. i llfZkl QUOTATION'S t n. per ib pr toa Q ftf i. 4.89 I97.M I i I y hi &)() ii :'))d $ ' aota ,. .05 v.. ... X v v. a: 10t IX. NO. a ), X ; t. Honolulu. Hawaii territory, frida FEBRUARY; 43." 916. WHOLE NUMBER 420? TT" ;;i ijulnvh and Uerman. Battling For PcwseasUi of Burning Chita.tJlii.tron 'o-i.c- -. rvpMinicco ' i'-.- Ji; IP mil? ot igntmg Tfiat Now Jf rtund .Tefgbn;: Meu.e ji I LL .ii p yiT7tviryw fjtt In J. U. II UnilULLOO CDPnircE SKILLED 111 oioooiii:' " ' r ' ' r ' I' FORCES BACK ? VV RECK COAST J jlshouV :3t. L War Come Morfl Thkn FRENCH LhiES M achine : Turns Over, Pinning One H:;.1ion Men Would . V : Former flonolulan Under j Be Needed ( ' LiLSGu CODE 'V i Wreckage of Car v:i v r ; DY ASSAULTS ENUStED PERSONNEL ' ' I ACCIDENT HAPPENS ' President' Unwilling IS AT LOWEST LEVEL To Consent LODI, AT CALIFORNIA ; ; To Abrldaement of Sltfihtly Flattens Dangerous Sal- - i... , a American t lights To Travel On til Singld Oattfeshlp of Latest jent That Thrust Its Point Into" ' ' : I r-- I t ' " Partoer In Brokerage .Business v Wtfflntt Du.m TL .1 'iTinil fMit(l A..1 j Flank of German Armies At i inn r www ii i iiej uesirp y vuum lin.'ivipe (.imi j uui But Reported Pacific Fleet Hurt. To Be tacking Fortress of Verdun V, V 7; Recovering ." - - ENDS iSTINGINQ REPLY. ti: t ..X V. PAYS HEAVY ; : TO LETTER OF SENATOR PRICE FOR ; WABHLNOTvJN, Febroary SS-T- ht ' (Astaelataa Prut by kestrel Wtrtlaaa.) 3- HIS GAINS IN ARGONNE 1,02115. m will U BwJed io prop-- 1 LODlv calif oi tin, Febraary - ' HmU ,0. MeCandieet, son i f' t miia (' v rl; dim tk Mh United ana bf Joha A. (.';''. , ,1, ' Situation In Butn , Democratic Councils' wh en , wr footing, wu th MrCandleea cl HoboIbIu died ia-- the ,ertlQB hospital Teutonic Dead Reported Piled In ' urowing rore Ominous and 1 B Admiral cwie j. Bd Udl laat night freai Injiiriea I .f 11. ji IBf Wahln before the honM fom received wlrea Via autoraobtl. over- Heaps Along Ten Mile' Front '; uauviiui rny Miarmea LeSS mitte M yeeterd.r aft- - ture od o tha aailtoad track not far Taa . Between River Meuse -- Sentiment Lead i To Revolt admiral aMrted that front th!a city, a , ... and the tata waa the minimum ef- numbet of Young fective aad trained men the. country I If cCaadleee, aceemptnied by 0rnes After Desperate Battling '''' wvura b oie to eet alone with in ueorga- - . u Connor, his parUer in a eaae or-at- irt hortilittes. ',v firm of brok erf, in pa k land, waa oil hi A8HINQTON, Fekruar 23, lotva la Vary ImaU , Prtss by Wircltaa.) Y - way tcm Aaerameato to Stockton, on fitttrtaua Ptaual PMe Ia aomparwoa, aad to ahow tha tre- - . , ' YV r coat, tare hoo a ,NDON February 85. Bettered , - bus'nesa trip whea the accident hap- or. !u or aaval 0a- ' ''. I. ii.. pened. ''.'.W v.;'':' ' v; P y by" th rounding of a quartor of ii vi. nation, Aaimrmi .tsadger ." ' WHmh ka m w .a million ' uw WKinilHIIlin mil n Ihi ..ii nf 1B1T am Tho mta were driving fatt.it la' aaid, Teutonic soldiers, backed that th ataad t. Ar ha hat taken reffardiaai praet peac. baaia. that there would a nd whea the front wheel, of their the of tha treat (Una for Which the threat of the en"hlaaioed only elxt--e- en thou- - the German army ia ' Tentoala aatlona to ear .truck the raiUbf'the Southern famoua, tha French Wow mp aad" 1 fcaVaj ebmpelled - deatro without warnW "TT.'Vr- r -- ' : PaciJIe track which, troated lie 'road been to retire thair nn- . waa Ioilowed -- ar merchant reaael which mrm. , . Were they were traveling nio,' 4ho machlae brokea lino' along a front of about ten defeaga. Vy " elf a.ar aatio. Into " ST'uT btHuuitd from tha ath and. milea, ftv.rtrnad for diataneo of three . kilomo Cental Sl'.-l'- '."'' of tbe a with v i e.let thi Powera. V Vl"Lw' in a ditch. , McCandlcca-we- hurled out , tera, 'after farioua fighting South of Tja artrted auggration thai America.! .. "If'"' with treoiandoua- fr-c- tufferiag serer4 forbidden 1 I".." aaval protecUo the went- - U to tr.l . "f injnrie. about .the, b'dy and tba. DaiAvlIliera;. and tho river men, ia s? Mr: ,0 'Connor wan; alap hich . thousand, of men ' - thrown out hae beea of tho painful iereMti TJST teeamea that, ..r and snst.iatdi injur- ies, b la reported ' - n a rcanvering. "Both . - ahail ,erU to wen n Pari, renorta tl.it tk.'lnf.ntrv .. I aiver eenaanf l nMtd .youna-me- were runted Vr"Mh' Lodl Kakea podtloti , v'V"! otioj ana battleship tarks of fhd Germane have' ceased, aad " Plain Hospital, t HcCaadledid ot re ' C y'. mcequju that the French line hohla firm in' At a The Prmident'e no.1ft- - V lor gainottKciounesa - hfro he Tha new- poeitioaa, - .'i trbphatteativ PlaU "in.... dl. while the artillery. bt f- MUr tiody, will bt aent to 6. land fotyater. both, " to tommoaieatioaT A eidea aontlnuea ita flereo bdmlwufr. v: "'! '"PT y 1,.25:- aruau' anvZlfvV IM - seat ,of . 'a trenches 9 .. v; . maaa, V,ry Heavy i .. , :). .; ... , Tha . rrv .vtUrriv'r - . -tnwa of- .klVrvm Ik.... v. v J .tev7or. aim ' JnarQermane ara aaid WJiaa Jrei- - .iVonaUv, hc,vy.' The deneely rood.' " " V I . .wu lui rd country between the Meuse aiid oniy a or Mr, aud iiji tha ?W -- .Itfi f ""K""""" tkK admiral '.ina.ated th. aJuiit Mra Joh Me Ornea ia the Afgonae district, ,'f ' " Candleta aad tht unL ;.r -- il rui. ported to b piled dep with Gorman d ne U Met'aadle aa4 Jamea P, WeCaad-lea- s, " ni Would 1 w' oii navai jwt in fonatent dead.' Thoatanda upon thosanda 0UJ'y mbrraia hU foTe.Kn en.miwto ia' order to all of Jlonoluiaj. was ot.fhe ' properlv train ... born in Kainer'e soldiers are aaid to have tall-.- ' DERBY HEADS BRITISH thU, fclty on September R,J AVIATOR MAY CIRCLE CORPS 4, .1 and on ia this laat offensive 8!n'tor a.Mfl ?' OklahoiM Waatora Tlald Ti '.v.. "'. 'vAllIO IS PtAWJEO received his preliminary' lWa. '' education at net gala haa been small, less lhan:v'; r:ifl V Coagrewmaa Btephen. California, Oaho College. , Afte .'' travelinraa T.hTi .ATI ."S ,ff!irt f ' firdnttn ihor. a third of the ground won tbaVV-Frenc- iw whi?h i!i2Lri,,ri;g.,w' 'nemM Of ! wmittee( drew forth no eatarea u. uaiv.rsfty of rennsyl. by irtflf lh ': AVTATI0N C0MMISS10N WDROPLANeIfOR VAmsy la th.ly offensive at Butto Ta-- "'V th? 'J" de!Ii"'J; 'rom the witneaa that GLOBE W aad whilf attending that intti- - sure,,- , ... , !T'v-Ku- Ktt ---- . ' arnljuw- - MOVEf.lENT OF ARMY ;,.f a tha with one armored aix amau uuiob aoouv sixteen aaentht ago he r. lUrn n,.l..n de- - en,,,en, Other teoUtiva attack by thauny . , v fenNl 'trorera thrM rastained a badly broken leg in .a'au-tonobi- l. ' of tha Crown . Wilaoa write- a:- marlnea. Paoiaa fleeTeoveri . .. Prince, aro reported to Paaca th. ' accident that .almost him ' Boner ot have beea repulsed with heavy loaa by ', ean not concent ianrJaueh XSiltt; Will the French defendera. ' "I .ti 7 rf Board Undertake To Improve Gigantic Craft Will Attempt Voy OvvnersToi r;M'aehihetin'i.-Sa- Only Harried trti' Montia'V VV It la asserted abridgement of What - that the I eenalder the ; , , r1 Bhortly after thia Kaiser himself, haa left the riahta of Americana. Aerial War : rest .of tho line ' CAPTAIN OF U- 'age With Several Observers Francisco Behind McLandlets, ia the handa of hia hav alwava atood, for STEAME- " Service; Scheme aceomnanted by hi moth generals aad haa beea keeping cloao' er, wno waa wita him during. H ' CHINA. FILES PROTEST hit aoa personal town, with the developments ' vaietenee. went to California, wherf in thia aeetor, ,. , j. rnVrrVo-- (Aawtdatoa Praia by Taanal Wtrelaa.)". wua ef Americana to travel where they (AaaMtetaa (Asseelaua Pratt ay ptdttat Wlraiaee. CAssteUtad by Twiimi nia aitter and 'brother Franoa Official' Xeport rnn br raderai Wlnteee.1 LONDON, Preta Pteeral Winlsaa.t "in-la- . Pleaee, and bj aav lagitlmatw Kebroary 5. Lofd Dar BAN FBANCTHCO, February 3. ti, Mr. and lira. w u.. The .v'r meant - SAN Freach official report -- NAQA8AKL Fetruarr 25. The rap- FBANCI8CO, February 25. bnrn.- - On eighth announce. .. pieaaa to employ, eon-eeaai- by, originator of the volunteer the day of t would bo a tain of tb ateamar recently enlist P. Adams, a well known aviator of Army officers last Jun. that "wa hava been compelled to with- China. stationed at ho married Miaa .; ' taaUmount to tha eonfeaaum ment plan in effect juat prior to the oosion, reacnad aera laat night with tho Preaidio Marian Bodolph, draw our right and left flanks, m topped by Brttna erutaera aad aearch south of o couavrv ia tii nm. I . - . - - v . ... ... plana have formally approved of a plan by un(OMir ul ueorge ttodoipar a promt-ne- at the imuitmt M action of u coo.puuioa dj ue uriUM for a. 'gigantic hydroaeroplane river Ornea, behind Bamogueux," taet itaelf and ita eltUena. It wonli Prow"M ginat the with hoped wau-- an corpa Oakland banker, the wedding be- - Thi. ia U proteata, waa for- - government, haa which' he to encircle the automobile for trans taken here to mean a flatten- ia fact, be a virtual o wMnlP' been named vto tha - - ing one of tho brilliant a a a earreuder " the giooe, via Honolulu.
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