
SERMON NOTES | PASTOR CHRIS MARTIN Epiphany 4C 1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:13 “God’s Love” Sunday, Feb. 3, 2019 When it comes to the Epistle reading that was ap- ethics, abuse of the gift of the Lord’s Supper, a deni- pointed for today in our , we’ve arrived to al of the bodily resurrection of , improper use what many often refer to as the “Love Chap- of Spiritual gifts, and that’s just naming a few. As we ter” of the . An unofficial title that’s mentioned a couple of weeks ago, if you sit down and stuck with good reason because it is in this particular take the time to read through this letter of the New Tes- chapter that the topic of love is addressed. Because we tament, it becomes very apparent rather quickly that see that word “love” used quite frequently throughout the Corinthians were a people who were all too often this chapter of the letter, that’s one of the reasons why only concerned with themselves, and as a result, of- we often hear these words of the Lord read at weddings, ten acted in ways that demonstrated a complete lack and over the years, it’s probably been the Biblical text of love toward other people, and not just those outside I’ve preached on most often for wedding sermons. Peo- of the fellowship of the Church, but sadly, often times, ple like to hear about, and discuss, the topic of love! they showed a lack of love for their fellow Christians Because of that, there’s a good reason why I chose within the Corinthian church. to preach on this particular reading this morning as we Thus, it is into this context, of a people who claim continue our journey through the season of Epiphany, to be followers, disciples of Christ, people who the season of the Church Year in which we watch as claim that the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ mat- our Lord Jesus Christ begins to reveal Who He is, what ters to them in a real, personal, life-changing way, that He has come into the world to accomplish for us, and Paul has to write the words of today’s Epistle reading. begin to extend to many the call of discipleship, the call After spending the previous chapter that we’ve had to “follow Him” and learn from Him. As we ponder as our Epistle readings for the last two Sundays, in these words from the pen of the apostle Paul, we have which Paul is reminding the Christians at Corinth that an opportunity to see the kind of love that God has they all have unique spiritual gifts, given by the Holy for us through the person and work of His Son, Jesus Spirit, which make each one of them a valuable, im- Christ, and how we are called to be disciples who have portant member of the body of Christ, no matter what been loved, and in turn, love others. gifts they have been endowed with or what part of the Before we really dive into these familiar words of body of Christ they might be in that time and place, the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 13, let’s take a Paul now turns his attention to the question of “how moment to review the context in which they were first are Christians supposed to be going about using the written. You will recall that the human author of 1 unique gifts that God has given them in service to Him Corinthians is St. Paul, the great apostle and teacher and in service to other people that God places into their of the 1st Century. Paul during his second missionary life?” Paul addresses this question by describing what journey was led by the Holy Spirit to come to the city the greatest spiritual gift looks like, the gift of love: of Corinth. Through Paul’s preaching, the Holy Spirit “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or created faith in the ears of many in Corinth to where boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its Paul was able to bring about the organization of a own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not re- Christian congregation in that city. After Paul’s depar- joice and wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love ture, toward the end of his third missionary journey in bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, 55 A.D., he’s learned that there are several problems endures all things. Love never ends…So now faith, that threaten the continued ministry and witness of hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of the church in Corinth. In the 1st chapter of the letter, these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13) Paul has to address a lack of unity that’s apparent in Now, as Paul lists these qualities of a Godly love, if the life of the church in Corinth. This lack of unity has you are a list maker, you can essentially put two lists led to several other very serious sins and problems that together, what I sometimes over the years in wedding are tearing at the very fabric of the Corinthian church. sermons refer to as a “love is” list, and a “love is not” Among the issues were: selfishness, contention and list. Let’s go back to that list of issues that the Chris- disputing with one another in the courts, their sexual tians at Corinth were dealing with in their life togeth-

PAGE 1 SERMON NOTES CONTINUED er and ministry that Paul has addressed in this letter. With this in mind, let’s go back now to our text for to- When you really take the time to get down to the heart day, and take a look at those “love is not” items on the list of the matter, you can make the argument that at the in our text. Love does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant root of many of the issues that threatened the witness or rude. It does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable and spiritual well being of the church at Corinth had or resentful. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing. Now, let’s to do with the Corinthians’ lack of love toward oth- take that list and let’s look at the way the world around er people. Now if you happened to take a poll of the us today defines love. Let’s be honest, we live in a 21st Christians in Corinth, and you were to ask them about century American society that has a LOT to say about their attitude toward love, they might respond by say- Love these days, don’t we? All you have to do is turn on ing something along the lines of “I would consider your TV, tune into the radio, watch a movie or television myself a loving person. I love my family. I love my program, pick up a magazine while you’re in the waiting friends. They love me. Life’s great for me.” But, that room, or do a Google search on the word “love” some- doesn’t answer the question, what kind of a love would time, and you are going to find you are bombarded with the Corinthians be talking about? Is it a God-pleasing all sorts of messages about love today. And while they kind of love that He calls for us to have in our lives of may come in different packaging, they all have one thing discipleship, of following Jesus, and leading others to in common: the idea that love serves you, and your wants follow Him as well? or desires. If someone has a lot to offer you, or they’re Let’s take a moment to back up a couple of chapters deemed beautiful or popular by worldly standards, we of 1 Corinthians 11, where Paul has to address the is- deem them lovable and worthy of our love. However, if sues that the Corinthians were struggling with when it someone is in need of being helped, if someone is in need came to their celebrations of the Lord’s Supper. As you of being served instead of being the one who is serving listen to this section, bear in mind that when the Corin- you, if someone doesn’t have the right kind of physi- thian church gathered for worship, they did so in mem- cal appearance, or comes from “the wrong side of the bers’ homes. Thus, their worship services were often tracks” as we sometimes say, those are the kind of people preceded by a fellowship meal. In a moment where the that we decide are not worthy of our love, and our society Corinthians were supposed to be united as they came deems that as perfectly acceptable. together around the means of Word and Sacrament, You see, the point is this: the way that we sinful hu- here is what was happening: man beings often define love is at its root, a self-cen- “When you come together, it is not the Lord’s sup- tered, conditional type of love, isn’t it? It’s the same per that you eat. For in eating, each one goes ahead kind of love that Paul had to admonish the Christians with his own meal. One goes home hungry, another in Corinth about and call out as sin. It is a love that gets drunk. What! Do you not heave houses to eat and doesn’t abide, in that it’s great while it is meeting cer- drink in? Or do you despise the church of God, and hu- tain criteria, but when it doesn’t, we’re told it’s accept- miliate those who have nothing? What then shall I say able to discard it and walk away from it at any time. to you? Shall I commend you in this? No, I will not.” (1 That is what the world around us says, but that defini- Corinthians 11:20-22) tion of love, and the kind of things that Paul says in our What was going on? The wealthy were off in one text are not the kind of love that God calls for us to have room of the house, eating and drinking and having a for others, are what so many times end up leaving so good old time, while those who were poor, who had many people broken and hurting in the end. Such a love little, or nothing to share or offer, were left out, often comes with great promises, but often leaves us empty walking away from that day’s service and fellowship and disappointed to say the least. hungry, lonely, and hurting. Right here, you noticed Well, we’ve spent a lot of time up to this point that Paul had some very strong words for the lack of talking about what love is not. And if we are honest love with which they treated one another. Now this was with ourselves, this is not just a problem with the Co- just one example from this letter, but in it, Paul is re- rinthian Christians, but it is also a problem we deal vealing the root of the problem: there was a lack of love with on a daily basis as well. As we confessed earli- among the Corinthians, in that their definition of love, er, we have not loved God with all our heart. We have and what God desires for Christians who have been re- not loved our neighbors as ourselves. All too often, in deemed and sanctified by the work of Jesus Christ, are our relationship with God, and our relationships with two completely different things. The love the Corinthi- others in our lives, we’ve too frequently displayed the ans had was a self-serving kind of love. “love is not” list in how we treat others. Thus, we stand condemned by the Law of God.


But you will notice that Paul doesn’t just give us step of His passion and death, Jesus doesn’t look out for a list of what love is not, and leave it at that. He also Himself. He looks out for you and me by providing for tells the Corinthians, and you and I as well, what real us what we need most. He suffers the punishment for love looks like. Real love, the love that God wants us all of our sins on the cross. We see a picture of His love to have, is a love that is patient and kind. It hopes all for us while He is suffering and dying on the cross as things, believes all things, bears all things, and rejoices He sees that His mother, Mary, is taken care of, com- in the truth, and never ends. That kind of a love is a mending her to the care of His faithful , John. self-less kind of love. It is a love that doesn’t leave room At the cross, we see what Love is truly all about. It is for conditions. It is a love that is never ending. A love a love that compelled Jesus to serve us, even when it that involves selfless sacrifice for the good of others. meant giving up His own life. As we take the time to ponder that kind of love, in- And that love is what Jesus continues to shower deed, we’re not capable because of our sinful nature upon each and every one of us when we are in this that turns within to look out for ourselves, of having place, gathered around His means of Word and Sacra- that kind of love in our daily lives for others. We do not ment. He continues to come to serve you, to once again always love others, even in our own families or here in warn you of all of the ways in which the world’s prom- our life as the church, with that kind of love. But, we ise of love leave you broken, hurting, and disappointed. recognize today that there is Someone who does love He brings you again to the foot of His cross, to His un- us with that kind of love, all the time. conditional love for you, a love that says “I loved you so Throughout the pages of Scripture, we see this kind much, that I couldn’t bear the thought of you remain- of love personified in the person and work of Jesus ing in your sin and being apart from me. That’s why I Christ. Jesus, Immanuel, God with us, is the one who have allowed My body to be broken and My blood to be has loved you with an everlasting love. His love for you shed, so that your sins can be forgiven, and You could is what led Jesus to give up the splendors of heaven and have a place in My Father’s kingdom forever.” That is take on our human flesh, and all the limitations that a love that goes with us in times of joy, and in times of come with it. In the lesson from Luke 4 you suffering in our daily lives. heard read today, you witness Jesus display that love But that’s not where this discussion about love and concern for others when He casts a demon out of a ends. Now that you have been loved by Jesus Christ demon-possessed man in the Capernaum synagogue. with a 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love, now that you Then, you see Jesus show His love and compassion have been forgiven of all of your sins, including the again when He heals Peter’s mother-in-law when she sins of not loving others as yourself, you have been was severely ill. We see Jesus, in a time where it would set free from your sin by Christ not to go back and have been easy, and understandable, for Him to send sin even more, or to only look out for yourself and everyone away to have some quiet time alone, to in- what you want, but rather, you are set free to now go stead, see the needs of others, and heal the sick and and love others as Christ first has loved you. Since cast out demons from those who were suffering In each you know what it is like to be loved with a 1 Corin- of these places in our Gospel lesson, the people Jesus thians 13 kind of love, to know that while you were brings healing to are people who were often considered still a sinner, Christ died for you, you remember that “unlovable” because of their diseases, disabilities, or you have been given those different spiritual gifts the fact they were unable to control the things that they we have been given that we’ve heard about the last were doing because the power of the Devil was upon couple of weeks, and to use those gifts to love and them and they were powerless to free themselves. In serve our neighbors. Every single one of us here at these, and many other instances throughout the life of St. John’s Lutheran Church-Vilmar have been sancti- Jesus, we see Him show time and again what a 1 Corin- fied, that is, made holy by the work of Christ, and set thians 13 love looks like as He loves and serves others. apart by the work of the Holy Spirit, for a purpose: And in no other place do we see what this kind of to witness the love of Christ and His forgiveness to a love looks like than in the passion and death of Je- people in your daily life who have often been left bro- sus. Knowing what lied ahead for Him, in the Garden ken, hurting, and confused when they have fallen for before it all began, we do not see Jesus praying “My the lie of the world’s definition of love. You see, dear will be done” and look for a way out, but instead prays friends, you are often called to be the hands, feet, and that His Father’s will is done, which leads Him to be voice that Christ will use to bind up broken hearts condemned to death, mocked, spit upon, and executed and share with the world, one person at a time, what in one of the most brutal ways possible. Through every love truly is.


This morning, we rejoice that Christ has loved us en for the lie of the world and put conditions on who with a 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love. As we do so, should receive our love and service. And we are em- we are sent forth from this place with God’s blessing powered by the Holy Spirit, to rejoice in God’s love for to love and serve others in this congregation, in our us that He has shown through His Son, and witness that homes, and in wherever it is that God sends us to this love in word and deed to our world, one life at a time. week. We repent of the times in which we have fall- Amen.

PAGE 4 SERMON NOTES | PASTOR CHRIS MARTIN Epiphany 5C :1-11: “A Lesson From a Fishing Story” Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019 All of us here this morning have at some point in nets after a night of fishing. One of them is Simon, a our life either heard, or told, a “fishing story.” Fishing man you and I know better by the name that Jesus gives stories are very unique, in that it seems that with ev- him later on, Peter. Now remember, this is not the first ery time that the story is told, something miraculous time that Simon has an encounter with Jesus. You’ll happens. The fish the angler caught gets bigger and remember in last week’s Gospel lesson from Luke 4, bigger. The story gets longer and longer. The fish put Jesus was in Peter’s hometown, Capernaum, when Pe- up a greater and greater struggle before he was finally ter’s mother in law became ill with a high fever. Jesus reeled in successfully! That’s one sort of fishing story. that day came up to her, and merely by speaking His But there’s also the fishing stories that we hear from Word, rebukes the fever, the fever breaks, and immedi- time to time that take on a life of their own about “the ately, Peter’s mother in law gets up and starts serving big one that got away.” In my family, I’m not much of those in the house. That day, there were no magic med- a fisherman, but before our kids came along when we icines, or home made remedies that take a few days to still lived in western Iowa, Lindsay took up fishing, work. She’s fully and completely healed right there on and would go with my father and my uncle Lou in the the spot. So, as these events in our text for today take evenings during the summer along the banks of the place, Simon Peter is a man who has first hand knowl- Raccoon River, and they would come back with some edge of the kind of power that the Word of Jesus has. fishing stories, stories that usually had to do with Lind- He sees Jesus coming toward him, and Jesus gets into say’s success in catching the next day’s lunch for our Peter’s boat. Jesus asks Peter to take him out a bit from entire family, and my father and uncle’s lack of success the land so He can preach His life-giving Word to the that evening! crowd that’s assembled there. And it is here, that Pe- If you happen to like fishing stories, then you are ter’s fishing boat becomes a pulpit where the life-giv- really going to enjoy the Gospel lesson for today, be- ing Word of the Lord is being proclaimed, and Peter cause it’s quite a fishing story. This story has a fail- gets a front row seat! ure to catch anything, and a miraculous catch of fish You will notice that Luke does not include the con- that was nearly impossible to bring in! For many of us tent of what it was that Jesus taught that day. And to listening to this particular portion of Luke’s Gospel, be honest, that’s not where our lesson for our life as we might focus on the that seems obvious, the the Church and our witness to the world is to be found great catch of fish. But, when it comes to this fishing in this fishing story. It’s found in what happens after story, we’re going to discover that this fishing story is a Jesus is finished proclaiming His Word. Once the ser- Christ-Centered fishing story, that has a lot to reveal to mon is over, Jesus says to Peter “Put out into the deep us about how we approach God, and about our mission and let down your nets for a catch.” (v.4) as the Church. This is an unusual request for Peter or any com- Today we’re brought to the shores of the Lake of mercial fisherman. You see, the kind of nets that Peter Gennesaret, which is more commonly known as the and his business partners would have been using are Sea of . At this point, Jesus has been through the kind that bring in fish that have come to the top of several different synagogues throughout Judea, teach- the water to feed at night. There’s absolutely no way ing the Word of God, and backing up the claims He’s that you’re going to use those nets to catch anything making for Himself by performing , such as here in the middle of the day. That’s why Peter says: casting out demons and healing the sick. Word about “Master, we toiled all night and caught nothing. But, Jesus has spread, as more and more people hear the at your word, I will let down the nets.” (v.5) Between power that He has over these things, and they want to seeing what Jesus had already done in his own home hear Him speak. Thus, they’ve followed Jesus here to when Jesus spoke His word and Peter’s mother-in- the shores of the sea, and the crowd is so large, they’re law was healed, and now hearing what Jesus spoke to threatening to push him right into the sea. the crowds, Peter has faith that the Word of Jesus has As this is going on, Jesus sees two boats that are power to it. That’s the reason why even though Peter’s along the shore, where the fishermen are washing their years of experience as a fisherman says there’s no way

PAGE 1 SERMON NOTES CONTINUED they’re going to catch anything, Peter goes ahead and With these pictures in our minds, whether it’s Isa- does what Jesus commands. He trusts that when Jesus iah, standing in the throne room of God, surrounded by says something in His Word, even if it makes no sense, His glory, or Peter, in that boat with Jesus that’s filled it’s still the truth. So, Peter, in faith, goes out and does with a miraculous catch of fish, rapidly taking on wa- what Jesus asks him to do. ter, this is a good opportunity to reflect on something And what happens? “They enclosed a large number for a moment. In explaining the First Commandment in of fish, and their nets were breaking. They signaled to the Small Catechism, Martin Luther writes: their partners in the other boat to come and help them. “You shall have no other gods. What does this mean? And they came and filled the boats, so that they began We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.” to sink.” (v.6-7) Having said that, now let’s take the time to stop and What’s just happened here? Simply by speaking His reflect on what this fishing story in our Gospel lesson Word, Jesus causes this great catch of fish in the mid- is really all about, in particular, when it comes to our dle of the day, when it shouldn’t be possible to catch own lives of following Jesus, and the witness that we anything! Jesus has just given Peter another visible share with our world. When it comes to the idea of clue as to who He truly is. It’s now clear to Peter: Jesus coming into the presence of God, do we have that sense isn’t an ordinary teacher. Jesus has just demonstrated of awe or reverence that Peter had when he realized in front of Peter that He has power over sickness, and Who was really in that fishing boat with him out on the now, over nature itself. There is only One who has that sea that day? Do you and I have that same sense of fear kind of power and authority, and that’s God himself, that Isaiah had when he realized he was in the presence creator of heaven and earth. of God? Do we share with Isaiah, and Peter, in realiz- With this realization, what is the response of Peter, ing the truth that because of our sin, we have no right to knowing he is in the presence of Immanuel, God with be anywhere close to God? us, in that boat full of fish? “But when Simon Peter saw You see, whether it’s Peter in that fishing boat, sur- it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from rounded by that miraculous catch, or Isaiah, in that me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.’” (v.8) throne room where the room shakes, the angelic crea- With that statement, Peter is acknowledging he tures hide their face, and the room fills with smoke, knows who Jesus has revealed Himself to be. Peter is they teach us something about what happens when God saying he knows he is in the presence of God! And be- reveals Himself to us. When we are left in our sin, and ing in the presence of a holy, almighty God, Peter has we approach God in our sinfulness, it doesn’t take very also quickly realized, and rightly confessed, how un- long to acknowledge how sinful and broken we truly holy and sinful he is, and that an unholy sinner has no are. It doesn’t take us very long when we hear the Law business standing in the presence of a holy, righteous of God proclaimed in His Word to us to realize how God, and expecting to live. quickly we fail to live up to its demands. Now, lest we think that Peter is overreacting, let’s I know, I know, we have all sorts of people today, draw our attention for a moment to the Old Testament perhaps even we’re guilty of this from time to time lesson for this morning from Isaiah 6. There, Isaiah ourselves as well, of trying to get around this by ex- looks around, and he sees God, sitting on a throne, cusing our sins. There are a lot of people today, even with the train of His robe filling the temple. Then he within the church, who want to tell us that we can’t talk sees the Seraphim, impressive, yet frightful angelic about sin anymore, or we can’t talk about the Law and creatures with six wings, covering their face and feet, God’s expectations of us in it anymore. The reason? It flying around the room, calling out “Holy, holy, holy is doesn’t make people feel good about themselves. We’re the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” told people should be able to approach God just as they The foundations of the room are shaking at the sound are and not have to change. Such a view really doesn’t of the voice of God. The room is full of smoke. This is view God in the way that we’re expected to in the First an impressive sight to behold if you’re Isaiah! It doesn’t Commandment. You see, too many people in our world take him very long to recognize where he is. He is in day with such ideas don’t have this proper view of God the throne room of God. And what was Isaiah’s reac- that our lessons for today reveal. Instead, they simply tion to this encounter with God? see God as a kind, old, indulgent Grandfather who just “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of un- sits back in his rocking chair, oblivious while we run clean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of un- around His house, break His stuff, make a mess out clean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of of everything, and He either says nothing or says “oh hosts!” (Isaiah 6:5) well, I guess that’s just the way they are.”


That’s why God is placing these pictures from Isa- cross. It will be through the blood of Jesus that God iah and Peter into our minds today. To help us to realize will make atonement for the sins of the world. It is at something important: when we are confronted with a the cross, and through being covered in the blood of holy, righteous God, left in our sin, we have no right Christ, that repentant sinners are now able to stand in to be standing in front of Him. We should, indeed, be the presence of God, approach His throne, and be His filled with fear. We should be led to confess the truth people. But, just like Isaiah, Jesus tells Peter that he, we spoke at the beginning of our service today: “We too, is being set apart for a new life: from this point for- are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves. We ward, Peter will be a fisher of people. Through preach- have sinned against God in thought, word, and deed, in ing the very Word of God that Peter has heard, Peter what we’ve done, and left undone.” will point others to Jesus Christ as the source of their Now that is a very important confession to make. A life and salvation! Peter will be one of the ones that Je- confession we make on a daily basis when we’re con- sus will send to be His messenger, and Peter responds fronted with the Law, and the reality of the sin that is by leaving everything behind and following Jesus. in our lives. It is a fearful confession to make, because For you and I, that is also our daily life of following in making it, we also realize what we truly deserve: Jesus as well. Our daily Christian life is patterned after death. this fishing story. You and I have heard the Word of the But, is that what God gives to Isaiah or Peter? Let’s Lord. We recognize the sin that is in our lives that sep- start with Isaiah. Once Isaiah has confessed he’s a sin- arates us from God. We realize that on our own, based ful man, who comes from a sinful people, what hap- on what we do and haven’t done, we have no right or pens? “Then one of the Seraphim flew to me, having in reason to stand in the presence of God and expect to his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs live. But, just like Isaiah, and just like Peter, we’re told from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: this day as we confess our sin and turn away from it, ‘Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt has been our fear of God becomes a holy fear. We realize that taken away, and your sin atoned for.’” (Isaiah 6:6-7) God is indeed holy, and we are not. But we realize that Isaiah has his sin removed from him. You’ll notice God, through His Son, has atoned for our sins. And in in the text none of this was Isaiah’s doing. Isaiah was doing so, he’s doing it for a specific purpose. To give made clean by the work and the Word of God. Isaiah’s us a new life. sins were not overlooked, excused, or swept under the You see, now, we seek to keep God’s law, but our carpet mind you. God still took Isaiah’s sin very seri- motivation is completely different. We’re not doing it ously. Isaiah’s sin was taken away from him, atoned in an effort to have a place before God in His king- for. Meaning someone else would suffer the punish- dom. Because that will never be good enough! Instead, ment for them so that there was no more wrath for having been made clean by God through the blood of God to take out on Isaiah. And now, having been made Christ, you and I are being set apart for a new life. The clean by the work of God, Isaiah is being set apart for good that we do is the fruit that we bear as Christians a new task: “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, in our daily lives, so that others can benefit from it. ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I So that they see God, and they see the power of Je- said, “Here I am! Send me.’” (Isaiah 6:8) God is go- sus, through the things that we say, and the things that ing to use this sinner, whom He has made clean, to be we do. We share the hope that is ours because of what His voice to the very people of unclean lips that Isaiah Christ has done for us, in giving us new life, and the came from, to declare God’s word of warning from His hope of everlasting life with Him. We, too, become law about their sin and the consequences of it, and to fishers of people, in that as we share Christ with our those who confess and truly repent of it, will turn away neighbor in our daily life, we are bringing in souls who from it and live! confess their sin and are made clean by Christ, one life The same thing happens with Peter in the Gospel at a time! lesson for today. Once he confesses the truth of his Over the last 140 years, God has written a lot of sin and his standing on his own, Jesus says to Peter in “Fishing Stories” in the life and ministry of this con- that moment: “’Do not be afraid; from now on you will gregation! And as we look ahead, we know that God be catching men.’ And when they had brought their has more to write as we live and share His Word with boats to land, they left everything and followed (Je- others in our daily life so that, one life at a time, people sus).” (v.10-11) Remember where Jesus is headed. Jesus are led to confess and repent of their sin, be covered in is headed to the cross. Jesus will take on Himself all the blood of Christ, and be set apart to live as followers of Isaiah’s sins, and Peter’s sin, and atone for it at the of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Epiphany 6C Luke 6:17-26 “A Lesson on Discipleship” Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019 As many of you know, I will be leaving tomorrow So with this happening, Jesus is now ready to speak to attend the annual Pastor’s Conference of our North to these people who have followed Him to this place. American Lutheran Church. This week, many of the As Jesus speaks, remember, the people He’s speaking Pastors of our church body are gathering in Florida to really aren’t much different from you and me. They not to have some time goofing around in the sun while have their struggles in life. They are looking to Jesus you all are staying in cold temperatures, but instead, to provide something that will lighten the burdens they our focus during our time together is going to be on carry. And Jesus has a Word of Life to speak to them. a particular topic. Much of our conference time is go- Let’s start with the woes Jesus proclaims to the ing to be spent this week on the topic of discipleship, crowd that day: specifically, what does it look like in the lives of our “But woe to you who are rich, for you have received congregations? How do we promote living as disciples your consolation. Woe to you who are full now, for you of Jesus in our preaching, and in daily congregational shall be hungry. Woe to you who laugh for now, for you life and ministries? shall mourn and weep. Woe to you, when all people As I prepare to spend a few days learning about speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false these and other topics and discussing them with other prophets.” (v.24-26) pastors in our church body, I found it very appropri- `“What does this mean? God certainly gives daily ate to have the Gospel lesson in front of us today that bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all evil we have. In these words from Jesus that we often call people, but we pray in this petition that God would lead the “”, we’re actually given a considerable us to realize this, and to receive our daily bread with primer on being a disciple of Jesus. What does it look thanksgiving. What is meant by daily bread? Daily like? What does it seek after? What are the blessings of bread includes everything that has to do with the sup- discipleship? What are pitfalls that disciples of Jesus port and needs of the body, such as food, drink, cloth- should be on the lookout for and avoid? ing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, First, let’s take into consideration Jesus’ original au- a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout dience when He speaks these life-giving Words. Jesus workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, has been doing a lot up to this point in Luke’s Gospel. good weather, peace, health, self-control, good repu- He has continued to demonstrate His power over all tation, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like.” things in heaven and earth as He heals the sick, makes (Luther’s Small Catechism, Lord’s Prayer, 4th Petition) whole bodies that have been broken, blind, or crippled, So in our text, what Jesus is getting at is this: these and cast out demons from those who were powerless things are not sin, but they can lead us into sin when we to over them on their own. He’s called people to follow turn our daily lives into focusing on a pursuit of world- Him. He’s taught from place to place, proclaiming that ly wealth, power, and prestige, to where these things He is the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Savior. become our sense of security and the source of our joy Everything that He has said and taught have one pur- and happiness in daily life. And there is a great danger pose: to reveal Jesus as Immanuel, God in flesh, who in having this pursuit of worldly stuff as the main goal has come into the world to save us from our sins and and focus of your life. restore our place with God in His kingdom. In Luke 12, Jesus has a parable to warn us about As word has spread about Jesus, people are curious, where such a pursuit can lead: in particular when it comes to what they might refer to “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and as “the good stuff”, what Jesus could provide for them he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have no- to make life in this world much easier. At this point, where to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: as this large crowd has followed Jesus to the seacoast I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and of Tyre and Sidon, people are there, hoping Jesus will there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will give them healing to listen to Him teach. We’re told say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have ample goods laid up for “all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came out many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.’’ But God said from him and healed them all.” (v.19) to him, ‘Food! This night your soul will be required of

PAGE 1 SERMON NOTES CONTINUED you, and the things you had prepared, whose will they sus, giving up your own pursuit of things of the world, be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and things that are here today, and can easily be gone to- is not rich toward God.” (Luke 12:16-21) morrow, and making Christ the center of everything Thus the woes in our text for today: “woe to you that you have, ultimately, you have no hope. Because who are rich, for you have received your consolation. in making anything else the center of your life than Woe to you who are full now, for you shall be hungry. Christ, you have just made that person, place, or thing Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and into your god, a god that does not have the power to weep. Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, take your sins from you and to raise you from the dead for so their fathers did to the false prophets.” To those to everlasting life. who were looking to follow Jesus simply for this life Thus, remaining in our sins, we are not able to enjoy only, for what they could get out of Him for right here, the blessings of the Beatitudes that Jesus proclaims in right now, without an eye for eternity, without having our text: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is to turn away from their sin and look to Christ as be- the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry ing the center of their life, indeed, there’s a great woe. now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who Because even if we are successful in being wealthy, weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when powerful, and prosperous, there is coming a day when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile death will come, and when you die, none of that stuff you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the will matter in the end. Son of Man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for Just look at the situation that the apostle Paul had to behold, your reward is great in heaven, for so their address to the Corinthian church in our Epistle read- fathers did to the prophets.” (v.20b-23) ing from 1 Corinthians 15. The last few weeks we’ve All of those blessings are ours when we allow our- talked at times about the various issues that plagued selves to repent of our sins and failings against God’s the life and witness of the Corinthian church primarily law, leave them behind, and follow Jesus. As a disciple because Christ was not at the center of the life of the of Jesus, when we have Christ at the center of our en- church in Corinth. As a result, this led some in the Co- tire life, not just for an hour or so that you’re here on a rinthian church to deny the fact that Jesus Christ rose Sunday morning, your entire life transforms! from the dead, or that anyone would rise from the dead For those who are poor in spirit, who realize their for that matter. In denying the resurrection of Christ, inability to save themselves, we find ourselves rich the Corinthians were basically saying that in Christ. Jesus gave everything He had at the cross, was for this life only. In discussing this problem with His own life, so that we who have nothing on account the Corinthians, Paul notes the following, which also of our sins, can have everything we need. Because of ties into any pursuit of worldly glory: Christ, and His death on the cross and resurrection “Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the from the grave, indeed, ours is the Kingdom of God, dead, how can some of you say that there is no resur- for we have been filled with Christ and His gifts of rection from the dead? But if there is no resurrection forgiveness and life. from the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. For those of us who hunger and thirst for God’s And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching Word, Christ satisfies our every need. We see time and is in vain and your faith is in vain. We are even found again the Law accuse us of our sins and show us how to be misrepresenting God that he raised Christ, whom futile our standing is apart from Christ in front of God. he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. We see Jesus, our Savior, who has atoned for the sins For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been of the world, proclaim to us time and again that He has raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith died to set us free from the bondage of sin that we are is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also not able to free ourselves from. We see how because who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ has filled us with His forgiveness, we are en- Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all peo- abled to now live as Christ would have us live, to love ple most to be pitied. But in fact, Christ has been raised and serve our neighbor with the same love that Christ from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen first loved us with. We find our eternal satisfaction and asleep.” (1 Corinthians 15:12-20) joy as we continue to have a hunger and thirst for the When you really get down to it, the woes proclaimed righteousness of Christ, which we find in His Word, in the Gospel lesson, and this warning from the apos- and in the Sacraments! tle Paul in our Epistle reading make this very clear: if For those moments in life where the world’s emp- your idea of discipleship does not involve following Je- ty promises leave us broken, when our health betrays

PAGE 2 SERMON NOTES CONTINUED us, when a loved one closes their eyes in death, when ply may not give you much of a voice because you’re we suffer some other form of loss, when we’ve had to a Christian who believes that God’s Word is the final endure some dramatic change in life that we were not authority in all matters of faith and life, no matter how expecting and our plans are all completely wiped out, much times might claim to change. You might at times we’re often left weeping, or mourning what once was. find yourself wondering “Is the Church, is my faith go- We may feel on our own as if we’re alone, and unable ing to fall?” In those moments in which it seems as if to go on. But in Jesus Christ, we remember something. you’re under attack simply because you are a follow- Jesus has defeated our enemies of the devil, the world, er of Jesus, you can rejoice. You rejoice because you and our own sinful nature. He’s even defeated death know that Christ has you in His hand. You know your itself! Because Jesus has defeated them, and because reward may not be great at times in this life for stand- you are a new creation in Jesus Christ, as a disciple ing up for your faith, and the Word of the Lord as the of Jesus, these moments that leave you weeping and truth. But you know your eternal reward for remaining mourning are moments that, while they will still have a steadfast and immovable in your faith is worth it! You sting to them, you will be able to endure and stand firm know your reward is yours because of Christ, and what in the face of them because you know that Christ has He has done for you, and in love for your neighbor, defeated them already. You know that your suffering your desire as a disciple of Jesus is to allow Christ to you endure in this life does not last forever. It can only change someone else’s life, just as Christ has changed afflict you as long as you live in this world. You know yours. One life at a time. Christ may choose to deliver you from this affliction Dear friends in Christ here at St. John’s Lutheran in this life, and if so, thanks be to God! You also know Church of Vilmar, God has called you and I to be His that you may have to endure this moment of suffering disciples. Today, Jesus through His life-giving Word until another day, or until the day comes when your has reminded us of the temptations and pitfalls that of- eyelids close in death, and you are raised from the dead ten await us in our daily life when we take Christ out to everlasting life with Christ, a life where there is no of the center of our lives and our faith. And He has also suffering, pain, or death, because sin and its conse- reminded us once again of the blessings that we have quences have been defeated! as His disciples. As you go about your life this week And finally, you are reminded that, as you live as of being a disciple of Jesus, and making disciples of a disciple of Jesus in your daily life, the world around Jesus, I hope and pray that you are able to recognize the you will not always look at your Christ-centered life as blessings that you have as a follower of Jesus. If you’ve one that is glamorous or desirable. There will be those noticed that you’ve allowed other things to distract you who look at you putting your faith and trust in Christ, from following Jesus in your daily life, as long as you and living for Him each day, and will think you are have breath, it’s never too late to return to the foot of absolutely crazy, or old fashioned at best. When you the cross, leave your sins there, be covered in the blood speak out against what God has declared to be sin, of Christ, and once again, respond to the call of Jesus whether it be issues regarding the sanctity of human to follow Him. For as you do, Jesus has some wonder- life, sexuality, ethics, or a host of other issues, those ful blessings of life and salvation to shower upon you who follow the world’s ideas are not going to under- each day of your life, blessings He calls you to share stand you and your Christ-centered view of daily life. with the world around you as you live each day as a They’ll write you off as bigoted or hateful. They sim- disciple of His. Amen.


“Forgiven Quartet” Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019 There are no sermon manuscript for Sunday, Feb. 24, because worship was canceled due to a blizzard.

Pastor Martin’s live, impromptu sermon can be viewed at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/StJohnsVilmar/videos/625667171210121/