Regularization of δ0 potential in general case of deformed space with minimal length

M. I. Samar and V. M. Tkachuk Professor Ivan Vakarchuk Department for Theoretical Physics, Ivan Franko National University of , 12 Drahomanov St, Lviv, UA-79005,

August 27, 2021

Abstract In general case of deformed Heisenberg algebra leading to the minimal length we present a definition of the δ0(x) potential as a linear kernel of potential energy operator in momentum represenation. We find exactly the energy level and corresponding eigenfunction for δ0(x) and δ(x) − δ0(x) potentials in deformed space with arbitrary function of deformation. The energy spectrum for different partial cases of deformation function is analysed. Keywords: deformed Heisenberg algebra, minimal length, delta prime potential. PACS numbers: 03.65.Ge, 02.40.Gh

1 Introduction

String theory and quantum gravity suggest the existence of minimal length as a finite lower bound to the possible resolution of length [1–3]. Kempf et al. showed that minimal length can be achieved by modifying usual canonical commutation relations [4–7]. One of the simplest deformed Heisenberg algebra in one-dimensional case is the one proposed by Kempf [4]

2 [X,ˆ Pˆ] = i~(1 + βPˆ ), (1) √ leading to minimal length ~ β. More general deformed algebra has the form

[X,ˆ Pˆ] = i~f(Pˆ), (2)

where f is called function of deformation, being strictly positive (f > 0), even function. Algebra (2) admits the arXiv:2108.11049v2 [quant-ph] 26 Aug 2021 following representation d Xˆ =x ˆ = i , (3) ~dp Pˆ = g(p).

dg(p) Function g(p) is an odd function satisfying dp = f(g(p)). It is defined on finite domain p ∈ [−b, b], with b = g−1(a). Here a denotes the limit of momentum P ∈ [−a, a]. Note that finiteness of b provides the existence of minimal uncertainty in position [8]. The study of the effect of the minimal length on systems with singular potentials or point interactions is of particular interest, since such systems are expected to have a nontrivial sensitivity to minimal length. The impact of the minimum length has been studied in the context of the following problems with singularity in

1 potential energy: hydrogen atom [9–16], gravitational quantum well [17–19], a particle in delta potential and double delta potential [20, 21], one-dimensional Coulomb-like problem [21–23], particle in the singular inverse square potential [24–27], two-body problems with delta and Coulomb-like interactions [28]. In undeformed quantum mechanics the interest in studies of point interactions is twofold. The first reason is that point interaction is a good model of a very localized interaction connected with different structures like quantum waveguides [29, 30], spectral filters [31, 32], or infinitesimally thin sheets [33, 34]. Another reason is that it is often possible for such systems to obtain the solution exactly. The problem of the correct interpretation of the hamiltonian with δ0-function in potential energy

2 d2 Hˆ = − ~ − κδ0(x) (4) 2m dx2 has been considered in literature since the 80s of last century [35–37]. The δ0-potential is very sensitive to a way of its regularization. From a physical point of view, this means that there is no unique one-dimensional model of the delta prime interaction described by the hamiltonian (4). In order to avoid any confusion it should be emphasized that there can be distinguished a few different approches corresponding to δ0-potential definition. By the first time δ0-interaction was considered in [35]. The hamiltonian H was defined as the one-parameter family of self-adjoint extensions of an operator

2 d2 H = − ~ (5) β 2m dx2 acting on the domain of wavefunction with derivative to be continuous, while the wavefunction has a jump proportional to its derivative at x = 0

ψ0(−0) = ψ0(+0), ψ(+0) − ψ(−0) = βψ0(0), (6) with β depending on κ, defined in (4). It was shown in [37] that this selfadjoint extensions correspond to the heuristic operator

2 d2 H = − ~ + β|δ0 >< δ0|, (7) β 2m dx2 with renormalized coupling. Here |δ0 >< δ0| denotes the following operator Z (|δ0 >< δ0|ψ)(x) = δ0(x) δ0(y)ψ(y)dy. (8)

Operator (7) is not very good to describe the δ0-potential, thus. In [38] it was proposed to define self-adjoint operator (4) using distribution theory for discontinuous functions and derive the following boundary conditions at the point where the interaction occurs κ ψ(+0) − ψ(−0) = (ψ(+0) + ψ(−0)) (9) 2 κ ψ0(+0) − ψ0(−0) = − (ψ0(+0) + ψ0(−0)) . (10) 2 In the same paper [37] the alternative definition of the problem was proposed

2 d2 κ H = − ~ + (δ(x + ε) + δ(x − ε)). (11) β 2m dx2 εα Hovewer, Seba has proved that in the limit of ε → 0 the interaction disappears if α < 1/2, appears as a δ(x) potential for α = 1/2 and splits the system into two independent subsystems lying on the half-lines (−∞, 0) and (0, ∞) if α > 1/2. The one more way of defining the Schr¨odingeroperator with a potential δ0 is to approximate δ0 by regular potentials and then to investigate the convergence of the corresponding family of regular Schr¨odingeroperators. This approach was firstly realized in [37] and studied in [39, 40].

2 The aim of this paper is to show that in case of generalized uncertainty principle it is possible to introduce δ0(x) potential in some natural way for deformed space with minimal length. Our proposal leads to the regu- larization of the divergent integrals associated with the energy levels of the δ0(x) potential in one-dimensional nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. We organize the rest of this paper as follows. In Section 2, we propose the definition of δ0(x) potential in momentum representation in general case of deformed space with minimal length and obtain the exact relation from which the corresponding bound states energies can be extracted . In Section 3, the Schr¨odingerequation with δ(x) − δ0(x) potential in context of minimal length assumption is solved exactly. Some concluding remarks are reported in the last section.

2 δ0 potential

In general case of deformed space with minimal length Schr¨odingerequation in the momentum representation can be written as

g2(p) Z b φ(p) + U(p − p0)φ(p0)dp0 = Eφ(p) (12) 2m −b with U(p−p0) being the kernel of the potential energy operator. In undeformed space this kernel can by obtained by

1 Z ∞  i  U(p − p0) = V (x) exp − (p − p0)x dx. (13) 2π~ −∞ ~ In case of the delta prime interaction V (x) = κδ0(x) the kernel of potential energy is

iκ U(p − p0) = (p − p0). (14) 2π~2 We assume that in deformed space with minimal length U(p − p0) is still expessed by formula (14) and write the Schr¨odingerequation for the delta prime potential in general case of deformed space with minimal length as

Z b 2 2 iκm 0 0 0 (g(p) + q )φ(p) + 2 (p − p )φ(p )dp = 0. (15) π~ −b The solution of (15) can be proposed in the form

Ap + B ψ(p) = . (16) g2(p) + q2

Substituting (16) into (15) we obtain the following formulas

iκm Z b dp A + 2 B 2 2 = 0, (17) π~ −b g (p) + q iκm Z b p2dp B − 2 A 2 2 = 0, (18) π~ −b g (p) + q which yield the equation for energy spectrum

1 = αI1(ε)I2(ε) (19)

κ2m2 where α = 2 4 and π ~ Z b dp Z 1 dy I1(ε) = b 2 2 = 2 2 (20) −b g (p) + q −1 k (y) + ε 1 Z b p2dp Z 1 y2dy I2(ε) = 2 2 = 2 2 (21) b −b g (p) + q −1 k (y) + ε

3 p q with y = b ∈ [−1, 1], g(p) = bk(y) and ε = b . It is important to note that in undeformed limit b → ∞ integral I1(ε) diverges and Schr¨odingerequation (12) has no solution. In case of finite b integrals in (19) are convergent and the problem of delta prime potential is regularized in deformed space with minimal length. Both integrals I1(ε) and I2(ε) are positive and decreasing functions of ε > 0. This means that equation (19) has only one solution since α can take only positive values. Let us find the energy spectra of considerable problem for some special examples of deformation function. Example 1. In the simplest deformed commutation relation leading to minimal length

f(P ) = 1,P ∈ [−b, b], g(p) = p. (22)

Integrals I1(ε) and I2(ε) are 2 arctan 1  I (ε) = ε , (23) 1 ε 1 I (ε) = 2 − 2ε arctan . (24) 2 ε Equation for energy spectrum reads 1 1 1 1 = 4α arctan − arctan . (25) ε ε ε Example 2. The next example of deformation function is the following

1.8 Ex.1 Ex.2 Ex.3 1.6



1 ε 0.8




0 0 2 4 6 8 10 α

Figure 1: Energy level of delta prime problem in deformed space with minimal length dependent on the coupling constant α.

f(P ) = (1 + βP 2)3/2, a = ∞, (26) p 1 g(p) = , b = √ . (27) p1 − βp2 β The needed integrals can be calculated explicitly √  1−ε2  2 2 arctan ε I1(ε) = − 2 + 3 , (28) 1 − ε ε(1 − ε2) 2 √  1−ε2  2(ε2 + 2) 2ε arctan ε I2(ε) = 2 2 − 5 . (29) 3(1 − ε ) (1 − ε2) 2

4 Example 3. In case of Kempf’s deformation

f(P ) = (1 + βP 2), a = ∞, (30) 1 π g(p) = √ tan(pβp), b = √ (31) β 2 β integrals I1(ε) and I2(ε) can also be calculated 2π I (ε) = , (32) 1 ε(πε + 2) 3  πε−2   πε+2  2 επ − 12polylog 2, πε+2 + 12polylog 2, πε−2 I (ε) = . (33) 2 3 πε(π2ε2 − 4)

The comparison of the dependencies of the energy ε on coupling constant α is presented on Fig. 1.

3 δ − δ0 potential

In this section let us consider more general potential in the form

V (x) = −λδ(x) + κδ0(x) (34)

The kernel of the potential energy operator is the following λ iκ U(p − p0) = − + (p − p0). (35) 2π~ 2π~2 We propose to write the Schr¨odingerequation for considerable problem as

3 3 γ=3 Ex.1 γ=3 Ex.2 γ=2 γ=2 γ=1 γ=1 γ=0 γ=0 2.5 γ=-1 2.5 γ=-1

2 2

ε 1.5 ε 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 α α

γ=3 Ex.3 2.5 γ=2 γ=1 γ=0 γ=-1


1.5 ε



0 0 2 4 6 8 10 α

Figure 2: Dependencies of the energy level of δ − δ0 well on coupling constant α for different for different values of γ in case of special examples of deformation function

5 Z b Z b 2 2 λm 0 0 iκm 0 0 0 (g(p) + q )φ(p) − φ(p )dp + 2 (p − p )φ(p )dp = 0. (36) π~ −b π~ −b Similarly to previous section the solution of the Schr¨odinger equation is assumed to have the form Ap + B ψ(p) = (37) g2(p) + q2

Substituting (37) into (36) we obtain the following equations

iκm Z b dp A + 2 B 2 2 = 0, (38) π~ −b g (p) + q iκm Z b p2dp λm Z b dp B − 2 A 2 2 − B 2 2 = 0, (39) π~ −b g (p) + q π~ −b g (p) + q which yields

1 = αI1()I2() + γI1(), (40)

κ2m2 λm where α = 2 4 , γ = and I1(ε) and I2(ε) are defined in the previous section. π ~ bπ~ Remembering that I1(ε) and I2(ε) are positive and decreasing functions of ε and α is always positive, we conclude that equation (40) has only one solution but in the case of

γ > −γ0, γ0 = αI2(0) > 0, (41) with I2(0) being the maximal value of I2(ε).

For the considered in previous section special examples of deformation function value I2(0) is equal to 2, 2 4/3 and 4 ln 2 − π /6 ≈ 1.12765 correspondingly. From this results we conclude that γ0 strongly depends on the choice of the function of deformation. The energy level dependent on α for different values of γ is presented on Fig.2.

4 Conclusion

In this paper we have studied the general case of deformed Heisenberg algebra leading to the minimal length. The problem of the definition of the δ0(x) operator has been examined. We have proposed the definition of δ0(x) as the lineal kernel of potential energy operator given by (14). Using this definition we have solved exactly 1D δ0(x)-potential problem in the general case of deformed Heisenberg algebra leading to the minimal length. In general case we obtain that energy spectrum consists of only one energy level. In the undeformed limit the divergency in the integral I1(ε) occurs and energy level vanishes. We also have obtained the transcendental equations on the energy spectrum in some particular cases of the deformation functions. We have also considered the case of −λδ(x) + κδ0(x) potential. We obtain that there is one bound state for

κ > −κ0 and no bound states for κ ≤ −κ0, with κ0 (which is up to notations given in (41)) depending on λ and choice of function of deformation. This fact can serve as a distinguishing factor for different deformation functions.

5 Acknowledgement

This work was partly supported by the Project FF-11Hp (No. 0121U100058) from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and by the Project 2020.02/0196 (No. 0120U104801) from National Research Foundation of Ukraine.

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