Felix Issue 254, 1968
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COUNCIL MINES' SPLIT AT BOTTLE JURGO This year's first meeting of JURGO, the Joint Union, STOLEN Rectors and Governors Committee, took place on the 2nd December and found the student ranks in disarray. With a negative attitude being shown by the Rector and Deans, The much revered Council failed to press home some of the decisions made "Match Bottle," held by at their pre-JURGO meetir j the previous week. R.S.M. as winners of the an- nual rugby match between President Rex Lowin re- Other matters discussed themselves and Camborne quested representation on by JURGO included the School of Mines, was stolen three college committees; general situation regarding from its resting place behind the Exploratory Committee, the timetables of lectures the Union bar last Thurs- which considers policy items and laboratory sessions for day evening, presumably by prior to discussion by the Wednesday afternoons. students. Camborne and Board of Studies, the De- Special reference was made R.S.M. officials are shocked velopment Committee and to the Chemistry depart- and surprised, as the bottle the successor to the Centen- ment which has, in the past, is not a mascot and of no ary Appeal Fund Commit- been notorious in this re- cash value. tee. Lord Penney beat spect. about the bush and said he The Pro-Rector, Lord At about 9.30 p.m., the would discuss the first two Jackson, reported that Pro- with the relevant chairmen head barman, Gus, turned fessor Ring (Infrared Astro- round from serving at the and consider the third when nomy) and Professor Cherry far end of the bar to see four a successor was found. (Telecommunications) were strangers removing the interested in the conference trophy. He gave chase, on Teaching and Learning shouting " Stop thief," but Rector Rules Methods, which would be nobody else lifted a finger or From there to the ques- held at the end of the Easter even lowered a pot to help tion of discipline, where term. For other tit-bits of information from the Union meeting see page 2 him. The raiders ran out to Council had basically form- a getaway car in Prince Con- ulated three proposals: Non—Event sort Road, breaking a glass The formation of a central door panel in their haste. disciplinary committee, abo- Penney closed the meet- INCREASE IN NUMBER Although Gus was delayed lition of the idea of double ing swiftly without asking when the thieves jammed punishment (e.g. punishment for any other business, this the double door outside the by college authorities of stu- action setting the seal on an bar with a large knife, he dents already convicted in apparent unwillingness by OF FRESHERS IN HALL? was just, in time to take down the car number. court) and abolishing the the administration to listen A controversial suggestion for a change in the structure Others matters decided by concept of punishment for to the student points of of Halls of Residence at I.C. has recently come to a the Residents' Committee at " bringing the name of the view. If the administration head. Proposals to alter the number of freshers in Hall the previous meeting are as After a 999 call, two college into disrepute." want to " improve the follows: - policemen interviewed Gus Nothing concrete was de- from the present level of 25 per cent to one of 50 per good name of the college " cent (425 places) have caused considerable discussion over Residents in Student and Mines President Barry cided. The rector spun as far as the decreasing Houses will be pleased to words and certain council the last week or two. Sullivan in the bar, and an number of prospective stu- What, after all the fuss, are the facts ? know that all rents have "all cars" alert was put members failed to uphold dents goes, they should at Last May, Peter_ Mee, referred to the next U.G.M. been reduced by 10/- per out. The car was soon the collective decisions least lend a sympathetic ear week as from 1st October Registrar to the College, The Halls Rep. on Council, traced to a Hertfordshire made by council the week to students already here. last, and so everyone will be suggested the increase, on "Spike" Bantin, has been address, but police refuse to before. (See "They Tell JURGO, it seems, is a non- getting a refund. behalf of the Admissions collecting opinion from give this address or the cul- Me " for further comment.) event. PIERS CORBYN Policy Committee, in the all quarters to put before Deficit prits' names unless Mines hope of checking the fall in the Residence Committee. prosecute. However, this tgSEEia^EE^IaislHEIalalalsEaQl applications for I.C. which, Under this category comes However, a deficit of has been decided against, so 01 he claims, is greater than for a motion passed by £5,000 on Halls and Student the raiders remain anony- other Universities, because R.S.M.U. suggesting an in- Houses is expected by 1970, mous. m of a shortage of residential crease to 35 per cent. How- which will be met by an For Jxirthcr El places. As reported else- ever, the Committee has* al- increase in rents. One where in FELIX, this was ready said that 50 per cent suggestion is that Halls Going* en.Ll^rfenment 01 brought up after an unex- is an impracticable figure, should partly finance Stu- and the Wardens have stated 01 plained delay of 6 months, dent Houses in order, to to a dance? that only a small increase We can fix you immediately see pcx^e "7 on the part of the College, bring rents more into line El at the recent I.C. Union can be tolerated. Mean- with modern S/B Dinner Suit, considering the type of ac- shirt, collar, bow, studs & while, the number of 01 Meeting. However, amidst commodation offered. shoes for 35/-. No deposit, some confusion, no decision Freshers in the new Student no cover charges. Eol was reached. The final de- Houses has been provision- The camp beds idea for P. BERNSTEIN 99 BRICK LANE, E.I BIS 3018 SI cision on whether to increase ally set at one in six. At the accommodating overnight Freshers' places in Hall will time of writing, it was hoped (male) guests in Southside How to get there: Shoreditch station El 200 yds. from premises (change at White- be made by the Student that a final decision would has been rejected after all chapel). Station open from 9.30 a.m. Re-open 4 to 6.30 p.m. Also cards with 131 Residence Committee, on have been reached yesterday Wardens reported that there directions from Sennet Office, U.L.U. (see report in FELICITY). 01 which only three students are unused guest rooms at Open Mon., Tues., Thu., Fri. 9-6. Sun. 9-2 |^E1E]E]E]E]EIE]E]E]E]E]E]E]E]B]E]E1Q1 sit. The matter will not be weekends. 2 FELIX 11 December 1968 A GHOST FROM THE PAST INQUORATE UNION MEETING TOUCHSTONE persuaded to amend the mo- About twenty people spent iast twenty years and this questions raised in the Attendance at the last IC Union meeting on Thursday tion to cover all College the weekend 30th Novem- rise showed no signs of speech. 28th November returned to a more familiar level of about residence, including Student ber/ 1st December discussing levelling off. Similar in- Although it was unde- 200, and, as well could have been predicted at the outset, Houses, and it was immedi- the Society amid the creases in the divorce rate eided whether degeneracy in it was put out of its confused agony when the quorum ately pointed out that, since peace and tranquillity of and the number of heroin society really mattered or was challenged. Four motions were considered, including the proportion of freshers in Silwood Park. The Speaker addicts apparently showed not, it was generally agreed a most important one from George Assimakis which was Student Houses was rela- was Dr. Jonathan Gould, a other signs of degeneracy in that a fully permissive so- lost in a cloud of amendments before finally being killed tively small, as the number consultant psychiatrist for- our society. However, Dr. ciety, where all crime, im- by Les Ebdon. of Houses grew, the percen- merly of St. Bartholomew's Gould made it clear, with morality, etc. was tolerated, But. first things first. The would be able to get in Hall, tage of freshers in Hall Hospital, making his second the aid of statistical evi- would be both imoractical would rise. Before the mo- proposal to accept the stand- and it was these who formed visit to Touchstone, who be- dence, that this degeneracy and undesirable. However, tion could be amen -d fur- ing orders, copies of which the backbone of most so- gan bv defining the words only affected a very small no ideas were put forward ther, Les Ebdon rose to were circulated among those cieties and committees. It "degenerate" and "society," percentage of the popula- as to how to stop society de- would also mean that stu- deliver the finishing thrust, hence coming to a conclu- tion. generating and the discus- present, was accepted nem. accusing all concerned of dents failing to get a place sion on the definition of the The rest of the weekend, sion finally degenerated con. after some amend- "not doing their homework" in Hall for their first year " degenerate society." apart from Sunday morning when we went and had tea. ments were accepted, and a and complaining about the would have little chance of (spent in reading the papers Incidentally, Touchstones motion calling for suoport procedure.