System of Ophthalmology
INDEX The figures in bold face type indicate the number of a page containing an ilhistration in the text; those in italics indicate the number of a page showing a marginal illustration. Acipenser median eye, 713 Aard-vark, 442, 445 pupil, 317 cornea, keratinized, 456 fulvescens, visual cells, 320 nictitating membrane, 493 ruthenus, 317 pupil, 472 eye, 318 Ablepharus, secondary spectacle, 366, 367 sturio, eye, 275 Abyssal habit, degenerate eyes due to, 722 Acnidaria, 182 Acanthephyra, bioluminescence in, 742,743 See also Coelenterates, Comb-jellies. Acarines, 216 Acone eye, 167 eyes of, 216 Acrania. See Cephalochordata. vision of, 579 Acrida turrita, colour changes in, 94 Accipiter, Miiller's ciliary muscle, 406 Acrobates. See Flying phalanger. orbit, 423 Actinia, phototactic reactions of, 571 Accommodation in invertebrates, 590 Actinopterygii, 234, 235 in vertebrates, 640 Acuity of vision. See Visual acuity. amjahibians, 647 Adiposo -genital dystrophy, 560 ainphibious animals, 654 Adrenal gland, hormones and, 550 birds, 651 Aedes, scototaxis in, 60 chelonians, 651, 652 Aegd, telotaxis in, 56 crocodilians, 651 Aeglina prisca, 157 cyclostomes, 644 eyes of, 157 lacertilians, 651 Aeschna, 225 mammals, 652, 653 larvae, optic ganglia, activity of, 524 sauropsidans, 649, 650 optomotor response of, 589 selachians, 647 califoniica, 222 snakes, 648 Esthetes, in Chiton, 196 teleosts, 645, 646 Agama agama, 359 dynamic, 644 iris, 359, PI. V muscle of, in Alciopa, 591 Agaricus olearius, bioluminescence in, 737 in cephalopods, 590 Aggregate eyes, 151 in snakes, 387 Agnatha, 233 See also Ciliary muscles, jiineal organ in, 713 pecten and. 416 See also Cyclostomes. static, 640 Agwantibo, 443 structure of retina and, 656 See also Lemuroids, Priniates.
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