ReePtrehsid e&nt: MDr. Ris. Rturtteicr t A g r i c u l t u r a Chla irSmaon: cMri. eD. tGyuy Ltd SCHEDULFEOR TOHE F PRIZES 105th AtNo bNe hUelAd aLt R SEEHTHO oWn Monday, 28th August, 2017 ADMISSION £8 Children U14 £2 ATTRACTIONS: LITTLE NIPPERS TERRIER RACING TEAM TRADE STANDS OPEN FELL RACE, SHEEP, CATTLE, POULTRY VINTAGE TRACTORS, CARS, BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES, REETH BRASS BAND, SHEEPDOG TRIAL ENTRIES CLOSE ON FRIDAY 11th AUGUST, 2017 THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO Secretary: Reeth Show Management Committee, Swale Hall, Reeth, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL11 6JA Telephone: 07506380393 Email:
[email protected] Chairman: David Guy, Esq., Telephone: 07713508338 Vice Chairman: Tony Sunter, Esq., Telephone 07973767023 Tradestand applications & enquires:
[email protected] _ _ PLEASE NOTE Please can all Trophy winners who have Trophies from last year’s show bring them back to Mr. G. Alderson at Reeth Garage or Clare Brown Tel No: 07779089415 REETH SHOW LTD HEALTH AND SAFETY STATEMENT 1. Reeth Show Ltd will ensure as far as is reasonably practicable the safety and absence of risks to health at work of all the Society’s employees. 2. The Society also undertakes its activities in such a way as to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that persons (not in the Society’s employment) namely, officials, stewards, exhibitors, traders and members of the public are not thereby exposed to risks to their safety or health. 3. The Society will bring to the notice of contractors exhibitors and caterers and other participants in events organised by the Society, their duties under the relevant health and safety legislation in respect of the safety and health of their own employees and members of the public who may be affected by their activities.