John Collier Oil Paintings

John Collier [English Classicist Painter, 1850-1934]

Hon John Horace And Lydia 42233-John Collier-Hon_John_Horace_And_Lydia.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42233 | Order the painting

In the Venusberg Tannhauser 42234-John Collier-In_the_Venusberg_Tannhauser.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42234 | Order the painting

Lady 42235-John Collier-.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42235 | Order the painting

Lilith 42236-John Collier-.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42236 | Order the painting

Priestess of Delphi 42237-John Collier-Priestess of Delphi.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42237 | Order the painting


Queen Guinevre's Maying 42238-John Collier-Queen Guinevre's Maying.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42238 | Order the painting

The Confession 42239-John Collier-The_Confession.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42239 | Order the painting

The Land Baby 42240-John Collier-The_Land_Baby.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42240 | Order the painting

The Water Nymph 42241-John Collier-The_Water_Nymph.jpg Oil Painting ID: 42241 | Order the painting

Total 1 page, [1] John Collier (Nationality : English Classicist Painter, 1850-1934) John Collier oil paintings.

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