Edgar Aaron Jay Charles
MUSIC + FESTIVAL 2019 THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA TWELFTH ANNUAL COMPOSERS FESTIVAL OCTOBER 12-13 TUCSON, ARIZONA VarèseEdgar · AaronKernis Jay · MingusCharles COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS Fred Fox School of Music Music + Festival 2019: Edgard Varèse, Aaron Jay Kernis, Charles Mingus Twelfth Annual Composers Festival The University of Arizona Fred Fox School of Music October 12-13, 2019 The 2019 Music + Festival: Varese, Kernis, and Mingus will present the lives and music of these three composers within a rich and broad intellectual framework. The festival consists of a symposium providing the historical and artistic context in which these composers lived as well as what to listen for in this music; and four concerts: one chamber, one devoted to music of Charles Mingus, one featuring a mixture of electronic and concert music, and one including large ensembles. The festival features the faculty members and major student ensembles of the Fred Fox School of Music and guest artists and scholars. Despite his output of only slightly more than a dozen compositions, Edgard Varèse is regarded as one of the most influential musicians of the twentieth century. His concept of “organized sound” led to experiments in form and texture. He was constantly on the lookout for new sound sources, and was one of the first to extensively explore percussion, electronics, and taped sounds. He was, as Henry Miller called him, “The stratospheric Colossus of Sound.” Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Aaron Jay Kernis draws artistic inspiration from a vast and often surprising palette of sources, among them the limitless color spectrum and immense emotional tangle of the orchestra, cantorial music in its beauty and dark intensity, the roiling drama of world events, and the energy and drive of jazz and popular music.
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