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-92 FD-36{Rov. :2-as-so! _"t92_ - 3- r * > - - o -. ~~<.92.. 4 4__. -_l---. , _- F.1.._._-_ -4--1, .-_ .._ 1 -. .._'._".i _ _ ,-_.....¢- .-_, --..'-.___ '_ 92. . ' r


2;; Date:

Transmit the followin Q in ,__ _ ,_ I I W K we 7 _ _ __ Type in plain text or code! f -~-

-1 Vic: ______,_, ._____ _ ___. __ Priorityor Method of Mailing! K Ix , . .. .- -' ' 92_.92- us 100-103389 - 0 ,_ 11 '_stated he then asked himselfby I -92. why he should be willing t_o give his life for the Communists to stop Fascism when Russia was signing friendship treaties with the Fascists. He stated he has had absolutely no contact with the UALB or any Communists since about 1940. " . y_ ,__'5; -1 .92. COHEN. He st -.5 the person in s Fexamined a phO1;Ot of MORRIS D nothing to a e e does not recall ever having seen ' I name 23*?- stated he = .4 men on the " .92. '_ '-vl 4/' §- >4- 92>


;1Z<_ 92 --T -'-J , - 3-Y -1-T. 7 '92 - '. 1 ' _ .. . . I -- -_-__ r'._ _ _5_.92__ .. .92}_92 __, _ - 92 - ~ V-" -.'.._-' .-92' " f ;~4.~ .-Q-'-if?!-1f",_.. :_-T-¢¬.L;i"h-.92~}:' _-, . -P 1 . ;' ii'1'.»H. " '-?*.:'- --is 1-15!.-~-:~;'~-.. ' - .~ ;- .-1 , squ. - - J !=»~ ='_.~*-_ .--_'.-".-- i 1-c-'Q; .. » 1? '3; .1; - . '_.' ,_', __ ";.92__-__ '- -.21: @- 4,-1'...-Z t r ._3- ~ -= F1 .- {Q » -L Q? r 92 . -v-

. -._ -_,,_____-_ 1--....u.__ . -.._.-...A4.92__ _ns. ._..4-__.-..._¢..'-In---l~»e_--14..-._.._r 4-- ~-an-4-_--or- -'' -4-1-_-..~'~m~' 4-_.._._ ' ' *1 .-Te>3.--ct." :"-~ 1 . - '. '- - 92 : FD-30 IRIV. 12-I3-5 ! ' " _ 1- r", ,, ' . [-B13 . -.-r

- Date: 92 .... *- ._.. -'.-; -;- Transmit the Ioliowinq in W . _. _ _ . s ~ W ~ Wo Type in plain lest or code! -

vw suns ln..e.~ e - sees . is see _ ,._ _.a 92 - Priorityor Ielhad of Mailing! I _ r . 5+ -.1--_. _ q .v'- - ..._, -- c . NY 100-103339 I-j R . _*r*,_ I" stated he has .:.,¢. -.,I','_:JI contacted by return from members or Soviets since his .-iv-'5 cooperative tude. --s: " He displayed a completely

FOSTER I .. -1:?_l¬- .92.,-- . -I. . ;.*=-_=.;

-kg; w. v~_.

_.' .9 I E I T _ :_'__ ,- , 1 - _1,, I :4 1.; _ , i I ._. --i a ' ' -1 - >. , . : » 1 _

I --. Ill t .- ' ' '_. ;';,'.»;__¬-A 1:.-~. D ; "-. . _. .._ _- A . _ _ . V. I 92

I V ... '1 'I -. - - -- ~ _ .,.! . J,!.'-qn-|; ' fe:-1?" ' H1". i ___ KL. - '-_- . .' -_ _ - _ 1, --P -H I I" "-c..< =>. -c -:-"=-.;»=-.' 7.? H_~~, t5,_.. I ¢ '-r¬"!;?:"?a-éb. ._.:_: - " -.~ns}%?$;5?71-.1 ilt, - . r I-J: -. _92:,92'_. _».:.;--' 4'--"P'f'_."'-",.;'_u." ' fig: 1? 10¢, 92 , . ,_ . - , _ :3. , . ~ 22,," - ----r.*%-~15? .7, - > - . -s, -.¢-~,*,92.,=;- ,_ 1 :__- -re-.,- . k. i.*_. ~ I %$%é7f$r%Ikl¥E£JL% -_ ,. _-Iii? 1" _. I ., - " - ~ '-"1 I

F _. _92-. -. , A . I ~. - .. .;-7'<*.'§.-is .92 $,.._:..-_;_.- c Special Acct! In Charge _. = -. f; ; . .- in, W s_..,,.,.,_,._.. _,_.._....,,., .-._a.....¢.»1...4..@...... s_._.ML.~. _ _ - _ ~r - <1 ~ -_-_ , ,- I J -'.';,".-1' . 92 . .2 * - £'=iiw1$3F ' TEF - ~ 4. .- _ V I4.. - -'»;. _ - --'»:+;"§&=-'-"r.-.--%=.?»=,.--iss~-». . 1 _,,_,._ ._ _,- . 1 3 v -,-I. Jo _ up __A _ __ , t , -.,._. 7 1 k FD-3i ._. 3 [Ron --_ 'll-13-SUI 3- . * _ Y

j aE§<3° ;_' _~: .= , fBI ! jb 531*? z Date: B/7/58 Trdsmil the following in _ o_ o__ __ 7 W_'_ '__¬_ s - _ _ Typein plain lax! or code! 92 _ _ ¢ V ' -5 Pt»

1 -P.1 »-.._. '-$3_r _ .2. ._;f '92 £T*331 AIR TEL M AIR MAIL, PEGISTERED <;§§Lxi V H f _' {Priors};/V or 1i¢m3d6]um"1m;; . 'i¬*f _""_ : .--.-".';;,=, ~< al s _-_.. 0 *- I T0: nrnscwon, FBI 00-u06659! ._ ii. _ ;3....!"'-_.,_;.; 92- §,_ LEKOII: sac, DETROIT 00-25o£6§ - '¢3f-.....- 5. .s'"¬-QJ" SUBJECT: - $3-.* mRIS%m, was '", 1 LL 92 m=oR:~.-wmozx V- . 92 cczamin» I I -P W850 rs 1U.-ho _. ._. -5. aim s gm 121,4; $?.B.§£-%l_.¬-_ / &u¢q51 _

Hr 92 ReNyairtel 6/18/S8; DEairtel 7/18/5s,s¢1/@:z7_ 1- 9&0- _,4 A Referenged NY airtel noted that Mosnis consm uas employed by Amtorg iP&Qing Corp. ATO!,KYO, subsequent to his employment l at the Soviet Pavilion to the Worlds Fair in 1939 -. 25%; -1 1Q$ wsn 1 con _-'1 t the pictures -x; 92 up I were e unfamiliar to them as 92 individuals 1. .,

rg; . -1} =-'F'."92: -. _ . 3 . xv "'1 '9 . ,, '?$53;@:-. ,__-. - ':.: . |,' .a_,EJ: " M- ss%sss Q . ;Dl:Bureau00-h06659g#5ss " '.~-~ . . ' f. '_q--.,,' .' ' .-V " .. . A. _,92 -. . --,. ..'¢- .| T; _ -. . 92. ~ . _'__ . ._ _ ,_ _ *, .7 ..__ . _. __ _.:';_-_-.,!r_-far? I ___. . P. _, _._,,__-__.;;;_.l.;_: ,____1_.'I;_.!_>:.:;_:_-.;_:"_:-.,r92_.'l.;.- .-__. r - -'5, 0. e e , -- A - '. -».ee-= r-s---'23: ' - 'H: . if ' _'_ 'r. I ' __ _:~ -. -' r_-2 ._- §"§_ _,..-;_.I..92 i FD-35 Rev.12-l9-QII1: _ . 92- 1 -or - ,__'_ _ -- 7 I I

. .0 ,- A Pa; - __ .-'-'.___- ET 92.;_,,. El. .- . -1/'*.." ' ' Date: 33- . ..f"9292'.:;:;&,__,_;-5, 92 2-»- Transmit the following In ,_, __l,,_ '_ ,______'_ ' Type in plain text or code! W1 .5- u. .- 3.. 1:" Via "7 W ' W ' i ii, '- f _ J Priorityor Method ofllailing! W ' '

DE 100-25065 " i '

- -Q __. 1., ~ : . *1

vb» ~- =l;{-; '.-?'92.", - .!92'. 7.7, After observing the photos of MORRIS and LOHA COHEN, advised that these individuals were entirely unknown o '-I17-ifs by names or pictures. He pointed out that ATC employed numerous individuals and as a result the employees in most// instances did not become acquainted with their fellow associates. He

NY may desire, if no eady handled, to identify, locate, and interview egarding Subject. 0 bq92/ NY, if deemed advisable, in theevent your 1nvest1gat_1on'i é 0 determined the spec11ic'_dept.'I1ce of ATC in which C IiEH was emjuoyea, advise DE, anowill be reconnected to 'V-,v de termine whether he can reca e names of any other ATC n that s 1 :4»-_. 92_ . -- ; -¢_,' _-_-- _. ---1*:-_.~__.. ' Q .~ ' _ __ '5:-I--_.*.' ' .:+;:~,~ -92c.~_"-= -. "t--»." while d A1'C,'the' §useian' ' nployeea ihe GP

a 5 act Q A ,l:ea11;a,te can ll-.nv92n_ . tee;-neontpog ---.- --_92.--_,,r-----;- -I 1 hip . .. .. 4- z. Ire- - -. - --Q vw vs lzuwunuvnuwbg ' a -_ .1:--;*;"7'-""" "- " .i"-':'.-at 1 ; -.: -.'.-;- qr-a-*." '92¢._u,' ._.-Ev-1-.:'- - ."__=.-'_

.i,.-. .~.. ---Q 4-T50 I2-7-T9! » a a 1 ~

FEIIEBIL Bllllilll OF IIVESTIGITIOII ______,_,,,, _....~...... ,.@'..,,.._.,,_I_n_,___,,__,,.__ ..,.._.,...... : . .,._ - , __ , . . . __'.___ ._____q__ _,_ f _-A',,-_'.,_; ,_- .92.'_ a_.'.-a...... =._.' 92-__:-._._m-_n-..4:...-_.- - .- . ' 1, .,_'..__.,:--._"_ A-_~~-e_~e_»;|-- -=: 1.--_~' -_- e 1 mfmmmaYas ..._ Oi? MemoranduziiUI:92iITEhl5? GOVERNMENT STATHES

;; 1.-_ I I To' = nmscros, rs]:00-v.-56559! °" 7/30/58 ." '1 - -:1-1:» :~.;-_" ,92__";_.-1',-:.f '-.'**'i M ="<¢Z.;A¢,L03 ANGELES 00-55567!1r-:.=:=!-rmrorx ALL co:4_TA92NE _ Ni: . -_-£..,..92V L ucaem 1sum_xssm1-.0 i E ... .. , 3... ~ O '- .¢ .- ' .--.._ shim MORRISCOHEN, was,;DAT BY/ 4_ 1 , was. Ii - R ,.1§_. -'e3-- O0: NY! are appropriate copies of the report of SA bot dated and captioned as above, at Los Angeles, 9292J enc ose or the Bureau and New York is one copy of a photo 'j 51" stat tit1ed92$gompanyC, 2#lstQ, M. Service Battalion."This is 2 menu of a ris t S ma dinn ' -T:~:'-i 1. er, December 25, 1942, and gives the -.. .;_». above outfit. This was furnished by .._,...;.- ;- _.'. closed for Albany is the photo fur- .92 __ 51¢ ay to -by f.lb;1ny report, 6/2/58. . ;'.A -Ii'1-' -0 _."92 REFERENCES: Report of SA -f-mu -- f I 5/16/58 at Los1'-.ngele_ Report of SA 7/9/58 at New York. ;- ~./ " V ADMINISTRATIVE 92"

This report is classified "¬EEEIEHIIIZ*'beoause it pertains to a Soviet Intelligence operation, 3. The Bureau has instructed that all leads in this c ase must be given expeditious handling. ' A :+s7 . 9292 en i co d by SAs E ~80 announce she would n _ .s summe r comfortablye a so stated that upon discusswith r on,he subjectshe believes MOR%£S of she co uld not COHEN. V receivedThe themanifest identity of ofthe "SS NewAUSONIA% York A ents and 12/20/38,the for dateis not they known to Los Angeles. Gas :- Bureau ::;:s:.i6%;::%:as§s%?s;2zEs§%;1;ss%ss> Encls. -6! REGISTERED! ?* /11.2; We/ - e1San Francisco .: 12 05-5932! Eno1s.-2! REGISTERED! l=&=92 .92 ¢ vase

. 3" ~§T3§. e we " 1"' .._;}..rv., " I; _ I ar. *_ ,__. '__ _--_- . "'' -;PL *T""-" *1-'*"- -In-'-"_.+-II?! - . .. ._._..-~.,._...... ,a~.¢..,.wn.s,=...._,.._....nz~,|.¢...,.....-.,.... __ _ -, . .. ._ _ 1- -, - .-_'.= -~ - . . _ | ' . | V-7 > 92... ,. ' '_ , B ._ . V .__..-... . I ,1... '..;..'...... 4 -..___..._-....92s'_.:"¢_.__ -

- -- '-Q 5 1 dc" Kt. u #453 -- dd} . - -~-~ ; ,=- 1 ¢ 4; g ,

,_-'Av- 1 . 4'."'-'

4 .92 -F4 LA lOO55567 _ I. -31 __ ~ V ',I.**'.':;2-r - *5-' V] U ,92 .,-e E - Q Ref '_92 '92 sets forth a lead to locate Q-I- o V to reside at _._* Boston receive a copy

_.,| ~o¬".92_17'." .4-.-_ _. Photos of furnished to the New York Office by '-'2'". -0 J"1-Q" PI

E ;'w_ C LEADS 0-1; *4.I u """§;. '=- ALBANY DIVISION 33$ i AT_AL§BN¥LNEN_X@BK will return, or arrange for retx n !'-x -4 to the Alban Division = .'--. . '-1-1'§_-. __ ,7 -'1n [92-1 I B1 X. yew YORK pg; SION . ___; AT NEWYORK, NcEl92'l9_-iii -*f-- ., ?.-F; not already done attem t t ocate and 1nter {"-<_. view mentioned b as bein a close it _;" ;"""'- fr-1% ; a - Y i .11:/' sm fmwcI'sco_ $195 DIVI 51¢» __;_I ;_u A?L§AN_FRNCISCQ;7Q§§;FQRNIA I ,. ewing ed?

of SA at , pg. - b"lL '-".1 .4. .ur,_,: ._ 92._-_",'. $51-*?rii _'-P§& 92-' -*--'*""- -*"-.'..'~:-1.'-__ . ___ /nu ---2. _~'-:... ._-_- L-_¢.;__.Q._ _,'_~-'..}___-_ __. ;,, ,,__'_;T-__ __ , _ l. yy

.,4 1 -A» »¬§e.$%ga~§E§ge.§§§;;eta aaef -*f%*


,~ LA 100-55567

!'I -....-H-..;/_",._ ., $0. <92'.5 . H LQ§;AN§B§ES_DIVISION aé§ _~si M _ _-¢'.~5-3 -.:_-l_- K. j


1.,-:-5 -'1" 1'5. ". _,; ET L03 AFQ5L5§;_9§L1E9B"I 1. W111 continue to follow logical leads in an effort 1-92. to locate subjects oi instant case. Q

_"1_-1- 2. W111, when Bureau permission obtained, interview the following members of the ALB, re COHEN: 92D-1¢/ 1 b. 3?! O. f? -ii-sf. Q1

~ c pa 3 MississippiStatein 1 See NY airt v/9/58.! W aggg axe .|._-. ;_,_,

A. __r-~gm; , 1'.!-H-I av-.I r}. §§§§ I

I w :"![ | _ ___




I ?% "" - -1------92-~.-.ms».....,,.-¢ _.;-.5---1-,,¢=._->... _ W-»w _ . _

-. V - ____. "1. . - _ ¢... .. r_..-....-.'a;_-',-¢-___-_--_. .- _,_ . _ 92 -..-.,__ .__-_.,__._V _ ___i.i _. 1 - 9292 _'-"""5*-'-~2...|-'_'.;"V

.L92" 1 _'1', .-'

F ji- - I 929292 I - -.~¢Tu1.L * n IT"-'.:-'61 L-'7'-ii" 2 .1 -- -':_- -92_' '11.3 :_.,_.. -... -_-*4 . 92 '.-'' Q1 -;-- ":~.~ - 4 -.- - .1. - EX-.1


.- 4.». - . . '"- .-5-92 __. $5- Eegat, Pm-ta5--649! u Augugt 3; N4-.1, _ _'h->.J§ __. -I 'g we .. -___ _.,--_. ....,_- ~>- -... -~-*' '#1 '..'. .1" ILTCrsreqta .25r, JFBI 00-4Qa559'!' ' /0'-£6 _-_-="...'_- .---~ ~--»., 1'5 - -_ -, -. - ". h . - :- j 1'E. - . n_-~?;--I-¢f.= i§_a--- ~ _ no mars 002:1, mg, _ , -==' LON COKE: "'53- I pf, r92r'~ ~.'-""1-'-1'"92I' " CFFITATWTIB z , I gy. '- .. ..| 'l"|'H_t'.E_ ..._. ["" -_--_.- ~. ' .',".92--.-<- -;,-- - - r '-3L7':... . F . Reulata dated 6-19-58 and '7-28-58.


08!!-1'88 1 - Few for-I: 00-103389! .; --, - .-

-. J 1 -.Forei iaiaon Unit Routc through for review!- E'nc1osure .1 . U I 92.' - f_' /1 I -2- 92 -_. -'...J .g._ .. 1_r_ ' : _ -.<;_:_- _-Icg? I ' . --.| x-. 92"_ v _ 1 . ¬,.-.-.¢:.=.55'.-~>-92-"- mgI ,7-A '' -;*'}=.-.'..-1;.. I. -.>-- ._ K r - - "Ti_*__'I. " __ Q1 ~-- c__::_"_. , ' .-~--",';3 -r=;- '*:"-;- sf" - ne.'.T~@92792:*="'3- *.:*"":1»? ' Y .5 " - '-=~ -r "nib. .<7 ' -j~.92 -Q1. PS.-' _- ._- I-.:__ _' "Q if _-'r__1 - - ' --' - -" ,3. - gt-*'r+',' -I-92 ' " ' '. _ ,." . , _ V. I.--_ .___en. __ 0 -I _-_'M _..,.____ '.-_ §=§*-tr: :>!';492'C['1*E6r 5» |9_°¬**~."?»-%68~=..~:- S92_i.-,1 .';;'-92i'~;~-*'_" Y- T -- . H



_L_. Pa,-eta! withheld entirely at this location in t nun 92.rll92v nr ul vnnhcl nnuau n A-A icated, explain this deletion. K1 ..a. Deleted under exemptionisl 1&7 vLip H_ _.__ with no segregable material available for release Y Cl lnfonnation pertained only to a Cl Information pertained only to a Z1


ou. W

third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request.

lthini party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documenttsl originating with the following government agency ies! __ _

92 no e . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page s! referred for consultation to the following government agencyes!; ____i_i_i_ 1 . . . . __ 92I_._ ___. 7 at _. 1; as the infonation oriiinated IOU W1

be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: » k F » _ 1 >.-.J.'..;.I.;....-.-.1='.|;"...x =-;-~ "=--'--

92 {_.,'§'.'~":'' ' . I CORTID AL -

1 e' mm: " Clhi: '92 92 I r zp Morris Cohen, with aliases: T-v 'r -.- .- '92~£ l'.'¥.-F LOBG 90h!" with aliases - 4 E I ..i I I '1;- * $1 1-we .- 7 -r.- ._. 3

_ 2,. ;_ . i"; --"wt. _ ¢..- -.2, ,.. -no "-- 2 _ 1 _" . -. I Par; - _.- . 5*»!!> _ '___-_.. "ti;-$1: :_e v. "'- _ 1 - I - ".:7*" more: Classified ¬onf%den$44l sincev it pertains to v§5% efforts to locate Ubrris and Lona Cohen who are believed to have been involved in espionage with . ?§l- Unauthorized disclosure of this-infonnation might bqbi _fe§§E 1*~e jeopardize Duringthe our investigationefforts to to locate these the 8UbJ8Ct8¢ Cozenswe h ave bag been interviewing uddiea of rris U0he- One of these men, with



- Q

,- .. 1 I . t .92- | -7. ' - - 'e -. .'. - !_-'1 f '#1 _ J_.___,_ 7 .. ..x. e"_=. ; '; -L J -J '? '~ .#.:¢ "_ - _ ~.-. e » - ...u.v,"'s' ,7 "Q -* 1 '"i:*'. 5--" '1! R. "' 7 " ' if V ~ . - av? ezetr |"...'_ ._ _ '0, _ - '3. : 1'-_$'_*w , _. h J 92 * - w r 4 al_. -4 _;w ,§L,, ;a}. 1 92 % _i a 92 _ . _ _ 1 1 . ._ ._ » '..,-_ 6 I _ -- -,F_;»_ 1' "'4" £1 ,.-.e_ '' 92=~ . *- . - v_ 1 'f_ ;_____: -_ e. ".£._'ll'_:4 Li-:_-, Q _'_.'|- -_ 1;. -n '- 5" ,_ 1?. = ;' . __ :3] J-:_=.. . --.1 -¢_p_Jt.:,___',,£:';;§-..:.- 92; -0;;-. I, -- Q. ._, 'i"; e_ _ 7'1.. .- _ _k: -;J;_.__;, _ ;',_'f_ '.__'_iI. -. -~. 1%.-=--t." gr Ys92'>-1" Q? r _, 1 __r__ __-,-.>.._ 1 __ _ I - .-e.~--=_r »_ , V » J -I .31-' '--' x ;. I _W~' sa.-*<.-.-A -'1 ,! -71¢ -' ,: 1- s .- 1" 1 9 - I _ _- ,.';.__ -' ->e».-.. Iv" '

,_ .- I , , 'Il'.' . 1-_ , ~ _ ,,. no! .___-:_'.|; _,., y. .==e

7 i_:L'*-L92 "' 92 .. - - - - -_ ._ -, -_ _.-- 92 ¢_ A -,-_ 6-. - ,. _. - __. _

, __ __ F ,,_ ,_____. - ---- _; -- __ -v-r---92-<-M--r-- ._, _! ,» - -.. -.--am;-1 _- v .'_ ,_'_'_-92;.> 92.a-¢--n--n-2~n>.-_-I-'-¢-A-_}1.'__,_,-_-.:-_-- _-..

ldlwn » ; ¬?i?}92.!' rn-20:: is-12-$5.! - -. - ':"? '


l 92 1 .._ i. '°"'-' W _ V _ <>'==-=*<>w- _ W i 3 i i 7 1»- ' W 1»-mu» f rm i * *

III'LEOF]iII 3 3 3 ' * "i mm, 3, ~: E»

. ..,,i.J". E 10 92 I D- - __ Bgmseunon l NEW YORK 7/31/58 . was»n_ , Typed. By: a 4-" L 'b-1 L/ / EN, ,waB- was.; W 92 ESPIONAGE - R3 92 _. i ' 1 I 1 ,¬E j . Synopsis: W " " W W V W 7 , unable to furnish b1§/ Army association with EQARL CQHENG e to be located at Clarksburg, W. §..?!* ; "' H ' P_<92 »>»§"'e 1VJ? - 11

.- ~

L DETAILS: ~ 9:. _._ __ .. -V,-,- _ .;-92- The identity of the following individual was determined from -- review of a b okleto ent e itl d " 3233 Quartermaster Se ,~' A t the New York Office b ,=" ALL H%F£&ATH3N conivuruui - b° 3 ,iDi92T.L4I1§£BYHEREHVIS LFSLASSHWED , * *= : 3 :lPPl'0I'I g X W K7 7 "fir DoIntIj}'1l0l.nlpca::h0luw K H 92 "~*-=ia>=

:. . * - . ' e . " . ...'_-;-"/ --..'-'.T.'.' "'. - '- T _92_ -{| I _ ., V-_.-_._.; " 4 _ I -.. . ----- -_'_,_§"~n_ '-' - _- '. _--.-_ --1;;-'-e ;_|92; . -:-'._=p-_-_;... 1-V . , >£¢ae.~ . .~-+--92 -¢=92~.,~.92.-_,.- -.- F " '92-J, -92"92." Ii. __' F. s .- E . s£<'1'- J ' 2 PG 100-13113 '

I 1- ow-

I-- ..-; _< _ a _ ' w L/ ._ _..-.-1 _ rQuartermaste Camp #n ' J .1-_ , ":92-54 J-.- , , Mass;' after , this Company A . --.__'_.__ aw and A1aska.r He identified a photograph of COHEN but s-* .1 . 92. . state L " t he 1 ur ' ne was oniy casually acquainted with ' him. He_said3: * and never conversations involved politics. only involved topicsHe has neither of general seen nor interestheardll of COHEN since a leaving_mi1itary aervice.* He advised he had 'o P-. - 5 no information relative to any civilian friends o" ' .'-' ,- at _4': _ . or associates r , 1 COHEN may have developedin Europe and has no information _ " where COHEN ma y be presently located. He also advised he has no photographs of COHEN. C - I V ___T _ identitv of the following individual nae determined from }nc» ist f o names and addresses of men who served in Com an C, ~

92 - a 31/ 1- ., 9 - advised on ag J,£1,_1958, that he could locate no recem~i-bf-,Lév ta. I ' I _ or _;-esiding Q .in Clarksburg, W. Va. C :.92 . A reviei or the votersHegistrationi " I or m b 7 l . ,-5. 1 " ~.-I 'Q -Ir u>,'_1 cunt Clarksburg ' W. Va .'1 Ma 4L? 1 1 5'. -':=;-"E"l'.7-";'-|' I 5 ; -1.-: _; disc10B§d_no registration ror .-

' 5- '12;.,§;:b -._,.t.':. ¥$H1 - . 92 . - 13. '-||.f_ F .1»- r It'*->5;-.4 see1;iit?-51: ' AA n-4 records ?*'1 we :J- [#25- 3??-,,.,;.- 1: Y"? e ;..n= i .r' _ ' - ' - 4 _- _ .- -- I i , V . , ;,. I - _ . _ . ,_ 92 _ .- V , V 2 .' . .. -" _ " 1 -' -. ' sumo.-nornluu nn.t4 I I 5' "'1-o...-_ I . . /1. . _ .. ,1? _ ' _ ., Ozce Memorandum- UNITED sures GOVERNMENT To _= DIRECTOR,00-ll-06659! FBI nus; 7/31/58- 1- ¢___,.;i _ o = sac, PITTSBURGH00-13113! _

-,q,_.__ 92..___ _ _ ., - I- .43} , U 5] 5 MORRISCOHEN, wa.s.; |.'-~-»-----~ ~'-I-L--'f'"3" *-I - I go , . 1- ' I / I: E /- - 1"». ~1E..e1l1-K1-BffeeeécI I " " =I' V_ 92 0: NewYork! I ' , 3 -

dated 7/31/58 at Pittsburgh, together wit ree __,, copies, respectively, of a letterhead memorandum of the same date reflecting the reliability of the source used. 7 , " .- , I u ~/ " "i=-_ 3 " Enclosed for the Bureauand , NewS. Yorkare Iv B7 . . copies, respectively, of the§ 92g,q3 report of SA Ml - ReportReport of SAJ Ve Indianapolis, Pittsburgh,12 72758.56.6414,9 *1 i -

42;-gr~ INFORMANTS ---- I TM V - :9-S"-92 - A. e - Careful consideration has been given to the source concealed in this report and a T symbol was utilized only in that 0 -. instance where necessary. " 1; P15 Clarksburg,Va. w.-x _,._.ostal , employee Filed100-13113-2!-L. by --:3 -L-FL-'5K/L b

PITTSBURGH A? V-EH92-NvIl:!LE+w.'.wt Lww 99,wrY! 51, 2 92K E}4 llw11_1 reintervi on ormation ll v /47 .._ F Bureau10! mcls. RMEC. ' -_.______*_Jin - 3 - New :_York 00-1033 Encls.9! 6! .92 Rl92l!92._92.» ""--....._,__"_'-_-fa,= ,2;_ -.._ ' é-i _,=:'__;,. ..4'- 5% ;/ IE5 F:r - ._,p<;<:»»~> we /0 s ..-92$~3* 25:-124 __

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. _ - 2.-....._.-_._-.-.4--_ .. _

~ V-v -___.,. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE :5 . _ _/-1:.-A: 1- 'b,,-gieg-}1,.'~ FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION é. In mp,»mm Mom Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1- "92.'..1-1 File No. 100-13113 July 31, 1958 ,. ;,.._h,!

1| ' MORRIS C01-ZEN, wa.s.; -._ LONA COHEN, was. ESPIDNAGE - R b1~ Refdated is made July tothe 31, 1958,report at Pittsburgh.of SpecialAgent

A.»-fi§?~ . n E utilized or-mation in in the referencedpast. report, furnishedhas reliablekn __-._ ,_.-| -. A._'=»" This memorandum is the property of the Federal Bureau of J . Investigation and neither it nor its contents are to be 92 disseminated outside the agency to which loaned.

. r.' 7'*. '. _'.1' fit

1 v'92_ ~ Ml cu:11A92NED '4 . ;1 E~_=_f:;$,i*'92EI! ., -s f?<%¥&3;1;Ji1i4 Meir .. , ;.. r ~ -_

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9 . ' ~ ..- . .-.;I=:|92,' 92_~; '-.-2-1"1 DIRECTOR" _FBI :35-§Jl&966! _. __ -1/Q/554D 4 _- xi - r i.f;1-ITZ;'Q7".1'fTCITCC'T"lT§'E'D_' aw -1 .." ._ A , iS_.AC, YORKNEH 95-17492!-_ a:F.::1~r1s=.".;;;;-.-.-*51'" fr! "" ~ a ._u 92 - . 7'1 -' -1'.-'--"-.-. _ , ._ ._-.,.-v _92 ..~ 1 _- ' .- ,,._-' _ - ' -. -v I "'.~5 ' . ,.;_'___x _ i .1-r . ,._ .uT J._ . |-- _92_ -Was! _L_ ' ".-15¢ " cr.54-"N_ ,,§.u92.921_:-t . =5»-71=3 I '- 92 - . -.'-1" F-.'' 1 --~-.'- v .1-gi-.._92_R _'-"P.-." q;_~¢$~ _..92 -1J; ya} .._.. _ ,-_ __-1,;n |--E-'30 _~ 5».. -eaa . _ J4 -. " . . ' ' '" ""1-. _ 92- :- |,~'9 '5.":".="@-T '.11'.'7.' " "3"u V3 1". '15,} 7. ' " .=>Q " . J» I 92 rm " U - ~n'*t¬"P - J - I . _ r _ > -'_ 11- . _.a ,_-..'92-".?j_"'__-_".'.1_ L, |, L, _. .. .§ i L;-._, A __., ,_ |n - ' . I A 'Re?rép6r£'_¢§_s'A / ? . NY 1et1;;e: r_';._-3/I!.0/58,'_,an<;!i-Lqsj v~

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Pagetsl withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. E! Deletedexempti0n underr r s! _ _ W _ewith sag;-egable no El material available for release to you.

Cl Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request.

Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documents originatedwith another Government agency/ ies!. These documentswere referredto that ll592|ll92J'92l92a~l||'1n Diff;n n I1 :92 rnr rauinurluviurv nnur|r'| l92-ll rlhra u|x92.92.|.I ll F 'I92 lpgyullggnu nnnn fi.92J_192J|J. rn

Pages containinformation furnished by anotherGovernment agencyes!. You will be advisedby the FBI as to the releasability ofthis information following our consultation with the other agencyes!.

El Page s! withheld for the following reason s!:

E For your information: __ g_ _ _

The followingnumber isto beused forreference regardingthese pages: I Q0: E1 vbI-5? - Q1--J-=. /om, eL_7-31- SE! /we J-4°-8'?!



...... -- XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX DELETED PAGE S! s~rAnnA|ln roam |n_ll 1 ' ' 1 0 1 .,1/ Oice Menmpndum - UNITED $..A1ES GOVERNMENT

T° = DIRECTOR, FBI 00-406659! °*Tl= 8/7/58 0 1?,» ' 7 F}°/V SAC, mzwanx 00-39327! 5%??? J/"' ¢:> ' t_,I_ -~».;-;"-::-f'- , "'J=¢1' LORRIS . COHEN, was. _;-;, 0 h_ LONA COHEN, was. égg P ESPIONAGE - R it ii 00 - New York [01:29 OJ/V , 7/23/58, enclosin 0 0 b-"V . _ - be displayed to L On 7/31/ss the o -' E-e exhibited who advise 1 b ~/. _ Pi: 'he could t unknown man Q he observed 7 "~ f | c ='_;-;2'MHED A 92~~::% 0"-;-- 1-Newark "

." Q? |@;;;-'.,._. ? 1. % 3% . 5* ~124 .» "5 . . .7

Tl-1 III-imp tin- :1 .,._"v J RM /'&d+/Mm /OW :- . /2' '3 I, :0 AUG ,z10ss 3-;92 " TF1, Q--If! _ | :1 . in;-up .--'~.--;>_?5 . 92 - . ,. -_ - - ._ 2 . - _ 6'7L/ . .- K

N ¢92T¢':.; $5 ;§'}~I:f§*"- £2 53 AUG 14 1950 ;~. 0 , '_' __,_'; 1 K.- M 1 ;§j¬1' r .v-"1 " '1 J ~,- -_'.='-*.""'-.'-1-'1'-_'. r_1"='*-*..~;~»e <0. -. ' . =- -4-. q-r -4-u.-»----1-¢~.-.---~--- - . - ._ r-- . l L -' * " - ,,j_~-..:-,- _ ;_ . I _ _~;?._;-E01. . ._._§T1"9-'¢'g=%_L=.___ . _--__. _;__n - .* _ __ ,4-._¢,,. . . 1 ,_,=., , ;92. . Hf» ;- - .<. ,1_.- J ._-._.- .1,,{gr'.@ .4,-av ..rv-y ..--1,-.1--=~~ .,_, M - ,;-,. _» ,- _, _ .._-0. -- - _- - . >- .-'5 -I '- -"." ''" » -' _ -_ 13?. "-- , " 'i;"i';:-~'.'*-.""".::'- ' ;;.' -I '>-P -11 IQ:f"""%4T";;?:15":'EIéi-:§$£*{*§'-f7-;£l5:f°7F4-s-f~'::-;"92=.,'_--r-~.--92_-_!92~;rL-_&,~_~-*,;.~=_ -,'..-._-.,-_--,92 "- --5:1"-1'""""~'~ ,_-_--'7 .$-_ .~' J";" » '_ _, '-"I ' /'/' ~ ' . .. -': , __ -I _-_, 92 ' . . _. 92' _4 -'-_-x '-;~.__' _ .. _' -_ __ 3 , __,-' -;,'.,7-.. _-_._-__ ~_-.',..-:*f_;-.":I92-X4-;_<.92r= ' - 92 ---_< ,3 ._-' ::_.1:h.w -j, '_. -,- ¢_- . -' _ _ --_ _ _ - _ _..¢1" __'; J, '; _92 :1. _.';_¢_-' 1 __' -IL '~,92_'-_.' .~_'_. -.- .- -- " - ' - " . "- - - -+ ' ' '1-Y_.-1.-,¢,,-"1.-,92_ :2 ,.,v - -4; +1» , ,. . _. _ _.;._ '92 ;-". »_-,_. 2-- ;- - -' -1; - ..- .. 9292.. ..- '. - 0 1 - , I r n -'-4 _ __~ _'-_.,'92.'-! . . __._.- . . -_-",-'_,_ . _92_,~.-. v.7---r __"- v " ____ , F'D-A 1 H;-r. . 12-1:-all '. . .-__.a-¢-.92-:~1.-1"--.-92...... H.7-'... . ' - -L 1?; 1__~__---"rt * - ,. _ .-:-:~" ,2-:._h.->_<= h_'!.;4-.».. 1? r

+; . Mr ! r 1? , ' . M r 92.,..5 l Trnsmit the foliowinq in h I {Type 1" Pm gar Cy. h 1 Mr. 4.1 HIHTEL A . Vic: ______i _ _,_, _I i W 1 1_ ~ Mr. f} 92-M * {Priority or Method of Mailing! -.*»- 92.,- Ir. ,5? A TO: nmscwon, FBI 00-140$!! b'1-/Mr.

..-. -,,92I 1 ~} ' ? FROM: sac, mzw YORK 00-1o3389!ALL |F§1FOR?»'s{._'_ Hm ~_'-~ 92. Mr. i :31',» h H Q HEREM iS_ Uh:-l_LA:.».>lElEQ,ParsoIll_.._.._ ';:-__H'7'. ..-: -_w_._. SUBJLCT. $113100 Hglnaavgas, QAIE Mr Rnsen ..._._.._ v~ _ J Tamm _____ $- 1 ESP - R-1 A - 0;,r man__ Trotter .____ 4,1} r 92° His: Candy ____ R C Sullivan '2? 1 ReNYairtel to --:1 V which contained inf 0 rmation re Tele Room __.. .* .-as -ii-.-i_,_4,,,.i_M . H01] -'mV¬ '- '-F.Xi 1 foll


with either b I-I 1.


I} *1 4___

He advised tha s seen name COHENor E,L/ 1 ¬<3:% New Havgn '1 *;"'4'Aua 1z1§;=.§ _%rY-"New York J . ,2 k -j New York '4*;g"'§_ 'f..;'- 1 1.} H b-iv .ihJ_s:1 K *-QQ.-..<%~h I57;/~ h bw ,. : 92 r 9 J2;. -°; -8%"?§a£i.?I'h - ii __i / " I 7 7 MI ~51. - J F-.-.._ _ - mu ~:;- é. P 92 J_ - . .55='_n"'-' ' .';a=.'6 &u;§>v1d§ 92 Sent Spec I Agent In Charge _ _..,__.. ._.._,_,,,.,,,...¢.._._...... ,.._.. . 4-T50 -7-79}


__-E-._._ Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements. where indicated, explain this deletion. E Deletedexemption under L é s!7D i7 ___ e withno segregable material available for iease to you. Ci

Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. {:1 Information pertained onlyto a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. El Document s! originating with the following government agencytiesl W W "W . ' r , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

Page- s! referredfor consultation to the following govemment agency/ ies!; i_.____i__..______,__ ._ __ _ as the infonnation originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

Pagelsl withheld for the following reason s!:

E1 For yourinformation: ______*_

E The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: L60- slots sir-_/0 21gee -2» r _ i u

XK XXXXXX XXXXXX DELETEDPAGES! NO DUPLICATION FEE XXXXXX FOR "nus PAGE _. - Q. & _.. E-_ »-4-u1...-|;..¢:-.-.'.~-'_--.!'-';¢'._-__ .-.1,

I , n-mmnnrunnnnln /- F ,' -./ 92_ %;§%f Oice Memohindum- UNITEDsrizs92_J GLVERNMENT U. _ ___. 4--.'.. TO .1 = nrnncron, FBI 00-46-6659! °*"= August B,1958 ,.92'.""zn . 7.92l '- 4i{¢?T/ me, QT, _T.nrrr.<= GI-1-?n9§=.92 Aéi ii--he53$; 5-'51"-°T MORRISCOHEN, was . ; , LONA COHEN, was. -'-_921=F »< ESPIONAGE - R ~_~i._-_2-as _- 1 .-S fi.a ' bqv at}; '_ ,, ,_.., 1-zq. I. Rereppt. sa Louis, dated 7-31-5'8 +72-1;-' and New York airtels ated 7-23-58 and 7-30-58. _. g - Ye» 0-»-tw :1" 'A~;{.I' . _=.__'; Inasmuchit has beenas determinedthat" . A-1-_.;92 is not identical with MORRIS COHEN, no fu -"erther inves _g¢tio remains to be conducted by the St. Louis office . b" V

-il'r':¢_.'.n ' RUC. .l;~.+*=!: .~ ._ 2 - B 100-406659 - - - 2- N256 00-103;-1&9! ALLC|frzr0Rf';"3lION CUNTMNE5 1 - st. Louis 5-2025!. HE!?».:i"JIS Lw'»"L§SS|F

-ri;5 ? DATE--~ ¬ 5-_;a*-.-3»-:1", .1»-' W C

I Q 921 x- 1" Q ' I _.' ADE _ .92§92,-_»_92.- - 1 .,1.-' 1' ._ . ii 0 ~ , 550: 24/we-19%;?-/W»ii 4 ~92 I ' ~ '15s J ; AUu 9

I1,- I }/ _' . -.._ .f92.: 0,

K iv 5' ni92- L- Ea-1'51 5-, .11'-':-? .1;» : .'.f:'g{ - E.~.| pg, 181953' . . _-3 V -_;;-.5 i; "L I :.;__,,_»._'- -.c-:~.-- FD-36 Rev. 3-13-56} . _ ..._ _, .-92___;.._-:- - q BI ,. ees 1', -. - ,!*-"hi! 92., ,1 T HIE .- . -.. Date: 45"-J Transmit the following message via __ _ e __ _ _

.i_ 92 AIR MAIL - REGISTERED Efadi0" ¢7_1"_92' 7 Priorityor Mefoji of Mailing} K "7 W W V I O 77

_=a . T0: DIRECTOR, FBI OO1-$06659! FROM: SAC, LOS ANGELES 00-55567! 3: E-;;i;_92-k:3:1:'"92 SUBJECT: MORRI§KCbHEN, was. q@ag§;Q;;[Q;§{Ld§ED I LONA COHEN, was. ; AL-"0" 1; 92y'sm£01 / ESPIONAGE - R ».[,»$ HERUNnu+u.c<=- n92"rl"rs: e /'=I~s* ~*'=~--ya,/4 ,v -5 I 77 :5 ,;;:._.-_ Rebuairtel 8 4/58. . 6/?~c»/_/j ggij states /y_9/_ never met 1 RRIS or LONA . as a e to identify 19%? passport photo as being MORRIS COHEN by reason of the fact that she had observed photos of MORRIS COHEN in fur apartment of parents in New York City. Says photo bears no resemblance to UNSUB whom she saw visiting COHEN after death of 1'!'iOtheI'- ftltvqbibz J Rebul t 6/25/58 and Buairtel 8/5/58./-Wv '0 5-5 .

1. 2'. Admitted LB J ~ ~" -

_I LA 100-55567 ' :42 2. .;§4, pV I for ABEL. If not already done,it is suggested that NewYork _ request Bostonto carefully check files at Adams,Mass., .92"'-92-.- where LONACOHEN born was 1éTV13. If LONA COHEN obtained also --ax 3 a certified copy in 1951, t e certifications may have beenused by the Soviets to forge birth certificates for both LONAand NOORIS sothey could obtain U. S. passports under different namesi n 1951 orfor other purposes ofestablishing identity 15? I-E1 of the COHENS or others. es;-v . .'

'.' J -Q; a _-- '92l= - 1 -r P


3:.-1~ .5 5. "ii


- .92, .--f; ._. N 201-L . *1 ,a<; 4 -» s&t

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*ss 92 , 5- I _,' *1., -., I; H I -I___ . ___- _:. - V_ . 92 5 .- J :1 N _.n_ I .' 92-,_ rrnnmnn In.rc.-an ll f ''", ~---¢.1__4_- Oitf ]V[677§.,l7Zd%772O - UNITEDsT}ifEs/ GOVERNMEN1 1 ~. To = DIRECTOR,00-#06659! FBI DATE8/ll/58 e#"UI L. : /""Y/"t " -'92i SAC, yonxNEW 00-103389!ALL |r;FQQ;._;~,_'ff;f; _f_Q:§T{92.|]NED i I y 3 ,_h_,,--_ __ SUBJECT: I-5 .. KORRI§éOHEN,O Dfk OH"PIN I _ U-gwsslaeihvwas.;' B%- £2 » -;Uh§~4 ! > e. -n ESEIONAGELONA COHEN,Rwas. O - - . » _~7~e , ii 7§ q_ HeBulet toNY date 2 "* "ranted bb IL... authorityfrom Spainoninterview the "Auson_ato h w MORRIS v:hoCOHEN. returned.

'92T- .1...-_, _.. 92 CG

f A A check of Con Edison, W E 5:-*1-; criminal, welfare, Blue Cross,mo r c :5.-'3 .',___records duringJune, 1958,revealed norecord of 1 if.-1 '-r-1-I"-r " *" L - W. : '1 .'~l -~ *;':¢'° At; i .¢

:92' ;.--,!92.

92 V J'* '5 n-5: '= 7 .. O-A REGJ4 V li?."'{~g-=92a a @311;-ea1-New£100-New? York !]_QQ_14Q565 " - ' _:»._;___-,_-:-'§-:=g;.;§j.;;'-f__-,|__'>._~ I3 ;1*::x1 1-New York100-103389! Q1135=0. A1»Iv assa 2 '~./$1» _ --__o__- ¢ 59?3e2§ma - a I


"2 N u f io} - _.-4-_=. P "at vt4g,- ./-,7.! ., L

_...'_ -HQ ' I92_ N1 1_oo_-103389 - - ~' " * Q em ,¬_.__ 92 : M} . i -_ ~ -- I. 9, F

-hm, ,-,-_, , . . 1:; , -. ' . -5 "Q,-§->__:¢~_;- |'_£. . Ii "§."'---.-- -- 7?-,-u;¬_--~ _ -1i§ = . F 92a_ T~;- it-v'~ *5 '=- - ."r1--,Px= ."" I .1-I 'r_ -11f. .- .. A"L» . 9 ~"" " r; § F b I . .... ___,. ,-'1 , . ~,- ._pi- -'92--r ¢vh Q-u92»_;,' '-. V f-2'7-vi. - L./'1 '~.-»"_.:= '. --rig 2 "Y i .. 92 ~=i1*-;- =5 . ' '' It may be noted that_this disappearance ofI*' " . Fbears O oerved C in the certainALB, similarities they returned of on norms the samecomm. ship,They ' they were both CP members, and this membership was not b?b/ known to the NYC, Their parents died and they did not attend the funeral and they disappeared suddenly without warning, 4-"'3'-T A ' leaving all of their personal property.,;- -;- ~" _i' » .1" _ -. ~ :1-§'_E_ *1-r. connection between MORRIS' _ » l?~ there is no tangible evidence' b7° .- z I _ 'the underground or Soviet 'i7=h~ ff r* ~ _e-R5 Vm -_Inte __ MORRIS COHEN -.5; 5:-t.-l =..J ;=_»¢§f_ ilgggj .___ _ _.J _' _,____._.. _' - J .'.- .-_;.- I '-" i . _ -_, I., 92 2- _h 1 pre NYOsection -' J . -'~ *'. _A for possible n- ,v~ .;: ' 1- -. . 3 if did enter e Bin--_» . . Soy

action_wi11 be taken.1n this matter didat Therefcre;'hoofurther'* "in the COHE§inveSt1gati0n.'_ -' . - ..-f-'7?.~J,_.i*-'1 L» . ___~.y; :..i-:__ _.i. r _ _ -. "- _~' --. . ;'F'_1.'-., i-.. - - ., - ,3; -iv "ti."-'92}_ - Hoever, a Copy of this"communicetionhés'been:=;'" ';% r 12: Y U "3 I handlingSM-C investigeti0n&5§£f?§[u? , investigation to determine ~i" ej -_- 1 V ither the CP underground or;1,¥i;§~' L . . . -indicate-*¢ - ' ____ < ~ ~' -__-§._._ __ . ?#i;.*fv-,*i~5;;¢;::EiQ:LE¥p3§l¥fE£l§§¥*i*$§3?¥.14'4; -_~ k_; L _, ;1'_~'. es . a|.;..-;_..-.-'u.¢='.J92..._.-i.»|D.;, his d1$appearance_might -_-_~_.|_ ,~ . tend toj; ;§;;1=;i ;i~'ee~e*~>e¢;¢

%;,f,-_,'J..- _. - .1 _~ {lg m" AH___,..¢_,.: E-#3 i - -+_~._ . ;i:n> * _.1 -Y¢.~¥ ~=i»-2 }~: '{. u 'i. if B e~u;- .£~; we sw~iv§;-.ur:»»;, J." -' -._i*.i --"J. 92»t 2i*:e»i -w~11§..,~¢f4£E;w,fv{;+ rt»=5=~<_;v¢%¢*§7v¢a 1}, L 5'»¢ ¢113'1?Yfa¢§"£?*;* Y?-E?¬" "-¢ m *i-*-in }ééi%F~xiL1%kl'J§P p &§$h~nés¥"MC7%§**II'?-- _ ... ,_ _'4 _; IYAMDAI9 luau uh. ll I


",1-_ . Oj? Nlemmamdum- UNITED STIALES GOVERNMENT ~_'1. .-92 - "92-J, I: TO ,..~-- = DIRECTOR,FBI o0~Mo6659!* DATE 5/31/58 Tam "'' Qf 9292 .1 <: = SAC, NEW YORK00-103389! /5%svnpT= MORRIS» was} - gQ%EN, *' A q LONA COHEN,was. _ _ J I '; -1: '13- ' ESPIONAGE- R w 3- ',ne e " t 7;/ ____§ ¢-5 _- . - _ . 1 ___ 7" -. Re NY :1Tt¬l to Bureau, dated 8 which , _ indicatedNico thatinterview would UACB. t-'¢-_ '7* 2 Re Bureau ai /Bo, which granted 4 authority to interview Tf§i92-.__ Spain on the "Ausonia who returnedfrom bat! -1, HEN.

@311,-_E-2».'- ' .1» ' - P11 {nveét 0 15en effortto locate 1.1..-_; _ FYI | d as proved negative._ L/ It which were used t bythose names theALB. were probably»i b4v'fictitious ones, UACB, wil take no further action to locate de- 92__-n_ * -. - A-'-_¢ and 92intervie11 S/aé. ] , ' .-rs. *'. an--73-_- / 92r"

92 . --'-"v-Ru ALL Hxi-C '.1,"-:e~:Ir~.mEDy -A-1 __ _wi _»"-=-.;:=.. HEREH1§!lE°e 1 ;-" , - :,__-.- | . ' __ ; - .' ._ 4 V --r~',e~ - ' _ Q .e~ _- . » f_'-, - . 1' .t_- _ DA'92E_-ILQL' - - - _. 4»-9' _ 1 ' " < ,_.. . __ . »Ft;;, , _ .1;-5 --4- a' 1 -ike92l_'_§i . _¢..- - . . I - 92"l'92 It ' - -1 ._1£_> - __ 1 -

L -.- " '.'..5--, '4- -' " t 5 92 D? :1 -.- - }';'.--1" ~ y ' ,1.hi. 1 __ -lg _.<, _ -rt. _'__L92; J . ' Q . " 1',- . - 3,- - .'~ L92'_ , V... _7_ T . _ __ .-. 4 _ k J, . -I-1---.. }- {Hi Q 1air d;v_LF H.V 5 _ "_ T-- 1- - " ". "'1, _ .-~' T -_- ;.- . '. ""1-I-"-:..*"='_.""- - "I "§"'-*4:". .- '31 Qmreau 00-1+o6659g' _;=geé%i 1 -Ne 75 TQ§$~ "11*7: -¥r~Lu -,__r|92._-'.' w York 00-1033 9! . . _ . _ __,_.__ ___ I . '-...J..-'.'.. '._.;..=..=-_.,.;. ;_;-¢-..--.'-..4'_'._,-.'.._-_.._' -...-. -_92.,,__._- A

. - ~ _ - . Rep-nrtPD-72 [5--1;L$:=! Form '- " 92 9


,;__ gomjln FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATI IAL N |=IEPORT|NG o_rr|c:E7 _ cirnca or CTFHGlhi V i EAT: E m _M INVESTIGAWTJVE0 6/5, 6, Q-12,16» PER """1 C-TIC-450 NEW 3-'m<7__/l__ 23.26;?/2,7,9,11,2],23-=25.2 I1'TTE"OFH '*"___mit A$¬ 7 W E7 VFIEPOR;MADEIVLEE B; E/-58 3%: ?Y|-so av 1"-r- MORRIS COHEN,; °'°*A"was. OF ASE_ 5? _ LONA COHEN, was. E ,-,..-92 n :>= , h.51*1u;~.-OE- R <_ _4_1 ' II-.__ U F;-7?-5-ii;V ___4______% E ____#,______1 ~ _ W ______1V i "_ //.4l-5/'-1'-1'.»--ii" ' ":*.:'_",/Vi? L7 E§_¢:~;':"-svnoesns; _; KL_.._ _. ffice failed to reflect ,/FA- ~

92_ - .15-i " is ; /. _'_ ago ce reg ng Amer can 1*1e, en Lnion fail informat , §!_?l.§j-= @- / - ' : ' If 0 I " g §@;'y s 0* ;/rot rom recall em¢r MORRIS ermanyCOHEN to Liege, being asBel thison ium in pass. 1945. if; ' __ recalled name of townwhere COHEN made civilianfri §§_;§@ /43¢ Be] W1 1 e n 1 Euroe and Geas3Q Welk -:>:» ' _ __,. .~.i.__ 5"'"°*"i".V _, E 4?]/N14E ".*;:=:=m=.=.*:.~*E _ O O.,¢..m.....~...... ;....';. O __. O .¢w.. _ coenssvwba. V ' 92-f1 7 L V K K E '

..New Bur YorkEd L0O$l03389! .;1=4oess9! 92RH! R!!!! i y7; - Albany5~2251! Info! RH! /G RfC_31 - DenverCleveland00=8103! 05=22s5! Info! RInfo! g,an! 31Auslggg _._.___ in;92.."PB-» 9.». » Springfield {65 946! Info! _RM!1 b -- Is - ChicB.gO l0O=-=32027! ' E EYE? .»~._;,-~2 =9 ' *' ' W i"-"-'-"~"-'"--? " ' .~ COPIESDESTROYED 10 our3 was _ y I E. _AUGy 57 Z01958J i y W i L/U:».'1;;.mj,__ PROPERTYOF FBI.-This report loaned to in youthe FBI.by and gait!-oritynorcohtonu it: tobu outside an the agencyto which ioamd. ._ , __ _ _ L. -1¢...._.4_. _-_ _- s...|_a_s-__._.._.

I _ " -f. . -. .-,3 . ~"-_

_"I92__. rag

CG 100 320a?


-:-_ ; " ._".'-__'n.' :- F H "'1 7"""1""'-=- r,'1F= -r i-dll "H tewrnph T m -_ L_;-. 'f'1I- ':CEl a l TT1 a J ka 1 d ldual who k M';__92?I pt to himself and » . .~.;;_1 Ef¬ITPd to 1:1;-,- Peralls FOPFN 5; aeiutiat or 11enietie =tater;nts ra 4 .. Q: -H <4. _¢ .I= __-we .1

while attending ¥"?- ¥ < Q9 OI L n_eU Pa"t! {CF} an insisting ce1ld see no*hing wrang wit} it Can recall no ipecific s etewente tut r call: COHEN vary uutSPOK6 L this .|.~:D92 r-"F J ._ _.f Jf H15 bf-3118f held these VinNS prier to attendance at Uissiesippi State nd feels b_o1ght them with Him from haw York UlV¢P3ltY Yn-u of no ene at MiQ313+ppi State who

pp i State s c o! oi ! aye n NFJ York Ci; about 1938 or 1939 ted COHEN then still interested in CP

1&5? r n-

" vi '4 R 92 .__ _,_' _ _.- ,_ - ._ - - __ .1. ._.i.- :4-.-.Jk_._-4-,-u-h..|-'-.¢_,¢._-4...... - - ,_; -n..el,-----e,A_-are..--.--92 --l--4 - ._

1 ' I -

, _,_: -.__'j '--. A o ,.92-92':»- .11 L 1 §,_ 5. L .. J Lil i "- 1__ '-" _..-_,_ .-9 CG lOO~32U27 _ ~

reca s pment manager" calls as e likable indiv .-H-

_ 92 not seen ce co 7, heard from a bqu then professor at Mississippi State, now deceased, that boo L»;-' COHEN while attending University of Illinois did some park 4___. n-v-_4-I.- ¢ _;2 Spegkirg Qn behalf____ of __ fh -e ,egro.N -' Knew of no a5EOClAT¬S' of P at Nli31J&l]P l State considered Communists id knew of no

-1'; _-1 ".S'.;» ,'.-3. _ _, -.'L|.:_;_.4 " We

ca H HA . .4 en 1 en 1 1e p otogrip of him. Could furnish no further information regarding COHEN

~ RUC Q ' i PEIAIIS: - Investigetion.. conducted herein wee at Chicago, Illinois, unless otherwise indicated. . The following orgdnizgtions utilixed in this report hive been designated by the Attorney General of the United States pursunnt to Executive Order 10450: ' .-_ -IE2. .- . *~ _~_-=_. -u _.~' L Communist Party, USA QCP! Young Communist League LYCL! . FE. ..-. ATTEl-EPTS TOLOCATE non s connn bi . gnnotfenk _


.%§-'-, .1; fjg filo 5 ' A The records of the Chicago Office f ' t $%e any information indicating contact between . i and MORRIS COHEN in the past eight years. _4c/ +;;_.j,:-_' §1 ?¢y Q 3 _ 4-751: 12.7-TH! xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx



Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the le. One or more of the following statements. where indicated, explain this deletion. Cl Deletedexemptiontsl under 5'77! l _ ___ _withno segregable I material available for release to you.

._.J lnfonnation pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request.

information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Doeumentlsl originating with the following government agenoviies! ______E _ . was/were forwarded tn them for direct response to you.

Pagels! referred for consultation to the following government agent-yliesl; eW__.u___u_i__ E_ _ ,__ E, _E __ E__E as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon re-tum of the material to the FBI.

E Pagelsl withheld for the following reasonisl:

E For your infomiationr _, l___ , __ ,

The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: /QQEE-EE_a£@@_es

XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx té DELETEDPAGE S! § A so DUPL!CATlON X x FOR nus PAGE x -92_ .

Y. ./ . _,,-="- "1-'-. ~w»; ' 7"; F» .1 mi-'92".' J...... s¢hi"92L, ".'~'.T.' - ,_.,92 ."-33¢» CG LUO E202? ' '

F '._ 59-":- '--*7; a ' 1,. - '--14? V" 3 : ..$ .4-_..1- ;'. 7* vs .' '--92,-.A-- *.1'3;,

r- ~_.1,_..'* _ 92q,» - -. -,,. " _." :3-__. ,:;:,__.. .12; /6' V1 a-" .' 7-1:»* -~' '_ -v. -=".:_,? A'T'IT:T-"IPTS TO LOCATE I-i~?1-REFS ~"f?YETI EROLTQH 923-W

| bl .r._; -:- :4-._» _q-n1? ,* 92 7» b 5- The T6061 d; ~1 aha Chicaga Uilice lailed to r=n£'lec t 8?'_1'n Y"P-Qpfq 1°"&=1°" !f92|l'1']':1921' 1nd1<=&=L 9 |-| _ if-E a . Contact between. _ . i . -*-13"-'3? -_zuu 1.92/¢t_1..l.-.J.92.»l,I.'J._.-lvl 1n tn; past eight years, iii :13 "Pa:-2

_ 4


2; .,_

__j_ 5}; H? I-S|._. Q-:=;$;;% 92"" -3 : 2»; *':- '7"?-'<' - 4' E. 4-T50 I2-T-T9!







FV1 .121

XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX ._ .. -'_i-... .'.,_-.-..- _ a» --;-__ ;__,>.'.-_.4|-c-_..-_.:-4.;J.n-.1_a.;a-:a1_.a;..-_._-Li-...,=,.__-__._._.. -'",./" .- -';?< -__.92'.,'.;. -". _-c-xf ' .._o-_u

92..*'92JaE.IEHL h..~:..

I CG 100~32027 IQ" is :_92._ "§LZ"__, - .1-'Y -An-_ 92b/T x/b»|T! ~,.-..- -4_| '-v r_A -. - -_-._'," {J LU 5"


1- ,_1- A pretext telephone call on July 11, 1958, made to the Drover Motor Sales, Bar 01

iélI I +2 ' ' The records of the Chicago Office reflect no b¢~' g information concerning ._;'e"1 il- .,i'! 4 "r-'1; -_a -.~ 4* W, ... 3;, _--' D do b, Tea? '5-". ATTEMPIS TO LOCATE MORRIS 1.3" coats THROUGH REVIEW or _ .3 . '-~:f192 - INFORMATION PERTAINING T0 A¥EEJQé§u§IUDENT_UNI°N , The American Student Union has been cited by the Special Committee on Un=American Activities, Annual Report, HR 2, January 3, 1939, Page 80, as a Communist front which was "the result of a united front gathering of young Socialists and Communists in Columbus, Ohio in 1935. The Young Communist League took credit for the creation of the organization which offered free trips to the . It claimed to i.1~w'1-Q75! have ledas manyii five hundred thousandstudents outin ,__, _,. annual April 22nd- trikes in the United States. ewes The records of the Chicago Office regarding the 1%; American Student Union failed to reflect any information pertaining to MORRIS COHEN. -- '---------~~- ~- ,_ ,h~---n~~t|i- 7" 4I~* '4_::i____,; ~-

c 0


.. . - l

u-mlzrrs 1-0 LOCATI mam: e e a *~ _ counnmueaqxnmnn er xnrrrlnnnnsnvn ' '-"'1 1

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I1- 134113 the IIIQ Yet e nW ten , leceted on the"border_lt Belgiul and lerleny pert: et the ten ' E; in etch rjlrf, b _ _ _ -*8 _ Qacn ._ 92 I _.1 l!l'1'1"l'8 1'0


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at they I01! than in thl 1500 block, cnct add;-on e um: :1-e_ "1' I VII! I1;lc_rI_|.y and table I-an and aha Iould nu-prised 1! ho too ILICI um be ' '

- B1


if acJ_ ._-., ?-- ,5;

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/: _ . , .1 __,-J _______ ;;_ __ _ _, __lr _:______'__ _l '-__ 7 vi Ji ' iii _ .____.__-,.,,_._-_..____ --...,...-.. ~ :__.___; ~ ,___ - ._ - __,:_ _


C0?¬F?" {Ai = 7 100-32027 ' ,

he tilea at the Glucago Office tailed te really. iarerlatienp_ree1ed1.ng' Leterviel er anbere er the - -

u-mu-.1-s to LOCA'I.'I nomus con: rmoum mmw smnrs . A! ussrsanrz aura comma, A i -_- I"'I"]"L__ . '1 -..r-..s*--1:2: . HE: r "

--' 0 State 7 ' and identied a lhetegraph er Iain. .' eu¢1-rne can at all devered a gr-eat Qeal :!' 'I_=1_!e t9 beak! Q1! Q9 £9 be a an thinker. Be stated am: com uuautee a . 1!,} geeu deal nthithletee in hie capacity at trainerfltt 21-taIII an becauseintividual of a molack did et net natural participate ability. in vare1ti""" Ia advised~ .4 {GUI III ,a likable individual ake: l:efl.l.lee1-1' gm . and In referred te iy teller etaieate an AB; ' '- A ' »"

st!" ' _


"92"" a92 : 92 92 . F.K . " K-0 .92 ~ /! .. ' . 1./ , .

~* :** i _.:~__._' ._ _.,__ ¢i__$I|__*.|,' _'"pqg._ ii. ._-1, _ i 4.v -" *7**---11 Q 6-? - ~ xi/» - .r_"'e92' '>6» ~_l h I F! ;p¬ n H ,'4'-H »-'. _.-92-|_.-,. 92.;'_ -L'~92';CG 100-3202? . ,.- A - .v_.. ' __, recalls that coma, while 92!"" s 5&9

,a; -4 Hi-

-.921" further recalls that boo C-I-1E.E'!92I; State, had keen frierdly D with a student who was from New York City 5 and who EP&u& advised that he is unaile :6 to state how closely the.tyo were associated, but he recalled that they were at least friendly. He advised that he could Iuruieh HQ lLf¢IRiLi£H as to the gseisnt mhereabsuts of . :21?-1. '1 .--P" 1}, /1 M

__'§f ._,_ w

c were as but dses recall t COHEN . . J in high esteem and seemingly idolized him in a manner 1.!- here war He advised fhat PP 6


the correct lling for _ bqg, resides at-

oan recall no other D4 prcfesaors had been friendly ho! while at Mississippi Stats.

He adylssd that he has not seen or heard of COHBHe since he COHEN!loft Iilliillppi Stats; and ho Gould ; furnish no information as to his presont'Ihsrosbouts. nu further advised that he knows or no one with Incl OOEII sssoistsd at Mississippi State who night Us oonsidorsd'" by Comunist,andE223: which that would he indicate does not that recall he wss'lspnunist1osl11any tstemsnts made inc s . j-.':!~ C-K .r._ '- 4 I. -_ 5, ~_ 4:..- u _,_-. _...,--;,.-hf - 11 - _;_92~l92;.- .»-_-_ .., _ _. .-.-. 92 92" B --»-='{+

_- ... , ..___7__,--*»--v-- -_ ~T --4-- -4-=.:-vw.-r-r92'-1*»?-1*-'*'_,-.,;;' -; " - " ' 4-750 -'4'-'4'9l XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX


s1 wimheid atentirelythislocation the One le. morein theor offollowingstatements, where _ , explain this deletion. ' '

[II Deletedunder exemption D67 s! _ withno segregable material available for release to you. Cl lnfomiation pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. C] Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documenttsl originating with the following govemment agency ies! .._ .. , __ _ _,__ , , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

_--i P&ge s! referred for consultation to the following government agencyliesl; __i_i___i 7 __, ._ .:_ as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

_..i. Pagers! withheld forthe followingreason s!:


Kl For yourinformation: _ _ _ _ D _ _

The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: Z09; <11/0£559' /926 %d._Li..c1 ._. ._ so

XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX .x&_.-mum. .....-.92-Q. - ._.» _ ....|_.....

______, ,1-1.; _ J,-...|p 92:..--| up.» ;..u._,.p-J ..-._-qr.-.-.A_§.'Il-_;;._Lln..¢..mg.¢¢....lH.-_92

F....~~I-:._ -, '4' E/_¢?-J5 3'5 .'-'92'5 L- .92_S _L'_- .* '_v 911%?'


_ -¢ ., --v vs-_

=., »-r L'-'".': '0' Z4 , .a--.- . we 92. 14 if

- _3E~. '.'-r rga " _ > A-;..: _-. '2 _ _ q -H -7-. ,:1n.

- *2? : ,-=:»;_-.~.-: . >4-

_' fi-

E '31 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION M 7- 92. . - <1 a ';.-'.-/5. 92 92_;_.':;'*' ¥.;/_'¢¬»_'._*§.¢'o .'--.0

-1.r. 92".".92.,._r __-.9292.. W V . RCA RA UU 92JU'8

92-- - ' bq / ,1 has not heard from I- _ concerning COHEN since 5 ted from the college in the earl 1930'Y S. z ,.,E_ _ CO hls lknuwiudgu, Qukinii u::veI.'u.'.=::UCi&i;Bd W d.-II -92__ .:_, ,[- were cons i dered to be Communists and, as a matter .9!-'."_ ot tact, he knew no persons at idered eeés to be Communists at that time. had ___ 7- never heard COHEN make any sta te that -rt-: he was Communistically incline __,I1'.';3: - -.- '_=; IIIIIIIIIII 1.5 _..___ I J. L was @- L-LT 'I~;- his recollection tbta C: e andhe Dq ,_' ~12. believed he roomed in the athletic dormitor b y y elf. He bqo stated that COHEN's onlyinterest seemed to be sports and he . -. has no recollection of COHEN bein g c 1 osely associated or particué §??# larly friendly with any certain students. ques'l:i0ned concerningthe identityof O- pcrsons w 0 new OHEN at the college whose names do not appear- on the list eontained in referenced letter, and he stated L '2"_ .. that the onl person s whomhe thought might have bee5'£EI$iB K _..92.I-~*_ , qua -Y7,. __92-; 721,5 .-.4 I-- _A. n Philadelphi l 1- -, qr given name.; - r

Q t, Q __£_ l y acquainted _ '*.~,,-1 unable to furnish the O E-_ . exact addres s but believed that these qg K . . ',,_,; 5 addressee could be obtained£rom_M1ssissi i StateCollege ;3 .-.~;F.-35;;--.2 records. '1_hesepersons listedwere byas follower -J- ' 92_k-_92:"92 5 . QB" g,/r-

_,, vb

, 5- ta information avaiiabie

reilect whether or not these r m been interviewed QQQO§Fn1ng ---s . tr 5 . 9292__ .- - 1 _ _-,',_- _ -41:9,. i.'-uQ !92.-.-;_,_- , . _, ,--- . # - I "*"i'_'r'_1 _, "._, __, - 1-_f»__ __.;q-. L-¢?.§.__,-.;i'n.T;g;,-g-_, '4-;.&:;:,§:,7_:_{;,§!,_1a.§*_.;E_ H .3-_. é %___~_i"_: -. ._ ;,- Qmsig..| 19'L M- . _ V t .£2'.--_§"~'3_a'_§9."¢=':'l''_""- -"3"; .'92' '~ _;'§i-"=_:#*.:.- . L -.1-92 | , 1, . I .="_'-1

=5. 1.1-l- - KX 65-564 E}.-efgifg _~;-I,<',~.',..'-J. J.- v'92-..;_ §--x'_-"T,

. A . . __ r ;,-,3 _ not interviewed these individuals it is requested that their ~792 _ fil- qlihrrehonts hea=certa1ned fromMississippi State College -< _. Q.-- '. "* records and appropriate leads set forth to have them inter- ~. viewed. -e -' _ -' ".--1» - ~ i I RUC . .. 1-1:? a

._. -92 92_ -T.:§t0 -._Y -_v:. '- 1L'.:-._ . ' '. -1'.-.~~1 .-3'» a.=:: 1< .1 -92_ ,3_ 3- _92_~.~ -4


- Q I _ s ¢ I

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i;'.;-y}. _ 3 ,_ - .I . . . - . "71 .-92-..-+3: -->~3 92=_r--__-_'-2,1-v.'-_-::*92I:zj--.:-:'wK.e-we-am-=;=:.*~" er-~ -»- -.-=- . .- .. . 1' ...... ,_ -.- .. _ ...,, ;.,., _', I. _ -' - 1 . . -~ ¢.-4 " -> ~ _ :______--- J-_.,.--.- ,.>92 _..T;~. __ '. , 92 _ -- 1-_-1._ I '- . " . - _ -r"-I"----= 1. J- _,. I ".. I- ,.1 .92 I l ,_ ._ , _.-_ __, 92_. _ v .;. .v- -_ . " '

. s 0 E... '4 '

_. .,__. J5 I ~q. L".----5 uomnpyvmffee b'=

~25 1LtIrr2;rArre*cPx"arttD . F-.-1-7-r.¢92.. A ._ T" -.--- -" * ' 't" '1-1"-.-'~. -r-"19! ' -_ e§:;x$§:naq:::;I£s. +5 ,_,@,F P1I 0 E M E M OR A N 1: U M -::--=:-¢:- UNITEDszmwes eoveezmenr 11 I- 92'-il".._ '_ _ Q T0 = D'RECTOR,o0@L;os659! FBI unwed?//-2'6? 31? .1 ,1» /I // --VI. "~- E. F2017,6.-_c, /Zr00-32027! CHICAGO 1-..-.' f92-",.,. . .35 sue 2:11=/"1~1oRRIs6dHEN, was l I.92_E 41}, .I- ,- LONA coern, was °Classied by Hr-"»'-"r ESPIONAGE Q R I 4- Ono: NEW Ion K tr "L -J!-»'---1.3}, la.-'4II-1 1.: Cu-i= E

";; V. T 7:..- Eno er i r "."..-92'*' e five copies of the Chicago I-'0":-~ report of SA dated and captioned as b7 '92~v* above, togethew p es of a letterhead memorandum. 7 BEFEBE"EE§ / r *1 New York airt or dated °4*gb£5/27/58. D . NewReport YorklettersSA of ated to the ecter det_d 6/El 6/h/<8 SB,at,Albany1¢¢1/38;?and ?/9/58.¢v»!~g #1 __. Chicago lettersto the Director dated6 23/e, 7/23 58and 7/31/58. , 92 ChicaC1eve§andairte1' 0 letter tothe the Dlrector Directordated 7/to date %4%5/58.Q£575@ 8 / AIJMINISTRATIVE em.l¢ 3 I /O47 /D54? _ I I F1Qgggilgn EEAE%?l§9iERQH92 W7 V Wt THl§_CA$EiI$W __ 7 V NQTITQV 7 BE __ CQIl12QP1§1E.D__I_NANY_c_oRREs*I1o1_¢p_,5.3921c;12r REA I oursfde Fg3WDIssE:r4IiLTrIon BU_IiiJ;1{iU_Z_1rJI_'I'l1;_I__0§T*Ia .'U___ U _*I 1_92uf111?.oRirT7f.* -- Pi2;>_1¬I I * En _ _ . , . 92 closed report contains resulte of interviews divisions,other investigation Noleade are which developed set forth in leads this inreport other field sincethese bar, lead h a ave been set forth in previous Chicago communications to these divisions, A*- - "cgq- arc-31 °s §_¢ YorkNew 00-103 _ Bureau Enol. 10! 1-1 {F 92 H Jo Encl. 6! iie.J 1- Albany 5-2251! Encl. 2! -ls "7. Cleveland 05=22 "fo} {Encl. iet";._92:_-!~._;92' /J Denver 00~BlO3! Encl. 2! fr . -* 1 _ '1!1;: -ixE5 eld 5-9h o! Encl. +_q§.4'_' ;;'~;. >w;; I A5--1211 -, J /4" ,éi_..5:9/l . .-. -_ . 1-.-~.-". - - . I.- . ',_'. -- -.'- '-- -' -V-,' - r " .'~.'-1.-"'_-_. . l'.'§ ,.-V; " - <' - - » .-~_., , _- ,i.__ .'-_---- :1-.--:92-_ ___.;___¢ -- -____,:_.- 'W -;.,-.'__._-.6. -;'-='*..,'=.,__ 1; *-- .-'.'-'---- '-..__:_- . . 92 t t - -. ~ -- ."-_r..; ...... _.=:r_-=-~.¢;-.1-..--.=;;-..-1&5.-.~_. __,._ _ _ .:-_--¢..92...||£._s_:i_-_.u:..-r~'h;-..¢-.a-~.:|_,..:;=-~.;-,-;_ . .", ., .. f.-'.'-u'.'

92,',i fl C{92t?5__F!"_'r~.L - .. i :7 tin!; jq _ IQ .4 92 ,, go 133 S2027 V.

H 1 .,,_ . J _ The death records at the Bu Q JR 7. were reviewed by Investigative Clerk b-,u ls». tistics -'1? ' '_- . . "L hr v--..""~:= pretext was a L43 ~ . was made bnb i§?:'.92 _7_¢ bySA bqv The pretext used to determine address in 1950, is unknown. It was

This-r-- .' ." 'fied vonfidential since data, H - 92-_ reported from could reasonably result in [,¢;J bf 14¢' l¬nLl1lCdLLuu '1 +-r- 1' oi coniinential intormants O1 1' oontinuing value and compromise future effectiveness thereof.

Careful consideration has been given to each source concealed and T symbols were utilized only in those instances where the identities of the sources must be £0nCEal&d. bfD

7&11 - --]92 5'-1. _- _92_.. _-_. _92

>»--_ -_ s ec to check the-rethe Ielephcmeno is r asfitilized n.a:-:- it has inthat beery determined area. p-1 W 5 Ab:


.- :5 ! §r -2-».

.2,_ _'_; .1 '-.< f 1 , ..z.. _-e __._._-I BUN?" ».!Ei92HI!ll -i . . . - ' , ---. ; . --. ,_ I I . _"_> ,- -.-=-" . 7. . -~21. ,1 _ ~92_ "._. - ..'2_?;---rl-? 4;-M--27' :-- r t 1.3". 92,.___ .,, _.,. . . "-,, ._-... = -.-'-_ -. '1'. 92'= . ---. '. .. - ,-.-.--,. .. .-:-.-_¢¢--;.-§.__a-..- _ --¢- 1- 0 :_ . 1., ,",.1_' -.- .. .'.<92;..-. '--'_." .92-.1»-.¢.&_-_,_.--_ -.' :';' '- , -'. -

. _-"' . 2-1 | § '_.j.:I Q= 5,»? I, '-| =2: < --92 _ ;- -- --',~s- .- l .- mm -7 ~._ CQ lO0~32027 -ui-II-I-.__

i 1'

E . -",-._Ff, _-3-ii It . ;4;?

.>¬. '- ~ If " -11

-'. .. 92..-I _.:.' F


92/ -' 1-5."vv -_ _ THE ALBANY, CLE¥ELAND, SPRINGFIELD AND bf, ~DENVER 92_. . ..-.- __ DIVISIONS A"4l_ _,.1_b_L_..'_-Q-.-_-.-%F,_. - m INFOPMHTION-_-92A-__.-r_-..-.1,_'_.__ ~aI Ina9much as the aobve Diviions have investiga= -Q.-111- tion which ties in with that conducted in Chicago they are 3% being furni§hed one copy of the enclosed report. ,___xmmz ,__.

i '.

- 1; <1- kw-1

T E; , I .. ~ 3 » .

FQ L-U. . UL f{iH@L J K 1 ..,_ __,__,...~M -,..., ....'. __..,;,,,L.,-u..- .. ..

92~ - /_ _, "°"°"""°"" Fsoemu. auasruor mvesni ZTION .".z1. ' INTERVIEW REPORT _-.-P _-,'92 _'.--. I92--4 ah; 13""?é%L ,,=.": ,- Dela 8/

_..-492 : féi ,-z-T B31216 qd :_'i.~f:.$_ a potograph H, vq .__ _»-7 J - I " ~. insisted that he could see nothing wrcng W1 it. . ?2'.."~-'q'_"ill "=_Y"'_"_T1? :2--11 .:!- '9»~ .y Fgeciflc , - _ .- stafemsnts ma -y GCEENu css reeallathat COHEN was _ ,¢_: very cuts; e;an1y spake in favor E235 of the CP. as far as he knew 1'r=1'1 13?"!-se COHEN ¥4u .a;;r= ttsndanse at Mississippi Q State Gcllege had always assumed V? a1I-.-A 1--.--..._. l; u-J. 4. that 95 ~- ~'=»=fvu in- rem NewYerk University, v - which hehad atteniedprior-to Mississippi Stats College. U Hs statsd that he ssgseially felt inis to be true since he knsws of no one at Hississ1pp1.State who sharedthe feelings cf CGHEN infhis regard, and he névsr krew of CGEEN attsnilngary Conrunisrs!t1nws er aff+~pt1:: to crganizs suah activity stile at the écllsgs. H s;.== 92 with Hh:m kpsy o£_ng_pr:fe sscrs -.1;,,¢. while at Mississ '92 S Ea-e. f '£EN haibeen I lppi £5; ~ ..r.;'1'4 Jdi 92 __:_. iiliinilfr .- £133 .45.--- . t1".a.t._ ha .tC-Oh-:.h was sen.. '251n'inf1uenc.ing his resol b/EC

U L-I I!

1 lllitrvluygb . *w¥ - ' -..,i1:___Fi!e! -::°°"§e°§7_r R, _ IT . _ -V -2. on _ut 13-11-@915_r____ s_r_Hdiggggg Our. 92./ . _ f 92_ - ! 92' Q . ULHi{| iuiiir.

-s I

_ ~ ,. .* as "0-32027 92_* | 1-_-3, 1. 92 v..-- ~- 7 i NH SH Xszr k he had . -: #- for -Q _ fr r. that he accepted nvitation, -.v ._:_" and during the onv ation that eve come u an ad indi at B h8.C1 bj! ' still Pinteres » e n e CP movement. o ed that He advised comm was that then he bV " could su pp ly f no ur t J8? i n f ormat i on in t his regard. He ;$_ that he is unable to recall the whereabouts of =-. ',92 ent wherea outs. He advised that he is of the §f§ ': opinion Ch&U esidence and 18.d_could resided furnish in the no Bronx information as and possibly P- - res, at that , ng with his parents, names unrecalled. an - it is his opinion that views with regard to the was against the GP. Q43 -w ,-,Q'*1 o-*1;:.N at were considered to be Communists. knew of no associates of B1 50 Ar hat it is his that C £11.11.-IL! 1141 L1 EJ, BU with a student '*: who was from Chicago and who j .-A1 aboutIor'n-iation six months or a year.as to .-5"-' 15".- ,. - a'=.f?-

7 ._".j- -as s,

egmv f 92 is -_ I - 92 in -. 11 an ,- _ Q _ Q, sa- 92.s92-1' a@HW -,._. gs?.1-1:. .92 _g1. .~_92' 1 _ v In-_ uI_-177:;-.-_-._.3--.o--.-s-_ _<'f"'It92_r--_-v-'_ . ..-..-.-- - -.7 _ .. A

' I -_, _ _ _ _. _o .' ..', __.~: 3 ' i. ' i 7-- <;;._...,/f.: x1$%

P . - I - .-z a I,

"'*'*-+9. 1| I ;3'92"il'|'-it ._ i. _, »"_r _., , aft:- >c5i ,t_ -3"-.-. H. 1 x - CG lOO3202? .3§'!¢'-Q - .'..._" '1 skii sII¥*~»- On July 23, 1 8, a check of the Chi * Tale h o Directo ¥.~+,~.'_ 14"- .3;-=~

._t.r$-31> a._f__ Jew _ -L.



i. rec l .-2 .. e a photograph of him. He advised -.-K.-54-_ COHEN as "equi me t " p n manager for the varsity athletic t eams. _';:-i; He stated h e recalls1 him as a very quiet, likable individual 1 wk -.,_.v_,,1 from Newyork City whom fellowstudents referred to as "ABE". ., t he recalls b%v V A b-7v

A sociated the two Lean were, but he recalls that because of ir respective positions they did have various dealings together. V? I;w=i;-gig has not seen COHEN since school da F e e . He stated that in - -U-so~l about_l937, he had from a then English professor at . . - £:; 92 QI -

I ' --Hip .', ____ ?w&# ;.b_~.1_-_;;;;§ CG 100-3202? l

. -7- corzrrzrwzzxt

.-;.-- _- . 92r' "

n»- never knew MORRIS comto W _ iiIE%§eciate with persons who were considered to be Communists ,;h' while at Mississippi State. He stated that he knew of no . 1..-1 92'-#11 v such individuals at Mississippi Stat A e HULLHBI92 """ u.92v92a_ L-I- is uuuGQ&nGB .-.4.1.___J_.___ P there. He further advised that he had never heard MORRIS 7 - Is-. '-TV 4 . COHEN makeany statements while at Mississippi State which >.92.~-h :' -P1 would indicate that he was Communistically inclined.

n July 2h, 1958, a check of the Chi 7... -9 H-' tr *s~.'.- , J_u;:_':" '. Rép-_r .

tified b'D of him. He stated that he reca HEN because of the f been a trainer

IHHI _w _ c an_ furnish no information_ . 1"-V}, concerningp . e d that he is unable to r e ca11 $1,» .'_.k,_¢ any professors or students with whom COHEN hadbeen 92 1 '_; friendl- -. and y, st a et d thath hehas notseen COHENsince school.b;! - 1 He advised that he knew of no individuals he considered to ¢'.92;- be Communists while at Mississippi State, and knew of no '1'I'r s ~ '92"' statements made by COHENwhile at Mississippi State which would indicate he was Communistically inclined. He further advised that he is unable to recall the identity of any _'r~J'."' persons who may have known COHENat Mississippi State, .~§;; i. _ . -Q ' -"1wc_.-. :5

92 92.

L .. 16 -

L .1 CON ENTIAL éihe *1. -/:23 92 KJUI. } 0'."=.-~*'_' _""i'--:65 '-. ..- .-, _.._,- . .7». '1 .-;-1»? I "1-..I'- - 4| .4 I _ ._ ,1. ,7 ,. - .... _ -7- -_ _ -.-|'§_192'II921v_*"*"'}i='r.*.__ A _ . -- . -_ .. "' -. '--.----..c-.¢--.- - ' .. . _.._ _ .'= .__._-_.r-:_-._- - I -.1 I ' J 92.- a -4-up A '-'-'.-, e. ....:-.n _ '5

rrnanuv-|Iu||n$.ll / - an-?-J Ir _ L gx A~ Oiff Memo,-zmdum - UNITED srkelfes GOVERNMENT

TO , Director, FBI 00-406659! oA1'a= s_/13/as sac, Ii-1=<>=t§v3_-11¢ <65-we ALL |?iF"i3f1?.'<.==.T!£¢T4 cozmamao ' 4 IEREIIIl'"I§l"i.f5-'$SiiflED _..- SUBJECT: monnrs <63 am} "was . l DATEH ° B£>.Z4' "/Q 92 9 _ 1 _1+~_.~_---;'i- - {g _ . . ESPIONAGE mm con:-:2; 1 n was. -. -i " D " *-"'-"ft- :'i_J,77?'l 92.' »_ if - .'T92- . /-W" ' Re Ne I Yor k letter to the Director 7/9/58, which *_924/ e Oifi interv- - I .

_.. forme e _ issippi State College had any information re- 0!; garding current whereabo t - - ' -1- u szot subJects.- 1 .,_-1...

92 ! J

It is requested that the Detroit Offi ce i nterview 1 ff ;..:.! at the above address . ss For a i s t ance in this interview .1?-*': ...._¢ - _si .1-Y one copy of New York letter to the Director dated 7/9/58, .-, is enclosed for Detroit. . _ __ __ - _ 92 _ a-,5?we 3 -'.11:;" 92 N- I; q e 'Jh 92 -i .. '~.N_* . - -~»- :q'-be-

2 Tr

trainer was a was known at that time student by the nicknameat the and the bl! =4- for the Athletic Department. L OHEH was particularly I andP - _ shorn the photograph was of COEN unable and to recallstated he§§ ¥+*?_ . @_ s vhs>.~-¢."P*=eu n . D", that =21 ¢=!1'>1.~.*<.+_*=. _ :1D92_ 1 ._92. ' u C9 r - ~ 1- v _ :__, mi, _ __ _ _§_ _,_~,, err ."-_;-,-.1-@.','fi r. - *'_ -. ».: - -*|!92.11-1 4 2 . ,_, -_¢ . V1|"92!_r 41-vi:_921q;:;_'-;_92_-_-i.R - __f 1" ' ' __:_~ 2 Bureau Her York REGISTERED_oo-103339! IAILJq¥n;§"¢ > nmrgrngmn_n D rig/}iahL:3E¬E5;:sE5.7t!z, ="" ~ ,1 o 7 1 - w "1 - ,".T 2 Detroit 00-25065! En

.....-»-5...-..i.-.....»W-n,..»_ .



Page-ts! withheldentirely at this location in the le. One or moreof the following statements,where indicated, explain this deletion. [ll t Deletedexemption underT "A7 5: s! £ 7 by __ _ _ y withsegregable no CI! material available for mlease to you.

E1 Informatzion pertainedonly to a third party withno referenceto youor the subject ofyour request.

lnformatzion pertainedonly toa third party. Your nameis listed in the title only.

Documenttsi originating with the following government agencyes! ______: __ _ t , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

Page s! referredfor consultationto the following governmentagency ies!; _i_i_i.______. e , as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

E] Pagetsl withheld for the following reason s!:

55 For yourinformation: : _ _ i

The followingnumber is to be usedfor referenceregarding thesepages: LOW {ééé§i_. 4° 4:3!? _ wad enp 4121 d"/~*$?/ 4 n.u92~.J /9'75 grog r-41/-say

XXXXXX XXXXXX HKXX XXXXXX DELETEDPAGE S! ___,_ ,_ ___ _, .-.. » -- :.:,___',-_...-i... .2-_.'-="-I -~'- -'-~"~"...'.»-- ..'- . _-_;._.._.:..-'- '__.,. a ------i _ . _ 92 n ' '92 ' " . . .1: - . - 92, V "- . 5-. "I re ' ~ - . { _ P}; 3 . I bq'92/ , . { " 40 .-0 . 3%.. -- 1 e.'. L-=. . Q5.- -"~ - 7 1-: _ _ 52" - .___._~,i . .».-_'- -.-,.1- .92_i ;...-. mo, New rm: zoo-103389! V H18. 1958 Director ' PB! 5-65296! , ~ i i t o/use//»;/1»_nti' *i"'il,.92S HED .. I

A 92_. _¢-_ _ oramoraommm mozxrou-nor -L i -¢- - -S:.- ". 1712: zowrrrrourova rattan mrsmromc: 1'.»., K, .7, .92 AGENTS ' » -o V . e L t

1-. -.1. ' Et -7-58 captioned Harrie ¢o.{>_,~n was 7 = Lona Cohen. >'-- Egpltndgc - Bmd *!P0:iet"'dEit'edNb-7-5% -3? " I1 I I c.:;¢&i0&3¬d ca above. 7 me Rzarerrvz has give-n' consideration to suggestion 1 set forth in your letter of 7-7-58 and appreciates kw _,._. , -.31 . -' .- fI-v-' the thought and preparation which you devoted to this .-. suggestion. However, in view of the results of the -.¢.>" i» g.4ii'1'88 z':S=-88 at Wtote Department by W0 the r, i ;, - I92 _ " __ V it . _r =- ia of the opinion that your suggestion is not oc to Therefore, no further notion will be token n this suggestion. "

Ji- 2 - zuemngtm Field loo-28897 . a ?92v-92.¢ u--_ --___;;}_,.-5, -r" 1 1- 1@0=4£'665'9 Morris .'3oher., __ __ . ~ _ _ .*-wk ..-1* V '_'='~r-* !. -L» __§_ .,,..- I '~2f~z_.' r~-A luzni :-- .. ". ---fr_ rs. "~'i--Lt if H.-=. .,-1 '1 eté-7-5'8 submi_tt__ed augtgeetion . f1.-_ 31$ 1"- effect that estobl is-ho! o pho o ro hio index. This } - ' A?'::"'_ gihoitographio iradex wouldbe oomprfsef of aor1§7|'£'Et1r"'"' =-t_ 1 v um e . ,,=-.;__ ~. ., _.; f"'L"='if I--__"'l3;.§.1 0.? inviiwg _ n;I?5'-:p;r;§p1°?c:: 513:./or? _§ae°@§J»?i'.pk3fig§°°h'.7, uggeoted i---1» -__1.92 --n . A "Fit §.:,.'@tge.-2-..e.':te__ ooazd be .m'e ant: State Hip». to otta in .- .-.-" ,,r;i_-': t °" ¢ d Iv Mole ¢ vary of the ohott mph of these individuale L_ -.-2'. i , mg"? P911011?! 0'0? P08-worte. 1&0 we requested to t _ en certain inquirieed State Dept. and alee submit their 5, _ etated ooaervationethat in concerning the opinion M"e of e g eetion. the euggeetion Referenced 0' setting I1-'0 iet " up ' r",-'-0161:" 'grghglphg o co e :nh::x:mto;:irg poeeport Jrhotogmphe ie " not 4-*_-.1- effort on F n. pdesport office I "gaze neoeeei I §§"" te. 6 reoieion " "'4'" by "'°"" 7J -- - outiveerder ewoummea II In neeenort re-ozstie.-so Qhie referrrir.- ' to ft' * ; L t 2. State "Emu 3 pll:8p0rt8 instead .1} ,-e.'.-.;f-._1f_92:.§_-;;._§'I:-- -t._._§"' . :qv;7..§¬ .____92@981"-'I_¢{:>_ - 5J..i,%?¬i2".¬°£1£22'i°J2£,'2.%"}';..t."£°"¢1 _ ,& the Bu. MPO dtee that theeegeoneiderotione o eon arenu: 1 4,. ag at the light of whatever favorable r eult i ht be *- -1.¢',_~-~ p:£:d°{;uthe euggeet ion. I70 e1ee¢¢u ta: mt _,:.==.... "nag d endor gear 1957, 4 total of 579,590 paeeporte Q? _ -*'1;gm§,5_.§;§ ;§§E§§§§,§Z?-°:rY'.'§¢§7-°3§§9':§v'?.3*§} 1'5 3-§'§§n§"§£@ rrnnummnull an. ' X ' 1'."." "'- 92 ._, rttf. .5} _ Qce Memwandum- UNITED s.. 4. VERNME-NT

nmacroa, FBI 00-406659! nun: s/14/ss . .. / 1 -.";;I = sac, 5-275l! _-,~,-_92| _.,._ . Q-3 0 K v' -, '92_. :_._.-' ..92.I- "-'..-:**."r~T

'92-'_l 1 I.

'. .212". ?j;-5_92.*-_ -.-:¥-'.. /". L/' T, /1; criptive dataregarding MORRISCOHEN. L1-Ie-,_ stated, after viewing picture of MORRISCOHEN, that " i" I / could tmthf d no recollection heCOHENof -

.4-__. whatsoever. had served withthe ' . K . Abraham Linco n.Brigade during the war in Spain and had --"r" ' returned to the United States aboard the "Ausonia". Her also stated that all themericans who had served in - Spain had come back on this ship and there were many aboard *3 that he did hot know. 92 " _ had never beenon the staff "92 of the ALB magazine "Volunteers for Liberty" or a writer .' :92 for the magazineas such. He stated that when World 'i ' War II broke out he enlisted in the U. S. Army and served until after the end of World War II. He advised that while in the 'u'.Army he S. had written many letters - to "vplunteers for Liberty? which letters had been -~ d

.2 ' --_l pub1i.Shed,lb92_.1the had never _bee_nemployed by or compensate by the magazine. '-1 _-""-;i--_';'jI._- "7'I"*_ - -i -1'Y I ' K. rem-;....., 1.._..o.. _,-I_. " _. L; - A __re_grets-_r1 h, is _a_1conne_,ction's_with__the -=.;__,,;___.*:.__ V I 1 .5-.;.;._.._.Qoupnunist _Pa1_'ty__and F ' ' . - .. -"1-L ".#= Vi"-92. _; 92--$1 . V _ xt:-'u_Pi - -_, 1* H '1: >. 52',_ , * .e%§'.:Pf_ 4 F; }°@PP~ II . F_. ;__r 2222'2'..;¢='-... / pig - . - "*~ " I 'i--.,"- - I - u=u'r9;1-la -- .'!-77.3"; _ -.ar " __ ;_ . , 1: - ' *§@;1Z!_9§I_;_;~;-:2;:*.s*- xoq-;1q;aa9I ,i§- ¢-' .;.-,:__-._~_ .1 * . ; Q,-_-. 2-_ -_|.Y -vs - 1- 1-.._._ - _ !:.....-..-___-__~_,___,____._~4--.1_._._,- .-- ,_ ,___ 4_

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_; 0 ~La nlnwron, FBI 00-14.06659! DATE: AUG-71953 = sac, smmmvmm 5-9&6! ,-,,Lu/'¬.é.. I-103313-Qlisai, wan; J4 L"/" "° ' " mrzommz LOHA - comm, was. R / ca.-/é 77;: 94261 00:HEM yomc -#5. Q _ Egg? d;g%%é]SUEJECI2R0Chicago letter to Dirnctor 6/26/F8. QLH/£75Y?,h 'i

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14' _ .'-i'j_ bq.L/ I-3- '-u

-7?-T- 92 .} 0-~ ._ _"'.____ 92. ._. #1 '7; .. lllliii / 3 over having been associated with / Bu?-an 00-uoeesmmn bv A , Chic-ago 00-320273 nu! H! -: 0 ?§§3.$£§§¢é23;1?%%-i%sé?%m¢> b~" Q /92 a.uuu.qr I1-92--92-w l£.l1_ J9-'s_!.|.;OCl92 é.|.u.|.u] I-I...-O..92 92.n.I.'l! [nun" I ' Danvor Cleveland 00-8103! 05-22 S! into! info! RH! RH!_ --_9292 1?- : If5 W?W5-38310111 5-9'-I-6! r 920""/z92L§-LL 9' J1 '5' '"A 92. A 92N, O, 3. AUG£l4HEI .,_4_ '. _' I-'-_ an-5 __.. 0 ;;-_n;1p.»-92-__v- C/W ~ . I _ I J -92.-Z L'5-T = '__'_.

A 92 a ;- - -- _ . " MM 65-2751 .92'_ L-.1:-'.f

associated himself with these organizations. He stated Y-J:.11-92-5 . he has had no Communist Party connections or activities ' ' ~.-14". _ since he wentinto the Army andhe _ceased"_hisALB'_ connections ' 'upon hisdischarge 1n194'5_" ._ .- -.;,~___=_.;-J-:_;_ .. - ; 1- ~r:' -¥":-"5-:_ "'4 ' '~ ' 1d not recallsi-. _ w ever hav information regard;

9nsh@--. ., A _ _| . . ~ e not 'I .-, . -_ :-92 ,'' .n l _ _ . RU_C _ Y "ml -. _r - "M -<1,-_"r gr- i. . ~-. .- 4 , _K ~ . -2 . -_ _. er, - __1'T .-i ,. :7 ' -92-MT.-¢. ' , . B ._"_;.:1; * '- _ "-1 ;¢*:','1_'_' . '_I !

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Pagetsl withheld entirely at this location in the le. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Cl Deletedunder exemption _ 67¢ s! _ with no segregable El material available for release to you.

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32:. kw -V 7 -If-3 . .;. reoonnendationo pertaining to tneee _i_nte_rfuie|ol. ___-_.-_'- - I-iP'":.'.Z' - .-it-Fl-; _ . 3 NOTE: a orris he Cohen time attended he was ihere;the [ ' Arn.er-ican Student Unio - - r '0" ~';_ -17 _.. . __ . . jl ctiue. New York requeste ago to 1 . "1': -'1 o en was also a v §.{,'. consider the pas s lb} 'li '"by of in-beruieunng ' f 0? 7in ,_ .92.-,. . rk a1 o re uested c o to atf+=m_n'!; I _ '-Y 3.. iqfo re Cohen s q __--.-1,. , .92 .s..., + ~r*:-'. vii , i 'e to dete - 4=a-es ;v§Q 1;! 4'.-,;__" M -- --.-'§O-; ha; n-_ =5.,». ~ia~»;e. -* . 4*- 4 U M " smao ..,. -v A e gm mu 5 _,- u -=43" **-Hi .wl =.-" em, ,a 3?§L5}1'q%i@"§"I- I t '.".'T'~"- um hr ~ ' %"$- §.§§:$: ;,92 AUG181958 it :-- °°*'~-F" §:$%

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N Pia! withheld entirely at this location in the le. One or more of the following statements. where indicated, éitpllfl this deletion. 7 Cl Deleted underexemptionlsl g 'I i ______i_ with no segregable Z] material available for release to you.

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XXXXXX lope:-I furl mm =12-an '.' j 5- ~,1 _ '=:=, 92 -,_ __ / 1-__ I/V 1;! ".> 7-£f'f592"s;3"-:.- .-' 6 / rnzoemu. auamu or INVESTIGATION 30¢"!!! OI! 7 77015000! 7 W 7/ Vlgygqihqlw pm, W ' 7 " _ 9.» i _PITISBURGI'I mew tom: 8/12/58 [ 6/19; 7/9,11; 8[6/58 i" rnFQrf§Y 0 l t 7 loin I t t _ l W .'!''3 1 ?_ . _ ¢--J monnxs comsn, w.'a.s.;=. ' °'m°.°" A " e _ , 7 ,,, § V95 LONA cone", Was. " - -- ____m,'.'_ t ES"°RiE 11-+";mr;@-a~;@;:-1 C'..=~..s.~92m-r.=»_. .92- i;:_H~-| '92 1 . »te ; »" A HERHN »[email protected]_2~.r ED . t _-iwav I -|'i|.: -<',- >5t.§§i¢x3/45% 2-1 ,_- =2-____-_Synopll-I8 . - Jae .- _ W -$7 --.-___, '_. __-' -' ":'92. M! - -> .___ '.» ,. re-interview, " _'_~.-'12 --Y with COHEN identify photograph of ~jJ£ Qkksiuf _ . 4 Rm" I '92"""92c:N Ur lo Y -y DETAILS: _- !F."'92 ___ _ //_ --1 '_ 5 as a result .- ._:-~_ the 323 ee Company v,¢ he vaguely recalled COHEN. J4- had never wo -n-__ with or been closely associ L/ |'_'_- = to t be .. f ' 1Fi~I-I; e W APPWNG . 3-? .. -g? 7,7 ~ -lé t 1».-;,e;;m-|..;..=..m.; - to j Cop! mcndo '1 _ 'I F V W N if ' 7 , '5__.- Bu- Nezeifork 00-1033 300-M06659 9! nu!.RI-l!_ e I ____Qp£SZ:L e ~ e RB} W -451

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0. .. '_ y During re- .1: 7 1» " T..-R--_ -».' .1--. _ and while in Germany,and mayhave with $4 is- f of his recollection, henever didroam ha! L. with comaand cannots ' " 1 -anyof A "?r;q§;_»i;,;,-_;,.;';;i -Q" ,._92- - - roomed withother than q-He sai _ay-¥+¢7L_7Z andhave later beenwent_toassigned work tofor fficer _ y outfit*7 ary.YAfter at. p ime,.. .-; S; , viewing aphotograph of ated he'T* ' .92.. could notrecal1'her an __ __92 5 rl ever'.;3.»' I visiting his room whilein Berlin, He alsowa co*** _ recall everv1siting.a night_cluh_with.COHEN;¢tated§4;1 . that while overseas, he,on no'occabioh,made a p to 4;; a;<.. Leavre,in France, and I5: * did. i.}_not return '-_;1to the_Uhited 92e__-1 iv StatesI-'_..?-6;:i. . h-_:.- throhgh11* 5::"; Q S. -W . ..-Q , ' 1; 0.9,: -<.'- .. 1,-'. .'__ ,- '1-_.,_,.. 1_-'___-:.-.-',|,_#. .¢--~r,j-g-I23! *'._;*'-9-_ '; $2"-'3»;., '-?;:1_,__,-_f..'- _;-,y= _,,-~-_- J<92__,;; _ _ ';,"." _I-i--s.-;-_'__~.-.-wig-_,'_-_ ._..' ,;- ' .,_. _ P -" -=1.s . 1.... ~¥-- " -.' .- 4'9 -'-- - .. - F1 - . $'§*a"'I*'.=". - . 1 ,: - , ;' - - "*"**=~?1"- ., -.,-, 92-"'1:--l-*""" "'ni'=;*£*1u*2"4""3?Jt="-1.'a'.¢-a? '7?-_ . -- .-~t' 1,»-' ..J = .--- 1. =1---. -1_v"" .$92.~"~,.f.92:_LF '»--.. ~._-Q-#1--»-' T5-2§'."*' . . ~3 1" "Z. -1 - -. 5-- =»'..v,;_.' - "-=. .,'_%-1; /-__-I - <_?§~,5 "=.Y'E .r - t- I . 92I'_: ,-- '-3',"-f§".~;-c¢-__.f.'rI!;h--,1.' .- 1.":-..--._-If"_' -T" "_ ,--'1.' - ". 1 -T .

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, .-_,-_'-Z_~.j- .q _A,__-.8,-; Off M¬?720?'?2!!¬!? UNITEDsTITEs GOVEP. NMENT

T° = Director, FBI 00-406659! _°*"=8/12/58 92 _ 92

Melrk §!_..-. _ °" SAC, Pittsburgh 00-13113! ____,,;"_.,,. ..,-. . ' " 3- :--* .,__p.92 92"92_ . . . c - I-=.i_i_ hk;-us-5:.-'..'~~.iandLq;%i:92Ii¬ED I - O ~. - 92u='r~| <:¢|':E* 92.--,__' s°°° EH5?..5$.l£1E".»-£a"-3 '~ .i'-I-W 1:1?/:;;5::.,;. AI./. - ,-. ESPIONAGELVNH vouzuw1 1? U; U5" I LJ _Ll '_ ' /1" ' ,-__._.~ s - ,19.7-. /-1'/ 0:New York!

~.. respectively,Enclosed ofthe the report Bureauforand of SA New ee dated copies, T 1/ - 8/12/58, at Pittsb s one copy ~1- one copy of a photograph I,_92: Rf:' of 1- . _, ="-92-"0--- e.' REFERENCES b,, V J - Report of SA Pittsburgh, 7/31/58 Chicago lette0 e , /31/58,,_U,u mq

"" A SDMINI TRATIVE Referenced Chicago _Q1'_1_;LQg_to interview WPittsburghesults of interview wi v The nal information wee furnished by but doesno hm, is being set -forth for consideration of theime. New'Ih i Yorkinforms,s Office, t ionas of possible future lead va.1ue- - " "'» *- - e~ 1'1/7?/i

..2 mreau EH01!-"5! BI; aw! ;~_;":l . ."~Y:".i'b"u""§ , -1 3- NewYork 00-103389 Knolls.-5! PQ9_.;._@_£§§f... /91.5 .2;-: '_ = 92.;;».~?=;.-.. 1 §~ <{>;i-."-.-? Q F ' l>3*Q an---I """"" 3'-',l"._'i"!,;I _ ' ' _'.:;.';~5®$$;1§Je21,#9.s; _.,o vi 1, _. 5° /A4 ..,_ __.._.~.-._,.,. -::~....'...A_A_~,..~, ,..,....~.._...."..~ , .,____,__,f__ LI I :____w.;?._______N,u$__=k___.Ww'____~____~Fm_ _ .. -_- 92. .._. _k -I-_',__,,A. - - >-In _92 4.<-..._r92.4_.~'q..¢'_.-..:».-__... ,-._.-,,,.,_ -__ , -_4.k_. -. - _

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Pegete eld entirely at this location in t" -. One or mom of th- * "wing statements. where indicated, explain this deletion. cr1'|cm|u_no. IO roam Q _' an rl-nu anmrnm bu an! m-u.| K - y*" UNITED STATESc JV- YMENT

'-._',_ e._= Memorandum bi; |,- ~;¥;< TO :Director, FBI 00-406659! DATE: 3/9/70 ' .._.,___ 1* _-.- ._-_ _ . FRO" V?é9at¢Bern 5-9! P! sinfrmf orcwranm ,__ .. .1 . __ _92.iL_-.11?-_'}0.715;.-...II".'E. S-¢92;':n: -M-H? SUBJECT:QJHEN, MORRIS ,Iaka. --' . ». a.-'.__ LONA_GOHEN, aka. _F.,.___..'.-¢;1'-. 1 __;*;?~*' .92.,.____ #=92

''7. ;- ~_;.__.._ IFS "1', ;, f- ' 1 . -, . BL- -. '.~ 11 ;/

5- - - Ir 45 Request of Bureau " +~.¢-" The Bureauis requested to furnish finger- 3F§f prints of LONA COHENand recent photos anddescriptions of ,,% MORRIS and LONA COHENif available. BERfile in this matter has beendestroyed in accordance with Bureau approved procedure.

, _,;- r. 3% '>~.l' ;#Fk .,_~V 3:5,; 3 -Bureau !9 - C»...=.....92 iii!~ . ma_, ._ .. bqvU12 ;/14,

b - Liaison! 1 - Legat, London

';L/ ,. 92Q ,92- " . 92'_.~f92.3'z*

4.1 92_92_'.- {pi},- YPTF? I ._ 'X 92 _ 9292 9 MHR _;.'.v _;.¢_= F-Xh b-P - J . evv_.,. _- _ -inn-;;_',:ia t -- -'-rtrz '--~.- _ r V, fL'-',92" _! QC .-- -f» , . Sagan;

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_-- I. _._ .l. '....__: "1 ,. J" '. ;--J--.: > "- *1. . ;--.92r~ l.q,l _,.'_-___ »-92_* -.;:£ Legat, Bern5-9! ligb t 3/Q7/70 bah KW n ;1.'19f _ 92_-.. . _ Director, FBI 00-#06659! -' 1 _ Hr. Le,_ P' J , ,r _1 ' ALnrur¢am1:;onconwn1xED A *1! ' M93313 COHEN»kai nzrz.-.1:rr1:=..:-..:L~.:*.":*rr1='1: EXCEPI ;?~.-"*.- . 9°33": 9-1! mmma: szscam51-:. 0Tu1=:t;=.';1' _>_= .-, . ... 4:.--»'.- ~. Reurlet 3/9/70. c92 I There is attached one copy of a photograph of the fingerprints or Lona Cohen, which nere taken under her maiden name of Lontina T. Petka. - 7 -r

Enclosure 2 - London 5-966! Unit ROUTE THROUGH FOR !b~~ . b" 7.: ,-92- _I =-___92- :'. 9- -- as-? .":1§~:-' --;~Y'. . The Cohens are the5] _=: Kl §,4 - Americans who were arrested in in 1961, charged with :,.-"F es 1onage_and sentenced to pri on terms. They were exchanged in - 6»-=~.-=7 1929 a forBdish subject 1mp;23oneo_bythe Russians. "' 92u --n ' §'.'¥;~33 Q2, §$$JiIII - ~' 5*d3*§un:0DRI:-3' 5;' /C/¢¬Z§3f am-w---wlm -' .j-',.-*- /"='.. -"- '$%Er§2I.".I.: MAR3997° e .. _ _, _ _ T. bu, §;?."i- comm! .~ fl - " .. _- ' *7 '.Q4 c:¢1¢.__i ' x I V ' . u g;-21',HulQn_.,i____ - ~_>~|._ 92Li.3.§:;{$3;.-:;:5e APR2 1 1 r-..'-J - - 5.1.. 33!HOT: EL V $193 1"..- . ._-1 Q2: um. noon TELETYPEuurrl:J t 92 _ -1'?515 .- * - - --92_»- __ - ---- ;-v----- -.--~---_.-:_.-.,- -..--E.__,,_-__.,._. ___._,--_,_._.._.__,_ _. :k._ .,.. -.. 1... _ ._ _ .92__ . -______'_!' '___.92. - _..'____.__-;__ .3 :1,...__,___. __ ' ' .._~ . ...i.-.s_....».._..._._r...... ,...._~...._._.._.__------.-=-=-=---.--- .,...... __-e» W-.-U.-...... ¢--we-.-|-_....._-.-...... -._.. ..s-


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HHXXX DELETEDPAGEIS! " 1 l Ornorm. Ion no. 10 " I 3 GSA Ill. ll! III III-IL UNITED STATES GO92 IZRNMENT Memorandum

T0 I Director FBI 100-406659 ! DATE: 9/24/72

_-._. 1'-RUM Z Lbgat, Hong KOng 65-7 ! . -92..-. E: <1. ' e- suBJE IS COHEN: - ~ 92= - -92 ": r-'. Rm-ii pl" l LONA COHEN ' ESP - R 1 fi1"'=1~2a;'~ ~ / 3» _ no.1»: 92.> hp»->;~?' £3; one.//L1/i~ " M2 -.-~f~:»,~ / f Due to opening of the _ Office, the folio ing action is being taken in captioned matter: itQ a! Location of File 1'-'1 ! K] Entire file transferred to _ Ménilé of herewith. ,: .9 ._- N? 3* ! U File transferred to no W _ i exct-pt copy of v following serials retained at Hong Kong:

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92. _.,-.' 9; -*1-"Ifif5.': .-I 58° crméiio Ina" - j/_-_-' r- - '.':,

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