WEST TRlPUM DIS'IBl(.'1 ERRATA' LIST ~lR).------~lfar------~------~------

1------~------2------3------4------1. Page-A. CoL State 82063 802063 2- Page-59, Une-S, CoL-3 69.55 69.66 Llne-S, CoL-5 60.78 61.02 Llnc-7. Col. -3 74.16 74.02 Llne-7. CoL-4 B1.95 82.04 Unc-7. CoL- D 65.85 65.50 3. Page-67. Une-15. Col.-3 10'08.17 1008.51 4. Page-SQ. Une-l. Col.-2 Oayamanibarl Cayamanlbari Une-22. Col. -2 Paaehlm Kalayanpur Pachlm Kalyanpur 50 Page-70. Une-l.OoI.-2 Oayamanlbarl Oayamanlbarl Une-22. CoL -2 Paachlm Puchlm Kalyanpur Kalyanpur 6. Page-75 & 76. Llnc-Il. Col.-2 PurbIl Naogaon Purba Noagaon 8. Page-79. Une-8. Col.-4 8137(1).508 8137(1.508) 9. Page-81. Une-3. Col.-3 612.48 612.38 10. Page-1l9. Une-8. CoI.-5 8.17 8.16 11. Page-1M. Une-7. Col.-4 8.17 8.16 12. Page-138. Une-17. Col.-26 25.183 25.103 13. Page-l38 & 139 Pleue read Page-139 after page-137 14. Page-I48. Une-l. Col.-3 64242.29 642.42 15. Page-l 53. Une-l. CoI.-3 39412.17 394.12 Une-18. Col.-8 66 662 16. page-I56. Une-l. Col.-3 39710.13 397.10 Une-14. Co1.-9 435 543

17. Page-I58. Une-l. Col.-42 3913 39513 18. Page-l 59. Une-I. Col.-3 64694.48 646.94 Une-l. Co1.-13 2305 23205 Une-9. Col.-7 2854 2845 Une-IO. Col.-7 2854 2845 Une-15. Co1.-l4 81 161 LIne-31. Col.-8 6065 6054 Llne-35. Co1.-13 838 832

19. Page-loo. Unc-8. Col.-17 19 579 Ltne-H. Col. -1.1 Hi 645 20. Paae-I62. Llfte-5. Col.-6 1142 1442 21. Page-I62. J..IAe-25. Col.-ll 230 234 22. Pale-1M. LIne-I. Col-S 41835.04 478.35 23. Page-170. Llne-2. Col.-43 798 789 Unc- • Col.-M to 43 Second plrUon 0( the paee from col. 34-43 treated u cancelled 24. Page-l11. Une-5. CoL-7 425 245 25. Page-174. Un.,..18. Co1.-11 143 153 28. Page-ISO. Une-12. Co1.-13 11 22 LIne-SO. Co1.-10 153 53 (II)

------1 2 S 4

------~ 27. page-I86. Une-16. Col.-IO 65 56 Une-17. Col.-13 24 124 28. PBiC-191. lJne-l. Col.-43 139 239 Une-4. Col.-36 41 40 29. page-192. Une-13. Col.-IO 36 36 30. page-I97. Une-IS. Col.-38 2 21 31. Page-201. lJne-7. Col.-IS 6 5 32. Page-204. Une-16 (Grand total) CoI-13 721 722 33. ~-205. Une-ll. ColAS Une-16 197 179 (Grand total) CoI.-18 2403 2043 34. Page-206. Une-ll, Col.-42 167 169 35. Page-208. Une-2. Col.-26 13 93 Une-2. Col.-30 262 202 36. Page-209. Une-2. CoI.-40 13 3 37. Page-211. Une-Il. Col.-26 S 38. Page-213. Une-8. Col.-8 211 241 39. Page-214. Une-I6. Col.-19 29 Une-33. Col.-lO 6 8 40. Page-216. Une-I. CoI.-4 2315 2312 41. Page-226. Une-9. Col.-32 1 4 Une-13. Col.-26 1 4 Une-l5. Col.-24 1 4 Une-21. Col.-32 1 4 42. Page-229. Une-35. Col.-19 18 28 43. Page-231. Une-23. Col.-IS 2 Une-28. Col.-17 225 252 44. Page-232. Une-5. CoI.-19 34 32 Une-25. Col.-29 14 45. Page-233. Une-17.Col. -43 147 247 lJRe-26. Col.-34 17 20 Une-26. Col.-36 20 13 UJne-27 Col.-54 1290 290 Une-30. Col. -39 1 10 46 Page-234. Une-7. Col.-15 6 Une-8. Col.-6 291 391 Une-20. Col. -17 282 182 41. Page-235. Une-16. CoI.-19 21 12 48. Page-236. Une-14. Col.-37 1 49. Page-237. LIne-IS. Col.-4 62 61 50. Page-251. Une-29. Col.-2 29 Col.-3 689 Col.-4 271 Col.-5 51. Page-25S. Une-l. Col.-3 15626 15627 52. Page-258. Une~25. Col.-3 454 494 53. Page-3IG. Une-lO. Col.-IS 11405 11045 54. Page-SI8. Une-3. CoI.-42 22 222 IJne-9. Col.-SO 24968 42968 CONIEN'lS

1. Foreword 1-1IJ 2. Preface V S. ..ap of the Datrlct VII

4. Important 8tatlatl~ JX--XI 5. Analytical Note : 1--47

l) Census concepts of rural and urban areas and other tenus namely Census house. Households. Scheduled castes. Scheduled tribes. Literates. Malo work.era. Marginal workers. Non-workers etc. 1--5

II) History of the District and District Census Handbook. 6--7

Ill) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory Statements. 7--8

Iv) Physical aspects- Boundary. Area and population. plain and River baslns. CUmate. Geographical Charactel1etJe:s of the dlstrtct. Mines and Minerals. Soli. 8--11

v) Major characteristics of Economic reeource. In the district­ Forestry. Electricity and Power. Land and Land use Pattern. Tenancy. Agriculture. Animal Husbandry & Veterlnary Service•• Fisheries. Industries. Trade and Commerce. Transport. 11--28

vi) Major Events and ActMUes dUring the decade 28--29

vl1) Places of religions. historical or archaeological tmportance 10 villages and places of tourist Interest In the towns of the district 29--31

villi Brief anaIyala of the VWage and Town Directory data based on lnaet tables 32--47

Part A - Village and Town Directory 49--60 Section ( - V1lIage DireCtory

I) Development Bloc:k map

It) Alphabetical list of Villages

Ill) Note explaining the codes used In the Village Directory 61--64

Iv) Village Directory 65--92

v) I'.ppendJces (I - IV) to the Village Directory 93--115

Section II - Town Directory 117-131 I) Note expla1nJng the codes ueed In the Town Directory 11) Town Directory Statements ( I to VI and JV A )

CONIENT8 .,... Part B - PrImary Cenaua .Abetract 133--318 I' Dlatrict PCA (Total. Rural. Urban , 133--144 U) VIDage wtae PCA 145--170 111. Town wiae PCA 171--239 Iv) Appendix to fiCA ( Total. SIC. srr Population Urban BJock wtae ) 241--265 v) Annexure to Appendlx- Block boundartee of Urban chargee 267--308 vi) District PCA of 5C/Sf Development Block/ Town leftl 311--318


Publication o( the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was InlUated after the 1951 Census and Is continuing since then with some Innovations/ modifications after each decennia) Census. 'l1Jls Is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organlsatlon on behalf of earh State Gov!./ Union Territory administration. It Inter·alia provides datal

Information 011 some of the basic demographic and socio-economlc characteristic and on the availability o[ certain Important civic amenities/facilities In each village and town of the respective dIstricts. This publication has thus proved to be of Immense utility to the plannen. administrators. academicians and researchers.

The scope of the DCH was .lnltlaUy confined to certain Important census tables on population. economic and soeto·cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstruct( PCA) of e~ch vUlage and town (Block wise) of the district The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the dlstrtct. administrative statistics. Census tables and Village and Town DirectOries Including PCA . After the 1971 Census. two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part·A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were released In all the Slates and Union Territories. The third part (c) of the District Census Handbooks comprising adminlstrallve statistics and district census tables. which was also to be brought out. could not be puhlished in many Slates/UTs due (0 conSiderable delay In compilation of relevant material. In HJ81. some new features along with the restructuring of the formals of VUlage and Town Directory were introduced In the DCHs. These were published In two parts [or each district after the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories. the PeA of villages and Towns( Block Wise) Including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto Tensll/Town level were prOVided In Part-B. To Illustrate. all the amenities except electrlclly. were brought together In the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referrent vUlage. the distance In broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy centres. prtmary health sub- centres and community health workers In the vUlage were provided se as to meet some of the reqUirements of the Revised' Minimum Needs Programme. SImilarly. Information on approach to the vlllage was also proVided for the first Ume In the Village Directory so as to give an Idea about the number of inaccessible villages In each district. In case of Town Directories also. keeping In view the (II)

requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme. a Statement IV-A on slums was provtded so u to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better cMc and other amenities In the aluma. In thIS ,statement details on ciVic and other ameniUes were reported for the sluma of class-I and clus-Il towns. Apart from thiS. one column on the Scheduled Cutes and Scheduled Trtbes populaUon and another on adult llleracy classes/centres were added In Statement IV and V respectively.

The..manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census Is by and large the same as followed In 1981. However. the format of PCA has been restructured .. lightly In the 1991 Census for the beneflt of data users. Nine-fold Indlstrlal classlflcaUon of maln workers has been given "as against four-fold Industrial classlficaUon presented In the 1981 Census. In addition to this. the sex-Wise population In the 0-6 age group has also been Included In peA for the first time with a View to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It Is expected that the above mentioned modifications wlll help the planners In chalking out more effective developmental programmes.

One of the most Important Innovations In the 1991 Census Is the Development Block Level presentation of data In the Village Directory and PCA Instead of the traditional Tahsll/ Taluk/PS level presentation. It Is expected that the presentation of the Vlllage Directory and PCA data at Block Level will help the planners In formulation of micro· level developmental plans. as the Dev. Block Is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning.

In order to facilitate the task of Administrators. Planners and Researchers Intending to use Village Directory /PCA data. either from the magnaUc tapes/floppies or from the pubUshed records. both the computer and manual codes for each village have been proVIded (or the 1991 Census alongwlth the corresponding codes of 1981.

The publication Is a Joint venture ~f the State Govt. and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected aqd compiled under the direction of Sri H. M. Choudhury. lAS. Director of Census O}leratlona. 'nipura on behalf or the State Covt. which has borne the cost of (UI)

printing. The task of planning. deslgDfng and co-ordination of the publication was InlUated by Dr. P. It. Ittaman. Cormer Deputy Registrar General ( Social Studies) and Shrt M.M. Dua. Joint Director. For the sake of uniformity tn presentation of infonnation/data and for preparation of anaJytJcal

note depicting the sUent Ceatures emergtng from a micro leva) analysis of Census/Non-Census data, a model District Census Handbook from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised In the Social Studies DiVision under the gUidance of Shrt M. K. Jain. the present

Deputy Registrar General (SS) . This task was carried out by Shrt A. It. Singh. Deputy Director who was assisted by Shrt N. s. Soam. Assistant Director and his staff. Technical guidance in the preparation of the map. was Initially provided by Dr. B. K.. Roy. Conner Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minatl Ghosh. the present Deputy Registrar General (Map).

I am thankful to all those who have contrtbuted to this project.

New Delhi (A. R. Nanda ) June 11. 1992 Registrar General. India

P R & rAe &

The Dtatrict Census Handbook baa pl"OYed to be very useful to the various Department of the State Government s!nce fts ftrat publication after 1951 Census. the quality 0( data and Ita peJ"Yiew have undergone change. toward. lmprovement of the Handbook In keeplng With the needs of the data usera. AlIke 1981 Census. the revenue vtUagea which were cadutrally eurveyed In 1970 only have been taken Into account In 1991 Cenaue too and aU the Infonnatlon for 1991 Census were collected on the baata of revenue vtllagee. The information (non-cenaue) collected by the revenue agencies mainly by the TehsUdera deserve to be acknowledged with gratitude. ThIa Directorate ta grateful to the Director of Land Records. Director of Statistics. Director of PrInting. D18trict Magistrates & Collectors. Sub-divlalonal Officera and the Directora of different Departmenta of State Govt. & Central Oovt. for their sincere co-operation for supply of Information for thta District Census Handbook. The Government of Tripura has consented to undertake prlntlng of all the volumee of District Census Handbook of three dtatr1cta in Government press of Tripuura and the cost will be borne by the Statistics'Department, Govt. ofTrtpura Uk«: 198J Census. The entire Ceneus operation of 1991 was conducted under the able supervision and guidance of Sri H. M. Choudhury. lAS • Director of Census Operations. Tripura . But he left thla Directorate prematurely for the better assignment 0( Government of Trlpura. The seJ"Yices of Shri P. K. De. Investigator. Shri G. SaikJa and Shri N. Bora. Statistical Assistants deserve recognition for drafting of th1a DIst,rlct Census Handbook. The collectlon of tnformaUon and their compUation by Sri P. K. De. InvesUgator. Sri M. L. Chakarborty. Investigator. Sri N. Bora. Statistical Assistant. Smt. M. Choudhury and Smt. S. Banetjee. LDC a.lao deserve every praise. Sri Samtran Chakraborty. Investigator amd Sri R. C. Meena. Investigator along with the tabulation team contributed to the same by supplying figures whJch need appreciation. In preparation of maps presented in thJs volume. the services rendered by Sri M. C. V1JDaI. Sr. Geographer. Sri K. R. Chakraborty. Sr. DraWIng Asstatant. Sri P. K. Ghosh. Sr. ArUst. Sml S. Chakraborty. Artist and Sri Goblnda Ramchlary. Draftaman need also be recorded with appreciation. The entire volume wu typed by Sri Baneswar Lalung. L. D. Clerk. Smt. A. Du. L. D. Clerk. Sri S. Du. L. D. Clerk and Sri S. Rao Bhattach8ljee. U. D. Clerk. Thanb are due to all of them. I must express my gratitude to Mr. Om. Prakash. lAS. the Commiaaloner and to Mr. K. Arya. lAS. Commissioner Trtpura for their kind asslstances extended to me In bringing out this publJcation .

I am grateful to Sri A. R. Nanda. lAS. Registrar General. Inetia for his invaluable and lnapirlng guldence through his clrculara time to time. I am also thankful to Sri M. K. Jain. Dy. Registrar General.( S. S. ) for his valuable guidance and assistance extended to me In flnalJalng this report.



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MOt1ANPUR OEV 8LOCK .; In!j'Q"oQar(I"H'i


o Boundary. International Dish let Do"'~lopfl"le:.t 8100: I Suo' 81ack _·_·-I--- ~tate Capital Hp.cJdQuorters'Dlstrlc1, Devll)opmt;ont Block/Sub-Bloc\<' @.@/~,* Notlonol Hlghw(lY Un t1 Stete Highway Important MetoUf':'d Rood River ond Stream .. "-. --.s:-.,- VrUage t-.UVlng 5000 ond ~lbove pupulo11on With nomE" tf&.. ".,.... Urban or8C' with population 5128 Closs I,III,IV ~ V PO!it anJ Telegraph Officp ...... PTO UOI\.f:f'Slt v , Degree Colleqe and T echnlCol Institution []i), [-1/ [i] Ook Bungalow. R8~t HQu~t::~ Fore"t RA~t House

Baaed upon SUl"'vey Qf Indio mop with the p.,-rnissio" of the Surveyor Generol of India © Government of Indlo Copyright, 1996 The Indo-Bangladesh boundary shown on thiS mop is the one eJitisting pnor to 1h~ oonclulion of tho ogcu",ent on May 16. 1974 bet... ." IndIO and Banlllod • .m.


STAn: WEST TR.lPURA DISTRICT -_ ..... __ ... __ ... _-

POPULATION TOTAL Penons 2.757.205 1.293.861 Males 1.417.930 665.576 Females 1.339.275 628.285 RURAL Persons 2.335.484 977.957 Males 1.202.529 504.619 Females 1.132.955 473.338 URBAN Persons 421.721 315.904 Males 215.401 160.957 Females 206.320 154.947

DECENIAL POPULATION GROwrn RAlE ( 1981-91) + 34.30 + 32.53

AREA ( sq. luns.) 10.486 3.033 DENSI1Y OF POPULATION ( per sq. kms.) 263 427

SEX RATIO (number of females per 1000 Males) 945 944

LITERACY RATE (excluding children In the Persons 60.44 65.83 age group 0-6 ) Males 70.58 75.87

Females 49.65 55.15


PERCENTAGE TO TVTAL !)OPULA1l0N (I) Main Workers PerSO!lS 82.063 374.615 ( 29.09) ( 28.95 I

Males 666.287 316.919 (46.99) (47.62)

Females 135.776 57.696 (10.14) (9.181

(II) Marginal Workers Persons 56.454 17.344 ( 2.05) ( 1.341

Males 7.897 2.675 (0.56) (0.40)

Females 48.557 14.669 (3.621 (2.34) (m) Non Workens Penona 1.898.688 901.902 ( 68.86) ( 69.71)

Males 743.746 345.982 (52.45) (51.98)

Female. 1.154.942 555.920 (86.24} (88.48)

Break- up of Main womns : PERCENTAGE AMONG MAIN WORKERS (I) CULTIVATORS Penon. 305.523 114.873 ( 38.09) (30.66)

Males 254.554 98.683 ( 38.20) (31.14,

Females 50.973 16.190 (37.54) (28.06) (ll) ACRlCUL1URAL LABOURERS Penon. 187.538 83.317 ( 23.38) (22.24)

Males 146.082 65.748 (21.93) (20.74)

Female. 41.456 17.569 (30.53) (30.45)

(UJI Uveatock. Forestry. Persons 18.591 6.449 Fishing. Hunting &: ( 2.32) (1. 72) Plantations. Orchards and AllJed .ActMtJes Males 12.497 4.684 (l.88) (1.48)

Females 6.094 1.765 (4.49) (3.06)

(tv) Mining &: Oua.ytng Penon. 2.326 1.806 ( 0.29) (0.48,

Males 2.214 1.773 ( O.33} (0. 56}

Female. 112 33 (0.08) (0.06)

(V) (a) Manufacturtng. Pe1'8OlUl 11.384 6.660 Processlng. (1.42) (1.78) Servicing and re- pains In Household Malc8 7.933 4.907 Induatry (1.19, (1.55,

Femalee 3.451 1.753 (2.54) (3.04)

(V) (b) Manufacturtng. Penona 28.243 16.939 Proceaamg. (3.52) (4.52) Servlclng and re- pairs In other than Males 25.571 15.455 Household Industry (3.84) (4.88)

Females 2.672 1.484 (1.97) (2.57) (Vi) Conatructlon. Person. 11.752 6,598 (1.47) (1.76)

Male. 11.179 6.221 (l.68) (1.96)

Female. 573 377 (0.42) (0.65)

(Vl1) Trade & Commerce Persons 61.621 34.705 (7.68) (9.27)

Males 59.961 33.B70 (9.00) (10.69)

Females 1.660 835 (1.22) (1.45)

(VlII, Transport. Storage Person& 22.193 13.843 and Communications (2.77) (3.70)

Males 21.B79 13.638 (3.28) (4.30)

Females 314 205 (0.23) (0.36)

(lXJ Other Services Persons 152.892 89.425 (19.06) (23.87)

Males 124.421 71.940 (18.67) (22.70)

Females 28.471 17.485 (20.98) (30.30)

PERCENTAGE OF SCHE- Persons 451.116 240.201 DULED CAS1ES POPUL- (16.36, (18.56) ATION TO TOTAL POP- LATION Males 231.516 123.318 (l6.33) (18.53'

Females 219.600 116.883 (16.40) (18.60)

PERCENTAGE OF SCHE- Persons 853.345 325.845 DULED TRIBES POPUL- (30.95' (25.18) ATiON TO 1'OTAL POPL- LAn ON Males 434.225 165.554 (30.62) (24.87)

Females 419.120 160.291 (31.29) (25.51) NUMBER OF OCCUPIED RESIDENTIAL HOUSES 522.402 241.954 NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 856 274 Inhabited 855 274




Census Concepts and Definitions

It has been a tradition of the Indian Census to present data for rural and urban areas separately. In fact, in all censuses throughout the world classification of Census data into rural and urban units is generally recognised. To distinguish between a rural and urban area the practice is to first decide the urban areas and treat the remaining as the ~ural areas.


The concept of revenue village for the 1991 Census is alike which was adopted in the 1981 Census. In Tripura, the basic unit for rural areas for presenting Census data is the revenue village which has definite surveyed boundaries. Revenu~ Village were formed after completion of the Cadestral Survey and Settlement Operation in 1969.

The total number of revenue villages in the State stands at 852 in the 1991 Census, out of which North Tripura District shares 2b0 while West Tripura District comprises of 280 and South Tripura District compri5es of remaining 322 revenue villages. In Tripura, except one uninhabited village, all other villages are inhabited. But 6 revenue villages of West Tripura District have been .::onsidered as Census Town fOL the purpose of 1991 Census. Hance for 1991 Census total number of 856 revenue villages comprises the ent;re rural area of the State.


The definition of a Town or an Urban as adopted at the 1981 Censu5 was continued in the 1991 Census also. The urban areas in the 1991 Census are based on the following criteria .

a) All places with a Municipality, Corporation, Cantonment Board or Notified Town area committee, etc.

bl All other places wnich satisfy che following criteria

il A minimum population of 5,000 ;

iii At least 75% of male worklng populatinn engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and

iii) A density of popUlation of at least 400 per50n5 per ~q.km. (1,000 per50ns per 5q. mile).

It will be noticed from the defination that there are two di5tinct types of urban units. Those units which satisfy criterion (a) above ~re considered a5 the statutory towns, while the units which are having no statue'bry status but which satisfy the criteria laid down in (b) are considered as non-statutory towns or Censu5 Towns. It must be mentioned that quite often villages which are classified for Census purposes as urban units under criterion (b) may continue to be included in the village list in the revenue records. However, in Census publications, the relevant crOS3 references are generally available and the reader would be able to identify such cases. All areas which are not urban area are, by definition, rural.

Cla•• ification of Towns :

The towns are again classified according to popUlation size. The six classes as adopted in 1971 and 1981 Censuses have been specified for the 1991 Census also which are as follows :

Classification Population size

Class I Towns 1,00,OCO and above

Class II Towns 50,000 99,999 Class III Towns 20,000 49,999 Class IV Towns 10,000 19,999 Class V Towns 5,000 9,999 Class VI Towns Less than 5,000

In 1981, besides Municipality, 9 Sub-divisional Head Quarters were treated as Urban as all of them were Notieied Areas. During 1981-91 two other important places were declared as Notified Area by the State Government ot Tripura. An exercise was made with all the revenue villages to examine whether any of the villages satisfy the criteria to be declared as Urban. 6 revenue villages under Sadar Sub- Division were found to satisfy the criteria to be declared as Census Towns. Hance, in the 1991 Census there are one Municipal Town, 11 Notified Areas and 6 Census Towns in Tripura State. A town with a population of 1,00,000 dnd above is termed as a "Ci ty" .

In .Tripura, Agarta1a is the only one Class-l Town. Besides it there are 4 Class-III Towns, amongst them 2 are Census Towns, 7 class-IV tuwns while 2 of them are Census Towns, 4 Class- V Towns of which two are Census Town and 2 Class-VI Towns.

Out of 10 towns of the district, Agartala the capital of the state belongs to the class-I category while the towns of Badharghat, Jogendranagar, Telimaura belong to class-III category; Barjala, Priltapgarh,Khowai belong to class-IV category and Singarbil, Sonamura and Gandhigram belong to Class-V category.

Census House :

A Census House is a building or part of a building having a separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard etc. used or recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for a residential or non­ residential purpose or both. If a building has a number of flats or blocks which are independent Qf one another having saperate entrance of their own from the road or a COmmon staircase or a common courtyard leading to a main gate those have been considered as separate census houses. Each of the separate buildings a large enclosed area owned by an undertaking company or Goverment, but which are in actual occupation of defferent persons, has been treated as a separate buildings. But if in any of these buildings, there are flats in occupation of different household, each of such flats has been treated as a separate census house.

2 Household :

A household is a group of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. There may pe a household of persons related by blood or a household of unrelated persons or having a mix of both. There may be a single member household also.

Scheduled Caste. and Scheduled Tribes

The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of a State as specified by Presidential Order invoking the provision of Articles 341 and 342 of the Indian Constitution separately for each State. In Tripura, there are 32 Scheduled Castes and 19 Scheduled Tribes as per Presidential Notification. The list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as in Presidential Order, is reproduced below:

List of Scbeduled Castes List of Scheduled Tribes 1. ~agdi 1 . Uhil 2. Bhuimali 2. Bhutia 3. Bhunar 3. Chaimal 4. Chamar, Muchi 4. Chakma 5. Dandasi 5. Garoo 6. Halam ..,6. Dhenuar , . Dhoba 7. Jamatia 5. Dum 8. Khasia 9. Ghasi 9. Kuki, including the following 10. Gour Sub-tribes 11. Gur i) Balte 12. Jalia Kaibarta ii) Belalhut 13. Kahar iii) Chhalya 14. Kalindi iv) Fun 15. Kan v) Hajango 16. Kanda vi) Jangtei 17. Kanugh vii) Khareng 18. Keot viii) Khephong 19. Khadit ix) Kuntei ::0. Kharia x) Laifang 21. Koch xi) Lentei ;_! 2. KOlr xii) Mizel 23. Kol xiii) Namte 24. Kora xiv) Paitu, Paite 25. Kotal xv) Rangchan 26. Mahisyadas xvi) Rangkhole 27. Mali xvii) Thangluya 2 B. Mehtor 10. Lepcha 29. Musahar ll. Lushai 30. Namasudra 12. Mag 31. Patni 13. Munda, Kaur 32. Sabar 14. Noatia 15. Orang 16. Riang 17. Santal 18. Tripura, Tripuri, Tippera 19. uchai u"r.l assi f ied

3 Literate : A person who can both read and write with understanding in any language has been taken as literate. A person who can mer~:y read but cannot write, is not literate. It is not necessary that person who is literate, should have received any formal education or should have passed any minimum educational standard. Ability merely to sign one's name was not considered adequate to qualify a person as being able to write with understanding.

Illiterate : A person is illiterate who can neither read nor write or can merely read but cannot write in any language. For the purpose of Census all children of the age of 6 years or less have oeen treated as illiterate, even if the child was going to school and might have picked up reading and writing a few words.

Worker. In census, a worker is def i.1ed as a person who had done any economically productive work during the last one year preceding the date of enumeration. According to this definition the term workers included all the full­ time workers, seasonal workers, part-time workers and even those workers whose contribution tv work would generally be considered insignificant. The workers were further classified into 'main workers' and 'marginal workers'.

Main Workers : Main workers were those \'1!10 worked for the major part of the year, Le. at least 183 days in the year preceding to the reference date of the census. ~hus, all the workers who worked for six months and more were considered as main workers. Main workers are further divided into nine broad categories. These are given below :

I. Cultivator For the purpose of Census a person is considered as a cultivator if he or she is engaged either as employ~r, single worker or family worker in cultivation of land owned or held from Government or held from pri.vate persons or institutions for payment in money, kind of share. Cultivation includes supervision, cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and harvesting of cereals, millet and other crops. But it does not include growing of fruit and vegetable or keeping orchards or working on plantations.

II. Agricultural Labourer: A person who works in another person's land for wages in money, kind or share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. Such a person has no risk in the cultivation but he/she merely works in another person's land for wages. The agricultural labourer can have no right of lease or contract on land on which he/she works.

III. Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, OrcharciS and Allied Activities : Those engaged in livestock production, Agricultural services, Hunting, Trapping and game propagation, Forestry and Logging Fishing, Plantations, Orchards etc., are included in this category.

IV. Mining and quarrying : - This category includes all those who are working in only Mining or quarrying activities such as coal, lignite, crude petroleum, natural gas, iron are, manganese, gold, silver, precious stones, mica, gypsum, et c .

V. Manufacturing, .rocessing, Ser9icing and Repairs This category has two sub-categories as below

(al Houeehold Iadustry :- A Household Industry is defined as an industry conducted by the head of the household himself/herself and or mainly by the members of the household at home or within Lhe village in rural areas and only within the premises of the house where the household lives in urban areas. The industry should not be run on. the scale of a registered factory. Further, according to the census

4 concept a Household Industry relates to production processing, servicing, repairing or making and selling of good5.

(b) Other than Houeehold Industry : This sub-category includes Manufacturing, Processi.nq, Servicing and Repairs, other than Household Indust ry as described above.

VI. Construction Those engaged in any type of construction and allied activities are included in this category.

VII. i'racle and Co_.rce : This category includes all those persons who are engaged in wholesale or re~ail trade in any goods. Those working in Restaurants and Hotels, Banking, Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Bueines" "ervice" are also classified under this category.

VIII. Transport, Storage and Communications : This category includes Land, Water and Air Transport. All activities connected with storage and ware housi.lg and communications like Postal, Telegraph and Telephone etc., are also included in chis category.

IX.' Other Services: Those engaged in Community, Social and Personal Services, including Public Administration, Medical and Health Services, Recreational and CulturaJ Services, Community Services are included in this category. Persons who happen not to adequately describe their activities or those whose services are not classified elsewhere also from part of this category of workers.

Marginal Workers : Marginal workers were those who worked any time in the last one YE?dr preceding the date of enumeration, but for a period of less than six months.


Persons who has not worked at all during the last one year preceding the date of enumeration has been categorised as non-worker. This includes the following categories :

1. Household duties 2. Students 3. Dependents 4. Retired persons and rentiers 5. Baggers etc. 6. Inmates of Institutions 7. Other non-workers.


Tripura was a princely State. Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya was t.he last Maharaja. After the death of Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya in May, 1947, a council of regency under the leadership of his widowed wife Maharani Kanchanprava Devi took over charge of administration on behalf of the minor prince Kirit Bikram Kishore Manikya. Monarchy came to it's end in September, 1947, with the signing of the agreement of merger of Tripura with the Indian Union by the Maharani on 15th October, 1949. Tripura was taken as a Part-C State administered by Chief Commissioner, and it became a Union Territory in November 1, 1956. The Territorial Council was formed in August,15, 1959. The dissolut.ion of Territorial Council and formation of Legislative Assembly and a Counci: of Ministers in July,1963 were notable events. Finally Tripura became a fu11-iledged State in January,1972. The District Administration was run by one District Magistrate and Collector upto 31st August,1970. For better attention of problems of land and tenancies, for accelerating the pace of development in this backward area especially in the remote tribal areas and fOL bringing the people closer to the administration, Tripura was divided into three districts viz., North Tripura District, West Tripura District and South Tripura District. Three District Magistrates and Collectors were appointed for the three districts from first September, 1970. While it was one District Union Territory, there were 10 Sub-divisions. When it became a full-fledged State, the 10 Sub-divisions remained the same. After the 1981 Census, the State is comprised of 11 Sub-divisions. The West Tripura District is comprised of three Sub-divisions viz., Khowai, Sadar and Sonamura while North Tripura District is comprised of kailashahar, Dharmanagar and Kamalpur and South TripuI.a District comprised of remaining Udaipur, Amarpur, Gandachhara, Belonia and Sabroom Sub-divisions. The District Headquarter of West Tripura District is situated at Agartala town which is also the capital of the state. Out of the six principal hill ranges namely Baramura and part of Atharamura fall wit[,in the district. The principal rivers of this district are Gomotl, Howrah and khowai.


The District Census Handbook was first introduced under the 1951 Census. 1951 District Census Handbook was a dry bone as simply the Census data were included therein. Flesh and Blood were added to the same during 1961 by incorporating the information relating to amenities. 1951 and 1961 :lerie:; of District Cen:;us Handbook were in relation to one district as Tripura was a single district territory. In 1970, Tripura was divided into three districts and three separate District Census Handbook were published in connection with the 1971 Censu~. Primary Census Abstract presenting the basic census data for each village/ward/town found place in the 1951 District Census Handbook. Improvements were affected in 1961 Census Handbook by incorporating additional information in the form of village notes at t.he time of actual enumeration. Some important non-census data like facilities of educational, medical, postal etc. which were available in the village were also included. The Handbook also provided short introduction of Tripura showing the area, location, physical aspects, hill ranges, plains and river basins, climate and rainfall, class of soil, forests, agriculture, industries and an account of the historical development of the place as well as some basic information about the people, their common diseases and calamities they suffered from. The statistics relating to rainfall, temperature, agriculture, industries, administration, medical and public health, education etc., as maintained by various Government Offices were also incorporated. Thus in addition to the census data, non-census statistics were also made available. It was expected that this would serve as a conveni~nt reference book to the data users of different fields for planning, administrative services and

6 other purposes. Nevertheless, continuous changes were observed in the nature of information required by various data users of the country. Sometimes, there were conflicting demands from different persons or organisations who were frequently guided by their segmental fields of interest. The Census Organisation of India carefully considered all such points and with an insight of its own, determined the different sorts of information which should be presented in the District Census Handbook of 1971 Census. Thus in 1971 Census, planning and efforts have been made to compile both census and non-census statistics down to the village level throughout the country in a fairly comprehensive and uniform manner. The main changes in the village directory Scheduled of 1971 Census from that of 1961 are, inclusion of information about the availability of a few additional amenities, like existence of katcha/pucca roads, distance from nearest town, types of educational institution and land use data as desired by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India. The scope of District Census Handbook, 1981 has been enlarged coneiderably specially in relation to the amenities available in the villages and towns and land­ use pattern in villages and non-municipal towns. The collection of data on recognised slums of Class-I and Class-II towns of the State is a new addition of 1981 in the Town uirectory portior. of the District Census Handbook. The format of the primary census abstrac:.: have been restructured due to the change of economic questions. The data on marginal workers collected through the canvassinq of individual slips is an important addition to workers.

In order to make the publication of village level statistics, covering largely non-census data, available as early as possible to the data users, it was decided that the District Census Handbook should be brought out in two parts, viz., Part A Town and Village Directory Part B: Village and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract

Part A in relation to Town and Village Directory and Part B in relation to Village and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract were combined together for each district so far Tripura is concerned.

NOTE: IIlstory of De liB , 199] hdS been discussed in the chdpter of "Scope of U ..· VilJdye dnd Town Directory Statement and peAl'.


Part-A of this book contains the Village and Town Directories. The Village Directory gives information for each village such as amenities available in the fields of education, medical, drink.ing wat.er, post and telegraph, markets/hats, communications, power supply which are of fundamental importance to the villagers. Besides, parti.culars relating to approach to the village and land use patterns etc. are also presented in the Village Directory. Moreover, details regarding Block-wise Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities, land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns; a list of villages where there are no amenity other than drinking water; list of villages according to the proportion of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes to the total population by rdnges.

The Town Directory contains seven statements alongwith a sub-statement IV A, giving important parti culars of each town such as status and growth history; physical aspects and location; municipal finance; civic and other amenities; civic and other amenities in notified slums; educational, recreational and cultural facilities and trade, commerce, industry and banking etc.

Part-B of this handbook contains lhe Primary Census Abstract of the villages and towns. The Primary Census Abstract gJ.ves information of each village/town/ward

7 the ba.sic census data incl ud_; nIJ area, occupied residential houses; number of household; total population; age-group of 0-6 population; literate population; working population by 9 broad categories; marginal workers and non-workers.

The Village Directory of Part A statement for 1981 contained 20 columns for elucidating information regarding amenities and land use, whereas the statement for 1991 contains 18 columns. The two columns, namely, staple food and remarks including any place of religious, historical archaeological interest have been dropped from the statement in 1991.

In respect of the Town Directory of P'lrt-A, all the seven statements are similar to those adopted in 19B1. The Primary Census Abstract has been slightly modified in the 1991 Census to those adopted in e981. This time it comprises of the age group of '0-6' population by sex and break-up of the total main workers categories from 4 in 1981 ~nto 9 in 1991 Census by sex.


WhiJe Tripura as a whole lies approximately between the North latitude 22.56' and 24.32' and between longitude 91.20' east, the West Tripura Distr~ct lies approximately between latitude 23.16' to 24.14' North and Longitude 91.09' to 91.47' East. The West Tripura District is bounded by Bangladesh in the North and West, by North T:-ipura in the east and by South Tripura in the South. The West Tripura District. has got an area of 3033 Sq.Km.out of 10,486 Sq.Km. area of the whole State. Due to merger of Ganganagar Tehsil (328 Sq.Km.) to North Tripura from West Tripura during 1971-81 the area of West Tripura District became the smallest during the 1981 and 1991 Census but yet it possesses the maximum population 1,293,861 (1991) out of 2,757,205 of the whole State.

Tripura was known as 'Hill Tipperah' and the very nomenclature is suggestive of its hilly nature of undulating surface made uneven by inter-sparced Jow hills. A series hill ranges running North and South divide the territory into broad parallel valleys, consisting of undulating tillas (hillocks) covered with jungle with totuous streane. There are six principal hill ranges in the State increasing in height as one moves West to East (from the sumit of the ranges one has a striking view of the surr0undings a heaving menetory of evergreen landscope). Out of the six principal ranges, Baramura , Deotamura ranges and Atharamura ranges partly fall within West Tripura.

1. Baramura Deotamura Range : The portion of the above ranges lying in West Tripura District is the Baramura range which is almost 47 Km. having the highest peak Saisum Sib (249 Mtrs.)

2. Atharamura Range : This range starts from Amarpur Sub-division of South Tripura District and then enters into the Khowai Sub-division of West Tripura and runs along the border of West Tripura and NOrth Tripura District. Its highest peak in the West Tripura District is Niungnanwra (481 Mtrs.) .The ever greenness of hill ranges of Tripura is going to be a history day by day to us no question of posterity as barrenness is going to replace it due to indiscriminate felling of trees.

Asthetic sense were very much prevalent in Tripura. That it is so would be evident from the fact that the tribal ladies use wild flowers as their apparels when they come to market or fair besides their festivals. But when there is a conflict between asthetic sense and necessity, necessity is bound to prevail upon asthetic

B sense. Due to influx of refugees there have been indiscriminate felllnqs of trees whi¢h have affected the hillocks like anything. The hungq' man rather striving ones would not care for the long term deal a8 they are to make their body and soul together at any cost. They live on falling of tress for selling them as fuels. Dependence on fuels could be avoided to a great extent if other means of livelihood were open to them. This could be possible if there products would fetched a reasonable price which depends upon easy communication facilities. It is really shocking when we find ourselves in a land locked area without communication facilities, inland water facilities, no question of rail communication which is the only means of transport at ~ minimum cost. It is no wonder that the container costs more than the content and as air is only means of transport of perishable articles. Human and material resources are plenty and the same could be fruitfully exploited if there were incentives to the producer3 in getting their dues simply for ~heir existence. The following rivers flow within the West Tripura District :

Gomati ; The Gomat! which is the principal river is formed by the confluence of two rivulets; Raima and Sarma. The Raima originates from the Longtharai range and the Sarma from the Atharamura range and the two meet near 'Dhuchaibari' in the South E;,stern boundry of the South Tripura District and then assuming the name of the Gomati Nadi running through gorges upto the Dumbur fall in the Amarpur Sub-division. Gomati with length of 133 Km. a big river and runs across the Amarpur and Udaipur Sub-divisions of South Tripura District and Sonamura Sub-division in West Tripura District and then flows towards Bangladesh by the side of Sonamura Town of West Tripura District. The tributaries of the Gomati river on the right bank are Labachhara, Datakchhara, Sarbongchhara, Saugang, Patavgang and Noachhara and on the left bank are Rambhadhachhara, Ekchhari, Chelagang, Kurmachhara, Maharanichhara and Ranigan.

Khowai ; Source of the river is the Longtharai range. It is 166 Km. in length and it takes its way almost towards North Western direction upto Teliamura of West Tripura District and then towards North till it enters into Bangladesh. Its tributaries on the right bank are Baluchhara, Jeulchhara, Chamalchhara, Alladiachhara, Baskarachflara, Maharanichhara, Tuirupachhara, Samruchhara and Lalcnhara and on the left bank are Gulechhara, Nunachhara, Kakrachhara, Brahmachhara, Sarduchhara, Trishnachhara, Gangraichhara and Solaichhara.

Howrah ; It rises from the Baramura ranges and its tributaries are Dowaigang, Ghoramara and Debda on the right bank and Charupanadi, Dhobatilachhara an( Bangeswargang on the left ban~. The length of Howrah river is 53 km. and it flow: towards west and enters into Bangaladesh by side of Agartala Town, the capital oj the State.

Burigang It rises from Baramura and flows towards west and ultimately enter: into Bangladesh.

There are long river valleys extending over a vast area in different Sub­ divisions formed mostly of deep alluvial deposits with rich fertility excellentl~ suited for the cultivation of Paddy, Jute, Oil seeds, Spices, Fruits anc Vegetables would be evident from the aforementioned pOSition. The source of all rivers are in Tripura itself. Due to indiscriminate felling of trees the echology of Tripura is being affected to a great extent. Human beings and trees belong to the category of living species. There is a. gap of feelinq which might be attributed t( the fac~~rs of immediate benefit as the very 1uestion of subsistence is involvec particularly when the majority of the people in Tripura are below poverty line.

9 Exploitation and not extinction should be the way of life. If that be the case the forest resources which are national wealth should be preserved in such a way that they are exploited and not extinct. Else danger is inherent in expressing their displeasure. The signs of danger are apparent when we see erosion of soils due to indiscriminate felling of trees. There is uneven rainfall water flows merry-go­ round. It carries sands which turns into deposits causing heavy damage to fertile lands which are going to be scarce particularly when the population is increasing in geometrical progression. CLIMATE The climate of the District, keeping in conformity with the general of the State as a whole is tropical in nature and is generally warm and humid. The hilly regions naturally in winter in comparison with (he plain lands because of the fact that they participate in greater degrees in cold and hot wind.

The climate is woven with three distinct seasons namely summer, rainy and winter. The gener~l range of the climate temperature is between 10 degree centigrade dnd 35 degree centigrade. The coldest month of the year are December, January and February with the lowest temperature in January followed by summer during the months from March to May. The highest temperature is generally recorded. The South-West monsoon reaches the State in the months from June to September. Rainy season generally starts by about the end of May but thunder showers usually occur from about April to the break of the monsoon. The rainy season continues upto September. The maximum rainfall is usually recorded during the month of June-July. The month of October and November constitute the post monsoon season.


The rock formation of the West District range in age from Mid-Terri tory (15 million years) to recent.

The general geOlogy is represented by the repeatitive succession of argillaceous and arenaceous sedimentary rock like sandstone, shale and clay belonging to the (Bhuban and Boka-Bil subgroups of) Surma Group, Tipam Group and Dupitila Group. Quite a large part of this District is occupied by the recent fluvial deposits. The sedimentary rocks are deformed and .. folded.

The general geology reflects, tectonically, a part of mobile through, whose evolution has taken rlace gradually from the mobile geosyncline, east of the present site by the uplifts and reaction of basements near shie:ct areas.


Unfortunately, Tripura has no major minerals available in the State. However, occurences of the following minerals have been reported from the district :

Lignite : Lignite occurences have been reported from different posts of the District.The Lignite is pyretiferous and belongs to non-caking variety. The deposits are very small and under considerable rock cover and so cannot be economically worked. Plastic clay : There are a few small packets of plastic clay in the District which can be used from the manufacture of roofing tiles and potteries.

Natural. ga8 : There are several..,gas seepages in the District. There are number of Gas-Wells excavated by the ONGC in this District. Gas is now plenty available in Gas-Wells of "Baramura" Gabordi (Agartala Basin), Rukhia in this District. Electricity is being generated by Gas in Baramura & Rukhia.


Tripura is the land of hills and hillocks. Normally the soil is lateritic with less water absorption capacity. Soil of the hills and hillocks are unpromising, the word humus. The flat land in between the hillocks commonly known as 'lunga I i., alluvial in nature consisting of sand slit and clay. These flat lands are of course fertilised in most of the cases for growing paddy, jute, rabi crops, etc.


The economy of Tripura, as a whole is predominently agrarian and rural based with the vast majority of the population residing in the rural areas. A very high percentage of population depends of agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. On the other hand, quite a less percentage· of land available is suitable for agriculture. South Tripura District, a component District of this tiny state is also no exception to such constrints.

The various constrints of special characteristics which the state as well as the district suffer from, may be summarised as below :

1. There is dearth of cultivable land in the state as well as in the West Tripura District. 2. Increasing in population is causing heavy pressure on land and thus depleting the average size of the operational holding of agriculture land to further minimum. 3. Impact of plan investment is considerably decreased due to siphoning out of a large portion of income generated by the plan investment outside the state for import of essential commodities including food grains. 4. The rural population constitutes 93.08% of the total population of the state while wide difference in development exists between rural and urban areas.

5. The state suffers from serious botleneck in regard to industrialisation for the lack of good communication system both within the state and with Assam to which the state has an opening with the main land, though there is a ~0ntinuous endeavour to improve the communication system from the side of the Government.

6. The shifting cultivation of the Tribals locally known as "Jhum cultivation" is still being continued in a large area especially in the hilly terrains resulting in denueding of natural forests and thus causing soil erosion and silting of the rivers.

7. Frequent flood and droughts repeated damage to the economy.

8. The situation of the State and the district with a big stretch of border with Bangladesh makes its economy susceptible to detorioration by illegitimate trade between the two countries.

9. The number of person., awaiting employment is also steadily increasing and taking a shape of unmanageable proportion particularly in absence of large scale industries as the agriculture sector suffers frolt. almost saturation becaus.e of the high pres!::ure of land.

11 10. The state as well as the district has a large SC/ST population who are ~ still ~ackward deservinq intensive care and efforts for bringing them l; to the leve~ of dev610pment attained by the other sec~or of PO~l~tiotL t '. . .. 111, ~irif~i' view


It is true that the State as a whole was, in the bygone days, far richer in forest wealth but with the increasing pressure on land through population increase has rendered this rich forest susceptible to decay, through the process of reckless felling of the trees for different reasons like settlement of landuse and jhumes in some cases and for also augmenting the revenue of the erstwhile princely State even since the past great wars. With the increase in population, the pressure on land was intenSive .and the tall trees of the for'E!st had to give way to the increasing need of settlinq the refugees who came in exodus to this tiny State as well as for maintaining jhum cycle for the considerable percentage of Tribal who still continues to practice jhum cultivation. Without being scholarly to discuss the extent of ecological imbalances created by such indiscriminate exploitation of forest for immediate reasons. It is very much clear that the State has suffered quite heavily in this forest wealth during the past decades.

The forests of Tripura may be classified under the following types 1. Himalayan lower Bhabar Sal 2. Cachar tropical ever-green forest 3. Moist mixed deciduous forest 4. Low alluvial savannah wood-land 5. Moist mixed deciduous forest-dry bamboo brakes 6. Secondary moist bamboo brakes

Broadly the forests may be Classified into Bamboo forests, Sal forests, Garjan forests, mixed evergreen and evergreen Savana. Rubber and Coffee Plantation have also made considerable progress under the State Forest Department. Generally speaking, a-long-sidE'! the depreciation of natural forests mainly of bamboo, changrass and cane etc. which are commonly used as house building materials in the district, plantation of different improved varieties of timber are also being developed by Forest Department. The introduction of rubber and coffee plantation with intensive stress and participation of people may ultimately emerge as the changing factor of the economy of the district. In Tripura the forests are categorised into three groups, Reserve Forest, Proposed Reserve Forest and Protected Forest. The total area under these three categories in the whole State is 6291.679 Sq. KIn. out of which 3588.183 Sq. KIn. is under reserve forest, 258.916 under proposed reserve forest and 2444.580 Sq. Km. as prot":cted for"st. Out (,f t.he total forests area of 6291.679 Sq. KIn., 1155.353 Sq. Km. 0f forests lie in West Tripura District.

12 DIS~RIC!-WISE DISTRIBU!ION or DIFFERZIT TYPIS or roaaSTS I'J\OM 1989";90 (eAa in .q~, _.) ,',

: K.s.rV8 ProposeQ ,~.erve '~~iu~~'et;a TOUr forest forest for •• t

Nort Tripura District 1677.802 972.720 2650.522 West Tripura District 736.140 70 . .3) 348.880 1155.353 South Tripura Dhtrict 1n4.241 188.583 1122.980 2485.1104

Tot&! 3588.183 258.1116 2444.580 6291.6711·

~he above figure. ar. acco~ftg to the recorda of Itat. roreat Depa~t.

The changes in areas of forest for the years 1981-82 in the State of Tripura is given below (area in sq. km.).

'(ear Reserved Proposed Protected Total Forest (sq.km.) Reserved Forest For~!'3" Forest area

2 4 5

1981-82 357]. 38 291.40 2056.61 59J9.39 1982-83 3571. 38 291.40 2056.61 ~919.39 1983-84 3571.20 291.37 2446.64 6309.21

(390.0) sq. km.of area added due to the area recast in the settlement records during last re-survey)

1984-85 3571. 20 291.37 2446.64 6309.21 1985-86 3598.01 258.91 2444.58 6291.50 1986-87 3588.183 258.913 2444.58 6291.676 1987-88 3588.193 258.9J3 2444.58 6291.676 1988-89 3588.183 258.913 2444.58 6291.676 1989- 90 3588.183 258.916 2444.580 6291.679 The forest revenue constitutes a fair share of the State income. The revenue collected during the years from 1980-81 to 1991-92 is given be)ow

YEAR Revenue collected (Ra. in lakh) 1980-81 108.52 1981-82 171. 49 1982-83 139.18 1983-84 157.636 1984-85 205.122 1985-86 326.325 1986-87 396.317 1987-88 386.153 1988-89 295.638 1989-90 247.33 1990-91 324.313 lprovitional) 1991-92 Not yet finalised

Source: Office of the Conservator of rore.t, Govt. of Tripura

13 BI.BCD.I~I1'!' »m POWER Tripura is an under developed State in India regarding use of electricity for industries, irrigation and village electrification. She has an install capacity having 40.5 M.W. from her four power stations while her Peak demand is 54.1 M.W. She meets her additional requirments of Power from the Central Sector Allocation. A Statement of district-wise development in the field of electricity and Power during the year 1980-81 to 1990-91 is given below :


Name of Name of power Installed-capaci ty ow,,-"Resource --'-"rmpOt t-;,d from"' Peak Demand Remarks Oistric Station (MW) (MW) (MWI

-l------·-f-'i 980-81 199O::-91-19ijO=-Sl 1990-91 1980-81 1990::-91 1980-81 199o::-ijf ------

1 2 8 10

~~--~-- North rri pura West Tripura i I Baramura (2x5tlxb.ol :1 ~ . ~ MW Gas Thermal "J6.~ MW 16. S MW 7 MW 1'/ MW (NClnh Project [Jist.12MW

iiI Rokhia h8 MW 8 MW Central North WeSL Per Gas Thermal '8 MW sector Disl. Disl. capita Project Alloca- 2 MW, 32.1 MW consump­ tion for West South tion in imporLed Dist. Disl. the year 18MW 17MW 10MW 1990-91 short fall South ~4B.l Units 20.6 MW Dist. 7 MW South Tripura il Gumti Hydel 2x5 MW 3x5 MW 10 MW l~ MW Power Project -10 MW "15 MW

iiI Maharani 2xO.5 MW 1 MW Micro Hydel "1 Mw Pro ject 40.~ MW 40.4 MW

Remarks :-In e


According to state report on Agriculture Census of 1991-92 the total geographical area of the state is 10491.69 sq.km. Forest occupies a major portion of 6291.67 sq.km. which forms 59.96% of the total geographical area. The net sown area 1.S 2900 sq. km. which work out to 27.64% while 1300.02 sq. km. is used as other purposes i.e. 12.39% of the total geographical area. The Department shows 2000 sq.km. (68.97%) of land is utilised to seed more than one crops of the total net shown area. The land brought under irrigation is 453.91 sq.km. i.e. 15.65% of the total net sown area. TENANCY In ancient Tripura, according to the , no reference was available to know the basis on which the 'Rajkar' (royality) was charged in those days. It was, however, known that the hill people used to pay the revenue in kind, such as various types of,home-made clothes, brass, iron, ball-metal, ivory, horns of wild animal and even by serving the State instead of payment of royality in cash. Form the statistical account of Bengal (Vol. VI) by Sir W. W. Hunter, it was known that the Maharaja was the only zaminder as superior landlord in the whole state and used to make grants of lands in perpetuity and at a fixed rental. It could also be known that the land tenure system of the hill state was quite differel1t from the plain area and the rate of revenue was comparatively low, that could be paid either in cash or in kind and the service tenure was also prevalent.

Since 1290 T.E. (1880 A.D.) an enactment called 'Rajaswa Sambandhiya Niyamabali' on land tenure system was in vogue in Tripura which dealt with the procedure from collection of land revenue from the different types of tenants like 'Kayeni Taluks' (permanently settled estates) .

'Khas Mahals' (Government owned lands) and 'Karsha Praja' (cultivating tenants). This Act was followed by another enactment called 'Praja' Bhumyadhikari Sambandha Bisauak Ain, 1296 T.C.' (1986-87 A.D.) which dealt with relationship between the landlords and the tenants, matter relating to payment of rents, recovery of public demands, eviction of tenants, rights of raiyats etc. The first enactment relating to survey settlement in the State was introduced in the year 1899 A.D. under the style of Jarip-O-Bandobast Sambandhiya Niyamabali, 1309 T.E. Tripura Land Revenue and Ldnd Reforms Act, 1960 came into force w.e.f. 14.4.1961. This comprehensive ~ct was aimed mainly to consolidate and amend the laws relating to land revenue and to bring out the land reforms measures in the State providing for acquisition of estates and security of tenures. This Act, as amended substantiully be second amendment Act, 1974 and third amendment Act, 1975, seeks to remove the impediments against increase in agricultural production and removal of social injustice in the agrarian system of the State by (1) giving security of tenure to cultivators of land who were termed as 'Kerfaders' (under raiyats to Jotedars) and Bargadar (sharecropper) by bringing them into direct relationship with the Government (2) reducing cei ling on land holding to 2 standard hectares is the minimum and ".2 standard hectares at the maximum with retrospective effect from 24- 1-71 (3) restricting transf",r or partition of al.y land in certain circu.nstances to facilitate the operation' of ceiling laws and (4) preparation of field index and correction and updating of r€cords of rights.

Safeguards were p.rovided to protect interest of the tribals over land throughout the District with right of pre-emption in areas predominantly inhabited by them. The law also provides that the lands alienated by the tribals on or atter 1-1-69 have to be restored by revenue officers specially empowered to take up such cases. (a) Raiyat:- A raiyat is a person who owns land for purposes of agriCUlture paying land revenue to the Government. His rights over the land are permanent, heritable and transferable. He can erect building on his land, construct ,wells or tanks or undertake any other improvement measures for better cultivation of the land; likewise he can plant trees and enjoy the sufructs. He enjoys the power to lease out his land, which after the amendment of the Act in 1974 will be generally in perpetuity. Government may intervene whenever he allows to keep the land uncultivated for a year.

(b) Non-agricultural tenant: - A non-agricultural tenant is a person who holds land for purposes other than agriculturt paying land revenue to the Government. (c) Allottee:- An allottee is' a person who is allotted land by the Government and is liable to pay land revenue. His rights are heritable but not transferable within 10 years of allotment without the written consent of the collector.

15 (d) Bargadar:- A Bargadar is a share-cropper. He is a person who cultivates the land of any person on condition of delivering a share of the produce of such land to that person. According to the present provisions, a bargadar is liable to deliver not more than one-fourth of the produce to the land-holder if the plough cattle is supplied by the landholder and more than one-fifth if the plough cattle is not supplied by the land holder.

(c) Under-raiyat:- An under raiyat means a person who cultivate or holds the land of a raiyat on condition of paying therfore the rent in cash or in kind or delivering a sh~re of produce and includes a bargadar (Share-cropper).

An unde~ raiyat is now allowed to hold the land as such in perpetuity except in the case where the raiyat is a disabled person. His interest on such land is heritable but not transferable. Of course, an under raiyat may create a simple mortgage or a charge on his interest in the land leased to him in favour of Government or a Co-operative society, a Bank or such other institutions approved by the Government against any loan advanced by such institutions. The raiyat cannot realise from the under-raiyat the rent in cash exceedinq four times the land revenue of such land. A special drive was taken by the Government to treat the Bargadars as the raiyats directly responsible to the Government. The ceiling laws were also operated against the land owners having land over the ceiling limits to take away the lands beyond ceiling for allotment to landless agriculturists. Restoration of land to the tribal owners, who alienated the land on or after 1.1.69, was also taken up by specially empowered revenue officer.

According to the" State report on Agricultural Census 1976-77 in Tripura", " there are 246.6 thousand operational holdings covering a total area of 309.2 thousand hectares which constitutes 29.5 percent of total geographical area of the State. The remaining area of the State is covered by hills, forests and other lands not within the purview of the .. Agricultural Census ". The same report indicates that though the South Tripura stands second to North Tripura District in regard to its geographical area amongst the three districts of the state, the percentage of area operated to its total area (22.7%) is higher than that of North Tripura District 121.4%) but lower than that obtained in West Tripura District (48.1%). Average size of the holdings taking the state as a whole as obtaioned in 1976-77 was 1.25 hectare~. The same avarage of the South Tripura District is 1.18 hectares while West Tripura District has a better average of 1.21 hectare and the North Tripura District has the biggest average area of holding at 1.44 hectare.Out of the total 246614 holding in the state South Tripura District shares 6976, better than 57546 of North Tripura District but quite lower than 119892 of West Tripura District.

The economy of Tripura as a whole is predominently agrarian and so also is in the case of the district. Agricultural situation of the West Tripura District differs to some extent from that obtainted in other two districts in regard to topography soil, extent of rainfall, variation in temparature and humidity which has resulted in difference cropping pattern also from that of the other two districts.

Since, the end of Princely regime, agricultural development in the state has been attached with the priority of the highest magnitude to enriched the state with the integrated approach on agricultural development after marging of the State with Union of India. And all out effort has been taken in the Government sector to wean way with tribals. The practice of Jhum cultivation who used to practice jhum cultivation for their livelihood without having any experience or an inclination to plain land cultivation. The plain land people also were ~atisfy to grow single crop

16 preferably paddy without having any knowledge and experience of improved method of cultivation for growing multiple crops. The situation changed after 1950 with the abrupt increase in population due to heavy influx of people from the earstwhile East Pakisthan and a consequent decrease of per capita cultivable land as a result of certain sudden pressure on land. Agricultural sector received continious intensive stress in all the 5 year plan due to imperative necessity for increaseing production. The rainfall being the controlling feature for choise of crops posed as a problem in absence of minimum irrigation facility. The availability of cultivable land is also limited in the State as almost 55% of the area is hills and hillocks where normal cultivation cannot be practiced. Another constraints for better agricultural practice is the minimum size of operational holdings. The paucity of plain land available for cultivation of cereal crops is also an imperative reason for attaching more stress on exploring po::>sibility of horticultural development on hill land alld introduction of plantation crops of economic value like black pepper, cocoa, coffee, cinamon, high yielding early maturing varities of kshenut, dwarf varieties like rabi, wheat, groundnu1.., moong, valley, high yielding vadeties cf crops and maximum utilisation of lands by growing multiple crops.

There was an allout effort from the side of the State Government to accelerate and improve agriculLlral activities so as t.O increase production in all levels. Extension agencies have been set up in the fj eld level to arrange pour lng ,L'wn knowledge of recent agricu~tural technology to the cultivators and getting n~cessary feed back. Simultaneously, 5t.eady mobilisation of inputs have been arrange,i t(' motivate the cultivators to switch over to improved technique of cultivation.

The eight plan strategy i~o aimed at raising economic standard ,)f pe,'p~", through improved agricultural practices.

The West Tripura District has also not lagged behind to enjoy the our~~rn~ the different Governmental schemes adopted to introduce the improved agJ:i('ult,.. .:I~ pattern and for raising the production of different crops with integrated appr"i1ch to improve the lot of agricultureist who form the major constituent c't tho:' population. Due to implementation of various programmes an introduction of new ClCpS and varieties in the last decade, some remarkable achevements have been rn,hi", :1\ respect of production. A comperative study of 1981-82 and 1990-91 productil'f: ti.::,,:'" of West Ttipura District will indicate the difference.

Comparative Study of the Position of Production F1gure of West Tripura District

1981-82 1990-91

Production in M.T/ Area in Hectares Pr",ilh·t :,':~ 1·' Bales etc. M.T ~.d<,,, c·C,'.

1. Rice 130,519 164,406 120,852 225,940 2. Wheat 1,597 3,190 1,560 j,033 3. Pulses 1,551 540 4,284 2,445 4. Rape/Mustard 792 514 2,860 2,200 5. Sesamum 598 165 1, 130 520 6. ,Jute 1,388 11,243 (bales) 1, 178 10,366 (bales) 7. Potato 800 14,160 1, 1 ~ '.' :'1,004 8. Mesta 4,299 28,890 (bales) .',4.'l' 18,760 (bales) ANIMAL HUSBANDRY , V'J:TBRIHAIilY SERVICES

The animal husbandry and veterinary services, though formed an important sector of rural economy, was the most neglected sector during the erstwhile princely regime, Milk products, meat etc. were imported on a large scale. After merging the territory with Indian Union the department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services was established. The main aim and object, taken up under this sector were qualitative and quantitative improvements in milk production, poultry and piggery, in addition to provide the over-all health care to the livestock population.

The livestock of this state is small in l'llation to human population and area of the state. According to livestock census carried out in this state in 1987 by the Directorate of Animal Husbandry, the total livestock and po~ltry population recorded was 15,01,130 and 18,69,766 respectively. In West Tripura District the total livestock population was 6,13,676 of which 3,46,713 were classified as cattle, 2,260 as buffaloes and remaining oth.HS animals such as sheeps, goats, pigs etc. poultry was recorded 7,98,007 in this district.

Liveatock plays a vital role for the production of food of animal origin like milk, egg and meat. TI:ipura had a large number of cattle but they we.tt! mostly of non-descriptive type with low production of milk and poor draught capacLty. It was therefore, necessary to bring about an all round improvement at the earliest. To achieve this goal, the Animal Husbandry Department fielded a good number of production oriented schemes.

Under the plan, t.he following development programmes was tak.en un in West Tripura District.

1. Cattle Development. 2. Poultry Development. 3. Duckery Development. 4. Piggery Development. 5. Goatery Development. 6. Veterinary Services and Animal Health. 7. Fodder Development. S. Dairy Development.


For all round development of cattle, programmes such as intensive cattle Develop£l'ent Project, Estt. of Frozen Semen Bank and District Livestock Breeding Farms were taken up. Under the ICDP, cross breeqing of Cilttle by A. I. usuing liquid semen continued to be implemented during the year. The aim of the programmes was to increase the level of milk production by upgrading the progency of local non­ descript stock through artificial insemination by germplasm of the Jersy Breed of Cattle. Under this programme a semen COllection centre contimued to function in this District in order to supply semen to A.I. Centres. There are two Farms functioning at R. K. Fax:m Complex, one is Regional Exodic Cattle Breeding Farm (RECBF) and the other one was State Composite Livestock Farm (SCLF).


The poor and econimically backward people were generally instructed to rear poultry because it required a small investment and rendered a quick return, On the other hand the principal objective of the poultry development waa to increase production of eggs dnd poultry meat in the state and to encourage youths to take up poultry rearing through self employment. The State Poultry Farm at Gandgiqram in

18 West Tripura District has the' main objective to maintain exotic germplasm of both egg type and dual type for crossing them to produce cross breed-chicks. The produced cross breed chicks were supplied to the beneficiarie.s under different schemes adopted by the Government.


The Duck rearing was a common practice by the farmers of Tripura. The duck eggs were bigger in si ze and prefered by the people. The Regional Exotic Duck Breeding Farm at Radhakishorenagar in West Tripura District continued to function during the year. The said farm was the second in India and the only farm in the Eastern India. At present the Regional Exotic Duck Breeding Farm had been supplying Khaki Cambell Ducklings to the farmers of TRipura and other State of North Eastern Region and West Bangal, Madhyapradesh, Sikkim and Andaman Islands.


The pig mUltiplication Farm at Gandhigram was maintaining Exotic pigs of large white yorkshire, large Black Hemshare and Lanbrace Breeds. Besides, breeding stock of pigs were also supplied for implementation of the programmes launched by other agencies such as D.R.D.A.


A Regional goat breding farm was established at Debipur, West Tripura District with financial assistance of N.E.C. The main objective was to produce cross- breed goats with a view to increase meat and milk production. Two breeding stocks of pure lines were maintained in the farm to produce cross-breed goats.


The aim such institutions was to provide adequate facilities for treatment of livestOCK and birds, castration of bulls and vaccination of animals for prevention of contagious disease. Necessary medicines were supplied free of cost.


One Central Disease investigation Laboratory at Agratala is functioning.

The Disease investigation Laboratory rendered Services for the diagnosis of disease of Livestock and birds both for clinical purposes and for controlling of epidarnics.


Unless fodder and grazing facilities were made available to the milk yielding animals, the Diary Development Programme could not be successful. So the Government laid Stress on the Development of Feeds and Fodder. Eight Hundred seventy seven hectares of land were bought under various fodder cultivation.


Under Dairy Development the main act.lvity is centred round Agartala Milk Supply Scheme.

19 State Government owned Agartala Dairy was handed over to Tripura Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd. in 1983-84 on management basis, Since than Agartala Milk Supply scheme had been running the National Programme of Operation Flood. The milk was sold to city consumers five local subarban hospitals and local army units. The Dairy was selling (ghee) also.

Numbar of Veterinary Institutions In Tripura 1990-91

District Veterinary Veterinary Poultry Cattle Pig Buffalo Duck Goat Hospitals Dispensaries Farms Farlils Farms Farms Farms Farms

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

West Tripura 3 18 1 2 1 1 1

North Tripura 3 12 1 1 3

South Tripura 3 14 1 2 1 1

Total (Tripura) 9 44 3 3 6 1 2 1

SO:Jrce - OJ rectO! c! Anlmdl Husbandry. Guvt. of Tripura.


Due to topographical feature. the fisheries reserve in the state are limited to ponds, tanks etc. besides newly created Hydel Project Reservoir situated in the So~th Tripura District. The river system consisting of few main hilly stream flowing to Bangladesh do nvt support any fishery of commercial magnitude. In the pricely regime, the nla jar portion of the requirement of fishes were used to be available form the tlien British India dnd this was sufficient for the small population of the State. A cornperative, statement of the activities and achievement in the fisheries sector in West Trif,urd DistricL for the years from 1980-81 to 1991-92. Beside::> at present major p()rtio[l of the demand is meet up by the constant supply of fishes troIT Andhrapradesh directly by road and from Calcutta by Air.

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The major sector-wise distribm:.ions in the 7th plan are as under ._ Industries Rs. 1,6.91.32 lakhs

Village and emall industries Rs. 766.65 , I Mining and Metallurgy Rs. 10.69 " The provision in different heads under the annual plan 1991-92 are shown below Jute Mill Rs. 100.00 lakhs Paper Mill Rs. Tea Rs. 95.00 , , Small scale Rs. 213.00 Industrial Estate Re. Khadi, Village Industries Re. 60.00

Handloom Rs. t t

Handicrafts Re. t t Sericultu:re Rs. Special Employment Programme R~. 70.00 , ,

The State merged with the Indian Union on 15th October, 1949. We inherited a throughly bankrupt economy overwhelmingly agrarian in nature where the initial years of independence required more development in the social services sector than the industrial sector.

The steps towards industrialisation started in a humble way from the 2nd Five Year Plan with the introduction of training programme in different trades for industry through the industrial institutions and production-cum-training centres. These efforts yielded results during the Third and Fourth Five year plan periods. The people gradually took up industrial ventures in the small village Industries Sector. The Government of Tripura provided modern industrial sheds in the 5 industrial estates set up in North, South and West Districts of the State. Industrial Training institutes provided skilled workers. Along with these, the Government of Tripura took up various liberalised incentives schemes to attract enterpreneurs towards industrial avocation. It was soon realised that in spite of the best efforts of the Government of Tripura, there were crippling limitations on the part of the private sector entrepreneurs to achieve steady growth. The Tripura Government, therefore, decided to float a number of industrial corporations to further streamline the commercial activities involved in the growth of indu3tries, last decade, therefore, witnessed the emergence of the following corporations.

1. Tripura Handloom and Handicraft Development Corporation. 2. Tripura Industrial Development Corporation. 3. Tripura Tea Development Corporation. 4. Tripura Jute Mills Ltd.

22 Apart from that, the Tripura S,mall Industries Development Corporation was already existing looking after supply of scarce raw materials to the Small Scale Units. This corporation also runs a number of industries like Pharmaceuticals, Fruit canning and Brick Kilns etc.

All the corporations named above are charged with specific areas of development. The activities of the above corporation with necessary particulars are given below as this corporations cover the West Tripura District as well along with other two Districts in extending its henefit to the artisan of the district through its different beneficial schemes

Source :- De!>tt. of Industries, Governmerlt of Triptlra.

1. Tripura Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation. They are loo~ing after development Han~loom and Handicraft- Authorised capital Rs. 500.00 lakhs Paid up capita~. (upto 31.3.91) Rs. 203.48 " Sales turnover in 1991-92 ... P.T. Rs. 7.00 Crores Janata Saree Production in 1991-92 1,16,634 pes. upto July 1991. Artisan CGverage. a) Weaver3 1,350 Nos. b) Tribal Weavers under Tribal I?atchra 10,000 Nos. Production scheme c) Handicraft artisan 600 Nos.

2. Tripura Industrial Development Corporation.

The Tripura Industrial Development Corporation has been recently reconstituted to look after industrial area development by setting up of new industrial estates with additional responsibility to act as financial institution. Authorised capital Rs. 1,000 lakhs Paid up capitill (upto 31.3.91) Rs. 616.5 Idkhs Additional allotment (for providing ind~3trial infrastructure) R3. 62 lakhs

The infrastructural development work has been started at Dukli in the out­ skirts of Aqartala.


The Corporation acts as suppliers of raw material 1 i ke steel and pig .i ror" paraffin wax, country liquor, IMFL and spare parts etc. Two statements are given below a':1out the Tripura Small Industries Corporation Ltd. and the Small ScaJe Industries which have given a picture in their re::;pective field of development one after another respectively.

The main products in Fruit Canning Centre of TSIC is "Pineapple juice" in packed Tin. There is huse demand of this natural juice in the country. Pz'esently Indian Airlines, big hotels of Metro-Cities are tile customers (.)f thi'-i pineapple juice. 8ft!'Dtllft or 'fB TRIPURA SMALL INDUS'l'lUBS CORPORATION LTD. DURING 1991-92

Sales turnover 1991-92 ( Re. in lakhs)

Main Suppliers Achievement of Target for Sep. Dec. & Total 1st quarter (June) Mrach quarter

1 2 3 4 (2+3)

Steel , Pig Iron 0.219 34. 8 35.019

Paraffin wax 14.627 51. 08 05.707 country Liquor 5.199 IB.84 24.039

IMFL 1. 373 20.66 22.033

Spare parts 4.656 21.00 25.056

Re. 171. 854

E~tablised Industries Investment in 1991-92 Employment of workers ( Rs. in lakhs) ( number

Brick KIlns 160.18 2,400

Fruit Canning Factory 11. 00 150

Medicine 19.46 51

L. B. C. M. 11. 00 3

Re. 201.64 2,504 Nos.

~'-';lce :- Tripura Small Industries Corporation Ltd. ( A Govl. of Tripura undertaking)


N0. of Units Register West District South District North District Remarks


3858 2866 386 606


West Tripura District South Tripura District North Tripura District Total

1 2 .) 4


3) Role of Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.

The Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd. has got its registration in the month of August, 1980 under the Companies Act 1956. The objectives behind establishing this corporation were to play manifold vital roles to develop and up­ grade the Tea Industry in Tripura and to protect the interests of the workers, engaged in Tea Industry as a whole. The major roles, that the T.T.D.C. Ltd has to play, are mentioned here unde~ • i) " To safeguard the future of the Tea Industry of Tripura". ii) "To protect the interests of workers and increase employment potentialities". iii) "To avoid concentration of ownership of Tea Estate in a few hands". iv) "To avoid possible speculative trends in acquisition and management of Tea Estate." v) " To rehabilitate, revive, modernise, manage, run, advise and assist in any other way close and/ or un-economic Tea Estate." vi) "To purchase and take over Tea Estate in the state that are offered for sell from time to time and which this company consideres suitable and to develop the same to carryon the business in plantation, manufacture and sell of tea etc. " vii) "To plant, grow, cultivate, produce and to raise plantation of Tea and all kind of forest plants, crop including Agriculture and Horticulture crops etc. and also to sell and export the same". viii) " To Act, as felt necessary, in order to achieve the aforesaid objectives of the Company". Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd. started functioning from 1982 to acieve the above mentioned objectives. In the year 1982, T.T.D.C. Ltd. took initiative for raising new Tea garden at Machmarra under North Tripura District and in the subsequent year i.e. 1983 it took up the work of raising another Tea garden at Kamalasagar under West Tripura District.

2. The sick Tea gardens under the management of T.T.D.C. Ltd. as their viability In the last part of 1986, Govt. of Tripura vide its notifications had appointed the T.T.D.C. Ltd. as a custodian of the following 6 Nos. of Sick Tea Estate for the purpose of carrying of management of the said tea units. These 6 (six) sick tea units are :- i) . Mohanpur T.E. ii). Brahmakunda T.E. iii). Kalacharra T.E. *iv). Faitkcharra T.E. v) . Tufanialonga T.E. vi). Luxmilonga T.E. * Note :- The management of Fatikcharra T.E. has been handed over to Peerless Pv~. Ltd. in the middle of 1992. 3) . NEW PROJECT & PLAN PROGRAMME OF T.T.D.C. LTD.

Besides having two Nos. of the gardens of its own and maintaining more 5 sick Tea Estate, TTDC Ltd. has recently installed a Central Tea Processing Factory with a capacity of production of 6 lakhs Kgs. of.rr~de Tea per year at Durgabari Central Tea Processing Factory, West Tripura District. The factory has been installed with the

25 financial assistance of North Eastern Council. Thou9'h the factory is aimed to produce 6 lakhs K9's. of made tea per year, the production may be increased upto the capacity of 10 lakhs Kgs. of made tea per year if some additional machineries and plants are installed.

Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd. also planed to extend the plantation area and to increase the plant population in its own two gardens, namely Kamalasagar and Machmarra T. Es. In Kamalasagar TE every year 60 acres of land will be brought under tea plantation and up to the year 1996, total 300 acres of land would be planted with 18 lakhs of plants. While in Machmarra TE 50 acres per year w.e.f. 1993 to 1996 would be brought under tea plantation that is an additional 200 acres of land would be planted with 12 lakhs of plants.


Y~-Sub---No:o{Tea----~a-underT~---~ucuon----1{t~d-Ri~------Tot~-Emp~ent------DIVISion gardens (Hectares) of Tea (Kg.) of Tea ( Kg.per under Plantations Hectart': of Plucked Area) --I------i------3------4------5------6------

1983------52------5234~1------35:01~OOO-----724------8233------1984 54 5213.88 33,39.000 683 8945 1985 55 5434.76 38.07.790 768 9100 1986 55 5411.33 32.82.800 658 9667 1987 55 5521.83 40.90.043 183 10,237 1988 55 5573.13 42,16.340 802 10,911 1989 Sadar 22 2119.42 12.50,061 622 3512 Khowal 2 188.32 50,775 276 191 Kailaahahar 15 1316.84 9,44,550 767 2735 Kamalpur 5 486.28 6,50,753 1453 1474 Dhannanagar 8 1310.13 12,972,48 1023 2825 Sabroom 2 144.93 22,953 194 129 Belonia 1 71.21 45

ESTIMATED AREA AND PRODUCTION OF RUBBER Year------A;ea(Hect~) ------Pioductk>;-(i;o~n;'------v;;:i~.I~ TR; -p~~ g~ntall------1------2------'------3------4------j984~85------j8o------147A78------1:689------1885-86 1.100 165.362 1. 694 1986-87 1.950 195.700 1. 740 1987-88 2,152 340.000 1,827 1988-89 (P) 9.266 594.389 1,835 1989-90 (PI 16.515 600.000 2,000 p. Provisional, Source :- Rubber Board, Trlpura, Agartala & T.F.D & P Corporation.

The Tripura District Gazetter published by the Department of Education, Government of Tripura gives us an idea about the course of trade, import and export of this state.

26 In the past, there were exportable surplus of foreat product. and of certain agricultural produce. rorest products were mainly exported to the adjacent diatrict of Assam and Bangladesh, namely, Sylhet, Tipperah and Noalth.li and in small.r quantities to districts cf Dacca, Bacherqanj and raridpur. There were three channels through which these products were exported. These were (11 River-route Mahal i.e. exported by river-routes. All the main rivers of Tripura flow into Bangladesh. (2) permit Mahal Le. exports of minor fore!lt produce by land route permits. The •• permit a entitled the holders to collect and make a shoulder-borne export independently i.e. without the help of anybOdy else, minor forest produce such •• bamboo, sungrass, fuel, etc. from the forest area. (3) Khushki Mahal i.e. export of , timber, bamboo in bundles of 100, sungrass in bundle of 4/1/2 feet gi~th, fuel in cubic feet, bamboo mats in pieces, umbrella handle etc. by number. At present moet of the forest products are consumed by the state itself in construction of work/furniture, bamboo and wood crafts which ultimately find place in the markets of outside states.

Among agricultural produce cotton, Jute mustard, rice, sugarcane etc: are the main items for sale in other states of India. Cotton is purchased by agents of important fi~ of Calcutta Silchar and Karimganj. Tripura's cotton is !lhort-stapled and in Calcutta market, this is COll'lTlonly called "Comilla Cotton".

Jute is also oontrolled by a few agents of Calcutta and local units of Jute Corporation of India. Oilseed is also taken to Calcutta by the purchasing agents operating \n Tripura.

Tea is also an important trade of export. It is directly sent by the respective gardens to Gawahati for auction and sale.

Cottage industry products like handloom products, ba3kets, cane products, bamboo made curies and tinned fruit pr~ducts like orange squash, pineapple juice, and also pineapples are being sent to other states for sale now. There are show room and sale counter of cottage, Industry products in Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay. There are demands of fruit juice, specially juice of pineapple of Tripura in Indian Airline and leading hotels of big cities in India.

All manufactured goods used by the people of Tripura, like cotton textiles including readymade garments, cotton yarn and twists, woolen goods, metal and products thereof, machinery for tea gardens motor vehicles, cycles etc. hardware, iron, cement, paint, sugar and molasses, kerosene oil, petrol, liquir, paper, drugs and medicines, salt, spices, tobacco, coal, matches cosmeties etc. are brought from other states for use of local people.

Besides these manufacturers, rice, fish and eggs oil and ghee, fruits ( Apple, grapes etc.) and vegetables, raw tobacco, wheat etc. are also brought from other states. Among other items mention may be made of books, cinema materials, livestock, gold and silver, clock and watch, sugarcane, pressing machine, tea chests, umbrella with fittings, tinned food, cosmetics, leather goods, furniture, building materials etc. The same overall position still exists taking the state as a whole. Tripura, being a land locked state with limited resources and very less indust~ialisation, has to depend uopn other states of India for-almost all materials of necessities as would be evident from the above extract.

The important feature in the trade and comrnarce sector of the state is the emergence of the co-operative institutions as one of the most vital aqencies in the trade and commarca of the state. The Jute Corporation of India has also come up with the scheme of procuring jute on reasonableyrice from the producers. Setting up of a

27 Jut. Mill at Aqartala during the laat decade has opened up a new ..ctor of rr&de and export of finished jute products. Tea Development Corporation haa been .et up to co­ ordinate the activities in respect of one of the most import alit trade of the State in production of Tea. The Tripura Handloum Handicraft Corporation is also playing a major role in popularising the cottage industry products of the state in the other parte of the country. The tinned fruit products like pineapple slices, pineapple juce, orange squash etc. have also found a good market in the country. Agartala, being the state capital with the main centre of the Trade and commarce through which most of the deals of imports into and export from Tripura takes places.

It may be pertinent to say here that in Princely Regime, the communication system within the state was really very much inadequate. The rulers of Tripura found it convenient to take advantage of the railway station, situated in British India contingous to the divisional town at that time. The other means of transport was by boats in the navigable river. After independence, the state Govt. had given stress on the need of constructing roads connecting sub-divi.ional towns, block, headquarters etc. and village roads. Though the transport system still diserves improvement, Tripura Road Transport Corporation under the state Government have taken a major role in providing transport facilities within the state. The communication system in the district is also based mainly on the Bu. services under the Tripura Road Transport Corporation and the buse., Geeps, Taxies, Mini-bu.es etc. belonging to the private owners playing within the district. There is no railway in this district._ There i. one modern Airport at Singarbil, 15 km. away from Aqartala. This Airport part plays most important for communication with the rest of India.


Among the major events in the District may be made of the followings : a) The Television Center has been set up in this district during the decade. Before setting up this T.V. center, people of the District used to enjoy the T.V. programme of Bangladesh. Now the people of District enjoy the Indian T.V. programme transmitted from Delhi and the local T.V. programme of an hour Social' al.o. It is a remarkable cultural event in the District during the Cultural decade (1981-1991). Inauguration of Town Hall by the then Vice-President India, Shri Ramaswami Venkataraman is also an important landmark in culture. People of the district now enjoy various cultural programme in this modern Town Hall. b) Colourful Durga Puja festival of the District is famous. The procession of the images of Goddess Durga at the Raj-path of Agartala on the day, of " Bijoya Dasami" deserves to mention here as remarkable cultural events. Besides these Fair & Saraswati Puja, Biswakarma puja, Ratha Jatra from Jagannath Bari are Festival also important festival. Id, Muharrum, X-mas day, Gariyapuja are also celebrated in the district. Agartala Book Fair celebration of Rabindra/ Nazrul jayanti have been taken the important places in the arena of cultural activities of the district.

A dinner is offered by the State Government to the tribal leader on 26th January ( Republic day) every year. This custom is being observed since the period of Maharaja of Tripura.

28 "Brarnahakunda Mela" of Mohonpur Development Block is also 'important cultural! religious festivals of tribal! non·tribal.

0) Creation of a new Notified Area at Teliamura by the Government of Tripura is a major event in the field of administration. Flood, draught, Administrative & Cyclone, landslide etc.are occured every year. River Khowai, Natural calamity Howrah, Bijoy, Gomati, Rasya puri and Kata Khal inundate vast area of the district in every monsoon.

PUCBS 01' ULIGIOUS, HISTORICAL OJ' .u.cHABOLOGICI.L IIG'ORl'ANCZ IN VILLAGaB AND PI.ACJJ:S 01' :rot1RIST IN't2RBST IN TO t'OIINS or TO DISTRICT Places of tourist interest in the District. Rich in Flora and Fauna, the scenic beauty of the hilly terrains, interspersed with splash green valleys in between, of the District as a whole may attract the tourists to find solace in the calmness of the nature.

The following places may find place in the t6urists map of the District in particular and these may classified such as religiOUS, ~istorical and archaeological etc. Shipahijal.a WllcUif. Sanctuary

In Bishalgarh Development Block the sanctuary is situated in the village of Golaghati. It is situated almost at a distance of 28 Km. from the State capital, Agartala. The sanctuary covering an area of 18.53 sq.km. has a rich collection of wild life particularly of birds and primates. It is ~mportant for its Zoo, Botanical Garden, Picnic Spots, Parks, Lakes, Research Centre and Training Institute which offer an excellent scope for study. The aesthetic demand of the tourist and of the children has also been catered to. Arrangements are there for joy ride on elephants back, a ride on ~oy train and boating in paddle as well as rowing boats in the natural lake. The baautiful Bunglow " Abasarika" and the tourist lodges which are comming up with the lakes around it the solitude and the nearness to nature are by themselves source of serene pleasure. A good number of migratory birds visit this sanctuary every year during winter season.

Rudraaagar and U•• rmahal : Rudrasagar is a deep extensive and beautiful natural lake having an island where" " was built by the then late Maharaja, 8ir 8ikram Kishore during his reigm 1927 to 1947 and it is located in the village Rudijala under Melagarh Development Block. flNeermahal" or "Palace in the water" is a spectular edifice providing with electricity and a small well laid garden at the courtyard. Once at the course of time the palace was lying in a position of decrepit. A few years ago Tripura Government renovated the decrepit "Neermahal" and also constructed a fair 44 badded tourist lodge named "Sagarmahal" on the bank of Rudrasagar for the comfort and attraction of perigrinator."Neermahal" is no doubt of the finest beauty spot in T~ipura. The lake itself very beautiful afford good sports for rowing and rears a good stocks of delicious fishes.

Old Agartala and Chaturda. Dev_tab.ri Old Agartala is located in the village of uttar champamura under Jirania Development Block. "Puran Agartala or "Puran Haveli as it is called, has been the capital of Tripura since the time of Maharaja Krishna Manikya who had shifced the' capital from Udaipur to old Agartala on the 'blink of Howrah in face of his continued fight with Sansher Gazi who had attacked Udaipur in 1784. It continued to be the ~apital of Rajas till it was shifted to the present site a few miles off old Agatala by Maharaja Krishna Manikya, who ascened ~ho throne in 1930.

29 Old Aqartala is still visited by a good number of pilgrima every year on the occassion of "Rharchi Puja" in the month of Ashar. (July) at the temple of Chaturdas Devata which was built there when the 14 deities were removed from Udaipur. Though originally a tribal festival all classes of devotees both tribals and non tribals participate in the worship of fourteen Gods, popularly known as "karchi Puja".The temple is situated at a distence of 4 Kms from Agartala towns."

"Kasba Kalibari" a temple of goddes Kali is situated under Bishalgarh DEvelopment Block. "The huge lake here was excavated by Maharaja Ohanya Manikya Bahadur in the late 15th century while the Rali temple stop the hillock dates back to the 17th century. Famous for the. great fair held every year in October, this place is equally popular with picnickers".


It is located in the heart of the state capital, Agartala."Jagannath temple famous not only from the pilgrim point of view, this temple is also a remarkable architectural feat with its octagonal base and its impressive pradakshinpatha round the :sanctum. The pillar13 are crowned by a 8qu.are pirarnidal core."


Budda vihar is situated to the northern side of Agartala. "This shrine though small in size, preserves some beautiful metal idols of Lord Buddha and Bodhi8attas, the idols being burmese in origin. Here Buddha Jayanti is celebrated on the Buddha Purnima day".


"In the heart of the city, spread over an area of half a square mile this mighty palace was built in Indo Sarcenic style by Maharaja Radhakishore Manikya Bahadur during 1899-1901, and now mostly houses the State Lagis1ative Assembly. The ceiling of the Chinese room, the carved doors, the water pools and the fauntains reflect the grandeur of the byegone days".


" A picturesque hillock known as Kunjaban for its scenic beauty stands to the north of Aqartala town and within a mile from the Royal Palace () with tracts of some where law lying hillocks. Though not far away yet being a place came to be regarded as ideal for relaxation and pleasure strolls in the past for its green beauty, green gardens, orchard and a small Zoo. It may be interesting to add that Rabindranath Tagore stayed in the eastern apartment of this palace during his seventh and last visit in 1926. Around Varandah attached to this easten part, named as Goal Varandah was the most favourate place for its distant view of Baramura hills on the ,eastern horizon. This varandah had been the mute witness of many a dear moment when the poet composed a number of popular songs which were incorporated in Vaikali series, or reminded obsorted in silence. This palace had been taken over by the Government of Tripura and is being USE;d as the official residence of the Governor - Raj Bhavan".

30 n The bunglow adjacent to the Kunjabal Palace was originally a Kutcha house where also the poet stayed during his previous visit in 1919. The pucca building which still assumes the name Malanehabas was subsique'1tly built".


Maharaja Bir Bikram College is situated to the eastern side of A9artala town which appears to have been garlanded by a number of lakes. The scenic beauty of the college is very beautiful to look at. It was established in the year 1947 by the then late Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya. "Yet another monument of the old areiteetural traditions, this building is exquisite both from the exterior as well as the interior."


Thi6 in6et table5 of thi~ chapter6 have been prepared on the basi~ of the main tables of Primary Census Abstruct, Villaqe Directory and !rown Directory . • The data in the Village Directory have been presented revenue village wise which is the lowest unit of the adnUnistration. An alphabetical list of villages with location code number is given in Saction-I of the Village Directory for each of the Development Block in the district so that the readers can find out the required villages from the list and collect the necessary particulars with less difficulty_

The information and data relating to Village Directory and Town Directory hav~ been collected through the revenue agency like Telsilder at the micro-lebel with authentication by the Sub-Divisiona-l Officer concerned_ The procedure of collection of data through the revenue agency was actually decided on the advice of the State Government.

32 Table - 1 (A,): Population an~ Number ofvwa.,es. 1991.

81 Name of development Population of VUlages No. ofVUlages No. Bloc. P M F Total Inhabited

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Khowai 96.523 49.156 47.367 35 35 2. Teliamllra 135.876 69.688 66.188 42 42 3. Jiranla 152.579 78,481 74.098 35 35 4. Mohonpur 151.192 79.559 71.633 36 36 5. Blshalghar 275.341 142.~381 132.960 64 64 6. 166.446 85,354 81.092 62 62 District: 977.957 504,619 473.338 274 274 Table- leA) Population and number of Villages, 1991.

ThiS table present!, the daln r('bUng 10 the distribution of rural population by sex and the total number of villages under each developmellt blocks. ill the district. Among the development blocks. Bishalghar in S

Table - 1 (B) : Population and Number of Towns. 1991. Sl.No. Namc and Civic administration Stat us of towns Population of Towns p M F 2 :3 4 5

1. Agarlala (M) 157.358 79.344 78,014 2. 13adharghat (eT) 35.576 18,230 17,346 :3. Barjaln ICT) 16.954 8.709 8,245 4. Gandhlgram (eT) 7.538 ::UKl:3 3.635 5. Jogenuranagar (eT) 26.990 13.867 13.123 6. Khowai (NA) 12.552 6.427 6,125 7. Pralapgarh (CT) 13.972 7.168 6.804 8. Singarbil (CT) 9.160 4.738 4.422 9. SonamllfU (NA) 8.136 4.235 3.901 10. Tellamura (NA) 27.668 14.336 13.332 District: 315.904 160.957 154.947

Table- l(B) Population, and number of Towns. 1991

Regarding the population in urban areas. Agartala City Lhe Capital of State occupies the highest pOSition wilh 157.358 constituting 49.81

33 Table-2: New Town/Towns decla.. tned merged In 1991-Censua Name of Town Population of 1991- Census 1 2 (a) Added Teliamura PopulaUon (1991 Census) 27,668 (b) Declassified Nil Population (1981 Census) (c) Wholly merged with other Nil Population (1981 Census) Table - 2: New Town/Towns declassified. merged In tbe 1991 Cenlu.a. This table Is self explanatory. It shows the new addltlon of Tellamura Town in the 1991 Census in the district. The new town registered with a populat!c'n of 27.668 belonging to class III non­ municipal town. No town of 1981 Census of the district has been dec1asslfJed in the 1991 Census. Table· 3 : Decadal Change In distributlon of population

Sl. Name of Sub­ Population Pcrc~ntage Decadal Percentage of Urban No. dMsion/Deve· (1981-1991) Variation Population Iopment Block/Town 1981 1991

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1981 1991

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

1. Khowai Sub-Division 211,868 201,146 10,722 272,619 232,399 40,220 28.67 15.54 275.12 5.06 14.75

I. Khowal Dev. Block 74,550 74,650 96,523 96,523 29.47 29,47

2. Tc:ltarnura Dcv. Block 126,596 126,596 135.. 876 135,H76 7.33 7.33 / 3. Khowal (NA) 10,722 10.722 12.552 12,552 17,07 17.07 100,00

4. Te!lamura(NA) 27,668 27,668 100.00

2. Sadar Sub· dtv1slon 630.958 498,772 132.IR6 H46.660 579,112 267.548 34. W 16. II 102.40 20.95 31.60

1. Jlranta Dev. Block 114.135 114,135 152.579 152.579 33.68 33.68

2. Mohonpur Dev. Block 135,202 135,202 151.192 151,192 11.83 11.83

3. Bfshalgarh Dev. Block 249,435 249.435 275,341 275,341 10.39 10.39

4. Agartala (M) 132,186 132,186 157.358 157,358 19.04 19.04 100.00 100.00

5. Slngarbl Hen 9.160 9,160 100.00

6. Gandhlgram (CT) 7,538 7,638 100.00

7. Barjala (Cl1 16,954 16,954 100.00

8. Badharghat (CT) 35,576 36.676 100.00

9. Pratapgarh (en 13,972 i3,972 100.00

10. Jogendranagar 26,990 26,990 100.00 leT) 3. Sonamura Sub­ 133,426 127.046 6,380 174,5B2 .166,446 8,136 30.85 31.01 27.52 4.78 4.66 dlvtslon I. Melaghar Dev. Block 127.046 127.046 ~66,446 166,446 31.01 31.01

2. Sonamura (NA) 6,380 6,380 B,136 8,136 27.52 27.52 100.00 100.00

District 976,252 826.964 149.288 1.293,861 977,957 315,904 32.53 18.26 111.61 16.29 24.42

34 Table • 3 : Decadll chanae In dl.tribution of population. This table shows the data relating to the changes In population between the two Censuses of 1981 and 1991 In absolute figures as well as In terms of perrentage. The perren.tage decadal variation In the district during the decade stands at 32.53% while the percentage of rural and urban stands at 18.26% and 111.61 % respectively.

Sadar Sub-division occupies the highest in terms of decadal variation of 34.19% whereas Khowal Sub-division registered the lowest percentage con~t!tuUl'\g 28.6701., during the de('ade 1981·91. The percentage of urban population to total population In the dlstrlct in 1981 was 15.29% whereas the percentage has been registered In the 1991 Census at 24.42°,.11 Table- 4 : Percentage distribution or villages by population ranges. 1991

Development No. and per­ No.anci percentage o{Vlllagestn each range [Figures Block centage of Inh· In parentheSiS Indicate percentage of villages In each range) ablted vlllage ----_.. .. ------_._---- Less __ than 200 200499 500-1999 :WOO-4999 5000·9999 10.000 and above

2 4 5 6 7 8

.... --._.-.. ... -.,,--~--,."" -~- -~ .. - ..-- ..--~--.".-~-.--. "_- -_ _ .. --.....-----~----.--- 1. Khowal 35 (loa 00) 2(571) 3(8.57) 8(22.H6) 17(4857) 4( 11.4:l) 1(2.86)

2. Tellamura 42(10000) 2(4.76) 11(2E 19) 22(5238) 7(16.67)

3. Jlranla 35(100.00) 2(5.71) 7(20.00) 16[45.72) 8[22.86) 2(5.71)

4. Mohoflpur 36(100.00) 1(2.78) 1(278) 10(27.78) 12[33.3:l) 10{27.7B) 2(5.55)

5. Blshalgharh 64(100.00) 1(1.56) 3[4.69) 13(20.31) 25[39.06) 18(28.13) 4(6.25)

6. Melaghar 62(100.00) 6(9.68) 17(27.42) 35(56.45) 4(6.45)

.------.------... ------.-"~--.. ,---". District: 274[100.00) 6(2.19) 15[5.48) 66[24.09) 127(46.35) 51(18.61) 9(3.28)

Table-4 : Percentage distribution of vUlages by population ranges.I991 This table shows a clear pIcture relating to the distribution of 274 Inhabited villages of the district by broad range of population. It reveals from the table that the highest number comes under the population ranges of 2000-4999 constituting 46.35% of the total numbfo,r of villages. In respect of lowest numbfo,r. 6 villages have come under the range of population less than 200 constituting 2.19O.1J of the total villages in the district.

35 Table-IS: DIstribution of Vlllagel by Denllty Range of DenSity Total Number of V1l1ages percentage of village (Per Sq.Km) in each density range in each aenslty range. 1 2 3

-10 1 0.37 11·20 7 2.56 21·SO 18 6.57 51·100 23 8.39 101·200 39 14.23 201·300 43 15.69 301·500 72 26.28 SOl + 71 25.91 Not known Total 274 100.00 Table- IS : Dlltribution of Villa,el by density

This table presents the data regarding the number of villages under different density ranges from 0 to 501 +.

It Is seen from the table that the highest number of villages I.e. 72 out of the total 274 Inhabited vJllages of the district comes under the density range of 301·500 covering 26.28% of the total villages. Next comes 71 villages In the rangt' of 501 + constituting 25.91 % of the total villages. The lowest range of 0·10 covers only 1 Villages constituting 0.37% of he total Villages.

Table- 6 IA) :Sex ratIo for Rural population of Development Bloeb. 1991. SI.No. Name of Development Block Number "Of females per 1000 males

2 3 l. Khowal 964 2. Tellamura 950 3. Jlranla 944 4. Mohonpur 900 5. Blshalgharh 934 6. Melaghar 950

District: 938

Table ..alA) : Sex ratio for rural population of Development Bloeb. 1991_

This table gives the dlstrlbutlon of sex ratio Cor rural population for each of the development blocks In the district. Among the rural areas the sex ratio for the district stands at 938. It Is reveals from the table that Khowal (jeveJopment block occupies the highest sex ratio with 964 while Mohonpur block occupies the lowest sex raUo with 900.

36 Table- 8 (8) : Sea: ratio for Towu. 1901

SI.No. Name and c:tvte aclm1n.tratton statu. o( town. Name of female. per 1.000 male. 2 3

1. Agartala (M) 983 2. Badharghat ( C11 952 3. BaJjala (CO 947 4. Gandhtgram (CO 931 5. Jogendianagar (CO 946 6. KhowaJ (NA) 953 7. Pratapgarh (CO 949 8. Slngar61l (eT) 933 9. Sonamura (NA) 921 10. Tel1amura INA) 930

DlstI1ct : 963

Table- 6{B) : Sea: ratio (or Towns. 1991.

This table shows the distribution sex ratio for the population of urban areas In the district. Among the urban areas. the sex ratio less for the district stands at 963. Agartala town occupies the highest sex ratio I.e. 983. Next comes Khowal Town with 953.The lowest sex rallo for urban areas In SonamurA Town with 921.

Table- 7 : Proportion of Scheduled Ca.tea population to total population in the 'YW.,e•. Percentage Ranges of.Scheduled Number ofVlllages percentage of village. Castes population to total In each range In each range. population

2 3

0·5 46 22.01 6-10 29 13.88 11·15 33 15.79 16-20 23 11.00 21·30 31 14.83 31 + 47 22.49

----~--. ---- Total 209 100.00

Table- 7: Proportion of Scheduled Caste. population to the total population In the village.

This table shows the distribution of number of Villages of the district in different percentage ranges of scheduled castes population to the total population. There are 32 different types of scheduled castes community in Trlpura. The percentage of scheduled castes to the tota) population of the district stands at 18.56% while the percentage for the state Is 16.36%

It appears from the table that out of 209 villages. of the district. 47 vUlages comes under the highest percentage range of 31+ constituting 22.49% scheduled.castes population to total population whUe the lowest includes 23 villages covering the percentage range of 16-20 constituting 11 % of the total villages.

37 Table- 8 : Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the village •.

Percentage Ranges of Scheduled Number of Vlliages percentage of Villages Tribes population to total In each range In each range. population

1 2 3

0-5 51 20.00 6-]5 27 10.59 16-25 22 8.63 26-35 12 4.70 36-50 19 7.45 51 + 124 48.63

~=o-t-a""I------.... ------... --"--'-"-'-2-55'" ...-._-_.--- -.----- 100.00

Table- 8 : Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to the total population tn the village

'This table presents the distrlbutioll of number of villages of the di~tJict In different percentage ranges of scheduled tribes population to the total population. There are 19 different types of scheduled tribes community in Tripura. The percentage of scheduled tribes population to the total population of the district stands at 2S.18% while the percentage for the state Is 11.82% .

It reveal~ from the table that out of 255 villages of the district. 124 villages comes under the highest percentage range of 51 + of scheduled tribes population to total population constituting 48.63% of the total vlllages.The lowest range of 0·5 IncJude~ 51 villages constituting 20.00% of the total villages. 12 v1llages constituting the lowest percentage 4.70% comes under the percentage range of 2G-35.

Table - 9 : Percentage of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population in towns. 1991

Towns Total popu- Total Schedu· Total Sche· percentage of percentage of lation led castes po duled tribes SC population ST population pulatlon population to total popu- to total pop- latlon ulatlon

2 3 4 5 6

Agartala (M) 157.358 15.494 8.601 9.85 5.47 Badharghat ( CT) 35.576 9.253 675 2£.01 1.90 Bmjala (en 16.954 2.504 72 14.77 0.42 Gandhigram (CT) 7.538 2.207 55 29.28 0.73 Jogendranagar(CT) 26.990 7.700 34 28.53 0.13 Khowai (NA) 12.552 981 532 7.82 4.24 Pratapgarh (CT) 13.972 4.371 147 31.28 1.05 Singarbll ICT) 9.160 3.855 136 42.09 1.48 Sonamura (NA) 8.136 1.483 77 18.23 0.95 Teliamura INA) 27.668 9.218 776 33.32 2.80

All Towns 315.904 57.066 11.105 18.06 3.52

38 Table - 9 : Percentage of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population In Towns. 1991.

This table shows the percentage of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population to the total population for each of the towns of the dlstIict. If appears from the table that scheduled caste population In the towns of the district stands at 57.066 constituting only 18.06% of the total urban population. The scheduled tribes population In urban areas Is very low with 11,105 constituting 3.52% only of the total urban population of the district. 'llie highest percentage of 42.09% In scheduled castes populatlon Is found In SlngarbU census town wHh the lowest of 7.82% In Khowal Town. Agartala Town comprises only the percentage of 9.85% of Scheduled castes population. In respect of scheduled tribes population In urban areas. Agartala Town covers the highest percentage of 5.47% while the lowest percentage of 0.13% Is found In Jogendranagar Census Town.

Table - 10 tAl: Literacy Rates for Rural Population of Development Blocks by sex, 1991 (excluding children In the age group 0-6) Sl.No.

p M F

2 3 4 '5

1. Khowal 63.16 73.14 52.77 2. Tclianlura 58,71 70.:}8 46,36 ~I. JlnUlla 62.07 73.41 49.97 4. Mohonpur 63.,,7 74,70 G1.00 5. Ili~halgharh 61.1l7 n.71'1 49,()Ij 6. Mclaghar 51.:)H 63.35 :llI.IS

·---~-l)i";;lri~:t-:--· t;o. II; 71.63 47.H5

Table-IO (Al : Literacy rates for rural population of Development Blocks by sex.!991 ( excluding children in the age group 0-6)

Thi.'i table pr(.'scnt~ the ellst, ;but1011 or pI'r('c:nLlg<' of Iltcf'

Table-l0 (B): Literacy Rates for Towns, 1991 ( excluding children in the age group :>-6)

Sl. "---N--;:~n(;' and c-tvjc adrninistnttiofl P~TCe'ntage of l.il('rH(C~ status of town

p M . __ .- ... __ ._-,-,_ .. _-- ,,----_.. - .. - __ .. _--_ .. --;::---- 2 3 4 5

AgarLala (M) 89.02 9:l.B2 R4.15

2. Badharghat ( C'n 79.46 Hll.61 71.9<1

3, BarJala (eT) 74,55 tl:!.40 65.19

4. Candhtgrarn (eT) 76.99 H4.64 68.75

5. Jogcndranagar (Cll 69.55 77.86 60.78

6. Khowal (NA) 86.44 91.53 81.16

7. Prntapgarh (ell 74,16 81.95 65.85

8. Singarbll (en 67,49 74.13 60.25

9. Sonamura (NA) 71.82 80.16 62,65

10. Teliamura rNA) 74,27 81.99 66.02 Dlstrtct: 82,30 88,38 75.98

39 'bWe- 10 [II) : UtelM1 nt.ee lor towa.. 1881 ( acl~ chDdreD In the .,... f,rftP H) 1'hfa table ~ the literacy rate for each of the towns and the district as a whole. f the dllltrict 'S 82.30% which III . It .peare from the table that the literacy rate of the total urban areas 0 WIlY bf&b in ClOIIlparlllon With rural literacy rate of 60.16%. d I Ag rtaJa Town while the lowest of Among the town•• the highest literacy rate of 89.02% Is reglstere n a rate In urban areaa IS an 87.4996 In SlngarblJ one of the Census Town of the dIstrict. The hJgh trend of Jlteracy t extend than all u.ua1 feature .. because the educational £acilJUes have reached the urban people to a grea er other rural areu 01 the district. Table • ll(Al : Percentaae of Main workeR. Mar,lnilJ worker. and Non-workers for Rural population. 1991.

Percentage of

SL. Name of Ocv. Maln workers Marginal workers Total workers 10 Non-workers to total No. BJock to total population to total population to total population population

p M F P M F P M F P M F

1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

I. Khowal 29.50 48.56 9.72 1.90 0.19 3.66 31.40 48.75 13.38 68.60 51.25 86.62

2. Tellamura 29.49 47.35 10.69 2.47 0.31 4.73 31.96 47.66 15.42 68.04 52.34 84.58

3. JInuUa 29.36 47.04 10.64 1.78 0.79 2.83 31.14 47.83 13.47 68.86 52.17 86.53

4. Mohonpur 31.49 49.64 11.33 1.64 0.69 2.69 33.13 50.33 14.02 66.87 49.67 85.98

5. Biahalgarh 29.03 47.43 9.32 1.54 0.35 2.82 30.57 47.78 12.14 69.43 52.22 87.86

6. Melaghar 26.14 46.50 4.71 1.17 0.47 1.90 27.31 46.97 6.61 72.69 53.03 93.39

DlstIicl: 29.08 47.00 9.27 1.69 0.47 3.00 30.77 48.13 12.27 69.23 51.87 87.73

Table - II(.\] : Percentaee of Main workers. Marlinal workers and Non-workers. for rural population of development blocks. 1991. Thls table shows the Important data regarding the percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers by rural population and sex for each of the development blocks under the district.

It is seen from the table that only 29.08% of the total population have been found to be main workers out of which the male percentage Is better at 47.66% while the female percentage Is only 9.27%. The percentage of main workers In male as well as Female In the rural and urban areas are almost same I.e. 47.66% , 9.27% . 47.48% and 8.91% respectively. Almost all the cases the percentage of marginal workers In female population Is a better than that of male population. The percentage of female marginal workers Is the highest l.eA.73% In Tellamura Development Block whUe the lowest percentage Is found In Melaghar development block (1.90%).

40 'Table· Of Ikla 'WOI'IE•• lIUItaaI_t1I:en'" 1f0000000ken for towu.1181. ·U,. ,...... , Percenlaie 01 st.. :Name and c:IaIIc: Mliln workers Mar&lnal worker Total worker. Non-worken to total No. admlnl$tratmn to total popu1aUOn to lotal population to total population population status of town

p M F P M F P M F P M F

1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

1. .AgartaIa 1M) 30.44 48.31 12.27 0.17 0.15 0.19 30.61 48.46 12.46 69.39 51.54 87.54

2. Badharghat (en 26.90 47.27 5.4H 0.40 0.27 0.55 27.30 47.54 6.03 72.70 52.46 93.97

3. Baljala ICTl 25.58 45.77 4.26 0.11 0.07 0.14 25.69 45.84 4.40 74.31 54.16 95.60

4. Gandhlgram (CT) 25.31 45.07 4.10 0.19 0.02 0.36 25.50 45.09 4.46 74.50 54.91 95.54

5. Jogendranagar ICT) 26.43 46.23 5.50 0.45 0.02 0.92 26.88 46.25 6.42 73.12 53.75 93.58

6. Khowal(NAI 27.92 45.71 9.26 0.71 0.67 0.75 28.63 46.38 10.01 71.37 53.62 89.99

7. Pralapgarh CCT) 27.02 48.33 4.59 0.01 0.01 27.03 48.33 4.60 72.97 51.67 95.40 8. Singarbil (en 25.72 46.03 3.96 0.22 0.04 0.41 25.94 46.07 4.37 74.06 53.93 95.63

9. Sonamura INA) 28.46 48.24 6.97 0.12 0.12 0.13 28.58 48.36 7.10 71.42 51.64 92.90

10. Tellamura INA) 26.78 46.61 5.46 0.39 0.47 0.31 27.17 47.08 5.77 72.83 52.92 94.23

District: 28.56 47.4H H.9J 0.25 0.18 0.32 28.81 47.66 9.23 71.19 52.34 90.77

Table-Il(B) : Percenta,e of Maln workers. Marginal workers and Non-workers for Town..1991

This table presents the data relating to the percentage of matn workers. marginal workers and Non­ workers by urban population and sex for each of the town In the district. Among the towns. the percentage of main workers In male populatlon.Pratapgarh (C'O occupies the highest position of 48.33% while the lowest Is found In Gandhlgram Census Town (45.07%). The highest percentage of main workers tn female population Is found In Agartala Town(l2.27%) while the lowest percentage Is found In Singarbll Census Town (3.96 %) ..

Almost all the cases the percentage of marginal workers In female population Is better than that of male population. '.

The total workers comprises of main workers and marginal workers together. The addition of the marginal workers with the main workers has been Increased to some extent the dlstrtct percentage of total workers to total population with 30.77% In the rural areas and 28.8l % for the urban areas. The Non-workers are the major percentage of the population In almost in almost all the areas In the district.

41 Table- 12 Distribution of vWaaes aceorc:l.lnc to the avallabD't" of dlfl'erent amenltie.

NameofD~- No.oflnh- No. (With percentage)of vtllages having one or more of the folloWing amenities lopment abited Block vtllages Educatlon- Medical Drtnklng post& Marketl Commu- Approach Power aI water Telegraph hat nlcatlons by pucea supply road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -1-0-

Khownl 35 31 28 35 22 21 17 18 29

(88.57) (80.00) (100.00) [62.86) (60,00) (48.57) (51.43) (82.86)

TelJamura 42 41 27 42 21 20 20 22 33 (97.62) (64.29) (100.00) (50.00) (47.62) (47.62) (52,38) (78,57)

JITanJa 35 31 27 35 25 15 16 17 24

(88.57) (77.14) (100.00) (71.43) 142.86) (45.71) 148.57) 168.57)

Mohonpur 36 30 31 36 30 27 27 27 26 (83.33) (86.11) (100.00) (B3.33) (75,00) (75.00) (75.00) (72.22)

Blahalgarh 64 61 46 64 44 41 37 43 55

(95,31) (7I.BB) (100,00) (68.75) (64.06) (57.81) (67.19) 185.94)

Melaghar 62 59 34 62 39 35 32 30 50

(95.16) (54.84) (100.00) (62.90) (56.45) (51.61) (48.39) (BO.65)

District 274 253 193 274 181 159 149 157 217 (92.341 (70.44) (100.00) (66.06) (58.03) (54.38) (57.30) (79.20)

Table-12 : Distribution of VlUages according to the avanabUlly of different amenities

This table presents the data relalfng to the number of vtllages with their percentages to the total number of vtllages haVing different amenities like education . medical, drinking water. post &telegraph. power supply etc. for each of the development block and the district as a whole.

In respect of educational amenltles, 253 villages have got such facilities With good percentage 92.34% of the total 274 vlllages In the district. Tellamur.1, Blshalgarh and Melaghar have a high coverage Qf such amenities 1.e.97.62% ,95.31% and 95. 16% respectively.

As regards medl<,al fa<,lIlties. It Is seen that only 193 villages constituting 70.44% possess such amenities of the total villages In the district. Among the development blocks. Mohanpur occupies the highest with the percentage of 86.ll% while the lowest percentage Is seen In Melaghar covering of 54,84%. Regarding drinking water facilities It appears that all the villageliin the dl!ltrlct are having one or more source of such facUlties and hence the percentage covertng of 100%.

In respect of post & telegraph facilities. I 81 villages are havtng one or other types of postal faCilities which constltues a coverage oC 66.06% of the total villages. The highest percentage of coverage Is found in Mohanpur block'i,e. 83.33% and the lowest percentage Is in Tellamura block [50.00%).

In terms of market/hat within the villages, the hlghcst percentage (75.00%) is found In Mohanpur block while the lowest percentage Is In Jlmnla block I.e. 42.86%.

Regarding communication facilltll's, 149 viilagl's out of 274 vllla~l's or Ihe dls!ri{'! an: having these type with a coverage of 54,38%. The best communication facilities arc n:gisln• .'d to lhl' 27 villagl's of Mohanpur blo{'k constltuttng 75 % of the total villages while the lowest is in Jimnia block with 16 village!> out of 35 vtil"gcs conslitu ling 45.71 %. The only mode of transport In the district comprises of bus. taxi or jL't!p ali there is no oth"r transport availabl.· within the district. . Regarding approach by puceil road, 157 villa",,'" mll1pristng 57.30% or !h(' total vllla~,'('s In the district have pucca road as approach.The highest percentage coverl,,!: of 75.00'11. is f(lUnd In Mohilnp'ur bloek while the lowest In Mclaghar at 48.39%.

In respect of power supply. tIll' cowrag(' Is I1wall'" al 217 villages oul of the 274 village» In the district constituting 79.20% of the total villages. Th~' hljlhesl ('ov(·rag,· is lound In IllshalgOirh block With 55 villages havlng power supply with tM p~rcenta.ge of 85.94% whllc the lowl'sf Is In ,)Iralll" blo.. k only 6H.57%. Table- 13 : ProporUon of RQraJ. population .erved by different amenitie.

Nameo(Dev· Total poru- Proportion or Ruml popul:aUon served by the amenity of Iopment Iattan a Block inhabited villages In the Dev. block

Education Medlen! Drinking Post & Marketl Commu- Approach Power wnter Telegraph hat nlcatlon by pucca supply road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I) 10

Khowal 96.523 91.037 90.840 96.523 79.436 58.193 62.148 66.341 91.922 (94.32) (94.11) (100.00) (82.30) (60.91) (65.01) (68.13) (95.231 Teliamura 135.876 135.435 107.925 135.876 83.294 70.238 83.044 92.445 125.758 (99.68) (79.43) (100.00) (61.30) (51.69) (61.(2) (68.04) (92.55) Jlrama 152.579 144,435 138,716 152,'579 135.699 97,043 92.576 100.235 138.478 (94.66) (90.91) (100.00) (88.94) (63.60) (60,67) (65.69) (90,761

Mohanpur 151.192 145.043 146.205 151,192 144,226 123.701 119.975 140.245 138.209

(95.93) (96.701 (100.00) (95.39) (81.82) (79.35) (92.76) (91.41) Btshalgarh 275,341 264,482 239.275 275.341 225,255 215.325 192.349 219,628 262.741

(96.06) (86.90) (100.00) (81.81) (78.20) (69,86) (79.77) (95.42) Melaghar 166,446 164.756 105.968 166,446 130,234 112,513 109,970 105.601 148.657 (98.98) (63.67) (100.00) (78.24) (67.60) (66,07) (63.44) (89.31)

DIstrict 977,957 945.188 828.929 977,957 798.144 677.613 660.662 724.495 905,765 (96.65) (84.76) (100.00) (81.61) (69.29) (67.56) (74.08) (92.62)

Table-13 : Proportion of rural population aerved by different amenltle.

This table shows the proportion of rural population served by different amenities for each of the deVelopment blocks and the district as a whole. The highest percentage I.e. 1 00% In respect of drinking water facilities Is seen In all the development blocks and the distriCt. Next coverage Is registered In the district In respect of educational facilities with 96.65%. The highest percentage of such facilities Is seen In Telfamura block I.e. 99.68% while the lowes I Is In Khowal block at 94.32%.

In respect of medical facilltles.Mohonpur occupies the highest position with 96.70% whlle Melaghar Is the lowest with only 63.67%.

Regarding post & Telegraph facilities. the coverage of 81.61% Is registered In the distriCt. The highest Is In Mohanpur block(95,39%) while' the lowest In Tellamura block at 61.30%. In respect of market/hat the district average Is 69.29%. The highest Is In Mohanpur block with 81.82% and TelJamura Is the lowest with 51.69"A>.

As regards to communlcatlon facllitles. the dlstrict coverage Is 67.56%. The highest percentage Is registered In Mohanpur block with 79.35% while the lowest In Jlranla block at 60.67% .

In respect of approach by pucca road. the district average Is 74.08%. The highest percentage Is In Mohanpur block(92.76%} while the lowest In Melaghar block at 63.4~%.

In respect of power supply. 92.62% of the total populatlon of the district has been registered. The highest coverage of 95.23% Is In Khowal block while Melaghar block Is the lowest with 89.31%.

43 Table-U. : Dlatrlbutton of vUlagetl not ha-riDI certain ameDlU... arraaced b:r d.latllnce raDI" from the 'Plac.. "here the.. are available

Village not havtng the Number of villages where the amenity Is' not available and l!lIlenlty of avallable at distance of

-5 krns 5-10 krns 10+ kma Total Icols.2-4)

2 3 4 5 Education 14 7 21 Medtea.l 32 30 19 81 Drtnkingwater Post&Telegraph 62 21 10 93 Market a: Hat 76 30 9 115 CommunicaUon 56 41 28 125

Table- 14: DlatrlbuUon of vUla,_ not ha.. .., certain amenit1e•• arraDIed by diatance nage. from the places "here the.. avaUable

In rea~t of educational facUfUes 21 villages do not possess such facUlties wllhin the village though 14 of them are haVIng the amenity aVailable within a distance of -5 kma. 7 of them havtng the range·of 5- 10 kms but none of the villages Is found at a dlatance of 10+ krns and above.

All regard medical facilities. B I vtUagea are not having such (actlltles within the VIllage while 32.30 & 19 of them are haVIng the amenity available within the distance ranges of -5 kms. 5·10 Ions and 10+ kms respectively.

In case of post & Telegraph facilities 93 vtllages are not havtng such facilities within the village though 62 of them are having the amenity avallable within a distance of -5 krns. 21 of them havtng the range of 5-10 krns and 10 of them having at a distance of 100kma and above.

In respect of markel/hal. 76 villages PO"eIIS the such (adUties at a distance of -5 kJl18. 30 villages having the range of 5-10 kms and only 9 villages having al a distance of 10+ kms and above.

In case of conununlcaUon facillUes, 56 villages poBSess such facilitles at a distance of -5 kms, 41 of them having the range of 5-1 0 kma and 28 of them having at a distance of 10+ kma. Table-IS: Distribution of riDages accordla., to the distance from nc_reat Town and avaUabUlty of different amenities.

Distance Number range from of Inhabited No.{wlth percentage) of Vll!agea having the amenity of the nean:at villages In towrl(ln Kmsl each range

Education Medica! Drinking post& Market/ Commu- Approach Power water Telegraph hat nlcaUon by pucca supply road

2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10

0-5 22 18 IS 22 17 12 14 18 21

(81.82) (81.82 (IOO,OO) (77.27) (54.55) {53. 54) (81.82) (95.45)

6-15 66 58 38 66 45 40 33 39 57

(87.88) (57.58) (loo.oo) (68.18) (50. 5 I) (50.00) 159.09) (86.36)

16-50 182 169 122 182 113 105 96 95 133

(92.86) (67.03) (100.00) 162.09) 157.69) 152.75) 152.20) (73.08)

51+ 4 3 3 4 2 3 3 :3

(75.00) (75;00) (100.00) (50.00) (25.001 (75.001 (75 •.00] (75 .. 00l Unspecified

TOTAl.. 274 248 181 274 177 158 146 155 214 190.51) (66.06) (100.00) (64.60) {57·661 {53. 28] (56,57) (78,10) Tab.. ·18 : Diabtbutloa 01 nu.,•• accordiq to the 6taaoe froID the a..,..t town aruI .....UabWty of cWhftat .....D1tlH.

It reveals frOm the table that the villages situated In the near by urban areas ~ better percentase In raped of amenlUes In general but the coverage under market/hat communlcaUon (adUUes an very low In the different distance range from the town. Table· 18 : Distribution of ... Ula,.. aecordln, to population ,allla and a.ealtl•• ....aU.bl.

Population Number Number (with percentage) of vlllagea having the amenity of ranee or inhabited villages In Education Medical Drinking post& Marketl Commu- Approach Po_r each range water Telegraph hat nlcatlon bypu- .upplY _road 1 2 3 " 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 499 20 10 5 20 2 5 2 3 4 {50. 00) (25.00) (100.00) (10.00) (25.00, (10.00, (15.00) (20.00) 500-1,999 66 60 32 66 26 24 24 22 37 (90.911 (48.48' (100.00) (39.39) (36.36' (36.36) (33.33) (56.06)

2000-4.999 128 122 99 128 97 86 82 82 114 (95.31) (77.34) (l00.00) (75.78, (67.19) (64.06) (64.06) 189.08) 5000+ 60 59 57 60 56 45 48 53 60 (98.33) (95.00) (100.00) (93.33) (75.00) {BO.OO, (88.33) (100.00)

Total 274 251 193 274 181 160 156 160 215 (9l.61) {(70.44) (100.00) 166.06) (58.39) (56.93, (58.39) (78.47)

Table-18: DistributJon of 'Villat•• accordlDl to population raDle and amenities aYaIlable

This table ShOW3 the number of villages In different ranges of populaUon With one or other amenities In tenns of percentage. The coverage In tenns of percentage In the vUlages with population range of 5000+ and above Is better In comparison with other population ranges. The smallest villages With population range of -499 are found to have the received the lowest percentage of coverage In relation to all the amenttles except In the drtnklng water (acUities.

Table-17 : Di.trlbution of ...wa,ea accord.ln~ to land WHI.

Development No.of Inhabited Total area Percentage of Percentage or Block Villages (In hectares! cultivable Irrtgated area to area to total total cultivable area area

1 2 3 4 5

Khowal 35 34.205.18 38.94 10.72 Telfamura 42 64.242.29 24.23 3.74 Jiranla 35 39.412.77 41.70 25.45 Mohanpur 36 39.710.13 44.87 24.64 B1ahalgarb 64 64.694.48 515.41 315.63 Melaghar 62 47.835.64 36:94 25.50 District: 274 290.100.39 40.21 23.88

Cultivable Area .. lITIgated + unlrrtgated Area.

Table-17 : Distribution of ... m.,e. accordln, to land WHI.

~ table presents the percentage distribution of cultivable area to total area and the percentaae of trnpted area to total cultivable area In the villages within the development block and for the whole dIstrict . .It .. _n from the table thut the pert.oentage of cultivable ar~ to the tot.al area. of the d1atrlct .tand. at 40.2 I'MI. 'lbI: highest pe.rceDIa,e 01 cultivable area of 55.41% is ayullable In BlshalgEu'h block while the lowest Is tn TellamUl'll at 24.231M1 only. The percentage of Irrigated area to totnl cultivable area In the dt&trlct stands at 23.88% . Among the ~lopment blocka. IhIt ~ntage ,. the highest In Ulsho.lgarh block wuh the percenta&e of 35.63% while the lowest percentaae Is found in Teu.mura block stand. at 3. 74 %.

45 TIlbIe- 18 : Per capita receipt and expenditure tn town••

Class.Name & elvIc Per capita .tatus of the Town. Receipt Rs. in Lnk. Expenditure Total Receipt Re(.'Clpt Total General Expen- public EXpeln- Other through from all expen- admtnl- dtlure work. dlture aspect. taxes other dlture stratlon on pub· on pu· sources lie hea· bile in· Ith and stltutt· convent· ons ences

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Agartala (M) 312.82 15.19 297.63 351.80 178.80 20.27 144.33 2.64 05.76 m Badharghat(C11 N.A. N.A. . N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

IV Baljala 1C11 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

V OandhlgramlCT) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

III Jogendranagar N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. (C11 IV Khowaf (NA) 30.40 1.90 28.50 77.09 37.34 N.A. 39.75 N.A. N.A.

IV Pratapgarh (eT] N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

V Singarbil (CT) N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

V Sonamum (NA) 3.84 N.A. 3.84 8.00 1.75 0.75 5.11 0.39 N.A.

1Il Telalmura (NA) B.OO N.A. B.OO B.oo 1.50 4.00 2.50 N.A. N.A.

Total 355.06 17.09 337.97 444.89 219.39 25.02 191.69 3.03 05.76

Table-IS: Per capita receipt and expenditure In town•.

This table shows the per capita receipt and expenditure for each of the towns in the district. The figures for receipt and expenditure statement of six Census Towns could not be obtained except only the municipal town Agartala and other three Notilled Area Towns vi? Khowal. Teliamura a!1d Sonamura.

Table-I9: School. per 10.000 population In town•.

Class, Name and clvtc No. per 10,000 population status of Towns

Illghcr Sc(:ondary/ Secondary/ Junior Primary Inter/PUC/Junior MatriculaUon Secondary/ College Middle

2 3 4 5

1 Agar-tala (M) 21 (1.33) 8 (0.51) B (0.51) 27 ( 1.71) 111 Badharghut(CT) I (0.28) .2(0.56) 2 (0.56) 3 (0.84) IV Oaryala (Cn 2 ( I. 1H) 3 [ 1.77) 2 (I IH) 2 (I.IB) V Oandhlgram(CT) 3 (3.98) I (1.33) 1 (1.33) III Jogcndranagur [C'l1 I [0.37) 1 (0.37) (0.37) H (2.96)

IV Khowai (NA) 3 (2.39) 2 (1.59) (O.HO) 8 [6,37 ) IV Prat.apgarh (Cn (0.72) I (0.12) \. Stngarbil (Cl, [1.09) 3 (3.28) Ii Sonamuru (NA) 2 [2.46) (1.23) 2 (2.46 ) :il Tclatmurll INAI 2 [0.72) [0,36) 9 (3.25)

Tolal 36 ( 1.14) 19 (0.60) 15 (0.47) 64 12.03 ) ---

46 1'_1.· 10: Schook per 10.000 population In town•.

'l'hl. table reflects the number of dlfTcrent types of educatlonallnstltutlon~ and Its distribution per 10.000 populatiOn In the towns of !he district. . In respect of educational factlilies In the towns. Agartala occupies the highest share: lImong all other towns of the dlStJ;lct. . Table-20 : Number of Bed. In Medical Inltttutiona In Towns.

class. Name and cIVIc status of the Town No. of beds In Medlcallnstltutlons per 1.000 population


I AgartalB (M) 797 (5.06) III Badharghal(Cn N.A. IV Barjala (C'O N.A. V Gandhlgrarn(C'O N.A. III Jogendranagar (Cn N.A. IV Khowai (NA) 55 (4.38) IV Pratapgarh (Cn N.A. V Singarbli (cn N.A. V Sonamura (NA) 10 (1.23) III Telalmura (NA) 30 ().08)

Total 892 (2.82)

Table-20 : Number of Beds in Medical lnatltutlona in Towns.

This table shows the number of Medlcallnstltutlons and Its dlstl1butlon per 1.000 population In each oflhe towns In the district. It appears from the table that Agartala Is having lhe highest number of beds 797 I.e. 5.06 per one thousand population among all other towns of the dislrkt. Next Khowai comes with 55 beds of 4.38 per one thousand population in the towns of the district. The lowest number of medical beds is found in Sonamura town With 10 I.e. 1.23% In the towns of the district. Table - 21 : proportion of slwns population in Town.

Class. Name and civic st.atus proportion of slums population Density In slums(per Sq.Km) of the Town to total population of the town

2 3

No. Notified slums Area In Agartala Town

Table-21: Proportion of slums population in towns.

As there Is no Notified slums area In the lown. the format of table 21 could not be utilised. Table-22 : Most Impo!'tant commodity manufactured. imported and exported in towns. Class. Name and Most Important commodHy dvlc status of the Town

Manufactured Exported Imported.

2 3 4

Agartala 1M) Handicraft and Handloom Tea and Handloom Foodstuff and Clothes clothes Handterafte Medicines III Badharghat(C'O N.A. N.A. N.A. IV BaIjaia (C'O N.A. N.A. N.A. V Gandhlgram(C'O N.A. N.A. N.A. III Jogendranagar (CT) N.A. N.A N.A.

IV Khowai (NA) Candk Jutc Foodstuff IV Pratapgarh (Cn N.A. N.A. N.A. V Slngarbil (C11 N.A. N.A. N.A. V Sonamura (NA) Candle Vl'gctablel. Foodstuff III Telalmura (NA) I I u.ndicrafl. Vegetables Clothes,Food . stuff and Medicines ,..,,10-22 : Mo.t import.. , cOIII.moclity maoufactured. Imported and exported io toWll'.

This table Is self explanatory. It Is dl'p!eled from the Stalc.'menl VI of the town ~lrcctory. 47


Boundary, !nt.rnohOl'lc)l Oldrlct De.... lopmen' Block R.... .,..ue "'iII~ with IQ(.Ghon codt number _ :_1)..-_".: ~~, f14toOQUcrt .... : O...... lopfftenl Block o "illoV' with population Stu EWow 200, . 2:00-.tIIW;)OO-9~'IOOO-"~~5:000. Abo .... 0 .•.•••.• Urbon CliIlQ with lOcQtion code numb_. V.4'Z?;X ?2741 ""porlont ...... Iod Rood ~"d Flood. River orod st.-.o""Chhorol. Potf offICe Higher s.condory Sc::huol' tif9h Schon: PcMte. Sta110n PrllnOl"1 HifQlth. c.n .... and ~) Important V.I~ Mor~ I Hat, Ma"Clle$ PkJntahons reo EIto..... HortJCultul"fl ~ WIth y~t

8a ..d upon Survey af Indio ""'P with flwo peNfti.... Of 1M SU",,-y_ G."erol or tndio, ~"",~-:,,=ryon -::; ,~. :-;;.. ~:.:,. 1:10 ::':.:'-:..:~ ..

AlphQet..,.. Ust ot~ Dnelopm.... t Block: Khowal ( M/l/1 )

81' Name of \'fJJage 1991 CENSUS 1881 CENSUS No. with Hadbut Number LocaUon Location Location Location Code code code cOde . (Manual) (Computer! (Manual) lCompateri J 2 3 4 5 e

1. Aaharambart 24/1/1/3 24/01/ooo1/~ 21/1/1/3 21/0110001/0003 2- Bagabtl 24/1/i/27 24/01/0001/0027 21/1/1/27 :U/Ol/0001/0027 3. Sanbazar 24/1/1/2 24/01/0001/0002 21/1/112 21/0110001/0002 4. Chamubasu 24/1/1/1 24/01/0001/0001 21/1/1/1 21/01/0001/0001 5. Chebrl 24/1/1/34 24/01 10001 100M 21/1/1/M 21/011000110034 6. Dakshln PadmabJl 24/1/1/31 24/01/0001/0031 21/1/1/31 21/01/0001/0031 7. DhalabU 24/1/1/22 24/01/0001/0022 21/1/1/22 21/011000110022 8. Ganki 24/1/1/20 24/01/0001/0020 21/1/1/20 21/01/0001/0020 9. Goumagar 24/1/1/24 24/01/0001/0024 21/1/1/24 21/01/0001/0024 10. Khengrabarl 24/1/1/28 24/01/0001/0028 21/1/1/28 21/0110001/0028 11. Maidanban 24/1/1/11 24/01/0001/0011 21/1/1/11 21/01/0001/0011 12. Pahannura 24/1/1/23 24/01/0001/0023 21/1/1/23 21/01/0001/0023 13. Paschlm Bachalbarl 24/1/1/17 24/01/0001/0017 21/1/1/11 21/01/0001/0017 14. Paschlm Belchhara 24/1/1/26 24/01/0001/0026 21/1/1/26 21/01/0001/0026 15. Paschlm Charnpachhara 24/1/1/15 24/01/0001/0015 21/1/1/15 21/01/0001/0015 16. Paschlm Karanglchhara 24/1/1/5 24/01/0001/0005 21/111/4 21/01/0001/0004 17. paschln Laxmlchhara 24/1/1/6 24/01/0001/0006 21/1/1/6 21/01/0001/0006 18. Paschlm RaJnagar 24/1/1/35 24/01/0001/0035 21/1/1/35 21/01/0001/0035 19. Paschlm Slnglchhara 24/1/1/19 24/01/0001/0019 21/1/1/19 21/01/0001/0019 20. Purba Bachalbarl 24/1/1/16 24/01/0001/0016 21/1/1/16 21/01/0001/0016 21 Purba Belchhara 24/1/1/25 24/01/0001/0025 21/1/1/25 21/01/0001/0025 22. Purba Champachhara 24/1/1/14 24/01/0001/0014 21/1/1/14 21/01/0001/0014 23. Purba Karanglchhara 24/1/1/4 24/01/0001/0004 21/1/1/5 21/01/0001/0005 24. Purba Laxmlchhara 24/1/1/7 24/01/0001/0007 21/1/1/1 21/01/0001/0001 25. Purba RaJ nagar 24/1/1/13 24/01/0001/0013 21/1/1/13 21/01/0001/0013 26. Purba Ramchandraghat 24/1/1/33 24/01/0001/0033 21/1fl/33 21/01/0001/0033 27. Puma SlngJchhara 24/1/1/18 \ 24/01/0001/0018 21/1/1/18 21/01/0001/0018 28. Remachhara 24/1/1/9 24/01/0001/0009 2111/1/9 21/01/0001/0009

49 1 2 3 4 5 • 29. RarnkrtaJuaat.rl 24/1/1/12 24/01/0001/0012 ·21/1/1/12 21/01/0001/0012 SO. Ratanpur 24/1/1/29 24/01/0001/0029 21/1/1/29 21/01/0001/0029 31. ShdrarIbart 24/1/1/10 24/01/0001/0010 21/1/1/10 21/01/0001/0010 32. Soantala 24/1/1/21 24/01/0001/0021 21/1/1/21 21/01/0001/0021 ·33. S.d,blabarJ 24/1/1/8 24/01/0001/0008 21/1/1/8 21/01/0001/0008 M. Uttar Padmabll 24/1/1/30 24/01/0001/0030 21/1/1/30 21/01/0001/0030 35, Uttar Ramchanclntgbat 24/1/1/32 24/01/0001/0032 21/1/1/32 21/01/0001/0032


l­ V

~ I­a. o 2

% "- \.~I' • . ,_6 o I . 0(1.51>1" l'ulll'lj.J1.<1 I 1 .. I' _~::_.;..~ \ + • - :'.'~.~I . I u ( 1"'"~' ~ • tr

" ~f ~ ,_~

.100kstll"I GatlulnOgor" I • j l- i

) II) i o U I ( ~"DI.trict 0 O.v.kt.,...nt Blo(;k RI'f'.ftv• .,UklO' with locotion coCl. ru,ItIber \ I"or.. t HMdQUOt't.,..; o.-lOp"'.nt IUock \ r6!o~:g;'/~cfcf!~T:°K,6~~ ~~~&og '. Abo"•. Urt»on ."'0 ",nit locotlOf'l cOCk numHI' NatIOnal tilth'")' '''porion! M.tal ..d Rood ~~:~t:= :tOr:~"'ICN\QrOI ~ "'ut om" PO tile".r SecondGl"y' SeMel/ HII" Idiom .1" Pole. StatiOn P. ~1~lI.._nll>"', •• +.& f • ..,Oft' VII' ... ".rUt I "'ot, Mandl..... ' . .. I .6 ~:Teo [stole, Rubb.... PIonlotl~•• ~tbJ""""_ 9&1'~ ..;~ _.~. U. U

...... tIMl u.t~ ...... ,...... t IIIooIl : "NIMatft(M/I/lJ

SI Name olvtDage 1991 CENSU S 1881 CENSUS No. wUltH8dbat Number Location ~ Location LocaUotl Code code code eode (Manual) (Compute" (Manual) (Cocnputett 1 2 3 4 5 8

1. AkIlrabart 24/1/2/6 24/01/0002/0006 21/1/2/6 21/01/0002/0008 2. Atharamura RF. 24/1/2/41 24/01/0002/0041 21/1/2/41 21/01/0002/0041 3. Badlabart 24/1/2/13 24/01/0002/0013 21/1/2/13 21/01/0002/0013 4. Brahmachhara 24/1/2/38 24/01/0002/0038 21/1/2/38 21/01/0002/0038 5. DakahIn GakuJnagar 24/1/2/37 24/01/0002/0037 21/1/2/43 21/01/0002/0043 6. Dakahin Maharani 24/1/2/25 24/01/0002/0025 21/1/2/25 21/0110002/0025 7. OalmbJn Promodenagar 24/1/2/11 24/01/0002/0011 21/112111 21/01/0002/0110 8. DakahIn PuHnpur 24/1/2/32 24/01/0002/0032 21/1/2/32 21/0110002/0032 9. Dakahln Ramchandraghat 24/1/2/2 24/01/0002/0002 21/1/2/2 21/01/0002/0002 10. Durgapur 24/1/2/10 24/01/0002/0010 21/1/2/10 21/01/0002/0010 11. Owarilcapur 24/1/2/7 24/01/0002/0007 21/1/2/7 21/01/0002/0007 12. OayamanlBarl 24/1/2/1 24/01/0002/0001 21/1/2/1 21/01/0002/0001 13. OhUatab 24/1/2/24 24/01/0002/0024 21/1/2/24 21/01/0002/0024 14. Hawalbari 24/1/2/34 24/01/0002/0034 21/1/2/'34 21/01/0002/0034 15. Jagna Kobraban 24/1/2/15 24/01/0002/0015 21/1/2/15 21/01/0002/0015 16. Kamalnagar 24/1/2/29 24/01/0002/0029 21/1/2/29 21/01/0002/0029 17. Karalbari 24/1/2/16 24/01/0002/00016 21/1/2/16 21/01/0002/0016 18. • Krtahnapur (part) 24/1/2/28 24/01/0002/0028 21/1/2/28 21/01/0002/0028 19" KunJaban 24/1/2/20 24/01/0002/0020 21/1/2/20 21/01/0002/0020 20. Laxmlnarayanpur 24/1/2/8 24/0110002/0008 21/1/2/8 21/01/0002/0008 21. Laxmlpur 24/1/2/40 24/01/0002/0040 21/1/2/40 21/01/0002/0040 22. MadhyaKalyanpur 24/1/2/21 24/01/0002/0021 21/1/2/21 21/01/0002/0021 23. Maharanlpur 24/1/2/18 24/01/0002/0018 21/1/2/18 21/01/0002/0018 24. Malnakbarl 24/1/2/14 24/01/0002/0014 21/1/2/14 21/01/0002/0014 25. Moharchhara 24/1/2/31 24/01/0002/0031 21/1/2/31 21/01/0002/0031 26. Nunaehhara R.F'. 24/1/2/42 24/0110002/00042 21/1/2/42 21/01/0002/0042 27. PagIabarl 24/1/2/4 24/01/0002/0004 21/1/2/4. 21/01/0002/0004

51 1 2 3 4 5 e

28. PuebIm Kal)raDpur 24/1/2/22 24/01/0002/022 21/1/2/22 21/01/0002/0022 29. Pwba Kalyanpur 24/1/2/23 24/01/0002./0023 21/1/2/23 21/01/0002/0023

30. ~ 24/1/2/5 24/01/0002/0005 21/1/2/5 21/0110002/0005 31. Ramkdshnapur 24/1/2/27 24/01/0002/00'J7 21/1/2/27 21/01/0002/0027 32. Santlnagar 24/1/2/9 24/01/0002/()O(JQ 21/1/2/9 21/01/0002/0009 33. Sardu Karlrart 24/1/2/35 24/t)! /0002/0035 21/1/2/35 21/0110002/0035 34. Srtramkbara 24/1/2/26 24/01/0002/00026 21/1/2/26 2)/01/0002/0026

35 • ~liIunura R.F.(Part) 24/1/2/36 24/01/0002/0036 21/1/2/36 21/01/0002/0036 38. Tulchlndnl 24/1/2/33 24/01/0002/0033 21/1/2/33 21/01/0002/0033 37. TuIchlndnIbart 2411/2/17 24/01/0002/0017 21/1/2/17 21/01/0002/0017 38. 1\dbachlnghlU1 24/1/2/3 24/01/0002/0003 21/1/2/3 21/01/0002/0003

39. Uttar Gakulnagar 2411/2/39 24/01/0002/0039 21/1/2/39 21/0110002/0039 40. Uttar Ghllatalt 24/1/2/19 24/01/0002/0019 21/1/2/19 21/01/0002/0019 41. uttar Promodnagv 24/1/2/12 24/01/0002/0012 21/1/2/12 21/01/0002/0012 42. Uttar PuUnpur 24/1/2/30 24/01/0002/0030 21/1/2/30 21/01/0002/0030

• Partly Included In ThUamura NotJJled Area.


o ""u o ..J...

II p u " ... Z

o ., > '" o

.. 0: ::> .. +... < ,._'"

o o o p '" E N T

.----.------~-~ .. ----.. Boundary, O.v.,opm.nt Block RevenUI villa,,1 with II)(:otlo" cod. numb.,.. 1____ 1.lL_ .~~,.! Headquarter. : Development Block OJ Villa,. wltl\ pOpulation SlI. : SelOw 200; 200- "99:500_999, ,000-"999: ~OOO 8. Abov. O, •.•,e,e National Highway Nt' 1. Importont M.tolled Rood Un.... talled Rood """===-""..,..."...ol Rlv... (lnd Strlorn'ChhoroL. ~;;;;;. Po., officII Ftost &. T... oph office PO/PTO Hlgh... Secondary SchOOl I Hla'" SchOol. .,H ponc' Station •• =~:Pg~lrdD=~·:.ryl.~~:·r~l.t~ . I",por'on' Villa,. Mork.f I Hot. MaMie •. PIontotION: Teo ECote, I-tC)rticulture ~ .nth.. yw:r...... upon lurw.,. or Indio mop with the p.rmi.. ion of the S\oM"'Ye)'or aen.,.ol of Indio.

Alphabetlcal u.t or vw.cu DeYelopmcDt Block: .IInDia ( 24/1/3 )

SI Name of village 1991 C ENS U S 1981 C EN SU S No. with Hadbast Number Location Location Location Location Code code code code (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) , (Computer)

:1 3 4 5 6

1. Ashlgarh 24/1/3/10 24/01/0003/0010 21/1/3/10 21/01/0003/0010 2. Atuthangbarl 24/1/3/17 24101/0003/0017 2111/3/17 21101/0003/0017 3. Banklmnagar 24/1/3/23 24/01/0003/0023 21/1/3/23 21/01/0003/0023 4. BeJbari 24/1/3/33 24/01/0003/0033 21/1/3/33 21/01/0003/0033 ·5. Bhrlgudas para 24/1/3/18 24/01/0003/0018 21/1/3/18 21/01/0003/0018 6. Briddhanagar 24/1/3/5 24/01/0003/0005 21/1/3/5 21/01/0003/0005

7. Champabarl 2411/3/35 24/01/0003/0035 21/1/3/35 ~1/01/oo03/0035 8. Champaknagar 24/1/3/34 24/01/0003/0034 21/1/3/34 21/01/0003/0034 9. Dinabandhunagar 24/1/3/6 24/01/0003/0006 21 Ii 13/6 21/01/0003/0006

10. Dlnakobra para 24 II /~1/15 24/01/000~j/0015 21/1/3/15 21/01/0003/0015

11. Harbhang 24/1/3/12 24/01/000:~/0012 21/113/12 21/01 /O()O:I/OO 12

12. Jam!leng para 24/1/3/16 24/01/0003/0016 21/1/3/16 21/01 /OOO~I/0016 13. Janmejoynagar 24/1/3/32 24/01/0003/0032 21/1/3/32 21/01/0003/0032 14. Jlranla 24/1/3/22 24/01/0003/0022 21/1/3/22 21/01/0003/0022 15. Joynagar 24/1/3/20 24/01/0003/0020 21/1/3/20 21/01/0003/0020 16. Kathlrambarl 24/1/3/13 24/01/0003/0013 21/1/3/13 21/01/0003/0013 17. Khayerpur 24/1/3/4 24/01/0003/0004 21/1/3/4 21/01/0003/0004

11< J

19. l,uxmlpur 24 /1 /~~/2 24/01/000:1/0002 21/10/02 21/01/0003/0002 20. MaJIi<;hpur 2<1/1;:3/25 2<1/01/000:1/0025 21/1/:1/25 21/01/0003/0025

21. Mandalnagar 24 /I ;:~/14 24/01/0003/0014 21/1/3/14 21/01/0003/0014 22. Mekhlipara 'i/l/l/:1/2(; 24/01/0003/0026 21/1/:1/2£; 21/01/000a/0026 23. I'aschlm Barjala 24/1 J:S/'21J 24/01/000:3/0024 21/1/:1/24 21/01/0003/0024 24. Patnipara 24/1/:1/(1 24/01/000:J/OOOCJ 21/1/:J/H 21/01/0003/0009 25. I'urba Barjala 21J/lf:j/21 24/01/000:$/0021 21/1/:1/21 21/01/000:!/O021

26. Purba Dcbl'lIdranagar 24/1 ;:I/I~I 24/01/()()0:i/OOHi 21/1/:1/1\1 21/01/00m/00w

27. I'urba NoagOlIll 2'1/1 ;:S/2!! 24/01/000:J/OO'~!l 21/1/:1/2\1 21/01/000:I/OO:,m

28. Radhaklsllore nag: I r 24/1 nf:l 24/0 J /O()O:I/OOO:j '1.1/101:1 21/01/0003/0003 29. R,dharnohanpu r 2'111/:3/:.10 21/01/000:J/00:.I0 21/1/::1/:30 21/01/0003/0030

53 1 2 3 4 I 8

SO. Radhapur 24/1/3/31 24/01/0003/0031 21/1/3/31 21/01/0003/0031 31. Ralnchandranapr 24/1/3/1 24/01/0003/0001 21/1/3/1 21/01/0003/0001 32. SJbnaCar 24/1/3/7 24/01/0003/0007 21/1/3/7 21/01/0003/0007 33. TuJakona 24/1/3/28 24/01/0003/fXYJ.8 21/1/3/28 21/01/0003/0028 34. Uttar Cluunpemura 24/1/3/27 24/01/0003/fXYJ.7 21/1/3/27 21/01/0003/0027 31S. Wakbtnapr 24/1/3/8 24/01/0003/0008 21/1/3/8 21/01/0003/0008


··(_··f I --.f.-hi""


34 A.& B RvrG! pod!V"~ of AgortoJQ Rev.n'). V,IJ",y!< \i ... de~ MtlhQnpur D.veloptflenl Block Q

N T " 0 o ..


lourtoory. IrlterroohoroOJ O • ."eIOp",.nt I!lfec:k t. R.venue 11'11100'. wittl 10coilO0 cod. nu",ber . :,,­ HeodqUClrf.,..: Development 810ck o ~~~~Q9~'h8g~u~~9~f1,6~. 4~~9~ i&fd & Above 0 .•••.•.• Urban or.o wIth \occrt,,,n code number ~~LiF//hl Notional H!9nwoy "111 Stote H.;tlwoy "'PfH'tant ,....toIitJd' Road ~U.d Road Ftl.".,. and St"-eon' (Unaroi Pot? Of'fie.;Po.tl r_-orOP'" I)ffic41 ~r S.conMfy SchOO!l H,'J" Sc:hr,ol Polw::e S1'otlOl"l Prn"l\ary Hlclltt. c..tre, o.IPtnIMY ~,ont Vi"o9t', 1\ob'1." I ,tot, Mol~ F"antQfOl"l. T-.o e.tot.,Rubtlel" P\ontotlOl'l,HortlCUtture 9Or~ """'ttl)'8Of'

Bond IIIMJI' Sur~., of India mQp _tth the ~rml"IOf"I of the S\lrveyor Generol or Indio !:c:=:.-;.. ·:r'~1..::::r-",,, \t;1eO,n,:i: ,='::':-~n:r: =ti~:"::;!r..~ the

Sl NuDe of vJUage 199) CENSU S 1881 CENSUS No. wlthHadbut Number Location LocatIOn Location Location Code eoc:Ie code eode (Manual) (Camputa:l fNanual) (COmpUlltd

1 2 3 4 & .8

1. • .AQartala ( Part) 24/1/4/34 24/01/0004/0034 21/1/5/15 21101/0005/00115 2. BaJkunthapur 24/1/4/9 24/01/0004/00C19 21/1/4/9 21/01/0004/0008 3. Baluaban 24/1/4/7 24/01/0004/0007 21/1/4/7 21/01/0004/0«11 4. BamutIa 24/1/4/26 24/01/0004/0026 21/1/4/26 21/01/0004/0026 5. Barkanthalla 24/1/4/22 24/01/0004/0022 21/1/4/22 21/01/0004/0022 6. Bejoynagar 24/1/4/15 24/01/0004/0015 21/1/4/15 21/01/0004/0015 7. Bodhjongnagar 24/1/4/29 24/01/0004/0029 21/1/4/39 21/01/0004/0039

8. Chandpur 24/1/4/21 24/01/0004/0021 ~1/1/4/21 21/01/0004/0021 9. Dakahln Oashgharla 24/1/4/10 24/01/0004/0010 21/1/4/10 21/01/0004/0010 10. Debendrachandranagar 24/1/4/30 24/01/0004/00330 2111/4/28 21/01/0004/0028 11. DomrakarJdak 24/1/4/19 24/01/0004/0019 21/1/41/9 21/01/0004/0019 12. FaUkchhara 24/1/4/27 24/01/0004/0027 21/1/4/27 21/01/0004/0027 13. • Indranagar (Part) 24/1/4/36 24/01/0004/0036 21/1/4/37 21/01/0004/0037 14. lahanpur 24/1/4/6 24/01/0004/0006 21/1/4/6 21/01/0004/0006 15. Kalachhara 24/1/4/14 24/01/0004/0014 21/1/4/14 21/01/0004/0014 16. KalkalIa 2411/4/25 24/01/0004/0025 21/1/4/25 21/01/0004/0025 17. Kamukchhara 24/1/4/12 24/0110004/0012 21/1/4/12 21/01/0004/0012

18. • KunJaban (Part) 24/1/4/35 24/01/0004/0035 21/1/4/35 21/01/0004/0035 19. Lankamura 24/1/4/33 24/01/0004/0033 21/1/4/33 21/01/0004/0033 20. LaxmJlunga 24/1/4/31 24/01/0004/0031 21/1/4/29 21/01/0004/0029 21. MantaJa 24/1/4/8 24/01/0004/0006 21/1/4/8 21/01/0004/0006 22. Megllband 24/1/4/2 24/01/0004/0002 21/1/4/2 21/01/0004/0002 23. Mobanpur 24/1/4/16 24/01/0004/0016 21/1/4/16 21/01/0004/0016 24. Naralngarb 24/1/4/32 24/01/0004/0032 2111/4/30 21/01/0004/0030 25. Noagaon 24/1/4/17 24/01/0004/0017 21/1/4/17 21/01/0004/0017 26. Paachbn Sbnna 24/1/4/1 24/01/0004/0001 21/1/4/1 21/01/0004/0001 27. PurbaSimna 24/1/4/3 24/01/0004/0003 2111/4/3 21/01/0004/0003 28. SankhaJa 24/1/4/5 24/01/0004/0005 21/1/4/5 21/01/0004/0005

29. ~baI.lngh 24/1/4/11 24/01/0004/001 J 2111/4/11 21/01/0004/0011 30. Surendranagar 24/1/4/IJ 24/0110004/0013 21/1/4/13 21/01/0004/0013

55 1 2 3 4 • e 31 'l'IuanagIIr 24/1/4/24 24/01/0004/0024 21/1/4/24 21/01/0004/0024 32. 'Jbamakart 24/1/4/18 24/01/0004/0018 21/1/4/18 21/01/0004/0018 33. 'J\dchhamImkuraJ 24/1/4/20 24/01/0004/0020 21/1/4/20 21/01/001)4/0020 M. 1'.Jahepn 24/1/4/28 24/01/0004/002B 21/1/4/28 21/01/0004/0028 35. Uttar Duhgbarla 24/1/4/4 24/01/0004/0004 21/1/4/4 21/01/0004/0004 36. Uttar Debendrachandra- 24/1/4/23 24/01/0004/0C123 21/1/4/23 21/01/0004/0023 nagar


I A ~ 8 Rufoi Ptorltllo'll tJ RilrrtI'I(IfjIf' JW.1r11.1t /111'1 I (! I,' ~ u. V'IUOgt ~ndtr tlJdhoijOr~ Otv 8Iot~ ~~. _j

\ o r~ , ""',,_.f 1.., I -., 7 0 "" 'h p /1 ( N r + : "'-,,.11,- ~ i ' 0 r- j \ I I ) I ..



itoll!lda'1, !nll'l'Ic1liOIlOI Olltnc! OtYilopfII.rrI IIIOCk/!lIb-bkH:k P''j{"''''j H.O!fqllort.fl.O ..,lup-.! 8kl<..lI o ~~~.::~9t.~1~:=~~'~ (),t,t,I,' t.lpt,OfIDrtttillt1\De01!OI'Iebdl~tr IZ'l'&'DZJ NatlOllol~..". ---III&-.. ! Stot, P4lghwo~ --II!.- II_,ortIlM~~ood I u""t""R", \ fll* oM ~tM(.'~OI I f'Dtt~"/P04lllTlltUrophot'(ICf HI"~ ItcDndory $ClIO_I ~I" x~d ,,, PoIiClSloiIotI" I • I 0 .. .10 p ~ t N r • I~~'~~ C,nirl,O'IpCWIW).Wotlmlt, "I'I1II t,t,u 1 UlIPOrbri Vila" Moric;t/twt,MIIMIfI A, I!, I =;-"fte fltCljl.~~_~ICI\,~taMtI' • .,.,

_ .... S."'lil"''' ...... ,'''''''"''_d'''' s."..... 0-.1 lilodlo =~..:::t'Jt:'te;':'- ~"l'~:::r:::'totM

Alphabetical u.t .,....,...at Blockot= I -----I'll ( HIllS)

51 Name of vWage 1891C ENSU S 1981 CENSU 5 No W1dl Hadbaat Number Locatlon Location Location LocatJon Code code code code (Manual) (Computerj. (Manual) (Computer!

1 2 3 4 5 8

1. Amarendranagar 24/1/5/46 24/01/0005/0046 21/1/5/31 21/01/0006/0031 2. Amtall 24/1/5/42 24/01/0005/0042 21/1/5/67 21/01/0005/0067 3. Anandanagar 24/1/5/7 24/01/0005/0007 21/1/5/11 21/01/0005/0011 4. Bamntchhara 24/1/5/51 24/01/0005/0051 21/1/5/26 21/01/0005/0028 5. Bangahlbari 24/1/5/27 24/01/0005/0027 21/1/5/59 21/01/0005/0059 6. Bmjala 24/1/5/34 24/01/0005/0034 21/1/5/36 21/01/0005/0036 7. Barmabart 24/1/5/64 24/01/0005/0064 21/1/5/1 21/01/0005/0001 8. Baustall 24/1/5/40 24/01/0005/0040 21/1/5/65 21/01/000510065 9. Blkramnagar 24/1/5/9 24/01/0005/0009 21/1/5/46 21/01/0005/0048 10. Bishalgarh 24/1/5/22 24/01/0005/0022 21/1/5/12 21/01/0005/0012 II. BraJapur 24/1/5/29 24/01/0005/0029 21/1/5/41 21/0110005/0041 . 12. Chartpara 24/1/5/2 24/01/0005/0002 21/1/5/17 21/01/0005/0011 13. Daskshln Champamura 24/1/5/19 24/01/0005/0019 21/1/5/44 21/01/0005/0044 14. Dakshln Chartlam 24/1/5/35 24/01/0005/0035 21/1/5/40 21/01/0005/0040 15. Deblpur 24/1/5/12 24/01/0005/0012 21/1/5/49 21/01/0005/0049 16. Dhartathal 24/1/5/36 24/01/0005/0036 21/1/5/62 21/01/0005/0062 17. Dukli 24/1/5/6 24/01/0005/0006 21/1/5/13 21/01/0005/0013 18. GaJarta 24/1/5/26 24/01/0005/0026 21/1/5/58 21/01/0005/0058 19. Gakulnagar .24/1/5/18 24/01/0005/0018 21/1/5/45 21/01/0005/0045 20: . Ghantamara 24/1/5/24 24/01/0005/0024 21/1/5/56 21/01/0005/0056 21. GoJaghaU 24/1/5/31 24/011oo05/0031 21/1/5/38 21/01/0005/0038 22. Gopnagar 24/1/5/20 24/01/0005/0020 21/1/5/23 21/01/0005/0023 23. Hlrapur 24/1/5/47 24/01/0005/0047 21/1/5/34 21/01/0005/0034 24. laban Chandranagar 24/1/5/3 24/01/0Cl05/0003 21/1/5/18 21/01/0001/0018 25. JampulJala 24/1/5159 24/01/0005/0059 21/1/5/8 21/01/000a/OOO6 26. KaIyad..;epa . 24/1./5/16 24/0110005/0016 21/1/5/54 21/01/0005/0054 27. KaIaIbirrt 24/1/5/61 24/01/0005/0081 21/1/5/4 21/0110001$/0004 28. l"Ant'b ....r 24/1/$/13 24/0110005/0013 21/1/5/54 21/01/000&/0060 29. KaftehanmakJa 24/1/6/8 24/01/0005/0008 21/1/5/21 21/01/000s/0021 SO. Kandwalchhara 24/1/5/61) 24/01/0005/0060 21/1/&/5 21/01/ooo5/0fX>5 57 1 2 3 4- 5 6·

31. K1llabart 24/1/5/63 24/01/0005/0063 21/1/5/2 21/01/0005/0002 32. Kunaban 24/1/5/15 24/01/0005/0015 21/1/5/52 21/01/0005/0052 33. HJ1Shnaltlshorenagar 24/1/5/23 24/01/6005/0023. 21/1/5/57 21/01/0005/0057 34. Latlachhara 24/1/5/32 24/01/0005/0032 21/1/5/37 21/01/0005/0037 35_ LaxmlbU 24/1/5/21 24/01/0005/0021 21/1/5/4;3 21iol/OOO5/0043 36. Madhuban 24/1/5/5 24/01/0005/0005 21/1/5/20 21/01/0005/0020 37. Madhupur 24/1/5/4 24/01/0005/0004 21/1/5/19 21/01/0005/0019 38. Madhupur 24/1/5/11 24/01/0005/0011 21/1/6/53 21/01/0005/0053 39. Madhya Chanlamara 24/1/5/48 24/01/0005/0048 21/1/5/28 21/01/0005/0028 40. Madhya Pathalla 24/1/5/44 24/01/0005/0044 21/1/5/32 21/01/0005/0032 41. Mohanpur 24/1/5/53 24/01/0005/0053 21/1/5/24 21/01/0005/0024 42. Nehalchandranagar 24/1/5/17 24/01/0005/0017 21/1/5/47 21/01/0005/0047 43. Padmanagar 24/1/5/41 24/01 10005/0041 21/1/5/66 21/01/0005/0066 44. Pandabpur 24/1/5/10 24/01/0005/0010 21/1/5/48 21/01/0005/0048 45. Paschlm Takarjala 24/1/5/57 24/01/0005/0057 21/1/5/8 21/01/0005/0008 46. Pathaliaghat 24/1/5/43 24/01/0005/0043 21/1/5/33 21/01/0005/0033 47. Pl:kulUjala 24/1/5/52 24/01/0005/0052 21/1/5/25 21/01/0005/0025 48. Prabhapur 24/1/5/54 24/01/0005/0054 21/1/5/22 21/01/0005/0022 49. Promodenagar 24/1/5/33 24/01/0005/0033 21/1/5/35 21/01/0005/0035 50. Purathal Raj nagar 24/1/5/25 24/01/0005/0025 21/1/5/55 21/01/0005/0055 51. Pu1ba TakarjaIa 24/1/5/58 24/01/0005/0058 21/1/5/7 21/01/0005/0007 ~ 52. Radhanagar 24/1/5/14 24/01/0005/0014 21/1/5/51 21/01/0005/0051 53. • Ramnagar (Part) 24/1/5/1 24/01/0005/0001 21/1/5/34 21/01/0005/0034 54. RaJnnagar 24/1/5/38 24/01/0005/0038 21/1/5/63 21/01/0005/0063 55. Rangapanla 24/1/5/28 24/01/0005/0028 21/1/5/60 21/01/0005/0060 56. Rangmala 24/1/5/39 24/01/0005/0039 21/1/5/64 21/01/0005/0064 57. J.tatanpur 24/1/5/56 24/01/0005/0056 21/1/5/9 21/01/0005/0009 58. Sangkumabart 24/1/5/62 24/01/0005/0062 21/1/5/3 21/01/0005/0003 59. Sbyamhagar· 24/115/50 24/01/0005/0050 21/1/5/27 21/01/O()()5._(0027 60. Srtna(IU 2411/5/55 24/01/0005/0055 21/1/5/10 21/01/0005/0010 61. SUtamura 24/115/37 24/01/0005/0037 21/1/5/61 21/01/0005/0061 62.- UJan Chantmara 24/1/5/49 24/01/0005/0049 21/1/5/29 21/01/000&/0029 fD. Ujan Pathalla .24/1/5/45 24/01/0005/0045 21/1/5/30 21/01/00(1)/0030 ... Uttar CharlJam 24/1/5/30 24/01/0005/0030 21/-1/,,/39 2t/Ol/0Q0&/Q039 • Partly Included ilJ Agartala MunAotpNtty. 58 TRIPURA MELAGHAR DEVELOPMENT BLOCK WEST TRIPURA DISTRICT

"'" I I l .1(",. ~'-~~ __~t~==*~~-~~·-~d~

D B L 0 C K


a:: A


Boundary. Int.rn.ohonol Oi,tricl o• .,.lQpm.nt 810ck R.w~. village with location cOd. number Heodqwlrt.,..: Development Block ~~"i:~~=i~~·4~~~,;OO~L AbOv. UrbOr"l area with local,on cod. nomb-.,. Imporion' ",etGI"d Rood lJn.Mefolled Road Ai",.,. and St,..atnCChhora) ..... of"IC;.'/ P

.... uJIOft Sl.Jrv.,. or India _cap wHh ..... ' ....iNiOn or .... S~yor ~ of In ... ~~~·:t=-.-:.~n-= .rti'V: :.T.:~':= o':J-~~~ tn.

Alphabetlcal U.t of vw.,e. Denlopment Block: Me...... ( 24/1/8 )

SI Name of vlllage 1991 C EN SU 5 1981 C E N 50 S No. with Hadbast Number Loceillon Location Location Location Code code code code (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computerj

2 3 4 5 6

1. Anandapur 24/1/6/11 24/01/0006/0011 21/1/6/11 21/01/0006/0011 2. • Aralla ( Part) 24/1/6/17 24/01/0006/0017 21/1/6/17 21/01/0006/0017 3. Ashabart 24/1/6/5 24/01/0006/0005 21/1/6/5 21/01/0006/0005 4. Bagabasa 24/1/6/27 '24/01/0006/0027 21/1/6/27 21/01/0006/0027 5. Bardowal 24/1/6/20 24/01/0006/0020 21/1/6/20 21/01/0006/0020 G. Barpathar 24/1/6/33 24/01/0006/0033 21/1/6/33 21/01/0006/0033 7. Bejlmara 24/1/6/46 24/01/0006/0046 21/1/6/46 21/01/0006/0046 8. BeJoynagar 24/1/6/12 24/01/0006/0012 21/1/6/12 21/01/0006/0012 9. Bhabanlpux: . 24/1/6/61 24/01/0006/0061 21/1/6/61 21/01/0006/0061 10. Bhaluat:ehtlr' 24/1/6/3 24/01/0006/0003 21/1/6/3 21/01/0006/0003 11. Blrampur· 24/1/9/51 24/01/0006/0051 21/1/6/51 21/01/0006/0051 12. Blrendranagar 24/1/6/56 24/01/0006/0056 21/J/6/56 21/01/0006/0056 13. Boxanagar 24/1/6/6 24/01/0006/0006 21/1/6/6 ~JI:Ol/0006/0006 . 14. Chandlghar 24/1/6/35 24/01/0006/0035 21/1/6/35 21/01/0006/0035 15. Chandu) 24/1/6/38 24/01/0006/0038 21/1/6/38 21/01/0006/0038 16. Choumahanl 24/1/6/24 24/01/0006/0024 21/1/6/24 21/01/0006/0024 17. Dakshln Talbandul 24/1/6/41 24/01/0006/0041 21/1/6/41 21/01/0006/0041 18. Dhanlrampur 24/1/6/14 24/01/0006/0014 21/1/6/14 21/01/0006/0014 19. Dhanpur 24/1/6/49 24/01/0006/0049 21/1/6/49 21/01/0006/0049 20. Durlavnarayanpur 24/1/6/21 24/01/0006/0021 21/1/6/21 21/01/0006/0021 21. Durlavpur 24/1/6/60 24/01/0006/0060 21/1/6/60 21/01/0006/0060 22. Gamalchhara 24/1/6/40 24/01/0006/0040 21/1/6/40 21/01/0006/0040 23. GbUatall 24/1/6/8 24/01/0006/0008 21/1/6/8 21/01 iOOO8/0008 24: Ghrantali 24/1/6/44 24/01/OQ06/0044 21/1/6/44 21/01/0006/0044 25. Htmmatpur 2411/6/58 24/01/0006/0058 21/1/6/58 21/01/0006/0058 26. Jagatrampur 24/1/6/9 24/01/0006/0009 21/1/6/9 21/01/0006/0009 27 Jagatrampur 24/1/6/55 24/0110006/0055 21/1/6/55 21/01/0006/0055 28. JharJharla 24/1/6/34 24/01/0006/0034 21/1/6/34 21/01/0006/0034 29. Kalamchaura 24/1/6/10 24/01/0006/0010 21/1/6/10 21/01/0006/0010

59 1 2 3 4 5. 6

30. Kalapanla 24/1/6/45 24/01/0006/0045 21/1/6/45 21-/01/0006/0045 31. Kallkr1ahnanagar 24/1/6/59 24/01/0006/0059 21/1/6/59 21/01/0006/0059 32. Kalslmura 24/1/6/7 24/01/0006/0007 21/1/6/7 21/01/0006/0007 33. Kamalnagar 24/1/6/13 24/01/0006/0013 21/1/6/13 21/01/0006/0013 34. Kamarangatall 24/1/6/37 24/01/0006/0037 21/1/6/37 21/01/0006/0037 35. KathaUa 24/1/6/54 24/01/0006/0054 21/1/6/54 21/01/0006/0054 36. Khaachoumoharu 24/1/6/23 24/01/0006/0023 21/1/6/23 21/01/0006/0023 37. Khedabart (part) 24/1/6/19 24/01/0006/0019 21/1/6/19 21/01/0006/0019 38. Khedarbarl 24/1/6/42 24/01/0006/0042 21/1/6/42 21/01/0006/0042 39. Kulubarl 24/1/6/16 24/01/0006/0016 21/1/6/16 21/01/0006/0016 40. Maheshpur 24/1/6/53 24/01/0006/0053 21/1/6/53 21/01/0006/0053 41. Manalpatahr 24/1/6/57 24/01/0006/0057 21/1/6/57 21/01/0006/0057 42. Manarchak 24/1/6/48 24/01/0006/0048 21/1/6/48 21/01/0006/0048 43. Manlltyanagar 24/1/6/4 24/01/0006/0004 21/1/6/4 21/0110006/0004 44. MaUnagar 24/1/6/15 24/01/0006/0015 21/1/6/15 21101/0006/0015, 45. Melaghar 24/1/6/31 24/01/0006/0031 21/1/6/31 21/01/0006/0031 46. Mohanbhug 24/1/6/36 24/01/0006/0036 21/1/6/36 21/01/0006/0036 47. Nabadwtpchandra nagar (Part) 24/1/6/18 24/01/0006/0018 21/1/6/18 21/01/0006/0018 48. Nldaya 24/1/6/62 24/01/0006/0062 21/1/6/62 21/01/0006/0062 49. Nlrbhoypur 24/1/6/52 24/01/0006/0052 21/1/6/52 21/01/0006/0052 50. Paharpur 24/1/6/50 24/01/0006/0050 21/1/6/50 21/01/0006/0050 51. Paschlrn Jumerdhepa 24/1/6/25 24/01/0006/0025 21/1/6/25 21/01/0006/0025 52. 'paschlrn Nalchar 24/1/6/29 24/01/0006/0029 21/1/6/29 21/01/0006/0029 53. Purba Jumerdhepa 24/1/6/26 24/01/0006/0026 21/1/6/26 21/01/0006/0026 54. Purba Nalchar 24/1/6/28 24/01/0006/0028 21/1/6/28 21/01/0006/0028 55. PuUa 24/1/6/2 24/01/0006/0002 21/1/6/2 21/01/0006/0002 56. Rahlmpur 24/1/6/1 24/01/0006/0001 21/1/6/1 21/01/0006/0001 57. Rudljala 24/1/6/30 24/01/0006/0030 21/1/6/30 21/01/oo06/P030 58. Subhapur (Part) 24/1/6/47 24/0170006/0047 21/1/6/47 21/01/0006/0047 59. Taksapara 24/1/6/22 24/01/0006/0022 21/1/ 6/ 22 21/01/0006/0022 SO. Telkajla 24/1/6/32 24/01/0006/0032 21/1/6/32 21/01/0006/0032 61. Umral 24/1/6/43 24/01/0006/0043 21/1/6/43 21/01/0006/8043 62- Uttar Talbandul 24/1/6/39 24/01/0006/0039 21/1/6/39 21/01/0006/0039 Partly Included In Sonamura Notified Area.


The main purpose of the v1l1age Directory Is to Indicate the available important CactllUe1 Uke educaUon. medical. drinking water supply. communication and electriCity supply In each village. These were first collected at the 1961. Census and were presented by abbreviated letters under five columns along with the Prtmary Census Abstract. In 1971 Census. It was decided to present such parttculan in greater detalls in the vlllage Directory and to give the Primary Census Abstract separately. Besides presenting the data on basic amenities, particulars of land utilisation. the name and distance of neuest . . town. the market/hat etc. were colJected. In 1981 Census. data regarding total population and numbcro( households have been Included and amenities of communication have been further 1'!1ucldated by atrmc information about communication and approach to vUlage separately in two columna. TheVillage Olredol1 of Part A Is concemed the statement for 19M 1 contained 20 columns for elucidating information regarding \ amenities and land use. whereas lhe statement for 1991 contains 18 columns.The two columns namely staple food and remarks Including any place rellglqns. historical archa~loglcal Interest have been dropped from the statement In 1991.

In the Village Directory. the revenue vllla~e Is taken as tile lowest unit for presentation of data. The villages are arranged in the ascending order of location code ntlmber assigned to the vil1ages.An alphabetical list of villages with location code number Is given at the beglning of the Vtllage Directory of each Development Block which enable the readers to find out the required village from alphabetical list and them to obtain the necessary particulars from the Village Directory: The Village Drectory Is broadly divided Into four broad section viz .. 11) location particulars Including the area and population; (H) basiC amenities like medical. education. power supply etc.; (Ul) land utilisation; and (Iv) distance from nearest town. The Village Directory format In Its detalls has been discussed below explaining the contents and codes used etc. so as to make it clear to the data users. Cols. 1-4 : These columns deal with the location code number, name of the village, total area of the vlllage and the lotal population and number of households. nle area shown In columns 3 Is as per data furnished by the Director of Land Re;cords. Cols. 5-13: Thp.se columns give us a picture of the baSic amenities available In the village such as education. medtcal. drinking water. post and lek'graph. communicallon. electriC facllily and nearesltown . The educational facilllles are shown by the"followlng symbols: P: Primary or elementary school. Schools lIpto class IV have been Created as primary or elemantary schools. These Include nursery school. klnder-garten school. pre-baSIC. pre-primary school, Junior basic school upto class V and primary school upto IV. M : Junior secondaiy or middle schooL Schools upto-VIIi have been treated as JUnior secondary or middle school. JunlQr madmsn upto class VIII also In this category.

H ; Matrlculatton or Secondary Schoo~s. Schools upto class- x have been consider as matriculation or secondary_. 61 PUC.: HJgber Secondary/lnte~edldate/Pr~-Unlvers1ty/Jun1or Collage. This group IndJcatei,th9se schools or colleges upto Class-XI or Xli.

In som~ villages there may be two primary schools and one middle school running the Pt:imary c~sses as well. In such villages. the number of prtmary schools in the vlllage have been sh~ as three including the prtmary sectlon of the middle school and that for middle as one. although tilere are altogether three educational Institutions as such. So also In the case of secondary schools. C : College. Any College (graduate level and abovell1ke Art. ScIence.Commerce etc. I :lndustrtal School. Tr. : Training School. At:.. : Adult Literacy Class/ Centre,

U : Other educational Insl1tuUollS which Includes als) ~anskrlt Pathshala.Senlor BasiC School. Makhtab etc. More than one instltution of a type In the vUlr,ge is indicated within brackets against the abbreviations. On the other hand where there is no such l'acllity within the village a dash(-) has been given. But next to It In brackets. the distance In broad ranges. viz.-5 kIns. 5-10 kIDs and 10+ kIDs of the nearest place where the most modest educational facilUles Is available has been shown. Medical and publlc health facillUes existing In the village are shown by the following symbols under colum 6. H-HosJ)ltal, MCW-Maternlty and Child Welfare Centre, MH-Maternity Home, CWC-Chlld Welfare Centre,HC-Health Oentre. PHC-Prtmary Health Centre. PHS-Primary Health Sub-Centre,D-Dispensary.

FPC-Family Planning Centre. TB-TS. Cl1nlc.NH-Nursery Home. RP-~eglstered Private PractlUoner SMP­ SubSidised Medical Practitioner. CHW-Community Health Workers and O-Others. If there are more than one of a type in a village the number of institution Indicate within the brackets after the abbreviations. If no facUiUes is available within the village a dasl1 (-) has been given and next to the brackets the distance in broad ranges Viz. -5. 5- 10 and 10+ kms nearest to the place where that amenity is present. The type of drinking water supply sources available within the village are Indicated by the abbreviations indicated below : T·Tap water. W-WeJl water. TK-Tank water. 'IW-Tube-well water. HP-hand pump. R-River water, F­ Fountain. C Canal. L-Lake. S-Spring. N·Nallah. O-Others. NA-Infonnation not available. The Postal facilities. if any. existing In the village are Indicated under Col.S by the following symbols :- P.O. Po:::t OlTice, TO·Telegraph OlTice. PTO-Post and Telegraph OlTice. Phone-Telephone. If a village does not have any of the above,Jacililles then dash (.) Is indicated against such village under relevent column. This col. 1.e. column 8 has filled on the basis of local enquiry. If the vlllage Is served by one or more of the follOwing means of communication within a village or within a distance of one mile from the village then the communication facilities of the village under column 10 have been Indicated as below: only public transport like bus. ratl and water way has been considered.

62 Bs-Bus. RS-Rallway statloll and NW·Navigable Water ways. The approach to village'means to the S~te taad etc. leading to the village and Is 1ndleated by the followln& symbols: PR-Pucca Road. KR-Kutchha Road. NR·Navlgable RIver. NC-Navigable Canal and NW-Navtgable water way •. If there Is more than one such approach fucllIty these have been Indicated by their respecUve codes. The distance has been shown In Iuns. In brackets and this has been filled up by the local enqUiry and hu been Indicated In the column 12. If the village Is elec.trtlled the following codes have been Indicated below: ED--Electrtclty for Domestic purpose. EAG·Electrtclty for Agriculture. EO-Electricity for other Ilurpoae like

Industrtal. commercial etc. EA-Electrlclty for aU purposes listed abt1v~. Columns 14-18 relate to the land utillsatlon'statlstlcs. The pattern of classlllcation of land use •• recommended by the Ministry of Food and Agrtcullure. Government of India to maintain the records of land use under five categories viz. 1. Forest. 2. Not available for cultivation. (a) Lands put to non-agricultural uses. (bJ Barren and uncultlvable lands. 3. Other uncultivated lands excluding following lands. (al Permanent pastures and other grazing lands.

(b) Land~ under misc. tree. crops and groves not Included In the net area sown. (cl Cultivable wastes. 4. Fallow lands :

(a) Fallow lands other than current fallows. (bl Current fallows. 5. Net area sown. In the VllIa,e Directory format column 14 (forest) Is the same as category 1 above column 15 (irrtgated) and 16,

(Unlrrtgated) gl~ break up of agricultural land. There are a comblnallon of categories 4 (a+bl and 5 above column 17 (Cultivable waste) corresponds to category 3 (a+b+c) above column 18 (area not available for cultivation) com!sponda to category 2 (a+b). The vartous types of land use given under each of the column 14-18 ar;:llsted out and the concepts explalmd below: Col. 14: Forest: These Include all actually forested area and the lands classed or administered as forests under any legal enactment dealing with rorest& or administered as forests. whether slate owned or prtvate and whether wooded or as pornalntalned tentlal forest land. The area of crops raised In the forest and grazing lands or areas open for grazing withtn the Corest should remain Included under the forrs1 area. If any portion of such land Is not actually wooded but ~. \

put some agricultural use. that portion shall be Includerl under the appropriate heading of cultivated I)l' uncultvated land. In some cases there may be Instances where patches of land put to agricultural use wlthm statutorily nottned forests are considered as forests by the revenue agency. These may be treated as forests.

63 , . 0..15-16 CUlttvated area with break-up lnigated'\ln~ted. This Includes the land under the following (e • '11u t . '. ' " ~(i, . .. JIet area I0\\Il1: The net area sown represents the area sown to crops counting areas more than once In the _ ...... onJyonce.

-ttbJrrent faDowa : This. claaa comprises cropped areas which are kept faDow during the C\U1~fl\ year. If any II ..... not cropped again In the same year. It Is also treated as current fallow . • Other fallow. : Thl8 tncludes all lands which were taken up for cultivation but are temporarily out of I • • N. for a perIOd of not lea8 than one year and nut more than five years. The reasons for keeptng sucq lands ...... , be either due to poverty of the cultivators or Inadequate supply of water etc. The extent of area Irrigated together with area Irrigated under different irI1gational sources such as canals, ..... welle, tube well etc, are given In the column 15 while under column 16 the extent of land unlrrtgated Is given. Col. 17 : Culturable waste : This Include the land under the foUoWlng three categories : I) Mlsecellaneous tree crops, groves not Included In the area sown. Under this c!au Is Included all cult1vable land which Is not Included under net area sown but Is put to some agricultural use lands under thatching grass, bamboo bushes and other groves for fuel etc. which are not Included under 'Orchards' are classed under this category. II) Cultrable waste: This Includes lands available for cultivation but hot taken up for cultivation or abandoned after a few years for one reasons or other. Such lands may be either fallow or covered with shrubs and Jungles which are not put to any usc. They may be assessed or not assessed and ma)' be In Isolated blocks or within cultivated hoIcUngs land once cultivated but not cultivated for fIve years In succession Is also included in this catagory. III) Pennanent pastures and other grazing lands: These cover all grazing lands whether they are permanent pasture and meadows or not. Col. 18: Area not avatlable for cultivation: This tncludes the land under the following two categories:

I) Barren and uncultlvable land: This covers all barren and uncultlvable land like mountains etc. Ii) Land put to non-agrtcultural uses: All lands occupied by building roads and railways or under water e.g. rivera and canals and other lands put to uses other than agricultural.


It may be mentioned here that six revenue villages In the dlstrtct have been classUled as urban units ( I.e. Census Town under criterion (b) . These are as follows:-

Name of VUJagea Name of Dev. Block Location Code

2 3

1. SlngarbU Mohanpur 24/l/rv 2. Oandhtgram ·do.. 24/l/V 3, --dO-- 24/t/VI 4, =ghat Blshalgarh 24/l/V11 5. Prata~arh --do-- 24/1/V1J1 6, Jogen' ranagar --do-- 24/t/IX



Location Name or vIII.., Tole) .,... Total population AmenlUea available .(11 nol ava!imle within the Ylu.,e. a club 1-' .. CadeNo. of the VIllage lind number of shown In the column Md next to II In bRc1leta .the dI8lIIIIOe III brOIId (In heclareaj housc:holda rango... lz. -5 kms.5-IOKIII. &ad 10.Kma; of the _I pIace~the ladlil¥ available Ia ~

Educational Medleai Drlnklni Poal A: Dq«daya _mu· ..... ter Te.ph orthe_ J1Ic8tIlm (Polablel 1Ie1/hat. (8uaatop If any IIaIlwey StatIon. wuerw.yl

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

24/1 /1/ 1 Chamubaau 228_78 793(1441 P D W.lW.n<. - (-51 +51 as

24/1/1/2 8anbazar 701.12 2.112(390) M 0 W.lW.n< PO Monday" as I"nday

:14/1/1/3 ..... hrambari 365_86 1.658 (379) Pl51.H. HC W.lW.n< PO Wed.-day as ACI6).O " Salurday

24/1/1/4 Purba Kranglchhara 660.78 1.248(263) MAC -(-51 W,lW,n< PO +51 BS

24/1/1/5 Paschlm Karanglchhara 1.383.47 2.120(407) Pl21.M.Ac -(·5) W.lW.n<.O +5) ThuNday BS

24./1/1/6 Puchlm Laxmlchhara 972.80 2.262(409) P(21.M. 0(21 W.lW.n< PO M.nday. IS PllC.AC.O FJ1day

24/1/1/7 Purba Laxmlchhara 1,184.01 2.293(4451 1'(51.ACI4). 0 W.lW.n<.O PO 11nuaday 6: as Tr.O Sunday

24/1/1/8 SukhlaUarl 542.95 9l(191 P(21 -(5-101 W.1W.f.O -(5-101 -(10') ·(:1-101

24/1/1/9 Remachhara 1.088.48 327(681 -1-5) -15-101 W.O -(10+1 -110.) .(5·101

24/1/1/10 Shlkaribari 1.812.02 1.281(243) P.ACI21.0 0 W.1W.O -(10'1 -(10.) -(10.)

24/1/1/11 Maldanbari 1.077.55 185(38) +5) 0121 W.C.F' -110. Manday& ·(10.) P'l1day

24/1/1/12 RamlaUhnabari 1.059.70 466{951 P ·110-1 W.C.O -(10.1 Friday" ·(10.) Monday

24/1/1/13 Purba RaJ nagar 1.706.21 2.0041376) P(2)M.H. 0 W.C.O ·HI) ·1-5) -(·51 A<:(51.0

24/1/1/14 Puma Champachh ...... 1.225.88 2.4051476)• pt7).M. 0 W.lW.O -(5-101 -15-101 -(&·101 A(;(61. 0(41

24/1/1/15 Pasch!", Champachhara 1.782.91 4.171(7001 P.t21.M.H. 0 W.1W.TK. PO M4lId.y& -110., AC(41.0 C.O t'J1day

24/1/1/16 Purba ~chalbarl 1.097.23 2.28814611 1'(7'.M.H, 0 W.1W.TK PO Flrd.y ;15-10) AC(4'.O(2)



AppraD ...... 11Dwn Puwcr Land u.., (l.c._ under dlffcn:nt ~ ofilUld U8C In hcc:_ to ..._ Supply rounded uplo two decimal places) 'fIIIIF (In KIM! Foresl Irrigated Urll"" c:ullurable area nol Location Name: olviU. by Sounle IglIted wute avaUable Code No. (tncludlni (or c:ultt- pueharA ¥lltlon 1IJOVC:a)

11 12 13 14 15 16 Ii 18 2

PR.KR.FP KhowaII271 ED 100.112 107.53 4.03 16.30 24/1/1/1 Chamubull PR.KR.FP Khowai (25) ED 301.70 348.89 0.47 50.06 2411/1/2 IMnbaaar

PR.KR,FP XhowaI 122) ED 57.63 276.14 2.56 29.53 ').4/1/1/3 Aahnunban

PR.KR.FP, KhcIwaf 11 0) EA 323.03 315.69 7.66 14.40 24/1/1/4 Pulba KranfIIchharll NW

PR.KRJIP m-.t'(l8) ED 1.003.55 338.14 41.78 24/1/1/5 Puchim Karan~hara

PR.KR.FP KhowaI (10) ED 397.1l 536.56 1.87 37.26 24/1/1/6 Pbc:hJm Laxmlchhara

PR.KR.FP KhowaJ (20) EA 570.09 10).3.24 426.96 139.49 44.23 24/1/111 Pwba Laxmlchham NW

KR.FP KhowaI 125) EA 539.06 5.89 24/111/8 Sukhlaban

KIt KhawaI ("!II N.A. 24/1/1/9 RemBchhara

KR Khowai (251 1.586.83 (01.8.90 184.84 9.80 21.765 24/1/1/10 ShlluuibaJi

KR KhowaI 128) 1.074.66 2.89 24/1/1/11 Maidanbart

KR Khowai (34) 1,050.39 3.43 5.88 24/1/1/12. Ramkrlshnabart

KR Khowal (24) 1.275.87 371.89 14.21 44.24 24/1/1/13 Purba RaJnagar

KR KhoWllf (19) ED (Rl.12.95 322.43 842.86 47.64 24/1/1/14 PuJba ChampachhlLlll KR Khowa! (12) ED 1.133.49 10).12.14 541.28 28.28 67.72 24/1/1/15 Puehlm Champachh....

KRFP Khowal (25) EA 618.64 (0).10.12 343.13 73.78 51.56 24/1/1/16 Purba Bachalbart


!..ocaUon Name of vlltaae Total area Total populaUon Amenltlu available (If not aYa1i1ib1e WIthin the vt ..... a" (-1111 Code No. of the viII. and number of shown In the column and next to IIln bncketa .the ~ In braMI (lnhc:ctareal ho':'oeholda I'Il.r1IIU viz. ·5 k .... S·IOKm. and 10+Kmll; or the ncareac pIoIcc where the filcJbty a\'llllllble 11181ftn)

EducaUoMI Medical IUtl< _u· Ilr1nkInI 010.,.. the mar- ___ wala' Te~ (Potable) ket/hat. tlaD)I '=:: _StatIaD._" 1. 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 10

24/1/1/17 Paachlm Bachalbarl 1.123.61 2,457(463) I'(;!j D.CHW W.TW.TK Phone. SIlturdoly as N.T.O PO .. n-tay

24/1/1/18 Pwba Slnglchhara 1.456.50 4,7S6(935) 1'(31.M, 0(21 W,TW, ·Hil Sundioy'" +51 Ac(2). 0(41 TK.N.O Thunoday

24/1/1/19 Puchlm Slnglchhara 974, Il 6.838{1,376) Pl3I.M(3), 0(21 W.TW.TK. PO +51 88 H.AC.0(2) N.T.C.O

24/1/1/20 Gankl 1.398.58 11.211(2.3181 1'(2).M(4) 0(3) W.TW. PO ·15-1<11 BS H.AC(6).0(2) N.T.C.O

24/1/1/21 Sonatala 840.83 5.292(1.06 I) P(3).H. 0 W.TW,1iP PO Thuraday 88 AC(2).0(4) " Sunday

24/1/1/22 Dhalabll 636.62 3.746(769) ·(5,10) 0 W.TW.HP,n PO ·(5-101 as

24/1/1/23 Paharmur8 220.27 1.716(334) H.AC.0(2) 0 W.TW.HP PO +51 8S

24/1/1/24 Coumagar 340.89 1.228(263) ·15·10) 0 W.TW.n.O -(-S) ·(·51 ·(·51

24/1/1/25 Puma Belchh .... a 358.33 1.093(204) PlG).MA ·(10+) W.TW.TK.O -(-51 Monday -I-51 C(6).0(41

24/1/1/26 Puchtm Belchhara 1.035.28 2.648(480) P.M.H.O Dt2) W.TW.n.O PO aunday. ·(10+) Tuealay. Thunday

24/1/1/27 Bagabtl 798.89 1.138(215) P(3IAct2).O 0 W.TW.TK PO SAturWiy .(10+) Monday

24/1/1/28 khengraban 339.84 338(71) P(3) '(10+) W.TW.TK.O -(oS) +:>1 ·(10+)

24/1/1/29 Ratanpur 1.107.32 2.244(423) P(61.PUC, 0 W.TW.TK,O PO saturday. ·(10+) 1IC(31.0 WedllCllday

24/1/1/31) Uttar Padmabtl 1.161.49 3.5.19(652) P(6).M. 0(2) W,TW.TK.O PO .'rtday ·(5·101 AC(61.0

24/1/1/31 Dakahln PadmabU 1.008.17 2,180(391) P(4).M(2).H. 0 W.TW.TK.O PO SWlday.n..e.day. B8 PUC.AC{4).O Wedn.. day.F~

24/1/1/32 Uttar Rarnchandrag):la.t 1.320.05 5.127(9301 p(4).M(21.H. D TW.TK.R PO Sunday. as • .\<:(3).0(3) Wedne8day 24/1/1/33 Purba Ramchandra· 806.20 4.504(83-1) Pl21.M.H. 0 W.TW.R.O PO ·(!1-l0I as ahat ACf2I,o(2)

241.1/1/34 Chebcl 1.006.77 7.191(1.414) PlB).M(2). PHC. W.TW.R.O PO Monday. Frtd.,. lIS I'lICAC(8),O D(2)

24/1/1/35 Paac:htm RaJ...... - 1.381.30 3.593(6401 P!4),M.AC. PHC W.TW.F.O PO Thumday ·(5-10+) Tr,p

TOTAl. 34.20518 96.523(18.163) P(93).M(27). PHC(2)HC, HO2).ACI811 D(31).CHW 0(42).1'112). PUC(4)


AppnKh NeI!ni' I8WD PDwcr Land \IIIC (UI.1IRa under different typcII of land \IIIC In hectares 10 • dIIItancc Supply rnundcd uP'O two dtc:Imal pl8eea1 .m.,e (Ill KmIIt F_l Irrl&ated Unllr- cultW'llbJe area not Lo<:aUon Namcol..tllaac by Source tgated _Ie avall.ble CodeNa. (InCluding I'otcultl· 88uchar & vallon IJ,l'OYeIII

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 2

PR m-Jfl9J ED.EAO 374.14 (1WE.)75.07 299.47 124.64 249.69 24/1/1/)7 Paac:hlm Bachalbart

KR xm-J (51 ED.&AG 534.19 (R.1202.38 283.28 113.31 323.34 241111/18 Puma StnIIIchhara

PR JChowaI (3) EO,EI\G 156.21 (Rl,~17.72 107.24 107.24 385.70 24/1/1/19 Puchlm SlngIchhara

PR.KR.1'P Khowa1(1II ED.EO 10).249.29 566.56 218.49 364.22 24/l/l{20 Ganld

PH. KR. JIP Khowat (61 ED.EO 64.91 (01 171.99 411.71 70.82 121.40 ~41l/1 121 Sonatala

PR.KR.PP Kh~(51 ED 3.26 iOl.60.70 18:.1.11 40.47 350.08 24/1 /1/22 Dhalabll

PR.KR.JIP Khcrwal (41 ED. 3.68 101.24,28 121.41 12.14 58.76 24/111/23 Paharmura

KR KhowaI(7) ED 4.40 314.58 0.23 21.68 24/111/24 G DUID8gT8

KR KhowaI Cl3) ED 137.55 190.10 9,45 21.23 24/1/1/25 Purba Be Ichhara

KR Khowal II:» ED 324.44 632.95 28.U 49.45 24/1/1/26 Paschlm Se Ichhara

KR KhowaI (171 ED 522.59 236.. 29 4.25 35.76 24/1/1127 Bagabll

KR KhowaJ(20) 300.68 35.19 1.1 I 2.66 2411/1/26 khcngrabart

KR Khowal (19) ED 590.84 496.99 3.06 16.43 24/1/1/29 Ralanpur

KR KhClWal (III .ED 372.71 149.89 2.24 36.05 24/1 11/30 Uttar Padm.bll

KR.PR KhClWal (14) ED 132.27 838.66 4.80 32.84 24/1/1/31 Dakshln Padmabll

PRJ(R.JIP Kh_I(81 Ell 4117.04 101.60.70 614.27 122.28 55.76 24/1/1/32 Utlar Ramchandraghat

PR.KR KhowaII9l ED (0).40.47 364.22 391.39 10.12 24/1/1/33 Purba Ramchandraghat

PR.KR. Khowal181 ED.EO (01.278.31 512.73 86.91 128.82 241 I I 1/34 Chcbn

PR.KR KhowaI (7) ED 816.99 543.59 20.72 24/1 11/35 Puchlm RaJn"lllU

14.022.68 1.428.26 11.891.55 3.009.87 2.163.74

Note:· Source of Irrigation Is not available


LoeatIoIr Name or viii.., Total area Total population AmmIU ... a... llable (lr not avalillble within the VII"" a dub H Ie Code'No, of the vdlagc and number of aIIown In the oolumn IUId next to II In bridle.. ,the dlalanl:e III t..d (In heclarcs) household. ranaee VIz. -II kme, 5-10Km. and 10+Km.: ollhcnC81H4 pIIIce -"_tIM f'adilly available lellvenl

Educational Medical Drink.... PcMtI.t. Dayordaya _u· water Te Iqraph oflhe 111111" rdcatIon (Potablel kel/hat, IBwIlop If any Idway IllaUoll. water.." 1. 2 3 4 II 8 7 8 9 10

24/1/211 Gaymanlbart 670.08 1.50013121 Pl3J.ACl5I D 1W,TK,N.O +51 W~ aa

24/112/2 Dak.hln Ra.nchandnoghat 1.838.41 3,590(657) P(5J.M{3).H. D 1W.TK. .(-5J 1\.I-s.,. aa Act 1OJ, Trl21. T,W.N.O Saturday 0(4)

24/1/2/3 TUlhachlIlgbar1 838.80 1.635(314) P(5) -{lO+} 1W.TK,N,O PO Monday'" as 'IUaday

'24/1 /2/4 Paglabart 1.124.32 1.959(364) P(2),AC D 1W.TK.N,O ·(-II) +5) as

24/1/2/5 Ramdayalbart 783.74 2,()()5{384) P(3),H, -1~19) 1W,T1{.T, PO 1\.Iada)'&. BS AC(5) ,0(3) W,N.O FrIday

24/1 /2/6 Akhrahar1 1.2f!2.23 2M()1455) P(4),IIC -(lO+) 1W.TK.T. '15-10) Mondey ·(5-10) W.N.O

24/1/2/7 Dwartkapur 740.13 4.~151(!l111 1'(3).M,HI2). D 1W.TK. PO WcdllClday BS AC(5).O(3) W.R.O

24/1/2/8 Laxmlnarayanpur 523.78 343217261 1'(5)JlC(41,O(2) D TW.R.Q PO Bunday'" BS Thursday

24/1/2/9 Sa1\tlnaglU' 1.3020'[ 3,461\6'!i51 p(6I.M(2),I\C(4) D TW,TK,W,R,Q PO lUcaday +61

24/1/2/10 Durgapur 1.309.8(i 4,670(889) P(21,H.AC(3) D TW.TK.T,W,R,O PO Saturday -1·5)

24/112/11 Dakshln Promod~ar 1.181 ll5 1191IJ93) M ·l-1i) TW.1X.W.R,O -H;) -1-5) -(10+)

24/1/2/12 Uttarpromodnagar 1,286.07 1.485 (284) P(3).AC. D TW,TK,T,W.O ·15·10) Sunday -(~IO)

2411/2/13 Badlabar1 535.37 1.2331227) P(2I.MI2), Q W.TW,TK +Il) -(-51 ·(~IO) .o.C(3)

24/1/2/14 Malnakbart 608.24 441(80) -(5·10) ·(10+) TW,TK.W,O -(5-10) -(5-10) ·110+1

24/1/2/15 J...,. Kobrabatl 1.601.21 1.511(274) P '(~IO) TW.11(,Q,W -(5·10) -(~IO) ·110+) 24/1/2/16 KaraIbar1 1.477.64.. 339(67) P -(~IOJ 0 ·15·10, -(!HOl -110+' 24/1/2/17 TUlchlndralbart 1.435.99 1,348(270) H,O -(5-10) TW.11(,W,O -15,10) ·(5-10) -(10+1

24/1/2/18 ' Maharanlpur 1.08362 3.065(599) P(4).AC(4) D(2) 1W.11(,W,O PO Monday& 8S F'l1day

24/1/2/19 Uttar GhllataU 1.30131 5.127(954) 1~1),M(2) 0 TW,TK.W,IUI ·(·51 -1·5) +5)

24/1/2/20 KWlJaban 1,678.69 5,62011,079) 1~3),M.H, D TW.TK,W, 1'0 -(5,101 8S .o.C(15),0(3)

24/1/2/21 Madhya Kalyar,pur 997.62 5.901(:'176) P(3)H,IICI2) H TW:m,W,T PO SUnday. 85 Wednesday, T ue.day, & Saturday

24/1/2/22 Pasc:hlm Kalayanpur 1.360.34 1.21012191 1'(3) ,M(2),PUC. 1)(3) TW,TK.W PO +5) -(·5) Ac (5). 0(3)



Approach Necutt-.t Power Land llee (I.e.area wider dllf.r.mt typeoa of land """ In hectare. to &: dl8lanl:e Supply ro\.tnded upto two decimal placeal vIIIaF (lnKma) Forest Irrigated UniTT' culturable area no! Location Name of village by 8our<:e ""ted waite available Code No. Unc1udlnS forcuHI- ,.uehar&: vaUon I"JVU)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

.PR.KJUI'P KhowaI (11) EA 346.53 234.48 82.98 6.09 24/1/2/1 aayman1bu1

PR.KJt.pp Khc>waI( 121 ED.EACl 946.02 (01.60.70 393.57 202.81 35.31 24/1/2/2 Dakahln Ramchandraghat

PRJ'P m-Ill8l ED 698.88 90.25 38.92 10.91 24/1/2/3 t'ulhachlni#>arl

PRJ'P Khowal ( 1201 ED. 790.00 243.64 81.46 9.22 24/1/2/4 Paglabarl

KR.FP Khowal ( (20) ED 981.87 (0).20.23, 244.50 122,39 8.75 24/1/2/5 Ramdayalbarl

KJUI'P Khowal { (lSi ED 887.11 (0).41.47 165.65 176.06 11.94 2411/2/6 Alchrabarl

PR.KR Khowal 1 (17) ED (R),60.94 603.60 46.84 8.75 24/1/2/7 Owartkapur

PR.KR !thowaJ ((12) EA (Rl.ISS,86 342.70 6.98 8.24 24/1/2/8 Laxmtnarayanpur

KR Khowal ( 1201 EO (01.5.20 644,16 626,59 5.47 24/1/2/9 Santtnagar

KR K1iowal ( (15) EA 440.69 IRJ.20.23 50263 18.21 328.10 2411/2/10 Dulll"pur

KR.FP Tdlamura (17) 556.56 1~6.05 323.75 155.29 24/1/2/11 Dakshln Promodnagar

KR KhowaJ I (201 ED.EA.G 485.S2 251.78 323.75 224.911 24/1/2/12 Uttar Protnodnagar

KR !thawal (120) 202.34 167,18 40.60 205.25 24/1/2/13 8adlaban

KR KhowaJ 11301 607.73 0.51 24/1/2/14 Malnakbarl

KR.FP 101"..,.11135) 1.294.99 102.95 40.47 162.80 24/1/2/15 Jagna Kobrabart

KJUI'P Tdlmura(50) U77.64 24/1/2/16 Karalbart

KRJ'P Tellamura (15) 809.37 228.83 204.36 193.43 24/1/2/17 t'ulchlndralbart

KRJ'R.FP Tcbamunal 13) EA 445.15 (0).4.05 300.91 20.23 313.28 24/1/2/IB Maltaranlpur

KRJ'P Tellamura (J 51 EA 323.75 (01.12.14 592.73 6.68 386.03 24/1/2/19 UllalGhllataJj

KR.PR.FP KhowaJ (191 ED.EAC 1.539.96 198.7:1 24/1/2/20 KunJaban

KR.PR.FP KhowaJ (20) tA 889.29 108.33 24/1/2/21 Madhya Kalyanpur

KR.FP 101_1 1 125) ' ..... 1.334.35 25.99 24/1/2/22 Paachlm Kala:yanpur


LocIoIIaa H_of viii.., TotallU'll8. Total populatlGn 1Imenl1lll• ....a.bIa !If not avallmle WIthin the Yin.,,:. _dMh (-) .. CadeNa. oflheYll1. and number or Ihown In the column and nat 1011 In brac:bte .the d.. ,._ III tn.d . (In hectarcal houeehold...... YI&. -5lau. 5-10 Kme and 10+Kme; of the .-- pIMe where the facility awaIlable .. ~ EcIucaUonal Medical Drlnldna Paat ar D&1Or ClAy. c-mu- water Ttlqp-aph ofthc mar- IIk:aIlaa IPotable) ket/ll_t. (Bue.1Dp 1fU1)' IIIIJIway lltatlon, _lIIl'wayI

1. 2 3 4 5 8 7 II g ,10

I 2411/2/23 Pwba KaJyanpur 850.58 3.996(744) 1'(2).M(2). D w:rW.lK PO -(-51 BS AC(S) ,0(2)

24/1/2/24 Ghllatall 861.13 5.49S( 1.008) P.M(2).PUC. D W.lW. PO Mond.y &: +51 ACl8).0(2) 'nlunday

2411/2/25 Dakshln Maharani 1.141.36 1.7411324) M.H -15-10) 0 -(5-10) Monday &: -15-101 Pl1d_y

24/1/2/26 Sr1 Ram Khara 2,150.73 2.140(446) 1'(93).M. -15·10) 0 -(5-101 +5) -(11-101 AC(2)

24/1/2/27 Ramkr1ahnapur 1.651.03 1.005(256) P 'HI) W.lW -(·5) +51 +51

24/ I /2/28· KrIIIhnapur IPart) 4S2 .. 10 6.028(1.160) 1'(9).10112). DlS).liC. W.lW PO Sunday. AC(l3). RP.O 11Iuno1ay B8 H.0(6) 1Ue.day" Saturday 24/1/2/2G Kam.Jn.gar 504.28 4.340(806) 1'(2).AC(2) O.RP W.T.lW PO WodnMday" B8 Satunl.a)' 24/1/2/30 Uttar Puhnpur 1.233.16 4.059(732) 1'(4).101(2). -(5-10) lW.lK.W PO Sunday" -(5-101 H(S)ACla) ThuNday

24/1/2/31 Moh....,hhar 863.42 8.84 7(1.602) 1'(3)M.H.PlIC. 0(2) lW.W.T.R +5) -(-II) OS "'C(7).0(41

24/1/2/32 DaIuohln Pullnpur 1.719.01 3.041(544) 1'(2).M AC(S)O D lW.lK.W.T, -(5-101 ·(5-101 -(5-10)

24/1/2/J:J TulchlndlJll I.S59.94 4.126(896) pt,,,M AC(6). 0(2), lW.lK.W.T ·(-5) 'H!) BS 0(4) RP.O

24/1/2/34 Hawalbarl 903.65 3.888(7311 1'(21ACI31 0(2) TW.lK.W 1'0 SWlIlaylil BS Thunclll)l 24/1/2/35 Sanlu Karkari 1.922.84 S.SI9(5551 1'(41.MACI2) O.CHW. TW.lK.W 1'0 TUeeclay III ·15-101 MCW Saturday

24/1/2/36 • Te1lamuraR.FII'Iu1) 1.786.96 3.23316101 P.MI21.H 0(31 lW.lK.W. 1'0 Wedneeday BS VIP III Sunday 24/1/2/37 eailahln Gakulnagar 1.656.05 3.160(4741 P.M.AC(4) ·(10.) lW.T.W. ·1·51 -!-!II +5)

24/1/2/36 Brahmachhara S14.16 2.025IS291 P.M.H 0 lW.W.T.R.F PO ·1-151 -(-51

24/1/2/39 Uttar Gakulnagar 1.626.63 2.691(508) 1'(3).M AC(2) ·(~-101 TRf.W. +51 -(~·IOI ·($-10) lW.T.R

24/1/2/40 Laxmlpur 2.491.06 8.416(I.SS31 1~4).M .H .... CI91. D TRt'.TW.lK. PO ·15-101 liS TR,OIJI W,K 24/1/2/41 Alharamura R.F 7.243.35 3.367(671) 1'(4J.H.AC(41 l) W.R.O.TRf '110+1 ·(10-1 8S

24/1/2/42 Nunaehh .... R.F 8.609.73 2.545(4761 l'(oI).AC -(10.) R.O.W.TRF PO -(10+) BS

TOTAL 64.242.29 13~.876(25.lS541 PI ~201 ,M(34). Ii.HC.D(34I. HlI81.PlJCI3I 0(4).RP(3). AC(42):rrj3). CHW.MCW 0(41) Partly Included In Teltamura Notified Area AMENITIES AND LAND USE' DEVELOPMJtlIiT BLOCK : 'l'BLtAMVRA

AppnMdI Ne_ttown Power !,and \I.e (I.e.- under different types orland uae In hee_ III & dIatance Supply I'DUnded upto .._ decimal p~ vm. OnKmal F~ Impled Unlrr· culturable area not Location Name of YIn. by Sounlc 19ated wutc avall.ble Code No. (Including (oreuIH- ..ucharl!< velton ~.)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PRJtR.FP khDWIII (23) ED 693.50 157.08 24/1/2/23 Puma Kalyanpur

PR.KR.FP KN>wal (22) EA (R).40.47 601.35 219.31 24/1/2/24 GhUa.,."

KR Khowal (22) ED 873.48 92.44 161.87 13.57 24/1/2/25 Daksh!n Maharani

PRJtR.FP KhowaI (25) 2.051.60 0;:0.09 29.04 24/1/2/26 Sri Ram Khara PR.kR.FP Khowaa (241 1.!j90.15 55.12 5.76 . 24/1/2/27 Ramkrl.. hnapur

PRJtR Teltamuno (5) EA IRI.60.70 309.42 61.98 2411/2/28 • Krtshnapur (Part)

PR.Kj{ khowal (37, ED.EAG. 130.09 (RI.16.19 174.42 4.06 179.52 24/1/2(29 Kamalnagar kR KhowaIfO)ED .EAG 867.52 (0).6.07 87.86 0.81 270.90 24/1/2/30 Ullar'Pullnpur PR.KR KAowaI(381 ED.EAG 90.92 (01.211.50 404.73 409 3.1518, 24/1/2/31 Moharchhar PR.KR.FP Khowai (30) EA 576.73 601.t!6 401.59 198.83 24/1/2/32 Dllkshln Pullnpur

PRJtR.FP. Khow.I (35) EA 524.98 636.73 132.54 65.69 24/1/2/33 Tulchlndral NR.NC.NW.

PR.KR.FP. AgutIIIa(:m EA 462.01 231.53 126.36 83.75 24/1/2/34 Hawalban NR.NC.NW.

PR.KR.FP "'art~Ia(28) EA 1.412.13 321.93 53.12 135.66 24/1/2/35 Sardu Karkari PR.KR.FP ...... 1.(45) EA 679.11 785.86 127.65 194.34 24/1/2/36 TelismuraR.F\Part)

KR KhoWlll (481 ED.EA 1.412.68 210.57 0.81 31.99 24/1/2/37 Dakshln GakulnaA8T

KR Khowal (39) ED.EAC 7.45 (Rl.12.95 264.08 1.25 28.43 24/1/2/38 Urahmachhara

KR.FP Khowatl421 ED.EIIC !.392.67 (RI.6.07 114.01 1.21 52.67 24/1/2/39 Uttar Cakulnagar

PR.KR.F'P KhtJwal 140) ED.EAG 1.910.15 278.61 2.51t 29971 2411/2/40 LaxTlIlpur

PR.KR.FP Khowa (55) ED 7.167.09 14.28 61.98 24/1/2/41 Atharamura RY

PR.KR Khnwat (67) ED 8.493.20 8.15 108.38 24/1/2/42 Nunachhar~ R.Y

TOTIIL 40.351.99 581.77 14.986.86 3.381.01 4.860.66

72. 1"' ~H8W - ~ DIItIC'I'ORY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK : JlRANIA r.iiiti,'ft-NaiM-01-;U~- - -i'otai ma ------ftiiAi pojiUi.ttOtr - -Mleniiie; iviiTar,fe 1 j'fiiot~iC ;iihlii iheiiilij:-; dUb (:f"-... --- Code No. 01 the vtDacc and number of shown In the column mel next to It In brac:kcllo. the dlatancc In bJOad . (In hertarea) houaehold. ~ VIz.- 5 Km •• 5-10 Km. and 10+ Xma. of the n_t place where th faclbty ••tlablc " gIVen I

EducaUona-1 --Medlcal~", !>oat 6: Dayordaya Communi· water Tel"3J'llph of tile mar' cation lPotable! ket/hat. IBus stop. Ifany R..Ilway Slatlon•. waterway


24/1/3/2 LBxmtpur 1.62() 77 10.801(1978) [,(6I.MI3).1I.0 0 W:l'K:lW.lll'.C IU Mondloy. "(·5) . .. FrIday 24/113/3 Radhaktshol't . 1.1511.{'4 8.685(1.642) P(2).H .... C(2).O 0(2) W.lW.T Sunday. . (-5) I18jjIIr Wcdneaday

24/1/3/4 Khayerpur 360.83 6.797(1.205) HI2J.PUC(21. D W.1W. Monday. BS AC(31.012) Thunday

24/1/3/5 Brtddhanagar 325.87 4.9911933\ . (-5) 0(21 W.1W. ·(-51 Monday. liS Thunday

24/1/3/6 DtnIObandhW>BgIiC 1.114.59 4.700(822) P(5).H '-(,5) W.TW.TK.HI',I{ PO -(-I)) os

24/1/3/7 Sib...... 1.464.42 3.094(599\ 1'(3).1.1 0(2) W.TW.TK.HP FO ·(-5) os

24/1/• .,,/8 Walcklnajlar 827.17 1.722(321) P(3).AC{2),O D W.TW FO -1-5) • 110+)

24/1/'3/9 Patnlpare 1.750.67 3.121(599) 1'(4) o W,TW,TRF Monday. BS FrIda)'

24/1 /3/10 AahI8""h 1.052.90 2.197(413) P(2).M.AC(6).O 0 W.TW FO Monday. -(-II) Wed.-day

24/1/3/11 Khe","" 1.408.88 683( 1541 1'(3) ·(10.) TW ·(5,10) ·15-10) ·(5-10)

24/1/3/12 Harbh8JI.I 626.13 5341118) P(2) -(10+) TW.O ,110+) -110.) -(!HOj

24/113113 Katllirambarl 478.89 1.409(255\ P(3).AC(2).O -(5-10) W'TW .( 51 ( 5) (-51

24/113/14 MandaI...... 1.149.69 4.573(884) P(61.M.H.O(2) HC W.TW,T FO Monday. as Frtday

2411/3/15 0InU0brapu-a 1.682.58 1.163(245) P 0 W.O ·(5'10) -(5-10) -15-10)

24/1/3/16 Jamllcngpara 1.088.97 18(41 -15-101 -(10+1 W.O ·(5'10) ·(5-10)

24/1/3/11 Atuttuu-ct-t 144.68 121 (27) -(5-101 ·15-101 W.O ·(-5) +5) -15-10)

24/1/3/18 Bhd8U~ 973.04 1.38212181 P(3) 0 W.TW.TK.O Rl Thursct.y -15-10)


~-~-~-'---Power---Landueeli~~an;-unaerdU~t~-oriaDdu;e-tii-~------ID It dIN.nec ~ppIy rounded upto two decimal placcel ft!leCe (mb.) Fon:.i---~led----li~n;------~i~bk------~~ LDc:aUon NlUllCofvlllllet by aourc:e pled _Ie (lneiudl"ll IMIIIIobIe Code No. ..uchar mel for cuI- ...,.,e.) Uvatlan 11------12------i3-----I.. ------i5"------·--i6------17------18---··---1------2------.----


ICR AeartaJa (IS) WEO 738.75 (0).377.23 348.70 70.84 85.25 24/1/3/2 Lumlpur

PR.KR ~IIO) m 127.55 S79.15 451.94 24/1/3/3 Radhaklahore- na&ar PR.KR Atutala(61 m (0),37.31 111.85 42.19 199.48 24/1/3/4 Khayerpur

PR.KR AaarIala(7) ED (0),83.02 101.37 141.48 24/1/3/5 elidd......

PR.KR.FIl AfIu'laIa 1201 ED.EAG 444.43 312.01 358.15 '24/1/3/6 DInIIbandh ......

PR.KRJ'P ~ (35) ED 1.284.91 7U2 128.29 24/1/3/7 SlbJ184llU"

PR.KR AfIu'laIa ('24) (0),8.47 13.07 434.60 373.03 24/1/3/8 Weidel.,.,.,.

PR.KR ACartala (28) ED (0),38.85 121.40 1.518.11 12.31 24/1/3/9 Palnlpara

KR. IoprUIa (30) (0).16.19 95.70 187.74 753.'27 '24/1/3/10 Aahlgarh

ICR Aprtala (37) 1.40 1,400.33 7.15 24/1/3/11 Khengral

KR Acutala (42) 618.10 10.03 24/1/3/12 I-IarbIuorIt

ICR A&artala (32) 285.00 10),80.94 49.21 2.18 61.56 24/1/3113 Kalhlrambarl

KR I\tU1ala 134) ED 0.118 10),263.62 844.81 3.21 37.17 24/1/3/14 Man

KR I\tU1ala 139) 1.857.&4 101.0.99 14.22 0.112 9.01 24/1/3/15 ~

JUt Aprtala (45) 1.088.97 24/1/3/16 Jeml)enc-ra

KR AprtaIa (28) 740.77 3.89 24/1/3/17 AtU~

ICR AprtaIa (38) ED 884.93 IRl.lI.~ 61.56 1.88 13.32 24/1/3/18 Bhngudupare

74 , ' , 1.. 1 casu•. VIJ.,I..AQ& DIItBCI'ORT , DBVJtIDPilENT BIDCE : JIRANL\ r..;c;~-NUW-.;rVtli.---ToIAi_------Tur8iFO~1Au;,---Amen.ue;MliiiblClii"MtMi~Wiih,ndiC~i~:-iiiiMllf.r,;------Code No. of the vlll. and number of all_" In the column Md MIlt to It In bndu!ta, the d.... III braid lin hcctan:sI . hou-=hold. r&njll:. v!&.. 5 KIn •• 5-10 Kma and 10. Kms. of the ,_..t piece whIR 1M faclhry available lit pen ) Educ.uonal-Mcd~Ditftktn,g --~o;y or. Communi- waler relqvaph of the m.... CIIUon '''''otableI !tet/hat. (Sua Mop. If my RalIwIIY sc._, _181'''11 --1------2------3------4------s------6------7------s------g------io-----

247j'J:i'ji9Pi,;;b;~n.-:--1~429.ii5------6,959(1.374)-----M4i:H.Pijc~o--D----w~iW~_m.F------ro------~~------BS----- ...... Monday,

24/1/3/20 JoynajIIU' 488,76 4,336(807) P(3),0(3) 0(21 W.lW.TK.T It! ·(·5) OS

24/1/3/21 PI.arba 1.158.31 7,094{ 1,2551 Pl4l.MI21.0 0 W.lW.TK,T I\) SundaY. OS BoujaIaJ Wodneoday

24/1/3/'1:J. Jiranla 1.095.70 4,58918311 Pl31.M(2).0 HO W.lW.TK.T +51 -!-!II OS

24/1/3/23 Rankin",.... 657.95 8.582( 1.6671 P.PUC.AC(2).O O. W.TK.T PTO. Sunday, OS MCW. Phone Thunday FPC

24/1/3/24 Paachlm 879.15 4.207(731) Pl21.M.C.0 D(21 W.lW.TK,T ro ·(·51 lIS 8aJjaIa1

24/1/3/25 MaJltallpur 1.283.92 18.880(3.507) P(81.M. HC.OI31 W.lW.TK P1O, Tuc:.day, DS H(41.PUC.O Phone Srilunlay

24/1/3/26 Mekhl1para 592.20 3,014(595) ·1·5) 0 W.lW.TK.T.C ro ( .. 51 -1-51

24/1/3/27 Uttar 807.43 8,305( 1.602) P(2),H(:l1 0 W.lW.TK.C ro (. 51 (.5) Champamura

24/1/3/28 Thlakona 928.96 2,539(462) 1'(2) ·(5,10) W,lW,TK.N ro (·51 (5- 101

24/1/3/:19 I'l.u-ba 1.403.08 6.414( 1.178) 1,(3W121 D W.TK.1W-·lW. m Wwn"",lay. 1·5) NaoQaon 1'.0

24/1/3/30 Radhamohanpur 1.062.08 3.859(7121 P(31,MJ' +5) W.TK.TRF.lW, PO I 5) ·I·~I 1',0

24/1/3/31 Radhapur 1.580.41 3.80516831 P,Q DI21 W.TK.TRl'.nV. 10 ~y. ·t~·IOI T.O Tueoday

24/1/3/32 JanmcJ~ 1.032.84 2.745(540) P(4),O 0 W.lW.TK.HP,C ro ·(·51 OS

:14/1/3/33 Belbarl 3.012.86 5.12619981 P(7).M.H.O 0 W.1W.O ro ·1·51 lIS

24/1/3/94 Champaknljpr 828.69 2,439(496) P(21.0{4) D W,lW.TK.R ·(·5) ·(·51 ,(,51

24/1/3/3rJ Champabar1 . 2.222.24 933(2061 P(41 .• 0 D W.lW.O ·15·101 ·(5·101 ·(10.)

------_._------~TOTAL 39.412.77 152,5711(28,5631' P( JO II.MIl51. H.HCI21. H(l8IAC(l7). D(34I.MCW. 0(271.PUC(51.C FPC

75 lPP;:oa-J.-~-tD;;'-----ij;We-;--~f.Uldu;ell:e:MU-u.-diilTcm;t~-Qiland1.j8CtniiC:~iiU------. liP & dlatance &.IppIy rounded uplo two decimal p1accal . "I",,, lin Kms } F;n;t--i-;;~;l;d-----1i~ni------~tW;bfe------;;ean;i Locaticn Name or Vln. by source gated wale (lncludlnjJ available Code No. puchar and for cul- grovca) t1va t10n

PR.KR Agartala 130} EA 0.47 (R).3IS.05 1.051.81 3.40 59.12 24/1/3/19 Purba Debendra-

PR.KR Agartala (23) ED.EAG 21B.69 23.19 246.8!l 24/1/3/20 JO)Tl8iaJ'

PR.KR Agartala (22) ED 48S.S2 20.40 652.09 24/1/:1/21 Puzba Baljalal

KR.NR Agartala (24) ED (R).68.94 889.07 1672 120.97 24/1/3/22 Jlranla

PR.KR Agactala (22} EA 0WE).28.62 595.21 19.90 14.22 24/1/3/23 Bankbn~

PR.KR AgartaIa (13) EA (0).124.90 209.34 381.26 163.65 24/1/3/24 Paachlm BMjaIaI

fIR Agartala (9) ED (R).436.M 463.00 223.30 161.29 24/1/3/25 MIIlliahpur

KR.FP Agartala (9) EO (0).40.47 159.14 B.IO 384.49 24/1/3/26 Mckhllpara

KR.FP AgartaIa (7) ED (0).230.67 170.78 4.85 401.13 24/1/3/27 Ultar Charnpamura

KR.FP Agartala (9) 90.71 (01.60.70 323.75 2.02 451.78 24/1/3/28 Tulakona

PR.KR Agartala (IS) ED.EAG Ull.665.96 384.88 196.42 155.82 24/1/3/29 Puma Naogaon

KR.FP Agartala (10) ED (R).489.38 166.04 85.50 321.16 2411/3/30 Radhamohanpur

KR.FP Agactala (26) ED (0).670.09 261.37 71.35 577.60 24/1/3/31 Radhapur

PR.KR Aprtala (24) EAG ),016.96 0.59 15.29 24/1/3/32 JanmcJO)'IJII8IU'

O.PR Aprtala (27) ED 1.807.99 1.168.02 2.48 34.17 2411/3/33 BeIbar1

0 Agactala (32) EDUG (R).91.03 712.10 5.29 20.27 24/1 /3/34 Champaknagar

iR Agartala (37) 2.160.03 (0).2.25 50.99 0.84 8.13 24/1/3135 Champabar1


76 1.1 C...... • ~ DIIlBC'I'ORY " ~ -.ocK : IIOiIANPUR r.ati,D-N;.;;c-0;'Y111;;e-- -TOiaIii;------T.;-talpop.,T.il;; --k;;c.,rJe; mn.'biC1ir";.OI-a"V.llabte ;iilii;; tii't "Vt~:-; clUiif.r ta ------Code No. 0( the village u>d number of lIhown In the eolumn and next to It In braeketa. the dlatllftCe In b-.t (In hectaresl houaeholda ranactl viz.' 5 Km •• 5-10 KIll. u>d 10. Kma. of the ncenIIt.'_ where &be facl\lty avall.bIe fa fllYen I ------F.d~~;Uon;r----MCdI~----~n1iln8------~tik---oayo~~~--~;;.;~ _ter Telegraph of the wIer· CltIrJn (Potable) . ket/hat. (BUll .top. If..,y Rldlway StaUww, __ _terway)



24/1/4/2 Meghllbux! 1.181.39 5.667(1.003) i'(5).H.PUC. Pl-IC, W,lW,T.HP R) Tueaday as 0(21 0(2)

24/1/4/3 Purba Slmna ].341.12 1.457(260) 1'(3) D W:rw ·(!;·ID) Tuead.y ·(5·101

24/1/4/4 Uttar Oaaghana 911.42 IIS6( 164) ·(·5) ·(5·101 W,F.R PO ·(10+) ·110+)

24/1/4/5 Se.nkhola 944.09 1.741(318) P(7).H D W,lW.R 10 Monday as

2411/4/6 lilhanpur 746_45 2.885(509) II 0 W.1W,HP 10 Thuraday. BS M...... y

24/1/4/7 Daluaban 1.106_89 2,628(482) P(5),M,0 0 W.1W,TK ro Frtday sa

24/1/4/8 M."tata 901.85 3.19116011) )'13),1.1 IIC,CI-IW W:rw.TK.O "1'0 ·(·51 BS

24/1/4/9 Balkunthapur 284.37 9R4(J8G) ·(·5) CIIW W.1W R) Sunday. B8 Wedncaday

24/1/4/10 Oakahtn 866.05 348(63) ·(·5) D W:rw +51 FrtdIlY· BS Duhghana Wedne.day

24/ 1/4/ I I Subalalngtl 956.2] 140(33) ·(-51 ·(5·101 w:rw.TK R) Saturday, B8 1'ueIday

24/1/4/12 Kamukchhara 698.33 838(]75) P(2).M 0 W,1W.TK ·(·5) Sunday. BS WodncQy

24/1/4/13 ~ 1.186.18 1.767(3581 P(4I.H ·(5·]0) W,1W,TK R) Sunday. D5 W~ . • 24/1/4/14 Ka1achh ...... 490.73 2.503(4391 1121.H 0 W.lW.TK Fe Monday, BB Thuraclll,)'

24/1/4/15 BeJoynagar 532_91 1.927(3261 P D W.lW,TK R) ·(·51 85

24/1/4/16 Mohanpur 1.767.90 9.0 17( 1.5781 (',II.AC ,()(21 I),PltC W.1W.TK Kl Sunday, as Wednaday

24/1/4/17 Nuagaon 663.91 2.099(4051 P:"I.M D W.1W,TK ·(-51 ·(-5' BS

24/1/4/18 Thamakart 767.40 2.596(4671 1~6I.M,H 0 w:rW,TK )0 ·(5.101 ·(5·101

24/1/4119 [kmnrakandak 2.1 :)11;5 1.2:141234) P ·15· 101 W,1W,lll.f- ·(10.) ·(5·10) ·(10.,


~-~t-~-----po~;--~u~li;~~-~~~durn;~~i~;-.;r-~u~i~h~~~------III I: dl8tance SuJlllly rounded uplo two decimal pl.c:eeI wu. ( InKmaJ Fon;.t---fnl8Aled-----U-~~------c~twa~------~~i Locallan Name of viII. byaource pled WUIC (including lIYallablc Code No. ,....,harand (or cul- groveal UvaUon jj------12------ii-----ji------is------iiP------ji---'------ii------j------2------


PR.KR ~1a(42) ED 371.85 364.30 445.24 24/1/4/2 Mqhllband

KR ~1a(5OI 1.196.55 129.94 2.20 12.43 24/1/4/3 Pwba 511nna

KR ~lala(45) 897.37 2.53 3.02 8.SO 24/1/414 Uttar Daaghana

PR A&u'lala(401 732.91 181.89 2.96 26.33 24/1/4/5 Sankhola

PR ~la(38) ED (RJ.16.19 340.10 2.96 387.20 24/1/4/8 IBhanpur

KR ~1a(2e) 228.12 (0).10.26 819.98 1.44 47.09 24/1/4/7 Baluaban

PR A&u'taIa(301 ED.EO (RI.4.68 849.27 0.60 47.30 24/1/4/b Mantala

PR.KR Ag.,IaIa(291 34.78 0.04 249.55 24/1/4/9 Balkunlhapur

KR Agarlala(39) (0).1.03 3.28 0.99 860.75 24/1/4/10 I>akshtn l>asngharia

PR Agartala(26) (01.0.91 12·02 124.22 819.06 24/1/4/11 Subalslnj#!

KR AgarIaI_I26) (01.3.16 15.24 0.17 679.76 24/1/4/12 Kamukchhua

PR.KR ~1a(291 (0).19.79 162.66 0.07 1.003.66 24/1/4/13 SUrcnd......

PR.KR AgarlaI_(25) ED (01.20.23 410.55 40.61 19.34 24/1/4/14 Kalaehhua ill'

PR.KR Agutala(241 ED .. IlW"I.283.28 182.16 SO.59 16.88 24/1/4/1 5 Bejoynagar

PR.KR Agarrala(22) ED.EO 4~.95 (1(1.2115.30 I. 19().99 1.99 243.67 24/1/4/16 Mahanpur

PR.KR Agartal_(27) ED (01.80.94 541.97 30.35 10.71 24/1/4/17 Noagaon

KR Agarta1a(32) ED 153.08 101.5761 361.98 32.52 162.15 24/1/4/18 Thamakart

KR Agarra.la(3~1 873.84 10).20.38 444.22 6~7.91 156.30 24/1/4/19 Domralw1d_k

78 1881 CDSV8 • 'VJLLAQB DIRBCTORT DBVltLOPIIUT BLOC& : IIOIlANPUR ~-;;;.;c-or~---;:cii.iia;:c;------;:otalPopur"u;,---Amc-';UC;""'''liibiCTir''i.Ot-.v''iAblcwithIiiIhCYii''':-iJUhf.r.. ------Code No. 0( the vtllage lind number 0( Mown In the c:oIUIIln lind nul 10 II ,In brac:ke ... the dI8Iua In ttr.cI Un hcctarea) houlICholcbo ....,... YIL-l$ Kme. 5-10 Km. lind 10+ Km •• of the _I ~ ...... faclht)' available .. ,._, I

EducaUonal Medical ~------FQM I< Day or days ea-UftI...... WIIter Telcaraph or the IIUII" calion ""table) lIet/lMt. lau. ... IIiin)' RIIIIway ...... aer ... --1------2------3------4------5------i------i------jf------i------io----- 247ili/20-~~----i~f18,.. ------99Or204i------p------~5~ioi--\W~~------~io~i---~~si--·-·-~~iCi---­ IruraI

24/1/4/21 Chandpll' l.lQ7.78 3.866(7301 P(61.H 0 W.lW.TK.O Rl SUnII8y. as Wednc8day

24/1/4/22 Barllanthab. 572.41 2.131(3801 P.PUC 0 W.lW.TK.T Rl Monday. 88 FrIday

24/1/4/23 Uttar Oebcndra 1.400.82 4.500(8041 pt41.M(21.H. HC.O W.lW.TK. Rl 1\Ie8day. ·(5·101 Chandra Napr AC(21.Tr .0(2, T.HC.O SaIWday

24/1/4/24 'I'BnIn8pr 1.325,60 12,415 P.MI2).PUC. 0(31. W.TK.T.HP PO. Thuraday. as (2329) AC(51 RP Phone Monday

24/1/4/2f5 Kalkaba 1.709.65 7.75411.403) 1'(2).M(4). 0 W.lW.TK Rl SWay"""'y. as H,AC 'lUeIIday. Fnday Saturday

24/1/4/28 Bamutla 1.25",52 8.15111.440) 1'121."131. HC.D(21. W.lW.T.R Rl Suday.Manday. as PUC .... C(21 CHW.O Tueadiy. Th~ Saturday

24/114/27 FaUkchj\ara 1.910,07 8.13711).508 1(14).MI2). 0(3) W.1W.TK.R.HP PO. Monday.Fncs.y BS PUC Phone Walneaday

24/1/4/28 TuIaI>apn 1.602.96 2.09113721 +51 0 T.W.R K> llIIIiy US

2411/4/29 Budhlcmc 1.506.30 7.95311.347) 1'181.M.H(2) 0(2) W.1W.TK.HP. Rl &.Inday. ·(5-101 Naaar T.R.C,N.O 'l'ueIIcIa)' 2411/4/30 Debendracltandra 1.736.20 7. 724( 1.405) 1'161.H.AC 012). W.lW.T.R.N.O Rl +5' BS DIIIV CHW.RP

2411/4/31 Laxml..... 1.226.32 4.753(895' 1'(2).H.AC D(2).CHW W.1W.1K. Rl Saturday. +5) T.R.N.O n-day

24/1/4/YJ Naratngam 616,18 6.5451890) P.H(2). ... PliC lW.TK.T 10 Monday. BS C(3'.O ThUl"lday

24/1/4/33 Lankamura 758,03 6.87411.1 "5) 1'(2).M.H. 0 T,TW.T.O 10 ,1·5) +5) AC(31.0131

24/1/4/34 0 ~1.IParlI 464.78 1.7!>Ot2701 ·(·51 D W.1W,'!'K 10 Doody as

24/1/4/35 0 KunjabanlPan) 497,31 4,07218471 J·.II .... CI2) D W.lW.HI·. ro Dally 88 TR(21.0 T.I .. O 24/1/4/38 olndra""fllU' 736.49 1:1.7!I!il2.:1!14' PAI.M .... C 1> (:lI.CIIW W.lW.lII'.T ro DaIlY BS U'Iu11 (41.1,'I'r

------aliANfiiliYAi~--:liI.7·1-(i i :i----_.. I:; 1-.'1 ilil7 i'(I!\I'-- 1'I!i.jC --jj - (:iilj,j'iic'(:lf,' ------.. ------Mlt1l IICI:II, fll:.!lllJ. ('IIWIClI. I'\ll·{:-'I. 1(I~:l).U • Partly IIw·h.d"clllI "",,"'(ulu """h'II.,llIy i\q:'h) 01141. '1'.(41


~-!iciJait-~----P~r---Landu;e(I~~~-u~rd"~renl~;-Oftand~~lnhe~~------III & cHa_ !!Iupply rounded upt!) two deCimal placeal vm.cc ( In HIlla ) • FO;e.r--I~;:tg.i;r---u-niiTj------~ullw:;.bie------Uia-;;ot Localton Name of village by lOurtt gated WUle (Including available Code No. gauchar and for cui· grove.) ttvatlon 1i------i2------13-----I.------15------16------ii------1S------j------2------

KR Aprtala137) 9}3.99 (0).16.57 99.63 506.82 141.0&3 24/1/4/20 TUlchhaman- kuraI

PRJtR Agartalarso, ED 86.39 (RI.IlB.29 201.87 31.78 759.45 24/1/4/21 Chandpur

PR.KR Agartala(35) ED 4.IB (0).361.17 137.56 B.20 61.30 24/1/4/22 Barkanthalta

PR.KR J\iartala(36) ED nWm.647.S1 485.62 229.92 37.77 24/1/4/23 Un..... Debcndra Chandra Nagar

PR.KR IIpJUlaf24) EA (lWE).S67.46 688.73 56.66 12.75 24/1/4/24 Taranagar

PRJtR AgarUilaf22) EA 1.160.45 80.94 468.26 24/1/4/25 Kalkalla

PR Ag.nala(24) EA (RI.I09.27 40.41 484.41 625.37 24/1/4/26 BamuUa

PR.KR Aaartala(l6) EA 40.47 IRI.1.l19.34 408.95 40.47 300.84 24/1/4/27 faUkchhara

PR Agartala1201 EO 24/1/4/28 Tulabapn

KR AgartaIa(l51 ED (Rl.493.31 323.75 7.69 681.55 2411/4/29 BudhJona N.gar

PR.KR .....,.... lall U EDEO nwE).64.IO 1.095.42 465.39 111.29 24/1/4/3D Debendnochandn ......

PR.KR AprtaIa(lOl ED.EO (0).28.53 941.89 88.18 167.72 2411/4/31 Laxml!unp

PR.KR AprtaIaIl51 EA 138.82 19.17 458.19 24/1/4/32 NaraIrIprh

PR 1IprIa1a(10) EO (Rl.60.60 42:\.94 21.20 52.29 24/1/4/713 LankamW'.

PR.KR J\iartal.(O) ED.EO 18.87 11.89 ~4/1/4/34 • AjWtaIa(Part)

PR.KR J\iartala(5) ED.F.D 263.29 234.02 24/1/4/35 • Kl1I\jablln(Partl

PR.KR Aprtala(4) EA 561.90 0.31 174.28 24/1/4/36 • IndfUlllilU' (Part) ------5.212.85 4.389.97 13.426.15 4.142.94 10.300.64

80 1991 CENSUS - VILLAGE DIll£CTORY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK : 81SIIALOARH r.oc;tk.n-Na;;e-oTYtii.---'fot8ima------fot.iipoPuTallo~--ARier;jtieaav&il.biel"ifno.-avAiiioblCwtthtiithe-viili;e:-AiiUii'f-r.. ------Code: No. of the VIllage and number of shown In the column and next 10 II In bnK:lLclll. the dllllUlee In broIId (In hectares) households range. vt&.· 5 Km •• 5-10 km. and 10+ K..... or the ncarc8l place where the racillty available Ia "ven I

Educationai---M~-Orlriki;,i---~&-o;y~;-da~(i,m;;.WII-- WIlIer Telegraph or the mar· c:tIUon (Polable) kel/hal. (Buaatop. Irany RaIIny scatkllla. _Icr~ --1------2------3------4------5·------0------7------8------9------;0-----

------~------24/I/S/1 °Ramnagar{Part) 232.26 8.23011.443) 'I-S) RP.CHW.O W.TK.lW R> DIlly as

24/1/5/2 Chanpara 58548 12.41412.193) PI3).AC(2l. D W.lW.T -1-51 -I-51 +51 015)

24/1/5/3 lahanchandra 612.48 4.0431667) 1~3)'M,PUC. 0 W,lW.T,R.P' R> Sunday. as naear AC,0(2) Wednaday l4/1/5/4 Madhupur ),050.16 7,34011.371) 114),M.AC.O U W:IW .TK.T.R,f- PTO Dally as

24/1/5/5 Madhuban 1,477.35 9.632(1,778) P(3).H.AC(2). 012) W.lW.TK.T.R.F R> Wc:dneeday as 0(2)

24/1/5/8 Ouldl 83670 15,97512.958) PI41,M,H.PUC 0121. W.lW,T R> DIlly -(-51 FPC. CHW

24/1/5/7 Anandanagar 1,421.93 5.1681915) PI2I.MI2), PHC, W.lW.TK, R> -rue.day. as PlJC.ACI41 HC.D T,R.N Fnday

24/1/5/8 Kam:hanmala 716.16 2.91015341 M.II D W,lW,TK R> Sunday. DS Thunday

24/1/5/9 Blkramnagar 744.62 5.45:111.0:121 l'I~I.M.I·tJC. 0131 W.TK.1W. 10 Monday. 85 I\C,O T,R.P' Fnday

24/1/5/10 Pandabpur 904.67 5.2721924) IUI.M D lW.T.R.t· 10 Sunday, as Wednellda" • -rue.day. Satut;Way

24/1/5/11 Madhupur 623.21 3.0541594) P[£i).MI21.PUC PHC W.T.I~.F 10 "'-

24/1/5/12 Deblpur 871.01 1,981113651 I' D W.1KT.R.F ·1·5, DaI1y as

24/1/5/13 Kamaluagar 397.14 1.911(344) 1'.11 ·1·5) W.TK.T, 10 ·(·5' as R.F,O

24/1/5/14 Radhanaga.r 1.145.79 1.4391254, !',hC.O ·(·5) ·IW.TK,T,R.lo' 10 Sunday. OS Mondny. Fl1day

24/1/5/15 Konaban 797.99 2,898(5621 Plll.H. D lW.TK.T.R.F ·1-5) Thunday. as &Jnday

2411/5/16 KaIYlldhepa 1.1511.32 3,6521693) Pl2).M 0 W,T.R.F R> Monday. as Thurllday

24/1/5/17 ~hal 1,170.02 4.496(828) P{2I.M(3).H 0 lW.T.R,F R> Swlda". as Chandranagar Thunday 24/1/5/18 GokulnaSllr 1.054.60 7.64811.221 ) Pl4).ioI D.CHW W.TK.TKF.O 10 Wednc:llday, OS Sundll}'

2411/5119 DakAhln 819.97 3.438(616) 1'21,11 IIC.CIIW W,TK,T,R.t· 10 WedOCllday. ·1·5) Champamura 1'ueIoday

2411/5/20 Gop1na&lU' 1.055.00 5.5~1O(1)(i6) I',M,II ·1·51 W.lW,TK 1'0 ·(·51 IlS


APP~~-ii~t-~~-----Po~cr---L;DdU;;(j~~~;undC;dun;~~I~;-orl;nJuo;in-hC~~;------to c!k dl.tanee Supply rounded upto two decimal pla".. ' village ( In Km. , Fore.i- --img;;i:ed---- -ii.iim------cUli.nbf.------w- 001- Location Name of VIllage by source gated wa.t~ !Including available Code No. liOuchar and for rul- gruves) lIvatlon

m.KR A,ilartala(O) ED.EO 60.80 85.81 24/)/5/1 'RamnagariPart)

PR A,ilartalaI6) 265.69 319.79 24/1/5/2 Char1para

m.KR Agartala(20) IlWEl.105.22 202.34 20.23 284.59 24/1/fo/3 Ishanchandra nagar

PR.KR Agartala(4) nWEI.111.29 161.88 30.35 746.64 2411/5/4 Madhupur

m.KR Acartalall5) flWgl.186.16 121.40 40.47 1.129.32 24/1/5/5 Madhuban m.KR.FP IIf:!artala(3) EDEIIG (R).1618 80.94 739.58 24/1 /5/6 [)ukb m.KR.FP Agartalall0) ED.EO IlWEl.1.215.09 168.95 15.94 21.95 24/1 /5/7 Anandanagar

ItR Agartala(lS) (R).30.63 550.04 53.17 82.32 24/1/5/8 Kanchanma~

PR.ltR Agartala(l3) (I~1.328.73 252.16 58.96 104.77 24/ I /5/9 Blkramnagar

PR.KR lIgartala(20) ED.F..AG 46.60 (r~).51!.81 779.10 5.71 14.45 24/1/5/10 I'andabpur

PR.KR Agartala(241 51.09 nWEl.70.97 476.91 5.77 111.47 24/1/5/11 Madhupur

PH.KR ~tala(291 14326 nWEJ.202.34 393.30 101.17 3U.'H 24/ 1/5/12 [)cb,pur

PR.KR Agartala(32) F.lJ 101.17 nWm.20.23 80.94 182.11 12.69 2411/5/13 KamalasagaT

PR.KR Agartala(321 485.62 (1'W[ol.20.23 202.35 333.87 103.72 24/1/5/14 Radhanagou-

PH.KR l\gartala(30) 110.94 ml.50.5p 34:1.17 202.35 120.94 24/1/5/15 Ko •.aban

PR,KR Ajjartala(351 ~;[).EJ\G 200.79 rrWEI.:'lO.87 601.05 140.45 165.16 2411/5/16 K8lyadh.pa

PR.KR Agartala(201 1:) 162.29 nWEI.4H.93 615.62 140.53 202.65 24/1/5/17 Nehal Chandraruogar pn.KR Agarlala(l6) Ill1.l32.54 607.99 103.07 211.00 24/1/5/1 a Gokulnagar

KR ~tala(17) E)).I':O ('IW~;1.29.54 4811.55 139.85 165.03 24/1/5/19 Dakllhln Champamura

KR Agartala(241 10:1.72 (111.129.98 583.89 133.67 103.74 24/1/5120 Goplnag&r


Loeitin -Namc-olY!1iiige ---ToUii an:a ------TO-uii PDPCii,iiion- --A,;;eiiiile8 8viill.ibie (ifriol-avaliaiile WIthin the "iil;ae:-. dUh"(:II; ------Cade No. of the village and number of ~hown In the column and next to II In brackcta. the distance In broad (in hectares) hou..,hold. ranll':& vi;:.' .5 Km •. 5·10 Kma and 10. Km •. or the neareat pl.CO!- where the raei ity available" given I

I-:duc81Ioft8r--MCctTcai--D~kT..:g---p;,-;(-&-o;'yofcj;Y:;-c.;;;;;;;un.:- water Tele;raph of the mar· calion (Potable) ket/hat. IBua atop. irany Rallway Station•. waterwayl --j------i------j------4------S------e------j-----a------Q------io----- 24ii i~i2Ti.ax;:;.lbif------ii3i~BO------~ -6.39611:183) -_ - _ - i'iil~ ~li2C ------oi2,- --- 'N.T:Ni -ro------;:u;..;i;y------as--'-- AC(2).O 24/1/5/22 Bishalgorh 1.139.93 18.027(3.393) P(3).M.H(21. H.DFPC TK.TW PTO Saturday BS . PUC(21.0(21 cwc.O

24/1/5/23 KrIshna 1.053.32 8.20611.502) P.M(3).H. 0(21 TW.TK. 1'0 Tucaday. as Klahon:nagar PUC T.R.F FrIday

24/1 /5/24 Ghanlamara 573.00 4.934(900) P(2).H(2) 0 W.TW.T. ·(-5) Monday OS RF

24/1/5/25 Purathal 941.69 3.526(631) M 0 W.T.R.F 1'0 Wednesday. BS RaJnagar SalW'day

2411/5126 GaJarIa 706.53 2.1521398) M(2l.H 0 TW.TK.T PO Monday +~)

24/1/5/27 B""II"shtbart 517.79 4 7(\16111 P ·(10.) TW.TK.W ·(5,10) (5-10) ·(10.)

24/1/5/28 ~.panh 1.161.14 :;.122(9411 P.MI2).O ·(10.1 ·IW.TK. ·(51 IS) 110.1 T.W

24/1/5/29 BraJaput 1.127.94 H.4060 .645) PI2).M. 0.0 lW.TK.N. PO Sunday. as IltS) W.HP.T Wednesday

2411/5/30 Uttar 1.970.15 5.442( 1.0) 0) P.M.I'UC. 0.0 TW.TK.N. PO Mondey as Charllam Tr(2) W.HP.T

24/1/5/31 Qo)aghau 1.239.85 6.054(1.107) PI3).M(2). 0(2) TW.TK.W. PO ~y. 8S PUC.0(2) T.HP Wedncaclay

24/1/5/32 Lauachhara 1.324.4B 3,445(574) PI2).fi D.RP TW.TK.W. PO Tuellday. BS T.N.O SltlW'day

24/1/5/33 Promode 1.022.11 2.1911(516) P O.R? TW.TK. IQ Manday (,5) n-.r W.T

24/1/5/34 Bujala 465.57 2.666(4811 M ·(-5) TW.TK. +5) .(-5) (,5) W.N.T

24/1/5/35 Delulhln 645.85 5.856( 1.056) P(2).M tc TW.TK. 1'0 +5) -110., Charllam W.HP

2411/5136 Dhar1athal 364.56 96411831 1'(2) ·(-51 TW.TK.W ,(,51 -1-5) '(5)

24/1/5/37 SUlAmura 898.88 1.351112411 P.H ·(10+1 lW.TK. ·(·5) .(-1'>1 '(10.) w:r 24/1/5/38 Ram.....,. 517.94 1.945(372) P.H(2] ·(5-10) ·IW.TK.W 1'0 Tueaday. ·(5-101 Friday

24/l/5/Jit Rangmala 1.450.11 2.120(365) 1'(2)'M '15-1 (II lW.TK.W 1'0 SAturday. ·15-101 wednetoda)'

2411/5/40 Baualall 979.52 2.294(420) 1'(3),101 -(·5) w:rw. -(·5) 'J'ueIIday as TK.T

24/1/5/41 Paclmanagar 868.04 1.44212631 P(2) 0 W.TW. PO ·(-5) OS TK.T

24/1/5/42 Amtall 944.53 5.236(965) P(2I.PUC D.f'tIC. W.TW. PTO. Sunday. BS MCW TK.T Phone Thunoday

24/1/5/43 Padud~.t 886.31 2.472(474) M 0(2).1U' W.TW 1'0 -(-51 liS 83 '. 'AllPrTmB Al'W LAlifi) USE DIWELOPIIBl'fT BLOCK ; BISHALGARH

Fon;.i--irrl8;icd-----U~nrt------cuh~bk------~~t Location Name of vtllqc by 1IOun::e pted wute (lncludlllC aVailable Code No. puchar and for cui- groveal tlvatlon

IR).228.92 185.82 131.81 86.25 24/1/5/21 LaxmlbU

(R).52L17 439.04 126.29 53.43 24/1/5/22 B~ha~h

PR.KR AprtaIa(SOI IR).404.85 615.23 2.07 31.17 24/1/5/23 Kr1"hna KIshor<:nagar

PR.KR ~1a(271 (R).322.60 N.... 2.92 22.59 24/1/5/24 Ghlll1lamara

PIUtR Agartala1281 ED.EAG 171.32 (TWELl96.34 519.67 13.00 41.36 241 I 15/25 Purathal Rajnagar

PR.KR Agartalall(lI EDUG 169.75 (Rl.20.53 425.73 41.36 49.16 24/1/5/26 Gapuna

KR Agartalal I 0) 260.34 214.70 42.30 0.45 24/1/5/27 Banga"htbarl

PR.KR Agartala(lO) EDF.... C 186.112 (1(J.101.30 t!41 5t! 4 III 27.26 24/1/5/211 Rangapanla

(RJ.340.06 720.:14 21.85 45.69 24/1/5/29 BraJapur

PR.KR ACartala(26) FA 1.548.70 IlWE).162.03 202.34 3.31 53.77 24/1/5/30 Uttar Charllam

PR.KR Agartala180J FA 35.73 (I~1.63.t5 182.11 197.37 761.49 24/1/5/31 GolaghaU

PR.KR AcatUIa(4SI ED 290.02 (({I. 137.59 344.10 251.14 30 I 63 24/1 /5/32 Lattachhara

PR Ac&rtala(SI EDF..AG 482.511 IRl.269.76 134.89 67.44 67.44 241115/33 Promode nagar

KR JIg&l1ala(45) ED (llI.20.24 165.11 97.35 182.81 24/1/5/34 Barjala

KR Agartala(27) EIJ.EAC (H)AII.G9 88.33 101.17 44.66 24/1/5/35 Dalshin Charllom

KR Jlgartala(34) \':1\ nWEJ.I05.99 40.47 76.12 141.911 24/1/5/:'16 Dhartathal

KR Jlgartala(251 155.511 4.SO 9.3ti 24/1/5/37 SUtamura

KR Jlgarlala(38) :1:1.45 126.:10 :117.72 24/1/5/38 'lamnagar

KR Acartala(35) IiI) ITWEI.:1:-I7.11 202.:14 101.17 HO!!.4!! 24/1/51:,.) lUuq(Ru.l..

MO.!!:I 'J.4/1/5/4() Bm.~",ll KR ~"I371 EDJ·;AG IKI.:14!i. 711

PR.KR AcartaIa{371 54H.16 2.08 107.29 24/1 /5/41 l'"dmlUlilljIlr

400.22 2~/I/5/42 M,h.1I PR,KR AaaJ'lala(321 FA (1(1.400.011

24/I/S/43 , ... tha1 ...... ' fit 'I 84 1991 CItNSUS • VIUAO£ DrucTORY DBVltLOPilUT BLOCK : .BISHALGARR

Locar.iOn-N;,ne-OfYtiiage---To~area------fotaipopuiatlo';---AmCnltieSav.iiabk:'jlrOOt.valii.bieWi"thtnihe;ii~~.dUhf.i"------Code No. 01 the vllla&e and number 01 ahown In the column and next to It In b ..keta. the d1aw- In bro.d (In hectares] houIIChokl. range. ~.' 5 Kma. 5-10 Km. and 10+ Km •. or the ...... t place where the racillty available Is given I Educatlon ..I--Ni~dT;'--'i5iink~---PO;t.- Day or da,;.-C;;;m-w;.- water Telegraph of the mar- cation jPotabJcl _tlbat. (Bua atop. tf my RaIlway Stau...... water-l'I ------2------3' ------4------5------ii ------y ------ij'------·-g------io -----

21/1/5/44 Madhya 793.02 I ,938(:1471 P.H RP W.1W.1'K.T ro Wcclneaday, BS Path.ba l!llturday

21/1/5/45 Ujan 1.133.81 1.8671292) P14) -(5·10) W.1'K.T.R.F ·(5·101 ·(5·10) ·(5·101 Pathab.

21/1/5/46 Amrendra· 991.20 2.15714151 P131.M ·0 W:lW.T ro 1\iaday. -HI· 101 nagar .. Saturday 21/1/5/47 Hkapur 614.32 940(1761 P(2) RP W.1W.1'K.T ·j-5) ·j5·10) ·(·5)

21/1/5/48 Madhya 1.682.87 2.234(386) P(2).M 0 W.1'K.'lW.C.T.R.O -(-5) Monday BS Ghantam..... Om 21/1/5/49 Ujan 1.191.72 2.296(4191 1'(2) ·(5,10) 11<.T.R,F ro ,(,5) +51 GhanIamara

21/1/5/SO Shyamnagar 262.89 948(191) M ·(·5) W,TW.TK.T.R.O ·(·5) ·(-51 ·(·5)

21/1/5/:11 Bamnlchhara 198.51 194(361 P ·(5·10) W.TK,'lW.T.R.O +:11 -(-51 ·1·51

21/1/5/52 Pekua~a~ 723.53 1.1381204) 1~4J.O(2) D TW.TK.W.R ·(·5) -(-5) +51

21/1/5/53 Mohanpur 1.055.91 3.50616271 11.11(:.0(21 0 TK.W.lW.R.Tr.O R') Monday. +5) Fnday

21/1/5/54 Prabhapur 2.029.77 7.145(1.373) 1'{4).M.O D.CHW W:lW.TK.T.HP ro Thuraday. as Saturday

21/1/5/55 Srt~ 2,441.53 11.054(2.046) PI3).M(2). D(2) W.TW,TK.T.R.N RJ Sunday. BS B Monday Thwwtay

21/1/5/56 Ratanpur 2.206.83 4.11 Q(7671 [,(51.M [) TW.TK.T.W.C.O ·1·5) ·(·s) +51 21/1/5/57 Paschlm 1.250.92 4.500(8841 p(4).AC(2). II TW.1'K.C.O.Tr. ro friday as TakaJjala 0 W.T.R.P

21/1/5/58 Purba 908.72 1.5~51:n9) [,(41.M ·1·5) W.TK.'lW.R.F.O ro '(5·10) ·(:OdO) TaklUjala

2111/5/'!kJ JamputJala 904.99 5.163(9501 1~8J,M.PUC. D W.lW.TK.R.O ro Sunday. US !'C.O Thwwtay

21/115/60 Kandalchhllta 1.345.50 3.186(6061 1'131.1! D W.11<.'lW.R.F.O ro ·(S·IOI ·(5-101

2111/5/61 Kalalbarl 1.205.12 2.248(377) -1"·10) ·(5·101 W.1'K.'lW. ·Hi) ·(5·10) ·(5-10) R.N.O

21/1/5/62 San&kuma- 1.517.13 3.751(683) P(8).M(21.0 0 W.TlUW.R.N ro Monday. 88 bart Friday. Wcd"",,"ay. Saturday

21/1/5/63 Killaban 1.7:17.07 1.103(206) 1'(4) ·(5·101 W.ll<.TW.R.F. ·(·51 ·(·51 -(10.) 0 21/1/5/64 Bannabsrt 1.392.36 311)j75) ·(5·101 0(2) W.lI.F.TK.O ·(10.) ·(5·101 ·(10-1

------GiWiD-iOTAL---64~694~4jj------ii5.34 T------ii(-143I.1liii)----i)r;jH))ii2i ------_. ----- __ - _------(50.305) M(45).I'UC( 12) CtlW(5).OOO) IIC( 181.0(321 l'IiC(3).HC(31. ewC.MCW Partly Included In I\gartaw Munlcl""Ut)'


;.ppn;ac:ii--NureattOWn-·---i"ower---Lmi~.e'i i .e~ atia-~;;acriiiifi;~;;i iYPea-,;n;':;ci\jiein-h'C~i'rU ------III .,. dl.lAne:.: Supply rounded uplO lWO decimal plac:.:aJ village ( In Kma J f~n;;''i- --j;';,g; i,,-r-- -u;;;~ ------;';,i.;,:at;i;,------;,,;;.-;;ot- Loc.llon Nome of village by "en"''' guted ",•• te ~Includtng available Code No. IIBuchar and for cui- groyea) lI •• lion

PR Agarlala(5) ED 252.88 356.61 92.37 91.16 21/1/5/44 Madhya Pathallil

PR.FP Agartal.(50) (0).849.84 207:66 20.23 56.08 21/1/5/45 UJan Pathalla PR.FP Agartala(45) ED (0).364.22 503.84 61.02 62.12 21/1/5/46 Amrcndra·......

PR Agarlala~5J ED.EAG 413.58 157.84 33.113 9.27 21/1/5/47 Hlrapur

PR.KR Agartal.(40) 620.47 (0).673.90 307.70 48.22 32.58 21/1/5/48 Madhya Ghanlamara

PR.fP Acar!ala(401 (0).809.37 313.05 36.42 32.88 21/1/5/49 Ojan Ohanlamara

KR Agartala(42) 208.47 (0).31.511 10.12 3.44 9.27 21/1/5/50 Shyamnapr

KR AcartaIa(40) 14.48 (lWEI.III.57 8.1111 4.10 20.48 2111/5/51 Bamnk"hhar.

ItR Agartala(36) 21/1/5/52 Pekua~a~

PR.KR AjJartala(35J l':h 529.33 (H).314.51 184.49 8.52 19.06 21/1/5/:13 Mohanpur

PR.KR Agartala(21) ED.EO 1.394.44 225.62 409.71 21/1/5/54 Prabhapur

KR.FP Agartala(l2J ED (TW['). 224.15 30.72 36.43 21/) / $/55 SrlllIIiIP 2.150.23 KR Agartala(22) 1.757.63 :164.12 48.66 36.42 21/1/5/56 Rat&npur

PR.KR Agartala(27) 746.32 4:17.50 211.54 37.56 21/1 /5/57 Pllkhlm -Talwjala

KR Ajlartala(28) 31885 3211.611 64.09 197.10 21/1/5/58 Purba Takaljala

PR.KR Agartala(301 I".J\ 304.54 511.71 2833 60.41 21/1/5/'!S Junpugala

KR Agartalal321 1.6:l2.84 283.56 29.'10 21/1/5/60 Kandakhh.,.

KR Agartalal351 1.072.02 91.33 41.77 21/1/5/61 l

PR.KR Agartalal351 ED 139.49 1.333.51 18.45 25.68 21/1/5/62 SangkUrila- ban

KR.I'P Agartalal451 (RI.I07.84 661.34 957.49 10.40 :.! 1/1/5/63 Killabart

KR.I'P Agar!al. (551 101108 (1~I.O.42 31.27 942.21 230.28 2111/5/64-...... n

86 r.aaji,ii-N_-orVtl\a;e---i'OiAi ..------'fotaipopUr.-ttiin--Aminr_.vitTabieiKnDt.ftiI'AbleWiihtiiiiif,~:-.iiUhf.iti------Code No. of the vllIqe omd number 01 ehUW"'l In the ~lunlll and nQt to It In bneHta, the dtatanr:c In lmIIicI lin heel_.) hoU«holcl8 .....,ea vb., 5 Km •• SolO Km. and 10. Km •• of the _I pi.- when the faclhly .vallable Ie pen ) Ecluc:.Uonal-MeciiCar - ~--P;'-i);y-or daia-c;n;imiftj:- _In TtlecraPh of the mar- ..11011 (Potablcl kel/h_t, (Butlllop, If any IIIIIM\y 81a11an8. WllterwaJI --,------\------3------.------&------i------i------.------i------io-----


24/1/6/2 Putia 35S.09 2,0IS{351l MAC 0 lW +5) SUnday, +5) WcdnrAlday

24/1/6/3 Bhaluoll'Char 70),14 2,37:11441} T,HAC. D lW,W, 10 Tue8d.y, 85 0(2) TRY !!atuntay

2411/S/4 Manlkyanagar 827.86 1,975(356) P,M +5) lW ·(·5) .(·5) +5)

24/1/6/5 AahabarI 294,01 1. 194(220) P '(-5) W,TK, -(-5) -(·5) -(·5) lW

24/1/6/6 Soxanagar 526.77 4,205(714) P(2),PUC, PI-IC,O T,lW,W FO SUndIIy, as 0(2) ThUt*fay

24/1/6/1 Kalalmura 660.06 3,590(641) P,M, ·(10.) lW,W ro Monday, lIS AC(3),0 Fl1day

24/1/6/8 Ghllatall 420.92 1,315(214) P,M(2) ,(5·10) T,TW, -(5-10) ·(1;.10) .(5-)0) • 24/1/6/9 Jacatrampur 446,35 2(9148) P 0(2),0 W,TW ·(10.) TI.ICoIday. -110.) P'rIday

24/1/6/10 Kalamchaura 796.59 2,953(524) P(2).PUC. 0 T.lW.W R> -(10+) lIS AC(2),0

24/1/8/11 Anandap.. r 834,25 1.470(252) 1'(21. 0 T,R.F -(5-101 -(5-10) 85 AC(2),O(2)

24/1 /8/12 Bejoynagar 867.30 682(135) P -15- !()) W -15-10) ,(!HO) as

24/1/6/13 K .. m.lnag.... 643.50 2.2401369) M,I-! +!',1 T.R,!' FO fiunday, as WcdneJJClay

204./1/6/14 Dluonlrampur 988.68 3:17(72) I' ·1-5) W ·'-51 -(-5) +51

24/1/6/15 Maunagar 1,554.85 4,1001648) 113),MI2) III,; 1,ltO, 10 Monday, Iti 013) W:IW Thunday

24/1/6/16 Kulubarl 680.44 3,346(510) PI2).H, D, TKO, 10 l'ueoday. BS AC.D(2) W.1W ~'r1d"y

24/1/6/17 • "'alla(Part) 422,9<1 2,5461398) P,MI2),0 ·1-5) T,II.c), ·1·5) -(·51 +~) W:IW

24/1/6/18 • Nabadwlp 257,09 3,4361552) PI21,M, -(-5) lW (-5) '1-5) BS chandranagar , 014 ) (Part)

24/1/6/19 • Khedablll1 7);) III 3.076('1121 1~21,M(2) -(-5) T,II'w,lW 1'1:. (-5) BS (Part)

241116/20 8erdawal 601.76 3,941(693) P,H, 0.0 W:rw PO Sunday. ·(5·10) AC(2).O(2) 1)".,..da"


---- .. ... ~. APPiQACh-1i~-~-----Po~r---~u~1j~~~-~ndeiditrre~ni~;0J~Ju;eln-hec~------III A distance Supply rounded upto two dec1mal placea) VIlIaQc (InKm.l yo;;;t---hTigiii'e-r---U-;.;iii1------culiU"rabie------U;iMt Location Nome of Village by_""'" pled wule (Including IIVlII1abIe Code No. ..ucharand Cor cui· gto""", tlvallon ------11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 1 2

------.--.------~------KR Sonamura(251 ElLO 114.69 (TWE). 293.40 171.99 50.59 24/1/6/1 RBhlmpur 24.28

PR.KR Sonamur.(261 ED 176.11 (TWEI. l:n.05 28.00 10.23 2411/6/2 I'IJlla 8.10

PR.KR Sonamur.(301 601.20 (TW{c). 8.09 50.59 0.79 24/1/6/3 Bhaluarchar 40.47

KR Sonamur.(l8) EDEAG 518.48 (TWE). 298.80 3.15 3.78 24/1/6/4 Manllcyanagar 4.05

KR Sonamur.(3 I) ED 159.21 100.24 31.20 3.36 24/1/6/5 """abart

PR Sonamura(28) ED 85.46 209.69 146.16 85.46 24/1/6/6 Bo>

PR Sonamura(26) ED 167.61 248.15 195.30 49.00 24/1/6/7 Kalslmura

PR Sonamura(21) ED 339.97 IRl.33.18 3.80 9.47 34.50 24/1/6/8 GhiJalal1

PR Scmamura( 13) ED 324.15 (R).16.19 4.45 42.14 59.42 24/1/6/9 JJ.,lJ'ampur

PR Sonamura(21 ) ED 36.82 IR).SS.79 12.95 5.06 687.97 24/1/6/10 Kalamchaura

PR Sonamwra(181 ED 537.53 IR).4.45 50.58 3.24 38.45 24/1/6/11 Anandapur

KR Sonamura(20) ED 796.79 (R).23.97 20.23 4.05 22.26 24/1/6/12 BeJoYnallar

PR Sonamura( I 5) ED 437.39 (l1).B4.70 101.17 6.07 14.17 24/1/6/13 Kamalnagar

KR Sonamura( 14) ID 961.90 U!l.12.52 4.04 10.12 24(1/6/14 Dhanlrampur

PR Son.muralSI ID 1.173.14 (H).120.(;0 242.YO 6.07 12.14 :l4f1/6/15 M.unagar

PR Sonamurll(4) ID 273.73 (Rl.210.43 182.11 4.05 10.12 24/1/6/16 Kuluball KR Sonamura(51 I:D 192.78 (Rl.2.02 121.41 81.75 25.03 24/1/6/17 • Ar.llaiPartJ

PR.KR Sonamura(S) EDEAG (RI.6.07 250.74 0.28 24/1/6/18 • NabadWip chandranaaar (Part)

PR.KR Son.mura(5) ro 282.25 (RJ.3051 323.75 41.68 41.56 24/1/6/19 • Khedabarl (Part)

KR Son_uralS) EIJ.l!:AG 34.83 507.22 43.15 16.56 24/1/6/20 Bardowal


~tiOn - ti.me-oT;iiiii. - - - Totai arc. -:------1'0(.11,';;1;':;[,,11<;'; - - A.;;';:;iii;e; ;,,-;o.I.. bfe 1"1(;'01- .viiliabl~ Within thC-vii~:-.. .lUI> (.1'; ------code No. of the "I'"tge .. nd namber of .mawn In the column and next to II tn brack.lII. the ~ In bn.d ' (In heclaresl h"u""h(lhl~ ranll"" m.· 5 Km', 5-10 Km • .,.,d 10.' Kmll, of the ~f "'*" ",hen: the 18"llIly avallabk: ~ fIIven )

------Ed-~u~nBi---ii~c~----onn~~-----PO;i&---o;;~aay;-~m~: WIIter Tclepph ohhe mar- cation (Polable) kel/hal. 18.,. IItOp. If.,y "''-1 StaUonll. . _ter"WIIYI --1------.. -'2------.. --3 ------4- -... ------'5------ij ------:; ------'8------~--i -.------io----

241iI672T - D~';';':;;;Y~;'~- 620~oi------4".0(;:11759)------1'(il~ii:oi31------6.0--- -- W.T\v - --iO------~:--:f5-10j-· pur WeClnelday

24/1/6/22 T.. Iuoa ..... r .. 1.,.U967 4.2711(84:1) 1'(3)'M.I\C(2). 0.0 TW.W 0(2)

74/1/6{23 Kh_·hou· :lOf>.l ~ 2.lnl:IY"11 I'.I'UC I!(hl T.It.O.V MondllY. ·110.1 mohanl TW.TK Fnda)'

24/1 (6(24 Choumohmll 1.70\lA') h,IHH(I.IIG) 1'.M(3). ·(10+) T.n.O. I~) ·(:HOI ·15·101 l\e.O(:11 'JW,TK

24(1 (6(25 Pascl\lm 48!U!3 3.:144(1;OBI P.M.AC.O ·(IOtl T.R.O.W. +5) SUnday. BS ,Jumenthcpa lW.TK Wedneeday

24/1/6(26 !'"rba 944.07 :I.:IY'l10451 1'121.M.O ·(10+) W.TW IU SAturday. BS Jumerdhcpa Wedneod,y

2411/6(27 Ilagaba."" 1.1 04.94 :1,21BIbl(i) 1'1:lI.M.OI31 o Til."'. 10 TW

24/1/6/28 I'urba 90fl.:ltI 4.7241119:11 I'nl.lI.l\c. I) T.R.1W. 10 Monday. OS Nalchar (14) W l"l1day

2411/6/29 Pil~htm 832.67 4.:11l411l0f.) I'I:II.PUC. ·15·101 ·I',IU·. 10 Monda)'. OS Nalr.har AC.O(21 W.1W.TK l"l1day

24/1 (6/JIJ RudlJala 794.25 4 .~0217ti II 1'131.MI2). o T.R.W. 10, ·(·51 OS I\CI:l).013) TK.TW

24/1 (6/31 Mclagh .... 5BIl.20 9.22511.6101 1'131.11.1\C. 11.0(2). I.R.W. I'TO. Tuc:lday lJS.NW l'lJt',0141 Oi31 ·IK.TW "hont

24(1/6/:12 TelkaJIa 478.54 :U5()(5721 1'(2).0 IJ r.IUw 10 .(.!I) Hli.NW TK

24/1/0/:1:1 llarpalhiU' ~75.22 1.:18'1(2f;:11 1'(2) (5 iC)1 lI':lW +51 ·(·5/ ·(·51

24/1/6/34 Jha~harw liGO.70 '1(1~)III;()1 I' (·51 W:'W ·1·51 (5)01 -(5 lUI

24/1/6/:15 Chnnlll!th'" ~(l4 '1:1 ~.1l151'1liLI 1'('11.1\(: OW ·t·!'il \\ lW 10 ·I·!'i) IIS.NW

24/1/6/:16 Mohallbhll~ I.();I~.I 'f :1,hOhlh4tlj 1'.IIJ\( . 1)(21 I.I(W I ~J Wc

24/1/1i/:1Il Chandul 1.10 I :W 1.IlO:112H:1) 1'((,1.0 +5) ·T.I!.(). 10 I'nday '('51 W.1W.rK

24/1/ti/:l!l LJlluJ 7HI).:Hi I H8:WUII !'151.M.II,O IJ 'I'.I(1).W. Ul !!u~t..y. 'iii 'fall>R"cJ,,) .,.,ClW ')'h"nwl.~

24/1/(;/40 c..unajl"hh"ru 5:1\14-1 Lllllt:1H1 I·~I .( !'il W.TK.F. ( !II ·1 !II ·'·5) M.L()

24/1/ti/41 (J.tk,hllt I .:,1:1:1 HH "HIIIH') l' () T.lU).IW. PO WcdncoodMY. ·(·51 Talhmwlill TK.I\' SUlurday

24/1/fi/4:' Klu'datt',lrt I ,j(,(j, IB 1111.l(~Ul I' .( 51 T IU).\\ I·:» ·1·11) ·(·51


~-'iiUiiii-_-----i>ji;e-;'---iAnd-;'i;1i:e~;;,;;'-~~derJiirr';~;;li~-oi"i~cii*i;;hec~----~-··-----·------10 6: cIIIWIce Supply l'I!unded upto two decimal placea) vm.ce 11II1Cm. , Fore.t---.-..rli.ier---i.iniirl------;;uliWibie------~nol ~aUon Name or vllJa&e byaource ,..led waate (Including available Code No, lI"uch8J'and for cul- grove.) lIV.Uon 11------12------13-----14------15------16------17------IS------j------2------_.------.------KR Sonamura Ill) ED.EAO 4S.15 IR).29.2S 521,22 26,42 24/1/6121 ~yan- pur

PRJ(R Sonamura (201 EDUG 480.87 798.41 30.39 24/1/6/22 Takaapara

KR 50namura (271 I!D (I!).50.59 111.29 23.07 120.17 24/1/6/23 Khuchou· mohanl

KR Sonamw'a (24' ED IH),121,40 930,47 364,22 293,40 24/1/6/24 Choumohanl

PR.KR Sonamura 1221 ED 295,09 - (H),80.94 (j(l."TD :ro,;!!'> 21.B5 24/1/6/25 ["!!Chlm Jumcrdhcpa

KR Sonamura (26) ED 580,45 (R1.125.45 87,01 113,31 38.45 24/1/6/26 Purba Jumerdhcpa

PR Somunura (24' ED 795.36 !RU6l.87 60.07 6,07 80.94 24/1/6/27 ~

PR Sonamura (18) ED 309.45 IR).424.92 121.41 20.23 035 24/l /6/28 Puma Nalchar

KR So...... (131 ED (HI.611.07 194,29 4,05 23.26 24/1/6/29 Puchlm Nalchar

PR Sonamura (10) ED.EAG 21.05 IR).8,15 625.96 1.95 1:17.14 24/l/6/'JIJ RudljaJa

PR Sonamura (10)" EO.EAG.EO .. IR).147.77 428.80 1.46 Inl6 2411/6/31 Melaghar

PR SonamuraOll ED.EAG 1.25.56 11WE),76.89 H2.04 85,39 48.66 24/1 /6/32 Tclkajla

KR Son.mu... 02) ED.EAG 112,21 )lWE).56.6B 68.80 4,04 33.51 24/1 /6/33 Barpathar

KR Sonamura Illi, 478.20 (1WE),38.44 511.68 42.90 42.48 24/1/6/34 Jh~nana

PR.KR Sonamura (10) I!D 120.26 (H).IOU7 106,89 40,76 35.61 24/1/6/35 Chandlghar

KR Sonamura I) 61 ED 647.07 (I{).97,12 136,55 7284 81.59 24/1/6/36 Mohanbhuj!

KR Sonamura (18' ED 40.47 (R).8,09 218,75 2,02 60,70 24/1/6/37 Kamrllfllllliah

KR Son_ura (22) ED 152.97 IR),40,47 816.60 10,12 21.04 24/1/6/38 Chandul

KR Sonamura (251 ED 413.00 IR),20,24 125,45 48,56 182,11 24/1/6/39 Ultar T.lbandal

KR Sonamura ISOI 525.27 IRI.2.02 4,(}5 4.05 4,05 24/1/6/40 G.rnatchhar.

KR Sonamura 132) ED 897.99 IR).20,23 161.78 312.38 121.41 24/1/S/41 Oakahln T.1bandaI

KR Sonamura (16' 823.97 (R).4,05 371.93 343.98 22,26 24/1/6/42 KhedaJban

90'·' 1.. 1· CUSsJII .. 'VJI"I.jM DIIUtCTORT DBWLOPIBNT BLOC& I MILAOIIAR r.;;ii.ii-'NUie-oTViT... ---;:OiAi_------:n.1Aip,iP\JaitOn--A.i\CiitiCi .....TJ.Ielirn'OtMir.bleWiihti\iiMVil .. :-;CiUhf.ft;---.--- Code No. of the vsu.,e and mJlIlber of ahoIm In the eoillllln and next JA It In bndutta. the .._ III brcMd (In heet_' ~. ,... VIL· Ii KIn •• 5-10 KIn. and 10+ Kml. or the -'pa- whae the r.ctbty IvaIIIbIe .. ,._. 1 td"".u-I Medlc*l . DI1nkInI Day«. Communi· _tel' rt""'"'*... ph orthe_ c:dcIn (I'olablcl kct/hal. (lIuaa&op. iflin)' R.adway....._. watorWll)'I --i------2------i------i------5------6------7------8------8------,0------24/1/8/43 Unni 891.75 2.973(503' Pl21.H.O 0(21 T.R.F.W.'IW,TK R> lkInday. +61 1'tnnday

2411/6/44 Ohnntali S82,114 2,116(3M!I P.HAC.O ·(·5' T,R.F,W,'IW.TK +5' ·(·5' +&1 24/1/6/45 KaIapMIa 309.17 313(511 ·(.51 ·(·5) T.R,F.W.'IW ·(·5' +5) +111

24/1/11/46 8cjhluu" 715,99 2,483(410), P.M .... C(31. 0 T.R.F.W,'IW.TK R> +r.) +51 0(21

"24/1/11/47 Sobhapur1hr\) 8111.70 8. T95( 1.5(2) P(2).H 0121 T.R.O.W.'IW 1'0 aa ~ 24/1/11/48 M_hal< 1l51.79 2,623(493) P(41.M 0 T.R.O.W.'IW .TK +111 W...... as !I..... 24/1/11/49 Dhulpur 4114.14 2.132(418) H 0 TW,TK.W.O fO BS "oadI!P.FrtdIr 24/1/61':'A> Paharpur 872.04 5.103(889) Pl31.M.H. D TW.W.TK fO 'OI1.II1Iday • M 0(2) IluncIot' 24/1/8/5 I BInompur 967.83 2.573(43)) P(2) +111 'IW.TK.W.O +&1 'nJwday. 8S Sallll'My

24/1/6/52 Nbbhoypur 829.64 1.899(357) P.M.O 0 T.R.O.TW, +51 ·(·51 8S TK,'"

24/1/6/53 ~eehpur 802.71 3.627(736) P(3).AC.O(3) T.R.O.W,TK,'IW PO,Phone 'H~) ~~ 8S

24/1/6/54 KathaIIa 1.2g4.93 1.818(320) P(41.PUC P1iC,D.O T.R.O.W,TW, PO.Phone +51 8S 'IX

24/1/6/~ J~pur 2.609.112 2.780(556) 1'(3)."(2) 0(2' T.R.O.W.nv,TI( PO.Phone -(10", .{IO+)

24/1/8/58 ~d~ 682.44 1.886(320) P(3)'.H D T.R.F,W.'IW.TK PO.Phonc Tueaday. .(10+) SaIUrllay 24/116/51 Monalpathar 128.16 437(80' P.O 0 T.R.O.W.1X PO.Phonc +51 +51

24/1/6/58 Hlmatpur 650.25. 373(71) P ·-1-51 W.TW +51 +51 +51

24/1/6/rill KallknahMNlll' 826.44 2.167(3881 IC 0 T.R.P'.W.nv,'J'K 10 n.e.d.y. +51 FrIdIIy 24/ I /6/eo . 0urt.Ypur 334.55 1.18g(20T) +51 +51 T.R.O.'IW,TK,W +5) +51 +5)

24/118/81 Bhabampur 574.06 1.30 1(21101 P.M.ACt2J. 0 T.R.O.W.1X.'IW 10 1Ueadey. 8S 0(21 SatwdIIy

24/1/6/62 Pftdaya 1.881.28 3.411017301 Pl31.H.O D(2) T.R.o.W.TK.1W 10 ....,. as Wed.-tay

------GiAiiiTOTAi:~--47:iii.54------t66,44fs12a.7Ciiir-WfoKMf32Ciii3ifit------HU7I. PUC(6) PHCI2I. HC AC1341.ot88) ell III


App;;a-"}"'--Nem$i-to;;m-----P~~-;,r-- -L;:;-J~-;'~( j.~ ~ ~;';-a- ;;~d~r- dl~fi';-;;~lly-p-"~-oT~ljd~-;'~ j,j hcclr~; ---- In & dis lance: Supply rounded upto Iwo decimal plnces) village I In Kma I Forest 1"";-~jl!~le-d--r--Ij";;;;rl------~I:;yt.;;ble------;'-;"-:-;;;01 Lor.ation !(lame. of village oy ~()urce gated wasle Ilneludlllg available Code No. gauchar and far eul- grv~csJ nvn 11011

_~~ ______T ___ ~ -1-6----· - ---- ~_T ~ ___ T_ 11------12------13-----14------'5 ------iT ----- 18 2

___ ~~ _____ ~ ____ ~ ____ T_~ ____ ~

KR Sonamurn[6) ED,EO. 249.23 (HJ.47.83 4015.86 4.59 183.24 24/1/6/43 Umra!

KR Sonamura ll;3) 69.29 il{1.0.85 258.58 ],25 52,67 24/1/6/44 Chmnlpll

PR.KR Sonamura(41 77,66 (IlI.4.96 }-I2.33 2.49 81.73 24/1/6/45 Knlal'<~nla

KR.FP. Sonamurn(IJ EO,EJ\G 24020 ( 1,),261.04 189.90 17 II 774 24/1/6/46 BCjlmara NR

PR,I).R.FP Sonamura(3) ED.EJ\C 201:1.27 [HI.222.58 33341 11.00 80.44 '24/l/6/47 Sobhapur(l'arL)

PRKR. Sonllmura(9) [m.EAG 482,1l> [IIL:n3.87 101i.ln 20,65 7,00 24/1/6/41i M''''dl"chsk FP

PR SonamumlJO) ED 204.26 (R).BO 94 14174 2:107 44 13 24/1/6/49 Dhanpur

I'll. Sonamura(l3) ED 32990 11<1.192.22 31'185 In.19 119.88 24/1/6/50 (,aharpur

PR Sonamum(18) I,D 5~'4.Hl 1H},71J.1l2 I'll> 2q 6 07 ~j9,99 24/1/6/51 lJir

KH Sonamura( I 7) J')) 4fl2 Il:l 177 :12 4047 I I ~I 1J:l '2.4/1/1;/52 IldrLhoypur

KH Samlrll,;,ra( 19J Ell bO.I:! (I<"ll:l :11 1 I~' 70 242 iii :1'1'17"/ 2·1/1/"/'>:1 ,~l <11<",)' fJur

PH Sanamural2{)1 E.I) Il:lH 07 IH),202'1 1',(1 ',\I li,19 ~b~1 ~M :).1/1/1>/54 K. ,I. "

KR Sonnmural321 7,024 :10 Ilt),3{) :\5 :Hi7 q5 12 14 174 76 24/1 /(;/55 .I.lg .. "" "I""

KH Som,"1 ura(291 1-)) 4:1707 (HI.I,U.70 hll !l:J 42.0'1 (,:/ 0:' :I'll! /[i/!)(I 1hft'I_I' .. II ,.tg.u

KIt SOllamural2~IJ jClJ H2 :'5 IHJ.12.14 ')') 4:' 40!':> (~ ~JC- J L4/ I /(,/57 M(J[1dI IMI:,ar

KR !>(mdmura(2 1J :111,511 flO.1i (1'1 21>'j lH 1'2. 14 I . ~I t)l, :'.1/ I /li/51-1 I hrrlIl!pur

KIl SO'h,IllUr,,(')rl) :JH'2. I;'! 110 1ft 12 IH2 J i 1<1 II, [ \( ·t) j·11 I Ili/!," K,lhkn ... l.n.lIldL.!..lt

~()'j KR Bclonl.J[2G; 2(, flO.I:.! 14 1)',4fl 11 ()~J :'h ~ I ~ /1/1/(,/(,<) I j~.lldV-PI&J

PH,KH Ut lonu,[:l71 ',1> I 'J I ll<,.:lft:n l'I:II'l I, Of ~:' f-, ~ I :),1/ 1/1,/(,) Hh.,I'dllll'llf

PR,KH B"lonl,,(22) J '2.11 '/11 ((II [<" ( f ~I~/ )I) H j'-J I 'll3 '1'1 -' 1/I/r./ ',.I :.. ,I .. v., ------GIV\NIJTO·11\1. :l:l,1141J HI, 1 '"I()h 0'... I 'J. Fo2 '/S :, ~.f,f j F,'1 I 5'1(, II

92 N

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QJ C QJ iii 0 u '- '- c :3 o 10 .... If) 1:.r. 0 ..,. - II> ~~~~~1R .0N

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~-::: (") '"c: 0 'OJ' M :.£ > < M co III .... a: 0- I I I I 1 § t .sil - Z "" ~-5ii ~.. a: ~~;> 0 (") u 8~g (") co III 0 - iii it ::l QJ 15 co ~ a ...... 1 I 1 I I..,. ..,. - -£j ].8 ~ '!~ 0 ~ l"- ~l;> ~ ...... I I 1 I I I 11~ ::l Sa .0 w Col Col (") .... I I I I IN N 'IIC .s~ " ~

f~~ Os ell 1&.3~ E%'c (j) i If) Q. > Col Col (") ...... I I 1 I I I ~ ~ 0 ... ii5 ~ f! .. > 'oj ::s QJ _.'. ~ t 0 iij·!iil -< i :2 N J:·_f'§!c .... I~ C't i '0 ~ .!l -QJ - 1: ._ - 0 = :w:2. .... '") co.. ! .... z~ I ~ I ~ a:l ~ ~. .. z~ it:i ...; e4 M .; iii a) t;;i ":Ntt\YIl'i.p



Land uUllsation data In respect of non-municipal town. ( Census Towns) SI. Name of Census Town Land use i.e area under dlfferent type. of land use In hectare. rounded up to No. & Dev. Block two decimal places

Total foorest Irrtgated by UnlrI1gated Culturable Arcanot areal In Sq. sDurce wute(lnc1u­ ava1lable km.) ding gauehu for & groves CuiUvaUon,

2 3 5 6 7 8

1. Badharghat (Blshalgarh) 12.51 2. Barjala (Mohanpur) 7.60 3. Gandhlgram IMohanpur) 8.76 4. Jogendranagar (Blshalgarh) 7.72 Not available 5. Pratapgarh (Blshalgarh) 3.2f' 6. Stngarbll (Mohanpur) 8.17


A Uat or Vi"•• where there are no amenity other than Drinkln, water

Sl.No. Dev. Block Name of the Village Location Code No

2 3 4

1. Khowal Remadlhara 24/1/1/9 2. Tel1amura Malnakbarl 24/1/1/14 3. Jlranla Jamllengpara 24/1/1/16 4. Mohanpur Atuthangbarl 24/1/1/17 Nil 24/1/4 5. Bishalgarh Kalalbarl 24/1/5/61 6. Melaghar Gamalchhara 24/1/1/40 Kalapanla 24/1/1/45 Durlavpur 24/1/1/60

98 Ust of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castrs & Scheduled 1\1bea to the total'populatlon by range. Development Block:- Khowal (24/1/1) A--Schedull'd Castes

Range of S.C. location Code No Name of Village PopulaUon ( Percentages)

2 3

0-5 • 24/1/1/6 Paschlm Laxmlchhara 24/1/1/14 Purba Cbarnpachhara 24/1/1/15 Paeehlm Champaehbara 24/1/1/24 CourNagar 24/1/1/26 Paschlm Belchhara 24/1/1/27 Bagabll 24/1/1/29 Ratanpur 24/1/1/31 Dauh!n Padmabll

6-10 24/1/1/3 Asharambarl 24/1/1/34 Chebrt 24/1/1/35 Pasehlm RaJnagar

11-15 24/i/l/1 Chamu Basll 24/ I /1 /7 Purba Laxmlchhara 24/1/1/9 Remaehhara 24/1/1/18 Purba Slnglchhara 24/1/1/25 Purba Bekhhara 16-20 24/111/5 Paschlm Karanglchhara 24/1/1/17 Pasch!m Baehalbarl 24/1/1/30 Uttar PadmabU

21-30 24/1/1 /4 Purba Karangichhara 24/1/1/16 Purba Bachalbarl 24/1/1/19 Paschlm Slnglchhara 24/1/1/20 Gank! 24/1/1/21 Sonatala 24/1/1/32 Uttar Ramchandrghat 24/1/1/33 PuTba Ha.mchandrghat

31+ 24/1/1/2 Ban Bazar 24/1/1/22 Dhalabil 24/1/1/23 PahamlUra Excludes Villages with no S. C. Population


LIst olVWagee -.ccordlng to the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Development Block;- Khowal (24/1 /1 I B--Scheduled Tribes

Ran&e ofS.T. Location Code No Name o(Vlllage Population I ~n:entagea )

1 2 3

0-5 • . 24/1/1/2 Ban Bazar 24/1/1/19 Paschim Slnglchhara 24/1/1/21 Sonatala 6-15 2./1/1/3 Asharambarl 24/1/1/20 Ganld 24/1/1/22 Dhalabil 24/1/1/34 Chebri 16·25 24/1/1/1 Chamu Bast! 24/1/1/24 Gournagar 26·35 Nil 36-50 24/1/1/5 Paschim Karangichhara 24/1/1/18 Purba Slnglchhara 24/1/1/32 uttra Ramchandraghat 24/1/1/33 Purba Ramchandrghat 51+ 24/1/1/4 Purba Karangichhara 24/1/1/6 Pasch1m Laxmlchhara 24/1/1/7 Purba Laxmlchhara 24/1/1/8 Sukhlabar1 24/1/1/9 Remachhara 24/1/1/10 Shikaribart 24/1/1/11 Maidanbart 24/1/1/12 Ramkrtshnabar1 24/1/1/13 Purba Rajnagar 24/1/1/14 Purba Champachhara 24/1/1/15 Paschirn Champachhara 24/1/1/16 Purba Bachalbar1 24/1/1/17 Paschim Bachaibart 24/1/1/25 Purba Belchhara 24/1/1/26 Pasch1m Belchhara 24/1/1/27 Bagabll 24/1/1/28 Khengrabari 24/1/1/29 Ratanpur 24/1/1/30 Uttar Padrnabil 24/1/1/31 Dakshin Padrnabil 24/i/1/35 Paschirn Rajnagar Excludes Vlllages wlth no S.T. Population


LIst ofVlDagea according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes to the total populaUon by 1'IUlge' Development Block:- Tellamura (24/1/2 J A--Scheduled Castes

Range of S.C. LocatJon Code No Name of VllIage PopulaUon ( Percentages I 2 3

0-5 • 24/1/2/2 Dakshln Ramchandraghat 24/1/2/5 Ramdayal Barl 24/1/2/6 Akrabart 24/1/2/11 Dakshtn Promodenagar 24/1/2/12 Uttar Promodenagar 24/1/2/30 Uttar PuJlnpur 24/1/2/37 DakshJn Gakulnagar 24/1/2/41 Atharamura RF. 6-10 24/1/2/9 Santlnagar 24/1/2/21 Madhyakalyanpur 11-15 24/1/2/20 KunJaban 24/1/2/36 Teltamura RF.( Part) 24/1/2/38 Brahmachhara 16-20 24/1/2/10 Durgapur 24/1/2/19 Uttar Ghllatall 24/1/2/40 Laxmlpur 21-:10 24/1/2/23 Purba Kalyanpur 24/1/2/25 Dakshln Maharani 31+ 24/1/2/7 Dwarlkapur 24/1/2/8 Laxmlnarayanpur 24/1/2/18 Maharanlpur 24/1/2/24 Ohllatall 24/1/2/28 Krlshnapur (Part I 24/1/2/29 KamaJnagar 24/1/2/31 Moharchhara 24/1/2/33 1ulrhlndral 24/1/2/34 Hawalbarl 24/1/2/35 Sardukarkarl

Excludes VUlagt"s wllh no s.c. Populatloll.

101 Ult ofVUJages accordIng to the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Development Block:- Tellamura (24/1/2) B--Scheduled Trtbes

Range ofS T. location Code No Name of Village Population ( Percentages)

2 3

0-5 • 24/1/2/28 Krtshnapur (Part) 6-15 24/1/2/7 Dwarlkapur 24/1/2/10 durgapur 24/1/2/29 Kamalnagar 16-25 24/1/2/8 Laxmtnarayanpur 24/1/2/20 KunJaban 24/1/2/21 Madhya Kalayanpur 24/1/2/23 Purba Kalayanpur 24/1/2/24 Chllatall 24/1/2/31 Moharchhara 24/1/2/34 Hawaibart 24/1/2/38 Brahmachbara 26-35 24/1/2/33 'lUlchlndral 24/1/2/40 Laxmlpur 36-50 24/1/2/9 Santlnagar 24/1/2/11 Dukshln Promodenagar 24/1/2/19 Uttar Chllatali 51+ 24/1/2/1 Cayamanl Barl 24/1/2/2 Dakshln Ramchandraghat 24/1/2/3 Tldchachtng Bart 24/1/2/4 Pagla Bart 24/1/2/5 Ramdayal Bart 24/1/2/6 Akhro Barl 24/1/2/12 Uttar Promodenagar 24/1/2/13 Badla Barl 2411/2/14 Malnakbarl 24/1/2/15 Jogankobrobari

102 1 2 3

24/1/2/16 Karalbari 24/1/2/11 l'ulchindrabart 24/1/2/18 Maharan1i'ur 24/1/2/22 PaschJrn Kalayanpur 24/1/2/25 Dakshln Maharani 24/1/2/26 SI1 Ramkhara 24/1/2/27 Ramkrishnapur 24/1/2/30 Uttar Pulinpur 24/1/2/32 DakshJn Pullnpur 24/1/2/35 Sardukarkarl 24/1/2/36 Tellamura R.F. (Part) 24/1/2/37 Dakshln Gakulnagar 24/1/2/39 Uttar Oakulnagar 24/1/2/41 Athararnura 24/1/2/42 Nunachhara R.F.

Exclude!'! VllIages With no S.T. Population

103 APPENDIX--IV LIst ofVUlages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled TrIbes to the total populaUon by ranges Llsto Development Block;- Jlranla (24/1/3) A·-Scheduled Castes Range of S.C. Location Code No Name ofVUlage Population Rani Popu ( Percentages ) (Perl 2 3 r 0-5 • 24/1/3/9 Patnlpara 0-5 24/1/3/14 Mandalnagar 6-IE 24/1/3/22 Jlranla 24/1/3/30 Radhamohanpur 24/1/3/33 Belbarl 16-: 6·10 24/1/3/2 Lakshmlpur 24/1/3/6 Dlnabandhunagar 24/1/3/20 Joynagar 24/1/3/34 ChampaKnagar 11-15 24/1/3/7 Shlbnagar 24/1/3/24 Paschlm Baljala 24/1/3/28 Tulakona 24/1/3/29 Purba Nagaon 26· 16·20 24/1/3/5 Brtdhanagar 24/1/3/23 Bakimnagar 36 24/1/3/25 MaJllshpur 21-30 24/1/3/3 RadhakJshorenagar 24/1/3/4 Khayerpur 51 24/1/3/19 Purba Debendranagar 31+ 24/1/3/21 Purba Baljalal 24/1/3/26 Mekhllpar 24/1/3/27 Uttar Champamura

mudes villages with no S. C. Population

104 LIst ofVIDages according to lhe proportion of SCheduled Castes & Scheduled TrI.bes to ~e total papulation by ranges Development Block;- Jlranla (24/1/3.) B--Scheduled 1Tlbes

Range of ST. Location Code No Name of VtJlage Population ( Percentages)

2 3

0-5 24/1/3/4 Khayerpur 24/1/3/5 Brtdhanagar 24/1/3/25 MaJUshpur 24/1/3/27 Uttar Champamura 6-15 24/1/3/3 Radhakishorenagar 24/1/3/21 Purba BaIjali 24/1/3/26 Mekhl1para 16-25 24/1/3/29 Purba Nagaon 26-35 24/1/3/19 Purba Debendranagar 24/1/3/23 Bankimnagar 24/1/3/28 Tulakona 36-50 24/1/3/2 Laxmtpur 51+ 24/1/3/1 Ramchandranagar 24/1/3/6 Dlnabandhunagar 24/1/3/7 Shlbnagar 24/1/3/8 Wkhlnagar 24/1/3/9 Patnipara 24/1/3/10 Ashlghar 24/1/3/11 Khengral 24/1/3/12 Harbfiung 24/1/3/1:3 Kathlrambart 24/1/3/14 MandaUlagar 24/1/3/15 Dlnakobrapara 24/1/3/16 Jamllengpara 24/1/3/17 Atuthangbart 24/1/3/18 Bhrlgudaspara 24/1/3/20 Joynagar 24/1/3/22 Jlrania 24/1/3/24 Paschlm Batjall 24/1/3/30 Radhamohanpur 24/1/3/31 Radhapur 24/1/3/32 Janmajoynagar 24/1/3/33 Belbart 24/1/3/34 Champaknagar 24/1/3/35 Champabart EXdudes villages with no S. T. Population

105 Us! ofVmages accordIng to the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled TrIbes to the total population by ranges DeYelopment Block:- Mohanpur (24/1/4) A--Scheduled Castes Range of SC_ location Code No Name of Village Population ( Pereentages ) 1 2 3

()..s • 24/1/4/1 Baluaban 24/1/4/8 Mantala 24/1/4/14 Kalachhara 24/1/4/17 Noagaon 24/1/4/23 Uttar Debendrachandranagar 6-10 24/1/4/18 Thamakar:l 24/1/4/29 BodhJongnagar 11-15 1.4/1 /4/ 1 Paschlm Simna 24/)/4/3 PurbaSlmna 24/1/4/16 Mohanpur 24/1/4/22 Barkathalla 24/1/4/34 Agartala 24/1/4/36 [ndranagar (Part) 16-20 24/1/4/2 MeglIband 24/1/4/6 Ishanpur 21-30 24/1/4/24 Taranagar .24/1/4/30 Debendrachandranagar 24/1/4/32 Narslngarh 31+ 24/1/4/15 Bejoynagar 24/1/4/25 Kalkalla 24/1/4/26 Bamutla 24/1/4/27 FaUkchhara 24/1/4/28 Tulabagan 24/1/4/31 Laxmllunga 24/1/4/33 Lankamuta 24/1/4/35 Kunjaban Excludes vtllagcs With no S. C. Population

106 APPENDDt--1V Ust oC Villages according to .the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Trtbes to the total populaUon by ranges Development Block:- Mohanpur (24/1/4) B--Scheduled TrIbes Range of ST: Location Code No Name oC Village PopuJaUon ( Percentages )

2 3

0-5 • 24/1/4/15 BeJoynagar 24/1/4/24 Taranagar 24/1/4/25 Kalkal1a 24/1/4/32 Naraslngarh 24/1/4/33 Lankamura 24/1/4/34 Agartala 24/1/4/35 KunJaban (Part) 24/1/4/36 Indranagar (Part)

6-15 24/1/4/11 SUbalstn~ 24/1/4/12 Kamukch ara 24/1/4/26 BamuUa 24/1/4/27 FatUkchhara 24/1/4/31 LaxmUunga 16-25 24/1/4/16 Mohanpur 24/1/4/17 Noagaon 26-35 24/1/4/8 Mantala 24/1/4/14 Kalachhara 24/1/4/29 Bodhjongnagar 36-50 24/1/4/1 Paschlm Slmna 24/1/4/2 Megllban 2411/4/6 Ishanpur 2411/4/30 Debendrachandranagar 51+ 24/1/4/3 Purba stmna 24/1/4/4 Uttar Dashgharla 24/1/4/5 Sankhola 24/1/4/7 BaJuaban 24/1/4/9 Batkunthapur 2411/4/10 Dakshln Dashgharla 24/1/4/13 Surendranagar 24/1/4/18 Thamakart 24/1/4/19 Domrakartdak 24/1/4/20 Tuichhaman Kural 24/1/4/21 Chandpur 24/1/4/22 BarkanthaUa 24/1/4/23 Uttar Debendranagar • Excludes villages With no S.T. Population,


List of Villages according to the. proportion of Scheduled c.astes & Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Development Block:- Blshalgarh (24/1 /5)

A- -Scheduled Castes

Rauge of S. C. Localion Code No Name of Village Population [ Percentages)

2 3

0-5 • 24/1/5/26 Cajaria 24/1/5/32 Latiachhara 24/1/5/39 Rangmala 24/1/5/40 Baustali 24/1/5/41 Padmanagar 24/1/5/48 Madhya Ghaniaman .24/1/5/51 Bamnlchhara 24/1/5/53 Mohanpur 24/1/5/56 Ratanpur 24/1/5/57 Paschlm Takarjala 24/1/5/5<;) ..1ampuljala 24/1 /5/ 1 0 Paodabp.ur 24/1/5/12 Deblpur 24/1/5/31 Golaghau 24/1/5/33 Prornodeoagar 24/1/5/34 Batjala 24/1/5/42 Arntall 24/1/5/43 p,athallaghat 24/1/5/58 Purba TakarJala 24/1/5/62 Sangkumabarl d 15 24/1/5/4 Madhupur 24/1/5/11 madhupur 24/1/5/14 Radhanagar 24/1/5/23 Krishnaki:>horenagar 24/1/5/25 Purathal Hajnagar 24/1/5/29 BraJapur 24/1/5/54 Prabhapur

108 ---- 2 3 --- Ishanchandranagar 16~20 24/1/5/3 24/1/5/9- Bikrarnnagar 24/1/5/18 Gakulnagar 24/1/5/19 Dakshln Champamura 24/1/5/22 Btshalgarh 24/1/5/24 Ghanlarnara 24/1/5/30 Uttar CharHam

21-30 24/1/5/1 Ramnagar (Parl) 24/1/5/5 Madhuban 24/1/5/6 Dukli 24/1/5/8 Kanchanm,ua 24/1/5/17 Nehakhandranagar 24/1/5/20 Goplnagar 24/1/5/21 Laxlnibil 24/1/5/28 Rangapania 24/1/5/35 Dakshln ChaIilam 24/1/5/55 Snnagar

31+ 24/1/5/2 Charipara 24/1/5/7 Anandanagar

24/1/5/l~~ Kamalasagar 24/l/5/1fl Konaban 24/1/5/10 Kalyadhepa

• Excludes villages with no S c, Popu:.tlllon APPENDIX--IV

Ust ofVUlages according to the proportion of scheduled Castes & Scheduled Trtbes to the total population by ranges Development Block:- Bishalgarh (24/1/5) . B--Scheduled Trtbes Rante of S_ T_ location Code No Name of Village Population ( Percentages ) 2 3

0-5 • 24/1/5/3 Ishanchandranagar 24/1/5/4 Madhupur 24/1/5/5 Madhuban 24/1/5/6. Dukll 24/1/5/9 Blkramnagar 24/1/5/10 Pandabpur 24/1/5/13 Kamalasagar 24/1/5/20 Ooplnagar 24/1/5/21 Laxmlbil 24/1/5/22 Bishalgarh 24/1/5/23 Krishnakishorenagar 24/1/5/24 Ohanlamara 24/1/5/30 Uttar Charilam 24/1/5/35 Dakshln Chartlam 6-15 . 24/]/5/7 Anandanagar 24/1/5/12 Deblpur 24/1/5/17 Nehal Chandranagar 24/1/5/18 Cakulnagar 16-25 24/1/5/8 Kanchanmala 24/1/5/11 Madhupur 24/1/5/16 Kalyadhepa 24/1/5/29 BraJapur 24/1/5/34 Batjala 26-35 NIl

36-50 24/1/5/28 l~ngapanla 24/1/5/31 OolaghatI 24/1/5/42 AmtaU 24/1/5/53 Mohanpur 24/1/5/54 (>rabhapur 24/],,5/55 Srtllagar

110 1 2 3

51+ 24/1/5/15 Konaban 24/1/5/26 GaJarta 24/1/5/27 Bangshlbari 24/1/5/32 Latlachhara 24/1/5/33 Promodenagar 24/1/5/36 Dhar1athal 24/1/5/37 Sutarmura 24/1/5/38 Ramnagar 24/1/5/39 Rangmala 24/1/5/40 BaustalJ 24/1/5/41 Padmanagar 24/1/5/43 Pathallaghat 24/1/5/44 Madhya Palhalla 24/1/5/45 UJanpathalla 24/1/5/46 Amarendranagar 24/1/5/47 Hlrapur 24/1/5/48 Madhya Ghanlamara 24/1/5/49 UJan Ghanlamara 24/1/5/50 Shyamnagar 24/1/5/51 Bamnlchhara 24/1/5/52 Pekuarjala 24/1/5/56 Ratanpur 24/1/5/57 Paschlm Takarjala 24/1/5/58 Purba Takarjala 24/1/5/59 Jampuljala 24/1/5/60 Kandralchhara 24/1/5/61 Kalaibari 24/1/5/62 Sankumabarl 24/1/5/63 Killabart 24/1/5/64 Bannabarl

• Excludes villages with no S. T. Population

III APPENDIX··IV List ofVlllages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Development Block :- MeJaghar (24/1/6) A--Scheduled Castes

Range of S. C. Location Code No Name of Village POpulation (Percentages)

2 3

0-5 • 24/1/6/1 Rahlmpur 24/1/6/2 Putta 24/1/6/18 Nabawtp Chandranagar (part) 24/1/6/48 Manarchak 24/1/6/49 Dhanpur 24/1/6/51 Blrampur 24/1/6/55 Jagatrampur 24/1/6/56 Blrendranagar 24/1/6/57 Manalpathar 6-10 24/1/6/5 Ashabari 24/1/6/15 Matlnagar 24/1/6/16 Kulubart 24/1/6/17 Aralia (part} 24/1/6/33 Barpathar 24/1/6/38 Chandul 24/1/6/39 Uttar Talbandul 24/1/6/53 Maht'shplir 24/1/6/62 Nldaya 11-15 24/1/6/6 Boxanagar 24/1/6/37 Kamarangatall 24/1/6/46 Bejlmara 24/1/6/47 Sobhapur (Part) 24/1/6/50 Pharpur 24/1/6/""2 Nirbhoypur

24/l/6/5~1 Kalikrtshnanagar 24/1/6/61 Bhabanipuf

112 1 2 3

16-20 24/1/6/19 Khedabart (Part) 24/1/6/26 Purba Jumerdhepa 24/1/6/36 Mohanbhug 24/1/6/43 Umrat 24/1/6/54 Kathalla 21-30 24/1/6/9 Jagatrampur 24/1/6/21 Durlavnarayanpur 24/1/6/22 Takaapara 24/1/6/27 Sapba.. 24/1/6/31 Melaghar 24/1/6/35 Chandlgarh 31+ 24/1/6/3 Bhaluarchar 24/1/6/4 Manlkyanagar 24/1/6/7 Kalalmura 24/1/6/8 ChUatall 24/1/6/10 Ka1arnchara 24/1/6/11 Anandapur 24/1/6/13 Kamalnagar 24/1/6/20 Baniowal 24/1/6/23 Kbas Choumohanl 24/1/6/24 Choumohanl 24/1/6/25 Paachtm Jumerdhepa 24/1/6/28 Purba Nalchar 24/1/6/29 Paachtm Nalchar 24/1/6/30 Rudijala 24/1/6/32 TelkaJla 24/1/6/34 Jharjhar1a 24/1/6/44 Chrantall 24/1/6/60 Durlovpur • Excludes villages with no S. C. PopulatUon

113 u.t ofVIDagea according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled n1bes to the total populatlon by range. OewlopmentBlock:- Melaghar (24/1/6) B--Scheduled n1bee

Range of s. T. Location Code NQ Name o(VU1age Population ( Percentages )

2 3

0-5 • 24/1/6/2 Putla 24/1/6/4 Manlkyanagar 24/1/6/5 Ashabar1 24/1/6/6 Boxanagar 24/1/6/7 Kalslmura 24/1/6/9 Jagatrampur 24/1/6/13 Kamalnagar 24/1/6/16 Kulubart 24/1,6/18 Nabadwlp Chandranagar (Part) 24/1/6/19 Khedabart (part) 24/1/6/23 Kashchoumohant 24/1/6/30 Rudlyala 24/1/6/31 Melaghar 24/1/6/32 TelkaJla 24/1/6/35 Chandlgarh 24/1/6/47 Sobhapur (part) 24/1/6/48 Manarchak 24/1/6/51 Blrampur 24/1/6/52 Nlrbhoypur 24/1/6/53 Maheshpur 24/1/6/61 Bhabanlpur 8-15 24/1/6/24 Choumohanl 24/1/6/25 Pasachlm Jumerdhepa 24/1/6/26 Purba Jumerdhepa 24/1/6/27 Bagabaaa 24/1/6/28 Purba Nalchar 24/1/6/37 Kamarangatall 24/1/6/49 dhanpur 24/1/6/60 Paharpur 114 1 2 3

16-25 24/1/6/3 Bhaluarcbar 24/1/6/15 Matlnagar 24/1/6/21 Durlavnarayanpur 24/1/6/62 Nldya 26-35 24/1/6/22 Takaapara 24/1/6/34 Jharjharia 24/1/6/36 Mohanbhug 24/1/6/54 KathaJla 36-50 24/1/6/33 Barpathar 51+ 24/1/6/12 BeJoynagar 24/1/6/14 Dhantrampur 24/1/6/38 Chandul 24/1/6/39 Uttar Talbandul 24/1/6/40 Gamalchhara 24/1/6/41 Dakshln Talbandul 24/1/6/42 Khedarbar1 24/1/6/43 Umrat 24/1/6/55 Jagatrampur 24/1/6/56 Blrendranagar 24/1/6/57 Manalpathar 24/1/6/58 Hlmatpur • Excludes villages no S.T. Population





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Town DIrectory

(An e.:xp1analory note on the Seven statements of the Town D1reCtory alongwttH the'ooc'es used in them)

The Town DkectoI)' Comprises of seven statements presenting usefut data on 8Ocio-eoonomlc and admtntstratlve aspects of each town in the district of West Tripura. These Statements deal witn StatuS and Growth History; Physical aspects and Location of Towns; MunicJ"M] Finance: CLyte and 'other Amenlties: Civic and other An-tenitles In Notified Slum; Medical. Educational, Recreational and cultural Fac1UUes: Trade. Commerce. IndusUy and Banking.

The, non-Census data pave been coilected through ~ous State Government Department and local bodies while Census data comprises and presents information for the Prima-ry Census Abstract. 1991 Census.

The details of the informations have been arranged· in a systematic way and being explained (:.illy In presenting data on various amenities. The different codes have been used In the statement tor want of space tn tabular Conn. Statcm.ent- I Status and Growth lfistory Statement - I has contained 20 columns and provides information on such aspects as class. name and cMc administration status of each town in the district. Under col. 2 the name of town haa been arranged alphabetical with class and civic adm1n1straUon status.The abbreviation used In this respect has been explained In the foot note. However. there are s'lx non· statutoty census town formed In the 1991 Census whtle Tellamura comprtsea the only Town whie has been declared as Notified Area by the Slate Government during 1981-91. NJ a result of which there fa an increase nutnber of Towns from 3 tn 19B1 to 10 in 1991 Census. Col. 17 contains the density of population of each town. Agartala having the highest densIty or 9959 followed by Pratapgarh ( 4247). Jogendranagar (3496). Khowat (2853}. Badharghai: {2S43) , Sonamura (2379), BaIjala (2231), slngarbn (1121), Tellamura (l020) and Gandhfgram (861).

lnrespect of SiX ratio also. Agartala Stands first With 983-while Sonamura Com·prise"s only with 921 the last poslUon. Statement- n Physical Aspects and Location of Towns. 1989. Statement-II contains 12 columns and gives Information regarding physical aspects: maximum and mlnimum temperature: name and road distances of ea~h and every town Crom State. District and Sub-Otvtsicnal Had Quarter; name of the nearest city with populatJon of one lakh and more; name of the nearest Hallway station: bJ,lS routes and nev1gaIe river/ canal etc.

It may seems that the: record of rainfall of the town is not available except the three Sub-DMsional towns. In case of temperature also the data :IS not aVallable, except Agartala town.

Agartala is the class-J town In the district even in the Satae also.There is no railway Unk amongest the town in the dlsh1ct. Kumargbat, (in Noth TrJpura Dlstr1ct)ls the nearest railway station from each of the town of the district. The Gomatl aand the Khowal are the two navlgable rivers in the dlstrtct. 8tatement-m Thls statement has contained 17 columns and provides the finance of the statutoty and non-statutory towns by p~ent1ng therein receipts-and expenditure under dUTerent heads for the year 1988-89. For statutory towns the finance relates to Munlctpal Bodtes and NOtified Area Authority while (or the non-statutory towns th~ same relate to the Development Block. But in case of non-muniCipal town there Is no ~parate ~udget and account and hence columns of Receipt and expenditure. are shown blank. . Under clolumns 10, In case MuniCipal FInance. Agartala having the highest finance followed by Khowai, TeUamura and Sonamura. During the period 1978-79 head wise budget was.not sancUoed (provided J in case of statutroy towns except Agarata1.

117 atataMat-1V 1bJa statement contains 19 columna and prcaentllnfonnatJon on.amenlties.1.WCb as road length. ayatem of eewerage. number of latrine. method disposal of night soU. protected water supply. fire fighting. services. eJectrltlcaUon etc. It also gIVes the total population alongwlth Sc:heduJed Cute and Scheduled tribe population In the 1991 CeIllUI. Under columns 6. the road Jengtl11s shown. separetly for .pucca road and kutcha road and the codes used there under 8ft! KR for kuccha road and PR for pucca road. In respect of Census towns. data Is not avaUable

There Is no well sewerage system In any of the towns. Mostly the waste of the households are mJxed with the soU throUCh natural process and as such" Natural proceas" has been placed on the top the system of sewerage under columns 7 whUe the code OSD denote. open surface dralns. Coillmna 8..9 and 10 show the types and Nos.of latrlne as are In exlstance In each town. In ('olumn 11 , ST Is used, for septic tank. the most common system of each statutery towns of the district. Protected water supply II available In the four statutery towns only ( col. 12&13) . Here OaT and BWP stand for Over Had Tank and Bore well pumping system respect1veJy. Ftre flghtlng service Is also aVallable In the above mention staturory towns only. In case of eleCtridty ( In Between 15 to 19) also data 18 a~b)e In the three Sub- Olvlslonal towns only. Statemeat-IV A Civic and other Amenities In Notllled Slums. 1989

Th1a statement contains 16 columns and provides Informations on civic and other amentties In Notllled slums In the dlstrlct. As there Is no Class-I and Class-ll town With slum area In the district, this statement could not be utlUsed. It 18 a self explanatory statement.

StatelDelll- V Medk:al. Educational. RecreaUonal and Cultural facUlties. 1989.

Th~s statement haa 20 (twenty) columns contains Informations regarding medical. educational. recreational and cultural factltues available In the towns of the district. A few number of cods used In this statement and thts are as follows;

In col. 4 abbreviatton 'H' stands for Hospital. "0" stands for Dispensary. 1'8 for tuberculosis and "PHe" stand. for Primary Helth centre. The numerlcals ( In bracket) Indicate the total number of medlcallnsUtution

Col. 6 proVides Information regarding avtalabUlty of college education of degree level an above of each town In the dlstrtct. Here abbreviation ASC for Arts. Science and Commerce, AC for Arts and Commerce and A for Arts only. Brackets denote the number of Colleges.

There .. no medical college In the district as well as In the state. SUchar Is the nearest place shown In col. 7 Engineering College and polytechnic Institute In the district have been shown as these are Situated In capital Agartala along with distance

The different types of school facUlties available of each town In the district are shown under colli to 15 while col. 17 to 20 presents the recreational cultural facllltles In the towns.

Abbreviation PL and PR stand for public library and Reding room Respecuvely. Statement- VI Trade. Commerce, Industry and Banking. 1989.

Statement VI contains 14 col and gives information regarding Tarde. Commerce, Industry and Banking In the town.. I An Idea of three most Important commodlties bnported Into and exported there flOlll alo'oa with three most bnportant commodities manufactured In the towns my be obtained. Beakles this. the number of Banks. Agricultural and Non- Agricultural credit Socteties exllstlng In the toWlll at'e Indlcated In thts statement In between cul.12 to 14). The most bnportant commodities imported Into the towns are food-stuff. medicine electrical goods. fuel. cloths, suger. Kerosene oU. salt, pulses and mustard all etc. Similarly. the Important aport commodtUes comprise of tea, handloom. handicraft. jute. pineapple Jute.:. Umbel', ect.

The most Important commodities manufactured In the towns mostly comprise of handicraft. pineapple Juice. wooden furniture ect. The largest number of ~nks and Agrcultural credit Societies and Nnn- AgrIcultural credit Societies are moetly located In Agartala. 118 -ID

1fI .~~ ~~ ;e CO i

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119 Density Sex retlo 1991 census 1971 19a1 1991

17 16 19 20

9,959 <;)36 <;)69 963 2,8'14 952 2,231 947 6el 931 3,496 946 2,653 914 961 953 4,247 949 1,121 933 2,379 907 921 1,020 930

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DIebict :- .... TIt..... 'L.OCauon------N.meorTown/-----··---iotil------"SCbeduW------schediiiccf-- Code No. wudl wt.n B1oc:k Population c.u:. Trtbe.

2 3 5

24/1/1 KHOWAlI NA)

WARD·· I 12.552 981 532

Block· 492 53 2 418 10

3 507 57

4 400 23 20

5 483

6 743 64

7 666 41 10

8 702 113

9 315 55 63 10 774 42 167

11 449 16 61

12 610 31 18

13 505 12 3 14 343 W1 32

15 412 98 28 16 50S 44 16 17 343 27

18 968 14

19 619 40 12 20 387 26 24

21 390 48 16

22 838 18 8 23 823 52 13

24 1!180 JO 15


Total Sch.-dulcd ('ast.-s ant) SdJ<'duled Tribes population urban lIIockwfsc.

Loc';ttr;;;------N';_~;:;;'~"i 1~)~;/------S~'h~duf("d~-- Codc No_ ward/ urban Bloc-k PopulaUon Cask's Tribes

2 3 4 5

24/1/11 TELlAMUI~ rNA)

WAHD-I 27.668 9.218 776

Block fJ()9 251

2 579 214

3 7~2 475

4 612 360

f> 626 527

6 571 169

7 511 92

!:> 537 23

9 543 45

to 425 45 4

II 481

12 492 62

13- 514 167

14 544 309 3

15 501 220

16 522 36

17 642 60

18 51S 186 9

19 636 215 2

20 59~ 115 20 21 716 148

22 464 6 6

23 473 90 6

24 419 45 7

25 43~ 57

242 2 3 5

Block- 2(-) 346 10

27 622 81

2H :l01 70 7

29 283 13 16

30 567 61

:-II 509 144

32 478 1:13 13

3:1 h06 Ii 1 61

14 6~; I 117

~~s 4f">0 KI

3ti 516 174

:17 492 257

~IH 409 279 If!

3\J f>46 fK)

40 475 464

41 fi24 355

42 51H :.126 InC)

4', 1,06 4~

44 515 :H;5 2]

4" :JGH 272

4fj 3SH 5':-J

47 5H2 312 :j

4H fx'3 115

49 tAf! 1Of!

50 4fJI:! 2:12 17

51 ,>1 f! 347 fjh

52 501 249 ITl

53 443 31<

243 Total Scheduled c..1e. and Scheduled Tribes population urban Blockwille.

2 3 5


WARD··) 26,990 7,700 34

Block· 414 60

2 394 233

3 427 128

4 446 123 5 590 82

6 440 34

7 704 273

8 718 208

9 695 290 5

10 790 111 7

11 563 255

12 491 39

13 394 59 2

14 443 86

15 608 132 5

16 712 70

17 890 217

18 568 40

19 448 29

20 80S 62 2) 585

22 65) 40

23 569 124

~4 419 89

~ 350 68 244 2 3 5

Block- 26 651 281 27 699 209

28 350 1'>3 29 419 12f1

30 550 104

31 551 222 3

32 451 376

33 507 394

34 646 440

35 734 62

36 682 73

37 732 155

38 552 41 39 428 107 40 317 213 41 441 150

42 449 99 8 43 399 1:\1 44 331 125

45 384 169

46 377 207

47 799 628 48 590 212

49 6S3 66


Tolal Scheduled Castcs and Schcduk-d Tnbes population urban U1ockWlsc.

Dl.tdct :- We.t Trlpura.

L.Ocatj'~n------Narnc~fTO;';;lT ------T~lil- -.. --- --&hcdul~'d------S~h~'d;:ik-~f-- Code No, wardl urban Block Populatlun Castes Trtbl's

2 3 4 5


WARD .. 1 7,538 2.207 55

Dlock- 726 230 30

2 568 315

3 482 44

4 489 36

5 369 37

6 273 35

7 566 44 2

8 371 309

9 328 211 3

10 300 62

11 420 64 12 301 29

13 502 96 12 14 418 124

15 378 103 2 16 479 199

17 568 269 6


Total Scc'heduk'd Castes lind &hcdu!.. :d Tribes populutlon urban Ulockwt8C.

Di.trict :- We.t Tripun.

Location Name of Town/ Total SchC'dulcd Scheduled Cod~ No. waro/ urban Ulock Population Caalr. Trltx-. 2 3 .. 5

24/l/1V SINGARBIL (e n

WARn··l 9.160 3,855 136

Block- 564 555

2 514 457

3 711 321

4 785 386 3

5 690 252 5

t3 654 418

7 644 122

R 399 79

9 477 39 10

10 267 35

II 339 57

12 339 154

13 41 I 2('.>6

14 350 156

15 3~7 136 6 16 444 229

17 479 93 48

18 706 100 64


Total Scheduled Call1~1I and Scheduled Tribes populaUon urban Blockwiae.

DI.trlct :. W_t Trlpun.

~~;tl~~------N~;~rT~~/------i~t~------' ---5kb;d~kd------~~~f~--- Code No. wardl urban Block Population Castes Tribe a

2 3 4 5

24/l/VT fJARJALA I en WAHD··1 16.954 2.504 72 Blork- 572 45

2 614 22

3 630 63

4 553 79

5 520 50

6 389 23 8

7 389 55

8 460 160

9 305 20

10 653 95 5 II 535 87

12 426 96 3

13 371 28 13

14 421 46

15 591 11

16 626

17 424 99 18 710 201

19 672 255

20 460 204

21 506 141 4 22 535 93

23 543 214

24 380 47

25 342 45 3

248 1 2 3 5

Block- 28 718 J4

27 &46 83 28 313 12

29 489 2 5

30 432 6

31 372 61

32 641 82 12

33 815 66 18


Total Scheduled Cllstc:s and Scheduled Tribes population urban Blockwlll<'_

Dlatrict : ...... t TrlpIUII.

--SCh~d~kd------·SC~dukd--- Castes Tribes

2 3 4 5


WARD·-I 13.972 4.371 147

Block 387 58

2 612 110

3 648 110

4 426 55

5 624 165

6 491 120 7 651 651

8 688 688

9 711 368

10 529 73

11 514 74

12 447 53 13 672 279

14 439 75

15 464 163

16 412 106

17 534 64

18 384 96

19 729 99 42

20 364 69 15

21 710 168 19

22 583 127 8

23 478 189 4

24 360 95

25 695 177 59

26 420 147


Total Scheduled c .. "t"" and Scheduled Tribe" population urban Blockwtat. Dletdct :. W.et Tripunl. t:,;;~;tl;n------N~~fT~~'i------i;l~f------_ &h;d~k-d----"------"&,}.;d;:;j;;d--- Code No. ward/ urban "lock PopulaUon Cae1letl Trtbe.

2 3 5

24/1/VlI BADIIARGHAT (en WARD .. I 35.576 9.253 675

B1lX'k· 550 144 8

2 406 220

3 446 183

4 890 270

5 422 250

6 241 159

7 479 86 2

8 581 109

9 606 32 3

10 740 40

1 1 645 109 8

12 514 29 13 391 33 14 615 118 5

15 1.399 191 42

16 734 16 34

17 640 89 2

18 510 80 16

19 514 66

20 587 218

21 364 42 7

22 589 28 !So

23 430 36

24 693 130

25 620 101

26 267 242 27 512 312

28 !562 117 4

251 2 3 s

30 563 259

31 393 102 9

32 336 42 33 194 42 27

34 781 248

36 407

36 368 42 54

37 544 472 16

38 184 106

39 170 170

40 132 94

41 413 38 42 374 124 11

43 382 71 10

44 391 lE16

415 437 302

46 4159 144

47 414 6l§

"8 818 441 13

49 371 3S1

60 480 33

51 600 M

52 780 95

53 646 129 3

54 580 130

56 861 327

156 eoo 148 57 260 188

158 407 89 12

69 388 II

eo 726 123

61 303 106

82 456 138

83 2_ M

64 110'7 1. 32 M ees 2.a8 7 252 2 3 6

66 108

67 655 107

68 541 13 81

69 435 3

70 719 143


Total Schcdulrd Castoea and Schoeduled Trtbes population urban BIockw1!1C'. Dlatrict :- w ••t Tripara. l.OCiltlo"j,------Name~fT~w;iT------iOt;[--- .... ----sched~i~------&hCduloed--- Code No. ward/ urban Block Population Casita Tribes

2 3 5

24/l/X SONAMURA(NA) WARD--l 8,136 1,483 77

Block- 574 113 18

2 5:;14 58 7

3 532 60 2. 4 730 148 19

5 466 127 3

6 680 115 7 277 41

8 577 118 2

9 574 64 18

10 444 III 11 577 324 12 425 143

13 679 13

14 586 19

15 491 29 5


Total Scheduled Castes and Sched ...t1ed Tribes population urban BJo<,kwlar.

Di.trict :- W ••t Trl......

~;..;tl;.;------N~ ~TT~~T ------i';t;r------&~":;kd ------&t;d~~- -- Code No. wan:I/ urban Bloc-k PopulaHon C-trB TriM.

2 3 5

24/ I /m AGARTALA i M )

WARD--I 15,626 1.057 38

Block· 459 46

2 374 7

3 373 12

4 370

5 444- 54 6 347 14 7 428 9

8 493 16

9 250 36 10 667 35

11 382

12 538 6 13 395 5 14 351 8 2

IS 369 2 16 455 7 17 451

18 543

19 486 10 20 346 1 I

21 283 17 22 421 23 528 41 3 24 577 47 25 359 21

26 427 30 12 27 346 26

28 372 6 29 339 255 ------2------3------.------5------

30 439 5 5

3J 625 6

32 430 8

33 321 81

34 399 36

35 364 166

36 416 :146 37 460 42 4 WARO--2 14,002 573 3,30T B1orlt- 38 463 33 13 39 282 11

40 437 45 41 286 42 363 14 4 43 524 8 27 44 882 53 326 45 482 85 110 46 504 35 192 47 218 5 74 48 497 17 147 49 530 57 243 50 346 13 17 51 667 16 310 52 496 8 53 390 17 251 54 472 273 55 466 35 56 308 57 695 19 67 58 479 7 59 252 22 30 60 562 24 110 61 636 11 254 62 665 10 210 63 622 4 287 64 379 97 256 t 2 3 6

64 378 97

65 370 42 18

66 404 18 34

67 325 3 72

WARO--3 8.254 782 804

Bk>ck- 68 508 23 118

69 265 10 lOG

70 1524 82 71 807 31 188

72 473 15 II 73 434 2215 74 498 75 388 2 23 76 672 38 20

77 537 3 17 78 271 4 79 431 8

dO 534 16 3

81 613 94 10 82 495 32

83 453 81 3

84 551 128

WARD-4 6.462 300 BkM:k- 85 408 42

86 547 5 87 340

88 446 95

89 344 6

90 632 19 91 13) :.1

92 633 4

93 388

94 1534 30

8& 420

98 688 72 2157 2 3 4 5

97 288 5

98 652 29 196

WAHD--5 11,192 675 1.688

n1o.,k- 99 485 - 20 9

100 227 2 10

101 659 98 5

102 500 19 97

103 321 5 48

104 607 23 17

105 290 3

106 525 3 27

107 513 45 68

108 400 14 10

109 484 71 29

110 372 12 liS

1 1 I 335 50

112 554 12 156

113 406 230 114 247 6

115 343 195

116 485 43 135

117 555 2 245

118 539 225

119 456 134

120 454 27 13 121 320 15 16

122 537 44 108

123 250 6

124 288 4

WAHD -6 10,948 492 158

Block· 125 399 33 19

126 482 26 12

127 236 20

128 556 21 17 129 222 2

258 2 3 .. 5

130 557 29

131 477 24

132 3HH 3

133 333 6

134 373 26

135 31'10 76 14

136 513 fI

137 445 10 45

13M 575 36 6

139 300 JO

140 345 II

141 51H 33

142 503 6

143 52~i 12

144 464 9

145 562 46 2

146 446 47

147 646 II

14k 313 10 10

149 392 7

WAHD--7 15,295 3,398 34

BI,,..k- 150 658 90

151 609 230

152 325 79

153 586 387

154 664 312

155 383 223

156 572 141

157 366 205

158 623 61

159 531 10

160 464 14

161 424 15

162 374 4

163 422

259 --,------2------;------.------5------

184 88e 132

HS6 604 165

188 502 68

167 466 113 168 677 385 168 724 158 170 411 61 171 657 124

172 470 29

173 504 88 7 174 822 130 2 176 604 149 176 312

177 362 2 178 714 24 12 WARD-8 20.927 2.099 932 Block· 179 519 85 180 394 61

J81 590 53 182 379 154

183 447 66 5

1M 387 31 4 185 212 20 13 186 439 9 24

187 283 28 5 188 452 15

189 654 8

190 641 13 6

Uti 642 20 8 192 671 27

193 477 202 4 194 484 57

195 560 28 3

198 .76

260 2 a " IS l87 512 37 3 188 4415 13 , 180 5515 102 200 445 41 201 281 04 202 4a8 57 203 421 14 204 5e6 220 205 378 20

208 458 32 207 8J3 7e 2

208 555 18 3

209 539 115 74 210 590 12 '78 211 719 34 187 212 445 412 213 588 75 214 442 7 '7 215 352 75 216 448 49 217 596 67 48

218 299 33 2!5 219 446 40 20

220 462 34 7 221 441 29 222 280 29 11 WARD··g 8.102 358 112 Block- 223 377 28 8

224 33~ iii

225 ft&6 31 15 226 559 10 15 227 372 15 228 306 41 12 229 394 12 " 230 573 28

281 ------2------3------.------5------

231 500 26 5 232 374 3

233 368 15 6 234 475

235 712 18 3 236 478 25

237 428 48 9 238 697 48 239 378

WARO--10 8,683 740 938

OIock- 240 235 6

241 491 97 6

242 386 9 82 243 606 29 48 244 371 9 100 245 425 32 34 246 577 112 25

247 556 45 10 248 419 69 29 249 633 50 12 250 565 19 14

251 431 6 4 252 257 15

253 461 19 3

254 529 29 81 255 360 22 81

256 384 26 54 257 411 20 45 258 586 126 310 WARD--Il 11,441 2,263 219 Block- 259 377 5 31

260 423 58 9 261 560 50 15 262 501 229 263 522 276 16

262 2 3 .. 5

264 275 85

265 451 152 IS

266 669 99 27

267 283 36 30

268 724 40 24

269 692 123 14

270 415 138 8

271 550 65 3

272 291 I" 273 503 77 27 274 518 208

275 423 68 276 422 178

277 402 148 8 278 396 143

279 372 86

280 596 52 2 281 377 5 282 270 283 429 24

WARD--12 6.344 1.190 100 Block- 284 645 33 285 445 175 286 446 271 281 693 430

288 526 42 15 289 517 32 5

290 449 35 6

291 303 9 16

292 523 75 11

293 575 6 12 294 354 I I 17

295 468 51

296 400 14 18 WAI(I) 13 20.081 1.367 87

UI"c'k 297 414

263 2 3 4 5

298 388 6 3 299 309 17 57

300 398 26

301 655 3

302 233 15 1 303 391 9 304 390· 4 306 864 12

306 333 20

307 613 48 308 542 309 498 22

310 632 77 311 403 100 312 489 112

313 607 30

314 412 65 316 426 316 292 7 317 631 4 318 309 6 319 318 3

320 498 33 4 321 361 39 322 272 17 323 553 45

324 51e: 56 325 483 127 326 391 28 327 .646 85

328 359 25

329 447 44 3 330 499 &4. 331 8-40 11 332 674 22

284 1 2 3

333 614 158

334 361 1& 335 391 4 336 351 22 337 521 338 284 7

339 679 83 14 340 1526

GRAND TOTAL 157.368 15.494 8,eol


ADD...... to Appendiz - BoWlclariea of Urban CeDaua c ...... _ .nel EDUJDe1'lltioa Blocb. We.t Tripura DI.trict Khowa! Notlfleel Are. Block No. Block No. 1 . N - Khowal River 9. N - Road E - Goumngabart Road E - Road S - Khowal River S - Road

W - Khowal RlVt"T W - Road 2. N - Drain 10. N - Kutcha Road E - Drain E - Kutcha Road S-Road S - Chara

W Khowal :kiver W· Cham

3. N Slnglchhara 11. N - Colle~t" Road E - Tampi!" E ' Pucca Road S - Hatalh Colony Road S . Khowat Tl'lIamura Road W - Khowal River W - Khowal TeUamura Road 4. N . Hatath Colony Road 12, N . Pucca Road

E - Khowal A .. haramban Road E - Pucra Road S - Khowal A<;haramharl Road S - Pue('a Road .'

W - Khowa.1 River Road W - PUC(' il Road

5. N - Sing,ichhara N Kloowal De~n~e ColI!"ge

E - Khowal Asharambari Roar! E ' Khowal Degree Collegr

S - B.S. F. Camp Road S Khowal ~gree College

W - Slnglchhara W . Ramkr1shna A!lhTam 6. N Singlchhara 14. N - Chara E - Singichham Sibbarl Road E - Cham

S Lakhhara S - K. B. Road

W - Durgan~ar Road W - Cham 7. N .. Lalchhara 15. N - Road towards dam E - Kutcha Road E - Khowal Tellamura Road S - Kutcha Road S - Cham

W- Kutcha Road W - Khowal River 8. N - B.D.O. Office Hi. N - Bridge E - 13.0.0. Office E- College Road S - Kutcha Road S - Hospital Road W - Khowal Boys School W - Lalchhera

267 .a..k ••• ...... 17. N- Dwpnagar Ra.d 18. N-Cham E- Lak:hhanl E-Chara s- Khawal Teliamura Hoed s- KhowaI Degree CoBeae Rd. W- KbowaI Ri¥er w- Dwpnapr LaIctIbara Rd.

19. N-RI-s 20. N- KIlo... RIver "It- KaUbarl1.alchbaIa Road E- Khowa1 Tebamma Road s- C.P.s. 1M) 0IJke So Canal W- C.P.s. (M) Oftlce w- Embankment

21. N- Pueca Road 22. 101- Pueca Road E- Kbawa1 '1eliamura Road E- Pucca ROad s- Puc:ca RG8d s- Pond W- £mbenkment W- Pucca Road

23. N- Khowal Mharambart Road 24. N- KhowaJ Aaharamba.rt Road E- Br1ck Rged E- Kutcha Road s- Dwpnapr KaUbari So Lalchhara W- Kutcba Roed W - Lak:hhara I>urJJanaaar RoIM". ADaeKan to .AppeA4la .,. 'JIootIadad•• 01 UI'bua c._a. otaara..... aa...... tloa ...... Weat Trlpun .,..tdot TeUamun lIotUl.4 Nee

IIIooJt 110. Block 110. 1. N - Champlat chbara 9- N-A. A. Road E - Champlal Road E- O. M. Colony Road S - Champlal Road S- KhDWlll Rl¥er

w- KhoWBJ River W~Road N- North Gopal Road 10. N·Road E-Road E·Road S- M. G. Road S- Road W- Moharchhara. MouJa W· Read 3. 1'1- Champ1a.l chhara 11. N·Road E- K.r1shnapur RI.lad E - Road S- G.M. O. Rd. s- Road W- G.M.O. Road W·RDed 4. N-Road 12. N-Road E - RIJed E- NoI1h Maharani Road 8-G. M. Road S- A. A. Road

W~ Champlat chhara W- Khowai Rivw 5. N- Pakalba11 Road 13. N- Krlahnapur Road E-O. M. Road E· Tellamura to Ghllatall Road s- Road S- Jndira .Road w- Champlat chhara W-Road 6. N- Pucc:a Read 14. N-Road E- Pucca Road E- Puce. Road s- Pucea Road S- Khowal RIver W-Chhara W- Kutcha Road 7. N-Road 15. N- Kutcba Road E· .1AIII:ndpI.w oao. Sabha £.. Kutdaa.RoIId &-CIItaara S- KhowId· RWer W-M.o.R...t w- KbowaI Rtvu N-. SdIeGI· / 18. N-~ £.. D._ C'_' Road £.. IChawaI Rtvu S-A.A. ... S- JWtcba Rpe4 W ... o. •. 1Iaad: W.:KhowIIIa.d

289 m-k ... Block Jlo•. 17. N- Road E-A. A. Road 5- KhowaJ Road W- Khowaf Road 18. N- KhowaJ River E-Road 5- A. A. Road W- Sardu Chhara 19. N- RaJnagar E- A. A. Road 5- Road W- Khowal River 20. N- Road E-A A. Road 5- Road W- Road . 21, N- Road 22. N - Dasamighat Road E- Road E-A A. Road 5- Road s- Vtllage Road w- Road W - VUlage Road 23. N- Road 24. N- Khowal Rtver E- Road E- Pucca Road 5-AA Road s- Kutcha Road W- Road W- Khowal River 25. N - Khowal River 26. N- Road E- Play Field E- Road S- SanUnagar S-A.A Road W- Road W-Road 27. N- Khowal RIver 28. N- Road E- KhoWaJ RIver . . E- 1'elephone Exchange S-A. A. Road S- TellillmUra Ampl ROad W- Road W:. A. A. Road ' 29. N- A A. Road 30. N- Khowat KIva'

E~ KhoWat River &-.KaUbatt S··TemPIe s-.....:s <. \II.. A.':A. ~d ·W"'T.;·A.~ , .' 270 .aIock Ko. IIlooIt ....

31. N - Kallbarl Road 32. N- Ampt Road E-Road E- Road s- Road s- Camel w- Ampl Road w- Paddy Land 33. N- Amp' Road 34. N- Road E- Road E- IcherbUl High School s- Road S- KhowaJ Road W-AA Road W- Road

35. N- Khowal Road 36. N- Tebamura Khowal Road E- Kutcha Road E- Indira Road S- Kutcha Road S- Kutcha Road W- Kutcha Road W - Kutcha Road 37. N- Khowal Road 38. N- Road

E-AA. ~d E- Chadha Chara S- Road s- Kutcha Road W-Chara W- Indira Road 39. N- Tellamura Khowat Road 40. N- Lungs E- Kutch_ Road E· CopaJ S- Kutcha Road S-AA Road W - Indira Road w- Road 41. N- A. A. Road 42. N- Pullnpur E- Social EducaUon Centre E- Puma Chandra Para s- A. A. Road s- Sardur Chhara W- Lambu Chhani W- Sardur Chhara 43. N- Road 44. N- Hospital E- Sadu Chhara E- Vtvekananda School 5-A A. Road S- Pond W-AA. Road W·Road 45. N- Col TIna 46. N- AmpJ Road E- Road E· Pond S-Road 50 Pond W-Ampl Road w- Road 47. N-Ten.mura Amp' Road 48. N- Ampl Road E- Tellamura Ampl Road E- Kut.cha Road s- School S- Kutcha Road W- Raed W- Ampt Road 271 IIIoaJr ).1(0. BIoak 110. 49. N- Amp' 'IeUamura Road 50. N- Pond E- Agrt. FIrm E- Electric ContrOl s- Brahma Chbata s- Tellamura Re8erve Forest W- Paddy Land w- B. DO; 0'. 0IIlce t) 10 N- Teliamura Reeerve Forest 52. oN- Road E- ThUamura AgartaIa Road E- Amp! Road s- TelJamura Reserve Forest S- 1ellamura R F W- Road W - SmaD Rl'lller

53. N- Teliamu.ra Forest Carden E- TelIamura Amarpur Road s- Road W- RIver

272 A1a.a«nIe to Appeadbr - BoaaUd.. of VItNua Ceawua oIaarpe ...... ftltl_ BlooD ••et Tdpura Dletrlct ...... DCIruuIpr c ..... ,._ Block 1'1•• .ocJr. 1'1••

1. N - Aga.rtala JampuljaJa Road 2. N- Howrah Rt\Ier E- Ramkt1shna Road E· Kutcha Road

S- Kala8ewala Bankumart ~d s- Kutch. Road W- Road W-Howrah River

3. N - Howrah RIver 4. N-~d I E- Kutcha Road E- Road S- Kutcha Road S-l.un(Ca W-Howrah RIver w- Small Wodden BrIdCe 5. N- AgartaJa Anandanagar Road 6. N- Agartala Ananclanagar Road E- Vidyasagar Road E- Vldyuagar Road s- Road S- Road w- Ra..mkJ1shna Road w- RamIu1ahna Road 7. N- Barman TIlIa 8. N- VIdyaNgar Bazar E- Rentei'll u.:"ny E-Road S- Sadhu TIlla S- Bannan TIl. W - Pratapgm i. W - VIdyuagar Road 9. N - .AgartaIa Anandanagar Road 10. N- Motontand Bankumart Rd. E-Road E- Bankumart Renters Colony Rd. s- Vklyasagarpalli Road S- Pucca Road w- VIdyasagar Road w - Kutcha Road 11. N- Hoepital Road 12. N- MahaabakU Club E- Anandanagar Bankumart AgartaIa Rd. E- Watereupply OIJIce

s- Pucca Road (towarda Renters Colony) s- ~ Bankumart Road w- Kutcha Road W-RDed 13.. N- Bankwnarl :Road 14. N-VldyuagarpaW (Nath ParaJ E- AraUa Road E- Kulcha Road So Agartala Anandanagar Road s- Pucc. Road W- Amtall W- KuichaRo.d

273 Block No. Block No.

15. N- Bankumart Jogendranagar Road 16. N- Road E- Bankumart Jogendranagar Road E- Road S- AgarUala Jogendranagar Road S- AgartaJa Anandanagar Rd. W- .MahaehaktJ Club w- Lunga

17. N- Road 18. N- Road E- Road E- Road S- AmtaU Bazar S- MahashaktJ Club w- Paddy Land w- Road

19. N- Muslim Para 20. N - Howrah River E- Pucea Road E- Bridge S· Pucca Road s- Aralia Road W- Lunga Land W- Road

21. N- Pollee Station 22. N- Road E- West Jogcndranagar Gao Sabha E- Road s- Road S- WeD W- Road W- Road

23. N-Road 24. N- Lunga E-Road E- Lunga S-Road S-Road w- Road W- AgartaJa Anandanagar Road. 25. N- Lunga 26. N- NUkarnal nath Para . E- Lunga E- NetaJI J. B. School

s- Jogendranagar Malaynagar Badar Road s- ~kumar1 Agartala Road W- Anandanagar Road w- BankurnartAralIa Road

27. N- Fo~st Garden 28. N· Kulc:ha Road E- Road E KIlIr'ha Road S- Agartala Nagralchhara Road s LIIIIJ!a

w- School W Kuldl .. I~f""'

29. N··RGad :'0. N H.... d

E- Adar&ha Colony t·; Klltd." I~ ..... I $- Lunga S WUh·'·"II,.,,1y 11 ...... W- Raad W N ..i'· ... t ... f· .....HV n..... 1

:.t74.. Block No. Block No.

31. N Aralia Road 32_ N - Howrah RIver E- Kutcha Road E School 5- Main Kulrha Road S Pucca Road W - Kulcha Road w 'Iowrah Rlver

33. N Howrah River 34. -.; Howrah RIver E- Kutc-ha Road E ('ucca Road

S- Kutcha Road S- Aralia Road W- Aralia 1:ia7.ar W PanchabaU lW.ar

35. N - Baldakhal 36. N· 1l1la 8huml

E· Muslim Para E::- LUf.ga 5· Gh06h Para S 5hramallbl Colony

W - f Irtlshl Colony W Road

37. N Lunga N Kall Mandlr

E Aralia High School E KulC'ha Road

S Panchayal Office S K:llcha Road

W Champamura Road W Baldakhal

39. N- Champamura 40. N Uttar Aralia E- Baluart f2

41. N- Road 42. N - Aralia Ba7..ar Aralia !-Ugh &:hool Road E- Road E- Lur.ga S· Aralia Champ.,l.mura Road 5 Lunlota W- Road W Lunga

43. N- Ghosh Para 44. N· Road E- Netajl Colony E- Champamura Road S Aralia Bazar Aralia High School Road S ('ucea Ro.-..d

W - Wooden Pool W ShranlaJJbl Colony

45. N- Champamura Road 46. N- Aralia Tulakuna Road

E- Khayarpur Gao Sabha E· Road S· Puc-ca Road 5- Lunga

W - ShramaJlbl Colon.v W - Shai t:kl,(an 275 Block No. Block No.

47. N- Surya Sen Colony 48. N- Lunga E- DaaPara E- Paddy Land 5-lAmga S- Dutta 1llla Sukanta Colony Rd.

W - Aralia High School Road W- Lunga 49. N- East Aralia 50. N- West Kathalla E- Way to Bankumart E· P. Pratapgarh Kata Saeola Rd.

S- Tank S· Subashnagar P. Pratapgarh Rd.

W- Chhara W- Road

276 AD.D.ezure to Appenclbt • BoUllda.riea of UrbaJl Cea.u. chaq_ ...4 humeraUDD Blocb. Weat Trtpura Dt.trtct Gan4hliram Cena_ TOW'll

Block No. Block No. 1. N - Narstngarh Dligangl Road 2. N- Road E- Gandhlgram Dugangl Road E· Road S- Slngarl>ll S- Road w- Singatbll W- Road

3. N· West Ramnagar Dugangl Road 4. N- Ananganagar AryaJa Mura Rd. E- Gandhlgram Dugangl Road E· Nabagram AryaJa Rd. S- Narslngarh Gandhlgram Road s- Dl¢lalla Nabagram Road w- Narslngarh Gandhigram Road W· SlngarbU Mouja

5. N· Ananganagar AIyaJa Mum Rd. 6. N- Gandhlgrarn Narslngarh Hoad E· Nabagram AryaJa Rd. E- Gandhlgram NatlIlngarh Hoad

S- Dighalia Nabagram Road S·RaJnagarNa~lHoad

W- Slngarbll MouJa W Nabagram AryaJa Mura Rd.

7. N· Chhara 8. N· Durgabarl T. E. Maslrr TIlla E- Road K KathaltlIIa M. C. TIlla Road s- M. C. nlla Road S- Dugangi Kalachanda.

9. N· Dugangl Kalachandas TWa Rd. 10. N· M. c. 'nlla E- Nandlbart KalachantWa Rd. E· Cantonmant Area

S- Dugangl Nandlbart Rd. S- Agartala Road.

W- Gandhigram Dugangi Rd. W- Kalachan TUla

11. N-DugangINandIChow. Road 12. N- Dugangl Nandi Chow. Road

E- Agartala Bamuua Rd. E- Rakhal TIlla

S· Candhlgram Rd. S- Narslnghar Candhlgrarn Rd.

W- Candhlgram W. Para W- Dugangl Candhlgram Rd.

13. N- Kutcha Rd. 14. N- Nanlnghar Candhigram Rd.

E- Cantonment Area E- Candhlgram RaJnagar Rd.

S- Agartala Bamuua Rd. S RaJn~ar

w - AgartaIa Bamuua Rd. W - Patllll.l~r Candhlgram Narslnghar Rd. 277 Block No. Block No.

15. N- Narslnghar Gandhlgram Rd. 16. N- Gandhlgram Bazar Damdarnla Rd. E- Agartala Bamutla Rd. E- Kalabagan Poultry Firm Rd. S- Tehasll Office RaJ nagar Rd. S- Agartala Simna Rd. w- Patunagar Gandhlgram Rd. W- Bamutla Agartala Rd.

17. N- RaJ nagar Tehsll office E- Agartala Bamutla Rd. S- BaIja1a Mouja W - Shalbagan Patunagar Rd:

278 Aanezure tD AppendUt - Bowulari_ of Urban Ce__ chaq__ d humeradon Blocb.

We.t Tripura Dtatrict 81n&arbll Ce __ Town

Block No. Block No.

L N- Narayanpur 2. N- Pond E- Road E- Road s- Road S- Road W-Road W-Road

3. N- Kutcha Road 4. N SlngarbU MouJa E- Airport Narslngarh Rd. E-Luunga S Airport S- Airport Quarter w- Lunga W -Airport Road

5. N SlngarbU Narslngarh N- Airport E- Lunga E - l..ankamura S Airport Quarter S l..ankamunl W Airport Road W Banglade!

7. N- Airport Agarlala Rd. N- Drain

E· Road E Drain

S Lankamura S-Alrport Road

W- Llmga W Kuteha Road

9. N Road 10. N Airport Road E- Road E Lunga

S- Airport £VIP R

11. N- Road 12. N - Alanganagar E- Road E- Sinalhani Nabagmrn Rd.

S- Road S Road

W- Airport Road W· Ushaha:t.ar A1angan;~ar Rd. 13. N- Narayanpur Ananganagar Rd. 14. N- Ananganagar UshabaT.ar Rd E- Road E- Road S-Ushabazar 5- Road W- Road W- Road 15. N- P. T. C. Camp 16. N- P_T.C. E- Alanganagar Nabagram School Rd. E-Road 5- AIrport Rd. 5- Narayanpur Road W-Road W-Road 17. N - NaraJngarh 18. N- Road E- Gandhlgann E-Road s- Road S-Road w- Polytechnic InaUtutJon W-Road 279 AIulezur. to Appendfs - Bouadarl.. of Urban C ....WI ch&l'lea aad EnWlleratlon Blocb. Weat Trlpura Dt.trlct BarJala Cena_ ToW'll

1. N- Nabagram Rd. 2. N- Nutannagar Rd. E- Road E- Tantlpara Rd.

s- NarsJngarh _Agartala Rd. S- Airport to Agartala Rd. w- Narslngarh Agartala Rd. w- Nutannagar H. S. School 3. N- Ushabazar 4. N- Gandhlgram Rd. E- Nutannagar Gandhlgram Rd. E- Gandhlgram

S- Brtd~ S- Patunagar Salbagan Rd

W - Dighalia Tantlpara Rd. W- Patunagar Gandhigram Rd.

5. N- Gandhlgram Rd. 6. N-Road E- Road E- Pat unagar School s- Patunagar Oandhlgratn Rd. S- Narsingarh Agartala Rd. W- Patunagar Gandhlgram Rd. W- Road

7. N- Patunagar 8. N- Road E- Kutcha Rd. E- Kutcha Rd. s- Agartaia Narslngarh Rd. S- Panchabatl W- Brick SoUng Rd. W- Chhara 9. N- S. P. T. Bridge 10. N- Salbagan E- Brick SoUng Rd. E- Agartala Slmna Rd.

S- Agartala Narslngarn Rd. S- Narslngarh Agartala Rd. W- Patunagar School w- Road 11. N- Salbagan 12. N- Agartala Narsingarh Rd.

E- Agartala Slrnna Rd. E- Road S- Narstngarh Agartala Rd. S- Road

W- Road W-Chhara

13. N- Indira Saranl 14. N- Airport Rd. E- Uchubagan Market E- BaIjala Rd. S- Road s- Pond W- Road W- Bhubanban Rd.

15. N· Airport Rd. 16. N· North Bhubanban E· Barjala Co-operaUVe E- East Bhubanban S- Madhya Bhubanban S- Bhubanban W- Airport Rd W- Bhubanban Natunnagar Rd. i

280 Block No. Block No.

17. N- Road 18. N- Road E- Road E- BaJjala Rd. S- Paddy Land S- Lunga w- Lankamura W - Madhya Bhubanban H. S. School. 19. N- Pump House 20. N-T.RT.C. E- BaIjala Rd. E· Agartala Baljala Rd_

&- Lurlga S- Barjala High School W- Madhya Bhubanban School. W· T.RT.C.

2l. N- T.RT.C. Workshop 22. N - Barjala High School E- Agartala BaIjala Rd. E- Airport Durgachowmuhanl Road S- Barjala High School S- Road W- Road W· Road

23. N - Barjala High School 24_ N· Pucca Road.

E- ~artala Barjala Rd. E· Agartala Slmna Rd. S· Road S- Chara W·· Road W· Agartala Barjala Rd. 25. N- T.RT.C. Road. 26. N- Narslngarh AgaetaJa Rd. E- Road E- Chara S· Road S· TRTC. Road . . W-Agartala BaIjala Rd. W-Barjala Rd. 27. N- Slmna Rd. 28. N· Road E- Agartala Rd. E· Agartala Simna Rd.

&- Goala BasU S- Kutcha Rd. W- Cham W- Road. 29. N- Road 30. N· MlI u Co-operatIVe E- Agartala Stmna Rd. E· Agartala Stmna Rd. S- Road S- Road W- Road W-Cham

31. N- Road 32. N- T.R T.e. Rd. E- Agarta.la Stmna Rd. E- AgartaJa Slmna Rd. s- T.R T.C. Rd. S· Office Complex w- Cham W· Chara 33. N- TRT.C. Rd. E- AgartaJa Stmna Rd. S- Office Complex W- Cham 281 AIulez\U'e to Appeaclbt - Bouaclarle. of Urbaa Ce.. u. chari;). arul Enumeratloa BlocD_ We.t Trlpura Dl.trlct PrataPlarh Cen._ Town

1. N- Pond 7<#~ N- Harntakhur H. S. School E- Ku tcha Road E- Agartala Anandanagar Rd. S- Pratapgarh Rd. S- Ring Well W-Pratapgarh Bazar W- Kutcha Rd. 3. N- Pratapgarh S. B. School 4. N- Pralapgarh Malaynagar Anandanagar Rd. E- SatsaDgha Ashram E- Kutcha Rd. s- Subash Nagar s- Pratapgarh Dukll Rd. W- Road W-Pratapgarh Anandanagar Rd. 5. N - HoWTah Rlvrr 6. N - Howrah River E- Agartala Anandanagar Rd. E- Pratapgarh Malaynagar Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. S- Rtshl Colony W- River Bangaswar W- River Bangaswar 7. N- Howrah RIver 8. N- Kulcha Rd.

E· Rtshl Colony Agartala Rd. E- Agartala Prapapgarh Rd. S- Rishl Colony Agartala Rd. S- Risht Co)ony Rd. W· Rlshi Colony Agartala Rd. W - Way to Dukll 9. N - Howrah RIver 10. N- Wooden Bridge E- River Hal Nar E- Rtver S- Kutcha Rd. S Pond W- Hanging Bridge W· Jewel Club 11. N- Kutcha Rd. 12. N- Howrah River

E- Bangaswar Chhara E· Kuteha Rd. s.. Bangaswa:- r::hhara s- Kuteha Rd. W- Pond W- satsangha 13. N- Howrah RJver 14. N- Kutcha Rd.

E- Pond E Sadhu Tilla Pratapgarh Rd. S- MaJumder nUa S· Sadhu Tilla Pralapgarh Rd. W- Kutcha Rd. W- Sadhu 11lla Pratapgarh Rd. 15. N- Daspara 16. N· Way to Daspard E- Kutcha Rd. E- Way to Daspara S- Way to Sadhu TUla s- Way to MaJumder 1111a

W- Pratapgarh to ~dhu Tllla Rd. w- Way to Subashnagar 17. N- Pratapgarh Chowmuhanl 18. N· Howrah River E- Road E· Road S- Road S Road W- Subashnagar W- Road

282 ._. ... .ock ... 19. N- Kutcha Rd. 20. N- Kutcha Rd. E- Pucea Rd. E- Pucea Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. S- Pucca Rd. W- Pucca Rd. W- PLaccaRd. 21. N- Road 22. N· Paddy Land E- Road E· Paddy Land S- Road s- Pucea Rd. W-RoBd w- Pucca Rd. 23. N- Paddy Land 24. N- Pucca Rd. E- Paddy Land E- Pucea Rd. S- Pucca Rd. s- Pueea Rd. W- PuccaRd. W- Pollee Reeerve 25. N-Road 26. N- Pucca Rd. E- KablrajUUa J. B. School E- Puce. Rd. S- Pucca Rd. S- Puce. Rd. W- Christian'. Craveyard W- Main Rd.

283 ADD.... to AppeDdJa - BoUDdad.. of UI'baa CeRa... cJaarce. and Enumeration 81oeb. w ..t Tripura Dletrict Baclluaqhat CeRa... ToWll Block No. Block No. 1. N- Jahar Brklge Rd. 2. N- Pond E- MunJclpal Area (Badharghat) E- Jahar Bridge Rd. s- Pond s- Kutcha Rd. W-Camp Bazar W - Paddy Land 3. N- Camp Bazar 4. N- Canel E- Jahar Bridge Rd. E- Pucca Rd. S- Pucea Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. W- Camp Bazar W- Kutcha Rd_ 5. N- Kuteha Rd. 6. N - Howrah River E- Road E- Canel S- Howrah River s- Howrah River W- Howrah RIver W-Kutcha Rd. 7. N- Road 8. N- Pueca Rd. E- Road E- Kutcha Rd. S- Road s- Road W- Road W- Road 9. N- Kutcha Rd. 10. N- Road E- Pucea Rd. E- Kalibart Rd. 50 Camp's Bazar Battala Rd. S- Pucea Rd. W- Kutcha Rd. W- Kutcha Rd. 11. N- Pucca Rd. 12. N- Pucca Rd. E- Pueea Rd. E- Kutcha Rd. S- Road towards A. D. Nagar s- Kutcha Rd. H. S. School W- Agartala Camp's Bazar Rd. W· Road 13. N- Road 14. N - NabaJlban Sangha E- GunJrta TIna E- Pond S- Pond S- Sarbadhararna Mission W- Hairmara T1lla w- Roads towards Bhattapukur 15. N- Research Club Demonstratlol' Finn 16. N- River E- M. B. TIUa E- Agartala Sabroom Rd. S- AnIndhuUnagar Rd. S- Road W- Induatrlal Belt w- RJver

284 Block No. Block No.

17. N- Chowrangee Rd. 18. N- A. D. Nagar Main Rd. E- Pucea Rd. E- Food Go-down Way Rd. S- Pucca Rd. s- Road W-Chowrangee Rd. W- Road 19. N· A. O. Nagar Rd. 20. N- Matrtpalb Rd. E- Vldyaaagar School E· Road S-Road s- A. O. Nagar Main Rd. W- Road W- Pucca Rd. 21. N- Bishalgarh Rd. 22. N- Pucca Rd. E- Road E- Kathalla Rd. S- Road s- Football Cround N- Road W - Blshalgarh Rd. 23. N- Pucca Rd. 24. N- Pucca Rd_ E- Pucea Rd. E- KablraJUlla J. B. School S- Pucea Rd. s- Pucea Rd. W-A. B. Rd. W- Agartala Bishalgarh Rd. 25. N- Pucca Rd. 26. N- Paddy Land E· PuceaRd. E- Badharghat TeshU Rd. s- Ramthakur College S- Chartpara H. S. Rd. w- Pucca Rd. W- Road 27. N- Camp Bazar Rd. 28. N- Beltall Camp Bazar Rd. E- Chartpara School Rd. E- Beltall Chartpara Ii. s. School. s- Chartpara School Rd. S- Chownngee Belabar Rd. w- Chartpara w- Char1para Sachlndra Nlketan Rd. 29. N- Road 30. N- Camp's Bazar E-Road E- Agartala Camp'. Bazar Rd. S- Road S- Well W- Road VI- Road 3l. N- Pucea Road 32. N- Kutcha Rd. E- Road towards Slddhl Ashram E- Agartala Blahalgarh Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. S· Pucea Rd. W- Teahll Kaehart Rd. W· Pucca Rd. 33. N- Charlpara High School 34. N- O.N.C.C. HalIped E- Kutch. Rd. E- O.N.C.C. Bank s- Kutcha Rd. s- Chartpara Rd. w· Kutcha Rd. w- School Boarding

285 Block No. Block No. 35. N- Pucca Rd. 36. N- Cremation Ground

E- ~ BJahalgarh Rd. E- Agartabl ~ All. s- Canel S- Skldhl Ashram Rd. w- PuccaRd. w- Raad. 37. N- Pucca Rd. 38. N- Panchan'iukhi E- Kutcha Rd. E- P. W. D. Store s- Lunga S- Pucca Rd. W - Charlpara XII School w- O.N.G.C. Haliped 39. N- Road 40. N- O.N.C.C. Haliped E- Kutcha Rd. E-O.N.C.C. S- Kutcha Rd. s- Chartpara Rd. W-Kutcha Rd_ W - School Boarding 41. N- Blshalgarh AgartaJa Rd. 42. N- Pucca Rd. E- Road E- Agartala Udaipur Rd. S- Chartpara Rd. S-Road W- PanchamukhJ w- Chartpara. 43. N- Road 44. N- Road E- Road E- Road S- Kutcha IU:I. S- Road W - PuCcB Rd. W- Road 45. N- Slnghamura Rd. 46. N-Lunga E- Agartala Bishalgarh Rd .• E- Agartala Bishalgarh Rd. s- Hapania Madhyapara. S- Road W- Pond w- Lunga 47. N- Lunga 48. N- Lunga E- Agartala Blshalgarh Rd. E- Haparua Bazar s- Hapanla Market Rd. s- Kuswnbart Rd. W- Road W-Lunga 49. N-Slnghamura Daspara Rd. 50. N- Dukl1 KathaJtall Rd. E- Agartala WabaJgarh Rd. E-Do. s- Road S- TakarjaJa Rd. W- Road W- Agartala Udaipur Rd. 5!. N- Duldl Nadhuban Ad. 52. N-Road E- DuUdl Kathalla Rd. E-I..ungia S- SIddhi Aahram Bazar. S- TaIuujaIa Rd. 'W- AgjIu1aIa Blebalgarb Rd. w- Bl8balprb Rd.

286 Block Ro. Block JIo. 53. N- Kutcha Rd. 54. N- Kutcha Rd. E- Badharghat KathaJtaH Rd. E- KathaJtaU Rd. s- Kutcha Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. w- Lunga w- Lunga 55. N- Kutcha Rd. 56. N- kutcah Rd. E- Pucea Rd. E- TakaJjala Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. s- Dukll W-I..ungia W- Badharghat Kathaltall Rd. 57. N- Kutcha Rd. 56. N- Slddh. Aahram Kathaltall Rd. E- Badharghat Kathaltall Rd. E- Road s- Pucca Rd. s- Br1dge W- Takarjala Rd. w- Agartala Blahalgarb Rd. 59. N· Siddhl Ashram KhataltaJt Rd. 60. N - KathaltaJi Rd. E- Badharghat HIgh School E· KathaitaU Rd. S- Paddy Land s- O. N. G. C. Rd. W -Agartala Blshalgarh Rd. W· Blahalgarh Rd. 61. N- O. N.C. C. 62. N- O. N. C. C. Rd. E- Taka.ljala Rd. E· TakaJjaIa Rd. s- Lunga S- Road w- Blshalgarh Rd. w- BlshaJgarh Rd. 63. N- Lubga 64. N- O. N. G. C. Rd. E- Takarja1a Rd. E- Siddhl Ashram Takal'jaJa Rd. s- O. N. C. C. Rd. S- SodaJ School W - Blshalgarh Rd. W - Biabalgarh Rd. 65. N- AmtaU Ramkrtahan MlaalOn Rd. 66. N- Jute MUI Rd. E- Roy Colony E- Roy Colony Jute MUI Rd. s- Lunga S- Roy Colony Jute MUl Rd. w- Lunga W· Roy Colony P. L. Home Rd. 67. N- School Field 68. N- Kutcha Rd. E- Road to Central School E· Road s- Market S- Kathaba Rd. W- 818ha1garh Agartala Rd. W·Ro;ad 69. N 8lshalgarh Kathalm Rd. 70. N- C~ntra1 Warehou_ E· AgartaJa 8lshal6turh Md. E· Pu("("a Rd. s- Road S- Adarsha Para W - Pm·('. Md. W -~artala Blshalgarh Rd.

287 ADDez1InI to AppeDdJ.K - Bounclarlea of Urb.. C ...ua ~hara.... eI ItDUDlcratloD Bloch. w•• t Trip.... Dl8trlct BoaamUl'll KotUl.eI An. Block Ko. Block Ko. 1. N- Block No.2 2. N- N. C. Nagar E- GornaU River E- Block No. 3

s- Gornall RIver S- Block No. 1 w- Road W- N. C. Nagar 3. N- Road 4. N- Road E- Block No. 4 E- Block No. 12 S- Block No. 1 S Gornatl RIver W-Block No.2 W- Block No.3 5. N- Road 6. N- Road E- Block No. 2 E- Block No. 2

S- GornaU RIver S- Bl()(~k No. 5

W- N. C. Nagar. W- N. C. Nagar. 7. N- Aralia 8. N- Sonamura P.H.C. E- Sonamura P.H.C E- Block No. 10 S- Block No. 6 S- Block No. 3 W- Road w- Road 9. N- Aralia 10. N- Kh('dabaI1 Part E- Block No. 12 E- Block No. 13 S- Block No. 11 S· Block No. 12 W- Block No.8 W- Block No.9 11. N - Aralia Part 12. N- Block No. 10 & 11 E- Road E- Block No.4 5- Road 5- GomaU RIver

W- Road W- Brock No. 13 13. N- Khedabarl Part 14. N- Block No. 12 E- Block No. 12 E- Gomatl River 5- Block No. 14 S- GomaU River

W- GornaU RI~r W- Block No. 15 15. N- Block No. 13 E- Block No. 14 S- GornaU RIver W- CornaU River

288 .ADD...... to Appeadbr • BoUlUlarlee of Urban c._. oIauI- uuI aa...... tI_ 8loab. w.. t Tripara Dlatrlot ACartala llualclpaUtT

Block No. Block No.

1. N- Pucca Rd. 2. N- Kata Y.haI E- Pucca Rd. E- Santoeh Smr1tl BaJoar1 Schoo! S- Rd. No. 10 50 Ramnagar Rd. No. 11 W- Pucca Rd. w· Ro.d 3. N- Ramnagar Rd. No. 12 4. N- Ramnapr Rd. No. 10 E- Embankment E- Durga Chawmuhani BIujaIa Rd. S- Rarnnagar Rd. No. 9 s- Ramnagar Rd. No. 8 W·Road W - Croe.'ng Rd(Ramnagar Rd. No. 9 & HI 5. N- Rd. No. 10 6. N· Ramnagar Rd. No.9 E· Road E- Road S- Rd. No.9 S- Ramnagar Rd. No. 8 W- Crossing Rd. Ramnagar + 10 w- D. P. S. Saran! 7: N- Rd. No. 10 8. N- Croulng Rd. E- Rd. No. 9 & 10 Crossing E- Embankment S-Rd.No.8 S- Vtvekananda PaW W·· Pucca Rd. W- Ramnagar Rd. No.7 9. N- Rd. No. 8 10. N- Trenclng Ground Rd. E- Crossing E- Ramnagar Rd. No. 7 S- Rd. No.7 S- Road W- Akhaura Rd. W- Ramnagar Rd. No. 8

11. N- Rd. No. 7 12. N- Ramnagar Rd. No. 8 E- Crossing E- Road S-Rd.No.8 S- Ramnagar Rd. No. 7 W- Crossing w- Road 13. N- Ramnagar Rd. No.6 14. N· Ramnagar Rd. No.6 E- First Crossing E- FIre·Servlce Durga Chowmuhanl Rd. S- Ramnagar Rd. No. 4 S- Ramnagar Rd. No. 4 W- Second Crossing W - Croeslng No. 1

289 Block No. Block No. 15. N - Ramnagar Rd. No. 6 16. N- Ramnagar Rd. No.6

E- 2nd crossing E- Ramnagar Crossing No. ~ 5- Ramnagar Rd. No.4 5- Ramnagar Rd. No.4 W - 3rd crossing (west) W - Ramnagar West Road. 17. N- Ramnagar Rd. No.4 18. N- Ramnagar Rd. No.4 E- Ramnagar Crossing No. 3 E- Ramnagar Crossing Rd. No.2 (East) 5- Ramnagar Rd. No. 2 5- Ramnagar Rd. No.2 W- RarnnagarWest Rd. W- Ramnagar Crossing No. 3 (west) 19. N- Rarnnagar Rd. No.4 20. N- Ramnagar Rd. No.4 E- Ramnagar Crossing Rd. No. E- Trenching Ground Rd. 5- Ramnagar Rd. No.2 5- Ramnagar Rd. !'i0. 2 W - Ramnagar Crossing Rd. No. 2 W- Ramnagar Crossing Rd. No.1 21. N- Road 22. N- Road E- Road E- Road 5- Road s- Road W- Road W- Road 23. N - Ramnagar Rd. No. 2 24. N - Ramnagar Rd. No. 1 E- Rarnnagar Crossing Rd. No. 1&2 E- Rarnnagar Crossing Rd. No.1 5- Ramnagar Rd. No. 1 s- Akhaura Rd. W - West Ramnagar Rd. W- RamnagarWest Rd. 25. N- Akhowra Rd. 26. N- Akhaura Rd. E- Manlndra Ch. Rd. E· Battala Durga Chow Rd. s- Katakhal s· Katakhal W- Akhowra Dasamlghat Rd. W- Pucca Rd. 27. N- Battala Durga Chow Rd. 28 N- Katakhal E- Joynagar Madhya Rastha E- Tank of JubasamaJ S- Joynagar Charka Sangha Rd. S- Madhya Joynagar Rd. W- Pucca Rd. W- Charka Sangha Rd. 29. N- Canel 30. N- Joynagar Madhya Rastha E- Charka Sangha Rd. E- Charka Sangha Rd. 5- JOynagar Madhya Rastha 5- Battala Dasamlghat Rd. W- Akhaura Dasamlghat Rd. W- Akhaura Dasarnighat Rd. 31- N - Joynagar Madhya Rastha 32. N- Joynagar Madhya Rastha E- Joynagar Lane No.2 E- Battala Rd. 50 Har1ganga.Basak Rd. 50 ~anga Basak Rd. W - Joynagar Lane No. ~ W- Joynagar Lane No.2

290 ...... 33. N- H8rtganga BaAk Rd. M. N- Hartpnp a..k RIt. E- BattaJa Eo Bau.Ja MartDet Rd. S· Embankment S-Ema.nluneDt W- Market Rd. W- VMkaMnda-Rill. 35. N- HarIganga Buak Rd. 38. N- Cbatir Bat Ad. E- Battaia Rd. E- VIYekanan.da Rd. S- Embankment S- EmbuIanent W- Vtvekananda Rd. W- DMamaghat 37. N- tiartgan3a Buak Rd. 38. N. Katakhal E- Vtvekananda Rd. E- Cantonment Ad. S- Pucca Rd. &- PragaU Rd. W-Embankment W-T.O. Rd. 39. N- Pragatf Rd. 40. N- Pucca Rd. E- Road E- Pucca Rd. S- Pucca Rd. S- PuceaRd. W-T.G. Rd. W- Pucca Rd. 4l. N- Pragatf Rd. 42. N-Road E- BlJOYkumar PragaU Rd. E- Road S- PuccaRd. N-Road

W- CeOSWl Oftlce·· PragaU Rd. W- Road 43. N- PragaU Rd. 44. N- PraaaU Rd. E· Road E- Prataproy Rd. s- Kr1shnanagar Nutanpallt Rd. S- KJ1ahnanapr NutanpaIU Ad \\'- PragaU BIJoY Kr. Chow. Rd. W- Road 45. N- Katakhal Dam -46. N- PragaU Rd. E- Radhanagar Rd. E- Pragatl School Cantonment Rd. S- PragaU Rd. s- Katakhal Rd. W- Pucca Rd. W-Road 41. - N· PfalaU Rd. 48. N· PragaU Rd. E- Kutc:ha Rd. E·Road 8- Kutcha Rd. S- Road W-Kutcba,Rd. W- Road 49. N- Pucca Rd. 50. N·Road It- Puc:Ca Rd. E- Huadhan San&ha Rd. $·p,aputw. s- Road w- -Haradhan Sangha Rd. W- Road

~UH BIooII: ... 8Iook Be. 51. N- Suprdbepa 5:. N- CoJooeI CbOIw. Rd. E- Haradhan Sangha E- Colonel Chow. Rd. , s- Colonel Chowmuhani s- Bljoy Kunuu' School Rd. w- SUpartbegan W- AdvIaer Chow. Rd. 58. N- Krlahnanagar PalJ1 Rd. 54. N-Road E- AdvWer Cbowmuluml E-Road s- KNhnanapr Main Rd. S- Road W-RGad W-Raad 55. N- Krtahnanagar to Cenaua Oftke 56. N- Krtahnanapr Rd. E- KrIahnanapr NatunpaDI Rd. E- PragaU Rd. s- BlJoYkumar Chow. to Sankllr Chow. Rd. s- B. K. Rd. W-T. O. Road W- S. T. Rd. 57. N- Bljoykumar Chow. to Sank.ar Chow. Rd. 58. N- Road E- H. T. Rd. E- Old Kallbari Lane 5- Old KalJbarI Lane s- Takhur Palll Rd. W-T.O.Rd. W-T.O. Rd. 59. N- Old KaI1bar1 Lane 60. N- Takhur Palll Rd. E-Road E- Ker Chowmuhanl Road s- Takhur PallI Rd. s- Old KalIbar1 Lane W- Old KalIbar1 Lane W- Hartah Takhur Rd. 61. N- Old Kallbarl Lane 62. N- Old Kallbari Lane

E- Road E-~rChow.toKa&un~ s- Takhur JIaUI Rd; s- Tllkhur PalU Rd. W- Harlah Takhur Rd. W-RDad 63. N- Bljoy' Kumar Chow. to Ad\1eer Chow. 64. N- Kallbarl Rd. (Extn.) E- Road E- Banet:Jee Para Rd. 5- Old KallbarllAl'Me S- Thakur Palb Rd. W- Harlah Takhur Rd. W·Road 65. N- KalIbari Rd. (Exta.l 66. N- Advtaer Chow. to Colonel Chow. Rd. _ E-Road E- Jaganatb 8arl ReI. 5- Thakur PaUl Rd. s- 'Ibakur PrilJl1t4. W- Kadamtall Rd. W· Baneljee Para lid. frI. N- Advt8er Chow. to CaIaIw:l Chow. Rd. 88• N-Road .E- Baneljee Para Rd.' 50 RaId ,c ' , . :'_ W- KacJamtdAdvtMr,<;bow' Rd. ::=W·RDad ...... BIookBo. 88. N- omce guaw ~ 70. N~'l'baIwr.PdI Ad;

Ie- Hoeptta1 Rd. E·~ s- BaDyganJ Rd. s- Alcbaura Rd. to Old .Mantel W-T.O. Rd. W- Hoepltal ktJa. Rd. 71. N· Kadamtala Rid. 72. N· Akhaura Rd. s- Akhaura Rd. s- ffarICan&a Buak Ad. E· Jagannatb Barf Rd. E· Mantrtbari ad. W-Road w- V. M. HoepttaJ Rd. 73. N- Akhaura Rd. 74. N- Oftlc:e Lane

s- ~ Buak. Rd. s- ~ BuaII: Rd. E-Road E· Road w- RonaIdaay Rd. w- RonaIdMy Rd.

75. N·~BuakRd. 78. N- ~ 8MaIt Rd. s- Road s- OandhIghat Rd. E-Lane E- oaW Path w- Road W· Lane 77. N- Oftlce Lane 78. N- fiau1Ianga BaNk Rd. s- GancUughat Rd. S· Oandhlghat Rd. E· HoepltaJ Rd. E-Drain

W- Road w- Gandhtgbat Rd. a ~ Chowmuhant CI"OMIng Rd. 19. N-Road so. N- Gangall Rd. s·· Road S- Embankment Howrah River E-Road E· Mantrtbart Rd. Extn, W- Road w- Road 81. N·Roa.d 82. N- Howrah RJver Embankment 50 Ramkrtalma Rd. s- Oandhtghat Rd. E· Howrah RJver Embankment E- V. M. Hoepltal Extn. W - Gandhtghat .. Rd. w- Aahram Rd. 83. N· Gandbtghat Rd. Enn. 84. N- Gandh.... t Extn. Rd. s- Howrah RIver Embankment s- Howrah RIver Embankment .< £. V. M.. HoItpltal Extn. Rd. It· V. M. Hoepltal Extn. Rd. , . w- ,...t IWlge Office W· &Jock No. 83 85. . N·~Bea1Rd. 86. . N· Akbaura Rd. s- Motontand Rd. s- Hart a..,. Buak Rd. . E- ...... tU litd. £. SUuntaJa Rd . W· Old J.-..nnath Rd. W· KantJ1bart Rd.

293 ...... 87. N- Akbaunh Rd. 88. N- Hart o.awa .... Rd. s- Hart auaa Buak Rd. s- PietaJI Sua..h Rd. E- Central Rd. E- Extn. Sakuntala Rd. w- Sakuntala Rd. W- Mantrtbart Rd. 89. N- NetaJl SUbuh Rd. 90. N- Marl Ganga Buak.Rd. s- Old GangaIl Rd. S- Netajl Subuh Rd. E- Central Rd. Extn. E- Central Rd. W- Mantrlbarl Rd. w- SuryaRd. 91. N- Motor Stand Rd. 92. N· ShanU Para s- ....jJdRd. s- MasJId Rd. E- Ghoeh PatU Rd. E- Central Rd.

W-Road W- Sh~UPara 93. N- Road (Shlpra Store.) 94. N- Shantl Para Tank s- 0angaII Rd. S- N. S. Rd. E- Maharaj Gunja Bazar Rd. E- Shant! Para Rd. w- Central Rd. (Extn.) w- ShanU Para Rd. 95. N- Motor stand 96. N - Ananta Blplabl SaranI s- NetaJl Subaah Rd. S- Shant! Para Tank E- Chitta Ranjan Rd. E- Chitta Ranjan Rd. + Thana Rd.

w- ShanU Para w - Kuhar! Patti ~ Ghosh Patti 97. N- LaxmI Narayan Bart Rd. 98. N- Laxminarayan Bart Rd. 50 Ananta Blplabl Saranl Rd. 50 Ananta Blplabl SaranJ Rd. E-Thana Rd.· E- Road w- K.uarI Patty to Laxmlnarayan Bart Rd. w- Central Rd. 99. N- Praaatl to Lake Chowmuhanl Rd. 100. N- Katakhal S- Haradhan Sangha to North Gate 50Aatabal E- Kunjaban Rd. E- Abhoynagar Rd. w- Haradhan 5angha Chow. to Lake Chow W- KunJaban Rd. 101. N- Aatabal Rd. 102. N- Ann Krishna saranl S- Bodgoql ChowmuhlUli S- Road E- B. It Rd. E- North oate to Bidhan Sabha Ad. w- Kunjabul Rd. W - Haradhan Sangha 'to Colonel ~how. Ret 103. N- Mtabal Rd. 104. N- Colonel Chow. Rd. 50 Town Hall S-~Bu1Rd. E· B.lt Rd. E-Road W·RQad W-Road

294 ...... BIooIt ... lOS. H- Bktban Sabba 108. N- Power HouM Rd.

s- I.axmInarayan Bart Rd. s-~ButRd. It- B. K. Rd. E- ThaoaRd. W- J.,annath Sari to Sakuntala Rd. W- B. K. Rd. i07. N- (BudbJWIg DIghI) JaJI Ashram Rd. 108. N-JbMI s- LaxmJnarayan Barl Rd. s- I.axmInarayan Bart Rd. E-Road E- GaW Path W-ThanaRd. W-ThanaRd. 109. N- Power HoUIIC Rd. 110. N- Boy'a BudhJUDC H. S. School s- LaxmInarayan Bart Rd. s- B.,aJRd. E-JaJI Rd. E-Thana Rd. W- Road W- 8. K. Rd. 111. N-Road 112. N-Road S-Jall Rd. s- Road E- Olrl'. H. S. School E-Road W- Old Thana Rd. W -Rt.d 113. N- New BudhJUDg Rd. 114. N- New BudbJung Rd. S-JaJI Rd. s- Lane E- Central Jail E-ROIId W- West Bank. of BodgonJ Rd. W-1banaRd. 115. N- New BudhJung Rd. 116. N- BudbJung Rd. s- Road S- Road E- We.t aide of JaJI E-lbana Rd. W-RDad w- Pond 117. N- South aide of Embankment of Katakhal 118. N- Embankment s- New BuclhJUDC Rd. E- Dhalenar Rd. No. 3 E-Road S- Town Indranacar Dam W-1haaaRd., w- 10wn Inc:Iranqar Dam 119. N- North BmbanJanent 120. N- DbaIeawar Rd. No. 3 It- Embankment to JaJI E- Kutcha Rd. s- DhaIenrw Rd. No. 3 S- Kutcha Rd. w- 8rk:k ,Rd. W- Jatl Rd ~t to north embankment 121. H- m...... Rd. No. 3 122. N- Bride ReS. &-18MI'1adI:anacar Jail Ad. It- Ra8d • tlridl:M· s- QntraJ Jail Rd • W~4IIIRIt w- Ro.d

295 Block Jlo. IIlocIr. Jlo. 123. N- Road 124. N- Budhjung Rd. E- Electric Omce (Power) 't-Road S- Power Houae Rd. S-Road W- B.1t Rd. W- Women'. CoUege Rd. 125. N- JaJI Ashram ReI. 126. N- Aeam Agartala Rd. E-Road It- JaJI Aahram Rd. s- A8am AgartaIa Rd. S- Ashram Rd. W-JaJlRd. w- N!ad Hindu Rd. 127. N- Jan Ashram Rd. 128. N- Soctal Centre E- Azad HIndu Rd. E-Road S- Pond s- Allam Agartala Rd. W- Pucca Rd. W- Road 129. N- Road 130. N- Jail Ashram Rd. E- Old Azad Hindu Rd. E- Road s- A8am Agartala Rd. s- Asam Agartala Rd. W - Kutcha Rd. w- Road 131. N- Jail Ashram Rd. 132. N- Jail Ashram Rd. E-Lane E- Jail Ashram Rd. s- Allam Agartala Rd. s- Asam Agartala Rd. W-Lane W-Road 133. N- Road 134. N - Asam Agartala Rd. E- Pond E- Embankment SOW. S. Rd. S- Road W- Road w- Road 135. N- Asam AgartaJa Rd. 136. N- Asam Agartala Rd. E- Embankment E- Dhaleswar Rd. S- Water Supply Rd. S- Water Supply Rd. W- A O. C. 'to Water Supply w- Kalyani Rd. 137. N- Asam AgartaJa Rd. 138. N - Asam Agartaia Rd. E- Kalyani Water Supply Rd. E-Dh~swar~ S- Water Supply Rd. S-Shl~Rd. ,'\. .. \; . ~t. W- School Rd. w- rihaleswar~. 'I: 139. N- Aaam Agartala Rd. l,.O. ,Nd_m.AprtaJa M­ It- R. Q. Hath saranl E- Jo,tOUNlW; S-~Rd. ~}~ ~~..d. wat~r SUPPIt w- ~,PuJwr RcL· . "

296, Block No. Block No. 141. N- Asaro Agartala Rd. 142. N- Aaam Agartala Rd. S- Water Supply Rd. s- Shtbnapr Rd. E- Karnar Pukur Rd. E- Druue.wa.r Rd. W- Road W- College Road 143. N- Water Supply Rd. 144. N- eou. Road S- CoUege Road S- Water Supply Rd. E-SubWay E- Shibnagar Rd.

W - Shlbnagar Rd. W-~ 145. N- Water Supply Rd. 146. N- Water Supply Ad. S- Shlbnagar Rd. S- Shlbnagar Rd. E- Sarat Pam Rd. E-Road w- Road W - Sarat PaW Rd. 147. N- Water Supply Rd. 148. N- Water Supply Rd. to Shlbnagar Rd. S- Shlbnagar Rd. S- Je>gendranagar Rd. E- Water aide of Govt. Quarter E- Howrah RIver W- Shibnagar Rd. to Water Supply Rd. W- Eut .kle of Science Block. CoUege Rd. " Unlvenlty Hall. 149. N- M. B. B. College Rd. 150. N· Brick Rd. S- Je>gendranagar Rd. S- KalIkapur Rd. E- College Rd. E- Ganga1I Rd. W- Gandhi School Rd. W-Katakhal 15!. N- Katakhal 152. N-Road s- Katakhal S-Road E- Gangail·Rd. E- Road W- Kal1kapur J. B. School w- Road 153. N-Road 154. N- GaUl Rd. s- Akhawa Road s- Akhaura Road E- Raftanaear Rd. No. 4 E- KaIlkapur Rd. W- BangIade8h W-~

155. ~- Katakbal 156. N-Road 50 Bt1cik Rd. s- GangaII Rd. E- GaItgaII Rd. E· OabPath w- Boarder Rd. W-Rcad U51., ." !t- ~ F'II:kl ' 158. N- Kutcfla Rd. S- RaiIIiiI ... I. s- Road towarcIa lCalUrapur E-~ w-·E-=::t . Rd. w-

297 Block Jlo. Block Jlo. 159. N- Road 160. N- Road S- Ramnagar Rd. No.4 S- Road

E- Ramnagar Weat Rd. E- Ramnag~ West Rd. W- Gangad Rd. W - Ganga1I Rd. 181. N- Ramnagar Rd. No: 4 Extn. 162. N- Ramnagar Rd. No. 4 50 Akhaura R.:I. 50 Akhaura Rd. E- Ramnagar Rd. E- Ramnagar Weat Rd. W- Kutcha Rd. w- Road 183. N- Ramnagar Rd. No.4 Extn .. 164. N- Akhaura Rd. 50 Akhaura Rd. s- Road E- Kutcha Rd. towards Ramnagar Rd. No.4 Extn. E- Road W- Gangail Rd. W - Bangaladesh Border 165. N- _\khaura Rd. 166. N- Kalapant Khal s- Pond s- Akhaura Rd. E- Pond E- Brick FIeld Rd. W- Road W-Road 187. N- Akhaura Rd. 168. N- Village Rd. S- RaJnagar Kutcha'Rd. , S- Road E- Kutcha Rd. E- VUlage Rd. W- Akhaura Rd. W- Road 189. N- Embankment 170. N- Howrah Embankment s- Road S- Howrah RIver E- Puc:ca Rd. (Panchayat Area) E- Howrah Embankment W- Pucca Rd. W- Bangladesh 171. N- Howrah RIver 172. N- Towards Upendra Vidya Bhavan Rd. S- Embankment s- Embankment Rd. E- Blahalgarh Block AIft E- Howrah IU\ler W- Road ' N- Upendra Vldya Bhavan Rd. 173. N- Towards Upendra VIdya Bhawn Rd. 174. N- A1chaura Rd. s- Towarda Embankment S- ,Rd. to Upendra VIdya." E- Howrah River E- Rd. to Upendra VIdya',~ VI- rowarda Upendta Vidya Bbavan Rd. W- Road 175. N- Akhaura Rd. 176. N- Allbaura Rd." 50 Upendra Sc:hooI, Rd. S- Upendra VIdyf R~~ Rd., E-.J~'" t ' E- DMamI Ohat 'Ra"'7to~ur:a Rd. W-ROad W-~ • IIlook ... BIocIE 110.

In. N- Upendra Vldya Bhavan Rd. 178. N-Noad S- Kutcha Rd. . S- Embankment E- Akhaura Rd. to DasamI Ghat Rd. E- DuamI Ghat to Embankment Rd. w- Kutcha Rd. w- U~ Vldyabhaftn Rd.

179. N- Howrah RIver 180. N- Pond E- Road E- Hownh RtYer s- Road S- Road w- BattaJa Bishalgarh Rd. W-1'r1pura Orambl Bank

181. N· Road 182. N· Howrah RIver E· Vlvekananda Bldyamandlr Rd. E-Road S- Road S· VJvekananda Bldyamandtr w- Agartala Blshalgarh Rd. w- Road

183. N- Lane Vlvekananda Bldyamandlr 184. N- Lane Vlvekananda Bklyamandlr E- Road E· Pratapgarh Rd. S- Lane S- Lane near Vlawa VUlage W - Pratapgarh Rd. w- Pratapgarh Rd.

185. N- Lane near Blswas Village 186. N· Road near Oovt. Pre_ E- Pucca Rd. E·Lane S- Road towards Police Reserve S- Police ~lM!rve W- Pucar Rd. w- AgartaIa Btahalgarh Rd.

187. N- Road near 1'r1bal Rest House E- road towards Dela S- Road near Oovt. Pre88 W- Agartala BIsh~ Rd.

188. N-Road 189. N- Road towarda Pratapgarh E-Road E- PuttaRd. S- Agartala 8lahalgarh Rd. S- Rd. near TrIbal Reat Houlle. W- Road towarde Defa. W· .Agartala 8iIthaIgarb Rd.

190. N· Pucc:a Rd. 191. N· sudarpuJwr Rd. E- B1ahaJgarh Rd. E- AgartaIa BIahaIgarb Rd. s- Pucca Rd. s- MJIan Rei. W- Puc:ca Rd. W- Sardarpu= Ad.

192. N. santarpukur Rd. 193. N- Howrab RMr E-Bla~Rd. E·RoId s-. ReI. toWarda Blibalgarb Rd. s- Road W-s. Road W-Road

194. N- Pucca Rd. 195. N- Manh ( Ja1a Bhuml) s- Baabalgarh Rd. s.. Road ...... SadhO Sangha. 8- PuceaRd. s- Rd. towarct. ssr!~' W- IWtcba Rd. W- Manb (.,... mi'

299 Block Ko. Block Ko. 196. N- Rd. townie BapUJI Bldyamandlr. 197. N· BapuJI Rd. E- Sardarpukur Rd. E- Rd. towards Saradpukur par.

50 Unnayan ~ Rd. 5- Udayan Sangha Rd. W- Pucca Rd. W - Subaahpall1 Rd.

198. N- Rd. towrda Bapujl Bl~dlr. 199. N· Blehalgarh Rd.

E- Sardarp~ur Rd. E- Road 50 Rd. towrda MUan Sangha s- Subashpalll Rd. W- PuccaRd. W· subashpal11 Rd. 200. N- Rd. towards BapuJl Bldyamandlr. 201. N- T. Rd. E-Lane E- Road 5- Rd. towrda MUan Sangha S· Bishalgarh Rd.

w- Kutcha Rd. W-, Kutcha Rd. 202. N- T. Rd. 203. N- Pucca Rd. E-Tank E· T. Rd. S- B. Rd. s- BapuJI Rd. W- B. Rd. W- Nlbedlta Rd. 204. N- Pucca Rd. 205. N- MUan Sangha Rd. E- Pucea Rd. E- Agartala-Blshalgarh

5- BaPUJI Bt~dlr Rd. 5- Water pump W· Camp's Bazar Rd. W- Kutcha Rd. 206. N· Rd. towards Unnayan Sangha 207. N· Agartala Municipality E· Kutcha Rd. E· Pucca Rd. 50 Milan Sangha Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. W- Panchayat Rd. W- Jahar Br1dge-- Camp's Bazar Rd. 208. N- Kutcha Rd. 209. N- Middle Badharghat Rd. E- Pucea Rd. E- Agartala-Bl&halgarh Rd. S· Pucca Rd. S· Police 1Tatntng Ground Rd. W- PuccaRd. W· Road. 210. N· Road 211. N- UlUl.aJiUl Sftngha E- Agartala-BlshaJgarh Rd. E- Agartala- Odaipur Rd. ' 5- Police Tratning Ground Rd. 5- A. O. Nagar Rt:f. W-·f!oIk:e'lbdn1Ag Gnund Rd. W- MIHton. 212. N- Pucca Rd. . .. 213. N· ·Road E- Agartala-BIahaIgIlm Rd. E-·'Pucca Ad; 50 Beltall Rd. S-~ W- Rd. No. 1 W-Jad...

~oo IIlook II•. Block M•• 214. N- Kutcha Rd. 215. N- Pucca Rd. E- Agartala- Udaipur Rd. E- Pucea Rd. 5- Ashram Rd. 5- Pucca Rd. w- Bagan Bart Rd. w- Pucea "Rd. 216. N- Road 217. N- Arablnda Sangha E- Road E- Mtsaion s- Road 5- A. D. Nagar Rd. W· Road W- Pucca Rd. 218. N- A. D. Nagar Rd. No. I 219. N- A. D. Nagar Rd. No.1 E- Drop Oate Bdtall Rd. E- Drop Oate Beltall Rd. s- A. D. Nagar Rd. No.2 s- A. D. Nagar .Rd. No. 3 w- A. D. Nagar Rd. No.2 W- A. D. Nagar Rd. No. 1 221. N- Pucca Rd. 222. N·Rd. No.9 E· A. D. Nagar Rd. No. 3 E-Rd. No. 7 S- A. D. Nagar to Drop Oate. S- Drop Oate. to BaltalJ Rd. W- Rd. no. 5 W- Rd. no. 9 223. N- Road 224. N- Road E- Rd. No.2 E-Rd. No. 2 S- Road 5- Embankment Rd. W- Road W- Road 225. N-Road 226. N- PrachyabharaU Rd. E- Rd. No.1 E- Rd. No. 16 S- Rd. No. 16 S- JalJ Aehram Rd. w- Rd. No.2 W - Eaat Jad Rd. 227. N- Road 228. N-Dam E- ·Rd. No. 16 E- Rd_ No_ 7 5- Jail Ashram Rd. S-JaU Rd. W- .Rd. towords Prachyabharatl School w- Rd. No.1 229. N-Bandh 230. N-Bandh E-Rd.No.7 E- Debendra Rd. S- Jati Rd. S- Rd. No. 14 W- Rd. No.1 W- Rd. No. 7 N- Rd. No. 11 231. N- Rd. No. 14 232. E- Debendra .M. E- 8/9 Kutcha Rd. S- Rd. No•. 16 s- Jan Ashram'Rd. VI- Rd. No. '1 W- Rd. No.1

3'01 Block 110. Bl.,q No. 233. N- Rd. No. 18 234. N- Rd. No. 18 It- Rd. No. 8/9 It- Debendra Rd. S- Rd. No, 11 s- Jan Ashram Rd. w- Rd. No.7 W- 8/9 No. Rd. 235. N-Bandh 236. N- Road It- Rd. No. 11 It- Road 50 A8am AgattaIa Rd. s- Road

",~ W- Debendra Rd. w- Road 237. N- Road 238. N- Aasam Agartala Rd. It- Mlealon It- Kbayerpur MaoJa 50 Aaam Agarta1a Rd. 50 Howrah RIver W- Rd. No. 11 W- Chandrapur Bandh 239. N- Chandrapur Bandh . 240. N- BuddhamandJr Abhaynagar Rd. It- Brtck Rd. E- Pucca Rd. s- RIver S- Road W - Embanlanent. W- Airport Rd. 241. N- Pucca Rd. 242. N- Abhaynagar Rd. E- Kathakhal E- Kutcha Rd. S- AIrport Rd. 50 B. O. C. Rd. W - Abhaynapr Hindi School W- Buddhamandlr Rd. 243. N- BuddhamandJr Abhaynagar Rd. 244. N- Buddhamandlr Rd. E- Abhaynagar Bazar Rd. E- Abhaynagar Rd. S- Road S- Kutcha Rd. W- Road W- Abhaynagar B. O. C. Rd. 245. N- Pucca Rd. 246. N- Road E- Abbaynagar Rd. E- AbhajDagar O. 8. Hospital Rd. S- Abhaynagar Buddhiamandlr Rd. s- Buddhamandir Rd. W - AIrport Rd. w- AIrport Rd. 247. N-Road 248. N-Road It- Road It-Road s- Road s- Lake W-Rgad W- Road 249. N-O.& Rd. 250. N-Puc~,:t It-P:a:.l. E- P\ac:e&. S-P. JbMt 5-.Kutc:ba Hi W.~Rd. W- KutchaRi

, i,'802 -.ok II•• Bleck 110. 251. fo{. Pucca Rd. 252. N· Pucca Rd. E- Abhaynagar School E· Abhaynapr S. B.. Sc:hool

s- Pucea Rd. 5- Vatenary ~d W· Pucca Rd. W· KunJaban Rd. 253. N- Kutcha Rd. 254. N- Road E· Kutcha Rd. E-cane1 5- Kutcha Rd. S- PuceaRd. W· Abhaynagar S. B. Rd. W- S. 8. Katakhal Rd. 255. N· Abhaynagar S. B. Rd. 256. N- Pucca Rd. E· Road E- Katakhal s- Motorstand Rd. S- Katakhal W- Abhoynagar S. B. Rd. w-o. B.Rd. 257. N· Road 258. N· Road E- Road E- Katakhal 5- Road s- Katakhal w- Road w- Abhaynagar Rd. lO. B. Rd. ) 259. N· Army Cantonment 260. N- Pucea Rd. ( O. B. Bazar) s- G. B. Rd. S-O.B.Rd. E- KunJaban Township School E-O.B.:Rd. W· Army Cantonment. w· guanu'& Rd. 261. N· Army Camp Rd. 262. N· Pucca Rd. s- O. B. Bazar S· Nandannagar Rd. E- Pancbayat Area. E· Bay'. Hoetel W-Road W- O. B. Iio&pltaJ 263. N-Road 264. N- Army camp s- Quarter. ,.Rd. S- Nandannagar Rd. E- Puc:ca Rd. E-Road Y!(-RDad W- O. B. JbpUaJ 265. N- Q. B. to 791ll1a Rd. 266. N· Nandannaaar Rd. s- m to Nandannagar Rd. s- Kutcha Rd. E.- Road E-Road WoO. B. tom Rd. W- Kutcha Rd. 287. N· q."~ lo.79 no.~. atiS· N- O. B. to 79 TlUa Rd. s- UdIt Rd,.,. '., S- UnkRd. ' .' E-O.B.~ E· Ramf.h4ur- Rd. , W-O.B'~I '. : ~' .. Rd. W.O.B.~Rd.

303 Block JIG. Block JIG. 269. N- G. B. Rd. 270. N- G. B. Rd.

S~ guarter. to sCmall Rest HOUliIe. s- Abhaynagar Rd. E- Abhaynagar Rd. E· Quarter's Rd. W- Takhur Ramkrlshna Rd. WoO. B. Rd. 271. N- G. B. Rd. 272. N- Brick solelng Rd. s- Abhaynagar Rd. S· Pucca Rd. E- Road E- Road towardS B. T. College w- Road w- Brick \tOUng Rd. 273. N- Brick soling Rd. towards Shamall Bazar 274. N- Survey of India Rd. S- Brick soling Rd. S- Brick sol1ng Rd. E- O. B. to Abhaynagar Brick soling Rd. E- KumarlUUa Brick soling Rd. W- Brick aollng Rd. W- Abhaynagar to O. B. Rd. 275. N- G. B. Rd. 276. N- KumariUlla Rd. S- Kutcha Rd. S- Brick soling Rd. E- Brick soling Rd. E- O. B. to KalIbarl Rd. w- BrIck IIOllng Rd. W - KumarttlUa Rd. 277. N- Basic Training College Rd. 278. N- Brick soling Rd. S- KumaritWa Rd. S- Brick soltng Rd. E- Kallbart Rd. (Jagatpur Rd. ) E- Pucca Rd. W- Kutcha Rd. W- Open Space 279. N-Road 280. N- Kallbari 5- Road S- Open place E- Indranagar Rd. E- h:ldranagar colony Rd. W - Jagatpur Rd. W- Jagatpur Rd. 281. N- Kutcha Rd. 282. N- Kutcha Rd. 50 Khal 50 Katagang (Dam) E- Inclranagar colony Rd. . E- Jagatpur Rd. W· Jagatpur Rd. W - Nala ( from Katagang) 283. N- Jala taliliill pOnd) 284. N-Road 50 Kutcha Rd. s- ROad E- PuceaRd. E- Road W- Kutcba'Ra: ' w- Rbad' 285. N-'mtbl~Durga·Al!. 286. N- BrlCk' Selmg ~. s-~ " s- Ratalchal ' ',", ' 1!:.; It~t~ "Rd. ' E._:!4'w- '" " A:t ' \v··... 1J*Rd 8IMk .... 8IoeIc ••• 287. N- Durp Chowmohant to AIrport Rd. 28&. N- CantonmeratRd. s.. Embankment s- .,...,.U School E- Canton.plent Rd. from PragaU School E- CantoDQleDt .Ad. w- Embankment w- DurpIMrt Rd. 289. ' N- B\Iddhamandjr to Military Ground Rd. 290. N-Road

s- Lane s- Lmk. Rd. from ~ to BhaU~ E- Radhanagar Rd. E- lJnk Rd. from Radtum.car to BhaU~ , W- Cantonment Rd. W- Road 291. N- Road ( E. B. N. -- 257) 292. N- Rd. ( E. 8. N. -- 296) s- LInk Rd. from Radhanagar to s- Katakhal ShaU Abhaynagar E- Radhanagar Rd. E- Radhanagar BI1d8e to RId...... Ad. W- Cantonment Rd. W- Radhanagar Rd. 293. N-Rd.(E.B. No. 290' 294. N- Radt:uan.gar link Rd. s- Katakhal Canel S- Dlvtnlon Rd. E- Radhanagar Rd. E- Agartala Airport Rd. W- S. P. T. Bl1dge Cantonment Rd. W- Wooden Brtctae Radhanagar Rd. 295. N- Radhanagar Dlvenlon Rd. 296. N- RaJnag&r Rd. s- Lake marut and Katakhal Rd. S- Radhanagar Rd. E- Agarta1a Atrporl Rd. E- Agartala Airport Rd. w- Wooden Bridge Radhanagar Rd. W - Towarda RaJIVIgar Rd. 297. N- Laxminarayan,Rd. 298. N- Laxmlnarayan Rd. S- AMaIn AgartaIa Rd. s- Aaaam AfvtaIa Rd. E- KaUpruanna Rd. E- BanamalJpur Dlghl w- Pubra Thana Rd. W- Ka1ipruanna Rd. 299. N- Laxm1na.rayan Rd., 300. N- Laxminarayan Ad. s- A8aam AgartaIa Ad. s- AMaIn AgartaIa Rd. E- Common way E-JaJi Rd. W- Pond w~ Common way

SOl. N- ~ Agartala Rd. 302. N-RDIId So- MuJld Ad. S-M&.s E-Coue,eRd. E-Ra.d W- Pai1a Debi.ta Temple W·RI:Iad

305 Block Xo. Block Ifo. 303. N- MalaJId Rd. 304. N· Pond SoN. S. Rd. 50 M.B.B. Rd. E- MaaJkl Lane. E· Pond w- Chlttaranjan Rd. w- Chlttaranjall Rd. 305. N- MaaJ1d Rd. 306. N- MaaJtd Rd. S- N. S. ,Rd. (extn.) S- Modem Club Rd.

~-~ E- College Rd. w- MaJid Lane. W- Modem Club Rd. 307. N- M.B.B. club Rd. 308. N- College Extn. Rd. S- Lotus club Rd. S· Lotus club Rd. E- Road E- College Extn. Rd. w- Chlttaranjan Rd. W- NetaJI Rd. 309. N- Gandhi Rd. 310. N- Rd. towards Lotus Club

s- CoUe~e Rd. Extn. 50 Jagahartmura Rd. E- Chapaldlana E- College Rd. Extn. w: Math Chowmuhanl to M.B.B. Conege Rd. W- Lane

311. N~ College Rd. ( Extn. Rd. No.3) 312. N- College Rd. ( Extn. Rd. No.3) 50 Jagahar1mura Rd. 50 Jagahartmura Rd. E-Lane E-Lane W- Pond W-Lane

313. N- CoDe,ge~. (Extn. Rd. No.3) 314. N- Lane 501.ane 50 Jagaharlmura Rd. E-Lane E-lane w- ChlttaranJan Rd. w- Chlttaranjan Rd. 315. N- Candhl School 316. N- Road s- Howrah RIver s- Road E- Jogc:ndranagar Rd. E- Road W- Howrah RIver w· Road 317. N- Gandhi School Rd. 318. N- Rd. No. 3 ( KaUbarl Rd.) 50 Town Pratapgarh Rd. S- Udhyamari Sangha. ;, .1"," '. • ,I,", f:- Gandhi School E- Pond ••"1 ; W- Road, W- Jagahartmura Rd. . !,,_'i '1"', ,,~,~, ~r 319. N- Road 320. 50 RQa4 ,:: t-1.~~~~(i~· B·Road E· Kabbart'Rd. W·~ W· 4a&ahal1n'lurQ Md.

106 ...... 321. N· Ramthakur Rd. 322. N- Jagahuimuta Rd. s- Udhyaman Sangha s.. RamthaIwr Rd.

E- KaBber1 Rd. E-~o.bNo.l w- Gandht School W- RMltakhur Rd.

323. ~- Jagahartmura Rd to Gandhi School 324. N- Ramtakhur School to GandhI School S-Road s.. Howrah RIver E- Road E· Jtownb Rtwr W- Ramthakur Rd. W- Rd. tawant. Prat..,..m 325. N- Lane 326. N-Roald S-Road S-Roald E- Ramthakur Rd. E-Road w- Town Pratapgarh Rd. No. 1 w- RDad 327. N- Rd. No.1 328. N- Kut.cha Rd. upID Central Rd. S- Rd. towards Dam s- Kutcha Rd. E- RamthakurRoad E- Town Prataptarh Rd. No. 1 W- Rd. No.1 W- Kutcha Rd. upto Dam.

329. N- Kutcha side Rd. 330. N- Unk Rd. to TowI. Praia"""" Rd. No.1 S- Bandh ( Dam) S- Howrah RIver E- Town Pratapgarh Rd. No. 1 E- UnkRd. W- Kutcha Rd. upto Bandh (Dam). W- Central Rd lextn.) 331. N- Ganga1l Rd. 332. N· Unk Rd. to Central Rd. extn. Rd. S- Unk Rd. Pratapgarh S- Unk Rd. to Central Rd. extn. ltd. No.1 E- Pratapgarh Rd. E- Pratapgarh Rd. No. 1 W- Central Rd. (extn.) w- Central Rd. (extn., 333. N-Road 334. N- OangaJI Rd. S- Howrah Rtver S-ROact E- Central Rd. (extn.) E- Central Rd. (extn., W - Maaterpara Rd. W- Road 335. N- Geogatl Rd. 336. N- Unk Rd. S- Unk Rd. S- Unk Rd. E-Road E- Central Rd. (extn.J W· ....1er,.... w- Muter Para Rd...... 337. N-LInk Ad. 338. N- 0UtpIl,Rd,. s- Hownh RIVer s- UnkRd. E- CentJal Rd.· E- Maater .... ltd. w- ....ter,... Rd. W- KaIIbut Rd.

3SQ. N- LInk Rd. 340. N- Gen.. " Rd. s- HclIwNh RWer s- UnkRd. &- ...... Rd. It- Kallbart Rd. w- ....trIbed RI:l. W- MantrSbart Rd. ANNEXE

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