1 ~. .. __ w ;-.__ - ,. W . .__ ..92.-- -A -.- -92 92 ¢_, ~_- . 1_..;-____: ____..-»- . ;;_ . _.e._ . .. r __ 2 -. - 1-. - .., .- * _ _ A, _ ,, . 5. &#39;.-_- ._:_ _* 92._&#39;. -_92 ,;.-92.92 . _-_ ._,_,_ ,._-_-1.1. _&#39; f 92_ .- -4, -92 FD-36{Rov. :2-as-so! _"t92_ - 3- r * > - - o -. ~~<.92.. 4 4__. -_l---. , _- F.1.._._-_ -4--1, .-_ .._ 1 -. .._&#39;._".i _ _ ,-_.....¢- .-_, --..&#39;-.___ &#39;_ 92. &#39; r FBI 2;; Date: Transmit the followin Q in ,__ _ ,_ I I W K we 7 _ _ __ Type in plain text or code! f -~- -1 Vic: _ _ __ ____ ____ __ _ ,_, ._____ _ ___. __ Priorityor Method of Mailing! K Ix , . .. .- -&#39; &#39; 92_.92- us 100-103389 - 0 ,_ 11 &#39;_stated he then asked himselfby I -92. why he should be willing t_o give his life for the Communists to stop Fascism when Russia was signing friendship treaties with the Fascists. He stated he has had absolutely no contact with the UALB or any Communists since about 1940. " . y_ ,__&#39;5; -1 .92. COHEN. He st -.5 the person in s MORRIS COHEN Fexamined a phO1;Ot of MORRIS D nothing to a e e does not recall ever having seen &#39; I name 23*?- stated he = .4 men on the " .92. &#39;_ &#39;-vl 4/&#39; §- >4- 92> W.,L.a ;1Z<_ 92 --T -&#39;-J , - 3-Y -1-T. 7 &#39;92 - &#39;. 1 &#39; _ .. I -- -_-__ r&#39;._ _ _5_.92__ .. .92}_92 __, _ - 92 - ~ V-" -.&#39;.._-&#39; .-92&#39; " f ;~4.~ .-Q-&#39;-if?!-1f",_.. :_-T-¢¬.L;i"h-.92~}:&#39; _-, . -P 1 . ;&#39; ii&#39;1&#39;.»H. " &#39;-?*.:&#39;- --is 1-15!.-~-:~;&#39;~-.. &#39; - .~ ;- .-1 , squ. - - J !=»~ =&#39;_.~*-_ .--_&#39;.-".-- i 1-c-&#39;Q; .. » 1? &#39;3; .1; - . &#39;_.&#39; ,_&#39;, __ ";.92__-__ &#39;- -.21: @- 4,-1&#39;...-Z t r ._3- ~ -= F1 .- {Q » -L Q? r 92 . -v- . -._ -_,,_____-_ 1--....u.__ . -.._.-...A4.92__ _ns. ._..4-__.-..._¢..&#39;-In---l~»e_--14..-._.._r 4-- ~-an-4-_--or- -&#39;&#39; -4-1-_-..~&#39;~m~&#39; 4-_.._._ &#39; &#39; *1 .-Te>3.--ct." :"-~ 1 . - &#39;. &#39;- - 92 : FD-30 IRIV. 12-I3-5 ! &#39; " _ 1- r", ,, &#39; . [-B13 . -.-r - Date: 92 .... *- ._.. -&#39;.-; -;- Transmit the Ioliowinq in W . _. _ _ . s ~ W ~ Wo Type in plain lest or code! - vw suns ln..e.~ e - sees . is see _ ,._ _.a 92 - Priorityor Ielhad of Mailing! I _ r . 5+ -.1--_. _ q .v&#39;- - ..._, -- c . NY 100-103339 I-j R . _*r*,_ I" stated he has .:.,¢. -.,I&#39;,&#39;_:JI contacted by return from members or Soviets since his .-iv-&#39;5 cooperative tude. --s: " He displayed a completely FOSTER I .. -1:?_l¬- .92.,-- . -I. ;.*=-_=.; -kg; w. v~_. _.&#39; .9 I E I T _ :_&#39;__ ,- , 1 - _1,, I :4 1.; _ , i I ._. --i a &#39; &#39; -1 - >. , . : » 1 _ I --. Ill t .- &#39; &#39; &#39;_. ;&#39;;,&#39;.»;__¬-A 1:.-~. D ; "-. _. .._ _- A . _ _ . V. I 92 I V ... &#39;1 &#39;I -. - - -- ~ _ .,.! . J,!.&#39;-qn-|; &#39; fe:-1?" &#39; H1". i ___ KL. - &#39;-_- . .&#39; -_ _ - _ 1, --P -H I I" "-c..< =>. -c -:-"=-.;»=-.&#39; 7.? H_~~, t5,_.. I ¢ &#39;-r¬"!;?:"?a-éb. ._.:_: - " -.~ns}%?$;5?71-.1 ilt, - . r I-J: -. _92:,92&#39;_. _».:.;--&#39; 4&#39;--"P&#39;f&#39;_."&#39;-",.;&#39;_u." &#39; fig: 1? 10¢, 92 , . ,_ . - , _ :3. , . ~ 22,," - ----r.*%-~15? .7, - > - . -s, -.¢-~,*,92.,=;- ,_ 1 :__- -re-.,- . k. i.*_. ~ I %$%é7f$r%Ikl¥E£JL% -_ ,. _-Iii? 1" _. I ., - " - ~ &#39;-"1 I F _. _92-. -. , A . I ~. - .. .;-7&#39;<*.&#39;§.-is $,.._:.. .92-_;_.- c Special Acct! In Charge _. = -. f; ; . .- in, W s_..,,.,.,_,._.. _,_.._....,,., .-._a.....¢.»1...4..@. ..... .s_._.ML.~. _ _ - _ ~r - <1 ~ -_-_ , ,- I J -&#39;.&#39;;,".-1&#39; . 92 . .2 * - £&#39;=iiw1$3F &#39; TEF - ~ 4. .- _ V I4.. - -&#39;»;. _ - --&#39;»:+;"§&=-&#39;-"r.-.--%=.?»=,.--iss~-». 1 _,,_,._ ._ _,- . 1 3 v -,-I. Jo _ up __A _ __ , t , -.,._. 7 1 k FD-3i ._. 3 [Ron --_ &#39;ll-13-SUI 3- . * _ Y j aE§<3° ;_&#39; _~: .= , fBI ! jb 531*? z Date: B/7/58 Trdsmil the following in _ o_ o__ __ 7 W_&#39;_ &#39;__¬_ s - _ _ Typein plain lax! or code! 92 _ _ ¢ V &#39; -5 Pt» 1 -P.1 »-.._. &#39;-$3_r _ .2. ._;f £T*33&#39;92 1 AIR TEL M AIR MAIL, PEGISTERED <;§§Lxi V H f _&#39; {Priors};/V or 1i¢m3d6]um"1m;; . &#39;i¬*f _""_ : .--.-".&#39;;;,=, ~< al s _-_.. 0 *- I T0: nrnscwon, FBI 00-u06659! ._ ii. _ ;3....!"&#39;-_.,_;.; 92- §,_ LEKOII: sac, DETROIT 00-25o£6§ - &#39;¢3f-.....- 5. .s&#39;"¬-QJ" SUBJECT: - $3-.* mRIS%m, was &#39;", 1 LL 92 m=oR:~.-wmozx V- . 92 cczamin» I I -P W850 rs 1U.-ho _. ._. -5. aim s gm 121,4; $?.B.§£-%l_.¬-_ / &u¢q51 _ Hr 92 ReNyairtel 6/18/S8; DEairtel 7/18/5s,s¢1/@:z7_ 1- 9&0- _,4 A Referenged NY airtel noted that Mosnis consm uas employed by Amtorg iP&Qing Corp. ATO!,KYO, subsequent to his employment l at the Soviet Pavilion to the Worlds Fair in 1939 -. 25%; -1 1Q$ wsn 1 con _-&#39;1 t the pictures -x; 92 up I were e unfamiliar to them as 92 individuals 1. ., rg; . -1} =-&#39;F&#39;."92: -. _ . 3 . xv "&#39;1 &#39;9 . ,, &#39;?$53;@:-. ,__-. - &#39;:.: . |,&#39; .a_,EJ: " M- ss%sss Q . ;Dl:Bureau00-h06659g#5ss " &#39;.~-~ . &#39; f. &#39;_q--.,,&#39; .&#39; &#39; .-V " .. A. _,92 -. --,. ..&#39;¢- .| T; _ -. 92. ~ . _&#39;__ . ._ _ ,_ _ *, .7 ..__ . _. __ _.:&#39;;_-_-.,!r_-far? I ___. P. _, _._,,__-__.;;;_.l.;_: ,____1_.&#39;I;_.!_>:.:;_:_-.;_:"_:-.,r92_.&#39;l.;.- .-__. r - -&#39;5, 0. e e , -- A - &#39;. -».ee-= r-s---&#39;23: &#39; - &#39;H: . if &#39; _&#39;_ &#39;r. I &#39; __ _:~ -. -&#39; r_-2 ._- §"§_ _,..-;_.I..92 i FD-35 Rev.12-l9-QII1: _ . 92- 1 -or - ,__&#39;_ _ -- 7 I I . .0 ,- A Pa; - __ .-&#39;-&#39;.___- ET 92.;_,,. El. .- . -1/&#39;*.." &#39; &#39; Date: 33- . ..f"9292&#39;.:;:;&,__,_;-5, 92 2-»- Transmit the following In ,_, __l,,_ &#39;_ ,_ ____ _ &#39;_ &#39; Type in plain text or code! W1 .5- u. .- 3.. 1:" Via "7 W &#39; W &#39; i ii, &#39;- f _ J Priorityor Method ofllailing! W &#39; &#39; DE 100-25065 " i &#39; - -Q __. 1., ~ : . *1 vb» ~- =l;{-; &#39;.-?&#39;92.", - .!92&#39;. 7.7, After observing the photos of MORRIS and LOHA COHEN, advised that these individuals were entirely unknown o &#39;-I17-ifs by names or pictures. He pointed out that ATC employed numerous individuals and as a result the employees in most// instances did not become acquainted with their fellow associates. He NY may desire, if no eady handled, to identify, locate, and interview egarding Subject. 0 bq92/ NY, if deemed advisable, in theevent your 1nvest1gat_1on&#39;i é 0 determined the spec11ic&#39;_dept.&#39;I1ce of ATC in which C IiEH was emjuoyea, advise DE, anowill be reconnected to &#39;V-,v de termine whether he can reca e names of any other ATC n that s 1 :4»-_. 92_ . -- ; -¢_,&#39; _-_-- _. ---1*:-_.~__.. &#39; Q .~ &#39; _ __ &#39;5:-I--_.*.&#39; &#39; .:+;:~,~ -92c.~_"-= -. "t--»." while d A1&#39;C,&#39;the&#39; §useian&#39; &#39; nployeea ihe GP a 5 act Q A ,l:ea11;a,te can ll-.nv92n_ . tee;-neontpog ---.- --_92.--_,,r-----;- -I 1 hip . .. .. 4- z. Ire- - -. - --Q vw vs lzuwunuvnuwbg &#39; a -_ .1:--;*;"7&#39;-""" "- " .i"-&#39;:&#39;.-at 1 ; -.: -.&#39;.-;- qr-a-*." &#39;92¢._u,&#39; ._.-Ev-1-.:&#39;- - ."__=.-&#39;_ .i,.-. .~.. ---Q 4-T50 I2-7-T9! » a a 1 ~ FEIIEBIL Bllllilll OF IIVESTIGITIOII _ _ ____,_,,,, _....~........,.@&#39;..,,.._.,,_I_n_,___,,__,,.__ ..,.._.,.......: . .,._ - , __ , . __&#39;.___ ._____q__ _,_ f _-A&#39;,,-_&#39;.,_; ,_- .92.&#39;_ a_.&#39;.-a.......=._.&#39; 92-__:-._._m-_n-..4:...-_.- - .- . &#39; 1,.,_&#39;..__.,:--._"_ A-_~~-e_~e_»;|-- -=:1.--_~&#39; -_- e 1 mfmmmaYas ..._ Oi? MemoranduziiUI:92iITEhl5? GOVERNMENT STATHES ;; 1.-_ I I To&#39; = nmscros, rs]:00-v.-56559! °" 7/30/58 ." &#39;1 - -:1-1:» :~.;-_" ,92__";_.-1&#39;,-:.f &#39;-.&#39;**&#39;i M ="<¢Z.;A¢,L03 ANGELES 00-55567!1r-:.=:=!-rmrorx ALL co:4_TA92NE _ Ni: . -_-£..,..92V L ucaem 1sum_xssm1-.0 i E ... .. , 3... ~ O &#39;- .¢ .- &#39; .--.._ shim MORRISCOHEN, was,;DAT BY/ 4_ 1 LONA COHEN, was. Ii ESPIONAGE - R ,.1§_. -&#39;e3-- O0: NY! are appropriate copies of the report of SA bot dated and captioned as above, at Los Angeles, 9292J enc ose or the Bureau and New York is one copy of a photo &#39;j 51" stat tit1ed92$gompanyC, 2#lstQ, M.
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