Hanoi Civilian Areas Damaged, U.S. Admits I
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/" •* ■.ti.'plkr^'-'^ .ir;-^. \' " 'P* .) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1966 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT lEwning 1l|iran> A v er^ Daily Net Press Rail The Weather For the WMk Ended Clear and cold again tonlglit, "X Deoembor S, 1968 A b o u t T o w n ' h low 16-20; stumy tomorrow V ^ ' ' ' Workshop Students morning -wiUi increasing cloudi Denitii J. Strimlke, 19, aon <ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strlm- 15,131 ness, high n ^ 40. Iks of 130 Tanner S t coifipleted Have Christmas ^arty ; Manchester— A City of Village Charm • 40^eek clinical specialist course at William Beaumont Christmas came early this year for the 22 retarded VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 73 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1966 (Olassifled Advertising on Pkee 38) p r i c e s e v e n C K N fi General Ho^ital, JBl Paso, Tex., students enrolled in the Sheltered Workshop on School. and was promoted to Army St. There was a gaily decorated tree, lots of presents specialist £V)urth Class. His singing and laughter, a Santa Claus,- “Christmas din ne^ grade is equivalent to cor ner" and various kinds of en- ----^ ^ ^ ----—----------------- -— poral in pay. The course^ te- structed him ^n the duties of a tertaininent. ail designed to- p^rty included carol singing, a ' vocational nurse. make the students’ holiday a grab, bag, and distribution of happier one. gifts from under the tree by Hanoi Civilian Areas The events took place at the Santa Claus (Mrs. Ethel B. ‘‘High in the Himalayas,*• a workshop ’Thursday noon at a Moors, a foster grandparent), color film, will be shown Tues party for the students sponsor- -q i could thank "par day at 7 p.m. at the East Side ed by the Foster Grandparents, “gonally all those who took time Kec. The film, sponsored by the Into Midwest a group of senior citizens who^ from their pre-Christmas prep Recreation and Park Depart aid the workshop’s operation arations to make the workers’ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ton, Vt. Jacksonville, Fla., had ment, is about a mountain under terms of a federal grant party such an outseinding suc- The Isecond big snowstorm of ^ above zero, Damaged, U.S. Admits climbing expedition led by Sir from the Office of Economic cess^” Fendell said. the new winter whipped into the * inches of snow fell Edmund Hillary, conquerer of Opportunity. There were literally scores of Midwest today alter dropping between Dalhart, in the Texas Mt. Everest A luncheon of spaghetti and people who contributed, ^ he up to two feet of enow In the Panhandle, and Clayton, N.M. meatballs was prepared and noted. southern Rockies. Rain slicked roads south of 8. Sgt. Edward D. Phillips, served- by the Poster Grandpar- Children at the Bunce Cen- Warnings of heavy snow and the snow zone. husband of the former Ruth A. ents. ter operated by the MAHRC enjoyed serving near-blizzard conditions went In the East, snow flurrifes per Targets All Adamy, daughter of^Mr. and Other refreshments, .consist- » Christmas party out to the. area between north sisted near the Great Lakes and Mrs. Samuel Adamy of 174 Ing of soft drinks, cup cakes, ice Thursday. you..liopd to serve you again! ern New Mexico and northern in the northern Appalachians. Parker St., has re-enlisted in cream and the like were con- Among those visiting them Missouri and southern Iowa." Binghamton, .N.Y., received an Said ]\Jilitary the U. S. Air FV>rce at Goose tributed by Stop and Shop on was Mayor Nathan Agostinelli, Notices of hazardous driving Inch In the six hours before mid night, bringrlng the ground cover AB, Canada. He is an air po W. Middle Tpke. who, in his role as president of DEE'S conditions were issued for Mis By Pentagon lice supervisor, a t Okx«e with Kenneth Charles, the store’s the Civitan Club, distributed souri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, there to seven inches. the Strategic Air Command. He Foster grandparents Mrs. Grace Symington, left, and Mrs. Gyrene Booth offer* BURR CORNERS PLAZA (Near Caldor’s) Southern Iowa, Illinois and most The sudden storm develop manager, and Miss Ann Petrie- candy, ment in the Southwest Monday WASHINGTON (AP) — Is a g^duate of Manchester ca, its oftice head, were gmests workers seconds on cupcakes. MANCHESTER, CONN. of Indiana. Qgh School night hit northwestern New Thy Pentagon has acknowl and brought a small gift for Skies began clearing in the Mexico with 46 to 60-mUe winds, each worker. During the social I P r : r - - r edged that civilian areas in The Kiwanis Club of Man Students Home Gallup, N.M., area. A foot of causing minor damage. North "Vietnam have been time following the luncheon, snow had piled up at the Gallup About 200 travelers were chester, Inc. will meet Tuesdayl Charles entertained the grou^ For Christmas airport smd seven Inches In Las damaged during U.S. air noon at the Manchester Coi^try stopped on New Mexico 44 raids but declares that with magic tricks. Vegas, N.M. southeast of Farmington by Club. New members will be in Later, Miss Ann Benson, a Nine Manchester and area Highways in northern New only military targets have ducted. blowing and drifting snow, ?nd^ Manchester High School junior, studenU at Albertus Magnus Mexico that had been closed traffic on Interstate 40 at Oona- been scheduled for attack. sang several selections, accom- College, New Haven, have re- during the night were opened nental Divide, east of Gallup* The Defense Department Manchester Assembly, Order panying herself on the guitar, ccntly returned to their homes today. But state police report statement said, in part: of Rainbow for Girls, will have was held up about three hours She is the daughter of Mr. and tor CHiristmas vacations. snow in the Santa Rosa area on after a tractor-trailCr truck “It is impossible to avoid all a business meeting and exempli of 348 They are Miss Susan Lund- U.S. 66 was slowing traffic. damage to civilian areas, espe fy the majority d ^ e e Monday Mrs. Robert Benson jacknlfed. Motels in Gallup Woodbridge St. gren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moving eastward, the storm filled as motorists sought haven. cially when the North Vietnam a t , 7:30 p.m. |at the Masonic Norman Fendell, founder of Herbert Lundgren of 123 Ct>n- dumped snow on Kansas, west ese deliberately emplace their Temple.; Refreshments will be Chill weather spread as far eis the workshop and former presi way Rd.; Miss Patricia Rack- ern Missouri and western and air defense sites, their dispersed served. the Northwest doeist where the dent of the MEinchester As- owski,' daughter of Mr., and Mrs. central Nebraska. mercury dropped to the freezing POL — petroleum, oil and lubri sociatlon for Retarded Children, 764 Cen- Three inches of snow fell in mark, 32. cants — sites, their radar and William R. Paquette, sOh of pralsed the efforts of all who ^ - M i^ Eileen D ^ y six hours in Garden City and other military facilities in pop Mrs. Lena Paquette of 41 Llped to make the party a sue- Sallna, Kan. ulated areas, and indeed some Lyness St., has recently been Light snow fell in the Great times on the roofs of govern elected to Who’s Who in Ameri Lakes region. ' ment buildings.” can Universities and Colleges. pu.dp.renta, who h.v, Umltod " , ot » ai.d incomes. Cold weather stretched across Road Deaths Pentagon officials said the He is a graduate of Manchester Mrs. George Blake of 46 Elsie statement was ' issued in re ’’I think their putting on this dj. the north and reached deep Into High School, and a member of the southeast. sponse to questions from the ' the senior class at Central Conn party symbolizes the warm re- ^Iso, Miss Patricia Kelly, Temperatures dropped early Reach Seven New York Times. ecticut State College, New Brit lationship they have developed daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Chrls- in the day to -20 in International * The U.S. statement empha ain. with the students," Fendell said, topher Kelly of 41 Linnmore Dr. FallSi Minn., -18 in Grand In the State sized that American “policy is Many individuals and grroups Miss Jane L. Wagner, daughter Fords, N.D., and -3 in Burllng- to target North Vietnamese mil Patrick Humphrey of 75 also contributed gifts for the af- of Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner Don’t Believe the Sign NEW HAVEN (AP) —Two itary targets only, particularly This ear, driven by Vietnam politician Dr. Phan Quang Dan, lies gutted in the Birch Mountain Rd. has been fair, said Fendell. of 131 Bolton St.; Miss Mary fatal highway accidents Mon those which have a direct im street outside his home in Gia Dinh after an assassination attempt. Dr. Dan appointed a naitional aide-de- One such gfroup was the work- McKeon, daughter of Mr. and This temperature sign near the center of Philadel pact on the movement of men ers at Iona Manufacturing Co., Mrs. Richard McKeon of 94 day night boosted the Christ phia was confused after the Christmas snowstorm. received leg and thigh wounds from fragments of metal aftyr the explosion camp of the VFW of the United ICC to Hear Rail mas weekend traffic toll to and supplies into South Viet States. He is a member of the who gave the students a stereo Wedgewood Dr.; Miss Patricia Although it registered 80 degrees, the correct tem nam. caused by a thrown grenade or a device attached to the car. (AP Photofax) Manchester VFW. phonograph. Ernest Sleith, an Hogan, daughter of Mr.