OFFICIAL USE ONLY SecM2006-0447 IDA/SecM2006-0557

November 8,2006

FROM: Vice President and Corporate Secretary

Monthly Operational Summary of Bank and IDA Proposed Projects (as of October 15,2006)

Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates President Bank Group Senior Management Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads, Bank, IFC and MIGA

This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its content! may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. THE WORLD BANK MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY


User’s Guide 3 Global Environment Facility 4

Projects in the Pipeline New Projects 5 Projects Deleted 6 AfricaRegion 7 East Asia and Pacific Region 18 South Asia Region 27 Europe and Central Asia Region 34 Middle East and North Africa Region 42 Latin America and the Caribbean Region 46 Guarantee Operations 56 List of Acronyms 58

Entries for Projects in the Pipeline are organized by region, country and economic sector. Entries preceded by (N) denote new listings; (R) indicates a revision or update from the previous month’s listing. The portions of the entry that differ appear in italic type. A sample entry is included in the User’s Guide, which begins on the next page.


Economic Management Private Sector Development Education Public Sector Governance Environment and Natural Resources Management Rural Development Energy and Mining (including Renewable Energy) Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Finance (including noncompulsory pensions, insurance Social Protection and contractual savings) Transportation Health, Nutrition and Population Urban Development Information and Communication Water and Sanitation Law and Justice

Copyright 0 2006 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, 1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433. The material contained in The World Bank Monthly Operational Summary may not be reproduced, transmitted or photocopied in any form, or by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 3

GUIDETO THE WORLD BANK MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY The World Bank Monthly Operational Summary reports on the implementing agencies, have full responsibility for the design status of projects in the World Bank’s pipeline from the point of and execution of World Bank-financed projects, including the identificationof investmentopportunities to the signing of the loan, hiring of consultants and the procurement of goods and works. credit or grant agreement. It is a detailed accounting of the pro- Contractors and suppliers, therefore, should contact appropriate jects included in the country lending programs that are actively officials of the implementing agency to express their interest in being preparedfor implementation.The lending programs reflect specilic projects. They should obtain information on what goods the Bank‘s strategy for each member country as set out in the and services will be needed and when and how to submit bids respective Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) papers and notes and proposals. presented to the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank. During implementation, consultants are often used to provide On average, it takes about 13 months for the Bank to process a technical assistance and other project implementationsupport. Un- project from concept document to approval. After a financing like contracts for goods and works, those for consulting services agreement is signed, or a project removed from the program, the are not usually advertised. Therefore, consultants in particular project entry is dropped. should contact the responsible implementing agency early in the Each issue of the summary contains a list of projects being re project preparation period to express their interest. Contracts for ported for the fust time as well as a list of projects for which fi- consulting services, as well as some for goods and works, may also nancing agreementshave been signed or that have been dropped be procured prior to loan/credit/grant approval.This is known as from the current program. advance contracting. By becoming familiar with the Bank’s project cycle, which is The information contained in ne World Bank Monthly Operational summarized in the following paragraphs, consultants or suppli- Summary is intended to enable companies to assess their inter- ers of goods and works can gauge when the timing is right to pur- est in supplying Bank-financed projects. Further information sue business opportunities with Bank borrowers. Each entry in should be requested from the country’s project implementing the Monthly Operational Summary tells at what point in the cy- agency. The likelihood of a timely response is greater if the cle a particular project resides. queries are brief and to the point. When possible, travel to the Project Cycle country and direct contact with relevant agency officials is rec- During IDENTLFICATION, both the client government and the ommended. Bank are involved in analyzing development strategies for the cow Firms should contact the World Bank only if they are unable to try’s economy as a whole and in identifying projects that support obtain a response to their queries from the implementing agency. those strategies. General information about business opportunities under Bank PREPARATION,the second stage of the cycle, is the respon- loans, credits and grants may be obtained from the World Bank’s sibility of the client government During preparation, the technical Procurement Policy and Services Group’s website at: and institutional alternatives for achieving the objectives of a pro- (click on bidding and con- ject are idenaed and discussed. Preparationusually requires fea- sulting opportunities). sibility studies followed by more detailed studies of the alternatives Environmental Categories that promise to yield the most satisfactory results. An environ- mental assessment is usually carried out during this phase. (See The type, timing and scope of environmental analysis to be per- below for more information on environmental assessment.) formed by Bank clients are to be confirmed when a given pro- ject is identified. Projects are assigned one of the following In the preparation stage of the project cycle, clients often sup categories based upon the nature, magnitude and sensitivity of plement their own efforts by hiring consultants to carry out a ma- environmental issues: jor part of the work. Contractors and suppliers of equipment and goods need to start making contacts with country officials dur- Category A: Environmental assessmentis normally required, as ing this stage. the project may have adverse and significant environmental im- pacts. Project APPRAISAL the responsibility of the Bank, provides a comprehensive review of all aspects of the project (technical, in- Category B: More limited environmental analysis is appropriate, stitutional, economic and fjnancial) and lays the foundation for im- as the project may have specific environmental issues. plementing the project and evaluating it when completed. Category C: Projects include the environmental category A, B Conducted by Bank staff, project appraisal may be supplemented or C, except in the case of financial intermediary loans, credits by individual experts. The preparationof the ProjectAppraisal Doc- and grants, which are designated “FI,” and development policy ument concludes this stage. loans, credits and grants, which are not categorized. The ab During NEGOTIATION, discussions are held with the client sence of a category is shown by the letter “U”. government, and the agreements reachedare written into the loan Business opportunities arising from World Bank projects documents. Upon completion of negotiations, the project is pre after they have been approved, including invitations to bid and sented to the Fkecutive Directors for approval. Merapproval, the to submit proposals on Bank projects and notices of contract financing agreement is signed. awards, appear twice a month in UN Development Business and Project IMPIJZMEmmONnormally starts within a few months are available via the internet at UN Development Business On- of project financing agreement signing. Countries, through their line at>. PAGE 4 Monthlv ODerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006

A tvpical summary entry looks like this:

Vietnam 4 0 Name of borrowing country 0 (R) = revised; (N) = new entry (R) Payment Systems and Bank Moderniza- tion: The project will establish a computerized payments system in order to improve efficiency Project description and modernize the banking sector. Technical - assistance to strengthen the institutional capacity t------. Italics indicate change from last month's listing of participating commercial banks will also be pro- vided. Preappraisal mission completed. Environ- mental Assessment Category C. PID: VNMPA028. 'ID= Project identification Amount of financing in US$ millions (source) bUS$ 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for - project management and commercial bank institu- tional studies. Project Management Unit, Payment System and Bank Modernization Project, State Name/address of implementing agency Bank of Vietnam, 49 Ly Thai To, Vietnam, Fax: - (84-4) 258-385, Contact Mr. Nguyen Van Binh


In addition to projects financed by the World Bank, The World funds: (a) if they are eligible for financial assistancethrough the Bank Monthly Operational Summary reports on projects financial mechanism of either the Climate Change Convention financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF or the Convention on Biological Diversity; or (b) if they are eli- provides grants and concessional funding to recipient coun- gible to borrow from the World Bank OBRD and/or IDA) or tries for projects and programs that protect the global envi- receive technical assistance grants from UNDPthrough a Coun- ronment and promote sustainable economic growth. try Programme. A country must be a party to the Climate Change Convention or the Convention of Biological Diversity The facility, set up as a pilot program in 1991, was restructured to receive funds from the GEF in the relevant focal area. and replenished with over Us2billion in 1994, and replenished with another Us4billion in 1998, to cover the agreed incre- GEF projects must be country-driven, incorporate consulta- mental costs of activities that benefit the global environment in tion with local communities and, where appropriate, involve non- four focal areas: climate change, biological diversity, international governmental organizations in project implementation. waters, and stratospheric ozone. Activities concerning land For additional information on the GEE contact the GEF secretariat degradation, primarily desertification and deforestation, as they or visit its site on the World Wide Web at: relate to the four focal areas, are also eligible for funding. Both the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Con- The GEF Secretariat vention on Biological Diversity have designatedthe GEF as their 1818 H St. NW funding mechanism on an interim basis. Washington DC 20433, USA GEF projects and programs are managed through three imple- Tel: (1-202) 473-0508 menting agencies: the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Fax: (1-202) 522-3240, 522-3245 the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank. E-mail: Secretariat@TheGEEorg The GEF Secretariat, which is functionally independent from the three implementing agencies, reports to and services the Council and Assembly of the GEE The GEF is striving for universal participation, and currently 168 countries are participants. Countries may be eligible for GEF NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 5

New Projects Added in This Issue

Africa Region South Asia Region Congo, Democratic Republic of India Energy and Mining Regional and Domestic Power Economic Management Third Andhra Pradesh Markets Development P. 8 Economic Reform p. 29 Ethiopia Public Sector Governance: Statistical Strengthening p. 30 Water and Sanitation: Urban Water Supply and Sanitation p. 10 Rural Development Andhra Pradesh Community-Based Mali Tanks Management p. 30 Economic Management Poverty ReductionSupport p. 12 Nepal Mauritius Social Development, Gender and Inclusion: Fiance: Development Policy p. 12 Second Poverty Alleviation Fund p. 32 Pakistan Mozambique Transportation: Karachi Dockers Labor Environment and Natural Resources Management Board Restructuring p. 33 Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries p. 13 Transportation: National Trade Corridor Niger Improvement Program p. 33 Transportation: Transport Sector Program Support p. 13 Sri Ianka Regional Social Protection: Puttalam Housing p. 34 Environment and Natural Resources Management Environmental Information Management, Phase 2 p. 14 Europe and Central Asia Region Environment and Natural Resources Management Armenia Marine Highway and Coastal Contamination Prevention p. 14 Economic Management Poverty Reduction Strategy p. 34 Environment and Natural Resources Management: Targeted Poland Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management p. 14 Law and Justice: Legal and Judicial p. 38 Information and Communication: Romania Communications Infrastructure p. 15 Environment and Natural Resources Management Transportation: West and Central Africa Air Transport Environment Management p. 39 Safety and Security p. 15 Swaziland Middle East and North Africa Region Urban Development Local Government p. 16 Djibouti Rural Development Avian Influenza Prevention and Control p. 42 Tanzania Iran Education: Zanzibar Secondary Education p. 17 Water and Sanitation: Second Tehran Sewerage p. 43 Transportation: Central Transport Corridor Scale-Up p. 17 Lebanon Uganda Urban Development Municipal Infrastructure Energy and Mining Private Power Generation p. 17 Additional Financing p. 45 Energy and Mining. Thermal Power Generation p. 17 Water and Sanitation: Emergency Bekaa East Asia and Pacific Region Water Supply and Modernization p. 45 China Latin America and the Caribbean Region Transportation: Shizheng Railway p. 19 Argentina Urban Development Guizhou Cultural and Natural Rural Development Provincial Agricultural Heritage Infrastructure and Management p. 20 Development Additional Financing p. 47 Urban Development Han River Urban Rural Development Small Farmer Development Environment Improvement p. 20 Additional Financing p. 47 Indonesia Bolivia Finance: Second Government Financial Management Rural Development Second Participatory Rural Investment p. 48 and Revenue Administration p. 22 Brazil Rural Development Agricultural Exports Competitiveness p. 22 Transportation: Goias State Highway Management AF'L 2 p. 49 Social Protection: Kecamatan Based Reconstruction Chile and Rehabilitation Planning in Nias p. 22 Rural Development Ministry of Public Works Iao People's Democratic Republic Development Policy p. 50 Private Sector Development Trade Facilitation p. 24 Rural Development Ministry of Public Works Papua New Guinea Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance p. 50 Transportation: Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Mexico Additional Financing p. 24 Education: Second Tertiary Education Student Assistance p. 53 Samoa Regional Transportation: Second Infrastructure Asset Finance: Catastrophe Insurance p. 55 Management Additional Financing p. 25 Uruguay Vietnam Rural Development Foot and Mouth Disease Economic Management Sixth Poverty Reduction Support p. 26 Additional Financing p. 55 PAGE 6 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006

Projects Deleted From This Issue Africa Region Emergency National Solidarity Additional Financing (H209AF) Urban Water Sector (H225AF) Benin: Management of Forests and Adjacent Lands Bhutan Development Policy (H223-BHU) National Parks Conservation and Management In& BUrUndi: Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihood Improvement Economic Reform Support (H244BUR) Karnataka Panchayats Strengthening (Cr. 4211-IN) Cameroon: National Agricultural Innovation (Cr. 4161-IN, Cr. 4162-IN) Community Development Sustainable Land Management Second Orissa SocieEconomic Development (In. 4837-IN, Cr. 4225IN) Forestry and Environment (H207-CM) Maldives: Ethiopia: Second Post Tsunami Recovery and Reconstruction Rural Capacity Building (Cr. 4201-ET) Pakistan: Gambia, The: North West Frontier Province Development Policy (Cr. 4177-PAK) Third Education (H23GGM) Ghana: Europe and Central Asia Region E-Ghana (Cr. 4226GH) Armenia: Liberia: Avian Influenza Preparedness (Cr. 4178-AM) Emergency Infrastructure (H236LBR) Azerbaijan: Madagascar: Second Poverty Reduction Support Power/Water Sectors Recovery and Restructuring (Cr. 422SMAG) Bosnia and Herzegovina: Mali: Land Registration (Cr. 4167-BOS) Education Sector Expenditure Program APL 2 (Cr. 4222-MU) Hungary: Mauritania: Black Sea Nutrient Reduction Second Mining Sector Capacity Building Petroleum Additional Fi- Moldova, Republic of: nancing (Cr. 3810.MAU) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Community-Based Watershed Management Public Heating Biomass Systems in Rural Communities Public Sector Capacity Building Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Re Mozambique: sponse (Cr. 4188MD, H233-MD) Legal Capacity Poland Nigeria: Health Sector ModernizationTechnical Assistance Second National Fadama Development Critical Ecosystem Management Romania: Avian lnnuenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Re- Municipal Services (Ln. 4835RO) sponse (Cr. 416WNI) Tajikistan Senegal: Programmatic Development Policy (H246TJ) Second Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4158-SE) Public Sector Reform (H245TJ) Agricultural Markets and Agribusiness Development (Cr. 4151-SE) Avian Innuem and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Agricultural Services and Producer Organizations Program Phase 2 (H2Ml-J) (Cr. 4187-SE) Participatory Local Development (Cr. 4166SE) Middle East and North Africa Region LocalAuthorities Development Program (Cr. 4224SE) EgYPt: Tanzania: Ports Sector Development Financial Sector Support (Cr. 4191-TA) Morocco: Amiculturd Sector DeveloDment Promam cr. 4192-TA) Second Rural Roads (Ln. 7378MOR) Gcal Government Support Addition2 Financing (Cr. 40031-TA) Regional: Uganda: Stockpiles Program Millennium Science Initiative (Cr. 4174UG) Tunisia: Tunis West Sewerage (Ln.7397-TLJN) East Asia And Pacific Region Yemen: China: Power Sector (Cr. 4172-YEM) Economic Reform Implementation (Ln. 4820-CHA) Rainfed Agriculture and Livestock (Cr. 4220-YEM) Demonstration of Alternatives to Chlordane and Mirex in Termite Control Latin America and the Caribbean Region Changjiangand Pearl River Watershed Rehabilitation ( LA. 4832-CHA) Argentina: Sustainable Forestry Development Indonesia: InstitutionalStrengthening of the National Social Security Adminisfration Sustaining Microfinance Marine Electronic Highway Demonstration (Ln. 7318AR) Headsof Household Transition (LA. 7369AR) Philippines: National Program Support for Basic Education (Ln. 7393-PH) Catamarca Integrated Water Resource Management National Sector Support for Health Reform (Ln. 7395PH) Colombia: Third ProgrammaticLabor Reform and Social Development (Ln.740G Regional: Livestock Waste Management CO) Bogoth Disaster Vulnerability Reduction (LA. 7365CO) Vietnam: Municipal Infrastructure Development Fund Costa Ria: Water and Sanitation Sector Modernization Mekong Regional Health Support (Cr. 4153-VN) Haiti: South Asia Region Electricity Loss Reduction (H251-HA) A#lanisQn: Paraguay: Second Emergency Power Rehabilitation Financial Sector Technical Assistance (Ln. 7287-PA) Sustainable Development of Natural Resources (H238-AF) Modernization of the Ministry of Finance (Ln. 7286PA) NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 7 Parks, Private Bag B0199, Gaborone, Botswana, Tel: (267) 391-4955, Fax: (267) 391-4861, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Dr. Lucas F! Africa Gakale, Permanent Secretary Burkin a Faso Angola Economic Management Transpotfation Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy: The Emergency Multi-Sector Recovery, Phase 2: The objectives of objective of the project is to implement the poverty reduction strategy. the project are to (a) improve rural incomes, (b) enhance food secu- Project concept review is scheduled for 22 November 2006. Environ- rity in provinces most affected by the conflict, (c) improve access to mental Assessment Category U. US$ amount to be determined (IDA). essential education and health services in those same provinces, (d) Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to rehabilitate and reconstruct critical infrastructure and (e) strengthen be determined. government capacity to facilitate long-term development. Appraisal completed. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$150.0 (IDA Water and Sanitation CreditADA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Plan- Decentralized Urban Capacity Building: The objective of the pre ning, Largo 17 de Setembro, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (244-2) 338686, ject is to build up the currently inadequate urban infrastructure to (a) Fax: (244-2) 336945, Contact H.E. Ana Dias LourenCo, Minister improve links between urban areas and rural hinterlands, (b) support local financial resource mobilization, (c) increase predictability in in- Benin tergovernmental fiscal transfers and (d) increase local governments’ Economic Management capacity to carry out mandatedfunctions and foster local economic de (R) Fourth Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- velopment. Appraisal mission is scheduled for 12 February 2007. En- ject is to implement the poverty reduction strategy. Project concept re- vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 84027. US$ 10.0 (IDA). view is scheduled for lute November2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Consulting services to be determined. Poles Regionaux de Devel- Category U. US$20.0/20.0 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). Consultants will oppement, 01 BP 7050 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso, Tel: (226) be required. Ministry of Finance and Economy, BP 302, Cotonou, 7027-0983, Fax: (226) 5030-5508, E-mail: [email protected], Benin, Tel: (229) 2130-0217/5141/6103, Fax: (229) 2130-1851, Con- Contact Mr. Jean Baptiste Ouedraogo, Coordinator tact Mr. Mathias Houndonoughbo, Director, National Commission for Development and the Fight Against Poverty Burundi Education Environment and Natural Resources Management (R) Education Support: The objective of the project is to improve (R) Community-Based and Marine Biodiversity Coastal Man- access to and quality of education. Decision meeting was scheduled agement: The objective of the project is to manage the coastal zone for 10 November2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: and biological diversity sustainably. Negotiations are scheduled for 64557. US$20.0 (IDA). Consultants be required. Ministry of Ed- December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71579. will ucation and Culture, BP 1990, Bujumbura, Burundi, Tel: (257) 225112, US4.2 (GEF). Consultantswill be required. Agence Beninoise pour Fax: (257) 22&839, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. YEnvironnement, 03 BP 4387 Jericho Cotonou, Benin, Tel: (229) 214 EdouardJuma, General Inspector 556, Fax: (229) 214543, Contact Mr. Marcel Baglo Ayite, Director Gen- eral Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Health, Nutrition and Population (R) Community and Social Development: The objective of the pro- (R) Malaria Booster Control Program (H229-BEN): The objec- ject is to improve living conditions and develop capacity at the com- tive of the project is to reduce illness, lost productivity and deaths due mune level through (a) construction and rehabilitation of social and to malaria, especially for vulnerable people such as children under economic infrastructure; (b) development of young people’s capacity five and pregnant women. Thegrant is scheduled to be signed on 25 Oc- to provide social and economic goods and services: and (c) targeted tober 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96482. US$ assistance to vulnerable households for housing and livelihood re- 31.0 (IDA Grant). Consultantswill be required. Programme National covery. Appraisal was scheduled for October2006. Board presentation de Lutte contre le Paludisme, BP 882, Cotonou, Benin, Fax: (229) 336 is scheduled for February 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category 404, Email: [email protected], Contact Dr Hortense Kossou, B. PID: 95211. US$30.0 (IDAGrant). Consultantswillbe required. Min- Coordinator of Malaria Control Program istry of Finance, BP 1830, Bujumbura, Burundi,Tel: (257) 222-775, Fax: (257) 223827, Email: mini6n@usanbunet,Contact H.E. Mr. Dieudonne Information and Communication Ngowembona, Minister (R) Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is to implementthe poverty reduction strategy of sustaining macro-ece Cameroon nomic and private sector growth, improving service delivery and pro- Economic Management moting good governance. Board presentation was scheduled for 2 Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 83313. (H219-CM): The objective of the project is to facilitate implementa- US$20.0/15.0 (IDA Credit/IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. tion of the national development and poverty alleviation strategies by Ministry of Finance and Economy, BP302, Cotonou, Benin, Tel: (229) relieving the treasury of some of the burden of a portion of its exter- 2130-0217/5141/6103, Fax: (229) 2130-1851, Contact: Mr. Mathias nal debt service obligation. The grant was signed on 7 September Houndonougbo, Director, National Commission for Developmentand 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. Us31.5 (IDA Grant). the Fight Against Poverty No consultants are required. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Program- ming and RegionalDevelopment, Yaounde, Cameroon, Tel: (237) 222- Botswana 4270, Fax: (237) 222-4854, Email: [email protected], Contact Ngouembe Environment and Natural Resources Management Abandza, Project Coordinator (R) Wildlife Conilict Management and Biodivemity Conservation InfmstructweLocal Economic Development: The objective of for ImprovedIivelihoods: The objective of the project is to improve the project is to maximize the contribution of cities to sustain the de- people’s livelihoods, resolve conflicts and conserve wildlife by intre velopment of the country while vigorously attacking the roots of ducing effective measures for sustaining biodiversity and enabling poverty in and around urban areas. Appraisal is scheduled for Janu- community participation. Appraisal is scheduled for 20 April 2007. En- ary 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$20.0 (ID@,Con- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95617. US36.5 (GEF). Con- sultantswill be required. PID (Projet d!Infrastructure de Douala) / Volet sulting services to be determined. Department of Wildlife and Natural Urbain, S/C Communaute Urbaine de Douala BP 43, Douala, ~ ~~ PAGE 8 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Cameroon, Tel: (237) 342-3435/6950, Contact Mr. Missie, Project Co- approved for preparation. Consultants will be required. Ministry ofTer- ordinator ritorial Administration, Urban Policy and Habitat, BP 436, Ndjamena, Chad, Tel: (235) 544-435, Fax: (235) 523-722, Contact Dr. DobingarAl- Public Sector Governance lassembaye, Project Coordinator Transparency and Accountability Capacity Building: The objec- tive of the project is to enhance transparency and accountability in the Congo, Democratic Republic of use of public resources. Appraisal is scheduled for February 2007. En- Education vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 84160. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Pro- Education Sector: The objective of the project is to retain students gramming and Regional Development,Yaounde, Cameroon, Tel: (237) in primary school by strengthening the system's ability to provide ac- 222-4270, Fax: (237) 222-4854, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: cess to quality primary education and improving non-formalapproaches Ngouembe Abandza, Project Coordinator to achieving broader-based basic education as an alternative for cer- tain groups. Board presentation is scheduled for 12 December 2006. Cape Verde Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 86294. US$130.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Primary, Secondary Economic Management and ProfessionalEducation, Croisement des Aves, Batetela et Cliniques, (R) Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tel: (243-081) 990-8976, is to implement the poverty reduction strategy by improving the effi- Contact C. Ndom Ndaoembel, Minister ciency, effectiveness and transparency of the national budget process as the central mechanism for channeling resources towards poverty Energy and Mining reduction, by strengthening the capacity of the public administration (N) Regional and Domestic Power Markets Development: The to deliver services, and by implementing education, health and social objectives of the projectare to improvethe efficient use of existingpower protection strategies. Appraisal is scheduled for December 2006. En- generation, increase domestic availability of power to serve unmet de- vironmental Assessment Category U. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants mand, increase government revenues from electricity exports, and im- may be required for studies, analysis and program design in public ex- prove sector management. Decision meeting is scheduled for 6 penditure management, civil service reform, decentralization, judicial December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. Us235.0 reform, health sector financing, social protection systems, education (IDA). Consultants will be required. Societk Nationale d'Electricitk,2831 and professional training policy, and results-based monitoring and Avenue de la Justice, La Gombe, Kinshasa, PO Box 500, Kinshasa, De- evaluation. Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, Praia, San- mocratic Republic of Congo, Tel: (243-81) 607-6254, Fax: (243-81) 301- tiago, Republic of Cape Verde, Tel: (2382) 607-520, Fax: (2382) 613- 0382, Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 897, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Manuel Pinheiro, Contact Mr. Daniel Pembele Kimb, Coordinator; Ministere de PEn- Director General of Planning ergie/Cellule d'Appui Technique, Immeuble Regideso, 15eme etage, 5963 Bd. du 30 Juin, La Gombe, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Chad Congo, Tel: (243-81) 810-2300, Email: [email protected], Contact Energy and Mining Mr. Antoine Kalonji Petroleum Management Capacity Building Supplemental: The Rural Development objective of the project is to facilitate implementation of the Chad- Agriculture Rehabilitation and Recovery: The objectives of the Cameroon Pipeline project, particularly with respect to environmen- project are to (a) increase agricultural productivity sustainably and (b) tal issues and to development of domestic oil resources. Negotiations improve farmers' access to domestic markets. Preparation mission are scheduled for March 2007. Environmental Assessment Category: was scheduled for 20 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- C. PID: 80709. US$11.5 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Comitk egory B. PID: 92724. US$80.0 (ID&. Consultantswill be required. Min- Technique National de Suivi et de Control, N'Djamena, Chad, Tel: istry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Croisement Blvd., Du 30 (235) 52@775, Fax: (235) 52@9729, Email: [email protected], Juin Ave., Batetela, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tel: (243) 880- Contact Haroun Kabadi, National Coordinator of the Doba Project; Di- 2789/90 rection du Petrole; Coordination Nacionale Transportation Environment and Natural Resources Management Multi-ModalTransport: The objectives of the project are to (a) re- Cotton Sector Reform: The objective of the project is to restructure unify the eastern and western parts of the country and @) reduce an- and liberalize the cotton sector. Project Concept Note is being prepared. nual transport costs by at least half or the equivalent of 2% of GDP. EnvironmentalAssessment Category to be determined. US$ 10.0 (IDA Decision meeting is scheduled for 4 December 2006. Environmental Grant). Consultants will be required. CelluleTechnique de la Reforme Assessment Category A PID: 92537. US$200.0 (IDA). Consultants will du Secteur Coton., Ndjamena, Chad, TeVFax: (235) 264-854, Contact be required. Comite de Pilotage de la Reforme des Entreprises Mr. Fauba Padacke, Project Coordinator. Publiques; Office des Routes Public Sector Governance Congo, Republic of Modernization of Public Financial Management: The objective of the project is to improve the quality of public financial management Rural Development systems and strengthen capacity to make the best possible develop (R) Agridtural Development and Rural Road Rehabilitation: The mental use of all its resources, including oil revenues. Appraisal is objective of the project is to improve the living standards and increase scheduled for March 2007. Environmental Assessment Category C. income of the rural population by promoting economic diversification PID: 90265. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Cellule and growth. Appraisal was scheduled for 30 October2006. Board pre- Technique GEET: Tel: (235) 292-695, Fax: (235) 52C-451, E-mail:ma- sentation is scheduled for January 2007. Environmental Assessment ham=@, geep.finances@internettd,Contact Mahamat Category B. US$20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry Moussa Ahmat, Coordinator; Cellule Economique du GEEP, BP 144, of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, BP 2453, Brazzaville, Congo, Minist&re des Finances, N'Djamena, Chad, Tel: (235) 520-451, Mo- Tel: (242) 814-131, Contact Mr. Pierre Claver Oboukangongo, Project bile: (235) 6249329, Email: [email protected], Contact Dinanko N- Coordinator Gomibecoordonnateur du STP-PAMFIP. (R) coastal Zone and Marine Biodivemity The objective of the pro- ject is to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity Urban Development resources. Appraisal is scheduled for January 2007 and Board presen- Urban Development: The objective of the project is to rehabilitate tation for 31 May 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ infrastructure and manage urban services in the major cities. Appraisal 6.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Live- was scheduled for October 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- stock and Fisheries, BP 2453, Brazzaville, Congo, Tel: (242) 814131, gory B. PID: 72030. US$15.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant of US$l.O has been Contact Mr. Pierre Claver Oboukangongo, Project Coordinator NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Sumrnarv PAGE 9 Urban Development Transportation Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Iiving Conditions Road Sector: The project, a first phase adaptable program loan, will Improvement Additional Financing: The objective of the project is aim at (a) building institutional capacity for engineering and financial to reestablish economic activity and social services by rehabilitating management, materials testing and quality control; (b) rehabilitating, roads, railways, drainage and school facilities. Appraisal and negotia- strengthening and upgradingpriority roads, bridges and culverts; and tions have been delayed. Board presentation was scheduled for October (c) implementinga national road safety program. Project preparation 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. PID is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 50357. 97970. US$16.4 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Pub US$24.0 @A). Consultants for project preparationare beingfinanced lic Works, BP 2099, Brazzaville, Congo, Tel: (242) 663-885, Fax: (242) through a PPF advance. Infrastructure Department, Ministry of Pub 815907, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Maurice Bouesso, lic Works, PO Box 841, Asmara, Eritrea, Tel: (291-1) 122-477, Fax: Project Coordinator (291-1) 120-661, Contact Mr. Kidane Berhane, Director General CBte d‘lvoire Ethiopia Economic Management Energy and Mining Emergency Economic Recovery: The objective of the project is to (R) Regional Eastern Nile Power Stage 1: Ethiopia-Sudan In- meet postconflict needs and enable sustained recovery. Project con- termnnectoc The objective of the project is to facilitate power trade cept review has been delayed. Project identification is under way. En- with Sudan and thus optimize utilization of existing and planned gen- vironmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$150.0 (IDA eration capacity. Appraisal was scheduled for November 2006. Envi- Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Economy ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 74011. US$ 35.0 (IDA). and Finance, Immeuble SCIAM, 19eme Etage, Abidjan, CBte d’Ivoire, Environmental Management Plan and Resettlement Action Plan were Tel: (225) 20204842, Fax: (225) 20204856, Contact H.E. Mr. Paul Bo- to be disclosed in October 2006. Consultants have been selected. houn Bouabre, Minister Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation, D’Gaulle Square, 2nd Floor, Room 207, PO Box 1233, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-01) 560-042, Environment and Natural Resources Management Fax: (251-01) 550-822, Email: [email protected], Contact Miheret National Protected Areas Program: The objective of the project is Debebe, Secretary and General Manager to strengthen capacity to manage the country’s protected areas sys- Electricity Access (Rural) Expansion (Cr. 4200-ET): The objec- tem. Appraisal is scheduled for May 2008. Environmental Assessment tive of the project is to expand access to electricity by means of a sus- Category B. PID: 37583. US$16.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be tainable program, notably in small and medium sized communities in determined. Minisgre d‘Etat du Minisgre de l’Environement, OIPR, rural areas, thus supporting broad-based economic development and Abidjan, CBte d’Ivoire,Tel: (22522) 416116, Contact Mme. H. E. An- helping alleviate poverty. Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 gele GNonsa, Ministre June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 97271. US$ Health, Nutrition and Population 133.4 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Universal Electricity Access €KIV/AIDS Multi-sector Response: The objective of the project is Expansion Unit, Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation, De Gaulle to implement a multi-sectorHIV/AIDS national programto reduce the Square, PO Box 1233, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 55@811, spread of HIV infection with special focus on the most vulnerable Fax: (251-1) 552-345, (251-1) 551-324, Contact At0 Tessaye Delesse, groups and assist infected persons and affected communities cope Project Coordinator with the impact of HIV/AIDS. Negotiationswere tentatively scheduled Finance for November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71631. US$50.0 (TDA). Consultants are required for preparation of the Financial Sector Capacity Building (H239-ET): The objective of project implementationmanual and the accounting and financial man- the project is to deliver the capacity, infrastructure, products and know- agement procedures and for recruitment of the coordination units how necessary to develop the financial sector. Approved by the Ex- core staff. Ministry in Charge of HIV/AIDS, 16 BP, Abidjan 16 CBte ecutive Directors on 22 June 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category d’Ivoire, Tel: (225) 21243013/4,2021-0832,0752-2376,05056699, Fax: C. PID: 94704. US$15.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. National (225) 2021-0834, Email: [email protected], Contacts: Konan Kouassi Bank of Ethiopia, PO Box 5550, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 551- Clovis, Charge $Etudes au Cabinet, Adama Bamba, Directeur des Af- 3859, Fax: (251-1) 551-4588, Contact Ato Teklewold Atnafu, Governor faires Financieres Rural Development Social Protection Irrigation and Drainage: The objective of the project is to increase Demobilization, Reintegration, and Community Rehabilitation: the area under irrigation through costeffective, environmentally and The objectives of the project are to (a) demobilize and reintegrate socially sound investments that are beneficial to the rural poor. Appraisal about 45,000 individuals including excombatants, child soldiers, and is scheduled for March 2007. Environmental Assessment Category A special groups; (b) rehabilitate or reconstruct social and economic in- PID: 92353. Us95.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants are required for (a) fea- frastructure in the communities most affected by the war; (c) help vul- sibility study and detailed design of selected irrigation schemes; (b) nerable groups start economic activities; and (d) strengthen social transaction model and action plan for private sector involvement; (c) capital. Boardpresentation is scheduled for January 2007, pending clear- marketing study; (d) environmental impact assessment; (e) prepara- ance of arrears. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 82817. tion of a project implementation manual; and (f) financialmanagement US$ 100.0 (IDA Grant). Government of Cote d’Ivoire, PNDDR/RC 27 and procurement assessment Ministry of Water Resources, PO Box BP 933 Abidjan 27 Cote d’Ivoire, Tel: (225) 2252-7350/1/2/4, Email: 170121, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 662-5516, (251-91) 114 [email protected], Contact Brahima Sangare, Secretaire General 6864, (251-11) 663-6909, Fax: (251-1) 662-6318, Email: Hayalw@ya- du PNDDR/RC, Contacts: Mr. Gulilat Birhane, Head, Planning Department or Ato Hayasew Yha Eritrea Transportation Environment and Natural Resources Management Second Roads Sector Development SupportAdditional F“mancing Integrated Rural Development: The objective of the project is to (Cr. 39891-ET): The objective of the project is to increase the road achieve more productive and sustainable apicuhral performance. Pro- transport inii-astructure and improve its reliability, strengthen the ca- ject preparationis under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. pacity for road construction, management and maintenance, and cre PID: 93387. US$ 42.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required. Ministry of ate conditions conducive to private sector participation in the road National Development, PO Box 1386, Asmara, Eritrea, Tel: (291-1) transport sector. Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 June 24964, Fax: (291-1) 26422, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 99480. US87.3 Kidane Tsegai, Director General 04.Consultants will be required. Ethiopian Roads Authority, PO Box PAGE 10 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006

1770, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 525392, Fax: (251-1) 515866, tact: M. Ibrahima Son Sidibb, Interim National Boject Coordinator,Pro- E-mail: [email protected] gramme d'appui amcommunaugs villageoises,Tel: (224) 464-023, Fax: (224) 464-031, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: M. Urban Development Mamadou Max Bangoura, Project Coordinator DecentdimtionFiscal Support for Local Infrastructure:The ob Community-BasedLand ManagementProgram: The objective of jectives of the project are to: (a) deliver better services to people by the project is to carry out the Viage Communities Support Program. facilitating more capital investment at the local government level Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 June 2006. Environmen- (woreda and municipal); and (b) deepen the process of decentraliza- tal Assessment Category B. PID: 81297. US$7.0 (GEF). Consultants tion to the local level. Appraisal is scheduled for 15 January 2007. En- will be required. Ministry of Planning, Conakry, Guinea, Tel: (225) 464- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 74016. US$ 150.0 (IDA 031, Email: [email protected],[email protected], mmax-ban- Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance [email protected], Contacts: Mme. Balde Hadja Fatoumata Diop, and Economic Development, Po Box 1905, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Fax: Project Coordinator, M. Ibrahima Sori Sidibe, Interim National Project (251-1) 553-844, (251-1) 551-496, Contact: Fantahun Belew, Head, Coordinator, and M. Mamadouba Max Bangoura, Interim Project Co- Marco Economy Policy and Management Department ordinator Water and Sanitation Rural Development (N) Urban Water Supply and Sanitation: The objectives of the pro- (R) Second Village Community Support Program: The objective ject are to (a) reduce the supply-demand gap for potable water; (b) im- of the project is to scaleup decentralized and participatory rural de prove access to sanitation; and (c) improve performance of selected velopment Decision meeting is scheduled for 28 November2006. En- urban water and sewer utilities. Project concept review completed. vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 65129. US$ 30.0/7.0 EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PD101473. US$100.0 (IDA). (IDA/GEF). Cofinancing amounts of Us7.0 from IFAD, US3.8 Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Water Resources, from FRDE, and US$l.9 from ADF are anticipated. Consultants will PO Box 62661, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-116) 634-027, Fax: be required. Ministry of Planning, Tel: (224) 464-023, Fax: (224) 464- (251-11) 661-0885/0710, Email: [email protected], Contact 031, Email: [email protected],Contact M. Ibrahima Son Sidibb, Teferi Menkir, NationalWSS Project Coordinator; Addis Ababa Water National Coordinator, and M. Mamadouba Max Bangoura, Coordina- Supply and Sewerage Authority, Tel: (251-116) 623-902, Fax: (251-11) tor 6623924, Email: [email protected], Contacts: Seyoum Desta, Gen- (R) Financing eral Manager, and Wosenu Asfaw, Project Coordinator VieCommunities Support Additional (H201- GUZ): The objective of the additional financing is to expand the reach Flood Preparednessand Early Warning: The objective of the pro- of the project's decentralized and participatory rural development ben- ject is to reduce human suffering and damages, as well as capture the efits from the original 100 to 146 local governments. The grant was benefits of excess flood waters resulting from flooding in the Eastern signed on 30 January 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. Nile. Appraisal is scheduled for 15 November 2006. EnvironmentalAs- PID: 98959. US$7.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Cel- sessment Category B. PID: 94268. US$ 5.0/45.0 (IDA CreditADA lule Nationale de Coordination PACV, Ministere du Plan, Tel: (224) Grant). Consultants for preparation are in place. Eastern Nile Regional 464-023, Fax: (224) 464431, E-mail: ibsorysC3yahoo.h pacubafi- Technical Office, PO Box 27173-1000, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel:, Contacts: Ibrahima Sory Sidibe, Interim National Project (251-1) 461-130, Contact Dr. Mohamed Andel Aty Sayed, Regional Coordinator, Mamadouba Max Bangoura, Secretary General Coordinator Gambia, The Guinea-Bissau Economic Management Rural Development Economic Management Reform: The objective of the project is to Community-DrivenDevelopment (H252-GM): The objective ofthe carry out the initial phase of a macroeconomic program aimed at es- project is to enable rural communities to plan, implement and main- tablishing internal and external balances, contributingtowards greater tain priority social and economic programs. Approved by the Execu- fiscal sustainability and the preconditionsfor private sector-led growth. tive Directors on 31August 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category Board presentationwas tentatively scheduled for November 2006. En- B. PID: 82969. US$12.0/4.8 (IDA Grant/Trust Fund). A PHRD grant vironmental Assessment Category U. PID: 94766. US$ 10.0 (IDA of US$0.5 and a PPF advance of US0.2 have helped finance prepa- Grant). No consultants are required. Ministry of Economy and Fi- ration. Consultants will be required for a baseline study, a communi- nance, ImplementingUnit of the Private Sector Rehabilitation and De cation shtegy and a system for monitoring and evaluation. Department velopment Project, Rua Justin0 Lopes, Casa 74/A, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, of State for Fiance and Economic Affairs, Tel: (220) 422-5181, Fax Tei: (245) 203-496, Fax: (245) 203-495, Email: [email protected]~, (220) 449-4758, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Musa Contact Mr. Carlos Casimiro, Project Director B. Jagne, Project Coordinator Energy and Mining Guinea (R) Multi-SectorIn6.astrudure Rehabilitation(H235-GUB): The Energy and Mining objectives of the project are to (a) reactivatethe economy by rehabil- Electricity Sector Efficiency Improvement (H240-GUI): The ob itating critical infrastructure systems, (b) reduce poverty by restoring jective of the project is to improve the efficiency of the electricity sec- access to and quality of critical infrastructure services, and (c) improve tor. Approved by the Executive Directors on 22 June 2006. performance and governance of infrastructure through institutional de- Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 77317. US$ 7.3 (IDA velopment and operational strengthening of agencies in the electric- Grant). Consultants will be required. Entreprise Nationale #Electric- ity, water and roads sectors. The credit was scheduled to be signed in ite de Guinee, BP 322, Conakry, Guinea, Tel: (224) 441-848/862,451- October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 97975. 885, Fax: (224) 411-853, Email: [email protected] US$ 15.0 (IDA). Consultants were required during preparation for bidding document preparation of power sector activities (15MW leas- Environment and Natural Resources Management ing system, distribution network rehabilitationwork, and customer base (R) Coastal Zone Marine Biodiversity Management: The objec- management models and systems); and will be required during im- tive of the project is to achieve rational management of coastal biodi- plementation for in-country long-term technical assistance for institu- versity for conservationand sustainable development, with a particular tional development, energy planning and sector management; emphasis on enabling communitiesin and around priority areas to plan, short-term specialized studies on energy planning and modeling, elec- implement, and maintain environmentally sustainable and socially in- tricity tariff/iindexation formula structuring, energy pricing and as- clusive alternative livelihoods. Approved by the Executive Directors sessment of renewableenergy production potential. Ministry of Public on 22 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 70878. Works, Construction and Urban planning, CP No. 311, Bissau, Guinea- US5.0 (GEQ. Consultants will be required. Ministry of Planning, BP Bissau, Tel: (245) 222-951, Fax: (245) 222-951, Contact Eng. Augusto 221 Conakry, Guinea,Tel: (224) 296266, hail:[email protected] Con- Poquena, Secretary of State for Energy ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summarv PAGE 11 Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Floor, Valley Rd., PO Box 61307, Nairobi, Kenya,Tel: (254-20) 711-261, National Community-Driven DevelopmenkThe objective of the prc- Fax: (254-20) 711472, Contact Dr. PA Orege, Director ject is to improve living conditions through better access to social and Rural Development economic services and infrastructure. It will use the community-dri- ven development approach of strengtheningthe capacity of local com- (R) Agricultural Productivity and Sustainable Iand Manage- munities to determine their priority needs and prepare, implement, and ment: The objectives of the project are to (a) attain sustainable use of maintain subprojects. Identiticationmission is scheduled for mid-2007. natural resourcesfor higher productivity and incomes among farmers Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 10.0 and (b) maintain critical ecosystem functions in fragile areas. Appraisal (IDA). A PHRD grant of US0.4 has been provided for preparation. is scheduled for 22Januury 2007. Environmental Assessment Cate- Consultants will be required for preparation. Ministry of Economy gory B. PID: 88600. US$ 10.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be de and Finance, 37 Ave. MarCabral, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, Tel: (243) termined. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), PO Box 52G6894, Contact Mr. Carlos Andrade, Adviser to the Minister 57811, Nairobi, Kenya,Tel: (254-20) 583-301, Fax: (25420) 583-344, E mail: [email protected], Contact Romano Kiome, Director Kenya Arid Iands Resource Management Phase 2 Additional Financing for the Drought Emergency (Cr. 37951-KE):The objective ofthe Economic Management additional financing is to meet the needs created by the drought and (R) Economic Recovery Strategy Support: The objective of the prc- scale up geographically and substantia& the drought management and ject is to implement the economic recovery strategy, which includes long-termlivelihood activities of the ongoing project. Approved by the strengthening budget and financial management, increasing agricul- Executive Directors on 3 August 2006. Environmental Assessment tural productivity and food security, improving private sector compet- Category B. PID: 100762. US$ 60.0 (IDA). No consultants are re itiveness and strengthening economic monitoring. Appraisal is tentatively quired. Office of the President, Special Programs, PO Box 53547- scheduled for late January 2002 Environmental Assessment Cate- 00100, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (25420) 227-496, Fax: (254-20) 227-982, gory U. PID: 90204. US$75.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- E-mail: [email protected], Contact Ms. Fatuma Abdikadir, mined. Ministry of Finance, Treasury Bldg., HarambeeAve., PO Box National Project Coordinator 30007, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 338111, Contact Mr. Kamau Community-DrivenDevelopment and Flood Mitigation:The ob Thugge, Director, Monetary and Fiscal Affairs jectives of the project are to empower local communities in the west- Development of a NationalStatistical System: The objective of the ern part of the country to move out of poverty and create wealth, and project is to build a more effective and efficient statistical system that to reduce the frequency and costs of recurrent floods. Appraisal is ten- will produce better data and improved analysis of economic, hancial tatively scheduled for 28 November 2006. Environmental Assessment and social developments. Board presentationis scheduled for 30 No- Category B. PID: 74106. US$80.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required vember 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category to be determined. for environmental assessment studies, social analysis, institutional PID: 85414. US20.5 (IDA). Contracts have been written for some of analysis and diagnostic studies. Office of the President, Harambee the consultants required during preparation. Central Bureau of Statistics, House, PO Box 30510, Nairobi, Kenya,Tel: (254-20) 227-411, Contact Ministry of Planning and National Development, PO Box 30266, Mr. Mahboub M. Maalim, Permanent Secretary Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (25420) 34G929, Fax: (254-20) 333-030, Email: Natural Resource Management: The objectives of the project are [email protected], Contact Mr. Anthony Kilele, Acting Director to (a) enhance institutional capacity to manage water and forests and Education (b) reduce the incidence and severity of water shocks in the west and (R) Education Sector-Wide Approach: The objective of the project the Mt Elgon and Aberdares catchments. Appraisal is tentatively is to strengthen the education sector. Board presentation was sched- scheduled for 28 November 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category uled for 2 NovemberZ(N6. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: B. PID: 95050. US$40.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. 87479. US$50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Ed- Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Ministry of Environment and Nat- ucation, Science and Technology, Jogoo House “B,” Harambee Ave., ural Resource Management, PO Box 49720, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254- PO Box 30040, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 334144, Fax: (254-20) 214- 20) 271-6103, Fax: (254-20) 272-7622, Contact Mr. Simeon Ochieng, 287, Contact Professor Karega Mutahi, Permanent Secretary Senior Deputy Director of Water Finance Urban Development (R) Financial Sector Reform: The objectives of the project are to: Municipal Program: The objective of the project is to improve ser- (a) increase the soundness and resilience of the financial system; (b) vice delivery in urban centers. Project preparation is under way. En- improve its governance: (c) improve its depth, breadth and efficiency, vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 66488. US$35.0 (IDA). No and (d) reduce opportunities for largescale financial misallocations. consultants are required. Ministry of Local Government, Jogoo House, Negotiations are tentatively scheduled for lute December 2006. Envi- “A”Taifa Rd., PO Box 30004, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 225346, Fax: ronmental Assessment Category U. PID: 84224. US65.0 (IDA). No (254-20) 243-067, Contact Mr. John K Karu, Chief Economist, Min- consultants are required. Ministry of Fiice,Treasury Bldg., Harambe istry of Local Government Ave., PO Box 30007, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 338111, Contact Mr. Joseph fiyua, Permanent Secretary Lesotho Private Sector Development Health, Nutrition and Population (R) Private Sector Competitiveness and Economic Diversifica- Health Sector Support: The objective of the project is to implement tion: The objective of the project is to increase private sector partici- a sector-wide reform and strengthening of the health sector. Appraisal pation in the economy, enhancing its ability to compete. Appraisal was is tentatively scheduled for 16 January 2007. Environmental Assess- scheduled for 28 October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category ment Category to be determined. US$ 50.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- to be determined. US$ 8.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- vices to be determined. Ministry of Health, Afya House, PO Box 30016, mined. Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: (254-20) 717477, Fax: (254-20) 715234, Edsec- PO Box 747, Maseru, Lesotho, Tel: (266) 2231-2938, Fax: (266) 2231- [email protected], Contact Dr. T Gakuruh, Head, Health Sector 0644, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Rantekoa, Permanent Reform Secretariat Secretary Second Iw/AIDS Program: The objective of the project is to im- plement the national AIDS strategic plan, which calls for preventing Transportation new infections, improving the quality of life of those infected and af- (R) IntegratedTransport Program (Cr. 4237-EO, H255-EO): fected, and mitigating the socioeconomic impact of the epidemic. Ne The project aims at continuing reform of the road subsector initiated gotiations are tentatively scheduled for late January 2007. Environmental by the Road Rehabfitation and Maintenance project, but in the con- Assessment Category B. PID: 81712. US$50.0 (IDA). Consultants will text of a more comprehensive approach to the transportation sector. be required. NationalAIDS Control Council, The Chancery Bldg., 6th Approved by the Executive Directors on 19 October 2006. Environmen- PAGE 12 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 talAssessment Category B. PD75566. US$11.2/12.3 (DA CreditjDA Mali Grant). Consultants will be required for work on administrative, ac- counting, financial and operational manuals, a financial system, insti- Economic Management tutional reform and a transport data study. Ministry of Public Works (N) Poverty Reduction Support: The objectives of the project are andTransport, PO Box 1283, Maseru, Lesotho, Tel: (266) 2231-6269, to facilitate rapid growth in the rural, mining and infrastructure (en- Fax: (266) 22314508, Email:, Contact Mr. Math- ergy, transport, telecommunications) sectors, and to strengthen pub ibeli, Principal Secretary lic sector performance. Project Concept Note completed. Preappraisal mission is in the field. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: Liberia 83803. Us35.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry Transportation of Economy and Finance, Bamako, Mali,Tel: (223) 2251654,222-9632, Fax: (223) 222-8853, Contact Mr. Abou Bakar Traore, Minister Emergency Infrastructure Additional Financing The objective of the project is to improve roads and in the process create jobs. Deci- Health, Nutrition and Population sion meeting was scheduled for 18 October 2006. Environmental As- (R) Sector-wide Health System and Social Development Support: sessment Category B. PID: 103276. US16.5 (IDA Grant). Consultants The objectives of the project are to (a) decrease maternal and infant will be required for design and preparation of bidding documents. mortality and @) fight malaria and other diseases. This project is no Madagascar longer in the lending program. Further reporting Will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93689. Us25.0 (IDA). Economic Management Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, BP 232, Koulouba, Third Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4221-MAG): The objec- Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223) 222-5301, Fax: (223) 223-0203, Contact Mr. tive of the project is to implement the medium term poverty reduction Daba Diawara, Secretary General; Ministryof social Development, BPE strategy. The credit was signed on 17 July 2006. Environmental As- 3062, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223) 222-0387, Fax: (223) 222-4863 sessment Category U. US$40.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of Economy, Finance and Budget Transportation (R) Second Transport Sector: The objectives of the project are to Health, Nutrition and Population increase access to rural communities and facilitate better transporta- Community DevelopmentAdditional Financing (Cr. 3498-MAG): tion services by improving infrastructure. Appraisal is scheduled for The objective of the project is to provide essential small-scale infra- Januury2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PD90075. US$ structure and capacity building for communes and communities in- 50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Equipment and cluding enabling them to respond to shocks. Approved by the Executive Transport, BP 78, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223) 223-2002, Fax: (223) 222- Directors on 3 August 2006. The credit was signed on 6 September 2006. 3434, Contact Mr. Tikmoko Yoro Kone, Coordinator, Cellule de Ce Environmental Assessment Category B. Us18.0 (IDA). No consul- ordination tants will be required. Fonds d'htervention pour le Developpement, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. David Rajaon, Directeur General Mauritania Rural Development Transportation Irrigation and Watershed Management: The objective of the (R) Transport Sector: The objective of the project is to update and project is to stimulate inclusive rural growth through intensification implement the governments transportation plan. Appraisal is sched- and diversitication of agricultural production in three regions with uled for February 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: high potential for agriculturaldevelopment, while promoting sustainable 89672. US2.0 (IDA). Consulhgservices to be determined. Ministry use of infrastructure and soil and water resources. Appraisal and nego- of Equipment and Transport, Immeuble du Gouvernement, BP 237, tiations completed. Board presentation is scheduled for 21 Novem- Nouakchott, Mauritania, Tel/Fax: (222) 5241626, Tel: (222) W8153, ber 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PIDs: 74086, Emaik [email protected], Contact Mohamed ElHafed Ould Haiba, 88887. US$60.0/8.0 (IDMGEF). Consultants will be required for prepa- Director of Planning, Search and Cooperation ration. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, PO Box 301, Antananarivo, Madagascar, Tel: (261-20) 222-7227, E-mail: Water and Sanitation, Contact: Mr. Harison Randriarimanana, Water Supply and Sanitation Sector: The objective of the project Minister is to achieve sustainable improvement in the provision of water and sanitation services in unserved and low-income areas of Nouakchott Malawi and secondary cities. Appraisal is scheduled for July 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 79475. USj2.5 (IDA). Consultants will Energy and Mining be required. Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics, Societk mauritanienne Rural Infrastructure Services (H242-MAI): The objective of the de l'eau, BP 335 Nouakchott, Mauritanie, Fax: (222) 5253995, E-mail: project is to implement the Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth sonelecQoptmr, Contact Mr. Sidi Odd Riha, General Manager strategy with a view to significantly enhancing production and pro- ductivity, notably in agriculture but also in tourism and mining. Approved Mauritius by the Executive Directors on 27 June 2006 EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PIDs: 57761,74716. US$40.0/3.0 (IDA Grant/GEF). Co- Finance financingof US5.0 is anticipated from the Nordic Development Fund. (N) Development Policy The objective of the project is to implement Consultants will be required for feasibility studies, institutional arrange the reform agenda set out by the government. Appraisal was sched- ments and private sector participation. Ministry of Economic Plan- uled for 18 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. ning and Development, Capital Hill PO Box 30136, Lilongwe 3 Malawi, PID: 101570. US$30.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Ministry Tel: (2651) 788888/390, Fax: (2651) 788093, Contact Mr. Ben Botolo, of Fiance and Economic Development, Government House, Ground Director of Monitoring and Evaluation Floor, Port-Louis, Mauritius, Tel: (230) 201-1146, Fax: (230) 211-0096, Contact Mr. Ali Mansoor, Financial Secretary Health, Nutrition and Population (R) Health Sector Support Additional Financing (H248-MAI): Transportation The objective of the project is to protect against people contracting (R) Environmental Transport: The objective of the project is to re malaria. The grant was signed on 5 October 2006. Environmental As- duce or at least stabilize traffic congestion in the Port Louis conurba- sessment Category C. PZD: 98792. US5.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants tion. Appraisal is scheduled for 23 April 2007, and Board presentation will be required. Ministry of Health, Capital Hill, PO Box 30377, Cap for 11 October2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$40.0 ital City, Lilongwe 3 Malawi, Tel: (2651) 784400, Fax: (2651) 789 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be 431, Contact: D1: W 0. 0. Sangala, Principal Secretary determined. NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly ODerational Summarv PAGE 13 Mozambique [email protected], Contact Dr. Malm Lindeque, Permanent Sec- retary Environment and Natural Resources Management (N) Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries: The project aims at gen- Niger erating scient& knowledge and developing the core legal and insti- Health, Nutrition and Population tutional capacity to implement an action plan for managing fisheries (R) Multi-Sector Demographic Program: The objective of the pro- for maximum economic returns, consistent with environmental sus- ject is to build a national response to rapid population growth, focused tainability and socially equitable distribution of the benefits of ex- on human development, poverty alleviation, and genderequity inter- ploitation. Negotiationscompleted. EnvironmentalAssessment Category ventions. Preappraisal is tentatively scheduled for lute November2006. C. PID: 72202. US$ 12.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Pro- Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 96198. US$ 10.0 (IDA). gram Coordinating Committee Consultants will be required. They will be funded through a PPF ad- Rural Development vance. Minisfryof Population and Social Action Plan, BP 10461, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 723-505, E-mail: sgmdsp@intnetne, Contact Mr. (R) Market Led Smallholder Development in the Zambezi Val- Ibrahima Halilou, Secretary General ley (Cr. 4198-MOZ):The objective of the project is to increase the income of owners of small farms by empowering communities, build- Rural Development ing community organizations, increasing production and produc- Agro-Pastoral mort: The objective of the project is to promote tivity and facilitating farm-to-market access. The IDA credit was food exports. Project Concept Note is being prepared. Environmen- approved by the Executive Directors on 20 June 2006. Appraisal for tal Assessment Category B. US$15.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be the GEF grant is completed. GEF grant Board presentation is sched- determined. Minisb-y of Agriculture, BP 12091, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227- uled for 15 January 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. 20) 732-058, Fax: (227-20) 732-008, E-mail: [email protected], Contact PIDs: 93165,98040. US$20.0/7.5 (IDA/GEF). Cofinancing of US$ M. Abdou Chaibou, Secretaire General 3.0 is anticipated from the AfDB. Consultants will be required. National Directorate of Promotion of Rural Development, Ministry Transportation of Planning and Development, Av. Ahmed SekouToure, 21 Maputo, (N) Transport Sector Program Support The objectives of the pro- Mozambique, Tel: (25821) 414434, Fax: (25821) 419-824, dndrl@ ject are to (a) improve all-season access of population to markets and; [email protected], Mr. Salimo Vala, National services on the unpaved sections of the national road network, and (b) Director strengthen the institutional framework, management and implemen- tation of road maintenance and safety activities. Preparation mission Transportation is scheduled for 28 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance: The objec- egory B. PID: 101434. US$20.00 (IDA). Consultants will be required tive of the project is to improve management and maintenance of the during preparation for environmental assessment, technical studies, roads and bridges systems. Project concept review completed. Envi- procurement and hancial management. Financing for consultants is ronmental Assessment Category B. US$135.0 (IDA). Consultants included in the upcoming PPF advance of US$ 0.6. General Direc- will be required. Administra@o Nacional de Estradas, Ave. de Mopm- torate of Public Works, PO Box 389, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 722-374, bique, 1225 Maputo, Mozambique, Tel: (2581) 476018, Fax: (258 Fax: (227) 735934, Email: pri@intnetne,Contact M. Sina Moumouni, 1) 475-290, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Atanasio Project Coordinator Mugunhe, Director Urban Development Urban Development Local Urban znfrastructure Development: The objectives of the pro- Maputo Urban Development Program: The objective of the pro- ject are to increase access to inkastructure services in underserved ject is to improve the governance, hancial management and service urban areas and improve capacity of local governments to plan, man- delivery of Maputo in order to reduce urban poverty and inequality age and operate them. Project preparation is under way. Environ- and facilitate private sector growth and investment Project identi6ca- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 95949. US$20.0 (IDA). A PPF tion is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$73.0 advance of US0.7 has been approved. Consultants will be required (IDA). Consultants will be required. Maputo City Council, Mapato, for preparation of urban, financial and organizational audits for bene- Mozambique, Tel: (2581) 32@267, Fax: (2581) 32@053, Email: ec- ficiary municipalities, feasibility studies for household waste man- [email protected],Contact Eneas da Concei@o Comiche, Mayor agement, roads, drainage, market rehabilitation and truck parking, preparation of environmental and social management and resettle- Namibia ment policy frameworks, updates of manual of procedures, small and medium enterprise evaluation, and technical assistance. Bureau Na- Education tional de Coordination, BP 12989, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 735438, (R) Education and Training Sector Improvement Program: The Fax: (227) 732-191, Email: priaintnetne, Contact M. Sina Moumouni, objectives of the project are to: (a) increase the number of trainable Project Coordinator and skilled workers; especially in areas of skills shortage; and (b) Water and Sanitation strengthen capacity to create and apply knowledge to promote pro- ductivity in critical growth sectors. Appraisal is scheduled for 15Jan- Water Sector Additional Financing (Cr. 3505-NIR):The objec- uary 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 86875. US$ tives of the project are to (a) complete the rehabilitation of the water 15.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Edu- distribution systems in secondary urban centers and (b) scale up the cation, Private Bag 13391, Windhoek, Namibia,Tel: (26461) 27(16300, social water connections program and on-site sanitation pilot program. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Contact Mr. Justin Ellis, Approved by the Executive Directors on 18 July 2006. Environmental Undersecretary, and Ms. Sandra van Zyl Assessment Category B. PID: 99121. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required for works supervision and institutionalcapacity building. Environment and Natural Resources Management Project Coordinating Unit / Water Holding Company, Ministry of Wa- ter Resources, Niamey, Niger, Tel: (227) 724731, Email: psenigerQint- Promoting Environmental Sustainability Through Improved netne, Contact Mr. Zibo Zakara, Project Coordinator Land Use Planning: The project aims at developing an adaptive man- agement framework to guide policy and investment decisions for in- Nigeria tegrated land use at local, regional and national levels. GEF approval decision was scheduled for 31 October 2006. Environmental Assess- Education ment Category C. US$l.O (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Post Basic Education and Training for the Knowledge Economy: Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Private Bag 13306, Windhoek, The objective of the project is to develop and implement a strategy for Namibia, Tel: (26461) 284-2185, Fax: (26461) 2842216, Email: ma- post-basic education and training for the knowledge economy. Preap PAGE 14 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 praisal was scheduled for 18 October 2006. Environmental Assess- Assessment Category B. PID: 71340. US$200.0 (IDA). Consultants will ment Category to be determined. US$ amount to be determined (IDA). be required. Ministry of Finance, Finance Headquarters, CentralArea, Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Education; National Abuja, Nigeria; Lagos State Government, 347 B. Odusami St (off Universities Commission; National Commission for Colleges of Edu- Wempco Rd.) , Ogba, Lagos, Nigeria cation; National Board for Technical Education Regional Environment and Natural Resources Management (R) CommedAgriculture Development:The objective of the pre Energy and Mining ject is to increase productivity and employment in small and medium (R) West Africa Gas Pipeline, Phase 2: The objective of the pro- farms in the states of Cross River, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano and Lagos. ject is ensure that Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo and other West African Concept review meeting was scheduled for 26 October 2006. Envi- countries take full advantage of the availability of relatively cheap and ronmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$200.0 (IDA). environmentally clean natural gas and implement projects in compli- Consultants will be required. State Ministry of Agriculture. ance with the agreements and state-of-the-art practices. Appraisal has Third Fadama: The objectives of the project are to (a) sustainably in- been delayed. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PZD: 99293. US$ crease the incomes of farmers and other economic interest groups 12.0 (IDA) Consultants will be required. West African Gas PipelineAu- through a more diversiiied agricultural development program, in- thority, C/o ECOWAS Secretariat Plot 60, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, cluding for fadama users, Le., those who derive their livelihood through Asokoro District, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (2349) 3140392, Fax: (25’49) direct or indirect exploitation of the resources in the fadama aquifers 3140525, Email: [email protected] of the major river systems as well as surface water irrigation, and (b) (R) West Africa Power Pool APL 2 (Cr. 4216-MLI, Cr. 4217- expand the operations and benefits of the second Fadama project to MAU and Cr. 4215-SE): The objective of the project is to augment the remaining 19 states. Appraisal is scheduled for 8 January 2007. En- the supply of low-cost hydroelectricity in Mali, Mauritania and Sene- vironmentalAssessment CategoryA PID: 96572. US$200.0 (IDA). Con- gal. The credits were signed on 13 September 2006. Environmental As- sultants will be required. Projects Coordinating Unit, National Fadama sessment Category A PID: 94916. USj75.0 (IDA). Consultants will Development, Plot 223D Mabushi District, Cadestral Zone B 6, Abuja, be required. Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal, Nigeria, Tel: (2349) 523-5685,3147438, Email: [email protected], 46, Rue Carnot, Dakar, Senegal, Fax: (221) 8224163, Email: ommsphc@ [email protected],Contact Dr. 0.0.Adeniyi, National Project Ce sentoom, Contact Mr. Mohamed Salem Odd Merzoug, High Com- ordinator missioner West Africa Power Pool APL 1, Phase 2 (Cr. 4214-BEN, Cr. Public Sector Governance 4213-GH): The objective of the project is to assure more stable and (R) Second State Gavernance and &pa* Building:The objective reliable exchange of electricity among the national power systems of of the project is to enhance efficiency and accountability in the man- CBte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria. This phase consists of agement of financial and human resources in participahg states. De- the funding for Benin and Ghana. Approved by the Executive Direc- cision meeting is sckeduledfor May 2007, and appraisal for July 2007. tors on 29 June 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. USj60.0 Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 97026. Us18.0 (IDA). (IDA). Consultants will be required. Communautk d’Electricite du Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Abuja, Nigeria B&nin,Rue de la Kozah, BP 1368, Lome, Togo, Tel: (228) 2216132, Fax: Social Protection (228) 221-3764, Emaik [email protected], Contact: Cyr Kouagou, Di- recteur-General, and Yaw0 Blu, Directeur, Planning, Volta River Au- Community Social Development: The objective of the project is to thority, ElectreVolta House, PO Box MB 77, Accra, Ghana, Tel: (23521) increase access of poor communities to basic social services and in- 664-941/9, Fax: (23521) 662-610, Email: [email protected], Contact crease their capacity for natural resource management Appraisal is Joshua Ofedie, Chief Executive, and Richmond Evans-Appiah, Direc- scheduled for 14 January 2008. Environmental Assessment Category tor, Engineering Services , B. PID: 90644. US$ 210.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Na- tional Planning Commission, Old CBN Bldg., Zaria St, Garki, Abuja, Environment and Natural Resources Management Nigeria, Tel: (2349) 234836, 234-1826, E-mail: [email protected], (N) Environmental Information Management, Phase 2: The ob Contact Dr. Mrs. E. Nwadinobi, Project Manager jective of the project is to improve collection and dissemination of in- Transportation formation about environmentally sustainable development, Concept review meeting was scheduled for 3 November 2006. Environmental Federal Roads Development: The objective of the project is to de velop and maintain, on a sustainable basis, adequate federal roads in- Assessment Category C. US$4.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. frastructure conducive to private sector driven economic growth. Implementingagency(ies) to be determined. Preappraisalis under way Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: (N) Marine Highway and coastal Contamination Prevention:The 90135. US$500.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Road Sector De- objective of the project is to increase the safety and efficiency of nav- velopment Team, Ministry of Works, No 5, Mandara Close, Off As0 igation by establishinga demonstration marine highway to guide ships Dr., Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 2734718, Email: blastgiwaa around environmentally sensitive areas and through selected busy, Contact Engr. B. G. Giwa, Project Manager sea lanes and by strengthening capacity for port state control. The ben- Rural Access and Mobility Phase 1 (Kaduna State): The objec- eficiary countries have signed a memorandum of understanding for tive of the project is to improve sustainably access and mobility in implementation. Preparation for, negotiations will begin when legal rural areas of participating states and local government councils. Ap documents are completed. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: praisal is scheduled for 15 January 2007. Environmental Assessment 78643. US$ 11.0 (GEE). Consultants will be required. South African Mar- Category B. PID: 72644. US$50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required itime Safety Authority, Hattield Gardens, Block E, 333 Grosvenor St, for preparation. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, PO Box 13186, Hattield 0028 Pretoria, South Africa, Tel: (27-12) 342- Michael Okpara Way, Wuse Zone 5, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (2349) 234 3049, Fax: (27-12) 342-3160, E-mail: [email protected], Contact 0802/9134, Email: [email protected], Contact Hon. Alhaji Carl Briesch, Acting Chief Executive Officer; Indian Ocean Commis- Adamu Bello, Minister; RAMP Office, NAIC House, Plot 590, Zone AO, sion, Indian Ocean Commission, BP 7-Q4, Sir Guy Forget, Quatre Along Airport Rd., Central Area, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: (234-9) 234 Borne, Mauritius,Tel: (230) 4259564/1652, Fax: (230) 4252709, Email: 8034/44/53, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Engr. Mr. E. [email protected], Contact Mrs. Monique Andreas Esoaveloman- Nwaezike, National RAMP Coordinator droso, Secretary General (N) Targeted Capacity Building for Sustainable Iand Manage- Urban Development ment: The objective of the project is to enhance capacity for sustain- (R) Lagos Metropolitan Development and Governance (Cr. able land management. Board presentation is scheduled for 15 4219-UNI): The objective of the project is to increase sustainable ac- December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. USj50.0 cess to basic urban services through investments in critical infra- (GEF). No consultants are required. World Conservation Union, Rue structure. The credit was signed on 31 July 2006. Environmental Mauverney 28, Gland 1196 Switzerland, Tel: (41-22) 9940001, Fax: NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 15 (41-22) 9990025, Email: [email protected],Contact Elroy Bos, Ministry of Information and Communication (Kenya), Teleposta Tow- Communication Officer ers, PO Box 10756-00100, Nairobi, Kenya, Email: infocomm@infor- Stockpiles Program: The objective of the project is to eliminate pub, Contact Hon. Mutahi Kame, Minister licly-held obsolete pesticide stockpiles and associated waste in seven countries and implement measures to reduce and prevent future re Transpotfation lated risks. The countries are Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa (N) West and Central Africa Air Transport safety and security: and Tanzania in the Africa Regionand Morocco and Tunisia in the Mid- The objective of the project is to improve the safety and security of air dle East and NorthAfrica Region. Grant signing for Tunisia took place travel in the western and central portions of the continent Decision on 21 November 2005. Grant signing for South Africa took place on 4 meeting is scheduled for 15 January 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment April 2006. Grant signing for Nigeria took place on 4 August 2006. Grants Category B. Us59.4 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of for Morocco, Mali and Tanzania are being prepared for Board pre Aviation (Nigeria), Block SA, 3rd Floor, Federal Secretariat Complex, sentation as a new combined project (P103189). Negotiations for Shehu ShagariWay, CentralArea, PMB 146, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria, Tel: Ethiopia are being prepared. Environmental Assessment Category A. (2349) 523-7487/89,5252132, Contact HonorableBabalola Borishade, PID: 75776. US$21.7/2.7 (GEF/Trust Funds). Cohancing to bring Minister; National Civil Aviation Agency (Senegal), PO Box 8184, the total amount to U.S$60.0 is anticipated from AfDB (vS$lO.O), a Groport L S. Senghor, Dakar-Yoff, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 8645335, bilateral trust fund with contributions from EU, Denmark, Sweden Fax: (221) 8204403, 820-3967, Email: [email protected],mathi- and Switzerland (vS$7.1), Belgium (US$4.1), FA0 (US3.4, ofwhich [email protected], Contact Mr. Mathiaco Bessane, Director General Us3.3 will be an additional contribution from GEF) , CIDA (US$2.3), France (US$ lB),Japan (US$ Ll),Netherlands (US$LO), Fid(US$ (R) Transport-TradeFacilitation: The objective of the project is to IO), and the governments involved (US$3.8). Consultants will be re create a common market for goods, services, capital and persons in quired. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, PO Box 6247, the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, which includes Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia, Tel: (251-1) 251-2734, Fax: (251-1) 465686, E Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Republic of Congo, mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Fikre Markos, Head, Crop Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Decision meeting was scheduled for 25 ProtectionDepartment M~st&rede l'Agricultae, du Dkveloppement October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 79736. US$ Fural et des P&ches Maritimes, Direction de la Protection des Veg& 64.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Communautk Economique tam des Contrbles Techniques et de la Rkpression des Fraudes, Ra- et MonPtaire de l'Afrique Cenb-ale,Executive Secretariat, PO Box 969, bat Boyaume de Maroc, Tel: (212) 372-314, Fax: (212-37) 297-544, Bangui, CentralAfrican Republic,Tel: (236) 611-885, (236) 612-179, E Email: [email protected], Contact M. Abderrahmane Hilali, Direc- mail: [email protected], sgudeac@intnet,cf, Contacts: Madume teur; Ministere de l'Environement, Direction Nationale de l'As- Jacqueline Meyo, Department Chief (DTT-CEMAC), MK E&y Justin sainissement et du Contrble des Pollutions et des Nuisances, Rue 415, Mbanza, Director of Transportation and Telecommunications;Ministry Porte 191, Dravela-Bolibana, Bmako, Mali, Tel: (223) 2242410, Fax: of Public Works, BP 4180, Yaounde, Cameroon, Tel: (237) 222-8711, (223) 2295090, Email: lassinate@hotmaiLcorn,Contact M. LassinaTra- Email: celcommintpQiccnetcm ore, Coordinateur du Programme; Ministry of Environmentand Sustain- able Development, Agence Nationale de Protectionde l'Environnement, Water and Sanitation 12 Rue du Cameroun-Belvedere, 1002 Tunis, Tunisie, Tel: (216) 7184 (R) Senegal River Basin Multi-purposeWater Resource Devel- 7493, Fax: (216) 7189-0581, Email: [email protected],tn, Contact M. opment (Cr. 4182-MLI, Cr. 4183-MAU, Cr. 4184-SE, H213- Mounir Ferchichi, Directeur, DepartmentDechets Solides; Federal Min- GUI): The objective of the project is to enhance regional integration istry of Environment, National Department of Environmental Affairs among the riparian countries of the Senegal River Basin, Guinea, Mali, andTourism, 7th Floor, Federal Secretariat, Phase 1, Garki, PMB 468, Mauritania, and Senegal, by means of multipurpose water resources Nigeria, Tel/Fax: (2349) 523-4119, Contact Mr. S. 0. Adekunle, Per- development, The credits andgrant were signed on 13 September 2006. manent Secretary; Department of EnvironmentalAffairs and Tourism, Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 93826. US$92.0/18.0 Private BagX447, Pretoria ooO1 South Africa, Tel: (27-12) 310-3911, Fax: (IDA Credits/IDA Grant). Consultantswill be required. Organization (27-12) 320-1243, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Pamela pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal, 46, Rue Carnot, Dakar, Yako, Director General; National Environment Management Council, Senegal, Tel: (221) 823-4530, Fax: (221) 822-0163, Email: omvssphcQ PO Box 63154, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (25522) 213-4603, Fax: sentoosn, Contact Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug, High Com- (25522) 211-1579, Email: [email protected],Contact Dr. Magnus A missioner K Ngoile, Director General Niger Basin Water Resources Development and Ecosystems Finance Mmagemene The objective of the project is to achieve a sustainable increase the overall productivity of existing water resources to fos- Economic and Monetary community of central &ca (CEMAC) in ter economic developmentin Benin, Guinea, Niger and Nigeria. Financial Institutions Support: The objective of the project is to im- Mali, prove hancialintegration and intermediationin the CEMAC region, Decision meetingis scheduled for 16 January 2007. EnvironmentalAs- which will help increase economic activity and reduce poverty. Appraisal sessment Category A. PID: 93806. US$40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Niger Basin Authority, PO Box 79, Niamey, Niger, Tel: is scheduled for March 2007. Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. Us50.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. (227) 724595, Fax: (227) 724208, E-mail: nbasecaintnetne, Contact Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale, PO Box 1917, Yaounde, Mr. Mohammad Bello Tuga, Executive Secretary Cameroon, Tel: (237) 2234030, Fax: (237) 2258258, E-mail: prspr@, Contact Jean-Felix Mamalepot, Governor Rwanda Information and Communication Information and Communication (N) communications Infrastructure: The objective of the project eRwanda (H253-RW):The objective of the project is to improve the is to enable people and businesses in the eastern and southern por- efficiency and effectiveness of governmentoperations and enhance ser- tions of the continent to have access to good quality, affordable infor- vice delivery systems. Approved by the Executive Directors on 7 Sep mation and communication services. The countries included are tember 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 98926. Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants are required for the following stud- Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. Project preparation is under way. En- ies: baseline study, mapping of the telecom sector, hancial and eco- vironmentalAssessment CategoryA US$100.0 (IDA). Consultants will nomic analysis, social analysis, content development, web preparation be required. Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications and change management Rwanda InformationTechnology Authority, (Rwanda), Kigali, Rwanda, Tel: (250) 250-336, Contact Hon. Goreth Ministry of Mastructure, Telecom House, 3rd Floor, Blvd. de l'U- Nizigama, Minister; Ministry of Transport and Communications munganda, PO Box 7229, Kigali, Rwanda, Tel: (250) 583-222, Fax: (Mozambique), Mapatu, Mozambique, Tel: (25821) 320-223, Fax: (250) 583-222, E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], Contact Dr. (25821) 431-028, Contact Antonio Francisco Munguambe, Minister; Raphael Mmasi, Project Coordinator PAGE 16 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Senegal planningfor rationalland use and local economic development Appraisal is scheduled for March 2007. Negotiations are scheduled for 7 May Economic Management 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. US 53.5 (GEF). Con- (R) Third Poverty Reduction Support The objective of the project sulting services to be determined. St Lucia Greater Wetlands Park Au- is to consolidate reforms in the poverty reduction program. Negotia- thority, Kwazul Natal, Private BagXO5, St Lucia 3936 South Africa, Tel: tions were scheduled for 14 November 2006. Environmental Assess- (27-35) 590-1633, Fax: (27-35) 590-1602, E-mail: wetlandsauthor- ment Category U. PID: 98964. US$30.0 (IDA). No consultants are [email protected], Contact Andrew Zaloumis, CEO required. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 8214378, Fax: (221) 8224195, Contact M. Abdoulaye Diop, Min- Sudan ister Education Education (R) Second Quality Education for AU (Cr. 4231-SE): The objec- (R) Multi-Donor EducationRehabilitation: The objective of the pro- to tive of the project is to implement the ten-year sector plan, puttinggreater ject is improve access for primary school students, displaced per- emphasis on improving quality. The project was approved-following sons, demobilized soldiers, and other non-traditional learners to APL procedures-on 30 August 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- enhanced-quality education, alternate learning opportunities, life skills egory B. PID: 89254. US$30.0 (IDA). PPF advances totaling US$l.O development options and occupational skills training. The grunt was have been approved. Educationconsultants (including education econ- signed on 30 March 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: omists and implementationspecialists) were recruited and contributed 97962. US$51.0 f“rust Fund). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Tel: 182-0514 (satellite to preparation. During implementation, consultants with French pro- (081) phone), Contact George Mogga, Director, Education Development Plan- ficiency will also be required for multigrade teaching, teacher baking, national assessments, decentralization and capacity building. MinisGre ning Department de PEducation, Dakar, Senegal,Tel: (221) 8214762, Fax: (221) 821-1376, E-mail: mendpreasentoosn, Contact: Mbaye NdoumbC Gueye, Co- Health, Nutrition and Population ordonnateur du PDEF et Directeur, Direction de la Planification et de (R) Umbrella Program for Health System Development The ob la Rbforme de l’Education jective of the project is to develop core health sector systems and ca- pacities and rapidly expand service delivery and high-impactpreventive Health, Nutrition and Population health interventions. The grant was signed on 23 March 2006. Envi- Nutrition Enhancement Program, Phase 2: The objective of the ronmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 98495. UsS75.0 @‘rustFund). project is to implement a community nutrition program targeting poor Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, Government of South rural and urban areas. Board presentation was scheduled for 7 No- Sudan, Tel: (249) 820-134, [email protected], Contact Dr. vember 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 97181. Majok Yak, Undersecretary UsS15.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for implementation,pM- upally for behavior change communication, monitoring and evaluation. Information and Communication Bureau Executif National de la Cellule de Lutte contre la Malnutrition, Lot 42, Dakar, Senegal,Tel: (221) 8690199, Fax: (221) 8643861, Ed Fifth Population Census: The objective of the project is to produce [email protected],Contact Mr. Biram Ndiaye, National Coordinator reliable, accurate demographic, economic and social data that can be used to benchmark development planning. Appraisal completed. En- Transpotfation vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99327. US$ 33.0 @‘rust Dakar-Diamniadio Toll Road The objective of the project is to build Fund). Consultants will be required in census management, survey tools, a road betweenDakar and Diamniadioto foster economic development training and statistical analysis. Central Bureau of Statistics, Khar- by (a) diminishing transport congestion and its associated costs and toum, Sudan, Tel: (2441) 8377-1131,83748115,8377-7255, Fax: (244 (b) sustainably spreading out economic activities and housing within 1) 8377-1860, Contact Prof. Awad Haj Ali, Head, Central Bureau of and outside the Cap Vert peninsula. Appraisal mission is scheduled for Statistics; South Sudan Center for Census, Statistics and Evaluation, February 2007. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 87304. Juba/Rumbek, Southern Sudan, Tel: (249) 9130-8196, (254) 7228- U$50.0 (IDA). A PPF advance of UsS0.8 has been approved. An IDA 88135, (882) 16433-30554 partial risk guarantee of UsS30.0 is planned to attract private sector involvement in privatepublic partnerships. Cohancing will be re Law and Justice quired to bridge the financing gap. Consultants will be required for road @) Capacity Building of the Judiciary: The objective of the pro- studies, investment banking, and urban upgrading. Agence National ject is to strengthen the capacity of the judiciary to become more in- Chargee de la Promotion de l’hvestissement et des Grands Travaux, dependent, build the judges’ knowledge base and become empowered BP 430, CP 18524, Dakar, Senegal,Tel: (221) 8433110, Emaik apixasen- to apply the law and deliver justice effectively and fkirly. Approved by toom, Contact Mme. Marie Ndaw, Project Director the Interim Oversight Committee on 26 February 2006. The grant was signed on 23August 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be South Africa determined. PID: 99692. UsS15.0 Vrust Fund). Consulting services Energy and Mining to be determined. Supreme Court,Tel: (24491) 2556427,262-8845, Con- tacts: Hon. Dr. Wahbi M. Mokhtar, Judge, and Hon. Benjamin B. Deng, (R) Renewable Energy Market Transformation: The objective of the project is to implement the renewable energy smtegy. Negotiations Judge were scheduled for November 2006. Board presentation is scheduled for 14 December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: Swaziland 73322. US$6.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. They will assist Urban Development during negotiations and in preparingthe documents required by GEE Department of Minerals and Energy, Mineralia Center, 391Andries St, (N) Local Government: The objective of the project is to strengthen Pretoria, South Africa, Tel: (27-12) 317-8617, Fax: (27-12) 322-5224, E the capacity and resource mobilizationfunctions of the local governance mail: [email protected], Contact K. Nassiep, Chief Director, system to deliver and sustain basic services, in particular to benefit the Energy Planning poorer sections of the population. Preappraisal mission was sched- uled for November 2006. Appraisal is scheduled for May 2007. Envi- Environment and Natural Resources Management ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). Consulting Development, Empowerment and Conservation in the Greater services to be determined. Ministry of Housing and Urban Develop St Lucia Wetland Park and Surrounding Region: The objective ment, Mhlabanyasi Rd., PO Box 1832, Mbabane, Swaziland, Tel: (268) of the project is to protect the exceptional biodiversity of the greater 404-1741/3, Fax: (268) 404-4085, E-mail: [email protected], Contact St Lucia wetland area through conservation, sustainable resources use, Mr. Paul Nkambule, Acting Permanent Secretary NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv Omrational Summarv PAGE 17 Tanzania financing is being sought from the AfDB, Netherlands and the UK. Con- sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Water and Livestock De- Education velopment, PO Box 9153, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (225-22) (N) Zanzibar Secondary Education: The objective of the project is 245-0838/41, (22522) 245-0001, Fax: (25522) 2451451, E-mail: mow- to improve secondary education in Zanzibar. Project identification is [email protected], Contact Mr. Vincent Mrisho, Permanent Secretary underway. Environmentalhsessment Category to be determined. US$ 35.0 (IDA). Consding services to be determined. Ministry of Education Togo I and VocationalTraining, PO Box 394,Zanziiar,Tanzania, Tel/Fax: (255 24) 2252827, Contact Ms. Mwanaidi S. Abdalla, Deputy Principal Sec- Health, Nutrition and Population retary HIV/AIDS EmergencyResponse: The objective of the project is to Energy and Mining build up effective activities in the prevention of HIV infection and care of people living with AIDS. Appraisal is scheduled for July 2007. En- Access Expansion: The objective of the project is to scale up access vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 71634. US$ 16.0 (IDA to electricity services. Project preparation is under way. Environmen- Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Conseil national de tal Assessment Categoryto be determined. US$80.0 (IDA). Consult- lutte contre le SIDA et les infections sexuellement transmissibles @a- ing services to be determined. Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Maji tional AIDS Country Council), 01 BP 2237, Lome,Togo,Tel: (228) 262- Bldg., Sokoine Dr. and Mwepu St, PO Box 2000, Dar es Salaam, Tan- 717, Fax: (228) 218941, Contact Dr. Abi Tchao Tagba, Permanent zania, Tel: Tel: (25522) 211-7156/7/8/9,213-1192/3/4, Fax: (25522) Secretary 211-7790, Contact Mr. Bashir Mrindoko, Commissioner for Energy and Petroleum Uganda EnergizingRural Transformation: The objective of the project is to bolster incomes generated and jobs created in rural and pen-urban ar- Economic Management eas by increasing access to electricity and information and communi- (R) The objective of the project cation technology for households, enterprises and social hcilities in Sixth Poverty Reduction Support is to implement the strategy laid out in the Poverty EradicationAction those areas. Project identification is under way. Environmental As- Plan. Project Appraisal is scheduledfor 24 January 2007. Environmen- sessment Category B. US$80.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- tal Assessment Gztegcwy to be &mined US$150.0 (IDA). No consultants termined. Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Maji Bldg., Sokoine Dr. are required. Ministry of Finance, Finance Building, Nile Ave., PO Box and Mwepu St., PO Box 2000, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (25522) 8147, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: (25641) 232-095, Fax: (25641) 343-023, 211-7156/7/8/9, (25522) 213-1192/3/4, Fax: (25522) 211-7790, Con- Contact: Mr. Chris Kassami, Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the tact Mr. Bashir Mrindoko, Commissioner for Energy and Petroleum Treasury Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources: The objectives of the project are to (a) increase capacity to manage mineral resources Energy and Mining sustainably and @) develop artisan mining. Appraisal is scheduled for June 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$50.0 (IDA). (N) Private Power Generation: The objective of the project is to fa- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Energy and Minerals, 754 cilitate development by the private sector of a 200-250 MW hydropower 33 Samora Ave., PO Box 2000, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (25522) plant on Dumbbell Island on the Nile River and to construct a 100 km 211-7156/9, Fax: (25522) 211-7790, Contact Mr. Asah Mwakapugi transmissionline, substations and other associated works. Project con- cept review is scheduled for 18 October 2006. Environmental Assess- Finance ment Category A. U$55.0 (IDA). A Multilateral InvestmentGuarantee Tax Modernization Program (Cr. 4190-TA): The objective of the Agency guarantee of US$lOO.O is contemplated in conjunctionwith the program is to implement the second fiveyear corporate plan of the rev- project Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Energy enue authority and support the Zanzibar Revenue Board. The credit and Minerals Development, PO Box 7270, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: was signed on 30 August 2006. Environmental Assessment Category (256-41) 234733, Fax: (256-41) 234732, Contact Mr. E Kabagambe C. PID: 100314. US$12.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Tanza- Kaliisa, Pemanent Secretary niaRevenuehthority, Sokoine Dr., PO Box 11491, Dares Salaam,Tan- (N) Thermal Power Generation: The objective of the project is to zania,Tel: (25522) 211-9591/4, Fax: (25522) 211-9595, Contact Mary increase thermal power generation in order to minimize load shed- N. Maganga ding and economic disruption during the coming four years in a Public Sector Governance sustainable and affordable manner. Decision meeting was sched- uled for 18 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. (R) Fifth Poverty Reduction: The objective of the project is to im- US$75.0 (IDA). Consultants are required, but anticipated needs are plement the program laid out in the National Strategy for Growth and already met. Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd., Kam- Reductionof Poverty. Project appraisal is scheduled for December 2006. pala, Uganda, Tel: (25641) 233-433/4, E-mail: transcoQuetcLcom, Con- Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 200.0 (IDA). No con- tact Mr. Eriasi Kiyemba, Managing Director; Ministry of Energy and sultants are required. Ministry of Finance, PO Box 9111, Dares Salaam, MineralDevelopment, Amber House, Po Box 7270, Kampala Rd., Kam- Tanzania, Tel: (25522) 211-2856,211-1174/6, Fax: (25522) 21117790, pala, Uganda, Tel: (25641) 342-550,233-331, Fax: (25641) 230-220, Contact Mr. Gray S. Mgonja, Permanent Secretary, Treasury E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Fred KabagambeKali- Transportation isa, Permanent Secretary (N) Central Transport Corridor Scale-Up: The objective of the Law and Justice project is to scale up an existing operation that aims at upgrading strategic road links, enhancing road management capacity and im- Public Service Performance Enhancement(Cr. 4199-UG): The proving railway operations. Decision meeting was scheduled for 26 Oc- objective of the project is to enhance the capacity and performance of tober 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$lOO.O (IDA). public entities to deliver services effectively and efficiently at levels con- Consultantswill be required. Tanzania National Roads, PO Box 11364, sistentwith raising and sustaining the growth, diversification and mod- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (25522) 21552576, Fax: (25522) 215 ernizationof the economy and with the government's poverty reduction 0022, Contact Dr. EY. Addc-Abedi, Chief Executive targets. Approved by the Executive Directors on 20 June 2006. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 50440. US$70.0 (IDA). Con- Water and Sanitation sultants will be required for (a) capacity building and training, @) Water Sector Support Program: The objective of the program is to good governance, (c) human resources development, and (d) man- improve governance of water resources management and assure sus- agement and public service reform. Ministry of Finance, Planning tainable delivery of water supply and sanitation services. Appraisal and Economic Development, PO Box 7096, Kampala, Uganda,Tel: (256 and negotiations were tentatively scheduled for October 2006. Envi- 41) 23(1290, Fax: (25641) 23(1891, E-mail: [email protected], ronmentalksessment Category A. PID: 87154. US$150.0 (IDA). Co- Contact Mr. Keith Muhakanizi, Director PAGE 18 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Transportation be required. Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Tel: (2601) (R) Kampala Institutional and Inhstructure: The objective of the 253-643,250-345, Fax: (260-1) 252-204; Ministry of Energy and Water project is to develop a strong governance and institutional structure Development; Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company; other utilities in in the Kampala City Council to enhance service delivery and improve Lusaka and Copperbelt Provinces the economic performance of the city. Appraisalwas scheduled for No- vember2GO5. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$32.9 (lD&. Consulting services to be determined. Kampala City Council, PO Box 7010, Kampala, Uganda,Tel: (256-41) 231-440, (256231) 344-000, Fax: (25641) 231-916, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. James K.N. Sseggane, Town Clerk East Asia and Pacific Urban Development Cambodia Local Government Management Service Delivery The objective of the project is to provide local development grants and capacity build- Public Sector Governance ing grants to local governments. Decision meeting is scheduled for Jan- (R) Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is uary 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 (IDA). to implement key policy measures of the National Poverty Reduction Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Local Government, Strategy. Decision meeting was scheduled for 16 October 2006. Envi- Uganda House, Kampala Rd., PO Box 7037, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: (2% ronmentalhessment Category U. US15.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting 4) 341-224,258435, Fax (2564) 347-339,258127, Contact Mr. Vincent services to be determined. Ministry of Economy and Finance, St. 92 B. Sekkono, Permanent Secretary Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (85523) 12881355, Fax: (85523) 4287798, Email: ferpmefwbdkm- Zambia, Contact Mr. Tauch Chan Kresna, Chief, World Bank Divi- Economic Management sion (R) Second Economic Management and Growth: The objective (R) Public Financial Management and Accountability (H241- of the project is to implement policy and institution reforms outlined KH):The project will improve the credibility of the budget, enhance inthe poverty reduction strategy. Decision meeting was scheduled for accountability of budget managers, and strengthen the link between 14 November 2006. Appraisal and negotiations are scheduled for 21 pro-poor policy and budgets. Approved by the Executive Directors November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID 74445. on 27 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 87945. US$20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance and US$ 14.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of National Planning, P 0 Box 50062, Lusaka, Zambia, Tel: (2601) 253- Economy and Finance, No. 60, Daun Penh (St 92), Phnom Penh, Cam 512, Fax: (26@1) 251478, Contact Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Sec- bodia, Tel: (85523) 428960, Fax: (85523) 427-298, (85523) 430-960, retary to Treasury E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Sok Saravuth, Director, Reform Committee Secretariat Energy and Mining Increased Access to Electricity and ICT Services: The objective Rural Development of the project is to expand access to electricity, telephone and internet (R) Avian and Human Innuenza Control and Preparedness: services in rural areas. Decision meeting and appraisal are scheduled The objective of the project is to minimize the threat to humans and for May 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 77452, poultry from bird flu and to preparefor, control and respond to intluenza 76320. US$ 24.0/8.0/2.5 (IDA/GEF/PCF). Consultants will be re- pandemics and other infectious disease emergencies in humans. Ne- quired. Ministry of Energy and Water Development, PO Box 36079, gotiations are scheduled for late November 2006. Board presentation Lusaka 10101 Zambia, Tel: (2601) 251-337, Fax (2601) 254491,252- is tentatively scheduled for December 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment 339, Email: doe@zanmentm, Contact W. Serenje, Director, Depart- Category B. US$6.0 (IDA Grant). Preparation and cofinancinggrants ment of Energy of US$3.0fiom Japan (PHRD) and US$2.0fioom the Avian and Hu- man Influenza facility were ako anticipated. Consulting services to be Social Development, Gender and Inclusion determined. Ministry of Economy and Finance, St. 92 Sangkat Wat Ph- Local Development Fund The objective of the project is to advance nom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (85523) 1286 local development initiatives by operating a financial intermediary to 1355, Fax: (85523) 4287798, Email: [email protected], provide funding for projects estimated to be good prospects for suc- Contact Mr. Tauch Chan Kresna, Chief, World Bank Division cess. Project concept review completed. Environmental Assessment (R) Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development: Category to be determined. amount to be determined US$ (IDA). The objective of the project is to transfer good quality agricultural Consultants be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be deter- will land to poor, landless farmers for social and economic development. mined. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- Transportstion gory B. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry ofLund Management, Urban Planning and Construction,771 Monivong Blvd., Essential Bridge Rehabilitation: The objective of the project is to reinstate river crossings to those parts of the country that were neg- Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel/Fax: (85523) 211-354, E-mail: lasedppt@ atively affected by the floods of recent years. Appraisal was scheduled, Contact: MESeng Thany, Project Director for 6 November 2006. Negotiations are scheduled for 20 November 2006. (R) Second Rural Investment and Local Governance: The objective Board presentation is scheduled for 16 January 2007. Environmental of the project is to continue implementing rural investment and local Assessment Category B. PID: 93611. US$160.0 (IDA). Consultantswill governance strategies carried out in the predecessor project. Project be required. Ministry of Communications and Transport, Roads De- identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be velopment Agency, P. 0.Box 50066, Lusaka, Zambia, Tel: (2601) 251- determined. US$20.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. 728, Fax: (2W1) 251 795; Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Implementing agency(ies) to be determined. Lusaka, Zambia, Contact Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Secretary to the Treasury Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Community Empowerment: The objective of the project is to em- Water and Sanitation power the poor by strengthening their organizations and supporting (R) Water Sector Performance Improvement (Cr. 4233-a): their livelihoods. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- The objective of the project is to ensure that water sector resources sessment Category B. US$15.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. are effectively and efficiently used to contribute to poverty reduction. Ministry of Interior, 275 Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Approved b the Eremtive Directors on 5 October2006. Environmental Tel: (85523) 726452/721-190, Fax: (85523) 721-905, Contact: H.E. Assessment Category B. PID: 71259. US$23.0 (IDA). Consultantswill Prum Sokha, Secretary of State NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 19 Demand for Good Governance: The objective of the project is to Bank and commercial banks. China Development Bank, No. 29 promote transparency, accountability and public service improvement Fuchengmenwaidajie, Xicheng District, Beijing 100037 China, Tel: through Demand for Good Governance institutions, networks and @&lo) 6&3@7W9, Fax: @&lo) W@7316,E-mail: [email protected], coalitions. Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Contact: MKTan Bo, Deputy Director General, Project Appraisal De- Category C. US$12.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry partment III of Interior, 275 Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (85523) 726452,721-190, Fax: (85523) 721-905, Contact H.E. PrumSokha, Sec- Health, Nutrition and Population retary of State Rural Health: The objective of the project is to reform health care sys- tems in selected poor rural provinces and address regional inequali- China ties. Reappraisal mission is tentatively scheduled for December 2006. Education EnvironmentaL4ssessmentCategory C. PID: 84437. US$lOO.O (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Foreign Loan Office, Ministry (R) Technical and Vocational Education Training: The objective of Health, No. 154, Gulou West St, Xicheng District, Beijing 100009 of the project is to develop the concept and design of a lending oper- China, Tel: (8610) 84045750, Fax: (8&10) 84045749, Contact Dr. ation to improve effectiveness of skills development through innova- Wang Longde, Vice Minister tion and reforms for the targeted localities and population. Identzj’icatirm mission is under way. Appraisal is scheduled for December 2006. En- Rural Development vironmentalhsessrnent Category C. Us50.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- (R) Eco-FarmingThe objective of the project aims to achieve house vices to be determined. Implementing Agency to be determined. hold level environmental improvements through the establishment Energy and Mining and improvement of biogas systems and biogas related on-farm in- vestments. Preappraisal mission completed. Appraisal mission is ten- (R) Energy Efficiency Financing The objective of the project is to tatively scheduled for December 2006. Environmental Assessment catalyze largescale domestic hancing for energy efficiency projects Category B. US$120.0 (IBRD) .Consulting services to be determined. among energy-intensiveindustries. Preparationmission is under way, Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, Ministry of Agriculture, 20 EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$200.0/13.5 (IBRD/GEF). Maizidian Rd., Beijing 200026 China, Tel: (8610) 65080856, Fax: (86 Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to 10) 65063012, Email:, Contact Mr. Han Gaojun, Di- be determined. rector General, (R) Shandong Power Plant Flue Gas Dedfurhtion: The objective (R) Guan& Integrated Forestry Development and Conserva- of the project is to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions in Shandong tion: The objective of the project is to improve the effectiveness of for- Province by developing and implementing an emissions reduction est management and institutional arrangementsin timber production, program in the heat and thermal power sector. Appraisal mission is watershed protection and nature reserve managementin the selected scheduled for lute November 2006. Environmental Assessment Case- areas of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Negotiations com- gory B. US$ 104.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. pleted. Board presentation is scheduled for 18January 2002 Environ- Shandong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, 46 Jingwu Xi- mental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 87318, 88964, 90649. US$ aoweisi Rd., Jinan 0001 China, Tel: (86531) 8610-6153, Fax: (86531) 100.0/5.0/2.0 (IBRD/GEF/BioCarbon Fund). Consultants will be re 8603-8443, E-mail. [email protected], Contact Mr. Hua Taiying, quired for afforestation technical support, nature reserve manage Deputy Director ment, a biocarbon program, and watershed management Forestry (R) Thermal Power Efficiency The objective of the project is to Department, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, No. 133, Qixing achieve large improvements in the ratio of coal consumption per unit St., Nanning City 530022 China, Tel: (86-0771) 2839558, Fax: (864771) of electricity production through removal of regulatory, institutional 28(19558, Email:, Contact Mr. Id Fuh, Director, and technical barriers to phasing out smaller, older and inefficient World Bank Project Office units and through facilitating increased investments in efficiency im- provements for larger, newer power plants. Concept review completed. Social Protection Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category Migrant Skills and Employment‘ The objective of the project is to C. US$ 19.7 (GEF). International and domestic consultants will be enable rural migrants to urban areas to increase their access to em- hired to perform technical assistance assignments. A GEF-provided ployment opportunities, and improve their incomes and working con- grant of US$0.4 was proposedfor preparation for about one year, and ditions by enhancing educational attainment, improving access to would be used for hiring international and domestic consultants. Im- quality training and employment services, and strengthening worker plementing agency(ies) to be determined. protection. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assess- Yantai Integrated Gasi6cation and Combined Cycle: The objec- ment Category C. US$50.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be deter- tive of the project is to develop a long-term strategy to gradually achieve mined. Ministry of Labor and Social Security, No. 12, Hepingli Zhongjie, zerclC02 emissions from coal-firedpower generationby constructing, Beijing 100716 China, Tel: (8610) 8420-1235, Fax: (8610) 8422-3987, commissioning, operating, demonstrating and replicating a green-field Contact Mr. Zhang Xinmin, Director, World Bank Operations Office 300-400 MW IGCC plant at Yantai, Shandong Province. Decision meet- Transportation ing was scheduled for November 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- egory A. PID: 71439. US$15.0-18.0 (GEF). Consultants, funded by a (N) Shizheng Railway: The objective of the project is to satisry grow- GEF-B grant, have completed their work on incremental cost analy- ing demand for freight and passenger rail services in the corridor be sis, review of the environmental impact assessment, and a prefeasi- tween Shijiazhuang and Zhengzhou, while sustainably improving the bility study of hydrogen production and carbon dioxide removal and level of services offered. Project preparationis under way. Environmental sequestrations. State Grid Corporation of China, 86 Xi Chang‘an Ave., Assessment CategoryA US$300.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be Beijing, China, Fax (86.10) 66598592, Contact Mr. Lu Jianping, Deputy determined. Ministry of Railways, Foreign Capital and Technical Im- Director General, Investment and Financing port Center, 10 Fuxing Rd., Beijing 100844 China, Tel: (8610) 5184- 1825, Fax: (8610) 51841845, Contact: Mr. Chen Juemin, Deputy Finance Director-General (R) Commercially Sustainable Micro and Small Business Fmance: (R) Fujian Highmy Sector Investment (Ln. 4840-CHA): The ob The objective of the project is to initiate a high volume of loans to jective of the project is to improve traffic flows by (a) implementing a small businesses on a commercially sustainable basis using sound Rural Roads Improvement Program, (b) constructing 195 km of ex- business practices and lending technologies. Decision meeting com- pressway from Yongan to Wuping; and (c) providing technical assis- pleted. Appraisal was scheduledjbr 16 October 2006. Environmental As- tance. Approved by the Executive Directors on 12 October 2006. sessment Category FI. PID: 96285. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). A contract has Environmental&essment Category A. PID: 91020. US$320.0 (END). been drawn up with Global Development Services LLC. for (a) lead Consultants will be required for construction supervision and techni- advisory services; (b) procurement of a project implementation con- cal assistance in toll rate analysis, impact analysis and maintenance. sultant, and (c) institution-building advice to the China Development World Bank Loan Office, Fujian Provincial Communications Depart- PAGE 20 Monthlv ODerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006 ment, 7th Floor, Jiangtong Bldg., No. 18 Dongshui Rd., Fuzhou City, Rd., Nanchang, Jiangxi 330025 China,Tel: (86791) 624-3260, Fax: (86 Fujian 350001 China, Tel: (86591) 8707-7710, Fax: (86591) 8707-7707, 791) 628-1344, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Wu Shaom- Email: [email protected], Contacts: Mr. Xie Lan Jie, Director, Mr. Wu ing, Director, World Bank Loan Project Office Dayuan, Deputy Director, Expressway Construction Directorate Xian Urban Transport: The objective of the project is to advance the (R) Fuzhou Nantai Pen-Urban Development (Ln. 4812-CHA): rapid economic growth of Xian by developing a solid foundation of ur- The objective of the project is to support sustainable pen-urban de ban and transportation planning. Project prepamtion is under way. En- velopment in Fuzhou as it expands to include Nantai Island. The loan vironmental Assessment Category A. US$150.0 (IBRD). Consulting was scheduled to be signed in November 2006. Environmental As- services to be determined. Municipality of Xian, Foreign Capital Uti- sessment Category A PID: 70519. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will lization Division, Xian, China, Tel: (8629) 87295821, Fax: (8629) 8721- be required. Key Project Office,Fuzhou Development and manning Com- 0878, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Cheng Zhixun, mission, No. 21, DowiRd., Fuzhou City 350005 China, Tel: (86591) Division Chief 8332-7968, Fax: (86591) 8334-6094, Emaik [email protected], Contact: Mz Liu Bong Min, Director Urban Development (R) Guiyang Transport: The objective of the project is to increase (N) Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Infrastructure and the access and mobility of Guiyang Municipaliys transport users by Management: The objective of the project is to develop the economy implementing cost-effective and sustainable transportation infra- of and alleviate poverty in Guizhou Province in a sustainable manner structure improvements. Appraisal mission is tentatively scheduled through the protection and development of cultural and natural her- for early December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ itage assets. Concept review meeting is tentatively scheduled for De 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required during project prepara- cember 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment CategoryA UsS60.0 (IBRD). tion. Guiyang Communications Bureau, 9th Floor, Zhongsha Bldg., Consultants will be required. Tourism Administration of Guizhou No. 109, North Zhonghua Rd., Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China, Province, No. 242-5 Zhonghua North Rd., Guiyang, Guizhou 550004 Tel: (86851) 682-0984/7798, Fax: (86851) 682-0914, Emaik gpmo@ China,Tel: (86-851) 6832251,681-7801, Fax: (%851) 683-6303 Email:, Contact Mr. HeJun, Director, Leading Group Office of [email protected], Contact Ms. Yang Shengming, Director the World Bank Loan Projects General (R) Shaanxi Ankang Road Development: The objective of the pro- (N) Han River Urban Environment Improvement: The objective ject is to improve passenger and freight traffic flows along the corri- of the project is to reduce pollution caused by wastewater and solid waste dor from Ankang to the Sichuan border, including the construction of in the urban areas of Hubei, particularly in cities in the Han River a 86.2-km expressway and a program of rehabilitation of local/provin- Basin. Preappraisal mission is scheduled for early 2007. Environmen- cial roads. Negotiations are tentatively scheduled for 20 November tal Assessment Category A. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 75613. US$300.0 quired. Hubei Provincial Project ManagementOffice, Hubei Provincial 0).Consultants will be requiredto supervise constructionand tech- Government, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, Tel: (8627) 8774-3203, nical assistance on impact evaluation studies and training and advice Fax: (8627) 877433202, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Zhou on data collection equipment and on road data condition analysis. Xinxin, Director Shaanxi ProvincialTransportDepartment, Youyi West Rd. No. 300, Xian, (R) Gansu Cultural and Natural Heritage: The objective of the Shaanxi 710068 China, Tel/Fax: (8629) 8523-3105, Contacts: Mr. Jiao project is to protect and develop Gansu cultural and natural heritage Fangqun, Deputy Director, and Mr. Lei Peiji, Director, Foreign Fund sites. Preappraisal mission was scheduledfor mid-November2006. Envi- Financed Project Office ronmental Assessment Category A. PID: 91949. US$40.0 (IBRD). (R) Third National Railways: The objective of the project is to ex- Consultantswillbe required. Gansu ProvincialTourism Administration, pand capacity to transport passengers and freight to and from Yunnan 2 Nongmin Lane, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730000 China, Tel: (86 by realigning the railroad tracks to allow higher speeds, doubletrack- 931) 841-1228, Fax: (8&931) 8873-3091, Contact Mr. Hao Hua, Vice- ing the remainingsingle track sections between Liupanshuiand Zhanyi, Director and remodeling the Liupanshui terminal area. Negotiations are ten- (R) Second Guangdong Pearl River Delta Urban Environment: tatively scheduled for late November 2006. Environmental Assessment The objective of the project is to reduce domestic and industrial source Category A PID: 86515. US$200.0 (IBRD). Technical assistance and pollution in the Pearl River Delta river network originating from Fos- need for consultants will be dehed by appraisal and are likely to in- han and Jiangmen municipalities. Negotiations are scheduled for late volve transfers of technology and strengthening of the management November 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category A. PID: 81776. system. Ministry of Railways (Foreign Capital and Technical Import US$ 100.0 (IBRD). International and domestic consultants have been Center), No. 10, Fuxing Rd., Beijing 100844 China, Tel: (8610) 5184- contracted. Guangdong Provincial Finance Bureau, World Bank Pro- 1825, Fax: (8610) 5184-1845, Contact Mr. Chen Juemin, Deputy Di- ject Management Office, Tel: (8620) 8333-0007, Fax: (8620) 8333- rector-General 6405, Contact Mr. Zeng Yuchang, Director boningMedium Cities Infrastructure (Ln. 4831-CHA): The ob (R) Second boning Medium Cities Inhstructure: The objec- jectives of the project are to enhance: (a) the performance and qual- tive of the project is to renew and enhance the efficiency of existing ity of selected cities’ existing urban transport infrastructure in terms infrastructure assets in selected medium-sizedcities. Appraisal mission of mobility, access and safety; (b) the efficiency and effectiveness of is scheduled for late November/early December 2006. Environmental these cities’ public transport and road maintenance services; and (c) Assessment Category A PID: 92618. US$200.0 (IBRD) . Consultants the responsiveness of their urban transport systems to the needs of will be required. Liaoning Urban Construction and Renewal Office, E people without access to private motorized vehicles. Approved by the mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Lu Jixing, Director Executive Directors on 27 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- (R) ‘Ihird Guangdong Pearl River Delta Urban Environment: The egory A US$218.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Liaoning Ur- objectives of the project are to provide a safe environmentfor long-term ban Construction and Renewal Project Office, No. 19 Caita St, Shenhe local economic growth to contribute to environmental pollution con- District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province 110015 China, Tel: (8624) 2393 trol and water resources preservation through sanitation and flood con- 2296, Fax: (8&24) 23932290, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. trol investments. Appraisal has been delayed. Identification mission is Liu Jinxing, Director scheduled for later in FY 2007. Environmental Assessment Category Third Jiangxi Highway (In. 4830-CHA): The objective of the pro- to be determined. PID: 87273. US$200.0 (IBRD). Consulting services ject is to improve east-west passenger and freight flows in Jiangxi to be determined. Shenzhen Municipal Government, Shenzhen Water province by investing in the construction of an expressway, enhanc- Resources Bureau, 3rd Fl. Hongtao Bldg., No. 2 BaoAn Rd. Shenzhen ing local roads, and strengthening highway management Approved 518008 China, Tel: (86755) 25593766, Fax: (86755) 25593447, Con- by the Executive Directors on 27 June 2006. Environmental Assess- tact Mr. Chen Jie, Deputy Director ment Category A. PID: 93906. US$200.0 (IBRD). A consulting fk-m (R) Western Provinces Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hy- has beenhired to review engineering designs. Jiangxi Provincial Com- giene Promotion: The objective of the project is to carry out an in- munications Department, 3rd Floor, Fangzing Bldg., 508 Hongcheng tegrated approach to the design and delivery of rural water supply, NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 21 sanitation and hygiene services, while incorporating past innovations Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 June 2006. Environmen- and lessons learned. Appraisal is scheduled for early December 2006. tal Assessment Category B. PID: 90336. US$5.0 (GEF). Consultants EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 95315. Us25.0 (IBRD). will be required. Ningbo Municipal Development Planning Commis- Consultingservices to be determined. Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces, sion, 1509/R, 15th Floor, Tianning Towe?, 138 West Zhongshan Rd., Tel: (86-29) 87241987, (8628) 866M.737, Fax: (8629) 87241248, (86 Ningbo, China, Tel: (86.574) 87280409, Fax: (W5574) 87280430, Email: 28) 8660-4737, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Contact Ms. Xu Xu, Vice Director [email protected], Contact: Mr. Wang Shuancang, Division Chief, Shaanxi DRC, Ms. Yang Ym, Division Chief, Sichuan DRC Fiji Shanghai Urban Environment APL 2: The objective of the project Energy and Mining is to improve the environment with positive impacts on the East China (R) Renewable Power Development: The objective of the project Sea Project identificationis under way EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- is to expand electricity generation capacity by approximately 60MW, egory A. PID: 90376. Us5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. using renewable resources such as small hydroelectric units and so- Shanghai Municipal Government, No. 1he 1114, Liyang Rd., Shang- lar photo voltaic technology Appraisal mission completed. Negotiations hai 200082 China,Tel: (%21) 566E-8104, Fax: (%21) 654@6094,Email: were scheduledfor 19 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- [email protected], Contact Mr. Qiu Wenjin, Director, Project Office gory B. US$32.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Fiji Sichuan Urban Development: The objective of the project is to en- Electricity Authority, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji, Tel: (679) 331-333, hance core urban functions of the four secondary cities in Sichuan, Mi- Fax: (679) 666-2019, Email: [email protected], Contacts: Anasa Ve anyang, Panzhihua, Suining and Yibin, through key infrastructure cea, Chief Executive Officer, and Davendra Kumaran, Director for En- investments and municipal institutional development and capacity ergy building. Approved by the Executive Directors on 7 September 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category A. PID: 83322. US$180.0 (IBRD). Indonesia Retroactive hancing up to 20%of the loan amount is under consider- ation by project cities. Consultants will be required for implementation Education assistance, evaluation and identificationfor urban management Provin- (R) Second Early Childhood Education and Development (Cr. cial Project Management Office, 10th Floor, Nongzi Bldg., No. 10 East 4205-IND):The objective of the project is to improve poor children’s Jinli Rd., QingyangDistrict, Chengdu 610041 China, Tel: (8628) 8512- development and readiness for further education. The credit was 8880, Fax: (8628) 8612-9043, Contact Mr. Shi Yi, Vice Director signed on 13 September 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 89479. Us67.5 (IBRD/IDA). Consultantswill be required. Min- Water and Sanitation istry of National Education, J1. Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta, (R) Second Shandong Environment: The objective of the project Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 572-5033, Fax: (62-21) 572-5487, Contact Dr. Ace is to improve environmental quality in selected cities and counties Suryadi, Director General of Non-Formal Education and Youth through improvedwastewater collection and treabnent, solid waste man- Better Employment and Redeployment and Universal Teacher agement, and water supply. Negotiations were scheduled for mid-No- Upgrading: The objectives of the project are to improve teacher qual- vember 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 77752. ity and distribute teachers more equitably and efficiently. Project iden- US$ 147.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required during implementa- tification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category to be tion in construction supervision and institutional capacity building for determined. US$200.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. A pilot utilities. Shandong Province Project Management Office, No. 46 Xi- study is under way hancedby a Dutch Trust Fund. Directorate of Im- aoweisi Rd., Jinan 250001 China, Tel: (86531) 87080823, Fax: (86 provement of Quality and Education Personnel, Ministry of National 531) 87941408, Email: [email protected], Contact: Ms. Ying Wu, Director Education, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Senayan, Gedung A htai 2, Jakrta (R) Second Shandong Environment: The objective of the project Pusatta Pusat, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 5790-1004, Fax: (62-21) 5790- is to introduce innovativemethods to reduce land-based pollution from 0960, Email: faslilO@hotmailcom,Contact Dr. FasliJalal, Director Gen- the coastal cities into the Bohai Sea. Negotiationswere scheduled for eral for Improvement of Education and Personnel mid-November2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. Us5.0 Energy and Mining (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Shandong Project Man- agement Office, No. 46, Jig Wu Lu, Xiao Wei Si Lu, Jinan, Shandong (R) Electricity Access for Rural: The objective of the project is to Province 250001 China,Tel: (%531) 8791-5106, Fax: (%531) 87941408, increase and enhance modern electricityservices to the rural poor. Con- Email: [email protected]; [email protected],Contact Ms. cept review was scheduled for late October 2006. Environmental As- Ying Wu, Director, Project Management Office sessment Category to be determined. U$150.0 (IBRD). The project preparation grant (PHRD) agreement has been signed. The govern- Henan Towns Water Supply and Sanitation (In.4829-CHA): The ment is now hiring consultants who will assist in project preparation: objectives of the project are to (a) develop sustainable water supply and market assessment, preinvestment studies, regulation and policies, in- wastewater management systems in key towns of Henan, (b) improve stitutional aspects and participation. Directorate General of Electric- living conditions and support growth of the towns, and (c) establish a ity and Energy Utilization, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, model for developing water supply and wastewater management sys- J1. H.R Rasuma Said Blok X-2, Kav 07-08, hangan Kalarta, Indone tems elsewhere. Approved by the Executive Directors on 27 June sia, Tel: (62-21) 527-9347,522-5180, Ext 217, Fax: (62-21) 5256064, E 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 81348. US$150.0 mail: [email protected],Contact Emy Perdanahari, Director (IBRD). Consultants will be required for capacity building, imple- of Electricity Program Supervision mentation support and policy support Province of Henan, PO Box 450008, World Bank Project Management Office, Henan Finance Bu- (R) Iahendong Geothermal: The objective of the project is to gen- reau, No. 27, Jing San Rd., Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, Tel: erate power from geothermal resources. Concept review was sched- (%371) 58032, Fax: (86.371) 571-0590, Email: [email protected], uled for late October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category to be Contact Mr. Yang Liu, Deputy Director determined. US4.2 - 5.2 (Trust Fund). Prototype Carbon Fund pur- chase of carbon credits is anticipated. Consulting services to be de Iiaoning: The objective of the project is to improve water and sani- termined. Perusahaan LisaNegara, J1. Trunojoyo Blok M I/135 tation infrastructure and delivery Decision meeting was scheduled for Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160 Indonesia, Tel: (6221) 7251234, Fax: 16 October 2006. Environmental Assessment CategoryA. PID: 90375. (62-21) 7346873, Email: [email protected], [email protected], Con- US$ amount to be determined (GEF). A Us0.4 grant was approved tacts: Mr. Tony Agus, Deputy Director of Generation and Primary En- for preparation. Consultants will be required. Implementingagency (ies) ergy, and Mr. Hardiv Situmeang, Adviser to the Board of Directors to be determined. Ningbo Water Management: The objectives of the project are to (a) Environment and Natural Resources Management reduce land-based pollution along the Ciicoast and the East China (R) Support for Poor and Disadvantaged Areas in Aceh and NiaS: Sea, (b) promote the replication of innovative low cost wastewater The objectives of the project are to implement post contlict and post treatment techniques, and (c) encourage coastal zone conservation. tsunami development and rehabilitation measures in Aceh. Appraisal PAGE 22 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 is under way. Regional Vice President's approval decision was sched- delivery of water supply and sanitation to the eastern kabupatens. The uled for 26 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. credit was scheduled to be signed on 18 October 2006. Environmen- PID: 97605. Us25.0 vrust Fund). No consultants are required. Min- tal Assessment Category B. PID: 85375. Us137.5 (IDA). Consultants istry for Development of Disadvantaged Areas, Jl. Abdul Muis No. 7, will be required. Ministry of Public Works, J. PattimUra No. 20, Jakarta, Jakarta 10110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 350-0334, Fax: (62-21) 352-2739, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 7279-6158, Fax: (62-21) 72796155, Contact Ir. E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Aunur Rofiq, Deputy Agoes Widjanarko, MIP, Directorate General of Human Settlements Minister for Developmentof Disadvantaged Areas Private Sector Development Kecamatan Development Program Community Comtim:The objective of the project isto mainstreambiodiversity conservation into (R) Private Infrastructure Financing and Support Facility: The communilydriven development by targetingkecamatan in areas of high objective of the project is to promote public-private partnership in in- global biodiversiv, where the kecamatan development program (KDP) frastructure and to attract private long-term capital into commercially already works. Project identification is under way. Environmental As- viable infrastructure projects by offering a range of financial products sessment Category C. US$5.0/10.0 (GEF/Trust Fund). Consultants through a new financial intermediary. Project preparation is under will be required to design and implement training programs and aware way. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 92218. US$ 100.0 ness raising programs for KDP staff in target areas and conduct map (IBRD). Consulhg services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, ping and land-use assessments to target activities and areas for assistance J1 Lapangan Banteng2-4, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 251-2222, Fax: and specific activities. Ministry of Home Affairs, Pemberdayaan (6221) 5722446, Email: [email protected], Contact: MzNgalim Sawega, Masyarakat dan Desa, Department Dalam Negeri Republic Indonesia, Head, Bureau of Banking and other Financial Institutions; Coordmat- J1. TMP Kalibata No. 17, Makarta Selatan 12750 Indonesia, Contact ing Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Ayip Mach,Director General Rural Development Strengthening Services for Community Governance: The objec- tive of the project is to strengthen subdistrict planning and manage (N) Agricultural Exports Competitiveness: The objectives of the ment Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment project are to improve the policy environment for facilitating agricul- Category B. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Min- tural exports and implement long-term reforms in local governance istry of Home Affairs, PMD, Km. 19, J1. Pasar Minggu Raya, Jakarta, and rural service delivery. Project concept review was scheduled for Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 7917-1684, Fax: (62-21) 79196118, Contact Mr. 2 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$80.0 Ayip Mach,Director General (IBRD). Consultants will be required during project implementation. Ministry ofTrade, J. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5, Jakarta 10110 Indonesia, Finance Tel: (62-21) 3858204,38&0940, Fax: (62-21) 3858191, Email: dmaul- (N) Second Government Financial Management and Revenue [email protected], Contact: Ms. Diah Maulida, Director General, In- Administration: The objective of the project is to reform revenue ad- ternational Trade ministration. Project identification is under way. Environmental As- (R) Farmers Empowermentthrough Agricdtural Technology and sessment Category C. US55.0 (IBRD). Consultantswillbe required. Information: The objective of the project is to increase agricultural Ministry of Finance, DGTax, B Bldg., 14th Floor, J1. Jend. Gatot Sub productivity and farmers' income by empowering and organizing farm- roto Kav. 4C-42, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (6221) 5262918, Fax: (62-21) ers, particularly smallholders, to drive the agricultural services agenda 522-5136, Email: [email protected],Contact: Mr. Robert Pakpahan, and improve their access to technical and market information. Negc- Coordinator, Tax Administration tiations were scheduled for 1 November 2006. Board presentation is Third Development Policy: The objective of the project is to achieve scheduled for 19 December m.Environmental Assessment Category macroeconomic stability and improvementsin the investment climate, B. PID: 83742. US$ 100.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants' feasibility study public financial management, and public service delivery to the poor and social environment assessments completed. Ministry of Agri- by implementing harmonized approaches with multiple donors to culture, J1. Harsono Room No. 3, Bldg. A, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, In- achieving macroeconomic stability Decision meeting was scheduled donesia, Tel: (62-21) 780-4427, Contact Jr. Hasanuddin Ibrahim, for November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ Secretary-General 530.0/70.0 (IBRD/ID& No consultants are required. CoordinatingMin- (R) Fisheries Revitalization: The objective of the project is to reduce istry of the Economy and Ministry of Finance, Gedung Utama De- poverty in rural coastal communities through the sustainable utiliza- partment, Keuangan, 5th Floor, J. Lapangan Banteng Tmur, Jakarta tion and collaborativemanagement of coastalecosystems so that their 10710 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 351-1178, Fax: (62-21) 351-1186, Email: productive capacity is maximized for the benefit of those dependent [email protected],Contact Dr. Henry B. L Toruan, Assistant Deputy on them for their livelihoods. Appraisal is tentatively scheduled for 15 December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PIDs: 90257, Health, Nutrition and Population 95592. US$80.0/10.0 (IBRD/IDA/GEF). Consultants will be required (R) Improving Outcomes in a Decentralized Health System: for preparation. State Ministry for National Development Plan- The objective of the project is to strengthen the performance of core ning/National Development Planning Agency, JL Taman Suropati No. public health services in pursuit of priority health outcomes and con- 2, Jakarta, Pusat 10310 Indonesia, TeVFax: (62-21) 351-9070, Ext 7723, trol of emerging diseases such as Avian Flu. Concept review meeting 310-7960, Contacts: Mr. Saut Hutagalung, Director for planning and For- is scheduled for 27 March 2007. Environmental Assessment Cate eign Cooperation, and Ir Wahyuningsih Darajati, Director for Marine gory to be determined. US$40.0/20.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consulting ser- Affairs and Fisheries Bappenas vices to be determined. Ministry of Health, Jln. H.R Rasuna Said X5, Dam Operational Improvement and safety: The objective of the Kay 49, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 520-1590, Fax: (62-21) 520-1597, project is to improve reservoir dams and make them safer. Project prepa E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Sya6i Ahmad, Secretary rationis under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$120.0 General (IBRD). Consultants are required for preparation. Ministry of Public (R) National Agency for Food and Drug Control: The objective of Works, Jl. Pattimura 20, Jakarta, Indonesia,Tel: (62-21) 7346616, Fax: the project is to improve the safety and quality of food and pharma- (62-21) 720-8285, Contact: Ir. Siswoko, Director General, Department ceuticals by strengthening the food and pharmaceuticals qualily as- Water Resources surance management system. Negotiations are scheduled for 12 DecemberLVQ6. EnvironmentalAssessmentCategory C. PD: 82673. US$ Social Protection 50.0 (IBRD/IDA) . Consultants will be required. National Agency for (N) Kecamatan Based Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Plan- Drug and Food Control, Jl.Percetakan Negara No. 23, Jakarta 10560 ning in Nias: The objective of the project is to provide housing, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 4245331, Fax: (62-21) 4250764,4244974, Email: schools, local government offices and infrastructure for resettlement [email protected], Contact Dra. Mawarwati Djamaluddin, Secre The Regional Vice President's approval decision was scheduled for 31 WY October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category U. US25.8 Vrust (R) Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low-Income Com- Fund). Consultants will be required. Directorate General of Human Vii- munities (Cr. 4204-IND):The objective of the project is to improve lage Community Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, J. Raya NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 23 Pasar Minggu Km. 19, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 7914 (R) Western Java Environment ManagementAPL 2: The objec- 9648, Fax: (62-21) 79196118, Contact Mr. Arwan E. Surbakti, Direc- tives of the project are to strengthen the institutional capacity of local tor of Institutional and Community Training governments to implement environmental waste management and drainage/flood control projects. Preappraisal is under way. Environ- Fanspotta tion mental Assessment Category A PID: 82388. Uss66.0 (IBRDADA). (R) Iamno-Calang Road The objectives of the project are to (a) re Consultants will be needed for supervising investmentsin solid waste establish paved road access between Lamno and Calang; (b) com- management facilities and capacity building. Ministry of Public Works, plete the upgrading of 31 km of kabupaten roads and 21 km of other J1. Pattimua20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: roads constituiing West Coast road bypasses; and (c) carry out minor (62-21) 72746158, Fax: (62-21) 72746155, Contact Agoes Widjanarko, repairs of existing b-afficable road sections of the old West Coast road. Director General Appraisal has been suspended pending project redesign. Environmental East Java: The objective of the project is to design and establish pi- Assessment Category B. US$11.5 (hst Fund). Consultants will be lot community-based wastewater and sanitation systems in the Greater required during implementation for design, supervision and auditing. Surabaya Metropolitan Region. Project identification is under way. En- Catholic Relief Services,Jln. Mesjid ALQurban, Ds. Lam Ara, Kecamatm vironmental Assessment Category U. US$5.0 (GEF). Consulting ser- Banda Raya - Banda Acheh, Indonesia,Tel: (0&51) 742-9521, Fax: (06 vices to be determined. East Java Provincial Government, J1. Pahlawan 51) 47291, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Mr. No. 108110, Surabaya, Indonesia, Tel: (62-31) 3553875, Fax: (62-31) Scott Campbell, Director, CRS Aceh 3553877, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Hadi Prasetyo, Freeways Program: The objective of the project is to construct a Head of Bappeda, East Java Province freeway system that will support long-term economic and social de East Java Regional Development and Reform Program: The ob velopment. Project identification is under way. Environmental As- jective of the project is to improve long-term regional economic de sessment Category A US$300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. velopment in East Java. Appraisal was scheduled to take place in late Ministry of Public Works, J1. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta Selatan 12110 2006 following the East Java provincial governments discussions with Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 72C-0281, Fax: (62-21) 720-1760, Contact Mrs. the federal government on borrowing parameters. EnvironmentalAs- SriApriatini Soekardi, Director of Planning, DirectorateGeneral of High- sessment Category B. PID: 84090. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants ways will be required for implementation. East Java Provincial Government, National Roads Improvement: The objective of the project is to (a) Jl. Pahlawan No. 108110, Surabaya, Indonesia, Tel/Fax: (62-31) 353- enable decentralization and sustain regional economic competitive 3877/75, Email: didiekhparadaetid, Contact Mr. Hadi Prasetyo, ness and social well-being by upgrading substandard roads that have Head of Bappeda East Java Province been reclassijied as national and strategic roads to the required national Umbulan Springs: The objective of the project is to improve water standards and by eliminating traffic bottlenecks along strategic and na- supply for six million consumers in Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo and Pa- tional roads; and (b) enhance road sector management capacity, Pro- suruan by increasing water supply from Umbulan springs. Project ject identifcation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. A. US$3OO.O (IBRD) . Consultants will be required. Ministry of Pub PID: 91021. US$lOO.O (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry lic Works, J1. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: of Public Works, J1. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110 In- (62-21) 720-0281, Fax: (62-21) 720-1760, Contact Mrs. Sri Apriatini donesia,Tel: (62-21) 7179-6158, Fax: (62-21) 72746155, Contact Dr. Ir. Soekardi, Director of Planning, Directorate General of Highways Agus Widjanarko, General of Urban and Rural Development Strategic Roads Inii-astructure (In. 4834-IND): The objective of West Tarum canal: The objective of the project is to improve the qual- the project is to improve road conditions and increase capacity along ity, quantity and reliability of the raw water supply to Jakarta. Project key traffic corridors to support economic growth. Approved by the Ex- identitication is under way. EnvironmentalAssesmeat Category B. PID: ecutive Directors on 6 July 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate 96757. US$lOO.O (IBRD). Consultants will be required for preparation. gory A PID: 79906. UsS208.0 (IBRD). Consultants are required for Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works, J1. (a) design and supervision of civil works and monitoring of environ- Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-021) mental assessments and action plans and land acquisition and reset- 722-2804, Fax: (62-021) 7261956, E-mail: [email protected], tlement action plans, and @) technical assistance. Directorate General Contact Ir. Siswoko, Director General of Water Resources of Highways, Ministry of Public Works, J1. Pattimura No. 20, Jakarta Selatan 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 72(10281,727-6581, Fax: (62-21) Water and Sanitation 720-1760,727-9232, Contact Mrs. Sri Apriatini Soekardi, Director of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective of the project Planning is to improve water supply services by strengthening public water util- Surabaya Sustainable Urban Transport The objective of the pro- ities to become operationally efficient and hancially sustainable, and ject is to create a sustainable transport system in Surabaya by im- by involving local private enterprises in construction and operation of provingthe modal split of public innsport and non-motorized transport, water systems under the design-build-leasescheme. Appraisal mission with a resulting signiscant reduction in carbon dioxide emission. Pro- is scheduled for December 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate ject identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category gory B. PID: 90991. US$80.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. U. US$0.95 (GEF). Consultants will be required for preparation. City Ministry of Public Works, J1. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta of Surabaya, Development Planning Agency, Surabaya, Jalan Pacar 8, 12110 Indonesia, Tel: (62-021) 71746158, Fax: (62-021) 72796155, Surabaya 60272 Indonesia, Tel: (62-31) 535264A), Fax: (6231) 534-4601, Contact Ir. Agoes Widjanarko, Director General of Human Settle Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Togar ffi Siaban, ments and Rural Development Head of Physical and Infrastructure Division Lao People's Democratic Republic Urban Development (R) InhslrumRexmstruction &ab@ Program: The objective Health, Nutrition and Population of the project is to provide the necessarytechnical assistance for three (R) Avian and Human Influenza Control and Preparedness years to Badan Rehabilitasidan Rekonstruksi, local governments and (H243-IA): The objective of the project is to minimize the threat to provincial governments to enable them to plan, develop and implement humans and poultry from bird flu and to prepare for, control and re infrastructure projects. The grant was signed on 13 July 2006. Envi- spond to influenza pandemics and other infectious disease emergen- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100218. US42.0 prust cies in humans. The grant was signed on 12 SeBtember 2006. Fund). Consultants will be required for implementation. Badan Re Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100081. US$4.0 (IDA habilitasi dan Rekonstruksi, J1. Muhammad Thaher No.20, Lueng Grant). Coiinancing codrmed with Japan and expected from Avian Bata, Banda Aceh 23247 Indonesia, Tel: (62-651) 636636/123, Fax: (62- and Human Influenza Facility. Consultantswill be required. Ministry 651) 637-777, Contact Mr. Eddy Purwanto, Deputy Minister, Depart- ofAgridture and Forestry, PO Box 811, Vientiane, Lao PDR; Ministry ment of Housing, Infrastructure, and Spatial Planning of Health, PO Box 2236, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (85620) 551-7522, PAGE 24 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Contact Dr. Bounlay Phommasack, Deputy Director of Communica- source to be determined). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Na- ble Diseases ture and Environment, Baga toiruu-44, Ulaanbaatar-48, MNE, 210648 Mongolia, Tel/Fax: (97611) 321-401, Email:, Con- Private Sector Development tact Mr. Enkhmandakh, Vice Minister and National Project Director (N) Trade Facilitation: The objective of the project is to implement the trade-related reform agenda. Identification mission was scheduled Law and Justice for 16 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to be de Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is to de- termined. US$ 1.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required. Ministry of In- velop and implement policies and structural reforms that are consis- dustry and Commerce, Phonxay Wage, Phonxay Rd., PO Box 4107, tent with and supportive of the country’s overall economic development Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (85621) 415930,412-007, Fax: (85621) 412- strategy in a sequenced and phased manner. Board presentation is ten- 434, E-mail:, Contact: Mrs. Khemmani tatively scheduled for July 2007. Environmental Assessment Category Pholsena, Director General, Forestry Trade Policy Department C. PID: 78386. US$12.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance and Ekonomy, Negdsen UndestniiSt, 5/1, Government Bldg. Public Sector Governance No.2, Room 203, Ulaanbaatar 210646 Mongolia, Tel/Fax: (97611) 320- Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is 247, Contact Mr. Sandadorj, Head of Fiscal Policy Department to implement the National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy. Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- is to establish a sound institutional and regulatory environment to gory C. US$5.0 (IDA). consultants will be required. Ministry of Fi- complete the transition to a market economy and enable the private nance, PO Box 46,23 Singha Rd., Saysettha District, Vientiane, Lao sector to become an engine of growth. Project identification is under PDR, Tel/Fax: (85621) 412-142, Email: [email protected], Contact way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$15.0 (IDA). Con- Mme. Thippakorne Chathavongsa sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance and Economy, Government Bldg. No. 2, Ulaanbaatar 2105646 Mongolia, Tel/Fax: Rural Development (97611) 320-247, Contact Ms. Damba Bassankhuu, Head of Fiscal Khammouane Rural Livelihood: The project will enhance oppor- Policy tunities for rural villagers to participate in the Xe Bang Fai Basin’s ex- pected economic development. Project preparation is under way. Rural Development EnvironmentalAssessment Category U. US5.0 (IDA). Consultingser- (R) Second Sustainable Iivelihoods: The objective of the project vices to be determined. Governance Reform and livelihood Strength- is to institutionalize successful approaches for achieving secure and ening Program, PO Box 456, Khammouane, Lao PDR, Tel: (85651) sustainable livelihoods for poor households and individuals. Project 213-326, Fax: (85651) 213-334, Contacts: Mr. Oday Soudaphone, Vice preparation was scheduled for 31 October 2006. Environmental As- Governor of Khammouane, Mr. Bounhong Khinasamone, National sessment Category B. PID: 96439. US18.0 (IDA). Consulting services Project Director, Chief of Provincial Propaganda, Mr. Bounmy Him- to be determined. Household Livelihoods Support Program Office, Chin- masone, Director of Finance Department, Mr. Sinthavy, Project Man- geltei District, Khuvisgalchdiin Ave., 38, State Bldg. No. 7, Ulaan- ager, Mr. Bikash Ranjan Dash, Program Support Coordinator baatar, Mongolia, Tel: (97611) 322-465, Fax: (97611) 328-107, Email:, Contact Ms. Pagma, Director Transportation Provincial and Rural Infrastructure: The objective of the project Papua New Guinea is to target sustained economic growth through rural infrastructure Rural Development development and improved service delivery capacities by increasing mobility and broadening access to health and social services. Project (R) Smallholder Agriculture Development: The objective of the pro- preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. ject is to improve the living standards of rural communities in selected PID: 75780. US6.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for prepara- areas of oil palm-growing provinces. Preappraisal mission was sched- tion. Ministry of Communications, Transport, Post and Construction, uled for 24 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. heXang Ave., Vientiane, Lao PDR, Tel: (85621) 412-741, Fax: (856 PID: 79140. US$ 25.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. The Oil 21) 414132, Email: sommad@laoteLcom,Contact Sommad Pholsena, Palm Industry Corporation, Ela Beach, Port Moresby, Papua New General Director, Department of Roads; Provincialgovernments of At- Guinea, Tel: (675) 320-1588/83/92, Fax: (675) 320-1577, E-mail: tapu, Xekong, Houaphan, Dudomxia and Phongsali [email protected],Contact Mr. Felix Bakani, General Secretary Mongolia Transportation (N) Road Maintenance and RehabilitationAdditional Financing Energy and Mining The objective of the project is to maintain the network of key roads and (R) Infrastructure Services Delivery The objective of the project bridges in six provinces. Appraisal is scheduled for 20 November 2006. is to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of centralized heating Environmental Assessment Category B. lJS$30.0 (IBRD). Consulting in Ulaanbaatar and selectedAimags, and urban transport in Ulaanbaatar. services to be determined. Department of Works and Transport, PO Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- Box 1108, Boroko, New Capital District, Papua New Guinea, Tel: (675) gory to be determined. PID: 99617. US$15.0 (IDA). Consultants will 3241190, Fax (675) 3241264, Email: roymumuQdaltron.compg, Con- be required for preparation studies in heating and transport Imple tact Mr. Roy Mumu, Deputy Secretary menting agency(ies) to be determined. (R) Renewable Energv for Rural Access: The objective of the pro- Philippines ject is to increase access to and the reliability of electricity in rural ar- Finance eas. Decision meeting completed. Negotiationswere scheduled for late (R) Development Policy The objective of the project is to achieve October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US 3.5/3.5 macroeconomic stability with improvements in tax policy and ad- (IDA/GEF) . Consultantswill be needed for market assessment, sup- minisiration and fiscal balances of the government-owned and controlled ply options and hancial management, Ministry of Fuel and Energy, corporations. Decision meeting was scheduled for late October 2006. BagaToiruu 6, Ulan Bator 46 Mongolia,Tel/Fx (97611) 318169, Con- Environmental Assessment Category U. US$200.0 (IBRD) . Consult- tact Mr. T Sukbaytor, Director, Policy Department ing services to be determined. Department of Finance, Department of Finance Bldg., Roxas Blvd., Corner F! Ocampo St, Manila NCR Environment and Natural Resources Management 1004 Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 521-2948 Forest Landscapes Development: The objective of the project is to enable forest products and the ecosystem services that forests provide Public Sector Governance to make signiticant contributions to economic development and envi- Public Expenditure Rationalization: The objective of the project is ronmental protection. Project identification is under way. Environ- to improve governance, combat poverty and improve the delivery of mentalAssessment Category B. US$ amount to be determined (funding basic services. Project identification is under way. Environmental As- NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 25 sessment Category C. PID: 78068. US$60.0 (IBRD) . Consultants, to U. US$250.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for preparation. be hanced by a US$1.1 PHRD grant, are required to prepare re- Department of Public Works and Highways, Bonifacio Dr., Port ports, recommendations, strategies and action plans for: (a) functional Area, Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 304-3260, Fax: (63-2) 304-3485, and efficiency reviews of central departments; (b) improving the Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Manuel Bonoan, macroeconomic, fiscal and sector expenditure frameworks and link- Undersecretary, Technical Services and Bureaus ages among different planning tiers: (c) civil service pay and em- ploymentreform and (d) improving implementation of the medium-term Urban Development expenditure fi-amework and program evaluation. Consultants are also (R) Support for Strategic Local Developmentand Investment (In. required for implementation and coordination of the PHRD grant De- 4833-PH): The objective of the project is to improve local public ser- partment of Budget and Management, Ground Floor, Bldg. I,General vices by facilitating local government access to viable financing for in- Solano St, San Miguel, Manila, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 7354934, Fax: frastructure improvements and additions. The loan was signed on 3 (63-2) 7354961, Email: [email protected], Contact Ms. Laura B. [email protected] Assessment Category FI. PID: 64925. US$ Pascua, Undersecretary 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants, financed by a PHRD grant, were required for preparation. Land Bank of the Philippines, Land Bank Plaza, 1598 Rural Development Dr., Quintos St, M.H. del Pilar, Malate, Metro Manila, Philippines, Tel: (R) National Program Support for Participatory Irrigation De- (63-2) 4057340, (63-2) 522-0000, Fax: (63-2) 5288523, Email: lgeron@ velopment: The objectives of the project are to (a) improve the Na-, Contact Mr. Iiduvino Geron, Vice President, Pro- tional IrrigationAdministration’s financial viability and irrigation service gram Management Dept delivery to farmers; and (b) facilitate farmer participation and close the Water and Sanitation gap between service areas and actual irrigated areas. Projectpreparation is under way EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 88926. US$ (R) Manila Third Sewerage: The objective of the project is to reduce 35.2 0).Consulting services to be determined. National Irrigation transboundarypollution in large marine ecosystems caused by Manila Administration, 4/F, DCIE Bldg., NIA Compound EDSA, Diliman, Bay pollution. Negotiations completed. Board presentation is scheduled Quezon City, Philippines, Tel: (63-2) 9267602, E-mail: sps-soem@ for 21 December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID:, Contact Mr. Mario Gulinao, Project Coordinator 89082. US$5.0 (GEF). Consultants have been engaged. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, FASPO Bldg., DENR Com- (R) National Program Support for Second Mindanao Rural De- pound,Visayas Ave., Dhan,Quezon City 1100 Philippines,Tel: (632) velopment The objectives of the project are to: (a) improve access to viable livelihood opportunities for targeted communities and (b) in- 9246626, Fax: (632) 927-1518, Email: [email protected], lilibeth- stitutionalize a decentrahd system for services delivery to enhance [email protected], Contact Attorney Analiza Rebuelta-Teh, As- productivity, transparency, accountability and community participa- sistant Secretary, Foreign-hsisted and Special Projects Office tion. Negotiations are scheduledfor 22 January 2007. EnvironmentalAs- Regional sessment Category B. US$9.0/7.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants for preparation have been contracted. Department of Agriculture, Office Energy and Mining of the Secretary, Elliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, (R) Greater Mekong Sub-Region Power Trade Program, Phase Tel/Fax: (63-2) 92M079, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. 1: The objective of the project is to improve the economic efficiency Segfredo Serrano, Undersecretary of providing electric power in the subregion by establishing cross-bor- Climate Change Adaptation Program: The objective of the project der transmission connections. Preappraisal completed. Appraisal mis- is to develop and demonstrate the systematic diagnosis of climate-re sion was scheduled for early November 2W6. EnvironmentalAssessment lated problems and the design of costeffective adaptation measures Category B. US33.0 (IDA). consultants are being funded through while continuing integration of climate risk awareness and respon- PHRD grants. Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, Cambodia, 47 siveness into economic and operational planning. Project identification Preah Nordom Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tel: (855) 2372-3447, is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$ 10.0 (GEE). Contact H.E. Suy Sem, Minister; Ministry of Industry and Handi- Consultants, to be funded by a GEF preparation grant, will be re- crafts, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nong Bon Rd., Vientiane, quired. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ellptical Lao PDR,Tel: (856) 2141-3002, Contact H.E. Onneua Phommachanh, Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines,Tel/Fax (632) 926-8065, Email: Minister [email protected], Contact Analisa Teh, Assistant Secretary (R) Sustainable Energy Finance: The objective of the project is to National Program Support for Agrarian Reform: The objective of provide technical assistance and affordable financing in Pacific Island the project is to reduce the economic and social costs of prolonged un- countries, including Fiji, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, certainties in the agriculture sector that hamper investment and hence for small enterprises and households to buy alternative sources of en- performance competitiveness and the response of the sector to chang- ergy such as bio-fuels and solar and hydroelectric power. Appraisal mis- ing global trends. Project idenscation is under way. Environmental sion completed. Decision meeting was scheduled for early November Assessment Category B. PID: 78252. US$40.G50.0 (IBRD). Consul- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 98423. US$ 10.0 tants have been hired for preparation. Department of Agrarian Re (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Works and Energy, form, FAPSO Bldg., DARCompound, Ellipitical Rd., Diliman, Quezon PO Box 2493, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji, Tel: (679) 3384111, City, Philippines, Tel: (632) 9287031, Fax: (63-2) 927-0752, E-mail: Fax (679) 3383198, Contact Anasa Vocea, Chief Executive Officer, Dav- [email protected], Contact Ms. Herminia San Juan, Director endra Kumaran, Director for Energy; Central Bank of Solomon Is- National Program Support to Environment and Natural Re- lands, PO Box 634, Honiara, Solomon Islands, Tel: (677) 21791, Fax: sources Management:The objective of the project is to achieve sus- (677) 23513, Email: [email protected],Contact Rick N. Hou, Governor tainable growth and improved environment and natural resources Environment and Natural Resources Management management by developing and implementing appropriate policies Sustainable Transport and Environment: The objectives of the pro- and practices. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- ject are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. sessment Category B. PIDs: 96174,91147. US$50.0/7.0 (IBRD/GEE) , Project identiiication is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate Consultants have been hired for preparation. Department of Envi- gory B. US6.0 (GEE). Consultants will be required. Implementing ronmental and Natural Resources, Elliptical Rd., Diliman, Quezon City, agency(ies) to be determined. Philippines,Tel: (632) 9289691,9252329, Fax: (632) 9242540,924352, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Hon. Angel0 T Reyes, Secretary Samoa Transpottation Transpottation National Roads Improvement and Management Program (N) Second Infrastructure Asset Management Additional Fi- Phase 2: The objective of the second phase APL is to improve effi- nancing: The objectives of the project are to (a) reform transport in- ciency and sustainability in the management of the road sector. Pro- stitutions and administration of land and the environment; @) implement ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category asset management for roads, coastal and aviation infrastructure; (c) PAGE 26 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 extend the road network to serve remote and poor communities; and (844) 825-0612, E-mail:fdsbvafptvn, Contact Mr. Le DucThuy, Gov- (d) implement the coastal management and adaptation strategy, in- ernor cluding emergency and riskmanagementprovisions. Project preparation (R) Tax Administration Modernization: The objectives of the pro- is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$lO.O (IDA ject are to improve revenue collection efficiency and governance, re Grant). Consultingservices to be determined. Ministry of Finance, PO duce corruption potential, foster economic growth, promote the Box 3017, Apia, Samoa, Tel: (685) 34333,34332, Fax: (685) 21312, E investment climate, and enhance public confidence in the quality and mail:, Contact Ms. Hinauri Petana, Chief integrity of governmental institutions. Decision meeting is scheduled Executive Officer for December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99376. US$120.0 (ZDAI. Consulting services to be determined. Gen- Solomon Islands eral Department of Taxation, Ministry of Finance, 123 Lo Duc St, Health, Nutrition and Population Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (844) 971-2288, Fax: (844) 971-2287, Email: nm- Health Sector Support Program: The objective of the project is to [email protected], Contact Mme. Nguyen Hong Hai, Deputy Director improve priority health outcomes. Project preparationis under way En- General vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 97671. [email protected] (IDA). Education Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, PO Box 349, Hc- (R) Quality objective of the pro- niara, Solomon Islands, Tel: (67-7) 23404/94472, Contact Dr. George School Education Assurance: The ject is to raise the quality of teaching in primary and secondary schools, Malefo’asi, SIHSDP Director building on the standards-based pay system for teachers introduced Timor- Les te in the Primary Teachers Development project Reparation mission was scheduled for lute October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category Education C. US$ amount to be determined (funding source to be determined). Education Sector Support: The objective of the project is to achieve Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Education and sustainable improvements in the quality of education services. Preap Training, 49 Dai Co., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 8692479, Contact Ms. praisal was postponed due to the country situation. Decision meeting Dang Huy’nh Mai, Vice Minister was scheduled for 14 November 2006. Environmental Assessment (R) Second Higher Education: The objectives of the project are to Category C. PID: 95873. US9.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be re increase the relevance and raise the standards of higher education, in quired. Ministry of Educationand Culture, Vila Verde, Dili, Timor-Leste, response to changing economic and social needs. Decision meeting Tel: (670) 3359631, Email: [email protected], Contact Hon. was scheduled for November 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- Armindo Maiai, Minister gory C. PID: 79665. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de Energy and Mining termined. Ministry of Education and Training, 49 Dai Co, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (844) 8692479, Contact Tran Van Nhung, Vice Minis- The objective of the project is to expand Energy Service Delivery: ter electricity access and improve the reliability and efficiency of existing electricity supply. Decision meeting is scheduled for February 2007. Energy and Mining Environmental Assessment Category B. US$4.5/2.0 (IDA/GEF). A Rural Distribution: The objective of the project is to upgrade, PHRD grant of US 0.5 will finance project preparation. Consultants expand, or both the medium voltage distribution networks in 29 are required for preparation and implementation including (a) loss re- provinces, affecting about one million households. Itwould also, on duction studies for the power system in Dili; (b) disbict and subdis- a pilot basis, investigate mechanisms to help local distribution utili- bid system rehabilitation and extension studies. Ministry of Natural ties hance expansion of service to remote and poor parts of their Resources, Minerals and Energy Policy, 1st Floor, Fomento Bldg., franchise areas. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Rua Dom Aleixo Corte Real, Mandarin, Dili, Tmor-Leste, Tel: (670) Assessment Category B. PID: 99211. US$170.0 (IDA). Consulting 3359178, Contact Mr. Jose A Fernandes Teixeira, Minister services to be determined. Electricity of Vietnam, 18 Tran Nguyen Gas Seep Harvesting: The objectives of the project are to (a) har- Han St, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (844) 8255659, Fax: (844) 8249462, vest natural gas, currently escaping into the atmosphere from seeps Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Dao Van Hung, General Dir- near Aliambata, and (b) generate power for local communitieswith the ector harvested gas. Appraisal is tentativeiy scheduled for late November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92055. US0.5 (IDA). Finance A PHRD grant of US$ 0.3 is funding preparation. Consultants are (R) Financial Sector Modernization and Information Manage- needed for preparation. Directorate of Energy and Mineral Resources, ment: The objectives of the project are to reorganize the central bank, Ministry of Developmentand Environment, Fomento Bldg., 1st Floor, strengthen its core functions and develop a data management frame- Dili, Tmor-Leste,Tel/Fax: (670) 331-7143, Email: lorensogedrot3ya- work and system capable of supporting informed decision making. Re, Contact Mr. Lorenso Pedro, Project Manager, Onshore Oil ject preparation is under way EnvironmentalAssessment Category U. and Gas US45.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for technical assistance. State Bank ofVietnam, 49 LyThaiTo, Hanoi, Vietnam,Tel: (844) 934 Vietnam 3361, Fax: (844) 8250612, E-mail: fdsbv@fptvn, Contact Mr. Le Minh Economic Management Hung, Director-General, International Cooperation Department (N) Sixth Poverty Reduction Support The objective of the project Health, Nutrition and Population is to implement the socioeconomic development plan. Project identi- Northern Uplands Health Support: The objective of the project is fication is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. U$150.0 to ensure that health services reach the poorest Preparationmission (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. State Bank of Vietnam, is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 82672. 47-49 Ly Thai To St., Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel/Fax: (844) 934-3361, E US60.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. DangAnh Mai, Deputy Director, In- Health, 138A Giang Vo, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (844) 846-4914, Fax: (84- ternational Cooperation Department 4) 84&4051, Contact Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long,ViceDirector, Planning (R) Fifth Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4202-VN): The objec- and Finance Department tive of the project is to implement the reform agenda in (a) making the transition to a market economy, (b) pursuing socially inclusive and en- Rural Development vironmentally sustainable development (c) building modern gover- (R) Poor Communes Inhstructure and Iivelihds: The objective nance, (d) reforming the public investment program, (e) improving of the project is to reduce poverty and foster secure and sustainable subnationalplanning, and (0 ending corruption. The credit was signed livelihoods for those living in the poorest and most marginal com- on 5 September 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PZD: munes. Decision meeting was scheduled for 9 November 2006. Envi- 86361. US$lOO.O (IBRD). No consultants are required. State Bank of ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84935. US$ 150.0 (IDA). Vietnam, 59 Ly ThaiTo St, Hanoi, Vietnam,Tel: (844) 9343361, Fax: Consultants have been contracted for an implementationreadiness as- NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 27 sessment, social and environmental assessments, and preparation of Committee, %Thai Phien St, Danang, Vietnam, Tel: (84-5) 11562677, strategies for monitoring and evaluation and communications. Ministry Fx(84-5) 115&2678, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Nguyen of Planning and Investment, 2 Hoang Van Thu St, Ba Dinh District, Tan Lien, Director PMU, Drainage and Sanitation Project Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel/Fax (84) 804-3143, [email protected], Local Development Investment Funds: The objective of the pro- Contact Mr. Pham Hai, Director ject is to improve the efficiency and sustainability of local develop Second Agricultuml Diversiiication: The objective of the project is ment invesbnent funds and facilitate kancing of infrastructure with to promote market-oriented agricultural diversiticationwith the aim of private sector participation. Project preparation is under way. Envi- increasing and stabilizing the incomes of poor smallholders in the ronmental Assessment Category FI. US$lOO.O (IDA). Consulting ser- central highland and coastal provinces. Project preparation is under vices to be determined. Ministry of Fiance, 28Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84957. US$ 55.0 Vietnam, Tel: (844) 220-8037, Fax: (844) 220-8020, E-mail: pham- (IDA). Consultants are beiirecruited for preparation. Ministry of Agri- [email protected], Contact: Mr. Pham Phan Dzung, Director culture and Rural Development, 2 Ngoc Ha, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84- General, Banking and Financial Institutions Deparbnent 4) 843-8689, Fax 843-8793, Email: adpddhnnl@fptvn,Contact (84-4) Second Urban Water Supply Development: The objective of the Nguyen Van Director, Project Coordinating Unit Mr. Vi, project is to expand service to urban centers in a cost effective and sus- Transportation tainable manner. Project identification is under way. Environmental&- (R) Hanoi Urban Transport and Development: The objectives of sessment Category to be determined. PID: 96911. USS125.0 (IDA). the project are to (a) enhance service leuek; of the public transport sys- Consultants will be required to prepare the project Ministry of Con- tem by reserving parts of streets to the exclusive use of public transport; struction, 37 Le Dai Hanh, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 9761852, Fax: (b) promote urban growth patterns and infrastructure design standards (84-4) 821-5428, [email protected], Contact Mr. Pham Ngoc Thai, compatible with good transport system performance; (c) strengthen the Director city’s capacio to manage, regulate and plan public transport; and (d) Water and Sanitation promote a shift to environmentally sustainable transport modes and ur- ban deuelopment patterns. Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for early (R) Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation: The objectives of November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 83581, the project are (a) sustained improvements to public health, particu- 85393. US$135.0/10.0 (IDA/GEF). Preparation is being financed by larly for poor residents, and (b) increased growth and economic de- grants fromJapan (PHRD) , the Public-privateInfrastructure Advisory velopment Board presentation is scheduled for late January 2007. Facility and GEE Consultants are required. Hanoi Transport and Ur- Environmental Assessment Category A. PIDs: 82295, 90374. US$ ban Public Works Service/Transport and Urban Public Works Project 125.9/5.0/4.6 (IDA/GEF/PHRD). A Us1.2 PHRD grant from Japan Management Unit, 75To HienThanh Ave., 3rd, 4th Floor, Hanoi, Viet- is financing preparation. Consultants have been selected for project nam, Tel: (84-4)974-0914, Email: tupmu.toan@fptvn, Contact: Mx Do preparation. City of Quy Nhon, Quy Nhon PMU, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Duc Huan, Director Tel: (845) 682-2859,Fax: (845) 681-7249, Contact: Mx Huynh Huu Phuc, Directol; City of NhaTrang, NhaTrang PMU, NhaTrang, Viet- (R) Mekong Transport Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to improve supply chain efficiency for the production and domestic nam, Tel: (84-5) 8814856,Fax (84-5) 881-0740, Contact Mr. Nguyen and international trade of the region. Appraisal is under way. Envi- Ngoc Minh, Director; City of Dong Hoi, Dong Hoi PMU, Dong Hoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-5) 284-1215, Fax: (845) 2844734, Contact: Mx ronmental Assessment CategoryA PID: 83588. US$200.0 (IDA). Con- sultants will be required for preparation. Additional consultants will be Nguyen Van Thuan, Director required during implementation for project management and con- struction supervision. Project Management Unit No. 1,308 MihKhai St, Hanoi, Viebam, Tel: (84-4) 8629101, Fax (84-4) 862-8983/4, Email: rugmul@fptvn,Contact Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung, General Director (R) Third RuralTransport (Cr. 4150-VN):The objective of the pro- South Asia ject is to reduce rural poverty by (a)- improving rural access from com- munities to markets, off-farm economic opportunities and social services; (b) increasing the capacity to plan, improve and sustain the Afghanistan existing rural transport network; and (c) enablingthe development of small-de private contractors and transport service operators. neme& Environment and Natural Resources Management was scheduled to be signed on 30 October 2006. Environmental As- Naghlu Rehabilitation Carbon Finance: The objective of the pro- sessment Category B. PID: 75407. U$106.3 (IDA). Consultants will ject is to prepare a Carbon Finance operation in order to commer- be required during implementationto assist with project management cialize the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the rehabilitation of and construction supervision. Project Management Unit No. 5,278Ton Naghlu power station as part of the clean development mechanisms Duc Thang St, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel: (84-4) 851- established in the Kyoto Protocol. Preappraisal is under way Envi- 3659/4406, Fax: (84-4) 851-0857, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. ronmental Assessment Category B. US3.6 (IDA). Consultants will Luu Van Dung, General Director be required to develop the project design document and conduct the Northern Delta Transport Development:The objective of the pro- requiredverification activities. Ministry of Finance, Pastoonistan Watt, ject is to facilitate sustainable economic growth and inclusive devel- Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93-75) 200-4199, E-mail: [email protected], opment in the Northern Delta region. Projectpreparation is under way Contact Mr. Wnwar-ul Haq Ahady, Minister Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 150.0 Health, Nutrition and Population (IDA). Preparationis beiihanced by grants from Japan (PHRD) and the Public-PrivateMastructure Advisory Facility. Consultants are re- (R) Avian and Human Muenza control: The objectives of the pro- quired. PMU-W, 331 NguyenTrai St, District 1,HCMC, Vietnam, Tel: ject are to minimize the bird flu threat to the poultry sector, prepare (84-8) 8365146, Fax (84-8) 8365149, Email: [email protected], for its possible spread to humans and identify, control and mitigate the Contact Mr. Le Huy Thang, Deputy General Director effects of a pandemic. Appraisal was scheduled for 1 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US12.7 (IDA Grant/Trust Urban Development Fund). Consultants will be required. Department of Animal Health, Min- (R) Danang Priority Infrastructure Investment: The objective of istry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Jamal Mina, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: the project is to facilitate sustainable economic growth, environmen- (9370) 272-523, Email: [email protected],Contact Dr. Az- tal improvements and poverty reduction in Danang. Decision meeting izullah Osmani, General Director of Animal Husbandry and Animal is scheduled for January 2007. Environmental Assessment Category: Health, Deparbnent of Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Public A. PID: 86508. US$ 100.0 (IDA). A PHRD grant will finance feasibility Health, The Grate, Masood Square, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (9370) studies for Phase 1. Consultants are being hired. Danang Priority In- 288403, E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Dr. Shukrullah frastructure Investment Projects ManagementUnit, Danang People’s Wahidi, General Director of Preventive Medicine and PHC PAGE 28 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Private Sector Development Tel: (W2) 7165918, 716-0523, Fax: (880.2) 717-0740, Contact Mr. (R) Private Sector Development Support The objective of the Nazrul Islam, Secretary; Bangladesh Power Development Board, project is to create productive jobs and broad-based growth. Negotia- WAPDA Building, Motijeel C/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880.2) 956 tions were scheduled for 31 October2006. Environmental Assessment 2154, Fax: (880-2) 9564765, Contact Mr. A.N.H. Akhtar Hossain, Category B. PID: 90928. Us20.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required Chairman; Distribution Power Zone, Power Development Board, for design, construction and environmental and social assessments of Bidyut Bhaban, Agrabad, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Tel: (88@31) 712- industrial parks. Ministry of Commerce, Contact H. E. HedayatAmin- 200, Fax: (880.31) 715090, Contact Mr. Kazi Bashiruddin Ahmed, Arsala, Senior Adviser to the President and Minister; Afghanistan In- Chief Engineer vestment Support Agency, Opposite Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kabul, Environment and Natural Resources Management Afghanistan, Tel: (9520) 210.3404, Email. [email protected], Contact Dr. Omar Zakhilwal, President and CEO Dhaka Environment and Water Resources Management: The ob jectives of the project are to: (a) reduce the social and economic costs Public Sector Governance of environmental degradationof rivers in Dhaka and (b) develop a pro- (R) Public Administration Reform: The objective of the project grammatic approach to water resources and environmental manage is to continue the reform initiatives of two earlier publ$ administration ment in the Dhaka metropolitan area for strategic long-term activities reform projects, such as restructuring, and to launch other initiatives and investments. Projectpreparation was scheduledto begin in October that are more in the nature of institution building than emergency 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$50.0 (IDA). Con- support. Appraisal is scheduled for 1 February 2007. Environmen- sultants will be required. Ministry of Local Government, Rural De tal Assessment Category U. PID: 97030. Us24.6 (IDA). Consultants velopment and Cooperatives, Building No. 7, Room 602, Bangladesh will be required. Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Ser- Secretariat, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh, Tel/Fax: (W2) 71M374, Con- vice Commission, Prime Minister’s Compound, Shah Mahmood tact Mr. H. M. S. M. Jahrul Islam, Secretary Ghazi Watt, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (93-07) 920-2168, E-mail: Private Sector Development, Contact Dr. Wali A. Hamidzada, Direc- Private Sector Development: The objective of the project is to im- tor, Civil Service Training and Development plement the pro-poor growth agenda by strengthening incentives as Urban Development well as the ability of firms to enhance their competitiveness. Appraisal Urban Waste Management: The objective of the project is to develop is scheduled for 8 January 2007. Environmental Assessment Category sustainable solidwaste and on-site sanitation management systems. Pro- B. PID: 78769. Us85.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. ject preparationis under way. Environmentalhsessment Category B. Board of Investment, Jiban Bima Tower (19th Floor), 10 Dilkusha Us25.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Kabul Munic- C/A, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 9561430/31, 955-9378, ipality, MohammadJan Khan Watt, Puli Bagh e Umomi, in front of Min- 9561433, Fax: (880.2) 9562312, E-mail:[email protected], Contact Mr. istry of Education, Kabul, Afghanistan, Tel: (9370) 287-122, Email: Mahmudur Rahman, Executive Chairman [email protected], Contact Mr. Ali Niazi, Director of Planning Rural Development Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Kabul, Afghanistan NationalAgricultural Technology The objective of the project is to strengthen the national agricultural technology system to increase Bangladesh farm productivity and add value to selected commodities with im- Economic Management proved market linkages. Project prepantion is under way. Environmental Fourth Development Support The objective of the project is to carry Assessment Category C. Us75.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be out policy reforms in line with unlocking the potential: national strat- determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Bldg. 4, Room 536, Bangladesh egy for acceleratedpoverty reduction. Project preparationis under way. Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (W2) 7160470, Fax: (880.2) EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. US$200.0 (IDA). Consulting 7167040, Email:, Contact Mr. Kazi Abdul services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Kashem, Secretary; Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bldg. 6, Room Fax: (880.2) 811-3088, Contact Mr. Siddiqur Rahman Chowdhury, 509, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 716 Secretary, Finance Division 1258, Fax: (880-2) 7161117, E-mail: secy-moflQbttbnetbd, Contact Mr. Kamrul Hassan, Secretary Education Water Management Improvement: The objective of the project is Vocational Education and Training Reform: The objective of the to improve water management and services in flood- and cyclone project is to implement vocational education and training reforms in prone areas. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for March 2007. curriculum, hancing and private sector participation. Project identi- EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 40712. U$lOl.O (IDA). fication is under way. EnvironmentalksessmentCategory c. Us30.0 Consulting services to be determined. Bangladesh Water Develop (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Education, Bhaban- ment Board, hsarChamber (11th floor, 149), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 6, Room 1809, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (W 1000, Bangladesh,Tel: (880.2) 712-1540, Fax: (880.2) 712-1537, EMail: 2) 7168711/4236, Fax: (880.2) 7167577, Email: [email protected], [email protected], Contact Mr. Md. Quamruzzaman, Project Di- Contact Mr. Md. Momtajul Islam, Secretary of Education rector; Water Resources Planning Organization, Rd. 1, House 103, Ba- Energy and Mining nani, Dhaka 1213 Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 9880879 (R) Siddhirganj Peaking Power: The objective of the project is to Transportation provide power during daily peak consumption periods. Preappraisalmis- (R) Railway Reform Programmatic Development Policy (Cr. sion has been delayed. Appaisal is scheduled for March 2007. Envi- 4235-BA): (formerly Railways Reform) The objective of the project ronmentalhessment Category B. Us275.0 (IDA). Consultantswill is to improve the governance structure of Bangladesh Railwayswith be required. Project preparation consultant is being funded by the respect to boththe relationship between the government and the rail- Power Sector Development Technical Assistance project Electricity way and the railway’s internal corporate governance and management Generating Company of Bangladesh, WAPDABldg. (1st Floor), 12 Moti- structure. Approved by the Executive Directors on 19 October 2006. jheel C/ADhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 911-6382,812-4197,01717- Environmental Assessment Category U. PZD: 100330. US$ 50.0 31025, Contact Mr. Delwar Hossain, Managing Director (IDA). Consultantswill be required. Bangladesh Railways, 16, Abdul South Zone Power Distribution: The objective of the project is to Gani Rd., Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh, Tel: (880-2) 9561200, E-mail: deliver power more widely by establishing a power distriiution com- [email protected], Contact K.M.A. Rob, Director-General pany and improving and expanding the power distribution network. Export Infrastructure Development: The objective of the project Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- is to enhance the competitiveness of the tradable sectors of the econ- gory B. Us150.0 (IDA). Consultingservices to be determined. Power omy. Appraisal is scheduled for December 2007. Environmental As- Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bhaban sessment Category B. PID: 89634. US$120.0 (IDA). Consultants will 6, Rooms 124 and 125, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, be required to conduct feasibility studies, and supervision of the NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 29 planned design-build contract. Chittagong Port Authority, CPA Bldg., Energy and Mining Chittagong, Bangladesh, Tel: (88b031) 712-500/712-504, Fax: (W Rampur Hydropowec The objective of the project isto produce 1.7 031) 710593, Contact Mr. Hadi H. Babul, Project Director billion units of renewable, low carbon, electricity per year for the north- Road Sector Reform: The objective of the project is the sustainable ern region in an economically, environmentally and socially sustain- delivery of a safe, efficient major road network system. Appraisal is able manner by building the Rampur hydropower plant. Project scheduled for February 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 75346. USS229.0 (IDA). Consultants are required for preparation US$400.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Satluj Jal and implementationof the civil works components and for institutional Vidyut Nigam Ltd., Himfed Building, New Simla 171009 India, Tel(91- strengthening of the Roads and Highways Department Roads and High- 177) 267-0804, 267-0390, Fax: (91-177) 267-0893, Email: sjvncp@ya- ways Department, Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka 10oO Bangladesh,Tel:, Contact Mr. H.B. Sahay, DGM, Corporate Planning (W2) 9568740, Fax: (W2) 95M302, Email: [email protected], Rural Electricity Access: The objective of the project is to develop Contact Mr. Abdullahel Kaii, Project Coordinator scalable sustainable institutionalmodels for increasing access to elec- tricity services in rural areas. Project preparation is on hold. Envi- Water and Sanitation ronmentalAssessment Category B. Us65.0 (IDA). Consultants will Dhaka Chittagong Urban Flood Mitigation and Sanitation Im- be required. Ministry of Power, 209 ShamShakti Bhawan, Rati Marg, provement.: The objective of the project is to provide reliable, sus- New Delhi 110001 India, Tel: (91-11) 2371-5378, Fax: (91-11) 2371- tainable sewerage and drainage services in Dhaka. Appraisal is 7519, Contact Mr. Ajay Shankar, Joint Secretary scheduled for March 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93988. US$lOO.O (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Environment and Natural Resources Management Dhaka Water and SanitationAuthority, WASA Bhaban, 98 Kazi Nazrul (R) Biodivedty conservation and Rural IivelihdImpmvement: Islam Ave., Dhaka 1215 Bangladesh, Tel: (88@2) 811-6792, Fax: (88@ The objective of the project is to strengthen biodiversity conservation 2) 811-2109, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Hedayetul- while improving rural livelihoods. Decision meeting is scheduledfir 15 lah Al-Mamoon, Acting Managing Director March 2007, and appraisal fir 20 March 200% Environmental As- sessment Category B. PIDs: 88520,88598. US$24.0/14.0 (IDMGEF). Bhutan A PHRD grant of US$0.4 is jinancing preparation. Consultantswill be required. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Annex 5, Bikaner Private Sector Development House, Shahjahan Rd., ParavaryanBhawan, New Delhi 110001 India, Private Sector Support: The objective of the project is to create con- Fax: (91-11) 2338-4428, Email: [email protected], Contact Dr. Rajesh ditions conducive to private sector growth and increasedproductivity Gopal, Director leadingto increased employment Project preparation is under way. En- Capacity Buildingfor Industrial Pollution Management: The ob vironmental Assessment Category C. Us8.0 (IDA). Consulting ser- jectives of the project are to strengthen the regulatory and imple- vices to be determined. Ministry ofTrade and Industry, Planning and mentation capacity of national and state environmental institutions Policy Division, PO Box 141, Thimpu, Bhutan, Tel: (9752) 323579,326 and reduce pollution. Project preparation is under way. Environmen- 096, Fax: (9752) 324279,326497, E-mail: spwangdi@druknetnetbt, tal Assessment Category A. PID: 91031. US$90.6 (IBRD/IDA). GEF Contact Mr. Sonam P. Wangdi, Deputy Secretary, Planning and Pol- cohancing is being sought A PPF advance will hance preparatory icy Division; Department of Aid and Debt Management, PO Box 1032, consultants. Ministry of Environment and Forests, ParyavaranBhawan, Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: (9752) 324121, Fax: (9752) 326779, E-mail: CGO Complex, Lodi Rd., New Delhi 110003 India, Tel: (91-11) 2436 [email protected], Contact YankiT Wangchuk, Secretary; Ministry 3596, Fax: (91-11) 24369192, Email: [email protected], Contact of Finance Mr. Sundhir Mittal, Joint Secretary Chhattisgarh Community Forest Managemenk The objective of the Transportation project is to strengthen participatory systems of natural resource man- Second Rural Access: The objectives of the project are to improve agement and marketing to improve and sustain the livelihoods of for- access of rural communities to markets, schools, health centers and est dependent people. Project preparationis underway. Environmental other economic and social inkastructure. Project Concept Note is be Assessment Category B. PID: 77572. US$50.0 Consulting services to ing prepared. Environmental Assessment Category B. Us8.0 (IDA). be determined. State Forest Department, Village Forestry Institu- Preparation consultantshave been hired. Consultants will be required tions, PRI, Raipur 492001, Chhattisgarh, India, Tel: (91-771) 221-157, for implementation. Department of Roads, Ministry of Communications, Fax: (91-771) 331-120, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: (9752) 322-237, Fax: (9752) 321-124, Email: Ramprakash, Principal Secretary Forests rap@druknetbt, Contact Mr. Phuntsho Wangdi, Director Madhya Pradesh Community Forest Management: The objective of the project is to facilitate a shift from joint forest management to com- India munity forest management. Project preparation is under way. Envi- Economic Management ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 50644. US$ 105.0 (IDA). Consultingservices to be determined. Government of Madhya Pradesh (N) Third Andhra Pradesh Economic Reform: The objective of State Forest Departments, ViForestry Institutions, Vallabh Brawan, the project is to advance the socio-economic development of Andhra Bhopal 462004 India, Tel: (91-755) 576593, Fax: (91-755) 763-428, E Pradesh. Appraisal was scheduled for October 2006. EnvironmentalAs- mail: [email protected],Contact Mr. Manoj Kumar, Prin- sessment Category to be determined. PID: 75174. US$ 100.0/100.0 cipal Secretary Forests (IBRD/IDA) . Consulting services to be determined. Andhra Pradesh Sustainable Iand and Ecosystem Management: The objective of Secretariate, Hyderabad - 22, Andhra Pradesh, India, Tel: (91-40) 2345 the project is to maintain and restore globally significant ecosystem 4672, Fax: (91-40) 23453479, E-mail: [email protected], Con- functions and services through enhanced local capacity to prevent tact Mr. A. Giridhar, Secretary to the Government further degradation, restoration of degraded areas, and dissemina- Education tion, replication and scaling-up of successful, sustainable land man- agement Project preparationis under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Agricultural Higher Education Reforms: The objective of the pro- Category B. PID: 97989. US$ 150.0 (GEF). Consultants will be re ject is to implement strategic reforms in the higher education system quired. Ministry of Environmentand Forests, ParyavaranBhawan, CGO to produce the required professionals. Projectpreparation is under way. Complex, Lodi Rd., New Delhi 110003 India,Tel: (91-11) 24363596, Fax: Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 78536. US$80.0/80.0 (91-11) 24369192, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Sudhir Mit- (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Education Divi- tal, Joint Secretary. sion, Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Krishi Anusandham Bhavan 11, Pusa, New Delhi 110012 India, Tel: (91-11) 2574-7760, Fax: Health, Nutrition and Population (91-11) 25614403, Email:[email protected], Contact Dr. J. C. Katyal, (R) Karnataka Health Systems Development and Reform (Cr. Deputy Director General 4229-IN): The objectives of the project are to (a) increase use of es- PAGE 30 Monthlv ODerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006 sential curadve and public health services of adequate quality, partic- 2353138, Fax: (91-80) 2280520, Email: [email protected], Con- ularly in underserved areas and among vulnerable groups: and (b) ac- tact Dr. S. Subramanya, Secretary, Budget & Resources celerate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The credit was signed on 16 October2006. Environmental Assessment Category Rural Development B. PID: 71160. US$141.8 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Gov- (N) Andhra Pradesh Communi@-Based Tanks Management: ernment of Karnataka, Department of Health and Family Welfare, The objective of the project is to rehabilitate about 3,000 tank systems Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Tel: (91-80) 2227-7391, covering about 250,000 hectares. Project preparation is under way. E-mail. [email protected], Contact Mr. Anij Kumar Jha, Project Ad- Environmental Assessment Category B. US$200.0 (IBRDADA) . No ministrator consultants are required. Government ofhdhra Pradesh, Jalasoudha (R) Reproductive and Child Health Phase 2 (Cr. 4227-IN): The Bldg., Erramanzil Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500022 India, Tel: (91- objective of the project is to improve reproductive and child heath ser- 40) 2331-0945, Fax: (91-40) 233G5951, Email: sanjaygupta@apwater- vice delivery for underserved people and promote convergence of dis- reformsin, Contact Sanjay Gupta, Special Commissioner trict health programs. The credit was signed on 16 October 2006. (R) Second Uttar Pradesh Diversified Agriculture Support: The EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 75060. US$360.0 (IDA). objectives of the project are to: (a) intensify and diversify agricultural Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, production and (b) increase farmer access to expanding market op Nirman Bhavan, MaulanaAzad Rd., New Delhi 110011 India,Tel: (91- portunities. Negotiations are scheduled for 14 February 2007. Envi- 11) 2301-8126, Fax: (91-11) 2301-6648, E-mail:[email protected], Con- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 89484. US$ 70.0/70.0 tact Mr. I?K Hota, Secretary. (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to be determined. DiversifiedAgri- (R) Second National Tuberculosis Control (Cr. 4228-IN): The culturalSupport Project Society, Government of Uttar Pradesh, PICKUP objective of the project isto decrease mortality and morbidity from Tu- Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, India, Tel: (91-522) berculosis and cut transmission of infection una the disease ceases 272-0839, Email: updasp@sancharnetin,Contact Archana Agrawal, to be a major national public health problem. The credit was signed on Special Secretary, Cooperation and Project Coordinator 16 October2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 78539. (R) Tamil Nadu IrrigatedAgriculture Modernization and Water US$170.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health and Resources Management: The objective of the project is to improve Family Welfare, Central TB Division, DirectorateGeneral of Health Ser- irrigation service delivery and productivity inTamilNadu. Decision Meet- vices, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 India, Tel: (91-11) 2301- ing was scheduled for 20 October 2006. Environmental Assessment 8126, E-mail:[email protected],Contact Dr. L. S. Chauhan, Deputy Category A US$400.0 (IBRD). Consulting servicesto be determined. Director General Water Resources Organization, Public Works Department Government Third National HN/AIDS Control Program: The objectives of the of Tamil Nadu, Fort St George, chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Tel: (91- project are to: (a) contain the spread of HIV to below three percent in 44) 2567-1622, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Palaniap high risk groups and below one percent in the general population and pan, Secretary, Public Works Department (b) generate an enabling environment to enhance program effective Bihar Rural Livelihoods Development: The objective of the project ness. Preappraisal mission completed. Environmental Assessment is to empower rural poor people and improve their lives by (a) devel- Category B. PID: 78538. US$200.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be oping and strengthening institutions of the poor, (b) building and es- determined. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, NationalAIDS Con- tablishing pro-poor savings promotion and livelihood support trol Organization, 9th Floor, Chandralok Bldg. 36, Japath, India, Tel: organizations; (c) financing livelihood business plans and increasing (91-11) 2373-1780, Fax: (91-11) 2301-3793, Email: amardeep@nacoin- the size of livelihood economies for the poor and (d) creating an en-, Contact Mr. Amardeep Bhatia, Director, Finance abling environment for implementing and scaling up innovations for livelihood development and service delivery. Appraisal was scheduled Law and Justice for 30 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Statistical Strengthening: The objective of the project is to reform 90764. US$63.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. State administration of the statisticalsystem, includingimprovement of data Women’s Development Corporation, Governmentof Bhar, Tel: (92-612) collection methods, and identification of new data series to keep 223-9707, (92-612) 222-6038, FX (91-612) 223-4096, (92-612) 22C-0695, pace with the expanding economy. Project preparation has resumed E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mrs. S. Sidhu, Chairman and and will incorporate recommendations of the National Statistics Managing Director Commission report Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement: The objective of the prc- 78337. US$ amount to be determined (IBRD). Consulting services ject is to improve the safety and optimal sustainable performance of to be determined. Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementa- selected existing dams and associated appurtenances. Appraisal is tion, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Parliament St., New Delhi 110001 India, scheduled for December 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category Tel: (91-11) 336-00889/1080, Fax: (91-11) 334-2384, Contact G. Raveerr B. PID: 89985. US$ 350.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for dran, Deputy Director General project preparation. Ministry of Water Resources, Shram Sakthi Bha- van, Ra6 marg, New Delhi, India, Email: [email protected], Public Sector Governance Contact Mr. S.K. Das, Member (D&R) Central Water Commission, (N) Statistical Strengthening: The objective of the project is to Sewa Bhavan strengthen and modernize the country’s statistical system, including Jha&hand Ruxal Iivelihood and Natural Resources Management: improvement of data collection methods and identification of new data The objective of the project is to reduce rural poverty through improved series to keep pace with the expanding economy. Project preparation forest ecosystem management with community participation. Deci- has resumed and will incorporate recommendations of the National Sta sion meeting is scheduled for August 2W7. EnvironmentalAssessment tistical Commission report Environmental Assessment Category C. Category B. PID: 77192. US$40.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required US$ amount to be determined (IBRD). Consulting services to be de for preparationof feasibility studies, the environmental assessment and termined. Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation,414 Sar- the social assessment Most of these are likely to be provided through dar Patel Bhavan, ParliamentSt, New Delhi 110001India,Tel: (91-11) specialists attached to the preparation team. Jharkhand Local Com- 2334-11867, Contact Dr. S. K Nath, Director General, Central Statis- munities and State Forest Department, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834 001 In- tical Organization. dia, Tel: (91-654) 525-2669, Fax: (91-654) 625-2669, E-mail: (R) Third Karnataka Economic Restructuring: The objective of rccfJhk@rediffmail, Contact Ms. Neelam Nath, Principal Secretary, the project is to implement the Karnataka governments economic re- Department of Forests and Environment structuring program. This project is no longer in the lending program. National Agricultuml Competitiveness: The objective of the project Further reporting will be discontinued. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- is to develop more competitive market systems and improve market egory U. PID: 75192. US$ lOO.O/lOO.O (IBRDADA). No consultants access for farmers and livestock producers through enhanced knowl- are required. Finance Department, Government of Karnataka, 2nd edge and more effective producer organization. Appraisalis scheduled Floor, Vidhan Souda, Bangalore 560001 India, Tel: (91-80) 22&5434, for May 2007. US$ lOO.O/lOO.O (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to ~~~~~ ~~ ~ NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summarv PAGE 31 be determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Room 232, Krishni Bhawan, PID: 88776. US$300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Imple- New Delhi 110011 India,Tel: (91-11) 23382416, Email: [email protected], menting agency(ies) to be determined. Contact: Dr. W.R Reddy, Director for Marketing Gujarat Urban Development The objective of the project is to im- Orissa Decenlralizd Rural Poverty Reduction: The objective of prove service delivery through targeted investments and capacity the project is to improve the incomes of rural poor households in se building. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment lected blocks through increasing the availability of productive infra- Category C. US$140.0 (IBRD) . Consulting services to be determined. structure and thereby creating an improved environment for the Gujarat Urban Development Corporation, Government of Gujarat, emergence of viable farm and non-farm enterprises. Decision meeting First Floor, Abhishek Bldg., Sector 11, Ghandinagar 382017 Gujarat, is scheduled for March 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. India, Tel: (91-79) 2324-1862, Email:,Con- US$80.0/70.0 (IBRD/IDA). Local consultants will be required to de tact Mr. K. Srinivas, Managing Director velop environmental management framework, hancial and procure- National Risk Mitigation: The objective of the project isto mitigate ment manuals. Orissa Rural Marketing and Advancement Society, risks and vulnerability to natural disasters, particularly cyclones. Prc- Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Orissa, Bhubneshwar ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. 751001 India, Tel: (91-674) 253-6680, E-mail: [email protected] US$250.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi, India, Tel: (91-11) 23092456, Transportation Fax: (91-11) 23093465, Contact Ashim Khurana, Joint Secretary (R) Himachal Pradesh State Road The objective of the project is National Urban Infr?istructure Fund The objective of the project to improve the road network of Himachal Pradesh. Project preparation is to improve urban irh-astructure including through mobilization of is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 150.0 private hancing. Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAs- (IBRD) . Consultants will be required. Himachal Pradesh Road and In- sessment Category FI. US$300.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- frastructure Development corporation LM., New Himrus Bldg., Cir- quired. Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bharan, New Delhi, cular Rd., Shimla 171001, Himachal Pradesh, India, Tel: (90-17) India, Tel: (91-22) 23062309, Email: [email protected], 7280-8118, Fax: (90-17) 72654968, E-mail: [email protected], hi- Contact Mr. M. Rajamani, Joint Secretary, Contact Arun Sharma, Project Director Water and Sanitation (R) Punjab State Roads: The objectives of the project are to improve the operating conditions of Punjab roads and facilitate greater private (R) Punjab Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective of sector participation in the development, maintenance and manage- the project is to increase rural Punjab communities’ access to im- ment of the road network. Negotiations were scheduled for 23-27 Oc- proved and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. Project tober 2006. Board presentation is scheduled for late November 2006. preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 90585. Us250.0 (IBRD). US$154.0 (ZDA). Consultants will be required. Department of Water Consultants have been appointed for the feasibility study, detailed de Supply and Sanitation, Government of Punjab, Mini Secretariat, Chandi- sign and contract supervision for Phase I.Additional consultants will garh, India, Tel/Fax: (91-172) 274-3442, Contact Vijay Kain, Principal be required for Phase 11. Punjab Roads and Buildings Development Secretary Board, Roads & Buildings Department, SCO 210-211,4th Floor, Sec- (R) Second Uttaranchal Rural Water Supply and Environmen- tor 34-A, Chandigarh, India, Tel: (91-172) 519-4621, Fax: (91-172) 264- Q1 Sanitation (Cr. 4232-IN): The objectives of the project are to (a) 5497, (91-172) 2654-1028, Ext 35, Email: [email protected], Contact introduce or improve water and sanitation services to uncovered and Mr. Amrit Inder Sigh, Joint Secretary partially coveredvillages, and (b) reform the water and sanitation sec- Assam State Roads: The objective of the project is to provide road tor. The credit was signed on 16 October 2006. Environmental Assess- users in Assam with good quality and better managed state highways ment Category B. PID: 83187. US$120.0 (IDA). Consultants will be and major district roads. Project preparation is under way. Environmentd required. Project Management Unit, Department of Drinking Water Assessment Category A US$200.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultantswill be Supply, Mussoorie Diversion Rd., Makkawala Dehradun, Uttaranchal, required. Public Works Department, Assam, Sachivalaya, Dispur, India, Tel: (91-135) 273-3455, Fax (91-135) 273-3381, E-mail: pmu-ut- Guwahati 6 India,Tel/Fax: (91-361) 2261678, Email: mukut-dutta@ya- [email protected], Contact Gambhir Sigh, Director, Swajal, Contact Mr. Mukut Dutta, Commissioner and Special Sec- Project retary (R) Tamil Nadu Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: The objec- Orissa State Roads Loan: The objective of the project is to improve tive of the project is to expand rural communities’ access to improved the road network of Orissa. Project preparation is under way. Envi- and sustainable water supply and sanitation services in Tamil Nadu. ronmental Assessment Category A US$250.0 WRD). Preparation con- Appraisal is scheduled for 12 February 200% Environmental Assess- sultants have been mobilized and have started working in the field. Other ment Category B. PID: 78210. US$150.0 (IDA). Consultants will be re- specialists in transactions, asset management, institutional strength- quired. ‘WAD House, 31, Kamraja Salai, Chepauk, Chennai 600005 ening and supervisionwill be recruited. Government of Orissa, Works India, Tel: (91-44) 2852-4907, Email: [email protected], Contact: Mr. Department, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India,Tel: (91-674) 2556668, Fax: Vibhu Nayar, Project Director (91-674) 24@7051,Email: [email protected], Contact Er. AV. Muni, Delhi Water Supply and Sewerage: The objective of the project is Engineer-in-Chief-CuSecretary to implement comprehensive reform of the water and sanitation sec- tor in the capital city. Project preparation has been put on hold at the Urban Development request of the Department of Economic Affairs. Environmental As- Andhra Pradesh Urban Reform and Municipal Services: The ob sessment Category B. PID: 67215. US$140.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- jective of the project is to reduce poverty and empower the poor, pro- vices to be determined. Delhi Jal Board, Varunalaya Phase 11, Karol tecting the most vulnerable through security mechanisms and creating Bagh, New Delhi 110005 India,Tel: (91-11) 235143148, Fax: (91-11) 2354- opportunities for the poor by budding their assets and enabling the mar- 1813, Email: [email protected],Contact Ashish Kun- kets to work for them. Board presentation is scheduled for April 2007. dra, Additional Chief Executive Officer EnvironmentalAntCategory A PID: 71250. Us233.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipal Administration and Urban Maldives Development Department, Secretariat Complex, Hyderabad 500022 In- Education dia, Tel/Fax: (9140) 23454965, Contact Ms. Veena Ish, Secretary, Ur- Third Education and Training (Cr. 3325-MAL): The objective of ban Development the project is to train qualised nationals for the labor force by paying Enhanced Urban Reform Incentive Fund: The objective of the pro- overseas scholarship obligations of 186 students. It fills the Snancing ject is to provide states with incentives to undertake essential urban gap created by partial cancellation of the second Tsunami recon- sector reforms, enabling local governments to improve their hances struction project. Approved by the Executive Directors on 6 April and capacity to provide essential services and incentives to do so. Pro- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99652. US$ 1.3 ject preparationis under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of Education, Ghazee PAGE 32 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006

Bldg., Male 2M5 Maldives, Tel: (960) 327-353, Fax: (960) 331-578, E civil service reforms; (c) invest in human capital and narrow gender mail. [email protected], Contact Mr. Abdul Sameeu Hassan, Section gaps; and (d) strengthen social safety nets. Appraisal was tentatively Head, Project Management and Coordination Section scheduledfor late October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 90690. US$300.0 (IDA). Consultingservices to be determined. Social Protection Ministry of Fiance, Block Q, Rm. 324, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Integrated Human Development: Restoration of Post-Tsunami Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 92G1023, Fax: (92-51) 92@8158, Contact Mr. Cancelled Funds Additional Financing (Cr. 39481-MAL):The Asii Bajwa, Additional Secretary, Fiance Division objective of the project is to strengthen the delivery of education, health, employment and community services. Approved by the Exec- Education utive Directors on 7 March 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category Fourth Punjab Education Development Policy: The objective of B. PID: 98583. Us5.7 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry the project is to implement the education sector reform program. Prc- of Fiance and Treasury, Ameenee Mague, Male, Maldives, Tel: (9W ject preparation is under way Environmental Assessment Category C. 31) 7586, Fax: (960-32) 4432, Email: [email protected], Contact US$lOO.O (IDA). No consultants are required. Departmentof Education, Riluwan Shareef, Deputy Minister for Finance and Treasury Government of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Lahore, Pakistan,Tel: (9242) 921-0039, Fax: (92-42) 921-0042, Email: [email protected], Contact Nepal Mr. Khalid GW,Secretary Education Sin& Education Sector Development Policy: The objectives of the (R) Second Higher Education: The objective of the project is to re- project are to: (a) implement the medium-termeducation sector reform form higher education with emphasis on decentralization, hancial program and (b) improve participation, retention and transition rates, assistance to students and quality assurance. Board presentationis ten- reduce gender and regional disparities, and improve quality in ele tatively scheduled for February 2oO7. Environmental Assessment Cat- mentary and secondary grades. Project preparation is under way. En- egory B. PID: 90967. US$ 50.0/10.0 (IDA Grant/IDA Credit). vironmental Assessment Category U. PID: 100846. US50.0 (IDA). No Consultants will be required. Ministry of Education and Sports, Ke consultants are required. Reform Support Unit, Department of Edu- shar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 4411-599, Contact: Mr Bal- cation, Government of Sidh, NJVBldg., MA Jinnah Rd., Karachi 74200 ananda Poudel, Secretary Pakistan, Tel: (92-21) 277-9323, Fax: (92-21) 277-5740, Email: dur-, Contact Iqbal Hussain durrani, Chief Program Health, Nutrition and Population Manager, Education Literacy Department (R) Avian Influenza Control: The objectives of the project are to min- imize the threat from the bird flu infection and other animal-bornein- Energy and Mining fectious diseases by controlling them among domestic poultry and to Electricity Distribution and Transmission Improvement: The prepare for, control and respond to an innuenza pandemic and other objectives of the project are to (a) increase the efficiency, reliability and human disease emergencies. Boardpresentation is tentatively scheduled quality of electricity supply with reductions in technical and commer- for February 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: cial losses, increased availability of electricity, and improved voltage 100342. US$15.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. De- profle, and (b) provide the technical assistance needed for power sec- partment of Livestock Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooper- tor reform and investment planningand financing. Project preparation atives, Harihar Bhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 552-2056, Contact is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95982. Dr. Ratala, Program Director, Directorate of Animal heal^ Ministry US$2OO.O (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Water and of Health and Population, Tel: (977-1) 4255896, Contact Dr. Mahen- Power, Room 241, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92- dra Bahadur Bista, Director General of Health Services 51) 92G3087, Contact Mr. Najeeb Awan, Joint Secretary (Power) Rural Development Health, Nutrition and Population (R) Agriculttd Commercialization and Trade: The objective of (R) Community Based Matedand Child Health:The objective the project is to commercializethe agriculture sector to prepare for the of the project is to strengthen the Lady Health Worker program so as country's entrance into global markets. Projectpreparation is un&r way to improve maternal and child health outcomes through (a) improved Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 87140. US$30.0 (IDA). access to promotive, preventive, and curative services at the commu- Consultants will be required. Ministryof Agriculture and Cooperatives, nity level; and (b) dramatically improved delivery of these services in Harihar Hbawan, Lalitpur, Nepal, Email: [email protected], Con- poor and underserved areas. Appraisal mission is scheduled for Janu- tact Mr. K. K. Shrestha, Joint Secretary aryUX)%Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 98237. US$150.0 (R) Irrigation and Water Resources Management: The objectives (IDA). Evaluation firm will carry out independent assessment Na- of the project are to: (a) improve irrigation service delivery; and (b) tional Programfor Family Planning and primary Health Care, Ministry enhance sustainability and productivity of selected irrigation systems. of Health, 14D West, Feroze Center, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan, Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category Tel: (92-51) 921-3807, Fax: (92-51) 9210-5610, E-mail: haroonje- B. US$ 40.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Depart- [email protected], [email protected], Contact: Dr. Ha- ment of Irrigation, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal, Tel: (977-1) 5557136, rmn Jehangir Khan, National Coordinator and Deputy Director, General Fax: (977-1) 553-7169, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Health UmaKant Jha, Director General Information and Communication Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Rural Telecommunications and e-Service: The objectives of the (N) The objective of the project Second Poverty Alleviation Fund projects are to: (a) accelerate access to communications in unserved is to improve access of poor and excluded communitiesto incomegen- and underserved areas by usingtargeted subsidies for rural expansion, erating projects and community infrastructure. Board presentation (b) strengthen legal, policy, regulatory and spectrum management and was tentatively scheduled for November 2006. Environmental As- (c) monitor functions and expansion of eservices. Project identiiica- sessment Category B. US25.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to tion is under way EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID 100681. be determined. Poverty Alleviation Fund, Chakupat, Lalitpur, Nepal, Us124.0 (IBRD) , Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Tel: (977-1)-5553671, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Raj Information Technology and Telecommunications, 4th Floor, Evac- Babu Shrestha, Executive Director uee Trust Bldg., Aga Khan Rd., F-5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92- Pakistan 51) 92@9484, Fax: (92-51) 92G9482, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Farrakh Qayyum, Secretary; Pakistan Telecommunica- Economic Management tions Authority, Zonal Office, 222/5, Khadim Hussain Rd., Rawalpindi (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objectives of the prc- Cantt, Islamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 287-8143, Fax: (92-51) 287- ject are to: (a) accelerate economic growth and maintain macroeconomic 8155, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Shahzedha Malik, stability; (b) improve governance through financial management and Chairman NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 33 Law and Justice MauveAre, G9/1, Islamabad, Pakistan,Tel: (92-51) 9264409, Fax (92- Second Sin& Structural Adjustment: The objective of the project 51) 9260408, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Raja Nowsher- is to implement reforms to improve fiscal and financial management, wan, Member (Planning) governance, public service delivery, and the state’s regulatory frame Urban Development work. Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- egory U. US$ 100.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for: (a) Punjab Large Cities Development Policy: The objective of the pro- improvementof fiscal and financial management; @) financial resource ject is to promote economic growth in the major cities through strate- mobilization and institutional development; (c) capacity building of gic planning, integratedinfrastructure investments, and efficient urban core government departments; (d) reconciliation of public accounts; service delivery. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As (e) informationtechnology specialist work and (0 technical support sessment Category to be determined. PID: 95983. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Department of Fiance, Government of Sidh, Karachi, Pakistan, Tel: A PHRD grant for preparation is anticipated. Consulting services to be (92-21) 920-6512, Fax: (92-21) 920-6511, Contact Mr. Malik Israr, Sec- determined. Planning and Development Department, Government of retary Punjab, Civil Secretariat, Lahore, Pakistan,Tel: (92-42) 9214lXl2/4, Fax: (9242) 9214XO3, Contact Mr. Suleman Ghani, Chairman, Planningand Rural Development Development Board (R) Land Records Management and Information System Pro- gtam: The objective of the project is to establish an efficient, transparent, Water and Sanitation and accessible land rights recording system in order to reduce litiga- (R) Sindh Water Sector Improvement: The objective of the project tion, bring about long-lastingtenure security and promote an enabling is to improve water productivity through the reform agenda and re investment climate. Negotiations were scheduledfir 6 November 2006. quire investments leading to a better management system that links Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 90501. US$45.0 (IDA). the canal command areas, the distributary and the watercourse leveL Consultants will be required. Government of Punjab, Board of Revenue, Decision meetingwas scheduled for 26 October 2006. Environmental ITDepartment, AiwaneIqbal, Building No. 3,3rd Floor, Egerton Rd., Assessment Category B. PID: 84302. US$140.0 (IDA). Consultants will Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 920-3186, Fax: (92-42) 920-3154, Email: be required. Sidh Irrigation and Drainage Authority, 13 Ch Khaligu [email protected], Contact Tariq Bajwa, Secretary Zaman Rd., Clfton, Karachi, Pakistan, Tel: (92-21) 920-0647, Fax: (92- Balmhistan Small Scale Irrigation: The objective of the project is 21) 9251255, Email: [email protected], Contact ManzoorA Sheikh, to improve management by Balochistan Province of scarce water re Managing Director, Sidh Irrigation and Drainage Authority sources for rural development and poverty reduction. Negotiationsare Punjab Irrigation sector Development Policy (In. 7379-PAK): scheduled for 7 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- The objective of the project is to implement Punjab Province’s wide gory B. PID: 89378. Us20.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be deter- ranging reform program to improve fiscal management and the qual- mined. Balochistan Inigation and Power Department, Quetta, Pakistan, ity of service delivery, focusing on irrigation sector reforms. The loan Tel: (92-81) 921-1600, Fax: (92-81) 921-1601, Contact Mr. Mumtaz Ali was signed on 5 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category to Khan, Chief Engineer (North) be determined. PID: 96962. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). No consultants are re quired. Punjab Irrigation and Power Department, Irrigation Secre Social Protection tariat, Old AnarkaJi, Lahore, Pakistan,Tel: (92-42) 921-2117, Fax: (9242) (R) Earthquake Disability: The objectives of the project are to (a) 921-2116, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Arif Nadeem, improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families Secretary in the earthquakeeffected areas; and @) reintegrate them into soci- Second I’unjab Barrages Rehabilitation and Modernization: The ety through community-basedrehabilitation services. Board presentation objective of the project is to prevent the occurrence of disastrousbar- is scheduled for 21 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate- rages failure and ensure their sustainable use, providing improved gory C. PID: 99542. Us5.0 (Trust Fund). Consulting services to be and reliable irrigation and drinking water supplies. Project preparation determined. Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, H. #1, St #20, F-7/2, is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 Islamabad111-00(1102 Pakistan, Tel: (92-51) 2653304/5, Fax: (92-51) (IBRD). Design consultants are being recruited. Construction super- 2652246, Email: kamalhyat@ppa€, Contact Kamal Hyat, Chief vision consultants will also be required. Punjab Irrigation and Power Executive Department, Punjab Barrage Rehabfitation Project Management Of- Transportation fice, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: (92-42) 921-1920, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. MohammedAkhtar, Acting Director, Project Management (N) The objec- Karachi Dockers Labor Board Restructuring: Office tive of the project is to make the nation’s ports more competitive by reducingtheir labor costs and thus the cost for users. Project prepa- ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US75.0 Sri Lanka (IBRD). Consultants are required for social assessment, hancialman- Environment and Natural Resources Management agement and labor redeployment services management. Karachi (R) National Water Management Improvement: The objective Port Trust, Edeljee Dinshaw Rd., PO Box 4725, Karachi 74000 Pak- of the project is to improve the development and management of water istan, Tel: (92-21) 921-4310/4315, Fax: (92-21) 921-4329/4330, E- resources while reducing water induced public hazards and enhanc- mail: [email protected], Contact Vice Admiral Ahmad hayat, ing the effectivenessof water-related investments. Decision meeting Chairman is tentatively scheduled for December 2006. Project pr@aration is under (N) National Trade Comdor Improvement Program: The objec- way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93132. US$46.0 tive of the program is to enhance export competitiveness by reducing (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance and Plan- the cost of trade and transport logistics and bringing service quality ning, Secretariat, Colombo 1Sri Lanka, Tel: (94-11) 248-4510, Fax: to international standards. Preappraisal mission was scheduled for (9411) 243-3349, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Dr. P B Jaya- November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$300.0 sundera, Secretary (IBRD). No consultants are required. Planningand DevelopmentCom- mission, P Block, Pakistan Secretariat, Ialamabad, Pakistan, Tel: (92 Public Sector Governance 51) 92G1017, Fax: (92-51) 921-5787, Email: [email protected], (R) Governance and Capacity Building: The objective of the pro- Contacts: Dr. Asad Ali Shah, Member (Infrastructure), Mr. S. Tanwir ject is to build capacity to implement the governments reform program. Burkari, Chief V&C) Negotiatim were tentatively scheduled for Nmember2W. Environmental Highways RehabilitationAdditional Financing (In. 7376-PAK): Assessment Category C. PID: 97329. US$60.0 (IDA Grant). Consul- The objective of the project is to deliver a productive, efficient national tants will be required. Ministry of Finance and Planning, The Secre highway network. Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 March tariat, Colombo 01 Sri Ma,Tel: (94-11) 2484530, Ext 1429, Fax: 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100155. Uss65.0 (9411) 2432073, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. M.G. Jay- (IBRD). No consultants are required. National Highway Authority, 27 atissa, Assistant Director (Information) PAGE 34 Monthlv ODerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006 Social Protection Rural Development (N)Puttalam Housing: The objective of the project is to rehabili- (R) Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Prepared- tate the internally displaced persons living in the Puttalam District ness and Response (Cr. 4206-ALB):The objective of the project through improved housing and basic services. Negotiations were ten- is to strengthen the country’s capacity to prevent the spread of bird tatively scheduled for November 2006. Environmental Assessment flu among poultry, prevent its transmission from birds to other animals Category B. US$32.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Puttalam and humans, and prepare for a potential pandemic of avian influenza Project Unit, Ministry of Resettlement, No. 8/1 Kachcheri Rd., Put- transmissible among humans. The credit was signed on 11 July 2006. talam, Sri Lanka, Tel: (94-11) 239-5524, Fax: (94-11) 239-5517, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 100273. US$5.0 (IDA). E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. S. M. Yaseen, Project Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Con- Director sumer Protection, Square of Skenderbej No. 2, Tirana, Albania Transportation (R) Transport: The objective of the project is to improve regional in- tegration through construction and rehabfitation of critical sections of the national road network and improve the urban environment Europe and Central Asia through rehabilitation of select urban roads in Tirana and other mu- nicipalities. Appraisal is scheduled for 19 March 2007. Environmen- Albania tal Assessment Category A PID: 78949. US$20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry ofTransport andTelecommunications, Gn- Economic Management eral Roads Directorate, Pr. “Sami Frasheri,” No. 33, Tirana, Albania, (R) Development Policy: The objective of the project is to promote Tel: (3554) 227-390, Fax: (3554) 235268, Email adukaQadanetcomA, private sector-led growth and improved delivery of social services by Contact Mr. Adem Duka, Director, Roads Project Implementation improvingthe quality of governance. Decision meeting was scheduled Unit for 17 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID 96205. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry Urban Development of Finance, Bul: “Deshmoret e Kombit” Nr.4, Tirana, Albania, TeVFax: (R) land Management and Urban Development: The objective (3554) 227-937, Tel: (3554) 267-654, E-mail: budgetdirector@min- of the project is to develop efficient landand property markets by en-, Contact Mimoza Dhembi, General Budget Director hancing tenure security and improving land management regulations Second Development Policy: The objectives of the project are to im- and enforcement Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for 25 Octo- prove delivery of social services and promote private sector led growth. ber 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 96263. US$ Project will be identified in 2007 following completion of the first De- 35.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of velopment Policy Loan. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication, Bul Deshmoret e 99823. US$lO.O (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Fi- kombit, Tirana, Albania, Tel/Fax: (3554) 227-945, E-mail: sristani@ya- nance, Bul: “Deshmoret e Kombit” Nr.4, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (3554), Contact Mr. Stavri Ristani, Deputy Minister 267W,Tel/Fax: (3554) 227-937, Email [email protected], Contact Mimoza Dhembi, General Budget Director Armenia Economic Management Environment and Natural Resources Management (N) Poverty Reduction Strategy: The objective of the project is to (R) Butrint National Park Global Biodiversity and Heritage Con- implement the poverty reduction strategy. Project identification is un- servation: The project aims at (a) connecting biodiversity conserva- der way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category to be determined. US$ tion and sustainable ecosystem management with conservation of 15.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance world heritage in the Butrint aquatic and wetland complex, and (b) mc- and Economy, 1, Government House, Republic Square, Yerevan 375010 bilizing donors’ support for long-term financing of the park complex. Armenia, Tel: (3741) 595304, Fax: : (3741) 524282, Contact Mr. Var- GEF approval decision was scheduled for mid-December 2006. Envi- dan Khachatryan, Minister ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 85089. US$ 1.0 (GEF). No Third Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the project is consultants are required. Buirint NationalPark, Office for Adminisiration to implement poverty reduction reforms. Project preparation is under and Coordination to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Blvd. way. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 93460. UsS20.0 “Deshmoret e Kombit,” Tirana, Albania, Tel/Fax: (3557) 324600, E (IDA). Consultantswill be required in the areas of governance, social mail: [email protected],Contact Auron Tare, Director sectors and rural economy. Ministry of Finance and Economy, Gov- (R) Conservation and Sustainable Management of Karavasta Ia- ernment House, Republic Square, Yerevan 375010 Armenia, Tel: (374 goon: The objective of the project is to improve the conservation and 2) 523-471, (374-2) 505113, Fax: (3742) 151-736, (3742) 528-742, sustainable management of the Karavasta Lagoonecosystem by main- E-mail: [email protected], Contact Robert Harutyunyan, Executive Di- streaming biodiversity conservationinto management of the area’s nat- rector, Foreign Financing Projects Management ural resources. GEF approval decision was tentatively scheduled for mid-November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Law and Justice 93796. US$ 1.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required for socic-economic (R) Second Judicial Reform: The objectives of the project are to im- and environmental assessments, design and cost estimate of Ramsar prove (a) the efficiency and reliability of judicial operations; and (b) site infrastructure, and regulatory framework for Karavasta manage- the quality of judicial services. Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for ment and zoning plan. Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Water 30 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 99630. Administration, Rruga e Durresit, No. 27, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355 USS19.5 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Justice, 3 V. 4) 270-624, Fax: (3554) 270-627, Email: [email protected], Contact Sargsyan St, Yerevan 375010 Armenia, Tel: (37410) 545684, Fax: Mr. Zamir dedej, Director of Nature Protection (37410) 545683, E-mail:[email protected], Contact Artur Tunyan, Director of Judicial Reform PIU Private Sector Development (R) Business Environment Reform and Institutional Strength- Social Protection ening: The objective of the project is to foster exports and increase Third Social Investment Fund: The objectives of the project are to: investments. Board presentation was scheduled for 26 October 2006. (a) improve the quality, access and availability of community infra- Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96643. US$ 9.3 structure and services in poor, vulnerable communities; and @) build (IBRD/IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy, local government institutional capacity. Board presentationwas sched- Trade and Energy, Zhan dArk, No. 3, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 364- uled for 24 October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category FI. PID: 673, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Pranvera Kastrati, 94225. US$20.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Armenia Social Project Coordinator, Department of Market Policies Investment Fund, 31 IC Ulnetsu St, Yerevan 375037 Armenia, Tel: NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 35 (3742) 151417, Fax: (3741) 20159, Email: [email protected], Con- Bosnia and Herzegovina tact Mr. Ashot Kirakosyan, Executive Director Energy and Mining Azerbaijan Energy Community of South East Europe APL 3 (Cr. 4197-BH): The objective of the projectis to facilitate participationin the community Health, Nutrition and Population by financing the rehabilitation and upgrading of hydroelectric and (R) Health Sector Reform (Cr. 4210-AZ):The objective of the pro- thermal power stations, upgrading the transmission and distribution ject is to improve the health status of the population by ensuring eq- systems and technical assistance. The credit was signed on 21August uitable access to and quality and use of essential health services in a 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90666. USj36.0 fiscally responsible and financially sustainable manner. The credit was (IDA). Consultants will be required. ElektroprivredaBosnia and Herze- signed on 9 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. govina, Zmaja od Bosne 15,71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, PID: 94220. USj50.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Tel: (387-33) 751-002, Fax: (387-33) 751403, Contact Mr. Enver Kreso, Health, 4, Kichik Denizstz A21014 Baku, Azerbaijan, Tel: (99412) 598- General Manager; Elektroprivreda of the Croatian Community of 5347, Fax: (99412) 493-3210, E-mail: fin@mednet, Contact: Farhad Herzeg-Bosnia, Mile Budaka 106A, 9900 Mostar, Bosnia and Herze Mehdiyev, Director, Project Implementation Unit govina, Tel: (387-36) 310.847, Fax: (387-36) 317-157, Contact Mr. Vlado Maric; Elektroprivreda RepublikaSrpska, Luke Vakalovica, 89101Tre Law and Justice binje, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Tel: (387-59) 260491, Fax: (387-59) 277- Judicial Modernization (Cr. 4209-AZ):The objective of the project 120, Contact Mr. Pantelija Dakic is to develop and implement the initial phases of judicial system mod- ernization. The credit is scheduled to be signed on 29 December 2006. Environment and Natural Resources Management Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99201. USj20.0 (IDA). Biodiversity Consemtion: The objective of the project is to increase Consultants will be required. Ministry of Justice, S. Vurgun St., Baku the area under formal protection status in forest and mountain ecosys- 370022 Azerbaijan,Tel: (99412) 493-8103, Fax: (99412) 493-0562, Con- tems, and to develop mechanismsto conserve these ecosystems over tacts: Mr. Fikrat Mammadov, Minister, and Mr. Azer Jafarov, Deputy the long term. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- Minister sessment Category B. PID: 87094. Us3.5 (GEF). Funding from an Austriantrust fund has been requested for preparation. Consulting ser- Public Sector Governance vices to be determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management Real Estate Registration: The objectives of the project are to facili- and Forestry, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trampina br.4/1, Sarajevo tate (a) a reliable, transparent and efficient real estate registration sys- 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-33) 213-098, Fax: (387-33) 215 tem supporting real property markets for the private sector and (b) 099, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Alojz Dundjer, Project proper management and use of state-owned immovable property. Pro- Implementation Unit Director; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and ject preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. Water Management, Republika Srpska, Kralja Petra IKaradjordjevica Us29.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. State Service 135137, Banja Luka 78000 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel/Fax: (387-51) for the Registration of Real Estate, llaZeynal Khalil St., Narimov Dis- 314675, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Zeljko Stojanovic, trict, Baku, Azerbaijan, Tel: (99412) 496.6996, Fax: (99412) 4140809, PIU Director Email: [email protected], Contact Ilham Bayramox Deputy Chief Bulgaria Rural Development Social Protection (R) Human Development The objective of the project is to Agricultural Development and Credit, Phase 2 (Cr. 4207-AZ, Policy: Cr. 4208-AZ): The objective of the project is to improve agricultural implement policies that (a) more closely align labor and social sector productivity and competitiveness by (a) strengthening the rural fi- policies with EU standards, (b) improve the efficiency of the health, nancial system, (b) providing appropriate technologies, advisory and education and social protection systems to maintain sustainable budgets veterinarian services; and (c) assisting those involved in post-produc- and (c) improve access to basic social services. Appraisal was tentatively tion processing and marketing with improved product quality and scheduled for 13 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category food safety. The project was approved-following APL procedures- C. PID: 94967. USj150.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Coun- on 27 June 2006. Environmentalhsessment Category FI. PID: 90887. cil of Ministers, 1, Dondoukov Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, Tel: (359-2) Us29.2 (IDA). Consultants will be required. State Agency for Agri- 9403612, Fax: (3542) 9W7707, Email: p.vasileva@governmentbg,Con- cultural Credits, 40, U Hajibekov St., Government House, Room 804, tact Ms. Petya Vasileva, Head of Department, or Ms. Svetla Panova, Az1016, Baku, Azerbaijan, Tel: (99412) 934693, Fax: (99412) 981- Head of Deparbnent 395, E-mail: [email protected],Contact Mr. Razim A. Valiyev, Transportation General Director Second Trade and Transportation Facilitation: The objective of the Transportation project is to enhance regional trade and transportation by optimizing use of the Trans-EuropeanNetwork Corridors. Decision meeting and Trade and Transport Facilitation: The objectives of the project are appraisal completed. Negotiations are scheduled for 16 October 2006. to make fi-eight transport more competitive in terms of quality, ca- EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 94018. US40.0 (IBRD). pacity and cost, and to increase the economic, financial and social sus- Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Project Implemen- tainability of rail passenger services. Decision meeting is scheduled tation Unit, 102, Rakovski Street, Sofia, Bulgaria, Tel: (359-2) 9854 for 8 January 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 2709, Fax: (3542) 98542702, Email: [email protected], Contact 83108. US$25.0/25.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants will be required. Min- Ms. Medialka Cholakova, Director istry ofTransport, 10554Tbilisi Ave., Baku 1122 Azerbaijan, Tel: (994 12) 985087, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Musa Panahov, Croatia Minister Economic Management Water and Sanitation (R) Second Programmatic Adjustment: The objective of the pro- (R) Second Water Supply The objective of the projectis to rehabfitate ject is to enhance economic growth for EU integration by improving water supply and sanitation systems in selected secondary cities and the investment climate and making the public sector smaller and more small towns. Appraisal is scheduled for 27 November 2006. Environ- efficient Decision meeting was delayed. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- mental Assessment Category B. PID: 96213. Us55.0 (IBRD). Con- egory U. PID: 94341. USj150.0 (IBRD) . No consultants are required. sultants will be required. Azersu, 67 Tbilisi Ave., Baku 370112 Azerbaijan, Ministry of Finance, Katanciceva 5, Zagreb 1000 Croatia, Tel/Fax: Tel: (941-2) 30&131, Fax: (941-2) 983-814, E-mail: [email protected], (3851) 4541248, Email: ana.hrastovic@&.hr, Contact Ms. Ana Contact Mr. Oktay Asadov, President Hrastovic, Assistant Minister PAGE 36 Monthlv Oaerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006 Energy and Mining Energy and Mining District Heating (In. 4828-m):The objectives of the project are @) Methane Leak Reduction in Gas Pipeline: The objective of the to develop the district heating sector, improve Hrvatska Elektro- project is to reduce leaks komkey points in the gas transmission in- privreda’s heating services, and upgrade the infrastructure of the frastructure. The emission reduction purchase agreementwas sched- firm’s district companies in Zagreb and Osijak, which will in less uled to be signed on 10 November 2006. Environmental Assessment heat loss and better service. Approved by the Executive Directors on Category to be determined. PID: 96741. US$40.0 (PCJ?). Consultants 20 June 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID 95389. will be required. Georgian Gas International Corporation, 24, 300 US29.8 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. HEP-District Heating Aragveli St, Tbisi, Georgia, Tel: (99532) 922-962, Fax: (99532) 923- Company d.o.o., Miseveka 15a, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia, Tel: (3851) 615 229, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. David Ingorokva, President 1999, (3851) W9504, Fax: (3851) 6151686, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Robert Vuk, B.Sc.Eng, Technical Head of Department Fansporta tion (R) East-West Highway Improvement, Phase 1: The objective of Health, Nutrition and Population the project isto reduce road transportation costs and improve access, Sustainable Health System: The objective of the project is to improve transit, and safety in the east-west corridor by upgrading a segment people’s health by increasing the efficiency and quality of health ser- of the highway from Tbiisi to Rikoti and supporting private Snancing vice and improving the performance of the health system. Project to rehabilitatethe Rikoti tunnel. Appraisal completed. Negotiations were preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. scheduledfor 30 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category PID: 86669. US$75.0 (IBRD). Consultants are required in master plan- B. PID: 83110. US$20.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. ning, hospital management and restructuring, emergency care, pub Roads Department, 29a Gagarina St., Tbilisi 0160 Georgia, Tel: (995 lic health promotionand payment systems. Ministry of Health and Social 32) 381-633, Fax: (99532) 313-052, Contact Mr. Roman Dalakishvili, Welfare, Ksaver 200, Zagreb, Croatia, Tel: (3851) 46@7517, Fax: (385 Director; Transport Reform and Rehabilitation Center, E-mail: 1) 46@7520,Email: [email protected],Contact Dr. Spaso Vulic, Re [email protected], Contact George Tsagarelli, Director ject Preparation Management Unit Kazakhstan Transportation Environment and Natural Resources Management The objective of the project is to Trade and Transport Integration: (R) improve the capacity, efficiency, and quality of services of one of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Environmental Remediation (Industrial Waste Treatment): The objective of the project is to contain the toxic primary pan-Europeancommercial transport corridors, known as Cor- waste plume contaminating the city‘s groundwater, thereby prevent- ridor Vc, to meet projected traffic demand, with particular focus on up ing the plume’s discharge into the river and the drinking water sup grading the port of Ploce and other work that supports regional ply. Appraisal is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category development. Board presentation was scheduled for 14 November A. PID: 78342. Us34.0 (IBRD). Consultants have been selected for a fea- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category PID: 93767. Us50.0 A. sibility study. Other consultants will be needed for environmental im- (IBRD). Consultants will be required for feasibility studies for port fa- pact and social assessments. Kazatomprom, 168 Bogenbai batyr St, cilities, definition of master plan and business plans, detailed engi- Almaty 480012 Kazakhstan, Tel: (7-3272) 691-627, Fax: (7-3272) 611- neering, supervision services and trade information flow integration. 626, E-mail: [email protected],Contact Baurzhan 0. Ploce Port Authority, Lucka uprava Ploce, Trg KraljaTomislava 21,20 Duisebayev, Director 340 Ploce, Croatia,Tel: (38520) 603-180, Fax: (38520) 67G271, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Mladen Dugandzic, Assistant to Forest Protection and Reforestation (la. 4808-KZ): The objec- the Executive Director tive of the project is to develop environmental and economic services through more sustainable use, increased productivity and enhanced Water and Sanitation conservation of forest and associated rangeland resources, with a fo- (R) Inland Waters: The objective of the project is to improve water cus on the northeastern pine forest and southern saxaul woodlands. supply, wastewater services and flood protection measures. Appraisal Approved by the Executive Directors on 29 November 2005. Envi- is scheduled for 14 December 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- ronmentalhsessment Category B. PIDs: 78301,87485. US$30.0/5.0 egory FI. PID 98948. Us47.7 (IBRD). Consultantswill be required. (IBRD/GEF). A PHRD grant of Us 0.3 Snanced preparation. Con- Hrvatske Vode, Ulica grada Vukovara 220, Zagreb 10000 Croatia, Tel: sultants will be required. Forestry and Hunting Committee, Ministry (3851) 63G7333, Fax: (3851) 63G7686, Email: [email protected], of Agriculture, Abay Ave., 49, Astana 473000 Kazakhstan, Tel: (7-3172) Contact Mr. Miroslav Steinbauer, Head, Development Sector 328248, Fax: (7-3172) 328233, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Igor A. Koval, Deputy Chairman Georgia Irrigation Ecosystem Managemenk The objectives of the project are to reduce land degradation and consequently the threat of desert%- Economic Management cation. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4234-GE): The ob Category B. PID: 99053. Us6.0 (GEF). Consulting services to be de- jective of the project is to implement the poverty reduction strategy. termined. Ministry of EnvironmentalProtection, 31, Pobedy Ave., As- Approved by the Executive Directors on 12 October 2006. Environmen- tana 010000 Kazakhstan, Tel: (7-3172)-591972, Fax: (7-3172) 591973, tal Assessment Category U. PID: 93245. US$20.0 (IDA). No consul- E-mail: [email protected], Contact Alzhan Braliev, Vice-Minister tants are required. Ministry of Fiice,70, Ir.Abashidze St,Tblis 380062 Georgia, Tel/Fax: (99532) 25G371, Contact Aleksi Aleksishvili, Min- Health, Nutrition and Population ister (R) Health Sector Technology Transfer and Institutional Re- form: The objective of the project is to modernize the health system. Education Project concept review completed. Appraisal is scheduledjbr 1 ‘/April 2002 (R) Improving Learning Environment AF’L 2:The objective of EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 101928. US$80.0 (IBRD). the project is to develop tools and interventions to support the Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Health, 66 realignment of education system objectives and strengthen policy and Moskowkaya St, Astana 01ooOO Kazakhstan,Tel: (7-3172) 317-873, Fau: management capacity to improve the equitable, efficient use of finan- (7-3172) 317-327, Contact Mr. BolatTokezhanov, Head, Division of Med- cial, physical and human resources. Appraisal completed. Environ- icine Development and International Cooperation mental Assessment Category C. PID: 98217. Us15.0 (IDA). No con- sultants are required. Ministry of Finance, 70, IrakliAbashidze St., Private Sector Development Tbilisi 380062 Georgia, Tel: (99532) 221-754, Fax: (99532) 235416; Technology and Competitiveness: The objective of the project is to Ministry of Education, Coordination Center, 52, Uznadze Street, improve the quality and economic relevance of the country’s scienac Tbilisi 0102 Georgia, Tel: (99532) 959-837, Fax: (99532) 958313, E- research and link it more closely to domestic and international mar- mail: [email protected], Contact: Temo Samadashvili, kets. Appraisal completed. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: Deputy Minister 90695. US$15.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. National Inne NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 37 vation Fund, 26 a Abai Ave., 3rd floor, Almaty 050113 Kazakhstan, Tel: Rural Development (7-3272) 599-816, Fax: (7-3272) 599-839, E-mail: info@nj€kz, Contact (R) Second VieInvestment (H250-KG): The objective of the Anita Moorthy, Deputy Chairman project is to alleviate rural poverty by empowering communities to im- Public Sector Governance prove access to social and economic infrastructure services. The grant was signed on 3 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category The objective of the project is to reform Customs Development. FI. PID: 98949. USs15.0 (IDA Grant). Consultants are required for train- and modernize the customs administration, in order to: (a) promote ing. Community Development and Investment Agency, 102 Bokonbaeva internationally acceptable practices for processing of international St., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996312) 627-747, Fax: (996312) trade flows; @) improve revenue collection; and (c) reduce potential 624748, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mrs. Elmira S. Ibraimova, Ex- for corruption. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- ecutive Director sessment Category C. PID: 96998. US$30.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- vices to be determined. Customs Control Committee, 10, Beibitshilik Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic Street, Astana 010000 Kazakhstan, Tel/Fax: (7-317) 297-4531, E-mail: [email protected]., Contact Mr. Alikhan Mam- of betalin, Deputy Chairman/Head of the Working Group, and Ms. Shol- Economic Management pan Dosymkhanova, Deputy Head of the Working Group Second Programmatic Development Policy: The objectives of the project are to promote economic growth and job creation by improv- Kosovo ing the investment climate and strengthening public sector gover- Economic Management nance. Project identification is under way. Environmental Assessment (R) Fiscal Policy Support: The objective of the project is to create Category U. US$30.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. a sustainable fiscal environment while meeting immediate priority Ministry of Finance, Dame Gruev 14,1000 Skopje, Former Yugoslav public spending requirements. Project preparation is under wa3 Envi- Republic of Macedonia, Tel: (389-2) 311-7288, Fax: (389-2) 311-7280, ronmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$ 5.0 (IDA Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Nikola Popovski, Min- Grant). Consulhg services to be determined. Implementingagency@) ister of Finance to be determined. Energy and Mining Energy and Mining (R) Sustainable Energy: The objective of the project is to estab (R) Lignite Power Technical Assistance (H254-KOS): The objective lish a project development assistance facility and a sustainable energy of the project is to prepare an enabling environment for investment by financing facility with the intentionof expandingconsiderably the mar- independentpower producers, in concert with the Lignite Power Ini- ket for energy efficiency and renewable energy by making readily tiative. Approved by the Executive Directors on 12 October 2006. Envi- available the requisite technical assistance and hancialintermedi- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 97635. USs8.5 (IDA Grant). ation. Negotiations completed. Board presentation is scheduled for 21 Consultants will be required. Projects Office, Ministry of Energy and December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 89656. Mining,Tel: (377-44) 11M11 US$5.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy, Energy Department, 15 U1. Jurij Gagarin, Former Yugoslav Repub- Environment and Natural Resources Management lic of Macedonia, 1000, Tel: (3892) 393-531, Fax: (389-2) 394902, E- Energy Sector Clean-up and Land Reclamation (H234-KOS): The mail: [email protected], Contact: MS.Violeta objectives of the project are to build capacity of environmentalofficials, Keckoarovska, Head mitigate existing environmental dust emissions from ash heaps, and make land available for resettlement of people living above the Sibovc Moldova, Republic of lignite deposit. Approved by the Executive Directors on 13 June 2006. Economic Management Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 96181. US$ 5.5 (IDA Grant). Consultantswill be required. KorporataEnergjetike e Kosoves, (R) Poverty Reduction Support (Cr. 4236-MD): The objective of Prishtina, Kosovo, Contact Mr. John Ashley, Managing Director; Of- the project is to implement the reform agenda outlined in the economic fice of Energy within the Office of the Prime Minister, New Econom- growth and poverty reduction strategy. Approved by the Ezecutive Di- ics Faculty, Room 111, Rr. Ramiz Sadiku, Prishtina 38000 Kosovo, Tel: rectors on 19 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. (381-38) 504604 Ext. 6833, Fax: (381-38) 504604, Ext. 6864, Contact PID: 99166. US$ 10.0 (IDA). No consultants are required. Ministry of Ms. Pranvera Dobruna-Kryeziu, Head Finance 7, Cosmonautilor St, Chisinau, Moldova, Tel: (373-22) 233- 575, Fax: (373-22) 221-307, Contact Mihail Pop, Minister Kyrgyz Republic Health, Nutrition and Population Economic Management Primary Care and Social Assistance: The objectives of the project (R) PovertyReduction Support The project aims at developing and are to: (a) increase equitable access to quality health services and @) implementing sound policies to carry out the national strategy of improve the policy making process through the development and im- poverty reduction. Decision meeting is scheduled for 21 March 200% plementation of a system for monitoring and evaluating health sector Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 79112. US$15.0 (IDA). performance. Decision meeting is scheduled for 5 December 2006. En- Consultants have been retained for preparation. Ministry of Finance, vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 95250. US$ 10.0 (IDA). Department of Investment Policy, 720040,58, Erkindik Blvd, Bishkek, Consultantswill be required for preparation and will be financed by a Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996312) 661-350, Fax: (996312) 661-645, E- Japanese PHRD grant Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Sciu- mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Sanjar Mukanbetov, Di- sev 101, Chisinau 2012 Moldova, Tel/Fax: (373-22) 238751, E-mail: rector [email protected],Contact Mr. Victor Volovei, Project Di- rector Private Sector Development (R) Reducing Technical Barriers for Entrepreneurship and Water and Sanitation Trade (H247-KG): The objectives of the project are to: (a) stream- (R) Environmental Protection: The objectives of the project are to line compulsory standards for businesses, @) develop systems to en- (a) reduce the discharge of pollutants, including nutrients, from mu- hance product quality and safety, and (c) increase enterprise nicipal and rural sources into the Nistru River and Black Sea, and @) competitiveness in pilot sectors. The grant was signed on 18 October develop a transnationalNistru River Basin management plan. Decision Mx)6. Environmental AwsmentCategory C. PID: 87811. US5.0 (IDA meeting is scheduled for 12 January 2007. Environmental Assess Grant). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Industry, Trade and ment Category B. PID: 74139. US$5.0 (GEE). Consultantswill be re Tourism, 106 Chui St, Bishkek 720002 Kyrgyz Republic, Tel: (996312) quired. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, St 625424,626306, Fax: (996312) 661-837, E-mail: [email protected], Con- Cosmonautilor 9, Chisinau 2005 Moldova, Tel: (373-22) 204566, (373- tact Amangeldiev Daniyar, Lead Specialist 22) 204507, Fax: (373-22) 210-660, Contact Mr. Constantin Mihailescu, PAGE 3% Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Minister of Environment and NaturalResources; Department of Con- Law and Justice structions and Territory Development, St Cosmonautilor 9, Chisinau (N) Legal and Judicial: The objective of the project isto improve per- 2005 Moldova, Tel: (373-22) 228932, Email: [email protected], Con- formance of the courts through faster and less costly service delivery. tact Ms. Olga Covaliova, GEF Coordinator, Project ImplementationUnit Project Concept Note is being prepared. Environmental Assessment Category C. Us5.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required and have Montenegro been identified. Ministry of Justice, Al Ujazdowskie 11, Warsaw, Poland, Economic Management E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Contact Mr. (R) Third DevelopmentPolicy: The objective of the project is to im- Kryze, Deputy Minister plement structural reforms critical for sustained growth and poverty reduction. Project concept review is scheduled for 15April2007. En- Region a1 vironmental Assessment Category C. US$22.0 (IDA/IBRD). Con- Energy and Mining sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, Staka Dragjevica 2, Podgorica 81000 Montenegro, Tel: (381-81) 245274, Contact H.E. (R) Geothermal Energy Development (GeoFund): The objective Igor Luksic, Minister of Finance of the project is systematically to promote the use of geothermal en- ergy in the region by assisting with barrier removal. Board presenta- Energy and Mining tion was scheduled for 14 Nouember2006. Environmental Assessment Energy Community of South East Europe AF'L 3 (Cr. 4173-YF): Category FI. PID: 75046. US$ 25.0 (GEF). Consultants will be re The objective of the project, to be carried out in conjunction with pro- quired. Geo-Heat Center, Oregon Institute of Technology, 3201 Cam- jects for seven other counties of southeast Europe, is to create a mar- pus Dr., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 USA, Tel: (1-541) 8851750, Fax: ket to share energy in an efficient and mutually beneficial manner as (1-541) 8851754, Email: johnlund@oitedu,Contact Dr. John W. Lund, participants in the European Commission and Stability Pact Approved PE, Director of the GeeHeat Center, Professor Emeritus of Civil En- by the Ex,tiVe Directors on 22 May 2006. When the country becomes gineering and President of the International Geothermal Association a member, the project will be renegotiatedwith its authorities. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category B. US$9.0 (IDA). Consultants will Environment and Natural Resources Management be required. Electric Power Utility of Montenegro: FederalGovernment Integrated Ecosystem Management of Neretva and Trebis- of Montenegro, Bul. Mihajila Pupina 2, Belgrade 11070 Serbia, Fax: npca River Basins: The objective of the project is to improve water (381-11) 311-2979 resource management on the river basin and transboundary level, layingthe basis for efficient and equitable water allocation among users Environment and Natural Resources Management and for improved health of the ecosystems on which sustainable Tara and Iim: The objective of the project is to improve land and wa- economic growth depends. Project preparation is under way. Envi- ter management and biodiversity conservation, including reducing ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84608. US$ 8.0 (GEF). risks and impact of flooding and restoration of watershed protection Consultants are required for preparation studies. Croatia Ministry forests in two major river basins. Project preparationis under way. En- of Forestry, Agriculture, and Water Management, Ulica Grada Vuko- vironmentalhsessrnent Category B. US$ 5.0 (GEF) . Consultantswill vara, Tel: (385-1) 630-7303, Fax: (385-1) 630-7686, E-mail: pet- be required for project coordination, social and environmental as- [email protected], Contact: Mr. Mladen Peticec, Head, Institute for sessment, planning and surveying. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Water Management;Republika of Srbska Ministry of Town Planning, and Water, RimskiTrg bb, Podgorica81000 Montnegro, Tel: (381-81) Housing Services, CiEngineering, and Ecology; Bosnia Herzegovina 482-109, Fax: (381-81) 234306, Email: [email protected], Contact Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment, Ha& Idrizova 2, Sara- Miloslav Andjelic jevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: (387-33) 212-833, (387-61) 220-289, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Branko Urban Development Vucijak, Head, Project Implementation Unit Tourism Development: The objective of the project is to provide The objec- sustainable bulk water supplies to the coastal tourism area in an en- Lake Skhoder Integrated Ecosystem Management: tive of the project is to achieve more sustainable uses of the lake's nat- vironmentally sound way. Decision meeting is scheduled for 15 Janu- ural resources and those of its watershed. Project preparation is under ary 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93461. US$ way. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 84605. US$ 5.0 15.0h2.9 (TDA/GEF). Consultants are required and are being financed (GEF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, Rr. by an Italian trust fund. Crnogorsko Primoje, TRG Sunca 4,85310 Durresi, No. 27, Tirana, Albania, Tel: (355-4) 270-624, Fax: (3554) 27@ Budva, Montenegro,Tel: (381-86) 452434, (381-86) 451-921, Fax: (381- 624, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Zamir Dedei, Director 86) 451-460/937, Email: [email protected], Contact Pedrac Bjelo- of Nature Protection; Ministry of Environmental Protection and Phys- brkovic, Director ical Planning, Poslovni Centar Vectra, Podgorica 81000 Serbia and Poland Montenegro, Tel: (381-81) 482-167, Fax: (381-81) 234131, E-mail:vik- [email protected], Contact Mr. Viktor Subotic, Project Director Energy and Mining (R) Hard Coal: The objective of the project is to complete reform of Health, Nutrition and Population the hard coal sector by (a) offering publicly held entities for privati- Infectious Disease Prevention and Control: The objectives of the zation and @) resolving the legacy of subsidence liabilities from closed project are to: (a) strengthenpublic health infrastructure, includingsur- mines. This project is no longer in the lending program. Further re- veillance systems, public health laboratory networks, and training, porting will be discontinued. Environmental Assessment Category B. and @) prevent and control the emergence and reemergence of in- PID: 83094. US$200.0 (IBRD) . Consulting services to be determined. fectious diseases such as bird flu. This project has been placed on re Implementing agency(ies) to be determined. serve. Environmental Assessment Category B: PID: 96658. Us25.0 @A). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agencyees) Environment and Natural Resources Management to be determined. Odra River Basin Flood Protection: The objective of the project is to protect the population in the Odra River Basin against loss of life Romania and damage to property caused by severe flooding. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for 23 October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Education Category A PID: 86768. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants were used for Social Inclusion Program (In. 4825-RO): The objective of the pre project feasibility studies; and will be used for detailed design and con- ject is to improve the living conditions and social inclusion of the most struction supervision; and for monitoring and evaluation of project disadvantaged and vulnerable people. The loan was signed on 4 July impacts. Project Coordination Unit, Rynek 13, Wroclaw 50-101Poland, 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 93096. Us58.5 Tel: (4871) 3464270, Fax (4871) 3464275, Email: [email protected], (IBRD) . Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Labor, 2B Contact Mr. Janus Zaleski, Director Dem. 1Dobrescu, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, Tel: (40-21) 312- NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv Ooerational Summarv PAGE 39 5456, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Constantin Olteanu, PMU acterized by efficient management design based on public-privatepart- Director nership, modern infrastructure and the capacity to offer business de- velopment services. Decision meeting is scheduled for 28 February Environment and Natural Resources Management 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92213. US$50.0 (N) bhnmentManagement: The objective of the projectis to build (IBRD). Consultants will be required. FederalAgency for Management institutionaland regulatory capacity to implement the EU Environment of Special Economic Zones, Ovchinnikovskaya Embarkment, Moscow, Acquis. Appraisal is scheduled for 27 November 2006. Environmental Russia, Tel: (7-495) 251-4598, Contact Mr. Michail Rytchev, Deputy Assessment Category A. PIDs: 93775, 99528. US$ 50.0/15.0 Chairman (IBRD/GEF) . Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment and Waters Management, 12, Blvd. Libertatii, Sector 5, Bucharest, Environment and Natural Resources Management Romania, Tel: (40-21) 316-2407, Fax: (40-21) 319-4609, E-mail: Fire Management in High Biodiversity Value Forests of Amur- [email protected], Contact Ms. Lucia Ana Varga, Secretary of State Sikhote-Alin Ecoregion: The objective of the project is to strengthen conservation of the high-conservation-valueforests of the Amur- Health, Nutrition and Population Sikhote-Alin ecoregion through improved forest fire management and (R) Avian Innuenza control and Human Pandemic Prepared- reduced frequency, size and intensity of catastrophic fires in areas ness and Response (In. 4839): The objective of the project is to of global conservation importance. Negotiations are scheduled for increase preparedness to prevent and control the spread of bird flu 26 March 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 68386. among animals and humans and to prepare for, control, and respond US$8.6 (GEE). Consultants will be required for methodology of for- to innuempandemics and other infectious disease emergencies in hu- est fire zoning, forest fire impact modeling and database, and admin- mans. The loan was signed on 5 October 2006. Environmental Assess- istration of small grants for community participation. Federal Forestry ment Category B. PID: 100470. US$37.7 (IBRD). No consultants are Agency, Ministry of Natural Resources, Pyatnitskaya59/19, Moscow required. Ministry of Public Health, 1 B Negustori St., 2 Sector, 113184 Russia, Tel: (7-495) 951-8689, Fax: (7-495) 230-8530, E-mail: Bucharest, Romania, Tel: (40-21) 2157875, Fax (40-21) 312-4967; Na- [email protected],Contact: Mr. Victor N. Sergeyenko, Deputy Head, tional Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority Forest Protection Directorate Public Sector Governance Health, Nutrition and Population Revenue Administration Reform: The objective of the project is to Adult Health Development: The objectives of the project are to: (a) establish a sustainable public revenue collection system. Board pre reduce premature deaths, preventable illnesses, and disabilitiescaused sentation is scheduled for 30 November 2006. Environmental As- by noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and injuries; @) develop hu- sessment Category B. PID: 94808. US$ 70.0 (IBRD). Consulting man capital by improving the health status of economically active services to be determined. Ministry of Public Finance, NationalAgency adults; and (c) minimize regionaldisparities in social risks from NCDs for Fiscal Administration, 17, Apolodor St, Sector 5, Bucharest 050471 and injuries in the most vulnerable regions. This project has been Romania,Tel: (021) 3147535, Fax: (4021) 317-9759, EdDanieLchi- placed on standby. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 90334. roiu@&, Contact Mr. Daniel Chitoiu, Vice President US$90.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Second Programmatic Adjustment: The objectives of the project Health and Social Development, Mal. Trubetskaya 8, Moscow, Russia, are to enact core public sector reforms, build a competitive market econ- Tel: (7-495) 257-2777, Fax: (7.195) 787-2438, Email: khaljin-depart& omy and deliver public services. Negotiations were scheduled for 30, Contact Dr. RushA. Khalfin, Director, Department of October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 83622. US$ Medical Care Development and Resorts 200.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Office of the Prime Min- Law and Justice ister, Tel: (40-21) 212-5223, Fax: (40-21) 318-1151, E-mail: a.andron- [email protected], Contact Ms. Armenia Androniceanu, PAL (R) Judicial Reform Support: The objective of the project is to Director strengthen judicial transparency and competence. Negotiations are scheduled for 15 February 2007, Environmental Assessment Cate- Rural Development gory C. PID: 89733. US$50.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be de Farm Restructuring: The objective of the project is to restructure termined. Bureau of Economic Analysis/Ministry of Economic the country’s agriculture and make it more competitive. Project prepa- Development and Trade ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$65.0 Public Sector Governance (IBRD). Consultingservices to be determined. Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development, Bucuresti, Bdul Carol I,No. 24, Sec- Regislration (In. 4826-RU): The objectives of the project are to sim- tor 3, Bucharest 020921 Romania, Tel: (40-21) 307-2300/8500, Fax: plify and improve procedures for registering rights in immovable prop (40-21) 307-2345, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Gheorghe erty and improve the information flow from the registry to users. Flutur, Minister Approved by the Executive Directors on 13 June 2006. Environmen- tal Assessment Category B. PID: 93050. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consul- Transportation tants will be required. Ministry of Justice, Ulica Voroncova Polya, 44 Transport Sector Support: The objective of the project is to reduce Moscow, Russia, Tel: (7-495) 206-0253, Fax: (7-495) 91&2903, Email: transport costs through improvement in the quality of national roads tatiana.gorlatch@minjustru, Contact Ms. Tatiana Gorlatch, Project and railways during the first years of EU accession. Board presenta- Adviser tion was scheduled for 24 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Second Development of State Statistical System: The objective of Category B. PID: 93812. US$200.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. the project is to modernize the state statistical system, based on in- Romania NationalCompany for Motorways and NationalRoads, 38 Bd. ternational standards and methodology, and improve data collection Dinicu Golescu, Floor 8, Sector 1, Bucharest 010873 Romania, Tel: (40- and dissemination. Project preparation is under way. Environmental 21) 2252606, Fax: (021) 3120984, Edand@andnetro, ifipiu@and- Assessment Category U. PID: 92429. US$20.5 (IBRD). Consultants netro, Astan@andnetro, Contact Mr. Ilie Cimpoi, IF1 Unit Chief; will be required. Federal State StatisticalService, ul.Myasnistkaya 39, Romania National Railway Company CFR SA, 38 Bd. Dinicu Golescu, Bldg. 1, Moscow 107450 Russia, Tel: (7-495) 2074902, Fax: (7-495) Floor 3, Sector 1, Bucharest 010873 Romania,Tel: (4021) 2251487, Fax: 207-4087, Email: [email protected], Contact Sokolin Vladimir, Head (4@21) 222-2517, Emaik [email protected]., Contact Mr. Tiberiu Rural Development Angelescu, Director Foreign Financing (R) Krasnodar Agricultural Nutrient Reduction: The objective of Russian Federation the project is to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus pollutionof the Black Sea from agricultural sources. Appraisal is scheduled for 4June 2007. Economic Management Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 78436. US$5.0 (GEF). (R) Support to Establishing Special Economic Zones: The objective Consultants were used for preparation. Nutrient management experts of the project is to establish a new model of special economic zone char- may also be required to assist in implementationMinisry of mculture, ~~~~~ ~ PAGE 40 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006

1/11 Orlikov per., Moscow 107139 Russia, Tel/Fax (7495) 207-6405, tainous areas and in doing so create an efficient rural development pro- E-mail: [email protected] gram consistent with EU preaccession rural development programs. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- Social Protection gory to be determined. Us25.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultantswill be re Souihrn Okrug Local Initiatives Support: The objective of the pro quired. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management, ject is to improve the quality of local social and economic services and Nemanjina 22-26, 9th Floor, Office 31, Belgrade 11000 Serbia, Tel: strengthen capacities of community institutions in the Southern Okrug. (381-11) 3651675, Email: [email protected], Contact Sladjan Preparation mission completed. EnvironmentalAssessment Category Stankovic, Project Technical Adviser FI. PID: 97094. US$15.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Min- istry of Regional Development, 10/23 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St, Social Protection Bldg. 1, Moscow 127051 Russia, Tel: (7-495) 200-1485, E-mail: ki- (R) Local Social Service Delivery: The objective of the project is tova-elenaQlisLru, Contact Ms. Elena N. Kitova, Deputy Head of De to strengthen the delivery of local health, education and social protec- partment tion services. Preappraisal completed. Environmental Assessment Category to be determined. US$26.0 (IBRD). Consulting services Urban Development to be determined. Ministry of Finance, Kneza Milosa 20, Belgrade Housing and communal Services Refom Program Development 11000 Serbia,Tel: (381-11) 361-4007, Fax: (381-11) 361-8961, E-mail: Policy The objective of the project is to reform and modernize the [email protected], Contact: Mr. Vladimir Vukojevic, Assis- housing and communal services sector at the regional and municipal tant Minister levels. Negotiations are scheduled for 1February 2007. Environmen- tal Assessment Category C. PID: 79032. US$200.0 (IBRD). Consul- Tajikistan tants will be required. Federal Agency for Construction and Housing Economic Management Complex of the Russian Federation, Stroitelei Street, 8/2, Moscow The objective of the 119991 Russia,Tel: (7495) 930-6482, Fax: (7495) 9382202, (7495) 930- Second Programmatic DevelopmentPolicy: project is to implement policy reforms in private sector develop 4644, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. S. Kruglick, Head of ment, public sector management and social service delivery. Deci- Federal Agency for Construction and Housing Complex of the Russ- ian Federation sion meeting is tentatively scheduled for 16 November 2006. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category C. US$lO.O (IDA Grant). Consultants Water and Sanitation will be required. Presidential Administration, 80 Rudaki Ave., Rostov Nutrient Discharge and Methane Reduction: The objec- Dushanbe 734023 Tajikistan, Tel/Fax: (992-372) 213-446, E-mail: tives of the project are to: (a) reduce nitrogen and phosphorous dis-, Contact Mr. Matlubkhon Davlatov, State Eco- charges into the Don River and the Azov and Black Seas, (b) reduce nomic Adviser greenhouse gases emissions, and (c) improve Rostov Vodokanal en- Public Sector Governance ergy efficiency. Appraisal is scheduled for 17 January 2007. Environ- Public Financial Management Modernization: The objective of the mental Assessment Category B. PID: 71473. US$ 11.0 (GEF). No project is to enhance the efficiency and transparency of public sector consultants are required. Rostov Oblast Administration, Bolshaya expenditure management by designing and implementing an auto- Sadovaya 51, Rostov 344000 Russia, Tel: (8632) 652-580, Fax: (8632) mated financial management information system and building capac- 518318, rrfspQaaanetru, Contact Mr. Artur Kazatiants, Di- Email: ity in core areas of public financial management Project preparation rector, Project Implementation Unit; Rostov Vodokanal, Gorky St 293, is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99840. Rostov 344019 Russia, Tel: (8632) 652-580, Fax: (8632) 518318, Email: Us4.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required. Ministry of Finance, Ra- akazariantsQrrfsp.aaanetru, Contact Mr. Artur Kazariants, Director, jabov St, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Contact Ms Gulmira Khamrakulova, Project Implementation Unit First Deputy Head, State Treasury Serbia Rural Development Economic Management Cotton Sector Recovery:The objective of the project is to improve Public Sector Development Policy: The objectives of the project the livelihoods of cotton farmers by creating conditions for sustainable are to (a) transition to a private sector-led economy by reducing the growth of cotton production in low-income areas. ProjectAppraisal Doc- size of the state; and (b) improve the effectivenessof the state. Nego- ument is being prepared. Environmental Assessment Category B. tiations were scheduled for 23 October 2006. EnvironmentalAssess- PID 98889. US$15.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ex- ment Category U. PID: 90235. US$55.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be ecutive Administration, 80 Rudaki Ave., Dushanbe 734023 Tajikistan, required. Ministry of Finance, Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Belgrade, Contact Mr. Matlubhon Davlatov, State Adviser to the President on Serbia,Tel: (381-11) 361-7603, Fax: (381-11) 363-3264, Email: ipetro- Economic Policy [email protected], Contact Mr. Mladjan Dinkic, Minister of Finance Turkey Second Programmatc private Fmcial Sector Development:The objectives of the project are to (a) strengthen fiscal discipline in the Economic Management enterprise, energy and transport sectors, (b) attract foreign invest- Employment Generation Development Policy The objective of the ment and (c) build a more stable financial sector. Preappraisal is un- project is to implement adjustments in the private and financial sectors der way. Environmental Assessment Category U. PID: 96711. US$ that will improve the investment climate, facilitate innovative technol- 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Na- ogy and reform the labor market to be conducive to the creation of more manjina 22-26, Belgrade 11000 Serbia, Tel: (381-11) 361-7603, Fax: jobs. Project identiticationis under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- (381-11) 361-7613, Contact Mladjen Dinkic, Minister egory C. US$400.0 (IBRD) . Consulting services to be determined. Un- dersecretariat of Treasury, Inonu Bulvari, Eskisehir Yolu, Emek, Environment and Natural Resources Management Ankara 06530 Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 212-8256, Fax: (90-312) 212-8550, Bor Regional Development:The objective of the project is to alle- Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Ozgur Pehlivan, Department viate poverty in the Bor mining region by restructuring the mining in- Head dustry and encouraging growth of the regional economy. Project Second Programmatic Public Sector Development Policy The preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category A objective of the project is to broaden and reform social protection and PID: 92999. Us30.0 (IBRD). Consultantswill be required. Privatiza- improve public service delivery. Project identification is under way. En- tion Agency, Terazije 23,6th Floor, Belgrade 11000 Serbia, Tel: (381- vironmental Assessment Category C. US$400.0 (IBRD). Consulting 11) 302-9968, Fax (381-11) 3024828, Email: [email protected],Contact services to be determined. Undersecretariat of Treasury, Inonu Bul- Ms. Zorica Petrovic, PMU Director vari, Eskisehir Yolu, Emek, Ankara 06530 Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 204- TransitionalAgriculture Reform: The objective of the project is to 6452, Fax: (90-312) 2124550, Email: [email protected], Contact Ms. conserve the globally important emsystem in the Stara Planina moun- Ayse Akkirz, Head of Department NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 41 Energy and Mining quired. Ministry of Environment, International Cooperation Depart- (R) Electricity Distribution Rehabilitation: The objective of the ment, 35 Uritskogo St, Kiev 03035 Ukraine, TeVFaX: (3% 44) 2063110, project is to improve the electricity distribution system's reliability [email protected], Contact Ms. Olga S. Marushevska, and reduce losses by implementing system rehabilitation and up Head grades that will allow safety and regulatory standards to be met and Methyl Bromide Phase-Out: The objective of the project is to pre cash-flows to improve. Negotiations were scheduledfor 30 October 2006. tect the ozone layer from depletion by ensuring long-term and sustained EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 96801. US$300.0 (IBRD). compliance with the CopenhagenAmendment to the Montreal Protocol Consultants will be required to assist with managing, tendering, eval- after 1January 2005, and move forward with complete phase-out of uating and implementing projects. Turkish Electricity Distribution ozone depleting substances in line with the evolution of international Corp. -Turkiye Elektrik Dagitim AS, Inonu Blvd. No. 27, Bahcelievler, practice and obligations. Board presentation is scheduled for January Ankara, Turkey,Tel: (W312) 213-7804, Fax: (9(1312) 2157275, Email: 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 85138. US$ 5.1 [email protected] Mr. Sedat Ustun, Adviser to the Gen (GEF). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Environmental eral Manager Protection, 5 Kreshchatyk St, Kiev 01601 Ukraine, Tel: (38044) 226 (R) ElectricityGeneration Rehabilitationand Restructuring (In. 2428, Fax: (38044) 228-8383, Email: [email protected], Con- 4824TU): The objective of the project is to deepen the electricity sec- tact Mr. Svyatoslav Kurulenko, First Deputy Minister tor reform and liberalization process. The ban was signed on 12 Sep Law and Justice tember2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category A PID: 85561. US$ 336.0 (IBRD). Consultantswill be required. Electrik UretimAS, Inonu Judicial Reform Support: The objective of the project is to improve Bulvari, No. 27, Bahcelievier, Ankara 06490 Turkey, Tel: (90-312) 212- the efficiency and transparency of courts and enforcement of judge- 6900, Fax: (92-312) 2150103, Email: muzaffer,[email protected], Con- ments by upgrading court organization, facilities, and informationtech- tacts: Mr. Onder Piyade, Acting General Manager, and Mr. Muzaffer nologies, reducing corruption opportunities, and strengthening Basaran, Deputy General Manager human resources management and training Decision meeting is scheduled for 1March 2007. Environmental Assessment Category Private Sector Development to be determined. PID: 99919. US$50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be (R) Access to Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (In. required. State Judicial Administration, 4 POrlyka St., Kiev 01024 7389-TU, In. 7390-TU):The objective of the project is to increase Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 293-4218, E-mail: [email protected], access to medium-termfinancing for small- and medium-sized enter- Contact Mr. Ivan Balaklytsky, Head; Academy of Judges, Contact: prises. Approved by the Executive Directors on 8 June 2006. Envi- Ms. Iryna Voityuk, President; Supreme Court; Ministry of Justice ronmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 82822. US$180.2 (IBRD). Private Sector Development No consultants are required. Treasury, Tel: (90-312) 2136873, Contact Mr. MemduhAslan Akcay, General Director, UndersecretariatofTrea- (R) Second Export Development (In. 4836-UA): The objective sury,Tel: (92-312) 212-8256, Fax: (W312) 212-8550, Edozgur.pehli- of the project is to make medium- and long-terminvestment and work-, Contact Mr. Ozgur Pelivan, Department Head ing capital available to private exporters, including through enhanced access to export credit and guarantee services. The loan was signed Social Development, Gender and Inclusion on 26 September 2006. Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: (R) Social Development and Employment Promotion: The ob 95203. US154.5 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Ukrexim Bank, jectives of the project are to (a) develop sustainable livelihoods for the 127, Gorkogo St, Kiev 03150 Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 247-8925, Fax: poor, @) promote community development, and (c) build local ca- (380-44) 247-8082, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. Ildar pacity to absorb Europeanpreaccession funds effectively. Preparation Usmanov, Director, Export Development Department mission completed. Appraisal was scheduled for 21 October 2006. En- Rural Development vironmental Assessment Category FI. PID: 96713. US$250.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Social Solidarity Fund General Directorate, Agricultural Competitiveness and Food Safety The objective of Social Solidarity Fund, Karanfil Sokak No: 67, Bakanliklar, Ankara, the project is to increase domestic and international competitiveness Turkey, Tel: (W312) 424-1621, Fax: (92-312) 4244953, Email: srap@bas- of the agri-food sector. Project preparationis under way. Environmental, Contact Yadigar Gokalp, Director Assessment Category B. PID: 90903. US75.0 (IBRD). Consulting ser- vices to be determined. Ministry of Agricultural Policy, 01001, 24, Ukraine Khreschatyk St, Kiev, Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 2787118, Fax: (380-44) 2785811, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Ivan M. Dem- Economic Management chak, First Deputy Minister Public Finance Modernization:The objective of the project is to im- prove the scope and functioning capacity of the system of public finance Social Protection management and the associated legal framework and procedures. Ap Pensions Administration: The project aims at creating a fiscally and praisal is scheduled for 22 January 2007. Environmental Assessment socially sustainable pension system by improving collection of social Category C. PID: 90389. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants are being insurance contributions and reducing costs of compliance and ad- funded by a PHRD grant State Treasury, 6 Bastionna St, Kiev, Ukraine, ministration Project preparation completed Environmental Assess- Tel: (380-44) 294-4922, Email: [email protected], Contact Mrs. 0. ment Category C. PID: 83726. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be 0. Chechulina, Deputy Head required. Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, 8/10 Esplanadna St, Kiev, Second Development Policy: The objective of the project is to imple- Ukraine, Tel: (38G44) 289-5688, Fax: (380-44) 2663472, E-mail: t+ ment social and economic reform and integrate government and [email protected], Contact Ms. Tetiana Zichenko, Project Man- donor activities aimed at improving the investment climate, public agement Consultant administration, public finance management and social inclusion. Water and Sanitation Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- gory U. PID: 96389. US$300.0 (IBRD). Consultingservices to be deter- Urban hihstructure: The objective of the project is to plan for and mined. Ministry of Economy, 12/2 Hrushevskogo St., Kiev 01008 implement urgent water supply, sanitation, and solid waste capacity- Ukraine, Tel: (38044) 253-9394, Fax: (38044) 226-3181, E-mail: building improvements. Negotiations are scheduled for 16 January 2007. [email protected], Contact: Mr. Volodimir Ignashchenko, EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 95337. US$140.0 (IBRD). Deputy Minister Consultants will be required. Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services, Grushevskovo 12/2, Kiev, Environment and Natural Resources Management Ukraine, Tel: (380-44) 293-6307, Fax: (38G44) 234-9718, Contact Mr. Greening Industrial Modernization: The objective of the project is Oleksy Kucherenko; Ministry of Economy to improve environmentalperformance and energy efficiency of heavy Urban hihstructure: The objective of the project is to enable wa- industry. Project preparationis under way. EnvironmentalAssessment ter supply, sanitation, and solid waste utilities to implement urgent in- Category FI. PID: 71072. US$80.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re vestments and build capacity with the guidance of annual business plans. PAGE 42 Monthlv ODerational Sumrnarv NOVEMBER 2006 Decision meetingis scheduled for 12 January 2007. EnvironmentalAs- Becutive Directors on 12 October 2m6. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- sessment Category B. PID: 97763. US 10.0 (GEE). Consultingservices egory B. PZD 101454. Us2.0 (IDA). Consulting services to be de- to be determined. Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Hous- termined. Agence Djiboutienne d’ExCcution des Travaux d’Inter2.t ing and Communal Services, Grushevskovo 12/2, Kiev, Ukraine, Tel: Public, PO Box 4298, Bd. Foch, Djibouti, Djibouti, Tel: (253) 358-655, (380-44) 293-6307, 2349718,531-8749, Fax: (380-44) 2349718, 531- Fax: (253) 357-184, Email: adetipaintnetdj, Contact Mr. Kader Ismail 8749, Email: [email protected], Contact Irina Victorovna Za- Guelleh, Director General patrina, Head of PIU Ministry of Economy Egypt Uzbekistan Energy and Mining Education (R) Natural Gas Connections: The objective of the project is to ac- (R) Basic Education: The objectives of the project are to improve re celerate gas connections to reduce consumption of more expensive source utilization, hancing and student learning. Negotiationscmpleted propane. Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Board presentation was tentatively scheduled for 24 October 2006. Category A PID 95392. US$200.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 94042. US$40.0 (IDA). determined. Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, 85 Nasr Rd., Consultants will be required. Ministry of Public Education, 80, Uzbek- 1st District Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (20-2) 264-2737, Fax: (20-2) istan St. Tashkent 700027 Uzbekistan, Tel: (998-71) 139-4214, Fax: 4058876, Contact Eng. Hassan Ahmed Elmahdy (998-71) 1341630, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Khikmat- Solar Thermal Hybrid The objective of the project is to develop a ullo Daminov, Head, International Affairs Department solar/fossil fuel hybrid power plant to contribute to global cost re Urban Development duction of this technology, which is still unproven commercially. Pro- ject preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. (R) Bukhara/Samarkand Solid Waste Management: The objec- PID 50567. US$49.8 (GEF). Cofinancinghas been secured komJBIC tive of the project is to upgrade the level of city-wide solid waste man- for the non-solar portion. A GEF grant of US$0.75 is financing prepa- agement services while improving the technical, financial, and insti- ration. Consultants be required including a project management tutional bases for the future operation and development of each will consultant, Ministry of Electricity and Energy, New and Renewable En- city‘s solid waste management system. Decision meeting was delayed. ergy Authority, Ext. Abbas El-Akkad El-Hay El-Sades, Nasr City, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95263. UsS16.0 (IDA). St, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 271-3176, Fax: (202) 271-7173, E-mail: Consultants will be required. Bukhara City Improvement Department, Tel: (8-365) 2242296, Fax: (8-365) 224-2421, E-mail: kamol-hokimi-, Contact Eng. Samir Mahmoud Hassan, Ex- ecutive Chairman [email protected], Contact: Mr. IKholmuradov, Deputy Hokim of the Bukhara City and Head of the Secretariat for Communal Services of Finance the Bukhara City Hokimiyat; Samarkand City Improvement Depart- (In. The objective of the ment, Tel: (83662) 355376, Fax: (8-3662) 350180, Contact Mr. V Khami- (R) Financial Sector Reform 7391-Em: project is to reform the financial sector including institutions regulat- dov, Head of the Secretariat for Communal Services of the Samarkand City Hokimiyat ing and supervising banks and insurance companies and restructur- ing public sector banks and insurance companies, includingprivatizing one bank. The loan was scheduled to be signed on 12 November 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 88877. US$500.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Investment, 2, Latin Amer- Middle East and North ica St, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (20-2) 7955740, Fax: (20-2) 795 5882, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Ms. Eman A frica El-Gammal, Economist; Central Bank, 31 Kasr El NilSt, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (20-2) 391-4589, Fax: (2(12) 391-7682, Email: [email protected], Contact Mrs. Lobna Helal, General Manager, Banking Reform Unit Djibouti (R) Mortgage Finance ‘(In. 7396-EGT): The objective of the pro- Energy and Mining ject is to facilitate affordable housing by enabling primary lenders to Power sector: The objective of the project is to explore and validate offer longer-term, market-basedmortgage loans. The loan was sched- wind power potential, including preparation of pre-feasibility studies uled to be signed MZ 12 NoumberUX)G. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- and implementation mechanisms as well as identification of means to egory C. PID: 93470. Us37.3 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. increase energy efficiency. Project preparation is under way. Envi- Ministry of Investment, 2 Latin America St, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt, ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93385. US3.0 (GEE). Con- Tel: (2(12) 4055631, Fax: (20-2) 4055635, Contact Dr. Sherif Oteifa, sultants have been engaged. Djibouti Center for Studies and Research, Adviser to the Ministry of Investment BP 486, Djiboutiville, Djibouti, Tel: (253) 352-795, Fax: (253) 354-812, Social Development, Gender and Inclusion Contact Mr. Said Ismahel Awaleh, Program Coordinator Community and Local Development (Fourth Social Fund): The Rural Development objective of the project is to promote equity through targeted inter- (N) Avian Innuenza Prevention and Control: The objective of the ventions that provide temporary employment to the poor and access project is to minimize the threat posed to humans by bird flu and to to basic Mastructure and health services among underserved com- prepare for, control and respond to influenza pandemics and other in- munities. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assess- fectious disease emergencies in humans. The grant was approved - fol- ment Category FI. PID: 95819. Us75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be lowing procedures for the Avian Influenza trust fund - on 11 October required. Social Fund for Development, 1Wadi el Nile St, Gamaat El 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category to be determined. Us2.1 Dawal St, Mohandeeesen, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 347-6907, Fax: (Trust Fund). Consulting services to be determined. Secretariat Ex6 (202) 347-6928, Email: [email protected], Contact: Mr. cutif du Comitk Technique Interministhiel pour la Lutte contre le Hani Sei El-Nasr, Managing Director Sida, le Paludisme et la Tuberculose, Plateau du Serpent, Rue de 1’1- mam Mohamed Abdallah, BP 2067 Djibouti, Djibouti, Tel: (253) 354 Transportation 687, Fax: (253) 352406, Contact Mr. Omar Ali Ismael, Scretaire (R) Railways Restructuring: The objective of the project is to im- Exkcutif plement the restructuring strategy with a view to improving the effi- ciency of railway operations, strengthening financial viability, and Urban Development enhancing capacity to better serve social and economic needs. Project (R) Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Additional Fiicing (Cr. preparation is under way, Environmental Assessment Category B. 39771-DJT): The objective of the project is to rebuild the Ambouli PZD: 101103. US$ 270.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be deter- Dike, which was damaged by the April 2004 floods. Approved by the mined. Ministry of Transport, 12 Ismail Abaza St., Cairo, Egypt, Tel: NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv Ooerational Summarv PAGE 43 (20-2) 2W1800, Fax: (20-2) 261-0510, Emaik [email protected], Tehran, No. 52,6th West Andisheh, Andisheh St, Dr. Beheshti Av., Contact Mr. Magdy Halim, Railways Adviser Tehran 19678 Iran, Fax: (9821) 843-6735, Emaik [email protected], Contact Mr. Abolfazl Ebrahimi, Managing Director Urban Development (R) Alexandria Growth Pole: The objectives of the project are to en- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion able Alexandria to better manage local assets, remove constraints on Local Development Fund The objective of the project is to enhance private sector-ledgrowth and improve access to infrastructure, basic the effectiveness and efficiency of community-driven development in- services and incomeenhancing opportunities for residentsin informal tervention for poverty alleviation, through strengthening the role and and squatter settlements. Appraisal is under wuy. Environmental As- capacity of local governments and civil society organizations in se- sessment Category A PID: 94229. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will lected disadvantaged areas of five provinces. Negotiations have been be required in the areas of urban infrastructure, urban upgrading, delayed. Project confirmation is pending approval of the Country As- businessenabling environment, and environmental and social safe- sistance Strategy. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 73070. guards. Governorate of Alexandria, Houria St, Alexandria, Egypt, Tel: US75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Interior, (20-3) 487-2942, Fax: (2@3) 484-7192, Email: [email protected], Dr. Fatemi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Tel: (9821) 8967008, Fax: (9821) 865 Contact H. E. Mohamed Bassiouny, Secretary General 0025, E-mail: [email protected],Contact Mrs. Ashraf Boru- (R) Greater Cairo Development: The objective of the project is to jerdi, Deputy Minister for Social Affairs Council improve the efficiency and livability of the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Area Project preparationwill start on receipt of a letter of request from Transportation the government EnvironmentalAssessment CategoryA. PZD: 94230. Road Safe@ The objective of the project is to reduce road accidents US$ 150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required for feasibility studies, in high risk pilot road corridors and urban areas and enhance the gov- urban transport, environmental and social safeguards. Ministry of ernments capability to address road safety issues. Negotiations were Housing, Utilities and Urban Development, 12 Ismail Abaza St., El scheduled for late October 2006. Project confirmation is pending ap Qasr El Emy, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (20-2) 7964047, Fax: (20-2) 792-1512, proval of the country assistance strategy. Environmental Assessment Email: [email protected], Contact Dr. Hazim El Quidy, Chairman, Category B. PID 86465. US$80.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required General Organization of Physical Planning during preparation. Road Maintenance and Transport Organization, 19 Damesh St, PO Box 15875/6538, Tehran, Iran, Tel: (9821) 888@ Water and Sanitation 4438, Fax: (9821) 8880437, Email: [email protected],Con- (R) Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure: The ob tact Mr. Behrooz Gharavi, Project Manager jective of the project is to improve water quality in selected drainage UrbaNTransport Technical Assistance: The objectives of the pro- basins and health conditions of the resident communities. Appraisal ject are to (a) strengthen technical capacity for designing and imple- is scheduled for Muy 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. menting urban transport action plans inTehran and other large cities, PLD 94311. US$120.0 (IBRD). Consultantswillbe required. National and (b) improve public transport on a few main corridors through in- Organization of Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage novative solutions such as bus rapid transit Project identification is un- West Delta Irrij@ion Infrastructure: The objective of the project der way. Project codrmation is pending approval of the country is to build and operate a surface water conveyance and distribution sys- assistance strategy. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$18.0 tem for irrigation in the West Delta region with full recovery of capi- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Interior, Dr. Fatemi tal and operation and maintenance costs. Project preparation is under Ave., PO Box 14155/3534, Tehran, Iran, Tel: (9821) 66461866, Fax: way. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 87970. US$150.0 (9821) 88CO-8780, Municipality ofTehran, 127 IransharSt, Tehran, Iran, (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Tel: (9821) 8882-8224, Fax: (9821) 8882-8013 Corniche El Nil St, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 544-9425, Fax: (202) 544- 9470, Contact Dr. Mahmoud Abu-&id, Minister Water and Sanitation (N) Second Tehran Sewerage: The objective of the project isto pro- Iran vide (a) satisfactory wastewater collection and treatment facilities for about two million people; (b) treated wastewater for irrigation; (c) ca- Energy and Mining pacity building of a wastewater utility; and (d) improved efficiency of Power Transmission and Distribution: The objectives of the pro- operations. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assess- ject are to develop a competitive electricity market and increase effi- ment Category A. US$200.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be de ciency. Projectpreparation is under way. Project Confirmation is pending terrnined. Tehran Sewerage Company, No. 14 Andisheh Ave., Shahid approval of the Country Assistance Strategy. Environmental Assess- Beheshti St, Tehran, Iran, Tel: (9821) 2231-6901, Fax: (9821) 2231- ment Category B. US$250.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Re- 6902, E-mail: [email protected],, Contacts: gional Electric Company, Bargh St., Evin Ave., Yadgar - e - Emam Mohamed Amir Kamali, Managing Director, Ali Sadjady, PMU Man- Highway, Tehran, Iran, Tel: (9821) 2357987,2381-2468, Fax: (9821) ager 2357988, Contact Mr. H.R Amin Pour, Project Procurement Man- ager Iraq Rural Development Education Productivity Enhancement and Export Promotion: The objective Emergency School Construction and Rehabilitation Additional of the project is to speed up movement of agricultural products to do- Financing (Marshlands): The objective of the project is to improve mestic and foreign markets. Preparation work is delayed until pre- learning conditions in primary and secondary schools with new build- sentation of the country assistance strategy to the Board later in FY ings for schools in unsafe or shared structures and rehabilitation for 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 86635. US$20.0 schools in urgent need of major repair. The additional financing will (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Agricultural Planning and Eco- also allow construction in the Marshland area with priority on com- nomic Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, 9 Rudsar St, South munities with no school. Project appraisal has been delayed. Envi- Aban, Karimkhan Av., Tehran, Iran, Tel: (9821) 8842396, Fax: (9821) ronmental Assessment Category B. US$5.0 rrustFund). Consultants 8846660, Email:, Contact Mr. Seyed Hasan Kazemi, will be required. Ministry of Education, Al Adhmeyiah Square, Al- Director Maghrab Disbict, M 306 St, No. 6, Building35, Baghdad, Iraq, Email: Tehran Solid Waste Management: The objective of the project is to [email protected], Contact Mr. Habib Al-Shammery, PMT rehabilitate and improve facilities, equipment and handling proce- Leader dures for managing hazardous and toxic wastes in the Tehran area. Third Emergency Education (Cr. 4128-IRQ): The objectives of Appraisal is delayed until presentation of the country assistance strat- the project are to (a) build, equip and furnish 82 primary and secondary egy to the Board later in FY 2007. Environmental Assessment Cate- schools to alleviate overcrowding and (b) lay the groundwork for gory A. PID: 76055. US$70.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. broader school reform and reconstruction. Signing was delayed pend- Organization of Waste Recycling and Composing, Municipality of ing formation of a new government and will now be rescheduled. En- PAGE 44 Monthlv Omrational Surnmarv NOVEMBER 2006 vkonmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 96234. US$lOO.O (ID@. Con- ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99295. US$6.0 (Trust Fund). sultants will be required for school design and supervision, procure- Consultants will be required for bid evaluation, design of pension ben- ment support, financialmanagement, school maintenance, and system eficiary and contributor surveys and data entry, design of a safety in- development Ministry of Education, Project Management Office, 1st formation system, safety net beneficiary assessment, a study on safety Floor, Al Adhmeyiah Square, Al Maghrab District, M 306 St., No. 6, net targeting and eligibility options, and pensionstrategic plan and data Bldg. 35, Baghdad, Iraq, Email:, Con- analysis. Ministry of Labor and SocialAffairs, Project Management Of- tact Mr. Habib Al-Shammery, PMT Leader fice, Baghdad, Iraq, Tel: (964) 425-3062/5963 Ext. 123, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Mr. Akber Sheer Mohammed; Min- Energy and Mining istry of Finance (R) Dohand Derbandkhan Emergency Hydropower: The ob jectives of the project are to (a) alleviate the power supply shortfall Transportation through urgent repairs, and (b) prepare for rehabilitation of the Dokan Emergency Road Rehabilitation (Cr. 4212-IRQ):The objectives and Derbandikhan hydropower plants to restore their original capac- of the project are to rehabfitate key segments of the national road net- ities of 400 MW and 249 MW respectively. Board presentation was work and establish a road assets management system. Approved by scheduledjbr 2 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category the Executive Directors on 29 June 2006. Environmental Assessment B. US$40.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required to assess rehabilita- CategoryA US$135.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. State Com- tion needs for the hydropower stations, detailed design and prepara- mission for Roads and Bridges, Ministry of Housingand Construction, tion of bid documents and environmental impact assessment. Ministry Tel: (964) 7902607504, E-mail: or scrb of Electricity, Kurdistan Regional Government, Sulaimanyia, Kurdis- [email protected],Contact Mr. Sabeh Ali Jari, Director General; Gen- tan, Tel: (964-7) 71580336, E-mail: [email protected], herish- eral Directorate for Roads and Bridges, Kurdistan Regional Government, [email protected],, Contacts: Mr. Fatiih Tel: (32-48) 4552599, Email: [email protected], Contact General Saeed Salih or Mr. Herish Moharam Muhammed, Administrative Director Chairman (R) Emergency Electricity:The objectives of the project are to: (a) Water and Sanitation alleviate the power supply shortfall by restoring the base load gener- Second Emergency -dad Water Supply and Sanitation: The ation capacity of the Hartha Power Station Units 2 and 3 to 400MW, objective of the project is to rehabilitate and upgrade the water supply (b) lay the groundwork for future institutional development and im- system, treatment facilities, pumpingstations and sewer network. Pro- proved power system planning, and (c) enhance the capacity to pre ject identification is under way. Environmental Assessment Category pare and operate projects. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for B. US53.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation. City November2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 87734. of Baghdad., Khulani Square, Jamhoriya St, PO Box 1140, Baghdad, US$124.0/6.0 (IDA/Tmt Fund). Consultants will be required. Min- Iraq, Tel: (964) 18168823, Fax: (964) 18857365, E-mail: amanatbagh- istry of Electricity, Tel: (964) 79019-21997, E-mail: planningstud- [email protected], Contact Dr. Saber AI-Esawey, Mayor [email protected], Contact Mr. Mumtaz Rutha AlAyoub Director General Second EmergencyWater Supply and Sanitation: The objectives Planning of the project are to (a) rehabilitate and upgrade water supply, sanita- tion and urban facilities in areas outside Baghdad and (b) furnish tech- Environment and Natural Resources Management nical assistance and build capacity to implement and initiate policy (R) Emergency Environmental Management: The objective of the adjustments. Project preparation is under way. Environmental As- project is to design and implement demonstration environmental im- sessment Category B. PID: 94650. US$74.0 (IDA). Consultants will provement projects. Negotiations, scheduled for mid-September 2006, be required for preparation. Ministry of Municipalities and Public have been delayed. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$25.0 Works, PO Box 2W,Al-Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq, Tel: (964) 15435448, (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Humam Misconi, Di- E-mail: rector, Project Management Team (R) Environmentaland Natural Resources Management: The ob jective of the project is to build the capacity of the newly created Min- Jordan istry of Environment Approved by the Ezecutive Directm on 27September Energy and Mining 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$5.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, Baghdad, Iraq, Promotion of a Wind Power Market: The objective of the pro- E-mail: [email protected], Contact H.E. Mrs. Narmin Othman ject is to remove barriers to wind farm development including lack of a legal and regulatory framework, lack of institutional capacity and Health, Nutrition and Population inadequate information on wind resources, with the reforms clear- (R) Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care: The objective of the ing the way for a private entity to build a promotional 60MW wind projectis to increase the availability, utilizationand quality of emergency farm. Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment obstetric and neonatal care. Negotiations are scheduled for 10 De- Category B. US$6.0 (GEF). Selection is under way of consultants cember2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$ 11.0 (Trust to establish a suitable financing mechanism for renewable energy pre Fund). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, 1st Floor, Of- jects. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PO Box 140027, fice No. 1, Bab Al-Muadam, Baghdad, Iraq, E-mail: najim-alden@ya- Amman 11814 Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 582-8971, Fax: (962-6) 582-1398,, Contact Engineer Najim AI-Deen Abdul Rahman, Project E-mail: [email protected], Contact: Eng. Khaldoun Qutishat, ManagementTeam Director Secretary General Rural Development Environment and Natural Resources Management ' Emergency Agriculture Sector Capacity Building The objective Integrated Eco Systems in the RiftValley The objective of the pre of the project is to strengthen capacity to formulate and develop pol- ject is to secure the ecological integrity of the Rift Valley as a globally icy in priority areas. Project preparation is under way. Environmental important ecological corridor and migratory flyway. Project prepara- Assessment Category C. US$ 6.0 (Trust Fund). Consultantswill be re- tion is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. Us6.5 quired. Ministry of Agriculture, Near Alsander Hotel, Baghdad, Iraq, (GEF). Consultants will be required. Royal Society for the Conserva- Tel: (964) 7901413875, Email: [email protected], tion of Nature, PO Box 1215, Jubaiha 11941Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 533 Contact Dr. Hilal Mohamed, Donor Coordinator 7931, Fax: (962-6) 534-7411, Email:, Contact Mr. Mohammed Yousef, Project Director Social Protection Emergency Social Protection: The objective of the project is to Urban Development strengthen capacity in the Ministry of Labor and Social Af& and the (R) Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Urban Development: The ob Ministry of Finance to develop, manage and monitor pension and so- jective of the project is to develop regionally balanced cultural tourism cial safety net reforms. The grant was signed on 3 June 2006. Envi- through regeneration of historic urban neighborhoods and creation NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv Oaerational Summarv PAGE 45 of cohesive and culturally rich urban attraction poles. Negotiations sultants will be required. Council for Development and Reconstruction, are scheduled for late November 2006. Environmental Assessment Tel: (9613) 205663, Fax: (961-1) 981-252, Contact Mr. Al-Fad1 Chalak, Category B. Us35.0 (lBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry President ofTourism and Antiquities, PO Box 224, Amman, Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 460-3360, Fax: (962-6) 464-8465, Email: [email protected], Contact Morocco Mr. Ihab Am&, Assistant Secretary General Energy and Mining (R) Regional and Local Development: The objectives of the pre ject are to: (a) strengthen the intergovernmental finance system, (b) (R) Energy Sector Development: The objective of the project is to upgrade local hancial management and technical and administrative reform the energy sector. Appraisal is scheduled for November 2006. capacity, and (c) increase the coverage and quality of municipal ser- Environmental Assessment Category B. USjlOO.0 (IBRD). Consult- vices, with particular emphasis on under-served areas. Negotiations ing services to be determined. Ministkre des Affaires Economiques were scheduled for late October 2006. Board presentation is scheduled et Generales , Av. Mohamed V, Quartier Administratif, Rabat, Roy- for 19 December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: aume du Maroc, Tel: (212-37) 687-316, Fax: (212-37) 774287, Email: 70958. US$ZO.O (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of, Contact: Mlle. Sabah Municipal Affairs, PO Box 1799, Amman, Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 467- Benchekroun, Chaqie de mission auprk du Premier Ministre, Rela- 2135,46G1228, Fax: (962-6) 5695627, Contact Eng. Nart N. B. Naguer, tions konomiques internutionales Director, Development Projects Unit, Ministry of Planning, PO Box 555, (R) Integmted Solar Power: The objective of the project is to build Amman 11118 Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 463-4511, (962-2) 464-5861, Fax: and operate an integrated solar combined cycle power plant at Ain Beni (962-6) 461-5683, Contact Eng. KhaledTarawneh, Director, Local De- Mathur to increase power generation capa&, reducegreenhousegas emis- velopment Department sions, and promote renewable enmsmrcts. Board presentation was sched- uledfor 9 November2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: Lebanon 41396. Us49.6 (GEF). Consultantswill be required. Office National Energy and Mining de PElectricitk, 65, rue Othman Ben Afh, BP 13498, Casablanca, Mo- rocco, Tel: (21222) &%ON,Fax: (21222) 220038, Contact: Younes Maa- Power Sector: The objective of the project is to improve the effec- mar, Directeur General tiveness and efficiency of power sector management The scope of the project and schedule for processing are under review, taking into ac- Rural Development count the recent war damage. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required Ministry of Energy (R) National Human Development Initiative: The objective of the project is to implement a broad, multi-sector human developmentpro- and Water, Email: [email protected],Contact Mr. gram to alleviate poverty. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for Zakaria Rammal, Adviser late October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 100.0 Health, Nutrition and Population (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Finance, Health Sector Development: The objective of the project is to pro- Av. MohamedV, Quartier Administratif, Rabat, Morocco, Tel: (212-37) vide technical assistance for (a) health financing reforms, @) health 761690, Fax: (212-37) 760-667, Email [email protected], Contact M. Aziz care quality improvement, and (c) pharmaceutical reforms. Project Dades, Gouverneur, Coordinateur; Ministry of Interior preparationhas been suspended because of the fiscal impact of the re Water and Sanitation cent crisis. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 88832. US$ 13.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health,Tel: (961- (R) Water Development Policy: The objective of the project is to im- 1) 615766, Fax: (961-1) 645099, Contact Dr. Walid Ammar, Director plement reform of the water sector, including sector governance, re- General for Health source management, irrigation and water supply and sanitation. Appraisal was scheduled for 16 October 2006. Environmental Assess- Urban Development ment Category U. US$128.0 (ZBRD). Consultants will be required. (N) MunicipalInfrastntcture Additional Financing: The objectives Ministkre des Finances et de la Privatisation, Av. Mohamed V, Quartier of the project are to (a) restore basic services and rebuild municipal Administratif, Rabat, Royaume du Maroc, Tel: (212-37) 687-316, Fax: infrastructure in the most affected municipalities and villages, and (b) (212-37) 774-287, E-mail: benchekrounaaffaires-gen&, provide technical assistance to and buildthe capacity of municipalities Contact Mlle. Sabah Benchekroun, Chargke de mission aupres du pre to mitigate the impact of the hostilities on municipal finances. Ap mier ministre, relations Cconomiques internationales. praisal is under way. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for late Oum er Rbia Water Resource Conservation: The objective of the October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$30.0 @rust project is to improve water management by increasing incentives to Fund). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Interior and farmers to improve irrigation efficiency and to municipalities/indus- Municipalities, Project Coordination Unit, Telecommunication Bldg., tries to @eatwastewater. Project preparation is under way. Environmental loth Floor, Adlieh, Furn, el-Chebak, Beirut, Lebanon, Tel: (961-1) 424 Assessment Category B. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- 410, Fax: (961-1) 424-409, Email: [email protected], Contact: Walid quired. Ministkre de l'Amenagement du Terntoire, de l'Eau et de PEn- Abou Jaoudeh, PCU Director vironnement, Quartier Administratif, Rue Ouarzazate, Hassan, Rabat, Water and Sanitation Morocco, Tel: (212-37) 761407,661-487, Fax: (212-37) 661-488, Con- tact M. Mohamed Elyazghi, Minister (N) Emergency Bekaa Water Supply and Modernization: The ob jective of the project is to increase the quantity of water supplied to West Tunisia Beka'a using good water quality springs and wells. Appraisal mission was scheduled for November 2006. Environmental Assessment Cate Education gory B. US$15.0 (Trust Fund). Consulting services to be determined. Second Higher Education Reform Support (In. 7392-m:The Council for Development and Reconstruction, Tallet el Serail, Beirut, objective of the project is to reform higher education, focusing on Lebanon, Tel: (961-1) 980-099, Fax: (961-1) 981-252, E-mail: building up traditional and alternative models to increase enrollment [email protected], Contact Mr. Nabil Al-Jisr, Director opportunity, improving the quality and relevance of higher education (R) BehaWater Rehab and Modernization: The objectives of the teaching and research, and broadening sources of higher education project are to: (a) operate and maintain water and waste water facili- finance. The loan was signed on 18 July 2006. Environmental Assess- ties in the Bekaa Region, (b) undertake rehabilitation works usingthe ment Category B. PID: 75809. Us76.0 (IBRD). Consulting services operations and the investment fund to be made available by the gov- to be determined. Ministkre de l'enseignement superieur, Ave. Ouled ernment, and (c) bill and collect on behalf of the RegionalWater Util- Haffouz, 1030Tunis, Tunisia,Tel: (21671) 844971, Fax: (21671) 801- ity for all its customers. nescope of the project and schedulefor processing 701, Email:, Contact Mr. Abdellah Riahi, are under review, taking into account the recent war damage. Environ- Coordinateur chargee de la preparation du projet d'appui a la reforme mental Assessment Category B. PID 77334. US$48.0 (IBRD). Con- de l'enseignement superieur I1 PAGE 46 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Environment and Natural Resources Management Urban Development (R) Solid Waste Management: The objectives of the project are to MunicipalManagement and Service Delivery The objective of the strengthen the key elemen$ ofsustainabilityfir municipal solid waste mun- project is to provide essential municipal infrastructure and services sus- agement, including (a) establishment of an effective planning and im- tainably, while developing a regulatory framework and institutionalca- plementation system, (b) rehabilitation of environmentally harmbl pacity at the local level through a Municipal Development Fund. dumpsites, and (c) access to the emerging carbon finance market as sug- Appraisal has been delayed. Project corhmation is pending approval gested by the Kyoto Protocol. Appraisal is scheduled for late October of the Country Assistance Strategy Environmental Assessment Cate- 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95012. US$20.0 gory B. PID: 74594. US$15.0 rrustFund). Consultantswill be required (IBRD) . Consultants will be required. Agence Nationale de Gestion des for technical assistance and training. Ministry of Local Government, Dichets, 6 Rue A1 amine A1 Abbassi, 1002 Tunis, le Belvedtke, Tunis, Tel/Fax: (972-2) 2401455, Email: [email protected], Contact H.E. Tunisie, Tel: (216-71) 847-493, Fax: (216-71) 791-794, E-mail: Khalid Al-Qawasmeh, Minister [email protected], Contact Mr. Mounir Ferchichi, General Director, Agence Nationale pour la Protection de PEnvironnement Yemen Second Natural Resource Management: The objective of the pro- Education ject is to consolidate and scale up the achievements of the first Nat- (R) Girls’ Secondary Education: The objective of the project is to ural Resource Management project, which closed on 30 June 2004. reduce the gender gap in secondary education while laying the basis Project preparation is under way. Environmental Assessment Cate- for improvements in the quality, relevance and efficiency of secondary gory B. PID: 86660. US$40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. schooling. Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Ministry of Agriculture, 30 rue Alain Savary, Tunis 1002 Tunisia, Tel: Category B. PID 89761. Us15.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required. (216-1) 842-687, Fax: (2161) 784447, Email: [email protected], Con- Ministry of Education, Project Administration Unit, PO Box 16392, tact Mr. Abdallah Mallek, Director General, DGFE Sana’a, Yemen, Tel: (967-1) 470-272, Fax: (967-1) 403-572, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Dr. Abdullatif Almaneefi, Director West Bank and Gaza Second Vocational Training: The objectives of the project are to: (a) enhance employment and income-generating opportunities gained Health, Nutrition and Population by those receiving technical and vocational training and (b) improve Second Health System Development: The objectives of the project the effectiveness of policy formulation and planning at the Ministry are to (a) increase financial sustainability of publicly-funded health of Technical Education and Vocational Training. Preappraisal com- services through improvements in the government health insurance pleted. Appraisal is scheduled for 1819 November 2006. Environmental program and better utilization of existing resources and (b) improve Assessment Category C. PID: 86308. US$15.0 (IDA). Consultants, the quality of care. The timetable for preparation is on hold pending financed by a PHRD grant, have been selected for preparation. Min- stabilization of the security situation. Environmental Assessment Cat- istry ofTechnical Education and VocationalTraining, PO Box 25235, egory B. PID: 64988. Us8.0 (Trust Fund). Ministry of Health, In- Sana’a, Yemen, Tel: (967-1) 202-414, Fax: (967-1) 406-287, E-mail: ternational Cooperation Department, Gaza City, Gaza, Tel/Fax: (972-8) [email protected], Contact Mr. Abdulwahab Al-Akil, Vice Min- 282-6325, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Dr. Maged Abu Ra- ister madan, Director General of International Cooperation and Chairman, Steering Committee Public Sector Governance EmergencyTechnical Assistance: The objective of the project is to Latin America strengthen institutions and develop capacities to assume full respon- sibilities in the Gaza Strip and parts of the Northern West Bank and to prepare for future statehood. Project preparation is under way. En- and the Caribbean vironmental Assessment Category C. US$3.(14.0 (Trust Fund). Con- sultants will be required. Policy and Substantive Project Issues, Ministry Argentina of Civil Affairs, E-mail: [email protected], jihadwazir@hot- Education mailcorn, mofkd@palnetcom,Contacts: Dr. Jihad Al-Wazir, Deputy Min- ister, Mr. ManJadallah, Director General, International Relations Rural Education Improvement (In. 7353-AR):The objective of the project is to increase the educationalattainment of school age chil- Social Development, Gender and Inclusion dren in rural areas and improve the probability of gainful employment for students of technical and vocational education. Approved by the Ex- Third Nongovernmental Organizations: The objective of the pre ecutive Directors on 15 December 2005. EnvironmentalAssessment ject is to establish an NGO development center to provide grants for Category B. PD70963. US$150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. social service delivery to poor and marginalizedcommunities through Directorate General of the Unit of International Financing, Ministry local and capacity-buildingNGOs. Decision meeting was scheduled for of Education, Science and Technology, ktaFe 1548, Piso 10, Capi- 20 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96777. tal Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 41241931, Fax: (54 Us5.0 (Trust Fund). Consultants will be required. The Welfare As- 11) 41291931, E-mail: [email protected],Contact Ec. AidaArango, sociation, PO Box 2173, Ramallah, West Bank and Gaza, Tel: (972-2) Directora General 2347771, Fax: (972-2) 2347776, Contact Dr. Atalah Kuttab, Director General Energy and Mining (R) Energy Efficiency: The project aims at increasing efficiency in Social Protection the use of energy, which would reduce costs for consumers, contribute Civil Service Pension Reform: The objective of the project is to to the long-term sustainability of the energy sector and reduce green- design and implement a unified public sector pension system, includ- house gas emissions, by addressing barriers to energy efficiency in- ing modernization of the administration of asset management, ben- vestments. Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 200% efits and payment administration, and initiation of prudentialgovernance Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90119. US$15.2 (GEF). standards. The timetable for further preparationis under review. Envi- Consultants have been required for preparation. Secretariat of Energy, ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 82230. US$ 7.0 (Trust Paseo Colon 171, Oficina 401, (1063) Capital Federal, Argentina, Fund). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, Ramallah, Tel/Fax: (5411) 43448008, Email: [email protected], Contact West Bank,Tel: (972-2) 24G0372, Fax: (970-2) 240-5880, Email: mof- Alicia Baragatti, Director, National Directorate for Promotion [email protected], Contact Dr. Atef Alawneh, Project Coordination Unit (R) Mining Decontamination: The objectives of the project are to Director and Deputy Minister of Finance clean up uranium mines and tailing sites and strengthen the environ- NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 47 mental management capacity of the responsibleagency, Comision Na- strengthening the capacity of provincial and municipal governments cional Energia Attjmica. Appraisal is tentatively scheduled for 16 No- to effectively manage their resources and implement sound fiscal poli- vember 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 57124. cies. The loan was scheduled to be signed in late October 2006. Envi- Us25.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Comision Na- ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 70448. Us40.0 (IBRD). cional Energia Atomica, Av. del Libertador 8250, 3er F’iso, Oficina Consultants will be required. Ministry of Interior, Leandro AUem 168, 3352, Buenos Aires 1429, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 47041217, Fax: (54 Tercer Piso, Buenos Aires C1002ABC Argentina, Tel: (5411) 43314695, 11) 47041165, Email: [email protected], Contact Anibal Nunez, Email: [email protected], Contact Hugo Polverini, Executive Pro- Project Coordinator ject Coordinator Environment and Natural Resources Management Governance 2 1 Second Public Strengthening: Tne objective of the project is to improve the efficiency, transparency and accountability of (R) National Urban Solid Waste Management (In. 7362-AR): public management and territorial economic development Negotiations The objective of the project is to improve public health and quality of have been postponed. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: life by developingenvironmentally and financially sustainable systems 92840. Us25.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of for haldisposal of solid waste. The loan was scheduled to be signed on Economy and Production, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30 October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 89926. Tel: (5411) 43495613, Fax: (5411) 43495516, Contact Mr. Gerardo US$40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Ambiente Hita, Director Nacional de Proyectos con Organismos Internacionales y Desarrollo Sustentable, San Martin 451, Pis0 1, Oficina 139, 1004 de Credito Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 43B8311, Fax: (5411) 4348 8312, E-mail: [email protected],Contact Lic. Sofia Rural Development Bordenave, Directora Nacional del Proyecto (N) Provincial Agricultural Development Additional Financing: Sustainable Forestry Development: The project aims at main- The objectives of the project are to (a) increasethe international com- streamingbiodiversity conservation into the operation of forestry plan- petitiveness of agricultural products by introducing more productive ning and activities. Project preparation is under way. Environmental technologies, improving products quality and sanitary conditions and Assessment Category B. US$7.0 (GEF). Consultants will be required. eradicating diseases that limit access to international markets; and Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadena, Pesca y Alimentacion, Paseo @) improve the productivity of rural infrastructure to reduce pro- Colon 982, ler Piso (1063), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 4349 duction and marketing costs. Appraisal was scheduled for late Octo- 2059, Contact Ing. Omar Tesolin, Director, Direccion de Forestacion ber 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A US$37.0 (IBRD). Finance Consultants will be required during implementation. Secretariat of Agriculture. Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Ave. Paseo Colon 982, (R) Structural (In. Economic Recovery Support Adjustment Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 43492000, Contact Ing. Agr. The objective of the project is to consolidate economic re 7241-AR): Santiago Campos, Secretary covery by addressing pending structural reforms in the kancial and public utilities sectors and by improving the investment climate, and (N) Small Farmer Development Additional Fiicing: The ob enhancing competitiveness and export potential of existing and new jective of the additional bancing is to scale up project activities and enterprises, particularly small and medium ones. neloan is tentatively increase the impact of the project in achieving its objectives, which are scheduled to be signed in December 2006. Environmental Assessment to (a) increase productive and organizational capacity in poor, rural am- Category U. PID: 83982. US$500.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. munities, @) increase the emphasis on rural poverty issues in the Ministry of Economy and Production, Hip6lito Yrigoyen 250,sto Piso, sectoral agenda, and (c) improve coordination of rural development 1310 Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 4349-6352, Contact Gerardo programs and policies. Concept review meetingwas tentatively sched- Hita, Director Nacionalde Proyectos con Organismos Internacionales uled for late October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$ de Credito . 45.0 (IBRD) . Consultantswill be required. Unidad Nacional de Coor- dinacion, Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Pesca y Alimentos, Health, Nutrition and Population Ave. Paseo Colon 922, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 4349- (R) Essential Public Health Functions: The objectives of the pro- 2188/2208, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Susan Marquez, ject are to: (a) strengthen policy making, health intelligence, and reg- National Coordinator ulatory capacity in public health at federal and provincial levels; @) assure supplies and performance monitoring for key public health Transportation programs including, immunizations, HIV/AIDS, and TB; and (c) (R) Provincial Road Infrastructure &I. 7398-AR):The objective improve social participation, health promotion, health education, of the project is to improve the reliability of provincial roads and the and communications for behavioral change. Decision meeting and efficiency of their management as means to support competitiveness appraisal completed. Technical discussions and negotiations are under and economic growth. The loan is tentatively scheduled to be signed in way, Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90993. US$220.0 January2007. Environmentalhsessrnent Category B. PID: 99585. US$ (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Salud y Ambi- 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. AgenCia Urdobade Inversion ente, Ave. 9 de Julio 1925, Piso 11, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires 1060 y Financiamiento,Rivera Indartes 33, (5000) Cordoba, Argentina, Tel: Argentina, Tel: (5411) 4379-9179, Fax: (5411) 4379-9179, Email: (54351) 4324420/34, Email: [email protected], Contact Si- [email protected],, Contact Oscar Fiomena, Coordinador Gene ina Rivero, Presidente ral, Unidad de Financiamiento Internacional de Salud (R) Santa Fe Road Infrastructure: The objective of the project is (R) Provincial Maternal Child Health Investmenk The objective to increase the availability and reliability of roads in the province to ad- of the project is to (a) improve access to basic maternal and child vance competitiveness and economic growth. Appraisal was tenta- health services for uninsured people and @) introduce structural tively scheduled for early November 2006. Environmental Assessment changes in national-provincialrelations for hancing of the health sec- Category B. PID: 99051. Us126.7 (IBRD). Consultantswillbe required. tor, setting a new incentive framework for efficiency and results-based Unidad Ejecutora de Proyectos. Convenio BID-BIW,Ministerio de Ha- hancing. Board presentation was scheduled for 2 November2006. En- cienda y Finanzas, Avenida A Illia 11518vo. Piso, Santa Fe, Argentina, vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 95515. US$300.0 (IBRD). Tel/Fax: (54-342) 450-6807, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, Ave. 9 de Julio 1925, Claudio Vissio, Coordinador Ejecutivo 11th Floor, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires 1060 Argentina, Tel: (5411) 43846997, Fax (5411) 43846997, Email: [email protected], Contact Urban Development Oscar Filomena, Coordinador General, Unidad de Financiamiento In- Basic Municipal Services (In. 7385-AR):The objective of the prc- ternacional de Salud ject is to improve the delivery of basic services for the urban poor by providingcredit resources to local governments in an efficient and sus- Public Sector Governance tainable manner. The loan was tentatively scheduled to be signed in (R) Subnational Government Public Sector Modernization Pro- November 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 60484. gram (In. 7352-AR):The project aims at improving governance by US$ 110.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Plani- PAGE 48 Monthlv ODerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006 ficacion Federal, Inversion fiblica y Servicios, Unidad Ejecutora de have been used for preparation.Ministry of Education,Esplanada dos Programas y Proyectos con Financiamiento Ekterno, Hipolito Irigoyen Ministerios, Bloco L, 80 Andar, Gabmete, CEP 70047-900 Brasilia, DF, 250, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 43447632, Contact Pablo Brazil, Tel: (5561) 410-8762, Fax: (5561) 410-9168, Contact Rinaldo Abal Medina, Coordinador General Adjunto Macin, Project Coordinator, Ministry of Health, Esplanada dos Min- isterios, Bloco G, Ed. Sede, Sala 317, CEP 70058900 Brasilia, DF, Water and Sanitation Brazil, Tel: (5561) 3152359, Fax: (5561) 22E-0286, Contact Andre (R) Urban Flood Prevention and Drainage APL 2 (In. 7382- Guerreiro, Assessor, Diretoria de Investimentos e Projetos Estratkgi- AR): The objective of the project is to reduce vulnerability to flooding, cos through a mix of physical, institution-strengthening and technical as- Second Human Development Programmatic Sector Reform: sistance measures for five provinces of the North East. The loan is ten- The objective of the project is to improve the quality, efficiency and eq- tatively scheduled to be signed in thejrst halfof2007. Environmental uity of public spending in education, health and social assistance. Ne- Assessment Category A PID93491. US$70.0 (IBRD). Consultantswill gotiations will be scheduled following government clearance. be required. Ministry of Planningand Infrastructure, HipblitoYrigoyen EnvironmentalAssessment Category U. PID: 82442. US$500.0 (IBRD). 250, Piso 12, Oficina 1201, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: (5411) 4349 Consultants have been hired for preparation. Ministry of Health, Es- 8371, Fax: (54-11) 4349-7568, Email: [email protected], Contact Ar- planada dos Ministerios, Bloco G, 50 Andar, CEP 70058900, Brasilia, quitecto Pedro Trindade, Jefe Ejecutivo de la Sub Unidad Central de DF Brazil, Tel: (5561) 3223-7340,32245269, (5561) 33152392, Fax: Coordinacibn para la Emergencia (5561) 32248747,32259632, E-mail:, Contact Jose Saraiva Felipe, Minister, Ministry of Education, Esphdados Min- Bolivia isterios, Bloco L, 80. Andar, Gabinete CEP 70047-900, Brasilia DF, Education Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 21049670/9680/9610, Fax: (5561) 21049233, Ernail Secondary Education for the Pooc The objective of the project is [email protected], Contact Fernando Haddad, Mm- to improve access with quality at the secondary school level benefit- ister; Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger, Es- ing primarily those students in rural and disadvantaged urban com- planada dos Ministerios, Bloco C, 50. Andar, Gabmete CEP 7004&900, munities. Appraisal is tentatively scheduled for May 2007. Environmental Brasilia DF, Brazil, Tel: (5561) 3313-1690/1536, Fax: (5561) 3223- Assessment Category C. PID: 83965. Us12.0 (IDA). Consultants will 9084, Email: [email protected], Contact Patrus Ananias de be required. Ministerio de Education, Avenida Arce No. 2147, La Paz, Sousa, Minister Bolivia,TeWax (5192) 244-4056, Contact Sra Pabicia Marin, Directora General de Educacion Escolarizada Environment and Natural Resources Management (R) Integrated Management of Aquatic Biodiversity and Water Rural Development Resources in the Amazon: The objective of the project is to conserve (N) Second Participatory Rural Investment: The objective of the freshwater biodiversity of global importance in the Amazon River project is to improve the economic opportunities of poor rural producers Basin. Thegrunt was signed on 15 September 2006. Environmental As- through productive investments generated in participatory planning sessment Category B. PID: 66535. Us7.2 (GEF). Local consultants pryConcept Review Meetingwas scheduled for 16 October 2006. have been hired. Ministkrio do Meio Ambiente, Diretoria do Programa Enwonmental Assessment Category B. Us17.0 (IDA). Consultants Nacional de Conserva@o da Diversidade Biologica, Bloco K, CEP will be required. Ministry of Decentralization, Fernando Guachalla 70818900 Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 40049592, Fax: (5561) 4009 Esq. 20 de Octubre, 3er Piso, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 2114930, Con- 9588, Email: [email protected], Contact Jotio Paul0 Viana, tact Mr. Fabian Yaksic, Vice Minister Project Coordinator Iand for Agricultural Development: The project will facilitate ac- National Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Institutional Consol- cess to land and complementary productive investments by targeted idation: The objective of the project is to mainstream biodiversity and organized groups in selected regions. Negotiations are tentatively institutional consolidation. Project preparation is under way. Environ- scheduled for 16 November 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category mental Assessment Category B. PID 94715. Us22.0 (GEF). Con- B. PID: 87925. US$15.0 (IDA). Consultants no longer required. Min- sultants will be required. Ministry of Environment, Esplanada dos istry of Sustainable Development, Ax MariscalSanta Cruz esq. Oruro, Ministerios, Bloco B, 50 Andar, CEP 70068900 Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Piso 5, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 231-0748, Fax: (591-2) 231-2641, E Tel/Fax: (5561) 40099561, E-mail: [email protected], Con- mail:, Contact Gustavo Pedraza, Minister tact Dr. Braulio Dias, Director of the Biodiversity Conservation Pre gram; Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade, Largo do Ibam, 01/6O Urban Development Andar Humaitfi, CEP 22271-070 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, Tel: (5521) (R) Urban Infrastructure: The objective of the project is to improve 2123-5300, Fax: (5521) 2123-5354, E-mail:, Con- access to basic services for the urban poor in major cities through tar- tact Pedro Leitilo, Secretary General geted infrastructure investments and technical assistance to munici- Para Integrated Development: The objective of the project is to re palities in the planning, expansion, sustainability of service and urban duce poverty and inequality in Para byfacilitating opportunities for em- delivery. Board presentation is tentatively scheduled for 21 November ploymentand income. Board presentation is scheduled for 28 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 83979. Us30.0 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 82651. US$60.0 (IDA), Consultants will be required. Municipal Government of La Paz, (IBRD). Consultantswill be required. Government of Para, Secretaria Calle Potosi No. 1285, Edificio Tobia, 2do Piso, La Paz, Bolivia, Tel: (591- Especial de Productio, Av. Name 871, CEP 66.035170, Belem, PA, 2) 220-2566, 283-4664, Fax: (591-2) 212-4709, E-mail: rburgosQci-la- Brazil,Tel: (5591) 3084-3771, Fax: (5591) 3084-3702, E-mail: seprodQ, Contact: Ramiro Burgos, Gerente General; Gobierno, Contact Lucy Araujo de Souza Leao, Project Coordi- Municipal de El Alto, Zona Talama, Plaza La Bandera, Iglesia San nator Juan, ElAlto, Bolivia, Tel: (591-2) 2855174, Contact: Celma Curcuy, Prc- ject Coordinator, Cooperativa de Servicios Publicos "Santa Cruz" Lid., RoGrande do Norte IntegmtedWater Resources Management: to Ave. Rio Grande No. 2323, Tanque Elevado, Sank Cruz de la Sierra, The objective of the project is implement an integrated water re- Bolivia, Tel: (591-3) 352-2323, E& [email protected], sources management system. Negotiations will be scheduled follow- ing federal governmentclearance. Environmental Assessment Category Contact Fernando Yavari, Gerente de PMcaciony Sistemas B. PID: 89929. Us35.9 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secre Brazil taria de Estado de Recursos Hidricos, Rua D. Maria Chara, 1884, Capim Macio, CEP 59082-430, Natal, FW, Brasil, Tel: (5584) 232-2410, Education Fax: (5584) 232-2411, Contact Josema de Azevedo, Secretary of State (R) Human DevelopmentTechnical Assistance (In. 7324-BR): The objective of the project is to develop institutionalcapacity to mon- Health, Nutrition and Population itor the progress and impact of social policies. The loan was tenta- (R) Amazonas Regional Development: The objective of the project tively scheduled to be signed on 26 October 2006. Environmental is to reduce poverty rates in the priority regions of Amazonas by im- Assessment Category C. PID: 82523. US$ 8.0 (IBRD). Consultants proving economic conditions and quality of life while protectingthe en- NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 49 vironment Decision meeting has been postponed. Environmental As- communities and capacity to organize collectively to meet their own sessment Category B. PID: 83997. US$76.0 (IBRD). Consultants will needs, (c) enhance local governance by greater citizen participation be required for project preparation. Secretariat of Planning, Av. Andre and transparency in decision-makingand (d) foster closer integration Araujo, 15WAek0, CEP 6906C-000 Manaus, AM, Brazil, Tel: (5592) of development policies, programs and projects in rural areas. The loan 212G1227, Fax (5592) 642-8677, Email: [email protected], is scheduled to be signed on 16 January 2007. Environmental As Contact Ozias Monteiro Rodriguez, Secretary of Planning sessment Category B. PID: 101359. US$ 22.5 (IBRD). Consultants (R) Second Family Health Extension: The objective of the project will be required. State Secretariat of Planning, Ave. Miguel , 3190. is to continue implementing the Family Health Program (PSF) in ur- Sul, CEP 64010-000 Teresina, PI, Brazil, Tel: (5586) 3221-4575/3145, ban municipalities, strengthening the quality of institutions providing Fax: (5586) 3221-1660, Email: [email protected],Contact Dr. FSF-relatedtraining, and improvingthe quality and performance of the Sergio Goncalves de Miranda, Secretary program’s delivery, Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for lute Rio Grande do Sul IntegratedRegional Development: The objective November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 95626. of the project is to adopt and promote sustainable development and US$121.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, poverty deviation in the least developed areas of the state. Projectpreprt Esplanada dos Ministbrios, Bloco G, 50 Andar, Sala 508, CEP 70058 ration is under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 900 Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Tel: (5561) 3223-7340, Fax: (5561) 2250443 91162. US$180.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Secretaria de , Contact Mr. Antonio Dercy, Project Coordinator Estado de Coordenaqao e Planejamento do Estado do Rio Grande do Health System Quality Improvement The objectives of the project Sul, Av. Borges de Medeiros 1501- 50 andar, CEP 90114900 Porto Ale are to (a) improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the health gre, RS, Brazil, Tel: (51-3) 288-1400, Fax: (51-3) 2269722, Email: delivery system and (b) reduce mortality and morbidity from condi- [email protected], Contact Roberto Balau Calazans, Director tions that have the greatest disease impact Project preparation is un- Rural Poverty Reduction-Alagoas: The objective of the project is to der way. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 88716. USj235.0 alleviate rural poverty and its consequences in Alagoas. Negotiations (IBRD) Consultants will be required for project preparation. Ministry . will be scheduled following federal government clearance. Environ- of Health, Esplanadados Ministerios, Bloco G, Sala 508, CEP 50. Andar, mental Assessment Category B. PID: 74083. US$12.0 (IBRD). Con- 70058900, Brasilia, Brazil,Tel: (5561) 32237340, Fax: (5561) 225 DE sultants will be contracted for information campaigns, technical 0443, Contact Mr. Antonio Dercy, Project Coordinator assistance, studies and capacity building. State Secretariat of Agricul- Private Sector Development ture, Supply and Fisheries, Rua Cincinato Pinto, 348,200 Andar Cen- tro, CEP 57020-050 Maceio, Brazil, Tel: (5582) 33151395, (R) Second Progmnmatic Sustainable and Equitable Growth (In. AL, Fax (5582) 33151395, Contact Sebastiao Gleber de Oliveira Torres, 7386-BR): The project aims at maintaining and building upon the mi- Dr. croeconomic and institutionalimprovements of 204 and 2005. The loan Secretario is tentatively scheduled to be signed in lute November 2006. Environ- Sergipe State Integrated Rural Poverty The objective of the pro- mental Assessment Category U. PID: 95675. US$601.5 (IBRD). No ject is to reduce the high levels of rural poverty. Negotiations will be consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Esplanada dos Min- scheduled following federal government clearance. Environmental isgrios, Bloco P, CEP 70048900, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Tel: (5561) 412- Assessment Category B. PID: 94255. US$20.8 (IBRD). Consultants 2321, Fax: (5561) 2250443, Contact Mr. Marcos de Barros Lisboa, will be contracted for information campaigns, technical assistance, Secretary of Economic Policy studies and capacity building. State Secretariat of Planning, Science and Technology (SEPLANTEC) /The Company for Sustainable Develop Public Sector Governance ment of the State of Sergipe (PRONESE), Rua Vila Cristina, 1051, Second State Pension Reform Technical Assistance: The objec- CEP 49020-150 - Aracaju, SE, Brazil, Tel: (5579) 31795090, Fax: (55 tive of the project is to consolidate earlier initiatives including: (a) com- 79) 3211-8878, Contad Dr. Paul0 Hermes de Melo, Director, PRONESE pleting cadastre upgrades for the executive branch and undertaking them for the judicial and legislative branches; (b) upgrading human Transportation resource data bases that feed into the registers; (c) expandingpension (N) Goias State Highway Management AF’L 2: The objective of software; (d) cross-referencing state data bases and extant national data the project is to increase the efficiency of the road transport system bases; (e) providing actuarial and financial analysis of state pensions; within sustainable environmental and fiscal frameworks. Concept re- (0 offering training for state and federal practitioners; and (B) supporting view meeting was tentatively scheduled for late October 2006. Envi- the newly-launched state pension association. Negotiations will be ronmental Assessment Category A US$ 65.0 (IBRD). Consultants scheduled following government clearance. Environmental Assess- will be required. Agencia Goiania de Transportes e Obras, Av. Gov- ment Category C. PID: 89793. US$5.0 (IBRD). Consultantswillbe re- ernador Jose Ludovico de Almeida No. 20, Conjunto Caigara, CEP quired. Ministry of Social Secwity, Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco 74623-160 Goihia, GO, Brazil,Tel: (5562) 2654070/4190, Fax (5562) F, CEP 70050-900 Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Tel: (5561) 317-5342, Fax (55 2454018, Contact Antonio Wilson, Project Coordinator 61) 317-5195, Contact Delubio Gomes Pereira da Silva, Diretor Geral, Departamento de Regimes Proprios no Servico Wblico (R) Road Transport (In. 7383-BR): The objective of the project is to reduce logistics costs by implementing the federal program for Rural Development road maintenance and rehabilitation. The loan was tentatively sched- (R) Rural Poverty Reduction - Pernambuco Additional Financ- uled to be signed in lute November 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment ing (In. 4625-BR): The objectives of the additional financing are to Category B. PID: 92990. US$501.2 BRD). Consultants will be required. (a) improve well-being and incomes of the rural poor; (b) increasethe Departamento Nacionalde Inhestruh-a deTransporte, SAIN Quadra social capital of rural communities and capacity to organize collec- 3, Ed. N6cleo dos Transportes, Bloco A, 40 Andar, Brasilia 70040-902 tively to meet their needs; (c) enhance local governance by greater cit- Brazil, Tel: (55-61) 315-4319, Fax: (5561) 315-4050, E-mail: fran- izen participation and transparency in the decision-making and (d) [email protected],Contact Dr. Francisco Thormann, Di- foster closer integration of development policies, programs and pro- rector jects in rural areas. Approved by the Executive Directors on 19 October Bahia State Highway Management: The objective of the project 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 101879. US$30.0 is to stimulate higher economic growth through increased effec- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de Desenvolvimiento tiveness in the use of the state’s road infrastructure. Board presen- Social e Cidadania/Projeto Renascer, Rua Gervasio Pires, 399 Boa tation was tentatively scheduled for 14 November 2006. Environ- Vista 50.050-070, Recife, PE, Brazil, Tel: (5581) 34166356/6300, Fax: mental Assessment Category B. PID: 95460. US$ 100.5 (IBRD). (5581) 34166359, Email: [email protected], Contact Brenda Consultants will be required. State of Bahia, Infrastructure and Pessoa Braga, General Manager, Projeto Renascer Transportation Department, Av. Luis Viana Filho, 445, CEP 41750. Piaui Rural Poverty Additional Financing (In. 7399-BR): The 300, Salvador, BA, Brazi1,Tel: (5571) 31152160, Fax: (5571) 3115 objectives of the additional financing are to (a) improve well-being 2289, E-mail: [email protected], Contact Fernando Cordeiro and income of the rural poor, (b) increase the social capital of rural Mota, Project Coordinator PAGE 50 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006

Urban Development improve water resources management, water supply and sanitation, (R) Housing Sector Technical Assistance (In. 7338-BR): The wastewater collection and treatment, macro-drainage, and environ- objective of the project is to provide technical assistance to the Min- mental protection of the Uberaba river basin Environmental Protection istry of Cities, local governments, the Ministryof Finance and the Cen- Area Negotiationswill be scheduled following federal governmentclear- tral Bank to prepare and carry out the Programmatic Sustainable and ance. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 89011. Us17.7 Equitable Growth: Supporting Housing Sector Policy loan. The loan (IBRD) .Consultants will be required. Municipality of Uberaba, Av. Gd- was signed on 21 September2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category herme Ferreira, 1539, Cidade Jardim, CEP 38022-200 Uberaba, MG, C. PID: 50761. Us4.0 WRD). Consultantswillbe required. Ministhi0 Brazil,Tel: (5534) 3312-7744, [email protected], Con- de Cidades, Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco A, S1.305, Brasilia, DF, tact Jose Elias Miziara Neto, Vice Mayor Brazil, Tel: (5561) 21081929, Fax: (5561) 321-1709, Emaik Water and Sanitation [email protected],Contact Ines da Silva Magalhaes, Secretaria (R) Second Federal Water Additional Financing The objective of Nacional de HabitaGao the additional financing is to implement additional and expanded ac- (R) Municipal Lending Program 1- Recife: The objective of the tivities in a broader geographical area, enabling federal coordinating project, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, is units to fund participation by more states. Appraisal completed. Ne- to develop and revitalize the Capibaribe River Basin. Negotiations are gotiations were tentatively scheduled for late October 2006. Environ- tentatively scheduled forJanmy 2002 EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- mental Assessment Category A PZD: 100154. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). egory A PID: 89013. Us32.8 (IBRD). Consulting services to be de- Consultants will be required. ANA (National Water Agency), SPF Sul termined. Municipality of Recife, Av. Oliveira ha,867 - Boa Vista Area 3, Quadra 05, Bloco B, Sala 206, Brasilia, DF, DEP 70610-2200, Brad, 50050-390, Recife, PE, Brazil, Tel: (5581) 885&6327, Emaik cesarde- Tel: (5561) 2109-5221, Fax: (5561) 21065296, Contact Paulo Varella, [email protected], Contact Cesar de Barros, Director Coordinator; Ministry of National Integration, SGAN, Quadra 601, (R) Municipal Lending Program 1- Teres& The objectives of Lote 1, Ed. CODEVASF, 40. hadar, Sala 416, CEP 70830-901, Brasilia, the project, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, DF, Brazil, Tel: (5561) 3223-1550, Fax: (5561) 3223-5901, Contact are to upgrade slums and improve urban development, water supply Alexandre Camarano, Coordinator and sanitation, social inclusion, economic development and environ- Inkgrated Water Management and Basic Services: The objective mental management facilities in the Lagoas do Norte area. Decision of the project is to identify the main sources of water pollution for the meeting is scheduled for late November 2006. Environmental Assess- key raw water bodies in metropolitan Sa0 Paul0 and undertake inter- ment Category A PID: 88966. US$ 28.3 (IBRD). Consultants have ventions to reverse the pollution and improve the quality of life locally, been hired for preparation. Municipality of Teresina, PraGa Marechal through multi-sectoraland multi-institutional responses. Project prepa- Deodoro, 860, Palhcio da Cidade, 40 Andar, Centro, Teresina, PI, Brazil, ration is under way Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: Tel: (5586) 32157520, Email: [email protected], Contact: 6553. Us250.0 (IBRD). A PHRD grant of UsO.9 is being used for Rosana Abreu, Project Coordinator preparation. Consultants have been hired for slum upgrading and ur- (R) Social Housing: The objective of the project is to improve low- ban environmental interventions, civil works and technical assistance income households' access to shelter and home ownership. Concept in urban water resources management State Secretariat for Energy, Review Meeting was tentatively scheduled for 20 October 2006. Envi- Water Resources, and Water Supply and Sanitation, So Paulo, SP, ronmental Assessment Category C. PID: 87585. USSl56.0 (IBRD). Con- Brazil, Tel: (5511) 3257-3348, Contact Dirceu Rioji Yamazaki, PMU sultants will be required. Ministry of Fiice,Esplanada dos Ministhios, Coordinator Bloco P, CEP 70048900, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Tel: (5561) 412-2321, Small MunicipalitiesInkgratcxl Water Supply and Sanitation: The Fax: (5561) 2250443 objective of the project is to rehabilitate and construct integrated san- Curitiba Urban Transport: The objective of the project is to en- itation infrastructure, includingwater supply, sanitation, microdrainage hance the quality of life in the Curitiba MetropolitanRegion by improving and solid waste management facilities, in municipalities with popula- substantially accessibility to employment, education, health and recre- tions under 20,000 in the semi-arid northeastern region. Negotiations ation facilities and by continuing to provide easy access to government will be scheduled following federal government clearance. Environ- services. Project preparation is on hold. Environmental Assessment mental Assessment Category B. PID: 60555. US$60.0 (IBRD) . Con- CategoryA PID: 82117. Uss174.8 (IBRD). Consultantswillbe required. sultants will be required for participatory planning, design, capacity Prefeitura de Curitiba, Institub de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urban0 building and works supervision for integrated sanitation interventions. de Curitiba, Rua do Bom Jesus, 669, CEP 80035010 Curitiba, PR, Ministbrio das Cidades, Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento Ambien- Brazil, Tel: (55-41) 352-1414, Fax: (5541) 252-6679, Emaik luiz@ip tal, Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco A, 30 Andar, Sala 318, CEP 70054-, Contact Luiz Hayakawa, Project Coordinator 900, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, Tel: (5561) 411-4653, Fax: (5561) 322-2024, Municipal Lending Program40 Luis: The objective of the pro- Contact Heitor Collett, Project Coordinator ject, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, is to promote the sustainable development and improve the quality of life' Chile of the population of $0 Luis. Appraisal was tentatively scheduled for Environment and Natural Resources Management November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 94315. Sustainable Land Management The objective of the project is to Us35.6 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Municipality of Sa0 Luis, prevent, control and reverse land degradation in globally simcant Rua Portugal, 285, Praia Grande, MA, Brazill, Tel: (5598) 32145106, areas. Project preparation is under way. EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- Fax: (5598) 3232-1968, Emaik [email protected],Contact egory B. PID: 85621. Us8.0 (GEF). Consultantswill be required. Na- Roberto Furtado, Municipal Secretary of Lands, Housing, City Plan- tional Forestry Commission, Ave. Bulnes 285, Santiago, Chile, Tel: (562) ning and Urban Inspection 3904125, Emaik [email protected], Contact Angel Sartori, Pre Municipal Lending Program 1 - Belo Horimnte: The objective of ject Coordinator the project, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, is to lay the foundation in Belo Horizonte for a largescale, city-wide Rural Development program of slum urbanization, linking with the municipality's efforts (N) Ministry of Public Works Development Policy The objective at social inclusion and water pollution control. Negotiations, which of the project is to strengthen the Ministry of Public Works. Decision were awaiting final clearance by the federal government, are tentatively meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 2007. EnvironmentalAs- scheduled for March 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category A PID: sessment Category U. PID: 100854. US$30.0 (IBRD). No consultants 89012. US$34.1 (IBRD). Consultantswill be required. Municipality of are required. Ministry of Public Works, Teatinos 120, Santiago de Belo Horizonte, Av. do Contorno, 5454, FuncionArios, Belo Horizonte, Chile, Chile, Tel: (562) 449-3016, Fax: (562) 449-3009, E-mail: MG, Brazil, Tel: (5531) 3277-8059, Emaik [email protected], Con- [email protected], Contact Omar Cerda Inostroza, Adviser tact Maria Caldas, Project Coordinator (N) Ministry of Public Works Institutional StrengthenmgTech- Municipal Lending Program 1- Uberak The objective of the pre nid Assistance: The objective of the project is to support the process ject, one of six city loans in the first phase of a horizontal APL, is to of institutional strengthening taking place at the Ministry of Public NOVEMBER 2006 Monthlv ODerational Summarv PAGE 51 Works. Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 2007. inequalities. Appraisal is tentatively scheduled for 6 December 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 102931. Us5.5 (IBRD). Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 85539. US$40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Public Works., Teatinos 120, Consultants will be required. Ministry of Public Works and Trans- Santiago de Chile, Chile, Tel: (562) 4443016, Fax: (562) 4443009, E port, Costado Oeste de Plaza Gonzalez Dique, San Jod, Costa Rica, mail: [email protected], Contact Omar Cerda Inostroza, Ad- Tel: (506) 253-0211, Fax: (506) 253-0852, Contact Luis Diego Vargas, viser Viceministro Concesion de Obras Colombia Dominica Finance Social Protection (R) Second Business Product and Efficiency:The objective of the project is to enable sustainable growth and the alleviation of poverty (R) Growth and Social Protection Technical Assistance: The ob by: (a) facilitating the operation of businesses and promoting invest- jective of the project is to implement the medium-term strategic reform ment, to boost productivity and employment levels; and (b) consolidating agenda. Decision meeting completed. Appraisal and negotiations are the financial sector and capital markets as pillars of economic growth under wuy. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 94869. US$ to address the needs of individuals and the productive sector. Decision 14.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required for preparation. Ministry of meeting completed. Appraisal was scheduled for 16 October 2006. En- Finance, Roseau, Dominica, Tel: (767) 4482401, Fax: (767) 448-0054, vironmental Assessment Category U. PID: 95213. US$300.0 (IBRD). E-mail: [email protected], Contact Rosamund Edwards, Financial No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Secretary National Planning Department, Carrera 8 #&64 Bogota, DC, Colom- bia, Tel: (57-3) 812-300, Fax: (57-3) 811-700, E-mail: cprado@min- Dominican Republic, Contact: Cesar Prado, Director RegulacionFinanciera Public Sector Governance Health, Nutrition and Population Institutional Development Technical Assistance: The objectives Health Investment: The objective of the project is to design and im- of the project are to: (a) enhance government effectiveness in deliv- plement instruments for the transformation of the public health care ering public goods and services by strengthening the institutional ca- facilities network into efficient and iinancially sustainable entities. The pacity of key agencies and implementing public sector management project is also intended to improve public hancial management at instruments geared at promoting efficiency, accountability and trans- the territorial level and assist in the quest for universal health insur- parency; and @) facilitate competitiveness and productivity through ance among the poorest. Project preparation is under way. Environ- more efficiency in port operations and a market-driven,viable national mental Assessment Category C. US$150.0 (IBRD). Consultants will quality system. Negotiations are tentatively scheduled for 30 Novem- be required. Ministry of Social Protection, Carrera 13 No. 32-76, Be ber 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 94888. US$lO.O gotA, Colombia, Tel: (571) 3365066, Ext 1840, Fax: (571) 33&5066, Ext (IBRD). Consultantswill be required. Secretaria Tecnica de la Presi- 1842, Contact Diego Palacio, Minister dencia-ONAF'LAN, Oficinas Gobernamentales, Bloque B. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Tel: (809) 221-5140, E-mail: gfelix@on- Social Protection, Contact Mr. Guarocuya Felix, Director (R) Monitoring and Evaluation:The objective of the project is to im- prove monitoring and evaluation of development projects. Decision meet- Social Protection ing was scheduled for lute October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 99139. US$ 10.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- (R) Social Sectors Investment Program: The project will increase quired for preparation. Departamento Nacional de Planeacion, Calle access of poor households, particularly with undocumented mem- 26 No. 1519, BogotA, Colombia, Tel/Fax: (57-1) 596-0300, E-mail: bers, to effective government social programs for education, training, [email protected], Contact Manuel Fernando Castro, Director de nutrition, and health insurance, promoting their human capital for- Evaluacion de Politicas Phblicas mation and capacity to lift themselves out of poverty. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for 6 November 2006. EnvironmentalAs- Water and Sanitation sessment Category C. PID: 90010. US$30.0 (IBRD), Consultants will (R) La Guajira Water and Sanitation: The objective of the project be required. Secretariado Tecnico de la Presidencia/Gabinete de la is to implement a broad strategy for improving water supply and san- Politica Social, Ave. Mexico, Edificio de Oficinas Gubernamentales, itation access in La Guajira. Decision meeting was scheduled for 25 Bloque B, 2do. Piso, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Tel: (809) October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 96965. 5342104, Fax: (809) 5344848, Contact Susana Gamez, Coordinadora US$ 90.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Gobernacion de la del Gabinete de la Polftica Social Guajira, Calle la, No. 6-05 Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia, Tel/Fax: (57-5) 727-5007, Emaik [email protected], Contact Jose Vi- Water and Sanitation cente Berardinelli, Secretario de Hacienda Water and Sanitation in Tourism Areas: The objective of the pro- gram is to reduce the high economic, environmental and social costs Costa Rica of wastewater and solid waste deficiencies, especially in tourist areas, Environment and Natural Resources Management and to improve the coverage and quality of providing water as well as (R) Mainstreaming Market-Based Instruments for Environ- the collectionand disposal of wastewater and solid waste. Decisionmeet- mental Management (h.7388-CR): The objective of the project ing was scheduled for late October 2006. Environmental Assessment is to establish and finance sustainable incentives for land holders to pro- Category A PID: 54221. US$ 20.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re- vide significant environmental services. The loan is tentatively sched- quired. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined uled to be signed on 30 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 93384. US$30.0/10.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will Ecuador be required for implementation. Ministry of Environment and Energy, Education NationalForestry Financing Fund, Apartado 5942120, San Jose, Costa Rica, Tel: (506) 257-8475, Fax (506) 257-9695, Emaik fonafifo@fon- (R) Inclusion and Quality Education (In, 7204-EC): The objec-, Contact Jorge Mario Rodrigues, Executive Director tive of the project is to improve the quality of education services pro- vided by the Ministry of Education. The loan is scheduled to be signed Transportation on 30 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: (R) Port City of Iimon Integrated Infrastructure: The objective 87831. Us43.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de of the project is to transform the port city of Limon into a regional cen- Education,Avenida Arce 2147, La Paz, Bolivia,Tel: (593) 2500193/1935, ter of economic growth, thus helping to improve the country's over- 244-0539, Email: [email protected], Contact Diego Martinez, all competitiveness and to alleviate the city's poverty rate and social Director de la Unidad de Asesoria Tenico Econbmica PAGE 52 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006 Health, Nutrition and Population t~establish a policy framework and effective governance coordination Second 'c Human DevelopmentReform: The objective that will facilitate sustainable tourism, fishing, and human develop of the project is to implement reforms to improve health, education, ment. Projectpreparation is under was EnvironmentalAssessment Cat- nutrition and income support programs for vulnerable groups. Deci- egory A. PID: 97687. Us35.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. sion meeting was tentatively scheduled for November 2006. Environ- Ministry of Environment, Ave. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas, EdX MAG, mental Assessment Category U. PID: 83646. US$ 90.0 (IBRD). Piso 8, Of. UCIGAL, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-2) 2563429/617-4299, Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Economia y Fmanzas, 10 E-mail: [email protected]~,Contact Lic. Monica Ri- de Agosto y Jorge Washington, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (5932) 250-5261, vadeneira Sarmiento, Coordinadora Programa Galapagos 2020; Min- 2559424, Fax: (5932) 25(15256, Contact Paula Suarez, Subsecretaria istry of Tourism, Ave. Eloy Alfaro N32-300, Carlos Tobar, Quito, de Contabilidad Gubernamental Ecuador, Tel: (593-2) 25(17559/7560, Fax: (593-2) 222-9330, Email: [email protected], Contact Dr. Ivan Lopez Villalba, Subsecre Law and Justice tario de Turismo Justice Services for Economic and Social Development: The project will improve the management and delivery of justice services Water and Sanitation for economic and social development. Project preparation is under Rural and Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation APL 2 (In. way. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: 89810. US$20.0 7401-EC): The objectives of the project are to: (a) provide sustain- (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Supreme Court, ProJusticia, able access to water and sanitation services and promote their effec- Amazonas N37-101 y UNP Edif. Cork Suprema de Justicia Piso 3, tive use, (b) promote sustainable solid waste services; and (c) improve Quito, Ecuador, Email: [email protected], Contact Dr. Gustavo sector performance. Approved by the Executive Directors on 25 July Jalkh, Executive Director 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 95555. Us48.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Urban Develop Rural Development ment, Housing and Territorial Development, Sub Secretary of Water, (R) Agricultural Competitiveness and Sustainable Rural Devel- Sanitation and Solid Waste, Toledo 684 y Lerida, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: opment: The objective of the project is to promote agricultural com- (593-2) 254-9333, Fax: (5932) 2%7022, Email:[email protected], petitiveness through (a) helping small producers form and operate Contact MiguelArgudo, Project Coordinator alliances with processors, exporters, and wholesale buyers, (b) im- proving governance and technology development, and (c) improving El Salvador institutions related to competitiveness. Appraisal is tentatively sched- Economic Management uled for July 2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 86626. Second Broad-Based Growth (Ln. 7348-ES): The objectives of the US$20.0 (IBRD). Consultantswillbe required. Ministry ofAgriculture, project are to (a) reignite growth, (b) reinforce macroeconomic sta- Eloiy Alfaro y Amazonas, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (593-2) 29M332, Fax: bility and strengthen fiscal sustainability, and (c) increase the effi- (593-2) 250-0873, Email: [email protected], Contact: Carlos ciency and transparency of public sector management. The loan is Carbo Cox, Coordinator scheduled to be signed in late December 2006. Environmental As- (R) Chimborazo Development: The objective of the project is to en- sessment Category C. PID: 94146. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). No consultants hance the quality of life with (a) selective investmentsin irrigation and are required. Technical Secretariat of the Presidency, Alameda Manuel roads; (b) improvedmanagement of naMresources; and (c) improved Enrique Araujo No. 5500, San Salvador, El Salvador,Tel: (503) 2489250, public services. Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for late No- Fax: (503) 243-9941, Contact Licda. Anabella Larde de Palomo, Sub vembwm.Environmental Assessment Category B. US$18.0 (IBRD). secretaria Consultantswill be required. Government of the Province of Chimb orazo, la. Constituyente y Carabobo Esq. Riobamba, Ecuador, Tel: Environment and Natural Resources Management (593-03) 2342629,2964209,2969887, Fax: (593-03) 2947397, Email: Environmental Services (In. 7300-ES): The objective of the pro- [email protected], Contact Mariano Curicama, Prefect ject is to establish on a pilot scale market mechanisms to pay for en- Social Protection vironmental services with global and national objectives. The loan was tentatively scheduled to be signed on 31 October 2006. Environmen- (R) Bono de Desarrollo Humano APL (Ln. 7381-EC): The ob tal Assessment Category B. PID: 64910. US$5.0/5.0 (IBRD/GEF). Con- jective of the program is to strengthen the ability of the Bono de De- sultants will be required. Ministry of Environment and Natural sarrollo Humano program to reduce poverty and inequality and foster Resources, Carretera a Santa Tecla, Km. 51/2 y Calle Las Mecedes, investments in human capital. The loan is tentatively scheduled to be Edif. MARN, Anexo EdXcio IS' San Salvador, ElSalvador, Tel: (503) signed on 30 November 2006. Environmental Assessment Category 245035, [email protected], Contact Cecilia Carranza, Prw C. PID: 98167. US$60.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Minis- ject Coordinator terio de Bienestar Social, Robles 840 y Paez, Quito, Ecuador, Email: [email protected], Contact ElizabethFlores, Coordinadora National; Private Sector Development Ministerio de Economia y Fmanzas, Ave. 10 de Agosto y Jorge Wash- (R) Ensuring Small- and Medium-Enterprise Participation in ington, Quito, Ecuador,Tel: (5932)2%1984, Email: [email protected], InternationalTrade: The objective of the project is to increase the Contact Maria del Carmen Jibaja, Subsecretaria competitiveness of small and medium enterprises as well as of com- Transportation panies with strategic links with them. Negotiations are tentativeb sched- uled for 20Apn'l2007. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: Rural Roads and Development (Ln. 7403-EC): The objectives of 83833. USj14.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of the project are to (a) strengthen the capacity of provinces and mu- Economy, Minister of Trade and Industry, Alameda Juan Pablo I1y nicipalitiesto manage the rural road network and (b) implement a rural Calle Guadalupe, Centro de Gobierno, Edificio C-1, 3a. Planta, San roads rehabilitation and maintenance program. Approved by the Ex- Salvador, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 231-5629, Fax: (503) 2281-1156, E- ecutive Directors on 25 July 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category mail: [email protected], Contact: Blanca Imelda de Maga- B. PID: 7077. US$20.0 (IBRD). IDB cohancing of US$20.0 has been ha,Vice Ministra approved. Consultants will be required for implementation. Ministe no de Obras Wblicas/Subsecretaria de Vialidad, Juan Leon Mera y Guatemala Orellana esquina, Quito, Ecuador, Tel: (59522) 223-876, Fax: (593-22) 221-451, Email: [email protected], Contact Eduardo Acosta, Di- Economic Management rector, Captacion de Recursos (R) Second Broad Based Growth Development Policy (Ln. 7407-GU): The objective of the project is to implement the develop Urban Development ment plan and ongoing growth strategy, focusing especially on en- Galapagos and Ecuadorian Coastal Management: The objective abling the country to take full advantage of the proposed free trade of the project is to stabilize and reverse the environmental and social agreement with the United States. The loan is scheduled to be signed degradationof the Galapagos archipelago and the mainland coast, and on 15 December 2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID: NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 53 94897. US$lOO.O (IBRD). Consultants have been hired. Ministry of Fi- Honduras nance., 8vaAve. y 21 Calle Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 224&5001/6, Fax: (502) 22485005, Contact Maria htonieta del Cid Public Sector Governance de Bonilla, Minister (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- ject is to implement the poverty reduction strategy, focusing on (a) Education macroeconomic stabfiv, (b) economic growth through modernization (R) Education Quality and Secondary Education: The objective of public infrastructure and enhanced competitiveness; (c) improved of the project is to improve the quality of and expand education ser- coverage and quality of education; and (d) better governance and vices in grades 7 to 9, especially for poor, rural and indigenous youth. transparency. Decision meeting was scheduled for 2 November 2006. Negotiationswere scheduled for 26 October 2006. Environmental As- Environmental Assessment Category C. US$60.0 (IDA). Short term sessment Category C. PID: 89898. US$80.0 (IBRD). Consultants will consultants may be required for project preparation in some areas. Min- be required for technical assistance. Ministerio de Educacion, 6a. Calle istry of Fiance, Secretaria de Fin-, Centro de Tegucigalpa, Frente 1-87, Zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 2361-0817, a Quinchon Leon,Tegucigalpa, Honduras,Tel: (504) 237-4537, Fz(504) Email: [email protected], Contact Miriam Castaneda, Vicem- 237-5033, Email: [email protected],Contact Rebecca Santos, Vice inistra Administrativa de Educacion Minister Health, Nutrition and Population Mexico (R) Maternal and InhtHealth and Nutrition (In. 7357-GU): The objectives of the project are to: (a) increase the capacity and qual- Education ity of the maternaland infant health referral network; (b) tackle chronic (N) Second Tertiary Education Student Assistance: The objec- malnutrition among children under three; and (c) define, implement, tive of the project is to expand student loans and establish a finan- consolidate and institutionalize a medium-term, cross-sectoral policy cially sustainable student loan system. Decision meeting is sched- to prevent chronic malnutrition. The loan is tentatively scheduled to uled for January 2007. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ be signed in late November21W6. EnvironmentalAssessment Category 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Banco Nacional de Obras B. PID: 77756. US$49.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry y Servicios Nblicos, Ave. Javier Barros Sierra No. 515, Col Lomas of Health, 6taAve. 3-45, Zona 11, Escuela de Enfermeria, Nivel3, Ciu- de Santa Fe, Mexico, DF, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 5270-1200, Email: dad de Guatemala, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 24751672/74, Fax: (502) [email protected],Contact Raul Escalante, Project 24752168, [email protected], Contact Alfred0 Privado, Asesor Manager Ministro de Salud (R) Tertiary Education Student Assistance (In. 7346-ME, In. Rural Development 7349-ME):The objective of the project is to increase tertiary education enrollment and quality in an equitable, efficient, and sustainable man- (R) Rural Economic Development Program (La 7374-GU): ner. The larger loan was signed on 7 April 2006. The smaller loan was The objective of the project is to enhance income generation and employ- tentatively scheduled to be signed in lute October2006. Environmen- ment in the productive sectors in selected territories. The loan was tal Assessment Category C. PID: 85593. US$171.0/9.0 (IBRD). Con- tentatively scheduled to be signed in late October 2006. Environmental sultants will be required for implementation. Secretariatof Education, Assessment Category B. PID 94321. US$30.0 (IBRD). A loan of the Brasil31-312, Centro HisMrico, 06029 Mexico, DF, Mexico, Tel: (52- same amount will be cofinanced by IDB. Other financing totaling US$ 55) 5723-6713, Email;[email protected], Contact IgnacioArvizu, Co- 10.0 is expected. Consultantswill be required for implementation SEGE ordinator PLAN, 9 Calle 10-44, Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 5919-1544, Email: [email protected], Contact Hugo Beteta, Energy and Mining Secretary (R) Hybrid Solar Thermal Power Plane The objectives of the pro- (R) Second Land Administration, APL 2: The objectives of the ject are to (a) increase the contribution of renewable energy sources project are to (a) increase legal security of land tenure; and (b) in the future energy mix, particularly in power generation, and (b) con- strengthen the legal and institutionalframework for land registry and tribute to global technology demonstration and replication of hybrid cadastre services. Decision meeting was scheduled for 16 October thermal solar systems that have the potential to displace carbon emis- 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 87106. US$50.0 sions. Approved by the Executive Directors on 5 October 2006. Envi- (IBRD). Consultants will be required for implementation. Registro ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 66426. US$ 49.4 (GEF). de Informacion Catastral, 21 Calle #lo-58, Zone 13, Aurora 11, Consultants will be required for project preparation. Comision Federal Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala, Tel: (502) 2360-7667/77, Fax: (502) de Electricidad, Melchor Ocampo No 469,2do Piso, Col. Nueva Azures, 2332-0929, Email: [email protected],Contact: Luis Cas- 11590 M&co, DF, Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 254-6981/6977, Contacts: Lic. taneda, Director Gerard0 Hiraiat, Gerente de Proyectos Geotkmicos (R) Large-Scale Renewable Energy: The objective of the project is Haiti to stimulate and accelerate the commercializationof renewable energy Public Sector Governance applications and markets, particularly at the gridconnected level, in Second Economic Governance Technical Assistance (H237- order to reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions while re HA): The objective of the project is to furnish the technical assistance sponding to increasing energy demand and energy diversification im- needed to advance good economic governance management. The peratives necessary for sustainable economic growth. The grant was credit is tentatively scheduled to be signed on 20 November 2006. En- signed on 5 October2006.Environmental Assessment Category FI. PID: vironmentalAssessment Category C. PID: 95371. US$2.0 (JDA Grant). 77717. US25.0 (GEF'). Consultants will be required. Secretaria de En- Consultants were required for preparation. Ministry of Finance, Palais ergia, 890 Insurgentes Sur, Col. DelValle 03100, MWco DF, Mexico, des Ministeres, Port au Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509) 299-1744, Fax: (509) Tel: (52-55) 54486000, Fax: (52-55) 54486223, Email: jmataaener- 299-1732, Email: [email protected], Contact GabrielVerret, Economic, Contact: Juan Mata Sandoval, Director General Advisor (R) Rural Electrilication: The objective of the project is to provide a minimum package of electricity services to poor households in dis- Water and Sanitation persed or remote areas and where connection to the electricity grid (R) Water and Sanitation: The objective of the project is to provide is not financially or logistically feasible. Decision meeting is scheduled sustainable water and sanitation services to rural communities. Deci- for 14 December 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: sion meeting and appraisal completed. Negotiations were scheduledfor 88996. US$15.0/15.0 (IBRD/GEF). Consultants will be required. Sec- late October2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. PID: 89839. retaria de Energia, Insurgentes Sur No. 890,3er. Piso, Col. Del Valle, US$ 10.0 (IDA). Consultants will be required. Service National d'Eau Mkxico DF 03100 Mhico, Tel: (52-55) 5000-6000, Email: imataaen- Potable, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tel: (509) 24&5300/4131, E-mail:, Contact Dr. Juan Mata Sandoval, Director General de [email protected], Contact PierrePhilippe Jean, Director General Invesiigaci6ny Desarrollo de Tecnologiay Medio Ambiente; Comision PAGE 54 Monthlv ODerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006 Nacional para el Desarrollo de 10s Pueblos Indigenas, Av. Mexico agement. Approved by the Executive Directors on 5 October 2006. En- CovoacAn No. 343, CoL Xoco, Mexico DF03330 Mexico, Tel: (52-55) vironmental Assessment Category U. PID: 98376. US$60.0 (IBRD). 9183-2100 Consultantswill be required for project preparation to review the pen- sion system. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Via Espana y Calle 52 Environment and Natural Resources Management Este, Edificio Ogawa, 2do Piso, Apartado 7304, Zona 5, Panama City, (R) Indigenous Community Development: The objective of the pro- Panama, TeVFax: (507) 232-5169, Email: [email protected], Contact ject is to reduce poverty and inequality by improving social inclusion, Beatriz Ordas, Director of Programming and Investment economic opportunities, human development and well-being of in- digenous people. Negotiations were tentatively scheduled for mid-No- Rural Development vember 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A PID: 95323. Rural Productivily and Sustainable Development: The objective US$120.0 (IBRD). consultants will be required. Commission for De- of the project is to increase rural employment and incomes by incor- velopment of Indigenous Communities, Ave. Mexic&yoacan 343, Piso porating organizedsmallholder rural producers into production chains 1Anexo, CoL Xoco, CP 03330 Mexico, Tel: (52-55) 9183-2100, Ext 7153, while conserving natural resources and globally important biodiver- E-mail: [email protected], Contact Jose Luis Plaza, Project Co- sity Decisionmeeting is tentatively scheduled for 15 November 2006. ordinator Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 64918. US37.5 (IBRD). Integrated Management of Basins and Aquifers: The objectives Consultantswill be required. Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario, of the project are to improve conditions for sustainable integrated wa- Calle Manuel Melo, Edificio 575, Panama City, Panama, Tel/Fax: (507) ter resources management and use, and deter the accelerated deteri- 2325169, Email. [email protected], Contact Arq. Jose Vence, Co- oration of water resources in selected areas. Project preparation is ordinador de Proyectos Especiales under way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 82950. US$ Social Protection 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Comision Nacional de Agua, Ave. Insurgentes Sur 2416, Colonia Copilco Bajo, Delegacion (R) Social Protection: The objective of the project is to strengthen Coyoacan 04340, Mexico DE Mexico, Tel: (52-22) 5174-7743, Contact the social protection system by facilitating access of extremely poor Cesar Herrera, Subdirector General de Programacion Mesto basic services in health, education, and nutrition, and pro- moting their demand for these services. Decision meeting is sched- Public Sector Governance uled for 28 February 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Strengthening Urban Real Property Rights Institutions: The ob 98328. US35.0 (IBRD). Consultants may be required for preparation. jectives of the project are to: (a) facilitate legal recognition and secu- Ministry of Social Development, Ave. Ricardo J. Alfaro, Edison Plaza, rity of urban housing property rights; (b) improve access of the Piso 4, Apt 68850, Panama City, Panama,Tel: (507) 2740701, Fax: (507) moderate urban poor population to real estate markets and hancial 279-0714, Contact: Mx Edwin Rodriguez, Executive Secretary of the ‘Red systems: and (c) adjust the fiscal framework among the three levels de Oportunidades” Program of governments and strengthen local government institutional capac- ity for property tax administration and collection. Project preparation Water and Sanitation is under way. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 100.0 (R) Water Supply and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities: (IBRD) . Consultants will be required. Secretaria de desarrollo social: The objective of the project is to increase effective access to water sup Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ordenacion del Territorio, ply and sanitation services. Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled Paseo de la Reforma 11&15, Col. Juarez, Mkxico, DF 06600 Mexico, for 8 January 2007. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: Tel: (52-55) 53285000, Ext 50629, Contact: Rodolfo Tuiran, Subsec- 82419. US$50.0 (IBRD) . Consultants may be required for preparation. retario de Desarrollo Urbano y Ordenacion delTerritorio Ministry of Health, Panama City, Panama,Tel:/Fax: (507) 212-9229/01, Contact Dr. Camilo Alleyne, Minister, and Sr. Emilio Messina, Ad- Nicaragua viser Private Sector Development Paraguay (R) Enhanced Competitiveness for International Market Inte- Environment and Natural Resources Management gration (Cr. 4230-NI): The objective of the project is to strengthen capacity of the Presidential Commission on Competitiveness to pro- Biodiversity Conservation: The objective of the project is to conserve vide technicalleadership and coordinate the effects of government agen- biodiversity within the production landscape of the Upper ParanA At- cies, municipalities, the private sector, civil society, and donors to lantic Forest and associated systems. Project preparation is under way. improve competitiveness and the business environment neloan was Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 94335. US$5.5 (GEF). tentatively scheduled to be signed on 7 November 2006. Environmental Consultants have been recruited. Environment Services, Ave. Madame Assessment Category C. PID: 92949. US$17.0 (IDA). Consultantswill Lynch 3500, Asuncion, Paraguay, Tel: (595) 2161-5806/7, E-mail:gabi- be required. Presidential Commission on Competitiveness, Managua, [email protected], Contact Alfred0 Silvio Molinas, Project Coordi- Nicaragua, Tel: (505) 277-2955, Email: [email protected], nator Contact Mr. Roberto Bendana, Secretario Ejecutivo Rural Development Public Sector Governance (R) Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: The objec- (R) Second Poverty Reduction Support: The objective of the pro- tive of the projectis to improvethe quality of life of smallscale producers ject is to implement the second generation poverty reduction strategy. and indigenous communities by strengthening local organization and Negotiations completed. Board presentation was scheduled for 7 No- self-governance, improving natural resources management and en- vember2006. Environmental Assessment Category C. PID 89816 US$ hancing people’s socioeconomic condition. Project preparation is un- 25.0 (IDA). Consultantswill be required for civil service reform, mon- der way. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 88799. US$ itoring and evaluation. Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Ave. Be 60.0 (IBRLV. Consultants will be required. Minisfry ofAgriculture and livar, Frente a Asamblea Nacional, Managua, Nicaragua, Tel: (505) Livestock, Pte. Franc0 475 c/ 14 de Mayo, Asuncion, Paraguay, Tel: 222-7231, Fz(505) 2223033, Email: [email protected],Con- (59521) 441-036, Contact: Ing. Agx Ricardo Garay, Minister tact Ovidio Reyes, Director, Fiscal and Economic Affairs Office Transpottation Panama (R) Road Maintenance (Ln. 7406-PA): The objectives of the pro- ject are to (a) develop institutionalcapacity for strategic planning in road Economic Management management; (b) arrest the deterioration of the priority road network; (R) Public Finance and Institutional Development Policy (Ln. and (c) improve access to the primary paved road network for the poor- 7408-PAN): Cformerly Development Policy) The objective of the pro- est and most excluded rural communities. The loan was signed on 13 ject is to implement the initial phase of the new development program October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 82026. outlined in the Strategic Vision, with a focus on restoring fiscal sus- US$ 74.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Public &ability and improving fiscal transparency and public financial man- Works and Communications, Oliva y Alberdi, Asuncion, Paraguay, NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 55 Tel: (59521) 4149696, Contacts: Panfilo Benitez, Vice Minister; and Vincent and the Grenadines pilot adaptation measures affecthg the im- Robustiano Pineda, Project Unit Coordinator pacts of climate change on biodiversity and land degradation along coastal areas, thus achieving a high level of integration among these conventions. Approved by the Executive Directors on 7 September 2006. Environment and Natural Resources Management Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 90731. USl.9 (GEE). Consultants will be required. Caribbean Community Climate Change Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation Through the National Centre, University of Belize Central Campus, RLC Bldg., PO Box 563, ProtectedAreas Program:The objective of the project is to consolidate Belmopan, Belize,Tel: (501) 822-1094/1104, Fax: (501) 8221365, Email: protected areas in a decenedframework to ensure that key ecosys [email protected], [email protected], Contact Ken tems and biodiversity are conserved and managed sustainably. GEF Leslie, Director Council approval decision is scheduled for 27 February 2007. Envi- ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 10.0 (GEE). Consultantswill Design and Implementation of Pilot Climate Change Adaptation be required. Peruvian Trust Fund for National Parks and Protected Measures: The objective of the project is to deiine and implement pi- Areas, Ave. ProlongacionArenales 722-724, MMores, Peru, Tel: (51- lot adaptation measures to meet the anticipated impacts from climate 1) 212-1010, Fax: (51-1) 2121957, Email: [email protected],pe, change in the Andean highlands. Project prepamtion is under way. En- Contact Alberto Paniagua, Executive Director vironmental Assessment Category B. Us8.0 (GEE). Consultants will be required. Consejo Nacional del Ambiente, Ave. Guardia Civil 205, Health, Nutrition and Population San Boja, lima, Peru,Tel: (51-1) 2255370, Fax: (51-1) 2255369, Email: (R) Health Reform Program APL 2:The objectives of the project [email protected],Contact Maria Paz Cigaran, Project Man- are to (a) reduce infant and maternal mortality at an accelerated rate ager and (b) improve nutition and care of children under five. Decisionmeet- Finance ing is tentatively scheduled for 5 December 2006. Environmental As- sessment Category B. PID: 95563. Us27.0 (IBRD). Consultants will (N) Catastrophe Insurance: The objective of the project is provide be required. Ministerio de Salud - Programa de Apoyo a la Reforma OECS countries immediate access to funds after a catastrophe using del Sector Mud,Ave. Javier Prado Oeste, No. 1381, San Isidro, Lima, parametic triggers. Concept review was tentatively scheduled for late Peru, TeVFax: (511) 440-4101, Email: [email protected], Con- October 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category C. Us12.0 (IDA). tact Carlos Ricse, Coordinador General Consultants will be required. Jamaican Social Investment Fund, 1ClF Pawsey Rd., Kingston 5 Jamaica, Tel: (876) 9266238, Fax (876) 924 Public Sector Governance 3427, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Contact Mrs. Scarlette Second Real Property Rights (In. 7368-PE): The objective of the Gillings, Managing Director project is to consolidate a comprehensive and sustainable system of Rural Development property rights recognition and protection so that the negative impacts (R) The objective of the pro- of informality will be reduced and further informality prevented. The Biosafety in Centers of Biodiversity ject is to implement the Cartagena Protocal (CP) on biosafety by im- loan was scheduled to be signed in late October 2006. Environmental proving institutional capacity of agriculbxe and environment ministries Assessment Category C. PID: 78894. Us25.0 (IBRD). Consultants as well as specXc, biosafety-relatedagencies in the participating coun- will be required for technical assistance and training. Commission for ties (Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica and Brad), to implement their na- the Formalization of Informal Property (Comisih de Formalizacih tional biosafety regulations in compliance with the CE Decision meeting de la Propriedad Informal), Ave. Paseo de la Republica No. 31353137, was tentatively scheduled for 7 November 2006. Environmental As- ha,Peru, Tel: (511) 421-4744, Fax: (511) 421-9814, E-mail: cnf@co- sessment Category PID: 95169. US5.0 (GEF). Consultants be, Contact Dr. Carolina Rouillon Gallesse, National For- B. will required. International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Km. 17 Cali- malization Coordinator Palmira, Cali, Colombia, Tel: (57-2) 4450000, Fax: (57-2) 4450073, E- Rural Development mail: [email protected], Contact Zaida Lentini, Coordinator (R) Sierra Rural Development: The objective of the project is poverty alleviation of rural peasants within a demand-drivenbase as- Uruguay sisting them to (a) improvetheir access to basic infrastructure; (b) stim- Health, Nutrition and Population ulate socio-eanomic temtorial development through strategic alliances; National Health Insurance and Social Services: The objectives of and (c) strengthen institutions to make them better providers of local the project are to: (a) increase access to and quality of the primary health services. Decision meeting is scheduled for 30 November 2006. Envi- care network serving the poor uninsured; (b) enhance and secure es- ronmental Assessment Category B. PID: 79165. US$ 25.0 (IBRD). sential public health functions nationwide; and (c) redesign and improve Consultants will be required. Presidencia de Consejo de Ministros, Ave. the Ministry of Public Health's regulatory and stewardship capacity. Mirafkores 878, Mirafkores, Lima, Peni,Tel: (51-1) 610-9800, Ext 1250, Decision meeting is tentatively scheduled for 12 December 2006. En- Contact Javier Abugattas, Secretario Tecnico de la Comision Inter- vironmental Assessment Category C. PID: 50716. Us20.0 (IBRD). ministerial de Asuntos Sociales Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health, 18 de Julio 1892, Transportation Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel: (598-2) 409-1015/2534, E-mail: min- [email protected], Contact Dr. Conrad0 Bonilla, Minister (R) Decentralized Rural Infrastructure Transport: Cfomzerly De- centralized Rural Znfiastructure) The objective of the project is to de- Rural Development centralize the transportation infrastructure, extend the scope of (N) Foot and Mouth Disease Additional Financing The objective intervention to additional regions and prepare for an operation inte of the project is to maintain the country's sanitary status with respect grating other infrastructure sectors. Appraisal completed. Negotiations to transboundary animal diseases of economic and human health im- were scheduledfor early November 2006. Environmental Assessment portance. Appraisal was scheduled for late October 2006. Environ- Category B. PID: 95570. US$ 50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be re mental Assessment Category A US37.0 (IBRD). Consultantswill be quired. Ministry of Transport and Communications, PROWDe- required during implementation. Ministry of livestock, Agriculture and scentralizadoRural, AK Garcilazo de laVega No.l351,3er Pis0 - Centro Fisheries, Constituyente 1476, CP 11200, Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel: Civic0 y Comercial de Lima, Lima 1 Peru, Tel: (51-1) 330-3465, Fax: (5982) 410-4155, Contact Sr. Jose Mujica Cordano, Minister (51-1) 330-8554, Email: [email protected], Contact Raul Torres, Executive Director Venezuela Regional Environment and Natural Resources Management (R) Expanding Partnerships for the National Park System: The Environment and Natural Resources Management objective of the project is to implement an integrated protected areas Caribbean Implementation of Pilot Adaptation Investments: The management model in Canaima National Park that can later be repli- objective of the project is to implement in Dominica, St Lucia and St. cated throughout the park system. Decision meeting was tentatively PAGE 56 Monthlv ODerational Summarv NOVEMBER 2006 scheduled for 24 October 2006. Environmental Assessment Category A partial risk guarantee covers risks arising from nonperformance of B. PID: 85458. Us6.0 (GEF‘). Consultants will be required. National sovereign contractual obligations or from force majeure aspects in a Parks Institute, Calle 3B, Edificio Fundayacucho, 4to Piso, La Urbina, project. A partial credit guarantee typically extends maturities beyond Caracas, Venezuela, Tel: (58212) 273-2701/2, Fax: (58212) 239-2698, what private creditors could otherwise provide, for example, by guar- Email: [email protected], Contacts: RemSilva, anteeing late-dated repayments or by providingincentives for lenders Executive Director and Angela Gonzalez, Project Coordinator to roll over medium-term loans. National Environmental Management and Conservation: The For more information on the Bank‘s guarantee program and to obtain objective of the project is to improve and s’uengthen environmental man- a copy of the pamphlet ‘The World Bank Guarantees: Leveraging Pri- agement and build the capacity of the Ministry of Environment and vate Fiance for Emerging Markets” (available in English, French, Por- its associated agencies to address the most pressing issues of the en- tuguese and Spanish), please contact the Project Finance and vironmental agenda. Decision meetingwas scheduled for late October Guarantees Group. Tel: (202) 4588111; Fax: (202) 522-0761, or visit 2006. EnvironmentalAssessment Category B. US$40.0 (IBRD). Con- sultants will be required. Ministry of Environment and Natural Re sources, Centro Simon Bolivar, Torre Sur, El Silencio, Caracas, Venezuela, Tel: (58212) 4081079/94, Email: [email protected], Contact Mr. Guido Pereira, Executive Coordinator Africa Region Urban Development (R) National Slum Upgradinp: The objectives of the project, which will focus on urban areas outside Caracas, are to: (a) improve the cov- Regional Joint Railway Concession: (Private Sector) The objective of the pro- erage and access to basic infrastructure services in urban slums; (b) ject is to mobilize commercial financing in support of the joint con- strengthen the capacity of community-basedorganizations; (c) assist debt cessioning of the Kenya and Uganda railways. Two IDA partial risk municipalitiesto adequately plan investments in slums and mitigate the guarantees in support of the project, which is a component of the East growth of new informal settlements; and (d) facilitate access to mi- Africa Community Transport Facilitationproject, were approved the crohance for incremental housing finance. Concept review meeting by Executive Directors on 23 January 2006. Financial closure and guar- is scheduled for late December 2006. Environmental Assessment Cat- antee effectiveness are pending. egory B. Us50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Fundacion para el Desarrollo de la Comunidad y Fomento Municipal, Ministerio de Participacion Popular y Desarrollo Social, Ave. Abraham Lincoln Rwanda Final Blvd. de Sabana Grande, Chacito, EdXcio Fundacomun, Apartado Energy and Mining Postal No.50218, Venezuela, TeVFax: (58212) 9551708, Contact Di- Iake Kivu Power: (private Sector) The objective of the project is to anney Ocanto, Presidenta develop, build and operate (a) a gas extraction, production and pre Water and Sanitation cessing plant with an installed capacity of 198,900 cubic meters per day of methane, (b) an onshore 35 MW gas-fired power plant, and (c) a (R) Urban and Rural Water and Sanitation: The objective of the submergedpipeline connectingthe two, the entire system to be owned program is to implement a medium-term institutional development and operated by a private company. An IDA partial risk guarantee of and investment program in the water and sanitation sector in order to Us20.0 is proposed in support of the project Estimated total project reach the target of universal water and sanitation coverage by 2015. cost is Us80. Board presentation is scheduled for December 2006. Decision meeting was tentatively scheduled for November 2006. En- vironmental Assessment Category B. PID: 92953. Us50.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Hidroven-CompaniaHidrologica Vene Senegal zolana, Ave. Principal de Mariperez con 9 Transversal, Edif. Hidrop Energy and Mining capital, 5to Nivel, Caracas, Venezuela, Tel: (58212) 793-7020, Fax: Electricity Efficiency Enhancement: (Public Sector) The objective (58212) 793-1814, Email: [email protected]/[email protected], of the project is to improve efficiency in the power sector and meet in- Contact Lic. Francisco Duran, Vice President creasing demand for electricity.An IBRD partial risk guarantee of US$ 7.2 was offered as an inducement for third-party cofinancing of the in- vestment project for which an IDA credit of Us15.0 was approved Guarantee Operations by the Executive Directors in May 2005. Financial closure is pending. ~ Sierra Leone InSeptember 1994, the Bank‘s Executive Directors approved a proposal Energy and Mining to make guarantees a mainstream instrument of Bank operations. Bumbuna Hydroelectric Completion (Private Sector): The objec- These guarantees are most likely to be used for infrastructure fi- tive of the project is to complete a 50 MW run-of-theriverhydropower nancing, where the demands for funding are large, political and sov- plant on the Sell River to deliver quality electricity services at low cost ereign risks are sigrScant, and the need for long-maturity financing in the western area, including Freetown, and to promote private sec- is often critical to a project‘s viability. tor participation in the power sector. An IDA partial risk guarantee of By covering some of the risks that the market is not able to bear or Us38.0 was approved by the Executive Directors on 16 June 2005. adequately evaluate, the Bank’s guarantee can attract new sources of Financialclosure is still pending. Estimatedtotal cost Us91.8. An IDA finance, reduce hancing costs, and extend maturities. The guarantee grant of Us12.5was also approved by the Executive Directors on 16 can be especially valuable where activities traditionally undertaken June 2005. and financed by the government are being shifted to the private sec- tor but where the government remains as a regulator or provider of Tanzania inputs and a buyer of outputs. The Bank’s participation as guarantor can also facilitate the transparency of these fnnsactions. Transportation Since the guarantee is intended to be a catalytic instrument, the Bank (R) Tanzania Fhihvays Corporation: (Private Sector) The objective offers oniy partial guarantees, and risks are clearly shared between the of the project is to catalyze financing for the Tanzania Railways con- Bank and private lenders. The Bank‘s objective is to cover risks that cession. An IDA guarantee of up to $40.0 is proposedto back ongoing it is well-positionedto bear given its credit, its experience with devel- restoration and termination payments due to the concessionaire un- oping countries, and its special relationships with governments. The der the agreement. (An IDA credit of $33.0 was approved for track re risk-sharing may be for specific risks (the partial risk guarantee) or habilitation in April 2004.) Board presentation is scheduled for the for part of the financing (the partial credit guarantee). fourth quarter of FY 2007. NOVEMBER 2006 Monthly Operational Summary PAGE 57 Russian Federation East Asia and Pacific Region Energy and Mining SUAL Partial Risk Guarantee Facility: (Private Sector) The objective Philippines of the project is to catalyze the required commercialfunding to develop a large scale integrated aluminum complex sponsored by the alu- Energy and Mining minum company, SUAL, in the Republic of Komi. An IBRD partial Power Sector Reform and Transco Concession: (Private Sector) risk guarantee of US$50.0 is being considered to support a commer- The objective of the project is to implement a power sector reform and cial bank loan as part of the project financing. Estimated project cost privatization program by facilitating the concession of anelectric dis- US$1,200.0. Board presentation was scheduled for the third quarter tribution company An IBRD partial risk guarantee of US$250.0 is be- of FY 2007. ing considered. Board presentationis tentativeiy scheduled for the last quarter of FY2007. Middle East and Notth Europe and Central Asia Africa Region Region Jordan Regional Energy and Mining Energy and Mining Amman East Power: private Sector) The objective of the project is World Bank GEF Geothermal Energy Development: (Private to catalyze private investment for the construction of a 370 MW gas- /Public Sector) GeoFund will be established, with GEF funding of 13ed combined cycle power station to be developed, owned and operated US$25.0, to develop geothermal energy for electricity generation, dis- by a private-sector company at Almanaker, near Amman. An IBRD trict heating, and other applications in the region. It has three windows partial risk guarantee of about US$50.0 is being considered. Board pre- of financing facility: technical assistance (US$5.0), partial risk guar- sentation is scheduled for the second or third quarter of FY 2007 or antee (US$12.0) and direct investment (US $8.0). The GEF risk mit- later. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PO Box 140027, igation program will provide a guarantee for the geology-relatedrisks Amman 11814 Jordan, Tel: (962-6) 582-8971, Fax: (962-6) 582-1398, E- associated with the exploration and operation of geothermal energy mail: [email protected],Contact Eng. Khaldoun Qutishat, Secretary projects. Board presentationwas scheduled for October 2006. General ~~ PAGE 58 Monthly Operational Summary NOVEMBER 2006


AUSAID Australian Agency for International IsDB Islamic Development Bank Development JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation ADB Asian Development Bank ITF Interim Trust Fund ADF African Development Fund AfDB African Development Bank Kfw Kreditanstalt fiir Wiederaufbau (Germany) APL Adaptable Program Loan BADEA Banque arabe de developpement LIL Learning and Innovation Loan economique en Afrique NCB National competitive bidding BOAD Banque ouest africaine de dkveloppement NGO Nongovernmental organization CDB Caribbean Development Bank CFD Caisse francaise de developpement NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation CIDA Canadian International Development Agency OECF Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund DANIDA Danish International Development Owan) Agency OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting DFID Department for International Countries Development (UK) PAD Project Appraisal Document EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development PCD Project Concept Document EDF European Development Fund PCF Prototype Carbon Fund EIB European Investment Bank PCN Project Concept Note EU European Union FAC Fonds d’aide et de coopkration (France) PHRD Policy and Human Resources Development O apan) FA0 Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations PID Project Identification (Number) FAO/CP FA0 Cooperative Program PPF Project Preparation Facility (with the World Bank) FINNIDA Finland International Development QCBS Quality and Cost-Based Selection Agency SDC Swiss Agency for Development GEF Global Environment Facility Cooperation Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Technische GTZ SIDA Swedish International Development Zusammenarbeit Authority IAPSO Inter-Agency Procurement Service Office UNDP United Nations Development Programme IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction UNFPA United Nations Population Fund and Development UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund ICB International competitive bidding IDA International Development Association USAID United States Agency for International Development IDB Inter-American Development Bank IFAD International Fund for Agricultural WHO World Health Organization Development