UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA PRESS books for spring | summer 2018 CATALOG HIGHLIGHTS Modern David Mura Food or friends? The power of scholars look at explores the role A new look at our multiethnic our enduring 12 31 of identity in relationship with graphic novels to 4 fascination with 26 narrative craft livestock reshape history pirates TITLE INDEX 18 a. e. bye 27 ghost fishing 31 redrawing the historical Way, Thaïsa Tuckey, Melissa, ed. past Cutter, Martha J., and 17 the andrew low house 4 the golden age of piracy Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, eds. Sammons, Tania June, Head, David, ed. with Virginia Connerat Logan 37 regional pathways to 38 introduction to housing nuclear nonproliferation 35 arkansas women Anacker, Katrin B., Andrew T. Wan, Wilfred Jones-Branch, Cherisse, and Carswell, Sarah D. Kirby, and Gary T. Edwards, eds. Kenneth R. Tremblay, eds. 36 relational poverty politics Lawson, Victoria, and 22 better than war 23 ladies night at the dreamland Sarah Elwood, eds. Vossoughi, Siamak Livingston, Sonja 1 revolting new york 8 brooding 20 landscape with reptile Smith, Neil, and Martone, Michael Palmer, Thomas Don Mitchell, eds. 6 catfish dream 10 learning from thoreau 14 seeking eden Rankin, Julian Menard, Andrew Catron, Staci L., Mary Ann Eaddy, and James R. Lockhart 25 coastal nature, coastal 26 livestock culture McKenna, Erin 7 still hungry in america Sutter, Paul S., and Coles, Robert, and Al Clayton Paul M. Pressly, eds. 21 my father and atticus finch Beck, Joseph Madison 12 a stranger’s journey 24 creole italian Mura, David Nystrom, Justin A. 23 my unsentimental education Monroe, Debra 22 the suicide club 9 exploded view Graham, Toni Parsons, Dustin 11 pandora’s garden Peters, Clinton Crockett 13 widespread panic in the 16 garden history of georgia, streets of athens, georgia 1733–1933 34 patrolling the border Lamb, Gordon Rainwater, Hattie C., ed.
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