Apir7v President to Have Headed for Belgium, but Were Can- LONDON
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--, ' "O'X -- Jjt S .. .1 c THE WASHINGTON TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1914. 5 SSf 2 "S" ENGLAND'S ARMY IB NAVY French Aviator Gives Life to Destroy IT T EM TO Dirigible TO PROTEST CREDITS AID THE STRAWDEO FORCES BEING MOBILIZED German in First Air Battle n German Zeppelin Dirigible and French Military Aeroplane Preparing to Ram Tt, Showing How First Battle In the Air Was Fought. Confidence Felt That United State Department Makes Avail- 4 States Will Not Suffer by able Emergency Fund .for By ED. L. KEEN, European Complications. Americans Abroad. Staff Correspondent United Press. LONDON, Aug. 3. England's army and navy are mobilizing. With the greatest war in the history Swamped under appeals of stranded A strict censorship is in force on all outgoing messages. News of war of civilization impending, the attitude of! Americans abroad In the war zone and by this Government is one of calm, but of j their relatives in this country, the State aevelopments is being held up. alertness and determination to make' Department today made available Its is no longer question Britain join with every preparation possible for the fl- - special "emergency" secret fund' lot-im- - There that will forces nancial fortification of the United States. mediate vse. France and Russia. The admiralty already has thrown down the It is not here'a question of armies, but "Embassy checks" will be-- Issued at . I 3T''frt::e;'WiA'tti?."SB- viS-s.sV. si'i aTr-- riE S. X ' iV-y- X;. Viflv'J iV, y. ', TWWTi TV . ?HV& i BBMK JHL 3 ot dollars and cents. The Administra- all American consular offices, embassies gage to the Kaiser. tion feels that It Is Its business to toe and legations abroad to the Americans tKkTwX that the American people and Amerl who cannot cash their checks or travel Four British cruisers have intercepted the great German liner vouchers. In the meantime representa- can financial Institutions are injured as tives abroad are authorized to upon draw for Kronprincessin Cecilie, with $13,000,000 in gold in her strong-boxe- s, little as possible by the terrific blows cash the department's emergency which may be struck at credits In the fund. Warrants will be Issued by the and are escorting her to Southampton. Although not technically cap- world's financial marts. diplomatic representatives to those In utmost confl Immediate need. j tured as yet, there is little doubt she will prove the first prize At the same time, the Reassuring messages are" received that drnce Is felt. regarding the plight of Americans of war Measures Already Taken. from abroad. Few are In any physical the unless something unforeseen happens. danger. Ambassadors Gerard "With Secretary of the Treasury Mc- - at Berlin Germany extend- and Herrlck at Paris are making, spe- has invaded France at points along the border Adoo in New York conferring with cial efforts fo get Americans out of bankers and arranging a big Issue of Germany and France. Money puored ing from Switzerland to Luxemburg. Blood ben shed, and the rela-tives-- of has emergency currency; with the Govern Into the department, today from those abroad, to be credited for twenty-tw- o army corps of Germans, numbering 800,000 men are ad- ment extending a helptng hand conversion into "embassy checks," to American tourists abroad; with Con The question of hiring transports or vancing in three columns. gress prepared to put through legis- sending war vessels for transportation lation amendatory of the Aldrlch-Vree-la- of Americans home has not been consid- France is frantically rushing her army to oppose the Kaiser's act and to consider the question ered. of admitting foreign ships to American "How can I get money to my wlfer men. registry: and with early organization and "My daughter Is in Berlin. How-ca- n ot the Federal reserve board In sight. I get her out?" "These" were fre- There has been no formal declaration of war, although the Federal officials consider tho situation quent inquiries coming to the State De- is well in hand. partment. Others complained that they French ambassador to Berlin, M. Jules Cambon, is reported to have But there Is to be more than this done had sent cablegrams to relatives and If need be. It Is apparent that If Eng received no reply. The State Depart- received his passports, and to be en route to the border. land gets into the war and controls ment explained that this was not sur- the sea, there will be no difficulty in prising as It is informed that In Vienna" Russian cossacks are sweeping the German frontier in east sending exports abroad. If this country alone, 100,000 telegrams were being held can get rid or its products, it win do --J"" lc'egTapn omce.'i mere. Prussia. The Russians have been repulsed in early skirmishes. in excellent Bhape. One of the plans xne censorship maintained by the seriously discussed Is the project ot the aiaio jLeparuneni over news or the German cavalry is enroute to opposed them, and heavy fighting Government going Into the shipping European situation was rigid. 5 business and having Government-owne- d is expected within coming twelve hours. Iliira craft carry cargoes. The conversion or the certain naval auxiliaries Into merchant Postal Clerks to Afd Germany warships have bombarded Libou, Russian naval port craft. It Is believed by some thinking men In Congress may become a wise Travelers to Return on the Baltic. The port is in flames. move. t The Panama CanaL Postmaster General "Burleson todar Upward of $10,000,000 in gold, ihat was being taken from Looming up of the utmost importance llfted the embargo on the sale of large strait-lace- International money Paris in a secret attempt to convey it to Germany, was captured today Is the question of d neutrality orders and notified for the United States. The Government all postmasters to Issue foreign ordersi in the outskirts of the French capital. may be expected to insist on promptly where they were desired to aid this. The Americans, who are now abroad. In fact that the Panama canal is not yet to country; An impenternable veil of secrecy hangs over the movements of opened Is the cause of Some satisfaction this limiting tlir here, so long as this country is not at amount to $100 for each person. the British and German war fleets. They are known to be in the war. and not going to war. It were At the same time, however. Third As--, open If sistant Postmaster General Dockery wai In a vast international struggle, directed to notify postmasters that they North sea. there might be difficulties arising in must continue to to money connection with the passage of vessels decline Issue FRANCE TAKES LEAD through orders for unusually large sums, and Naval officials look for a clash some time before Tuesday noon. it which would give this coun- where there Is reason to believe they are GAI)E try much trouble, anxiety, and, possi- desired for speculative purposes. bly, They expect formal declarations proclaiming a state of war afecting might lead to complications. But Orders of this character were sent . .... It is not yet onen. mil nntnfnn I. tint out Saturday, i lacking here but the. breakdown of England, Germany, Austria, Russia, France, Servia, and the Balkan inn ill I win n HHHMllK7w?''B rui wv mi u u ml that the Government will European exchanges became so wide- c mk ifNriM5--; i i oo no nurry to open ip pi ira inuniirn w i i iii irai-- iiirra niiiiir in it. spread over Sunday and American states to be issued today. With them will come hostile moves on the LL I I LL 1 linUL T;,.??vS4bfrt-Mtm- i UnLLIIlU IIILIl 1IUI L travelers abroad were left In such SHiPiF Build Up U. S. straits by failure to cash checks .and sea, and the German and British leers, already facing each other, BB Merchant drafts, that Saturday s order was amended so as to provide, passage must inevitably clash immediately. Marine, Dewey-Advise- s money for travelers. Sends His Monoplane Crashing Many Reservjsts From Wash- - "The Postofflce Department win lend Reports that German warships have seized a British collier, and NEW YpRK. Aug. 3. The European every assistance possible- - in transmitting Into Hostile and Dies ington t0 Sail on La Lorraine money to aid Americans' to return to Craft wur crisis opens the way for a great this country." teken her into Cuxhaven, and that other German warships seized a mimWtm merchant marine Postmaster General under the "United States Burleson's statement said. With Foes. Wednesday. flag, rank-ln- Wilson liner in the Kiel canal are printed here. SKKBJtZT according to Admiral Dewey, ff VfBHll! officer of tho American navy; who Arrange Refugee Is stopping at the Oriental Hotel, Man- frains - pro- - LONDON, Aug. 3. A new chap- France han- taken the lead In hattan Beach, for the summer, , fcjy . For Stranded. Americans- viding for the return of reservists In "Now is the opportunity." said" the ter in warfare has been written to- '!lP?' admiral, "If Congress acts, this country to Join the colors for war for the PARIS. Aug. 3. Trains bearing WAR BULLETINS day in actual battles between air- In Europe, according to Information United States to heve its share in. the American , refugees from, .Paris are craft high aboTe the earth. r r r$hzjyrtrAW I which reached the French embassy In, carrying trade cf the world. I thor- scheduled to leave for Switzerland.