ST CATHERINE’S HILL & TOWN COMMON MANAGEMENT PLAN 2012 ‐ 2023 FINAL DRAFT SEPTEMBER 2012 We value our local countryside for its natural beauty and wildlife. This area has been influenced by past generations and is now cared for by a partnership that will take its needs into account for all to enjoy into the future. St Catherine’s Hill & Town Common Management Plan – Final Draft St Catherine’s Hill & Town Common Management Plan 2012 ‐ 2023 Prepared by the St Catherine’s Hill & Town Common Management Plan Steering Group, including Christchurch Borough Council Countryside Service in association with Jude Smith, Rick Minter and Alison Parfitt. “On behalf of the Steering Group I believe that this Plan brings forward a balanced approach to securing the future management of the habitats and landscape on St Catherine’s Hill and Town Common. This will ensure that the most important features are conserved and enhanced with the active involvement of local people. I therefore commend this Plan to you.” Councillor Sue Spittle Chairman, St Catherine’s Hill & Town Common Management Plan Steering Group Citation For bibliography purposes this management plan should be referred to as: Smith, J.E., Parfitt A., Minter, R. & Christchurch Countryside Service. 2012. St Catherine's Hill & Town Common Management Plan, 2012 ‐ 2023. Prepared for St Catherine’s Hill & Town Common Management Plan Steering Group, c/o Christchurch Borough Council, Christchurch. Alison Parfitt Tel: 01242 584982 E‐mail:
[email protected] St Catherine’s Hill & Town Common Management Plan – Final Draft CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1 Background....................................................................................................................... 1 Work of the Steering Group .............................................................................................