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RESFARCH A?D iJWELDPP@XT DNISION OFFICE !IF T!5. CHEF CIIEMICAL OFFICFA I,,- . .. c Crganization: FZesearch a?d Development Division Office of the Chief Chemical Officer Station: BldE. T-7. Gravelly Point, Vashiwton. 3.C. Period of Report: Februzry 1952 Date of Subnission: 20 March 1952 SWXCT: Historical Rezort TO: Chief Chemical Officer i Department of the Amy liashington 25, D. C. 1. Strength of organization as of last day of month. Military -- Officer Five (5) Warrant 0 None EM None Civilian -- Graded Sixteen (16) Ungraded None 2. Name, grade or classification of supervisor of the activity. Colonel William J. Allen, Jr. 3. kjor changes of policy effecting the operation of activity: None, 4. Fajor operations conducted by organization during period, including pertinent data such as dates, quantities, funds, nmber of personnel, etc. where applicable. 1 February 1952 Chemical Corps Research and mineering Command was directed to prepare the portion of the Primary Program \ for Fp 1954 for submission on or about 20 February 1952. '3, 5 February 1952 Arrangements were made for the Armed Forces Medic21 '\ Policy Council to visit Cmp Detrick this date. 6 February 1952 Chief Chemical Officer wrote to XI-. Childs, United Kingdom, concerning plans for the Seventh Tripartite Conference to be held in the United Kingdom in September 1952. It was suggested that the meeting begin on 15 September and close on 26 or 27 September. It is estimated that forty United RCD, OCcmlO Feb 52 Histor;r 7 Februsry 1952 The Chemical Corps received a copy of a "Plan for United States ;dr Force lssumption of Those Functions Being Preformed by the United States Army C!iemical Corps for the United States ,Ljr Force", dated 15 December 1951. This plan is one of a series of plans t,o be prepared for each of the Arny technical services based on the interpretation by the Air Force that such action is requuired in order that they may ''acquire the means for logistic supnort desired bo,,the Air Force an:! thus achieve atonomy as intended by the i?ationil Security .kt of 1947". This matter is being studied by the Comptroller, Office of the Chief Chemical Officer. 8 February 1952 The Chief Chemical Officcr expressed his concern to the Chemical Corps Research and Engineering Co-mand as to the scarcity of test activity at Dugway Proving Ground during cold weather periods. He stated that in view of the fact that weather conditions similar to those at Dugway Pro-ring Ground uould be encountered in Korea and Europe, he desired that emphasis be placed on the urgency of cold weather tests, particularly on the need for initiative and ingenuity of all concerned to accom9lish such tests. 8 February 1952 Chief of Trmsportation was requested to provide watm transportstion for the xrsonnel and equipment going to Fort Terry on or about I. !"!arch 1952 and water transyortation for the personnel to be stationed at Fort Terry during the r ehabilitation period.. 9 February 1952 Lt Colonel it. Birnbaun visited Cttave, Camda, for the period 9 - 13 Februzry for the purpose of attending a conference on <.ntegrationof the fide test programs of the United Yingdon, Canada, and Jnite2 States. 12 Febriiary 1952 Liaison ktth Headquarters United States Air Force was 1 conducted concernbg the transfer of ?&,P90,0@0 of re- propamed procureneat money for the Chemical Corps to conduct hizh priority research and developnent on the E91, Vase-shaped GP bomb, a E!.J aerosol generator, and a spray tank. Headquarters United States Air Force directed ALr !kteriel Camand to prepare !!Il3's for transmittal to the Chemical Corps. The funas to be transferre? are ~ "no yes1' fullds. i ?.a,OCcnlO Feb 52 History 13 Februay 1952 The monthly Production Committee nerting w~rheld on 13 Tebrusry. This noli-thly meeting 'was he:? for the pur?osc of re-viewing 2roprees in t.liE Froduction field. The monthly Sta.ff Conference of representitives of the offices and divisions of the Office of the Chief Che~cal Officer wis held l.4 February 1352. 15 February 1?52 In view of the fact that 030 is to p-epare ar, operational evalustion on biological warfare, coordinztion was effected with P31 (Colonel Elowan) who was designated as t:?e contact nan for OR0 (P. ?anner) in coorrXnatAng and obteining information for this waluation. le Februsry 1952 Lt Colonel 9. P. !<cCorx:ck attended the Zeseach and Development 3oard Lkbpanel Meeting on Disseninztion at the Am>- Chenical Center on I? and 19 February 1952 at which time a techn.ical estimates report ins pre.e;Jared. 1? Fe5ruarj. 1952 The rccomendations of the Dissenin?tion &bco&mdttee of the Chemical Corps Advisory Council were anproves for implementation with the ixception of Iten 1 which is beix held in abeyance until 6 decision is reached regsrding further deve;aprnent of GB anti-tank fillcd munitions; Dissemination Subcomiti,ee recon: enditions are smxarized as follows: 1. Use of chemicel agents against tanks be investigated further and in particular -the developnent prograE for GS weapons active. \ 2. The pxei'sility of thickening C?, for spray tank use be qlored. 3. '!2y-fieldrl Bii nunitions shmld. be expedite2 to the highest passible degree. 20 Febritary 1952 The monthly Developnent Committee neeting was held on 20 Februsry 1sL.52. This is a meeting held for the purpose of review',ng yogress in t!le field of development. 20 February 1952 Talks to be presented to the Co!?mand and General Staff College in 19, 20 Wch on chenical, biological, and radiological warfare were completed. 20 February 1952 A conference was held wlth representatives of PT?d Division, ?kteriel DivisFon, and Comptroller of Office of the C'nief Clie~icalQ'ficer, &rr?.y Field Forces, ad Chenical Corps School concerning the operniion of and support to be given to the proposed Che:nical and Eiologlcal :,imfare Demonstration Unit which is being organized to demonstrate the operational capability and limitations of the-nical and biological warfare to Army, !?avy, and itr Force Comianders and key staff officers in order that these Ream of warfare can be incorporated into plans. This team to be headed by Lt Colonel J. C. Prentlce, is to tour various instsllatians in the United States and possibly overseas. in performing this mission. ds soon as the requiremnts for resesrch and develoFnent swport arc estakllished, action will be taken to provide necessary assistznce to the unit. 20 February1952 Dr. H. I. Stubtlefield attended the Reserrch adDevelopment 3oard Su.:panel meeting on Agents at .*my Chexical Cer-ter on 20 and 2l Febwmy at which tine a technical estimates report was prepared. -7, 25 Februwy 1952 ChexLcal Corps Resezrch and Engineericg Cornand was directed to incrszse and accelerate the efforts bfing made to break or by-pass Riissian canisters. -, 25 February 1952 FY 1953 and FY 1954 Primary Frogram for research and development vas forwarded to G-L. Funds for the FY 1954 Frimary Program were based on a 1954 budget ceiling of 90 per cent of the 1953 budget approved by the 3ureau of 3udget. 25 February 1952 Lt Colonel Tincent LaPiana reported Ear duty and was assignec as C'nief, Plans and Fsaluation aranch, Research and Development Division. 25 February 1952 From 25 February 1952 to 5 Kisch 1952, Lt Colonel Joiin C-. Appel accomganied a group of United States Air Force and Kavy officers on a tour of the Chemical Corps installations at Xuscle Shoals, Alabama; Pine Eluff Arsenal, Arkansas; Rocky ICountain Arsenal, Colorado; and Dugway Proving Ground, UL&, a?d the Naval Eiohgical Iahoratory, O,akland, California. I 25 February 1352 &. S. R. k'alton attenderl the Research and 3evelopment Board Subpanel ?4eeting on Prothction at Amy Chenical Center on 25 and 26 Fekutwy 1952 at which time e technical es.;ir.~tc report was prepared. 26 FebruDxy 1952 Lt Colonel I<. Firnbwxn attended the Sifting Committee Eeetln;- at Army Chemical Center on 26 and 27 Februsry and at Carp Detric!c on 23 February 1952. Lt Zolond V. LaPiana also a-ttmdec! the meeting held 24 February. 28 Fehru-sy 1952 De. 3. I. Stubblefiekl zttended the REse2rch and Developent Fozd kbpnd neetirq on Ftdical Aspects at Army Chemical Center on 28 and 29 ?ebru;ry at which time a technical estbiates report vas peperd. i .