Supernova Light Curves and Spectra Lecture Notes for Lessons 4-8 for “Stellar Explosions”, TUM, 2017
Supernova light curves and spectra Lecture notes for lessons 4-8 for “Stellar explosions”, TUM, 2017 Anders Jerkstrand Overview 51 A CCSN explosion deposits an energy Edep 10 erg in the core of the star. This energy is spread to the whole star by∼ a shock wave propagating with 4 −1 v 10 kms . It reaches the surface after a time t = R0/v , shock ∼ surf shock where R0 is the stellar radius. We can estimate t 1 minute for R0 =1 R⊙, surf ∼ tsurf 1 day for R0 = 500 R⊙ (Red SuperGiant (RSG)). This begins the light display∼. Equipartition. In the limit of strong shocks (vshock vsound), one can show that radiation-dominated gas fulfills equipartition: ≫ 1 E0 = E0 = E (1) int kin 2 dep I.e., in the shock wake, energy is equally divided between internal random energy and bulk kinetic energy (as the layers are both accelerated and heated). This limit is a good approximation for SNe (v 10 kms−1). sound ∼ Basic physics of the fireball The first law of thermodynamics states that “the change in internal energy equals energy deposited, minus (net) energy transported out, minus work done (pdV)”. For a moving gas we write this law on Lagrangian (comoving) form, where m is he coordinate rather than x or v: δe (m,t) ∂L(m,t) ∂ (1/ρ(m,t)) int = s(m,t) p(m,t) (2) δt − ∂m − ∂t −1 Here eint is the internal energy per unit mass (erg g ), s is the energy injection per unit mass and time (erg s−1 g−1), L is the luminosity (erg s−1), p is pressure (barye =dyne cm−2 = erg cm−3), and ρ is the density (g cm−3).
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