--, ' "O'X -- Jjt S .. .1 c THE WASHINGTON TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1914. 5 SSf 2 "S" ENGLAND'S ARMY IB NAVY French Aviator Gives Life to Destroy IT T EM TO Dirigible TO PROTEST CREDITS AID THE STRAWDEO FORCES BEING MOBILIZED German in First Air Battle n German Zeppelin Dirigible and French Military Aeroplane Preparing to Ram Tt, Showing How First Battle In the Air Was Fought. Confidence Felt That United State Department Makes Avail- 4 States Will Not Suffer by able Emergency Fund .for By ED. L. KEEN, European Complications. Abroad. Staff Correspondent United Press. LONDON, Aug. 3. England's army and navy are mobilizing. With the greatest war in the history Swamped under appeals of stranded A strict censorship is in force on all outgoing messages. News of war of civilization impending, the attitude of! Americans abroad In the war zone and by this Government is one of calm, but of j their relatives in this country, the State aevelopments is being held up. alertness and determination to make' Department today made available Its is no longer question Britain join with every preparation possible for the fl- - special "emergency" secret fund' lot-im- - There that will forces nancial fortification of the . mediate vse. and Russia. The admiralty already has thrown down the It is not here'a question of armies, but "Embassy checks" will be-- Issued at . I 3T''frt::e;'WiA'tti?."SB- viS-s.sV. si'i aTr-- riE S. X ' iV-y- X;. Viflv'J iV, y. ', TWWTi TV . ?HV& i BBMK JHL 3 ot dollars and cents. The Administra- all American consular offices, embassies gage to the Kaiser. tion feels that It Is Its business to toe and legations abroad to the Americans tKkTwX that the American people and Amerl who cannot cash their checks or travel Four British cruisers have intercepted the great German liner vouchers. In the meantime representa- can financial Institutions are injured as tives abroad are authorized to upon draw for Kronprincessin Cecilie, with $13,000,000 in gold in her strong-boxe- s, little as possible by the terrific blows cash the department's emergency which may be struck at credits In the fund. Warrants will be Issued by the and are escorting her to Southampton. Although not technically cap- world's financial marts. diplomatic representatives to those In utmost confl Immediate need. j tured as yet, there is little doubt she will prove the first prize At the same time, the Reassuring messages are" received that drnce Is felt. regarding the plight of Americans of war Measures Already Taken. from abroad. Few are In any physical the unless something unforeseen happens. danger. Ambassadors Gerard "With Secretary of the Treasury Mc- - at Berlin Germany extend- and Herrlck at are making, spe- has invaded France at points along the border Adoo in New York conferring with cial efforts fo get Americans out of bankers and arranging a big Issue of Germany and France. Money puored ing from Switzerland to Luxemburg. Blood ben shed, and the rela-tives-- of has emergency currency; with the Govern Into the department, today from those abroad, to be credited for twenty-tw- o army corps of Germans, numbering 800,000 men are ad- ment extending a helptng hand conversion into "embassy checks," to American tourists abroad; with Con The question of hiring transports or vancing in three columns. gress prepared to put through legis- sending war vessels for transportation lation amendatory of the Aldrlch-Vree-la- of Americans home has not been consid- France is frantically rushing her army to oppose the Kaiser's act and to consider the question ered. of admitting foreign ships to American "How can I get money to my wlfer men. registry: and with early organization and "My daughter Is in Berlin. How-ca- n ot the Federal reserve board In sight. I get her out?" "These" were fre- There has been no formal declaration of war, although the Federal officials consider tho situation quent inquiries coming to the State De- is well in hand. partment. Others complained that they French ambassador to Berlin, M. Jules Cambon, is reported to have But there Is to be more than this done had sent cablegrams to relatives and If need be. It Is apparent that If Eng received no reply. The State Depart- received his passports, and to be en route to the border. land gets into the war and controls ment explained that this was not sur- the sea, there will be no difficulty in prising as It is informed that In Vienna" Russian cossacks are sweeping the German frontier in east sending exports abroad. If this country alone, 100,000 telegrams were being held can get rid or its products, it win do --J"" lc'egTapn omce.'i mere. Prussia. The Russians have been repulsed in early skirmishes. in excellent Bhape. One of the plans xne censorship maintained by the seriously discussed Is the project ot the aiaio jLeparuneni over news or the German cavalry is enroute to opposed them, and heavy fighting Government going Into the shipping European situation was rigid. 5 business and having Government-owne- d is expected within coming twelve hours. Iliira craft carry cargoes. The conversion or the certain naval auxiliaries Into merchant Postal Clerks to Afd Germany warships have bombarded Libou, Russian naval port craft. It Is believed by some thinking men In Congress may become a wise Travelers to Return on the Baltic. The port is in flames. move. t The Panama CanaL Postmaster General "Burleson todar Upward of $10,000,000 in gold, ihat was being taken from Looming up of the utmost importance llfted the embargo on the sale of large strait-lace- International money Paris in a secret attempt to convey it to Germany, was captured today Is the question of d neutrality orders and notified for the United States. The Government all postmasters to Issue foreign ordersi in the outskirts of the French capital. may be expected to insist on promptly where they were desired to aid this. The Americans, who are now abroad. In fact that the Panama canal is not yet to country; An impenternable veil of secrecy hangs over the movements of opened Is the cause of Some satisfaction this limiting tlir here, so long as this country is not at amount to $100 for each person. the British and German war fleets. They are known to be in the war. and not going to war. It were At the same time, however. Third As--, open If sistant Postmaster General Dockery wai In a vast international struggle, directed to notify postmasters that they North sea. there might be difficulties arising in must continue to to money connection with the passage of vessels decline Issue FRANCE TAKES LEAD through orders for unusually large sums, and Naval officials look for a clash some time before Tuesday noon. it which would give this coun- where there Is reason to believe they are GAI)E try much trouble, anxiety, and, possi- desired for speculative purposes. bly, They expect formal declarations proclaiming a state of war afecting might lead to complications. But Orders of this character were sent . .... It is not yet onen. mil nntnfnn I. tint out Saturday, i lacking here but the. breakdown of England, Germany, Austria, Russia, France, Servia, and the Balkan inn ill I win n HHHMllK7w?''B rui wv mi u u ml that the Government will European exchanges became so wide- c mk ifNriM5--; i i oo no nurry to open ip pi ira inuniirn w i i iii irai-- iiirra niiiiir in it. spread over Sunday and American states to be issued today. With them will come hostile moves on the LL I I LL 1 linUL T;,.??vS4bfrt-Mtm- i UnLLIIlU IIILIl 1IUI L travelers abroad were left In such SHiPiF Build Up U. S. straits by failure to cash checks .and sea, and the German and British leers, already facing each other, BB Merchant drafts, that Saturday s order was amended so as to provide, passage must inevitably clash immediately. Marine, Dewey-Advise- s money for travelers. Sends His Monoplane Crashing Many Reservjsts From Wash- - "The Postofflce Department win lend Reports that German warships have seized a British collier, and NEW YpRK. Aug. 3. The European every assistance possible- - in transmitting Into Hostile and Dies ington t0 Sail on La Lorraine money to aid Americans' to return to Craft wur crisis opens the way for a great this country." teken her into Cuxhaven, and that other German warships seized a mimWtm merchant marine Postmaster General under the "United States Burleson's statement said. With Foes. Wednesday. flag, rank-ln- Wilson liner in the Kiel canal are printed here. SKKBJtZT according to Admiral Dewey, ff VfBHll! officer of tho American navy; who Arrange Refugee Is stopping at the Oriental Hotel, Man- frains - pro- - LONDON, Aug. 3. A new chap- France han- taken the lead In hattan Beach, for the summer, , fcjy . For Stranded. Americans- viding for the return of reservists In "Now is the opportunity." said" the ter in warfare has been written to- '!lP?' admiral, "If Congress acts, this country to Join the colors for war for the PARIS. Aug. 3. Trains bearing WAR BULLETINS day in actual battles between air- In Europe, according to Information United States to heve its share in. the American , refugees from, .Paris are craft high aboTe the earth. r r r$hzjyrtrAW I which reached the French embassy In, carrying trade cf the world. I thor- scheduled to leave for Switzerland. Italy thls city today. Tho steamer La Lor- oughly approve the proposal of the and Spain today. Other trains were to fn the first engagement between Apir7v President to have headed for Belgium, but were can- LONDON. Aug. 3. Wireless dispatches German Baltic fleet sailed from Kiel raine Is to sail from New York "We- have the ship navigation by North Sea. one of Germany's famous Zeppelin laws so amended that vetsels of for- celed because of the Invasion the received here refer to heavy firim? 1n dnesday, a telegram from the agent of eign Germans. i" sfPHH build may come under the Ameri- - the North sea. It Is believed that dirigibles and a French aeroplane, line be crowded Ambassador Herrlck- was besieged by Reginald Vanderb'.lt reported to have the stated. She will can flag. The present statutes are today urging French German fleets are engaged $20,000 by very severe, and soum stranded Americans that and asked French bank to cash check both were destroyed. The first air I x to her utmost capacity Frenchmen, modification cf he endeavor to arrange with the State and has been told he could get 4 cents. lICAl)'lJVV'I3r ?"' J responding to the call of their country. them would undoubtedly be necessary. battle in the history of the world I It V i vVrZzMT v&r recent years country Department some way of receiving funds BRUSSELS. Aug. 3. All French legl Wctlhy without cash as abdly off I it?i ? PLX.KFV jiy u. Included In the list will be a num- "In this has had from the United States. An American ments Sedan have been dispatched on Continent as axe those with limited was fought at Longwy. In this fight Ts practically no merchant marine. Its at ber from Washington, whose names trans-Atlant- ic war committee has been formed and a Nancy, resources. 1 u"?vt '.7FX'bj aNttUI steamtrs have been con cable the State Department asking toward near German border. At a German and French aviator met were withheld by H. A. Bergeron, fined to such vessels as the St. Louis sent Cologne Germans have placed rapid-fir- e Unconfirmed reports In Lon- and the St. Paul are coasting that the Government aid in facilitalmr received in midair, a dispatch to the Stand- v54lFv4ft; temporarily In charge here, until the There t. cashing guns on hotel terraces against aero don of Austrian Emperor's assassina- vessels, to oe sure, the opportunity the of checks and letters ard declares. The Frenchman flew arrival of M. Claussc, the chancellor ot countryif Practically every American planes. tion. the embassy. A number of reservists cptns for this to obtain ocean here Is without funds and it is Impossi- high over his German adversary, fired carrying trade, there are thousands ble to get checks cashed. Those leaving have been registering at the embassy of well-train- 3. German imperial chancellor notifies and vigorous Americans were pay - BERLIN, Aug. Two squadrons of Luxemburg that measures taken by down upon him and sent his machine today, however, and the present force who could man the steamships. There unable to their hotel bills. In ossacks are advancing on Johannes- - some instances their baggage was held. Germany are not an act or war. Dut l tne .nru Irom a Height Is deluged with work. One of the most has not been enough inducement lately Oters were able to precent notes which urg, in east Prussia, fifteen miles from merely a precauUon to protect a rail-;-! cra8tunK picturesque returning veterans for them to Join the merchant marine. sy;stcni' of the change In no were accepted. frontier. Russian patrols attacked the road connection with German of 300 feet. The German was killed - real-de- nt With a tho law, I have from French attack. ROLAIfD QARR0S, ' zrrr- Is Jacques Frelss, who has been a doubt there will be a great increase in railroad bridge over the Warthe, near The most unique and one of the of this city for some years past. carrying many ves- was repulsed. our trade, and that President Urges All to Lichenreid. The attack Frenchmen throughout New England most thrilling fights in history oc- Letters and telegrams were received sels will soon be unaar the Stars and have received from French embassy this morning from Manchester, but no Stripes. - LONDON. Aug. 3. Two officers and contemplated re- curred when Roland Garros, famous history Avoid War Excitement twenty patrol were not'ce of call for 0. S. WILL NOT BEEF AGAIN SOARING reference was made to prospective re- "One who follows American men of a German servists. The notice affects about 0. French aviator, met a German IKE cannot but be Impressed with the fact Killed at Longwy. In an air duel a turn to Washington on the part of the that this country is in the hands of President "Wilson today made an ap- French aviator shot a German airman. Zeppelin on the frontier. embassy staff. Mr. Bergeron has tele- God. We are in the present situation peal to the press of this country, Charles Humbert, chairman of army graphed for information, as well as free from foreign entanglements. At through the "Washington correspondents LIEGE, Belgium, Aug. 3. Unconfirmed of French senate, makes Darting nbout the huge airship, our granaries pf reports say 20.000 German troops committee help, and expects to be advised within this time are ailed with not to add to the excitement the that serious charges of waste of millions Garros piloted his monoplane into MEDIATION OFFER - one of tho greatest crops on record. European situation by .publishing sen- near Nancy were repulbed by French asserts the next few hours. It was under ln- forces. for national defense and that Hfiu in hi uu I from the chancellor that he The United States has before It the sational, unverified statements. both field and garrison artillery be- position as the dirigible steadily niuntn structions opportunity to her once He held that the "United States is to Germany. issued the formal call for reservists to op- ARLON, Belgium, Aug. 3. The ad- coming inferior that of bore down on him. Then he drove retucn taj without dclav. great mercantile msrtne. It Is an ebsolutely prepared to meet the finan- Accuses French manufacturers of sup- France portunity which should be grasped." situation, and 'there Is no vance of 100.000 German troops across war full speed toward the German At other embassies and legations Ig cial that '..rand Duchv of Luxemburg for plying Inferior materials. craft, norance was professed as to any offi- reason for alarm to spread, except on French frontier Is re- rammed it and sent it plunging to American Government to Wait Government Considering Prob- cial recall to arms of citizens of the through unfounded reports In the 23,000 dig- Admiral Lord Charles Beresford has living in "Wash- War May Force Higher papers. ported. More than men are appealed to England to support Tr'ple earth. Early reports failed to respective countries ging trenches in front of French and state Until Powers Are in More lem of Keeping Food Sup- ington and vicinity. At the German He also said, that this country can 'jermaii Entente To desert France In hour ot embassy was any Internal Revenue Taxes reap great glory In this situation by positions near Liege. need will cause England, he asserts, to whether Garros had escaped, but it said that such stu- order would come through John B. seeing that no one loses his head. Aug. 3. dispatch re- be branded as coward and bring later dispatches declare the French- Receptive Mood. plies at Home. agent LONDON. News calamity to empire. Larner, the consular here. At To make up for the loss In revenue ports capture of a vessel of Wilton line, pendous man was killed. His own machine Mr. Larner's office no such order had an English company, by Germans In been received. It was said. collected on European Imports should Kiel canal Another dispatch from English government has assumed con-tr- ol was wrecked and fell with the Zep- At the British cmbassv preparations the war continue for any length. It WEATHER REPORT. Kings Lynn says British steamer Sax- of wireless transmission. Use of Offers in Choice took Jump on the Wash- are way for receiving the em- may necessary Congress bv foreign vessels while in pelin. of American mediation the beef a under become for on, loaded with coal for Prussian port, wireless - European ington today, continued rise bassy staff, following the announce- on The forecast for the District of Co- by British territorial waters will De sud- war situation will not be market and to Increase the tax malt and splr was seized Germans and taken to French aviators are engaged in Is are un- ment of Corville Barclay, charge lumbiaGenerally fair tonight and Tues- Cuxhaven. Ject to admiralty rules. trade at present, according to authori- expected. Fork and lamb that they would leave Man- Rous liquors, tobacco, oleomargarine scout duty all along the border. tative announcement yesterday, at the changed from last week. chester for Washington today. At other and other sources of present Internal day: moderate warm; gentle to moderate Aug. 3. Kinc Georae has signed proclamation Hind quarter beef, from which legations was north to east winds. BELFORT. France. French In sus-- Near Wesel, one French airman is same time it was hinted that such a of embassies and there a taxation. Generally tonight and German border patrols clashed near of moratorium, allowing. efect, - surprising lack of information as to More than 1300,000,000 Is annually Maryland fair and oaymrnt in England. reported been picked course might be followed when the situ- choice cuts ot porter house, sirloin. Tuesday; moderately warm; gentle to this city and Jencheral. German cav- rcnsIon of of debts to have off by In re when the officials might be expected collected in customs duties by the alry advanced to Suaree and seized A moratorium suspending payment of atlon abroad reaches a state where the and round steak arc taken the to return. Ambassador Jusserand is United States, and between 35 and 40 moderate north to east winds. all debts in France until August 31 has German troops and killed. Frejyh warring nations might be receptive tall markets, sold for 18 cents a pound is per upon Virginia Generally fair tonight and horses. in a now In France; Von Bernstorff in cent of these receipts are modern te sifting been proclaimed by minister of finance. aeroplanes have been sighted from mood, such as after a decisive conflict. today, 2 cents higher than last week. Germany, and It Is understood that Am- Importations from the countries now Tuesday; gentle to LONDON, Aug. 3. German spy was An of 3 cents was mado in the bassador SDring-Rif-e is In England. embroiled in the war. The possibil winds. In- many points in the Rhine provinces. That the United States mado cautious increase errested yesterday at Portsmouth Consuls In Europe have been price product. The Austrian embassy is summering ity of a deficit Is giving members of air-fighti- lno.ulries through retail of the same Lamb temperature today as registered while photographing harbor construe-o- n. structed to have orders for transporta- A yreat fleet of the ma- Its ambassadors at Manchester, and those of Russia and Congress concern, and metnoas or The hon-bre- increased I cent on the wholesale mar- Bureau tion home for stranded Americans d abroad before the situation reached the Germany .at Newport. It Is understood meeting the .expected shortage In at the United States Weather by all European agencies. Rela- chines is already at Nancy, near ket, but the retail prices of last week embassy and Affleck s: war stage, as to whether this Govern- were that even should the Russian funds are being given" consideration. i Aug-- 3. traops tives mar deposit funds with not disturbed. to Washington, Ambassa- U. S. BUREAU. AFFLECK'S. BRUSSELS, French American the German border. ment could do anything to harmonize Washington agencies for the Chicago staff return 8 72 S m 79 held up German banker crossing fron- - agents of the companies. dor Bakhmeteff will remain in Newport a. m a. At Nuremburg the situation was practically admitted meat packers expect Instructions to 9 a. m To 9 a. m S3 .er in automobile with SI. 400.000 in a French aviator price here, for a time at least. U. S. Agrees to Take 10 m $ money gave A crowd exceeding Z(fc persons gath- by a high Administration authority to- further advance the of meat 10 a. m 7S a. Took and Danker flew the city In view of quoted today 11 73 11 R ev- - ered outside Buckingham over dropping bombs, the Increases a. m a. m check on Bank of France in of Palace to day when he said "It Is customary to in unicago. to- Over German Embassies 12 SI 12 noon 90 I George There the retail trade Lose 7 noon ange. chorr IClns and France. Tho do this." 3 Warring Powers 1 90 Kins Queen liary appeared upon day added cents a pound to lamb, and 1 p. m... .- -. S2 p. m. . and a French Plane Under The Hague treaty, the United It was expected a advance would 2 p. m S2 2 p. m 90 LONDON, Aug. 3. Overcrowded, the balcony to acknowledge the attention. Brought States can offer Its good oMces for to This Country The United States has agreed to take be made In beef. During the past week Citizens In any hannel steamer continued to ply mediation in Europe. "The cautious In the Chicago market pork loins rose over German embassies countries TIDE TABLE. Calais, Bologna, and Ostend Three German steamships the Presi- Down by German Fire Inquiries" of the past week, however, warring against the Kaiser "with the fm dent Grant, the 24 cents. Powers Involved in the European war High tide. 5:30 a. m. and 6:12 p. m. (o England. Many Americans are Grosser Kurfiierst. and did not amount to an actual tender of exportation meat this understanding that It does not prevent 12:23 m. Grose-whi- ch The of from seven citizens to the United States Low tide. a. among passengers. the Friedcrich der were BERLIN. Aug. 8. A French aeroplano Ifood cfflcpn. country pro- lost where-cve- recalled bv wireless mar be restricted, or e"en Wright, presiding tho rendering of similar services r because nf wnr was brought down today HO The Administration today held that hibited, if measures now under consid- today, when Justice SUN TABLE, TOKY 3. sum- - ' complications, have docked in at Welsel, it is asked." Secretary of State Aug. Emperor has New the crisis itroad Is now in such a stage eration by Government officials seem to in the District Supreme Court, admitted Bryan stated today. Germany has not Sun rises 5:03 I Sun sets. rone privy council to Jap- - I The passengers had their pas- - miles from the French frontier by shots consider - that mediation would not be available. warrant such a course, according to to citizenship four Russians, one Hun- Is satisfactory. 8 &11&1- iiiuucy fired by troops. replied whether this n attitude with relation to Euro rciunuca. German those who have been watching the trend garian, one Austrian, and one German, Congress will probably be asked to Gen-- al atr-cra- ft can war. and asked Lieutenant Another hostile was observed of events. The decreasing supply In the latter two being In the uniform of appropriate $100,000 for the relief of Oka. minister of war, to report Contending that its obligations under Committee in to of Increasing country. A e flying In the direction of Andernach, Paris face in population already the nrmy of this second American tourists, he declared. ii condition of army. The Hague treaty pret,o-b- such a step, has sent prices soaring, failed to respond to his name POSLAM HEALS Onear Straus, former ambassador to ten miles northwest of Kobolnz. Soon and with the Austrian Administration officials '"have talked urges In Look After Americans extraordinary demands that will when called for examination. about using ships" to bring Americans Bearing the jeweled Ikon, carried by Turkey, that the Fnitcd States reports began to drift from several by Nuka-lask- i. offices made the belligerents of Kurope. The two soldiers were Ivan back to this country, Mr. Bryan said. Russians troops against , offer Its as mediator in the parts of the Rhine province areo-plane- s, Is every European crisis. that The State Department been ad- there prospect that nil meat an Austrian, and Albert Brennen. American consuls in the war zone throngs marched to Cathedral and plainly has will reach new high In a subject of the Kaiser. The Czar's De- success. French constructed and vised an Ameri- records the near have been notified by the State ITCHING t.ayed for Czar appeared on manned, had been seen. of tho organization of future. subjects were Heurlch Welnstat, Sam- partment to inform all Americans not ALL balcony with Empress and .daughters Crowd Sings at can committee In Paris to look after Representations have been made to the uel Rosenblatt. Max Shock, and Kal-ma- n to co to remote cities but to make for to cheering throngs. Palace. the Interests of tourists In distress In officials of the Department of Agricul- Hass, while the Austrian was John There arc less than 1W) lX)NOOX. Aug. 3 An enormous Fear for Thrones Cause France. department has received a ture that it may become ar. economic Polaska. Americans In St. Petersburg. The necessity for this Government protect by the of --d BucKIn, request from this committee that the Its to A neutrality proclamation HUMORS weauJrday -today- ringing "Kule Britain." Government every to facili- Mum me uenietion of Its United States Is being discussed. Mr. SKIN ai.uSapnniers Tvoritea an aay sunaay to and of War, Says Cummins use effort Kuppiy. wane Virginians Are Marooned. needs. tho ".Marseillaise. Tnc King und tate cashing of letters of credit, checks muii no official state Bryan said. Queen appeared together on and drafts ment couiu do secured from the depart- CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va.. Aug the balcony Underlying the great war In Europe abroad. ment, it is certain Russian Ambassador Bakhmeten and were given a most enthusiastic The closing of many small hotels in that the matter Is Virginians are marooned In has I pre-it- nt receiving its careful notified by his government of the greeting. Is he desire of tin monarchies to I'ars, due to enlistment of servants, the consideration. now embroiled in war War in Europe Jolts being by plans government for seizing au- the countries aggravation caused by Sunburrt. 'tatc of war. Attaches of the German their thrones overturned of the A. Alderman, president of the The nbassy will sail Saturday from New the rising tide of the movement tomobiles used In tourist travel, and the Edwin Weather Bureau Service Pimples. Oak. or Americans in France Safe. for Partial stoppage of rail traffic has Authorize Delegates to University of Virginia, with Mrs. Alder- Rashes. j ork to join regiments. Kltz-hug- is Imme popular government, in the opinion of among Crowds little son: Prof. Thomas h motors. Itehtne Feet. etc.. in In no danger, caused panic tourists. man and European be- Americans France are Senntor Cummins. The Iowa Senator have been standing around the railroad Congress in France and Mrs. Kltzliugh. and Prof. The effect of the war is diately stopped by Poslam. Soothing. Austria has abandoned aggressle . ing bj the United States Weather ampalgn aga'nst Servia and dispatched inbamtadur Ileirick cabled the State cald he believed theie was under the stations today and yesterdav awaiting Christian T. Stegar. of the University, felt cooling, antiseptic. Poslam penetrates Department today. "Thero is no danger trains for London, nnd many left bng-Sg- e are in Germany. Dr James Cook Har- Bureau. trouble, controls and oops concentrated at Semlln to un- telc- - surface much as to the causes of the Ignoring the war condition In Ku- reports " the bureau says, to the seat of the to Americans hero a orwsent." the behind In a acramb'e to get aboard rope din and Albert G A. R.ilz. of tlip uni- "No "have No remedy so valu known destination. "gri.m In nart war wnlrh had not been explained. lie embassy and the almost Impossibility of versity John O Retity, of the Linden been rccelv.nl fpim Europe or western .nnn nrariffittes it. r'ai Reports from the American owing handy during hot weather said that with the sentiment IncreuMng in London declare that ISO oersons tiansporting persons from the United Kent Memorial School, and Miss Xan Asia, probahlv to the disturbed able to have London food shops practically oare em- studying ronoltlon " afflict you In any of Its people stocking cellars. French and in Europe for popular government he souylit advice and teller at the States to France, the Senate this after Moon, who is art tUirond, aro political Should Eczema snd Martial Law in Malta. bassy Sunday Mrs. Borden Harrl- - noon aiiinorized to Kond in P.irK and Harold Nen" sailed last This information Is utilised In making or Acne. Plies, or Barbers' Itch German officials are seiz ng automobiles could not hIp feeling that some of the J the Iiesldent A Drophecy forms, 3. pro- man, of .New Vork. member of the delegates to the International Congress month to study in the University ot the weeklv forecast Is unequaled In speed, of American tourists. No exit from LONDON, 'ing. Great Britain monarchies of Europe thought It would local In Poslam Is arid except Industrial Relations Committee, and on Social Insurant In Paris In Sen- - Caen. France Numerous others are in mr.de for showers the Atlantic used dally If your U Germany for foreigners through claimed martial lav today In Malta, the tend to hold down the masn'i if they Mliis May, tember. inquired points In during the week. Temperatures should be skin a& poadDly SwlUsrland. ItsJy. Harrison, and Miss Cecelia Senator Brandcgee if London and other the British Stals soaps Irritate. Aasaurk British island Just south of wera plunjtd into wax. T Washington, were among ths calltrs. thy would b itnt by wutsImj. B&dowa. will probably be slightly above normal. tender and other ,