IN THE WAITANGI TRIBUNAL WAI 1040 WAI 1679 IN THE MATTER of the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 AND IN THE MATTER of Te Paparahi o Te Raki Inquiry AND IN THE MATTER OF of a claim brought by Wayne Graham Stokes and Maurice Edward Penney for and on behalf of themselves and the people of Te Urikapana and Ngare Hauata hapū, the beneficiaries of the Kiwikiwi Whanau Charitable Trust and Remana and Arihi Kiwikiwi Whanau Trust CLAIMANT CLOSING SUBMISSIONS FOR NGARE HAUATA AND TE URI KAPANA Dated this 16th day of August 2018 ______________________________________________________________________ Counsel Acting: Moana Tuwhare PO Box 177 Kerikeri Northland (09) 407 9534
[email protected] 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4 2.0 The Claimants ..................................................................................................... 5 3.0 Ngare Hauata and Te Urikapana hapū ................................................................ 5 4.0 Duties of the Crown ............................................................................................ 7 5.0 The Claims / Summary of Key Issues .................................................................. 7 6.0 Te Ngare Hauata and Te Urikapana Rohe ........................................................... 9 7.0 The Claimant Evidence ....................................................................................... 9 8.0 Te Paparahi o Te Raki Stage 1 ..........................................................................