Reinstatement and Revision of Euryomyrtus

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Reinstatement and Revision of Euryomyrtus 'uoql "'loapaDg srytfuuofungSurpnlcur Jo oruospoulaupur aq q8noqle qtr/ rueql 3u14urtruouds treuaSoser0Joeulupelceter(r981)u?qlueg'eqrlsFllJoJpezruSocereqleqtereue8raqloo^ qll^\ Suop'e?elca?geqlll eql q ll pac?ldoq.r (e?8I) ronEqcs,{qpequssop set sw-t(uo(-m| AJOISIqJITUOUOXSI '€rl".qsnvualsBs-qlnos pue uetse^\-qlnosul petnqrnsrysl lI pasyl.ereru salceds ue^as slr pue ereq pela$u\eJ s\ snt.t(wofuna 'sepoln^oolul doler'ep1ou op qcrq^\ seln^o peuoq€puz (986I uaEpnJI),,spuu131ueuru1g pu.relxe pue s1lsu1Eu1uedo 'Iu€ sraqlue u€lnoqlra{ ro r{lr^\spoos rruoJlueJ,, o^?q qclq^\ Jo sreqrueru aqt (sarreds pequJsopun euos 'gouo8Duat'g "llanlN 'g "lpur'l pup rDuegxa' enW gDuowa$qod g'r{lueg (.llanl I d) oamua DtlolssDrz o paoq "!Ed ouuo\drtl 'ue?pnrJ-DwradsorllJo ''IprJg oww(yttodKg 'nnv\cs DtzurY sulctuor osp r{rq^\) sdnoJEeerll eseqlJo euo ul s8uoleqsnu(wottn!' uoueus^ sql ultrtr.r lsue 'sJeqluP 'spees sdnoj8cueuaS-€rdns oar{l lEqlpalou osp se.4\lI pu?sllnJJ eqlJo i(Eoloqd:oureql ur uoneue,tluecrgruErs r'roqs aeaceg.{yq aql Jo euure{Ja€g aquqns oql u poisldueoq ,{ uuoutpene^Eq 1zq1serceds;o aSelquasw snouaSoreleq eql'(L86I '986I uetpnlJ) sredudsnohud ur pelousy uo$Jnpo4ul 'ge1 outto1dul puc ue?puT ouuadso.ttlcg ' 'JanzqJS lpugoutw(locodtp riz tUsepnlcul qcrq,n dnor8 prnluu € ureq ol poraprsuocore snue8 aqlgo sa^rlslortsesolsaqJ sarcods,nouon ue8pnJloMntat'A pueua?puTaot4ctt\od 'g'uaBpnsToto[u1'g pu€'suollzulquoc.{\eu eJ€ ue8pruJ ('J'{oolH)'dsqnsDutsstsowD.t'gpu€ ua8pnJl ( uunC'V) oulsslsowu A'ueBpnJJ(ellqlAu€of?u€ t A)tvapmw A'ueEpnJI(reupJE9v J) saplowadsotdal'g 'ueEplrrJ 'ell€rlsnv (eqcleq? uepI?IAI)oe\n41uap sny(wotQng erueuse1?vpnlJur ueqlnosol cruapuesr qJrq^\ snue8 arl ro; pazruSoce.reJ€ serceds uo^es petueserdsl fel r puesuolluosnql 'sduru 'suogdpcsapqlr.r snua8eqt;o uorsr,re: y peg1d.{1o1ce1puepel€lsuleJ slJaneqrs .r?r utwofung '(1997) 'ue8pnjJ 99S-€?S:(€)€lolst(nN @eereutl/.l)snutuotun7 lo uolsr^arpm tueuelulsuradg t{ IJBJlsqY {erlua) 'tot €869 ewllsnv uretsa/\A ,(ie^rre( ,{anueg 3eg pe)tco.I 'unlrlqreH lueuraB€uel,{pue.l pu? uorle^rosuoJJo luouurdoc ulllrllsnv uletsai[ o/J 'g ua3pruI hl (auareg.,{141)szl,r tuotmg 1ouo1sr^ar pue luauolelsu.rag (IOOZ)999-€t9:(€)€Irrsrrnl{ 544 Nr)trrd Vol. 13. No. 3 (2001) and.Rinlia, as sectionsof that genus. He placedBaecka in rhe subtribe"Baeckeaeae" of the tribe Leptospermeaewith Scholtzia,Hypocalymma, Astartea DC. ar'dBalauJrion Hook. Niedenzu(1898) maintained Euryonlyrtus as a sectionof Baeckea(in which he alsoincluded Asturtea andScholtzid as sections) but hansferredthe relatedspecies Bentham had placedin section Rinzia to Hypocalymmc. He thus recognizedthat Rinzia andHypocalynma arerelated but failed to recognizethat the speciesBentham placed in his sectionEr.rry omytus arc morc closelyrelated to these generathan to theremai:nder of Baecka ascircumscribedby Bentham. Bean ( 1995,1997) recognized th^t Euryomyrtus should be consideredgenerically distinct but did not formally reinstate it ol lectotypifyit. In theirinformal classification of theMyrtaceae, Briggs & Johnson(1979) placed Baeckea inthe Baeckeasuballiance of their Chamelauciumalliance, with Euryomyrtusas a sectionrequiring investigationto see if it deservedgeneric rank. They subsequently(Johnson & Briggs 1985) abandonedsuballiances in the Chamelauciumalliance and presenteda sketch phyllogram of relationshipswithin this difficult group. Materials and methods This studywas basedon the grossmorphology of herbariummaterial supplemented by some observationsin thefield. Themeasurements given for theparts of flowerswere taken from material thathad been boiled in waterwith a smallamount of detergentin it. Themeasurements of leaves were takenfrom dry material.A selectionofthe materialexamined has been cited, based on location(to coverthe range of thespecies), quality of labelinformation and variation. For poorly collected species all the material seenhas beencited. Terminol.ogy.Processes (Trudgen 1986) are the same structures referred to by Can (1980)as floral trichomes.They also occurin atleastsomeRfuzia species and some other members ofthenatural group to which Euryomyrtrs belongs. Theinflorescence terms anthopodium, monad, uniflorescence, conflorescgnce, superconllorescence, brachyblast,auxotelic and anauxotelicare usedas definedby Briggs & Johnson(1979). Aril, hypanthiumand flower size are used as defined in Trudgen(1986). Testa surface terminology follows Murley(1951) as given in Steam(1973). Separation of Euryom!rtus from relxted genera Within thesupra-generic group having reniform seeds, the seven species referred here to Euryomyrtus form a coherentsubgroup that is sufficiently distinct to deservegeneric rank. Euryomyrtuscanbe distinguished from the other membersof the reniform-seededgroup by having the following combinationof characters: 1. Filamentsterete (sometimes slightly flattened near the base) and the stamens opposite the petals with longer filamentsthan thoseopposite the sepalsand betweenthe sepalsand petals. 2. Anthersdorsifixed and versatile. 'sIS"q eqt araq.r:(rutll g g-1 g) selcunpedpsJnpal d-re^e^eq llv 8ul^\olloJ eql uo lr ruo.gpeluedes aq uuc s8uolaqsr7; (wotung r1t|r11/'ol dnoJ8re8rel aql uI (EITPrsnVtuelse,|& Jo ]se,t-qlnos eql luo{ sarcedspaqucsepun uepsEDuowa$tlod g'oaoc!D'g'DtlottssotJDapaog)sarxeds Suupuer eq1 'Suquunuopard s1salq,(qczrqa,req seraeds sryJtwoJng tsotlrs€ereq.\\ speuour drellxe;o fpuetslsuoc sI acuecselogul slr puu '[uE ue lnoqll.,t\ speesJellulxs s1t[q snytwottnT ruo:; peqsrn8urlstpaq osp uec dnorE ouoSotJai'B.aql seAIE^luau[uoJd el€q lou seoppue flapt,t uedo1ou seop llnrJ eq] pu€ puoJqueql 'g '(DlDtlu! re8uol sr runrqluudfq eql sellp str ptjr-ouoSo$at ttt g ut ldecxa),r luoulutold qlpr ,{1epr,trsuado 1rn:; eqt puu 3uo1se peorq sulnoqe ,tlensn sl urnrqluudfq aql srlr(4ro.(trt3'uI suareqi[ 'sJaliunqr lrn4 puu runrqluud,{quo sn\tttuottng ruor; peleredos,{1tsee aq uec (€llersnv uJelsei[ Jo lsa,/r\-qlnoseql ol c[trspue eeql lp) selJedspaqucsepun palp o^\l pue ouoSupl Dqraog 'lr.rEou pu€ (966I uEeg .tq pequcsepsu) ulsel u^\orq ro (salcedseql;o eutos:o; suoD€^rasqo,{u) ulsel qsrpperEs^ur{ Daur2ldr{ ur spaaseql ellq,,yrs,,nor ur pa8uu:reeullld?d eql qlltr ulsalparnoloc-,trens apd 'spaes u etuqowadsottlcg ol pouaJetselceds Jo spaeseql se aql uI SoJueJaJJlposlc :Jc elaq; slutad oql elrsoddo ,4puuuturopa:dueql Jeqlol spdes ar4 altsoddo ,{puuuttuopeJdsuetuuls aql e^Eq qclq^'\ 'DultolduJ puc owadsottlcg tuo:; 11selzredas szutwolQng u\ sue:uuelseq1;o lueure8uure aq1 'sreqluepoxrJrsEq e^Eq lI o1per:e;er sarcads eqt sesJatc€Juqc uatu"$ uo snlt Kwofung uto:; palu:edaseq osp ueJDwwKlozodKH 'ecryns lurxsp? Jleqt ol paqJltll? sJeqlueerll qll./i\slueulelu lsu sl?q qJlq,,trJo satlads eqt'ntzaty ano4 srytKwottng 1urudas s:elcemqco,ltl ISJIJeql'secuelaJJlp ,{luo eql lou aJ?,{eql q8noqtlv '(o1o[u1'g qldacxe) ,(1epr,trsuado ttn{ eqJ, I I 'urnrqlued,{q '01 aql ot pesnJsr frB^o aqt Jo t/t-€ll le.^\oleqJ ':a,trog ur ,{yt,rueqa.Ie 'slIxu '(selcads .{I:EIncprEd JueluI rncJo osp lnq Pullxrel dllsou eJ?slsEIq.{qcurq eq1 raqlo ur ln3Jo oslEesaql) speuour,ftElltxe ^luo s€qqJIII/t'rrr1c1t1od'gpue |uapP z S ldacxesetcads 11rur 3uu:ncco ernlcn:ls ecuacsaJogutlueunuopard aql alt sp€uout1-7 Sqmeq s1selq,4qcu:g 6 'lualslsled 'estq aql lu Sutddepe,ropur puoJq'el€ure1leol ellsoddoqns seloelJeJg 8 'elcunpad padole,tep1ya,,n ol (uru g 0lsBel tE) e]JurJepE pu|.(olD[ur 3 tdecxa)runrpodoqlue pedols,'rap l1a,^A u q]Lt\ sra,t\old / 'lPurs unlrq pees '9 'rnoloc 'rnoloJ ,rerts eleda sr lr qclqrttur.saplowtadsotdal g rogldacxa uI u,trotqol u,tlo:q lq311e1sa1paa5E '(luesqe eq sauqeruos ,{urupue ll€uts dlet sl saptotuLadsoldal? uI Iuu eql) el€llue Spoas ? '(sueuels E u€tl ss:J aje eJa{ ueql./'DlDttsoJd 'dsqns owtsstsowot !' ut lsol aJ?qolqrli.Jo eruos) spled aql ellsoddoosot! uuqlJet1lu lsol eres1e1ad pue 'pecnpal spdas eq1uee,rteq rolpue spdes eqt elrsoddosueurels esoql ueql sI Jeqlunuuotll€1s ueqld € 'ue8pruI swr(wofu A Jo uolsl^erpue luau4stsureU A I,^l s46 Nu],tuidVol. 13, No. 3 (2t)01) seedis known (no seedofthe undescribedspecies has been seen) it doesnothave an aril andthe papillae on the testaare very small (barelydistinguishable at x10);the seedsof two of the species (8. crassifolia andB. ericaea)havea largehilum (c. 1/3ofthe lengthofthe seed);while variable(between the species) the bracteolesare dissimilar to thosefound rn Euryomyrtusand are opposite rather than sub-opposite/ alternateiin threeof the speciesthe calyx lobes areinfolded after flowering, whercasin Euryomyrtus they are not; finally in these four speciesthe inflorescenceis consistently of axillary monads and brachYblastsare not Dresent. Systematicposition of Euryomyrtus "sketch Briggs & Johnson(1984:747, figure l0) presenteda phylogrzun"of their interpretation of relationshipswithin their Chamelauciumalliance developedfrom the information then available "standard" to them. This phylogram has six evolutionary lines arising from a putative ancestor "hairs describedas lost, ovary 3-locular, linflorescenca]metabotyoid, hypocotyl>cots." (commas added). Oneof thosesix lineshas only Hypocalymma on rt, anotheronly Balaustionand a third is more complex with branchesfor five genera:Baeckea, Astartea, Baeckea, Thryptomene, Micromyrtus and Corynantherct.Ithas more thanone branchtoBaeckea,to show (as Briggs & Johnsonindicated in their text) that Baeckeawas consideredto include more than one genus. Subsequently,Trudgen (1986, 1987)described the existenceofa distinctive seedtype in Rirzra, Ochrospermaandrelated genera that has a reniform shape,a crustaceoustesta
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