. i llfZkl QUOTATION'S t n. per ib pr toa Q ftf i. 4.89 I97.M I i I y hi &)() ii :'))d $ ' aota ,. .05 v...... X v v. a: 10t IX. NO. . a ), X ; t. Honolulu. Hawaii territory, frida FEBRUARY; 43." 916. WHOLE NUMBER 420? TT" ;;i ijulnvh and Uerman. Battling For PcwseasUi of Burning Chita.tJlii.tron 'o-i.- -. rvpMinicco ' i'-.- Ji; IP mil? ot igntmg Tfiat Now Jf rtund .Tefgbn;: Meu.e ji I LL .ii yiT7tviryw fjtt In J. U. II UnilULLOO CDPnircE SKILLED 111 oioooiii:' " ' ' ' r ' I' FORCES BACK ? VV RECK COAST

J jlshouV :3t. L War Come Morfl Thkn FRENCH LhiES M achine : Turns Over, Pinning One H:;.1ion Men Would . V : Former flonolulan Under j Be Needed ( ' LiLSGu CODE 'V i Wreckage of Car v:i v r ; DY ASSAULTS ENUStED PERSONNEL ' ' I ACCIDENT HAPPENS ' President' Unwilling IS AT LOWEST LEVEL To Consent LODI, AT CALIFORNIA ; ; To Abrldaement of Sltfihtly Flattens Dangerous Sal- - i... , a American t lights To Travel On til Singld Oattfeshlp of Latest jent That Thrust Its Point Into" ' ' : I r-- I t ' " Partoer In Brokerage .Business v Wtfflntt Du.m TL .1 'iTinil fMit(l A..1 j Flank of German Armies At i inn r www ii i iiej uesirp y vuum lin.'ivipe (.imi j uui But Reported Pacific Fleet Hurt. To Be tacking Fortress of Verdun V, V 7; Recovering ." - - ENDS iSTINGINQ REPLY. . ti: t ..X V. PAYS HEAVY ; : TO LETTER OF SENATOR PRICE FOR ; WABHLNOTvJN, Febroary SS-T- ht ' (Astaelataa Prut by kestrel Wtrtlaaa.) 3- HIS GAINS IN ARGONNE 1,02115. m will U BwJed io prop-- 1 LODlv calif oi tin, Febraary - ' HmU ,0. MeCandieet, son i f' t miia (' v rl; dim tk Mh United ana bf Joha A. (.';''. , ,1, ' Situation In Butn , Democratic Councils' wh en , wr footing, wu th MrCandleea cl HoboIbIu died ia-- the ,ertlQB hospital Teutonic Dead Reported Piled In ' urowing rore Ominous and 1 B Admiral cwie j. Bd Udl laat night freai Injiiriea I .f 11. ji IBf Wahln before the honM fom received wlrea Via autoraobtl. over- Heaps Along Ten Mile' Front '; uauviiui rny Miarmea LeSS mitte M yeeterd.r aft- - ture od o tha aailtoad track not far Taa . . Between River Meuse -- Sentiment Lead i To Revolt admiral aMrted that front th!a city, a , ... and the tata waa the minimum ef- numbet of Young fective aad trained men the. country I If cCaadleee, aceemptnied by 0rnes After Desperate Battling '''' wvura b oie to eet alone with in ueorga- - . u Connor, his parUer in a eaae or-at- irt hortilittes. . ',v firm of brok erf, in pa k land, waa oil hi A8HINQTON, Fekruar 23, lotva la Vary ImaU , Prtss by Wircltaa.) Y - way tcm Aaerameato to Stockton, on fitttrtaua Ptaual PMe Ia aomparwoa, aad to ahow tha tre- - . , ' YV r coat, tare hoo a ,NDON February 85. Bettered , - bus'nesa trip whea the accident hap- or. !u or aaval 0a- ' ''. I. ii.. pened. ''.'.W v.;'':' ' v; P y by" th rounding of a quartor of ii vi. nation, Aaimrmi .tsadger ." ' WHmh ka m w .a million ' uw WKinilHIIlin mil n Ihi ..ii nf 1B1T am Tho mta were driving fatt.it la' aaid, Teutonic soldiers, backed that th ataad t. Ar ha hat taken reffardiaai praet peac. baaia. that there would a nd whea the front wheel, of their the of tha treat (Una for Which the threat of the en"hlaaioed only elxt--e- en thou- - the German army ia ' Tentoala aatlona to ear .truck the raiUbf'the Southern famoua, tha French Wow mp aad" 1 fcaVaj ebmpelled - deatro without warnW "TT.'Vr- r -- ' : PaciJIe track which, troated lie 'road been to retire thair nn- . waa Ioilowed -- ar merchant reaael which mrm. , . Were they were traveling nio,' 4ho machlae brokea lino' along a front of about ten defeaga. Vy " elf a.ar aatio. Into " ST'uT btHuuitd from tha ath and. milea, ftv.rtrnad for diataneo of three . kilomo Cental Sl'.-l'- '."'' of tbe a with v i e.let thi Powera. V Vl"Lw' in a ditch. , McCandlcca-we- hurled out , tera, 'after farioua fighting South of Tja artrted auggration thai America.! .. "If'"' with treoiandoua- fr-c- tufferiag serer4 forbidden 1 I".." aaval protecUo the went- - U to tr.l . "f injnrie. about .the, b'dy and tba. DaiAvlIliera;. and tho river men, ia s? Mr: ,0 'Connor wan; alap hich . thousand, of men ' - thrown out hae beea of tho painful iereMti TJST teeamea that, ..r and snst.iatdi injur- ies, b la reported ' - n a rcanvering. "Both . - ahail ,erU to wen n Pari, renorta tl.it tk.'lnf.ntrv .. I aiver eenaanf l nMtd .youna-me- were runted Vr"Mh' Lodl Kakea podtloti , v'V"! otioj ana battleship tarks of fhd Germane have' ceased, aad " Plain Hospital, t HcCaadledid ot re ' C y'. mcequju that the French line hohla firm in' At a The Prmident'e no.1ft- - V lor gainottKciounesa - hfro he Tha new- poeitioaa, - .'i trbphatteativ PlaU "in.... dl. while the artillery. bt f- MUr tiody, will bt aent to 6. land fotyater. both, " to tommoaieatioaT A eidea aontlnuea ita flereo bdmlwufr. v: "'! '"PT y 1,.25:- aruau' anvZlfvV IM - seat ,of . 'a trenches 9 .. v; . maaa, V,ry Heavy i .. , :). .; ... , Tha . rrv .vtUrriv'r - . -tnwa of- .klVrvm Ik.... . v. v J .tev7or. aim ' JnarQermane ara aaid WJiaa Jrei- - .iVonaUv, hc,vy.' The deneely rood.' " " V I . . .wu lui rd country between the Meuse aiid oniy a or Mr, aud iiji tha ?W -- .Itfi f ""K""""" tkK admiral '.ina.ated th. aJuiit Mra Joh Me Ornea ia the Afgonae district, ,'f ' " Candleta aad tht unL ;.r -- il rui. ported to b piled dep with Gorman d ne U Met'aadle aa4 Jamea P, WeCaad-lea- s, " ni Would 1 w' oii navai jwt in fonatent dead.' Thoatanda upon thosanda 0UJ'y mbrraia hU foTe.Kn en.miwto ia' order to all of Jlonoluiaj. was ot.fhe ' properlv train ... born in Kainer'e soldiers are aaid to have tall-.- ' DERBY HEADS BRITISH thU, fclty on September R,J AVIATOR MAY CIRCLE CORPS 4, .1 and on ia this laat offensive 8!n'tor a.Mfl ?' OklahoiM Waatora Tlald Ti '.v.. "'. 'vAllIO IS PtAWJEO received his preliminary' lWa. '' education at net gala haa been small, less lhan:v'; r:ifl V Coagrewmaa Btephen. California, Oaho College. , Afte .'' travelinraa T.hTi .ATI ."S ,ff!irt f ' firdnttn ihor. a third of the ground won tbaVV-Frenc- iw whi?h i!i2Lri,,ri;g.,w' 'nemM Of ! wmittee( drew forth no eatarea u. uaiv.rsfty of rennsyl. by irtflf lh ': AVTATI0N C0MMISS10N WDROPLANeIfOR VAmsy la th.ly offensive at Butto Ta-- "'V th? 'J" de!Ii"'J; 'rom the witneaa that GLOBE W aad whilf attending that intti- - sure,,- , ... , !T'v-Ku- Ktt ---- . ' arnljuw- - MOVEf.lENT OF ARMY ;,.f a tha with one armored aix amau uuiob aoouv sixteen aaentht ago he r. lUrn n,.l..n de- - en,,,en, Other teoUtiva attack by thauny . , v fenNl 'trorera thrM rastained a badly broken leg in .a'au-tonobi- l. ' of tha Crown . Wilaoa write- a:- marlnea. Paoiaa fleeTeoveri . .. Prince, aro reported to Paaca th. ' accident that .almost him ' Boner ot have beea repulsed with heavy loaa by ', ean not concent ianrJaueh XSiltt; Will the French defendera. ' "I .ti 7 rf Board Undertake To Improve Gigantic Craft Will Attempt Voy OvvnersToi r;M'aehihetin'i.-Sa- Only Harried trti' Montia'V VV It la asserted abridgement of What - that the I eenalder the ; , , r1 Bhortly after thia Kaiser himself, haa left the riahta of Americana. Aerial War : rest .of tho line ' CAPTAIN OF U- 'age With Several Observers Francisco Behind McLandlets, ia the handa of hia hav alwava atood, for STEAME- " Service; Scheme aceomnanted by hi moth generals aad haa beea keeping cloao' er, wno waa wita him during. H ' CHINA. FILES PROTEST hit aoa personal town, with the developments ' vaietenee. went to California, wherf in thia aeetor, ,. , j. . rnVrrVo-- (Aawtdatoa Praia by Taanal Wtrelaa.)". wua ef Americana to travel where they (AaaMtetaa (Asseelaua Pratt ay ptdttat Wlraiaee. CAssteUtad by Twiimi nia aitter and 'brother Franoa Official' Xeport rnn br raderai Wlnteee.1 LONDON, Preta Pteeral Winlsaa.t "in-la- . Pleaee, and bj aav lagitlmatw Kebroary 5. Lofd Dar BAN FBANCTHCO, February 3. ti, Mr. and lira. w u.. The .v'r meant - SAN Freach official report -- NAQA8AKL Fetruarr 25. The rap- FBANCI8CO, February 25. bnrn.- - On eighth announce. .. pieaaa to employ, eon-eeaai- by, originator of the volunteer the day of t would bo a tain of tb ateamar recently enlist P. Adams, a well known aviator of Army officers last Jun. that "wa hava been compelled to with- China. stationed at ho married Miaa .; ' taaUmount to tha eonfeaaum ment plan in effect juat prior to the oosion, reacnad aera laat night with tho Preaidio Marian Bodolph, draw our right and left flanks, m topped by Brttna erutaera aad aearch south of o couavrv ia tii nm. I . . . - . . - - v ...... plana have formally approved of a plan by un(OMir ul ueorge ttodoipar a promt-ne- at the imuitmt M action of u coo.puuioa dj ue uriUM for a. 'gigantic hydroaeroplane river Ornea, behind Bamogueux," taet itaelf and ita eltUena. It wonli Prow"M ginat the with hoped wau-- an corpa Oakland banker, the wedding be- - Thi. ia U proteata, waa for- - government, haa which' he to encircle the automobile for trans taken here to mean a flatten- ia fact, be a virtual o wMnlP' been named vto tha - - ing one of tho brilliant a a a earreuder " the giooe, via Honolulu. v .porting society ev.nti ing of the point . mally lodged with" tha American coo-au- l chairmanship troopain time of war, ia to be Of of the salient that . independent petition which wo hove of the joint navai and The machine will "cost" the season. After loag heaay tljrust itaelf deep into Gorman arwaya here laat Bight. 'Tho Britona re saV.l organised in thia city. th. linea t matatod pon and ahalL I military board for the control $17(LflOO. moon trip through the Eiat tha couple menacing " twenty-ele- ht - of the Adams, approximately 4 Vardua. Thia fiatteaing .ha , moved German, vaaaea- .It , .The organization to irnat aiwaya inaiat upon." '. of corp. returned Oakland to live, ' air service of v . to 'be one hundred eighty-eigh-t the among young Ma. brought the .'avadere . ' Continuing tfera on board the China i eicht A nu the nation. and ' Caadleas withia ten milea the President aaid that ht oigbty-av- the automobile-owner- e forming a partnership in the of two China, While the position earriee no reet wute by long, and will rf San Fran- that fortress, one of tho atrongest '. , oeiievet tnat when tho explanaUon on trient and Turke. The al aalarv. -- brokerage buaiaeea ' ia immensely bo drive. by eight moyrraf), Arraage-me- n cisco he begun with George B. O' ia France. ,' their recent warning! mer- though owned by Chtneao eapiUl. it it influential. and th under the guidance of Connor, to armed - ta . who waa hi bett man Trrriflc n.it.. II.. A rhrirman will exercise great power will b, mada te "carry aeven vapi. ii. u. syua, at, th. battling with great foreea chant eratt, eomoe from tha Central had who commanded a wedding, and who waa with him ia in progress powere shoulder large reaponaibilitiee. . : company ' - th. bn for aeverat days, an oxplanatioa which ha ii. The during the Bpanith American ratal accident at Ldi; i. with the . Germana This move is part of recent- aviator' hopea to be able to make .endeavoring to ' ACQUIRED tho plin '.- Pinned tTndar f. di,,.,!:?lte,l 0Ou MORE SHIPS ly urged upon the journey completely around. . War. ;. Aata y. maah through the French linea and the government, for a tha ia The new get BY NEW CORPORATION complete overhauling of globe, atartidg from the Golden Catej expected that aa aoon aa mm of the death' i withia artillery distance of the for- C the aerial ser bl. mancuvera will McCandless was brokea to midable fortres ' vice, ana an attempt ana going ty way of uonomiu, Mank be held with the hi parents of Verdun. all danger I - ' -r to build no a la ro' ' of friction. nrst units of the corpa, In order w uigni a massage Har- The artillery exchange which pre- - ' '' OUtnatiM n.- -. ., i 1 (AtaaeMed Prate to 1 er and mora effective aeroplane la, China, India,' Sues can al Spain and to get from Mini Wtralu and them iqto ry M. Hepbura. Who ceded - fleet. Boaton. .;; Reprcscftattrc?.f Aero training aa speedily aa can married htadva th afantry, attache have been'-.- . , the, - AN. TBANCI8C liriible the ' 7TLYI aenato yetterdar tho aitua- Iruaty U. McCandlew, and whe, he. tremeadoaa, huge raaaaea of metal be-- i ' ciuo or ana or navy de- Itated that Company, America inen k T 1 1 a . . . tlon arialng over quettlon oaahlp ' trnut a. - i ,' mg . - the of thai l" " partment ..via.lk t . vua.iB, rBtner-iu- thrown at the opposing trencbeev ' new ander tha , joint MORE DETAILS 1 aro y going on th4 trip aa weuu rigni to travel ia ha. control of the PIRWPn law Of the Qvaftar of MUUoa , , r merehantment observer and . asslstaptk. ?v '! GASOLINE "j victim, waa leaving imme- Men p'ii FISHING' - longing to one of the warring powers, 0F CAPTURE OF WESTBURN diately for the aeene af tho- fatality. The. German army of 250,000 Sa led aumeu proportions watctt ' WitSS? ;: SCHOONER Mr, Hepburn, a "own, prince, Froder-- : ' ' alarmed - : f BLOWS UP ia Federal radiogram, ,0m,n t aister'ahlpl Colombia i- - ; MAURITANIA WANTED many of tho aolona. ' . Vaaesuela, and ' Ick William, who ia i tr. (AsseoUta , mtaatta aa. ' In command on t.;V Kcuaior: from the Eoral th.t,h Pnsa by rsdtrU Wireless.) W;t' One of them characterised it aa the W. 1BY y (Aasoelated Prate by accident inia portion or the west line. Twenty-Av- e ; February 1 OWNING COMPANY rtaexai Wimi i '"TM occurred today whoa India Mail line for KODO.OOO. TheL .VTON, 24Fnrther milea of the a "moat eerioue ainee the outbreak of t,,u BOSTON, February- - 25. The gasoline h MeCandlcT we. oa hi way from French line, extending-O- war Europe." will be ma Central American "ve. inlearBe(l hero of the both aides of Verdun, but r.r i n in 1. tha ia The advocates la (Aateetttei by " ... Hacrameato to Stockton T - H.r. and porta, ot Bntiah atearner- - Weat- - Prtsa rtoaral WUtlttt.J ...( aruvunnr jnarv Manrna k with hia bui. .v iv , i . . . policy - ' Panama it la aabonnaaJ fPtur? e neaa i. i.w m - of a which Mr. WUaoa . aalli m LONDON,' February 25, twenty-thre- flshermea on board,'. waa partner, Oeorge A, B. O'Connor. j nuriaweat are involved in ta- TWO additional 'ahlpe will Uwpofll tot B1u,e,10 Aa;, effort- 1 hia? a' ''hackilaara ' anJ k. fee aeeured uUrn,n ...... kL.' . . blown, up Their automobile battle, which ia th. first major if in Boaton v' struck a railroad .im.L .1 A" will bo placed vj wiiMxmt vumnivrcv xaiuer presum- waa uium in. (an tiqum oi coqimons yes- harbor late war cove oa tho west the President are coming closer . and under Ameri ably terday to permission . afteraoon, by an exploaioa track, overturaiag :and 'throwing . O i since the AIM. ; - - the Hoewe. After the German secure . from, the of took cloaer to an one break. Mr. c"n regwtry.K t in - Conner free th offensive ia the Leae and ,n.!V-Loo- Wilmi. prize crew jto hlnu-ritani- her tanks.- The hnrvatcking Jamea and - ' '" aboard the Westburn had government ve the Cunardet Sasoline ship caught J' . ' , - haakara ara V.I ''''' pinning him a, aections. . lnn.il.il h. t taken the steamer nearly to Crus, tiaterahip the immediately sank. Two 'ot uaderneat Jamea died t Banta of Lsitanla . : , BerUn elalma the possibility, that tho sentiment ANOTHER PACIFIC her crew thortly afterwarda." . . i that v LINE Canary Islands, the prisonera , includ- tuiilr by e Germah enhmartne off- - wer. killed outright and tea ' frthlr.VIInraav' the Another radiogram' gaint were made la the retiion .w' . .. . ing many British, were roast of releaaett were mora or less " aeveralv ni.M.i received later aorth PUNNED BY NEW CONCERN landed, and tha Ireland,' from duty ' of Verdua. ; woodcti di-- . v'; . wvro manager Tha entire . u-- ' i.. - Pne of the .flshermea ia misslik.. cnaiungbaia of th. Westburn .wis then sunk outside , Tene- wua Tne admiralty as a aospital ship - ' '1 Ka,,aVltiatian. .ilk th. W...T Federal Wlrelen. on tha Coaat triet northweat and orihaVof Beau- v . -??" atatl ?r S- rine Harbor,, aad to her The mont, rwt pwneri lots Mrasra, tha are theref.ro avWr . effort to ' . . a that Hepbnra and,, Jtodolph foret of Herbe, the village m.ki.a . of the Xuaitania and-th- e ; maintain Mary new commandeer EIGHT MORE MEMBERS . were With the bod yj r, of Hamont, .Brabant and Bomagnauy..:. their alignmeat intact, aoar .i:VYOBK ATTtr)ec ing; of other veeeela admiralty j company ia being launched MUB TRAIN br the Mother-i-n Xaw Kara. and other portion have beea rmiinrerf i with eucceea.! haa crippled tho OF FORD PARTY RETURN Xopabllcaaa BUent hero which will pat cart at . hiv line's Atlantis aervice Mra. George Bodolph, mother of Franca Admit ; "'rt. " CARRYING MUNITIONS seriously, . Mr. Ion waaa. , and tha' diroetora. are now Jro C. Mia Tho capture by the Oermaria :. , -- The Bepubllcana. tinea tha -- H"r "e The eom -" (Atsaelaitd MeCandl, and Helen of the, - r m atand i aim b w "4 akA a atking K't ; Press by Peaaral Wlralaaa.) fallfdill pAHtWanaamaanm. ri urmf - for aaaiatanee, ftodolpn. anothay daw gh . village of Brabant, i . Kv aT.a.. .V am wig- " il-KiB- tor, ajro at northeast "at' . a ia favor (Ataeelated Prtta by radtral Wlrtltta.) NEW YOBK. Februar ht Vr. I preeeat of the Preeldent'n pollciea CorPrpn, and it " in Honolulu, the ameata of liv dun and on. the newly active wa for defeaae 7 If.'uP TACOMA, February 24. Eight man 'MANY members of the Ford . peace Yvty re- lie and right, Amerjcana composed ,of eighteen ARE LEFT HOMELESS aad Mrs. John A. MoCandleaa. They admitted ia tho official' government an tha of afloat and ?Ca.!T - -- ' turned from abroad last nighgi They it is t .....-- . . . .Bfa (AsKata vress Veaaral araMlata. will rtturn to the Coast ia the Great nouncrment yesterday. aoroaa, aro aaying aotbing, but are rr..i...i 7 i with announced that the oxpeditioh ." In .k."i7. iTTa rraianiiea automobile has coat Northern tomorrow, accompanied by - awaiting davelopmonta. U X"'-- " ".V!-- . ho?. 'PASSAIC New Jemev. Pehrnarw ea announcement declares that th It plain Oa "a ,,ile, for Ku., and out tha air something like $400,00 to , date, the parents of young UUBII I m m I Ml m. A Two hundred, and MrCaadleaa.. attack of in German Bomagnaux however that tha mem ben of tha O. ."e. r,,,.,",t. will be l14L. ala. and forty parsons were that the work is still beinir . Mr. at carH.l ami Mrs. McCandless Ban mane - and their and Beaumont waa repulsed, anil O. P. are opposed to tha Democratic PVaT letwen wth the trainmen in whirl, uesiiiuto- and ftomelese today by by other members of par- house that ".V""1" J:- ,ui tho original gueKts, aa well aa all the the Mq vw VUdl- t.. a Are,. other French line have not been nggestion for relinquishing tb rights 0f the assailanta were raptured. A- - .disastrou A publio subscription ty, who " broken ftnL i '"P" were left behind, relatives of voting MeCandleaa in tha any of travel on the hlghaeas, 4o- - haa been started 'for tbenj: ' at point. cording tho police, they aald thev .", I Island, are almost overcome CKwe a paoa ,."T' by the A r ranch airship squadron VBnt.rdav Btroaa were Austrian. new - SENATE LACKS QUORUM of the dreadful tragedy. It i bombarded the German Station Senator Gore mad. another attempt not require' tha annmv.i r k- - 4 '. GERMAN ADMIRAL IS understood at Melr, DEAD' that tho body of young A great Are was fo!- V in tha upper bouae to get eongrea on - . observed there - dent. t.i GERMANY. GETS MORE lAtteeuua Prtss a ptatfal Wlraitta.) r ;wiria-- ) MK'andpsn haa arrived knmn I GRAIN J..W rj" r4ari at th lowing the attack. record as ormoalna American travel oa It aaeka to remev tha eause (AtteeUU4 by BERLIN. February 4. AdmW.i nn wASiliiNUTUiN, Februar 85. Laok of the widow ia Oakland. for war Pratt fadtral Wireless. I , of a quorum An entirely unexpected war develnn. vessels of the belligerent Ha nought, by guarding against injury Am- - Pohl, ia tha senaU yesterday ' to aay LONDON, February 24. It ia re- - aommauder of th Gamian battle ment came yeaterday from Lisbon', to introduce wnder "unaaimou oon-laric- on ; ' prevented the confirmation that a belligerent vessel. here neet, aaa tattay. f of Henry thirty-ai- l ported that (lermapy haa secured v pr WHEAT PRICES AFFECTED interned German Aua-tria- a a resolution declaring ,; P. Fletcher 'a nomination aa and v sent" that itl Sena tar Brandeaee. Rormhlir.n h. minister to Ww W 1 a second contract to take 400,000 ear-- f Traaa ..hall l.a k. ntf .1... J... . ,t . . - . . Mexico. Tha nomination had been Attamttad SMni iriMi. i veatela hav. beea aelzed hv . ...ku " ana. aant CHICAGO, 24.-Bu- nwiuiiM,...! under the. loads of Kumaman grain, ami entered CZAR GOES TO FRONTS to upper Fabruarv moia der of tho Portuguese Amertean. ,hould not trave on armed, Mnnte rule, abut tha propoaal Sen- - the house with the renneat commander of out. into other commercial engagemeate (Ataeelsua by Pefaral Wlreltts.) tonsequent upon the result of th tea- - the naval division. Hitherto Portugal belligerent veaseb. ThU differa from ator Cora will oV ras mm mo aeneiora act upon as soon i. . Li . try to introduce the with Rumania to hold W neutral PETBOOBAD, February it al. ii. hat adhered v. M ro-l- hK The judiciary to formal neutrality n uuea fesviutiva agai toaay, cure her a a new ally, 24,'Ciar commit,;.! h.7. ad nrnv ui Nicholas ha gone to the eastern fron'.. hat approved ihe aj.p,,intm4a. boVhT the teixure of tha vote! hat n0 Uvu ay.,SThaJtXeenu a hinted at. :

. , '; '' '.' v , ... ) 4'rwA

'.' 'ivH:'i 1 - ';' 'A .'.

' 25,!916.-SF.MIAVnn- V V." I;' :? .,...... ,';.'...U... 'HAWAIIAN .GA7E1T. rr.r.RWARY KLY. .' !M

-- - 0 A Mrs It MAKW, BepuVicnn StliriEllililFOR 0 Til l LeMer Ii Hons Who HM 1 LEADERS OF J J.lmself Behind' Prs- - I. M dentf Biibmnjino Policy. ' R AldiT COMPLTTE ELLS OF TRAGEDY Ml i 10 It) EIID FillT Solons Would Have Force of mi Cruisc;,Mpeyl, RcportepV ;To mum ' h Quarter MilRorr Men1. On Have Captured Ves- - Au Scvn ''l vc 4 n,v,,;-'',sfr.- -- -i Waf, Footlni;:':" : ;;' ' i V-v'-- sels of Allies' vf' Answer Socialist's Sug T:";' Corofier's Jury Says olokai Vic KillZOOE - r Premier llOUil yestion Is Ripe For " '' "4' tims of rWeed. Alcohol Drank Jm. lAsMctsud Press kg rsasrsl Wireless.) ' rAmniHaief hy sdsml Wlrshis.) ' 'r- ; tr ; ttr-T- o v Peace Overtures WASHINGTON, Febninry Poison Freely LOMK1N, February; 24. The mysto-rien- s ! ". ;'.' '." '''' , .'1'. ihrrease the atrengtli' bf tlm Regular Oeiwan (Vimmert deetryert DO '1ST LlilE Army la peace time' to 175,000, with to b tb eruleer Moewe, 'which ALL DANGER pr PRUSSIAN? authority to raisa thin limit to tttflOQ rIVE PERSQNS, DIED ;uvf! V captured the 'liner! Appam," I coVitinn-in- g , "!' ',' ' ;..', V .'..: TP" i CEASE for a war footing, with a cutting down to harry Britinh Shipping off the ; DOMINATION MUST SOON. AFTER IMBIBING VVi.1, Canvass Sentiment ofr $on-- bf tho enlistment! term 'fad the' right west roast of Northern Africa- - the German Forces TUruJer Croyvp '" 1 ' "1 of the enlisted men to apply for of live Urltlsh fii-- l one Bel- On Proposed Warning To retir Princ& Thow Thfimsqlves Upon V ores ment Into tbe rmervet ahead the gian steamer, and the capture of a WW Carry On Conflict Until. Sa- of Deat,CectifcatQ;ls Rpcejved By seventh Vessel being a ; ; Americans Against - Travelmq enlistment expiration, are features Of .rciorted 'ia French .and Sacrjike Scores ; ne despatch from thf Canary Islands yes- miutary measure as practically Res-W- of Allies Have Been BoanI.of Hwjth ent I'- : ': On Armed Vessels crifices From terday, " of ; Men Vairi Merchant ; agreed uton y tho seaste coram ittee "' Thousands of b t The despatch announce tho ; Repaid oa militarr affairs. " l Physician that The enlistment period as planned . steamer Westbunr, which . had sailed br from Liverpool the' senate committee to M reducf d on January tl, bound SUBMARINE ISSUES MAY h for Iraeno Ay res, kad been brsmght In- AUVAIMUt to three years with the eo'brs; but he : TncNUncS. SCENE fAsssetsas Pros rsderal Wireless.) ' Keo'la to Santa Cm for repairs flying the " . VmW -- r Seven year term with tho solars if ' Pael. " BRING WAR WITH GERMANY Reafflrma-tio- a aud derm a flag, in posscisiori a OF SICKENING, SLAUGHTER . LOXDOX, February ; L'4, the reserve leaViag tfs. oiiwa Kauabl. tr and of ,. Irst h' retained,' ' ;' (ierman erew seven men and RUM AND EFFICIENT of the ileterminStloa af Oreat Brit- tho regular period Kaalauea M inula. prise of with the reserves ft one officer, to off Moe- ' ain sot to discuss aay terms of peace . Peter Kanewa. . ', believed br the MUNICIPAL SERVICE rour year. The enlisted man' who is we.. Aboard Westb'irn or two with Germany until "the Pruasisa able to prove hie efficiency ia to bo 'al- Alfred Knaloajia. tbf Wilson Gives Solemn Warning To ' WILL NOT HARMONIZE military domination la destroyed" was hundred and six prisoner. irst Rush of Teutons Almost lowed to enter the reserve at the end ' Those " made yesterday In tbe house of Com- ' These ere' the five persona,' four prisoner ar reported to have Democrats Bat Words Go Un- - of his Irst year' of service. Fa'.ktr to been taken off the British' steamers AaseHtf I Ptms hy PsOml Wireless.) mons by Premier Atquitb, la resfionad pass efficiency will bold him mea and aj woman.' who died In Ka- - for-oac- e the test' Horace, Clan McTavish, Cambridg. February 21. to a auftgstioa that the time Troops Check Human Tidal . heeded; Rights of Traveling in tbe: ranks until tho end Of. hm sec- laupapa 'Motekal from Bel- Rfgotiation wss now opportune. Settlement, the Edinburgh and Flamenco and tho PHILADELPHIA, public roar, may ' " ond when he acain try the effect of , wood gian steamer Luxembourg ' . oomtn-uattaov- was advanced', by alcohol methylated Citizens. Also Utterly Flouted are Impossible in " This auggestiou efficiency examination. ' spirit wave ana rarts is sanguine Philip Hnowden, the Bocmlist memlet which they discovered, in tho .. ,,' aava Mayor Bmlth, in an home of William Notley, Issued from Blackburn, who urged that tbe deased, and order yesterday and directed a r. question of eace' be bow take up drl, alreadjf reported in.Th Wy to nil city employes. The order ' ' i (Assoeiatsd (Asssclat Trm FMUnl Wlrslsss.) Gesmany, it ".."'.' .,.' Prsss by Psdsrsl Wlrslsss. forbid any city employe from using with inanmarh as aieared VlctTnjs ijrank February 24. crush- The Bve th poioitou y. ARI8, . February 24. Th fierce fctlng form dur- that any chance of inflicting a intozlr liquor In 'any ttFlfWltt liquid on Monday Febru-r- y fighting 'which was begun WASHINGTON, "the; protest of of last week, in a ing working noun, with a penalty of ing defeat npoui the Germane Is im R ever th ug possible, while It was equally evident 14, fnd died t few hour later the ur strong Qerman ofTensivo Ih Lor- - Immediate dismissal from tho pub- I'M! ;. ' K'tien of abandoning th broad brio1 that there exists no possibility of Get aam day. rains on Tuewlay has now developed 01,; '. lic aorTlc, for. disobedience. i riple of the right un.ler lateraationai many winning against the Allies. The Itiiti A fiesta; eertldcate, hlgnet by1 Dr." W. n til nn. nt tliA rr,al Katttjka aC Ika con-tmn- 1. Good hue, the' luw, given America a eitiaen to travel Soialiet member urged that to resident . government Wat," with fighting general along 'the i in safety pa tho err ba at ship of War uadei condition front of two hundred and fiftv . the tireeeat ;;;.w-vt:- ' port mile. telligerents, sail refusing to consider mesiit only that the participants wouM lic.tSTtik" f Coroner, A. Kauihou fnd :"the Th Germans are employing a fore 01' Tafl-.Ma- 5nry 'of Inquest, wer yester- - the announcement of the President all bo tankruited Boon ia both men Diplomat Under y Be reeeiveit 280,000 men, practically, the whole of '" ' any py Speaking For Sugar that the artioa they propoa will em- and money. ' ' . rrout Moioksi the board of ".Factors the army of the Crown' Prince, with j health authorities acre.' barrass him in too negotiation ho is The' Premier responded fqr the gov t President a . Choice Further and Company, E., F. Bishop, Dis- - heavy reinforcements, being engaged. fuller Clau- - t.tw eomhietiait with Germany, the ernment, nnounciii s determination iletaila fre expected tn the Tbo general object at SIGNIFICANT SPEECH Pn tot morning of the wide Itomorretic member of bw house com to carry oft tho struggle and to refuse from Iahaina. this cusses Ocean Traffic .. tack ia believed to be th storm I g of v steamer bringing tho weekly Molokai mitte oa forciga affairs voted yester- to Jistea' to' aay terms' of compromise. (Asssetated Prss Vy'rsfsrsi Wt-lse- s' the Verdun defenses, but the Fronc'i stop Belejium wan iroiwiuio. ? :rrir" day to esnvsss the aeatimenf of the ' We wiH never until WA8H INGTONV February -- 93A-Th t wer thoroughly prepared for ths. of be- PhyaieUn.'t - house members oa the1 resolutions and Herhia are able to recover.' from . Residsnt Xsport fensive and are Inflicting such slaugh- nomination of. Henry ."P.-- Fletcher : eomitiunity owe a great doal fore the committee warning "American Germany' and Austria full damstreafor f The reiiort' 'of Dr.' Vv." J.1' Ooihue. "Thi upon .H Empire Wants Open Seaport But " ter the German attackers that not to travel oa aay armed ship of the all that they have aacriflced. We will diplomat la South America' nader thf he lehident tihysU mo.' which i dated to Captain Mataoa,' E. Faxon Bishop ' is confidently.' believed th effort to Allies. .. :V.; Not In West never stop until t rance ia funy aocurea Taft dmlBistration,Vrt( b'l t'nWei! Febrimry JS, is aa follows; , said yesterday, speaking on behalf of reach Verdun lines- - will fail. admla'a-- t thf The open clash between the Rgaintt any further aggression. W4 State minister to . ass '"This rertiftes the ntlnWinT ' Mi!6, bA lliil th Sugar .Company. do rat; for- will stop righta all Factor' "I German SaoHflc Tremendous on and the Democrat of the ' ' never until' tbe of ordered reported to the senate ''with BftmwV jieraaf s, inmates of the Molokai ' '' , . not believe there Is any German have already sacri eign affairs committee; who are bHV-ei- l small antlons to exist in' peaeo and a recbmmendatloa for couflrmatiou' ua Settlement,' have died thiough drlnk-fs- other ship Tbe fAesselstee! be-- ficed men scores of thou- to have the open support of many Press Paoersl Wireless.) safety are giinrasteed, aad we will mob m possible: thf judiciary commit, methylated siilrits obtained' from a owner in the United Statea who would their by the L'3. sands and have gained very little. Th Democratic leaders in both house an-- ! PtTHOG RAD, February The never stop uti) alt' possibility of Prua, te approving tne nominnttun. t supply' of methylated spirit feond In have done, what he has. Captain Mat v two miles senate, has forced the hand of the opening Runsisn Dumn siaa military domination is destroyed,' President Wilson ia waiting wor'it the late i'lr,' Jf otley 'a roaitlence, a fup-pl- on simply raised th freight rate fift trench trenches,, in fdvnaen rmat.' of the " Kf cent n ton five-yea- r of Uif Verdun forts, have been reached President to such aa eiteut that ho has today was made the occasios for ig he declared.. af whether Dff R. FVancU'iff bf wbiih was ttscdf bv the late Mr. and asked for a broadly intimated tho possibility of acceptable foRossia beforf apjioinlng Notley for' ram bath purposes, " and on tract. In these day of freight con at place by th German wave and thi aincaat spoeches outlining Slavonic counter-attacker- s' war betweea the United Btatea and the ex governor ""of Mnsouri to the oTirameff oy am airerr irorq nonoiiira. gestion, when vessel owner, can name sttacke.s and are al Gormaay over the, pending submariae fotoa ,.youty, particularly with re- PlilBriBBFfEBS Petrograd post to succeed Ambassador Dati occurred In each of th five their owa rates and get aay price they ternating in the wsaesaion of the hnuesi'. ?.- - spect to Runeia's Sraadiuaian neigh Oeorga Marye, the latter having rV esses "f a :dlreCteiiuliof iagesiios demand for' cargoes, n community that blood-soake- position. - -.. Is President Stands Pat bor. '.- r- .' tgnea on accwint or - of this' poisonous methylated Swrits." tbo recipient of such favor shoutu The ce.utorw of the main nghting are name or express gratitude by giving loya n woods before Ktsin', fnd at Imnt- - The President laet aicht. ia endear Foreign Minister in Tbf crtlBcrt coulain tbe it tbe 8azonoff a strik tbe 'dead; as' given above,' aad is signed support. Jf my opinion the merchant vUlcrs, in th Woevfe rhjrtonj with thi oring to secure a cessation of eongrea-sino-al ing ' AMERICAN" TROOPS, ON WAYjr address declared that Rusnia i i by th resident physician. . r do realize their indebtedness to Cap- line swaying and tho lose or lifo activity ia preparation for tho v ; .. " not impelled y" toward, the cosstv of - TO CHINA 'FOR SERVICE tain Mafson. . heavy. dare upon which Wl Germany . ad v- a Suirar Company Austria aaaouneed they would rVaadinaviaV by her aeede foneipa'n-sto- 'The Factors,"".. hat J Tho first rnsh of the .Germar rsrriol hv wy pstsraf WtreWy V bcqt continuing hdgntjfluon j'with throiujh first cease to regard-- merchantman carrying and aa opea sesort, and auded Uessthwf Prose itf, them m places theJ'Vench Wants-.Institu- the .'Amerlcaa-HawaiUi- f ' Wteai'mhip linir;" 6Uf Of preparedne-- - arms as other tkaa warships, waica that Kussia's sentiment toward' 8we-- ' Tennessee Solon, OAtVEBTON.Toiaa, Fobrurry . VAa luaulsltion' aken at Kflaupa- - th molilh' Company without farN arriving de is one of friendship. Russia ia One hundred a'ncV men" im.County of Kalawao, Island L .thus have not been ia vain and the Teuton they would attack without waramg, ; twentv of toe of A.-H- . looking in tion In Every State , anywhere,' The wh.p ruHhes were th afiSounned ha wad determined to e,uite another direction for t Tweuty-thu- d Infantry, who are de- on th fifteenth day of February, hs tis stopped and attacked that and- w to show is bill posi stand Upon the position ho' had form a outlet to the sea, he said. tached fad for dutv with 1016. before A. Kauihou, the coroner, hand all hav a driven back except in Isolated A.-H- , (AssoeUted Press Tedsn) Wkrslsss.) ! ' Since ally assumed In the American' reply Minuter Bszodoc's speech gave the the Fifteenth Infantrv, at Tientsin, non tho bodies of William Paelo (ml, f lading. the agreed to 2XRep-reoentativ- e put Austria, inipcessioa that he bettered Romania ' WA8KINGTON, Tcbruary , I'kln' IJC U. Mrs. OIi wa Ktuahi (f), Haaluea Ma-nui- a the Uliioan on the local run .be Sangu'na to' Berlin and that merchant ' 4. l.kk Baa fol rrench Bnort tesnelg armed only for defame are ia due time will join the. Entente Pow KsnaetS D. Markellar of day to tako-tassag- on the first trsns. (m), Peter Kanewa. (m), and Po tween here and Fraaciaeo and Report frem tho French headquar ers. .;' Tennessee, submitting te the house to ' by low that ship with a couple of others, highly en within their fights aa ' Tor Orient. The transport ter Kaaloanu (m), these lying dead ter at tt. Menehould are They did, a favoralHo report on his bill ion the and have on ship- and that Americana must be allowed Czar's seech not discuss day to 'irtileit yantfrday 'for tbe oaths of the jurors whose names served notice eastern eournging, but it is reKgnizcd that foreign much establish aad maintain achools ?:ilpatrik ' ' pers caunot receive - freight to travel ou such vessels a passoager affairs with detail. It military ; rstf squadroa of the are hereunto subscribed, who being that it. the battle is youag and that there ia waa comment said. ' thf f wetward-boun- without danarer from unwarned attack. devoted to laudatory ia various states, ' Twelfth Cavalry: which Is to be sta sworn to inquire, whon, how fad by for Hawaiian dostinu noasibilitv of thb French line bomg upon the recent Busaian victory at "We do not need a largo standing ' lion, there uoes not seem .to bo anx ' ' That he was detdrmiaed to bring the tioned oa the Canal Zone. y : -- what means the said above mentioned breacheil at some point. . Erzerum and (ta consequence. . army, but we do need always n large persons cam to their deaths,-- ' upon tb.ng to do about it. . - An early reiiort or tho or- - d'apnte with Germany to settlement ' . liermao body of young men well traiaod' , au f oaths-- say a long "As. to building our owik sbiiis, ll morning without aay further prolonged aegotin-tton- s .S. - ' their do that after, fensivo yfnterday statod thut f REBELS ARE MENACING' . looks though waa announced by tho President, INSURE ALLIES' REMOUNTS and careful investigation, that the fol a. that it is out of the north of Verdun there is infantrv Under this bill, the United States question! - ten-mil- a'theugh he berievea, he said,' U CHANGSKA GOVERNMENT lowing named persou, inmates of th .'tvery shipyard in tho I'ni- action ilong a front. Kant of that TEN DOLLARS will- - 4' WO yoang mea annually. hS ie forrsd to break 08 diplomatic FOR MILLION train Molokai' Settlement, have died through toa Htater haj all thatvK ran handle 8c.piols the French have recaptared a 1U0 in each state. Jn .seven years, say -- Gr-irnu- y drinking spirits Contracts have been 'nlnced with soim groat o: rotations becaune of the fsihtro of (Associated Prsss ay Psfsral Wireless ) methylated, of their portion of tho forent north (Aasseistad Press h sAsral WtrshMS.) the advocatca of this bill, the United own free will and accord: William Pf hjlildfr .fnrysfls io: bf laid down Beaumont. The French huve evaeuat to meet the Americas position 24. - it states will have 33,600. or tho best SHANGHAI February Martiif eraT- Ma- ' - na- - DE8 M0INK8, Iowa, February 24 Mr. OHwa Kaunhl, Kaalne three and',ur. year head. The cost ed the village of Haumnnt, hut con w it 01000- war betweea the two Bee; ww un-urv- One of the largest insurance policies traineil youniuiters la the world. ueca a( vnangvoa, nila, Peter Knewa and Alfred Kaalo- or steel Jiigif ad tbt ia no time t tinue to hold the approaches to it. finns. f - where the revolutionists grown so - 1, . on live stock ever waa issued retary Garrison had approved the plan have anu. . : consider either "buying ship or coil '.- I. - Bourbons Ignore Warning take out here yesterday. It was blanket policy Derore be jert the cabinet. strong as to be menacing to the gov "In testimony whereof, the aaid struetiag them. r ' . - BERLIN ANNOUNCES GAINS la the face of this solemn warning laaurieg the safe elrvery in France of .' .! v. erf ment. On Monday" the revolution coroner fnd the jurors of this inquest "It is merely a matter of guess worl from the President sn.i despite hie ob- ixts'tnade a strong effort ta capture the anve wui- ' S3. Along a 72,000 homes, now secured and to be URCED . hereunto set their hands th day wnat bo tbe trend in shipping at BEBL1N. February designates SUN YAT SEN ;iKr ' - jections to what ho aa aa mansion of the Governor, being . re- . theYo shipped to New York from oints as ' - fad year aforesaid." fair after tho. war ends. We knor largo part of the weetern line effort to Surrender American rights; . ..1 1 '. . far distant as Los Angeles. The in TO RETURM 10 ,CHrNA f Th report I dated February 15, and there are hundreds of merchant vessels is terrific battling today, with the Her the IHmocratt leaders are going ahead aurance, which ia in one policy, is for i signed, by the. member of the coro- tied up ia Gorman and neutral portu mans making further Important pain" "Ji.)"'.-TOKIO- , wl1h their efforts to press k vote; the (SaeeuU CsMsgrast DUTCH-STEAME- ner 110.000,000. . W Wlssn R SiNKS 's inquest, who. werei John Kalama, orii.su government has row In Upper Alsace, where the artillery rtsoliition warning Americans not. to lilt ' ' , I ,. February 3. General Tson (Assselatef, Psasf by rsfasat Wtrslssa. Robert K. Smith, WlHiam '8. Kapela, mamieereti other hundreds to use tn duels and occasional charges have UHe the ships of the belligerent Powers chuu-hsna- a, M. sev- recently elected head of - SS.-T- J. Soares, Feary ami transporting troops, nruuitious foo bcea Increasing in Intennity for NEW BWTF.RDAMi 'February- ho William J. and if they carry auv armament whatever TONG WAR CLAIMS r . of thii the provisional republic, is now ju To Dutch steamer La Flandrf. boWrtoinu Cieorg Mitobell. suiHilie. No one know what Will hap eral days. Official announcement It is dw'tarAt Ylislt the Democfstic ) ..,. ..-- Alnm-f- t VICTIM AFTER SHORT JRUCE kio to see Dr. Sun Yat Ben, who ia to. tbe American Tetroleum Company, t pen when these earriera ar returned to war office today Buys that Iu the inn.iority ia the senate is in favor of " raptured a here, urging him te return to Jhina, a as Decs sunk en rout New York GRAFTING CHARGES MADE ? busines use: whether there still will gaJn the Germans have the action taken by the Democratic ma-Inr't-r from ' HIHI 00 deep. by Wireless.) according to reports, and take Up per f- - be shortage of bottoms, or whether the no: tion yards wi.lo and for-i-i'.- (AssseUua rnss FsdarU here. Two the erew wbo were res of the house, committee on AGAINST WOMEN VOTERS two- - miles PORTLAND, Oregon, Februnry 2X sons! superviaioa of the provisional cued have arrived at tbia port. exporting nation will have te build They have also advanced is affairs. .government. V ' ' 'northern sector of tho Woevre din Following a short-live- d truce in a rftilt'riiore ships. Oue ntan's op'nion ir th RepMMentatWe Martin 2. Tonter of saWI prss prisoners tenir war, a Chinaman waa hilled early It is that at a conference bold BeTTeLD ii (AMrluf hy Psdsrsl Wireless ! as good as another's iu answering those trit. They have taken 3000 rtitn.is and Pepresctative Jeif M' MONTENEGRO TD ? war material. today by Chinese trunmen of n rival lat night tbe two men cam to nn CHlCAOO, February 83. Tbe civil questions.' and quantities of Irtiimre ,r jexas have : : alrcatv tong. He is the fourth' killed since agreement whereby Dr. 8n Yat 8en AS A CAPTURED COUNTRY service commission today ordered the : "Captain Mntson baa certainly don letotutions bo present will army ' ti at February 17. Four others have been work with the revolutionary payroll of the department of public tho lnindoiio thing for Hawaii, and I NAMES CHIEF ENGINEER Mi'u as the general Of IM wounded. agaiust 1 uan KhMi-Ka- (AssseUuf Prss Vy Psdersl WUsUss.) welfare held m reading an inVfktigf Wi uot. know where we would have got is GUARD SERVICE It al'o reorted that tho. doctor AMSTERDAM, t February tioa of graft charges, made by Mrs. on, bad be not com to our rescue OF COAST . Sl.The 1 tbar the rtolutions will bo farjrtVy win leave soon for .Vusnnan-iu- failure of thf Meataegrin government Page? Waller Eaton fuainst ' Mrs. Captain Matson recognize what ' lis ckt-r-hnr- ...... K"rU '.11 tii. Uitrering but 1! LOUIS D. BRANDEIS;, to ratify the terme t the proiioeed Louise Osborne Rewei department u Iwaii hhs don for tb Matson Naviga (AssiselsUf Prsss hy Psdsrsl Wlrslsss. I resolutioua autboriie Presideat FLAILED BY ENEMIES AUTHORITY ON FOLK LORE surrehder VoAfBtrih ''' hhs 'determinfd perinfebdeft. Mrs. Eaton claims that I tioa Companv. I know tho olantera 111 WASHINGTON. Fobruary 24 'i'bo V'iU n to Charl- - a issue a proclamation urgis the Austriuns to treat Montenegro oa she oa been forced te give a third of preciaie 01s sisniung oy iiiem 1:1 inir Presideut yesterday noiuiuated rn-aii-s r ; A uot to upon ;. OF ORIENTAL y in travel the f Wirsleas.) PEOPLES pEAD conquered territory and not s torn-tor- her 'salary the benefit of a poor emergency, fnd I believe business men Albert McAllister to be chief Aneuu rrM bv radsral f ' fir " Mr. WASHINGTO.V, February ,83. New voluntarily ,urradarf4 ta Aua-- relative "of Mayor Thompson. She also generally feel the same." ; V at the Coast Guard ttervic. wnaiug thorn that such travel wit' (AssesUWd Prssa av Padsrat WlrslMS.) ' wo apioiHted engineer I h- - nJ were AM today with 'the sub- - triaft, jurtsdu.xiun, ... assort1 that the payroll ha been pad te dune at the paHsengor 'a own risk. -- Adelfl Tt Revenue eJervice .Mtmauttee of the senate juilictary com- SEATTLE, February 8. i ded, 'had thai Fred Lundin, ex con- TENYO RUNS ON SHIMONOSEK ehief of the .Cutter ' Kpanish-Auieru-al- i Would Bar Passnort ' V: nomination Fielde, author; - n 1905. During the mittee which is considering the Slanea the author and CECIL id NEW- MINISTER . gressman and' political adviser of the (AssoeUUf by '" . Press Psdsrst Wtrelsss.1 -- misistant Core has a tew resotJitk-r- i t ity on Oriental folk lore, who was will mayor, city This War he served a passed 5cstr of Louis I). Brandeia for the b Wlrslus.l dominate the hall. . Philu-lelphi- aMetite4 rm Tsdsnl KOBK, February 23. The Japanese U, ti-- tlagsliip 1urp ce liitn the wnate today, g-- ' known for bia literary work aad ' Lis " : engineer on tho 8. npreme court. The rbargeo 8Uee LONKON, February. ?3. Lord. Bob tb first scandal siur thd suf liner Tenyo Mam' arriveil hero: today fui t hi' tliar in his previous reeN that the late K 11. Oinployrd through tbe lectures Ke bas given', died srt Cecil ha boon' a(pointed war trade frage amendment admitted Women, to V, Harrinaa vith bar judder damaged -- i 11 Ti which onlv war at his home night, JMt,' the result of r, - S 71 i. ol.l AmdfWans itraadeis iu order to obtain prosiea in here last Fielde civil service position. asnor on : . running buimonosCkt reel. or o:iK(ier travenag snipe pro spent a number years the Far 1". ' the or on Harriman's celebrated flht foT control of In .' i ."li.Wi'V: The cargo will beytifrtly discharged to WILSON REVEALS LONG ' hy the Teutonic govornmmti'. of Kast as a Baptist miKsiosary. Wat 1ii' - - - A'ril4 the Illinois is tie FIVE-YEAR-O- Central Railroad. It WIRELESS RATE TD LONDON SON" OF : faoilitste- repairs- V. HID DIPLOMATIC SECRET Ttie Oklatioma senator's sew reeli:iis also alleged thut Hrandeia' relations ulso prominent in biological tcientiflit -- .Vii. ONE-HAL- :X n..i,.Sf r - T - CUT F BY OTANI n uir nail orpannmi wlfh" the Kquitable Life Assursnr circles.' ' MARCpN IS MISSION HEAD " REPORTS OF i AsseeUtsd 'pris by Wu-!.-) iTompaay were improer. ;y DEATH DENIED Psdsrsl " Manager Hawk local Marcoui ' (gpscUl to Klppa ) (Assooisted Prsss by ysdstsl WUsisds. WA8IIINOTON, February 2X Pres- PACKERS WANT PAY ofrtk Oabl(rsai JUt ' hfl'rt'auts 'would accompany the wireless ofUs an souneed last Evening TO KIO, February 23 Trouble ha CHICAGO, February 24. Bepart ident "Wilsoni today sent to the senut HOLLAND IN STORM'S' GRIP (AssocUtsd Press Psdsrai WlrsUsM . by a esth that they would hf nriaen in church board of the which have been in circulation that In response' to th resolution of Hen k ' (Asssctoud Press by Psdsral Wislsas.) SIOUX CITV, Iowa. February 2?- ,- n new rate U poljits in Oreat Britain thi cr b atmed ship. liongwangi Miasioo of Kioto over the President William H. S. Deinarest Stone, chairman, of th committee ' DfmtMiatie AM8TKRDAM, February- - 23 Worni A general strike was called today ia aa4, Ireland. 1. Thf rat if one half of Rutgers College died not on foreign "portion of tho Tht lesders are eonff Unt auestios of whether .. or .. not Kozui bad here are relation, are aggravating the situation ia North 1 ne plants or Cii'lahy Puck tug rrgular tawff on deferred biitiaesa . thsr the s timtioa will be met with mt the lorn tkf Otiyii, .' wbq time- ago true. .. .. diplomatic correspondence of the I'ni Holland. At Nieuwan-la- houses ' itf'lQ resigned some ..... m ( im.-t.lt- The tea paay and Armour i'o. About. (fight letters), wbiek stiU stnl ted State at the time Korea was occu- r.iin RKbli.sv be- ' ,wboa scandal arose iu the mission 4ad the church men on ebn'geatioa' f os yet romir.'tted have diaappeared quit, deuiaading more pay. ..The account of of STRONG GUARD pied by Japan. Thes porti'ii af-th- hnr ut thenmrfer. fore the M001K making rate ' LouiIqu regarding financial shortage, shall be IS POSTED Iinvt- - The told is severe. Kates or tile plants ate picketed. tiaryU'c, the to which with public 61! net leiuiT'trated just whcie rfealled fnd naked , to aaaia become ) are eomputible - e- - iwcuiy oue reavs a worq., ijjrect (AsssshMit Prsss y rsderaf WlrsIrM thf- rtsnd. it i indieated that .f; ' head of tbe mission. Kosho Otanl, son interest to make public, It is siuUd. t:t bctweeu - Honolulu ran4 tbo . DOUGLAS, Arisona, February 24 T.i-f- n Mann, the Be ):ihli-- a 1 EMBASSY DENIES MUTINY BEWARE OP OOLM. ' s of Kosiil, who ,1s only live years of DiniijUutl , Atl&atf sues, tn tiiir ia "10 ' and. th aabar4 age, ia ifenerai tarrsnza leader f ic.i.ler h the house, ryir. Usmeuwd Prsts by Psdersl Wlrslsss.) Children are Titu'h more likely, (o nfd the liritieh fclee make it poeeibl now head of the Kioto body. has ordered two thousand troop to ASK PAROLE FOR LABOR MEN t flllii' wifli 'hi lubN K tk -- Whuit Ofuaion ia divided a to or not WASHIXOTON, February 53. The contract the coKtagioiis ili'esses whether Honora-Chihuahu- a (AssoctaUid Press by Psdsrsl Wlrslrw.i : .1 for th .Mfirqni ciAupany to bner this guard the l.pe to . ' Kosui should lii. British embassy here today gave out tbey cold. Whooping Cough reduced, - I be recalled from Shang February 24 Ap- hvs greatly rftf, ta prevent th Vlllistaa, from orossln WASHINGTON, Vaif. Sepiy a statement diphtheria, ncarlet ..,. 4. hai, where be now staying. 0rh:t deiiyiug tbe recently re fever aud Conauiup .1 .V - peal to the or parole of the . n ii, '. over into Hopora, Prisiilut "' '.) t what pomtMn the ad m Mies' b' ported mutinies 'of lodiaa tribes u tion are diseases that are often con ..i. f i . r .,. fifteen labor leader serving Eirvpt; ' Worlk';lrcW,,r tiiix win tK'i fiouki Mermaay .eumrm tructed when the child has a Colli. Tklt . Starf CYCLONE VILLAGE at the federal penite.itfary ot Leaven- Iti-- r DESTROYS IMPROVED QUININE ml Mitt after uext Tuosdi is why all medicaf authorities fay be- 'fWi(rV eotilvrjinoratU)iii IK worth wore preihiited ycsteriliiy. j l i,t thi' MHes gum, "evea Ha Is received, rrryiug The ntates has ware 'of colds. For the qufck "ure f fnd luiprpvemoutstt'r iu th Mclnrny (AsMslt4 Prss by Wlrslssa.) DOES NOT APFECf THE HEAD en'y in the stem an.t r'b.ar- - notiSed both lild colds rdrsf if rcrned (ierinany "and Austrlii you will flinf nothing' 'belter thu buililio( Ffrt aarM"ksnt streets, U MONTGOMERY, Alabama, BURTON WILL ENTER RACE j ilefennive purpores, ' ( February neeans al its fooie snd IsxaUv 1y for will ba that the entalil'mbed rule permitting hmnherliiiii's Cough Remedy. ' It can exMcte to start alxiut March 1. 84. Tb village sfsot (Assoclstsa t Jh of Applet one, near LAXAT1TR BROMO OVIKINS will b loom . PrM hy fsdsrst WIcsims.i as a warship and subject to at- men-haii- hhipn to enrrv flefemdve'ai'm nlwa.vi l ilependd upon and m plea ibajiKC. which liu'lmW iiiHtallotion of here was dentroyod yestcnlny by a ey better thaa ordinary QulBlne, COLUMIII'S, tlh'.n, IVl.rusi-- LM. -- tack as such by any demise subma anient cannot lie uliridged to the dan- nut s ife to For be Poeanatcsus and. take. aile rli a complete act of. new fixtures prob- rloue. Ihdails .of whatever coiuisltleH Ke- - Theodore" formully not been will nervowHMss, nur rlnalag la th hssd, Huitnn hns rine. has announced and ger of Americans traveling as ibhii dealer. Benson, Hmlth ft Co., ,Lt(t ably wll renreseut aa expenditure ' of have not been received from member, Is his candidacy noiuiiiu, - ther osly oae "Bromo Oulnlne. for ion not until tbe official reply from Ber- gers aboard such abipa. .. '' te stents for Hawaii. ; nearly $50,00,. V, V. ; tbo stricken district. Tb slgnatur of 8. W, Crovs Is oa ssc " by the' Bepublicaus for the presidency. .?v.: HAWAIIAN GAZltTTir. FRIDAY,., FEBRUARY .25, 1916. SEMI-WEEKL-

"! k,Th7 molasXs pump will be of th her x6atal, batlf llrtnntiTIi C rTnC eCmitn KILAUEA PARK BILL GREAT NORTHERN PiIATSOM; STEAMER alve' type,th steerlrta IIUIIUIUIU UlUbll taAUIiailUU e1" v " icbih iiiwt ivpi sy . tJ T.wtwrt.' a l ; "' : 5 ? with toleaaotor control and th le"trlj i . ThHrsd'aT, plant Will eanslst of twe thirty K. W, I.I I ' i. I ' ' ' l ; February t2, liir.f '"'. ON and one nfty K. W., angina drifrea di- .'1 HOUSE CALEfiDAR MAY;STAY ON RUN BEING BUILT, HOW rect connected generators Tha refrig- TO BE MADE IHIO : erating, plant will or r sojisist duplicate Name of Stock. ten-to- n plant, of th brine circulating I ai t V v; i if, A. TO BE CALLED S00i General Traffic Manager Stone DESCRIBED FULLY rg Signal equipment FOOD AND POTASH , Powerful, wircjes installation will be intimate Service Likely. , Merc an t m 4 ... i ' fitted, als suhmsrine tna alonal ii,ln. til. ' ' To- " 1 ' Alexander ft Boldwin 20 ; , - Be Permanent X ment. , Ufe-bos- C. Hrewer ft Co 325 t a'commodatlona will b Three Local Measures In Senate provided for all on Pacific Marine Review Tells of board by means of Hlitchings Secures Contracts For Suaar. " ' nine metallic double ended boat and . To Have Legislature' At least until - fha Mill ; Kw C 31 V. Wew Vessel To Be Done otie wooden power life boat for towing "Waite Molasses of Eleven Ha-- : Plantation 32 :i"i wrrai ortaern. will eonttnn to run Hsiku Hug;ir r,,. . . J'JOI 225 . tha balance, all stowed . Action Ratified to Honolulu ' under Well - from Ban Franrlaco Via ' In Year patent davit. wail Sugar MiHs Hswn. Agr. Co...... 12011 nasi raiiro and Hibv After f Hawn. Com 'I Sugn 4H 4 that i Th anglneer's crew will W berthed r.1 its iir to HawaU... , . ... in the starboard wing Haws. Sugar Co.. ..! 43"4 This was the in- abreast of engine-roo- substance of the on the upper tew-r- Honokss Mugar Co '. DEPArlTMENT.OF JUSTICE formal The new deck and the ..... remarks maU last night by steamer for the Matson FORTY THOUSAND TONS !l- - a...... i . . 1 SI IH0 I S." aarew la the port wing. Tha -- General Traffic mi Manager Cal E. Btone, Navigation Company, me i tl,.,.k; MAKES HASTE SLOWLY building at the and waiter sr berthed la u iiii.ni, 'o.f 24 ... at present of the Great Northern I'aei-n- o TO BE TAKEN IN YEAR ' Cnion Iron Work, Han Francisco, is quarter forward by tha Kshnku Plsnt. Co.. . . 20 . . . L'l Steamship Company, soon to,-b- aftef extension of engine Kekshs Sugar Co. . . tha general traffic ' manager of the to le prartlenlly a duplicate of the casing aad th .1172'J seamen and petty officer Knloa Sugar CO . . . ..,17 117.1 Norther Pacine, Railroad :and steamer Matsenia, in the matter of hull ar berthed MARINE INTELLIGENCE Coke Sticks Around Waiting For of tho ".p',, dw k riKnt forwird. McBryde Sugar Co J2 12 1l"h steamship company well, who was Wants Harbor Commission To 5y Merchanta' xehan( ' asd appointments, wltii a chango in The chief engineer, first aad Oahu Hugaf Co. . . . J4V, SJVjl Job 4 the guest of honor' with Captain A aecoad and Incidentally Ar. propdintl mnchincry, which, In this assistant will have their quarter on Olna Sugar Co . ... ! man Site In Hilo Fof Big .Franeisco-j-Arrlva- M) of the 8. S. Great Northern an1 'ONe . Baa d, ease, is the sheiter deck st sfter end of engin Feb. 21. 8 Onomea Sugar Co. ranges Bond Sale "XV"' Captain, Hunter of tha 8. a Northern to be ef th geared turbine lng, f a. m. str. Chiyo Paclflc, at and th raptsi and Osvlgatinf Storage Tanks 'f-. tfaru, beuco Feb. J5. Paauhau Hugsr Co I I a dinner given in the pri- type, operating twin screws, says the Officers , TowDsend-Arrivf- .t ar to be located In Port H7V-VI0- vate dining room the for- y,, 2, Pacific Hugsr Mill. .1 70 of the Moana Hotel Pacific Marine Review. Th hull di- ward part of deckhouse - arbrv, Alice Caoke, hence 31. t on tha natia-at- Jn. Pnia I'inntatinn Co last night by T. B. Thiele, general ...iMJff It.Un. A. ... - "v Gray's Harbor Keb. , By EBNEST O. WAXKEB mensions are the same as tha Mat u...,Hv. for third-clas- s Sailed, schr. IVpeekeo Sugar .'o 'l.)0 I21H) manager of tha Territorial Hotels Com- - passenger Clinton J. Ilutchings, Louise, will be the well for Honolulu. I ' :.; V.-,- ' sonia, being as follows: provided 'in Plomer Mill Co 44 V, (Mail Sparta, is The Advertiser) p"y. .. Yokohama. XVk 1 4f ; , known man lrrli.,1 .1. WASHINGTON, Length over mil, Ave hundred and "'rrneniB, located aa each insursnce and promoter to ' Saa Carlos Mill Co.. RV4 February 9. A Ohanca of Ptrmaaency , Sid of - deck .. s i n rAnyo Maru, henre 2H. ral 'j one feet length, , . Ulilier .l..u.4.. . n w . whom Jan. ' twoinchee; between vviirr Honolulu owes the installation Wnlalna Agr. Co 82", MX .12 t advance Wttk- Hawaiian bill befor fr. Stone wa, aotipoitlv In his rasing, , with entrance hallways Yokohama Haileil, Feb. 21, Str. perpendiculars, four hundred '; and aad of it telephone ar- Wniluku Sugar Co. .ifilO remark. "With every transportation r pinirs .to autoruati system, Persia Maru, for Honolulu. congress ha beau aeorsd her af raeeat eighty-fou- feet; beam moldeil, fifty-eig- inn, hiter deck promenade St company on. the' Pacifle transforms, arter and. rived in this city in the Great .North- Yokohama Arrived, Feb. 22, Str. days. This la especially before the feet; depth molded to shelter ern. He is Pa- Miscellaneous. withia a few months and with, none forty-fou- Dining here representing the Shinyo Maru, hence deck, r feet nine inches, din- - Eooa Plans F'b. II, bouae of representatives.. This morning knowing, exactly what cific Sugar Products Company, a San Port Tow Ilsiku F. ft P. Co. pfdl lDVi the situation thlrtv-foo- . . nsend Arrived, Feb. 22, placement to t draft, 17,340 Tha kitchen.- -...,u... , i: Hswn. Electric 4V. . . the home judiciary will be tomorrow, it la difficult to talk tskr.'i .iwi j, ii urn Franrlaco organisation nhich , recently 8ehr. Melrose, hence Keb. 3. 17 subcommittee that long tons; speed loaded, and china rooms, Y In Febrdary about i sixteen and etc., are to be group, s completed long .San Hawn. Cine. Co U 34 what to be don one-hal- term contracts for Francisco Haileil,, Feb. 2.1, 12:10 la considering the Dole bill, for f knot. 22V,1 ft May.'.he. said. . man to 7 on ike purchase all mo-as- s m., 8. Hilo R.R. Co., pfd.v.j ' But. tha """miss lit of the surplus' p. 8. Matsouia, for Honolulu. main deck alley-way- tirement of territorial waa Entirely of stesl aad.siwt.lal K. R. .4.-- ! . judge, whom Honolulu Uoka i to to say the from produced Mr eleven 1UI and . Newcastle Sailed, Feb. 20, Schr. Hilo o, com.. .4d .5' given hearing word these quarters to service pantry for- Hon. Brew, ft 17 a aad after Delegate that will keen the fastest liner The vessel will be constructed en- Sismakuu plautations from Olaa . to for Honolulu,. Malt..! ITf Kuhio, George UcK. McClellan I In the world on tha Honolulu run went tirely of steel, V ward admits of service to dining room', Hon. flas Co HOT l 10 of Wat- ' Lloved'a hisheat ilamakua. ., Oray's Harbor Arrived, Feb. 24, tle, who I sojourning ' on farther last night ha ba on any class, 100-A- , and will without. .ung, th passages , to irst-clas- H. R. T. ft L. Co here other than have three com ' The consummation of contract Schr. Kitsap, hence Jsn. M. 'lom. aUteroom. e these business, ami former Ballou, had occasioa since last coming to Hawaii plete steel decks, with upper promenad Throughout th aa-tir- I. I. S. Nsv. Co 210 I. Justice midahln uortinn f makes a long step in advance in.1 the sjioken regarding He. referred to what J) is company trill deck extending two-third- Mutual Tel. Co 20 the service of Judge for of her ;de of ....i handling of mill wastes in 'Hawaii. PORT OF HONOLULU. to 'do next winter, for on thing, h length. The navigating of- - main deck, the space .de. O. R. ft L. Co n 5I liole Hawaii, member of the and bridire and i Large volumes of molaasea iro l.V.'i, left the impression h U begin dears' quarter passenger staterooms, stair- have.,! Pahang 17 announced that the bill that are well forward of ways, the past gone into the furnaces or " Hubber Co.. 17 17 wouM be favorably a reported to th ning 10 see hi way clear to recom- amidships and the long range of deck- general Javatorle and baths. ARRIVED ' Taniong Olok Rub Col 30 Hn-w- Forward ranue been turned into the sea. Wail much full committee presumably, to tba mending that tha Hill service to house containing of thla nf Str. Maunn Kea 'rom Hilo, 6:3ft a. m and, passenger's quar- ' the stairway .t.. has been said of the profit which house. . i be made a permanency. vestibule opening on Str. Manoa m ter will civ th vessel verv sub to from San Francisco, 7:3t Bonds. the-- -- tfiiftlnn i would accrue from .If tha recommendation and assur- stantial appearance. She ..limn "Mivii.L:i. jer the utilisation of; a. m. Pension BUI Retroactive will he rigged cxinis molasses and bagasse, to pur Hamakn Ditch ..jins ance mad to him by Other speaker inree-niaste- Kty feet forward anil tha r..n k better ,Str, Nortlarn It is first to be redrawn In minor as schooner, with steel pose I'aoitif from' San Pedro, Hawn. Irr. Co. 6.,,j 95, H5 7 li at tha dinner, local men 'representing pole masts a Of the ship. The saloon has a capacity than fuel, the planter have thus 8:Sd a; m. particulars. , It ha already been fash- and complete equipment 25fl Haw. Tcr. Im. 4s...J10I promotion for rar. made no ns by . JC. tha committee, the pre and 1nonnni .:,!. other of these U. 8. Collier Nereu San (-- ioned so that would be retroactive of . heavy cargo booms, suitable for "n"sl yarf ' from Hilo R. R. 1901. ..I AA ..-- .. it, hotel . oua sir.ed narties from two i products. 'and the .business,. carry weight, th handling weights up fifty Francises, in offing, 9:3(1 a. m. 5.1 C5 in its provision thus, It la claim- to tons. While Thousand Ton Hilo R.R. R. ft F 6j continuance of tha Great Northern the forward and after alcoves forty Contract 4 I ed, would take rare of Judge Dole, at every comfort for passenger trsvel will eaa.be '"tr.Maui from Kauai, a. m. Honokaa Suear 02V& lesSst, la assured. - ' ' ' utniMii iQr private Hutching 's contracts cover the 'pnr-chas- e U. 8. naval collier 6s... even though ha has ceased to be ia av be. installed, these accommodations are dinner parties, of Nereus, from Saa Hon. (is. Co. .,,'.. 1103 103 'Sklppor' ynuOa aWaa ' large number when required. : of all the surplus molasses p Francisco, 8:110 a. m. tiva service. TU made to combine with the best arrange- H. R. T. ft L. Co. 1104 Both C'aptala Ahman and Captain On aide of the light th Olaa, Waiakea, Pepoekeo, Hono L'nkai Mnru fi.!105 103.. The Kalani&naole bill to establish ment for handling freight. Tha hold eithr room, will Str. So. 4, from San Kauai R.R. Co. U0O, Hunter were called upon' to apeak, enter from tha eitrhteen-inc- mu, Laupahoehoe, Kaiwikl, Kukaiau, Francisco, 11:1. m. s..llOO a national park in the Territory of Ha- and lower 'tween decks forward of ma- f a. McBrvde Sng. Co. 100 ioOWj ach responding.' with a whale story, through a aerie of cathedral win- - and Ilamakua Mill Companies, The Str. Makura from Victoria, 3 p. m. 5. waii has been favorably reported from chinery apace will be divided into' four glass Mutual Tel .s !I06 tlOfl Captain Ahmaa, being tba last to talk, " sayngni at I'aeiSo sugar Product Company will Str, Ciaudine from Maui, ri:IO a m. t be public . leads committee of the told, compartment each, and in addition rorward ed O. R. ft L. Co. 5s. . .'10 1103 tli biggest whale story, while there will be a deep up Will diffuse its licht thrnuok r.i ereit two 2.3,0mj barrel storage tank IT. 8. A. T. from Miike, 7:40 bouse for several day and ia now upoa M'. Stone vouched tank to the Iix Oahu Sugar Co. As. for tha absolute height lower deck, fitted to glaea in. th eeiling. on the water front at Kuhio Bay and a, m. loi,i;..... tha calendar. Bom maneuvering to get, of carry Olaa Sugar Co. . It0y,:l004 accuracy and truth of the tale of each molasses or On the shelter deck promenade, im- it is for th purpose of securing a sit it considered will probably be neces- of hia captaina. other liquid cargo in bulk: mediately DEPARTED Pnc O. ft Fer. 6s. 1103 sary. may are arranged over each over the dining saloon, aad from the board of harbor commission- I..... J... be necessary to have thai : iarge natctie Str. Manna Loa for Kona Kau ports, Pac. ting. Mil . 93 J. It The dinner was beautifully aerved win Hono-- ! 6. :....., measure placed upon unanimous compartment and cargo port nine feet ii tint pomi xtennng aft to the ers that Hutching has come to 12 noon. the and the '. men a elaborate, including machiaerv caainvs. will u lulu. San Carlo 6 . . . . ;i"o ...... consent calendar, rather than -- the eaJ. by six feet six inches clesr are to be ...i.. t Str. Kinau for p. frait punch served in fresh pineapples, deckhouses, tha Forward Ten plantations Kauai, 5:10 m. eudar subject to calls of Committees, Ice fitted, one each side of each compart house, contain have contracted Str. Mikahala for Maui and Mglokal, BETWEEN BOARDS cream' molded in the shape of iaB puriai room, with Hilo Hallway Company as public will apt ment of 'tween decks. naii, writing stairway the to fj:15 p. ro- -- TU, 75, 0, the landa committee dreadnought and cake aerved from atate-room- MeBrvd. I3.2J McBryde, hall and special s .A 1, Wing with pri- transport their molasses from the mills 2.-- be called oa calendar Wednesday for a two-foo- t hatches will also be fitted in Oas. schr. Ida May for Molokai, 6:30 40, 12.12'; H. C. ft 8. Co., 60,. the dock af a model of the vate hatha. Tha balanc ... to Hilo. very long time. A .the national park Great Northern,, flying the G. N. P. the 'tween decks to facilitate feedinsr It will be handled in tank p. ni. 4M.I10; O. R. ft L. Co.,' SO, 30,' ISl.r.il! devoted to staterooms and bathrooms. cars, emptied , bill calls far no appropriation, anaai-mou- a aonseflag and with every porthole cargo to the lower hold, and there will into the big storage otr. vtuneimina ror Man Krancisi-o- Pioneer, 30, ,10, 140. 44."0 Oahn Suar tu large percentage of staterooms be-in- s' ' be Installed at each hatch two Murray tanks and from there pumped into the 10 a. m. - consent to have it considered in biasing with electrie lights. When direct eommunieatinB o., 15, in. J4.00; Wialna, 30, J2.75. '.'. type winches in ik k.tk. vessels which are to transport . the bouae might ba granted. this liner waa borne in, the light of for the direct handling it to Str. Ma una Kea for Hilo, 10 a. m. ""' and to each SESSION tAXSS . ' other, so that they can be th- .- ' Eenaia Ha Time Hons Bills tba room were turned off, with the of cargo. coast- Str. Makura for Sydney, 8:.H0 p. m. The hull will he on iviu jinme Mines, un the W1U Make Alcohol McBrvilc, i0, 50,. SO,' 50,' 50, 50, So, The exception of tha constructed the hiui e ' Str. Shoshone for Hawaii, 6:43 p. m. aenat haa three Hawaiian bills, Upper nada dnlra n,i .i;,.n.. 50, ,)0. 3(; 40, 10, 12.00; San Carlos, 20, already passed by the house. These are which gleamed" on the table from transverse system, with eight water- The PacinV Sugar Products Compauy By str. Maui from Kauai. Feb. 2;i. over socixU ll' l the smoking will disiHwe 20, 30 1.00; Wain'na, 30, 20, 32 50; amongst roses tight bulkheads extending to the nnper tb' of about half of th 40.000 J. C. Brown,, David A. p. tl'j.act to ratify the provisions of the tha American Beauty Kapahu, a .Dow 1iKt,-..- wwiu, opens wklob--thi- r ilff McBrvde. a eetatcrptece. deck, and double bottom fire feet six inio in hallways toa contract rovers 'year-- ney, 1MB tf f!om.; loo, to, territorial' legislature relating , to heaped a Of nuir.stairwalr-T ' rong Lin, u n, Dickey, X 'he rnehes deep, extending fffll length be- th kestlhnU l.l. iy to feed- iz.mi; r.wa, go, jj.so;' Waialn.t, go, , boar4 of harbor commissioners; kn act 'r Thotft" present Mr. ThleYe' gueats various ranchers for cattle N'ieols and Dr. Dund. after-pea- same deckhouse , tween k bulk- there ara, ix special ing :t2.50; MeHryde, 100, 50 80, 15, 33, 5, t approve tha provisions of the.ter-- r were, lb addition to Mr. Stone and forward and purpose. Th balance is to bej U, 8. Lighthouse tender Columbine ' eaes) provitieti. pri- 12.00. .. - 'f .: ; Captain Adman and : Hunter, F, L. head, that portion under the forward mirruoina, wi.th a used in the manufacture of alcohol' for cruise, 8:15 a. m. ' '. forisl legislature with reference to vate bathroom and the balance, 8DOAB QUOTATIONS Waldron, president of the chamber of hold being .increased in depth to the of the and potash, an enormous demand for! Str. Cnkai Maru for Sydney, 12 (Ti electric light and other franchises; stateroom in this nous are in an act amend- commerce and tha local representative height of orlop deck nnd the portion direct both these products having arisen since noon. 88 nalyi beet (no advic).' ad confirmatory of an communication with bathrooma common of tha steamship company; Kmil A.. under machinery and boiler pace to the war. Two plantations, Hilo Sugar Str. Sumitoku Maru for Parity , . J. k. ment to the franchise granted to H. to two or three room Marianne - 1' R. A." Berndt, chairman of the Hawaii Pro- six feet no inches in depth. eah,S Company and Onomea Sugar Company Islands, 1:15 p, wn- t en, tror Haw. Baldwin, Wadsworth, James Fourteen Spocial in. sn2irs 4.8. I.. motion Committee; A. P, Taylor, sec- Double Bottom Compartment 8Utroon are delivering their molasses to Maui ror p. Coke and others now held under la ' The the rtr. Kauai, 5:10 in. Com- retary of the. committee; L. de via upper house, oa flying bridge Mason Distillery Company is Manoa assignment by the Island. Elertrl "The double bottom wilt be divided differs and thia Str. for Kahului, 6:20 p. in. ton, Mrs. J. Krlsloffy, Mlsi A. Ki-pe- ' Norton, of the Hawaii Publicity Com- somewhat from of the Mat pany. Ltd. , Into compartments, those under machin that now being shipped to receiving tanks M. mittee: Riley H. Allen and City "Ed- sonia in that it iat extended to accom- FASSBXOEBS ABUIVED Lyndsey, Miss D. Luckept.ai h, Territorial Senator Coke is still In ery and boilers being fitted for carry-lu- g at Hilo by the Hilo Railway Company. . Star-Bulleti- .Mr. K. L. Lurkenbarh, K. Lyman, town, stopping at tha Harrington Hotel itor Abend of the and fresh water modate additional passenger. These Th big deliveries from the eleven liy str. Mauna Kea, Feb. 22. Hilo B. O. Matheaoa of .The Advertiser. and the' balance for xtra rooms consist of Mis M. Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. F.. anil waiting for developments. There earrving fuel oil. Th after-pea- will four special plantations will begin in about six K. It. Murphy,. H. L. Miss C Staterooms, with nrlvatA hathm..... nn.l ( Maud, Mra. . L, McCoiuiche, Mrs. 11. come no word cheering or otherwise be fitted to carry capacity for fuel oil, week. lletho, Miss Johnson, Miss smith, J. eight single bed : K. Martin, Miss M. E. Meraborn, T. H. about the district attorneyship. The being such will give the vessel bachelor room ia di I). Kennedy, N. Kirmira, T. Takakumw, that it oi rooms. Mart in Wiltinra Mcrshora, Mr, and nomi nation may ba made by the Presi- a steaming radiu of 24,000 at ruinuiuiiM'Hiion wun uain Hento, 8. Hanaoka, D. Lvcurgus, J . knota Fourteen special (1. Mra. Ceo. Miller, Miss X. Miller. Misi dent any day or It may not be made thirteen speed staterooms are pro- Andrew, W.. H. Beers, P. F. Bur knota loaded. vided each with Ita own And Q, Miller, Mia F.'K;' Morrisoa, 'Mi for a month. Word flew here one day Hpacion storage bath An. gess, R. K. Bon in, W. 8. 'Wise, Mr. eold chambers are Ished in different klnda of hardwood P. Newport, E. L. Newport, Mra. not long ago that 8. C. Huber of Tama. to be fitted up in the 'tween decks A. W. Richardson, L. Vat Cho. Mr. Mr. Iowa, was .new man BAGgRREL with an .individual atyle of decoration. K. M. Hollaway; Mr. Mrs. C. E. Stan- W. W. ,Merymonr Mis E, P. howuM, the for district forward, for the carrying of refriger- These a rooms will be ton, 8. Lum, K. Mrs. U,Palletto, Dr. Tolsen, C. attorney, but Assistant Attorney-Gener-- ated cargoes and the upper provided with P. L. Chu Chan, C. Ja. 'tween heavy brass King, F. H. Pearson, C., Rolphs, I Graham, .who usually knows what ir deck forward will be specially fitted bedstead and specially de owilT Fernandez. Lahaina Mrs. J. Mr. ,0.,H. signed furniture. Kanoana. M. RallArtMOn t' A. Hfirink la. KVr au.l going on at the department of justice il ventilated for carrying bananas. mnila A. F. Tavares, Tavares, lfW) posi- All told, there will tx r.t...lu.. K. 0y, U Oay F. E. Murphv, W. T. Mrs. C. M. Solsrl, Mr. and Mrs. Di L. with reference to patronage, said The propeling machinery will consist ' no beeu made. staterooms, of which sisty-feu- r are Front, L. K. Smith, H. (lessler and Stuart, antl child, Mater D. ' Super tively selection bad 6f sets of West- K Can Be At Less Than twia mree-Dert- n r Vt . m .1 UM T, u.. Yhere seems to be no hurry at the de- Produced room, twenty-fou- are two wife. Rev. C..H. Viljler, 8. Kuula, K. Dnu V.... ing house Parson geared turbine of rooms Old F. Skylea, Two-thir- ' berth and twelve are single berth Pacific Mail Liner Is Getting W. Dickson, wife and child, per, ClArlea A, Stanton, B. U. Sking!n, partment either to nam a district at ds theCost of the single reduction type of 3000 rooms, making a total of 252 a a full I). V. Heck aad wife, K. Aiona. Mr. Miss R. Webster, Mis S. .' Webster, torney or a federal judge. Apparently shaft horsepower to each unit. The re first-clas- s All Home Freight She M . Freitaa K. H. W. Vaug-l.a- list. and child, 8. Kalama and Miss H, K. Wilder, Mr. H. K. Wilder, the ad interim service of Jute Bags duction gear witl be of helical gear wife, un- The public rooms, consisting of din Mis E. Nelson, A. Holland, James Mrs. J, W. Whittaker two children, ia satisfactory, and it is well with tooth faces K and ing saloon, social Can Handle irk land, K. L. Conroy. K. derstood departmeut one ball, smoking room, George Webb, C. Young. , , at the that and in ordsr to secure accurate align room By str. Makura PeB. s federal judge ia ample to take care of ment to writing and ladies' lounge, ar to from Victoria, Per Str. Makura for Sydney, Febru- Barrels out of bagasse and potash the pinions are ba carried be all heated by 2.1 H. Riimondson, Duff, Daly, business ia the federal court In Hawaii, in bearings in floating steam aad all state J, J. ary 23. Douglas Herman, J. L. Kauf- molasses, barrels to take su- frame of the rooms will be A. Daly, Miss 8. Burash, Mrs. K. Ro '.'lie eirrumstapces under which the sec- from the Weatinphouse type. bear- fitted with electrie con H. Hack feld Co., agents for th man, F. J. Ouinljtu, C. K. lUrrHiii, gar out of the country and briug pot The thrust neetiqns for pertayla i enberg, J. Wright, Dr. p. W. Bvrd. Mr ond federal judgeship was created are ing will be of. tbe Klngsburv seg- electric heaters, China Mail Stoainsliip (Company, mnde Koruelis J. Moonen, Z. J,. Bull, C. . ash back, ia the scheme now about to a large supply of which will be cur and Mrs, C." Cross, L. Hagman, Mia 'Loo-ridire- . tolerably well understood at the depart- mental type, enclosed in pil-tig- ras Bull, Mrs V. Hoakins. Miss tie put before tha big sugar planters rled for the use of passenger. public yesterday a new . enbadule of Kmily Smith, J; Watt, Mr. and Mr. W. ment and it may be a long while yet ' B. L. Morton. C. O. Asbtoa. Mr. by Hutcbiugs, ing. ' The vessel will Leonard gui two children, Miss M. I c fore the new federal judge l desig- of Hawaii Clinton J. The condensate pumps will be of the generally be elalior sailiug for the steamer China. The and Mra. 0. K, Bobbin. Mra J.R. who roceutly a contract for the ately fitted, having etc.. Link, Dr. and Mrs. Carter and child, nated closed ruhine driven navy horizontal type lo- teak deck. and China wall arive here from Nagasaki Osborpe and son. Miss K. Smith. Miss . no expense Mr. M. Cook aad children, Mr. P. McCleUan Oats Olad molasses of eleven of the Hawaii item of that will add to the 1. 8. A. L. Andrew, Miss V. Bos worth, Ji. MiK Hand cated under the condensers. ou March She wu to huv arrived liiggeat, Mra. M. McClellan, formerly Honolulu, has Air ejectors Le eomiort or the traveling public will Farmer ami child. M. Oraecry, Mia Howard, W. Howanl, of of the Westlnghouse be tomorrow, 4iut is six days, lute, owini: Miss B. McLean, F. spent several week here during Jan- There baa recently been invented and Blano type will be as substi- omitted. J. Duffle, and War installed to various ilelnys. i ng. uary and. February, b,as a wide ac- perfected in the United States a ma- tute vacuum pumps, will be She will he fitted op a aa auxiliary He for, and According to the new schedule, Hy str. Maui, quaintance and has been cordially greet chine fur making barrels and kegs out designed to produce a vacuum of twen- cruiser of the second clnaa nda, ilia Ciaudine from Feb of cornstalks, wbU'b are almost postal subsidy act of March 8, 1801, will leave Ha:i Francisco ou her ruary 24. S. Kawasaki, Mr. uud Mrs, on. every hand He represents the ty and pnvhilf inches with barometric 1 1 M el !lt .( . . luixt outward voyagu March und will w. H. Seattle chamber of commerce the and samples of bagasse seut e of '80 sum win nav rounnaiiomt ror ronr six It I'lngei, Ah Wa. Ah Tip. L. Kin at .prcasuf Jnehfa, call here l!u, V.. meeting here this week of the United from here to Los Angeles, where the lurft guns, two forward aad two aft. March aaiHng thnt day oi Taylor, Mr. H. Kua, H. .1. Meyer, As To Pump ani Condensers the day tlio K. of Commerce. machine are in oiwration, have been Jt ia learned ia Honolulu that Cup after for Orient. Murphy, Bev. B. B. Dodge, A, Pea "Htates Chamber He also The. circulating, pump, will be of the Yokohama will be the first port of experimented . (he result, tain Matson expect to hsv the stenm cock, J. O. Pratt,' Mrs. S, I.imaminn, ENTERED TOR NEW luia other important business in the with that g Wastiaghouae centrifugal volute multi-sta- ... ,. call here. will in Washington state. material baa, been made that i moist r in enmnilaainn In IOIT Tl, after leaving Nagasaki Master Limamiua, Mr. Kuuimoto. east for clients type, driven' by Westinghouae V.. be :i, Coke been are .and lira; proof and out. of which contract. has lieen let and work ia umUr arrived at April Shanghai April Charles Gay, H. A. Baldwin, foster Territorial Senator has stenm-gtre- turbines. 0, and Hongkong three over to New York attending to matters keg can be manufactured large enough way, dui ine seei nas not been laid. daya later. Kobinson, Mr. ant Mrs. Hra.lH, Mrs . The condenser will be of bags circular In future the China will cut out Lin Wai, B. F. Vicken, Tong Nap and YORK MEET of bond refunding which' were entrust- to sontain tha amount put in two form having steel bodies nnd cast iron s. V-. SWIM 1'inkbam, of sugar one culls at Manila. The reason for this forty nine deck. ed to him by Governor after for the cost ol less than heada, with ample cooling surface for is KAPIOLANI BASEMENT thought to be that there is more fe'-- .' Muperintendeut Forbes had to depart bag., vacuum PA8SENOEB8 :Vf iui.ly operating at full power with Cliiuese freight available than can be DEPARTED .. , '.-.- for borne. MacMnaa Not Expansive twenty-eigh- t one-hal- f CANNOT of and inches and BE PUMPED OUT bundled. Shanghai will lie culled st By str. Mun Kea for Hilo, Feb. is among The e Mrs. Hubert W. Shingle the machine, v which are patented, sea water at temperature of seveuty-llv- (AasoclaUd Prsu by radars! Wirsl.) Blie Is going and cvnitiig, however. 2i W. O. Aiken, Mrs. K. Copp, .1. T. recent arrivals in Washington. are each capable of making tuo hexa degree F. The "basement NEW YOB K, February 23.--A- -A. I ., of the Kapiolani Keturniug from the Far Kat the Moir, N. K. Lyman,, M. S. Kamcs, .1 . here to visit her sister, Princes d barrel in an hour and are per Th main shafting will be ten miilding is flooded- again. Manager China Will sail from Hongkong April Ohvoritt, K. C. W, 1. officials announced veft rday that DIV who 1 seriously ill. not very, expensive. Forty of them Lloyd 'a Webster, Ksunmd, cent in execs of requirements 1ms IK, . siurray or me waterworks, who arriving here May llev. II. P. Judd, licv. . C. Schencb, Kahaaamoku, Hawaiian and ehaniplnu would b sufficient handling the will built-u- p for and the propellers be of the had a uanir of men at work liailiiiu Suilings from Honolulu for the Or Bishop Mra. Lewis, output of Ewa. plantation, for instance. type, each having manganese and Johu lliml. swimmer of Hie Id, hnd been iitete l NORTH COAST TRAIN three thf cellar out, ha about given up the ie;it will be ns follows; March !M. John ierra, M. Mucbado, Mustwr tn and the supply of bagasse there would brpne blades and cast iron bull, and Jr., for th 220. yard wim BY ghost iu th matter of keeping the May August 1, October 6 and De hspindn, hspnidu, A. championship ROBBED BANDITS be more sufficient will turn up to 120 under David Mr. II. whti-- then to manufacture revolutions water down as ke has discovered that cember l.'l. ' Hare, A. P; Low, Pred Irwin, Mrs. at th meet will be held her; v" a I) th container necessary to properly full power. Steam will be generated in Jr. - it will be almost an Impossibility to The China will leave thi port foi Irwin, Mr. had K. T. Uuar.l, V, M. a ru iv. (Associated Pre by Wirls.L bold sugar niaife Kven if eight Babcock' and Wilcox water-tub- Mr. timi the there. do it with th level San Francisco as follow; March 2. Wise, K. Knpilituuii. WKATTLB, February 23, The North no to hoilera of a total beating surface of artesiaa thirty J. Huiitli, Mrs. )l. there were bagasa left use for fi, . a'lu;. 1 u.....n.. u..h . n east-boun- reel above sen level. A u May July II, .September lfl, Novein Rev. M. K. K. Mr. iii-- oast limited, was held up 30,100 square feet, and fitted with su- force of llnui, Kabuviishi. ..i.ijhii. it.nnai n rtvii iael there would. he each a saving that or ger 22 and Jununry 2K, 11117. terday said ' l near (.ovlngton last night. The ban perheating arrangement of total of gtneers the water department hits and Mra. Kawakara, Master Kawakaia, that Kahauainokn woul It woiUl tie jirpfltuhle, soys Mr. Hutch discovered thnt the of A. not litMnpat iu tba awimmiug meet iu ilits forced the engine men to haul the (.Mia in n,.t.A tl.l. It 3.120 iquare feet of anrface. They will basement the Muster Kawakara (2), I'oiuba. building is t'onnet-ttj- a sulder ltv str.. Wilhelmina, for Francis- I Nw Vork on April 10 miles he was baggage, malj and cxprea ear to a Figuring seventeen bags of sugar to be built for a working pressure of 250 wth NATIONALITY MEASURE su ' randan water supply and with the two co, Feb. 23. Mr. ami Mrs. A guaranteed that the A. A, C. ofbYisls forest some distance down tha track. th Win, .more ton million pound per square inch and fired h, it takes than man pump used to Tree the cellar it is IS AMENDED BY PEERS Miss B. Adams, Mis I'. .4. Ibertstm, would pay hia 11. well a tl.oi, The frightened passenger left in their tiav to pjurk six. thousand thwartship under natural draft by fuel exiae the hundred Considered impracticable to work Mis K. Allen, P. C. Mr. and of hi cits, Inter heard an explosion, as the ton crop The bagasse oil atomised mechanically. J. Allien. trair. t tha island. against this tremendous head from tue (Bpaclsl Osklagram to Hawaii Bblnps.) Mrs. J. F. K. W. W. rubbers blew up the mall car with could The smokestack will be divided foro Bainett, Bernard, tiarrel be mada to do th work artesian supply. TOKIO, February 24. Some Me.'ikbane, C. Blum. (). Hcrg dynamite, and fled with tha Oriental of the bags a saving of about sixty and aft in th center, e"h half baing auiend nai', Mis at to a l.oilurs. meHts have been made by the commit Itergman, A. N. Hiiim, K. W. Hen net t, JAPAN WILL NOT SEND mull. t per cant of tha cost of the bags. The connected battery of four ...... ,..,,.. The auxiliary machinery will be a du- tee of th house of peers, having in C. A. Brown, M. Bissingn, Mrs li. ... weight of container- - large enough to TROOPS TO HELP RUSSIA TICKZ.XNQ plicate outfit to that installed on PIUS CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS cluuxe the rotiM'Icrtit'on oi the bill 01 Bernhardt, Mr. ami Mr. W. I. Illy, Mi. IK THB THROAT. hold two hundred and forty pounds of .. 1 i? ."'i', ihIm-- i i i MatNonia. consisting of main feed PAO OINTMENT i guaranteed to nationality which passed the and Mm. M. Casner, Mis It. iuL'i . J ,,4.. Kven the slightest tickling or hoarse-- i sugar would t fifteen pounds, and it (atoclsU4 trsa st WItIsi pumps of the vertical simplex type, and of deputies, and which provide for tree F. Craig, A. liisliolen, Miss M. ( opdiuid r4r1 Mi) s . cure blind, bleeding, Itching or pro- TOKIO, Febrnsry Foreign 'es In the throat may be the forerun-- ... - . the following pump of the horizontal I... A I. ll.irtl lulul.l..d Mr. and Mr. L. ('"hen. Mr. au.l Mrs. iste "Ishit ffiiwtally Aonird itt dangerous iliness. Stop it at Mr. W, truding ViUiQ in d or I and Mrs. Dingel were arrivals duplex. Donkey feed pump, sanitary t.14 dy whether or not they shall lie subjects A. I.. Khriimu. K. tie Mis .1. H. ' Kem-e.lv- . lolc.i, hi me- .wiv initT once with ( hambesbiin Cough . in the Val- tnoney re(unde4- - , iivi, ivairi, .jnpan Ciaudine yesterday from the pump, fresh witter pump, fuel oil pump, Manaiaetuitd by nf Allien. h or .lupiiu. The ar ay'lc'l Forbes, Miss K. FoBter, Mil II. Iliunil preptirtiilf to semi men as well a mn'ui For sale by all dealers Benson, ley Island. Mr a, H. Kua was also an donkey fuel nil pump, evaporator feed the PARIS MBDICINRCO.,SI.Loui!(, bill will be discussed in the house of tun, Mrs. Iloaglund, Miss I'. .1 oi ciihiiii tious to assist the Russians Kuiilb 4 Co, Ltd., agviit fur Hawaii, arrival in th same steamer. pumps pumps. battlin!! and driukiug water U b. A. eii 8 tuniunuw. Mm. P, Joigenseii, Ms V. II. King- - ou the vusturn frout. 1 ITAWAilAN -- GAZETTE:RIDAYn FEBRUARY " 2S. 191& -SEMIAVEE KLY. ',7.

? PERSONALS HE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE BREVITIES 1 ' '"';", i ( (Prom Wednesday Advertiser) (From Wednesday Advertiser) :"" ''', '' ' FRIDAY MORNING N. H., The ashes of the late Dr. Archer ;'' Stta-WEEKL- ,Thom PUt of Montnbor6, '''(' THE Y f ADVmHXS Mr. Plaat wr prominent North-ar- trwin were taken to Hilo yeaterday In FEBRUARY 25, 1916. the Manna K"a by th widow aad th 'd faeiSt pwwanger. 1 brother of th deceased, Dr, H. B. MarrUff, of th Hilo Fred maaMir Irwin and Attorney Harry Irwin. Fa-ner- Trait Company, arrived item th Ceost service will be held in Hilo on Utilization of i. Dreadnoughts in tk Man on jraattrdajrn Hunday, where the aahe will b givea ' -- WllUana JI. Bwr, sonntf attoruev of burial. ., , ,. ,i '; .f tb Island of Hawaii, it in. th city for The firat case from th Oabn indus- "Vasie Molasses of the while developmentAirpmnof the aircraft during the th Camlral and will reindu the trial accident board ha gone to the NOW BOYS! ton laata. ingaf planters of Hawaii "have displayed supreme court on a reserved qneatioa. THE war is one of the main, changes the L. L Borden, tnember f the Oail were (lied THE' energy and 6kill in developing the main The paper last Monday. Tba ; You Busy! the lessons of the; fighting' ttvte brought about". Bardes family, and.. Mr. Borden wra case I that of th Oahu" Bugar Com-- , . Here's. Vhere Get ' In Paelflc, sugar industry ; but have pai3f very little attention fight-- puMenjrern. pany of this island, arising ever . in. The descriptions of the latest of the aerial i whiek-arrive- Somethi'rig will bring yeaterday , Juries alleged to have been utaiad to d6 after school hours that ; ts, beyond discuss- to the, utilization of ing craft emphasiresj (j6; how very' far behind W, P. McDongal, fe leading merchant, by Iehigoro Ikoma, Japanese. laborer poclcet-t"oney- .. ' . t; you good i , :! , Ha- company.-- ' v, , .. pigeon-holin- g 'suggestions. of warfiare.V.;'As the-- ' hotel man and eltimfe of Kohala, oftbla ,.t',vi!; t ing and then various. are' we in this arm Germans r.Th9 Hawaiian Company a waii, li TnTtnrf eity and will remain a Succeeding Chariea A.'' Drown, , who Gazette wantt hustling ct led in dirigibles they seem noW be leading in ' possible economies and ttf long the ;' Among the ai Carnival laata. resigned owing to hi departor) far . .. representative lu each community in the Islands to machines.' aia'e no aero LL h will ' " are : heavier than air For, A. 'Tonne; of lba Aagele and the mainland, whrt aake hit profits which have been thus treated treaa-ure- ') call on every family and find out whether or not planes constructed in this country Or by any of djinghtw, tod W, ft. Timkin, menufaa home, Hugh H. Walker, assisUnt r of- - ''' semi-week- ly .1. The manufacture of alcohol from waste tarer of automobile part, arrived th Hawaliaa Trust Company, they are redera of thia excellent news-- 2 tne Allied governments, can? compare.! wun trie th PacSSe. waa appointed yesterday a -- treasurer " " ; Northern molasses; . . manager paper. , . immense war planes made by the Germans.'; 5 ' Mia Tlvtaa ' ' Klngatoa, who earn and of tha Joba U Estate1, 'l, which owaa COnsidera'bl land in tha manufacture of potash for fertilizing of the machine is the armor here with . the tie Volco Oraad Opera ."2., Th Greatest German Territory, aome of which I aader lease If they art not, they should and will be. ' Company to aina; in leading rolea, will ; ed triolane which carries twenty, men, ma to th Oahu Sugar Company, purpose from waste molasses; 'our. ' la eteamer Wilhelmlna in tbia Liberal commissions are paid to agents. anti-aircra- 47-mil- tail the this fl ; of ll- island. , i ,:;. t 3. The manufacture of feed for work animals chine guns and an gun moralng'for tha Coaat rf lfcXMiorse-powe- r- " Tb Molokal Settlement ia kolding calibre. equipped vyith.evght . Mm, . flL Write once further information. metre It is t Vofd, wife-- of tne pureer an hibiacu at for from a combination of waste molasses and cane ThWantf-aircraftJgU- today Interesting ahow,at Mayback motors. tt is of the Oreat Northern, and Mr. J. C. Kalaujiepa, under the aupervlaloa Of MrDevitt, wife North-era's- , tops ; on a revolving under-bod- y l the Oreat J. D. .MeVeigh, euperinteadent f the TlffiilAWAMN GAZETTE (X). mounted, turret,' while' the' freight clerk; arrived yesterday 4. manufacture of feed from a combina- machine, like an. inverted Settlement. PrUoa of four, threvt two The, of the which looks in the Ncrthera PaUK" ' and one dollar are being .offered for BOX 208 HQNjOLULU, li." ''- . . , p,C. ?. tion 6f waste molasses and bagasse ; noof, is covered wUh thick armor.---J - Lleut.'Oomdr-T- C: Krt, V. 8. N, tb- - beat four collection exhibited. To The French battleplane is, however, a veritable new; eommaader' of tin e tubma-rln- e day 'a show la a repetition of that fo i 5. The manufacture,! paper and pasteboard arrived' trots. Qerrit P, dreadnought which measures more ' than thirty Ran FVahciieo in tered laat )ear by Wilder, the aai from bagasse; the Northern Pacific yeterday morn- "Hiblieu Klag.V. wh offered t dol- feet high and 130 feet from tip to tip of its wings, ing. Mr iUrt accompanied ;him. lar ia prise.' :: y-v- f . , . of tops in silos, for feed .'W'.v-OBatdia hui-baa- (From TburaOay Advertiser). a 6. The storing cane VioantS'twO 'JaCri- .J, wlioM d It carries a crew of twelve mm and Ash wa oae of the famon UA thea- Wednesday tble, year will fall MISS ASHFORO ARGUES between grinding seasonal. three-inc- h guns, one cm each ARCHER tip and mitrailleuse trical rm of 'gnllivaa Conaidine, on March 8 aad. Easter Sunday on tb IRVlr " k 'An exception to the policy of side stepping by-- .' in the center over the pilot.'; arrived with net' denfhter, Mr. E. W. twenty-thir- d of April, -- tent Wili be v' generally Obaerved in th city churche. - McLean, In the' Northern Pacific ' . monoplane has gone the economic, has been the aale, by. some The apparently to ' ,' IN product ' '.",''. j A handaom aolid gold hat' pinl, SUPREME COURT plantations, of, waste molasses, which scrap heap. Germany is no longer building - which waa found at th armory DIES IN HOSPITAL half dozen J. A. M". Oeorlo, Portugneae vice em-aa- f after has been taken to San Francisco and there Manu- planes of the taube type, but has' adopted the bi in Hilo la anion; the Big taiunder the masked ball Monday night hat tri-plan- been turned over to Sheriff Boae, wh alcohol. The Ha- - plane and the e, mostly tractors of the in the city fOT the Carnival. Thia i factured into stock food and hia requests that the owner call at hia of- bf-pla- vUit to the a.p;tal in everal Judge been sold to a local type. The French director, of military irt fice. Is Disqualified When wait Mill .molasses has also year. II oxpeeta to rturn to Kilo Ashes Will Be To Hilo. he de- noma The inquest on of Taken listillery in Hilo, which has extracted the alcohol. aeronautics announced recently that had tint next. week. tha death Pvt. Daughter Is Attorney In Case? " Twenty-fift- h cided to discontinue not only the further purchase . Judge W. 8. Wia; district maglatrate Frank Jackson, Company G, Where Funeral Occurs Prob- The war has now raised the price of alcohol Infantry, who waa found drown- of monoplanes, but the use of those already in of Hilo, wh eamt to HoloIiiIu on a about three times, and of potash approximately buainee an-- i ed in Wnhiawa reservoir, ha been post- ably Sunday . trip to got a glimpse of On the reserved question Id-So- poned becauao all wltneaae to of whether caused a sudden and active service. This decision meant the retirement 6f tha Carnival, will return to hi Big d th ten times. This has present Honolulu. or not Circuit Judg Ashford ia dis- 500 monoplanes, of which 300 Were less than horn in tha Maura Kn thia niorn- - drowning are at in demand for waste molasses, and eleven of the over ' qualified to try the eaae of th Terri- i" . - . Supervisor Robert- Hornet ia after , beginninjg tory againat Loo Ley, charged with I Dr. Archer Irwin died in the Queen4 sugar plantations along the line of the Hilo Rail- six months old. At the of the war - IV the atraet numbere which are all askew J. Kennedy of Hilo ia here to take violation of. the lottery lawa, Hospital early yesterday morning. Hia molasses Germany had between 700 "and 800, taube mono- in everything aonneetion in thia city. - H will introdue an road have,contracted to sell their waste in with th hi daughter, Mir Marguerite body "was - . proper cremated yesterday and the -.' ; Carnival. He aaid yeaterday thia ordinance providing' for the for terms of from one, to five years, to mainland planes. . .Vj'i.iV that K. Aahford. la one Of the attorneya ' year 'a effort ia thia line have exreed-a- numbering of house in. th lty aad for the thjfease, Mis Aahford."' mad ashes will be taken to Hilo ia tho England has not bee slow to develop aerial a concern, at prices, netting the plantations in the all feia axpe-ation- and that Hilo have a regiater of the locations of these her trst appearanee And was heard for Mauna Kea this morning, Mrs. Irwib, dreadnoughts, although it was: later in getting never held anything near a big. numbers kept la tho eounty elerk' argument tlie wuiow, and two brothers of the . vicinity, of five dollars a ton. - the first tm ia before the office. . t -- Dr. started than either Germany oc France. Every Harold Caetle, lately retnrnel from . v' -ii 'V supreme toort yeaterday on a motion deceased, rred Irwin and Attorney viThe; amount of molasses per ton of sugar varies Inter-Chnre- -- - th mainlaacl, aaya he expect The h .Federat'.c-a has of the government based on a refusal Harry Irwin, til ot whom fhave t)e plant in country is turning out Improved types that Jay w .slightly;, but. in round numbers, a ton of waste! the Qould and hie wife, who wa Miaa Gra- heard definitely from "Billy Sunday, of the eoanel for the to sign hare fot aome time, will accompany tkn defense. ashes; molasses is produced in connection with each four of machines which will 'compare favorably, with ham of thja .city, and the Or-xk- r of the "baseball evangelist,' that he will A stipulation 4n th ease. Funeral services will'be held in to--.. Hilo, Mhes , anciaws. 9 to not come to Honolulu preah-- at With her associate counsel, William probably nest Sunday, th J.-- ,, those being constructed either In Germany or t..viaitor the tons, of sugar.;, .v LiUnda doringthe coming aummer. least not for a long time, hia reason' fof T. Rawlins. Mis Ashford argued ably to be given burial ia that city. France. The British military; Recent; ..The deceased had been very ill for .'A plantation producing 10,000 tons of sugar will 'authbritits , , Owing )o .tb. Carnival the member the refusal being that he doea not wish e the motion, which." waa aubmitted follow soon to Deputy' some week, having been brought from therefore,! ct, 2500 of ly announced that they had come to theccmciusion; of Damien Council, young Men' to too after any other the urt. City Attorney produce, .as a tons v hi home some ago- for ' will o evangelists. Criaty referred eauatically to the fact in Hilo time a gun-carryi- aeroplane is worth battle, told aneetrng thia even .."' at five' a ton,. $12,500. thaj tbre ' treatment CJupen,' Hos- molasses worth dollars , that, counsel for th defense had re- special in th uaual. ho unloading lumber, from th ' t Member, have not While waa . i cruisers at a small fraction ? the latter's tost. already fused to sign atipulatuui in qnes pital; Recently he reported The totarproduction 'of .iMste: molasses by the sben,. informed pf,.thi hange schooner Bobert lowers, George Camp- th' ' - . i nicely was believed, whole The English army ha twent'yHpne 'large training of, prograin are now notified. ne bell, a aeamau, waa severely, cut on the tion. Securing permission to rplr, doing and it that Hawaiian plantations as a is approximately meeting next l Mis Ashford mad aa earnest and tell- he- would recover, but a relapse praved i.Sn.nff) schools for aviators and-th- e navy neajly as'many.: wtek will beteld a uauaL left arm, by a lumber hook in the hand : tons, worth at five dollar a ton, $750,000. fellow-worke- ing reputation of the contentions of fatal and death brought hia sufferings ' ; ?8ign.or: Eugealo de FoIpo. impresario of a The injury 'waa ' largely? government:- - to a peaceful end. ' t by-prod- pocket money which even England's! air fleet has been augmented of The wound - wa dressed the' .The panning'' Thif is Ue de Folco Grand which ' he gave .'government Dr. Archer Irwin waa a native of by the heaviest machines mad in America, most; Opera. da at the Emergency Hospital, Campbell .the Company, booked to in e the sugar barons cannot afford to neglect.' aail brought emlle to the austere eonnten-anee- e Canada and forty-nin- year-a?,.- ;' He the -- Jdataoo - - waa able to go back U hia, ahlp., , :. -- five an aggregate of of which have been built by the CurtisS Company; hner WUhelmina thia i: of Chief Justice Robertson and had lived in the Islands," principally While dollars a' tons and marnlnK for th Coast.-'- i Th second floor About twiratv plana of the of th Associate Justices Watsor and Quarle. in Olaa and Hilo, for ten year 't or S750XDQ at its new Buffalo plant where the c6mpany has; ; . tier annum a not to be sneezed at, the members of the jile building, already Bearing ; Folco'l rhorua are Hilo federal question . na -- ' The reserved in the; ease morj, a physician eitise be jn the'pres-en- expended nearby in enlargiug booked vaa;aterat.j, esgl?ra Completion," which wUl house the ' sugar planters should keep mind that t $100,000 jtsfacir; la. th hj. worded as follows': waa among the leaders lo and a -:- ; v; .: Snd lities. United' States is "shipping as rnany; ajne.ieBBkjr.r.V;' ' juflgfehambers and IU. tht, said HoWabS-C- . 'W.' Ai foremost among the Pesterrats in poli-- l 'war conditions will not continue indefinitely, 'The tb office of attorney, mar yhi-te- th district fdrd, flrst judge of the; circuit court, ties. He. waa a member 'of theterii-- ' r of war prepare for peace" is aeroplanes to Europe every day as lhewhole d knowa, shaL clerk, were approved yes ' and that "in time ' Democratic politicjau and buai- - Md the dliqualifiecV by '.the facta aforesaid or torial legislature, . representing, J$at ' ' 1 good motto to pin up over the mill Hoor. States army has in commission. Recently terday by the 'oflieialcin question!' Th any of themi to preside and act Hawaii ia tha lower house, during,, th will ' bo.' returned Baltic "with birthday yeaterday; and waa roci-pie- plan to 'Herbert Judge of .the said elrcuit eoart in and eesion of 1913, but did not aeek, re- ' is up our sugar scientists and financiers the White Star Liner .sailed cargo th - It to ; " Cohen, tha superintendent of onstroj- upoA while 197 .':'. i '' of nutnua eongtatiilation apd the ril of said dsfendant election oa the conclusion of hi tm of aeroplanes valued $600,000. :'l d ., whether, the war over, Hawaii at, ; ' tion in charge too' budding at HU. he.'tht-sai- Marguerite .. .''.- -'. '"'i; to decide after is wiahe that he may be .parrd to c of K. Ashford, of office. , coun- f is going' toy again" run her waste molasses onto Most of these are of the Canada type which . is many 'more anniveraariei of hia The body of the: late First Sergeant shall officiate or participate a aatai'itov;-- . RuIim K. Chappeil of Troop C. Fourth sel ior him, the said defendant,; in an the ground or into the sea, or so prepare them- - an improvement of the America" type of flying - '' ' r ft. K, Cavalry, will be jient to the.' mainland upon aueh trial t " C molasses will still boat, both of which are. built by the CurtisS tac; Bonine, to photographer, argument on reserved ques- selves that waste pocket money from ia Mauna in the next transport. JK4ual aervlcei 'The th' PRISON TRUSTY ' llilo the Kea tion itself-wt- "be heard by th su- ' be available. , taries. The original America behaved so well .in yetterday morniug for the dead were held in th Masonic after eeveral day a' Temple on Wednesday afternoon, the preme eourt justice ' later. ..Mias Aah- the war zone that Great Britain ordered 100 more. woiJi on Hawaii. , He aaid he had that deceased having been, worah'p-- f ford, who waa .yecently . admitted to obtained soma fine new views, still the last i They are also taking all the Canadas that Curtiss ul master of Bchofleld. Lotlge, . F. practiae law ia all tba eourta of the and motion, of the village of tba can out. The Catiacjas tw,o men, two Kona, A A. M. Officers and member of .Troop Territory, la a law graduat of the VIOLATES PAROLE Golden Gate Guardians turn tarry Kajapan' and . other afcenoK beside C. the cavalry band and ; Masons gen- Cniverattr of California aad the Unl FRANCISCO customs officials, who guns and a ton of explosive.' The guns are either motion picture of an antomobile trip waa veraity of MWblganJ i . . ; , to the Volcano. erally attended the aerviee, which SAN barred the entrance the United Maxims or jewis aeroplane guns capaute 01 anng Mr. Bonine took mo impressive. y into tion picture of the paradea yeaterday t. ' oMii-mor- 500 Wings ' States of a Burmese totem bole, on account al shots a minute. The are constructed morning. Allowed To See Parades George of selected woods and steel wire all glued together l(Froin. ALIEN IS JAILED FOR CUSTOMS TO SELL carvmgs on its surface, chiselled olf the t, t; Thuraday Advertiaer) V' A Bower, Gets Drunk undesirable portions and allowed the effigy to and reinforced with brass rivets, and can. endure .Oeorg & Desha, 8r, former post- CONTEMPT OF COURT master Hilo, is in city iu In Town pass. The pole was brought from Burma by Rev. considerable shot and shell. At Paris they have of the taluna r,f H ir .. th Carnival. Suejiro one j.: E. Cope of Portland, as a gift for Rev. E. an aeroplane on exhibition which has over 400 Terada, of Attorney J. John J. V er,. Dodge waa among oot habeas, B.B. the Lightf 's corpus, elinta, waa f-.'- Oakland. Both wounds from rifle bullets, shrapnel, mitrailleuse, passenger East of are missionaries. arriving from Maui in the found guilty of contempt of eoXLt't4 George A. Bower, otherwise known aa Realty what are missionaries coming to? That balls and splinters of shells, received in five Claudiu yesterday. waa wandering Honolulu terday in the federal, eourt B was A" Bert, about to- months' service. ' Charlea A, Brown . waa booked to i Good unclaimed, seised or a Reverend Mr. Cope should dare purchase a sentenced by Judge . Clemons to Oahu forfeit yesterday, just aa though he had not leave for Sea Francisco yesterday in ed nonpayment of duty will be pole which in the opinion of a San An expenditure of $10,000,000 in the air s,ervi Prison until March will for been aentenced to imprisonment for tem Francisco the Wilhelmlna. IJe will mak hia e 9, when he sold custom bouse ten o 'slock behind Japan,. at the at bad- custom house inspector is engraved with immoral would still leave this country Spain bom in the mainland. be turned over once again'to the fede Wednesday morning at auction. Ex- divers crime connected with the opium caaea. He waa half-drun- ind the Netherlands in equipment v H. Wiggin, ral immigration atation. authorities to on which t'u pur- ger a indictment his capabilities aeronautical Albert president of the cept for tobacco, - designs, is terrible of be deported on March 10 In the Chivo perhap altogether drunk, and waa beg- ' Bank New chaser will have to pay internal rev- among Burmese. But If we spent $17,500,000 we would still be behind cbabo national of York is aequa.utancea drlnfca. as a missionary the heathen .stopping at the Alexander Young Ho Maru to Japan. Terada waa held by enue, purchase will give clear title, fing former lor '$25,000,-00- 0 immigration un waa een in the Young Hotel bar . that he should attempt to spread his immoral ideas Austria and Italy and an expenditure of tel, ne will be In city the authorities as an no duty being required. The sale ia the for several admi-wio- noon. would place the State fifth among the d.yrf , - desirable alien and refuaed to aatiafy such at by sending the said totem pole to the Rev. E. J. United r At- claim. waa - into the Territory. On hia behalf among the more lniKrtant klnda of He in civilian clothing and waa East of Oakland is simply horrible. Who will nations of the world, England, France, Germany Judae tvle A. Dicker of the Kaaal torney Lightfoot sued out a writ of accompanied by another prison trusty. circuit eourt U among ial- - gooria are allvar. charm, gold ring, gold the outside corpus, which waa de- -- : : High not commend the originality and cleverness of the and Russia remaining at the head of the list. habeaa recently i li nL.t. - u . . Sheriff J arret;, warden of the ' aauera viaitug Honolulu for the Carn- nied and Terada waa remanded to the .IT'"?:' 7. rfr r.rlVison, did nc deny that Bowr had custom house officials who obtained a chisel and ival : Ue will return to hia home in Li custody of th immigration atatloft. of- ,psrt,wOT, been in Honolulu, and he aaid, too, that ' I hiie Monday. i . he escaped. H report, eliminated the immoral carvings? It is a some of Jiext ficial, from where ktt.d8aM"!d!Ll?IV.Beo.ilheat raw had received of Bower'. pity that the agitators who are waa apprehended and yesterday.' th conduct, reflecting on prison diseipline. We wonder whether these same custom house superintendent Cbarie It. Forbe of klraonoa, cotton kimonoa, many pieces predicting bloody .war upon the Pacific between the public worka department expect to eourt found bim 'guilty' of. Contempt. As a punishment for hia actions yes- inspectors would allow the Venus of Milo to pass Attorney J.' Lightfoot waa lined twenty-f- of jade, gin, thirty-liv- dosen seta ot terday, Bower will be stripped, of the tht United States and Japari could not have leaya for huo shortly after the close playing carda, scarf pins in profusion, of th Carnival. 'He go on Wed ive dollars )aV Monday' ty' Judge privileges of a trusty, and will be con- through the Golden Gate if she were presented to may - pins, watched the wonderful procession which poured , cull links, bracelets, bar crescent irascay ox next week Clemons- for contempt of eourt and fined. San, Francisco. Would they not take a hammer through s streets last night, which givea until tomorrow t pay.'the fine. pipe, brooches, lockets, watch fobs, gilt Under the honor system Installed by Honolulu the I and some nails and hang drapery to exquisite To ,Mo in, Carnival. J. F. Hum-bur- shoe buckles, Q40 neckties, silk Sheriff Jarrett, the prisoners era allow- hr Japanese residents of this city arranged as their , silk collars, ailk thread, cords manager of tb . Baa Francisco sasbes, Kf--l ed to vote for candidate, who ar pris. limbs lest she catch cold in highly moral Hack-fel- WOMAN SUES KANIHO'S: powder, chop' bare the share of the honor to be paid the memory notu ana, president of JI. d and tooth stick, What is " of vie, tal, oner. Those elected constitute ? wa jfightyMvea more neckties, silk "Crepe atmosphere of the custom house Presumably r.eorge Washington and as their contribution, to eVOn auipng th arrival in ESTATE FOR SUPPORT called , the "executive committee," same officials would a of and th Manoa on Tueaday, . and many others. which assists in the appointment . of these get pot paint the general celebration of Honolulu. Men, women The auction will be held in the ap- - a Hawaiian woman, prison police, who also are prisoner. It back of , .Among those leaving for the Coaat Elena Kahaawi, A cover the the "Rokeby" Venus or any and children marched in the ine, an outpouring praisers' warehouse. big crowd is is their duty to report to the executive in too wiineimina yesterday was Char instituted yeaterday' in the circuit ecpected to bid. Value of tha goods other work of art which offended their moral sus- ot good will and a spontaneous showing. of the les A. Stanton of San Fraaclsoo. committee any Infraction of. th pris- for court a auit to compel the estate of t about $1800, home value, but much system been so success- ceptibilities. Probably because the carvings in mer real estate man of this city, who on rules. The has rommunity spirit. Honolulu knows her Japanese II. M. Kanibo, deceased, to aupport her greater here, freight, duty and pro- ful lptely wa decided by the may return shortly in the interest of dif- that it ' this case were Burmese the inspectors were all residents; last night some thousands of main-lande- rs claim fits of merchants making quite a prison ofllclala to give to the executive a 'protectee oig ouainesa .ueal nere. during her natural life. She the more shocked. Surely Mr. Cope, the trans- received their introduction. that on February 25, 1010, aha sold 0 ference. committee, of which John Marealliuo Allen . To- gressor, should have realized that though the fam- L Bianrhard, city passenger Kaniho, the late politician who was ia a niemlter, liberty for the day. agent I th Chicago, Milwankee and K(J-hala- gether with about thirty more iumatee The of military forces known a the "Cannon Ball of MESSAGE FROM LOST ous Anthony Comstock is dead his ghost still parade the of Oahu yes at. t Ul 'aurnua in Chicago, is in Ho a piece of land in WaikahalulU, they Were to view the military parade ; ZEPPELIN IS FOUND " stalks through the land of the free, and that the terday, horse, foot and guns, to say nothing of the noluUl, ' II arrived in. th Northern thia city, for $1050, a further eoaaider-tio- n v and other eventa of the Carnival. Pacific and will remain for a few aaya of the transaction being that Kani- All of the men returned to the pris- standard of art and morality is in the hands of engineers and signal corps, was an impressive rreas Vy Wlrslsaa.) ho, and hi heir after his dee tb, should '' (AsUtd Tsderal on clean and aober, with the exception any custom inspector. spectacle, not the least gratifying section of which IjQNDON, February 24. Four mesa of Bower. Mis Vlvlun and Mile support her during the rest of net life. splendid of Kiston wo- of ber-rna- n was the turnout the national guard, Johanna KrittolTy f the late de Foluo Sine Kanibo' death, claim the ages from (th commander the man, she haa received no support from L-- l 9, ia the Mayor Smith of Philadelphia believes that rum Without detracting any from the excellent appear- Grand Opera Company returned to the Eepielin wrecked NIGHT SERVICE ' ah want to LETTER and efficiency cannot combine in public service. ance of and the businesslike impression created Coast la, )he Wilbelmiua yeaterday. his estate and thv court North Beay have been found In e bot Impresario Eugenio de Folco was compel it to provide for her, according was floating sea, ad- WITH BRITAIN RESUMED by is also tie, which in the Mayor Lane might say something along the same the regular troops, it not too much to say a passenger, as ware about a score of to her agreement with th late Kaniho. dressed to the ' commander's Parents, ; p, I - line. He might also follow the Quaker Mayor's that the citizen soldiers compared well in set-u- other members of the defunct company. wife 'and children, . Manaper Hawk of the Houolulu of- ' A WETT.rUEslV;TB9T.'-Chamberlale- ' message .i.wa while- - flee of th Marconi wirelea company example and make it plain that he will fire the marching and soldierly appearance with any of mail it The first Written the ewa'wa; received in the laat Remedy' 100 In radi advice yesterday from from Jul P. Rego of Birth avenue, 'Cough v ha th Zeppelin was meters thi! received first city employe caught boozing during work- regiments in the long linof The natty Kameha .. message en-- 1 offices la l .N(w G. been curing eough and elda for the air. Thia aaid that ,the tha ban Franriaco that the nivht who York with Jaclntho week-en- ing hours, ; This would be both common sense meha cadets also received a large share of the USilva,'Uth of F. Co.. of past forty yar and ha gained in pines had stopped and the great eraftj and d letter aerviee of the a Filler ' I - alnnir line. Oahu is Htbii city.' Beco y popularity every year. ..What better waa dropping.. company, which was 'suspended re- and humanity, the latter because our uneven arml:iuu the nrmul rJ Tir that he rather buai-sht- p ia al meaaage wa that the air'lcently on account of eongetd safe places for full has recommendation required t For The last streets are not men not in the regulars and certainly no reason to be by all dealer. Benson, Smith A Co, had dropped into th se and the nes, had been resumed with points ia - faculties. t drowning. I Great Britain Ireland. possession of their wise with her. militia. 'tJF'X'kVi 4U, grip-a- preaeut. Ltd., agents for Hawaii. rew were and,

V'."-n- , r.' r4; v

,, .' r.' .' "tl.'f ,W ' HAWAIIAN HTiRUARY; 1 C 7.ETTK, FRIDAY. 91 cisF.M!AVKr.Kl A- - i

(vl I III I VI H A LJ A MAI 'It A lYrl I . U A A MI 1 S AJ. VrILIA 11111 111 If I II filllllI I I 1 1 1 1 if 1 1 l : 1 1 ll I I rl Imill,. I ll . rl l ll l Kcconciliatiop His - ,;pf ValM'Kirtg arid Is 1 Beautiful Queen Theme .of Drama Given With' Barbaric Splendor

ACTORS 5" COME AND VIEWS QF MAGNIFICENT HAWAIIAN PAGEANT fix( Vfcnt,;i,,..7 --.v ,, . .... U-- rt-i.f- . . . . tr'. rL. - V; of King Lonoikamakah k of Hawaii ! o marcn. pox vv"u- vnitti anaimeresses iving Throne. (3) King LoaaikarhakahikL:, Z t. Koyai At Kapiolanl-- Park. Showing Queen x , - - Liliurtfc1i . t8 - v- - - y - , v ... rri- (Wrv.; l; iwamera oi Wueen naikiiam (7) Attendant of Queen Kaikilanf


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JUDGE WILDER GETS vl" of, ' Staging Rare Human Tableaux Pleases AFTER MET2GER DEAL Imrnense Throng Iri Open Air

.7-- .", : Engages Attorney Breckons To Mineral Trodirc'ts and Mountain order ta aol4 the doiays vhlch, was Ki.eMt of Kakuhihtwa, ruler of the to aomo-Mte- nt the swlmrotng Intter island, King Have IN Investigate Alleged Fraud Good Futures on TnomJajr a.j.ooi, the Kccotu Illttpb Is P?lcte4 Carnival mauagootent. .night deid- - " the irene of 'the reeoneilla- - -- ,io" wh,f - d to advam e tr tin rt' loi tlie Boy eP 't- i the pugaut, Juile Arthur A. Wilier iw a tux-laye- r .loh Watt, former sugar man an I anil ritizen, I.hh ItdU-r- ' nipitalist now, has just returned from on Saturday mcraui.g, frota ten n clock nc.n.K it b.foro ,aa W. llreckoiiH u liis attorney to have the f'oant. He left Honolulu on .Ju' u 'Ml:; audience of mora to half p st n.ne o'iok". The lliais for inuu 2" . It war one of the beautiful iiivwitijjated the ary and aine I iimttor of tlio transfer ll then until arrival the automob:io rsv as hari''fce3 wt at "i cciai s of the Carnival nj one with of the Dow iuimuus lease in here hud hardly seen the sun. He re ;' ' Mct.fer o: eo lo,k. By!v a'npr ywto.ay chis luh'n itrest tho W Jlilo. 1'ortn raiiiH and snowstorms from Oil yi I ,ir,ls of tourists, tor th reason that event w.r. announce fprlhalf paat one.' It WM tyjiifally Jnilfip Wilder iirotes n nypmt the iforuiii to Vancouver, whore there wan Vl.ilan, illustrttiv The i.r:o,t f.riie Is qqa.o'clurk. In of uncuut cusvems habllauiunto manner n whieh the deal was nut a loot of Know ten dava airo. iMsaa3ft aud in U1 w..y it ia htpa UiaVtiwe will to j trouyh auil of the opinion that j he,-nl- while in California b wont over th As ! hiatoriea't n in ui wnii-- the of a ijlve-- to nicke the LOiorsary Caal prep- - recital,'; the lireal.HK ...... , . in etatute of tho I uited Hta'e'n in in li cii.7 ui mo jiwinrai loin arat ou:- - for the big water pigeaut o. "vtd stalely graoo, O-- e j ,b,! a. rolvvtl, an the, government lim pai.y, in which a good deal of Hawaiian w; t ..rtrant aw SHurd.iy night. Tho aut"s oi"uu.g tho rjlea of tua.r ti.lo h hJ ,Q-,giV- the1 rjc li to all the jiublic land in tint Toiri-tory- . capital ia interested, and nay that the cr.ll h.s alio w anjsd ""'n- j iBlt thuwet ; 1,10 ra.lroad b proyresing well whieh will trw nad uioti,. tcitlcf t,arry,ng the i ,,tt'1' tjil.ut. of tho race, .III '" ,ukr w" "X do not know what Hree.koni wi i hamlla 'ie product of the property and bloadcr toats lrom1 bjwe th '' inf ou.pjrablo and th c, li otbc-tram- rig t uu of ad vise in the matter," mid Air. Wilder Ket it to a ameltgr. He floes not seoin right of way over o that a fUw.esa d.iy lent add- - y m-- i i tu nee 11. night. in my I to be inclined to see dlvj time bo .oaved aaaoyaa.e in. to laat "He attorney and immediate ani All avoided. V ! h. ut.Wes of Honolulu vli-'-- '' will lie' guided liy him. What act on dends in sight from the ventuVe,, ut , . aad OFFICERS OF HAWAIIAN s'lu:1-,- " 'ill says work i ' .ti. g society were th. re. Jter Majost, he will . tEe'f be after a eareful the going on well. v SEVERAL. CHANGES MADE inveatig'ajion I Mountain .King mine, r SUGAR COMPANY. .ELECJED i tf. i... st h the Queen of htir .' of the rue. know thai anoth Hiwa . '(iff-i- i ' , - N of loiii; when Ku ope's oecupioJ , , land was traiiHfrrrd, or au attempt Jim propert. wa-- visited bv Watt; who 'in oihi;4 ravlowiag . , fnf?(l tortV W'skteh l, f: ' wm made to transfer land, to Metzuer, is a heavy stockholder Jn At ,r 1 knhN lor iti.n ore which she witnessed th jt, aid this the annual meeting" of the Ha i untih M iTpnu nrntirhn th. v ti a 1, a valoroiiM t a verv value in view vlsH convineed him things are MAY BE DEPORTED rae. of uttair aad received 'Ua homage of ker.7 lw aiiiriiiel ths,tr waiian 8upar Company held yesterday, gianU ruled iii of " of what Jjal since. finily there. nijw HiyiUHLipjOUitUrilbtilo the ialunda Hawaii "l" iu taey passed to and, fro bo-- if earned Met);er Cln The tifunel diiectors ensuing1 I i for the year1 were An, MM.iit inese, to6. whose right to a'.re her in course - ' been tli'e developing seven-dolla- Ic-te- the of their movo- has getting,' be milt from the ore the s i as follows: .T. 1 V. '(! Cooko, A. iv.niiiiv lav Hol'lyMii th ir physic-- iiiints. J iiuarry under an agrtemeut of sale, but enough blocked out s ta V ke jp the .ludd, C. 11. Cooke, W. ':: I Hopper, V. a) I' (a w.i in uower.i ivhu oi uoan Bymooxuea I do not beliQVg he i'as as yet any P'fsf'ii mill goipg t capacity for twj For Heveral moiitha punt parties of M. llntcli, J. Waterhouse,. C. H. Several ehAng Viu the personnel of i if - and Sc f vxi!.- auso beibelitvud lie hail W:th . j years. . ; htr were all' the mom ho f title to it.", .. KuBBian war pa.-- I Ilemenway. The ofH-ivr- s olli of Mutsnii steameis becnuie r. refugees have, ; directors elected 'its Klnin 'i , in a fit of j nl"U rug1, her private yet an followa: .1. I'. known when tho Manoii arrived ifia'ii royal retinue and in through Honolulu en route to tho main Cook, president; yet'er Ihe K i.j ,,: the largest islu d w:i t A. T. vice iluy morning. ' " trout of her box, which was a mass of land, particularly Osaka Judd, dist preldenti C. If. Iow-i',- l..v t lit wa- - aboard the .1. woman he thii'ght (.rein m fronds ' KAMEHAMEHA PAY FETE HAKIPUU ROAD WORr V Cooke, second j. AVater-hciu- A. l'orriiu), purser of tfle Manna, and tiuntlng Of thl uncn Kaisha boats culling here. leud. A- - he wag bv the al y How, ' ? treasurer; John Ouild, eec ret ary, has r. signed, and has been succeeded entertained io atood four attendants, TO BE The immigrants are mostly Jcwh , NEXT. ATTRACTION NOW $ PROGRESSING who , Kiim .mot her isUiid his icen lul ling ii) ' expect to mid K. Murdoch, Hiiditor, i,v L E. llaHlilto fre'urht clerk at. tho rivht he" kah.U, symbols of make their permanent home. l. Vi . loryave him lifti'd her ha-- , iftuMmiaa, fMr. Hamiltoii hits taken "".""! ani gnat iai,k. Khs also special nt-o- United ' It. s. i'i tke Htaten. the roynj cuu. le were re lluwaiiun coriotien will lieniu to get Chase, engineer In eharge of the San FranclBco his new position. II: W. D. Mcrteuiie, entertainers, half a doea aien and immigrat'on author w ho a l,"',' a rl- - who ready for their reat Klevonlh of Kaliipuu road work, was in BLAISDELL HOTEL MAY came in a,s luirner. will iroid time to time aaug . the eity ities have recently beon giving the new ,! ' - :il l frOiL'ht . clerk of the Wilhel- - nuiiantic tule of melii i,., appealing songs of Hawa- - June pageant and ventenla.v in conimltation comers from the realm of the Great ADD the eeleliratiuu rihl with the TWO MORE STORIES tniua, and will go qut this ipoming. llu "" 'i, .led down from In m ji.v anl .an toiigti,' , I - o White Czar Attention, an. ux a I 1 ( J' rwiiv lifer the ('arnivnl ia oer. If rood commif-- and the city engineer. tm:,r i has een a .snare- siialvi lid iam ,iM '',v " iiitifn fo uerct ous tin', U guit irjes of the Territory, i renult fifty ees 1 eitv, the event stilled ut ' refute who arrived in 1 thoK ' roV:il f in yes'erday the pari, leeporta that fine i r If the tqurist crop keeps 'e Ui'lsmiia as, freight Werk Jast Vy.vv''"! ''' " li.n's of no an d navy sat in , . th. weaker al Heattle b i up ti....:i..IU xt increasiiic an a'tjuiulnj , is an indication, the 1 ! I t Kamehame worn JlU iiIH.ru "I'd to purtray iu a liv!n Ant' n thorn were bo. owi.1,, wie t progress we'l and will he deported becuuse thev raie ' which it has been doing, tho Uoveraor and bis ha will are with A. Haunilterir. ntTiipr r ' lay event be the fiin t spec 1 J. firnt nf tl... st;itr!v. rnivol ptgc.iiit' ytflotday it still, .Mayor V rigid 1 . " " ' f nu"'"0 "' suflieient to ii Cor any - lui, , funds cumply 'e ever . i S mu, with lenuth of lime, thort) iu a likeli- Mjnio:i. hnn homi tK ii 'vni'i,l )' Wi-e- exhibited in llinvaii. I'olu " ,u traiiHforroil tn ttnim 'id irk. and orlleers of.. lesser tauk I j? re.Uireiii,..tH. . Im.o.I HlaiHdll I 1, la inittees are to be choniiu And the pro .. Mr ".T1" "Krtion that the llotol wUI havo llvades as first oilier unl rrti wl mi ft his kingdoiii th- - m I it ary '"1 . and civil departments. I U" V-.- ty. U i gram tentatively arraiiyed at a meet island is , H" "'J'11,""'"'1 aaonu.l offir.r if tho MaUouia, was ni.i .hi The w. h The 111 1 dry ad' week . 'f"riT K"' ui.ni p,igant was glvi'i' the groena".' nulJ.J1, w,'0' were a e - I ing called next Wednetidny klul half ;vf ),. K,w... business. In n.ak- has become lirst ollicer of Manoa. a, a i i.lo'.u v And for eveninr; was mud is now A. i the who torgSve w:n, maiika of tho ttighway which i of " , " "' "ert "ul" I'10"" '"r ,h'' "rgeinont it Is n, li I.-- , at the Library Hawaii. thi tl... J,i L111.L " in o'it anion t 'ie o i"r thuiigh the park.., The stage i KanieliHjiie V" "'"V'"B '""ni- I'I" I" have one. hundred more onlractors have beguu'work li'ii.l- waa. The ha Day ceremonies are ished will be thrw7. I,l IZ . 1 t. on the Kaili Iiini, h rcdit ry tpieen ihe form of au arena, circular la "7' always conducted on a laviah cn!e nn.l iii i land of lt;,v ii Th" idi ipe, around which rose - n, i oiistnii-tioi- i the tiers of re to " i.iian n 10 ubi ooiwueu (1,000 the to cost ueigh-- , '" " free the public. I luunths in the '"i to.k jilit. e at Kuiliia. m MohIicis. ; I'uget Hound. aad SO.utK). .i borhood of v7 .. i ', II...' "I lahu, while fling l.iui.) ( t Continued ou Tag 0 ) . (



!thif i.orf1n-ms,iB'b- f of thffrlRST lNFANTPVr t Second Infantry, on the best oa t" -- of A BAND GIVES COURT EXPU.kGES TIEADV FOIT FESTIVAL the island. Owing to the pressure of , CONCERT DATE.OFROSARIAN CHILDREN I Car-- lovers-as-- . ME other events and the desire of the ,A large croud 6f music, . V', '"',-j'-'i- 1 to avoid all possible 'semhled In the ( atiitol Vt .V :ri.".'.' :' ". '"?,..'. . mansm,,! last f evening to her the. band eoutert r , children of th and ther ii an equal balsncs or Tiait- - program or the efcoats naei own au- - ranged by leader Feltrinelli of the EXCURSION IS SET UNJUST SEHTEr4CE rr mora.ba,!, th rallw-oii- i : 5 ( hour, ad tb l Kirst infantry Band. This t th popu- I queen. i . '! frost each eetia and iwiiUnW aned hIf aa 'clock, ' in-- , then pi somewhat tlmllar fashion Honolulu bom ia these section, and W' fl"lf past ln o'i instead lar director twenty fifth year, tho if - Army a- - and dre-- a ram tb Princess KaskauA-- th hop j thai" they become ae- of at tea as previously annauaced. lied Htatr aervlc as. bugle fettd in Jon he will h cetl-e.- l. laai t MaiiL.wrta her ton and Mr ,1 '.:,,.,. v - I 'The rally wilt start wit ft th royal insignia, the Kahili and stand t l"'td.There will be brief tpeeehet from rail, nnd much of the work will be H,r" tfce.,farty ;.ComSno;From Portland Conviction of Filipino Man and Came als high chiefs work pf.doue by The march review able leadership!?.u:.h'tf Mr. ,, delights Visitors ard. Loaekea. .h table oa the siitnals. made a line Will Include Persons of Sev Wonvan Was Based Upon with insignia Of will start at nine-thirt- o'clock. ..This record for itvlf as a tn I of IVna, her,oa and the Pan Pacific Club and its beginning aifaj prgaalzatloa, whi)e in Other, toya! iw tft-- oM will be led by Brents' owa ife aad Ih Island, : I rank. oed- advert the whole Peffl the the h'-e- a Mid-Pacifi- Falser parti. - and. ha henrii in c Car eral Northern 'States TestimonV . of - together and ail ,hnd .waislhur.riWbelblgand.rommhndiag- Arum rrp. i After the Joltlng the ' after marrlef nivals sine arrival of 'A - . mrnum.t lk tkw.ni fk Vln 1. Ii U." Ia. A at tha fall fl bv SIX honor AcOUtl. all 0 the BOVS ...j. a.,tli. tha.irst 4iH "..'t.rrv ;'.., v ui ...... t !.. 4 ne program feThmien-lus- : Twill inisoiry. Of Love ijowa, J e'ssma , lis 'flail out aitd go to wor, astjie Legendary Story' Royal tha.o'ther oIlDWiag M Of fomia I fcxjxjsition Where ntng, eommenclng feHy FIVE GOVERNOBS MAY COME PERJURER ENDS HONEYMOON flv.'. s, foil, , , Deals With Days I 1 eioca.WM ai ,.v ikiicii win . a the, eourse of whioa ,oiMtrlps will! display- exhipite,, Boy Alter fsuxe, ia Vii4 Will So i-- ; Quwa. .Uiiuolialaai a singers ftchJoyav Comrnde''. . ramd : most of. tha seats the various vTbr .ts-wil- l begla tht i . . Itlankenberg valry flowered" - - at We . their melody, Kiug LonO ap reeerv- ' .voices ia .uu- table already have been work ofbreskini out the lurarier. th Overture "Waaderer' Ziel", HupK "Acfofflng ' to received lied. He sUo was dressed in the raoific' Club arrange adnCs just ."an.d .'. Wife Released. firosi tlL ih I'an ha. Implement,, the rope, the wild,. stuff, stelectioa RlgoleUo" . ;'t . Verdi Husband kh yeUow and fteloiet of Hug a foe her front JVmJan.l, Oregon,, th dat Knpiolan) Is of Uni-- r tab far a extra, larae table visitors iiolea... cookinor ttots aad pan.' bak ttrQmbonM of Park Seem was many , Vh,ut From Prison On Motion ., tiness aad aeompaaled ly tlH residents who have not. yet made pan-- cocoa tank, rentage and wireless (ract'tta fr tbUii(( roin port of tb qUe Entertainment Fdr Ihmius, , niea .aad , women, wearing reservations, and these tickets may be Out Of, th seetu.ng contusion, win Potpourri "Favorit Polish Pongs",' KpyjU Boshf inn exc. tsion for. Honolulu t District 'Attorneyv'V . ' bright .colored garmsnts . of , taps aad secured thia morning at the. promotion , com . . .' , . ' . .. i'h. Tourists1 come' order. While some of the, ,i .,...,. . Knts hat been, announced definitely. i it..;, "T' Carnival tarrying unique taaigaia and me nyaj rommittee rooms tu A.eianuer mand raise a wireless tower in good Hawaiian Patrol 'Kllanea" Stewart - which, ia. Will beg is Saturday;- April 15, at three o'clock terioua kahilis ,, by their fhs, Young Buililinx,, The luaa workinir order, aad- - capable f sen.ua- -. d Banner, "tTh in afternoon, will see Fill-pin- t, sixa amf .eulor slgaliy the' rsnk of th . over,- y, , the th Hill liner Benign Paearey a' lemnre' Utile t?aoun,,ahajrp,,,..r';:i.:.:Al,.,..1;, ;, suit receiving messages distance 't. ,.',i If , i'i in m i i. from Page 8) chief oe 'uieu)ber i ity; to whom Crent Northern, now in thiVport, leav. y. j, (Tontlaiied ro.vf up to on hundred and fifty mile, ' ! in again a free' womaW. Ph wa C I i tf-e- belohg,,,.,;,;' .. ... constructing a AFTER DANSANf Ing dock Hn With ' (a,tlie Veitterr a ait Ironwood others .will Je sign, QH th Portland 4N jneu convb te.1 lat yeir! laf fh aadt r rXTRECTORS' BALL - lat fderal s Queea o Approachea , twenty-fiv- e high, eatnblish- ' trn a .rimilar. eaaopy greea jnibsi Fun tower, feet O A GREAT SUCCESS and, women, 'of the Northwest under court of the charge of bigamy and sen- '' WILL BE BRILLIANT Hg w.gwsg ion' funcn. After. ,f arte f , the Quera L, rommunieat with frond Interwoven aJfved aa the Moot wait temporary fW Shafter,' U'dne.lay' afternoon, th lendarship of the Bosarinns, aad tenced by Judge lolo ii our yiontha ' - bowl, building .hurdles for a f ruiia. ioao aate- anvanreo.. raer wn the seen of an of th gaysst and the itinerary of the.. voyage will be, atioee'th artors o? the' pogeaat,. waa preeeded. by, Loae s .'is bridge; rooking for Ui legioa tiaking mprisoiunent ia Onlitt prison and to pay the mother of that is tagged td the aceoaats of the most . delightfuU affair , of Carnival j ' bread for . the legion, packing a mule - which, wer eejit fur the baotha ia whirh the ehUdreauand) hf ,aiaay. rhiela. tier. ' ball, wbivh Will be aiven .Jb the di ' Arrive st- It Do Ap.il 21 at nine the sosla of th proeediag , Week, when the Officers and ladies of tKrowlug , the difficult diamond hitch, ?..--' Queen there, were o , ber . to quit heavy, i" aad the eat mother, aecompeeiea. .and watiea rectors of the Mid Pacific Carnival kimnish. a the .gsrrison wer host at. a beautiful a. ra.i leav IIHo Apul SI at eleven h working th , wiadbisa, aad r. a,i rauie ia sight. of. the, throne. officers garrison here, at, the Via-jtln- i: m.; arrive la Jlonuliilw April at : eoveriage for tha spectators, bat aoav the of the of, oven., mora tea, ilanssnt given, in honor of th ii vjadg tlcmont "has .et tsld thia ' scor other things than ' br-- s , (towa; the da s, suffer armory i word aad ea m.i leave Honolulu, six - ' was deairetl. A coul, bra siwp.uf frost; tonikht.. Its oflieer and. their families , from i. after prisoner dis- 'g, for-wor- alt thia,, Later ther ia to throwing judgement aad ordered th canopy,' King' went many of haj-rark- . days' visit. April 2S at p.' in.; Divsr dowa from, the directtou of; JHa, thervai liwo It has spiked the hopes of ha Schofield. Invitation . were ei.ht ' er, the Javelin. , A prine of ten dollar arrive doi k in May. 4 charged frem custody,,. Incidentally, aoa.Valiiy aad aerosa the park, sofwra-in- aneetLsg haiwHV, While kf the piflibiuia, bere, who, had auped to sent to all officers of the navy, marine st th Portlaud been poereij xor neat J a vcpv. .:.-'.- inoiher, w.ailvd'rugubriuuuy his janlcsty jia everything Carnival." the mis at ten a.- m, .; ... Ntmicia Pactro, on th marriage to the ekfert of the sua s br.gm ras '.Hake in the. Other- - 8.outs will show their knoWv rorps,. the coast artillery poata and to knelt at the, yueea's feet, hia-a- her m la an desire oine .i'aeinc port w'-- b flalteii Benigsa ejfll vie ted big- aid htlping ta wake conditions aa It not that: there (xfg of first i,l work,., of pulling a many f th twa. folks, and th guests ,0 whom wa 'of baud, then. aad kms--d her mother , t- social pos except the porta of the Island, the - as the noat lastiiUon roul4vask-Totrrist- a ro? - keep anylxxly who has' a of, the afternoon janmbered nearly three amy a statutory offesse,- was' also drowning .man. ar woman M end-.n- ir and and tha mother o hi rhtldrea: . bo ut im trip originating at Portland and Bring T .after 1 tioa, and ruht ia Present outside 1 hundred. ., Thett KixUki . L. f U 41.' . . I 1 .. I water, ghting a flr with end, without .',; ' e leased from erison, th judgement in '..chef, .complaints here. 'Xifihteen dare will be 'the craw, was slow ia axrivinj and tka .fcatea but la part fire out Th fleeond club room, the ' hi case being aet sslde. , matehe. A cane breaks aad Infantrr in , aa iiutil .An.. I, the throe, Lotto ,taking his place consumed the excursion. it l Llf.i,..t Kii4 have beta wade that ilirec.ors ' 'Ik.i 'the nil tha.,. Scouts are called npoa to a laaai and dining. room, were beautifully One of the six'cial features Is to Nemecio aud Beaigna leifTne fel l the audlaaee was well an il Uesiilha King of Oalmand hia.Queea have 'not, been aa particular as they - ft and tb honey- that settled siat ia.puttiag it out. .Mra. Mcflilll- witn. paima, ,. nagv xerns, have members ot the tiarty take their fre nu and Woman .been weeding nut the -- in- might have, in uil.ly a upset in ner canoe wane bobi. bougalavillec, and aa. array of pepper moon which a miscarriage of juetice , began , evidences great own rutoniobiles ito the islanda with As tha. swarmed, into tha ea Then of sonallgosts. and keeping the sheep ia ing, with' a .acout. Troop goes to th terrupted, unintentionally at it was, hat , ' theni., The regular rate for shipment closure , flowed iup 'Jato-t- he tiers v'lae hula ..ilariceia daar4 vioiatA--, At on of the balls of a, pa been resumed.. v' .aud rescn in on of the prettiest .hit H. Chatfleld is ctc-- way .y '..'.Y d. ,CL aad Mi. Walt r of an automobile :5 from ' of aeata arouod, became arouad, nrouad Mie th roue, the war persona mot moaubers the , the arena it Caraial of team work on fould care .to, watch, k Caase Tronbl , . welcomed .the truest a and were assisted any Pi ,lfi Coast port. , Lttr e , . ciors , and ltlete:' their ., skill to uleDt that tha visitors front... the tnatld. reguiated society ''.Jnanigcd Bound-"ri- p .best ' i , the reoeiyiug , Une byv s'ol. JL F. Bat , The,' Benignn't , troublas v 1. mainland Already a the, eight in tscjeHt games, tne gma aa,ng, tn ...Anill wa OflVc af Big Bally B4ucd v story of. ppttrusted intrude 4hmselye. whut;, ft, i..' - (iuilfoyle Fourth Cavalry . Col. and The Husarmu have .arranged for a read Ilk romanca. , in 4hey were eeenutd bovs frolicked.. ud. 'flew n'tJieir. , oyal, Ql for wha of Honolulu execn- to. thit woirst all.ra.recognlre.l th h ound-tri- HI wtue...lt Mrs, fl. JU . Faison, Twnty-Fift- In rate of twenty five dollars , Beniuna aad Paaqiuil Dagomnn Wcr-- nearly every yOung .woman alinoit Thin cootuiueii, for asJxteryal iwesej; 'p. ,. . tive ,commi:te are: officer of th Ml ni lfcy a .. .., th faatry.i. and Col,, U. L. ,,UowU, Flr.I for enrh machine, and charge will marrbxl. on the other able of the island every alt raat,,maa ..carrieu a ktnlsk. intended to repraaeiit.a iieriod of auauy .,.'Ah plaa thia year therefore is to legion, anil. A. Bath, day, fiuttolpn, th' ' J.. lBfautry,ly;.,; ..,V , ." lie less probably than many of the n October. J014, after they had live I And' aa the earlier Arrivals awaited i 4V 'ir-- V' th", only )lV Bice. . ,. . ,. f, f ?Jf n n,. &.-- '"i h'h:,' make of .the directors ball and Arthur u members of th party would spend together, ' for . some .it'mo, shor.l settling of the' erowils ao4,, Ui' 1 . Of Ofllccra of court of honor: fieout YeUow waa chosen for the color ftui aVoyU Bpotta Aoaortlng purtd aooiety event the Camiva. the for automobile hir in,th six afterwards a baby, eawe, td 1h.. coup n. ' at art of prtormaca waa ' A. Wlliler, chern. th diainf J'ooin, wher de the .herag and th eommitteo has felt that Comwissioaer, ,J. chairssan.. is. aug- - I 4 ib twwMioat btwivi wek. Iii0fu.j-efreahjiinl4kr- day at Honolulu. It ha been Everything stitwutui - lUi.niug u na mui-- clicking eameraa, Pttf 'f ,Jt. served dur of ...friends v w.rovth-peeull- ar , aad,, expeHet.Wiiliaai held. tk.. erowd ..ioUrast tha. ly way to acoosnpliah. th.a is. to .,eeor of' tfehtcd noma who da, plan, rat4-bin- the) not, to nicely hor each - A. ing bag k'rench ba .tlia. until ,siua,.iu)nl othar wrestling- and tcj.'lt that only those entit'wl U itryan, birdt; Inst.v.W. Oilhert, aftrnoov.A can- - o.li a..bjtt.--hp- . - bout th sjesr ee. ket tied with tulle aad nlled with maid lake machine arrange with thoae .iiiaband. reading, J.a.l ro- nie ami tae taking... o Jlamty. aad throwing juicinsiiJ lhe r to- - be allowed part the acre'i bees; inst,F, u. Rbaaer, antomobiitng; ' Vi", latter ei4er , who are taking theirs to par a portion eolved from. Ike Pliiliijiiiu , -- tP, en hair aad yellow coreopsis, ...iilan .. friendly groups, , There : some - mora who come InsL, Lieut. Kimball,, ,y. H, A Jegio youths dlsJOol'a.d.i imiiiht dexjori'ty la, pertaia, i;'urther all fr. - of th expense of the shipment and The Writer ,, as lul scrambling for. soigne of. vantage. Is err. drill: J. A. Wilder, mark; formed th center ,pi. . while enndel- .lUrised i'stanisl i.atf'biag pear,aime4. at tbem. Thia is murt , wear thf , naiform of respxta Int. to have the privilege of occupying the ou,ln-la- and intorwed hu that Pus- - the .bleachers where, with the sua to droaa, jiwrkeU luaoship; CouncAmsn C!en, floper, arch atra with, yellow "hades and. candles aaut to ,beea. paiHa, for vhU'h bility evening, pinner machine with the owner party. . , qual'A getting: UOrtg Wei', haso radio-tel- e en.ls Aof ...... , wife. ;wat i cue's back,, one might, an .. I , Carlisle,, marked the th tabic; i ,: gt e'! Kamehsmsba the. I'irt;,waa ,kaewa will, be tolerated for, the tmen,. but full eryj IbbU., The automobiles do not Lav to be but mimed hiih! She asked Pasquul if tional picture of the actum In .the. graphy; (Jounrilmaa O- - H. Buttolph. Mrs, B. Walker Atkinson poured tea, throughout.. inlands,. hieSsVill; being drea clothe, are to.be .preferred. JT. crated, aa the .Northern . h would, not her toijie.' uoney jfor the scolu-tur- e; Mrs,. M. and Orcat tend ..Clicking of .cameras continued - carpentryj Hon. Lionel Wal.len, Leoihaa served the so., great , thev poop e, . be- Uuy .ButtqfpH balrmau of the equip)Md with a garage which can .' , i ,' steaLfli,ly , that 0auie to H. Mra. William Jt. Daihiaili presided over lothe aad shoes. throughout tha. performance a wbU h 'isil charge of Ambrof Pattisoa, drawing, art; forty machines.' Prime lieve he led charmed Ufa and could committee has ' 1 Benlgna asked Paannabif.it were not '.! atterwarda, i,aa the perfaraiers B public beajthj w the Jiunch .bowl, vya n.'be.kUlaJ., .... .:jV.A.; the preliminary ."oh,- - ym-'y- . Dr. J. Pratt, .l'r. Minister Dean Vinceut bat announee-- l true h hud 'real liver wife filed slowly out and back U tbejr dress- C. personal, that inth . Jnter'a)s ' throughout the cere-mo- a , uta arrangemeui. nay Hotxly, .health, .and other. A prrram of excellent music was that he expects reservations for. toon, Philippines, ' ltnquali this "off ing i quarters at 'at. btUung At ouoced that, passed .hepark an orchestra froiath Hawaiian tieea eom4ted, and that he ha, form rendered by, ,th, Second, Isifautry band In the garage to b .fully taken by 'iy answering that before be had roine iiarterB,.,r: : v - , ... u-, t. . oix-thirt- A cvTiviB rerejviit( line! At the head J from four ,t Among-thos- those planning to take their cars. o a. 'Hill 1 agoaat la On Act baAa accompanied Mmlaiie lai, th BALLET Hawaii he bad " iraya,"-- --voicibd,, Ha songbird, th receiving lino will b Mr, and Mr. dancin wer. Oovernor Pink ham. Col. The far or the round trip lor. eacn nist'ass in their homeland, but thYit , The,. (tageant,. consisted of just one awecf waii,, ja aif. PEACOCK ttagena, Uovernor l'ia,kham, APPRECIATED . John.McMrSoa, Maj, W. D.' Nawlili, person m ft 30, exclusive of hotel ex hev hn I not been lawfully married by e.iat,analo4if. .(-- i' J .. J, i'.C.. ' ,1'iie ' the Admiral and. BoHh and Br v iene In Honolulu, but inclusive on h';ehorch... v - where Kog Kakubihtwa . eatertaiaed pageant, wal gives under Mr. aceagata the ' eira- ilaas isn W : Olassford, '.Misses .Raymond, Mr.. ship at charge ia the, course of the, nussdees of the Bona kl)4 Pkughters of .1, V. Wlseer and" Mr. VViaser.. It i Mrs... th ililo. This about Found Another Haabaad S King Iam. la receiving par. rowuled- for the performance) of th Parser,; Lieu teaaat and Mr,, liveritt, 1Q0 less than th root of the trip over th.(Warriors-o- f ,Hnwnii,. with tha planned now to have the The . .died and Kaikjani, who ha sailed Pencotk ballet,' at the second produc of Fran- iittU wonw mcj.jt in htir of the ty stand under the canopy,- of th pa Lieut, and Mis. .C. H. Bice. Lieutenant any steamship line out Saa round for ft h'ie. The alio .frail canona, with her .retiaus, sf tion of this charming little fancy, by .Beardosij on rail little to Hi hools, the committee vilion in the center of the floor, ''igbt anil , Mrs. Coptaia and ..Mr. cisco, when .considers tb tried her eye. A weak Inter Pasqual from Hawaii laul and rom ,there as4 ( L. Young last, night.,, .Tho ,. line Correther. uaasc, ijiauieaaaF liieuteaani way fare, to' San Francisco. .'ot Benign ., to Molokai, aad' thence, to . wind brought, . U to such a. sur.eessful ly above "the crwd, .o that, th ( wnrafl .d and their. littl bahv the that ballet, written xprely by th author ., . The ship aeDommodate 800 ot-.ke- ascend Kuya'jt, Captain McNah, Lieotenant ran af Qahu, in , , t'onclualoa, oasia'taf of ifra, Fred.., w. can pass ii'fuM viwsof,dl, missing from their bumble horn. He ward mde aeanrh for the benefit1 of th )ree Kindergar, MclCenxie, but the Roaarians, in order t seeking' lug one ste tin .deseead; MilUgan, Mr. Smith, Mr? traced her to another .country ; yillng royal huibandvarrivea still tht Macfarlane' (chairman), ha princess fo .the and -- ani Children's Aid Association. . Miss insur every mcm.br of the. porty. ot : man. she teU ..! atep. aying.. .thalr,, re tn Mr, Baird, Mr. and ..Kendall, n th Inland 'and found her living with loves, to hln of, bet V Kanigaaotn, ; ayoijoh ing oao aftaf A Brt-xl- ..t. - f road as big Bit, a it dtdyW,elae Mr, .Wall, Captain Knight, Captain ami service, ami 'awmmodatioas New . W hiUti" otion aad ,beg him ,to ,". pTtV .,.r (.''-- . -( irlo Paea to. it h t 'ws t be ' . ' ' . ' lay nftemooa, when arst, preeatea. hav limited the number ox the praoat -- im. being made to have Mrs, pro a, Mr. Tapper, Mrs. , witsell, Danomaa baby. Beniant 'uHher fliuht i. M.?, --' V ;.v: ..A, .effort i nouiu..r ;cy (.crowd wA th party , to 400. No "other - tfca apfHroarh King ' seated In the An even Captain and Mr. Hhort, Captaia .and ia t. Sad also taken along $ IQOvtwh-- rep- of Kauihawa and ,. Queen Uliuk1aui lrer h iim .will be revolved that 1 iin" anae-r- . when rose. Outside,. Kinti Cbltty, Morns, after lug ptaBta-io- is jet.uoe . of , retainer,, tu. tais. W .if lino, .but as yet no to thesHrtkin. .Mr.. Mrt. and. miss esentel. Fasqiial sat at " , - , 'it'-1- W1-b(xl- eapi,ta). CHOOL CHILDREN commit street was lined with automob.le. on PayjJisaier and Cray, Mis Uerald- number baa been saenred.. labor!.; ' ' in o'a rrereiu! th iaviUt'on extended by th Mis To Coin ,... . botk o the ..roadway ..yT.,JHor, Mrs, John, L. Outside. Ptraont Beat Paaqual. WhtM . hint eaaa a band of . feudal chu'UiA WGlVlTPESTIVAL tee has been received from, her, Jiajeaty side. ln,.Jioub, ,CpV.ad it, tb: beat a block, ear wer parked 1 Major ttorley, ,Lieo- - ,.,Th.. excursion, while, under the aus ng' is good;-1- . any r v . tad, rhirfesiea, acrouipaaiol by.'P thf hoW:- - and wit not : known certainly last than and, Jords, and lr. don't love'you i J.iWrsa Vrom h'X score or it ' pice .of. it g gore twa neap. . ., , ,. u the. Bosarjans and .while , Benign or aome-hin- iiobii'ty aal gentry p,f Oahu, briaglug mne iiigbt whether she would be preheat to Jie tenaat ttuew, juieuteuant uxer, nor, told PaaMl, ,racs, lmndre.lo.ttf then), of ali liersonuei is subject to the committee .; the (lionkupu tox to the high . ebW Mo. ebajtge wr mad in the pro-- tenant' Dor wan, tapUin Thomas, Cap- to thi effect. :f ; . wili nigh.'",, C'ru-san- , .Royal is not 1n nny aijtes, take part in the jhildrea'a a. oi ih Koaariaua, Benigna1 teto.rd .of .the realm. Ja fbia band ;-- aava that aoma of th brforw tain and M Jc)i Haye, Captain Pasqual wanted to' return iWiva),. ou yf the major Carnival - sense a strtvtiy. Cortland, nor even t lenve) vera mam of all agea, wuoien,- children r wer more at horn with their parts. Cojit. and Mr. Kump, Miw Doro- with hint and Nemieia. - event . of . the .week at ,.. aa thirty AH AN NIGHTS strictly Oregon crowd.',,. ' and even several bahies in arira. They AW aad threw 4"or vim and oititiv jaw fajmer,,, Mr. tfanfloipn,. aire. "Nothing, doing, returned Benignn, v.'cduvk thia afternoon.. The plana, for , It will hav in its number the rep srith were roljed ia gsrmeuts oi .splead,'! JtUfj ENTERTAINMENT their work than at th firat r roluctio lowell Clinton, XJeateaanV ami Mrs firmness, ns she showed him the tb festival, which - womoil the ,'averbenu.,,",r 'rldgeo,' Mrs. Chll- rrnentative nn ind of marriage certificate which .made a tolors; rapee of vnid greea and yel- 'wajf several weeka, '.been, IWlth th. The orchestra alo d.4 soiootber ..work, .LieutenaatlPitta, ' for. hava ,now UawAiia taooa, of Washington, Idaho, Montana, low anil loin eloths of yellow. ..t'ador llngworth, IJayard , Kandolph, Mrs. state and Nemicio wife and husband. Save competed and the preliminary arrange hid aad oek in and the whole perforuiaar ..ov4 and Oregon. mes were oft breexes playiug Mias Mary Mjrwin, piemen- - I'tah 'I'm Nemicio 's wife and your' not for these the bare of ler menta received the finlahiog touches bend. tteadiiy snd perfectly, ,.. profession, rorkway, Prime Minister Vincent has sent let- and btxly. the dark xkin glistening in the leave of th trees that aai . sut and Mr, wyaua, Lieutenant nd n v husbniid," she told Pasqual.. at a rehearsal held yesterday morning. OA'er atage, f A H on. ., .iw.:-- ., ters to the commercial organizations the sunshine. One patriarch, nod th improvised M a. F. Av Barker. Lieutenant and. Airs I'asqtial gathered their baby' to his bo. The committee in charge of the ac- Night 'a fiutcrtaiiuieut " will Ih :'n all of these state, asking the in to .1. ly the weight of liix vesrs, moved ns wsiiaa X B. Bennett, Lieut coaut,nd Mrs. F. 'rms and sought McCarn, who wai tual preration for the . event, i given., evvaing in ..the Capita NAVY arrange to aoud at oue represea hen jauutily an lii creak lug would this, AND -- district' attorney. McCarn had joints atail up of Miss Nina Adams, Mis ia r. Black, Mis Kllsabeth jtpseabaum of bo. y to i:i permit, and be in high glee ground. The iierformaiiire. to start ARMY Chase. Mrs. tative their purtiiipute 'ienignn and Nemicio indicted, am) it BIG fOCCESS Muw.iuth Lieutenant and -- Margaret Cooke, Harlan htoberta, W. at eight e 'slock, iuatead of, at. half, the excursion. ertaiuly looked like a strong case with the Tfctciiicnt of the ourasion. pa, , T. J. Csjud. Mr. and Mr. Uore Mat i for , Meuecke aiul J. ('. vis. The mem The suggestion has been miulc These luarchi-d- to of past seven, o'clock, as previously ni A crowd that fllflMh,roory ttUnd W. he government. the rattle deserve man-aa- r tin, Mm.'iatiia, Captain anj Mrs. to bers grest credit for' the uounced...... - navy bal that commeri ial . orgHiiixations of in ed the army and Caruivsl , Convicted gourd ham's of four hula dancers ti If. , Coxhra C,., fJ, Cocbraa, M rs. i of Bigamy in whuh thev have drilled the AM. almoat all of the old favo Jin. Washington, Idaho, I tali and Moutiin.-- who broiiKht up "' ,ear, around the or last night. Ter war soldier aad Piersou,, LiciU. Carl Cohen, Capt. Jphn When ease waa Benigna, youngster who are take nart in uiusie-lovlii- g the',,1 governors to cipate. the tried royal alic le then paasiug to rite Of the island pooplf sailor from all, .the units stationed am Hauilalith. l.iiiu (tvall. invite par' twice, tha affair, and in the exHfutiv ability W. Cant and is made tearfuH but firmly insisted that Pas- thiongh a Bide entrance are to be given with aw ideal aettiotf, Oahu, men run the Ueruian gunboat If this nrrangeiueiit there snd aligning shown i vk Mra,.pnl B. Vhto, LUt.ad, Mrs. qual Dagoinaa had a living wife ia his they have gettiag'paat the Ou voices, scores .ukuleler d will be five gove:nOr in the crowd, tnemsniveti along one mile. hundred Ueutr aud nuiay, c,illuu. ru,,JWtn T,- L. Mf-,,n- M.'ts. country. Dagoman . many' difticiiltieB thut beaet aueh an Crystal, ..r.mtier, for Governor Withyi-omli- to come presented wit T and, many Other instruuieuts are. U thick timea is A roach of King Heralded ' ' a, with, dancer t all H, Jrf. Mrs nesses who swore entertainment. - Ueut. Ietr,.Heul and Or'-o- psitv as the guest of that they bad either f miiiifle in .the minor of the as- - with the came hersld grand strains . Next and the 4The Had more atteaiied it would have D. T. Offeen, UvU and,. Mr.. ). M. of Kosariaus. His family known or heard of the woman but onlv yoongxtcrn will come from eight Tne chorus, Har-'igg- honor the mars) al, aiiaoiinciug the approach of tiv tuelodie. opening, dihicult rare them, Lieut, .C,. . as Pusqual's or dirterent. schools Ksiri.waena, KaP male female beeu to taka of. Halloran, and Mr, A will acocinpany him. "babaya," mistress. his. .Majesty, King Kukuhihewa. These with one hundred and Many American .flags,, hanging. from Mrs MaCan.lleis., Cpt and Mrs, The case whs then an easy ono for the were three boys, with dark hued cloths Kauiuwela, Kaiulani., Normal. voiues of boy aud K'rl from th Ka1 Deluge gf Inquiries - armory, vfv.d , E. Hart government, nnd fohukama. Kuahvinanu- ana Laltuoka- - Vo,ung..Pec, the roof, mad th witu Ilarker, Capt, aad ., Mr. 8. While the date of the sailing and tin District Attorney loins cape red mekonieli tVhool and 4b Me-'.'ar- around their and of add ulona th side an I deeorat "horn, Lieut., ami Mra. W.. u. lam plans excursion had not Vaughan, who was at the time las 'The girl are to b dressed n i ' League, has beeu cior. xact for the and purple over their xbmililnrs, one rharsl,.umler ti'B. boxes, colors u.,,1 ...i rr viniiatav innt nasistant, secured a conviction ' white, with hibiscus bloKsoma, and th .singers ing w,,,tb liruival r. been auonuncrd certainly before noout Ind blowing a coui-- At the signal ,.arvfui .Uractiou, uutil th an w papt. igalnst Benigna. ease, Ne- rvu - and lanle-n-. Th hall and,. Mr. 0. JL Jamerson, aud ten. da at-'- the interest of the com The against those around the house sank down l"",,rai wim perfect in thoif part. C, O. Wg Jl Jupt Mrs micio was a plain ono, in the light mo vi anil , nr in charge dwoiatvd of both ih army anil, navy Mrs. Bi f. Howell, Jr., Capt and iug trip has beeu enormous and Prime of in obeisance to the kopu stick of royal- wiirr,, unnf vh(b, huirmuu of the con .uittet Len-ihan- , follows.'" ,vl aud the ball, and they Vbles C. JCuowb,. Miss Cuther o Vincent has received hiinu Heiilgna' conviction, snd Nmitio was (irograiii dnetors' Minister ty the block wand which preceded The, Waikiki aerenadera , an'l. the Lir-u-t ilso convicted. wiil for,.-.thut,- ovoft and, MtfcJ1- - B.'Manches lette-- s of inuuiry aud letters Both were sentenced to the king. Die Amerii'sn Hymn (Keller). Moseiunn's club, abo will help tb remain M.ylaisf, reds of terms - Lieut,: and,' Mr. T. W. ilnrtin skin : vstjous the trii of imprisonment. prim-e- s high Folk dance Kirst gradi. that for Then came roval iiroKiam. which fu'lows: George 1 is s wo Lieut. A. Mc,.mlrew: Cpt.,'nl M made. They came from all parts Attorney K. French, who lis - bearing the ssrred lupes, or "thiiiu-- of Dinikwk." dame, Overture Orchestra aantu In Anaosnc lie I, fit priets Artillery MeKfllnr. Lieut, A, K.J'olhewa, of fended both . ItenlgnA tud Nemicio, "Cneket at Water." ileajmet Llft the Northwest. - M. kites,, little white contrivance much Kuslitimuiiu. Helen I)., Twobds tMilhrM" was 1 ' Hat i I On, ( Ship fckuoud sni Lrs John B. B'chardsou. Mrs. ind ention is that within the certain that the little- 'woman ha II '. of the white boy. They of Stat." Kamehameha Chorus suit ike Isfauiry, aUratad,,iu The like the kite I -- 1 Will m K told him the In VegarM 'to Pas- ; , ChbU n a aa :Mr ia aix weeks will be a rush truth Kit at the eud of string several feet Mountain Marc- h- rirst aad eond KavoriUl(( of . . , . '.King Piayiwjt tot. th dwacer.. next there ',few grades. 0M, iuy,. gran rwott, LieuL and Mra. A. for reservations will fill up the qual having a living and lawful wife In the hesilx of the bearers. Fol-- ' Waikiki ttereuaders Atmgbt thirty , clock th that be ''aliow I niilm of I'caee (Oreig). lcj by Sgk, nVMr. Van Pool,ldut. K. available nccommo.lutioiia nud that Philippines, v Front those islands he ; opined, Color hom lowed the graint counsellor, the royal Overture . . , Orchestra inarch f secured remntly' - - kVott, and may probably closed seve certain ..doeiimentarr kn-'li- a beetle, Uauce The Children Players. " ( Infantry,- and- Mr VWUsi lileuV the list be , l.ahili anu finally the King. The lmi Au Ia Oe (I Am Heart-hint- for aa Urkson. ttoeond Mia , roof A' Patriotic Koug Word ,by .Phyip Mr. K, WhwUe,.(hL,aA Mr."Htur-fis- weeks before the date of sailing. of Pasqual 's marriage to the first were of feather of many, brib . tDasneia,' nnd from that hour until af Theel ....,....;;...... V.KIng .l . . m woman. He moved for the set Dolge Duiaif by .K. A., P.. Newcomb. - Mr. nnd Mrn. Burr Freer, Vis f tint lis ut hues, at the end of long es. People' League ter midnight the dancing continued i ,. lo Kmkoviaky-I'ourt- louug Mary Freer and other; " laid of tho judgements In the cases o The King wss bedecked in a jrrcat and. fifth grades, Hong, sci'OnimiiiiHU.Bt VrranBeiiitnts had been made to have his - Two eong Normal ' with. ImUm ... clients and Jiiilgn,JJlemafls yester- robe-o- yellow that hung in heavy ecbool. MoHsmau'a Club treet cars rnn. on the east and we , r Hungarlao Dance Normal ' school. i' TVIM VESSELS TO TAKE day granted the motiutov freeing the hi up to o clock so . men fd.lt shoulder to feet. On Waimea Cowbovs' Hong...... '. .Kauwe l.ne in th IAPANESE' INSYiTUTE - two apparently Innocent persona. head was a large helmet of Hawaiian Yonng Peoiile's League eo ild return to their posts, and a spe Vaughan Make Statement "' '" ' hoad--- - Hawaii .Ponoi. (a'g; it a lo wan The l Overture Orehestrr iaf train left the station about one AWARDED FIFTH PRIZE . la - a short statement mf.1 to the ' Banner.' gaar anit. robe were made from the 'clock for those-wh- to For ; .': "Vaughn Tlie, rruislc will n the Woods of Hawaii... .King returned ' j -4- -' nourt. District Attorney yes. pUtmaae of a rare bird, now aid to be for the performaaca and- - furnished by .band, Chorua "ii HemshA'uelia Pearl Jiurbor naval One of th Jiidg-"- of th grent Car- erilay assured liKlgeJtcmpiis that th v. eitiaM-- t Hawaii, one be the Hawaiian i ia l of tha itMion. c - nrosecution woman I and' on of the features of th effs.f nival Japanese parade on Tuesday th hnJV hn ,' ej'eciea bore a few feather of that M4t of them vwere la uniform or ' en regular nnd that in the liuht of will be the singing of ' ' 'patriotic OY SCOUTS READY was F. of Wall k ( rartieular color, ao eagerly aonght aad , clothing. rbirhcvrr they lht Arthur. Wall h e i,bee hp' had then' he believed, ' soug," roihHjHeil by Rdward A. P. bighlr riraised In the old days. FOR BIG RALLY f.aii'soldier or civilian, lut ther were Dougherty, Instead of Thorns WnU, A total of aliont i.'.)00 tons of cargo hut both wert ipiiltjr. 'ifi of Imdgula Newcomb ,aud the words by.Phll'p H. B re'f, .w the .,. Vith th King came weird tunny coaimnes svoru especially by at hat been aunonnced. Fifth prire waa will he sent to the mainland in the lorumentnry evidence 'now1" ,! jia0l ' Dodge. The Boy 8eowts, whe nil week lone borae aloft on Kle. One bad the de roving an evltbut,; though uuiuten-'iona- l e wi iiien, whose dom aoca gave bri'lianoi awarded tb Japan ao Insti- t win ships Dt a greats dark green tortoise hat e been .loinif splendid servji' t Central Oreat Northern and North miscarrisge :aign, There were many spvetatura in tht tute and aot to the Young Pacific,' sailing tomorrow of ''justice. Mr. C Mid Pac'ic Carnival, handling the '" Jatuiuesa ern evening VniiKluin Hud two other repiesented enormous LUAU leri.'K, f said that hn woul.f offer no PAN-PACIFI- crowds like iff jfu Men's Christian Association. How much 'euch will have ia not set They were flimsv ' veteran, giving aid thi " objertioji .yellow fish. of . 150(1 to the sntting aside of tho NOON oldt.-i- er tmnltt In tied, Passimgers will be for ' material, that enu;'st the wind a the AT stranger and the alike; glert. Chr ,""S about verdicts. ' iu.-ver- v , the Great Northern, all classes, un.i Ienrlir' four hundred' 'seal already obeying; sliowinif net. the , The lomiiiittce ia charge wn com Benigna 'id lxnrera marched toward the throne a1 Newcomer Buys Land 3.111 Nemicio, freed frcm have beea fot th first pf the ' training tliuv. have received from' their posed of Hgt. First Class Lewis D, for the Northern1 Pacific. orison, filled oat, .lopping clumsily like uu J are now satisfied that their own PuD-Paejn- ' : Doctor pat a arrival will from boak, rerilunu iu Hishoo suuare to out master, aru uoinu to iriv fiaai Ha p, Kegimantal C maiieiarr HgtL Ed terte. rectst The Great Norther depart marriace ws n caaey creatures caught on a from the bat bouvht.a con- Plcr fl at eleven o'clock Han Fran valid One. At least, day. Cvery Htate in th Upiv "'U ah bifior of their nbilitr t car for wacl V . Ht uktff.'Fiist FieUl Artillery, ttst lot for th 'v left the courtroom Queen Hakes Impoalng Entry taining third of an aero, in cis, o direct. The Northern Pncifi. yesterday and lie rcjirewuteil bv its sens and dsogli thei'.mdve un.l lidp , the re in the attnlii'B Ngt.rMaj. B.. K, Whuckleford situate went home Pns'qnal ib'p-ar- toii.ther. miiv aen.l ii (ewer road,. Waikiki, from will from Pier 7 ut midnight .' Then followed th Qutea of North- ter. There will tie a tab! tot New t'sjiitol g, jun.ls touiorrow isornlng, lofautryi a)v..Mj. John K. tb Water o tlie Philippine for the other wife. - houa .Trust Coanpan.v. lor lltlo. Hun Pedro and Han Francisco west Oahu, Kaea-- kalana, whose habil- Euglanders, one for those from' New lit hatt'pusl uin Vlork.n, '. rl V. A. (.'.; Sgt. Thomna "miii while he hum Benigna Imby with . TUo same Passengers are to remember that amenta and staff of attendant we e a York and the Middle State: a larae The special prii'iium which James A. Claikoii. Hacond Infantry; Sgt. Phil firm this week mnde two meed him. th-- e s are two vessel, imposing as her name, women ; an am! or of lots in the Koyal there exactly alike, Iter table for the Houtheruers, Ubo Wilder held for the Viinniston, Fourth Cavalry, Troop Mi whose names resemble each othe carried quaint symbolic things; one aa table, aa as. ft Hosier Hcouja ' 1, and Beacbwalk tracts. Illinois well uf Jluwuii ha iasued, reads mor fid, Frank William, Company greatly, departing from adjacent pieis bad aa owl, a not par a peculiarly carv table and tables for Son of the like snMiiiin, -- a ' ' DON'T BISK PNEUMONIA. the the nii'iit oi regimental TMrd Bjittalion of Engineers; Cpl, o that they should use enre to see wooden upper gar Oolden West, Iowa, and II In so pj Get rid ed their the Interniouu dr school thoroughly modern teller i. Forney, Signal. Corps; Cpl. thpt thev eo right steamer. of every raid n qubkly - Mani Mi" COLDS CAUSE HEADACHES aboard the meat were of tapa cloth, the Hawai- tain Stntes. Each of the islnnda, armv, than work that is to be dona' A 'Ian G. Oordon, (jiiartermastar Corjis; crlHiiiig at possilO. It is the forerunner of nil i - Mail for Sau Kraiicisco, tan band woven fabric, and their Kauai and Hawaii has reserved table'- by a band u! Wivh, the olilest of whom ( Lief Klectriciun C, D. Could, V, 8. niilinonnry trouble, and ' LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE nine o'clock, will go in the Great rneiuM'iiU akirte were of graa or green palm for it folk who are in town, for the is liunllv .i"-- , jii l most of whom, H. K,.g; Sgt. Jamurou, V.H.Nf.l mav deveb-- ia q few konre. . Kobert tb Used Northern. TMs will be the first oppor- Tttki blue-blue- , n., l-- r i, M can. tbrWorld over ( ' fronds,', while their shining Carnival. ', 'reen.ynr mark. . fuun.il eu- - n Cungh A diumtiiiil pin was at th" is) tunity to send matter to the Htate iiaml;iui Remedy. It .U r-- Nln-tHr- . to ear a cold on day. signa- Hiin-'l-- . lei f , sUlry The hsir was adorned bv wreath of jTlie diroctors of the Pan Pgclfle Out et.in tfahce, dropped by some guesl. It was descriptive of the t'uriiivnl. The No"th-e- a thii i' do ib, I'll'. tW? ef rl i sit ture oi B. W. on .b-n- ferns. Pome wore intricately hone. lrtuHi" thsf esch one spesk to the one Thanks to Pri ' (led. John P.' Wisser,' tin ue, over to Sernnt Hsrp, Fori GROVE is each boa. Pne 'fie will talle mail for Ililo For sile tv all -ci oral or shell ncklar. Most hid next him at table, a he will find that i ommmidi'i o'' U Hawaiian Depart- - Bhafter hopitoj. Tb plu may bi-- se Manufactured by the PARIS MEDI- ! and Han I'e.liii, w hich will close at Smith A Co., l.tJ., ugeuu , ft nothing p their feet. In this group his neighbor is from his home state, iiil-ut- the Hiuiiu mil 1, played through cured by. proving ownership. CINE CO., st Loul, U. S. A. HI lie u ilock. Hawaii.


'i :if ' HAWAIIAN ' Q AZr.TTE.' FRIDA Y.lTtBRUAR W 25. ? i916.MIAVRKKtT V K f ' " t f 4 -

SLAV (MSI ICl B IS ; MX? HI SYRIA STRONG V 10 BE EXCLUDED UGAR INDUSTRY : lL i IS i Fearing Russians May Cut Off 1 , This Is Purrxose. of Emigration Island of St. Croix Tin Danish ffctizonTMrj: i Begin To Bill Amendment Aimed At West Indies Scene of Serious : ; -- - ISsal l Evacuatt City- Japanest Trouble

i r Army Now Is HONOLULU IRON WORKS (iMMtaUt fnm rsoatal Wlrstoes.) (Assodttsd Fraas kv rsasrst Wlrslsss.t AdVanct ! Ciar's COST OF PAJM ' w GETS BIG CUBAN CONTRACT WASHINGTON. February 23. f?,r V r,V.Assumlno VasVFanshape', j iriui uiiih I um liter"r"'l'lllirn v rat J tit If - v Japanese picture bri.le. are to be bt ,,,, of H, (roit t0 y ' Aetlng-Manage- 7' r K. Kbpke of the Flo eluded from the . .. ' fn.ted States if the.in the throes of serious lalwr troubles, rrora trzerun? ( Works 1 fcoltilu Iron ompauy received a BY Burnett Iinmigratioai Bill becomes a with the sugar ladustry paralyzed and . cable niensngfj from New York Monday beeommg a total tenibiEb Stating the company ha boen law, according to a atatement made "P ?r 7 that: - Both the native and white lab-- ; ' CahlMTsaV I taawall ahmpef yeaterday by the author of measure. I ' ...... (UI awardedUlto coetmrt to build a .ig the fc , February rearing In Cnba. The m Mr. ; I Inck-nn- 14)"1XX.V' gat mill mill for Representative Burnett aaya that u.te,! in a t. Tha nlantatinn f th work ffoes as planned, FHortrrcal World give detailed Oet - thai Ike, eavaloplng Bulan' may- - cut thore lieola.' It ia to have the capacity to pictare brides, at tha rate tbey are b- uborers are growing ugly and there Ta Grind Cane; tn Season will be a demonstration of the aew! grind fOOO toos of csne per day which of pumping water by electrical power, allowed to enter eountry, form I ' oft the ' garriso ! TrtbinpuJ, again1 Shorter lag the grave danger or violence.' X lUud Vk dtjr luroe at on, of the near- would make H a SmKHi to 4(,MH toil obtained In aix year on aouih aa increasing evil, the bride seldom Hy-fl- the afarine from IHnish warships whir 81V voffenalV' in : ;Whcn, by plantations or eight weeka The work will b by hv theaifc t:ts' ail flnntation. donl side unit of the Minbloka pviect r ef marrying after they arrive, while lieaa landed and all the approaches t 'la' noW b'Dei 'directed,' th Turk hence. John Ulnd bf Kohala la U Ho- brum h of the Uunotulu what few do marry are seldom happy tha government baildinga are" guarded nolulu finishing n none, the United States reclamatioar err vice. I ft Kniiw V ft .1. hvk bgu to veeuat that city, putting the touches Iron Works, and of the maehiery iUm ...II a tk. .MiiU. eaanaa. l ! -- wira r his , rained largd ta-- ttif r&oUnda of wounded behfo l invention and attending ta tips will go from hre. Vafor i by pumping lMt fly, oBt together. Th lalMirera, numbering aorwe ten - details wOrk. . : ; Beola will will have five ,f ,.,rr them, and the Russians are expeetnd of tha The m.rij iuvi nwpa. At I . year, he aaid. two thousand pict tbmieaad trnek for. an. lucres'1 ' ' i lat ia all, aelxa Occupy moat hn hava Ad- - The UonoUlu Iroa Work Company sets aad a crusher, hII 30x84 inchs. A each lovel some water takeq out bm to and that iimy rrltlntzad wh Tiro (a fortt,e bride entrrel the failed Btatea w m iti iiiii 1 n I"1.) ' manufacturing ,. 4wenty "loader- - Searby shredder may also be iiistnttod the lhnds that ean be rovers,! k nwri,'vi ktae.l'of'the Turkish Btae. Seer port? vertlaex and throuuh the oert of Honolulu, whlb the owvers drev the men oft th plnn-tatio- ' I hat aaid aWugotttng asjbey are called. Each unit in addition td the crusher but this has Tha power required Is the aame as ' without opposition. :' faborari unit", eighteen hundred' were permitted tt The laborer flocked int i 'Bosnian along "Ore a at to Saiah tha grind- ta twenty feet Ung. It Is made of I -eot been decided yet. thou git an the wafer were ufted tor-a- ' Too advance wst the laad.oa.the mglataad, . ... Frederikstad aad Chrint sneanc ' ing aeaaoa in three month tnnteed of spravo ao aa to bo aa luiht aa posaibli average of from aixty-si- to sixty-nin- ..v th.. Blssk Sea oaat bu low reaehad B.i t two main towns ef St. Croix.' where ' and easily handled. A one-hal- f horan feet Elcetrieity supplied a . thirty-fl- v , iM ' Manager L,. Weiuibeaww .of Pi from 00-MAR- ehj mim mils t power . Interest In Shredder Grows power PICTURE BRIDES they are destitute. They are belnrr s alternating current motor ia at plant ntllir.ing a 46 foot fall in l"ron .','he' Jtas-laa- eaoor tnaet- - TtWoimL. the' touth remaikod taf aaauat ' g af tha tarHeil ta Hpk unit in Ihih mnA Every mail brings inqutrdra concern-lu- th Snake River at Minidoka Dam. Buraett either forward . vie Vleeentativ. i. arMtMhin tlelr Wg of hto eompaiif lart Tbnmday. I , al ar onnoeted 3 Kilo K. Energy is - "tX"!?' to a Watt the Searby chreddcr, (KopiM' transmitted about eleven o is grievously iu erre atat -- , terloua regiment from Erserun; with '' ' atthtae la Th fa m. .,,, .nd fo, am eoavtnced! that "f ulty one-aUt- generator aer driven' by a gasoline en Said yesterday, Cane plsnters all over miles from the powerhouse to the pomp-le- g :! ,y. view of cutting lar tha Tr i? .i.1 I and Is tehlnf - a 1 IL awl tJLT eutting it feared thnt uV mote enjrar would bo bamwL rad to :tn...... th world are taking much interest la stations ovr 33 0P0 volt transinia- j1 tkf txVa tin ...... bixoad garrison and preventing It ra -- aell if a ) the cane could be harvntted WIU Bua CM .Xr HiU the remarkable ini iene in' extraction ion Hues, and vunplled to tha piunphtg ..r-a-n, then brides ar not allewe.1 Z TZHt ul treat, taw Imminence of thla fata ba in- - th Tt?VlJFcan will mnng the tea weeka when the1 Juice Tw'Sty motor and two generators obtained by the mills which have ,J' . ito eaur th eouatry eacep aa the iliff the the hasty evaeua-lio- a 1? Ti' ' 1 a total mee. .'.'.', watlvr.for ara at their beet' , fhippoeo wa we have beeo.. ordered from East. .Whoa thl invention. The Honolulu Th Unit of Coal ' i wile a real.l.ut. ami htH sr. - Ruaaiaa Itallel tk. of th abieatir. prepared' to the gato- - would thev arrive there will be two demo- correspondence with Th unit of cost for orratrm,uila-- 1 Syria do' thla' i'tn mirrhxi ia the Immigratioa office be Tha Bosnian advance through not amonat to over iuo.000 ton a ear. nstration, oaa at llawl Mill k Planta- a numler of Javan plantfrs, and renairee, and depreciation hs, been I are Mrnitte.l in legally be ft Vaat ae're-foo- ia aaaomiaff fanshape. from and of tourso 00 ono needs, tha monuy tion, , Kohala, for the benefit of Big have siso come from Formosa, taken as the t' Kf t oniy foot tin " eWeHrtlng com reaident in the raited State. ZEPPttlRDIRiGiBLE Erifnitn the ' 8kt eattth tneae uays. Fcopia here in uawaM Island managers aad aa before stated Cuba and St. Thoniai, Danish AVest In- high, or the " foot? acre-foc- i. been . T right BeginniiiK It has stated that the cueton weat ad th. TW Kitaala have reached the point where avert a demonstration on thla Island fot the die, regarding it. The shredder la with the VcaV IfKfr and in of briagiag jiieture hridea aa wive e ceopyinr tha Upper Euphrates alley, oae baa nought 'Jv.V-v'-- - benefit f Oahu, Maui and Kauai maa- - doing iiood work everywhere and will eluding the year Mil the total aaauat man Japanese men r Hawaii la re weat of Mtteb, the front extends ,ir. gr-- . atiindard in eane rost for wb3' wOthr manager ,rooli(toh . th . y probably beeoma all, oertio, maintenance, and inoneihl for th hiub divorce algare ef ta la'graa twaaA the East En tdoar bo aid. They ask what eould The' HiadOgv dry flume baa already eountrlca. ' ,' , depreciation, per foct-a- r for the frm ' the .trriiory. , para tee to tha Maek 6a, with the he dorte With the1 laborora : to keep reeeived a pretty tiff try-ou- t at Pa-ha- :. d 'V six years in aurceesloa la shewn la the ' ' them busy It ha been proved ex- following , Tarka ahle' to offer auoaaf ul ra betwtfefl the end of th where Hawaii Sugar Notes v- - table: iaUneO aay along wo planting, la'Angnat tremely useful. Ita general adoptioa i' Cost of pumping water ay I ay at point the or September, and 'Lnepnhoejioe Mill is sble to operate efotrfe & fiaaaeiafaa ITSS wmiih ,. J wilt down moving wwer. arain PARIS. February A Uerman , wilw ', the commencement of the grinding eat the wo'k ef FRtirnr .'2. headrad etietchi ' -- 150-foo- t a only about half time, and; will have ' - ' I I IVN . ... It la MUwaUd that the Turka loet aaaaon, February I., t believe wo Would traV- - A strip, seventy five , Per foot- Per million Ul Ukkkl Ita. Mil Zeppelin ha been brought dowa iu i dowa in about a week if it acre-foot- . mako more money do-- If fort each way from th cars, stand- to shut gallons. Brabant, Flanders, with entire crew ia tha defeaeo of Eraerom, in killed, than we' now, ' haud-lnade- dry-flum- e 4ee aot raia. . . womded and trioacra,a total of 40,- - we' laid off tha whole planting aad mUl ard for If the .ao.oofi'.'B' 0.0187) f twenty two perlrhing. - - ; claim . . 0XIO4T3 - - . rang orf- foil ' , . work 'a well a its Inventor v l!lf 0.0120 A Zepiielin dropiied be dips on Unne- W ' is installiag a new . .. . n ... ,. ganga ean wider swaths Olaa Plantation .. 0.00SH5: t Mom Sugar At Lost Oott . 'v, the rutting rut ""ii 0.01155 - ' vftle early today but the damage done i. - evaporator, which la.ge- - ' ' ,;. K nrtHtv h hlrvMf ami fi On and the ear, track can be Tartoqr ttaadardf w.tl .. O.tXMHl ' d.01473 .,- .' .!, aa nnimiftartaitt-- - . . . . d... .1 . . i , . tha. cap:ic ty of the bnt'ing . . . 0.00871 ,iDiinj pn me newi cane m il.mo ocbv .....4 . . inereese '18 O.OltlS Seven battalione or Germans attacked .:' up Vonse. ia being ) laced in open " MAVY FOR YEARS planting season, 'we' would get morei Water will not flume eanc hill but It the 'M4 . 0.00517 0.00950 UssacJeta eaa resaasl WlrUe. , device does it to perfec provided in tlie original plan f - - eane per acre with lesh cash' spent for this loading ware MADISON, Wis-onsl- rebruary 2i ?arly today. The attack was ao vUior- fertlluers and cultivation '' expenses, tion which is another advantage claim- the plant for he .Wrpose. oua it penetrated first linei Senator La Follette, ia aa ad that the f ad a geeTr saving' aQ around. By ed by ita iaveator. French aad soni commualeatiag ' Irene before the Wisconsin Stat Pro of the is so dry in theH11o' PPOSIISCREAi,; 800-met- harvesting when the eao id at lta beat, . ' The weather ive conference, announced hia can treaehea alonir aa front. PLAIltlED GROWTH ' Tes aad pleating hew erop fluring . district that the plantations are alt tha ' lidacy for Republican nomination Counter attache cleared the viermani month when we know there will b no Armstrong Entralnment Trap short ef water for fluming. Olaa is 0r the Pwiideney. but urged th Pro away except In a few. poritiuaa, th k K. keep- cutting bar or waste of time, work TbO new S varuum pas bow be- - operating only one flume, but ie rersive not to- merge with the Repub Uermaaa auffering heavily. , , ' ::'..-T,- ,' (ng capital all know . , supply lur i rail, ao h .:).v? 'x and labor, for hi : inir manufa'titred for Pioneer Mill ing up th eaue wHhost makins'a eontest fat The Anglo-Frenc- parliamentary ; Genera? Board's Idea Was For- - there la a aeaaou. t plant ha well aa ,.... w w Haneivru iron Works hat the miU'U iltill tumiieg 6ut ever epresentation aa Progreaslvea in the committee today hrgaa ita oFaalnna. t aarveet, the gain thtaugt more su- - , to have bronze ealon.lrtaa and eepiier n hundreil tons of Kiigar a day. Republican convention. Former Premier, C'leaaeneeaa preside 1 gar (AssoeUtsg TMtarml ' iy-Elgh- t, Battle-- 1 in tae bag at le coat per poun.l tuft)K novrt ,,,, 0f the new pas Wraai M WlMlaaS.t The party wns morally bound to make Brye, head. f th Brititdr aee-f.ie- First tine. . Tn, f lame would bo bigger than moat men real-- wU, j, ptovMe.1 The Hilo Railroad has built two mo- UlNDON, Fcbrujiry 23.-- A new post a flKht, U ' b tnat to with ,ch he saiii. addreaaed tha delegate. said -. - ' ' ' t ...... n in British - ships By 1919 ia. ' lasses tank car,, with a capacity of the rabinet has been created. ua Kollette announcer) that ns can- that the Allies will kiak no rnmprem- - - ip. The eeursa SJlnacsted by The Ad- i..n-.miw..i- ut i.iWmie 'nrty toos enchi anl is constructing that of the minister of blockade.' to 'Idaev 'for th nomination would be separate deBnita : a and ae peaea, proof yortiner ia eaalbl,,, Mr. Weinzheimer nt Hit is w tk. Ant time it two moru,. Whea all of the ten planta which portfolio Lord Robert CeeU. un- - haaed on a platform favoring an em- - gooK.busiaes . u.ti,i. affairs-wU- l I v- - aid, " and it would be n amdied la a srtsiar mUl. iloi which have roiifracted to aell socretary lor loreiga hrgo on the of arma - .;' (AMOtte frea Vr TUani Wlralaas.) tp. " "' ' unity. ,:;..''',,'.' to work towards that end". . I .' A waa stated- - at the lent mpetias of will u" u-- . I ny of the belligerent Power anl ;r SX That their molaraes, .aw shipping it V'" tlel jrASIOTOIT, fbrary Ia Cuba the harvesting period lha Hawaiisa Mill Enffineara Assoc ia- - sH four el these ears, going con Th un' minister will be rtrponsTWri iRIns ove-- - ty the aeverument as a I j tha general boart of, th navy had for poaelble. ae I t shortened a much aa Irge y, ,traimVat loises bar oJUa been Uaiiously. v for the blockading of all utral trade! eonopoly the manufacture of muni II I IfY PDLlPL yeara be aubmJUIng pUaa. estimates Kjvmvm Illll uuiuiiri, v. iowof Kvmiwr iiviB high aad no entirely aatisfactory device to and" from Germany and Auatrftu un tiona, ; I m I HI UlALl liL aad euggeeted programa to tb aavjr add Porto Rieo for the harvesting aa-so- n, suggested to prevent dor tha terms of council Ilii ill baa been before tha orders la r a ;.-- build off the Navy ta its returning to their" home when tt i te concrete noor oi me new tuv a . i .. . ',' than, In the Atmstroag in Version, . . l .. . 11.1.. ,kar ' - I Hft m waa yeateruar do-fo- r The li.a 'I"" lfHftW V AS HiNGTQfi OBSERVES - - requirements stated ends. United State immigratioa plate 'perforated by abort tubes , w,th ha arrived V eOtumltteo naval' af three naca compKctcd o far a. th M.er-- 'waft, the the houaa oil law stand In tb"way of getting are laid at the bottom of the vapor Moditerraneaa, to asaiat the Allie le WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ARE NEAR AGREEIiW faire br Rear-Admir- Badger. In 1003, labor from' the Orient in tem- - ,.rtl i. encer,.e.l belt at the top of the pu .These tube portion,' ', !::ua.r,i'ft".m.e,C,,"Ut,nC" a- ho board planned to v. . , . i . . . .. , roar for aua-ar- will aot wt- aid the general, uorirr lonn an aa rnr aa Hawaii ia - . t Tk. Ult (Aaasntaud ky FsOeral WrreiMs.1 fortr-etg- ht attaeka. VrW Of first line 1 w?eka yet. - . secure a total iopceraed a aimjlaj aatem out ot condensed jukes run back tnrougV a P ffftished for a eouphl'of i.: t j ii i - battteHklp by 1949, aiming to make the variaiviftaur nwiraiL uariiaaieniarv WASHINGTON. Februsfy S2 Kver (AsseeUUd Ft ay rwnl Wtralea. discharge pip loailtng into the biuvom .,,! government every LiON itk AmerVeaa Navy Second oaly that that Don liWewfiera " department and of DON, February tbo What la of th pan while only the steam escapes. out-poe- t of Great Brltaia aad well ahead of the Mr. Woinzheimer pointed out that firial la aH Waidiingtoa did homage tt new f a lively flank betweea the : ; ' ' - . -- George Washlngten, houorin French aad the Bulgar (J 'rana navy. ther'lnduBtTiaf needs of most Industrie t oaa.-t- sugar vu mrr- . . ilar t ef the awr weir I. .tf- c- . .7 .TT" ?; ... Uracco- - . yoa geaeral submit prim- iL.. " I " ,hi p..,.., ia the Machikavo aeeter of the liftet the bohrd h mfc' land are "considered 'of Conveyors haattlse wnihous suunr ",vin" m ," : .a program to "Secretary Daniels Ger- Seventeen Evyart . 4W'00 week Would n.tabla etarelsea, wroiaa ia waica toe ted ary imports ncex Tn uorm! limes toraga and elevator ; wrtioa of the iroaiier, ouiiin ! Vuna. Wherrbr by 1929 the-- American Navy ms ay geta leas ef 'thousands of Hes- "Tlfirfeea Ewart bagasse conveyors lont are etmideted. Ptd !" of I, many af the dopartmeuts gather were' driven bark with tha win oi a would be equal to the best. sian fend ' Folhdi" taborere ' during tba have bee iu8tled in Hawaiian mill ' 'Tl Was of the1 var oua omcial and em itomlfter" killed and alx priaeaerv cornea At the) proSent time the Navy needs harvest.' Demarara htad Fiji im and four ar now, bulldiuir. R.' Kenton ployea were made the- occasion o the hew that the difference between 1hre additklnal battleships and eight btport' East India laborers for' their caae Hind atated yeaterday. There ar two patriotic exercise aad speeches. Oreece aad tha Allie are about to bo " battlecruisera to place it on an equality harvest:' th Fast' Coant Sumatra to each at Hawi,. Kohabt Sugar, Waianae, Both hOusee eusiMaded biuduaas am reconciled. ' ' ' .' '. -' wit the navy or Ueraaoy. baero plantatrdila aad the Jarva, Malay Kwa, Waialua aud W nlmoa, and one at HsUaed with drew-- attention aad re Oeaerkl Sarrall, the Freaeh command- - To make tbn Navy equal, in strensth butea, and East Indian rubber, plaa Honekaa, Two are being built by th spect U the radlruj af WashUgtou'i et in the Balkan, ha catled to that of Great Britain, the fleet as tationa draw on China for harvest Honolulu-- Iron Worked for Union Mill, INJURED IN VRrXK farewell la partieular hia ut Ikpoa Kiag Cmiatantino and ttiseuei ad- "v - on more for ITawl fgi I it standa today would require jeryr hands, '.'" ' 'aM aaather son.il teranee which have a beariag oa tb the general aituation. , Fotlewrng lim Walftlua ' ditional dreadnoughts, fifteen battle Tea of thousands af Mexican eotton AgrlsulUirat, k present eedditioVi and the qirestlon o' vWt. the Ureek Riaa expressei tne af ;,' huu-dre- d ,la ,'ouly I step-towar- misers, fifteea acout ships, picker eroa every-ye- The Ewart . ,eoneyor the marked opinion long aet two the border ' preparednes were, herrj with that submarine and two hundred and with very little.' attention paid to the straightaway ha.g'asa eonvyur which t AssocUtod Prssa by Taosral WImIms.I interest tling an oufctanding question peiwe-- n W ties take the blanket between the mills in NKW if troyere of the' fastest type. questioa qf whether they will or will IIAVICN. fonnectiout, Febru U'I MI his government aad the Allie had boca Just how long it would require the not nake good eitliens it ia their la- an unbroken layer. Tha bottom i steel ary Yale atudetata iu takea. - ' ' - : - I'nited Btatea to reach a point of equal bor that i waited primarily, and if and there ar no riffles or grooves to iured Id. a bad wreck today' in. which 1ERMANT WILL GIVE ' Aa Athens despatch announce'' that collect the Juices or allow them, sour ' person Great vVHtaitt the admiral current goasip 4 to be given erdeac ' t) Ncven to ten Were killed and AMERICA REASSURANCE! Hula-ari- haa formally apologised to 1 no1 pointed out when ha declared that the there have been?" occasions whsn and stagnate. There' wastage s uiore than flleea hiiured whea the Con Greee for Intoreepting and srrtsting milhr United States is" fitted today to build block of Mexican' floater have boon the a war the ease with nectieut Speeiaf. from Snrincfleld fw diplomatic, uieeMengor the old fash conveyors. taasaakxM kT Wlretsa. rarrying oly'two battleship a vear. (n mass oongrt-psiMv- iened alat N'ew Yofk cxttrided with another pas Fs Fral Constantino-pie- .' votni ie ecrs ' WASHINGTON, February 22. Con from Athens to - i " Adruirat Baktev kftid that tmlay he who hold pronounced ideas ou the Jap- nger tfaia on the New ' Fork, New ' ".:" ' '' A : . . i : i tmiicati ..: ";' i'il. - anese plantation laborer in Hawaii. imvru a liteatlar aTrlcea fro Berlin ."V: iinrnora rairroaa, thai Gertnaay .will aooa Inform tfc. , '..r'!, strength. Franee is fourth and Japan 'Watchful WaJifmf At. Manila The Injured include the sou ef W ' :;', ' UaitKdt State he . prevlou at behind both. Franc and Unite-- l E. Corey president" , rth4 'that the' Manager . Usdemaun of the Ho- of ruittVl urancea aarcniatiMr li Ptetta. proareesiag radlly and C Statea Steel Corpnrftion, and Job a H not to attack HAPT HRFV nFAu bt - nolulu Iron. Work Company who re- - overtaking ha Otaa Sell Molasses m without warning holds rood foi United States. eeutfy went to'Maoila found all KilpatrlcR, former 'football star 'Oi provide i.il s Of a In has Yale. Tbey have been Bridge future submarine' operations, l ii.,j,..,tH a Suirar Comnarivha entered im --taken to pln for building and plantation port. ' :' l ' that Jo liner are unarmed. German to a cbatract with the Pacific Sugar developmeut u, Jthe Pblllppiae jcom " to The eompany, I k hatmenfi',"iyi will contend thai What ia characterize RUSSIAN DUMA OPENS Product' Company of San' Francisco pletflJy upset by the. threatened eo ' AT out at MUlford, aear whiek town tha a "delensiva armament" ia really of PORT TOWUSEUD give that e0Hcetalt It aurplus gressional dlvqrce of the Island from a on The m'olhssea ts to be delivered wrect occurred, aay that seven wer tensive far aa aubmarlaee are under the Star and Stripe, lie writes ' " ' eeraed. She ,wl wobabiy aropoM to the California eon'cera f. o. h. at tb that pending the outcome of legislation killed aad acor Mitred.''' trajna 'piled' In tiariiss'Lon. af 'what constitutes defen mill aiding, can, com Parte of three'. iri JE OF CZAR free of charge. Tha uf nothing be done. There is e - of arree-ka- A and offensive armament oa liners in Ifou cosh price, agrees plefe stagnation, ll Industrial "id freight )ea Mariner Wa m ; chaser, of in, line a Oft I, IpnrJ to return to Olaa Sugar Company all ad those who 'were planning Invest- a running parallel t,0 the passeugel r 'limit the K'maihiug'aHer ments there are sTfthig back, waiting i. kius wneu iae taiMr coiuaea, . SENATE .TO rCONSJDER. s Trado . tn Welch , and , piaal' eidieV ' 'V-- '. c(!u to see going . '? f I ; ; tJsasVM4 fsaWsJ Viretoas.) th melaahoa' Ita put fhrougb th what ia te happen. 't f"t FLETCHER NOMINATION' Spreckela Vessels ; Trm r - ; distillation- proeeaa ta the manufacture ' VILLA FORCE' MENACES -- PETBOOBAD, " February . .' . ,' I. r "i. .C'nar of alcohol - i .the of of Arcd.by u$o CARRANZISTA GARRISON fassMlsta Ft by Wtrlsa.k Word hmw Keeii 9f9ivtl Wt ol th Nicholas attended the owning tht Oahu plana? Bigger Mill Fdal 1 yesterday; thia being first v VYi WASHINGTON' February 23. Th rleaik $ l' S- - I ort duma 5 .I'CTfir' in- thr Onha Sijgnr tympany la going to today time Uxar la person aaa ever om " fif- I FrwKtV Wtr1aa.) ion ate 'will take uti for eoaaid the. improvetBBfiii crease the capacity Ita mill over e.aatt r4aral mat a IFa aa, ai aikkmia li y. naianar of prtwewvj aa w-e-huaak wwb rt KL . ; C,ut off nratioa th nomination of llenry P. I eav 'vp eially recomted the KUaalan popula .TheWaiauae Company improveiuentt ty 'per cent. The contemplated Im- PASO, February 81 al.t " a ' Mealeo two yeaa akt : A '.' aeetnbly. th. evtas oceastooiag wide installed by the Honolulu Iron Works provement Include remodelling and uiki aitnicni oy a strung inrco iu in FletoW aatbasaadar' te - - wen Interest, com One1 listas,- - the Carraaiea garriaoa at Guer- whose nam waa aeat to the senate vapuun mjw waa un prut new droller hot,1 which enlarging the entire boiling house . ' ' Preeldwat Wllaoa aaaenfl niaay ot tk . elder reaideata. The visit of th Cut to hie parlla make it a 12 relley mill; a complete plant, A big Pearby ahredder 1 plan rere ha suceeeded la, eendi rt arg- oui wek a'by', : Fletwherl MV,n.a ""'-r-' """ meat ia believed ahow the diaposl e belt-drive- n e will be new' ent appeaU for atadtejoe. Thy de Feading eoktrmation f th - of 'igh M Wh red. There boilers, and m- -l U th 4. D. Spiock- tioa of loo bureaucracy towards th IrlfalmU; aaWCbrliaW engine; a new more ' will be generated. The clare they mtud to resist ia tha an appolataeaV present Amer M fewer conaui Havaaa . Cuba, has hear ' people and a testimony that politics Standard' ''quadruple ? aTeolr; a central Honolulu 'Iron Works will1 rebuild the ish, but th ehancea ! aid, reaching at bo xuaearded effort coa aaud-press- them are - named to roareaeat th Uaitd are to la an to varuum rMtin system; additional mil. When finished the mill capaeitv Btod gwitla alia. ' Stat. Th?K purv wcct i . v. . a I...- -I Planter' line,, an of !,7 vessel eentrat classes a ' .lt Maxlee kVanji'uu-ft- , the 'interest: all oae T hp to e H. l.'W. will be 50,000 ton.' hawJe, "! f T"! 'V i. ft .1 I..I r...U Bum winning Im- - ' . . eatollients consular agent 1 the of tb war. tubtifar' boil err aad, 'azteaaiv i.,' pccs?rro .tbc FRANCIS Hawaiian Tslahd 'ports. Captain ' 1 - ACCEPTS POST and' Premier Bturraur. In his opeuig ad areveejeata la the buildiag itaalt. prew aa a young; man roeetad hia early dreMk, declared , waa morr - VmiIHII i. II, l 1 II OF ENVOY TO PETROGRAD Russia Artesian Level Rises chapping, M4 lusparf, ta single 1ERMAN. MIUTARY TRAIM vlucatton as a eanma ia th capt than ever tto not to eaterti Grind Soon The 'recent Kona tains have raised (Iota clipper ships of the obi darya aad r' WaianaTo - IN ',. ( ! until a de twenty-tw- night that velvety, .softness-an- (AsaMlstar- Fro POLAND IS BLOWN Uf In J Walaua Coupaav' mill aow under the artesian level feet at by rdret Wtrsl.) was every sense self made man, eiaiva vletsjfy over (the Teutonic Tow is than' it 'Worked way fora-tV- a touc-he- a Wniana and it now higher Touth idcalrcd ty WAS'.IINOTO.V. February 8.1. Dav hvlng hi trom tha r going ita fiaishiug a"'1 " ' whitncs v era uaa urea aocempiraneu. baa been elhee M07. For yeara (Aswctaksd Faaa kg Wtrlss.) tn tha eantain 'a cabin bv hia aw-- i ( several id R. l'rancbi, tc'whem 'the' post' of 1 , .. . . goea welt 19)6, harvest will cum occupa-tiop- s 23.-k-- ' , 'th rained a good wcSmco." ; For tliosn whose UlNDON; February'ralA ermai - ' '.'. mence March 10, th' water haa had to bo iiiHhisndor to Hnnaia.'ln hueeesaldn to exertion. ANOTHER FIRE" VISITS ,., ' many faef be suction but since Jan tnd to fourq the hani1. or (ieorue Mar ye, resigned, bad been of train, carrying both aiuaitloas and men Among the vessels To whirh be sirlel uary the 'level has risen tq the point fered, yesterday notified th' froat, waa wreiked were tha barks Andrew' Welch and R. i. DOK'X COUOH. who iUffcc froro.jdrjr, fissured, the Preview I . JROMN POWDER PLAN where the valves are working sub thnt he would accept', fit aohilultioq route to Novo Alexandrovesk, the re P. Rithet'of the Planter' tine, and ia . la abait,rJ altdw a'coyVh to'han? s vea-e- It ta merged. UeUing, eervih raJro J nod abapo-les- Mr. Fraurl was aecret'srv of suit, of a bomk placed Da the track by oe paraeutine i onsuein nun oiner l 4 Had sap your Chain i tbo lhtet ( soetot' ay rsiarai Wireless.) aa vltlhty whm - a RiiKHian sympathliser ia 1'olaad. Then of Sprekels line. left the Tre . . finger-ends- , ior during the admiaistra- th He Cough Remedy cure yen. - ,,,-- r noils, with painful Cleveland ' ' BAN T)HENZO, berlain'a w'll . 1.... ' a hundred raauartlea. 'stand' four' or five yeara age. .' , .. California. Febru ' rt ' sty 83. For the third time la the Yu" don 't "know wber a persis'eiit Hirxl-Rento-n Groovina Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ii in , l .11 Siuce CatKilu Drew'raj'red from ae. ehihl months, fire from home unknow cough will laad yod.1 Ytt caat etforl ' The VfaTanae Company ia grooving it rr tlv aervle h ha 'been living at hi Ointment are woodcrfuL. ., . BOURBONS ENDORSE WILSON rauee broke' out yesterday at the Tr te allow" your throat" and lung to he mill rollrrs hi arcordnnee with the ITALIANS CLEAR CALL0 ZONE home at Fart ToWaaeud. He leaCe a UaOnav t. CaarweanaM rrH. M Vy IAiaMl4 Free by Wlrla.) ia fowder WorKa- The Blase Jester eema diseased when If Is such a slnip'e Hind "Ren ton syst m. Thia tystem haa MM j ..,M mm Fadarst Wlralau.l T1 wblow aad twe eon, 'ou of whom U terday destroyed one of he five drv thing to'a'tn Int a chemist'' shop and also beeri adopted for the uaw 3 roller ROM K, February 23. Af'er a series HAN FRANCISCO. February 2-3- pUree A. Deew, prominently roiiueeted '' . .. In ir anfta of thar'nlans aad LmtUMt kit aet a bottle ef Cbainbarllla S Cniiub unit et 1'nion Mil), Knimin. Al wain of hnttles. the Italians have cleared the ii.- ...... nK... v. ,i u ft ,,. . nui hi um Him rinwaviaa " "-- . i I Remedy. For by all dealers. 1V une be-iu- grnovml In j ffru. Cbwa. Qi.. Bu iilli) ,1'iHtiirt of Auntr'.iint aud have nod the vnriiHi Iroquois elulis havelgar Retlnlug Ciuupnnv in Man Vrnuria- - aa of the workmen lieing fatally burn sale the rollers are Mr , W (Mankua ar tftualoa. - I n iiciuplud indon.-- of Prcsidcu. co. Drew an.) C oi .'o- The damage ta the plant la sen, Smith Co., Ltd, agent for li t place, using the mill power to turn the ar-rD- jMa, Ciit Bona, sa Auiha the towns of Hiinilii and lion the J. II. A, D ;a etl t I mated at 112,000. 'wan. rollers against the grooving bits. er a ia ou a twinum at im a) Uatr. ccgno. Wilwou for reelection. nolulu re nephew. 4

.' r , ,:


- TB ,"t'Y ..i ULllllI ilO At"! ".:"' 1 Stockholders At, Annual DICE Meeting This Record It Made In Spite of British Association Club Hears DOPE THIS Superintendent .Forbes; Will ln-;- v , "Adopt Resolution M Providing Reduction of Rates To From Hawaii Contingent At ? scOjEpffliiiK spec! Public Works on Hawaii , f. For Redemption ; Fund Consumers Front It Remembered v ' riang , for tbe eonrtfuetlon , Former fcT6s&man of Northern of the i Honuapo wharf on the Big Island will - ' Pacific Belong-- bo pusbed through " ,, Toward Has Peculiar WinCtrj f); Cvcf corns 'Two Ifiiiii Competition, In All U completion '. a. Report, cf Manager, Will the' end of last few .Kauai ! Renton Army and Navy Extensions year,' a ' .1 v tour speedily In f a pomribl.,. Bo.awrh waa , . of, the members of the Britiah Asso- lngs His, Grip ; Lead And .Finish 'Game. fijii 4. Shows That Property Is In Be Completed By Aug- hament Proving Worth : elded opvn 'a ciation Club,. Honolulu, together with at jeaterday meeting ,if - V ' th harbor fa ;.7"?i. Good Condition - ust of xotie frieada living on the 'other lal- - id ins.uoorj While to Pans' board the Capito...,Tho.l,c' 1916 t . - JVt.lnj : J r sno, raiaea a tumcient am to pay Jfot ' atruttttr will ewt kpproilmat' v t CUSTOMS GUARD NABS A iloV hriatmaa presents to those soldiers, 'oo.,.-...:,.'- - ;r : Kaiiora aaa itea ureas aarsee en the MAN WITH REPUTATION finished onvtbh ahort srkafl to AdvwrU.ari : ecan-ellio- B' , At nmiI of The iiiiiiunl iieJu",yrt tradal Tna la wUb thia' aad , other twtin" th nharf meeting of tlie Hawaiian Allien' aid, connected .with Hawaii mi ' whose .ot. notW Utl gam diaibst tnh jUKUB, rebruary 22. Several match work under rorislderatiovv or already nuiuor i omany Klectric ' ompany took place addresses were known at tht - v m yesterday Winded O sob. of Wat a in tht ladies' All- Kauai tennis tour In hand on t asm yesterday old cnn Acknowledgments of the receipt at th bill vari t f tb hoard of di.ee ami the rciiort of Manager were o Frank F. of these gifts are now coming to hand yeaterday fparnoon th oouit; being nament played off today ia the PublU aorO T U elected Bad Mlskt nhowed that rateK Thought To Be Party Who Smug- - LlhuO the ritorkholdcr although the and show how they. were appreciate'! three tallies for B. Bufk.'i hoi Li prelioilnarle. Mis. Milleent Fa turd y afterroon, oa toar ,tt . in-- ' "lopU4 resolution for licht power to consumer had iZ Waterhous and Mis 8ilbum Purvis pectloi,. , He ' , which provide "l ur ine recipients. gled 'iack' McGrath Aboard taiiiei rer fsl infantry til team win n inspect tho road .U been materially reduced the profits ti "Mies becam the Li hue team which will play work, .the Witrif fepalrwerk miT by liwi far the establish Claire Jordan, Bed Croaa nurw. : "Hetaie'Awaa prformiif tHe but du ind,' tk ' the conipnnv had increased. Th's was army, Army tU reclamatloa work - ln redemption fund for the stock in an hospital in .Northern Transport loivi.'llejai.'f Uoinfall caa boi V!Lm!?"m,' "". the btd, doing. , through the y ta-no- extension of the bnsine'D France, write : "To-da- I received attributed eoacblHir huhi fhi-- i The mmieaiotter,itai autborited ati the evrnratldR of th . Mis rrnnpti'!) In all branches the company has in front Harrods a large parrel it i o. flayedf off. Waterhouse and Mum repair bn tk ' charter in 1040. To accomplish containing u ..n.ki.. n. wbaf;oiHenoinln, aad this reused its bualness in 1915 feUoW 'jguiia i th.e.,n tbis-ww- ' over 'hat all sorts of good things. Will von a.oinaf groat at.lnst n'v!,,e"!Tf M the work bo , eiU it will b necessary to put asld 1IM4 Customs Inspector John Oliveira yos f Mlm J"-o- wood to . of and after paying a twelve per prease eoavey to the Britiah Asaorle the malnianders aaui ha'4vbl.-t- i. defeat with staite.1 at one.: Th in.poetien )f a ft-- ta t inu,ini year ior the twenty rent dividend off tion Club in terday morning eon Daffy, aeoro of ll and Both team and writing losses of Honolulu, my grateful arrested I Ml th ordet to pitch th eotch wanted Ilackfeto wharf Pier J6, preliminary , aonr years. other object for ' ' fa played In. excellent form numerous to 'Tho. was placed thanka aame. I aad c- - woica tbih .s2..i, tbee to the credit for the It waa a verv he waa leaving" th steamer Northers bt .wmaUd t Vrtcji aLmseU ftihklng ti estimate of th (, jiy rund and the interest earn- of the profit and account kindly thought very i f ueuoo gamoa aept ta Interest high. ed on it will be put are for loa the wn and deeply appr Pacific, ..crying . , ;.. , Tb vary good pairs, will begin at oac.vv'lt' ia equalising c!M,-)l.,"- is .uiU. ,V,r S?! aervle and backhand ra. of The total revenue of 'ho r ted quite remindins me of unuaek w" .ievM that wij f-b- Mylileada, repairing maintaining jr Ia thd ease were found tea erupts I blvnblafe lf!W turning .of Miaa Mclntyr and Mis about' $30,oon bavA e from $700,-58..'- i ing a Christmas stocking in . ta. fa him t...da anvan .i.- - , Oktcndipg the warki or corporation all sources waa the. days I : " mvwnw v ihd fXpruded to pot tho wharf la .first property of the my - opium, una I oencqr wood were bettered by bard ball aad with expenilituroa of "6,1fl.- - of youth. All the more welcome and tnree tilts ot.printldB witnout even reaching th .inr elaas ' ' . . '., . . 3 Donueu in clever placing of their opprment - sha. .' V 7(1, for being ao totally unexpected. The tlal sack. u. Then' KddU Hani hnMiiwk.1 The U tmlnera. "r'"l leaving a net of 92.12.imjJ. oplnm iabela also ior thaa SOO'dice, - 1 L.inueue arc proud of their team, Ocnsiunera Number 7031 only thing to say about the war ia that most of them dibs ior av Bco Sinai ana, H. 'HurkJ u The report of Manager George H one may loaded), tool for drilling eaaSo Which they claim la tho beat ever aeea The of prays that the end come soon -- along for another ene. enow mat ine plantation ia cniisiiiiiera light and power dice; poWdeY for loading same, Ebtr Oh the Oarden Isle, bat th tennis fan n nttmiierrd on the laat day of the year Then soma Honolulu sunshine Will be tki' found York for a bird driva to skart splendid rendition and that the re brushes, ; or :T. ajraea are quit as athuelaatie 7031 ligbta a welcome change after th damp and colder, and white, red and pm Jiaddu gathered tb ball ttp in rent rain bar rained the level of and the connected to the over some of their , - ' cold of Northern France. nui black paint for covering up and hldina lim going jeeoa.l player, although tke artesian water supply to thirty feet com m n v main line on that date num Aloha U.ail ' iiurkf iaU Honolulu-frieada.- " baae..:.. . ' .'.' i laoir winning team aasnot aa yet beei to all my kind tbe hole wbea drilled. A vice, file ' ' ""a ta one bered !.VV8. The total connected determined. . , ivi. inia only foot All Erprcsa TtutsXs and a hammer were also included in TotVfwMs'B4Wv;.;'.;y. ' a Ban DC low the original level. horeower motor load waa 4627. At present there are ao w fiiriB i.,w . .L..it entries from xroA - Hgt. Fdmund Clarke, No. A28141 the kit.. tut rAorosi,. amrrnro amv Cornaanp- pay Wan In the ice department there wore No.- any district but Lihue for tha singles 4 Platoon, Company L Heventh uuveira lurnen juuHv over to Ia war .Was held arouad tbe lafaa- - , OOMMIHrOM MXEOHAKTi . - Among other Interesting matteracon 51l tons more ice manufactured than rirt but it 'ia hoped that aorao will x' Battalion, Second Canadian Brigade, spector MeNicholL who. in turn, re try benck with the coach tha center of playrs XKSTAVANOB - ' in 1 be , jamed in the report ia the fact that the previous year and the col. stor formerly a Member ferred the the stag he poured entered later. Two inoia matches AOEKtf. b 1913 of United tttates matter to Vaited State Dia 44 baseball lor were played off crop wa below the eatitnate age and merchandise departments also ara-- i thia morning in Llhu. , Infantry at Schofleld, who bought him tnct Attorney Horace W. Vaugban, thr dv to gaiioa into ta of,! th z T pw eenl lean show satisfactory Increases. set piayod Detween Mis Water-hous- e it and than the 19U self out, In order to ioin the British man nteaawaue boinjj hold pend.Bg U diamond srew. " tVoan wbetv hapDebe, to Awa FlaoUtlca Oompaop, i .. rue r.xteneions 8cho-- -- and Mis Marjorle alammed ;ieiu. estimate for the prmnt of the service to army, says. " You csa rt think how verv vest'gation. ... '. ; ia the aeit roaad with tha nivsnries ont watana AKtieaitaral O crwp core O-- IM, is xv,wtv con out with ravorahlc fleld Itarracks and Fort Kamehameha good oi Mia Katherine Wood ApokAa .,. Hessed and at the aame time surprised Vaughan got ia touch with the poliru at bat, all tb good aarlee, If : nr Ltd weather the 0n two aeta from ,Mra. ; - estimate probably will be and the Pearl Harbor naval atation are l waa to got a parcel rrom department dtlo It waat , , ; Katherine XobalA Kngatf,Oompanj.:.- - Harrod witb a to . b-- i miring paat year view ascertaining ara,' wv t Burae, i and 8-- in a closely rrii, ibe th" to be completed by August. This line It ia awfully good of you to remember if Ihiffy wa wanted by them. Ot. "'Heinle!' put Bchaamei back ea tb played ffaaiawa 'Water Company, tsj ., !?rrpany per a match whlen np P'"1 e'Rhteea rent on when completed will make the com me. I can't think how vou knew mv earning tnat sack was not the case oencit with tsree aic itfikc aad Jadd rtlrred great enthmrb fVA0.nflA pital out' of a net profit pany s tho !. linrn. i:Miiirv service extend . twenty four addres and ' rank. Will yon picas' Duffy wa roleaand, being palled a sky aeraper wy from Tra fr'. ibe there or . . . $1,013,830. 1914 -- or k Pnlto Iron Worn M. hmiM, , of Ia the company nines rrom power Club fo mutolo. Thea cama ufidnlnk . in morniii ..Mrs Jln.-- aad f v ; the sta'ion. thaak the British Association statute under which he could be held tha of wrf awoooea: at wuoox company, l aid twelve per cent, with a net profit Old Offlsrs Eoelected me. Would it be imposing oa yon to ''Ueiai.M Jimmy IHoMaa- - cjouted Kis' ivau'.Hou. aol Ouimunticr. Second Trip to Steamer With Grip -- " Ualea more, enter the ainirlra. h . Oreena Bcorondaot Oompanf, t)f,59.97.V The old officera were reelected for ask for a Honolulu newspaper once in j'uiry returned to the steamer tb ball ttf left field tor a pretty single til . At the end of 1913 there waa a bal-r-ac- aad nneup in remainder tourna- Onaa. a Srooiw (fe, the coming year and eonaist of the fol- a while f I'd like t see the new resontly left tbe vesael carrying an and then atole secoad. Wheo York cut ior of th Imotv carried forward of $1,424,670, ami , ment will ba Mia Purvis against lowing: Richard Cooke, president: F. The muffler ia very cosy and tbe other other suitcase, which was la with a wild Jimmv moved over to Mis ash. ew - oromntlt Elsie Wilcox, hand and ia bank totaled ur, w - . . rtlS-bo-r and the winner of this ,' Oompaa ' . ic (frcsiaeni; u. ii. thing just what a aan want. Wc pounce.1 on by Inspector Oliveira. ThV third aad then be romped to the , Matron IfarlgnUoa 5I9I,204. ' match will meet Miaa Katherln. Vm,i ' cone, secrcury; tj. treas- - came out of the trenches last night for Howe er. was wbea kimm4-- ' liner to Tojro Kiae ata'h , The 1913 crop waa 4177.-- 1 r. Atberton, nutcase. found to ran KedT Tha winner Of r. taken from ('. six days and then go in for another six. left. Jack did aot tarry long at first this match will il in 2 acres, ef whicL tome waa plant, rer; H. Atberton, Richard Ivors tain nothing more in rlmlnating that mo or 11. The smell U rotten and the mud and aad oa tb pitched .waa .off imais, tne winner tha set to be ; noroe ud M. von Holt, directors. a lew, clothe and a tube or two- O nett ball Sixth rattooae and aome volunteer water up to your knees. You can't to eeeoad, ' ttewliag U ba ' ea4lly. played between Mis Waterhouse and took' 8.10 tone of eana to black saint." . - Mis ummanney. Bank of Hawaii keep dry and warm. John one - wnea-wm- i a. ton augar French, 1 he property, taken from Puffs- re uaiugtier aeavod th bail Mae of laat year an of the boys ia my eompany,"who used Kir is attributed to large quantity of mams la the .tody of United State. 3P& to work on the Intor-Ialan- boat.fj wa JfJf,?1 ''ViSl Yellow Marshal Smlddy , who will, In all prob .J1"!: Caledonia and Demerara 1355 shot through the head and died. I aad a rest .!of th Tiboy ,iy easyt (aeorporateo, lnaer lb Uiw n't be grown which proved ability, eonflacate i. Ta-rtto- ' ao in Ewa to helped carry him out of the trench. He 1m did , rr of Hawaii. ,. Hi low ia sucrose and purity. '.a Jt la that Uuffy jthoni.;UtJact Thin was well known in Honolulu, I think. ' tbe trick with soett. elegante an 4 grac OAVTtf JKPT.TJIl' thought to have been oa account at HAS NEW working th . old 'Dhonv" ooiurv V AKV ' A DEPUTY I got a alight wound in the car." ij lhat 'h eroeeed the plkta standing up, otiallty soil rick on'tsome ttnsri epoetin g ' tar of the on which theae Lance Cpl. R. Q. Maekenxie, No. Olcstialr Frelh wrht ooi but tha ecor a . proven n u UXOVXCE ...... , , have not aa successful aa 1 1 2-- Honolulu. The moiln operandi of thf 1$6&0 4. Company (', 4 Cameron High- knt, the .havag gtlhered twa th Hawaiian needling many varie-- hunko scheme i to fill several ntit of landers: thank you and my Hono-Iii'- tinf in na opening rminri. v tie ia will be "I ith No. One Hongkong motasse ant1 which. It thought great - V, ' a . ' friends for the big parcel I re- oldiora Vk;Y Cook . .- , .r-Pia- ai . l.v, CoprrioV may to have one ftirt a to the othera and ap fudge Kemp of Texas Appointed a con- fitf of the "real MeCoy'" .Mi,iak ceived. It was splendid gift and Heatoa grH ba hlt toaad, whna B. Ttnney ,. : . ' troTiniate the yielda per acre an ay. - v ; i I. , , ...... t rresiasm obtained tained just the things tflat the likes of ' failed Ut atrioihef hla - Everything is A . BurU bnht A ready for the big au Im. 3,. irm cane before it was and Assumes Duties us ' How Trick (Worked pick- , require towels, soap, scarf, mitta Ii moment later, though; BchanmUl tomobil and motorcycle races at K VU and Msnefet t.ttacked by the ao called "Lahaina . Prclent . and lot of eatables. The prospective customer-I- s invited ed Ueaton' off by V: thra-.-- piolarii Park next 8a tar day P., Darnoi . . i yiaoaae.',; ,. Judge Samuel B. Kemji. of fnt; afternoon, ...,, r. Caahit. formerly Always a Dally Reminder to sample goods, tn eoaohv ftjjt Hd Promoter ' ...... Xar; Area tfoder ban the 'atraigdt and. af Nverthele dad th fea Eddie Watermaa has 0. J'nllrr ;.Aalafait Tatilai Austin, Texas., qualified and waa sworn tint. W. Pollock. Koval Engineers: ter the deal baa beert closed. Is haado th boya, waited to .atgne, brtt Ceoro completed bis labor on hX MoT trrlstoa .' the erojt there will be tb rack eourae ... .Assistant Cable Mi prereaf in yesterday before .Judge demons in several tin filled ariah nothing morel Rruna sfcdwed tkem e, U the Md th .poedwiy la In DrBBCTO'H: C. H. n yPl.80 kcrea harvested and on the ' bcs, great condition On. the. your kindness in sending me a parent i for, dirt-trac- federal court as assistant district senuciive man moiassea. trick ana au jmw.wni-viw-- ine oenen tke events. Jo Woltets, the k Toahoy, A. Uwia,. Jr., Ti. ' r- Bisho raae ao far cut the weight haa averaff such a numtier rnis attorney for Hawaii. with of nice things con haa been played witb varying suecesc aad sat crtlotrlntf ,, Ilea, record holder on a motoreyele, n. MBciannne,. Ajv ntCCaslBpsk l a great deal higher thaa waa I Jown.:Jul4 f i, eti Vesterday District Attorney VaughaH tained In it. may say it was appre in on gav - H. GO B.Xwrtar. VI B the three fie Ida harvest Honolulu on a number of occasion ton, and who i nf vlhe best' bnlb tb eoarse a tryout estfday af- Atlrton. fated.. fom received the following cablegram from elated very much. Wo have been in on" slot(le O. Coohi : to the1 end. augar ojiie of them comparatively recent. . blayers the team,' poled a t iwiiws, aaa alter a rew inroa aroand Damrv f, Atbarto,' A. r1 of January the ran Attorney Oeneral Uregory: the shell area for over five montha and T349 .last what ihiffy was going , to dol 'ert, aar, J(ddtit sot fre nr . an the track reported that it waa in good COMMERCIAI. ANT) 'U tone while the estimate waa but not So away from of -, est lATTJTot "Kemp appointed; may qualify." far the front line A hap - T209. ia flffured from this th with the loaded die ta a matter of eon-- l Infield, hit.- Willie Gallagher was and It would be po fault of his ' PBPAatTMXNTS. ; V It that Judge has been trenches, and we usually have a few I ' whole crop for the prevent year should Kemp looked to for joeture. Probably, however, he war filling Up tjU b'aafa, pt'hldp t h did not do better than a mile la some weeks, in fact, since hia arrival shells over every day into the village ih4 cltriat atUntioa riven to all tranche going to sell thorn gang pro--J popped, out .to fifty seconds la his Wol-te- r' cverrna the estimate. where we are to let n to thi of .Irene, b"t Indian, exhibitions. ox itaaolag. v , here, aa the choice department stationed just twd-ruhn- . . to February thia year and of the gamblerT whkh infests tbirjftled to left and erossed record for a mil over a t of of justice for the position which he know that they hate us as much as dirt BANK OY UAWAU IJ)0., FOBT &T , last year augar waa "manufactured res city. I toe ruooer. ,vasnao , bio4 Bcnnm track ia lorty two aoconda, . aad j wbil-h- e MK.'. - the.: assumed yesterday. He had for some eve." haa been I mers by fanning. ' is does aot espeet to Mark JMivfly to amounts of i479 and been Pvt. John Mackenzie, No. 3002, Com Duffr workinfTis a mesa .troubles lower thia J 12 tone. lays paat assisting, unofficially, man the sepood hb say he Intends to J The' bad weather of the District Attorney Vaugban pany D, Sixth Hea forth Highlanders: aboard the Northern Pacijer it irli. I Inning lork'fstheMd make i try at it few months haa greatly hampered in the worn was wouera, n- 4at of the office, and when he got har- received tbe parcel you aent me siaiea, ami paid on nere. tie. pi ana u tanrarwav oeaiae aeverai of tb local :' the work of getting the cane harvested into "I openly siioken being Hf ""sgathered one speeder, gave the ness yesterday was fairly familiar with all right. Please accept my grateful of th ma a wholgner aad theatbe inn track a tryout knd end, t the mill but daring the paat tbanka for your great kindnesa in send- imntrcled Jack McOrath aboard a I tly of hit became , ethaunted," ?only all are aatUfied. that it i in good shape ' the routine work of the district attor- ' lew daye with the fine 'weather the ing it to me. I am having a rest iust transport, after he had escaped from I fvtiag oa baser ia tha oext aad expect aome close aad exciting fi- ney's department here. 1 P mills, have lflfi tons of -- el nish, handled eaoc now, a few miles behind the firing line. Oahn prison. , - . .. inhings, two oa passes' lad on in both th tea mile event aad XVPBRSS Of 8TXAM 1)8 The new assistant district attorney to UM CaJ' a day with aa extraction of 55 and i- nrteea-mil- e arrived, in Honolulu in the Lurline on I am in no hurry to go hack until the Duffy Tnoagnt To Hav Killed Man f error. 10 tn tke eveut. Fifteen r&va dUCB3C TO LTVWfcPOOL it the intention tq pueh menu- - m.mA I Tio-atn- ' ' - .. ir the February 8 was weather gets better. The last time I n..sr. . .n i. - i Oaaraonaa a lAaA local riders are entered in these two factors aa much possible to make aud accompanied by Mra. Kemp and their daughter. was in tbe trenches, I was up to the been mixed up in a number of ahady ; York wa put la front with a aiee venu, and th machines to be oed Improvements in tho-.jiit- ,np for lost time. the waist in mud. I have now been out He U ,whete the Olyill- - will bo tho' Harley Davidson, aetory transaction. ha worked regularly Indian CANADIAN PACOTO J installed during last year will here eight months and am longing for on the transports, and waa at on tin 'dks lathered taelr two.,'' ikfj 'a men tad Excelsior. BAHWAT permit of the handling of a deal more UT0 OWNERS REMINDED a few days leave, which I expect to plajrln , Wena, employed in the stewards' department hlttg ,kftrd)had tnuch "Dntelr" Lou Orandey,Mik0 th Haow Tonrist bVrat of tho Work Material with tbe aame effici ncy. get soon. Bemeniber me to friends in better "ball jiow, and ,lt only' oioosi ana uraham. all dirt The irrigating pumps have been shut THEY MUST GET NUMBERS of the ateamer Wilbelmina. Wherever wt j Jack star Honolulu. Aloha nui." haa gone he has wher-- tlMi of Hm whe they would ret track driver fmin the mainland are on .. down for and he gambled, and la eoaaeeUaa wit) the months the rains have Look Forward to Return b '"Uow. ,6Md nana ready to ' boon doing the work which en a rule "Automobile owners who are waiting ever he has played ha Vae played Thl hy la th face the starter. Tbe Trooier T. J. S. Muirhead, No. 5748, f ..' taen Caaadiaa-- i vstralaalaa Boyal Mall Li crooked game. ia U , V-- .. have been Been with their ears , it eoata much money to do. Hinre the for the laat minute to apply for new It aid that ha '..;V ' Lovat 's Scouts (son of John H. Muir- to witn a wean anv aoout tke street, the last two davs and .plantation waa machine numUrs, seemingly do well known the San Francisco police 1 - started there have been not head, Inter-Islan- Hteain Navigation """'' " ..... - - ' L . but two similar aeasona of rain (heax realize what n congestion it will cause on account, among other things, of U left that CKell mad .. great try u.krmvu car iuwi use a real racer. Company, Honolulu): "I beg to ac- for. tltlt ' 4nat' ! abKttn tTnt. . The ear are a Maxwoll, hor (ieketa and geaeral laforawtioa l oing ia , 504-- 5 and 1906 7. Hince 1907 thia office whei, they all flock in at having killod a man In that City. - used knowledge receipt of the parcel which oody gathered hla aeeond single, a User by Barney- Oldfield in many of pply the rainfall has been greatly below once." said Hberiff Koee yesterday. was me from Messrs v " t U sent llarroda of dare . on Dueaen-berg- , . rormaL. Aa a result of the late great The majority of the city machines have to lert. rreina ian4 to ait nnd jso nil devil drive, London. 1, thank you and the member FILIPINO IS JAILED did Barker, aad things looksd rosy for one National with a Duesenberg downpour the' water in the artesian been decorated with the new red num of tbe association for your ami their HE3.H. DAYIES&CO., LTD - "Heinle," but Bean waa nglne, and one wel's haa riaen to thirty feet above- bers, and motorcycle officers have been great kindness in remembering me, FOR STEALING A HAT stilt around Fiat. gad ia 'riven orders to halt ami delin- aad Eddie' tantalitirtg Aunt bfong the They are. formidable looking machines, rea level thia but one foot and remind which 1 appreciate very much." Oeaeral AgeaU i quents of obligation. inira-naa- e line neat and with th track in good thane some Inchea below the level found when their Pvt. V. Woodhurn Heron. No. 4470, Judge Monsarrnt sent Nuenta, a Fili Ktordaa to third, Jaaadiaa Paeite Ely. Oa. plantation began pumping in 1890, and when 'York heaved the ball badly fast time should be rolled off by the the 214 Battalion, London Scottish: I re- . L . ' , 1 . . . . . pino, to jail yesterday for twenty day. to firkt with .ao of getting do tne Laborers Ehare Frofit PUMPING ON MAUI ceived the parcel sent by you and chance th vxunris win win at wheels. ' larceny. Nuenta1 wa in dlr need I runner, .Tb race, a I'exidee the handsome dividends paid others in Honolulu. Many, many for tltordaa crossed k plate, first ten mile motorcycle Castle & Cooke Co., Todav tha aa me- Ltd to the shareholders, the laborers of the HAS BEEN RESUMED was awfully Kind you or a nat and espying a man taking a tam 'ltt l affair for stripped stock ear, w'll thanks. It of start at one o'clock, OoiwlalaT.il. 4tate were- noj forgotten in the profit all. Just the things that a soldier quiet snooze on Tuesday night in the othes whirl t, it, the battl. to tart and Promoter at half past three o'clock, Waterman promises to finish ... ,.., i staring arberoe and $37,H97.25 waa Alexander i Baldwin announce that needs. You can Wet I hnve had a shot Capitol grounds, he, "touched" the with How tha card among them during the year. it is ao dry on Maui pumping has been at the establns already, tonight, and aforesaid ' sleeper ' ' for hi sombrero. edge working for B.Burko aad poa-- so that those who care to take in tbe ibly "V. gam Commission MsrchznU;, 'The officers are as follows. Presi- rosumed. A wireless message reports have had a jolly good supper. I am O'Bell for th Infantry. f hair between the Winged O and I; Twenty-fift- h dent, E. D, Tenney; t, C. that trade wind showers have filled afraid I indulged too much. The sup- in aeorei t . Infantry at AtaletjePark ' . th aecretary,-T- mr. RB .do ao In plenty of H.. Cooke; II. Petrie; Wailuku ditches. John Waterhouse. re per juat touched me in the right npot f first ABHBH PO eka time. : treasurer, C. H. Atberton; directors, turning from Kauai, said the recent and of course I let her rip, so don't Heatoa, 2b. '. . i Suar Factors P. 'astle, 3. 8. MeCaadless, J. D. storm did no damaue to the leeward feel very much like going to rollcal) audd,,ef ..... i a: auditor, T. Richard Bobinaon; plantations. The wind came from the tonight. What is the betting that Maddut, at ,. .. 1 1 LIHUE SOCCER TEAMS GallagW, p , - manager, George F. Kenton. northeast and the cane escaped dam there were not some la. lies in the ease! 0 I. - &w Plaatatiwa Dau - v I age.. Would n mere man think of all tbe LhinUp, lb 0 0 Vi atalua AgrMaltarai Oe, i - tr Iadian, Ui, vvaiaLua good little things vou sent met If I am Ub... Arokaa Hugar Ces lAov. , , ., looks right, give them my best thanka and Maahaa. rf r. .'. Q. o ' COURT PLAYING FAST rultoa lroa Work of St, Manager W. W. Ooodale of Waialua re- CAMOES ELECTS- - O'BeU, GAMES i0l SHy that as soon as this little row oyer, If ;;.'., o.fl. PuBPe'.f. ,t,Ui. , ports the weather conditions fine. All DELEGATES TO here is I am coming York, p o 1 UUkeftm CONVENTION settled, bnek to' .... WiMtera'e CoatrtiageJa. V operationa ', are going along aa Honolulu hope 4,. about and to have the pleasure; Babooek WIU .(Lot . usual, he eaid yesterday, crop of thanking in You -- lot, , and the At a meeting of f'ourt Canioes No. them persou. can't 'Totaj!.i i. (Mall Special to Tb Advertlaer) ' ' geearalia., outlook ia bright. imagine how nice it is to have people Olympic Qrt rol. 11, Aucient Otdnr of I orestert, hcU ABBBH6BPO A E LIHUE, February 22. In aeeond Bteaa: Pampe. -- you do not even so thought the .w,'. Jr.. know, be Tramutolo, cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 rama inter-echo- - Tiieijy niiyht, Vincent Fernando, Jr, ..4 of the Kauai soccer Mataoa Nar'gatioa .Oa, i , ful. It makes things so much brighter R ior dan, Sb . 11 eague, mid Jcneph Oruellns we the Lihue Government Hchnol Oa. . elected its : Planter' Uao Bbifplag K TAKE NOCHANCES delegates to in this small dismal country." :v Kennedy, Sb . 4 defeated tha Koloa th.i bienninl convention ': Avis School bv a score KohaU Sugar Co,' t ,o. a . . . . which will be held, beginning May P, rine, 8 of to 8. . Tbe team, played on tbe ' ; ' Barker, If ... 0 Poan's Backache , Kidney Pills arc in O'lkland, California, by the ubl'i GABY DESLYS JEALOUS : v Koloa Held and a good crowd witnessed BUBtNBSa CAK&S. l. Bonn, Sb S not a cure-al- They are for one thing diary high court of the I'hcIiV. l,'nur. I ..... the game. The teams were very evenly BurksV'?1.... 6 , only tatck Hldneya and for fifty years which Iiib ju r indicium mer the fetors' OF HAWAIIAN SINGERS; matched and played unuauailv .n OWOLULn IR03 WOBK8 CfX Ma Kbner, 1 kav been ia successful use in nearly courts of Foresters in Hawaii. rf 0 0 There are several other games to be every description mad)" ...... 9 -- J . 11 : . i i 0Uv' ebinery of to . w j t Bcbammel, p . 1 - ' ri j ymi ,l.UHP CilillUBU wuriu. ID P. Hon res and Manuel K. Pereir? wore Henry X. Hark, the well known. Ha J played between the Kleele, Koloa, U- erdr. a tmlnj you no 1 1 MMH r- - - bu High take chances, for i r-- and th Kauai Ioau's eiccted lt rnuten. waliau tenor, has ,(u it tbe "8topl j ir- Totari V. aad Grammar '. . s . thia ia a simple remedy, perfectly . t'.pi tr u i scnooi. in various principal, and cause a N Look! Listen! comianv with which l teacher bav harmless and can't habit. he has taken up regular prac- -- PRESENT YEAR SUGARS been uppeuring in New - HAWAIIAN . ottif emc'v a so strongly endorsed. York. tise work and the team plavlno- in GAZETTE aud tins t are "When Vour Back is Lame Itemeiu SHIPPED, 66,000 decided try other Held. good- form. I TONS In a letter to A. I'. Taylor i Beml-WcekJ- y Tuesdays of the pro . aaa w . luiympics: 4-- 3 ':;',' .. t IQd an4 Let tke Name Uen't simply ask for V...UVMOHD ' J' motion committee, ( lark nutfVlutMtf B. (I 9 A 1 n ; l rrtdaya. kidney remedy ask dutiuctlv fop Msnaier A. M. Nowcll vester that the Mad from II...U I t FREDDIE WELSH v Kir) stated irounie Has jealousy on Wbea 38 SIGNS Entered at the Ptetofllce Bonoln'n. Doan'a Bsckache nay Pills ami take IH iTwo out wlnnino rua we of day that up to rVI.riiH.rv the Sugar ths I'mbv Second-OIsa- ;art of Ii.mIvs. The other i v,; FOR TEN H. T o Matter. no other. Doen's Backache Kidney Pills Company titiixj'l Grapo Cream cfTartar eciirso. i. ROUND BOUT " factors shieil tons of members of the lluwi.iian glee ....,'., '. ' are aold by all druggists and store ItMfl sugars. club Summary Saerlfic. hit. Durilom hit 8UB80KIPTION liATEB: eroii Hhinmouia to At probably will come l,.,,i,P. n ' 0c. a bo their pass, by piUh,er, Heatont oa off (ilsssUto4 mss - Month ., .20 at (six bores 2.50), lantic ports via Magellnn Ainr.i bse. balls, " br Wlrsloss.) kerr were 22.000 age was paid, but it i, ' "' tin ' rarai or e on or ny frYnttiiM.- y understood that Vork 0, off Schammel 3; struck by APPKLTIN, Wlaconala, S3. 00 wui inanea receipt jtrice tons Ami vm Snti mii nUa 'lark mi.. I out. February another Land of Royal Cook Book,' BOO Reelpta, sent ; The Hellister . Co., or Hcnson, I Hawaiian Torlr'T, by Schammel, : wild piui 84. Freddie Welsh Month, Foreign .3d IMi remaining 3,ihmi tons went to the are preparing to tour last night signal I the Continent fre if send aame aad addres to Bo York BUyioa 00 Milith gnta for the Hawaiian 'o- -t umpire, and Bruns. to meet Ford Monger of Philadelphia. F Toar, Foreign ...... It. Crockett and other Count refill anu Mouth A - ma after im engage- 4S9, Honolulu, or Royal JJaktng I'owder TJme ef game, one thirty-fv- e ten-roun- d Islands. eries. incut in hour and ia a contest, the bunt to be1 FsTaWe Invariably ta Advance. oiidou. v.. vi vr. wisiuvrs. fought here, the night of Wa.--b 10. OHABUB8 . OBAUX lrTasafac in.

' .i.ii1,1 K it i't. "'