Lansing’s LGBT Connection! Lansing Association for Human Rights The LGBT News Michigan’s oldest community based organization! October 2012 : Volume 34 : Issue 1 : Published Monthly A Matter of Law by Pam Sisson, Attorney & Mediator

Voting in 2012 There are lots of folks who came before us who Hung in there long enough for you and me Maybe we just owe it to the next ones To ride this raging river out to sea

From Cowboy, music and lyrics by Pam Sisson (1984) Grant Littke introducing Kiara Farrell-Starling, the Pride Scholarship recipient, at the successful 2011 Homecoming party. What an exciting time to be an American! Via It’s Time to Party!! this election, we will broadcast to the world who we are and what we really care about. Everyone is invited to the LGBT MSU Homecoming party / Everything is at stake. This is not the time to reception on Friday, October 12, 2012. The party will be held at the be silent. When I think about it, Democrats Kellogg Center in the spacious Red Cedar Room with fireplace after are often silent. Without analyzing that the MSU Homecoming Parade from 6:30 to 9:30. Whether you are behavior, it has got to change! Each of us has friends of MSU, alumni, students, or faculty /staff – we even hope to a voice and our government will flow in one have some guests from the University of Iowa – everyone is invited!! of two vastly different directions, depending on whether we speak out and how we vote. This fun event, the seventh annual, will include excellent food, including a chef I am concerned about the disempowerment carving the beef (do not eat dinner in advance), a cash bar including soda, free (and sometimes disenfranchisement) of many coffee, our beautiful green, white & purple décor, background music, and the Americans. Many Americans will tell you that opportunity to meet the 2012-2013 LGBT scholarship recipients. In addition this there is nothing that they can do – that no one year, we will have a couple special guests – Jon Hoadley, past Pride Scholarship in Washington or in Lansing is listening. We recipient and professional political expect will encourage you to vote in this critical are all bone-weary of this economic crisis, election and a special person from MSU will help celebrate the 20th Anniversary of but (I am, after all, a Midwesterner) it could (Continued on page 3) be worse. In fact, there have been times in American history when it has been worse. Some couples say that they would be canceling Support United Way and LAHR out each other’s votes, so why bother? Tell that to a candidate who won or lost by only by Bill Beachler, Publisher a few votes. Also, there is something to be said for exercising a democratic right that The 2012 Capital Area United Way Campaign has began. For people are fighting and dying for around the those who designated LAHR and its services during the 2011 world even as I write this. There was a time campaign, LAHR wishes to extend a “thank you” to those not that long ago when African-Americans generous contributors for your support. LAHR’s services include were not permitted to vote. There was a time donations to groups and special projects, discussion groups, Newsletter, social even more recently when women were not activities and events, web site and list services, networking activities, educational permitted to vote. Some women are in such activities, and other projects, such as our grants program, helping to make the Lansing area LGBT community a better place to live. (Continued on page 14) (Continued on page 3)


Dear Loving Reader,

Election, Election, Election..

I think about the opportunity I have every month to write to you, and what I will write this month. How can it be other than the ELECTION? Of course I then go to…..

The Power of One. Power to the People. Democracy. The future of We! And finally your Vote is crucial to all of the above and more.

LAHR hosted a Town Hall Candidates night last month, although I am writing in the past tense, in reality, the meeting has not yet happened. We are worried not enough of you will show up. Of course not enough of you is every single one of you who receive and read our grand newsletter and all your friends and relations, might be enough!

Hopefully, in this edition of the LAHR Newsletter, we will learn that indeed all of you showed up. All of you took advantage of being an informed voter, of asking of those who are dependent upon your vote the questions that mean the most to you. That you informed them of your hopes, desires and need for equality, safety, and peace in your lives.

But enough focusing on the past. What’s lovely about this is you still have a chance, if you were unable to attend the town hall meeting on September 20th, you can still accomplish these things. Attend other candidates nights, read accounts of candidates positions, Ask those who you know, who know something about the candidates, their take: they will be so glad you asked and will answer you honestly so that you make informed choices as you step up to vote.

Of course none of this is important if you are not registered to vote, you have until Oct 6th to get registered. It is easy as pie, either at your city, or county clerk’s office. Organizations, unions, others have voter registration forms for you to fill out, just ask. Please take that important step. Hopefully though, you are already registered to vote. Please, please, our lives depend upon it, Vote!

So that is my urgent appeal to you Dear Reader, and to your loved ones, even if they are not your loved ones, merely acquaintances, make sure you and they vote, one and all on November 6th.

With high regard for you and yours who care enough to make a difference.

Sincerely, Penny

LAHR • Email: [email protected] • On the Web: Frank Vaca, Vice President Website ------Joseph Marutiak, Treasurer - 485-6697 or [email protected] Melissa Cogswell LGBT News Nancy VanHoozier, Secretary 899-7515 or [email protected] Lansing Association for 490-4474 or [email protected] Story Contributors ------Human Rights Members At-Large ------Bill Castellani: OurWashington/HRC Connection - [email protected] PO Box 14009 Bill Beachler - 337-1419 or [email protected] Dan Boutell: All I’m Saying - [email protected] Lansing, MI 48901-4009 Jillian Pastoor - 614-8466/[email protected] Gaudard: Then & Now - [email protected] Nancy English - 482-2668 or [email protected] Frank Vaca: Out at Work - [email protected]. Bill Beachler: LGBT News Publisher Mike Carlson - 332-0167 ext. 43/[email protected] 337-1419 or [email protected] Cindy Redman - 643-0956 or [email protected] Jacob A. Distel, Jr.: Positively Speaking - [email protected] Melissa Cogswell: Layout Editor Pam Allen Michelle Bryant: Walking The Beat - [email protected] 899-7515 or [email protected] Kate Miller Nancy English: variety - [email protected] LAHR Board of Directors------Kyle Buchanan Pam Sisson: A Matter of Law - 484-4300 Penny Gardner, President Emily Snoek Pastor Kari: [email protected] 484-4512 or [email protected] Contents of the LGBT News should not be construed to represent the beliefs of the LAHR organization as a whole. 2 Lansing Association for Human Rights - GLBT News Time to Party United Way and LAHR (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) Moving Forward to improve the climate for the MSU LGBT Working in partnership with the United Way, we want community. This is also an opportunity to network with other to make sure you are aware of the vital part you play grads and to meet many new friends. You may park free in in providing much needed support and services for our the Kellogg Center parking ramp. Tickets will be sold at the community. LAHR has been in continuous service since door for $20 per person. (Check out the picture from the 2011 it began in 1979. Without the support from United Way, successful event.) LAHR would significantly have to reduce our community services, which have been in continuous updating and Homecoming this year is with Iowa. MSU hopes to improvement in recent years. win the Big Ten and play in the Rose Bowl. There is excitement in the air in East Lansing. We expect this If you wish to designate your United Way contribution excitement to also be present at the party. We also to LAHR in the 2012 United Way campaign, please write are expecting guests from LA, Minneapolis, Chicago, LAHR’s name and address – (Lansing Association for Indiana, and Detroit Human Rights, P.O. Box 14009, Lansing, MI 48901-4009) – as well as many other on your pledge card, and check the appropriate box so that locations from around the United Way may inform us of your kindness and so we the state and country. may verify the funding. Please note that you will not find LAHR listed in your pledge information and you must write We thank our sponsors, the the above information on your pledge sheet/form to make a Greater Lansing Convention & designation. Visitors Bureau and the MSU Federal Credit Union. Check out Your generosity is important to our agency, and we the association’s excellent website welcome the opportunity to show our appreciation. Thank at . For more information, you for your support of LAHR and the Capital Area United contact Bill Beachler at [email protected] or call Way. Together we can make a difference!! 517-337-1419.

Everyone is invited!!


FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT Thank you for the honor to serve you on the Ingham County“ Commission. As your neighbor on Lansing’s eastside, I am happy to be of assistance to you in any way I can. ” ―Brian McGrain

Paid for by Citizens to Elect Brian McGrain | Rion Hollenbeck, Treasurer

October 2012 3 LAHR PAC rating sheets will contain the seek the same respect and responsibilities Conventions Over & most information ever provided in LAHR as other married couples. We support Campaigns Begin PAC’s 31 year history. the full repeal of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and the passage of the by Bill Beachler, The conventions provided the LGBT Respect for Marriage Act ... LAHR PAC community record setting information. LAHR PAC thought it would be We know that putting America back to The national and informative to provide a side-by-side work is Job One, and we are committed state political party comparison of what the two major to ensuring Americans do not face conventions are now political parties have to say to our LGBT employment discrimination. We support over. Due to the community. The following are excerpts the Employment Non-Discrimination timing of the state from the party platforms: Act because people should not be fired conventions, LAHR PAC sent out more based on their or gender candidate questionnaires and is meeting on Democratic Party – identity.” September 27th to finalize all the candidate ratings. The October newsletter will be “We support the right of all families to Republican Party – ready to mail before the rating sheets have equal respect, responsibilities, and are completed. Therefore, the rating protections under the law. We support “A serious threat to our country’s sheets will be enclosed in the November marriage equality and support the constitutional order, perhaps… is an newsletter and LAHR PAC and LAHR movement to secure equal treatment under activist judiciary, in which some will make available these ratings as soon law for same-sex couples... judges usurp the powers reserved to as possible on the LAHR PAC and LAHR other branches of government. A blatant Facebook pages, on the excellent LAHR We oppose discriminatory federal and example has been the court-ordered website at and the state constitutional amendments and other redefinition of marriage in several ratings will be posted to the LAHR List attempts to deny equal protection of the States… Service a couple times before this critical laws to committed same-sex couples who (Continued on page 10) election on November 6, 2012. The

4 Lansing Association for Human Rights - GLBT News discrimination. As we say ‘no matter October Friday Dinner Group Pastor Jody where you are on the journey, you are welcome here’. by Gary Hicks, Host by Rev. Jody Betten Our Pride Picnic is in honor of all Mike’s Village Proud of Pride types of families; that all families are Restaurant in Picnic not simply to be tolerated or welcomed but truly celebrated. There is no Dimondale discrimination based on the makeup of It is fall again. Funny The October LGBT your family. And, occasionally, for a how that happens, dinner will be held minute I experience the reality of the the seasons change. Annual events at Mike’s Village Restaurant, 115 N. world as it should be. It is a joyful, roll around again. It was just a year Bridge St., in the village of Dimondale hospitable, safe place for all types of ago that I came to Edgewood Church on Friday, October 19, at 7 pm. Mike’s families! and the Lansing community. One of serves American entrees with bread the events that made me so proud to and desserts that are freshly baked at And, then I wake up from the be here and to be at Edgewood is our the restaurant. annual Family Pride Picnic. dream… and remember that in many places, around the world for sure, To reach Dimondale from Lansing, but even in our own country and As I write this we are getting ready… take Lansing Road southwest and turn community, certain types of people fun activities for the kids, a dunk left (south) on Creyts Road. tank for the pastors, great grilled are discriminated against. Our work is not done advocating for and food and scrumptious potluck dishes, These dinners are usually held the supporting those who are ‘different’. information about support for the third Friday of each month at a So, we continue to seek to change LGBTQ community. It will be an different restaurant in the Lansing area the practices and laws that prevent afternoon of celebration and awareness and provide an opportunity to socialize equality. We continue to speak openly, about the blessing of diverse families. over a casual meal. All members of persuasively and winsomely about the Lansing area LGBT community, as equality to those who need to hear. We And, I realize how even in a year, well as friends and family members, continue to invite all into the safe and much about my awareness and are welcome to attend. So whether celebrative place that we have created. thinking has changed. Prior to this you come on your own or bring a And, we continue to stand with all year at Edgewood, I longed to serve friend or partner, please join us for those who are discriminated against in a community of faith where it isn’t dinner! an issue what your gender identity or for whatever reason. your sexual orientation is. I wished RSVP to Gary Hicks at garyhickslaw@ Peace to you in this season of beauty before this time here, I no longer by 3 pm on Friday, October and growth! had to advocate for those who are 19, if you plan to attend so we know ‘different’ because all are accepted how much seating to request everywhere. Families with one parent, Pastor Jody families with ‘parents’ of different Edgewood United Church, UCC generations, families with two same sex parents, families whose parents are changing gender, all families are to be celebrated! There is no

October 2012 5 to connect with or you’re just going to be I had been out in all facets of my life Out at Work clearing history and deleting cookies for the for several years as a state agency rest of your life. It’s heartbreaking to see less head, so professionally there was by Frank Vaca, images of the community. Why suppress, no question that I was going to LAHR Vice President when we can be engaging, bold and daring? continue to be transparent and fully integrated. I don’t know if any of Being “Out” and Thanks for the guest commentator from this is useful, but I decided when I “Transparent” Facebook who replied to my questions. came out, since I was transitioning Guest Commentary: to a public position, that I was Are you a part of the going to be out completely--and LGBT community “Soon after I started I hosted a dinner at that transparency was essential. because you identify with us or do you our home. This was important because The company that I work for has choose to identify with the least hassle? they were able to meet us in a social a young, very progressive CEO I can say I probably would have my card situation and develop a good connection who values diversity--knowing revoked if they had one. with us and see that we were pretty the “message from the top” is key, much like any other couple, straight or along with getting the inside scoop When creating a display case of notable gay. When I was researching the bank, on culture from those who work at people from LGBT history this past week, it I met with a number of people who the organization, as well as whether became apparent these people need to be in worked there to get a good feel for the they value domestic partners via HR color and a lot more noticeable. The black and organization and corporate culture. I benefits and policies.” white paper only dims the progress they made had a candid conversation with the HR and the accomplishments to their community. department about whether there were I think it’s an old Tatu song that goes, domestic partner benefits (YES) and “can you see me now?” What are they Why start today being out and proud? I whether gay employees were accepted seeing at work? Let me know at can tell you that you have got to find people equally within the organization (YES). [email protected]

Michigan Pride Fest Carol Wood Councilmember At-Large by Nicholas Sekmistrz, Michigan Pride October marks the return of the Michigan Serving you on Council since 2000 Pride Flannel Fest on Saturday, October 6 at 8 p.m. Flannel Fest will take place across the Office 517 483-4188 street from Spiral at the Party Barn located Home 517 482-0213 at 309 Clinton Street. Outrageous fun is Email [email protected] the name of the game at Flannel Fest with happy hour drink specials and surprises, bobbing for lappels (not apples), and our annual Flannel Feeling attire contest. A special performance by acclaimed singer and songwriter Ronnie Nyles is guaranteed to keep the fall flannel vibe alive through the night. Audio and video clips of Ronnie are available at her webpage, We can’t wait to see you all flannelled up.

Please be sure to check out the website or our Facebook page for additional event information. Also, don’t forget to read next month’s LAHR newsletter to get the latest information on Michigan Pride.

Have a great October and see you with Pride.

6 Lansing Association for Human Rights - GLBT News hand. Community members are the Walking the Beat eyes and ears of the police department. International LGBT With fewer officers on the road to do Research Study by Michelle Bryant, proactive policing, it is becoming even LGBT Liaison more imperative for citizens to become From MI-GOAL Officer more active. By active, I mean being willing to call and report suspicious Researchers from Volunteers people or activities. We do not encourage Eastern Michigan Needed people to take the law into their own University, in hands. Neighborhood Watch programs collaboration with the Our nation is built allow citizens to help in the fight against Michigan Project on the strength crime. They also allow an opportunity for for Informed of our citizens. communities to bond through service. Public, Policy, the Law enforcement Michigan Gay Officers Action League was created to protect and serve our Another way citizens can give back and and Law Enforcement Gays and Lesbians communities, but we can’t do it alone. help the Lansing Police Department is International, with input from the National through volunteering. The Lansing Police Gay and Lesbian Task Force, are looking for In these difficult economic times, budget Department has a variety of programs gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) cuts are leading to personnel cuts. At the that citizens can volunteer for, including: law enforcement, public safety, corrections and Lansing Police Department, these cuts handicap parking enforcement, front desk criminal justice professionals to participate in have come through layoffs as well as monitor, River Trail patrol, property pick an online research study. through attrition. Either way, it means up, victim advocate, and the safety prints more work being done by fewer people. program. This groundbreaking international study That’s where our citizens can step up. will survey LGBT professionals to better Anyone interested in volunteering can understand how gender and sexual orientation Neighborhood Watch programs draw contact me at [email protected] for factors may affect how these professionals upon the compassion of average citizens, more information. Be Safe! asking them to lend their neighbors a experience their work environments. The study will also examine how such identities are

(Continued on page 9)

The Lansing Area AIDS Network (LAAN) is now providing Rapid HIV Testing on Tuesdays from 1pm to 8 pm. By appointment. Results will be given the same day.

To schedule an appointment, please call 517-394-3719 ext.30 ask for Matt. Rapid HIV testing is available at the LAAN o ce located at 913 W Holmes Rd suite 115 Lansing MI 48910.


October 2012 7 specifically controlled by the Constitution is are down, he certainly knows how to write like Then & Now a necessary component of its own political him. I count 7 citations to Kennedy’s opinion processes. Its citizens have the political in Romer and 8 citations to Lawrence. In a by Don Gaudard liberty to direct the governmental process stunning decision this afternoon, Walker trod to make decisions that might be wrong in heavily on the path Kennedy has blazed on gay Constitutional the ideal sense, subject to correction in the rights. Today’s decision was written for a court Victory Coming ordinary political process. of one—Kennedy—the man who has written most eloquently about dignity and freedom and Most commentators A newly discovered document by the right to determine one’s own humanity.” agree that when same- the Reagan vetting agent in the 1987 sex marriage comes confirmation hearing reveals: “In a While traveling around Europe this summer before the Supreme Court, the Court will break case involving the Navy’s regulation of teaching and giving lectures, Kennedy 4-4 with Justice Kennedy being the swing homosexual conduct, Kennedy spoke encountered marriage equality laws in vote. The following excerpt that Kennedy very favorably of constitutional “privacy Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, had previously written was read aloud at his rights” and formulated the rationale for Spain, Portugal, Denmark, and Iceland. The confirmation hearing: validity very narrowly, thus giving the governments in Scotland, France, Finland, most limited possible effect to the Supreme Luxembourg and the United Kingdom have One can conclude that certain essential, or Court precedent that had upheld a state’s all indicated they anticipate having marriage fundamental, rights should exist in any just criminalization of homosexual conduct.” equality by 2015. society. … Many argue that a just society grants a right to engage in homosexual Kennedy’s 2003 opinion in Lawrence v. Michigan and 14 other states have asked conduct. Texas not only overruled Bowers and forbid the Supreme Court to hear the DOMA the banning of homosexual sodomy, but cases and to uphold its constitutionality. If that view is accepted, the Bowers decision it also controversially cited foreign laws, However, since Justice Scalia has said (banning homosexual sodomy)… says the including the European Court of Human that our opponents’ arguments no longer State of Georgia has the right to make a wrong Rights, to support his legal conclusion. pass constitutional muster, and since more decision—wrong in the sense that it violates than 40 judges have already found DOMA some people’s views of rights in a just society. Judge Walker’s ruling in 2010 that overturned unconstitutional, and since Justice Kennedy California’s Proposition 8 banning same-sex has already authored 2 milestone pro-gay We can extend that slightly to say that marriage was characterized as follows: Walker decisions, I foresee a favorable outcome for Georgia’s right to be wrong in matters not “is not Anthony Kennedy. But when the chips gays and lesbians by next June.

@ Everybody Reads book and stuff Address: 2019 E. Michigan Ave, Lansing MI 48912

For more information: Please contact John Vaca [email protected]

Join face book page: TheClosetLgbtBookClub

8 Lansing Association for Human Rights - GLBT News Every year I do a little more and more. neighborhood. This year, I am really All I’m Saying... My partner will tell you I’m a little going to make an effort to be THE obsessed with Halloween. I would not best in the neighborhood. I live in a by Dan Boutell say I’m obsessed. I would say I really, big neighborhood so; there is a lot of really, really enjoy competition. However, I am up to the Fall & Halloween Halloween. I don’t challenge! know why. I don’t Ahhhh! It’s that time enjoy scary movies. I do the whole “graveyard” thing in of year again. Gay I go to Haunted the front yard. I have everything from Christmas is coming! Houses but, I hang tombstones, to dead rising from the You know, Halloween! onto someone and grave. I also have a fog machine, a I love this time of year. Well, love is a scream like a girl witch’s cauldron (with lights to mimic a strong word. I hate the thought that the when spooked so, I’m not a huge fan of fire) and bones strewn about the yard. I weather is getting colder and the trees those either. I don’t know why I love have ghosts floating in the windows and are shedding their leaves. I do love Halloween, I just do. black lights all around the porch. It all Halloween though. takes me quite a while to set up and then My parents let me go all out when I was constant maintenance when the weather Fall is a very cool time of year. I know a kid too. I was more into decorating takes a nasty turn. literally it is a “cool” time of year for Christmas as a kid but, I did enjoy but, that’s not what I meant. I enjoy decorating for Halloween too. I didn’t This year, I have some tricks up my the colors on the trees. I love going to enjoy it so much as a really little kid sleeve to try to trump everyone else. I cider mills and having freshly made because I was too interested in going trick hope I am successful. Time will tell. The donuts and cider. I love walking through or treating. But, as I got older and quit point is, fall is on the way. No matter pumpkin patches to pick out just the going, I really got into the decorating. whether you like it or not, it’s coming. right pumpkins. You know, not too big, Why not make the most of it? not too small, and not all flat on one This last year, we were the best side. The perfect pumpkins to turn into decorated houses on the street. Tell me what you think. Comments great jack-o-lanterns! We probably were in the running (hopefully positive) are always welcome. for best decorated in the whole Write me at [email protected]

Research Study (Continued from page 7) associated with feelings of job satisfaction and support, and overall emotional health.

Out Work for Participants will be asked to complete a series of on-line questionnaires on various topics PEACE, JUSTICE, and relating to their experiences as an LGBT professional employee.

HUMAN RIGHTS A large and representative respondent sample is needed to produce reliable Before and AFTER the Election! and valid survey data. Researchers hope to capture a wide variety of professional classifications, representing various areas of the country and world, urban and rural, and from The Greater Lansing Network Against War & Injustice, all sizes of communities and jurisdictions. working for peace and Justice in the Lansing area. To participate in the survey, visit www. For more information, Donations Welcome contact Michael Evitts at mevitts@emich. edu; or Stephen Jefferson at sjeffer2@ Contact: R Cole Bouck, President Michigan Gay Officers Action League (MI-GOAL) October 2012 9 reaffirm our support for a Constitutional of LGBT attendees at the convention, Campaigns Begin amendment defining marriage as the union and the 2012 Democratic National (Continued from page 4) of one man and one woman. We applaud Convention was the most LGBT That is why Congressional Republicans the citizens of the majority of States which inclusive event in the history of the took the lead in enacting the Defense of have enshrined in their constitutions the Democratic Party. The Convention Marriage Act, affirming the right of States traditional concept of marriage… on the first day accounted for 551, and the federal government not to recognize with fourteen of them from the state of same-sex relationships licensed in other We recognize and honor the courageous Michigan. That number included 486 jurisdictions. The current Administration’s efforts of those who bear the many delegates, 23 alternates, 20 standing open defiance of this constitutional burdens of parenting alone, even as we committee members, and 5 pages! principle—in its handling of immigration believe that marriage, the union of one Every state in the union was represented cases, in federal personnel benefits man and one woman must be upheld as by LGBT delegates. LGBT delegates ,in allowing a same-sex marriage at a the national standard, a goal to stand for, were also from Puerto Rico and Guam. military base, and in refusing to defend encourage, and promote through laws That number includes an historic 13 DOMA in the courts—makes a mockery governing marriage...” openly transgender people, including of the President’s inaugural oath… We Michigan’s Amy Hunter, president In addition to the of Equality Michigan Pride PAC as party platforms, the reported by Between The Lines News. Stonewall Democrats reported record- There are a couple of things that setting statistics about everyone can help with to make the LGBT participation quality of life for our LGBT community at the Democratic better. Encourage everyone to get Party Convention. registered to vote by October 9th and National Stonewall then encourage everyone to vote on Democrats worked November 6 or earlier by absentee with the Democratic ballot. This election is critical – it’s a Party for years to choice of moving forward or moving increase the number backward!!

10 Lansing Association for Human Rights - GLBT News You Are Invited to an MSU Speaker Series from MSU Michigan State University will host a speaker series examining the issue of whether sexual orientation is determined before birth. The series is titled “Whom You Love: The of Sexual Orientation.” It will feature a number of national experts who will discuss the scientific evidence that processes at work before birth influence the development of sexual orientation.

MI-GOAL and Equality Band section at Lugnut Equality Night. The lectures will be held at 4 p.m. every Monday in Room 115B Wells EQUALITY NIGHT AT THE LUGNUTS Hall. Providing funding for the series are LAHR, the MSU Office for Inclusion by Gary Hicks, Equality Band and Intercultural Initiatives, the College of Human Medicine, Lyman The Equality Band of Michigan and the Michigan Gay Officers Action Briggs College, the LBGT Resource Center and the League (MI-GOAL) participated in a night of baseball, fireworks, and Program. pride at the 2012 Equality Night at the Lugnuts in August . Equality Night celebrated both the quest for LGBT equality as well as the “Scientific findings over the past 15 years or so have built a solid case that anniversary of women’s voting equality in the United States. events and processes at work before birth have an influence on whether a person will grow up to be gay or straight,” said Marc Breedlove, director of Sistrum, the Lansing women’s chorus, and the Equality Band jointly the MSU Neuroscience Program and organizer of the series. “We want to bring that information together in a format that everyone can understand so performed the National Anthem before the game and then performed they can see that nature has a say in whom you love.” Take Me Out to the Ball Game at the 7th Inning. Check out the pictures with this article. The performance was well received by the large crowd. For more on the series, including a list of speakers as well as information on a documentary that Breedlove is developing on the subject, visit www.

Everyone is invited to attend the following:

1-Oct Paul L. Vasey, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Lethbridge No Dodos: What Cross-Cultural Research Tells us About Why Homosexual Males Do Not Become Extinct (Continued on page 12) Sistrum and Equality Band perform at Lugnut Equality Night.

October 2012 11 Speaker Series (Continued from page 11) Luxury Properties 1-Oct For Rent & For Sale Paul L. Vasey, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Lethbridge For Rent No Dodos: What Cross-Cultural Research Tells us About Why For Houses, apts, RV sites(6). For Homosexual Males Do Not Become Extinct Rent Sale For Sale 8-Oct Cafe for sale as well as several of the houses. Lots for sale, both Charles Roselli, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Physiology waterfront and water access with seller financing available and Pharmacology, Oregon Health and Science University Barnyard Insights Into Sexuality All apts and houses are considered Luxury and the real estate is very nice, unique, et al. Must see to believe! 15-Oct No lecture Free Use! Our tenants and customers have free use of three timeshares 22-Oct in Cancun, Playa del Carmen etc. (must pay own weekly Meredith Chivers, Ph.D. maintenance fee). The timeshares cost over $100,000 and are Assistant Professor, Queen’s National Scholar; Department of very nice; all are ocean front or lagoon front. One is extreme- Psychology; Queen’s University ly private - about 20 units only (ocean front - only feet from The Puzzle of Women’s Sexual Orientation - Why Straight ocean - ) and is gated. Also, free use of my 12 acres of mani- Sexuality Isn’t so Straightforward in Women cured park-like properties on the Grand River AT the Portland Dam. Several firepits with wood etc. Canoeing, pontooning, 29-Oct fishing, picnicing etc. for tenants, customers etc. use. Also Simon LeVay, Ph.D. have other riverfront properties available for hunting etc. West Hollywood My Made Me Gay: Sexual Orientation, Science, and Contact Dave at Society (Continued on page 14) 517-896-6720 or email at [email protected]

12 Lansing Association for Human Rights - GLBT News for the Employment Non-Discrimination • Hyatt is a longtime supporter and Hyatt Hotels The Best Act (EDNA), a bill that would prohibit partner of NGLCC, the National Gay discrimination in hiring and employment and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce from Chicago, IL (PRWEB) on the basis of sexual orientation or gender equality. • Hyatt was named “best gay hotel (Publisher’s Note – Last month we had an collection” and received the “PlanetOut article about Hyatt and labor problems. Late last year, the Human Rights Campaign Travel Award,” one of the most I received a comment and the following Foundation named Hyatt one of the “Best prestigious awards recognizing a information that shows the other side of Places to Work for LGBT Equality” for hotelier’s commitment to serving the the coin.) the eighth consecutive year as a result of LGBT community the company’s 100 percent ranking on To celebrate LGBT Pride Month 2012, HRC’s 2012 Corporate Equality Index. The Hyatt Corporation’s employees enjoy volunteers from HyPride, Hyatt’s newly ranking includes perfect marks in Hyatt’s domestic partner benefits, including health formed employee-networking group for protection against discrimination based on insurance, medical leave, bereavement pay, members and supporters of the LGBT sexual orientation and gender equality and and relocation expenses. community that work at Hyatt hotels, parity of health care benefits for domestic Hyatt’s HyPride team staffed booths at volunteered at seven Pride events across the partners. Hyatt also received recognition for LGBT Pride Month events in Baltimore; country. its diversity training, internal resources for Boston; Chicago; Minneapolis; New York; LGBT associates, and external support for “Hyatt believes our path to becoming the San Francisco; Seattle; Tampa/St. Pete, Fla.; the LGBT community. most preferred brand in every segment we and Washington, D.C. serve starts with building and sustaining a Over the years, Hyatt’s significant For more information, please visit culture that recognizes and appreciates the commitment to the LGBT community has diversity of our Hyatt family,” said Robb generated other accolades and recognition Webb, executive sponsor of HyPride and including: chief human resources officer, Hyatt Hotels Corporation. “Hyatt is deeply committed • Advocate Magazine named Hyatt to our associates and to our core value as one of the “Top-Ten Gay Friendly of mutual respect and we fully support Employers in America” and our LGBT associates, guests, and owners DiversityInc Magazine rated Hyatt ensuring a welcoming environment where among the “Top Companies for Gay, they can perform to their fullest potential.” Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employees” Hyatt is proud of its record as one of the most widely recognized supporters of • Hyatt is a longtime supporter and LGBT equality in the workplace. Recently, partner of GLAAD, the Gay and Webb submitted a statement to the Senate Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Committee on Health, Education, Labor and IGLTA, the International Gay and Pensions advocating Hyatt’s support Lesbian Travel Association

Duane Mooney & Gregory Serrano October 13th 12 Years

Sara & Stacey October 25th 3 Years

October 2012 13 only way they will be able to vote. If we each Bumper stickers and signs are also useful, and A Matter of Law help one person vote who otherwise could not, tee shirts are particularly useful, since they (Continued from page 1) we are helping to maintain democracy in this encourage face-to-face discussion. One-on- abusive relationships that they cannot escape country, which is an example to the world. Feel one discussion about the issues is perhaps our to get to the polls. Some people are prevented free to give a copy of this article, or any part of most effective tool. And yard signs can be a from voting because of disabilities or lack of it, to anyone who may need this information. I powerful statement on behalf of a candidate or transportation. Then there are the criminal, have helped people I didn’t even know register issue. Volunteer efforts are being coordinated by deceptive or just outrageous steps that some to vote. Many people really want and need this various groups, online and in person, including unscrupulous individuals take to prevent information. Some of us live in one city and party headquarters. I look forward to seeing the citizens from voting. I consider it a privilege to work in another. If this causes you to be unable LAHR recommendations and to watching the vote in every election, no matter how “minor.” to vote, you are entitled to an absentee ballot. debates. See you at the polls! ALL of the elections, city, state and federal, will have a direct impact on our lives. And don’t forget the young adults who are new to this process. Perhaps they have not Don’t miss this opportunity to be heard. You yet registered to vote or need to discuss the Speaker Series can register to vote for federal, state, and candidates and the issues with someone who is (Continued from page 12) local elections by mail; at your county, city, more experienced. The first time I was eligible 5-Nov or township clerk’s office; or by visiting any to vote, I almost didn’t vote at all. In the final J. Michael Bailey, Ph.D. Secretary of State branch office. For more few weeks, I decided that one of the presidential Professor, Department of Psychology, information on how to register to vote, go to candidates must be worse than the other. I read Northwestern University,1607,7-127- everything I could find about the candidates Is Sexual Orientation Chosen, Learned, 1633_11619-123989--,00.html#5. If you and the election and voted and I am very glad Inborn, Genetic, or What? will be out of town on election day, if you that I did. Here is a suggestion. Talk to two are over 60, or if you are unable to go to the of your friends or relatives about the issues in 12-Nov polls or to vote without assistance, you can the election. Keep an open mind, even if they Ray Blanchard, Ph.D. obtain an absentee ballot by calling your city do not. Education is everything here. It is the Adjunct Professor, Department of or township hall. If you are uncertain whom discussion that counts, so do your best to listen Psychiatry, University of Toronto to call, your local librarian can help you or to their opinions and concerns, and to engage How and Why Do Older Brothers check this website: them in the discussion. Assist them in getting Influence Sexual Orientation in Men? sos/0,1607,7-127-1633-21037--,00.html. Your to the polls if necessary. Then ask them to 26-Nov request for an absentee voter ballot must be in talk to two of their friends or relatives and to To be announced writing and can be submitted to your city or assist them if they can. The internet may also township clerk. (For assistance in obtaining be useful in urging your friends and relatives to 3-Dec the address of your city or township clerk, see vote, however, in this electronic age, personal Alice Dreger, Ph.D. You must contact is still very convincing. My mother has Professor of Clinical Medical Humanities request an absentee voter ballot by mailing been known to distribute factual information and Bioethics, Feinberg School of Medicine, the online application, a letter, a postcard, or about the candidates all over my hometown. Northwestern University a pre-printed application form obtained from She posts signs in the rear window of her car. Trying to ‘Choose’ Our Children’s your local clerk’s office. Requests to have an She engages strangers, checkout clerks, bank Sexual Orientation: Missteps, absentee voter ballot mailed to you must be tellers, anyone, in conversations about the Misunderstandings, and the received by your clerk no later than 2 p.m. the issues and encourages them to vote. Go Mom! Marketplaces of Motherhood Saturday before the election, but please don’t We can all do something and we must keep wait that long! Please note the word mailing. doing it until the results are in. Some people do 10-Dec You can fill out the application online, but not know what to do, or are too busy or too shy S. Marc Breedlove Ph.D. you must mail it to the clerk. Please keep this to talk to people about the issues. If this is true Rosenberg Professor of Neuroscience, information in mind when talking to your of you, then just send money, whatever you can Michigan State University friends and relatives about the election. For afford. It takes money to win an election and it Whom You Love: The Road We’ve many individuals, an absentee ballot is the is a way of showing support for the candidate. Traveled

For all your printing needs:

3711 Plaza Drive • Lansing, MI 48906 • 517.321.3731 • Fax: 517.321.1283 • [email protected]

14 Lansing Association for Human Rights - GLBT News Calendar of Events! Join LAHR Today!

SUNDAY The purpose of the Lansing Association for Human Rights is to improve • Covenant Life Worship Center - noon (Wed. 7:30 p.m.) - 1380 Haslett Rd., Haslett - the quality of life for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people Phil & Marilyn Parmelee at 339-9590, throughout the greater Lansing area through Civil rights activities, com- • First Presbyterian Church - LAHR Institutional Member - Sunday service at 10 a.m. munications, education, social events and supportive services. 510 W. Ottawa St. - contact Tracy at 482-0668 or [email protected] • Light House Chapel - An Open and Affirming Church - LGBT friendly-11:00 a.m. Membership &Subscription Information service - 1501 Windsor St., Lansing, 48906. Contact (517) 394-2080 for info. • All Saints Episcopal Church, Open and Affirming, Sunday Service 10am, 800 Abbot, Name(s)______East Lansing. Address______• Edgewood United Church of Christ, Open and Affirming, Sunday Service 10am, City/State/Zip______469 N. Hagadorn, East Lansing • Unitarian Universalist Church, Open and Affirming, Sunday Services 9:15am & Phone/Email______11:15am, 85 Grove, East Lansing • Volleyball - With warm weather - 1:00 – 5:00 – Sharp Park north of the Lansing Mall. I want my LAHR newsletter mailed to my home e mailed to me For information, contact Bill at 337-1419 or email [email protected]. • Fellowship for Today - 5:30 p.m. - Open & Affirming - Lansing Korean United Yes, I would like to join LAHR to support its activities Methodist Church, 2400 E. Lake Lansing Rd., E. Lansing – contact (517) 337-4070 or by enclosing my contribution of: [email protected]. $15.00 Limited income membership includes the monthly LGBT • Unity of Greater Lansing - 11:30am - Temporarily located at Plymouth Congregational Church, 2001 East Grand River Avenue 48912, contact 517-371-3010 or News, Association voting rights and a tax deduction. [email protected]. $20.00 or more $______Individual membership includes the • Red Cedar Friends Quaker Meeting - 1400 Turner Street, Lansing. Meetings for Worship in the manner of friends Sundays 9:00 to 10:00 am & 10:30 - 11:30 am. monthly LGBT News, Association voting rights and a tax deduction. Childcare available. Open and Affirming. $40.00 or more $______Family membership includes the monthly MONDAY LGBT News, Association voting rights for up to two (2) individuals in the • Lansing Community College Gay Straight Alliance - Meets every Monday at 6pm in Gannon Building Room 304 on LCC Main Campus, 422 North Washington Square household, and a tax deduction. - contact Frank Vaca [email protected] or Jennifer Spenny Spennyj@lcc. edu for more information $100.00 Institutional membership includes membership, 3 ads in The • LGBT AA meeting - 7:30 p.m., University Lutheran Church, South Harrison, in East LGBT News, monthly listing in the Newsletter Calendar and listing on the Lansing. LAHR website. • Social Knit Night - 2nd Monday of each month. 6:30 - 9:00 p.m., 319 S. Waverly Rd. • Gay Bowling - Every Monday. Location changed back to Spare Time on July 2. Starts Please make checks payable and return to: LAHR, PO Box 14009, Lansing, MI 48901-4009 at 9pm until midnight – A benefit for Michigan Pride. For information,contact Shelly at or visit and donate via pay pal. [email protected]. First time members will receive a LAHR T-shirt. TUESDAY Contributions to LAHR are deductible on your federal income tax return. • Grand River Connection - 4th Tuesday casual group for the “creative class.” Sign-up and get more info at: • Euchre at Esquire Club - registration at 6:30 p.m. • LanSINGout Gay Men’s Chorus - Weekley rehearsals are at the Molly Grove Chapel Pet Support Services, Inc. of the First Presbyterian Church at 510 W. Ottawa St. in downtown Lansing from 6:45- P.O. Box 13251, Lansing, MI 48901-3251 8:45pm. To email: [email protected] or visit the website at or call (517) 267-9299 or email us at [email protected] • Michigan Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Straight Allies of Faith Working for Justice for All - 6:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month in Lansing at a different spiritual place – contact Khristian at (586) 801-5427 or kspeelman@afsc. org - • LGBTQA with Disabilities Group - weekly at 5:30pm-7:30pm - at Capital Area Center for Independent Living, 2812 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Lansing - for more Advertise in the LGBT News! information, contact Frank Vaca on Facebook or call (517) 643-1491. WEDNESDAY • Coffee Evening - 7pm at The Avenue Cafe (formerly Gone Wired Café) Deadline is the 10th of each month • Suits And The City - 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the Month - the location changes each month - please visit www. for the location or to contact the organization. Our advertising rates: • Karaoke Night - 9:00 p.m. at Esquire Full page - $90 All ads must be submitted • Sistrum, Lansing Womens Chorus - 7-9pm, Wed. at Central United Methodist 2/3 page - $75 in electronic format, Church, 215 N Capitol, Lansing. preferably in a EPS format. • Just B Yoga and Tai Chi, LLC - FREE community yoga class, 6:30 - 8 p.m. 1/2 page - $65 Wednesdays, 106 Island Avenue, REO Town, Lansing. This is a flowing yoga class for 1/3 page - $45 all levels. Just B loves the LGBT community and encourages all to explore the benefits Pay for 6 months in advance and of cultivating a healthy body-mind connection. Come early. Space fills fast. Mats are 1/4 page - $35 get one month free! available. More info: 517-488-5260 1/6 page - $25 THURSDAY • Bingo - 7:00 p.m. at Esquire For more information contact Bill Beachler FRIDAY • LAHR Downtown Lunch - 11:45 a.m. second Friday at Meditaran at 333 S. 517-337-1419 or Washington, credit cards accepted! Contact Greg at [email protected] email Bill at [email protected] • LGBT AA meeting, 6:30 p.m., at University United Methodist Church, South Harrison, in East Lansing • LAHR Friday Night Dinner - 6:30 p.m. on third Friday of the month. Meets at different restaurant each month. Contact Gary at [email protected]

SATURDAY • LAHR Breakfast Club - 10 a.m. 4th Saturday each month. Contact Bill for location and Visit LAHR Online!! questions at 337-1419 or [email protected] VARIES • Equality Band of Michigan – Rehearsals have been Sunday at 5:00 or Monday at 7:00 at Everybody Reads, 2019 E. Michigan Ave. in Lansing. For exact information, contact Gary at [email protected] or 517-525-1732 NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID LANSING, MI PERMIT NO. 145

P.O. Box 656514009 Lansing,East Lansing, MI 48901-4009 MI 48826