Volume 126, Number 49
The Weather MIT’s Today: Cloudy, 51°F (11°C) Tonight: Cloudy, 46°F (8°C) Oldest and Largest Tomorrow: Heavy rain, windy, 51°F Newspaper (11°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 126, Number 49 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Friday, October 27, 2006 Underclassmen Give In Alumni Campaign By Apoorva Murarka level of participation from the stu- A total of 460 gifts from fresh- dent body rather than raising a par- men, sophomores, and juniors were ticular amount of funds,” Kavanagh collected during the Underclassmen said. Giving Campaign last week. Fifteen “I think it is a great concept but percent of the underclassmen donat- I don’t think that going to the un- ed during the UGC, totalling about dergraduate body is the right way $2,500. Donations ranged from $1 to to raise funds because we do not $40 with the average donation being have much money … I mean, we are just over $5. starved students,” said Irina Shklyar, The UGC, a pilot program started the Undergraduate Association Mc- by the MIT Alumni Association, was Cormick Hall senator. “As a senator, designed to help develop a sense of I did not hear anyone from my con- philanthropy among the underclass- stituency complain to me, but I have men at MIT, as seniors are already heard complaints in general.” contributing to the senior gift, ac- At the end of last week, 15 percent cording to UGC and Senior Gift of the underclassmen had already Advisor Rosheen B. Kavanagh, fund contributed. Freshmen, 20 percent officer for the Alumni Association. of whom had given to the UGC, also UGC will run for another week in the formed the largest percentage of the spring, from February 26 to March donors among the underclassmen.
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