Laura 73, 81, 142 Parks, Diane 142 Paterson, Elizabeth 72, 149 Patterson, Nancy 142 Payne, Ann Rivers 28, 54, 71, 132, 136 Peagler, Ann 28, 82, 83, 149 Peppas, Phia 54, 123, 129, 131 Persinger, Sara Lu 66, 67, 77, 136 Persons, Marianne Gillis JOHN SEXTON & CO. Petkas, Helen 142 Pfaff, Mary Jane 85, 142 Phelan, Caroline 30, 74, 75, 88, 123 National Wholesale Grocers

P. O. Box 4124

Federal Annex

Atlanta 2, Georgia


Established 1874

Society Stationers

HOPeachtree Atlanta, Ga.

168 Agnes Scott College ARISTOCRAT ICE CREAM

"All the Name Implies"

I'm forever blowing bubbl

Philip, Virginia 149 Phillips, Mary (Mimi) 72, 82, 85, 149 Pickens, Caroline 149 Pike, Carol 67, 75, 123 Pilkenton, Paula 55, 67, 77, 85, 136 Quality Ice Cream for All Occasions Pollard, Anne 67, 85, 149 Potts, Louise 123 Powell, Janice 45, 67, 69, 85, 142 Preble, Julian 30, 74, 124 Prevost, Jane 142 Premnitz, Carol 56, 77, 136 Pruitt, Caroline 136 Purdom, Eve 54, 138, 142

Raines, Carolyn 124 Ray, Sylvia 67, 77, 136 Regero, Rose Marie .42, 46, 67, 70, 149 Reid, Caroline 149 Reinero, Gene Allen 63, 75, 75, 124 Rhodes, Bruce 149 IN APPRECIATION Rice, Margaret 124 TO THE GIRLS OF Easy come, easy go. AGNES SCOTT

For their support of our program or research,

education, training of professional personnel, serv-

ice to the mentally ill, and legislation, in the fight

against mental illness. We hope for your continued

interest and participation in our program. —THANK YOU


The Silhouette 1958 169 H. E. LUPO AND CO., INC.

1050 Murphy Avenue, S. W.

PLaza 3-2153



Yipee, I've got a date! "Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated"

Richards, Kay 67, 142 402 E. Howard Street Decatur, Georgia Richardson, Georgeann 149 Richardson, Mary Hart 54, 143 DR. 3-3737 Rigdon, Louise 124 Ripley, Dot 67, 124 Rippard, Beverley 143 Robert, Lu 58, 62, 73, 80, 82, 124, 129

Roberts, Elizabeth (Betsy) . 44, 45, 64, 65, 68, 75, 76, 136 Roberts, Rosemary 23, 56, 62, 71, 143 Roberts, Margaret Fox 76, 149 Rutland's House of Music, Inc. Robertson, Grace 124, 129 DECATUR, GEORGIA Robertson, Sibley 55, 82, 83, 149 Robertson, Joe Bryan 149 Robinson, Charme 150 Roden, Joanna 67, 150 Rogers, Barbara Byrnes 125 Rogers, Carol 60, 73, 136 Rogers, Patricia 150 Rogers, Helen Smith 73, 137 Rogers, Celeste 48, 54, 64, 125, 129 Rowe, Gayle 81, 82, 150

Is there something in my eye?

m *jmf^ J 'fai^ "" m w

GLENWOOD PAINT CENTER JEn :'j 509 Candler Road m- DR. 7-6256


**^^. nH ma

170 Agnes Scott College PATRONIZE YOUR



dered into the hub. to the graduating class

Rudisill, Ces 64, 75, 84, 125 Russell, Anne 67, 85, 150 Ryman, Caroline 67, 150

St. Clair, Joan 30, 80, 81, 125 Salfiti, Helen 62, 71, 125 Salter, Jean 137 Salvadore, Margaret 69, 137 Sanford, Sally 18, 62, 68, 84, 137 Sattes, Frances 125 Sawyer, Jo 54, 86, 125, 130 Sawyer, Julia (Judy) 28, 30, 41, 74, 138, 143 Saxon, Sylvia 81, 82, 86, 143 Scales, Lucy 55, 150 Schwab. Molly 72, 150 Scofield, Evelyn 76, 143 Scoggins, Ann 125 Seaman, Clair 56, 137 Seay, Joyce 43, 55, 57, 150 THE ATLANTA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Sevier, Lesley 75, 143 Shankland, Lynne 143

3480 Memorial Drive, S. E., Atlanta, Georgia. Highway 154 Spur of 78- 12, located 1 '/2 miles from Atlanta. ADINKLER MOTOR INN MOTEL

Unusually good accommodations—very attractive, air conditioned, all have telephones, free family rooms, studio television and radio. Coffee and Newspaper—free. Colored tile showers, restaurant, shopping center rooms, suites, laundry and valet service, playground and excellent directly across, baby sitters. Phone BUtler 9-6633.


The Silhouette 1958 Compliments of CAGLE PRODUCE COMPANY Wholesale


808 Avon Avenue. S. W. PLaza 8-4611


24-Hour Courteous Service

Radio Dispatched

DR. 7-3866 - DR. 7-3867 - DR. 7-1701

Southeastern Bakers Supply


316 Peters Street, S. W.

Atlanta Georgia 3, Sharp, Marianne .... 71, 76, 137 Sharp, Martha 143 Shaw, Irene 84, 137

Sheldon, Anita . 45, 69, 75, 137 Shephard, Frances 126 Shepley, Elizabeth (Betsy) 50, 150 Shirley, Susan 58, 86, 143 Shumaker, Elizabeth (Liz) 27, 45, 68, 126 Silcox, Caroline Romberg 126 Compliments of Simmons, Caroline 82, 85, 150 Simpson, Nora Ann 27, 44, 45, 68, 137 Brown Sims, Ann 76, 88, 143 Wright Hotel Supply Singleton, Frances 66, 151 Slade, Jeanne 27, 68, 126 Corporation Smith, Harriett G 72, 150 Smith, Hollis 55, 143 Smith, Page 75, 82, 150 Smith, M. Harriet 150 512 West Peachtree, N. W. Smith, Sally 67, 85, 143 Smith, Sue 82, 150 Smith, Dian 62, 88, 143 Snead, Diane 65, 143

172 Agnes Scott College Spackman, Shirley 73, 126 Specht, Barbara 143 Speer, Mary Rose 143 WHEAT WILLIAMS REALTY CO. Speight, Roxana 60, 76, 137 Sperling, Virginia 160

' INSURANCE »-S I Spivey, Deene 27, 68, 71, 126, 129 KhAl Starnes, Clara Ann 25, 126 Starrett, Martha 66, 143 Stewart, Pat 58, 62, 88, 126 Stieglitz, Nain ..,..: 66, 67, 143 119 E. Ponce de Leon Ave. Stillman, Nancy 67, 75, 150 Stokes, Jo 67, 143 DECATUR, GA. Stone, Nancy 28, 75, 81, 144, 150 Strain, Mary Katherine (Kay) 28, 150 DR. 7-2606 Strickland, Camille 143 Strupe, Sybil 67, 72, 138, 143 Stubbins, Mary Rivers Swords, Curt 66, 73, 137 Sydnor, Lang 54, 62, 76, 80, 82, 83, 127, 130 Sydnor, Kit 82, 112, 127 Sylvester, Pamela 76, 82, 85, 150


1568 Orlando Street, S.W.

Atlanta 1 1 , Georgia

Everybody meets Undm 7k& Chck \ at the BILTMORE

New York's a winternational playground, and The Biltmore's at the heart of the holiday fun? Your good times start under the clock; it's the meeting place every student knows. Write now, to our College Department, for Special. Student Rates and Reservations. BILTMORE Madison Avenue at 43rd St., N. Y. 17, N. Y. At Grand Central Statipn H Other REALTY HOTELS— The Barclay & Park Lane Harry M. Anholt, President

The Silhouette 1958 173 I & J SHOES

(Formerly Newsome's Shoes)



I could just cry.

SUPPLY COMPANY Talmadge, Harriet 48, 54, 89, 127 FULTON Tatum, Kay Walters 137 Teague, Annette 18, 43, 84, 132, 137 Thomas, Esther 72, 150 Thomas, Joyce 73, 127 Industrial, Textile Contractors Thomas, Martha 73, 143 Thomas, Caroline 150 Supplies & Machinery Thomas, Virginia I 50 Thompson, Barbara 73, 127 Tilly, Anne 29, 55, 137 Tinkler, Carolyn 68, 80, 84, 89, 127 ATLANTA GEORGIA Tobey, Marcia I 43 143 Towers, Edith . . . 62, 65, Trammell, Diane 143 Tribble, Marilyn 56, 68, 112, 127, 131 Tritton, Edith 29, 137 Trowell, Nancy 44, 45

HEARN'S JEWELRY CO. Vanhee, Louise 75, 127 Varner, Barbara 29, 63, 68, 71, 137 131 Sycamore Street Vereen, Emasue Alford 41, 128

China — Crystal - — Sterling

Silver — Watches -- Diamonds

Watch and Jewelry Repair

DR. 7-5133 Decatur, Georgia


448 Georgia Avenue, S. W.

Agnes Scott College 174 The one-minute If they give you any trouble, hit Sometimes you make me sick.

Wakeford, Raines 143 Williams, Mary Helen Collins ... 64, 66, 76, 77, 128 Walker, Patricia 55, 81, 82, 85, 150 Williams, Penny 150 Walton, Marian 30, 74, 137 Williamson, Martha Ann 143 Wilson, Rebecca (Becky) Ware, Mary 67, 72, 76, 150 ... 36, 37, 44, 61, 74, 143 Wilson, Ware, Susie 128 Mary 61, 143 Wilson, Paula ' Warren, Rosalyn 67, 70, 71, 73, 77, 128 81, 82, 150 Watson, Mary Ruth 128 Winn, Florence 150 Winslow, Weathers, Hope 77, 137 Pauline 68, 137 Witherspoon, Webb, Jody 76, 143 Mary Mac 69, 137 Womeldorf, Ann Webb, Judy 76, 143 67, 150 Woods, Grace Weber, Kay 25, 45, 58, 68, 89, 137 26, 143 Woods, Webster, Mary Elizabeth 150 June 85, 150 Woolfolk, Margaret Wells, Peggy Jo 150 54, 61, 76, 84, 86, 128 Wyatt, Betty Sue Weltch, Jane 85, 150 150

-. West, Carolyn . . 65, 143 Westbrook, Laura 137 Yancey, Delores Whipple, Annette 65, 68, 76, 137 Ann Taylor 128 Young, Whisnant, Anne 67, 143 Martha 74, 76, 143 White, Kay 71, 128 White, Susie 67, 137 Williams, Louise 150 Zimmermann, Mildred Lafon 71, 75, 150

it Avoid Atlanta Traffic mm Stop at COHMCR HOTEL CANDLER

Decatur, Georgia t^i 1 SIMPLEr ' WONDERFUL Air Conditioned

SPORTSWEAR Excellent Coffee Shoppe

Headquarters for All Civic Clubs


Decatur, Go L. L TUCKER, JR.

On the Squa re Lessee and Manager

The Silhouette 1958 175 m •>•

ti£ s**-^ &** N5J "*»EW

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