Chime/Buzzer 8B - 1
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TJ CHIME/BUZZER 8B - 1 CHIME/BUZZER TABLE OF CONTENTS page page CHIME WARNING SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING - CHIME DESCRIPTION ..........................1 WARNING SYSTEM .....................3 OPERATION ............................1 CHIME WARNING SYSTEM circuits are integral to several wire harnesses, which are routed throughout the vehicle and retained by DESCRIPTION many different methods. Refer to the appropriate wiring information. A chime warning system is standard factory-in- The instrument cluster chime warning system cir- stalled equipment on this model. The chime warning cuitry and the integral chime tone generator cannot system uses a single chime tone generator that is be adjusted or repaired. If the instrument cluster or integral to the instrument cluster to provide an audi- the chime tone generator are damaged or faulty, the ble indication of various vehicle conditions that may instrument cluster must be replaced. require the attention of the vehicle operator. The chime warning system includes the following major OPERATION components, which are described in further detail The chime warning system is designed to provide elsewhere in this service information: an audible output as an indication of various condi- ² Door Ajar Switch - A door ajar switch is tions that may require the attention or awareness of mounted to each front door hinge pillar. This switch the vehicle operator. The chime warning system com- provides an input to the chime warning system indi- ponents operate on battery voltage received through cating whether the front doors are open or closed. the Ignition-Off Draw (IOD) fuse in the Power Distri- ² Ignition Switch - A key-in ignition switch is bution Center (PDC) so that the system may operate integral to the ignition switch. The key-in ignition regardless of the ignition switch position. switch provides an input to the chime warning sys- The chime warning system provides an audible tem indicating whether a key is present in the igni- warning to the vehicle operator under the following tion lock cylinder. conditions: ² Instrument Cluster - The instrument cluster ² Air Bag Warning - The instrument cluster contains an integral chime tone generator, integrated chime tone generator will generate a single chime circuitry, a central processing unit and the program- tone when the airbag indicator is illuminated for an ming to provide all of the proper chime warning sys- airbag system fault condition. The instrument cluster tem features based upon the monitored inputs. The uses airbag indicator lamp-on and lamp-off message instrument cluster circuitry monitors hard-wired inputs received from the Airbag Control Module switch inputs, as well as message inputs received (ACM) over the Programmable Communications from other vehicle electronic modules on the Pro- Interface (PCI) data bus indicating that the airbag grammable Communications Interface (PCI) data bus indicator should be illuminated for an airbag system network. fault condition. ² Left Multi-Function Switch - The exterior ² Charging System Warning - The instrument lighting switch is integral to the left multi-function cluster chime tone generator will generate a single switch. The exterior lighting switch provides an chime when the check gauges indicator is illuminated input to the chime warning system indicating when for a charging system fault or a system voltage high the exterior lamps are turned On or Off. warning condition. The instrument cluster uses sys- ² Seat Belt Switch - A seat belt switch is inte- tem voltage status message inputs received from the gral to the driver side front seat belt buckle-half Powertrain Control Module (PCM) over the PCI data unit. The seat belt switch provides an input to the bus to illuminate the check gauges indicator for a chime warning system indicating whether the driver charging system fault. This chime feature will only side front seat belt is fastened. occur once in an ignition cycle. Hard wired circuitry connects many of the chime ² Driver Door Ajar Warning - The instrument warning system components to each other through cluster chime tone generator will generate repetitive the electrical system of the vehicle. These hard wired chimes at a slow rate to announce that the hard 8B - 2 CHIME/BUZZER TJ CHIME WARNING SYSTEM (Continued) wired inputs from the driver door ajar switch and the ² Low Fuel Warning - The instrument cluster ignition switch as well as an engine speed message chime tone generator will generate one chime tone input received from the PCM over the PCI data bus when the low fuel indicator is illuminated by the indicate that the driver door is opened with the igni- instrument cluster. The instrument cluster uses a tion switch in the On position and the engine is not percent tank full message input received from the running. The chimes will continue to sound for a PCM over the PCI data bus indicating that there is duration of about twenty minutes, until the driver less than about one-eighth tank of fuel remaining to door is closed, until the ignition switch is turned to illuminate the low fuel indicator. This chime feature the Off position, or until the engine speed message will only occur once in an ignition cycle. indicates the engine is running, whichever occurs ² Low Oil Pressure Warning - The instrument first. cluster chime tone generator will generate repetitive ² Engine Coolant Temperature High Warning chimes at a fast rate when the check gauges indica- - The instrument cluster chime tone generator will tor is illuminated for a low oil pressure condition. generate a single chime tone when the check gauges The instrument cluster uses engine speed and oil indicator is illuminated for a high or critical engine pressure message inputs received from the PCM over coolant temperature condition. The instrument clus- the PCI data bus indicating that the engine is run- ter uses engine coolant temperature message inputs ning at greater than 300 rpm and that the oil pres- received from the PCM over the PCI data bus to illu- sure is low to illuminate the check gauges indicator. minate the check gauges indicator for a coolant tem- The chimes will continue to sound for five seconds, perature high condition. This chime feature will only until the engine oil pressure message indicates that occur once in an ignition cycle. the oil pressure is not low, or until the engine speed ² Fasten Seat Belt Warning - The instrument message indicates that the engine is running at less cluster chime tone generator will generate repetitive than 300 rpm, whichever occurs first. This chime chimes at a slow rate each time the ignition switch is tone will only occur once in an ignition cycle. turned to the On or Start positions to announce that ² Overspeed Warning - The instrument cluster the hard wired inputs from the seat belt switch and chime tone generator will generate repetitive chimes the ignition switch indicate that the driver side front at a slow rate to announce that a vehicle speed mes- seat belt is not fastened. The chimes will continue to sage input received from the PCM over the PCI data sound for a duration of about six seconds, until the bus indicates that the vehicle speed is above 120 driver side front seat belt is fastened, or until the kilometers-per-hour (75 miles-per-hour). The chimes ignition switch is turned to the Off position, which- will continue to sound until the vehicle speed mes- ever occurs first. sage indicates that the vehicle speed is below 120 ² Head/Park Lights-On Warning - The instru- kilometers-per-hour (75 miles-per-hour). This feature ment cluster chime tone generator will generate is only enabled on an instrument cluster that has repetitive chimes at a slow rate to announce that the been programmed with a Middle East Gulf Coast hard wired inputs from the driver door ajar switch, Country (GCC) country code. the ignition switch, and the exterior lighting circuitry ² Park Brake Reminder - The instrument clus- of the left multi-function switch indicate that the ter chime tone generator will generate ten repetitive exterior lamps are turned On with the driver door chimes at a slow rate to announce that the hard opened and the ignition switch in the Off position. wired input from the park brake switch and a vehicle The chimes will continue to sound for about three speed message input received from the PCM over the minutes or until the exterior lamps are turned Off, PCI data bus indicates that the park brake is applied the driver door is closed, or the ignition switch is and the vehicle is moving. This chime feature will turned to the On position, whichever occurs first. repeat each time the input conditions are met. ² Key-In-Ignition Warning - The instrument ² Passenger Door Ajar Warning - The instru- cluster chime tone generator will generate repetitive ment cluster chime tone generator will generate chimes at a slow rate to announce that the hard three sets of two chimes at a slow rate to announce wired inputs from the driver door ajar switch, the that the hard wired inputs from the passenger door ignition switch, and the key-in ignition circuitry of ajar switch and the ignition switch as well as an the ignition switch indicate that the key is in the engine speed message input received from the PCM ignition lock cylinder with the driver door opened over the PCI data bus indicate that the passenger and the ignition switch in the Off position. The door is opened with the ignition switch in the On chimes will continue to sound until the key is position and the engine is not running. This chime removed from the ignition lock cylinder, the driver feature will repeat each time the input conditions are door is closed, or the ignition switch is turned to the met. On position, whichever occurs first.