The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson
i*r-:LU',. u'"tfi*-*^rr tf - ;JS - . tun , - Qass. THE POEMS ROBERT HENRYSON IN GENTLE HENRTSON S UNLABODR D STRAIN SWEET ARETHUSa's SHEPHERD BREATH'd AGAIN. LAKGHORNE, 1763. THE POEMS AND FABLES OF ROBERT HENRYSON, NOW FIRST COLLECTED. WITH NOTES, AND A MEMOIR OF HIS LIFE. BY DAVID LAING. EDINBURGH: MDCCCLXV. WILLIAM PATERSON, PRINCES STREET. 054S, 02. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY JOHN HUGHES, THISTLE STREET. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Advertisement, VII Memoir of Robert Henryson, IX Appendix, No. I. List of Persons of the name of Henryson, from the middle of the Four- teenth to the end of the Fifteenth Century, xxxvii No. II. The Lands and Barony of Fordell, . xl No. III. The Hendersons of Fordell, . xlvi No. IV. Notices of the chief Persons of the name of Henryson or Henderson during the Six- teenth Century, ... l Miscellaneous Poems. Robene and Makyne, 3 The Garmond of Gude Ladeis, 8 The Bludy Serk, .... 10 The Abbay Walk, . 15 Aganis Haisty Creddance of Titlaris, 18 The Prais of Aige, .... 21 The Ressoning betwixt Aige and Yowth, 23 The Ressoning betwixt Deth and Man, 27 The Three Deid Powis, . 30 The Salutation of the Virgin, . 33 The Want of Wyse Men, . 36 Ane Prayer for the Pest, 39 Sum Practysis of Medecyne, 43 b TABLE OP CONTENTS. Pagb OftPHEUS AND EURYDICE, .... 49 The Testament of Cresseid, . .75 The Complaint of Cresseid, ... 89 The Moral Fables of -^sop in Scottish Metre. The Prologue, ..... 101 The Taill of the Cock and the Jasp, . 104 The Taill of the Uplandis Mous and the Burges Mous, ....
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