Documentation and Environment of Apollo 16 Samples
1972021174 _.1" I,, _ ii ] I *i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENTOF THE INER IOR GEOLOGICALSURVEY p0 ,< I_, ,1 t_ i._ UI •._ :3[ 0 I INTERAGENCY REPORT: ASTROGEOLOGY 51 _.ZM:3zI_ Documentation and environment of the -u= =-* Apollo 16 samples: A preliminary report _ o o_ '. L_. _1_ I'_ :' Dy .OOP_ _-" _O:I: .'' Apollo Lunar Geology InvestigationTeam .-.;_ C:) U.S. Geological Survey _ _ n 0c.,I May 26. 1972 _ OOz ". _ P] -.,... ared under NASA Contract No,,T-5874A _ H ,,. i._(J)Q ._ " .... ]_ Z • _/);311 lJ)_d ,' 0 " I L*JI::; I'_ =" This reNrt ia _reliminary andhis not m beenedited or reviewedfor conforaity with ih$, 6eololicll Survey standards _- and nml/nc | a_.irl° w o Prieared by the blqlcal Surveyfor the " iaticnll Mronsutics end lllmct o',,: -., .:. AIkllnIstratJl_ -* _ ' ,'_ ",7" bJ I._ I -' . ,: O0 _ b,_ .., : ".<, CO " b' I I I I _ II IIII I I I I| ..i,,_ :' _.'.,, ' **_, .......................... ,, ,, i in i rl i r 1 .... i ii i Iii ................................. l i 97202 i i 74-002 9 i-:' • _!,_ _., INTERAGENCYREPORT: a_T,ROGEOLOGY51 _'._.-'._-._. ._._. Documentation and environment of the ?_,_-.._i: Apollo 16 sam,.'les: A preliminary report , ,..' by .... 2"¢ _" Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team ', _.,_ ._._j_:_._ U.S. Geological Survey. / '_ May 26, _972 , ._.i_ The people who contributed directly to this report are: W. R. Muehlberger, _..,,._:_ , N.G. Bailey, R.PreparedM.
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