Report to Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori Tukua ki te Ao Progressing the normalisation of te reo Māori in organisations Jenny Lee-Morgan, Maureen Muller, Joeliee Seed-Pihama and Herearoha Skipper He Mihi Tēnā koutou e ngā haumi, e ngā tangata hautū me ngā whakatakeretanga o ngā waka o te reo puipuiaki o te Ika-ā-Maui Tikitiki-ā-Taranga, ā, puta atu ki te Waka-ā-Maui ki Rakiura rā anō. Tēnā koutou e whakaara ake ana i ngā taonga whakamirimiri a ngā tūpuna e whakatangi i a tātou kura whakaingoingo e whakaangi atu nā. He kura i tangihia he kōmuri aroha mō rātou kua heke ki te reinga, moe mai rātou koutou, tiraha, okioki ai. E aku nui, e aku rahi, tēnā anō koutou e whakatiketike ana i te kauae o te reo rangatira ki runga rawa. Koutou e matapopore ana ki te whakarauora i te reo kia toitū tonu ai, ā, tukua te reo ki te rangi, tukua te reo ki te whenua, tukua te reo ki te ao whānui. Acknowledgements Many thanks to the nine organisations who agreed to participate in this study with openess and transparency. While each organisation is making courageous shifts toward the inclusion of te reo Māori in their workplaces and spheres of influence, each also Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori recognises there is still much to achieve. These organisations are: Investment Centre, Level 11 Air New Zealand 20 Ballance Street Microsoft Wellington 6011 Spark NZ +64 4 471 0244 Christ’s College, Christchurch
[email protected] King’s College, Auckland Wellington Girls’ College, Wellington Christchurch City Council Rotorua Lakes Council Waikato Regional Council To the 50 participants in this study who work in these organisations, many of whom are passionate advocates of te reo Māori – thank you for sharing your stories of trial and error, stories of success as well as the ongoing challenges.