L~ L Ajr (2) SCUTII.II,Ife I.TA^
.. L : fa,,lL: Force 343: ~aQe ::Date: DInt i t t '__:194-13. G-2 ESTI:-ATE OF THIE E'P EY S ITATION ;,/2 Hq. Task Force 343 APO ;'758 5 May 1943. S. 2YI3' OF UliE LL1I Slr TIO a. Assumpt ion. See Estimate '1, 20 April 19L43i b. Over-all S rencth and Tei.zhborTn t- oon. See Es'tiate /l,- 20 April 1943. (1) ?Th:NISIa Axis forces in Tunisia, as of 2, April 1943, were estimated to be about 155,000, consisting of 110,000 Germans and 415,000 Italians. The 110,000 Germans are estima-ted to be lade up of 83,000 c omribatant troops, 14,000 anti-aircraft personnel, and 13.000 service troops. The 145,000 Italians are estimated to consist of 27,000 combat troops, 5,000 anti- aircraft and coast defense personnel, and 13,000 service troops. Italy has tro very reduced Infantry Divisions in Tunisia; and remnants of three others, fThey are organized as followrs; 1st (Superga) Division (much reduced). Bersagieri D'Africa (Young Fascis ts) Division (much reduced). 80th (Siezia) Division (Rer-nant-s). 16th (Pistoia) Division (Pemnn.ants). 131st (Centauro) Division (Remnants). I and lI: Corps Artillery (Re7mnants) The folloring G erman divisional units, comprising the 5th Panzer Army under Col. General Jurgen Von Axnim-, are in Tunisia: 10th, 15th, and 21st Panzer Divisions (reduced strength). Hermnann Goering Division (much belowr strength). strength). 334L.th1 Infantry Division (much below 90th Liglht Infantry Division (much below strength). 164th Light Infantry Division (much below strength). Manteuffel Division (a small provisional formation).
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