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192Hi _ill"I1_q :___|_ LwJ -£1 'nrrnsss usncn :.cimox~uses s1K ._ On the -RAFs'fftieth':. Kbirthda . __.t . s § 92 . '. _'.J;,'- I , -. .:_ -_i. - O 4i . 9292 ' 'i 3 rr. 1.-Ir. F - . v , . 1 < r --. , r /. I °-A --,. -:"'. " .-¢ -' . _.._=-I Il ' E; -: T -V;L I , . i ~ - . L... i -.~ - ' . i ". - - : __ . __92 - r_ .._.|._ ''|. - -5 ' .- '-' " ' f I .92. - 0-.3 1- - ' ;_. -. _. *5%"¢ " 'I! TOMORROW the ifoyalAir Forceis 50years old: As rhe-aclhellit - 1 this anniversarythe air force that was oncethe mightiest mthe /59>.°-'- 2;: y world nds its conventional strengthreduced to the level of "in..;"ff~;'::'7"1c9untrie.s._.li4i$q.I92;l!ji¢YNorth Korea, Sweden and and India. " i, < Q At present the"hittir'i'§_Foiw'v'erofthe*R.-A-¢F».-is-conce.ntr'aie_d' »'-1'.. inits-I " ageing V-bomber force. -in every other department .il'l¢.31_I§!'I__"d'5'ii"i=""""£=.r-" - has been drastic. - ' ' m""i*'" l."li"'§"-i Q 'Butdoes this matter? For in the H-bomb era, do conventional forces count? Would not any war quickly become an H-bombwar?. - O Today the Sunday Express publishes an article with an -",4-. l important hearing on these puts forward a revolu- tionary view of strategy in the years immediately ahead and , - ' _ exposes the blundersof oicial military plannersin writing-off the _',__£.:,'11 -:»;v risks of conventional war.i-.= ' I.-=1"~ 92_ ~13-:1. I5 L. _:s' WHEN Robcrt_192ic- by THE RT.HON. " e ~ i'-.L-Li? Namara look i"llb Y-I. ..i. JohnsondepartureAdm_inisira~ _ the from_ .= ', 1 MP- tlon earlier this year '-. ... ~ ' ShadowDefence Minister he iefi.a lime bomb - 92 '.l¢.{ behind in the Penta- '1 -_l=35; .> Q." gong ;_._... Itis now setting off a. '11.. cries or explosions which, , . setore they are nished, 1. b 0 . ..._- .. - will havereduced the1 . slung between two alterna- The Royal Navy fought- 0fcial military thinking tives: either a war which and lostthe " battle oi the r the West. for the last endangered their safety and ca.rrie1s in 1965-6 without 0 years to rubble. ' existence would not break- any reference to an Atlantic D out at ail. or. it it did. it war or an all-out war at would go nuclear in a matter sea." or a few days at most. We Coxitroversy. true. there 2 have now been cut down has been about 3 "broken- and pitched on to the hard backed war at sea. lifter oor of a very different the nuclear saivoes had The wasbombValedic- his reality. l been exchanged; but a war The Pentagon has left no at sea before the nuclear arlgy Reportto Congress.doubt that It means Just exchange or without any e fuse was a single sen-'what it says when it talks nuclear exchange has not cnce therein: "The threat about the threat oi an even been discussed. And , .1'incredible an action is not in ' incredible action not being now the Americans have eective deterrent. _ 'an effective deterrent. made it the centre-piece of that ALTERNATIVES »'1The Defence Secretary: their naval th1_nl.cin:._ i the ., _i - 1'; 0 l _ _ -A-W - 0 .-IfqlffliII91.I11¢iew' on Bl'itain"s..~ defenc '1 _. 5" __ . = - -.. - '--';-lj"}~'?-,"".. -- -____.1 .-- ..-....--§'l 8 .-T'- _. 3 , *.-- =. .-. ... ,_ --.<-.-4-.'.r. 1 _ 1 -..-=;;;-=-zsw>';¢r-:;'.---_,. 5-<f92.;I=>:?I§1¬=i.? " I 1-1.-= ; . " 311-""-'-"9"." -. .1 . Q ' ' . --xi-T ->1-*-=11" ~>-2' . 1"." *.-1 *- '-3%! 'L?$";.-1 $3- -":.:-5'4 .i'- r1..'-~- *~':."". =_.;7'.== "El'=:e -;- _.3.'.-.?IE%§j§._ ,-1; ,-,__- '--."- "-1-. '-"- ...-~.="..--.=-.3-.-;-1 92..¢ . - .-="'1">+~*- ->- - -- Ks-.¢.-" >5- .._ .-!- 'E:?.>.'< ''.92.- ''-.<-<..=-- =,;~_..;.:,-.,; -. --.1:-,_- e,--,-,~. ..--1-_..,---:," .- - .- -1. ~--1. - .- . -- ,. 1 . ,... " "'"~".;I= 1 Q §>='.'*»J:*.;§ :1-"?. 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