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10-20-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-20-1909 Journal Publishing Company

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MEXICO, THIRTY-FIRS- T YEAR, Vol. CXXIV., No. 20. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909, Single Copio, S rant. Hy Mall, 6O0IH. ModUiJ lly Carrier, 60 'uta m Month.

speaking from a grand stand erected will be dead or will return south In front of the historic old Nelson broken n health. mansion, CANNON SAÍJ GAYNOR WANTS W. READS WIFE FRARO Henry Morris of Philadelphia, OKG VMZI'D W.UWUK DEFENOSITELLS TAFT HE president of tie Descendants of tuc ON Tit All 1C IN l.lKl.s Signers, himself a direct descendant liiullnston, la , Oct. 19. Organized of Kobcrt Morris, delivered a historic warfare on trafile in girls was decided address. upon today by the National Purity The York county, CELEBRATES BE SHOWN school children of INSURGENTS congress In Its annual session here. Ii GUTIERREZ E A BAD 10 who ere grouped before tho grand was shown that the white slave traffic stand, then sang "America.'' after has grown to enormous proportions. which Col. Oswald Tllghman of Kaft-o- Clifford U. Hoe, Chicago attorney. 1 Md., n direct descendant of Lieut. In an address, declared parental neg- Col. Tilghinnn, aide de camp to ligence in the education of daughters; who fa- Ti Washington, curried the OUT OF flirting, undue ambition to live well DISCOVERY THE mous message, "Corn wall Is Is taken." and beggarly wages paid girls In large to the continental congress In Phila- elites are delphia, responsible for the popula- made an address. tion of the red light districts. President Steadwel), La Crosse, said publicity Is DON GASPAR DE PORTOLA TAMMANY HALL RINGS DEMANDS DEFINITION necessary In the right. The FEARS HUSBAND WILL BE HERMAN RIDDER BREAKS PARTÍ growth of the organization into Mexi- SAILS PAST GOLDEN GAT WITH CHEERS FOR JUDGE BY LAW OF AERIAL RIGHTS co and Canada has made a change of SENT TO DEATH IN MEXICO SAD NEWS TO PRESIDENT tho name tieeosary nnd It was voted lo call It tho American Purity feder. York, lit. In a lecture at Inn. Wigwam Scene of En- New Oct. Held in City Brilliantly Illuminated Historic before the Aero Club of America If Cummins and LaFollette P J. Conway. Denver, president of Prisoner Los Angeles Executive Change of Front on Lytloton urges steps be tak- the lietail Clerks' Un- ; Warships from Half Dozen thusiastic Ratification Meet- Fox that International as Alien Anarchist Merely Print Paper Schedule Likely en for the Immediate enactment of Crowd Are Republicans Then ion, charged low wages as the great- ' in Democratic Candidate luws defining the rights of persona est Incentive to lives among Nations to Participate Fes ing for I Am Something De- immoral Harmless Socialist, Accord- to Cause Trade War, Warns traveling in balloons or aeroplanes. Else, girls In department stores. in New York, tivities Honor of Voyager, for Mayor of He advises that a certain stratum be clares Veteran Speaker, J. L. Haminerly, lies Moines, head ing to Amciican Better Half, Publishers' Chieftain, enacted property owners whose titles of the department uT safety, said that give title to the air above properties the abolishment of the red light dis- I Br Momio Journal Boeclal Lmm4 Win) (Br Horning Journal Special Lean Wir) will prosecute for trespassing. trict Is absolutely necessary (n.v Murnln Journal PpfeUI l.coard Wirel Itl.r MnrnlBC Journal Dclal taued WlraJ DENIAL for the ' Sail Francisco, Oct, 1. The fea New York. Oct. 1!). "And so this He advises' that certain stratum be VIGOROUS OF supresslon of the white slave traffic I.os Angeles. Hot. IH. FTlcnds of Chicago, Oct. IP.- -- President Tuft set aside as an aerial public high ture tonight of tho celebration that l Tammany hall? IHis the first time TAMMANY HALL DEAL and denounced the policy of segre- L. Gutierrez de l.aru. Mexican author, apparently was led Into a serious' blun- wa y. der In closing days of recent, began here today in commemoration that I ever have Veen here, but if gation as vicious. and descendant of a famous Spanish the the discovery of San Francisco The congress adopted the following session of congress when he ehnnceil vt the this is Tamninnv hall, where Is the Home, family, who is in Jail under orders his un paper sched- tiav was a reception hy the festival Dickinson Sells Southern resolution: attitude the print by of tiger?" Nashville. Tenn.. Oct. 1Í. J. M Uncle Joe Uses Up Two Hours "The National IMjrity congress In from the department of commerce ule according to an open letter ad- uncen and the impersonator and labor Washington, do Portóla, discov These were the first words f P.ok Dickinson, secretan,' of war, today session at Hurllngton, la,, hereby re at assert that dressed to the chief executive and Don Gaspar the Defending Himself Against the I'nlted States government cannot signed by erer, in honor of the foreign ministers tonight by William J. Gay nor, demo sold his country seat, "Hellenic ado, cords its great gratification at the Herman Kidder of New miles west of here, to J. C. Leake, present activity of prosecute him as an alien, as he has York, president of the Amerlcun and officers of tho foreign warship. mayor, as he gaze four Charges Hurled at Him by national and stab guests catic nominee for an Ashevllle capitalist. The plae authorities against the loathsome ter been in this country more than three Newspaper llibllshers' association, now in tho harbor. The chief years, re- out over a great audience in the old comprises 400 acres and the price Is rible commerce in girls Known as the lie assorts that his recent Mr. Kidder's letter was written at the reception were Jonkheer Foes of Organization, turn to Mexico with an Loudon, minister of Tho Netherlands trueturo on Fourteenth street know $100,000. white slave traffic. American some time ago and was made public magazine writer to get material for a today follow ing its indorsement by the to this country, and Marquis de Vil .i the Wigwam, Hie headciuart of "We urge upon all citizens of the story wjs but temporary and that he 1 j il v lalobar. minister of Spain, both of New J. tile to Galveston. Mornin( Journal S)rlnl Wirt nation, especially upon the officers of Inland Press association. the must remarkable political organ (llr Lad can be held now as an alien only on Mr Kidder's letter Is as follows: whom were sent here as the represen Hamburg. Oct. lit A steamship Klffin. 111.. Oct. IS. Speaker Joseph the government, sworn protectora of respective ization in the world. He was greeted people, to necessary meas technical grounds. "To the president: The full text of ulives of their nations dur company is being organized here with G. tonight attacked the re- the take wife, an American, whom he your lug with cheers. Cannon, ures to end In girls, ills address at Winona, Minn., on the celebration. a capital of 500, 000 to establish the traffic the recently Is il It was a typical Tammany ovation publican insurgents in congress and disgTace " married. greatly excited the tariff schedule has come to The warships In the bay were line to Galveston. worst to civilization over laminated tonight and the searchlights and a typical Tammany ratification defended himself against various at- her husband's position and fears hand. With the utmost respect wo he will be returned to Mexico and be submit that your statement respnrtlnir played over city. enormous meeting. The hall was packed. Al two-ho- addresi-befor- e tho The tacks In a vehement put to She says you bull at the intersection of Market though Judge Gaynor had delivered death. her husband the paper schedule shows that Mayors' associa- hun-drei- ls Third, Geary and Kearney streets, several addressee since his nomina the Illinois REVOLT III Is a socialist and of the type of could not have correctly read or un- SEALED VERDICT li SPREADS of para- formed front 10,000 colored globes tion, it was mt until tonight that the tion. thousands of other American derstood what the print paper was the most striking feature of the democratic ticket in Manhatan was Speaker Cannon vigorously denied hoi lallstv and Is opposed to violence graph contained as It passed tho huiisc of any character. or reprej-entatlves- . lighting. Although the day opened officially "ratified." that Ills election as speaker was leaden with a light Otto T. llannard, maintaining his "Sur.-l- American civilization will "You were apparently misled by de- under skies and through a w ith brt lain falling, the clouds broke soon whirlwind pace but adhering closely DIVORC E CASE brought about deal nut guilty of his blood," said Mrs signing men into u serious blunder IIHUA In- w i and the sun shone brightly on the to business issues; and avoiding per Tammany hall. The speaker also in Lara toda.v. 'Have we not boasted hen. In the losing days of the tariff decorated city. Having boarded the sonalilics, made four speeches in Har serted that Representative Fowler of that our government Is founded upon conference, they Induced you to re- revenue cutter Golden Uate and gone lem tonight, but interest was ccnterei "principles of truth. Justice and civil verse your attitude upon print paper New Jersey was dropped ns chairman anil religious liberty? Surely mv and change your notions of what th" outside tho bay at dawn, Don Gaspar in the Tammany gathering. Must Till Coin- currency banking Over Half of Republic in Hands de Portóla, impersonated by Nicholas Judge Gaynor went over the groun Batonyis Wait of the house and lountiy will not commit the criminal Mann committee recommended und of Coverrublas, a descendant of the that he has covered heretofore- - committee because of his refusal to is Report From p.n.iilox of sum ndei ing to a foreign what the honre of representatives liad Convenes Today to Learn of Insurgents power a ha.- no Spanish settlers of the mate, with his thrusts at William U. Hearst, his in report to the house an emergency cur- man who committed approved. crime other than advocating political ' The Mann committee, after a ten guard of honor, entered tho Golden dependent rival, and criticism of Whether or Not Their Mar rency measure. Bluefieids, Gato soon 10 o'clock to the on for his fellow count rj men." mouths' Unctlgation marked bv VI'" after llannard. die also touched "per was over loiva week," he booming of guns from the forts end sonnl liberty," traction problems, sub riage Stands, "I in last usual thoroughness, reported thsi a assembled ships of war. ways and other i."iue.s. raid, 'and found that it, I.s an open se Uialu Journal l.eaaed M'lrol Slot 1 AI.ISTS I! I.1-- TO rate of two dollars would cover the. l.r Scll difference In cost of production This naval contingent consisted of While Gaynor was speaking, four cret there that Senator Cummins pur 131 uefjelcus. Oct. 11). More than half SI PIH1H1 OF l'lil0KH ut IDr Murnlnc Journal Bpeelal IjeMd V) trr I. os An-"!e- net. lie Kxpi essing home und abroad. The proposed the United States cruisers St. Louis big" meetings' were con poses not only to join hands with of the republic of NIch ragua is in th and Albany, the Yorktown ns many platforms to ar New York. Oct. I) jury in the Itrynn, but sav thut the agitation Will the l ear that Gutierrez do Lara Is to absolutely so fegiui riled American Vi- ducted from .A hands of the revolutionists. t the naval militia Alert commodate, the great throng that supreme court decided tonight vvheth not idol, and that he will appeal to be made the Ferrer or Mexico. If he per mills agiihii-- the serious Canndl-Hti Confirmatory dispatches have been Is deported to thai country on the tangle which your iidvice to tip' the revenue cutter McOulloch and the could not get Into Tammany . er the second matrimonial venture of the people until the tariff is revised received here that Kivas, Corlnto an . charge that he is an anarchist, the tariff conferees has tdiioe prccipllatoiL torpedo destróyer Whipple, Truxton Hearst rented tonight nnd old in ni" .nii"p his ni !,. t Frank Work' daughter, Fruni" ti sun Juan uei Sur, ha.,, been taken socialists of this ciiv today "'I In- living of the rate on print ut Hull, Perry, Qoldhorough, Predio und appear hi the campaign. "In this campaign " be waged by Insurgents- deter and th the General' Juan lieyes mined to conic to the aid of the Mex- ill 7 i per too. which you advised, ha Lawrence. Gaynor Is still the favorite In the Senator Cuminln the Usui; appears to former governor of the pro Immediately south of tho fairway money second venture of her second husband seven eosi ican socialist and author now lin pris- dci pled the province of lonelier, to betting, although for clectio be whether the nenators and v luces, who led tw o previous revolt! occupied by the American Meet lay betting seems scarce this year or else Is to be called off. but the decision the tvventv members of the house Avlu, oned lieie. prohibit the exportation of Its pill)) fleet, com not tomorrow tlons against Zelayn, General Men An effort Is being made lo enlist wood and many American paper mills His Dritannle Majesty's lli'M' who wager on the results of will be known until voted against the tarilf bill constitute nccomp posed of Hertford morning, when a seaieu win and General Fornos Hiaz. union labor in bis cause The pris- must dose or move to Canada to ob- the armored cruiser lections are holding off for the situ voruioi the republican party, or whether the led by and sloops war Algcrine und bu opened before Justice O'Oormun nearly 100 exiles have iirrlvei oner know y nothing of the movement tain their supplies of raw muterlal. the of itlou to clear up. At the Hoffman majority of the republican members llot-a- here from I.lmon and del Toro h- - country now In a way Shearwater. house today, where many of the elec- Aurel Hatonyi, native of Austria of congress and the president make in his behalf, as is held Incom- "The is fair They were given a great reception and In for n Next to tho Uritlsii war craft were wagers are posted. It was and former professional whip and up republican party. municado the county Jail. trad" war with Canuda because tion said the probably w ill Join Kutrada a anchored the Japanese erulaer Idzu no prevailing odiU deyel horseman, tok the stand himself this "These people under the leadership General Immigration Inspector uulgewny of your upisircnt failure oi recti" to that have Kama Immediately. Kecrulting' has recom- ma, the Italian cruiser Calabria, tin oped. There was wagered, however, afternoon, to denv his wiles charge ol of Senators Cummins and La Folletle today stilted that the ropresenlullun.i read the Maun committee's women been fcenerul with great success, main to result- mendations. Y,. nrc threatened with Netherlands cruiser Nooi $2.000 to $1.500 or 4 to 3 that lian improper conduct with two call themselves republicans. but ii he made Washington which thousands along the Atlantic coast in an Industrial which wllJ und the German cruiser Arcona nard would be last and $2.000 was bet After much family history had been they are, then 1 am something elsv.' ed the order for 1'e Linn's arrest disturbance flocking to aid of Involve ingi-- s Scarcely hud the roar from the salut against $1,000 on Gaynor against tin- aired counsel for both .sides Fummeil the General Entrada business Interch with Vessels on Continued on page two. column two). $28.'i. ing guns died away when Don Gaspar lie Ul. uu and the court told the Jurors If left lure today the return Canada amuonting to 900,000 pT wus greeted by the deafening cheers thry accepted the denial by F.ntony MILITARY PRISONERS trip to Llmon for inoro exiles, only a annum. lack of urms prevents an "We sincerely you can find of the throng lining the docks. When that he had visited an apartment ELUDE THEIR GUARDS advance. trusl he Bet foot on shore at the Mission house in Central Park West, or ha Lopez and Martinez, partners In some method of roctlfyln-i- the mistake (itrent wharf he was met by the Tór taken a taxicab ride with lieatiice prominent firm of Hluefields, who Into which juu were led. W'v fully tola dragoons, the reirular soldiers 0 LD YORKTOWN llrcviiino. an actress, they must bring have hecn enriched by concessions rc RESOLUTIONS appreciate the ilifllcultleii und respon- und Bailors detailed to act us his es In u verdict in Ids favor. If. on the New York, Oct. l!i. Two prisoners celved from President Zclayn havi sibilities of your eialtcd ofllco and cort, and the members ot the I'urtola other hand, they did not accept th ;capcd from the federal prison at been seized by the revolutionists. So we believe you are trying to do tllív reception committee. denial, there vet remained to thein Castle William on Governor's island nor Lopez has been placed In jail and t you can. We know you must No more cosmopolitan parade Was the duty of determining from the evi rly today. They were coaling the will be helil until h" pays tUO.OOO rely upon others for your tnfoPm.itlon. ever seen on thin coast. First came dence of the seven witnesses for the Governors Island lorry boat. A aid the revolution. We feel thai every cltHen is under strange row- - ut In the I'nlted States regulars, then the plaintiff whether or not a statutory boat found a dock obligation to help you. Therefore we CRADLE OF Brooklyn evidently used by the American blue Jackets leading tho offense hud been committed. MASONS OF HIGH DEGREE LAI wide lliis letter to ou. sailor and marines of Great Hrltaln came in court again prisoners to slip away from the Island "Yours respectfully. When the Jury morning Holland, Japan, Germany and Italy. Iter three hours' deliberation, it. was in the early darkness. AT WASHINGTON CONCLAVt (Signed "H HUMAN KJl'OKK. Don Caspar's personal escort consist announced that the questions had President of the Auierlciin Nettrpa-P'-- r ed ot the portóla dragoons, a mounted upon. were there- ECUAD0REAN Publishers' Association." been decided Tiny REBELS Washington. H. In company of sixty men in the glittering FREEDOM fore for night with in Oct. Interest MARTYR sent home tho of supreme conn armor and accoutrements of the time RtruetioiiM to report in tho morning. CAPTIVES OF GOVERNMENT Hie convention the SKELETON OF YOUNG II jurisdiction of tie of Tórtola, the real. At the historic The days was marked at the open of the southern Marshall square the procession passed ing by Scottish Itlte Masons now in session WOMAN FOUND IN WOODS with more testimony witness In In review before the army and navy for Mrs. liatonyl to prove the Aus Guayaquil, Keuador. Oct. IS. The here, was heightened today by an officers of six nations. The parade, whip her. rebel force under General Terra n. creased attendance of Honorary Ihli CAPTURE OF C0RNWALLIS trian had been unfaithful to over AMERICAN FEDERATION ended it t Union square, where the This was followed by emphatic testi- which was dispersed, by government Degree Masons from nil I.. Oct. in. The skeJi-lo- golden key to the city was presented FITTINGLY CELEBRATED mony of the defendant, who .spoke so troops near Ambato yesterday, was the southern Jurisdiction. One of the DENOUNCES TYRANNY of a young woman wax found In the to Don Gaspar. The toast proposed heatedly and with such feeling that composed of seventy men. The priso most notable of these was Hear Ad woods near here last night. The cor- by I'resident Ta ft to the rebuilt city was admonished by the court. He ners taken Included Torran s stall. mini I Wlnficld S. Schley, retired. oner's Jury found nothing by which was drunk. Don Gaspar was then denied his wife's allegations, branded The government also captured a quan Georg,. F. .Moore, a sovereign grand the Identity of the yountf woman could presented to Queen Vergilla, who will ve Thousand Visitors Throng tliem as lies, said he was hounded by tity of arms and papers .showing the Inspector general of Alabama. w.i: Execution of Spanish Revolu be est. l.llslll d. reign during the festival. lectivos and accused his wife's rel revolutionary plans. All Is quiet here. elected to the office ot Grand Pryor Tlie skull was Intact, showing no Historic Virginia Town lo- tionist Aioikses Indignation Hives and others of alienating her nf-- An elaborate banquet ivaa given III. r. of lolclice. VTIU SO X S OK GOMi: Which Boasts of Mere 100 ctlons, In connection with which ho night by the ftoyal Order of Scotland and Honor of Labor Council II was suggested today that the WI ST UIXI-- AT WALHOUF has a suit for damages pending. attended bv the members ol the so- skeleton niny he that of JIlss May New York, Oct. 3 9. Heneath a Permanent Residents, Mrs. liatonyl was in court all clay E U rente council, who are members ot in Session at Washington, Sinllh. luirle In the Manhattan Slat" 'great bear flag." California's state lit no sign of recognition pussed be IL the ord' r. hospliul at who has been nifs-in- g emblem, en Native Sons and Daugh- tween her and the man sne Is suing Among the speakers at the Imnniict since last spring. ters of the Golden State gathered at By Mornta Jnsraal SoccUl I ! Wire for absolute divorce. Hatonyi in pre- - onight, all of whom paid homage lo 0.r .Morning Jiiurnul Siie.lal taut Win I Miss Smith was believed to have the Waldorf Astoria tonight to pay Yorktown. Va., Oct. is. yuainx 010 ions proceedings won his suit for vlh.T, filio the treat exponent oi Washington, (let 1 ! II' solutions been the fiance of Augustus Schwurz, .New York's tribute to the I'ort la Yorktown today commemorated with eparation and they have been living in or Free .Masonry, w civ J. I. Hleh irecly deiiounelug the "murder of w ho Is now in Jail at Klvetside, L. I . celebration at San Francisco and re fitting ceremonies that glorious event apurt since. orison, nrovlncial grand master of the ranoiseo Finer. Spanish revolution a waiting rtial on the harge of mur- Joke at the rehabilitation of the city In Ameriean history with which it'. of the defendant lis Masonic, fraternity. and President ist." who was condemned iy court- - dering Irving .1. Nelson of Central ts-!- lp Is identifinl. Here was laid. . li an co rat ion shot III Itlircelollll, wefe Sepiem her I ime . by Mrs. Hatonyi s lawyer brought out C.ompors ol the ir.oi n martial altil 11 tweiiiy-cign- i. yea,-- - one n un rect nnn some now sidelights on tne case to- - WHITES of Ijihor. idoiit'd at today's session of the ex- lib- - igo to a day, the cornerstone of ay. Mr. Hichurdson told of the remark utlve i ouiK ii of the American Fed a ha CHENEY FINDS SANTA rty, upon which gret nttfton What is. real he was able strides mad.- by Masonry In Hie eration of Iilior. h error was ref. rred s. jour name'."' been built, by the rapture- ot t skecl. past quarter of a centuiy, etui- - Mr. to is a ma i t v I 010 Í0ÍINSULT THE 'Aurel Hatonyi." Compels declared that he hud been We In our own personal behalf, as village of les his Is Complaint Made Before Yorktown today Is a "You have had another name?" an anti-roy- al 1st until lo- had liarncd well ss in the name of Americas FE LINES IN GOOD ian 100 people. It is as uiougn iat "Two other names," responded the Women's Board of Home of the beneficial ros'iMs tUinalle orUets.and Hie w hole people," the stag setting for that final drama ot only through, v th the Ma- lie, os " out in pre-- defendant. úfli..t!..ii NATIONAL FLAG the evoiutionarv war has been "What were they " Missions of South Methodist sonic order. iis-- Indlgnsllon. horror and strong rved as the uctorn left it a vein "Kohn and Mureinbcrg." he replied. t protest against lie murder of of antiquity a? well as a momimenr I changed my name juat na the Church, AMERICAN GOODS SENT TO ranei.Ko Tenor hy direction ol ino CONDITION American patriotism. Works did. Their name was original- paiiish govern ir.eiu." The descendant. of the signers of HIGH Taken In connection OH tie- - .oMien Ros well ly Worth when they were sailor." FRANCE MUSÍ PAY - Man Charged With the declaration of independence utn (B; Hunting Journal HiMrtal ImmI lrl or Tne suorcine ,oorf oi rm- - iim;-i,- offspring of that organization, the of Columbia in sent, n. Inn Pnsideiit Reviling Star Spangled Ban- Savannah. Gi, Oit. C. "Our C Yorktown Historical society or DESCENDANT OF GEORGE Washington, Oct. I - G"V ' nillicnt Goinpers. S'aretari Miici;n ano graduates cannot i itt r homes of - to re- Business, Both Fi eight and to hoi t the officials her-- ale not dlspiisid Mitchell ..I the Fcd-iatl- to ner Discharged by Court. : United States, recently decided WASHINGTON WEDS SWEDE de, .l!ng John and prob whites its servants or house girls. gard the action of Fram e in serve ti ritis in tor eon tempi ot Passenger, annual celebration here of duty .iil Was Never Bettet bly e.flOll people responder! to tliep There Is not sufficient protection in to .iH&ess the maximum rate court, the onclnoin paragraph or that the they fin- - against all imports Horn the I'nlted Hi,-- Is loolt.-- upon as utg-nih- l Oprimí lniulcb t Ihe Maraim JosrulJ Declares In- rst appeal. When the fact 1 !). house for them. When resolution Director After Oct. The civil marriage a- - her 1 '!, is without railroat Pai'K h work at night trey are al States an evidence of intention nt. V. (., Oct. IS Kane h j orktown still Miss Olga M. Hawjon, of kson- - tlielr of Ja lowed to l sub to enter Into a tariff war with this It declares that lake this occa- Hi spection Trip, communication is t.tkm into consid' ille, run the streets I" ". tli.ii.iil. s charged with Insulting Fla.. a descendant of George government. i ., a ration the attendance Is rcinarkabl". jected to temptation and are lost. sion of the in r murder of msn Hag. was discharged today Washington, and Folke of 7. ident Tuft, w Ameritan ually river is as barren of ships Johnson They may return to their own On August list. Pre w hose r. al off, ns,- a.i speaking, writ- the Sweden was celebrated at the city hall of provisions of by Justn e of the Pesco A. J. Wellee tBy Morals Jolraal Bacdal Win as the hillside is of houses, but today Impure and a disgrace to their in pursuance the ing and teachiioi humanity lo become bw ;it Pasfy today. of our n.-- tariff act, gave vIm and liberty-lovin- g, slur a hearing. Gonzales luid been Kansas City, Oct. 1 9. H. P. rode at miehor the United Staler families." four more tree to Cheney there formal notice lo Fiance, .Switzerland placed under urrst on complaint Of of Boston, one of the directors of the torpedo boats Stringham, DupunU This was the report of Kileii Young, ri mind the I" ople of our country lhat - si-cu- Castro Jjarez, ceremonies, Atchison. Middle and the torpedo NEW MEXICO LAND SET colored, of the Paine Annex and Hulgarla tli.,t our rr mmcrciai Ho- lliioriv of the i illens is only master of Topeka and Santa Fe. Shubrick and matron would be ter- during the Mexican celebration of passed through night on boat Summers, attached to the Mary- - omu for young negro girls, at Au- - Agreements with them when trial by jury slid In open here Lift his ASIDE FOR 31 of this v,tr. September ay to Chicago. He Inspect-- nd reserves. The lone dock SCHOOLS yust.i. Ga.. to the woman s board or minated on October court for an alleged offense involving had been naval .'f Is It was aileg.d that the defendant V'16 w,'s,ern lines of road. the foot of the hi'.l swarmed with home missions for the Methodist punishment fruarsiitced." the Veteran 'I lieologlmi The declare, cause cursed and reviled the I'M led States "When I muke my report. 1 will 'diers. church at today's espión of its con Iel. resolutions "the Md,, 1!. flag and otherwbe insulted it- -' Tn ray that business, both In was a parad if mou, ted Wellington, Oct. IS. The Interior vention here. Kmmittsburg, Oct. Il'v of free speech, free press and free ed the freight There y. S T. In discharge of the prisoner came smt passenger departments, never was horsemen aad horsewomen led by the partment toduy authorized the set She declared that In seven years Edwanl McSween. 1. for Id ucation has found Ferrer another after - an all day hearing, the evidence, in bitter.' Mr. íoldlei ting aside of .,.85 acres of public known of fiO negro girls- who years professor of moral theology and martyr. the more regrettable In an chenev said. Fort Monroe band and the she had -- 'liverv. m St. Mary't the noinlon of the court being thing looked well between lu re and and sailors, then a parade of tlie land for hool purposes in Ho well went to the north and expressed her church history at Mount intuí ; tonighi. ( . otiilmiol imi page 2, column 1). lent to hold the prisoner. Arizou. hool children and afterward public! land district, New Meslco. beiicf that In five year 50 of tHm 'culinary died aged fe THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909.

One of Hie show I'Ihh k of Inn iii'riu. ate operatlon, mhh itgiiin In nn e- - E treini ly prccnriou- - coiiditloii tonight NAVAJO BLANKETS PRES DENT hull dying at DEATH OF NJOY He been reported as FEUDIST Retail. The Largest Assortment NAVAJO BLANKETS various limen Miner the operation, hut Wholesale and today , M--.- had rallied well until u relapse Lowest Prices til-- T PRICKS AXI DISPLAY OP t'l'I'IOK. The vuused by an almoHt slo, pless night DAY LOAFING AT and nn attack of hiccoughs, which RECALLS TRAGIC WRIGHTS TRADING POST racked his weakened body and aggro Bennett's, 1 1 5 W. Central Av COH. Sltl) and .OI,I). OPE.V EVENINGS voted the condition of a fluttering heart. diplomatic relntiori with the !u."k1iiii Ho Improved little If any during anil Sp:inU-- giivrniiiuiiiii, hlili have GREGORY the day and tonight It wan evident EPISODE BIG INCREASE IN alike placed thi'iiiflvi'S outiide the that him phylr lun8 were lens sanguine I HI le Of I l lllza t loll '' than at any time since he wat Htrlcken. I n to I.NSI T Til 4 H ION. Dinner Where Eating is Pi in Senator McCnrri cniitinued of Hatfield in 1ll.l.l prow worse night progressed Passing Harrison STEWART SCHOOL CENSUS HV M liM ioiiii.i: MIA as the lierlin. flit l!i The llirlin hrani h cipal Business Novelty for and at midnight lit Hughe said: Moui;dsville Prison; Was of the (loelhe leiieiie, wlihh Ik coiii-poHe- d "Senator McCiiiti in condition Is nf leading literary und iimIwt-ult- y Mr. I art. Weary of Lone very and 1 can give but littl Robbed by Postmaster Now UiIh is making a men. ndopled of encii irageinent but he S FIGURES (h i I'iiiK I'rofi Mior Knin-- Series Banquets, brave fight." a Fugitive, HEATER that i dm o Ferrer'n i xi ution nan a murder committed unih r the fornix of la LIKE STEWART RANGES are Morning and an hmull lo Kuropian ( ivlllza-llo- Rr Jonmil RottcUl Iaud Wlr) Morning Journal pureaii. liregory, 1 ft. president THE BEST OF THEIR KIND. RETURNS FROM ALL BUT Women, chlelly xoi laliht.x. held Tex.. Oct. PHYSICIAN ACCUSED 6i: Muns.y liuihliiig. i i : 1 ri Ik a a liiiKe n n 1 iiiiclihK toniKhl Tall hegan three days of doing Washington. I. C. Oct. IS. j - he pleased on to EIGHT COUNTIES IN i:eoliitlnnn adopted declare the ck- hln hrotlier'H ranch The recent death of Harrison ,Hal-liel- M'utloii of n day hy playing s holes of golf over Finer "murder nui8 aged of the family iliieradiiiK In the cloak of Justice." muddy course and hy "Juki loafing OF the member through Hie lung und even MURDER of feudists of Hint name, in oí afternoon famous 100,000 Persons School Age Ai.MtNso nous itowv i ni:it ing The Idea of eating dinner with tlie penitentiary at Moundsv lile, West having Look for It Is a Guaran- in Territory! Total STOIIM OI' HI M M l NOV out to tipeak for il and of gi Virginia, recalls one of the most in Places London, 2H The liaily t'iiron-ieic'- x mg llie livelong tiny without having int. teresting tragic cuses with which This Trademark, tee of Quality. Population at 325,000, Madrid correspondent iihhitIm to make ii speech appealed to Mr Coroner's Juiy Investigating and Uiul owing lo the I'crrer aultntloii Tail stiongly, and he declared hi the inspectors of the pnstofflce depart King Alfonso h inin h dejei ted. lie wiílicd his far ninh.iri vacation Death of Insane Asylum ment have ever had experience. The I IiihI a davH in of Ids loss ol j:'.Xn4 and re- - IHjmial Dlnpnlih la III Mimlu Journal differing from Insomnia and In could week mid three narrative alnniHl r Patient Hold Doctor Respon- covery ot tne - - -- a piNiui'T In the piilace, hav Mend of Just the l.itt. period. of part it and Hunlu Ke. N. M . Oct. III.- That the. ing aliándolo d hl dully outing. Tomorrow morning the president luence of the original Iosk and partial I M x i sible, Jiriwnt popula Inn of New Many t hrentenlrig letters arc In Ing will have h ten mile run to the Kin recovery read.-- like llction, although THEY ARE MADE BY TKE OLDEST MANUFACTURERS bo 3l'.'.O0(l limy estimated roughly nt received dally nt the palace nmj at con seitlon of Hie ranch to rce i stern fact. people Is Ij,v H BACK-E- Indicated the returns "f the rcMld, nci of the m InlM em. small round u i. of cat'.lc alnl nhi ( Hatfield lived near llorsepcn in the STOVES IN THE UNITED STATES AND ARE D Morning I OF the si huiil census received hy Terri- and Home exhibitions of cow punch Hr Journal Unrein l,ori Wlrnl mountain of West Viiginiu. He had I; 1 !'. torial Kupcrliitetidint Jinni'H Clink. ing. He will he pren nleij wllli ii big St I'TanciMVille. I.a., Oct. All, in the (luyan Valley BY THEIR GUARANTEE. SEE OUR DISPLAY. The returns uro in from nil lull eight and comfortable saddle made (special investigation hy the coroner's Jury milk at l.ogari. West Virginia. Un- of (In' counties itnil it In figured thiit ALIENS MAY FIND I y for the prenlihnl, nto tin killing of K. Judron, a ible to write, hi asked Alexander If. complete returns III show (0 0 0 I Tile president hanlicil his assiht patient of the J.nkiou. Ii., Insane Trent, postín;. Mi r at llorscpen, to persons In New Mexico of si houl ugc, ant Hecn tarie..; from I.a IJuiuta today asylum, wIiiibc burned body was Ira iv a clu ck for that amount and nr tii'lwi'i'n Ihi' imi r if five and twen- uiul gave no thought to public buxi- - ui'd near Wakefield, several miles direct tlie bank to forward the money IVf ty. This, H h hi Ilcved. Indicates ii net's in any way. north of here, Monday, resulted late by registered mail. RAABE & AUGER .10(1, DOMES IN I population of mm outside of the I H today ill the holding of ir. K C. l he prcslilent play dajs will end Hutlicld culled epeatediy for the 115-11- .1 7 NORTH 1ST STREET. Indians, or n total population nf 25.. however, when he will he taken bv a prorulucnt physician, fur registered letter, but when it arrived, iiuo. The school i t nsus this r lion I to Corpus Christl, lo be the gti. sl Hie murder. u April 21. 1307, In wa not present iIi'ihii ii big gain over last year. 'd that illy and to address the cull I'lie jury decided Hint McKowan t the postónico. He hud called about -- The following counties liavi' r MEXICO volition of the inland W.iterw a.v s as liad placed Hie body on the tracka half an hour before the arrival of the ported: Hun Miguel, 7.621 : llcrmi llllo, s"oi la tion. near Wakefield, hut assigned no mo mail, I, ut having been accompanied by . .r.M; Huntu Ke, r. B T 7 ; Chaves, S.S0O; tive. All the e idciii ,. indicated Hint in intoxicated friend who as- - H-il- ; , Grunt, 4.S0&; llooscvclt. 4 4 S 3 Hiinir-ro- nil siii: r in z .n i. Judson had been killed, apparently to keep him on bis mule. 4,4r,0: Morn, 4,31; Kddy. S.CKn; oisv w homi hy Ktrnngulatlon, some distance from Hatfield could not wait for tlie mall. This fellow looks out upon the world and smiles f a fi S : niinii: Guadalupe, .1,3(1', 3 Va- Picsident Disposed to ( - Ihlun, Encour .M. ,,!co ill I re President where the body was found. When be left the pnstof flee lie re- lencia, 3 131; Torrance. 2.a6; Otero, Ihi7. returned to this city today on lib uue.sti d the postmaster In take tne 3.4H5; Lincoln, Hun age Immigration; Wants to 1 2.275. Juan, special train which curried him to K btter. wlnn it (ame, to his home for l 1.SÍ2; Hierra, 1.3X0; Lima, J.27S. wzm&f Infuse New Blood Into Re- I'iiMu tu me, t I'resident l a ft. He whs f.'keeplng, fearing that it would not lucorjt-oriitloi- given a most noisy and eiithusliiBtic TEXTILE WORKERS In properly protected from fire if lfct Incorporation to- - papéis wre filed public's Population, reception, the whistles of all fac- In tlie postoi'tlce. The postmaster as day III oflli r nf Secre the the Territorial tor!, h and locomotives blowing fu: sured him Hint tlie letter would be tary Nathan .lit fT i hy tin- Kirtland and - fully five tit il) il wlille Hcorcs of ca- placed in a fireproof safe in the post- Fruit Inntl Milling and Klcvalor com- Hr M urn log d Jiiumill Hiirllil lata-- Mira.) thedral bells and the preshlentlal sa IN SESSION lllce and receive ample protection. i i ( . pany. The ci ii .ii ii Is IKI.UOO, 1, int. ll - -- To Inlimi. int, added to Hie din. Tin- pnsideni About two o'clock on the morning divided lulu r,(ni r.har-i- . Tin- - Incur-Itiiriito- "new hlood" into the ri puhllc nf wan driven to Cliiipulti'tiec through following tlie building in which the directors are: John T. .. wa.- and lines ol troops and Hiiecla- - po' tofllce was located - burned. Hie Nii'tMun, Klmcr F. Taylor, un V. o for the purpose nf tilling vast cheering Clint tolH. contents of tin tafe alone having b'en Iturnham, William J. Wiilhrr. John inn t of hitherto unproiluelivc land.s, Samuel Gompers of American saved. These were found to constat M. Mark. Jumes l Washburn, Henry the Mexleiin gove i ii in, ii I . Ii ivH learn- of stamps and money belonging to the T. S'nhrtvltx, Lars W. Hendrlcksi n. ed here tonight, Federation Addresses Gath- to Trent individually and I hooii will lake active George A I'll m r. H pluck, s. Pcnlamln RlepM loivard securing denlriihle Imml-g- i to, outside per.-iin- The b tter ad- I 1st ( ESKIMOS GONFIDM ering at Washington Urging linking if (irporallous. a thin dress, d ti, llalln-Id- however, could Iiilel iuil It. venue II Collector R With IIiIh nhject In view, President Insurance, not be found. The postmaster .said Hardshttr Hml iemiy Collector lllun-d- Ida nf Alesl. ii han ciiinmlsslnned r tliatil hud been placed with the ordi- In I orili e of tire mklng miden he Hoiliiy, .Mexictni to nary mail in Hie pnstof tic. On April Territorial Wccrelaiy Nathan Jaffa of mlnlslcr CO STORY I'lihii, to come to (lie Knlii'il Mi.ites (Br Morning Journal Special I.eated Wire) 'li a posto) lice inspector was notified llie corporation of the Territory, pre- postofllce an, stiiilv n Hist hand, Immigra- Washington, p,.- - of tlie burning nf the and liminary levying (lie ( the Oct. The Knitcd to tile "I urpoi tion prnlilem. the los- - of til." b tter. Another in- Htloil I. ix 'extile Workers of America met here spector was detailed to accompany Company pplli Word bum reei lied lu re today that iitlnn. III oday in annual convention. Th"fe blin through th mountain.- - to Horse-pe- n Tile Intel linlhninl I. lie Insurance Hie minister sail from II. nana Captain of Danish Steamer proliuhh next Sat unlay. w ill were present about 40 delegates, rep on liorseliack. Because buys Office La- eumpany of St. Louis, lililí luir He enme he to Washington where he will Talks With Natives Who Ac resenting 1(1,000 organized workers, (me of llu Ispci tors had for inves- formeil liy the merger of Hie Great up- Saving Devices I tigation at Oils case based from Kather all the nf. u ma Inn puM-ll- time u bor us. Anierieim I. lie Insurance rimipany companied Brooklyn Doctor the entire body nf such employes on a complaint Trent had secured company, from the Immigration nut limit lis that Loose I,caf Ledgers. Special Hilled Koeords. Htibber Stamps. mid a new bus applleil to numbering about Too.OOtl in the Kni- - a typewriter from a concern In Chi- Superintendent of lu re. Then lie III go in ,i vv Yol k to Pole, vs. you Insurance .Incubo 1 xiu:. and Invest Igai,. further. Mates. Mr. ibmipi rs spoke with cago by fraudulent representations, n.i:rn:it Chans for admission to Hie ternturv. was II.I SMll.i: AM) UK great vigor upon necessity ami when the postmaster's house HAPPY TOO. The company him a paid up eapltal the of the searched tin machine was found. n $;liif,.-UJ- members the organization providing of Kü.'ii.ür.ii and sntphis or (Djr Morning Journal 9nilil tnnil Wirt) of e.xcu.-e-s finally il of Aft.r making Trent H eotnnieiireil business on Au- i forms insurance for themselves i 'i pen h a m en Oct. 1Ü -- The Oreen-lan- d admitted the truth of Hp- charges. He 1 BRUTAL MUDDED OF Instead of paying y gust 1. 609. their mnin into the was amsteil ami transported on a H. S. LITHGOW 9 Hteauier (nithaab, In cnminaml ot offers nf - Appeals to Supreme I oiirl the great Insurance corpnr- mule to Williamson, West Virginia. Tahor-VoK- t Ciiptaln Si lionbyc, iitiotiH country. l'liono 021; Journal Hldg. The i (iilipanv nf illm has arrived here. of the II" advocated where lie pleaded guilty to the charge higher for tin- - Hiuilii Ke eminly. ail.ludneil a Captain Si houbve repotm that kliud dins textile workers to of having used tile mails to defraud, baiikrupt link be of service to "in nl reeiiilly, Hppealed to AGED FARMED Itnsniiisnen. win. Is now In (ii een lund, them time ami was later, released on bond. 'H4''r''f the l ililí d Male Mipteme stress and to he used as a beneficial imnt, ex, Alexander H. Trent and his 4 (MiiiiilhHloiicrM after lining thirty Novell Cape York or defens,. .Ihi j Appolnled. found. father. V. Marian Trent, were indict JlUlBe Jollll It. Mi Kie lilHt IM'imiK KskimoK, w)io had se n lr. Cook's lievlewlng the work of the associa ed on the charge of having stolen the i SPOKANE MAYOR llpllolllti ll the folli IliR Jul y i nnilllU- - in i o u " s. is ipilte convinced tion during the past year President . registered Hatfield letter. Alexander Old Man's Head Beaten in With In-- (1,'fcnKC llonem tor Tunaiu e rmnit Aiiku Hull Cook reached the pole. He ollll IJoldell del hired the H. Trent eonfesFed. Propositions were INliMJáis ASSAYKKS. Mi tillllv ra , I i li and that K.ismussen Is willing t.i go found in Textil,. was in- - edil iMiae Aus-tiia- n sai the Workers soon mude looking to the refunding of A Hammer; Police Hunt I il W. JKNKS riillip Spi i liman. to the nlli states with Hie two reased and added that it would ul tin- money, with the result that Trent Will "'mo uniii In neiiilM'r. Hr. Conk's side c.impanioni in timately prove to he nn exemplifica p FAVOR OF THE Assayer. Youth Suspected of induced fioiii a jar hidden under his Mining IOf.llmcter (enel'ill KlllUk 'I Hie part of expedition. tion of ndage Jf j and Metallurgical Engineer, latter the the old concerning the barn tin- sum of . J S 0 , which with w tiOil West Hltelli oeK, Hil'lelalv nf he llllillm Deed; Motive Robbery, Itasmnsscn's fe and father have lsdom of preparing for war In time i.'.iin paid bv his sureties, was Krult Avenue. ' Ii r Si n. o i Postoffice Hox 173, F. Hiiri mid il. liiuiih ni Maho ii elied letters from lilm giving Oe f poire. by inspector. 1, liios, or at office of ó the On April H. Kent, 112 wili prnhal.h Ixil in tails obtained rum the They "Die belter you are prepared for while Still selling .sentence fnr the South Third Btreet ami III niak.- a pinluuKid ITIr Morning Jimrntil Huarlnl Iuwl Wlrl are practically the same asj I ir. Conk's Industrial war." he said "Hie less like- - fraudulent use of the mails, Trini V . i a t 111 IIS May - in the teiltor. Alhatu, .. Joliii la stori y you are to get Into It. There is every from jail und is now a fugi- ATTOKMCYS. Chapi'dl'-- escaped iiceil s". wli.i lived with his vldcnce that the Textile Workers all tive from justice. It. W. D. YAN J..SI ,h lili RESOLUtIoÑVlaÜD FERRER nll i. the lallel 's flll lll Ileal' r Hi,, country are aroused lis never Harrison Hatfield, tin owtn r of the Attorney at Law. A ll.:i y nit" last sometime 'tcfiire to til necessity of binding ."tolen letter, became temporarily in- Offers to Shorten His Term in Office in First National Hank Bulld- - night In a in huiitte thcni.-clv- es AS MARTYR nmiii the i.irtiagi. PATRICK M GARREN into one big body for the sane from worry over his los.s and Ing, Albuquerque, N. M. where In bad hei u sleeping while the ntc-- high- Order to Allow People ot t for shorter hours and for subst iiicnt elation at Hie recovery nf Jno. W. ViNon. Wliltel I. it nil'.iii-- i' n g. .i - Jrio, A. was miel nii ii pans necessary in- pni-nni- . . way,'- to meet the part nf the money, and bis A- í Tin- i, I In ,i,l In , n Northwest City to Try New WILSON WHITE, (4 ll I II III l IVollI I'lluc I. ( ollllllll II) i, ncn's had lMiiere.1 reused cost of living " wife, an Indian. He was convicted In with a bainmer. whhli was found Attorneys at Law. AGAIN in iiiiiiner anil lo lile 1111- - Form of age whin c ii lli.. ilion Iiii.thi.m nl having in .irbv NEAR DEATH Government, in tin penitentiary nt Kooms Building. leplaied tile nl I. A ll- -l a II, - Cromwell lollulih and lualadiv I'll. Kill. all eai- M.uindsv ill., where he died lint lung un (Id 11 Mnivi lleednm .in. I elliillt-enniel- il of i:n. w li.i was , nipl'.v nn the arm JEW YORK NEGROES ago. Iftptrlal rorrrannnrlrnra to M.imlog JnarnaJ Is mts-hi- g. iHariisiin EDWAltD A. MANN I- 1. Hatlbld was one of the Spokane, . I", II - 1 il. II! - 11 Wash Oct. Is. Tired of rn.i?i..i m i. ii in Knbl.elV Si p.i-- i d to h.lV- he. Brooklyn Le.ulri Rccoveting old family nf so Attorney at Law. aU llatfields prominent 2, lake tank wllli th who have Hie 111. .til. few year- - ago In the bickering amona; members of the Room N. T. Armljo Hldg. Thong 228 i In. -i connection with the ,inn. ki.'ii- fur hunianltv Afipeudicitis ( city 11 Albuquerque, M. fiom Operation M. 'in Hatliehl feud, v irtually a civil 'cum iif tin board nf public N. A nel.V iiunpaii nl rtiarlvni and HONOR HENSON INDIAN BOILER war uinng the We.-- l irginia Ken- works. a tain- In xihlilt ii man well SCHOOL Suffers Relapse; Condition and whiih the street. nilht tucky border, that disrupted several ini' ills lili the ri mihltl.ius J EXPLODES; DEAD bridge, park, water, sewerage, police, I PUPIL '.ninth's for vein's and attained a place nl. II. l.llir R"Poited Ciitical, .Wl-e- MIMXÍJ ti:OLÍ)fIST. t'rauny leuallc in national history. Hatfield, better lire and other departments, ii s .iifli'i' ii W .t 1 UK and I Un oln. of Lxaminatlon and Geological lteportl tii vían Who Accompanied Peaiy known a- - old Hati in d." wa- - u lead- Pratt, mayor nf SpnUane, will issue on e:i own tuuni'i. In lahiiicii und Mining Properties a Specialty. s . 1. ; 'I'h, er in Statement to -- K.q.l.l Ciiv I Morning alaanial I in this und one of Huir raids tile electors in a few taught and tifíele.! thill Ho ( en le Br irll nui Wlrl Correspondence Solicited. a it t. i n nun-ti- to Pole Guest of Honor at through hi.-- dais, declaring .I h. .ii .it in the el New York. t !. Kutrb k II Kentucky had one of eyes himself in favnr of tin inighl h.tvi hi on i.nd i.t Oct. -- Address n. II. i II I li.'l c t "da . Suited t hot nut. ,in (u. original members of commission form of mnnl. ipal govera. I ei d.iM) McCiirr.'ti state senator and ilemc Banquet, W. U. TIGHT. II. Thompson Stieet Ciis piisi-e-sse- , I the .1. nl Adolpli lins a pill'll I, faintly large areas of nient. also offering to Iei lal'e.l I !,,.! Im.iivIi i .f aid crailc aib r nf llrnnklvn. who was shorten Albuquerque, is'ew Mexico. I I. the pille I; idee r S. 11 ill and i ind. trnm which they have realized which expires in May. b I I'd t h' II Ml .1 p' a.lilV of a slUlllie-lli- l Ih.lll liniinaii'd from tile municipnl cam pill, 1. 1. , 1,1 t Hie ,l ..!.. le),il .il li. tl b a Rppen-di- money. stepping out of office foil., wing a sn- (I. .Ilh ..I lii hand- - el w hi. palirn attack of i Hr Morning Jonrnnl Mperlnl I eusrd Wlrr - In! . i si lid. lit li.'l election. I .lie III Ihe il... U 111. nl Die ,U lie nh. aunt hei Th" lils ubi. h ii... ssltated an Immedi New Vmk Oct. Mat lletiMin. DKMISTS , v, , Will U : V i belli tlll.nlKh llu tl.i.U Cnlll-m- . "It be UP peo- Ot klllilS lile he ÍP Is i J'l .I ihlnwn the negro who ll' I'.uiipanieil ROCK ISLAND EARNINGS snualclv to the OH. J. K. K IÍAKT .f h .11 ple." Ma ".lie ii in li.-- In dni mil. I. t p. ii Pratt said in an inter- s.i.ilti.e vain nn aii nil hir dash. FOR view, Dental Surgeon. 111 its pi e.itnhle to t esnlul inn-- . tin- guest id tonight at a , Hu- YEAR SHOW INCREASE "as they have it in their power the honor to bring Rooms p.arnett l.ullding. Phon 'he ( OHIO II M' - Ill' V'- 111 ll'tl UÍ WIFE DEFENDS GUTIERREZ ll, r bv tile leaders nf New the matter to an issue nl a 744. Af.point viv.n special election, menls tmarle bv mail I'mf .is.-- Kiiier him innn-i- d itn YotU's nil!., pnpuiation, whbh could be ciill-- d OR what purpose Cbnag.i, for next May. I ttnnse-- t Indignalmn n! all lnl. DE LARA Cli.irle, A Andei.-.u- i. ,nl le. tor of Oct. I. The annua! re. am In f.n: riivsici s and sii;t:o.8. '. . of 1 A. ' i.e. k anil t! .i.i .1'ii mill nt int. .1 was the tnatina.-t- i poit of Hi. Pock Island lin.- - for the such a plan and believe that gov- - G. SHoRTI.K. M. n il- - YOU u.--c in. i.i niie. i v l Ivory (Is. a! v. !! l'1..-l- W l.. and Co' S ' .iker- - in. Iti.leil Jam. s A ai ended June !I0. !s,i. shows iioeiii nj :t commission w ill b to 1'ractice Limited to . . 1'-- I nt t total operating ,,i ftil.1s4.-a- n the best inter, sts . -- Tu i'tioi, i.uiei inaMils i..isli. U mil iniiiil from lg I. nliioiil A) Si ;:i'.' Ciihb. I'nited Stales ilistri. r.v.nue of the itv of PO- lerculosis. - ' i nil w.i- a l.i. r. .v i. F e. a sli ii g t. .li W. S. S. Hi'hnr- - burea-- .' m i.'.Tefl tiloi nr 4 i.ine. winch practically doubling Hours: in to 12: to 4. attnrn. us t . : it ;l - : -- ,. per i over ry , li.ini.irs nn I... ..;..(. r.l ''! For the-- ati-r- .Hifclll, pr. id. Tit nf Wllllel f,.r, unie'-!- . cnt the previous fiscal y, .ir. a.,, s,.v, I b, lloomsJ-9-lf- state Xatl. Hank Bid ; . I...- ar-P- i .,! - li l Th, m t Hi v,. p. i I'll "i .r luí "i It tl'l hn an.l "i'!. hii:-- t Stewart, who Inl earnings of tlie lin.s for that the npb ,,f this citv have It. U HPiit-i- - I -- I e ll 111 . - 1 i ".'l,t i in ol why th.. f.gin r.,i Prow n.--v Ml. g.irri-o- Ihe year wele ti, S 6 J 111. - asa. list too much at stake I.. -- ., liut not t'ie ...ntinu. the an l'hvslcian and Surgeon. II Vk I T..M p. tee-.- , 1 4, 7 V f.n- th,- Mini's. "IIOt II 'I'. H'- - ,,f l oiiairiit u' it on nj previous fiscal tiquated, cumbers.. me ami unui.-l.i:- . Room fi :i:id N. T. Armljo Bulld- - I M III) V I - l il i -I I ll ni in He i' i. .., III. hum fur Ihe as read frmti i'.inimaliilii J'i.ny and k 'v i rnnient that n.nv h,,i.i l"g. AlhlliHierqUe, N. M. V .e T I II" Ih.ei I. f !.'l At ..! It. Washington i..k. r T BüllLDÉrKSETvESAS tac'." D.-- i i . i bet-tt- r l'liv ue'ii n ill in he i' Thou. :io puu.T or .. r i nTlffoM Mai .11. was , I..,-!.- I It. c :e ' it. ii King M i si.iaii and Surgeon, , (inn ai. l:,.i. MONUMENT TO RANGERS last mu y In siicce-- d c. I w ,, than Ivory; no PIONEER RESIDENT Herbert Moor, Suite . T'airnett HuildinK. ni ..,ip republic. m. uno is a. ,w ,,, ii w I., f,,.t,,.j.l(f nitlce phone 617 Res. phone 1030 Ii id Mi IN o w DIES WINSL0W i ni,, hntl., cu'ii-ii'- .. 'I I M.ap that loaves tho skin ib the "ary N M. h lh te in. n. ll'ii'iiter'iue. H T. i t. - in r. tal i . n i n - The i. .it urc ni is rs J n. lo i I. nit teiUi ,t and so cool nd t'ld.ll S S, ñas i i'i a t v. ; i ,. ana 't I'll I'nited in i me ,' it il re- viri :i. i' in. a O.lai-hte- in i:iuAitY .1. p.i r- nf Ihe I w .1 s for;. i riTi H cv-- r. 1 I II. icd. Well Known del a.'V it 1,. J7.IH" " ! l! t I '. lit "11 ill ii? II.' m;i; -- i t I i n o. iiona lias been itoHii i loan. Man. -- in ciinil-- . to I 'iig1li the ,;nvi llllg t t!l. noon o; tile handi app.-- by the 11'.'. 11.11 vi 4 i tl '! 'loll .'ti W. J. HTl-i- V. S IIM. r.i i:i Mil. . nt. ,,,- - "Ifi" -- - Hln. .iiiini. nt t.i T. trv C.mniis The in w I;, n Í.1 ..ill w t h' .1 it It f! n Th. t e - t . ' it i. hi. h Graduate Veterinary. est. it Aral mrxpciisivo. "Ul I. r is a Iiiik n if: ... - " o-.- i i i iniiiih ren sb rai hm ..pp,...(,. 5 ., re 6 G3i- - ni 'it: kte wii k Vvii.., i Phone 71. J05 Weet i'i. Ki.pialik I. l the xtoraing J.MirMal ml ,m ,,, ;. v. .t ll Hi,- (..i I 'I'- - -. I. . I side tl.,g i'til. ;,tl, ter I'll, I. ike I,..,,,.!- s t n. t.l tig only a few t i 1,, st ri.cislv t ists .i Oí nl J It Ti-ir- i I rlpti ni. . hamper., , . iil:wl?lai!i I ,'u V III I I . - i.k. "In ineinorv of th var ,. iirttn.-nts- i1.l..t... I.. nrk "f ill. he Pr.-- .1 t,- !l, p; -- t o on r nf .1 , .11- - Texis I bv th .1. sev.-ra- . t. ii I - Ibeit,. is lavicc n .ttiAn iir.i liiihii it l; .Si- fonts u oako. , . , 'ii..--!. ,1 m,';., Ifl .t tail a .,bi,i iw do I,. i. I'. o- - dollars' ' l...-;n- In,,!-!- I P' Pates. l.rc l th" "f . ll. r n? K. ' v , i , stre.t. bridare and R. L. G1TNV. M. r.i n . f nn i - - aii pub. -- ' .iii M. K..I I n ll 111." 111. 1 .'iiiM.U, I . -- I -- rts chapter. ted li.iuth. work Painter inlitpnir ,H. h. i i, Ule V. T.h.l III a C - 1,1 i ,1 I and Decorator. l. ill. ','.' o age. 'nb.a. r I nf th,. v. n Hii.i I I I I I'untfii' i.ii nit.ihi-- tiusi no n Mini '. ff S III Iba I .ir Pi.-.-.- ! w,, y -t nl age tr ii Phone 1133. I. li nil veals ill) uiul oiit tt in. hen'.l h. .111,1 H ?l'l Ivory Soap .. I t in Pari. i.k t'llt.,v 'id up a sh irt in" aun nk an ' 1 1 w O. .!! fr.'iii t tv t O a I. . To. r li r.i - a nAf i a I a a I p. "l . hn t.i ,i in a. tnre...., ),, - sri1 nprei- ml tin ;. re,' a Int. r- t m pu'1' ' jfl r- - MUI tO t.i. nn in nd.ini i . rg t nlin !lt In-- p. i art. "ir s ? ITllt.d Ml! it haul Inn e.i- -, , i. ft , . b r. 0 !. -t trnubh ARTHUR E. WALKER . . I ÍOMlW IVr Cent. Pure t.a! f a p , ; . .1 r hiiiluT !' huniiiixiion Th. in i w itll,lie.' '.it, Hi ,i nt. e l Win-- !. I' US . ntlnr t.r.,p. ill in .u In Hi Insurance, Secretary Mntnl tl .i.ji J, i t nail-- í ! A ' ,P te ii.iiHui t nialntv nl tlliji 5" I .11'. ! Try a Morning .111 . illlal) il Jill, I e. 'I'll! lili .111' Hi."'!!. Journal Want Ad lliill.llnp 4, tti't Wc- -I Cvutral Ate. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909.



Sum S. and l ee Slnibcii l'ro-- f nt Forgetful Soldiers Neglect to CAUGHT FOR TRUE OF for the following PETTUS WEIGHTS Fill Gasoline Tank Provides All aboard Hotels. Rummer Resorts, etc. Ton can wear knock-abo- clothes or a drew aull fish. nun. sail or camp, play tennis, golf, bowl, dance or lote yourself among shadv nooks and quiet retreats Illustrated literature, maps and information on the following C0RINNE Now Wright advertised resorts and hotels will b furnished Sensation for promptly at the Morning Journal office. and Army Officer Pupil. BABE tl FIGHTERS NOT Sty )YrVX) rn Oldest and strongest In the southwest. Byron Hot Springs lilSCHIEf fHjr Morning Journal Spwlul In4 Wirt V y YSlJSi J ( ' Entire year, enter any time. MLLE. College Park, Mil.. Oct. "Mo- errjC''S'J tlons Write for catalogue. 0!'.d to cure rheumatic gout Big DIVULGED 1. ami scliit lea where no other organic lonnose (iperi tta in Albuquerque Man Handled ftuto-mobili- Haiulmrger Hulldliut, K. ISAACS, President. tor troubles." the pingue of the 2 Acts I.on Ansíeles, Cal. disease exists. hour from Kan Unco Premier Pittsburg todny proved also to be a Francisco. Huy tickets and check Mitt for Ma-l- e by Zlehrer gov baggage to Cal. IXi-llg- i plague of aviators. While tho direct l'.run. Ann rh an Adaptation by Before He Joined the tful etu ir.inment ; onu of Califor- Pitcher Thirty- - ernment aeroplane was flying twen Nwlncy Id Claimed Johnson Had nias Ih'm hotels. Address Manager Rosenl. of the Celebrities, ty-fi- feet above the earth with Lion Ranks seven Pounds Best of Ketchel 8IG SAMARIUM MARCIAL MAN Hyron Hot Springs Hotel I'. U., Ctl. " tenant Frank V. Lahm operating the AM for booklet. CAST O F 85 , Used to In levers, chugging of lis most vital Adams, young Pittsburg-pitcher- Concealment the "nano" the iiriginal N. V. C.i-lu- o Product ion hung- the Indian nlgn part, the motor, suddenly ceased. 11 who crease Public Interest, embryo LAS VEGAS limh-l- i Pouv llallel on the Detroit T'igors In tho opening was a new sensation for the COSTS READS GRAND sky-pilo- 'huí Carloads Sconerv oliming games of Hip world's t, hut his Instructor Wilbur ,,,! de- Outing Suits championship scries. thlniiH that Hill Spectat Kneed Wirt) Wright, grasped the levers without Br Mominc Journal lay brought safely to Prices $2, $1 r507"$lT75c I'cttus. tin' Albuquerque colored lad, Xow York, Oct. 1. A rumor, said and the machine first base for the Albu- on earth. OVER MILLION lio played to come from reliable sources the LODGE Ro-ef- lie at Mat- querque tiniyH during the fair tourna- I'aclflc coast, tutes that the weights After several hours Investigation it a ill's Frld, ty, (let. ment, i one of tho host catchers In of Johnson and Ketchel wore purpose was found that tisreless private 2. tlu baseball world. ly misstated. whose duty it was to keep the gaso- replen- Heforo ho was picked up by the It is .said weighed 20 3 line tank filled bad failed to that Johnson in Denver Western league flub Adams pounds, while Ketchel did not tip th ish the supply after yesterday's flights Work Will Be Started Short Frank Johnson Grand Master! in flights were made pitched I'"1' amateur teams differ- scale at more than IBS. Five instruction Time on Pythian Institution of Masons for Ensuing Year,! ent filio in Colorado and Pettns did Johnson's weight was announced at today, two in the curly nioinlng and tho backstop stunt for him on several 111,1 and Ketehcl's as 176 to IncroHSi the other three after I o'clock. in Meadow City; National in With E, L, Modler Deputy: Elks' Theater occasions. the interest in the fight. Lieutenants ljihm and Humphreys fcSfe is, Tho ('Inflnallti Post of a recent each accompanied Mr. Wright on one Its Scope, Grand Master, dato has the following story regard- LAGIXltl AX MOl'S of the morning flights, while Lieu- Engagement ing' Adams and I'eltus: JX1S I'HillT WITH KITH IIK tenant Humphreys made two of the Extraordinary Adam wan not always able to roam .Vow York, Oct. 19. Sum Lung-for- latter flights and Lieutenant Lahm ISprriid DUpiitcb to the .Motnina Journal I Frank Johnson of San Mar. ial was! ooiiniry in a private car 1s Stanley M . 19. n ulioiii tho out with an offer to moot the other. Las Vegas, X. net. At elected grand must-- of the Ii I 3 K litnndj with a bunoh of tuam mutes backing Ketchel at futí weights or at During one of the afternoon flights ' 3 Nights, meeting held in this cltv yesterday M Starting pin-hod- a rail- Lodge of New Mexico, A. ami A. liim ngularly whenever ho pounds for a $5.000 side bet at Colma the aeroplane again raced with . !r. (coree McConm-ll- grand medical Thore wan a tinto whon Adama whs Langford is confident he can whip road train. It seemed to be moving yesterday at tin- morning session of FORM HOT. 1HURSDAY, In a examiner of the. Knights of Pythias t.oV'T KHAKI, a free lance tho west and had Ketchel and hopes by such victory to faster than the train. the ili-i- Lodge in the Mas. oil, Tom-- I ess agent ncourlng tho "country gain a day on chief physician of the Insurance CAN VAS pi bout with Jack Johnson. In the last flight of the and pic In city. K. 1,. is aa living In this Me.ller dep. j booking datos. Adams which Mr. Wright was accompanied department of the order, with head-iuarte- (x,d for Califor- OCTOBER li ty grand W. it. Walton of 21 then and enjojed tho reputat- re- toaster; Xew Denver Milliard Tourney Organized. by Lieutenant Lahm. the machine al Chicago, in session with nia, Mexico, ion of being- a eraek Houthpaw pitch- Xew York, Oft. 11. A tournament 19 minutes and 5 sec- City senior Craud warden; M. j or wherever you mained aloft llenera! Charles F. I.'asley of Santa IV, er. to revive the world's c hamplonsh J at onds the longest flight that has been l. Williams of Las V. cas, junior war- - may wander, lie's a right-hand- now, having the balk line game of College Howell Karnest of Clayton, 't. G. billiards made at Park. den; A. .1. Maloy of this grand WHITK IS. THE GREAT overeóme his old stylo of delivery ('.' shots In), has been organized by Lieutenant Henjamin 15. Fonlois will Solmcfcr, Dr. F. T. !. Fest ami C. M. treasurer, and Alpheus A. Keen of Al- - I after a long period of hard work. Now York enthusiasts. begin taking instructions from Mr. licrnhart of thin cit, comprising; the THE WM. H. HOEGEE CO. Adam.s' press agent nosed about un- The eontest will be hold in Madison Wright within a short time. Lieuten- ill rit-i- ii '. grand secretary board of trustees of the National l'yth- - I ! o - til he learned that an Important amo Simare garden, November 22. Kntries ant Foulols today gave Mr. Wright the rand master Johnsi siic- liieoriratcd. lan sanitarium, organized and incor- stt-- I), L. 138-10-- was scheduled between a eouple of ore limited to six and tin" winnder is government's check for $20,000 as a eeeds Cln of Ruton. 1 S. Main St.. Los Angele McEWEN porated. ha1-am- Independent teams. That was his one ( L. Medio during the past year i to receive the hanipionship trophy part payment for the machine which mooting night itiifl he sought out tho manager of one y. Tho extended into the been gram! wa Ion Mr and 40 ier cent of a purse of ,000 was purchased from the Wright many were worked out. It of tho clubs and made him a propo- - and detail Walton, giand junior w; rde Mr with u corresponding- shan of the brothers for the signal corps. Anolh- Is staled positively thai the work will sition which was aeeopted. Adams gate receipts. $10,000 making the total contract Maloy suet eeds himself a rcasurer. soon be on the sanatorium, - ; ;lh to pitch game if he won started Tin- I ra ml Lodge spent busy iImn Supreme Master Magician the and price or j;nt,uno win no pum wnen inei a $SV which will cost when complete over of in FAIR WILL KNOW was to receive and expendo. If re-- yesterday, tin iwth the order two army officers who have been j million dollars. Al tiist buildings to gf he Inst ho was to get only JACK ATKIN CAPTURES past few t a rs aihilni; greatly to eeiving Instructions, are pronounced cost $500.0110 Will be Is the money. generally won, as elected. It if necessary to Adams and icooinplished aviators. supreme the volume business he pitched two or three games a week RICHMOND HANDICAP announced that the chancel- tin- gathering World's Foremost Hynotist lor, supreme and mem be transacted at annual lid pretty well. ,!Ie. whs noon plucked si- sessions FEATURE RACE AT LAT0NIA constituting- Among tho attending the WHERE ITS Al by the Denver rlub and won his first bers the hoard of control lodge are the following: in the insurance department of the of the gran,! lio you enjoy a clever hypnotic eighteen games the first sea.son he X. .1. .1. ly. Sil- BUSINESS 10 supreme lodge will visit I. as Vegas In I'arker illack. pot formalice. Then ho Willi the pitched. Jamaica, Oct. 10. Jack Atkin, ver City; II V. Hamilton, Aztec: III lieeember, and lit that linn- the loca- crowd Thursday night. Adams had a rateher by the name well by Shilling, won i '. Clay- handled the tion will be upon It F. Johnson. Dr. J. Illack. IN A of I'ettni, a colored player, who was si to- decided and the W. Richmond handicap at furlongs contracts let buildings. ton; J. C. Hamilton and James pronounced as good a man Johnny for the Sil- IE as day, easily defeating a high class W. I!. 'I'h is means much to the city of Las Wilson, llosweil: Walton. Prices 25c, 35c 50c Kling by so able n judge of ball play- field. FIGHT FREIGHT J a Santa Fe; Vegas and the territory, lor the In- ver City; Nathan fa, ers as Krank Solee. Adams was al- was by M , II. A The lace marred Sir John stitution will be national in Its scope. T. li. ii LI Las Vegas; ways porry that Pottus was not able Johnson being left at the post. Rryan. L Vegas: John Spring. Clay- Pleasant Pastime of Aiidit'm;, to show his ability in organized base- This afternoon the local board took Queen broke in front but before the a run in an automobile lo Valinora ton; It. M Parsons. Itosweil: II. H. ball. He is now a successful prize-flght- passed Bills LIQUOR first furlong jade had been RATE RAISE ranch, where they wi! inspect the Kelly. Silver City: .1. S. the and Counting the CONSOLIDATED CO. in the west. Shilling lushed Jack Atkin into the W. Sullivan. Clovis; K sanitarium being conducted there flovis: John Now Successors to Melini A hail the big horse led by three W. I Clils-um- . Returns Occupies Fail Kakln and temporarily by the order in the ter- R. I'osgrove. Silver i'itv; and Iiui'hcchl ,t (iloini. lengths Into the stretch, ,iu,l flashed ritory. Roswell: K. !'. Phillips, Artosla: COAST LEAGUE easy In Officials, viioi.i:si.i: ix under the wire an winner the are no new R. W. Randall, I irdshurg S, T. ii:.i.i:us meeting Organization Res There developments in LIQUORS & fastest time of the 1:13 Commercial the bold house robbery of last night, Kansas City; A I!. Pratt. WINES, CIGARS I os Angeles 10: Oakland (I. Results: Proposed in which Mrs. Kale Sells was relieved Carlsbad: W. M Colson. Moinbres: "We will know where we are at in a We handle everything- - In our line.. Angeles., 13. to- six furlongs Sou won: olutions Declare A Ixs Oct. Oukland First race, of a large sum of money. The police .1. II I Lilt. San Martial, F. week or ten thus" said president W. Write for illustrated catalogue and K day by a 10 I,os Kwelles, eiity-Hin- score of to lost to Anavri, second: Louis third. Increase Will Disturb Trade arrested .several suspeels, but Mrs. StanililV, Joseph T. Fanning. William C. Tight of the Tw t h Annual price list, Issued to dealers only. Angeles. Time, 1:15 Sells was unable to Identify I.ittleJohn, lv K .MoNatt. I! W. Wil- New .Mi o fair. elo. at lair . Telephone 111. race, one Con- them. Score: It. ,'l.E. Second and and Is Not Justified by liams. ,1. W. Stone. W. C. Reals. (iiarlers y "Just at pres.-n- Los Angeles 10 10 1 miles Quantlco won; Arondack, sec- -. ',. W i i. . Rlaekshar- W. ard. R. F. we are pr My busy," ainl he pointed C IS 5 ond; May 1 ; 4 S. ditions, - Oakland River, third. Time. Hare, (tciitwood; A l lioblenberg. to a slight mound rising front a pvra- Tozer, Third race, one and Hatteiies: Thorsen and BELIEVE j c. Jones. .1. F. Frank mid of hills which Pr. sl.loiii Tight miles Captain won; Clon-nadean- e, SHUBERTS GUARD Tonne.son, Christian and Swanson Johnson. San Marcial: .1. A Massle, stated was secretary Al. Maiun lug DAN 10 Thomas. Ten (By Morning Journal nocetat Leaard Wire) I second; l'aocs, third. Fe; II. C. (building, Santa lo g. his head a h.n linn Til- - Time, 1:49. Oct. 19. any pro Sania Cincinnati, That W. II M. Vi. vers, lialluii; John A. mot'iilm; aníllente at lai head o At- Kan I'lancl-c- 0. Fourth race, six furlongs Jack posed general advance in fri'ight rates i - . 5: liivtluud A Jenkins. Roswell: A 11. I'.rown, F. P ti it tors lias been la r,- ml in husias. Oakland, Oct. 10. went kin won; Kose Queen, second; Half will existing business comm WINNER I. Portland disturb COINE Martin. John A. Coulter. Ralon; tic for the past ral creilllors OCCUPf FINLAND down to defeat Sun Francisco Sovereign, third. Time, 1:13. ons that such nn advance is not w il before anil M Alexander, liatón: J. P. MeVnlty. appearing h lo ir hills In iulil and today, tho rolling up race, one ami vigorously con league leaders Fifth Justified and will be Cerrillos: Jet rv Onion. La Venas: early and slaying tat The hills are a 5 miles Mate won: sec- organ- . score of to 0 by timely hitting and illack Nimbus, tested by the leading shippers Raton; VeV Rll lliostlv in now how or luil tln'le H because of mlsplays. ond. Time, 1:48. tThre.. starters; was f. S. Wnrlev. the northerners' ization of the country, the tenor Central: 1'. Wilkinson, a. lot ol w ol be doll. aintiting fell. ) Counted Amona Stellar Procluc sell, Urand Army Coips to Sec to It Score: II. K. Lord Stanhope adopted today at a u;-i- That ii. of resolutions S. Spitz. Sania R. W. sano ami l ii; u III.- finalloial San 8 0 Sixth race, si furlongs Marlgot Clovis: Francisco f meeting of representatives of shippers Marcial; KllollSteln, si. Has o the lair now hat all if. over 4 tions; Comes Fiom Land Hovt, San Wishes of Czar Are Observed l'oitland 0 4 wroi; Iloola ltoola, second; Top Xotch, organizations P.-.-- and other commercial Mattoon. 111.; 'bo. W. u. and the lornnll ami the shouting ha Halterios: Henley and Merry; Ouyn third. Time, 1:14 from, many parts of country held Which It the Produced "The Merry , .: Chas, lio Fiske Terr. died. Tin fair olfio ais say looks by Reluctant Grand Duchy. and ! isher. lonin. Kan hero. ; S 'I l "at u rioht Sa lib in utilising luil they wont know 1,'esulls i't Latonia. was to discus- Widow," Haute The day devoted the M. '1 Vat.-- Clark m IK. Mo n for sonó- da s Vol Cincinnati, 1 9. Crystal Maid, Fe: non 1: Suoraiiienlo I. Oct. of freight II A it Ml H If.! Illy Kim-U- I sion the situation and St.-p- illla .1. J II, ar. lo.iilin tin- r. in Murninc Journal I ! n ire Sacramento, Oct. 10. Vernon do- - well handled by Jackson, won the II. F was determined at once to inaugurate St i let ID - A report la Mare Ibis. Midi fe.ited Sac ramento today, 4 to 1. handicap, the feature event at a strong in opposition to The Shubcrls. who are sending on: movement A A. Keen, n elei ten to v II. K. today, by lengths from Mr. CHIT, nt t.iila orders hud been Sco'e: K. three the contemplated advances, h com- this season more real nil ructions then In-l- seen tariship. has thai .1 Vernon 4 10 0 Hanbridgo. Tom Mayward, other slugh-coun- Ho Pi,, mobilization of the mittee being created whoso duty it ha,) ever been li ie ease with a twenty-ti- years, his elec- the First 1 office for 4 3 starter, was Summary: p- - n Sacramento outclassed. shall be to propagate a campaign of producing firm. among their being the lwont six! h u oi He guard pn :iuiin-- i Eh-ina- furlongs--Ton- y tion yesterday Halterios: Sliaftr and llrown; n First race, seven to stellar offerings. i In Vieii- - In education on freight rates and hav 'orinne. the time he has been chosen to servo to Co- oe. a mi of l'inlan.l. and m Faust won; Stone second; I 1st en I.nnse. Street. all the powera of the Ronera confer- nose operetta Mil M hi I." Important capacity. Mr. K-- Warden, Time, 1:30 that While U i si v;a t ion ved 1 c- - third. ence in dealing with that subject. original product! n with tlv grounded in Masonic law and bis tile Second race, one mile Ronnie Hard ghty-lh- t I, . OHIO AUTHORITIES NOT comedienne ami a east of i 'f long service in the Now ilraml l.o, lie o ma Mio ii a Iso eslabllsli-- won: Merrick, second; FJdorado. 1, - comes to the K s theater r Moii- l.odire has rendered his si very .1 h. li ml o., oeoii jut lions of LOOKING FOR TY COBB third. Time, 1:44. day. to tile organization. 111 hi may one-ha- lf furl- valuable the ml Hie lalte pirn e If it Third race, five and be - "Mile. Misihief was imported, elected yesterday alter- , t I t ong!- Howdy Howdy won: Lan- CLOUDBURST RITS The officers It ne. hits t nforce the Liu i ,m a land which w ih-i- i ' i the Shnhcits, f noon ill he tnsta na Id. CM of Ho Man gt el nnieiit ier, second; Autumn Rose, third. few- preeod- - Columbus. O., Oct. 19. It was Mut- knows música In Alis- ev iiimr I failures ceremonies late this A Land In Mellóla ed at the governor's office today Time, 1:10. Irla, which gave os Merry Wil- th newly ole tod that "The lug the installation fríms-f- III, It 111 nt; nth of the ilti- - no a Fourth race, one mile, seventy urns out names of ra application luid been made for ow," eat h suet ee ling season ers u ill unni muí. the i won; TEX S TOWN offit pi ll till r.l has returned to the I'- yards Crystal Maid Hanbridgo, t requisition for Ty Cobb, Detroit from two to Hire genuine r ats and. s. looted to till the appointive I the second; Tom Ilayward. Time, those hal to tal poison charge of till ll lM. baseball Jlayer. in Cleveland, third. With n of tin- "Merry during tl"-Th- omiag i ear wanted 1:4B the excepté ófricos h o no is In Ih, event they a Re- is said to Ro ,1 Arch hapter will lor attacking hotel employe. race, furlongs Widow." "Mile. .Mischief." Craii.l or.l. .Hit. ports Fifth six Melissa lo VI a I' tomorrow niorn- - 'Mm hud Leon sent out from Cleve- he one of the st nía. operas conven- al " won; T. M. (Sreeii. second : Morse Abe, - land that was be- by M r seen on Ing In Rio Crand chapter hall. Ma- Cobb's extradition third. Time. Heavy Property Loss Caused this .do. ing delayed becnused of Governor l:lti The score, by Zielwr, is sonic Temple. Harmon's Sixth tacef six furlongs Royal Re- Deluge at San Marcos; Cotton many gems. Absence from the state. port won; La veno, second; Diiiuesne, of the numbers New York opera so well thai LEON HERTZOG third. Time. I:l Into River, liked the AUTOMOBILES PUT CRIMP Wholes,,!., mill Itetllll Health Convention Opens, Washed it remained on Rioadwav. first at the riiehmond, Va., Oct. 19. With pub- Casino ami then the Lyric, for eight IN CARRIAGE BUILDERS Hay and Grain, and All Kinds of Native lic health officials and prominent MRS, GUGGENHEIM SEEKS work of Sid- Product. (Mr Morning Jouruul HssidsJ Wlrel months. Doubtless the physicians present from all parts of Uuri ney w I, did 501-50- 3 ANNULMENT OF DIVORCE San Marcos, Tex., Oct. 19. A Rosenl'el.l. the American Pilous JtS N. First St. Cor. Msrquctte Ave. the Fnited Canada, .Mexico, t Ant-hav- hH States, loiulburst struck this city arly to- version for the Shuberts. had much 'n P'. Culm America, an- and Central the day, causing a heavy property loss. to do with establishing ".Mile. Mis dis.Iated carriages to h an nual convention Pub- of the American Chicago, Oct. 19 The case wherein Ten inches of rain has fallen within chief In sin li high regard for Mr exi til that carriage build lic association opened here to- Oraoe It. to have n oxseii- - day Guggenheim seeks Hie past twenty-fou- r hours. Fifteen Rosenfebl bus in.te, most ol.lig- tl lo retire from busin. her divorce from William hundred bales of cotton were washed lial element - ooiedy. vote attention to the nstr I Special Attentiont Given lo STOVE RfPAIRS helm granted by Judge K. F from a platform Into the San Marcos Moreover Coiiniie is said to hav Hon of automobile bodies. 1. KING OF ENTERTAINERS in Chicago, eight years ago, tinnull river. Many houses In the lowlands the most, suitable pint she has played In off. . t, this was the stal.-- came before Judge Honore, today. were flooded but no loss of life has Tor many seasons The fact that in. ule today by Mauri, e Connolly ( ENTERTAINER OF KINGS Mr. Dunne, now a private citizen, been reported. li had much to do wild tie- Shu- I minion.-- la., president of tin- j NATIONAL I0UNDRY COMPANY filed the petition as a friend of the The flood which followed the cloud- berts putting lo r under Sic lag. : i National i all. ai ,1 in- be- . i court declaring that he had been burst washed awny several hundred first saw the ,,p,-r.- in Vienna long of the I'lliled Slat' s. hii'll "I eie Correctly styled ' King of he had been misled in t of fore thought of i)i ing-in- g h. re in its lliii I ii annua1 in elin " Entertain- formed that le. the track of tho International the Shuherts ers and "F.ntortaincr of Kings'' is granting divorce. Judge Honor.' it í a and it was inalnl-- William L. Hal!, assislalll Ion St. I the the and Croat Northern railroad and the to Anu . Oren considera- i t ion tío- agricultura ib ,ai no. in. warn-- McTwen who will open a three declared he would give due station of the Missouri, Kansas anil through lo r that tin of i night engagement hi the F.Iks' thea- tion to the statement that Mrs. Texas was completely suroumled by piece was secill' d. d the asso. iall-.- thai the supple of ter starting Thursday. As a magician seeks pecuniary benefit In water. All tlv cotton which whs h.u.pv from ii lii. h lio- bodies of Albuquerque Foaadry & Marinas Works ,,r- ciirriag--- a MeKw en gives H pel fórmam e appearing in the case. washed Into the river was recovered. both nl.. mobiles MEXICAN STARTS FIGHT n nuil to iny in this line. Special It Is alleged that when the divorce letl. wis oiiniin-lii- r:i t nery and mechani. nl effects are was Ixdng sought Mrs. 5 uggeiiheiin C. i: Kltigor. the JewebT. 10(50 Vir- TO EXTRADITE GUERRA and that ill In.-ll- ..ns it would rri.d in order that this portion of testified that she was a honl fide res- ginia Ave., Indianapolis. Ind., writes: a. l i. .. lie - xha ii t d the program he presented In a thor- ilient of Illinois whereas she now "I was so weak from kidney trouble Two Good Moldors ough í.-- 1 loll-Il- l lleolioclalioll manner. claims she was not a resident of this that I could hardly walk a hundred Kagle Rass. '! ex . let TIl' i a l r. Tin- Mr. MeFw.-- has earned the title of slate and therefore the Illinois courts feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Mexican govcrnue lit started its light Rrus Is. Niol.-li- U Hi- Ho- fnn-mos- b a 1. in in world's hypnotist. n did not have Jul isdii tion. cleared my complexion, cur- lure today lb' xtradltlon of Cal-I- made atta W.TP.tcd l"i Milu ,. ptiti- - to. lav Willi f- - must not lv confused with so- - ed my bat kache and tho Irregulari- Ixto Otierra. an a ged revoluti-m- i l. ha of ailed 1 Mho . Iltie-- of hypnotists who have done much ratal tirade t ropins Crash. ties disappeared, and ean now at- (barged with murder, arson an, J rob- elell.' t.. t" bring this science In to disrepute-- . Columbus, Ci,i.. Oct. 19. Two tend to business every day and rec- bery in outlet with the uprising Then .1 ot I) Ho -- II. s I - an le. class ench evening will consist of women were killed outright and an- ommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all at ljis Vegas a liu-rr- his n 'an ial proininmt men rfoni the audience and other seriously injured here this sufferers, as It cured me after the been in Jail sun - last January. li- - I : P hi 'lii e Mtiuqneiqiie fonrdiry L Machine Works these sub). , ts will lake a keen de- afternoon whn a switch engine ran doctors and ither remedies had fail- llas the support of the himno f,,r the The light In work. into and demolished a street car. ed." J. II. O'Reilly. & Co. protection of political refugees. nn nl assah.-lll- S ul-- d. V- C ..I,., :.s.

1909. 4 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20. wwwwwwwwwwwwww..-- w ofiic-iu- l i pent proved hnrmlenn. mountalrui. Every nunimer they leave flnlnli for ht lito. For tlivrr like wap . III Samples From the 1 their farm lit valley for several i t A Few a,8 a, mm m unü toindry ri'dwuin tliit. anil til The bread is nuido from rough corn the t k m : wei( and put In crops on the moun-tali- Iiurgaiii t'ouiiu-r- ntlir-- mciiiljcr liin own hoiiírnuld meal and baked iijxm k red hot none. of then ro back In harvest time 25c Cups and Saucers or Albuquerque I Nt .j of the litrnliiK nfculimt him mmf for X'xnl It rem tiibhtnee the work and potatoes, wheat and HINAWARF Plates 19C If morning journal p Rather their iio,i. wiini fur liad rmon", nd tut-- ha:i Riven it the Amcrhani'fd oats. Res. GOe and 75c Cups and iuJinri'-n- Not name, "huriift'a in bread." but the farming ! .Saucers Secret Societies (Official Newspaper of New Mexico J ..nit lur i'iion. The altitude where dry ,..34c M iTv w lio teí u?fs Mr. Indian haiiii- - in 'KuayaveK." bcinjr dono on the Zuni mountains is Sam Kee's Five Cupa and Saucers, Reg. (tie i 7,000 0(1 il II SIXOM) price now 480 Published bj i:uiiion ni! unti-lfi't- piitriot. nnt Alter he hf u to hi train ubout to feel. 215 SO IT sTnF.m. lie, Fevt-ra- l H. YounK . , . M m ai vn y -- nr t. n od T. F'rr!dtril Tail (ald for the bread tears ai?o John atavia JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. rni.:.titnt of Callup plowed ten three ...... i.n.. liittititinntinmini fifiij. I mnvic ri'aKiun for notrit; and tried Itf t.inte. He preferred, iaris. A. F. A A. L Thif mUra Cud'' A. MACPnRKSON i t'utt of Callup. altiluue Temple lodge fc, P. ,Prbiit Of íiúV'.-r- crltii'imn vcU'J ut tuin. hone". tu -.e il a. a curiosity to Ka. a. P. ft a. M W ... , kdiiur th" feet, planted potatoes Indian corn KlKhK Cltjr fcdimr iojivtii'i and Regular meetings first and JAMK H. fcLACK of wonr.;"; tln'ic ft rtiuvh IJ cstiiiR it at dihntr. or.d harvested n jleld of the for- third ft. u. WIUUfiT ... .A4v(l!!t - lare Thur3duy In each month. Mlmr ht nrrin In thj- p.u k unappins ut hi Two etatehoiid sperehen were mudo u of latter by Harry -- mer and fair troi the Eraun. worshipful liiy itrd lio I'cif cuttitooliiw." b today, one In liallup, ymr In maater; J. a, AM. the dry farming methods. I.ust ler, secretary. '. fitrr4 Mní tin "nutor-rat,- Us Show "ct-r,- nil,! n on. lth ir i Let W. oniJrt nhere lile f rt iyi In New Mexico had Rood yield of potatoes and this puatultlra at AUimt'iti. J. Rio Grande chapter No. 4, it. A Uf trf i t Mart- S. 1 out Invliiif thv frnnt' ri ronctt mi nt n in ide. flad in thin city. In both year the crop looks line. The stated convocation Mr-You- second Thursda v. f of and others who hut it is ho iinp aoont, he l oliiinitt' d himec-l- to tatliood, an of each month. C. O. Cuanman, rut-Ikaii- farming in this high tit mormvo jomvAL i Wli-- ri fore, continue our promlMd in tin- - Chitaso phitfiirrn, and have followed dry priest; Harry him i.v FAetm or i county fur n of yearn shows Braun. secretary. u, mmri i ontrmporury, vo ore motfd to plainly of linen be fol- number You What Pilgrim commatidery No. 8, i itit. mite mr talked the to K T Hrin e that crop can be grown by these UK 1HK HUH HI '("AN AIL 1HK i on that Mr. Purwmit will lowed when wan stated conclave fourth Thursday VIDK, AMI Til MMfllW OP TWC K the territory ialld methods over the entire country. Fair- of f.iMtard rra ut ol , each month, exeept M Ml KAN I AHI WIUS IUE AMk. .ilh hl intrif upon to mnke a o.iMit::tion. ly Mexican corn, beans, purnpkinn. November and "pciilii r iI uiiml.-t.ikHbl- v in December first Monday. kWkt. th" "V. hypt- our n potatoes, oats, wheat and kafflr corn Edward c i liavt- - Ih We Have Allen, eminent commander. Harry XI HWKII'IIO.M. inrv omit. r brin iuínk win live to Fve New- Mexico :i state," do well up to 7.00U feet, find Instame f TMittS Of l . rii!ii-riB- Braun, recorder. " uní i tin- ln tMtlr, tarrl.r. (in i K"oJ the niijf.ti ! it e Upend which Mute been reported of potatoes, dlil Ó. lr ta Hallut Abyad temple A. A. N. M iMUf, br mi.aib !orüliliii'i ami ".ui cod i " and wheat being crown In altitudes ml. (trerte Mr Ta't at C.illup, and hin S. Regular meeting the Beeond MonI of All t';innnn for ci i l . ' a whii" un hlfcll an 9.1)00 feet. protni-- f lo aid in ir.ak'.iiif the territory day of each month. I., it. Chamber. etrrntnlhn tbaa aiber PP i I believe if dry arming In practiced 1 For the itfi atnf part, how M h taLnf Ihn mmir saper it, a state v):i wildly cheered. a Space For Bargains Hn, potentate; Harry G. Dullard, re. Utlr. - here nclehlificnlly failure nf This ( - ilnt.i il III support of tin- that Watch Mmir er sar J'- Women app'ared for the first lime will more, than corder. :c lnt - lit,-- iropn not be known hiLr hrtn y.iifui- ttid iin urn ! e. Mr. l'.al-lj- bo fclsber it upon a lommitie,. ,t probably once In lift-i- n years, when T Maniac Him n to nrüijf mitas JulI ccirda la " l'aronH opportunity tthiih nrsuen for uoman'H snf-frui- there might be a very dry seanon and A. o. r. w. ar nnj i. I.U ui-- s ll,.r txr In albaqutrqiw the whole nntr.n. rrfy "Unmi lo In no rain duriiiR rainy Beason of Benefit lodge No. i, A. O. U. Vf all la ! Amerita"" that Hate when admitted. the 3 Fine Single Drivers .tllrt."T. liopi- - hi- - 11 if IK Meets at A. O. U. W. 817V." Nasnapapa Identic i''ij:." ufnl '.if not 'I'on't put .ii jour constitution a July and August. hall, n, Ij t - It - ,'iin.l Saddle Horses South Second street, (ippnitii lai!ur- to do as n - 5 Fine second and a.- to th.. of linen Mondays. . yr.vr '('ntioiiKiy nu pow-iulf- . A hei-t- . fourth A. D. Johnson, auirtirRjiic muko up. .lit ret to be ii,o d in a liot'-l.- nald the 1 Shetland Pony master workman; V. II. Long, re- trai'-rc- i .i hi., initial :n i Iiui b.- - Am Mi aked n.ition Pi.HiiPiit. "it in. iy that they U f corder. Ijc- - ii r i Nature up an innur I e oxi: iimii THI.V or:i:ixMK. Thai fit ought Ui he of a ' size f.vinj.a-(hiz- -- iin-- Ih - tin-pa- t ut ijru r hrrpiy il'í Iki- ii villi, 1. ut tin m not constitution in- - B. P. O. K. In i ( the Our contempt.rut tii'H ii i l ''il (in llnit i . t The llrlbrook Aikus relates democratic proper pic to pi it." Auctions Every Saturday at 10 o' Clock Albuquerque lodge No. 461. 0. 8. a - - who New Mexico experience KrM deal tin- f.iitl. and ir- tires'tiiiR narrative ot the hear McLandress, E. A.; Hoy McDonald in finding ft at una i.f the tiii irp-- Ivt I of illffluli him Ktan.l or fail. The Mlví ,l t MN. got tired, of r!di!,(r In the Make and of saddle horses in the south- secretary; meets Becond and fourth law which tiiy tail i" i j I.i t iHlth'i.l in" We have the finest string Wednesdays plcKent tariff iouiitry to iniKli. hiked for the timber as follows: each month at Elks hall, II IIIH(ITUI) Hi IllUllliai. till IMK Ji Ik lim- - i.p" OF Mien English pigskin and corner Gold avenue and sires'! Hi.' MW i" "put up nr Autuiiiii lumn' to lose her - west. Our equipment consists of Fifth 'h'.t Tin- Presentí attorney!!, while In at- rflla in i.uHi'li to the retilibil-oi- ii in tin- - thrtH'viu-'- l on tin- - rr- - lernper nonv; stock saddles. We furnish you with puttes, riding i tendance at court at Saint .lolini this pol( t pp.t. ilion, f i there- vpoii' ir:.- and An'. y u.-- i'ttili'-i- l Ili ad of She soil o' i;iis lo b l in' an' In. r O. H. weeK, for dollar I. u ; - became acquainted with a black skirts, crops and a good saddle horse ONE Elnlgkolts loge No. 70. D. 01 fore ".ill thi'lr attention, in tlio n ul li a n majority in tin- li'ui(.r manner' niiuutt cluin. O. H. - hear bearing Meets every Second and lllllllOI Ij t'i mu- K""i p'"'1 of i I'l l i .ii ntiulvi . Hh( piclin off :il flurry an' Ih'onx the name of Moses. The for THREE hours. 25 cents each additional hour. Fourth Tues- -- se, day In the In Mlii.h Ihi ) h;m ovi'rln'.ki '1. Wo i' It to de gioun' aciiuaintanceiship med to be one of month Red Men's haiL love Fred Brosey, O. B. - U v at first BiKht on both sides with fcr M the iluU' vhlcli tin- .il l : f-- An' has u fit o' tthüe de fx.i: iti(l-- in oitk. the result that said Moses was pur- Riding School & Livery li'vii-- sli.'itl' Wi' Wright's ni'fn .liir. Bather 'rouij'. chased by the aforementioned leual Decree of Honor, A. O. IT. W. It In wi II kniMvn to mII !)! ('if At tnv llinlfvri- - Fulton In ,i Imh luminaries. The sianc line agreed to 313 W. Silver Ave. Phone 241 Chief of Honor, Margaret WerniDf; a l "li.iOi" infi'i niiitl'in i t:ii-- i 'li.rf nt ritfliir.i;. .i- Vork. .ludB" I.. An' i de r.anny siiiilin' come a Uunnpoit ihe animal lo Holbrook. Recorder, Etta B. Allison. Meet first tin- - itilnci-.- rc.mii.'i ul thlM l'i' ''tur)', Hiaili'oi'l I'liti'i. of tiiíM inntoiy Unl i r.'t'pin her face. where he nan to he .sent to l'rescott and third Mondays at Odd Fellows' f tii'1 fcit An' Mailt On a valuable addition to Hint city's hall. ii Neil' Iik;. u Ii.ii enmi' itn ii ot Xi h Vork, majf tiif prin- the tai,tn to scalier golden f ri already famou.s zoo. About six miles rih-- t (li'iiiiniN tu be IOn rid cipal ndcri-M- o,' Un- onriflori. n rid hi'-pf- ' iiif's ni'iinn' ,i. place. Vt'lii-- from the city, the hear, undoubtedly un tin' A MHTic 'i i untliii ni, hut i li L-- pritilnl in full in tin. de fruits lipe an' ready an" a i papim tiring of the ride, from his Albuquerriue Aerie No. 185, Fra- to tin- - tlii't pi niH-- i Jilt l)t de nuts begin to fall. - lnK fiut of spi'.ik or il, box and hiked himself heme. The There are TWO MINERAL SPRINGS in Coyote Canyon- ternal Order of Eagles. Meets first, - IJU1 o V e,,( a uniilnjfil in tin- milnv of .Mcvii um an i ffort of rare nu rit, .: k sht'.t lotcly disposi- lotto mm not notued liy the stage and third Tuesddys of each -nt month at ni ii pllif not i k idiiiR filly and nay thai nt t.n i mn hlmi tin- - tion, after ail: driver until his arrival here and the The Harsch Bottling Works 8 p. m., In Red Men's hall, West Gold h tiny In Minldin fIIht, r ohnut iti'-- midli iii f yvhii h h. id lli ti'iicij in '.iHhinjrion Star. attorneys lio wen- ture awaiting his avenue. President, Leo Zanons; i , arrival were u i'ntH in nor ilion Hit tin. f jn aic r tli nun l,cd iiiti rem, disappointed bunch. Control and Dottle the Famous Water that Comes from Their's secretary, Coral F. Roberts, 412 West f After putting their heads together oulliiit of oni v.luv mi mulfl ii"' ll 111 nil ntl!llM,)illi' votr of Till: III I! LAW I alio Lead avenue. lIIT. making out a most excellent case lompct tMtli ll.i pi oilm ln if mi' Ii tluinl.t;. Innt p. tin- ad- - tr rnal of sgniriHl the hear defendant, they nent lubor, bi'ium-- Ami-rloiii- i min"i ijii-n- nu it a Th. s ..nrl of on,. Ohio town claim a FRATERNAL BROTTIEnHOOD. inintid nlnmn that in man out on his nail, with ilt the Albuquerque lodge 388, work t iiUJt l f'lli'. IliiTffoi tho jnrii;i''s lwipp and for. cful It. al the javt aie he,oin;i,K so that the hear was captured and No. Fra- Hi'-ll- l k.-- ternal Brotherhood; meets In Elks ull tin' nine iiiiiu mi fur clflp "f m.'. and liiilui Iihvi. Ihm ii r. ni t slii, t that if h man sits down brought to tow n ihe ik xt day. .Sheriff , We of Polished Plates, Window tnir-i-t- carry the Largest Stack lodge room, first and Mondays Iihvi- - hrt ll i liici 'l, ;it"l Mil of mir htv fDiik in tlio i.f and make, a I, el ttitli himself Joe Woods saw the hear shortly (liter third It ( Si of each month. Presiding officer, nuriplt'!! ih-I- Iihvp Ikph i oni-lii- tow. .'.t lilt t .It- In- ui'-- r n s in aped and with his Iriisty auto- "t lliui hi'w had K.m.e of ditaiie he liable and Fancy Glasses in New Mexico, When in need Mrs. E. C. Dye, matic took a i Whitson; Frances fur "r p.i mi from old Mini'". hik'Ii a cotr pfi'innin part. tai itrnst for Batnhllnif. i shot at him at long range. The hear received secretary. Hut In ( t ui;iliiR of I Ik- hp i.mfT a slight on prices. tlif wound it of Glass write or call us for l about the nek. being one nf l.ilr'Iy Ivo tint y 11 i e I'resl-tli-i- ii Ull', it Vim ik ii:Ksffti':T m: muko SiakiiiK o' ti nieitinii "f the luckiest Joe G. A. R. , - shots that iter made. Ufiiiti Kim- orí-- und un a i Tall and I'linlthiil lima, ihe San Inasmuch as the prominent members G. K. Warren post No. S, G. A. R. - (Ilk AMtmuh the local papi-- haw-In-il- l IICIiri- illiilll tHtlollH of liiut liii lui FlaPcisio I'hroniele says: "These i'T Ihe Arizona bar were hent on AND COMPANY Meets at I. O. O. F. hall first Satur- - llllid t.. vt i t It tin-d- i SUPERIOR LUMBER MILL hV( jjTPiitl (lliiiintilu'd. Tin- 01VIHT- ovfrflnuuiir ineetlna. are lift Ir.i the Iraii.-u- lion brlngirg that hear to l'rescott alive, day night of each month II. B. iHi'.K wt Pr. Mit.-n- t r iliic propi-rtl- n. In vurlniih p.iit of Taffs tr. into of huaunss. mil lor the creation of which was duly accomplished. .Steward, post commander; J. O. Cald- J ii nd thi X.'iv Mi It v :t In- - well, adjutant. fi uro now íniplly n m . k r. ot'tiii ilio, a and , ountry tcrrilfvi. senlinieni. this rliould nut - t of moil, or jntfi'i--.- (iiifU- (iff . niakiiiK i:T!i!'KiT,ii-ii- to r- ; vi iiiatli't to our lontiiiue lo dtpiite itself of one nf Mill ' 4 - Tilll.. I. : n '!..' to j..,. luí i iln- Jour- Jfin.le tills me young O. O. F. llifir iciIiif.i, r.i 'in ...t.v fiiat the most une fu! which m pres-it- h sirtl'i.i Woodhy proposed la.--i Harmony lodge 1, nal uf In- i.uli lii nay iihout to her night. No. I. O. O. F. opt ri'tli'ii urc vi ii in. "" ululii tit t a:i reiiiter. hi Ihe I K'ia It, maintain í.ilüe don't think know Mm. Meets every Friday night at I. O. O. Iv. and in, idi utally what thry say ah.-ur- flllil New líoii o xiii" j k.iii.iI k in ai'ithiuati d mid d tradition, hav-Iii- h Is he w ell 'oft F. hall. South Second street. H. J. abmit Xi Mi-xl- . o. I'ntumiif. f MMppriir in llii' in. u kit of hp(.. no foundation In I uv, that n pres Tillii He s. Fouts, noble grand; N. E Stevens, (hit iltHpnd hen fhiti'd refund fVIALOY'Sj Thin nwt il mía pul on tlio lifl lioni Arhurpicr. ident of (lie Unit.', states must never Mm Fc.'haii-.- '. secretary. , it Mil Ik - mlfd fu II. miMi'it. hiiM' p4i.-.- s Albuquerque 4, liy tin- only ileiimi i mi'- l.itifl e ImVi? i. i,i,' tin- hound. ,i of his own Encampment No. I. St npi' .iriil in iwp. in of Xrrt 0. O. F.. Meets 7:3f). In llltv .warn, n nil tino itili hoii;i" thf Voili country." first and third mid from Un' Little Side Tuesday of each O. ovfr.pln I'l'iiiilil'il to rrmitiii i.lj, ohitnlnium report Talks With month at I. O. F. priritíd I.i th,. - hall on South Second street. J. J, r Iltiald ropy tin- I hot umlt-- liu Al Kinliy IiiiiR A .ii i en i iiiiis nil foDnwhiK xiniiiiliai .Marathon the. Editors cribo; T. F. Kings, chief loy h' ln ilul' , tfils litiuii Ii uf (Kir lulu-l- n w.,e reporte,) in t n news cn-- ' la.e i , X. M Ftlday.- - Inilitiy liilns In tin AliutiPTuiH-- I.i'av- mills netierallv on Saturday last ill (.(id lillfl (hn 'f.tlloi-- . Triplo link Rebekah lodge No. 10, IhK politl. ,1, ' Hat. hood and tin- rail- ,1 n 1. O. triut ed tu ii rendition of nnooijoii five I.iks, and cnteiiiptirary siir-tievt- Hon't Judiie a lnan by ),s r,,(hrs. Fresh O. F. Meets second and fourth road In l fiii ltidp," hut h'ti l!ic f.n U ei nina iiltftnoti for un hour that optimists will rv in this Cod made one and the tailor made th. Tuesdays of each month at I. O. O. F. i Tn ft iliintn-- a other, hall on tirouxht In tli" Hdi'iitlnn uf lliv hoiifK-- rri'rid.iit dü.'tv Ifdito an indication of the ttane nf the Mar-illh'- rion't Judge a man by his fam- South Second street. Mrs. l In i ily, Oat Henrietta It.iiley, J. omiiilit'O uí f.iln (y Ho- ili'l'n.iti' t!if d'i it and KvlimiRi-- a friend- f fr.r Cain helongs to a good fam- Flakes secretary; Mrs. H. f ly ' ily Diin't Judge Fouls, noble grand. fintii the t rrilnry, Ihr " hnu'' nlth Hi,. Indian nt l.u (;ulla n man by his failure iir in life, many Hominy ' FELT l Pit. Mo. ,sittlnK u. for a man fails because primiptly rictor'-i- in Hi.' i)iiil(itl Mm. a tovi icd mi ner Is Ihe piml-ta- uhl, Ii nr, I h ians . Is p!.i:-a- - ,1 -- he to hon. st to i. o. n. of the In which tin- and lake ah, i, ,i w Inn tin y tan for the succeed. Don't b. It wtil iilnu be i cuM'iiil.i ri il. thounti imk judge a man by Albuquerque lodge S38. Wal- a.JolH- . - the hiiuse he lives Grains of Gold No. illlai-.- Li Htiniped. In- nitni-t',- 1 pole any akin to the "(an" which in. SHOES and y iinpliMMinlly, ty prcipli- of liaii',1 ker N. Jaffa, president; Neu-stad- t, i vil tin' a for the ami the rat often Inhabit Samuel In lil.h nli)i brutes, wiin Milliner t'Liiii' got v.lnn ho started MrKkll, tllul till' Hit lllf d'lliorl ,irc the grandest structures. When a man Whole Wheat Flour secretary. Meet the first snd .W Ion up for Uhina .' - ll linn li.'ivo tile trail for the third Tuesdays imítf lit ilnw n lb" t it i for tin- dies they who aurtive him ask what SLIPPERS each month In flu fllMOH, took pall. vestry rooms of illiui of fon ign mil. muí thiie-li- y property is there h it behind: the an- Buckwheat the temple. Il wan a Set. i., western i niisidi , Mr-nl- evfiie of rlotoun tdlor. in stales ate gel who bends over dying- men nilui i ii prl. o o( v i u'x asks We just reccivcil the Idea of t hate Ilia red, n hiih the dear-i- v the ditidin.T themselves what good deed he - K. OF P. ri al Htujilf to mu Ii n oh flKuri' Unit Indian has before Pancake Flour tii(ist liiK- of the cric hrnicil f . Into or more hope him. Melrose Mineral lodge No. , of l.m pn domliiaifd. In h' epai o rails. We no Fnterprlse. I o i I It- - It-I- t Knlehts it wan not mili i'hlppinK. Iliur,v-lylii- io ti l c t (.ikiiU for men. ev-- r , Pythias, meets every Monduy night In hie limn nut- hlindii'd f i t inch notion will enter Khode i cliililrt-ii- for i lie of Kiiuare Etc. Moint-i- anil jf.itíi 'iHpiiit ihf - tho Elks lodge room. V lulling mem- .iiln r.-- :!iui of the Im Uunii-- . Mand'n head Washinuton Ifeiald. Pint; Lit,. ItniKli. IVIl Sliipcrs ttitli felt soles. ! rrllory It m vtolnlnfiil vh;it un bers cordially invlied. O. A. Burtner, v,.l!i- (I ' v..i!ln and doni v. s. Pelt Slippers Willi leather soles, i i " i lui of a;.? cincd Ilia failed to notice ihat keeper of lliiit "torititi'r thi niiotiM irini-lliing- s. records and seals. in I" spniil.l'd th.-n- i Socorro's h.isi-hul- is .luliclcs ttitli splendid fur il - li ni.- - in n wlih In th.. DRY FARMING IN McKINLEY team making the nio, i. party llil uit'i'i - High Shoes (lolh '.'Hi'!' ol Hi:. in whli. ii veiy beat ,,f tin- otln r l ams of the ttitli nil li.'IXi' lii'n It h lo the tun1 1 the K. OF C. I'oliu ti. hiK'i hat COUNTY SUCCESSFUL. southwest sit up and lake notice'.' lops roved ttiih plain i of r.i'v ei i.c.i' .if i Albuquerque 641, I of 1 .11 1.' 1.1 Ii. !e on Cnrit, Council No. fit il'itiii' i; l.-- i or iMttciil leaf her lips. They tl:i I d Socorro i'h, crtnin. no! i Ii ,,i i ,,f c KniRhtn of Columbus, meets first and mi' iiui--t lui'-- i of our oin iir.u. will to toil the meaning i'l pl.iie tile ll.diaiw I pi'.THii . .1 Un- i;... (Miiiiiit- third Thursday of each month In t I'!'' M'.i.s M uiindlatid Ii! Farming I 'it I Mill. ! ! til' and nt lliuil- Irv tin tino - - K. C. council 2 1 1 West I'. ,'alH A. J. Maloy I lit- siiiiit- time I, ml. dainty anil chambers, ',i I It now Central avenue. i;t ' whi.ii ,,1,1,1 ni.neirs that Socorro coun wear well. Visiting brothers iimi: snow ikiw . i,(i,. M.n Sonic i. n or years duo ty's: (bird a nut i -l annual fair was success fi invitea to visit club rooms mi- I.. II,. heart nf a nn- . ,. . pc.i.,1.. in y ,c- - Avenue Our iiiiccs arc very tela ,, !!,,;,. coitnly nancially an well as in other respects 214 Central and attend meetings. John A. Reldy, H U i' ni th.. .pint ,,i ted that - he on ranging tismi I'vi.'.iiu 'liit tin ;.. ,,,( ,i,.,,.,t ini- ii'uM raised A sen. Ins o: a tew humlr.-- dollars to grand knigtit; T. F. Keleher, fi- e I w Phone 72 Jr, I'.n-h"t- Zar: moum.ilii PI. - i'haiKií rf .;r IIiiIhii Ineeiid Ii, li...ulK,al' or flnppmn .H.e mil Imita upplt to tiie dlschut g.- of the fair as- - t J nancial secretary. l'- - Ij- - tion The, o'i'.w.'d land mid iiK.iiiiM S r itlni,. ulii. h ,.'!,,.( ,,,. s mtl..n s i very i.k' t'.innoii un' aiii.tlnt i s.i In.lehiedncss pleas to , I p 'l itoi-- and 't pnt.'k-lo- . 65c $2.25 . ta.'-- a- - (hex ii.ils. he llhi ..m- h!U1 ly b.ilil).i ha. U , , ant to i Socolló I'hief-t.- i M. V. r 'liiu'ly i;i ii i ward .id '!'s w,ic n.. ullitai. ,i, I;.. t were OF A. f'M tin- pi in Albuquerque iiill'uloui" III Ii ii ) ward, l)i...' t.nii I,. Hie t..u, il camp of M. W. or A.. i'li'l iK'tlli! Hot ll' until tall, lit Die tield Vo. I i f . 13.303. meets everv clli In. r, l!li niio'llil "I'l'l the t"inl.'.l, . a. ), k hi - L. PUTNEY Ttiiirsda ..ll.i'.llh l'i': ti,,i lar:, st. ail..,- six to a B. g ' evening : -- hi.w a , , -- at o'clock In i isn-.itl- I., In, ii th, y if, I 'I'll, Sim. K..P. hall. lln Ml. I'.h l.ii t( tal! .. hci 'l lal'Kc puils method of I I. You - FSTAWjISIIFD 187.1. r.iKs tiuiming. G. W. Dester, clerk; lo lIlKI.'.Ill Ml (j'.IMII ..I .Mi I'll- I" IN múli .tinnl. il ilinlll.K ha.1 cell lo plow l,e pot.l- - tan rely no Tuft's s;g:i,ig Ail- i' , v, P. O. Ixisey, consul. 1,,- - it Hi.- ,o, In i ihtnl furrow The qual- - zoill's statcho.,,1 l,i, the t el't day it fi"n-- ' on,, nr i, in I" louHii in...,, ,.f ti,, Wliolesiilc (riMUT, Flour. IVed and i. -- , in i I.iini.'d to n. passes congress. Williams News. In i ih.'-.- ' o j ,.j ,p inni. llt e,,i,,l to lllat of ' i.miii. ntiiii; "ii .li.'i ;;''' ot;. toes antwher' iln, Salt-s- i Asrnt for Mitchell Wnstins. ORDER OF OWLS. I t lit- I:l't i l lliz ha, I 1..I.I,, troitli ht.. ni' l. .ttlrt i itiun i;,,. ),,. , w Duke City Nest ev- l." flill Th.- ....I-- hi.'i, Wei,- soweil croad- (ti Ml mmiii i,, i1 I'cllott. Itl.HlQl 'I'KQn-- : - - Ni:V MEXICO No. 1077 meets ilftmi; f o .'io- - f hi , t ..n ery 1'nd 4th 8 itlc fu ii "ti.i .i. '''' nat.ig.'iv. and alu.iln; i;n-- and t a. In - and Monday at p. m. at - as'. tall ick Illinois II.- is a big man in ln body - r- - - Hi- 'I n, and K. P. . - ti- . i mi- hi.,,, s in, ,,. , ,, :,., ;1 w 1, hall "ill-- . lll- Vtolill o oiler tii ta The crop n an sotll and bis late beams like the rats j avriiu. ir ..f 1. ,1. w P. ll. Cams, Shelley, - lio- (..'Ti I tin, ,,'i ma,!,, h ,,v i ah-- . u( fur li In ii wan In miil-d.i- president; F. E. 'Thilf li'ilV:.;; it ih.. fialn the of sun upon the ,e,,r Ail-- ! ! ' secret? ry. ii.iv.' iii.r' 'I li.t. .. ili.-- ..i ni. ' tl.ii'. wot.- in.- hiiK,t mill.. .n.t :kt. lis glial lo have stub a' I , , lid:., it , The i.f ihi- - tirst rop Viinl ;it ;W'; n" iitti 'I' mint. in :i..f cli'Ms. ,,.,n, ,.,,X, "'Kl fellow as i htof executite of this! DON'T WAIT ni-.- IX l:K KOIM-- i:. x. . v.; "Ü'" ' lt to Ma'l tarmiiiir in - Ttri; '(i.I. Till' ITIIST STORM Ii .! ,i :ii lt.ll.ruis art., :,l great nation. Taft is all right. Wil- Rni-tt- l -- then sao,.- lo-- A M The V.,;,,i.i e . .a ' ' k- - , .' tint and now ther,. are X.-- ANTHUACnK t. UIOAX f.-- v n In It,.. . ,.: i liallis s. IU.Oi'K , T? miiiury iliit wi'l i,,.,,, -- Stvlsuifcu ... i l';.i"ii. t hen,, ti in I All Sizes) i - c ..i.-i-i- j - " .'ui I" adds farmiiiir this The Ibst. Rctunil an". v!ii" i it Wn In- I. 1..U ji W. K. HAHN GO. mi ni .h,.ii( ll,, N a.; farnu-r- CKK II 1 1.I.i iS fourth Friday.i' each - I'lnllt. ...rlt lie lio Hon (rt-- l l.I'MP (lallup Lump afternoons of till- ll.llll.--- i ".I'M- ta- - l.,.,t. t, .. -- k:l!-. to ic. t RlVf oi it.,,,1, it.- at It; ni i Ii In this lonnlt, Itere M 11.1. WOt ill month 2:an, in I. o. O. F. hall. Mrs. t , ,, kixhunu. ' rt,, i.,;.:,,, ,,,.), To., poor a h Pkrtn.1 VI 1 1 Voix Sp tVii.i! " t "..I nit. r.iii Mi ,M, Mii) lot leite a lai'K" icsertoir and plenty take une paper? FA OTO l Y AVntin i i v C( IC K Jet.sio Clifford. Iteeorder; Mrs. C. A. W.'-o-ji- '1 f Well, is a. I'.iiiiion Hi. II. r " "'r - .a -'. ,n . ' hi.i r ii riKa! leu. pieter ,ry iliat distressful condition l:i!H'lC. i.imk. p.rii.niNi; srprui'3 Frank, Oracle. - li r llir. a In u. f. eri In waste it .lll.l'r.'i tr.,.1.. I ;:ll .. ,'l- .iriuiut; to ira! tu on the Zunl T crumbs and I from the she will lay i.n'rlii.,' t Vr IVivm.-- . V". I, I ., kitchen and mint l.'l Ih pay n U, . I CRs in tor a year Mihnci ipt ion. Albuquerque camp .,i,1 ..I '.i.iji rt, nf- - .1 j .i.i li I ' ..,, No. t. Woodmen l'l'.'1 t:..n.: rr mil' As a rule it is a .afir practice In-- .i . - , tl en work up Int.. not p,,. a.,,i oi me tt una. jieeta to i: . ! I ' ' a. in ut Un Forest li'l HUH '. i. I, 'I1i !' .n i'' i! n Ii, t Itl-s- , 1; she will p.,t cost: hi. the pap- r the Elks building even- - :, , i.-- nut to pur intu t!ie 5.romac!i any-tliiii- every Friday i I .M In i ... hi, .. ..,,,.,, ... ,. IHMk'r'ii in li.l'lll n till r. Will be t IJep. at - ing i. t is ie,; p..ll. thin pln- at p. m. E. . Mooee, consul ti.- ..hi.- that nut r.'jurishu.g and , r-- n UM.'.i. year alter par. meanwhile j commander; D. E. PMUpps. clerk. I - SPECIAL ;i- - ANNOUNCEMENT lie ..I,' II,., ,p, ,,, I, , , wis-in- i ra .o i itu.ii l'i. N. u V.-i- n , . easy ot tl:;frion. and cease to be j ....i- i; - !,.- ,., ,) t oi)(;i'i.ii .!U- ,i l:ll"t I'.' n. r.:i.::í,ii ' ...i 1,1 melti ,,,,., I,,, Enterprise ' I i- d i ,,!-- l"t, ,j ítf S. It . lt ,.t,.. .) .; .,.., v. v. o. r. lli.ll' lin'-- li;u t'. . Ml .ill. I I.M.U i p. ,t k,, t,. !,, p.. .,. The rt head. The O'Kielly Drug Co. is well known tbrnuliuut New-Mexic- Meets second and fourth Wednes- I iNMLllili' ,. in-,,, t .. ' W i I". days in K. C. S CWeC t ni", r '''f "ni I. I ' i ,i tmiuand.'r Peart. S Navy, ami Arizona as "The l.iwrst Dru-- r Sturc between hall at p. n.. , '' ranger, Mrs. P.evordiug lull ".!.-!- il.l.' . i.'.niii .lr .' i.d (ii,, ,,,t ii, ,. ,, f. ,. per p;tv roll only, has git.u out h,s Denver ami i. Angeles, " but we want iur home anil mail John Dolan. . . I'd secretary, lire. Felix Baca. nu nl ri'L-- - J l.ii n ' in t in. au nt i',. Tatt Mil.;. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY t pitNc of his rita!. Dr order customers to remember that we are not 1' on satitied with a. i.i n. i . i.ti nn. !li' h in .:iiit,ii,,( , r, m,,,, Uook. which in has d entirclv t. r. In,. We want your foi tine (baal-- s - Albuquerque ... ' '! . sialeinentn of Psklmos who were w:th thi. trade (ift in liril Typographical TTnloo. the Jili'llMil! in II,; I .OlM'. lo " ni-- ,i Cla-s-s- , i.a. U.ti.k The Hrooklvri explorer ansa liant I'ut "Libby's, the world's No. 304. Meets first Sunday In each Ii- - h.. '! n r .Ii f( mi U. ..,1 hi.,,.. best'; d.tinly Hand l" .k. iiHitiit or f.,.t.,,,i u. t.-- ,t,r,,t that If- ln.-ti- stid Ksklmon to painted China: elegant Leather in month In Labor hall at 1:30 p. w. li .tt, nrt Mi r.r-...'- . niuj-- t ii and ai.l Die u, 'ood. Ladies' Ii.i". C. in. mil Peart Meanwhile 'he pu'ili' ( R. Shade, president; Ir Bacon, , : ,l, n h,. .i, ,; Ladies' and entlemen' l'ursesand Docket Kooks; Toilet r. Hl rs' f .lly j- -l il j t .1 m j.. ami1.. wil siisp, nd judsnient Thai Pee.rv secretary-treasure- . t 'i l l ii r.. ham), rt m is Set, Combs and L'ruslie, and the of t., u ni hi nhant easily tuincrtrd lv the tiiges is a s.T.'-he.'i- there in no doubt, and hnest line Perfumes W'iuitivi-- r ih- - itn-- ll.,nkf.'.h. , p,.-- tin- n sore-h.-a- d W ins-lo- ami Toilet Waters in the Territory. S Gathering rr.i! triiili 'd r ,t - pot. live aiui supplies the nu- Ihe world hat. a nd us your mail Iata. t , uiga'is "An explonr ac- u',' nni t. It w t ho .tut a net hii li In Id Mai!. onb rs, ami call and see us. rsfrtainly ought to v IT - tritive wants if all oi the quire enough lecture." thry I tit- t III until il mi' t haunt it hrtiirt parts material for a cured hv Vo- X T' ,V. if or pr :a "That's my wife's when stie 1r tn nr.lcr ihj ll.r truth may rf-- t What that?" eja, o ate.l the pri body. Fail redds sre quickly if p. ..e aims r- , ., esploYen ptv-ket- - Kann-.t- s Jilii-luil- - great throat nr.. 'i'iesi,., i,, ... ttrt Cltl" . It i l iroining mno nd nl. an I,.- .t, ihe hretiil I'.m a let's Ilnnrv and Tsr. Ihe a ml l. a ti,l liinj The penu'ii- - con- - a fl ,.; w. Journal. . (ircNihl - 'in.'' the k luiir. in i'ur llml Itf let th,ie and blue iibhoi, ip..,,. i.f . . .1. . ii ri- - ph. . i.nns no tnu.-- s. in. 'He. - ir. lor an'j to a p. :laltor, mid that :i"k-',- l et Far ala by all Grocers a.trmiiu i. I"'T i:h P.iliy. Journal Want Ads. Cel Results

-- ; V TT 1" THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909. i f.ti". SMI BALLOON JAKES IIIEnilEK"!22!Sfi: OCCIDENTAL GETS i diseases or low fevers. ? Require a pure, TRIP, LANDS SAFELY BEYOND ESTANCIA, invigorating stim- HINENC EAT f ulant and tonic to aid t digestion, stimulate f Í ai'.d enrich the blood T Prove Your give new CONVENTION for REACHES 13000 FEET anil to self strcnetlt to body .ami r brain. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is inval- f a tonic when Two in Upper uable as Local Physician Prepares In- Daring Aeronauts Spend Hours and a Half the von are run down a'ul Air and Cross Manzano Mo untains and Estancia Valley; depressed: w hen t lie teresting Paper for Annual t the Superiority heart 'is weak anil the blood sluggish, ' f of Abrupt Descent Made at 1:25 P. M. at Base of the Pader-na- l build new tissue. It assists tailing na Gathering of Life Insurance ture to resume its functions, insure rc ? -. Mountains. freshing sleep iiid imparts vim and t- Companies at Cincinnati, ? rrgy to every part of the body. It in violates the brain. ? of prescribe il, and Tho Occidental Life Insurance com- v After roachinff an altitude of close Hie corner of Central i venue ami Sixth Thousands doctors teariina hosoitals use it. The '.andan! pany ua Styles morning with headt rters in Albuquer- Our feet. crossing street yesterday at eleven and thirteen thousand in o'clock. The was of purity and excellence for 30 yean. lofty Manzano ninunl;ii!i start to have been que, the new home company which safely tito made much earlier but one delay fol- - has phenomenal in t soaring- over tin- broad listan- Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey had such a growth I'tilife. lowed another the principal difficulty years r do, valley, remaining In the air two being In getting tho gas bag fully In- has bronchi health and happiness to the past two ont iined consider hours anil ii half :uiil traveling ninety flated against the strong east wind many thousands ot able prominence at the American Life miles from Alhiuiiicr.iue as tin- - crow which forced the gas out of the bag an homes (luring the last Convention in Cincinnati, October " fies, the SUimm balloon, bearing Aero- fust as it was sent ill from the gener Its vir- to 9. This Is an organization of the A. Hpndi.i mid liny A. en- com-punlc- Qualities nauts Joseph ator. As the time tor starting ap tues have been leading western and southern t Starrun, and which li lt this city at 11 proached it was found nearly dorsed by temperance descended that not o'clock, yesterday morning, sio much ballast could be carried us advocates, clergymen, The "Insurance Post" contains the safely near i.ucy, N. M.. at the base of was hoped, (if the four hundred scientists, and men following: In the current number: f mountains at 1:27 p. in. in all the l'edernal pouniis w men was to ie taken It was and women llediK llon of .Moitaltlv TiiThtcii. ? yesterday nfternoon. found possible to take barely 150 walks of life, who losls. following telegram was re- much in praise of the The pounds. I he heavy overcoats to cannot sav too This was the subject of an interest-l'n- x Journal last had world's medicine. ceived by the Mornins be left behind hut the ucronnutR were greatest paper prepared by lr. J. 11. Wroth ultfht from Mr. Slamm: warmly clothed with woolen under lie sure you get the renulno Imita of the Occidental Lite .if, Albuquer- -- l.ney, X. M Oct. 1ft, !:lfl p. m. tions are impure and tiatifcerous. Itcfusrt wear, heavy sweaters, heavy coatr tiUllStilUles. que, X. M. This was not down on the f Morning Journal, Albuquerque: After Is All riruKRistfl and grocers, or direct prosrammo and was not ve ninety and vests and it not likely they si: lr. Wroth a rnftfrnifiocnt trip landed $1.00 a botlle. Write us if you are sick present, but the importance of Alhunuerque fered with the cold. ii will cost von noihlnx to cum now to the miles from Crowds gathered around to bid yomself. Medicnl booklet arc les question was culled to attention by Dr. Seeing is Let the evidence of your own eyes prove "W'c passed miles norlli of the treat t Believing three sailors of the upper air goodbye and timoltials isent free. M. M. l.airy of the Lafayette Life, and Coyote Springs at 11:30 a. ni. at an WUikty Co., KocUoUr, W.T. f this shop's god speed grasp Saffy Dr. Wroth's paper was read. Dr. superiority in every line of merchandise. S 25 Above the and their hands Klt altitude of H. feet. Wroth reviewed some of statistics of the mountains we de- When finally Messrs Stamm and the central ridse filondin climbed In the and of deaths rom tuberculosis, showinu scended to 1,000 feet above the earth. basket tho great band was more marked t Ohio Valley, between Moriarty and ga the order to let her go the bal ever, every member is an that the and especially We passed than and one two of the therein, lit No doubtful merchandise at 12:30 p. m. at an altitude of loon slipped from her moorings and artist. The soloists, Miss Prances Or states Superiority in Point of Quality rose majestically bearing toward the the center of the disease In this coun 12,4(14 feet, and reached the highest Uoyt, soprano; Miss (race'Hoyt, mz t is ever offered for sale in this shop. 12.-79- Impetus of try. From the statistics submitted to altitude at 1:07 p. m., this being 2 northwest under the the zo soprano; Miss Florence Hardeman, soul beast wind. For ten minutes the him by numerous companies Dr t directly over feet. This was the violinist, and Mr. Herbert U Clarke per ranch of Aliens .McUiilivray. We de- balloon slowly veered northward, until cornetist. appeared to great advan- Wroth showed that at least 11.3 t tu- scended abruptly three miles beyond she sudden l. began to rise more tage. Miss Hardeman's violin numbesr cent of the mortality was due to T a by physi- We are style specialists, and at 1:25 p. m. at the base of the l'eder- swiftly and at a height which looked being especially fine. The full pro berculosis, disease held Superiority in Point of Style a big gas cians be curable if recognized and ? nal mountains. nearly mile, the bag to the tram was as follows: to select only articles that are most correct. "ROY A. STAM.M." surpiise of the thousands of specta- taken in lime. He held that sanitari- 1. Symphonic Poem, "Les Preludes" in Iaicv. X. M'.. is a station on the tors who were watching all over the Liszt um treatment had proved its value Helen cut-of- f sixty-eifj- miles from city started at a rapid gait straight prolonging the lives of tnberculars, f 2. of Gold" Cornet Solo. "Showers west best cli- Helen and forty-tw- o miles from southeast. Faster and faster she went (new) Clarke and that the afforded the Variety We show a great many Vaughn. The landing, nccordinK to until tho balloon evidently was going L. mate for treating them. Dr. Wroth Superiority in Point of Mr. Herbert Clarke. gov- the operator at Lucy, was made twen- at forty or fifty miles and hour. The 2. "People also considered the work of the Hacchariullan Suite, Who suggested designs, but only a few of any design and many are exclusive. ty miles from Lucy, so that the bal- start southeast was made about 11:13. 1,1 vc in Cllass Houses" (new) ernment sanitaria, and that In es- t loonist had a considerable little stroll In an hour (he balloon had disap- Sousa the companies the to make to reach the nearest railroad peared appearing to cross the Man- (a) The Champagnes tablishment and maintenance of n a III treatment of policy point. zano mountains lie north of Hell ( b) The lthine Wines sanitarium for the t We are invariably content Mr. Ktamm also sent last nli;ht at Canyon. When It passed out of sight (c) The Whiskies holders who develop tubercular trouh. Superiority in Point of Value (he same time the following telegram the balloon was evidently at a very (d) The Cordials les, the expense of treatment to be with moderate prices, for the very best qualities. Some of you to his mother, Mr. M. V. ."tamm, w ho lofty altitude, meanwhile the ground 4. Vocal Duet, I arcarolle from borne by the company and charged as was very anxious .as to the result of current was still blowing stiffly out "Les Contes D'Hoft'man" a lien against the policy. have no doubt set October 1 5th as earlv enoucrh to do vour shon- - the excursion: of the direction toward which tin' bal- Otlenba. h "Landed jiufcly beyond Estancia loon was headed. The Misses Hnyt. t ping for the thousand and one needful things necessary to com WOMAN SERVES ON X valley, ninety miles from A Ibuquerque. A mers-ag- from Ksianria .it 12:43 Prelude to Husslan Prarna, T lorious trip. said the balloon was passing that "Crime and Punishment'' JURY IN LOS ANGELES T plete your winter wardrobe, this date has passed and the real rush "ROY" A. STAMM." point. Kstamia is some seventy Kuehinaninoff While the trip was not nearly so miles distant so the sliced of the hnl-loo- n INTERMISSION. of the season is now upon us. To those of you who have delayed, Ions as was hoped for, taking into ac- can be easily seen. Los Angeles, Oct. in. For the first count the lofty altitude and the dura- Allegro from Fourth Symphony time in California, a woman was or who have not completed your Fall purchasing we would re-- tion of the flight it was an extremely Tschaikowsky sworn In to serve as a Juror when Mrs. (a) Kntr" Acle Hclmesberger sur e.ssfn I one and the first Inns' dis- Johanna lOngelman, of S.iiiih Monica superlative service of shop, with all its re-- (b) March, "The (ilory of the In box t commend the our tance, hlfih altitude balloon flisht SOUS A DELIGHTS took her place today the Jury made In the southwest. Yankee Navy" (new) Sousa of Department til of the superior sources for giving prompt service and quick results. You will Ilulloons til the Valley. Fantasie, for Violin, "Komco und court of Los Anpcles county. Oounod-Alar- d f Judging from' the reports received Juliet" find us equipped and ready in every department. Agents for by the MorniiiK Journal and private L G E Miss Florence Hardeman. messages yesterday afternoon the Rnpsody, "Slavonic" (new) f McCalls patterns. Phone 283. valley ivas ful! of balloons go-lll- ff Friedeman CARELESS OFFICER In every riirccti.n and at ail alti- The new Sonsa production, "The y tudes. Vaughn saw the lialliion going Glory of the Yankee Navy," is one of great by at n stiff gait southeast at 4::)n, Splendid Musical Organization the conductor's best, full of some hours after It had landed forty the martial tire and spirit which have niMde his compositions MURDERED BY miles this side of that thriving town. Pleases House at Elks' Thea- Jamou.. t "Hullonn passed at very Irish altitude," said the message. AVitliird, some tre With Popular Concert, If people with symptoms of kidney fourteen miles this side of Lucy, saw or bladder trouble could realize their the balloon going merrily along thirty danger they would without loss of PRISONER ? miles fast of Mcintosh nt 2 p. in., John Philip Sonsa, for thirty-fiv- e limp commence taking Foley's Kidney an it vi a (irmn. Remedy. great remedy stops tin half hour niter h't years one of the lending band con- This A telephone message Ksuinein pain and the Irregularities, strength- Y from gets at 3 o'clock said the balloon was still ductors in the world belter as ens and builds up these organs and In slffht from that place. he gels older and has a better organ- there In no danger of Tlright s disease Captive Thug in Salt Lake Tells ization under his command now than or dis- Jtorlatly reported the balloon going other serious disorder. Io not of Killing Policeman Who f hastily northeast at 3:30. were ever. This is the verdict of those who regard the early symptoms, J. II. O'- & There Ferguson Collister i evidently a whole drove of balloons heard the splendid concei t nt the Kilts' Reilly & Co. Him of Ar f th.-iit- Failed to Relieve turned loose in the Mdancia valley last night by the "March ? Incorporated aftej the ritamm airship hove In sight. Kinc" and his corps' of musicians. The A VKRV I.1TTTK MONKY WIU, tillery, pro- ? The Morning Journal office was be- theater was well filled and the f( A I.OXG WAY WITH I S ANI sieged with Inquiries all last evening gram was one that pui'tieularly ap- YOU AT.SO. COMI-- : Al KXAMTXK f n.s to pealed for a popular concert. I', (i. & CO the fate of the daring aeronauts Ol'U STOCK. Iratt B. Morillo Jiiiirunl Murlal I.Mwa Wlrel Y Goods Shop ATI re- enthusi- "Dry T7 and their craft. The conflicting The band was greeted with 214 S. SECOND ST. THONK . Salt City, Oct. in. L. I: Albuquerque9s ports valley towns applause, tho appearance of Y from the Estancia astic who was recently arrested nt had the people guessing for a while. Sousa himself being always the signal Drlskell. Y The message from Vaughn stated for an outburst, and nearly every ridden on suspicion of having shot that a postal card was dropped, but number was encored. The band re- CASE ind killed Police (lfticer C. C. Iiib v owing old favorites that PLANTIFPS to the high wind it blew over sponded with all the here October .", has made u coitlessnm somewhere near Tvxico or Amarillo have made Sousa famous, including 3 Officer and wan lost. "Manhattan lieaoh." "The Stars and to the .notice that he killed fered. Then while they lay, no me CHURCHES TO CONDUCT Strlpe.s Forever," "American Patrol," IN Itiley ul'tcr the latter had arrested dead, some mortally wounded, n raid CONCLUDED e n.u.i.oovisTs siiiiki: high and others. "My Wife's In the Coun- him for highway robbery. SEAMEN MASSACRED was made upon the store, and kern-sin- ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Wi:sT AVIM I I l.fl"T try" was a comical thing that made said that poured over the deck and In the In his confession lirlskell pyre The start of tho balloon was wit- an instantaneous hit. The perfect a negro whose name lie nu holds, making the ship a funeial of he and n. and vic- nessed by a lug crowd, of people at precision and wonderful harmony not know, on the night of October 3, for the murdered tm Ship New York. Oct. A eampalsn DAMAGE tims Wer.) completely destroyed. 1. of SUIT held up a young man and robbed him BY SOUIH SEA newspaper. mua.aziiie and billboard of an overcoat. Driskell was arrested advertising to call the attention of tho a few minutes later by Ofllcer lüloy. OFFERS TO SCALE MOUNT American public to the Importance of who in searching Driskell failed to lemedyltifr certain pressing social, FOR COOK Work of Presenting Defense find a revolver which he had slipped ISLANDERS M'KINLEY an, i rilllons oolilems will b under his waistband. While going to conducted benlnniiiK with the iiett' Received Begun Yesterday Afternoon; the station Driskell pulled away Horn year by the combined Trotrutiint I Itein-wal- d I Itiley and shot him. I, os Angeles, Uct. !'. Paul churches of the I'nlted States, it k US , Closing Arguments May Be of a famous mountain I announced today. The work Is in Highest Award Captain and Ciew of Tiadinft climber, has written to In . Pvvderii k rhaine of f:ev. Charles Stelzell. put). Made Before Night. CRUSHED TO DEATH I TWO Cook. otT. riiiíí his s. r i. es In sealilif; crlnten. lent of the PresbUertÁn UNDER OVERTURNED CAR Vessel Hacked to Death by Mount MrKlnhy in an clfoit to estábi- jelmrch's department of church rid b to Chicago The plaintiff's side of the case of Burning Ship l.' tile explorers claim llainK j labor. William Phillips versus the Sun Pub Savages; lea. lied tin .siiniiuit of that mountain. lishing company. Mrs. Laura fliggar Kcl'iwald. who i.s a native of Austria, San Diego, i let. 19- Clarence K. Funeial Pyre. Foley's Honey and Tar clear tlin C. C. In Makes world s re. i.rll " World's Fair liennett, and Uendriek, which man. holds the for cllmbii.s air passages, Hops the Irritation In $2.1,000 is asked as compensation for Hunt, a well known automobile lllane. and has achieved bon Dr. drove of this city, flu. throat, nuotlic Hie Inflamed an alleged libel, wu concluded in the nad Fdwarit ' is., in linn the Mattel horn. early today when the au- (By M..rnln Jminwl dperl! Wlr.l j menibiiinres, and the most obstinate district court yesterday nut death 'iiK-ipit- i peaks. afternoon and were riding C.. 1'..- - further .roraglol. hit and coiiRh disappear. Sore Inflamed the work of presenting defense tomobile in which they Victoria, i:. ud. lti and the th-- - 'mitts are healed nnd strengthened, was begun. The article appearing in turned turtle on a grade while il. ir.iU ot fn. niassacren in New l.rn- (rom to S and the cold is expelled from the ey-le- (he Albuquerque Sun of June s. In were speeding llamona early last month, briefly reporte.l Progress in the Holy Land Diego. ain Kefuse any but the pfinline which certain derogatory remarks by ( I I in Sydney cubles. received j 'onsnl-- i leñera i!. :e M'nds In the yellow pa. kagea. J. II. O'ltell-l- y concerning Phillips are alleged to , t -i toda-.- are ! the j the following from on eet- t.'o. have been made, wits introduced Into M.irama Captain Lindsay of the trlcal enterprises In Asiatic Turkey. thf rvidence by counsel for the plain fleet that Two notables of Jerusalem, arrord-- j bin -- rr tiff yesterday, in an effort 50 MILLION Ketch Kabaul and of lni to l.evantlne neaspapers. have ap-- i CAUSES SICKNESS Testimony tending to con- and the. cod fish, more or less, arc caught were murdered and burned piled for tlie roncesnioii for fiirnhhllMr nect Sirs. liennett with Ihe ownership set on tire, Jeruftaleni with e"l. rt Hfiot slid of Sun was altio Mar- of Norway, trading ve.ssc looted and the Introduced. each )ear on the coast victims ;; btiUdinir an elecirle tramway between f.oo.l llealili Willi IllHlia-ge- the borilcM of yome of the lniosibe cus P. Kelly, former business r which are tnaile into Hfid Jaffa ordered Stoiuarli. r, the livers of thrown into the llames. Jerusalem of the p;;v was placed on the masfei The dally receipts of the electric atand and tcstiliert as to certain tech- Cod Livor Oil. Captain t.indsiiy, owner and was oT , tst coast 'tramway III Damm-cu- average lorl There is nothing Hist will create nical matters regarding the connec- oil is made from the fish .d the Itahaul, the The best Ort mlb s from ; Turkish liras SK At present only !ckn.l or cause more trouble than tion of New I'.iitaln, about - and relation Mrs. Uciuietl bad Islands. About one Hue Is In operation, hut a constd- a disordered stomach, and many peo- with the property. William Phlllipa, caught at the Lofoten Herb, rishone. re. ruhitiR Jehor. ! erabl eipansl.ui of the sv,tem is utl-- I ple dally serious niuUdie the plaintiff, and his wife, were placed Scott & Üowne use only that oil win. flown, when l.e anchored hie iontrart ni tit. a of native e.i- - tier pr. paralioii. Kleetrie llffht ha simply thr íugh disregard or abuse of on the in an a bow f,.r the san.i I aland effort to in nuking their celebrated i t.eeri into t.'.n j.l.ices of res nn.-- s came off and the bla. Its asKed inlro.iuced the slnniach. th actual damage done to the plain- Mini In every Ik- come ashore, as plenty of men j idence business tmascus. The We ure oi.e sulTerliiK from tiff feelinga and reputation as that He the sh-- Jtreets of tlie liy are lit 'd with any stomach deralifiemt nt, IndiffCtifioii HllcRed were feadv to on as laborer.; reitilt of the libelous articles. 1 .mío while the Seratl. d w Scott's Emulsion Captain I.ind.-a- v went ashore and hum eleiiric lni.s. or spepsia, hethcr cute or D. I, dill of the Journal Publishing . Mos.pie Tah-l-l- s. a hig ii iilw hous--- here the rll lia'u and the Grand chronic, in try l(call Pyepepsiit company, whs one of the lirut wit- .1 combined with w.-- sain-- ; ere iTi. rratls with electric are with Ihe distinct understanding e. and when skillfully a hundr. d macks nesses placed on the jt;ind by the we v. Ill money with- ,.r.-r- i X soon .s he itennen In he llrbts. that refund their Mr. Gill wan made a witness llypoi.lKisphi'.es of Lime and Sod.t '" na struck down from behind iih ; out ouettion or formality, If after rea- in an effort to prove that Phillips medicinal un- .. nm N. Y.. they pidue a fod r and the bta. k s;r ni upon him Mr. 1. H ilz ..uta. sonable use of this medicine they are inad certain Matement in the Morn- - - .... was Krr.itly - equalled in toe world for building with H- - fell hi.e.iuiB irotn iue.- t, :l ni witlsited with the rcaulta. We ree- ing Journal office before going to knlvi. m the 1 hack- - d f i..ii. i uie.i r.. i.ikuik Kol. Orino oinniend theni to our rumomen every Sun office, to the effect he would up the Ihxly. ,.orfs of wounds and that , iv e. p nd I it is the. day. and have yet to .ny on , "do k up." i. .ih Tlie was then dragged think her of llendri. V It OR SALE I ALL URIV.C.IST3 i a ... for ronstipation in.l liver who ban not been benefited by them.' The trial will he continued oul lo the nonn ny ne no'in in. this or eunocs n ; r ... Three sizes, 25c. 00c and $1 00 a box likely .t. burned. The flotilla in. irr.noie. morninn and it is that the t nm . ntmr J tbit fr uve. Pold In Albmiuerqiie only ., n. -- num. ano cure .! - ofT blacks pleasant nn.i lie. at our atore; argument .e t wl , .1 k.M uk Mill to the K..baul and the i"H will romp), n,l rr onstlp.itioii.J. H. O'K'elly The nenafl Store. The J. If. O'RelU the ase go to the Jury beforo swarmed aboard. One af:er another thi crew were sijugn-'a- t ly Co. evening. SCOTT 4k BOWSE. fml SC. New Vrt the bti men r the ( I THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909.

ÜÜL!! " t i "' .a Id lj" pti-- nt Hi- - DRY READING. tn wllliniil ilrnu w h n Itaniiltoii Litn.l mid oil toriiimny of foil Menu red fur íi her - - hi: . '4, i.f tin- Mu'v wouitl th. in. nt"'nlliy ni, h' "l"' ii ii J..K", ('itllitii'iilu, on January M'i-lt- i of great InteroMt, the aK"ntK BUNCH OF FRAUD i.( Hi. kiiiih" Mill" Mu1 ( lli-- IMliK. and ul". ii;i'illi-all- it-- 1). nl tlifi tdniulil ho instrtiet'd to CO t A. WinilKor, KELLY & .niiiiHiiv. liroitff 0 GROSS, appllt-iitlni- i t - (onipitny. mail.- th" Hooept no eittlmutcH. I il ) I uiiiiln cirlHin tiibl.-- uml'T the lro- lor . ( I ii i' o r i r c - . In '"J'he two elinnKi'" tli.'V "iil.l ini"lli hllj uf Illi- fritinl th" fur Mush Ifnhf in'" h.-- , K. III niiinut'itftuips hi In Is found .lim-iiM- npiill. all, in that J. the dule ORDERS SENT TO i ftiittrl . il not only in In iinsweriiiK Dealers y who ilimiiliali tho (oiiiinny the clil'fieulty and Anf-n- Klaus.', Wholesale Merchants 'h" .Miiiiliiiltun full", linn , itt Mu- of Osainii"" of Mi" the former ininiirlen prom-rly- but In .1 uiti"nlii lulu pny-hi- tin..' tha wnn iiH. to fniiht.'ii t Mm Pelts v. the they injure Wool, Hides and - fittnil tirtl. r. iwi; hoy nut miKi'irit-n- fait fhnt tend tn in it Mi" "'' liiiol'1''- í' o, t s other rnttil.-iliiin- in i.inr.l Kaiiid, had' of the repiii to nil the and til uii'lir th" Navajo Blankets, Piñón Nuts, Beans, Cliili, Potatoes POSTMASTERS fiom tin- tonipiiiiy, nml flint :i liilerroxatnrles In the st tu ilule. The Í ' nmv i hmjj'. nl inttnulai ores hitherto Other Native. Products. I iii'-n- l ii" muniiK. mi nt wiih in fiíii' f Mi,. ih'i'Mi lit 'i mu-- ' Aft'-- tin Inv.xtlntion ttie irif"-rto- hnn been iie lal Tuenmcari, inn oí' Milu HRi-nt- s llonnéi. AI X. M.; "i''. ;n v x f I th.- apnlitn-lio- n nnd mitnufitettil were prae-ll- i at Pj!st J Vegan, X. 51.; uuqnt rqiie. la.ll't- - Ki'anllliK of tho ' 'ol- Mi.inil .Imy at g.iliny. Ml. hi" Hllv fnreptl In to nitiki' X. - A hy tho (li parlment. ninny ase A. M. Pecos, M.; l.snnf T'i"'"'. il in. Mi .Inhn I'r.iim ini'l K.ii" ENTERPRISING CONCERNS .1 I1'. .'j'niiH" I nmv lit'hl uri.h-- in-il- li "Htiniiiti'H In ri'plyliiK to Muse two I r mm. ;,n, Im 1'M l""',f ii :i.imi (nil-li- left, praetiee MAILS fr nt San J' i mi ia n on Ihi and Ihit CUT OFF FROM imknown. - estiinat.-- as i liiiiKi- nf iifmhk th" iruiils In lurth.-r-ii- tempted them to reward lKHIU.1 ÍICIllllHt 111" Ill II fl'Hllil "I'.l.T a of a Bch.'iiK' to nml hla Huffltlent iiIho In to other Mi iri'."IHai ill"! .'"iili'i'l'iui H"l trial Is so t for Oftnhil' I lifXt. InterroKnttirlt'H In tin: The mi i t I ::t ti QUALITY Department Fiovuis on Scheme i.ii" , ..i.iniiH', ..r ii. "i iin.i to th'.' iKHiiitm-- of th,.- framl Intellectual Inti'frrlt.v of the Bpeeial IF YOU WANT USE 1 V"i l(. by ii y. in.. . l:."i.l,,wi. .' th" "1'il. r an. I thi' Inútil nilón .if i rlinlnal niieiitu wiih undermined atiemjitinn to t i ii i'u i H Ml" - to require of woik w tilt h they to Sell Absent Treatment iil'li'i' ni' proi .'"itliiKH nitainai KritiiH". J'l'liliHy them FLINT-KOT- ...inpiiiiy lili linxiMK iiwl Mu- iniiily yiinia. partk'H wli.i hint h".n ilupi'il hy knew ctniltl not be done in eurateh' REX E ROOFING Afflicted AiJvoi tisci! in Glow- iimli-- pr- - within the w hi, h they wore al- fur i.liiiilnliin iii'iin'V falM" him a on th.. s.'.-ti- nml hay' time I lowed. Bloom-iiu:;to- i i hit u"" pnsi'i-'yii- ing Circuláis Horn n, l. iiv. iiii, fur finiln'v nfijiai'. ntiy nf tn" 423 mm. rim st. Author What do you think of my i "I t hie Lumber Company i,l Mi, ,n,,l;u i Mi" "iiipiitiy. ii'o."i ti".. of Mi" t'oinpany, ami It is dwell thus at onsitlera Albuquerque Cen-hu- s last hook, Hawkins? i length on ttm efforis which Ihe SOr.F, Hi" i yl'li'ii"" olit.iln.'.l nn'l' fin. .'I they art.' now in rimirol of i.'.liiiif I" I'.ureau Is to lm the Hawkins The great fault about it (h-- íl'i ma nan.-inijii- ninklnif Hi ii in. nl, th" i'inpiiiiy "P (In that, the covers are too fiu - iieeiiraey uf Mtatl.sties, heeiuiHe that is ial,-- i llllirill.l-MI- "f Vlir- i by lailllllllK is tin mom important thine tvhloh apart. Morning .Imit uní ! n t n . I. la-- ..I' a iiin.-a-n- nl I" ilislriliiit" H lli'inlii It of, .us ("iinany, we ai-- utidertaktn " V I iTii inir. II,,. a Mili" piil'IMii't I CI." Man., a liinlli in " ' i'ili'il": i t;.i nst w li.itn it fraud r hitx la rn MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY BOTTLED NOSE PAINT. ( i n " (. III" t" nl liarn In re- Washington. I. ' Iv ,j hy th" li'iyi-r- rii'-n- at o. Thompson has declined I.iIm iipmi w it- lai'i ti '"riñan ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO - far Th' il' ( ;. i yt appointment a r Tli.' po- i íl nil Ik wtlli-l- l.iiln'i k, niany, lia.i mi l Ith th" piísimas!, at Chlor- ,1 lip- p. I rm Ilia !.-- lit hill"' Ani.-rl-'ii- ide, Sierra county, X. M. Cassiun M. l .H) y niiii" In I,' at the tiiimlH of thr .i . Capital and Surplus $100,000. 00 mud fraud null' in v iff ami t in- pi.Hlal i"M. font-inaxli- C. W' fi pji'iin oil to - ant linrii wiih the t i f s i "mentlu- i ill", far l.y a nlaliv "I I irmi.ll'a-li- hnw jitft olilec. wlili Ii muy 'ii IiihM i i"i- - ,.r II, ,1,11,1 Til in Is., II.-- ' Willi Ili'lil ON DEPOSIT S Ihv." in' aiiv MfOii'il mi r fraiitl ili-n- The mail mesKenner service for INTEREST ALLOWED SAVINGS I nf atrainrt i h i'il ii w u Kaiil.- muí Mi" i'"" "Mat' ."in-- I'i'ilii in uiimlni: ii.iiputin ilirk. 'I'lie liiM..-- to I'M Colmor, Colfax counly. .. Al., han ttn-i- hat" f. slib- "I the .,, ti aihisiiiR dim-ou- j.m; itiK Tin' "" ilunlan ciii'iilar iiialt.r l Int.) Milu roiin- - been Inueil. Is ' M' ii I. 'I, A i.'i'Ml'l-iai- - 1) FACILITIES Tin in iiiiicii'Hi .Intuí I' t'a.i May wi.ii n ny hy nilyi'itl.-iii- yiirlons Hampton H. Lisle has been com- WITH AMPLE MEAXS AS rXSCKPASSKD K i A. Prof. .(..luí lilt, nllnyli'il ii w"!'" mnlli'il i f, lit li mi. " foi'1'ÍKii l.ilt.'iliH ami il 1114 il-ii- missioned posfiiuiHli r at lOlnieiiiloi 111. I". . porl- - A inn. Prof, .lulin nl ilia m un'. Mi" "iipi'ii pui M i M. prof Knli ni" I'll' "prin-iillni- oh.'ini f of Commerce of Albuquerque V .. .1' 11 Ml" I'll The Bank Unmn, "IliniM'll." Prof Kate, Iiij; illllll" III" 1" lrawini!M, Tin- iinii-- Ismm.! hy Mr. .I.i mes (J. Fitch, n prominent attor- lii'li-lut- e l I . "iii-pan- y pr.-itin- In n l n.-'- II" ney 'II' Tin linuMi I'm ..r rust n in tu a ml Ii" 1,1 loy.'rx nil mail ilir.-rlf- to of Socorro, N. M , was admltteil Extendi to Depositors livery Froper Accommodation and .Solicit Net : i ' i.f Mriii.iiiilh tlir Ihnwn with a lit cliiinp. I'l'im II. ! n li at lia inhiiru, t hrm.--i ny. to praetiee before the. bar of t h" Aceo'iiiitN. Capital, . l" $l.V,üui.m. Health Institute, box IHi.'inili'K-liin- in.nlinu Mi" riinpoii I" Mi" "iinipanv. I'nltcd SlatoH Kiipit-ni- eotut one day Orrieers nml Directors: Solonion lain u, Presiilent; V. S. RtrlcUler, Vice i ' I'nili-j.imi'- M.'-H- 'i I hi rt'Kpi'iiil'-n- i'"i'"l."il. ii"l n il""il recently. Mcin- III: ll'lli h" Thi ri Spi ' lally c.inii.ii ny nf President anil Cashier; W. .1. Johnson, AssMant Cashier: William M ;i t.i. í t ii Collection Mi" h'- all"K".l t" and I., wlinh Ill.niniliiM"!!, III., hiiK hi'i'ii promiillnu tosh, (icorge Aruot, J. C. Italilrldge, A. M. lJlacktvell, O. K. Crointtell. Indianap- M ln-- f Agency. l!liiiiMiini:.tnn. Ml.. tin.. lint riii'iilnf l"ll"t' a Fpiilnlly Mironuli th" mnllH wliicli M '1 Mi.' ."-inlii- Hi 'oonvlllo, i' it K lilm llial ixpi'iiFi' nf I t olis. Ind., and Mi.- I'nstui I. tli'pnrl iii.-n- prononni'i'tl 111" pasHiiiK I ill" 'I'll.' evidence ti'l"C- ilcpat'tlllolll III" il""'l ini'l t" linml In an tnth-- just MHiii'tl, TRUTH TRIUMPHS III'- - person iiiiniiil en- Mi.. Ii" nix cpillniH. An 01 shows lhat I'.l w.'tilil the ."iiipaiiy furlhi-- 11.1. of Iho gaged In selling lt.nliti.-n- fui' Hi'- - sick rliarni' or 11,4V wiih minli' for niail.i. 'I'h" rnrnpiiny itdvertiwil, Drug Co.! Hi'- nii.l.-- i Prescriptions? Williams ii ml rlTlh't'-i- thmiuih mails Mi" 'I' "'' 'I'1"' "ii "Si'.oinl "Waiili-.l- nt iiiict-- ladi.'M tn pa riv'. Alhiifiicriiip Itl.i'iiH Testify for Mie 1h- guie i.f telepathy. .in v.aM iinpri'Mi'il wllh III" i'nili at tiiiiii"; in $10 to ?L' The nnmu Williams' Drug Co. has come to stand for accurate, ili ruhllc Item ill. liv-in- mill t Irruíais were sent out n nihil ion I" V"Hllianipl"ii p.-- in fur pnrtli'ii- - puinstaklnK dittpensing and prompt, courteous service. 117 West Patient (who is fond of generous ni'-nl- " yvas Mu- i.f n wi.inh rfnl I'ark. a liianlifiil Noitloii." ami Inin. W' sti-r- Sp.'t liilly ( 'oinpany, Central. Phono 78U. Where in tlie name of womlet, A truthful Btatcinent of nn io Cllle fur fill disease without the llie "f Mint lot "n th" pn.rii-rl- I ; lniiiil i 11 un. III," If it pt'i'Hon mall.'il doctor, did 1 get such a nose at tnxi-- 11 Riven in lila own tin- It nil.-- or without oven the "litxh nuil ilt y. muí nil nml tn Kli" I'.i-i-i- i'il titl.en. drugs, th" ("inpmiy, yyords, convince tho nioHt this? .. -i lug Hi- - patient. Thl n l m Mi" "iiwulitK I'lvc .v.'ai'K a should it of l"r I'lrenlar nHkhu for mi additional Kkeptiea) Doctor Out of tlie decanter, madam, . I c.-i- l about Ihe merits of Doan'a lutip-erli.'.- 'i ll-- HI wan called in' lillnplitllV. Hill ti.. (I ii lot pi r your." Th" ail i'.'hIh liiKlrui'llnnn, and other meehaniial ii llllli' fur las. Ktrunu'ih THE WM. FARR COMPANY 'i- - Kidney 111 If you miller from ii'i- ..''"ii'iiiii; t" i iii ( .,l l,"n,l"lll WIIM IHK",1 t" pillvllHNI' plan of worU, iarkhin', iniiillnx, i'li'." of different woods. -i ha. kai he, flcepleHsni-ss- INTRODUCED. vlhi ul Ions a lot ail.l'iliiliii'. tin- hi IMIH illl"K"'l 'I' "ha nilHiini" Nainpl" of nervouHness, Teehnulnny, which will study the dealers In i lar limit. t. In it "ii" tvni kid- Wholesale and retail - r,n urinary tllsordcrH or any form of li- sin; gestión" J''-..- uní Mr". Krnii't In ha y ra u ii, at a ill: "f alsn pr..iiilv..-.l- M10 iiiinpaiiy (iKrci-lnt- microscopic structure of wood, met Fresh uutl Stilt Sleuts, Sausage a ney 4 M. thtj euro Is nt hand, lioad IIH 1(111 p "..pi "onr liHt pi i." ,r 1. ril'iinil th" tl.'ii.iHll with nda of .sensnnint; nnd drying It, and hogs the WCI'I' I'.'lll oselltl'd lll.'l pi fr.iin tain." ihc first Mils: specially. .For cattle and w uliiw walling I'mni was v 'I'hc payin"ti "1 wiih to ho mail" n niltlam of $ for work don". In- - other problems of a juircly tech ideal biggest market prices re paid . Ht.-a- Mrs. Charles Thomas. 11 Ii. Lend M with rul'ivrirs. II' In Klallni.-nl- "I J.', " Ii. inn II. al to th" of "lilaililllir ploy ini-li- its character. crowded nveiine, A X. Méx., Hayn: "Hi "yniptntn blanks inii)iiiti Th" yalii" nl' laiol nl U'. nt ami Iiihi for lhiitieijiie, Maintenance, which will have path it's rllh'il knowletlKO nf tho of R proper diagnosis, Miiirli, Km Isaway IIi mi Ii nilil topyint,' l.tit'i'H. .'ori'i'Spondi-nt- rti- - "our niorlt ehaiKe of the 1'iliUK n nil computing. tli. y wi'lc promised hampton 1 B. H. & C,0 v In- - loan's Kidney Pills, dates buck some BRIGG3 Un- tr Hninit would '"' l.on II. .nil. I.oiik lHluinl, wan a Hlamjii'il pillow top wllh It will also be responsible for the upon whl.'li inht years iiffo and slnt o that time H(."V. full"1' t'1 '"' n ylew ht rintloiis showhiK Inuv to rnihioid"!'. purchuHo nf supplies and freneial care In pr-d- l. I' "i'' l''i"'i,w wllh t" we DRUGGISTS t'.- tl 11 havo rarely been a sup- or Wi-.n- l ha on and wi ndvlsi that rnmnilHsioii without nf the laboratory. 1m pi H l "I fii"t solicitation, Mi.. pri.Hfpt.'H nipt rail. entire - IT, yyoiild ply on hand. I suffered a great 'portlm? " A '.Mill tn Tumi pfi' i nt wiim of he mild thorn lor The class of work in the laboratory would receive a I't'n- I"" profit of ileal by dis- Proprietors ol P Inyi'Kinii-nl- tn ord.-- iilitaini d for ptirt lian.t from backache, caused may be into as .m- - S. 1'. Mobldiis. "I' Fran. pi i.miIk.-.- on th" separated three kinds, Altarado Pharmacy, Cor. Gold and oi. from a íiihI ordered kklueyn. I was all run down, ii lemarkPibl" I; lulu. if pillow top wltli I'lirtlnns how (allows: 11 Indiana. In blob I'm had no mut .. Fist; Highland Pharmacy, Cor. .. H to .inii.riilil. r. ambition felt miserable recovery u "f lhih"l-- was Tin' . " Mi.iw.'.l Mini Mia lainl I. The investigation of problems in fi'.ni .us'' IHri't-toi- ' in every tvay. of East. Central and Broadway yyllhoiit I". S. Cf'tiMiis- lhir.nnl n - The first ex peí line nt al i eseareh. mirnited, and In wlil'-l- Mi.' l",liM'' In .initiMiiti vvaH piai lliiilly I'onii'tt Kidney pills ni'iil ninini'.'M two M'fy lnatt'ilal .lirniK..- brought relief ICxperimetital work with com- was urged l" l'i.f' liii" the Ihium aliio Inr hiilhllii "i' iiKilriill pain In my con- '. i' Ill Mi" Hthiilnl" for mannl'ailiii-f'- to from the back and mercial plants to verify laboratory ex- was $2.92 from Kussla, against J4 .06 tl ntiTi.'iil . mill tynilli no rnuro Minn tinued uso my ""i-rl"- hy Mm npi.-l- nip'iitH restored kidneys to a periments on a commercial scale. Kngland to Uelagoa bay. The fivii (iviiltii''"! it "l,v J a tu ÍJ an with lilll" or no from ployi-- III lolli'i-llni- hnrimil condition, mitkinn mo feel 3. par-tic- s i I in- t II Ml" dal.l for tile with outside saving effected by purchasing from II. pi i toil nii.nlh th" "i"' lniiiil in ptoHpi'i wiii for "f "ii" II II "111 h like a different person. I'lnau's Kid- purpose of 1 110,000, - il y a k nf for the assisting them Kussla amounted to about . .'him-'il- Tl."' t'i "I .IiH. illi. iih K.i hi. 'I. that on,' ney wim M I a 1'illH lia vii also been taken by In t t i "At th" nf 00 nml applying principles ami processes which involved a lower price also for ,,'t,Ml tn 'I" w linl I"""1 Mia t in 'ii k nn person In lliiCi," "tin- iniin-lif- another our house who lit recognized . y. 1" In vyonl.l I Hlatt'd th" tlirt'tlor, of commercial value with the rails, oyving, as stated by ttte ulna mi'l nlnK Ii" .HhIivI will. that "I'alh.r have difficulty fttraiRht-cnlni- r Mi" iii.ii lur.'M hi hi'diil. t'lill.-t- I'nr tlni tinted had much In which the service Is thoroughly fa- of tlie to com- l.v. iil iri'iilnii "t. .li'.il for tin' Minn- miinnnt "f treasurer Transvaal the liiUr the 11 1111 lii'i- nl, iii.-ii- Mm after stooplriR nn account of the o I" I. i' "thin iin(" nyt'raii1' miliar. bination of steel rail manufacturers in H ,. Mint lliiiim lvi.l I'"' In.' Hlij." Aniilhi wrll" that ai pain aeroxH tho loins. ltellef soon II 11" lunula r of yynmi n, nml th" nyi'i'iiK" The supervising staff of Mie labora- Europe, excepting Russia, and also to w Mi" 1" "H'l I. mil wo f't'nly nml poor would illi iii'iii"ti'i''u i 11 followed thn uso of this remedy. in. uh. - - of hililii uriiliT lti tory is us follows; ttte ctimblnalion of steam- "f hiiylnn vl..- IiiIiiikhIIiI" I"!- n nIiiiiI" li'i'i' to (rrtiw rate the you know lillii'.lK "ii ih:ii'"i" during "iit'li nioiiih hi ont h i'tah-Ill- i Whenever Doiin'n Kidney Pills have McMarvey Cline, director. ship companies. Maahee Young man, will ,1 Mi.- M.'illi-ii- mi ll." An.ilh.l' unlil. "it i'onnlsl.1 nf Ian llliii'.lx "' ''' iii.iit. t'oiilil HiIh liiivi-lit'i-- been taken since then, they have H. S. Bristol, In charge, of wood hie after this! I wiih" Nainl riiyf-ri'i- with Htrnh oak," Ail. Inn lux l."ii 1. '"'' I"" i'" nnswi-l'i'- aoftirnti'ly, 11 yyniild given prompt and punitive benefit." chemistry. Mashed Yes. ma'am. I've had a H. ni"" i" iy. il hIv t,. th" .yl.l.'iii'.'. Ml" l"ln Very l ikely. t tutu tiv. h" tiin. II" Airoiiliim 11 nilii 11 lit il ly have I'liriilNhetl Infoi'inti-M111- 1 II. D. in teih-nolug- down," Jii .t.J.áll Ii. Tleinaiin. charge nf "knock all right. In Mi" HI J''1 in.- .'Minpany of Ii lni.nlliH '"'"r '"""I' (lii'n-r.i- nun yaliio nml of greater The depot of Meridian, Tex., is ii t.c in- Ai niavli r tirnml-ll- i tn lllltinhi for li.ivlna .i. i ni iIok I'"t yaliii' than that wo nr.' iitity II K. Weiss, In charge of wood pres- about a mile from Ihe business part of si . lil cli; m il iii'.li-- rrv nltlui; M- THE DIFFERENCE. ni I In. mil; Ii tli" null han mi proposhiH' to 8". 'nr.'. To niiHyy.-- r thin FOREST PRODUCTS ervation. the town. One night a sleepy, weary Mint iillVt'"'! ullan. i.i .l"!' I."' m il Mi" M tint illinhin.lliiK lit'. inn liitiri iatory wllh Kt r let. att-unn- Ilolf TliNc, In charge of timber traveling man said to tho darky who e wtitilil, howcytr. tho fpi'tlal was driving him to the hotel: iiK. iil or th.. ma imfii. turtr. lining' out W. H. Kempfer. tn t barge of main-totume- e. 'did man, tvhv In the name nf Ml., ti'ln 1I11I". to i;n in .Ii lull Mii'iinitti LABORATORY III heaven tlid they pul this depot so far y . r y pay roll oí 1I10 iiHiniily The technical force will in part be from town'.'" . i' .'1.' or li In . r, i niiiil - made up of Mip following men: The darky scratched his head in iiuinh, r of im n, womt'ti nml II. Surface, engineer In wood thought, and replied: dr.'ii on th" Hotif.'-ilio- n hemistry. "Waal, boss, 1'sc JVced to admit dat of tin .mi- nnd.-- It! Involving J r? KiHvIn Siit.'1'iin.'ÍMtc r, wood pulp it I hasn't gives de matter s'ffiriont cog- ."i nllar dlifti'iilty. parth'iilai ly in' VeStigllliolls. itation, but jes' jumped up for a an- of tin- .aiiii-- pay rolls of th" Jason L. Merrill, chemist. swer like dis, s'pose .ley done dat so and ntiraKliii; Mn I'ninit fur K. Uateman, chemist. as to have tie depot as near as possi- "in Ii month. 'I'o do this would, in L. l' University Haw ley, wood distillation ble 1" de railroad." I my .Iminnnnl, hat" r n l Will timen as hum as In till out nil the in in- With Government Study of Frederick Punhip, kiln tlrying Scared hy Ihc M. D. nl the iiinnnlaetnres st'lietl-nl- " vest igat ions. Do. Nonsense! Ynu . x. ept only Mi.- qiii sl Ion on elitssi-II"- . Important Pioblems Relating ('. Tlie 'lor 1. Moll, mlcroseoplst. got a is what Nimbo Can you tell me, my dear unites. W. P. os, haven't cancer. P.ooe to resources. ltrusli, míel opist. ails you! You must stop drinking at Uuuipliu, the difference between "As a mailer of fart, prut licnlly Timber C. J. Iltiinphrey, de- pathologist, once! ek cow and dead bee? nolle of the reltiins at Ule preeedini: Indus-try- . tailed from the bureau of plant (lee! it eensnses were, I am eliiii based The Souse Is that serious? Dunipüii Couldn't say, Cocky. Why. Doctor. 1 thought It yvas some oil aeliial analyses of the pay rolls Mornini; .lournal llurtiiti, j 1'" V. riond, mechanical engineer Nimbo Well, one is a seedy beast, I11 MIX simple thing that could be helped by J They ero marly nil eases mere Munsi y Hnlldiuv,. 10. W. ."ord. mechanical engineer. and t'other is a bee deceased. 1 an Cleveland "Miniates made iniite or less offhand W.tshillKtoll, I '. "., Oct. s. I operation. Leader. C T. llarnuni, mechanical engineer, I 1 faE JABERSI hy Ma- 111. 11 11 a it in ef nr his I'l ions have been completed t" P. Winslow, civil engineer in eyery to Ven Cse for Auto. iniil Iheii.' reason for Mie of all the govern- The work of the offlce of wood theue were transfer li.llite thai ment's forest products work to Madi- at Chicaipi will consist of She (In a motor car) What was oil. 'ii vtlde of Ml.' Illlllk. son, Wis., where the t'nitetl States .'tiltiles of the wood using Industries the matter? "Tlie ri- - as it has h.'tii forest products laboratory will of various states, Mie study of woods He Oh, nothing. ised lor Ihe ealltí for serviee iileselil he l.uattd, and to Chiei.RO, where the in mantifictiire ci Hit of the methods Sh Then why did you stop the Mie it In 01 men, women and hll-dl- '. of disposing and i headiiua rtery of the office of wood of mill waste, the collec- machine crawl under it? A wonun wlio sick and síilTrrínj, and won't at least n employ. .1 dui illlt one spe.'illt-wee- I on,, utilization will tie established. tion of statistics on the price nf lum- lie saw of my creditors - "lily, and lm- Mie iiiiniher try a nudit int- whit It tlic j v i ml nl l.ydia Ii. I'liikliam's product ber at the mill and the coming. Huston Transcript. :s t The new forc.vt laboratory principal M ttiihoul dlstin.'tton of ni;.-"- i - being er. Madison by ttte y distributing markets of the country, Vcctahk- Compound, is to iilamo lor iicr own wietclnd hia. on the tirst pay roll ,.f eneh cteil at of Wisconsin, which will co- and the study of specifications mid month. The r.laiite .M.-n- l In hl.h s. condition. operate with the government in Us (trading rul-- The oliiec will also se- When Your tloinls Arc Still' tM'in.n nml ihil.lren an- employ, , foro-- products work un.1 which Is to em,., statistics of forest products of and your muscles sore from cold or ttlll lie nseei tallied 11 pproxi in.'it t'lv w you TIkmv an litiT.illv Iiundrcds of tliousands of women in coM approvimati ly f'.O.OOO, Ik now In importance to (he experimental work rheumatism, hen slip nnd sprain 11,'Ui Mu- limites or Ma- led of Mi., a joint, .strain your Hid,- or I ol construction. The set t lee and the study of the bruise the United Stales ulm have teen benefited hy tliislamous and. although w.-.- will the ue.k. that ir-- yourself. will out will be a 1 oof huiiuiiiR movements nf lumber and of the con-I- . Painkiller lake the iiieth', lilt Ii w not. perhaps, in some Industries he soreness fix you old it u as produced from roots and licilisoxer of tu l, k in w hite rtone, lions of tlie principal lumber mar- ami right AHvays It, deal nl the .ar as a tt ludo, the trimmed and il you, l.y Is located near Ihe Chicaun, Milwau- kets. have with and use it freely tliiity years ao a woman to relieve woman's sulierin. n i ni ai y ol the llmir. s will more Mian Avoid - The personnel f substitutes, there is hut one , m us, iti- . kee SI. Paul railroad with exclusive the office of wood mi. tor appai'i'iit saeii-li- ntill-.:atio- ihe for tlie present is fol- Painkiller. Perry Ilavis'. Price iT.e.. 111 ami other railroad facilities. as Read what these women say: the aiiiininl of "lina ol, tia.ks lows; 3T.C and r.Oc. I. I. The building Is expected to be ready line. Sa.-k- 1 1 1. H. S. tt, in charge. 'anillen, N. .1. " Ii iitli t liut I Homl mjr "We :.l it lor occupancy upon January In 1 iliiiiir totlnn bate l.ellleil wise In y Mil .Maxwell. I. Ihe meanwhile temporal oflic. s ytill , nlul tor tilt. i i:. I'inUlimiiS lal,l iiiiiimiiiiiiI, it .at mil the .iuerM.,ii villi regard to Visitor a long rope-- i-- ti Mad- Franklin 11 That's Pat. imty In. liii miiIIi iin t f , he located at 0 Adams street, Smith oilier iIii wuiiii lo hfinscl w.t tlx wanes li ju-- . atuil lissllied to whl. hate i l'at, 1 some III llOlit III lili- - ii'iim-iIv- linger K. Simmons. be juhers! think C lllll.ltlll' i. l' iiid. ami hu h appeared In ihe ison. THE LAST WEEK I i !ml-- body must have cut end off Milii'ii.l irniu ..t I in my luit k nml si.lo. nii'k lieailuiln'i, . . m ii, tober Mu' Vale test- Charles Hatch. the it' , in sehedllles ol ISllll mid lüilX. , I tliM-on- l ii lili-- II t uní-- no -- ing iiuu-t- and mi ttns (iiril anil lien tin" nml Wl'llk I'll. " sell, s . tl f.H' nuiii-I- " l.iboint.'iy vv.ia I dull all. the Kill. i WELL-KNOW- li.inllv sl;inil. I.Ml'..i C l'iiUlitiM. i 'MiiLili l'iliiiiillitl iiiph'V.-- selei-l.-t- tile forest si vice equipment there A - of iluii'irt a DIRECT STEAMER LINE PLAY. ni.iilo mi- Xt'tl Monday tte start lo inotc, 1 1 ere ii xttll wuiiiin ami 'lm vnlii.ilili' nuil liinc kIiiiII v. i lt, n, d Mu-I- shipped to Madison. The laboratory uli-u- t to li.ite - .Mrs. . 1'. luc, o , was are sonic liargsius: hIhiioi in l.iiu olu .11 nlluf. nil,) also sepalntlliK men. hele at W.c liiiiKton discontinued FROM BOSTON TO TEXAS A 1 I minion, . ,1. at the same Mine. The timber testing t.onien ami .11 un.l.-- It',. This Diamond C Soap, 100-h- ar i i , . laboratory at Purdue. Ind.. will he l'.ii la.-- 4' I sul Icrril for fltc friini fciiutle ntiil.los, anil int. iialiil it nu n Hi allsw.r.-il- r operated until the middle of IV. em- (i.-- t nt last niK iiliniisl lii'lil . I trii-.- l I lirt-- 1I..1 tori lint lliey iliil wo. il.l furnish nil. n nialimi of reat P.osion, 19 The prospective box ..$3.10 - tu-- . , . ber, when it will he discontinued and mo no K'""l. Al t iMri- i.l I iu to try l.tili.t I'.. I'inkliiim' t.llue We Inn mué ll i il ei d , establishment of a direct steamship i Its e.pnpment snipped Madison. Swift's Pride Soap, h i'K't;ilil t iiiiii. iiiii.l, mil it lutH iiniile iiii nuil 1 luiw t T, that Inr nuia t" htroii. ofiii es super-vi'lo- n line liet ween Mils city and Texas liO.e ull Milli-rinu- ' MI I ili II. answers eann.t 1..- ol, tamed The having general at an ttuiiK'ii ,ust Ki' I'inkliaiirH i.'iieii over tvork of the early date was announe. d today by bar box i'üPlalili oiiipiiiiinl it i rial, fur' il in worth it in y ultl." by mi anioiint of Hull, and that lot all the blanch th. , ti ilil products will temporarily at transportation commltue of th.- - rhitm-b- i .Mix. .1. I'. l.n.Mi. li. It. r. . 7. i:ri-- other esla hllshimnls Ml" nmnt'.tlt ill' nf remain Swift's White 100- V. I- r of commerce. It is expected Soap - .lion ii- i.i ni, .mi answers W. - Hall. mvistatit Ihe ,.Jt ill line win furnish . Since we all which we pub- won!,! IntoU. ( ;.. nst- and delay pre forester, i. 'tit unes charge of the direct freiutit servi. bar box u.n.intee that testimonials ttet-kt- $3.90 . I bi ti M.t'.ary.y with sailings to gulf ports. is lude. hy Un- ions i, our up in. of producís and lish are it not fair that if Lydia K. Madt.-o- ii 24-ca- ns jrnume, to suppose pitipri tu-- ns no. I t eiiuit em, as ti Chile will be dircitor of the New Sweet Corn ms Sun-i- rinkliam's Compound h.ul the irtue to help Mie dule oi piihlislilnc th,' result? l.iboiiitory The y ork ot Ihe labora- Warning on Pa. hie ( ont. i. tory wiil be to five I'ltl. .s, . Washington. 1, t. hc per case g stt tl sp. akliiu. this iinitiirv fall' veather $2.00 i tlu'se worsen it wiil help any other woman who is suiter-in- I bur. a a I 1 f,,",.w tonight reported tvnrn-- t.illilit the held of Mie illirtu of .a , storm i at-- New Sweet Peas, lii-- nigs ,,n 24 cans, from the same trouble. l lather than that of Mie Wood pr ttt ion. which vvi'dftudy the Pat lie run hi. It ni.iv I"', hutvi ver. that a' problem n iaie.l 1 the impremí, , fioin Kuiek.i northward. 12 1 -- 2c quality $2.40 . n- i - ,i,iil and yenrn P.. Un l -i s. ill or.l.-i- ,,k.' ml- of t with preservatives l'or .fl l.yiliu IMnkli.ini' Itii-sla- .ai! i t i fa. t .n;. olio r suhst.iíieen. 's Loner on Gold Coin and "miuuiul li.ot I. i n the sl.iii.l.u .1 n nu .l at" h" that UK Hates stivl Kails. Homestead l..r nr. visit es-- t Wood oh. mlstry, which will handle Corn ruing- ttte re. iIim'h -- 1 to ,Mti tlialiuf.tetliritii: ent announce- fcinult' Ills. No kick j to .1 Flour, per l.i-rel- f I. lim. at Khali k Hi,, all work beating the i hemic. ment of Mie ortb hundred m ho m ill ii"l try tins I.un. ti it l . a. in r nf the Transvaal ..$3.25 ll ot - I., of prodn. Is Wood I in (., :, nu.-sl.i- n PtUuiki-t'.- . M.iile t lusix ly Ii root nml hri hx. iiinil'i- plotlde a k. p... lie utilisation f.iiot roteriun. firm for On h h. Mine. Clothing. iiiii ami . oth.-- tghty-poun- CriN-ki'r.t- . s i h. ,i u i it pulp n.l fiber S.O'lfi tons i.f d lias I hiiusaiuts nl' i uri-- to ri'ilit. m. lim lei jé muí doiiilnti,i par steel raits. Tin. ;r.niite and .la-a- r, lit . i ien-..iii- .111 a I I a II prop- - predutt.i, h. mioal analysis of Consul C.encral f). Cape Is Im u 1 i y ,'tl': .'el Julius Iiy of eti rtthiiiS fnrc inotiiig. I Í nl test nrs ,1 . :npcl ,h The oclor siays tñerc the tli trouble H.h Lull i is t,!l, (rom a. p ly roí! Il tat p. ntin.-t- etc . me the princi- Town wrtt.s that llritish. American iiml.-rst.ii.i- l yt Iual my ai'M you mil ; l som. the matter with bead ilo rite to Jlrt, would l ot , pa! ee ban. tl. d by this ofuVe and Canadian manuf.ii turr-r- full thii.8 I i l.y f w nlml teat stmisllt had WM. D0LDE ly pay a ih nk lia or Ik tl ice Is . i, Sharp You sunt didn't in at tin. Mas, r it of II,!!-!- '. he fr.tttl Tluibir which will have kno .In.- of the opportunity, hut A0Ia ft .l.lkAAU .k. - inr l, tell you that" Tran- frruud alwult i) t.iblishm, lit If su. h- rh.nKe of .,!t ivna to determine tin- couhl not compite. Thf freight rate 122 North Second m Street sí ri,it


do pfj 1 5 1 4 Lock Island Co 3H; do pl'd 7N8 GLCUDGROFT FIRE FINANUE AND St. Louis it San Fran. 2nd pfd.. f8 St. Louis Soulliwi stcrn 30' do pl'd ...'.. Í '1.' IN V. US Slosg 12 LET PUT Steel TOUCH and Iron.. YOU Sheffield HEAVY BLOW Southern l'aeilic . . 129' Southern Railway 31 COMMERCE do pfd 70 Tennessee Copper , 35 Every Issue of the Journal is a Special Issue for Results Texas & I'acitic 35 Heart of Business Section of Toledo, St. Louis & West 54:n do phi 70 ted Town on Summit of All. STUFl t. t'liion I'acitic 203 PERSONAL PROPtRTY LOANS STORAGE FOR SALE Real Estate, TO LOAN (lu 104 Sacramentos Is Destroyed. 19. The salient pfd v New York, Oct. Keally 83 MONt.V TO IOAN. VVANTKl l'ianos, hoiiHetiohl gomia,1 , I'nited States Wm-on- MONKY IX 1AJA.N. disecrnnblo in today's stork mir-k- Kubbor 48 On Furniture. P!aie. (irKiin. Hi.mei, etc., Btoietl snti'ly at rcuanimlilo fact I'nited States and other rl.atlel: nlmi un Hiilartea KnA Foil SA1.K--- 1 room frame cott.iue. Short time loans on good collttter! speculative in- Steel J0 Sixelnl ('orrenioliilern'o ti Morning lonrnnl Reeclpt l. w 110 00 u Advances in.ule, 1 hone .40 t was the decrease of I'nited States Warehniui. in ami rates. st.uie foundation, baih, i 1. ctric or personal security. 110 A So. Ind 'd Ix.aiifi do pfd 127ííi AlamoRordo, . M.. (let. Is. hlKh $150.110. iirn quickly mnd The Security iii'ehouse nnd Inipiove-nien- t 612. K. M. Drown, Doubtless the primary cause prlvatn. 'rinif. nn menvh buhls, ni.e shade trees. cement street; phone terest. 48 an.l mrlelly li. (jfticcH. rooms S and 4, Is narrowing resources of t'lah Copper Cloudiloft, the most famous resort In one year given. (l.inda l.i tvnuila In yi:ur t'o. walks, close only Jl.liKI; Jl'MI of this the t - in. im- Virginia Carolina Chemical .... 47 poaseaalon. Our ratea are ri.uaent'jle. Ca1! llloek, Third street und Cen- : - - money market, although the the southwest, lost the heart of sh. and $jr, p. r ni. null. Lloy liun- tin- Wabash 20 and e ua bf..r b.rr..'tiiie. Hteaiii.'ilp trul avenu. FOR RENT Rooms. of money is easier In nlprhl. fn.m all purtii (he saker, -- C.'i V. (lold. mediate tono do pfd SO Vi .district by lire last Peketa to and ef w.irta. ;,. tlian was tho ruso last work Tllfc HOL'KUHOI.I IOAN IIIMIA.NV, FOR 111CNT The most aanilary and York Western Maryland 21 Only tncomplete reports are obtain- 'i anil 4. inl lltdg. ! brforo. Apparently the Koume l.r EMPLOYMENT. IN ea window; rooms at the Rio H' and the work Westing house Klectric ...... SG PK1V ATM 1'H. KS, folio I'l!l.l.tí free; not sunstilno able her,, by telephone at cliiht o'clock 1 I V. (lold. 618 Writ Central. speculative element Western I'nion . 77 OPUN HVEMViis Colliurn & C.aidner, VV. bllvor rrHof Is to he Is to t I'enlriil Avena. KK.NT ñ in its hope Hint this Ac 9 this niorninir. The fire said have Iff 1;K.W! i.ots new Uuilioad FOU Furnlsliea rooms now Whcelini? Luko Krio Ave., I'll. me 354. l.nnK! in interruption between i ear-pen- rooms for light ouiekecpluf. life free from Wisconsin Central á2 orii; na led in the year of .some building WANTKII-- llridue carpet, let's, t, town North Tesas. Cheap. Kusy of year. West I.ead. ami the end the Total sales, 815,300. LEGAL NOTICES. r I i s h Kood hai I" r, team- terms. l'arlie ulars. Nic. Killer, State diminished specu- iut about inidnlKbt and on account is. tone of the wi-r- easy. Total sales, par sters; ten Airent, Albinuiei SÍODKIIN roomo and first cíaos board Th' as lioiids óf wind (he unusual dryncs: colored waiter, and laborers. line. today was greatly unsettled lililí and KOTK'K 1I'' AI'l'I.K'A HON. -- lation value, $3,370,000. I'nited States bonds, Foil SA '1'ow n lols, $.1 down un.i Denver Motel. Second and Coal. by the Miicensins and .hi'lldiuBS, which are all frame ' was witnessed uuchaiiRed on call. of tlie (OKIIIIH) eUp 5.1 a month. YV. V, Futrcllo, llooni ií KNT- - Two for - flurtuations ol prices. Lon- W ANTEDM ale" Foil Irregular spread rniiidly. l.;ui.l Office, IS, Hotel Ucnver. keepimr, single or ensuito, modern.. was a seller in this market. There United States MKÑ T.KAllN r.'ii s. St. don IIOSTOX STtK'KS AMI KOMIS The entire side of Hie principal tmrber trade Shiirt SA1.I". 2 acre farm, mile and Fdlth from X. M , Sept. 13, 11109. KUit i ,as sollina on a lance scale tUlSING I'lilCI Sr. block faelmr Hie matn of North Santa Fe, time rc(iiired; Rradtuites earn $12 Coll UKNT Two unfurnished rooms d s:ivn half south of city. Hood house; nearer home and which prov-i- Hi or 10. College, sources Money Clouderoft is iy ashes. AmonK 'otlio of appllculioii AVcynian to $30 week. Moler liarber laundry r.iom: barn; carrol; ihkkeit cheap. Apply Wright, Morninii as to the chara tor of Wad-del- 1. An los. enliKhteniiiK' Call loans üíifúS loilhlioes known to have been burned Strother ami Mimci sirother l is lío h iur.e; wlutlmlU. Addres3 11. H. & Journal. preceding btiyiiiK which 4 (a ; yome of the Time loans 3 were: the saloon; l'orrv Kriinioy for u United State patent to $ó(0 IN l'KIZKS free, seo window; 1!.. tliis otTieo. i' Oi; ; ;nT Furnished room; 317 S. i n upon us cumins from K;- - relied liolUls store, general nieri-haudisr- Ilex 1'lucer, builóüis' M.jne, mining 114 W. Hold. street; phone 1 U 7 powerful capital- Co.'s I'Oll SAI.i- ;- ;l (o ti room houses, on I'liiiilh Informed and . ecu,. , well Atchison Adjustable 04 tosky .; Mcnik'is.m. ral merchan claim. oo, ... p, l "i i . ñ mini- - it mif,'hl he 4s.... VA.TKlJ ,,t,.S ui ip easy payments. W. V. Futrellc, 'i Vf !F. j' N v, i"f r nlsli e, leadership, 1 ists whose Atchison 4.s . 0'J C. M. 1'ouill's office: th No t'iy.liiei'K need ap-p- y Ill some dise: Judee Notion Is hereby ven, that In pur- wa.s. lioo.e Kooin Hotel Denver. crn monis. Apply 'JUT1:.. W. Hold, was sale to follow. hotel See S. M. Hi an, Helen. ,M li. " Kailroads r.clmont hotel: the llomceroft I 1 I taking today there suance of Chapter f. of Title 32 of the SAI. K home, looms, lit ti i MS lor m 1" lio li si k i c p nu. ii of the profit sales A'ellisoli .120 A bit;h w bid w as blow in.;- at Ho Tl il sTilesm.i ii in,,! . .. Hector; Foil of indl-idti- VN bath, irmiil pluuiliiiiL'. hot water heat S Kdilb. was suspected a closing out do pl'd .104 ot way. but : Uevlseú Statutes Of the I'nited Stalcn. pro posit ;, m. '....i Pin,, the fire under must have leant, hip; burn, speculative accounts running Ho.-to- iM-- electric liKhls, cellar, l'ol'il ÑICKI.Y furnished inodeni Albany .231 fortunate shift in dieieiion about thi 'lint V.. Vcyrnan Sirother of Annnp- - Sinm r Sewini; Mai bine Co . ".ls'j S. thousand sharp trees, fences. In fact everylhiiiK first rooms housi keeping. Apply :i- - I p to the hundred Ilusión fe Maine .150 li ', served ma t cria I! v in savin Second. lor kind, ar ills, 51d. , c.mipl. te. intei es,., ad S mark of a purely professional Hosl lOlcvated .130 des- ami Mlnn.i Sirother Waddell elatih and If F.dith. in buildings adjacent to the block WANTKI 'ook. male leuoile. Ap Albiupicriiue. on scale by hoard . if Cleorf.'iii, dress, r. ii. box :ti:i, IM'i.NT mod- operations that Fiicl.hurrr pl'd 130 - Columbus, arc clainiin lurnishcd room, troyed. second lucky rireumslanc ply at once, Santa Fo Hospital. M ii ow l'lill of 1 with iter. room traders created a sentiment N. Y., V. II. . 00 fact the reservoir con ind arc to make application ern eoiiM-nli'iices- v.enllemi'ii pre- motives and í.l was the thai about YVANTK1 A man. must In KO'd distrust of some of the 1'nloii l'aeilic .203 a of water. wldel Fol! SAI.I'. ."oil acre ranch in I'ecos ferred. Call niorniiiKs. 713 W. Silver pre- tained rull bead hiou;;h their attorney, Klchai'd II Apply I ... link da it y. on which the milker. 111 iiiltped information .Misi'ellaiicouH furnished water in' abundance, an mountains; located beaut tul val been based. . . .'lamia, of .New .Mexico, for II vious accumulation had Amn. Arse. Chemical 46 with heavy pressure, to fiylit lie Santa ley. miles trout railway Foil UKNT Nicely furnished fruilj feeling was emphasized by the do pfd .101 posiot'ttce; p.u uou s This flanies. A half inch of snow whirl i Hulled States patent for Iwenly HELP WANTED Female. store and .small room. West Cold. - i roach of the quarterly mcetinR of Amn. Pniu. Tube 8 : under ditch; Ki.,.d reservoir site and fell earlier in the evenni'i. and cov- of placer minim; land contain-in- S. corporation and the A 11111. . 130 icres poKMlble: Ull the 1'. Steel Simar ered the roofs served as an aildiliona' WANTKD A ni lor cooking and extensive Irnuatioii FOR RENT re- do . 120 building ricino and the S. ;t Intuí Dwellings. doubt of the kind of stork market J'I'iI protection. Kcncral house work: 103 South acres under fence; out of valley which may be made to even A inn, Tel. & Tel . 141 of N. K. V of N. V. U or ix'.-tii- 2i, no. limbered with pine, pimm, cedar and sponse If is imoos.-ilil- rt this time to ol Ai l.'Ofl UKNT lirick house, llvo rooms, of that Amn. Woolen . 3li lownxhip 10 N, 5 :. of N. M oak. well sodded with and the most favorable outcome l. .to nil esliroille of tile alrloullt of rnime WANTKI (einian woman for Kcll-er- and mraina nt 310 West Santa. Fe avenue, at alti- do & BitUiiled noetiUK. in view of the price pfd .103 pro des P. I!. M., in the Must be conipe-..l- it abundan! wrass for slock. Ideal lor $13 00 per month, as- damage. All of the cities housework. inuulfo at Mann tude of the stock and the Jubilant lioininion It on a Steel ... soup nnuntain, Tijeras laoyon. iiiini'in .ii come well recommended; AiiK'ora Koats and entile, l'ure run Saddlery Co., 215 West Copper Ave. F.di-o- n troyed are said to have rallied and of ruining events that have Klectric Ilium rlct, in county of l;. i nah Ho and nlnpr mountain water and unrivalled sertions the i;o d waives. Address Mrs. W. V. U K CAN you a dcslraijle house ( llera I Klectric' .10 4 insurance. .1 climate. Hood house and huildliiKS. rent nrrompanird it. the depot errilory of New ico an knuwn Sanders, llox 4 4 1 Magdalena, X. M, Massachusetts Klectric pl'd 80 The casino, the pavilliou, I'rlce, $2. .MIO. W. W. llacon, ;:M furnished or unfurnished. South- A feature of the situation that t in the Key 1'lacer rniniiiii c'.aiui, a - and tents IicIoiikíiií,' ( I uirl tor licn- Co., 201 17. was the Massachusetts this , 71 the cottaires WANTKI' joiin;? Hold ave western Kealty Central aroused much conjertnrr h west ern routi plat of same bcln.: herewith posted. a . the Paso Sunt eral housework; $JH month. Hood Ave. strength of thi rorolun exchange mar-k.-- t 1'1'lted Fruit 102 of Hex w.-r- not The Cloudcrof The notice of location party. only to- Shoe . 6 8 duuaiieil. position lor three a I'nited Much .1 $.100 IN 00 wludow; which made further advanre ial Co.. Pharmary, Placer claim Is of record in toe office Apply I', o. FOR SALE Miscellaneous l'lll.Kb frrr; do pfd , 30';, Cmnniei'i l'aili.v's irrown peoplif ill family. day with the continued demand for if of Vrnalillu county lll W. Hold. S. . 1111 W. Lrarkvil's stove, and the Vlrniui: the recorder box, 17 1. 1. Steel KK.NT--;- i 2..U STO 17S; or easy ! remittance. es (t New Mexico, in Hool; v eiicap; cash FOU room housea tarnish- do I'd hot el. in :i j it ii blocks, also A!lniiiieriiic, N i general hoiiHe-- Special Interest attached to the an- j, .127 WA TKI iirl for payments. 114 W. Hold, ed or unfurnished. W, V. Futrcllo, Mining railed the flames. "M," Folio 322. in small family. Mrs. S, J.ew- - pl.icinsi a block ork - nouncement of the of plainly visible from The minim; premises herebj oil SAI 1.' - iea't UK st o Vcl:Í T Soílfh lloom IS, Hotel Denver. Adventure Tliis lire wis said Insoll. .'II 2 S. Seventh si. " of St. I.ouls & San Francisco refund- FÍ il ' t" !( K brick," Ib erecírlij . A made a beai sought to be patent, d is houmieil as Walter street bit bat in (Scrmnny, Allouez r.s la nioirordo. and sleioicr.iplier. Ap- ing bonds P t: WANTKI "l.adr with bankers llrsi-clas- llKlils, I.eud. Amalgamated . 83 pi.lnic. as the lm follows, On north by the l'lill riA IjK i bul letn.i us s corner Seventh and by foreigners in some ply niorniiiKS. John l.ce Clarke, Inc. XV, Cen- Tartirlpation . of Hi., (in I.ow rent. The Leader, 311 In con- Arizona Commercial 44 Klal'e rose above lb" clest ed minliiK ilaini eaii ticket l.i New Orleans; a tuirguiii if of Hie bond issues which arc -. Atlantic . 10 ramrnto mount a in- ind south by vacant, unoeeupicd pub- at once, Address Ticket, tral templation are most relied upon to taken tare liutte Coalition . 2 0 ic land, on west by patented land POSITIONS WANTED UKNT New modern furnished up heavy indebtedness of the the Journal office. Foil take the & . l"5o Saved. tout I 304 South Killth. money Calumet Arizona 00 r.olh mown as W'hilconih. WAN'Í'KÍ I'osil i"l as nurse by a re- 250 S Tl'VKS; "cheap"; cash or easy bouse. New York market. . a of Calumet i Hecla tiB.'i Louis lloon. leadlntf merchant clnlnilnpc, ad- 1 i ft I'liiti" In mar-fcr- t Any and all persons liable and competent nurse; no ob- pa ments. 4 W. Hold. K.N'i' rooiii house, 1101 The points of strennth the Centennial 38 Norway. Mich., writes: "Three but- versely, the minlni; ground, premises to work and willlnt; i S. Arno; $10 per iiionlh, uiil'urriish-ed- ; they devel- abso-lulcl- v jection liuhl house T T. kla t( M i'lly, were spasmodic and Copper . 8 0 Honey and Tar FO exlio Kanse tles of Foley's any so described, i will If desired. 3 blocks oped from time to time in an eccen- ir portion tin rent to leave ily. Address Nurse, care cheap, if taken at once. Address furnish Daly West . 7 cured my boy of a severe omtirh. ilatled applied are hereby from shops. an explana- and for Join nal. M. .1 , care tric manner that made Franklin . 1 1', '..j and a neighbor's boy. who was so ill this oitle. Violent advances on aotified .that unless their adverse Foil" UKNT Furnished three-roo- tion puzzlins. Gran by . a cold Hie doc tors gave him cheap; or easy express Jiii'.'. with that Inlnis arc duly filed as ncunnllng to sioilis; cash house; at HUM small transactions In the (roene Cananea up, was cured by takimr Foley's WANTED Rooms. piivments 114 W. Cold. all modern. Imiulre were t the advance In the .1l" a auv and Hie regulations thereunder, room in South Amo. slocks due Isle Royale . 24 Honey and Tar." Nothing else is WANTKI board and -- - s non-des- lp-ll- ; ex- by 'Hood Knit S.vl.K oinaii States 1 T. ivit'tin the time prescribed law, dividend rate on I'nited Mass. Mining 0 safe and certain in results. J. piivate family by ount man. tickel, jfood to Oct. 31. I.a Jun- M vith the reRlwtcr of the I'nited States press. lelUKUll li O'Reilly it Co. I'ostolliee llox 7. to For Rent Rooms With Board. com- office, Fe, In county Kansas City nnd Iowa points Uumora persisted of a onminii . and nt Sania the 1 Mohawk 0 WNTKI-- It 11 and board with pri- Cheap. Address Oil with, some i Mexico, Journal. in fam- bination of copper interests Montana Coal and Coke .. 2 0 Santa Fe, territory of New vate family for two. 117., care Itoo.M AND ItoAIlD private The south- In KXTKAOTKD llo.Nl;i', 10 pounds lor ily one men; effect on copper securities. Nevada . Olio. Mostly 10c lower. $' ilLcy will he barred virtue of the (iii-ll- for or two yoiintf 24 Heves .loui'iial. $1; i. can lor order by felt the Influ- $ 3 4 .On : w class and Ad- ern group of railroads No. Butte 5 8 S.30; Texas steers 85 '.i es. .U'ovisions of said statute. house, mail. W. I'. Allen, I'. O. llox 202. iver.iihltiK llrst modern. in Missouri. ad- WAN'TKD To rent furnished J '. ,M ence of the Haw ley deal Osceola . . 15 5 tern steers $4. ouii 7.25: stoel feed- Any and all persons claiming A N. M dress Journal office. Inti about six rooms. Co. care .lotirnal. lli.ii.ueriiie. Kansas & Texas ami mysterious irrot ,. 30U ers á.líl; cows heif, ,, J2.00'u versely the lands fperlued, or desu SAI.K Two liekels to Kansas Foil I! KNT Furnished rooms ami scope T; To W A N'i'KI -" nicely Foil possible 1 iMS anl two S. mations of a further Shannon . 5 14 5.40; (.lives $7.liaco 0.25.., ne to object for any rennon to thi man and wife. Address ('. hoard, modern. 7lil Hroailway. deal. looms, with city, for for the plan involved in that Trinity 10 Hoes 15. Steady, l.ljrlit Í7.0" ntry thereof by u uplir.'itit should file lUlllish.ll I'., hoard, In slrietly private farnily, b.v .are MornlnK Journal. Closing stocks: t'nit.'ii Cop'ier 0 (ff7.65: mixed $7.3017.15; heavy ihelr afflflnvits ol'.protesta in this of- - 12 two healthy ladies; pay K"ol price. F( ill SAI.K ('h cap; .National coal FOR RENT Offices. Allis Chalmers pfl I'nited States Mining 50 roc.:h $7.2 i Ii T.40;. fioo iec on or Vjefoie day of lie 83 the Uth K. .1, D., railue, nood as Hew. I'hone 3d. Amalgamated Copper I'lliled States (III . 7- 1r Journal. douth-weste- rn 37 choice heavy $7.40 'ii - 5; plus $5.2.5 ember, IDO. i; ii" FOU UKNT Nice offlcn room, 46 !'( A I . K A u us. iht'ie'l lK lit nit, American Agricultural I'tah 42 7.00; bulk Fales $7.4 i7.75. MANUEL, R. OTKRO. IS 201 TO. 1 4 Ik lit chandelier, cost Itealty Co., Central. Sugar Victoria , IlKbts; line KX American licet 3 Sheep 28,000. S) aidy. Native $2.- - WANTED Miscellaneous. UTlIt-Il- 2 Ill glster. $7.1, only $:T,. Kosentield, UK W. mi lorirúíñi5 American Can pfd Winona 6 40'i4.80; western J2. III 4. SO; yearl Hi Foundry 70 U Cenlral. In the Coiiiincn ial Club bullUIn. American Car $4.(10 'ii 5.35 ; $4.2. , MII'ICW Ol' .MTl.H ATION. lues lambs native IT Apply to Oil "7 2 A. Co & Co., phono 668. Í to KiiTtary. American Cotton SI. Louis Wool. 'ii 7.10; western $t.25'a 7. 10. (0IIKÍ02) F( S. l7ÍTTw o tleUelS poillls 4 li l 'i It KNT American Hide & Leather pfd.. St. Louis. Oct. 1!. Wool firm. Med Land Office. FIKST JKASS ureaginakluK- - U W. near ChbaKo, Til.. Address F. !., ill Office room, furnished. I'nited States 1 1 liooiii s, I r hotel. American ico Securities ium grades, combing and clothiiiir. 21 Ke, N. M., Sept. 1.1, 1 loma. cure .Moinim,' Journal. icnvi it Santa Hi 30; iL,-- American Linseed fine, heavy fine W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. N'otice of a pplicat ion of K. !. 7.0 cash or easy r.x 23K'27r: V'einan SToVIOS; cheap; American Locomotive '11 22c; tuli washed, 2G't38e. mid .Minna Sirother Wad- 114 W. Hold. FOR SALE Livestock. FOR RENT Miscellaneous. H7 COHKER 1ST ST. and Ave. Strotl'.er pa.imcltts. American Smcltins it ll'tining. COPPER dell a patent lo ' 1 Va for I'nilcd States every ho'ly 1,17 1 I Livery, I'eeil anil Sale Stables. 1'lrsl WANTKD i'n luinisli Foil SA - (bind saddle also HUNS TO KNT w7Á. Oolt & Co., do pfd himno toan I ,f Trade. the Abajo I'lac"!', building fctotic, llcfiuiiiK 13 Mi Class Turnouts at. Hcascmable, Hates who owns hmscs, our 6A horse KOO.I ill Ivor; 3 13 West Silver. phono DOS. American Sutfur CliiciiRo, rt. 1. The world's im milium- claim. A inerlean Tel. & Tel 1 4 1 Telephone 3. North Second Street blankils nnd lap robes. Direct from class 1. 300 lii mense accumulations of wheat shown Notice is hen by given that in pur-uan- e Foil SAI.K Two lbs! American Tobacco pfd It .DI ractoiy. Thos. F. K'e. her. ..r horses. Must K" FOR by Rrailstreet's statement of the visi- of 'ha it.r tl, of Tille V,2 of draft RENT Furnished Houses 36 '4 pn.--s s. call o. 1. ( '. W illiams, care American Woolen ble supply bcKan to Its It F'oirijrH 'K ix nice, quick. Futrcllo 4 7- make effort h SANTA FE TIME TABLE. the revised Mat. lbs of Iho United ' Anaconda .Mining Co. K. Mei ; phone 7 !'.. Fiirn. Co. and Apartments. today in the wheat pit and caused a states, i:. W'eyinan Strolher, of 'rea 12 that - Atchison .1 sub- TIIKKI7 year old horse, harness and steady fall in prices, ileeembcr Annapolis, Md and Minna Strotln-- S. V K per cent on meitax.iie UKNT - Modi in, newly furnish- ' dos 323 Hi i I - Foil do pfd 1 Magazine rubber ed runabout. ' ing below yesiTday, I'rovis- - Waddell of Columbus, Oeornia, are scriptioiis. Drop card to ed four roomed house, 4nl! "' 1 Kant Atlantic Coast Line I I II 44 rami M'ljine; ns closed a el, to ap- Club. (. H . ot ea pin. tie SI. 7., No. 303 3 W. 1 shade lower. liming anil are about make -- 73 In.iiiie room r.altimore & Ohio IC's - SAI.K Hood saddle pony. Tin- c- - ney, pa rt i. it la rs. Foil .' 1 ' wheat market closed with plication, lliroiiKll their allot for r. Cenlral. do pfd . . . W. Lead. Call alb r o'clock p. in tiiber at i I n t. lüebaid H. llatina, oí Sania New Henil" dthinu horse, Iletbleheni Steel 34 WAN' TWO IHHISKS". Kinlle, rbi" or ilri'.e. The corn market closed prices mm Mexico, for a United states patent v, , p. ,i ,i bout muí bs. I'liiui" nil. ÍK' uitii ltrooklyn K.ipid Transit 8" Imiulre nt S. IliKb st. POjiLTRYAPETJTOCK. 1 S below yesterday. for twenty acres of pl.iei r minim,' WrÑTI:;D any kind; l3 Canadian l'aeilic Hiiiiliiiit of ii l ,i , liUKnyaiiiFliar- - SA lTl7 --Tlioi ' The oals market closed with prices land ci building stone and tiii'iil will lake some Fl illSA :llois. Foi: ounlibri Scotch ' (Kfl'.-eliv- have oullil: Central Leatlier li, ; i r, lower. Juno LlllJ.) ticiiiK the N. 'a of N. K. U of X. V. proposi- ltess. s. i Huh. Collie pups. Apply at Many Sad- do pfd lft'J 'i .lock in any k iiTlunlion 3 1 ( A ye, From tltr Kind Ilepnrt. 2- 111 " dlery W. 'upper Arrlvs. 't of -, township N, 7 SA" i" TTf 1 ' a C h i i fu, Central of Xi Jersey. ... 2'J.i n 3H5 V... 1. l ilt. I.;preS8. p section tion. F. li, Arlluir Co. 0 S. Foil K " r o I h..aii N'.. :t, . . '.'it . I p 5 U. U. (i M . si K The Molal. "alilui nt.i J.iinileC . 'l allí ranee K. of N. M. I'licblo, Colo. bm;s. Joint Mann. 'besapea ke h io 7, l I. : I'nbm, it 1 X". N..rlli, 'ii Mill. p U If, FOR SALE Furniture. New York, Oct. 0. No chain?., wns ' ualed In the Sandia t.ioiinlaiii. Tijeras Chicago At Alton "''' .V.j. i;t P. Men. t v I ;..(! p 1:ZUH - county ' 3 reported in (lie market fo,- Standard .. I 'riini I lie West i.l. canyon, minim: district lu the BUSINESS CHANCES WANTKD To furnish your houso on Chi.aeoiinat Western J. M.iit nam H:'jr. n STRAYED. copper on the New York ex- 'e. I'liicm,,,. a of llcinalillo and terrilory of New - Chicago & l'.tuli metal V.i. I'll).';,-- .1 .V.', easy piynionla; cheapest house fur- .Northwestern 4. m et up Itrjup Ahajo $1.3.1 classllied . .1 Vs change today, the elote hclne dull at N" i. 'lo iV Kan. j . p í Mexico and known as the stob'n, year old sor I'KIl UultD inseiis I Second-han- d Chicago. Milwaukee ii St. Fail Cilv lei., STI.'AYKD ni (wo S. Iii.ln is Albiuiiieripie. 1 I I i I - .1 in 30 Ii papera In U 77 2.2." 12.50 for September IVi'tm iillrv noil I'laccr it ti ii claim, a plat of the W I, ill, legs. Ill- II ads iiilintt pxchniiK'd. C . C, C. St. Louis 'i and all' .V... ill... rel coll hile furniture bought, sold and Hit. niiii C.Nwell on.l posted. '.. Send Tor list. The Duke Advertising & 4 4 U deliveries up to the end of rrcoembo iirlsl.a. lieint? henuiili C. connected, ward. Plum" Full Moon ad Storage Co.. Colorado Fuel Iron t:20a paid Ais'cnoy, 437 Main street, l,oa Furniture .ondon cloned easy. Spot pounds 31. No. 81:', IsSn.l. Ia.- - The notice of said location of South Kd Ke Un & Co., Tropa., 115 W. Colorado Southern 'A.ll i.n.l in. o Ho ion 1 :,s. .... Abajo J'lneer claim i.s recind in Angeles, ('ill. do 1st pl'd . 78. 15s: futures pounds 5S. Loonl l'rolii Ihr Smith ni Hold Ave. I'hone 411. . lak,. at $ I v.. in. (ill. X K. r. of the recorder of lternillllo KAKK- - I'd i nit in stock. l'aylUK do 2nd pfd 7S, dealers nuote 2.00 'i 13.25: Ki.R:iir. 7ai0a Foil A i .No. i ' nt l.iony - W NTKD Furiiil m e to repali-- W. I lu 'inn. is with liranrli trnfn courtly, at A !hn(iioriii. New Mexico, Full pat- Consoliduted .143 lei tic. J12.(lor.i 12.85; cusllnc I'.- busimss. Kasc (as Siint.i ittid at .j.s ut ull l.nal puinli. in Hook ".i," folio (,:;:. "IB W (told A. Hoff & Co, piioiin DBS. Corn Products . 21 J12.5il'.i 12.75. lu New Mexl'i.. llculats. I'orlerfnid Co. I 4 WILLIAM BALFOUR. AfcnL The minimi premises hereby i Delaware & Hudson .1Mi I.t.iol i.oicl lit I rill 40 Vi.if Vr.rl.. said l'lill SAI. 17 I'll I n ill ol an 1 Is bounded as leaver & lii.i (runde . 4S and Í4. 250(4.30 Kast St. Louis. Lon sonnht to be patented looiniiiH Ionise; rent $31. Apply PERSONAL follows, t: on and east do phi . sr. U don hiKhi'r at pounds 13. lis. 3d. north ar.l.,TI7 3 7 . W. Hold. public land, on SKI7 Soiilhw eslern Realty Co., before Distillers' . 35 Speller firm at 1!. 0 n f 25 for spot by vacant, unoccupied Securities (he as you buy Li ie . 33 New York nuil Í 05 'o (i. I Kast St west by pal' uleil laud, known leal estate. Whilcomb, on tip. by unpat LOST. h 1st pfd . 4 '.Hi Louis London uucliatitfcd at ponn Ml.' CURiES south lo ud pfd . 4UH ented minimi claim Ilex. Chiids rieekia.e on lalilh or p. I.iis'l f enera .163VÍ 51 t 43e. Any and nil rsons elaimini; ad streets l.'eturn lo Mrs. Win. Klectric Par silver, Mexican "Pars, Urn Q Walter r Illa fnr nnn'ir! versely mining prmnul, premises re-- FOR SALE real Northern pfd . 14'4 the fli'Vce, HIT'; S. Kdllli and receive t . Ml or nnm of r liny portion thereof so describid. Northern lire Ctfs SI. Minis Speller. mnoous mnnihrauc. l'mniUM, a id OuHrHD'Mij'l platted applied urn beiebv Illinois . not lu Btt ottf& and for - Central h;i. St. Louis, let Spelor firm. ,i 1ST one horre! I I. WelKllI le uni-s- IntcrliorouKh-Me- t .17.'. 15; notili,.,! that their inlwtse Tad Mm pounds, while -i JO.H'íMi lead strady, $122. iwi.ii and . 4!- ; (ire duly i!i d as ueeordinii lo do pfd or In wrm f, rwi lalins 11 fa, " and while feet, blan bil .1. 17. ' mm Xtrmynfi, r a 01 vi mm v. Inter Harosu-- . Ü7 's ri ui law, and the repulnti'ins then umler. .eil.blle Oil c O'Jruns 4'olfoii. by oil lilt sllOUllbr. llliilks Business Property inter Marine pfd . 23 v4 wllhln the. time prescribed )a'. New (irleans Oct. 10. Coit .n ipiiet ates You Don't Want to Forgei ha. k. FlnibT please address Joe L . V,?yíiATio Cira:.-a- ! with the of the United St . lernatlonal Paper 17", and steady. Middling. 13',c. j (KT'P rtRlster HoKH-r- llox II!. . 4 VÍr--- ií áS. CiNCIMNAII. O. land office nt Santa i'f, In the eciiulv pl International Tump That we bake the finest s, cak. or slid. n. 'i'oesdav from . 3'IM-- . of Sania Fe, territory of X. w Mexico, you I"a Central New York Collón. ind bread in the city. The more Mini s. Droadwav: one bav coll, I i Kansas Cl'.v Southern 4I'3 th.y will be buied In virtim of the like New York. Oct. Cotton loe,l .at oi liiem the better ouill I face, white feet do pfd . 7(1 1. provisions of said statute. your months obi. blaze. barely s ady, 1 2 points them. If ou are tired of doimr w d Lots, Houses net '' aiwuer Any I ' ad- Suitable r ai for City Louisville ; Nashville and nil rsons elalmiiKr - will deslr-Ini- own hakiiiK. try ours our fods r,T. 4 versely (he U described, or f Minneapolis & St. Louis Lj: win your favor for ever. They'll 7H ituusns 4'ilv Stisk. any to Minn., St P. A. Sault St. M . . . 131 l.le to object for reason the iinpiy NOTICES. Ranches, Loans Mo.. Oct. 1 .1 i,0 t disappoint yon. 'Muy LEGAL Missouri . s Kansas Cilv. entry tin r of !.y iiiplic.-ii,- srionni nevir l'aeilic CHICHESTER S PILLS I b. cull-.- - proco., ,,f Ihelr inebidi'iif 1.000 southerly slow of In tills the HI no. ooo liUilM.i; Missouri. & ñle their nffohubs protest un-v.- ir Kansas Texas .47 I. ! - L st.-ail- H.r.iV.i i,md 4 A om makiriK Is nieeluiiiical mid hence I will lioi.received 3l b. pfd . 77S Native steers ..25: lruffit If nf'i.T on or before th.- l.tth day of Scale, proiios.ils be Investments 1 3.4 ''i 4.75 : b. 11. I 111 mi;. oMl' o ,,f Die Clerk of the Hoard of National liisouit 114 I 117 southern steers hiih: in h Uni.l RM.,..cVy December, lpn'i the cows 2 5'i hi 5.7 5: native rows r.l'.r-$- Coiinlv CominisisotieiJ of llernalillo National . tin '4 Thk n- win r. r - nur V M.Nci:i- - n. - Liad s fur Hie Court Mouse ill Albu- 5.2.".: stm-ker- feeders $ v? ColllltV. al Nat l llyu. 1st . tail :'.n ! liexlster. M of Mexico pfd.. 57'. lIA.V4iM tiíi I'll I , Hi r...... v un I.. III o'clock in 5.40; bill's $.'.75 '1 2.7".: calvos $::r.e 'i -- M It New York Central . 13Ü , ÍUi'.l;;,,,,. BAKERY the i reiioori of Moiiil iy. 7.75: steers $ 'Í.75 'u 5.50; .. . ;iflR'IUV'1i'-- PIONEER N' e. York, untarlo t Western . 4Ü wrst.rn L'lih. l'.'". and open.,! at that tune, FLEISCHER 11 4 A. Norfolk . SC. , cons $2. In 'o 25. 1(17 Koiilh Flral for purchase of $ I"". mid Dr so Western If, FEMALE the y 1 T.unn. to 1, IK FREO us may be iiecs-ar- N' nh American . 7 (, I,,s steady stroni. mili h llo reol 1 5 7 - said .1.-.- ' sales 17 2 ii r.o. Heavy Í7.5(iíi 7 f,".: INJECTION " OltDPTlU .d Hridjí. la.nds of l!"rniillil Northern pacific W PILLS. HKIOHI- I'l.ACIVtl YOUR uf Real Estate, and - purpose eoiistrui I'acitic M,,i 3T packers but- hers $7 40 ii7 15; 11),, 7 VOl K SI K I S. VB Coiititv. ..r the -- Hilt .I. bodir. s ncios. the l:lo Hrande l'ennsylxnnia i 1 .:,:: ! rvii ñn ta ' LAST loo v'.m J.oor.M. fi' WILL MKF. YU It In sai l count v. S il.l bond are to lie Insurance pi. 1 1 Sheep--- 1 5 llO'l. $4 . V W 1 f - Urailv. milUolm tW 0J t u.. It nH i WIMKIIS l'lill K ($7.50) isu-- In Hoeorda- ee niiti an act of 'ii 5.75 7 HO : BROU : f PitMiurB. ( tc i"j lambs 1 r IIAVI-- February 6th, C. St Louis.... l.(e rai.u' k ittiMtit tii unif'i;' '". If! IM Mr U. "i lOOIi. SDK. WE Cormriss, approved 44 thers- - y $ 1.25 i t l Steel Car wi ariines 3.Í5; ranee MOST OB3TINATU CASES gt ALirr. '.":. 5. tiik ni-,PI- 212 Second Street. i :;.."0 5. HOAUD OF Pullman Piilace Car If-- s 4.7 Nnoihrr rieer-I- tlY of TIIK .(ec CiH NT V COMMISSION KHS. Telephone 174. ring SOLD Bf ALL DRUGGISTS. Direct Line Coal Yard Al.Kl-K- !' olor; t'liii Me Mm!, SoU In A.wqnoriinc hf A F U , Clerk. pulule -- ITioiw Ovtobi r StU. I'iVJ. st. Chi. nfo. Hi, .'1. 1. Cuttle, 14- - 4. II. U'UUllj Co. If. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL', WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1909.

ear to be rliiBm-- as the mnalleat en- gine type, drawing I3.ÚU for 100 milef. PLOT TO DETHRONE GEO.W. HICKOX COMPANY or a few cents over I a day. with the run covering I mili, as was 'he A GOOD OLDEST AND I.UU3F.ST JEWFi.RT TIOCSK IN NEW laEXJOO " 2UUi HO 013 H STOCK ALWAYS COM 11. MB AM NKW rime when the motor wan In operation F-- ir in between San and Los END l.v VOl'It WATCH S, U K'IX KKPAlIt TIUTM Hernardlno KING GEORGE MANY PEOPLE Front tit S. tseoond Hirer Albuqoerfa Jl. M. and loop points. In to concession, which ; ndditlon this See jour liat-k- and y)u applies on the Valley division with the your Lines want clothes to look oilier dilutions of lite Coast as well from where Is now In opera- that point of the motor car OF GREECE view n from any I tion, Mr. Wells decided that the other. hi liuine uiu--r Kjii ndliiB a ut i k in has put you Into engineers on the overland runs are en- II tve our titled to 25 cents per hundred miles CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. 1 Ikth will bu u inti tlnx of tint rlnli inure, or making suiiiethiiiK like 35 HART 8 cent way Angeles Rangea. Ioum Caller Toola, of the t'miinii rtlal club t ti'clork each between Los Military League Meditates tdtm, FurnWiInu 0xla. u frua tills (Vciiiiik. and Darstow. Fit I I'lainlilng, IlraUng, TIb Copi Work. Ptpn, Yale and Inc. and The engineer who held the motor Forcing Ruler to Abdicate is SCIIAffNtR It WnI Onlrat A. Pboaa III. II. of the llurvey Bysli-- cur run under the I10 rate will now wa a vlsrttor ut the local iiffices of tin- he given the balance due them by the Report in Athens; Denied by & MARX yti-r- Increase. Officers, Accused i lMtlies you run be com. íMíijor H. liiippn ypcti-rda- left about they're, Ai,!, - forlable It: mnrnlnj for tin íaj Luz mine In thr ic;nsos imkhuj to stylish they I clean- S;t (i r, THK FIRM OF HAW- i'liitlK; look use Steam for ii ni'juiil.iiris TH0TTI:R (Dr Morning Journal Hiki'UI leased Wlr.l right from all KINS WILL. ODXFfcrt A I AVCm UV Athens, Ill That the military directions; Dr. r. I'ulmi-- of (Vri ilion, n prom int. i ing all MAII.INt, Til KM A ClllXTi AT designs com- they ore rijjlit la dairy utensils, and inent illlz'-- of tluit pluce in in leaRtie meditates further nlar. king to abdicate is a ru- AT LAST r j i tlilH wcik. unit:. pelling the handle the milk in a san-itar- y mor that has been current here for All-ttti- fabrics and I.oiiÍH i uni IdiuT Hi brilliant yonim Attention All merchants ha ing some tune a Cioi I tailoring arc sure o ni- iii).'T man f liiia city bill." Temple, way. Give me lift last oKHlntit Hiillut Abynd fcnrL-as- mm keep sliN-l- and a Colonel b ailer of the leagu.i wi look nluht for uti t l tour of olil M- - please mail iit lo Paul Teutsi-h- mid stali iiu I figure in recent mil- ilressy; tie Knarantce I.O.- and he chief the trial. ohalrmaii. movement, in an interview" a corii-c- t fit. If ttc have itary (iollicj C. S ulp, of Si'otlnvillo, Kun . i. however, emphatically denied jour to liik after, New Fresh Ground iihci-- e run promise V. GUSTAFSON, horn Inoklnn our lh in.nkot this. He declared the prevalent idea that with n i'-- of iurv.'liailiK bunrb of league harbors you'll present a good ap- Quaker Oats BONUS SYSTEM NOT that the pearance always. Phone 1097. designs is; erroneous. Jts grievances, Pettijohn Breakfast Food Th'i V. W. C A. ImniiH biill I'aili he said, are not against the king, but will havp It first vtá Hi.,- lonlKht ut against the government and political Suits $22 to $35 Farinose 7:30 at thf ntinory. Jjy onb-- r of Lit-r- parties. KiJíi", liiylulii. Í0 APPLY 10 THE TVKX- - Overcoats $20 to - TO T1IO WHO WEAK Quaker Whole Wheat Our entire stock of Mm. T. J. .Si'"tt, lfi- of Ihi- SüuIíi aotii Hi lMiwN roi.i,Aits nin ni:v F? ntntlon HKi Ilt Hi li' l inilillll, cKXTrnv (01.1.AU shapek $30. Picture and Wail hi-- r ; u .Min.s of. Flour frames rortipanltd by h r n;ns col- - , nrc - fur u bib f visit. ENGINEERS tiif ff.uffitiov of paper to be closed out at IjAK COM FOIST. DOISX T CTIACK Cop7hnt 19) lir Hart fvutiicr & Mtr This storfi Is the homa of Gold , Grains J. I', McNulty of Turui-sa- north tiiitm ixrnF.ii, and m:ts the of Hart Schaftner ft factory pi ice, Our mixed of (Vrrilbm .for iri.-in- year TIF SUP E.ASY. IMFEIUAL IiAL'K Marx clothe,. Corn Meal ml nKiiwigi-- of On-- tiiniuoim-mini-- i VUX CO., I'HO.VE 118. paint at only $1.00 per In tin- - lulls of thut soction ii Vice President Kendnck Ac - Buckeye Rolled Oats nmonjc tin- promin.-n- t M.mnna in l Hull) sab-thi- s gallon while it lasts. We to Brotherhood De- Sp.s lal ei ii. Palm anil thin wri'k. cedes week at lbiliurrquc l lural o.'s going to soon, i - are move TIh-ii- ' will bo n nii.-- tiiiK of tin- Civli mand Thar Plan Be Aban- greenhouses. West (Vnlrnl, - C. A. HUDSON, 118 North iinpi ovi ini-n- t Soi li ty lit tin- l high bmlilliiK HrH iiftfrilooii ut doned in the Cab. STERN All Ititi r.Kti-i- l In tin- work un- Simon Second Street. 111 to hi- - pn-l"-l- DRAMATIC SCENE II L - K. Ulil-lii- . tlllii.rstood Ward's Store (III ili'coiMH of tin- nf - .1. t tin- - W Kend'li k Sania Fe has who wim ii iiuinber of lb'- C. The Central Avenue Clothier ai-- i e.le.l to the persist ill demand of Humor II. Ward, Mj;r. mu lety, t In- il in. Ihk Hi'utli-m- the of Kallwuy KnKineers - opi-ni-,- in MURDER TRIAL bbh wim to him- that appli.alloii of tin- - bonus sys- evrnliiK, h;i the SI5 Marble Aw. In th event that yu thoiild nt t'oloinbii hull Ihii tem In Hie ciiKin. ' iK he abandoned on lv "ur poilpoiiiil it in Saturday night. t.h.nic thn I'UMTAI. TKf.KCIRAPHPjr ll lite coast lines of lit- - system. The i, i(!vli( yur tmm tul 'Ulntai Ti inpli- UhIki- - o. A. F. & A. M euKinemen, as re. reported, Nothing Starts Ycur Blood to Circulating these cool mornings Mil l thtt íín-- will l floilvcri't :f will Imbl an Infonr.i.l tind sir. rniouflv 1" the plan of Acc u s ed C o w e rs U n d e r C h a rges I'fcldi meMiiir. Tb la merles N, J tí for tin- of tile awarding the ensiii'i-r- ci:sh like a good American Block Coal fire. We have - o fsTR 9 OOIU W 4KI tft OO. CIH ml luilKi- tlilp rvinliiK In MhsoiiIi for ninnine their engines with of Child Witness; Parents BROTHERS gb h m T a hut re u nl will t pn 14 All Mtiaiiiia ami ladies are than the allotted supplies. The San f'ir Hi Hiri-a-t hikI uf Hall their mnvlrtlon Hy llerriardluo Sun h;; the following to Victim Threaten and Curse lAÓf riiught nlHHllnit Clfj t,f titt) corilmlly Invited to attend. order Mumiiitt J niniH l fruiu th dotr-JO- I of the V. M.. J. A. Miller. eet. Say about the matt. t Him, The American Block Coal "Since the cash merit system was mm KNAIi PUBMPUINO CO. who shot AZTEC FUEL CO. PHONE 251 IrDK!TAKi:it fete t.uiero, the nativo ciiKin-er- s, us wriHt inaugurated the ail Miinuel Itcmcro through the f It have might to have Special a in a saloon on N'nrlh s, (Br Morning Juurasl t.rst.d Wire) duiimr nuarrel abolLh(! and Huriiiir the past quar-t'-r- Tbll'd Htl'eel hint nixht, a I'tieu, X. Y., i let. lH. A number of w hen the riioney ns included In incidents marked Elven n iireliniinnry henrlni? before the pay rhecka, th;it portion for bonus dramatic the first LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST David In day of the trial of Theodora Kizzo, LAUNDRY Juliet- of the t'ertii feria. w hh turned back" to the order, the men REVOLVERS USED IN Old Town, yiFterday nfternonn. and system, for the atrocious child murders and ret civlntt no hen, lit from the today when wan hound over to await the netlon of believed by them, by common consent, the climax was reached in of 2.'i0. little Fanny Infusinu, surviving- vl 1 , the grand jury the mim to he an evil. The organization then 'orceii-t- lim of the tragedy went upon the w it WHITE A was from Kan turned the money hack to the rom. Vnvh. un!.. n, (let. 19 X, w tiligrum reoeivid ness stand after telling details i Mxho yedterday the puny, it slat, d that the total and POLIS WEDDING WAGONS ly Franclsii-- announelni? rose h'-- and Arizona: fair Wellies. durlnir th time since the system the crime, from chair and ilny Thursday; warmer Wotlnes- - ilrnfh there Monday evening of Klia has as ami elty been in vogue reaches into the thou- pointed to Itiz.o the murderer. Claud tiny. flradl, who went to the California Kizzo, with blanched face and cyei Hulto mmt time umn for hl healtli. sands of dollars, all of which the en- It bulging, cowered under the charge. I of U. C.radi, gineers refused t accept, returning CELEBRATION In the, a brother po Insure Occidental Ufa. of the Muntecutnu ho(e. The to th company 1ii a lump sum. Th father and mother of the Stenographer - officials having faith in rocoplo child, one of the murdered Iirlnk ;lot:i-- lieer. rhutia 482. lemnlns will be broiiRht to Albuquar- "The the ti system believing it to be a J net children, shiwi-- marked enmity to FEE'S Internn nt. Funeral nrvanKe-men- and Notary Public (', V. Siiliinil, rrltiii'liil traveling Hue for In giving and will be annnuneed later. method of awarding credit for the tils ward the prisoner their tes auditor was in tli."- it yesterday. piny of economy on the part of tft timony. lioth threatened and curs Chicago Police Battle With t 1-- DELICIOUS HOT 1i ter M 1 n in ni. .Ir, the men, Ft 11 kepi In 2 Mr. and S. S.llgman. a operation the bonu him 117 W. Gold Mr. ui1 of I'eter fore- Guests; One Man Dead, Two In t ft- It y yesterday I mm ton pian notwithstanding tnal the men CHOCOLATE Ihi. of Santa Fe muehine ("hops. war naltllo. man the not allowed, throiiish the decrees ALii ii:r.sos INHFJH KI Tí) Dying and Two Badly Hurt, Id confined t" hi home with it broken of their order, to accept It tor their THK Hl'M OF 1WITTER & HAW Phone 898. ir. I.. I, I taker ot Santa Tío, X. collar bone, reeened yeiterday while perjonsl use The officers of the or KINK WI ;I. OONFKK A FAVOR HY Al., In In ilu- eli.v vlsillng his brother I'eter I a. run-illdn- te finally practicing football. aaniKAtlon carried the matter; thf.m a AT (llr Morulng Journal SpfcUl LssaeA Wlra) 111 IImI.iI' a on the .econd uiftk for position lo Mr. Kendrlck. at Chicago, who o(i:. Chicago, (ict. la cine man shot r'Kninil h ) m hool eleven nnu nuf after conferring, It s aald, with Tresi llrl .1 li lll li MMil nf till- and killed, anoth.r rcceiv. d a gunshot DRUG STORE of a.iieezlnK the nepi If men v WALTON'S 111 practicing thr art iupiey. uetiottl that the i m's of pnsident on wound, two policemen. un Cilthi.lM hillrll WJB II bull Walt tu the of whom knee the man eurrjln the did not wish to accept the bonos they Mati-io- . . ll.ii 111 lli ' ily jn ril loulu if sale ut probably will die, v.cre beaten with 7 w in n h'i Ruütained the inlurv. need not. bottles and half a dozen were "On bonus system others the Sania Fe the less seriously injured early today in a among engineers was only in IIK.ST the fight following close of a Polish At G. B. Brajcvich's Stationery Tin: I11V vogue on the Coast lines, company the ii a v i; the JAPANESE BANKER y.cddiiig celebration at West Ham- Postnf-tUm.- ) huvlng not yet it and Notion Hura opinilta MOTOR ENGINEERS ;tf Introduced on th mond. can b found tho best standard SCHOOL SHOES balance of th lines. PORTER & NEFF and tobáceo, kept In perfect " I he decision in no wise effects the The two policemen la Die Ciljr at the Lnutwl l'rltira In a light on Develop rendition fur lininedlata use. In ape-rlnl- bonus system in operation In connec IN TROUBLE the street with of nit.l Print Your jus and constructed Mr. Hraje-Jlr- h thm with ttte shops. It being to the Ihe wediling guests and both emptied Flutes Superior Work .at . tho SIMPIER-CLAR- K TO RECEIVE THE their revolvers. John Pctoskcy, one of I fulling uut tr.iimbr dm oiIkIiih! mutual aatlsfnction and desire that Standard Scale of Trieos -t guests. In ing , o.- a vnrlvty uf Sthuu) that method of rewarding good the hil, fell dead after -. lutitA Nrit limir Nuril, if tlie luato((lue. scrvl i:;.- books ami toa m bohalf of the men be unaltered. walking a block. PIIONK 22W W. (iOI.I having provad a great success and so Closing of Mippon Institution Kuica.5 s s.kull was REGULAR PAY in kiniA letlged hy the leading by m railroad? crushed t. blow from n bottle and j g mm nl the country." Causes Apprehension Among It is la lleveii he cannot rcover. Hi Lk O. ( ISix-'- A II Waaliliurii, rrcMtl. nL. C. Trraa, c.,, rmlitilig, but weak rfom ! lii'iHKlniiioi Is th,. mimo of flii' in Utah Tales of Town! Orientals and Cali a , ihe , similar blow was rescued by rein-- 1 new sub dtv of yc!ir;iv, Auu-r- l VVi l.u i from the police Fe EMgmenHüi ilv.--.-i- eineiits station.1 L Sania inn r. country homes, ready fornia, I E. WASHBURN COMPANY Sfi en arrests w ere made. for It i igallon, only 1 '3 miles north Gasoline - in. in point i; fklit to Have th.-- Su- - It. cin. I, K. Sellers fot some mil' i ailed Morolo lip Ui.'trict Ei velope prices and terms. llr Jouro.l Kucclal lasd lVlr.1 FOIt A TIXMCK OK PLOmFIl Artit ur s. over Ihe plume Diiu is Get Same S'i'. i n ineiito. l u. i. p.. To. al. CAM, I I' NT ItAKDWARE from the .VI'. Complete .Vippooii Hank of Sacrann-nt- tltFSfl atado yesterdav. Outfilters as Steam Enineeis, TO SELL RAM volun COMPANY. TIIDNE 315. PRIZE lartiy- closed its no. us touay an noti HatM syst' tn is cutting timber vviuiout pi ; ut Men TO HIGHEST BIDDER fied state bank Ci.mmis.-ion.- T Antler notify l'inchot for and Boys W.-ll- sou ol Its suspet;?. ion. This is once." so id the n ral Mtlliiner Alliull' the voice over the iviie. FOR second JapiUti Lank in A ol til" Santa I".- imi-- I Hil-- It" SWEET CHARITY this eitv to ilivesli:;atii,ll by tile Fnitfil i I!-- " W it a TING t..t-- lot" hill Week FANG TO j II ,U ! ih,.l the ..I p.iv the Slates forestry bureau revealed the - l iin-lii'- tin- Mm V- K isolllie - i'l' t Carefully i ll- IM.DI lili t II (Ms that without n.iiMlf ..I, her oral and Utili- i.KH oil till I. art "1 the ahiahlc ii mil l.t Sold. I'riHitil tit - .ii-s- -. KI POslTOKS - t- ol lo lo tariaii I written, and in violation uf regula- III Ihi- s:lin,. tnal t'Kull.r t.i S,H-ict- . l.i:s i ig.l.-n- i Hons mad Intelligently p. im"i" diKim-lor- I'tah. ii t. IS. Th.- lo. a TOUR MEXICO aiid provided, one Herman t he nun. Ja pa un now in Schw eizcr was cutting down, razing. IU-- The ti tcuai'd tu Amero hank is tin vii-i.- I it,c hImiik - - einov i tin- ol t Mlglll Ml T S ijlld,. of San Fr.ui. n tin- - nig atol troyir.g nalionn! iliei, clotln - to i i .a is result hard hands bank examiner The the l. t : llt.-l- l Noll-Se- C tu.- i in b ii: Un- ca . has pr tile I '" in court f Alvaradu. tnnr,illt mnl inu-llm- inl lifcht fioc tin start lii lo closini; the bank this morninj the li.-n- S.K-i.-t- nhi.-- - I ían l . was mail.- iIikI li" i 1.1111-ule- il . ÍISÍII- '"IS. ho desil ell not otil lat volent ihe hand aus.-.- no httie uneasiness an. reforested in honor of the "ill , lie-Li- . a Ktl- - iy. h was lo iinister Goes .Montezuma iilicittiM imilt miiIi till i .if he pl.t. e.l hi liaise sotm ni ram. wlin havi iient among the Japanese depositors to Thank General ball - .. I nl innili- iirili-- ot I. i I U beeti xltlh't al tlie tetritoiial fair. What a. turn will tin In it i j; tiltil. to and at one time so, a crowd of Dbz for be taken in ii . goitin to th hc-i- Sending Envoy premise? who iliauraui I nil h ' .US nt set but i.lS.I th..! and the l.nii are Japanese at tin- th-- : to "as not stated by the for wltal lin t nam. t to the bidder, tt.e ilat' i stry the s.iinc late ni i ay put lulo cfle. animal highest Sheriff Hutilntls was ca! e, t,. Chinese oftkials yesterday. Mr. Seliwec I Emperor's Funeral, xi-- 11,1 .... allow ".I on ellKllle. 111 pussengel ol tin- to he aiinouneeii within llsp.Tsc will probably have a a lnlerul. null"1 - them. neuritis Mini iHiliuInu i v i. a .t or two. Tin- ram was ni early .hit... Mile. Hit In m The oftii.-t- of the hank hiiniedlv are ititplil titll, mi, tmnnini Tin iin-t- i wet. ijiti, kly awarded from Caliioriua nearly three weeks k together and (;k-issc- Ule situa- IB .Murnloc Jour.l SuícImI ,., I list - a lit, in tin-i- t b ago should have arrived in Al St .,-- .. ...a rebel .teman. that an engineer and n, i. (GARDENS I Ht X tion, the result being that they asked IlLt. J ON VACANT isilor rial lime. Mil. pla.e.l In charge of the car. but the hllqllel IJUe III plenty of time to be Wu Tin 11m Ham.- in-ii- rt' - permission .n the state bank exam- Fang, the lime )t.i iiinieMtl ..1S in' tl ini; t. iu- th' at the lair lest weik. It did chin nimi.iti' LOTS HELP CITY'S POOR Milelj fin, ii llit- ai"' to place the following e up-- b.-- . .av1? l. pay as ill.' ..p. rat if who was tint rea i I, until Monday, however, iner ncti. n r c.. hv i, tul lx- - n f.tni. i ll'.l n position, w hi. h and Mr Ciid. lurned il over to the the door. , niu-- nrigliiaiiy iiin the nt. liii:ai:ng :, ll-x- i,- i Mini I i, 'o v a mu. h b, low tin standard rat, . Henevolcni s... iety with instructions This UuiK is temporarily dosed. ant , . w Húrtalo. X. v., t. UV the m l . ; i t lull,.-- be- pro. t th,- - Cuba, to hieh ci nut. That II in Inst. M.I ol the un .1 draiMtig to wl it and keep the Thr Tlie same is due h the he is aln a,.. cultivation ,mr t.-r- of vacant lots in cities has tin lielore kIs IMi I '.'mi per month, a animal Is valuable, the holder ulifornia state blinking ruperinten credited before d.Tiat-- t e.- - tween and nr.. gone a long ways toward a, solution o l 11 v 1 in ."" Would be the case with the Mn.tllest of many blue ribbons and it is likely dent, on October 1. isa?, or th mail home. He is going to , , V",IV Hveh-- t thank the problem of caring iVr the city's i f lt I.. V V J mili r the passenser the that then- will lie some bidding and Prestri' Ihaz. tot IH1, is unities rat, hank at Stn Francisco the branch '' the honor the pour, was the opinion many of in IJ '.a 1 1 0 hetwe. n sheepmen it hen the ram is memiry t de,-,- of and n. engineer vas ciid bank at Iyis Angelí s." the emperor or t.) Illtlll, . i China. delegates first confer- v the national Mail tM.lir- - lilli.l Hoaev.-r- ii.ii.ral M.intper Wells, disposed of It will be exhibited nt State Kank Lxaminer iilati.r ststej In " "PeoMl s - ,tl.nd ence on lot garden- to the matter w .ta carried, has titer. stabl- on Si!v-- opinion his fun. ral. He ,.,r, vacant and school whni that he is of the that l!ie bank ;um;tl ing which opeu. d lu , ngiiii-.-r- are avenue until stltl. ! ' re today. now found that the s perfectly so'.v. nt i:n the City of vr. v...... ,.. mayj . motor - -v . - " I" the i ivtig'T rate, the - v- .nh " mo. is th - of legation FOUND NAVY IN a "in" cut iii'cidcr! at the last moment YARDS we iiAxni.K nxK of ii FUI..VII AND 'AN.XF.n ITS. to us departure for ,,m- - no l short SATISFACTORY SHAPE PHOXK IS VOIR ORDER. F. ti. win remain n way from CHARLES Washington . CO. ivc.-ks- llfELD CO., 211 S. SECOND ST. for several PRATT He wii r PHONE . return home hv llí-- ... Hav .. ,., ...I Washington, Oct. 19. xh MV h,n After hr Trtw month's trip devoted to an inquiry Wholesalers ot Everything May nten, of Oailt Inn " fatt into and an Inspect. on of conditions W ashington. t. t IS. The use of ,or,l..sg1Vl,jn Minitit,. at navy - ' the yards and r.aval station" VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA aords "so help nv- 1."k1" at the end of at atien.l the obipii,s ot' LIS the i aiperor. in tlie west and northwest, Ueekman oaths may be prohibited In the courts Winthrop. the ron-irreo- s assistant secretary of of the District of Columbia If navy has to Washington. I passes a which is now bcins law liaban Va iogtst i)caj Turill Generally speaking Mr. Winthrop DIAMONDS WATCHES drafted by the commissioners. , New Fall Stock Turin. ,0t. a.Ca-s- r f reports that he found conditions in a Inte-tinei- Vil,-rwnre- . J.-r- r a ai, ii wliru lot ry, a satisfactory . Arr luiutr and t k, I tttr-Pasoriuj- er db-- state. ! For Sale . loyriuj ". ian crinunniigist to. bon,lit riijlit. and An lima.' -.I t Received ar; a 0 U. a r Just Ceutrai. If you w ant a cholee buildina; lot in MATT W HOW 503 West Central Arena, Aibafloerqu any p.irt of the city, at original p!1 UI I lit Try our r guar dinner, ; jo to Walt, n g I '.blll,.. KM. aii Uo vi- w? of the president rYice and on easy terms, inuuira ier Atrnur. p m . F EVERITT'S al the islliou l6fC. Pi K. H Sellers, owner