Z'zz Y W. Ager Or 77-24-72 Esse-5 46, 46-42/7--Ee- Fé
W. F. ENSIGN, Felling Guide, No, 35,972, m Patented July 22, 1862, z'zz y W. ager or 77-24-72 esse-5 46, 46-42/7--ee- fé r UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM F. ENSIGN, OF RENSSELAER COUNTY, ASSIGNOR TO JAMES WILL COX, OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. IMPROVEMENT IN FELLING-GUIDES FOR SEWING-MACHINEs. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 35,972, dated July 22, 1862. To all whom it may concern: mers’ are usually combined therewith, and it Be it known that I, WILLIAMF. ENSIGN, of may be attached thereto or thereon by means of the county of Rensselaer and State of New a plate, A, having a slot in it that admits of its York, have invented a new and useful im adjustment relatively to the needle and feed, provement in devices for turning and guiding which latter is here supposed to be in the di the edge or edges of cloth and other material in rection of the arrow shown in Fig. 2, the ad sewing-machines, the whole constituting, when vance edge f of the plate being the guiding combined, a felling-guide; and I do hereby de edge for the seam as it issues from the formers. clare that the following is a full, clear, and ex The one former a is made with a wing project act description of the same, reference being ing in the rear and lying at an angle across the had to the annexed drawings, making a part path of the feed and scooped or shelving up of this specification, in which ward, from whence it is connected by an ex-.
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