DEP Bulletin 'L~'~ [', {
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DEP Bulletin 'l~'~ [', { TABLE OF CONTENTS Februa 26, 1997 Volume 21 Issue 4 Application Codes and Pennit Descriptions Inside Front Cover General Application Specific Decision Application Codes Pennit Descriptions General Infonnation Front Page Public Hearings Contested Case Hearings DEP Events of Public Interest Appeals on Applications DEP Subscription Infonnation DEP Public Hearings and Events of Interest Section A Administrative Hearings and Appeals SectionB Environmental Impact Statement and Assessments (BIS and EA) Section C Pennit Applications Filed or Acted Upon Division of Land Use Regulation Section DI CAPRA Pennit Application DI-7 Freshwater Wetlands General Pennit DI-8 Freshwater Wetlands Individual Pennit DI-ll Freshwater Wetlands Letter of Interpretation DI-II Freshwater Wetlands Transition Waiver DI-16 Stream Encroachment DI-17 Waterfront Development DI-19 Waterfront Development General Pennit Division of Water Quality Section DII Treatment Works Approval (TWA) DII-20 Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste Section DIll Transfer StationslMaterial Recovery Facilities DIll-NOT AVAILABLE Incinerator DIll Class B Recycling Centers DIll Vegetative Waste Composting DIll Sanitary Landfills DIll Hazardous Waste Facilities DIll DEP Pennit Liaisons and Other Governmental Contacts Inside Back Cover Christine Todd Whitman, Govemor·New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection "Robert C. Shinn, Jr., Commissioner I 1 You Are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library ____________________________________General Application-L~ ______________________________ Milestone Codes ~ ____________________________- Application Approved F = Complete for Filing M = Permit Modification Application Denied H = Public Hearing Date P = Permit Decision Date Application Withdrawal I = Additional Information Requested R = Complete for Review C = Cancelled L = Legal Appeal of Permit Decision T = Additional Information Received Ene an 0 Specific Decision Application Codes - can AVE PLAN = Averaging Plan PAIS OW = Presence/Absence/State Open Waters Only FP/A = Footprint/Absence of Wet. , Waters & Transition Area PAIT = Presence/Absence/Transition Area Only man FIP = FarmingIForestry/Silviculture Exemption R = Reductions FPIP. = FootprintlWetlands Present REG = HMDClPinelands Exemption thes FP/SOW = Footprint/State Open Waters Present Only SPEC ACTIVITY = Special Activity (Linear Dev. & Stormwater Mgmt.) FP/T = Footprint/Transition Area Present Only SAIGP = Special Activity for Statewide Gen. Permit Activity NW = ACOE Nationwide Permit Exemptions SAIR = Special Activity for Redevelopment 0= Other SD = Municipal Subdivision Approval PAIA = Presence-Absence/Absence of Wet., Waters & Trans. Area SP = Municipal Site Plan Approval PAIP = Presence-AbsencelWetlands Present VERIFIED = Verified Line Permit Descriptions CAPRA - A Coastal Area Facility Act pennit is required to construct major residential (25 or more dwelling units), industrial, transportation, utility and energy-related facilities in the coastal area as defmed by the Act. Federal Consistency Activity: Certain federal pennits,not limited to the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers Dredge and Fill Pennits, require certification by the DEP prior to the issuance of the pennit by the federal agency. Freshwater Wetlands: A Permit (Letters of Exemption, Letters of Interpretation, Statewide General Permit, Open Water Fill, Individual, Transition Area Waiver, Water Quality Certificate) is needed prior to engaging in a regulated activity in or around freshwater wetlands and annu associated transition areas. A Stream Encroachment Permit, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dredge and Fill Permit, and a Water Quality ane Certification may also be required. eN General Groundwater Petroleum Products Cleanup: This general permit authorizes the surface water discharge of treated groundwater previously contaminated with petroleum products. inclu subs Solid Waste Facility: A permit is required to conduct or operate any solid waste facility as defmed under the Solid Waste Management Act, N.lS.A. 13:1E-l et seq., and N.lA.C. 7:26-1 et seq. Stream Encroachment: Under the Flood Control Act DEP is empowered to require a pennit to control construction within and proximate to flood hazard areas to reduce flood damage to and from new development and to protect the flood storage capacity and ecology offlood plains. Tidal Wetlands: A Coastal Wetlands Pennit is needed to excavate, dredge, fill or erect structures on coastal wetlands. Treatment Works Approval: A TWA permit is required for the construction, modification or operation of a treatment works, including sanitary/industrial sewage pretreatment or treatment systems, sewage conveyance systems, sewer extensions and subsurface sewage disposal systems. Waterfront Development: A permit is required for any project involving the development of waterfront near or upon any tidal or navigable waterway in the State. NJPDES Surface Water-Industrial: A permit is required for any discharge of "pollutants" from any "point source" into surface waters of the state. You Are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library General Information --- The DEP Bulletin is an infonnation service provided by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. In compliance with the Rules ___ dRegulations Governing 90 Day Construction Pennits (NJAC 7:1C-1.1 et seq.) this semi-monthly publication contains a list of construction pennit an lications recently filed or acted upon by the DEP. Using the Application Milestone Codes located on the inside front cover, interested persons can ~Pfermine the status of Coastal Area Facility Review Act (CAFRA) pennits, Federal Consistency Activity pennits, Freshwater Wetlands Individual and s~tewide General pennits, General Groundwater Petroleum Products Cleanup pennits, Open Water Fill pennits, Solid Waste Facility pennits (SWF), Stream Encroachment (SE) pennits, Tidal Wetlands pennits, Waterfront Development pennits and Treatment Works Approvals (TWA). In addition, a calendar of Events of Interest and a Schedule of Public Hearings is provided. The public hearings listed does not, however, constitute an official notice. Env~ronmental.Impact Statements acted u~on during ~he p~ri~d are also shown. Additional infonnation concerning the pennit applications can be obtained by callmg the project manager at the appropnate office listed InSIde the back cover. Public Hearings are held for the purpose of obtaining input and reaction to a proposed ru.1e, regulation, or new program. Some hearings may be mandated by law. Generally their scope of impact is statewide or of broad general interest and open to the pUblic. Contested Case Hearings are held between the State and a particular party involving an application, enforcement violation or an appeal. Interest in these hearings is generally limited to those directly involved. 1t.) DEP Events of Public Interest include public hearings, council meetings, workshops, public infonnation meetings, and exams. Appeals on Applications Any individual who would like to appeal a decision on an application should direct their remarks to: Office of Legal Affairs Attn: Adjudicatory Hearing Requests Department of Environmental Protection CN402 Trenton, N.J. 08625-0402 ulfe DEP SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION .ual, Copies of this publication are found in all municipal clerks offices and county planning board offices. Individuals may obtain an ds and annual SUbscription of 24 issues for a fee of $50 which is the estimated cost of producing and mailing each issue to subscribers. If you desire ~uality anew SUbscription, please send a check for$50. Payable to the Treasurer, State of New Jersey and mail it to the NJDEP, Bureau of Revenue, eN 417, Trenton, NJ 08625-0417. :er Printing and circulation of the DEP Bulletin is handled through the Department's Distribution Center. Persons desiring to be included on the mailing list may call: (609) 777 -4398 or write to this office. Please use the form below to make any changes in your SUbscription. :nt ARE YOU MOVING OR CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? mate lood ~~NAME _____________________________________________________ Admess ______________________________________________________________________ ng Label Number------ City State Zip __________________________________ Please check one: _______Change of Admess _______Cancel Subscription "igable Be sure to attach your old mailing label or photocopy of same and return to: De artment of Environmental Protection Documents Distribution Center, CN 420, Trenton, N.J. 08625-0420 s of You Are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library r NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION EVENTS OF PUBLIC INTERESTS AND SCHEDULED HEARING Events of Public Interests DATE: February 11, 1997 TIME: 9:30 a.rn. ! ' I PLACE: NJ Noise Control Council, Rutgers labor Education Center, (Cook Campus), Room 130 Corner or Ryders Lane and Clifton Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ DATE: February 27, 1997 The TIME: 9:30 a.rn. PLACE: WaterlWastewater Operator Examining Board, 428 E. State St, Carroll Bldg., lst Fir., Trenton, NJ N/A Schedule of Hearings DATE TIME PROJECT REVIEWER DOCKET NUMBER SUBJECTIPERMIT TYPE PLACE February 19,1997 Cedar Bridge AV/GSP Overpass & 301 Lexington Avneue 10:00 a.rn. Interchange - Infrastructure Lakewood Public Library Charles Welch Improvements-Replace Bridge Toll Lakewood, NJ February 20, 1997 Longport Bridge 9th and Asbury Avenue 11:00 a.rn. Replacement of the Ocean City Hall Council Chambers Gail Rowe City/Longport Bridge