The Journal of Parliamentary Information
The Journal of Parliamentary Information VOLUMELVIII NO.1 MARCH2012 LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd. 24, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-2 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor : T.K.Viswanathan Secretary-General Lok Sabha AssociateEditors : P.K.Misra Joint Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Kalpana Sharma Director Lok Sabha Secretariat AssistantEditors : PulinB.Bhutia Additional Director Lok Sabha Secretariat Sanjeev Sachdeva Joint Director Lok Sabha Secretariat Babulal Naik Joint Director Lok Sabha Secretariat © Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi THE JOURNAL OF PARLIAMENTARY INFORMATION VOLUME LVIII NO. 1 MARCH 2012 CONTENTS PAGE EDITORIAL NOTE 1 ADDRESSES Inaugural address by the Speaker, Lok Sabha, Smt. Meira Kumar at the 22nd Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar on 25 November 2011 atParliamentHouseAnnexe,NewDelhi 3 The fourth Prof. Hiren Mukerjee Memorial AnnualParliamentaryLecture 7 ARTICLE The Role of Parliamentary Diplomacy in the Era of Globalization—Paper presented by the Speaker, Lok Sabha, Smt.Meira Kumar, at the 21st Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers Conference held at the Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from 7 to 12January2012 26 SHORT NOTES Unveiling of the Portrait of Dr. Tristao de Braganca Cunha in the Central Hall of Parliament House on19December2011 35 PARLIAMENTARY EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES ConferencesandSymposia 37 BirthAnniversariesofNationalLeaders 39 ExchangeofParliamentaryDelegations 42 ParliamentMuseum 45 BureauofParliamentaryStudiesandTraining 45 PRIVILEGE ISSUES 47 PROCEDURAL MATTERS 49 (iv) iv The Journal of Parliamentary Information PARLIAMENTARY AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 52 DOCUMENTS OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND PARLIAMENTARY INTEREST 65 SESSIONAL REVIEW Lok Sabha 77 RajyaSabha 100 StateLegislatures 111 RECENT LITERATURE OF PARLIAMENTARY INTEREST 114 APPENDICES I. Statement showing the work transacted during the NinthSessionoftheFifteenthLokSabha 120 II. Statement showing the work transacted during the 224th SessionoftheRajyaSabha 124 III.
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