J Neurosurg 126:1018–1019, 2017


The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve The article has been corrected online as of November 4, 2016. canal Gillian Shasby TO THE READERSHIP: Errors appeared in the ar- Director of Publications–Operations ticle by Hanna (Hanna A: The lateral femoral cutaneous Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group, Charlottesville, VA nerve canal. J Neurosurg [epub ahead of print April 22, 2016; DOI: 10.3171/2016.1.JNS152262]). CORRESPONDING ARTICLE See pp 972–978. Due to an administrative error, the legends for 3 figures INCLUDE WHEN CITING are missing the credit line attributing copyright to the au- Published online November 4, 2016; DOI: 10.3171/2016.10.JNS152262a. thor. The updated legends and figures are shown here. ©AANS, 2017

FIG. 6. Oblique axial cut of the left caudal to the ASIS, showing the LFCN in its individual canal. A: White arrow = LFCN in its own canal; single white arrowhead = ; double arrowheads = sciatic nerve; black arrow = obturator nerve (posterior division); black arrowhead = obturator nerve (anterior division); AB = adductor brevis; AL = adductor longus; AM = adductor magnus; F = femur; G = gracilis; GM = ; HAM = ; IP = ; P = pectineus; RF = rectus femoris; S = sartorius; TFL = tensor fasciae latae. B: Close-up view, with the white arrow pointing to the LFCN in its individual canal. C: Close-up view, with 2 forceps holding the anterior and posterior layers of the LFCN canal. D: Diagrammatic representation of the left LFCN canal in an axial cut. 1 = skin; 2 = subcutaneous tissue; 3 = lata; 4 = tensor fasciae latae; 5 = femur; 6 = iliopsoas; 7 = adductor magnus; 8 = pectineus; 9 = ; 10 = ; 11 = ; 12 = femoral ; 13 = femoral branch of ; 14 = femoral nerve; 15 = rectus femoris; 16 = sartorius; 17 = LFCN canal; 18 = LFCN. Copyright Amgad Hanna (Panel D). Published with permission.

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FIG. 8. A: Diagrammatic representation of the LFCN canal in an oblique sagittal view at the level of the anterior inferior iliac spine. 1 = skin; 2 = subcutaneous tissue; 3 = external oblique muscle and aponeurosis; 4 = internal oblique; 5 = transversus abdominis; 6 = ; 7 = fascia iliaca superficial lamina; 8 = retroperitoneal fat; 9 = LFCN; 10 = fascia iliaca deep lamina; 11 = ilia- cus; 12 = iliac bone; 13 = femur; 14 = rectus femoris; 15 = sartorius; 16 = ; 17 = LFCN canal; 18 = ; 19 = iliopubic tract; 20 = thickening of the fascia deep to the LFCN (here by the tendinous origin of the sartorius; can also be a slip from the inguinal ligament, or periosteum if the nerve is riding over the ASIS or ). B: Axial section through the retroperitoneal segment of the LFCN. 1 = anterior lamina of fascia iliaca; 2 = LFCN; 3 = retroperitoneal fat; 4 = posterior lamina of fascia iliaca; 5 = . C: Axial section through the floor of the LFCN canal (arrowheads), showing a thick layer separating the nerve from the muscle in the region of the inguinal ligament. Trichrome stain (B and C), no magnification (B). Copyright Amgad Hanna (Panel A). Published with permission.

FIG. 10. A: Wrong concept illustrating a single layer of fascia superficial to the LFCN. Based on this, opening the fascia in any location will allow access to the nerve (green arrows). B: Correct concept illustrating the LFCN canal with its 2 components super- ficial and deep to the nerve. Based on this, opening the fascia on top of the nerve is the only way to find the nerve (green arrow). Opening on either side of the nerve canal (red arrows), not only will miss the nerve but also will make the search for the nerve extremely difficult because the second deeper layer is still intact and shields the nerve from the surgeon’s eyes. Copyright Amgad Hanna. Published with permission.

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