Abdülhamid II, 148 Abdulkayyum, Haci, 165 Abdullah, Haci, 161 Abdülmecid, Sultan, 148 Abdülnazar of Shahrisabz, 163 Afghanist
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08208-3 - Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility Edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith Index More information Index Abdülhamid II, 148 Arturo Fong Chong, 213 Abdulkayyum, Haci, 165 Asian army, 184–186 Abdullah, Haci, 161 Asian Development Bank, 217, 217n1 Abdülmecid, Sultan, 148 protest against, 219–221. See also Abdülnazar of Shahrisabz, 163 Anti-globalisation movements Afghanistan, 177 Authoritarian regimes, 217–218 Al-Ansârî, Abu Ayyûb, 147 Ayvansarayî, 148 Alatas, Syed, 84 Aziz Bhat serai, 43 Ali, Haci, 166 Azra, Azyumardi, 130 Aligarh Muslim College, 174 All-India Old Revolutionaries’ Baba, Molla, 163 Conference, 188–189 Babad Jaka Tingkir, 124 Al-Rafiq, 31 Bahadur, Ghanshiam Singh, 174 Amanullah, 177 Balkan War, 175 Anglophone Asian public sphere, Bank for Information Center, 224 61–62 Barakatullah, Muhammad, 175–176 Anjuman Hamayat Islam society, 31 Becker, A. L., 113 Annie Larsen, 21 Bhat, Munshi Aziz, 43 Ansari, Muktar Ahmad, 175 Bilingualism, 76–77 Anti-dictatorship movement, 218 Bin Abdülhekim, Abdülhak, 165 Anti-globalisation movements, 216– Bin Abdul Kadir, Abdullah, 120 239 Bin Muhammed, Murat Kuli, 165 challenges confronting, 236–239 Bin Osman, Berat, 157 combining engagement and Bin Tohta, Ahmed, 152 confrontation, 233–234 Birch, James, 91 democratisation process, 222–226 Bismillah, 117–121 framing issue, 233 Bohman, James, 45 international financial institution Bolshevism, 35 conferences, 229–231 Book of One Thousand Questions, 5, parallel conferences, 229–231 108–113 resource mobilisation, 231–232 Borderlands, 200–214. See also Labour scale-shift process, 232–233 migration, to Amerian West Arabic script, 113–117 Bose, Rashbehari, 30, 181 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08208-3 - Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility Edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith Index More information 248 Index Britain.
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