of the Annunciation Catholic Church February 10, 2019 Mass Saturday 5:00 PM Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Music & Responses Pray for the Sick of our Parish Fran Arnold, Estelle Bareford, Ann Bateman, Kevin Bera, Praise Song: #811 Psalm 138: On the Day I Called Jackie Boak, Maria Bridge, Lee Brooks, Adam Bullock, Entrance Antiphon & Daniel Clarke, Sue Collins, Cindy Cook, Robert Cook, Scripture Readings: Page 69 James Eichholz, Levie Edmond, Lois Fazenbaker, Mike Fisher, Cathy Fullem, David Geary Jr., Donna Godsey, Di- Entrance Chant: #205 God, We Praise You ane Hollis, Jean Johnson, James Landry, Marie Lay, Rich- Gloria: #877 ard Lay, Jennifer Leaming-Lyons, Cindy Lent, Barbara Lit- ten, Dawn Long, Esther Luiggi, Patrick Moore, Craig Nor- Responsorial Psalm: In the sight of the angels I will sing ris, Donald Paradis, Therese Poirier, Marianna Porter, Anna your praises, Lord. Porter-Toure, Barbara Purks, Duane Riden, Sophis Rodri- guez, Clare Roussel, Julie Sadowski, Marilyn Sherman, Hymn of Preparation: #383 The Summons Claudia Sims, William Simulcik, Brandi Smith, Mary Smith, Peggy Sparks, Catherine Squires, Linda Stanton, Holy, Holy, Holy #878 Jeannie Sutts, Megan Toigo, George Tracey, Scott Trice, Mystery of Faith: #880 Lorraine VanWhy, Joan Williams Amen: #882 Lamb of God: #883 Communion Chant: #503 Lord, You Have Come #378 Here I Am, Lord If you would like to add/remove someone to the Sick of our Parish list, please call Sue Brim at 804-448-9064 or email her at Sending Forth: #193 Holy God, We Praise
[email protected]. Thank you.